Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 1, 1900, p. 2

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d henderson willaddress the electors town hall acton monday nov- 5tii at ufgit v v everybody come diicusilon invited hcscrved ixt provided lot i ho ladies qod savbj theqohbm xijkd horn la allltoo m wednesday oot itiu jam lloydvf eed hi ytn luwrrrlt u afllu on belcnuy oel botb airs ana tlerbetl eed t8 veers browser ax csmpbetlvtlle on thursday oj october lli wile of wulum uuwut eed ta borrrr ai boulbeuipom pa t1idraiuirooilath lit w h koott fonueriy of ueuoo eed it year end a mootbs juraa id lelt on tuesday febd oetob ierlxude dinfkul of tb uu lueherd jeffrey x year cmtioixln ohtmtowo on hetunlav oat uotb kluebetb omtlna relict of the uu jem uasufaa ed a ni ciixmivokam al nerval elation an bexnrdey opt xb xrvdia jualtttuun deofater of mr tbos cunnlnbeai iftd ss years ummin tlmuivirt on toeedsy unl totober hassnne cjacstoa wlf obupbea lm ed o years end u days umij- at lb ntrrianulttalpb oa wednesday wu ctecobe- itinnl beyers wife of ir jmi a hell dentist msssaaswejs ftfajlsljrnk uaivuomhruw on wadoesday oct itlh el vejr oou by lv- a w b llotler of hi vets jmndi ksoui uosdhln w j hrey den of tiireeuvtlla to attala eldest deuititer of wm bbew feed of vul uaeeeu co tiwikc ttiurui at christ ohtireh nlinnv pall oat on tbaredsy oet 10lh by akehdesooa lloaetoa kltf ellen ttedlem of port uouoeoo to w a uwia of iflltoo local heclstrar of tbe u o j to uaitoa uht gtrioit y jreg thpi18pay nqvembklt 1st ippo editorial notes the registration of volar look plane ai mil too on toeeday and wednesday of laat weak for tha county ol halloo eighty flva voter wan kagutared tha doard of xlegialrar u oompoeed of j odes hamil ton dr llobertaoa and w a uwrtoot too ontario department of agrlooltara ba jut issued a proclamation that i bx0edipg1y complete had valuable i u book giving all loo aol passed by lba legislature wttb tapoot to rioohora ik glvj lb uw m to lb giou tbat r bivao to fumul for vaxioaa bodwtairiac um oo aprajlogj lb toaaafaotarfj of batter and cbae and tertthlntf cim that baa ooaonotloo ith agrtooliara a bnilooa lom baa joat baaii dataload by tb oraod trank hallway tbroofb tb tvalgoatlon of ooial afaaagw hay a to aooapi tb toaoajfroaot of tb boolbam xaolao hallway with badqoarura at bu f raoolaoo ur uaa aaperruiod of tba g t 1l tba pa flva yaara baa vastly lm- troaad it and tba uawltlu aod boaluaaa killo ragxaa bla racooial u will ba aooaadad by mr uoo diu tb gomral sopaciouodank hr- axihut wut diwlaloa fiaigbt acaol of ibajoraod trtttik baa raloroad from a trip otn lba bortbara dlathola aod w- poxim aa axtnordloary activity la baaloaaa all throob tba boribam ooonlry proa baou for trada ba aay bavaf war ao bright aod bavat bafora did ba taouoa ao kuoob fcaoaral aatlafaotiod aosootf all elaaaaa bo far aa tba rallwayi ata ooo- oar nmd tbair tblaf dlmoolty la alill tba lack of a aafdolant bnibar of eara a oabla baa baaa raoalvad at tba aaljool- lara dapartokuil frooi afr dapata aaora- tary to tba cataadlao eommualooar at lala aaboodolog that oar fraab fralt of xbiayaafa plkld aaol torwatd tbla lall bad arrlvad id aplandtd oooditloa and baaa hwardad foar addltlooal aolj toadala frof rommood of xjoodotj ad da bad waroadiba waablnsuut aalboriuaa to waka op aa oanada u load 1 04 in holb tba quality abd jobtuy of bar dairy produou tba aoparlorlty bajotf dua to bar proitraaalaa ftoartmaqcadd la tba baa of oodarti aouaufld apparataa officially nominated david hndraon th lata mm- bac and 8 p moklnnqn ar tha contaatanta both pantleb ahb confident at tba nomination milton yaaurilay jiavid ulndkiuion wu nominated aa ilia oonaarvauve oanilidau aid h v mtkinnon aa lha uboal oatiili data mr hansaraoii apxlntad mr w boyd aa bi finauolal asant and mr uo jcionoo appolnll mr v 11 undiay at tba oonolualon of tba nurainauona mr moklnnon poaa for twanly mlnaua la wall aboasn roroarka piaaaritln bla olalma bafora tba auotoiata ifa waa than folloxad by mr hoodacaon wbo addraaaad tba aluotiva agdlaooa foa an boar and tklaanrmionua in an tx tiaumtl va apeoab upon tba queatlona wbloh hava be a undar dlaooaalon dorin lba oampalun mr t u llobinatta of tor onto followad aod ojaa an abla addiaaa in mr alaklonona iauraat tba town hall waa orowdad wltb tleotora from all parta of tba ooonly thbpuectqn8 nbxtwbdr4h9 tba oronkul day of tli conrl elactloit for tba iloua of oommooa will hava ooma aod gona bafora anolbar laaoa of tba kaaa xaaaa la aaat oot to our raaderi a lba day for wltlntf approach tba iutaraat batorally baoomaa mora intaoaa upto lba praaatjt boaiavar tba oampaj in tbla ooodty baa bean condaolad upon a rnot trlaodly and good nat tired bat la and tba oaodldalaa maira handiraoa bbd moklnnon wbo war officially noonalnatad yaatarday art to ba oon upon tba rood faallotf whloli baa praalled balwaao tbamaauaa aod tbair roapeoliva upporlara tba iaauaa which ate locuhnlnato in lba auollou oast wadooadav do not involva any marked bhanjta of policy and it la wall for all ibookbtfoi and lodapaudaot alactora to oooaldar wbalbat la vlaw of tba aalla- factory work dooa by lba itatiriar qoru mqot in tba aqaltabla adjoatmant of tba tariff tba important kaforma iu lba xoat- offlca dapartmanl and lba notable uootbouiatf of lba tisa of llrillab oon- baotloo tba allumat of tba diaoord prodaaiojfuabltoba aobool aallatloo tba prorootloo of baity batwean dlffarrot aao tiona of oar canadian people tba improva- mool of faolllllaa for transportation tba important tcguutlon in tba intaraata of workjogoian and tba groat proaparlty and 000 tan t moot wblb pravall lo tba ooqntry nxtdar tbwadohniattmliqtj inriwof all tbla wbathar t would ba wlea or patrlotio tor martwbo eiaimto b lsoapcndaafr votaloaldofa party effort to ovortbrow tba oovammant bodo lba work they have dooa and bbeeuie tba bdalnaaa of lba ooonlry in all fairnaaa tboaa raaolte ebould ba fdvan oandol oonaldaiatloa by all proeeaea- ad of tba f ranch lea abd every lector whether ba call bimaalf cooaervatlve or lilbaral abaald aak blmaolf abd andaavor to anawer bonaally aod iodapaodaouy wbatbar ha ahoald not ba prepared to plaoe lha l n abotb all tnaro patty oobsldarailona wbab bo roaa to tba poua baxt wodoaaday ontarios bundav schools abuooaaaful oonvantion at drook- vlllafaat week ooa of lha ibtajraatiutf featuraa of lha praaant oampahjo la tba eabdldatdra of mr b v mouiobod in lullou in tba kuural ioutmi mr uckiqqoo u a bativaof hajloti abd after koin lt tba world and making a fortona and a mum aa boa of the foremoat bualnoaa toad of lba ooonlry ba reiaraa to bla batlve ooonly the bomloaa 6f bla party for xajrllamaou mr uoxlooooa oaraar aa a boalneea marl baa beeo a brullabt loooee abd bla quail uea will undoabtodly btaka hi to an loda- ooa la ierllaroaol wbera w ara told thara la avary kaaaod to believ ha will ro wareeultof tba poll in bait wedboeday lb bla batlve ooonly toronto kiar acoordlbftjo lha auubaj raport oi tba uataatl of inddatilaaijoal leaded tba vr- a wajj of farm laborara lb ontario foe tbayaar waa u9 a dollar hlcbor than a ve ago nina million boa buudrad and thirteen iboaaabd blba buodrad abd alxty- fotrypouoda of buttar wore btada dorloa tba yar wbob aold at au avaraga of ovar ii oeeta a poopd q fadtorua baa ktowa from llbj la 1mu tba oatpdt waa liasbjj pounda for wbloh lalsdbt waa rexxkad uarkat prloaa wara blgbat iu avarvtbia wb ootu an j p taloaa fario tanda lo ootarlo war valued at tms7ltraaaaioat5omi tcj a year au ilqlldloga loocaaaad by tbrwa mllllooi implunoau by two mlllloaa llva btook ovof tea mlllloua lo us001b tba total uuinber of boreea lo tha provlnoa ou duly let waa alfit vluad at utlia- w7 lba vajoa pabad bjo 7 looo pared with iod a year ago our friaodblpa burry to khort aod poor ouoolualuua baaauaa we lia made them a leatur of wine aud iliitiim loataad of tba toogb nbre of tha bam an heart kmmar- 00 a uaataia oibtmoo for curiae oraotpa dlarlkoaa aaif dyaaoury la by biluif kaln killer tbfa tuadioina baa auiulued lha bigbaat ripalatlio fur bvr 00 ftiri avoid aubltlutea tbara la but una 1aiu killer terry liavla jio aud fcuo tbo abooal oobvaotlonof lha provioolal hobday school aaaoolalloa waa held at urockiille laat week and proved a highly protltabla gatharlng tba auaadanoq waa not ao larga aa la baaally anrollad when tha oooaabtlob la bald in tba wt of the proviboe hot thara wab ab lnlauaa inureat aod tba aaoellaot program n waa much ao joyed lb kddulaa to pramlbabtworkara in tha provlnoa 1rof hamlll of ibdlenepolla aod ml aooia q harlow of iblladl- phu ha irof graalmab and luv mr hal peony becraury of qaabeo aaaoola- tlorti both of mobtreal took important planed the prooaedloga dr ifalilaob of laena tbada a moet vfnolaufc praatdant abd mr jf a jaokaoo qaoara baoraury abd mr thorn aa yallowleaa aseoclata beoratary both of whom ware appointed lo ofnoa during lha eay brealad vary favorable imbreaalooa a vary oordial ineaeaga beahng fialafual kraatloga waa raoelved from mr alfred day lata general baoretary now almllav- ly employed la uloblgab tba report of tba general k 10 u live oommlttaa reviewed tha varloua braboba ol tba aaeoolatloba work all of which are in aeatlafactory oooditloa ontario bow haj 6000 babuth aobool ovet 61000 oaloara aud laaohara with au adrolmaot of baarly half a million of aoholara iu 000 beoilod wltb ilia home parttnol and tba hooaalo boaee vuiutlao tho oammitui tiaka that avry bouia in ontario ba visited hoftua thooload of tba ctatiliiry tha bumher laklb tha uormal oouraa u ou tba looreaaa new ola a wv formed during tha year at nud dltfarent poidla bavab primary unldna are- ocaniad throutboql tba provinoe aa folloara toroolo gualpb uamihou bt oeiharioee maaford uramploo abd keaoa tha raporta of lha geoaril oroury aaaoolata aao abd treaaurar wra adopted tba total reoalpjd of lba yea udosobdw w dadifl aud tha dubure meou mon kluavtt khahtuoa 011 baud of 120 17 with obllgatioua of aorue o00 alill to ha mat tba ofiioera alaoted f or lha ootuluk yar wera aa followe ivlont luv j j ueddlll uabrldga vloaprideiltt lba hod jebiae young gall william jolni blod llelullu lha hod b ii itlaka q 0 toroulo gaorga uulbarford ifamll ton vlifcd llowmau loodod w ii koaau uranlfofd j a mecr gualpli xt j boora twooto u i udor aotii j a vaturaoa u a torouto j j altalatau ll ql tofotu a j dooly blmooa tho uailllouddy tar- onu w 1 llaadla bl galbariuw vr uarruoo kua and tba praldanti of bonnty and ojty aoolailoiirjchiiiirtiair of lha neutral ejtadutlva tba juv w vrlaaall toronto i at aooiury j a jaokaoiu eaaooiila oralrv t vllow is l lre wlllum uaallu ap- poinlmanta weiaalao mads uaua7af xeculla aud tba 00 u i aaoartva ooui muteao tba abaeooa of to any dalagaloa froil tha weatern afolloo of dba proytuoa ld tlia he dr itotlatn move ibat twd 000v011 tioua ba bkld euuually kndr tha aama otnoera una l aud oua waal ol tdlooto tba toaltar waa rafkd to lha ttikrl aaeouliva odnaraitl tbeeiaoutlva rmrkttd tha pritoal of col leuri lb drill lba aoldura n ba lorda day aud instituted au amplialld proteetta a ataaoej reeulutlou a oopy of wbloh will ba aou to tba mlitutar uf millila aud uot lura tha boapivallty yalaudad by tha pnu of lruokhie waa tnoal ourdlal and turua and lba u60 lrlrgata preeout warn i ud iu lhair pralaea of h rook ii la aaal lit warm bealted ulliaeua vltjtt to liasttinn ontario and mojtrfial a dollbhtrul autumn oullrttf wltn nprnsroun planaurft ixrnrlonaaa seldom iatlnod lu wn hud each a beautiful eulutnn a tbal of 1100 foor cuji woek of ofllobar uiii lrl aiflj taaly anilabla f a uto outing tba editor aud mel moore went in tlrockvllla jparlho ujnd of lba maulliana enjuyod very fully tha aaaainna of llio irovlnaul uooday bcbool ion van don hare ltrookvllle or aallie oiuune delicti in oaltlog ii tba itlaod city ia a very attractive town and proved to be well edeptod fur oon vent too putpo although polllloa ware craaln an ititenaa local intareat and lbs cltizona were worked dp lo a high pi toli by ihera they took time to vxteud a whole liaerted we loom o lothahou droda of babbalh bchool wnrkara who were their gdaala aud extended tha froedorn of tba tpwn both officially ibrqugb blawor ablp mayor uuckmau and priveuly by tba many reaiiunt wbo boepltably enter ulued tba vlaltore tbaiilandcuy haa a apumllj loa- tioit upon the north aliorg of lha tnajaella bt lawrenoa wbloh i- at la point nearly twojniloa inwldtb hero tba river pera oompany with tba rocky me among wbloh itjlroama furjillo klwve whrelt lit oruih the thouaacd lelatntia and beopirina a oomparatlvrly atrailiturward aud pro proealo traatn with preuy villa niatiu faoturiat aijd hoo of 0oohandlva oil ita rialntl ahorea at the town and attractive fureat treea tariafilng tho banka hayond the pt few year han wllnoaaed ilia growth and establishment of important manufacturing tnduilrjea hro and lba u alio a oenlre for one if lha beat dairying aroaa iu oularlu anmn the larger endu trlea la the d 1u ulova worka a apleudldly equipped and akilfully operalad jpiloorii managed by mr w mcllrti and acoud only in importance among tha glovo manufeoturlea of ilia dominion tu oorown canada glove works of vju hloray a bon vry find llitt of good ara hero produced and tha hualiteaa la rapllly growing bayoral farmer oltlaeaaof aoloo are nmployodln thefaclory ablmporuut branch of the bat net la the manufacture of etiapendara of the baiter grada tha wrll known ohur braoa hin amon them lha kupandra ara maunfaoturcd throughout ou tba premlkea urmolabu a much pleased with tha referential tariff aud glvoa t credit for urgajy extend idj and raodariog mora profitable hia glove buaiueaa during the paal year and la anxiona that it bo oonllnned la foroe 13 rock vil i it the looatloa of 00a of tba provincial aay urn wbloh baa batweenfioo abd coo lumslea tba properly of th aaylar0oocnprba an ideal alia ob tha- river at lba easterly llrolta of tha iowa through lha klod offioea of dr ilruoe bmltb aaeiatabt buperlnleudent an e teamed friend of former j eara wo mada an interesting tour of inspeotloo of tba build log and grounds the ootu ayatem is in vogue and lha most approved modi methods of treatment ara observed n- alead of lha jail ilka appearance which formerly ohataoterlzed aaylum premises every vastlga of lha bigna of imprisonment lvava heso omitefaled and lba halla tw aembla partorsr and tha dormitories abdt dlnliid rooms ara bomallka bo al ataxy is tbd modern ireatment that ibis institution has a reoord of h6 per oeot of completely rootrl aud ihacharsed pa tients to dr and mrs bmith wa are much indebted for 00 a ho lea and hoapltall- ty ax tended tha baw teeldenoe of lha uon bsualor f nlford oocaplaa a oommabding alta ou the rlvar hank bear tha asylum wheii com- plated aud furnished it will it is bald hava oust lha baoator fully ijsoooo oar visit to the dominions metropolis from tbureday 10tll mood ay had many houm of pleasure montreal la rapidly im proving to tnauy respeoto i la nna bew publlo aud private buildings harbor im prove men tip granollth la pavemanla and road beds aud splendid streak oar erioe command every visitors attention it is bow una of tha oleaneel cltled od tha oou- tlbettl ita aeorea of pretty parka abd poblfd breathing plaoaa ara kbostoommeod abta ita mount lloysl is unapproachable ita shipping facilities have a magnltude- whtch few inland residetita ban appreolata and ita vast commercial aud private wealth ara manifest ou every aid our visit with friends lo wastmouut wb bharmlug waateru rasldebllal buborb wo vary enjoyable indeed wealmoant is a- aepairala mnnlolpality of only half a doxeu years rxuuooe yet it hts a populated of 10000 aud is conducted by a council of mat of trua haartu wbo have au iulareet id parpettlatiuu umlyfaand giving oppor- lunlly for the building up of strong healthy vigorous physical and mental character iu tha rising fanaralioa tbla corporation hu uo liquor i loons within ita bounds it haa commodious churches pub llo and bigu schools free library reading toomrgyoiriaslunl hellead fcbeauluut titty ra park with helda for alhsti porta booeaaabla to all its location la wlthiu from fituil to thirty mluutea of lba buslitaaacaiilrsa of tha city yl it baa all lha ad v antsy of country ufa iu pura air aud quiet surround i nge wa bad tha plaaauia or aluiidlu tha piihlld lostallatloii of ilav mr magji lha uew lriuolpal of wauyati thoogloal golletia lauly from kuifltudi of attending arvloa lu lha wast hud domlulou bjuta aud douglas cburohta also of vlalting tha jioli wu slid air offioea in all of which ontario meu tcaupy po ulcus of truet aud emolumut lha trip homa ou monday waa by lha international limited vstlbtiled ualu of lba g t h wa ull mobtra1 al 0 a u aud rehd toronto at 15 p m makliuj an avaraua of so mitea pr hour for tbk ww m iu aud belug ou tlma al avry towu wbsra a stop waa mady oakvitlu vjilluyfikld strike hnobd hon imr mulook and the labor department loduoa the strlkara to leturn to work v lujnrikut jua oot uo a strike of b9oral thousand oparatlvee of lb cotton mills oooarre here last tbnraday and riots laoi plsoe wbloh oou i j not ba quelled by lha local aathorittaw raverat ooiupsn- jpvof mlhua were called outtrom montrral and that fvenlng a akirmlsti took place whlob reufl in eleven of tha aold we boiug severely wounded maturs looked serious until tueaday when aa a reaull nf medlslion by hon mr mulock end the preaeooe here nf mr w l kings deputy minister 0tabor tba moot- real co l ion companys employees returned in work ihl nornlng and the rowe are uow working full blast the ojjerallvra returned tu work on the nnderslanding that the militia waa to be withdrawn withtf twonty four hours the yduthb companions bliventvfifth vear iheuaw volumoof tk youth comjhul- loo far lool will mark the pepec seventy fifth year of eunxinuoua publlcalian seventy ffve yrarrf during wliioh it hsa bad lbeapptovsl ufilhraagaasralloiiw of trader the constant aim nf tt fotiuilox la to carry inlo lba home teedlohtbtl antll be helpful aa well as entertaining dllti lhat shall oonlrlhule lo iho pnsa hsppl- beaa nf all ihe family htroilg in the eaaurabood that every reader gaiimd la a friend won the publisher offer to send tu cvrnpamum free for lha remaining weeks or 1100 to thoae who subaorlbonow ror tba bew volume for lool thero will bot be an issue from now until 1d0j that will not ba crowded with good slorieaand articles of rare inlsreat aud vslua dlnlo- malliu explorers bailors trappers indian yighlera btory writers and alf- madn man and woman iu many vocations beside tha most popuur wrjurs of notion will write for ttu cobiikthm not only next year hut during tha remaining weeks of this year tba uew bubeoilber wl also receive ta cumpdiitoms hew iorllab ulrl calaudar for 1001 lithographed in lu color illustrated abounoament of the volume for 1001 will ba sent free to any addrtt with sample nop i of tba paper tuk youths companion aojtow uiaa a strange case mr uokluiuiiia maeliug btr ou tum day avanlutf waa a uraat aueoaas evldsuaa of tha blraugth of bla oaudijatbia baiug niauifofl in tlia luitnatiaa turn out whloli greeted lilm liaitt mr aloxiuiion is prow lug hiniialf ttn aotlva ubla oaudidala and popularity with tha popa whom ha hsa mat during llil oiiinl iu addition to tho who kna in halloo is a faot thai may greaily sururiaa his oupoueut who u conduoiiug a vigorous uampaiitti agalpst lilni on tha round of 11011 realdauon attufslay ttlgjils theatlng lha chair waa oooupled by mr c 0 uaiull of qakvilla aud ou lha platform wsrai meaars u 1 msilsu h v muulmimi ll oaudldu tboa rafter on d 0 cameron llav dr piartaudd j mokluniiu grlmnhy oakv i u brass baud anekoallaul ur tlou brightsued the xiwmidhi with bav arat exorllntl atntlnii aud kouttj wsta given by mr huwattli leader of lha ban i aud mr msllody of u am 1 1 tori eye trouble whicm develop ed into tunnino bohea dootorosalujlyvaa conaumbtlon or the blood and recovery waa loo upon be almoet hoo- llldrt wllltametrtk ftltsr wrouoht u cur ltront the herald ueorgstomii oar reporter raoenlly bad lba plea ilia of calling on mr wm thompson paper- maker at wm dar her a dros mills a well known and respected ell i tot of our town for lha purpose of acquiring tha de- tails of hi aoua lobft tllnsesjtnd his re markahla recovery through lba uta of dr williams pink tills mr thompson kind ly gave na the folio wing information which uilklli t and a half yeara ago my bldast bou garnrl who a fifteen years old took what i supposed lo be inflammation in his ift eye luwaa taken to a phyalolani wbo advised ma to taka him lo au aye specialist which 1 did only lo find out that ha had lost tha bight of lha eye completely 1 ha disease apread from hia ya to bla wrlt which became greatly swollen aud waa tabbed- bo leas than eleven times his wbole arm who complstoly ueclsas although ha waa uot eufleriug- any palu worn h w it want to his fool which waa also is need a couple of tlmea bat without bringing relief tba baxt move ol tba trouble was tothappper pari of tha leg- wbre it broke out larga qnantltlea of matter running from tha bora all thla lima my boy waa under tha beat treatment i coold prooura but with hill or oo trfsct tha iroobla waa proooouoad ooosumptlon of the blood and i waa told by tha doolora that you would not ooma aaroeae oaea ilka it lb nve hundred whan almost disooarailed abd bot knowing what to do for lha best a friend of mine urged ma to try dr williams tlnk pilla eeyio that ha had a sou who waa smlolsd with a somewhat similar dlea and hsd bvn cured by lha pills i decided to give dr wluutua lmuk pills a trlsl abd secured some of them at lba drug itora aud after my boy taken two box i could baa th color coming beak lo bis eallow oomplexloi aud noted a decided ohauga for tba bolter ha want on taking them abd lu a law mouthe from tba lima ha started lo them i considered him peefveuy cured aud not a traoa of tha dlaeaaa left exoapt hia blind y tb aixhl of which ba bad loei before be started lo uea tha pills ha haa uow become quite flashy and i 000- oodaldar him ona of tha healthiest hoys in thaoammuuity if aaypejced lekleelroaa ol kuowlu lha merits of dr williams liuk pills you may direct tham lo ins aa i can highly kaootuweud thaiu to any person af file tad aa my boy waa dr williams lluk pills cure by going to tha root of tha dueas they rau aud build bp tha blood aud ttrangtheb lba usrves thus drlviug dlsaaaa from ayalsm avoid imlullons by iuslsllug that bvery bog you purohaaa is enclosed tu a wrapper bearing lba full trada mark dr williams pills for 1ala peopla if your dlr doa uot keep them tby will ba taut postpaid al 60 oeula a box or six boxa for i co by addressing- tha dr whho medlclba co urookvllla out ppypftbtofol a qu1cx core folt i coughs and colds very valeablc fuxxxay ta all l j alkxtloos ol the rthroat arujngs lwc bohlm 76c 1uv1 a iawkl itcv co llml si ftvry nvuwibkhw i announcement extraordinary bh it knoivn unto all inen lhat i charles ebbige have returned to acton and opened a shop on main street in the rear of a step hensons blacksmith shop for the manufacture and sale of all lands of pumps from a cittern pump to a pump suit able for a well 150 ft deep also cisterns watering trough and general jobbing business i hope by close attention to business to receive a share of public patronage orders by mail will receive prompt atten tion repairs executed while you wait ouaiiltes ebhaqe vtiiii si rlnn- the right house kstaatfsuan b43 llauilionl iavohitf shopping placi spec1hls in thble linens wa nnrr htulucli very urge and tina stock f labia in and thcbrt ol it is thai uur priced am moat eixepilonally low for bigo nanllllc kjoia ihn adv5nc a lw hints nsasatpreont wb conlrscled nimtchfd tablinx fwi irt rrgular fy for ssc yard to in rtular hyjc for 75c yard 71 in regular vr j for li yard teojeacierf tahljoj- rk in regular 40c for 40c yard rjri in regular 55c for 50c yard 73in regular 70c for 60c yard i3ouhlo darnaak tahlo cloths handsome patterns with harder all t round sjm a x a yards reguur i mr 93 50 double dunaak napkins io in ujuare regular j 35 do ten for t tbwraja soa jutud 0 3be unen turkish towels with tod and while sir pea ilio jo x olnchos reguur 33c fur aoc at i3iau linen ituached huck towels with led or white borders air ih xilnchea cottwtmtlm is uru 38a yw ah our cotlonadea wera bought at ill- old low price ao lhat tlioy era worlll to day from ic lo jc a yard mate lhan our priced and wo have a very larga stock hi an immense vitriol y uf sirlped and chock pattern full width dlaakati our pechd while unshrinkable woa blankets r r sire ia in wide and b in ions bice soft quallly blue sirlped borders ctra value at la 73 a pilr mat 3 bo d a you ought to sm liaatyluh and iweilyrlmraad kaiawowaerlntca i y and j thoy wore carrfully designed and conutructed and i ho malerlab and trimmings used aro all of worthy qualities fj 30 onhj 38a rimjiamu 30o 1 uty pieces all wool giey ilinnels in five different rlivl- of grey plain and twill rtc tine make in a good heavy quality ih inch regular value jc lor yie 36a ultudm sa at 33c we offer a good opaitio shade mounied ready lor hanging in cream aud dark green two o the most popular colors aixa 3 ft 1 in by 6 ieet jjc for 33c al joe a special value at ibis prlco tn cream and dark green mounted on a genuine han shorn roller 3 ft 1 in by 6 ft hgusfc gf 60mmqns lirlcction ilalton cqunty dy huylnt through our- mall order dcurlmenl prolsht or eypreaa prepaid lo railway stations in onlarlo on all mall ordcra amountlnft to f or mora hajnples xent any when on roquol t3loirta8 c watkins jkingsfced8ccor hughaprlst hamilton a iullllqmi1ting loxlilch 11 lb ulrclor at nvlll ill 1m imij n iii lown hall acton friday eyeng november 2nd when adtlresses will h delivered upon iw questions at tho day by 1111 iiulltai candidath uon hicham ilaiicoujir mluuler n imucallon of ootailo hon thomas rw lata shaker of tha house of common and otiiukh dueussioti luvltad iwts veesrveo tot ibe iddlsa tla ehalr will b taken al klatit o clock kidney exiiajhnrion theres no lima for e pen men ling when you va dis covered that you are a victim of aome ooa formoranotlierof kljiioy diisnako lay hold of ihe treatment thafthnuwnd hava pinned thdr faith to and hs cured quickly and per- manently south ameitcan kidney cure stands breemlnent in llw world of medicine as lha kidivay tulfcrcr s truest friend 63 special for farmers children cry for castoria wlauvar your belling master all iu haarluga aud details ita pi laol piesmas uu fateou and applloatlona w matbew lalawature u ou evory bo u uv gtwlw laitaiive broraoouiirido v kendalls 1 spavtm lmji a l a i b tlmjiiauii ti t vxr arwlmils uiltiiisjk fmskkilwfl anllnl thntll ksa aifil m1 liihulm fur uaiis ul uai u i bt u j timuiu ca tnosbuvo falu vt u eaa atouy t 4iijejililttijfflyjt5lluile coltou clair uas a lo 3 huihel i to ti per dowm rtopa halt era iforajc lanioms 50c lo 35c eoch all tlie lalest pjtlerns axlo grcaia be lb 4 at ajc iipiom saltn ia lbs for 35c glauber salts i ihe for 33a salt pet re 3 lba for 35c ground ginger 30c a lb oucake i jj per 100 lha ground etulptiur 11 lbs for 35c horn daniels l he each whip from 10c up reat value geos jl thorp cfaltiy rood and boods pur goods the btvxi8h kind and ilia good kind ol putk are uot necessar ily ilia saijid good 1 ur a acaico this whiter hut wa bought tho skins some lima ago anticipating a run on just tha kind lliat ara popular tlija season and cat oiler sable txjrslart and seal pure of ekcejhloiutlly good quality at remark ably low prices according tu alta und length remmlrwl uuiains and ukmqdkll1ng now is tho lima dont wait uutll tieodotl badly or you will wall l n e ufontaine rurrlor cuolph spectacles 1 dont you think that after all it would be cheapeftctbuy f pilr of spectacles from pkinglk guklpii and have your sight tested properly than to take the chance of being fooled by a ped lar pringl6 th6 jblaibk oulbtfch x x he looks smart and wins attention by his clothes in t these practical days opportunity seek- t i ers are measured by their attire and those below are left our handsome j woollens and artistic tailoring produce j business and full dress suits that j cap the climax of style results j should be considered before prices but qur figures makc these suits doubly ottracti ve to good dressers property for sale apply to ukf lfuuktukky jleum heifer astray by proving pretriy and pyin s w w bcott umabooaa farm for sale r sals hi ar captlalng loo aarss leuonear ados o jixiui quimtio desirable residence r that vl known bvoperlr on valrvur avenue rseacucmdiiiad by wm oilpw is now offered or sal tb bouse la well beilt ha eujtit rooms wltb ball aod panuy urre osltur and woodhouaeeaaoaetad flafdaadbort water htable sod fowl bouse 00 lb breoaisss tbar i au set of ulul well stocked wltb eliolee trult lit bropeilvu wtibia tbeoxpbr a lion of u tbtlvlna toenofeotriilna unan el aetoa owing to uie proximity of yelrvtaw cemetery lb i property woatd buk a seieodld site lor kteeuhoasaa and bsroeas wlllbesold cn aaartarm vor pertleulars spriy at vsa iaas onto aetob oel kct0n bhkery j c mattmxws iraprlttr vja tiandla a nice auoriment of bread and cakes iresh cakes received ovefy day now that ilia weather is cool wa will a gelling otucaea soffs oukau iioirm two or three limes a week or oflener 11 ordered leave your order dc matthews wanted 1 fast eolos blue aud blaek 10 to w itiultiiiaadoui aaoioaxt tieial urtve iii trcmiiul al- ti pr pair ua our bw vail lists abd tie viuahra rasteolovs naw ueolsll tiulunaa rt tieelsl urtvea in tic- r e wel cuelph mo r chant tailor arid nfena kurhlsher fall1900 coop9r skkllisis hahionhsihii vmilonu iulhlwttfu heuilanuusi liiwin uiuiu llwlr ieirous siid ua publla feeuaisjiy beg u thaub uieui fur tlijr t uvura and lw tir will euutluus palrous lba uplo iteletallajrs uj into oilkulsululu coualst 1 itlutinaa thouakiumaa vauxj ovtitaoatiwad wahoy vkuttimou 111 uia uulimvuiw from ilia l l kitou bisk4s at iietemlu keplua vdlb workuiaiwlilp aud materiel our 1jl rfortl 1 a buarauti dial satiate tlou will liaulvii kolahaeoulit tawu for llellwrp an 1 ttlit halm turs wbleb do bot etien luelr color lu two jasia weat ur tuuuaf tefutwted cooper a akiisa main bt acton heolltubut la a blrung maltha oouoeel epl of what lie feels while seulluisutal- lly is a weak mans axptwaaloa uf what ha iloeaul fee v rankorl uoora a oovadki of raxri dr von slaba hneapla tablets would prove a freal aohure to tin dlshearlaned dyspcpllo ba would hut test tlielr potency they rw verluldd ems ill preventing ilia beating of stomach tisoder by aldlnjf aud all inula t- ingdigc llou 60 of them liaalth marls lu a luaud ihsy cost 3 cent kecotu- mend 1 by tnosl anilnant physician 64 aholldaold fcim ileal gold viu rso tfymooidkill 100 llet oluaaa 100 weguarautea perreot kalisiesuou globe optical coe os yoribo e t tot onto- on nxa llvw 1111 awry bight for thirty daya inskea a complete cure of ullouanaea aud oodatlpallou that la juat fis oeula lo ba ouratl f hit 11 my- pleasing phqtegrapit see nurelf au others see you but lot ua pfeient you at your hast our work la coniineuded imt aloua for thu aillstlc uteflt hut for tha ereal icucw and accuralene of our llkeilaases what ft a i welly picture and it looks ai murli ilka you is lha inevitable eiclama t lion w fakvtshtt hoto rtsfetcton s 1u31 yv 1901 the country gentleman the only agricultural news paper and admittedly the leading agricultual journal of the world etveryospthuitui wrliwi by iiuluu tha ill tle autllorltlas lu ulelr vespeeuva ilus ko other paper pntebdi taaouipsu with itlu auallooellobs of editedel stan uvea the batleulurs hmvlt with a d- j fulueaaam oomplsuaees bof bveu allesa ataat i1vtewa of lha ciopa xlaat kaiket kaporu heat aoooubu of aaeeuba ueat a very thill indiavuhhlllhu 0 all country re8ident8 who wj9h to klvfp up wiril 1iilc times slngla buhaorlpuon kq oo i two hbheotipuona 3 60 stou bubaoilpuona 800 umicmxuivbvnammnru 10 uiiuuiui of iistuiku otiutia ojuu our aaontha trial trtp ibr 60 ben la bphoiataln oopik0 will belualud rre ou veiiset it will pay shytkudy i uteres ted la any way lu euuuuy lit to sea for uism addrees tb puulsuer luther tucker son albany ny y df aapiawsi olntniant ouraa i lor itching huwlli and llllnd 1iu ojmtort in ona ai pi kalian it cure in ihtea to btxhlfhia it curs all skill diseases lit young atkl ud a remedy beyond compare aud it bever falls 33 cant fij agents lo fill permanent positions with uaat good pay all supplies free chance of promotion lo food men wo also deal re soma good a genii cither on whole or part lima to sell our preparation for the destruction of lha tussock moth caterpillar known as 1 flaf attp many of our aaleamen cany this as a slda flue and make considerably mom than their expense thereby wa liava lite largest assortment of block of any nursery in canada pov plo prefer our goods hecausa of ou guarantee all our block la soot out under government certiocaie proving cleanliness and freedom from disease apply now for territory stone wellington tokonto buggies tha duhjiy uaun i uot yiover and lutvd i- 12 i inlclau onaa oil baud my own mala it will pay you to linpocl tham and buy on and gdt ilia advantago ol lha closing sedsou a law hood lumber wagooa ou lund yet which 1 will tell at closd prices also 1lows and uoot putkrs j now is lha lima faruiera boot weigh scales cull and see wllson a now man dard aooo lba scala every farmer should hava ona claihim i arming mills aold cheaper lhan you cm buy thenl oil the wagou j n oneill succomor lo culp a mokn1u gborcbtowin new ideas lialr urualtea oomba tooth uruabes ojooi uruahoa pukbllb all tlio uuaal blyloa stationluy newest doslgm oourjiju ulih hags ou each shet rnva lopes 10 niaicli nkw lot ol pfk1 uuib j tin arrived aik u haiuple ol iidias perfume uloher atljhown ubamul aod tftauoner acton s r

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