Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 25, 1900, p. 4

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ummjff the father gono for the doctor tho mother alone with her suffer- in child will the doc- tor never come p when hoc is croup in ihc house you cant gerihe doc tor quick enough its too dangerous to wait donc make sqch a mis take again it may cost a life always keep on harjd a dollar bottle of only a boy if cures he croup t once then when any one in the family comes down with a hard cold or couch a few doses of the pectoral will cut short tho attack at oner a 25 cent bottle will cure n miserable cold the 50c size is better for a cold haihastjcenhangingon kwtfc ah id year fcjpj i anw bt y wlllj oupiuniptlon tnl u il with inr a errytaotral hlnli time i bava kaptayar- d trej to kit vsy rraoda i llftli jc qltotl jxtt jilttss tuitbday ootobfcw 5lb 10oo tkbrgdun0 foieflt uqti ltntrq ulll rijror tud la while hallow glow of calelll ijttla baud upiad lu my lloay f- wt tad txt all the work and play ui4 uu r th lii ty dy ar duo all the 1uu fault oonfeaaej all the utmue bet til rt childhood kwaat a tuwti and tfowera drlta through uauy eliuful hour hut on hour the hi other own a mm belon la bar alar v only loy rtuoo at tb foot or hi oltm but that boy u hi aum uik only boy witli w aurrrrj tir elcgiti upon lit autl u a anlell uermao villain but tlia buy a name i matlln lutbar only b buy nouvertbd ltl tr tlia iimuiii onmplalnrd to ihb paalor but that boy waa jlourl moffat only a boy tho i rai lot ot aahnry uoiyeiaily but that boy i- mallhaw hlmpaon only a t iy twfurti tara amtlvnoa the i tiwiliian afraid t til vrl bleu tba floor but ilia boy la hatua hpor jaon only b boy horaewhipr bocauee ot hla toollah notion lo iy tba violin but l bo boy la ol hull onlv a boy bo aleala bla way into a varaol room to play upou an tioum for a i no but the boy la hail dl only bpy but tbal hand win u abl to wlrjj a aorpur aomfi day de ut ar it uuty a boy but that head la uu- aoougb to wear a oroaro do not opprma ii only a boy but hi mind may broom tba lnlrumnl of an inulteolua ham mo nolluit ii ilia uf- la befor lb give blm rldo projjreaaward upon uia ha of j our ohaooea itiatrutti hlia lu ibo lopograpby of lla itto jqoroy it lilm know hl tba tt ha do bottom bhow bjm tbairojl4ldl which moaa alum blad htow him uio walera in which pharaoh and bla lioala war drownad bbow biro tba pllltrof lt tain bla hand yoa approaoji tba booao wbara harnaoo roaod doll i w lio aura that be dooa boi iom bla talanoa wban opon tba plnokda of tba tempi toaob him tho geography of bla world of ooolaot tfll blm bow to avoid lha arctlaa of oold bu and tba troploa of boi auvy toll blm to ukenoojh bop out of ibo morning t and vooogb glory oal of tba woai to tnako ufa a balaooo tll tilni thai jn tba arltb mollo of poraonal lourwl tba bajanoa la al wya bcavlaai npoo uia alda of ibo groatoal right taob blm how u rod ood tho wonderf a a ibo iklea uod lha ualitliul in tbo flower god tba hiorolfol in bla provldaooa tall lilm if aoma oold ulght bo floda blmaelf in a oraal gafrt tbal lotdamttb hajalreacby beo tbaro tall j if ho baoom falni for want dffood ibat il waa a boy who brought tho fla ioaaatldtha wo flahoa from which tho i hpnlned arm mary ovfnjtloc jfp l rt ily molbar bad a bditiy pfpiuvd irm notblug a uo1 11 i imr any o i 1 ban faibff ot hagyrl yl 11 d it ourml moll it a arm id r li 1 itl x tnnllltoda waa fad and that lbo mullliudo la loday ahudgrod tall him if tba world from all aid orltlolaoa blm that it waa a llltlaooa whom ohrut taajoa pttro for all ltvjobn v lllkbolt mar- chorally ii aful lbo i rmi f i ir borea mid d iij of hf lbiidi ivtiy- llfu r mil trt it but oit in k iiar d vrtj i1o cuunll xlararao i lank- itrulou woull ll havu ancmua if it wcro mil an nmy ibalr viarii allm mr- i red rtioa hi uootfn out wrlua my uu ki woil 1 oougti m at ighl that naltlwr add nor 1 could gl any root 1 gave imr or wood norway i jim llyrup and am thankful lo a it nird hr oo jolowy y uaaadr not man by hillxlav wllltool ragard to what tbay do ajl thn wook aftar 1 oiler tho stomach vymxorjryofi r tbflk niach lbo fcnim rum which irum ibo atimljwiliit ol health fluwa woat or won a hnjllliy aiomqcli mnanaporfacl dlgratlun wrect dlolioii muna alronrt and alnady norvo centre atrong norvo contna mojn kmm1 circulation rirli blood and nixxi hnallh aioorican norvloa rnalie und kecpa tho atomacb rlht 53 u a from the re nembrtnc of ji wo ho loat that thn arrow of aft a i loo aro pointed wo aro aitendlng hiouaatl la to took aallyiilllla known our money prove our mlh a trial will uouro your tba bau aduoatlon in tlia world la that got by alruggllng to gal a living wendall 1hlllipa wome wil talk cant ulaiiio ibom for tel ling ouch otliur about mll lmra heart unl norvo lhisa paines celery com pound j now bei used bythe wise and prudent it saves bleoploss norvoua and beflpondont pooplo from insanity uullds up the dbd1litated and tmokbndown wiimi ab aa aarji auuay head bar aoj eoaj in it bad auj bar baitua ara folded fair lu tlia under hliophatj e aul balj above tba rooul wbara lb dhaplaj tbutlua blooti iii ulalr lovaly itluooeoae warding avary evil beoea vtaui hi illu on who dxtlj wbet uia luothbt guajrd ulltil wall qoj and ab a bo- ibaui auud tby a a on aoery band kiiaellug for tbani at lb ibron tbay ur bar and ood a aiooa luby bcmtity vou lwya lllok ol tualty bby u plump fcud cliubby tioolka ktuollon glvo jat thla plumpaaa boi too fat jol noogh for lb dlmpje to ootn uail ilk it too wbat da w liv for if ii i not lo iuau llfdu dlftloull to tuoli olhar toaorrf j hot an bii till rouiidfamlly ruidy on tbl jwaya abould h in tba iiotta for na antogonoy tr rltyi pill dlaoouul any thltii lu lb bitukol tby aj ao aniill a cliild oab uk lbui wllji mw y otiea a tloi if w maka rallgloa our bualn qod wl uilkd it our blftadnav ii 0 j adaul tlioa who itr wla ar now oalo th oettllebl of alcwkltb imttdingtnadl oloa and ar gitlng hck tholr proper wohjht barv vigor rood appalll nd hoajthy color no long aajtiooa wajtloga and tllaappolblmaal who 1alooa calary compound la ud at thla uwoa tbr ar tbotlaauda of toua irlfuj uarvoua- daapondant and bloomy man and woman thy hud it iffl polbl to oh ufa rtful and natural aleep and ai a ooowijuauo tbay ar almoat pbyaloal wnoita aom ar daaparataly bejr lb nbyaaoi ltaabity it 1 nol af for a offer art to ulfl wltb lhair dlilloultle th waakonad irritated atd barvau bya- lui muak b toued atraogthad and built up at one tharr la hut 00 rajiabl nuj boiiaat ramady baior lb pobllo that taruuaal rajmwod bitb and ft lonj la of ufa il id iajoai calary oom pound lb praaorlp- uoti of a bobl pbyalouu nd atrongly u dorsad by hi pvofaaalooad eoafrr 1alua oalery oompoasd u dow within th raaah of ll olaia oor paopl and il la a vary ajmpio eoaiul lo laat it 0w0i anoy th akpona u ulfjiu aa ibaro ao tnlaaiabl imluuoo old by aoui doalar ta tbal you gat paine h tb kind that hu wrought aach mavollou oarwa th prmla thai ootua of lov doo boi tttkk n valu but bntuhla lslbc j f ijajri ibtuutl itojlaf gurntal by ualng uil burn burllutf uaadaxba xowdr no d- prwotfaur affeal the great remedy for weak nervous women ita only nalurnl thn t when a woman flnda a tnmody which cuma her of nervoututcta mid wniknu rellcvv hor naina and achca put color in her clicu and vitality id ho uhola ayalom alia ahnuld b anxioua to let her uncriiii aistr know of it mm hannah hnlmori st jama sin st john n it rplatyaw- u w llta remedy a follow i for kflms year i havalmen troubled with lutldrlnu of th heart and dull net accompanied by aniolhering fcehng- which prevented ma from renting my appolita wa poor ami i i na much run tlomrii ajitt debilitated sine i aiarlod uiuff mjlbuni a heart and nerve im1 th amotherlng fuehng luw fon my heart bjit la now regular tho flullrrinff haa djaappcared and i havw bcenwoinwfully builtup ihrough tho ton la rffect oftlio ptlla i uowfscl airongrarkl lnlttr ihan for many yoara and cannot aay loo much lupraimof ilia rmdy which restored my long loat health fj9 style wlun on wrar a kitiy qial ity kbhi t ihhbfcjlf lh in and flnkli toumt in 1lv- it l amonuii khwh lbo kinji fatlory u llm only ont in lait idii tlul uuilira idr simx hlr tlun lha aimmimiiartlcltt whitli coniralnfo canaiu willi a 3 july laheii out of lis fliiuhlj ilimkniir quallly hud u word by ihoivw jcuiudliii ladira it ia a fnio noti of sluwi laahlon of vrrtctnttt in drra 37 alylea 4 widlbw all al- hramledklmqualhy gold mndal awardrd at lha 1aru lkitljof1 km it i tba perfection of valour lo do in ohiervid what on would do baforri ttin aya of all lk itoohafouoauld uufular uheuuiauim mr ii wllkhieoi hlretiord onl ay ii afiord nid much puauura to aay that i cgporlanood graal rallet from iiiuaoulat rhaumatlam by liking two boxo of mil burua luiaumatlo illli trio jo a box kuv6rya plain face i 1 lm iver hmd till tallow can a medjclwc o 1ianro tho poaaanfy alill tick lo madlcinoa aelouleuff lo lu i lln evorege dt- r altgry wnb bur r wim i- an intro i nir trry f rip lit i in fever naaea ll i lw ha pre dotlllllal t oud ilia imili aaanle fuh in feridmitl ira jili- la truly huuliful if bl tliil iu kll u u will iiieaalux ha gu lhaiii it ull awneuliml with biney 1 i highly- p i jwl with lp vit a eover o bl hu a irnliiielie a llit i f lwm e1 a krllrj lw oaidla mlid 1 or orll n 1 ri ivr lm k eggtl while wine ai aoit will beatxi to gelhar not ell their auparw llllt u ar rtirloua home ale atbatl 1 a unijf tot ii ataiiur otlan bnrla hr lie i 1 hi 1 wlili iii raiurite tiyir a i rk 1 t jir own lr h tho cdllu thai it ny ol ri pilte alona thl illusion wbalualulful lenlial aid an till la ly a alio lop pod at a atall in the market and admired a baaknt of the cholo fruit jhey waraaowoiad with a pink gincd alid ifkiard veryjjinpiln ludied the oil lady bought the paallhnl and look thvni homo lop unt day uho ap pearot a 1 hi at th uiall ami abowd thn alall kojwr a aiiill plnut of pllik veiling do ou krip thai kind of veiling fur betirahoaak i he atall kerpr l 1 1 lnr thai ho u 1 not wtu ahe aaid when i lou thum pcachca ho niu l hoy wi umall and green ami our ktid thought if i coul 1 gta aomn of that veilluii lb a i niado ini hxik to prttly and plump in the banket i d wear it toy elf if it would linprovo mn au much aa ii did th peaohea j0 i woull thlnx id found th tlinlr of yoiitlf lamiou k3raf dlaoai insidious 1 dooptlv i rrolontlerafli i baa foiled hushed of trial i y medical ajoncelo stem tho tldo of lla ravattaand not until south american kidney cura proved beyond a doubt lira power tb turn back th tldo wa thera a gleant of anything lml dcaiitlr for lhovlciint-of- luia dai-fornj-o-jildoy- du m uxhur vmw paopl dlaparag a dlillucuuhed aumatry iopt thoa who btv tioa of ibalr own if yott ar a dyapaptlo take luy if your back koiim uk petty a if your head kobe uk ldtty if you ar brvou tik iottyj if you ar weak taka 1ottya ielly will mak tba alok well in oouuaal it e good lo ao du and in cxboullou uot to a tharu except tby ba vary great liaoou children cry for castoria latlclueilia qolu-foaur- terlulllan 4 dyppala and fudlitoallati la oooaalonat by lli want of aotlon lit tho blllltry dual andlomof vitality in thaatoraioli loaocral tb gaalrlo juioo without which dlgeiliotl not go on alto being th principal a of hoadaoha iarttifileda vetfolatil ii i la taken be for goiiif to hd for a whlla bator fail lojjva rtluf and ftyeol cure mr v w aihdqwu avhdowu ool wrtla xarmlee 1illa ara taking th 1 11 it ton o nukaj whjqh i atuok flultur of inttllool without ylijilou in th hrt u ouly olvilhtdd hrhrlrn aud dlaguiftod anlnialum uunian doei j our had u oh t tk a tatty do your back toha t laka a patty bo jour aldaahst taks a pitty and do not lake any other tondenievo- i lis rp3 of pinion joubrt i very unvriuiil llurla whin you havii rhotiiiiatlaifl muiola feu itlfl and aor and join la aro paluful itdoeabol pay to iiutlur loiif from thla illaoaaa when it- may baourd o rompuy d parfeolly by hood a hirpriiia llila tnedlojrjojaonjjghtlo ills apoltittul- lizra the aoldity of tho blood whloh oauko rbouniatlatil and pula and and to tlia pain and uffnoa illllouiiiaa cured by hood a pilli hi centa chooe thy cloathe by ihln not another kidney disease hlldoaod with muuoua hbi purpart 1 jrtjutllca uoopla agaliut plll genarally- br agnawa l4vr lilla fcrw rovolutloniiintf tho pill demand tiny r 10 plaiatit ajid tiiy touk lh4o turuiullad ol lha price 10 cnla for 40 doict ulllona- iteai sick hculach conktlpatlou mt pelui works llkn a charm 53 imigloi i th beat armour lu tb world but lha wort ook john new too iti ao pleaaant to uk thai ohlldro ory for ii but it death to worms of all kind ur lowi worm flyrun trio 3o al deura il will ooit aomalhing to l rugloua il will ooal uior to b liol ao j uaaoti pr j d kallogu dyiauury cordial i prepared from drug knowu to tb proo alou a thoroughly irallabl tor lb oholara dyuanury ularrhu jrlpiutt palu and muiirtr ooinj lalul i ba bewii uk1 auo oeeafully by iitedloal praolltlouera for a 11 u in her of year with frailly log rwulta if ufiolig from any autnitiir ewplalul ii iajuelth niedielu that will our you try a ho iii il ull fo35 oeou 4ltwu a mail aud bli wlf nolhiujl eujhl t ruta but lov aulbodi pjt ehlhjrakf uho aekvauavf no witbout wadtllaat not codlivkr oil but scotts cmlilsion of cod litr oil they1n1uguthe- simc far from it scotts emulsion is cdrd liver oil prepared for the stomach let cod liver oil alone if you iili- it when your physician aiders totst do you breakfast on hour vuie cod liver oil is hard to tile and hard to digest a man that can leep it down can siw wood he thinks he is sitl he is lavy v 11 med dklinuwiiyuwiui ktun a uotvna ct yau why will you alio bough to laoerat y6ur ibroal or lung aud ruu lb halt of fllllutf ooiiiuiopli grav whn by tho timely ua of ulckl anil oouuumpll syrup th paiu oau b auvd auj lb danger avoid thin byrup lu plnt to lhul mj utttpaed fomriivltig7 hailing aud curing all affostloni of lbs throat tid lunga ooughl oold brooohllli bio ability juvolv npooaibillty powar to kit particl ia duty a uaolareii xr peltyi uavar fall to glva rlif and hay our if givsu aq hotal trial our imuiaully war a poor thing but for th divinity that atlra ui avary on of ua uaoou castoria vot iniiuit- and okureu j ii liioal jhlug euote ateiida 011 know lu bow loug ii laka ui unuwj thoila liolbiug harali about ldvr ilh tbiy our oon4tip4lloii dyppia auk baedaoli and bllloua apll without jrlplog purglnii or aioking 1riqdua tba raiiitil and turaat way l gel rid of oeuaur i to oorrt ouralva dam oalbaua qdl at hart ilympuuua uaulale la of apiwlit furrod lartguoarntijaoaral indupoallloo 1h ayniptoni if htgltolad develop irtloaoul dlaau it li a trlt eayiiiu that u ouuo of pretention u worth a ikunj of our ami a i lit la luuthrn al thla polo i may aavj uiontbaut aukiiae and larg doolur a htla lor thla oonullnt lak from two to thr of par bialaoj vagelabl pill oil u lo iwd and uu tr two for thr lughle in uuoa alou and a our will b tifulj ii i only from our fforl thing that w ru alu hi i tu ul tli a uadmhd qm it wenrtiw i may 1- aaowad bf vj aid addxaaa iiut runmi ucoas tha wriua againat rallglou wll lhay oppoa evry ayalati ar wlady oaraful navai to act up any of ibalr own ilurka uuara of wo mil dont tat worm gnaw al tha vitali ot your children oiva thaw dr lwu puaaaut worm dyrop and lhayll aoon ha rid or the parlaite prim io when tueii caa la u faithful to god ha who cxpjola lo find jiom ao to oaeli otbar will ba much dimppolntcd hja bbb cures to stay cured tho most clironlo diseases of tho stomach llvtii bowola end ulood thousands of testimonial- from thbq who havoon pormanont- y ouwd by tlio uso of burridok lllood dittos npoakof ityunfull- intf eilleuoy lu dysnnpsla blltouc- hs mek hoadaatiu llvr tom- nl a int hozoma kpyulpola buio- hilu soitt uloi uoilypjnniioj htyos hlnftrwoimsj and all blood iftrfrtors if you want to bo ounid to stay oufod usoonly b bb ii hat 1 a inod man lu tut uttahtra 00 bl way tawaad th ili a j01h l 1 i r wbarowiavfir ha llvra br wbataovar ha laealui hoiilh milburu u htarlliig uatdaoh powdr glv woman prouil rullul from uiuiilhly pah y and irav nol ad alltir iff jo in what etur llu iura juti ga jlllhuni vila 10 and jwul alliuaur what ainu lo ua i ut dim fuurtal ltpc may ba heaven u duttnt lamp iiugfrllow my h-urtwa- tttumplniiny liout m uu vviiahi lif llpukull ool it lhaaher auifoilugi iron miuithtrng ttuu wh and jwil itatloo allor trying m toy tinh wlilwtm baaifll blalhllleaitmr aiiow luiu llwllaarl i her pefct health thcaral ihj uaia ului ul iiiaint rvllef and in day aiillerlilg ieaael h ji it will work while you sleep without a gripe or pain curing constipation biliousness sick head ache and dyspepsia and make you feci better in uifc morning the talen of bucchj la nothing more ibau doing uhal jon can do wall without a thought of famo ivxigfollow alwaya on hand mr tliomn it portar uovof ireland p j writatt my ton 1h moulha old had croup ao bad that nothing gave blm rrllaf until a neigh hor brought ma aoma of dr ibo mas lolaolriq qjl whloh i gava lilm and lu ilx houra bs waa ourad uia iba boat mad t clue i ever uaad and i would not ba with out a bottlo of it in my tioua tha rjlrilln la tho hlghaat lyja ot man young atuiillot in tho world of bomaoratlilo uiudloin ha baau ill vary aotiroa of pro gr aa i iolltlcu and rligioi tha tlif iooltltuof opinions and lie individuality of wen bava bd piaut lo tho di big tea melit by whloh tlia ataudard uf tlaa bod lea have haan alevatad lowith 1110 of onr famoua praparatlona fureino in il- luatratlon of which truth atauda tho wol i faiuoui romady lo gnoral lability aud luguor quliilu wine and whloh wliou ohtaliiabl in ll gauuiua atrongtll ifl a mliaoulouanreator of a pallia vilalliy aud alhnutatil to lha gfliierat fertility of lha ayateni gulhlnu wiual an i lu lm provfiinaut haa from llio ural dliaovory of the urut virion of julnina a a nlodlcal botil lb 11 on uf lb moal hioroughly dlacuuttl rumeditu ovemffjrwl 0 ilia puh llo il la nna fifllbrt iiilo anif and natural llf giving atiiuulaiita whiah ihu ms llaal profaaion have lwn oomprllad raoognladand preaarib masaru nortl ropatid iyman uf j or on in hav givau to lha proration of llntlrpuro qiiluimi wins tb griiat oara dua to u iiiuiluaa aud undard aiollonoa uf lha arliclo whloh tbay otfr lu lha pulho cam tnti the arket purgad uf all tha dafeuta whloh ukllud uudrvatlon ami acleiitllla nj iiilun baa polutuiloul in ihu imapi rfuul irapara liuua f llieultar klu i lam ii la oft flow from moana 1111 kind lavage for ten years a glon mlllor marts torrlblo trial ho found a cura t last in doans kldnoy pills mr p m ilurl lio hn uill known nudnt of film mill r hu tiupi n out unii nflllcul with kldtn troubln fo touiir jjliluuai la hat hnviuit fudiia k- tnriirklillhivniu iroiitrfotlii nil niriilh whlrh ho linil hi j uu to lliluk oro luciirubln thnt hu wrot thi following itntoui nt of hla ciiuo ho unit othoni uluil in rlvnftllit ul mnv profit h hint s rt nf o i hnv hommftll u 1 with kldnn roiihlo for nli mt ten vram and imvt irityiii inrnl rflliilillui hut liuvor iuulv i liny- roil hi unlit until i ktnrlid jnuinff doanu killii y ptlla m hnok iimi to cmintniilly srljf nnd my iirlnn iih liljh colon d and milky looking nt unna hi 11 ri i hnvo fiuulind tho t 111 nl imix of ponnn ivldnoy iiiih i nm hnpny to btato thnt i niu not both rid with wknrhn fit nil raid my urmu u ch nr an aryutnl i f 1 1 conlliloiit tliatthcfit pillunro tha boitxiditiy uiwwllla in tho country im wis miiiiiin xmote9blgcsifonchcctfiil- rasnrlrcstconiinsncllncr opium morphine nor mjocrat kotnalfcotlc fr apcrft remedy forconsiip- tlon sour slommhdinrkt worms convubions tcvcnsh acss and loss of sleep tacsunda 5igrulr of ww yohkl j3 d cl oucrcopvorwnatvea hi see that the facsimile 8icnature of 18 on the wrapper of eveey bcxrn of c outha la pat tp la anaaba bottlea aaly il la n aoli la talk doat alb ujeaa l ua jro aaytlaa 1m ea tia pu or presm tiat it li a iro4 aa4 will aaw awy par- b that y i o8tbijl ii agents tiil i ltaii kuhklkv co growlrufti cudipietallua of nurairy block luclud log many nawvariatuaofllardyllotea ornamental shrubs and 1 roes all ilock guaranlred fro from san joaa scale wanted for unroproentad dlitrlota good pay to good mon j xcutx yovjt jsistjucrr rott coaflfo skaon3 mow lolghtandjsj fold wrlto lor catalog wo hold dovrnroent oortifl- oatfl of inopaotlon covorlnfj our 8 look pelham nursery co toronto in tha liumau brant two mailer paa aloua oioiiol 00 oxfat campbell hundroda hav teattded lo tho c ptlya pills hava dono them our h luiliio not to dm what ii dimly al a dlalaiioa hut to do what lie claarly at hand garlyla retfuleti- practitioner- no ro- ul mr annlc chealnut olwhilbv wauformouthia rheumatic victim but south ameilcan ilhaumatlc cura changed ihu aontc from deipalr to joy sha aaya i buffered unlohl misery from rheuiiutlain doctor mod lei no did ma no good two boi llo of south american uhnu mat ic cur cured txu reluflwoliouniflerlhufiratdou 50 ood umlo will not fin lib with 011a tuue sir ii arnold ar jou aaufferar with coma if jou arj a bottla of ilotlowaya coru cure il haa nvr beau known to fall tha gam cannot b pollibad without frlo lion nor tho nmu perfeolad without trials experienced nndertafcers by dealing with us you are assured of the most careful attention and everything done in the most skillful manner and please remem ber that we only charge for embalming in exceptional cases we keep a firstclass hearse and stock of all other funeral supplies and at great ly reduced pneds caskets delivered j a speight co koto n a grand trunk railway 411 inrrt 11 rhirte imi m m rwe ul l 111 1 kai 10 fj m n n i ull iiipn lll n i i m i lii in tnl a i net qii uuudaj speight 6l brady manufarluraraof vynamo it kt rftjira motors i watkh motoif f qaoilxkaud iljw knojjtk3 jtnassj jttojt castings to oudku itnpalhntt promptly ion ooorkotown ortt sun savings and loan co htad ofl icii tohonto ont auiharimttt cajir 4tsooo qoo oo ten year maturity vharcs are paid monthly itulnlmoiitn of 30c per sluto fur jyo tnoulhl wlmn payulenla ceuiuj loo 00 aid hi maturity value jioo aa money to loan ul 5 iraljil loan or rnjuyabln hi monthly hibialmerlla on iqipli cation to r j mcnabb afiont acton t will n you want i ixouj t ttlid i oatmjsab i out ouil euerton knd dis1 jrtllils brhnd t tliliwt in ui mibt j xii wwwkilltirll p liiuiullly- j 1 henry iiontop acton floui mills iiumplinib hawkc proprltor hiiitlcatrixkeu- fox wheat and othui chains our malio of fjlouit ifjs uon wide eriread favor hesl radol ilwaya on liaild i look choi m1li i li i ciuckldwiii at itc al louest prices for casll humphroya hawko actov kctoini saw 4 planing mills children cry for castoria bob mccready abov la a aplendld rirnlt if 111 mo trmly olio of lha uat font i ill 1 lajtm n cunata uj u a uinnhtr if thr olti m uulrarilty team aud una ten in all of it cbauipluualilp uiatclir iu in n niilrn 1u1 apaclincil or robual conndbu uinidi km lml atronjr oa ba la h haa luoirii li it ii la lo 1 1 fur from dynpapalo ho a-erlonal- afllltl til fcnl ba 41 his aptulaa at iu inl ihuwi luaaou that ha waa not abli t no ul n lib bla team talus lu tin uail an ulli lir- irruilltont haadachr nii1 tlio nwfui ijiiga ha autycivd afur eallug tl re ti r if an itupalivd ijhaitloii waiual lilm itmt t watr lii no rutillttplafitimilu- bardvt of all gauiaa llaaldra br larked tlia vurgy to carry blm tliroiilh a cjiui ivalgii ha couiulted hla iliyalcuti but thflt gutuuiau sv blm no rxlluf it thla tag ia wrltoa 1 woa adrkod to try dr petty a 1 uia lha unja rmiedy fliut oh of tay fruud aaiurjd uia was wqudurful hi ita affect i waa alepilifll hut hu aoim la i lliir pralaa ao nrntrntty that i waa m kuli to ty ttium hie viry urit oo droit ilia pabi away ant ut llu oil uia itk i rtjolurd ttiy tiani an i 1 hav sun t tiro iili oui of mir liardmt luaaolia in th lt firm tliut t lir evr bxn lu lr 1 ttv iilth ur ihi to tliank nr my flu llllhl til lire thi lil iihiiiuj 1 imtc jfr tabhl llify umko inn luliuiitf ant 10 full at wuargy i f r n liall tmtfr ink any ollura wliru 1 fcillnuwl bf a altimtlinc hlirli la lli in hi an uthn r ltd- wll knowu atlil- an i lob will llliiparlni nf rtolir j it wuiwil numdy i yi rniiii i aiintly vou wtll in ua 1 th- no i littli 1 ut 1 mm fir j ml altii- ir i tr mrll1 1 ottawa l aim ii j juat lubllhd canadas bris rtkfjpjend veldt an auuionljoaccoiinf of tlio canadian coiillngtiiia in iho soiilli african war ily 1 g mariib ii a introducllan by very icv principal grant i i d uawwl on oiliclal tloapalcliea of llaut col oltorand olhcr coninnndlni ofliccra al tho front complo in oiio vutimc 300 pagci richly jiiustralod only 8t jo agenta coining inonoy cpt i itl i phospi c 1 us tho bradley- cahkeybon co limltod branlfordr out r v x ww e- l advertising 5utih st martufaoturors nti dattloro in all kind or dim ssi d and undki ssld lum uik lath and siiingli s sash doors and blinds window and dook 1 kamls all iunds ol indoor and out doouiinibll having uell a aborted stock of lumber on hand ordtn uill in all caualx promptly filled lumber drctwijniiluialciul wluia-you- walt prices are ai low aa any olhcr mill turn inf out warkwjual larjuallly- cuttoiu 1ojb cut al any lime jmo x va jja j a an o wn taiiajrai jroiwufor alt klniln of uood on hand and promptly delivered lo any pari of lha town patents guaranteed our let returned l wlull any oaudlaii abetcli aud if ii lull of au l u will protuiilly ialv r onluh u f chrniii lie ikitmtnl uy of iut jw lo ol tain a latcul fcent litoh irjirtl t at tula mcuij tlitonijti uao tkilia f ri1eatouretmkc 1 ulcuta ulcil out lint 1 uh ua lerek ttwetil ttajwwlth ituatllu tun iaruhrukcouu au ilhurattl and wl uly circulate t ounial cimtiiltr i i y miuifctiiifbii i intatlnm icuh rniitlartpy frih ad in vioyoh j hvana a oo lluat auaruty vanaf wagm o is tho pulsro lhal foro6d th iiiimx of builuoiu through the urterlca of tho pro iirciuo bnolnoja einhllfimriiii tomorrows buslnoss li fo ijjjwniu upn ijilay a aivortlsink when tho iukortunient ia thu i hi i phi ss ll produce lifo why i hocaia tho 1 iii v i hi s oa into thu rnailn- a 1kjim yoaslu ujid alia du v 11 with him it la 011 ihd luhlu uhilo ho ojla ind in i1i1 liaudv uftur tho iiiual it ia by hi wlfd a aldkia ihu inaiuli tha children t cl uliea 11 rucheu hiulund uiid ulf when limy at lu an approach uhlduxidillon that is why advertkliik in lh putin im uh lirliid belter roiull to ihe local niiicliaiit iliuii any other kind of ullvnfflaluh v it vquwiul uu convincuu cjksci patents promptly secuheo nrv llvln anj llnv 1 11 1 r kmluillwl hiul uaatukbakuiou ot ui liluf yuuf liiieiillimur lml rut inn nt utl u u iii ull you rt our iiii ut m in ultilmr it i irouhty wtnlilh 11 iuouhmxlaly f amllrtil 4 nju l ijl hi ouir juuuu llljhl rvfui mo j fn nlliul mahjom aluauiom atkt kouoirouu a ttxtuty hvll 4 mkliinlcal tiulun or luu i ue 1ulylaul lj tui u i if i 1 t u hii lu alpll i hli m ijii i 1 ivtullr umui tu i iw auilu 1 a 1 1 au walfrwuta l ulrr mirvjl a ii a it l4il v 1 j ui1cu amiatt iter oo vcars ekpenienc- tnaoc manrtq dfwna covniama ab alllraa hdn a talt at d tuiwi ui u al wwih yut 11 ii i1 fvul r 1 a u aawr uimiui u 1 i ll mlirttjlli h11 llh lal i la w it tfmm lit la baal f avml bale lu ala 1 ia 11 ul illll avz i hj tuliulkf willi kicliano lulbe scientific american a henna el ir iii ipi alr la it- ilnconbvyqrl

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