Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 1, 1900, p. 3

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bank of georgetown branch aqeneral banking ejuoinoso transaotod corr gbpondenco solicited ioi havings department slnterat kuowed on tumi of oni iah and upwarde from j ottlcpoeil day of withdrawal no formalitic an 1 im delaya n drawing moony farmorn itamncsa solicited ndui of roaponlblo ijrinon diacouuiod ami moiwyhoaned or cgit inultr duibcm purpoac our collection department haa ever larilliy i r mawjng wonit return salenotes handled and money advanced on account of um at low rain oi inlcreat traveller are notified lhat the hank of hamilton and it llnintiea tuua circular note of ho iruvlncul llank of lngland ldjnlledj ahkh- can be cashed wlihout chary jr tn nhlrr in any part of ibe world hkadof1jci halton faubliahed 1873 capital paid tfp 1703213 reserve lund 123jii9 total assets 4 827 357 jawkm tuawnutu cathler b fousayeth agent qeorgotowa branch the news at home mostly or a local cnaraotar and vrv ilnrn interaatlrta we make a specialty of keeping a fine line of goods suitable for wl ddtnc cuts wuthdjly cuts i hi ndsiiip guts call and awl our great vajrbfly of heaull fnl imm good ko lrouul lo ahow hem ay 1 geo byndb aolon oat jawaxxaay aroaa sjjejrtonryree res thu1ujday novkalllkinainwxr uttle local brieflets whloh caught thai eyaa or bar o frm praiaa reportar thla wuk cooler weelbar do november let 11th toon lb lileotlon txk wadneaday the wetwealbar aaaaon hu identty november tbe chilly daja tiara eom halloween was competitively quiet uat txtght tnaxi wednaeday will be a bilay day for the politioiaa i the froai and tha raltl bava utnudrd the trae of their leave ery eleolor ahould poll hi vol next wednaeday without fall good wlolar apple aw uihk aold- miltoa at g oeot a barrel mr uanoereoo will hddlae ibe eleo lor in lb town ball uat alooday evening mr a v lstnlul hold ial weak a team of toaditara ta win ueherwood lrld for 300 what a delightful autumn oourlo hu laadl wbo nan rmmber mora enjoy able on 7 dry walla era nulla frequent la tb oountry jaat bow tba talk of th peel weak will probably remedy tbu mr motflonon aolon mealing tti tba town hall to morrow evening a bpecjal invitation la attended to tba ladle tha uait annual meeting bl tba meihodiat woman a mlaalonary boolely board will u bald u dabllu blreet church gaejph in oolnwlbol aiuaaalat ibeatlmaof tba yar lb favorite parfom aa abowa by tba reaur racted fnr abd aaalo ixmlamw a ogxaatlva of tba oampbor bottu bd otbat pongaat odora mr maklnoooi lnaauaa utwaaa now and tba eleouona will ba belt u followa aotoowulay oakvllla uetur day llurllugton uoucuy bd qor- tow toaaday w wuoott umahouaa wbo owoa- tba property on uaia uttael oaxt tba boroa of mra tboa maxiatn baa ooaaldenibly improved tba pramlaa tbu fall a oeaf kiloban haa bean ajdod auj tba baru baa jao bean improved tbaaudoaj thankotfariu maeling of tba womaba forabiil uuialonary qoolty of qbaltttertf oburab waa ltld vaatarday after 000a urd d obtmu tba lreal dent ooaoplad kbe obalr atld ad lotaraat ina addraaa waa rlved by air mat beraou boott of toronto tb oollaatrotl amount to 917s goelpfa iitttury v 1- lbkr opt v proprietor of ibalwfllo optical iallorrf 11 klutf bt waal will ba al ow ilynda jewelry ltara anton wedneedey nov ulb wltlt a full una bt aptotaoue tvauo ra tlukldan i aaamioa tba uqw belotf turned out at drown a haul 11 mill ao tbit- wbn nml- friir aotlbiaiul or work of buy dlaadpliou for lbalr oamatary plot bboild ordar dlraot from tba aid rallabla kianlu aud mabla v daalarj u uw apaoaea hi lowed to pntotaaara all work abd malarial vquranlad oompelltuu habh and dbofta iw stock if you ata ciiltdlna ur maklnfct impr mauu oal hi drown a x uoloa ui1i wltb yoor order iual0oaeeebl4iihelblfl ljj441lbuahm jugbu j4hjbj fgbta uoo luaumkj iu18 it jg tbkk ao4lxoaljh 1j tblok aolld moulded and laiaad anala a 10iu 10 l tblob vront doora wltb or wltbuot glae top jluk uana roriitnr maid huaat aolod to thosk about tq makilv vounaj nun or old man wboluleud to matry will be pleeeed to team tbal lb dw marriage act u inada qnlfca almpla by apply u14 lc u l moorw aeaer of tnarrlaa lloaoaea at tha vaaa raaaa oooa call a f aw days baforw tba oeretaouy and have tba nialtar axplalued 1rlvata olboa alj boainaaaairlotly prl ud oooddutlal at raaldaooa to avaqt- ltookwood waa 1 availing j4lb to hon u w itoaa poka in tba lov louraau ilia 1 mra ltoaa arrv avaoli it train li an unfortuamta rll while at bli work al tba o t h pump wjjy bt j bouae on h pod ay mr h iay waa aaiiotli f ni aj ly injured lie waa working in an enin on the treoe wban tba engineer applied tha air break and ilia audden atop tbn afainal the aide of ilia aniflno talnad a fraolura of tbrea riba aud atao adllbl ipurnal injuriaa may knlmrge tho o a- c the attendance at lb- ontario agi loral o le tlli jer la tba largaal 011 rtcird tbare are 110 aludeou lu roal danoe and between qtty and aixty boarding ootalda xnorraaed aoooramolation ia tad ly ueedad and it la probable that tba iov arnmaot will take alepa at the uait aaaaloc of tba laalalature toatilarne tba bull ding guelph iurald fell into mlotscmt tlaodm while driving bora a from aolon op fri day laat btanlay uamillon plokad up a paokageot naly made glovea on u road lie ralornad to aotoo on balurday and found tbey warq tha prbperty of mra forbaa wbo earn a bar living by makiug thrm and who waa vary k indeed nok to havo a flared the loaa of u10 parcel qoalph uertury in halartalaiad company tba eaurtainmatiu by tba holland comedy co on tburaday vrlilay aud tjaturday avaulnua warn jjonarelly plaatlng aod were wall attandod on llidraday avenloif tba company pleed uaat lynne to a crowded ball ft waa except locally wall don tba member of tho company being well fitted for lb perta and waa much appreciated tbe xnle on friday evaointf waa alao wall put on tba company wont to ii ea peter on monday for a weeka angageiaent tbera oaimrla xrov facial winter vmtr tba premium jlat of tba ontario 1ro- vlnolal winter fair inoludlng- tba i mvln oiat vat block and dairy sbow and tba ontario tooltry 8 bow to be bald lu tba uawvinur fair bull ho at goalph from ibelltb to the llu dmember haa beeu laauad tha llat la a uoal allraotiva and oomproheualve onr and tba fair will be vary important to lock me u bread era dairymen and poultry rair througoat tba iroajno dairy natila will uudargo teat id tba building for a weak prior to tba abow and fat lock will b killed attd dreeaed 00 tbe premuea jl nmvml offloorm vlalt oapl and mra kiogamill ware in town wltb mr waltar ilea rd more on tueaday capl ktdgamlu la commander of tba drltiabwarahlpjfiwartl and fa 00 fur lough during hla wadding tour tba cap 4ajajrraaliflxfldnittuyj ojfillhl wanhlp at veuooover mra klngamlll will aocompauy blm tba juluum laavaa at otioa for aoatralfa to join tba heat to welcome the 1 loyal warablpa at malbodrna and it will probably bo aeveral year a be for bay return again to canada mr klbgj mill uee mu gounla heard more waa for a dumber of year a realdant of aolou when bar falher mr walter ueardruora bad lila out of town reeldeuca bar bo ijoom ai ilia ali mr john bymon who la ponding a eekoriiwltb hla ootbaraba flrher friend bora 1 entbualaatlo lu hla deaorlp tlon of tba remarkable activity aod growth of sault bte maria wbera bia firm aottled in bnalnea laat march tba population i now 0 000 aodwlthblmmtaapolp tfllll aulpbide work railway oouatraetlon the ablpplng through tba aplendid anal and tba building operation lu progreee it i oerlalnry a illrring place tha waja wll of tba great clargua work at tbe- sauu aud coutrlbuilv to it ia about 70 000 a moulb all tba acton peopl wbo went up there are doing wall aud maura bymon and campbell ara building up a boalnaa vary aatiefaotory to thamaana jl wail iieaarve4 jrttuofio0 while bitiaaumkanarally will be pleaaed to bear of tba promotion of mr john milhaoetn from tba poaltlou of ticket agent al ibe 0 t it atallou hare to that of agent at milverton 00 tba wlartoo owen bound and blralford branch of tha b t it all tvgta tha kamoval of hlmaalf and mr mlibaneeo from aolon for five year mr millauaan ha with greet aatl tail ion fulfilled tba dutla of hi poallloo bar dy hi oourtaay abd klndnaa ha ba won tha aalaam of all wbo oatna ip contact with him and no 00a anaka in higher term of hi oharaour and ability thau tha autlori agaot mr if h hulmw mr and mr milhauaan ar both tuuob aeuemad her and the beat wlaba of tha eommuuuy ko with tbm to tbelr bw home mr tot lad of barllli haa bead appointed to tha vacancy suiloml meeliaf g- vtlday mad uoujmy tba lutareat of tha local follow ar of tba apeotivw pertle uanallyoolmlnata in tha public tnaallng held in lb town jua prior lo tba polllnil day mr 8 moklution ih liberal eandldala ban aaleoud to mor rovavaaioatriday for hi rally day and wtllvddrea tba alaotor in tha town hall alalibl o clock hon diehard ilaroourt inlaur ofiduoalloo of oatajrlo aud jiatt thoma dalu lata bpeakat of tha iloue ot common will dallvar addraaae mr llauderaou haa decided uait mouday avaulutt aball ba hla flld bight al houiu i will addraa a pubho nuetlutf at bight oolook in tba lowu hall a lo wbelher tbar will ba oulaida apeaker or uok lb poatet do tiol ut til ladle ar lu vltatl to oooupy raaarved aeat at both ling aud dlaouaaioii 1 alao iuvlted tha capacity of tba town ball will no doubt ba taxad ou both oooaalou cnfwsonb connehb gull a 1 umber if i ti hre tlenjod lloatlaud c niedy t umi al y a oouocrta al aolon laat week k mr wm oamblo o lorol n mmi l jam uainl u air and mra n crowau t apant a fewjdayaducluif tbe weak with mania in bilbana l numbor froni i are will itati i tba paiilioal innrlii h at aol 111 on friday eveu f gtotaar uuu harrourt h in italn ait i mr moklution t e 1 iur1 nauailato hock wood norol kai wixlieauy by a viait from tl a ieulr if ontario wl o ball in mr guthrie a 11 ur aoooui ai lad by at itockvrood by the tyrouu an 1 bcoama willi whom if mr huuli uuok lmy tamalnad over wight noli n weal nail raornluk i tba mmling w brld lu tl own ball ihloti waa 111 i lo ll d x by an audi inoe whq for tl rro hour m a til fa tail ba moat intenaa inirrrat in tba apvecliaa d livarad and marked their approval of iba aamo by repealed and enlbuaiaatiooal- bural of applaiiao mr john htraolian waa lelccled by bo 11 rrtluu aa chairman and uoedla to aay be dlmhargeil the dutlo perfaotly mr jfamt inula col mulrie and mr gulhrl followed the iromur will iutertftlit addraaio qeorqetown mr mokuinon ult uu mtlt of tl a cam pain n will in hal 1 ht clornolowil next tueaday ulghtoh inal tl aevonlt before tba eleotloil a auooeaaful and eutertalnltm oonoarl waa glvau in the mftthotllt ohuroh laat vrlday evauliig 1 he varlona number ware rivoii under tha beading of tba golden year aud hugtieatad thnnia of pralaa for hn bountiful barvel tha numarou dry walla following tba oonlluued dry pll have luduoed aovacal oltiaena to pot in walnt work bervloa llav ii k uaaou attends 1 tha toroulo congragatloiial aaaoclatloo at ookourtf laat week mr maaou preached before ilia aaaoclallou on tba aubjeot of tha a ton maul tba uualee of lb a malhodlat cburob on bahalf of lb oougretfatlod 011 monday evening labt preaftiled to ml violet william a 1 ure of money amounting to 120 60 a recognition of her fatblul and lafflolant aervloea aa organlitof the oburoh jo ibe paat whloh aarvlcea hav beau qiiand vallev ihhuwupt tli- ioetofflo ad th utar- print- ititf offio ahiontf thai plaoaa uurna aultlm a very dieaalrou drw oodurrad at graud valuy aakly euturday uwwoltig- wbau tba following building wore totally deelroyad r4lveanou jewaluryt x mulatlghlia baker kud grooari poalafhb ivrtl lrlol lug otrtoa it h uopklu drugblora aud oautral ulplou elation j ii dakar bulalitr j nwhury gtyoar all thy building ara a tout to tb bra i bop po4 to have blarud lu motaugbl bakaahop mr molubud and family lived ovar th alor aud barely eeoaped lu t u dotbw lba b mount of lu autabaa 1 ul known ilia lumrauo oompable will loed heavlly a aeltur houaa at 1gtf laa lbbl wa buroed dowu abd flva ahlldreii who war in iba building war killed bipldo tba youth wbo atumptad lo aaaaaalnau lb vriuo of wale at urubaau and alter ward aaoaped to xaria haa ln- arreaud and haudad ovr to th lulglau aulhrllle ikird lloberu haa ootihruiej th baulauo of death upuu thtea uua who held up thelahailda lu lokau of aimuger and bau bred un and wounded drltibb troopa lu uau llaluui ooniinaud lotatlou folantarily awaodared tb t wa bultably rapliad lo htrall t hotwltbaundlnrtahaavy ilqwupooxql rain tba town hall we wl nllj on mon day aveuiun at mr uanduraoo a moeliug bara mr ilauderaou mad an ablaapeaoh upon tha ijuaatlona of the day and wa followed b mr j 1 downey tha gualph 1tralif orator editor milton lb otflolal uomlnatloni ytalarday brought together tho iwhlloliua of tha oouuty again ihera wa a big- joint meat log lo th town ballaftairibe noimnatknib andrew ll ll la tha georgetown bora tnau had bia uw iaroberoil bl till ion here ou aihlbltoo on saturday kllbrld lreabyterian church tuulver e aarvio will be bvld uait buuday barmoo at 10 80 a to and 7 so p m by hev h if mol bntlth m a of mlllon mia a buaeall of ii o ruby one of hi 00 graduating olaa 6f tha gupb general fipoapltal haa roolvd u appointment on tl alafi of tha 1 dmonton lloapllal th weddinif 0w a lawrence looal luglalrar ii o j ud mia kluo lud am of iort dokinbou took pleoa at niagara all oivl 00 lhuraday oct ib arobdeaoou xlouaton porfoimiug th car mouy tho happy ooula arrived kt their bom bam ou balurday avnulutf tba groom wm lb reolpinul of a bultably u gtavacl alitor lea ei and bpoon from mlllon frlooda caamioi wa ara pleaaed to laaru that dr w kdgar itobartaon son of dr d lloberlaou milton who ha bo apaiidinif ibe buuimar among tb boapltal of new york baa apo oeadad in obtaining by bxamlnallon tba poeltlou of aaaittant uoua burgeon lo tha ivy aud zmx uoepitaj brooklyn out of tba beak and largeat luailtullou of it kind in america iufonntr mr u iealbareloo ha mdved ibto judge mcglbbon i fill realdeuoe- ilav a j del preached bu valadiotory aarmanalbt jamea cburoh gualph on sunday evauiug prior lo hi ltavlng to ukafoherg of ilia pariah of mlllou tha chut tli wan wall filled aud uiaiiy war tha kagral expreaaed at mr aud mr bait a departure add they leave guelpu with au abuudauo of good wlehee and th earuaali pray at o wauy warm friend qoelpti mercury nabbaqawuva to curi a colo in onu bav tea laaaative hrouio qulnlu- tailu al ruas rlie uiuney 11 tl ju w gyn aaa w qruve e elguattu wu aob box th aevaulh auuuel plowing malob opau to tha towuahlpa of voallnob aud ttae big way will ba held on the f arum of mr john norrlah aud mr david taylor lota ju aud 21 hod oon naaaagawaya nxt tua day 6th novamur ibar will uo doubt ha a larga aueudano ind keau 00111 pall tioo mr aud mr jmiia llmiy lijin mill hav arrived bom from grabd vork north dakota whr they have apent tb paat four mouth walling tbelr aotudr lutuaay aud mr ilobart itauiaey danliit a auooeaaful lumtlug lit mr gulbtla luureat waa bald in tha i o f ball kjn mill laat vrlday avaufug tb ball wa well tilled mr wm ayo presided ad dieaa war givt in mr oulbirl bahalf by maaar col mograi maokluuou andv w galbralth wbll mr j j drw ifavaau bb r froco lb coueervatlv buudpolut mr d heudaraod bald a roualllg ulmt lug kuatohbull ou balurday ovefilug- dr jhin a ball ha beu vary 111 durlngtharwaalrhavldg got vary w th iayof th funeral of mr dll no aaddar avent haoooinrrd to touoh tl twal lb of tha peopl of namagaweya for a loiirftlmalhhu lb daalji ut wduaday ufmra dj xbh mr ltjlbai beeu lu poor health for boul ulu and weill to guelph gaueral iloepltal a few wak ago wltb tha bop that abd would aoan b reetorad o her ueuhl haaltli bub aha failed to recover huit death oialiuad het bright young ufa ibarainalu war oon oouveyad to th bouia of her father mr later baer hiid tba funeral which wa ou of tba largeat hvar been lu the town ablp took plao laat tfrlday afurboou bb wa laid to uel beald bar mother lu th family plot lu valrvlw cemetery mra dll wa a vary hue wuuiab aud w highly eataemed by all who kuawv bai- unr feotowliig buabatldi ha wall m har father tv whom eba wa vary warmly at uohej feel keenly tba baby baraavuiaut tba tuuaral waa onnduulad by bar lata paator luv a dlalr d a comingand g0ing7 vlaltora to and prom acton and varlouaothar peraonal note tl laaa 1 aaaa nrllaa all lie readera lo eon rli uta 10 la oolumu if jou or roar trie ode aregnlngkeayoua bollday tflporu 700 bav frlenrbrvlaluti ii i ur v eard 10 tba eaaa i aaaa mr george willlama of guelph waa in town on tueaday mr gurdon moxro of toronto v failed irian 1 bare or bunday miaa uag iturna of toronto waa m gueat al kalrview i lre on baturday mr j i uokeeeiit a fw tly laat week al bia father a home at teeawater mia lixkle graham of aoton waa tba guot aifml hi lxnig uat weak krlu ativoeau mlaa alua drown nlurncd laat tliora day from aeaant vilt wllb friend at ilaapalar n mr jea a and mlaa rjoi lij coleman veiled fjlende in blrabin and reeltoo the paat vtoelf v mr and mr a mo far i tie and mlaa annie of blrehaie apil bunday with mend lu town mra ttahry towneend of armada mioh la tha guaat for a week of mr geo vincent young btreet mr john a b moo of baulk bt maria la i pending a week lu town witb bli mother and ollmi frleuda mr and mra oha 11 btewart l 0 btrahene vleited at tha home of mr joe culaman during tba weak yt warlen iivlll waa in gait uat tburaday attending th funeral of hla uleoe mim gertrude jeffrey 1 x mayor an i mr gow ly of gurlph were lu town on friday hllqndlnt the funeral of thalale mra br du mr charlla uoltnea who haa been ailing a poltion at toronto juuotlon blation for a week or bo returned home laat baturday mra b a beoord haa removed from hamilton to the town lu which aba ipent aomauy year but hi taken up her re bldanoa hi mr a morriaoua building oorriar mill and vredaruk ktraeu mr and mra jo coleman and tbelr aona hara kacelved vlalt from old urn uelghbora lu waat flam wo at different period during the week mr hod mrr oliae ntewit and mr aud u- alex movarlana hud mlaa atinlr all war pleaaed willi ac tod every wett man hath his iii day a doctors examination might show that sidneys liver and stomach arc normal but the doctor cannot analyse the blood upon ivhich these organs depend hnl a fmreapnrllla pnriflm muiiimj anil nnrfcl n tlm 1 1 kk it rurra yon whnn jx hit olf or wbrn mirioualy aflllctctl j rrrf rfi an jwinti rrkhjmatlctn i lurvo hood a bar- aaarlha ma 1 1 c jnsl for rlieumallam la- baa dona mo 11 rn c uian any other madlalna i linm taken alaa paraics kaivaav ilran u n out bj couktl- alter any lone itlneaa 1 waa vary weak ah i ba i a bad rough mntd not eat or elrp dinerent rmlla did not help n e i ill hood a karaaparlu built m up and i n 1 able ui attend to my work mtxkii jigi aa uanano ont absolute segurtyi genuine carters little liver pills must beav falenatur if urn pawlballe wveppee- pet very aaau aau a btaay njiirjjucix fqi dizzmtss rrj muodtmte foi tumi um rot comtiratiot f0i sallflw uih ww tmccomfuuh curealok hkadaohke uverton the dlaolplea purpoeo oatnii prt3ay avanlng for tbelr weak night aarvlo thl weak hud ttaxt our bchool taaobar mr bogg will oon- duct tli kp worth leagua meeting uexft week quarterly oommunlou harvloa will ha held at tba belb mathodiet cburoh baxt bunday ftbo ivaebyteriau ar having a houae aoalal at mr aud mr adam wealhar alona next tueaday evening adrnlealou 16 oeul irooaed to ba applied to tha debt ou tb churob at oaprluge auioog lb via i lor lu and etound th vllltga tba labt day or ao warn mlaa bmoa of guelph towoblp mr and mr georga lloaaall mrhfad mr 0 both abd family mlaa delvaf of 1alelay mia jantiu mllohell franel dewar toronto mr and mrv g6 abhqrovb mr d j mokluuott orlmbby called ou frleuda her laat week mr and mr george flaularou aud oblldreu of oaladou war gdaat at mr it diok on wadnoadey aud tburaday mr chrla hall illllburg- viallad hu bibcer mr o tborulou duriug th waak mr john qrabbni 1 ebl a be out hgaiu tilur being abut lu for almoet two mouth mlaambbel uludrtm drumqulu vuitcd thaorove lavt week mr john millar of hornby ha typhoid fvr mr 1 d bboftlll balliuafad renbwed aiviualntauoe her laat week iba reopening auulveraary haivloa of our ohuroh will b bald next bunday noy alb harmon will b praaohad at 11 m ta aud 7 p tu by llv geo drown a former paator lb oolleollon of lb day will ba davotad to tha ohuroh itaproeameuk fund two bic thincb now holiday oootis lor tli 1 moll aason vati pall u lo malie your lionia lirlitlit ac on luolm com1 lo cuol ll ait tod tb mo iiookstolir vot lucm twd lluai ii will my you aaya qha8 l nelles gucuph hu eanuvevllut tae aea4nlmuac aaot jy i v 11 wti heejgjg btnnerset sale yi it vnys to ituy at liaturh x4t3 notbd tow stor nrid chink pklkcb phree reasenb wly you anouat buy your dlnnarirara 1 ww caragr aa jryaaf atoele job binnerware wmhmyrajomx cajtaa lato atonic ho jobt ntmmf smtim dy jolf vfa wean smttm that a re aanof augarfrnvvj or plat a short salt kadflmf frum 0x3 to 15 w wjjmll uanaflvojii 07 to 01o par ami they arm the bear vajua ever offarmd tuthmolty aaide train the job oianarwar vr jiava so dinner set aotapletm these wre mill fell at tpvlmj price durtf tmm job djunmr sat sale trralgbt paid on seta sent outarfe cjba mjr j a mccrea y ouklph t0- busy housekeepers rhli hit of txllptional valuer ohould provi hljpful to lioustkltpers in furnislmik mw room or m reiiovitmj the old luring hoiiit cleaning time lvryhoty will icll you ol advanct in price- but every item hcr 1 i low tnd omc lower in price tli in wc h ivc ever ohl hoist ste account fort style quality and full value lor the price wc ask you for the new shades in lidics cloth and new color blend in homespun suitings makes our dress goods department tbe busy place you always find it at this season our dress goods are more attrac tive than ever elyiaedonatd- 8v brother the lion cuelph this week new labrador herrings new red herrings new kippered herrings new boneless fish salmon sardines finnan haddies new figs dates raisins currants chocolate cocoa and assorted spices also a lot of fancy goods c f goodeye m stock i u i carpets heavy axmlnalcra al li choice llruaasl hi joc hn 1 fl tape try greaj rangd at jjr r yc 37c cue 7jr llntona al 3c ak 40c an i 5w nulrn top 1 all wool al cyc joe yc rugs we offer a largo choice o nice ifcarlli dug and icor mate from 30c ic 75g each aamo vory nlcp pallorn oilcloths and linoleums canadian oilcloth bavn hduanced fully 35 per cent wo aro belling imporlccl jjixxla of bctlcr quality aa cbeaj ly aa ilia poor vf grauva of canadian are telling fat our ml ra in oillll lc anil 4 a i i 73- two mxrul llf1 l ii irm 7 luco curtama ifun iroda- 1 f pair m liw g k an i from lhal all tho py op a high aa y 11 liuo- perlal clearing in i rlllc curt f 4 5 i 1 iik 1 rllll curtain 5 trj jj abort rn u of manulaciuit a mmplc af 0 half drn skilled llgurel and slrljwd- muallo fdl loc in i ui w druumle neu swlaa aj 11 juo and fancy muillnb in ipioly ilel from aoc upwarda art salt bona at joc arrmotllnsat toe cud a in damaaka al 50c nice ctottjiineil lit ioc e h bollert cfe co 25 and 27 wyjidlmm st oukijpu wc will lead this fall and winter in low prices for young farmers strong wat ches every watch case fitted with our pa tent dust preventor at the stem savage go watch repiircr wyndlnm street guelph 7k iseiz grocery and protrisidrtstore john r kennedy main b aoton new fc frcsli 3 g goods e lowest 13 i pnce i iniuliuluiilu having opened a now buines ill lb nbovo lines in tho promlsei on main street lately occupied by mru j adamt i havolilcaiiire in invllinv my fri en la and tha com m unity in general to inipect my slock i 1 thai i can wlih confiddtica au a ihsro of thftlrpalronaga becaube my gooda uw all froah attd of the licit jualliy an 1 cuatomer will find price hre fuod at vei- mbonahlo figure tba btick conslal of stjlpiie ahd panoy grooeailfls gauned goods and table deiioaoi12a vbxfttb vegetables ahd provisions tliank ara dim to any peraott who doe another a klndnei and patron who uw rdooey by buying from mo will ba doing their frleuda a kind net by informing them of th fact good promptly delivered a call aolkiled john r kennedy glksgow house ladies jackets millinery dress suitings gentlemens overcoats and suits nawaat deaigno at cloaoot pncoo a comploto rango of boys and youths suits overcoats henderson cfe 00 glksgom house kcton shoe just publlahod canadas sons on kopje and veldt alt ulioullc account ol lit canaillau comluirutl in lb south llibii war 11 t t muiuu 11 a introduction ty vuy ltv llliliul crant l l li uua ot blhclal lutualcha of uaut cot oltr aoil other cowntautllioi oltmra al hut ftnt comt4 id ou yoluntt 500 iutij rjchly illllatalt ottlyirjo agent coiuln tnoioy gll 1ltll ikohilliub tho bradlevcarrethon co llmllod t brantford out tub empress 1 bin popular shoo for women ha iirovd kji favorite the juillly ill and htylo ar jiotfoct maddlu wl u niodlutn uml nanow wlillha prloos 92 o0 s3 ko 83 00 3 ko bluinpad ou volt of bhod for men slyllali jmrfocl rittin ikwu u various make 1 1 wear kuutantood foi- boys and glris 1 hie and curao ohoewijar xe our sciioui uiols tioy uaar llltn iron mid fit ilia fol ordeml wotlt gitd heialrlug rmelve ruiupt utleilli n main bt aoton pnny bros

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