Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 1, 1900, p. 4

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on guard ath- r tens y the yarnl couch is the fajth ful sentinel ittcjic of ihc approach of y consumption which has killed more people ihm war and e8thence com- inedt ir tells of gainful chests sore junes weak throats bron- y chifis ana pneu- monla do not suffer another day jts useless for heres a prompt snd safe cure it is herra peroral vj whlclj curcs fresh colds li ntfiid coughs in a single j night and masters chronic r couchs and bronchitis in n n short tjmc consump- v tlon is surely and ccr- k talnly prevented and cured too if taken in time a 25c bottle for a fresh cold 50c size for older colds 1 size for chronic touthand consumption i elwaa krop ft bottle of aver too ousv to comb hqmb into e pertain kmthnd publfo boot in ijondon a poorly clj womtn rcoepily went in imioii or br bmbaiti hbefouml him there and eliiwg a oovorcd oiui rblch ehe had brouvhl llb brr uoo the table ho mf3 thlnkink tliwt vou wm in buy lo oqine horn lo dinner i bae br6uubi you yrjore end impelled with a furoed until lio ijavhrd ble frieud 19 rflpo willi hi bo tun rmnvlntf iba oovar iroia ibe diah lualid only e altp of paper 011 wfbioh wiluil i hope you will enjoy your ml it u the aame a jool family have el itonu hu wab fresh have j on oy nloe frrftli egaa lody t ftaked the womtq with bualneerltke way madam anewered ibe mao fbo he joel suited in the grocery huainoea mil me to remind too that uloe r naoeeearlly freah and freeb eauia ate ftl nloo moreover if i have any i baeetlhem to dey my pueaeaelon of ease yesterday or to morrow doee not in the lfthteea dte eiteol the elluallon therefore urn being preeloue to a buaiurea man i will elm ply content euyeelf will replylojt that x baee ploa eggs don p a londou clerk on ft boll lay exoatnion area epeodiou an bveottik in ft oooatry inn qll of oomptnxkd forlmjf ftftadra o tha pooion of nixt tnimhiy mxda ibp follow ln it f will jropmonui ft bt wltb ny limn ji ll room 1 lo mr who bolda ot counting too much on what wc atlg 11 bflurr tana hkm l tfuvom kl luo taxftft it- ii ttortat jr v fck uibi flu k 4ulr th lta j c jlvbuclowftu r a a a i a oflgdon ijc rtnit jtre jrs tuhiujday novembeh lai 1000 in tha data of ftdrolnlon oftjfon la on ou of tlta oldo4 lutm bay and tb utaala alppl aaufiof 1kb union in 1hd u ku lb qrn oew itftts to hvo tha polttloftl booor of bftmlog tbe vloa praajdantlaj candid la jptfaph lane for 00a of iba jral pftiuea id lb first jr of u state- bood died oid the bridegroom in a uidfiforx grftvayftrd toy bo fonnd lit la boooontof wby brldagtoooi of lonjl ftjfo did not ftppoar at ua tima ml for 1u wedding tbe wedding rfy itppolntsd vftri tliaweddtn elouim tvovldwl hut vie the uy uuoomeiftal ha lekenad ftud be died did lliirjut ieal lo bo llin w ololotend treat tbe n itpany i ii jo it loieor ba fftrnra prea the ewoll dnied in h if ft eovereltfn ihe t f ho r1 wltb ft i penoe tio on eld tbe ewell i- ot id tile far 11 ri- take lite wbola oifttid treat lleoo mpany nurarrd vlltrcn yean uja was iirland 170 queen hi kaa iqrooto wife of tbe well known aboe maker egffeied from jndiyratlon and 00a tlpkllpnior or flfleei jrr- nolbin did bet any ood till ate tried lixluet imix wblcb cur ireel wlnnliakmtiv work eay one short puft clean tha mtnus do yooi- heul ci7 have you peine over your eyes t la be brcalh otteo- lo tbee wo ccttaln lymploroa 0 cfttarrb tr anew a caiarib iowdef wilt cure rnoel atubliorn uua in mar velloualy atiort time jf yoovo bad calarrti aweck itaaauiocure if iteof fifiy yrara aundlngltejust aeeffecllve ocenla 5 a hint ionoreo yoootf jom had been eel to work in like erdeu after at wbllo be peoeed in ble ualt blotlnrt eofiseetlvely lo ble father tbe sab ftre bllunj like fan in ibe rivers well eoanle replied tbe fatbef re- arlngly yoo keep oa boeing poutoee ftod tbey wont oil yoa i io not let wnt of eucocaa dpreaa voi bat elrole ou labour bard oontlnaoua ly avnd yoa will win in the end vog e aleejr pomplexlou lake ieltya 1llle they itover ted to clear tbe skills tbouftftttj of ladlee ewner by tbem he that apeak 111 of ftoolber oommoii ly before be leware rneke blmaelf sooli ft one ae be apeeks ajht for f lie bad civility or breed i tig be would forbear knoll kind bf lfttijtoftjje talriiiji for granted that what we are lu tbe rnetr will atone for eome of tbe thing wo eay le ntseoming loa rnnob on the tciirroally of o there tbe baa bend end ihti witt elm aey liantu lblna lo eecb ounr 111 mooirnu of nervoua tenalon or moliiel mi aanders tending ouabl 110l la ooutit to fnwly oppa the overcoming powor of lite beer i loa i boy beer cecli ollwr tndlftllng and pftciyintf fecuir lsoli may banreftlly loved by tbo othbr and yet titere bee been ft moment of eplritael separation which never ought to bate been poeelble with either whet we uy ooonle far mora tbsn we imsioe in every relet on in life and ifoorbl not to be neceasajry for any one to mean alkw ftnoe for na on the eoppoaitlon that we ere really better tbftn oqr worda hnecie end mow tbat le what yon muat do when have catarrh in tbe bead tbe way care this disease lato porlfy the blood wltb hood ttereapftnltft tbi mediqioe eoolhee and heal tbo inflamed jurfeoer rebuild tbe delicate lae and perm anently 00 rr catarrh by eipellloi from the blood the eorofulnn tftlnu upon wblob it depend he ear to k hoode a pbarul penalty noa irritating cfttharlia jloodi he that woulj eel the kernel uiuik crack the hoi where other fall there tr iettya imu prove their power to cm a terriuic cough ttfjtflonnjrsfelitic onroiiry u0 you uiltik iwaa ban koowil bat youraalf ft i uld lmla of hop tbel retreat atwl rsreu utat rauialti and all the wide duuaea fete ala no doubt twinl the life miaywluiia and the life tbale wluiout r which one of tie audj uie world jual a be itkm r y or tat what be vibli wbeu be wanu llr or aulka wluiout mualas the tbluj tbl le strike at tb0rtr ciad hieana ue all to be hartf he sure he etde m no ftorrow ibafbavrtbot some ear oar duty dewn bar to do not to know juve a ibodsh life war eerueet and ue wu1 us okxa uesrjilk potatoes iotatoe a a food vary id value so- oordlug to llie way they are cooked lloestod they are id the beet form for eat ug 1oaaanu eat pot toe together with tuillt and are oorrect la principle a the milk foruuheelhe element lacking in ibe tuber ask your droftslet tot 1etty iml if he hasnt go them write ue enoloelng the prloe to oeou and we will supply you a man that doe not know how to be doe not know bow t be g now and then a man should be abakea to live core vllh indunsilon over tbln evil children cry for castoria we haveojtrmtitade tot iboee reformer who woold foroenpoa us a doctrine which ha not sweetened their own tamper or tod ihem belter toed than their nelb bore fayard vellow oil care prln bralee eoree wood j cat froeibluat ehllblalne- klio of inseou burn eoahu coatuatonh etc lrioa tlc kst la measure and defy the mcdlclner tuarvlod children thousaud of welt fed children are ur ing simply because their food uot of the rljbl kind tbey are tbld pale and deli cate boolt kmuuiod will chfttm ii lbis7 and vigor deeb and force ibe toad who refused to fcrulve olfaere should be very careful to do nothing tbat need forgiven we am epondtng thousand lo make xeltye 1itl kpown our mooey provee oar f j ml a trial wtll sec ore your lleller find iron i ban mine allver tl e ureal lung healer la found in that eioelleot tnedlolne dickie- anil con- aauiptlve fiyrup it eoothe end dim itimioe tlie sensibility of the bleed brail of the throat and air passage and i a sover eign remedy for all oouftba 0011 boaree tie plo or soreiteee lu lb cheat bron- olui t0 ii bail oared tnfctiy who were far advanood lu conumptloo tli re i utile comfort for the ordinary uiiu in what a- called the lumorulity of lb race if he i repaired ftl the same time to surrender ble hop of pereouai luj mortality al an all roupd family reidejy cue ibat alwaya tbooldbe lutbe hoase for ftu emerkedoy t 1etty itll dleoount tuy- tblnif in tbo market they tire o email a child cad lake thetu wltb ease ye oil- a doe lie dturvc 110 good who ou hear no ii lie worth koij that cat gald ll dr iow t worm tlyrup is safe iture and reliable worm plor aol evjually well on children or adult be sure you get lowtf hatter ill idl than work for uoughl huudrad have testified to the food ieltye vimtt hv dona lbem u if you want to yult bjug a watlir trtlliol ue your rbeuuiajn oured by ullburu hbaumatlo pjhd hguu4tbd remedy fur rhaumallaid sjlatlo ueurel ia aud ittuhago trio wj at all deauru halter tit lilt than rise up slid fall nursing mothers wmt slotts emulsion of cod- hver oil almost witiout ex ception so before they get to be mothers eating for two is no small tax continued for months the enuilion not only h food itself it gives stiength foi digesting usuji food if the hulk is scanty or poor the emulsion increases supply and enrichcititiality u ii h yv a imu u uy ij ym u woil uojk cuu i out a daugateks mnger a chatham mother tells how her daughter who eras troubled with weak heart action and run down system was restored to health kvery mnlhr who li n dautcliter droop- ingatiiwading pal weak and lutuae vhoom hralth i nnt what it oiijbt lo should ifiul the following atalemntit rnwl by un j h heath so blelimond ktreet chtlim ont- houtaliitiajroi got hboxof afilbumri ifniri sml kryelllfaat ui centraj ihug rjtore for my diijliur who is now 13 yttre of st and hai won affllelwl with weak notion of the hfsrt for a conuidorabu letiifth of tllrtf tlie- pllle have dona her a world at tood raelorlnu strong healthy a lion of bar hi art improving bar gitiifral hxettli mtd tiwitig let pbyulcal blrcuuth lxtyoud our xpotetonm tlitiyaremsiiiendltlriimtkly and to any one fciirturirik from weaknriui or heart and liervd trouble i corllslly rveommoud diem ullbutiia iliri nnd krrve ml are 6g khox or 3 for 4u ut all druggists if people rooid only true oocfh and dom in time villi lr wuol e norway isue hyrup thnroy fijir inttqce ilwilftu j lm hovernat oaihiu and hilda bmncbltl d cro i and im driil klajoj of roominp yiohl r lily lo tliu iwwerful lung ha that teachee himself ba a fool for bla master milburn tiler hog lleadaohe powders cure he woral hoadftoho in from five lo twenty minute and leave ho bad after effect on powder 6a s powder lod 10 powder- a ibe builues of the heed la lo fottir a rood beait and hot merely to rule an evil one an le generally imagined bcklrlclclera 15 yor if any body want a written guarantee front me personally as to my wondrful cure from rhaumatljm by bouilt american lilieumatlc cure x wdl be the gladdest woman in the world to eivo if says mr john iteaii- mont of flora i hail ileeiaired of re covery up to tbe time of taking ihla wonder ful roraody it cured completely js ltudw1 out mm tito carter northport ysi i vuliii aaiv ri coldwbiclt sfltlld 041 rny tlirn t and luiifa so tlial x could aoatorly hiuaic aliova a wlilnjmr i ftl ao bail a tumble couth which tny friend tl ion glit would arnd me to tny gr- t tril dlfrrnt rmede but all lallad lodo me any gooil until x look dr wootle nor way liiie hyrupaiid the oootente of ooe bottfa o cu i abeenoe leaeene roodarate pasaloo aod increasoe rreat out vu the wlud extlu sulshe the leper but kludleethe burning dwvlllng it a child eati raveuoualy grind ibe teeth at nlfbl abj pick it uoae you tnay almoai bd certain ll ha worms and should administer without delay i lowe iua knt worm lyrup 1h remedy cutilalne it own cethartlo to fear qod 1 the beginning of wisdom and the and of ll lo halyard vellow oil can be applied vk urually for rueumatleui slitf joiuu or bjitda clhublaltji anraills ela u dau he taken liiurually for croup quluay brou- chllu pain a tbe etoiueoh kidney com- plaint ato price- ia it a bleated thing indeed that nou of ll oau ink our vubblh lo another world for if we could soma of lb many tuau tlooa would be llltle betur than lumker- room booloreidohjgrl mr 1 jon iter cunalder ft cl bring to y in teeomniadliig in unfile where boo lorai do lc una no quackery in recomntuding in 11 ao rnerltorlou a remedy or indifcostlon dyspepela and nervousnees ae sou th atneri can norvloo tltey realu llutt it u step lit advance 111 medical science anil a aure ahd permanent cure for dl of the hoiflarti it will ciuu you 60 itoaunolbe danled that outward arcl danle oboduim muob to fortuuee favodr opportunity deeut of otbare ocotloii fit lug virtue hut oblatly the mo uld nil of itlaue forluei in hi own luiidn iattye 1illi areatnall mere i but one i a doe and every uo counts tlr are uo blauka hes lifji tha4 fe if attacked wlih oholra or iuinuteroom laiiit o aiiy kind seud at once for a bottu ofdr j irk kywulry jordlel and ue it according lo dlrsclhui it act wltb wtmdetful rapidity in ubdultig that dreadful disease the weaken the st run i tpsrihtul thftl destroy lb young and diio ttioee who hv used tbl oholera medicld- say it bqu promptly and evr fall toftfecl a lboou care do your bftd aohar take a 1iiuy uoe your uok ache r take a imly dos your kldeaohef take a ivlty and do not lake any nlhr kloattt pie dremd fir murw uiti aotinl fruwil whleh fullowu the doimm of some thing ooaeutloually wiun tluit they do tkijulmeof oonacuioi which loll tw the doing uf somelhliia inuinalcally wroiij children cry for castoria life wee not given for ndoleut coutara- platlod and study of self nor tor brooding over erncllon oi plely aotioniaud actlona only delermloe th worth llkei taarlng iha heart 8trirtiai ihanot wllhui lheconc-p- tion of man to tttnaurj my great euifodnx from heart dlseexi lor years i eiuluril ajroost constant cutting and tearing pain abojjt my heart nnd many a time would have waloomed death dr aiwiw cure for the heart ha worked a veritable mir acle tbo hicks ivrtli ont 59 the vjftvo bait but one master the ambi tion mats ban as tiistiy a there era person wboae aid may con tribute to i lie fcdvnoomnt of hi forluna x trribl coueh mr tlte carter koroi voxl oal eye i cejmkl a severe cold which ft- it lad on my throat and lung eud my friend thoubl it woutj send ma to my k wbeu other remcdle failed dr wood norway piua qyrupoompiauly ourd mf he who doe you an hi turn will never torsive jou xarmeleee idl poaeeee tbepowor of aot ing a upon the diseased o stlm uullnk to action tho dormant enable of the ayelaai uiereby removing die in isclao k the power of thle mmli- cine lo cleanse and purify that disease of almost every name and nature are driven from the body mr d oarewcll csrwl l q out write i have tried larmrleee ill and and them sn excellent medlahie and one thai will sell wall i ll tievtr live poor to die rich tbe rollowin is from itaics jourmtl of utallh a ulaaa of berr can t hurl any body i why i kuow a praoi yonder be la now- a apeciman of manly beauty a portly alx footer 1m baa the beating f a pun co he ia nun uf ddr merchant prinoee hia anovrare tha liuoof yonlli apd now e t tbo efnof nly oil he baa ttyj julnkolaullo atop 1 1 lll ymitiji men qf twenty tfvo and lionn iiikki lull if wit and mirth lhaii bo and 1 know be never dmee wilboul a brandy auj water and never u le bed wilbuut ft torrapti ir iiyalar aujer wltb plenty of btiaiine and more thai ibftt he wall nevor known lo he drunk ho bore is a living eiatnplar and tl up roof uf the temperance twaddle about tljp daiier 00a nalore of anolhor ulaeaand ihodoeiruo iivq effecte uf a lempomte uae uf good lll now it ao happtuel ihet ihi s of safe brandy drinking wal a rolallve of ov diotj ft yoar- or two after that with ohronlodlarrhoeaa uomiiioii cud uf thorn who are novor drunk but never out of liijoor he loft hi wii0w a e man ion uptown and a clear five tbouand a yoar beeldee a largo fort una to oach of his children or lie hud ehlpa on every ea and credit al every counter but which ha bever had occaaiou to ue for month before he dudhu waif a yeer dying htt could ral nothium without dtatreea in the mljt or ida millions he died of inanition 3 hat i not ibe half reader he had bien a atesdy drluker a daily drinker for twentyeight year he loft a iaftoy to hi children which ho did hot moutlon horbfula h been eating up one daughter for tltteeu yoara auothor it in the mad bonae the third and fourth wore of un earthly boauty there wa a kind uf gran deur in that beauty buj ihoy woro blight ed and they palod arid faded into heaven we trust iii ihrlr avrootoal teette another i tottering on the verge of ibe grave and only to one of them loft all uie buppoult castoria or infaiiu aiid children rdcze tlets hall ktetam tsjee what a tnarvellou ohstio in the treet- ment of horse would qulolfly occur if men were were treated biotly an they treat tbelc horaeal in tbat cat whip would eoldoui biied jerking the bit would ocaae ato yelling cursiug pounding d klaking check retn would be very ulsck xlljudor would be dlacarded clipping and docking would go out of style 111 load would rarely be soeii axle greftse would have a boom belter roftdrwouidte1oydlyuvn ended wide tlree would bo uui vernal iuoetrck would be lo fialw what is vvsv wwswvj castoria crutuirln lit for krifiwu and children cantoria 1m a luirtiiuimm hulmtltuto for castor 011 paregoric orojth niitl hoothiiiff rjyrtipff it conuliia 11 cither optuiu morphliio nor otltur narcotic mibatancn xt- ih iluiuutut lot irtuirnutoa in thirty yearn uh by million f 2uutlmtrh j4ktorir letrot wtvr-iijf-tnttillyirfnvdrlili- ncmi contvrla curcj diarrhoea and wlud colic cuhtorlit rillvcm tcctltlmr troubles curca count patloil una ilatnloiiry can tor la ahhiinllatetf tlto 1om1 rcfrtilauut tlin stoniiicli and itowcbf of infhut aiid children clviiitf bcaltliy and imttind elop cafitorla ik tho- chjidwinu uucuvtlio mothcrm frlond castoria tori- ia an tlldl htnluin r fhlllin tllua bt i ic4d to of its eiiud rflnt upou their children pu t c oeoouxj i mail coatoria master le i that i ifmnu crlptlcu knbwr l x ascuaa m t jjlra wll adapid clllb- t aa bujtcflor id aty n the facsimile signature of appears on every wrapper y tab would be light clean and airy uorae would be watered frequently fed regularly and hve a variety aiid aufikl ouoy of ood and a deei eofl bed al night all wbloh prove how mfli or oil aud fooliah eoiiia man era human hilaciiar houolulu are you a sufferer wllh corns if you ar get a botudof holloway corti cur ll ha never been known to fail irouitrellgloii i not trui wo are bound lo change ll if it la true wa sr bound to propagst it whately nothing oau bring peace but youreelf notltlng can bring you peace but lb trl umpb of tirlndnle tell uie deaf lilt j v koljook drug kiel iorth write a customer of mine bavlngbeen cured of deafneer by the use of dr thorn kolectrla oil wrole to ireland telling hi friends thftrt of tba i id ooueeiueno i received u order to bend half a doaau by eipro to wax ford ireland uil week lie a man of wlae mind who of a foe oau make h friend dr petty never fell lo give relief and they cure if given en honest trial a single ftiuevbo though ll be undetected by the world tny leave a aliuiy track through tha soul bob mccready ibov u a apltidlj portrait of llob ud- treedy oft 6 tbe- bat foot be it plsyar tn ceueda lie t a tueiabrr of the ottawa ualreralty team aud baa bem lu ell of ita ck tuple luldp mate be he la a houudu kpfliuu of robust cauadliu uiaiihood but slrou an be la be ma luewu what it u to kutfer frout dytnelu io aarloukly afrllct- ed wee ha kt ibi opeidriit if lu taat tsoo eoou tbat be wan uot ebli to tfooiut utb bla leaui 1eliih in ho bark aud idea lu tertnuteut bejaclw aud the awful pan be suffered after eatlujc tbe result of ait imbslrrd dljtvsuoti wavued bint tbat be wa in no rxiiidlllott play fiwtbell th baldeet w alt putti llddva b larked tb autauy to carry hlui tbroucb a cam pabjn ii cuuaulted hie nhyslcuo but tbat bebueauui gv blm uo riuf xt tbl ate be write i wee advised to try lr fatty kllla tb uetf remedy thatume wl say rrleodi eaaurvd uw aa wenderrut hi lb toecia i wa skeptwi but b aeundad their tj-l- so prlateuty tbat i wa at leoatb injtlevd te u lhe4m tbe mry brat doe drove uie paw away aad at tbe ej 1 wrk i tvjulnd my tram and i have tbrouab ou of ui bardet seesoa iii tbe i at rtiriil ibjt i bave erar ba t r lrttye llll ere aluu to lbeax tut tny nbafrcadtlutn iby are tbe bt uidlclue bave tsn rbvy make t o rone ttl so tail of euergy i t nue ehsll fowwr tske auy other wbu 1 r tn bd of e atrenetbeuer hucb la tbe ntnunnw datfti of tme well known alblete end bueb will l tfae wprt-ic- nf rtou wb trtew ttne wonderful reined t v mt pfiy yyu fj- to u a ho tvute v ixxlle ell hot sina aditreee tie lr ty kaedwd ottawa canada i ha hm a poor wife who marrtee pel x urujzlale oplulou mr wj stltiaou aueilu matt write our ouitomer apeak so highly of mil- buruj fuerllug neiiaol- towdri tbat it le a pleasure to recommend thain tb other ihey never dlaeppolut but always ogre trioe loj and la he who lay what ha liksa will hear what ha wont lik fossil mi i at tho demand la proof ol their worth l aqnaw lur itlli arn jmaiihj out many foivil form ila at a quar ter n box they rj belter medicine caiier doee and 10 cent a vial a thoutaud allrncjit may arlm from n diaonlared liver kwiuiha liver riht and you 11 not havo hkkheelecheittiictlne nftuea-con- atipaliott and billow hkin 61 13 running sores mr stephen wetdot t frceport ns uci tlfollouinr vpcrtcacd with burdock btuod bittern i was very much run dousv in henlth alidemplojud our local physi cian who attended nte three months finally tny legf broke out in running corea with fearful buniing- 1 had thirteen running cores jit one timet from my kneo to tho top of my foot- all tha medicine i took tiid me no 6 ood so 1 threw it jisido nnd tried bll wheu one uui jo no i noticed n chniijd for tlu baiter nnd ijy tho time i lud finished uo bottles my icij was perfectly hcil- cd nnd my healtl greatly improved jting of them all s rdrflioqofdrmcdii iil ioitq71ieira wa rr i nttlio parii exposition where hundreds of mnlccj from the beit utoe factories of tlio world were nuo tliown the lady who wears a kino quality wears the best ladies thoo irt the world beauty of finiili handsome dcmtt perfect fit appearance and comfort witli the price rixht uade by tha j d king co umhod toronlo- agents wanted sor itiiroprtitmmtod dlstriou good pay to good moil tcuuk yovji j31st1uct fojt tjx c0x41nq sxaons jvow trolght and ex proas pon ti1ii rclhjlu nubicav cd growing a complete hue of nursery stock includ ing many new variolic of hardy rotes ornamental bhntba and tree all slock iuaranlccd frcd from san jou scale wa hold govonuxiont cortlfl- oato of inspection cowoirirujour btook writo for cataloguo ilf tlia botde belter keep the devil ouulde than lry blm out olthe house- if you ara a dypepuo lake ivltys if your back acliee iika tettya it your bead aohee take iettya if you are nervou take ioltya if you ajra wk uk 1ellyv 1eltye will make uta elok well do your turu wall and uobody will care bow long you took aluntlou in ibe world of houlortliid medicine ha bu its very eouroeuf jiro- gre an lo tiolluce aud religlou tha dif nculusavof oplnlogk aud tba individuality of mad have beau parent to tba disagree ment by wbloh tha standard of thse bodu bave boau elevated lo with most of oor famoua prejiaralioin foramott in 11- lualratlou of whuih truth euude uje wovl i- famouu remedy lo gaueral dabllily kud languor qulnliia wlua and whiou whan ohuluabt lu ita geuulue tlreiiglh i a tkilraouloua creator of appatiu vitality mid etlmulaiu to tha general fertility of the eyeuui quluuiewiua and it ita- nrovemeni ha frota ilia fial dluoovery of lof great vlrtuaa o quiuina a a in td leal aiit been one of the uioil umrougtily dlouiiad reniedira over offered to the pub ho ll i oua of tha great loula and and natural jifr giving utimulauis vliiuti tha tilfvlfoal profeeaioii have been oonlph4d ti roogule and prescribe uear norll roiautl hymati of torouto have given lo tha nrtaretlou of their nurd jululua wine lh eat care due to ila impoituioe end the atiudardekarllauoe of thusrl id which lliey offer to utd publlu odiuee luln the market purged of all tha ilfuvol which iklllod ubeervetiou aid atilaiilltla opinion has ptiiuledout lu tho huaprfeol prepare tiouof the utlr luimod p unihu hiliiti prula few ditliaulliei hi tuany lj ll pru jil fji lo the valrt tbire lu i he ierfthle ma rntoptteitgndldift well may wa ay our infoiuity ia of our elvfl4 ilnoe thora la nothing wa do that waahould not do- but wa know it and yet wa do ll in hia vcgelaula 1illa pr rartnelee baa glveji to tha world tha fruits of lung eoleli tlua rarch in the whole realm of tnsdl oat aolauoa combined with new and valuable ditoovarlee tievdr before known to tutu lor del lo tie 1111 debilitated con tllutlon pernloine fill aot llkrsroharlit taken ii amall do tba effect i both a toiilo and a slltfluum mildly exoltlug tha eeeretloua of tha hotly giving lona aud vigor t a ufa that will uar the inapoliod of men aud uf ood la tho only oeitifloau of true vullglou johnaou pelham nursery co toronto business mgnvbacks too inuuli ruuli anl lnutlu worx nnd w irry fill to tlm lut ol tho mni i 1 4 mm h 1 v 1 phi ttund 1 flny f ul to i tor lift plvm fi it tto u pnr v ll iniry t oiitilo urulhiiguuruiul jm n in the 1ltk uto tho imtiiral rnmlti a man mi i attmid i bun i now p nnrty if hit back achoa u5 trylni qu y owl ma ipuujy tht udvarfuhj doans kidney pills tilt 1 a luutfum hiuiii 1 1 11 an who have uu i i n in i b 11 1 ml ni nn 1 iltllncv llll which i psuiiml ul t m dioi d llnll luuo for ihiiiiimtiiui 11 i 1 tii in inivimll of my luck with win li 1 l-tv- i 1 ultln ted lur iio pul ix uir j iiuypu i mo ao much food uil i in irtlly rici iimi i ilium ai unntwillm un 1 10 urn f irr i n niho trouhloj mid liuilstiin t nun 1 at luknr titular in nrlfliiiu i ini h un ut 1 oi illln onl di4u k 1 y uu cur 1 hiukiuilm uiua or w11ju hi i ilrl litj dlu iwi dlukuttuid iron y t i i mijimniia lit tlm urinii uki in ntn 1 i i night rlmniiatiiiiii and 1 4 tho kiln vi lu ihjllr 11 and 1 1 i ilii it 1 nimiluir i iiutnin piunt j douu kijtiay nt oil mii o mii ib11 without laxa- liver t3ii le iillo lnuoju all in ui- l1i1 u k 1 lining experienced undertakers by dealing with us you are assured of the mobt careful attention and everything done m the most skillful manner and please remerrr ber that we only charge for embalming in exceptional cases we keep a firstclass hearse and stock of all other funeralsupplies and at great ly reduced prices caskets delivered i j j a speight co hcton grand thunk railway hail ualt in ty a i 01 1 1 uln1 in rii in tiui klkl mtll tu limwfl u 111 a 1 llr kul 111 ttil iii lal i oct jctlj lull at if hi i- iu1 1 1 1 ml rt en luu 300 iiinurirj 10 si so ll ii ykaiiw allvamcu ttibhamlltonoheralfjr thla aprclul f ut ik two prim la only fir stilnrilxrn illdlug uuttiiie the city of llamlllou noiaz thn llnm lo sulmrlu aajhe lljlaiico of tyoo jaevl o k fr wild pilojtico order or poaiaye 1 1 inipi addreta herald printing co ijuiimos- the public will not spend lime and money going to ee you when they can get your more enter prising competitor cither by long distance j ou local exchange tclopliono seivice main btrool planing mills ont john cameron architect and contractor fljciiaro to oritur oil abort notice john cameron troiriotor w baeber bros papers makdrs j georgetown onlario mgkis colorsd pkp6rs john r barber dunlop solid rubber advertising is tho pulso i hot forces tho blood of limlneis through tho urterlci of the pro jrciuo lniiid3i oi nullah moot j tomorrows buslnoss llfo ddrteiidn upon to day a advartuing when iho ndirtllbcnicnl la in tlm 1 hi i lul it irodticit life why ikcauu hie 1 ul 1 pit bs oe inlotlwi major u hoiiaeoaelii mid alia down wlllt him it la 011 thd luhu wttilo ho uta tml in hlu hajuu allur the mcul it ia by liu wife a ildi as iiho iiiiitlu the children do 1 1ms it readies hiuluuid uud wife when ihey aro lu uu approach ablcondllluii that is why advtirtlaiug in llto 1 ubtif 1luu hriiitca ixitler teaula ibe local hunt luiit th ui any other kind of lllterlialllu s carriage tire now carriage tire tint makrs rldinft on all roads a pi eaauro economical too for it dooa away with ilia vibration that shakes and breaks tho canla x vheiwd ikoe belwanii ilia rub ber lire ami tba al ii lit ireraiu lhaarplue and oututia wbldi olber tlreaareaiibjeotto roe ue tilblt at tb bin falra send at onca for troe tire catai rua giving prlcca of till fires tho du company toronto llmlied 8t jqhm wihhittq monyhftal patents guaranteed o if ve uil any one kodln atli uutl lmhllti o any luvcntl 1 loinptly ltflrt our nlubii free llie lulcitlel llily or kiiib 1 r let tlinniuh uaailvciuil i ill 1 log oualu n lui a uln rairuia lalcu out ibiouuli un revive mojwllliimitcbarurbi fun 1iriihr ukv au fluialiatet eiui wbkly circulated journal consulted by ilamifacluiril u4 luuto bcud or aalmle tuiy meat liljlim victoat j kvaus x co iaiffnijtrurnra kvaeec rjj waum o patents i promptly secured i write for wrliiuntl mi 1wla invent oe lluin- aiui llnw jo 1 rn avlmtll tieivit iimftaouabakettiti nr tuoiul of your liivaiitlouor liiiixouiintu niul o will ull you rreei uur iilulin tiu lo wlntluir it te tmibebl haliiiuliln u ti iiihlh a imfuhy of at ita rjwtl in ulbur luuuu lliuoat rerdiico4 fnrumiiml i tajuow laatllolf atxrtt htmlxoitouu a kpkaltk nll x uakainvl tiuliwr olmlwj u ulrlli li hilhl itiulnllu lulhjl jilll aiiiud ihlciu- lj liliwiliy uilcia uw i ijw avlalt 1 t u wiljwill ahkltuh nw fnuli i bjfrmuhawn 1 u buivi aulull i aluw uuiloui ouoly ollvt liijlii 1 tpiadc mamrto dtaah i cofavnkihra ac alironaawtiltiie aakatnbaaj uaaelillhl tiir fill klf nlit iairiirfilhi fiwlil i htaiaiuilrnhiblailll uulbkatut i imk i iu iki ilriuab aiuiu atu t lfill tmut willi nil visariia in ilm scientific american ahiluluthvlllnllnl wl urral l if hll u tlo1 i mi tiu liwiilktl t kuklbf all laalata cotneityrjr

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