Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 8, 1900, p. 3

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j- bank of hamilton georgetown branch aqonoral bankingbubinos3 transacted corrggpohdenco solicited savings ivpaitimmty interest dllowwi on iumi of oni iotv i ai ant upward torn day deposit in day of withdrawal no foimalituv and no do lay in drawing money itarmera hunincss sol id l ml note of rctjxj ijltlo farmers discounted an i money loaned or rittmalo dulnc9s purjwic our collection dopai input i fa every fax returns salo noto handle and money ailvaurod nl t low ratee til iniatnl travellers urn notified that lh hank t hamilton and its itrancbei usuo circular notooitlo i ruvincul hank of linjjland li ml led which can he cwhwl without charyo or- trouble in any part of hw world ifaa every nullity for malting prompt return fai oi i 1cp iumii tou jcsubluhod 1071 capital paid up 1703212 reserve fund 123 119 t0t1i assets ilb27357 jaukn ruawi uu cashier b forsayeth aopnt ooorgotown branch we make a specialty of keeping a fine line of goods suitable for wuddtnc guts dlitniday guts inn ndsiiip cms call auj bo dur great varlely of bcllll ful tlaw loodtf so troubla lo illow tliem at geo byndb aoton ont jkwklxkby vtoum the news at home ovorv horn in tare a ht retort jfm rs tuuuhday nov hluhu 0 1000 delayed fob eleoyion he- turns la order to prnt oar mader with a frill a report a poealbld of ihd reaull of th- lollooa yeslarday the lisu of thdtaaa fiu to day hu been delayed a few hoar little localbrieflets whloh cuht th eyvor er of fre prem r port re thl ummc r sr busy ntlloif in their tarnlp crop th txlok work of dr kslly d nw korry 1 about oomilaled eequealntf lownablp council will uaxs tntft on monday idtb luat ejacramanlal serviced wera luld lit th matbodla obuwb last uamuy tba uclioo i orr and everything u asaamiug uormal oondltlond again dr mckanua bad bad ilolrlo light intulltd in hi icldoticn on frederick bum mr- w hawthorne baa kindly banded th y pa copl of colllukwood pap tb first hurry of tuow of ilia imuu aam on monday afternoon it wa aoaotnpanlcd by h care luv j u uanaru a aoton and lla 3obn bamidstd u a qeortfalowu will iobano pulpit next holiday a tntiuf of tha xruauad of anton lublia bobool will bd uld in tits vr library next monday avatlllltf ft aigll qoloek tho brldw layara t a work on tb iblrd atord in lie vrra ulack thy avralikaiy to hav ool 1 fljijrd bafot tbay lft through ill tb nbaauod of luv ii a uaobar boa wbu id lu muikoka luv 11 1oiw ofumpur will preach m kuox ohnrob belt bund y luv ii a maopbaraou praobad ktjnlvaraajry mrinoud lu wt uaaa ou bat tujay luv mr bmllb of dradford tiraaahatl lu knox church blity lbr kokel ward aoljat ac lou uxilou an moojy to ciumum wuo wot dawn to tihonto to wlltaad ibtt oily e wonderful wiloowdtollie aoidur boya from tfoutb af rloa owlin to inorailtiu btlilum mtaard cooptr a aklua uidrohaut tdilura will iraoioud uaxt wmu lo tbd star ou hill tjueal now oauplad by mr oao buv boot tho timrobant thdmlltoti jufonatr an u red upon ltd klxueiilh volutiid last wisk ihd jlifurtmr ta a vry worthy ltw1 wkly and ita ajlloir aad publlahar mr it vhlu la ou of th moabardworkluif uwd ppdr maii lu uia urovluo may auoooad tmilltiua lo raward bla affortv whlu driving tutu 1otmabuir mat tuwd yard will a lod of liay mouday fauiuu idtar mouauo bad tbd uilafortuttd to bavd lbs raaolt ulvd waj auj ib taatil with tbd rout wheal d of tbd waxtki waived tiff ua vlita tbd load aoroaa iba wll low btrrat aldwwlk wbard it raoialuad until uatltday mvaafd iituhrlai a ifwke bdvo kwlu tbd folltiwluu ktur wlilob iudl oaud vary ouarly iba lilb clakd tbiir hour takaa 1 wad awards your pvoil prlan a fulr i uo ukixl with your dour for priu awxrjed at a iiumbar of othrtilt ttotwrmi jrlaad tui hrad and luuv and you iitav bd au i ball advaru your uuiir wtll for yoy ouu ijall buwarllowu wbeu fllr wilfrbld train wan at thd alklloii oh moil lay a will known yotriau from 1 rlu rau into iba iralu as it way about ul dtart aud urapa i llld ifamlar ri baud vuur uauid my fiiandt laid mr wilfrid wllli a brlibl buiild douald muleau i jjood ilklim ll ki ay dlr 1 b j bto i mauh anl doqhb in stock if you am i ulldlum or making iraproua nol olat llrowi d kldtf mill with yoiirorjdr lu auwkali uftjtl- lubu wiu i lljiluohiuojullltld jajmj ihw uuord lu aiixik4 lufl id 1 thick auljhatltl 1 j tbluk boll t moulded and ralawl pool 1uu u 9 tblub roiil door willi or without laad top jimad 5aowk proprlolur main htral aalou mr john u kribbd why want but to ilrandou man a year or two ao writaa that he baa parch aaad a farm lu u and wilt rnova p m bl wiak tba farm nboat fonrtnrr ml lew from fo- hin and all fron ulflon and iba 1 wallty la milled wlui unlarlu iopu lie iwo mile from lale uauplilu an i two mile from the poauffloa ula ontario frinda will wlh blm erv nonam in hi new home cmumsm i renitet mt iclon allboujh the tbna tabid for the 1 remlrr a paolal tour throaoh the i rowlnoa oo moo day did nol loolade anion in ite aobadala thn bpealal train a topped br for a few miuutea and blr wjifrid ianrter waa ijieolod by a conalderablo number of bla hdmdora and aopporter bir wilfrid namo out upon the atrpa at the rrar of bla tar and wan preeenlod lo a lart to umber of nit una the ladiaa wbo wr for ton ale enough lu be at tho drot are quite proud ol bvioj laortved art inlroduotiao aalb train wa moving out three luiy otieera were feivnn for th 1ramierj alii kir wilfrid then prupoad three obeara for mr mrkiuuon lb futur memur for hal ton which wad moat heartily ponded to a lara bomber from ibia vicinity went lo itockwoud to bear tba lramlor there heath o haltob wun tho funeral of tbe uu mr wi ltrk win dll auddanly oo wadneaday bli ool took- 4e mi vtldxtf xnmdwlljw iter late reildelioe on front blroet quclpb by0 1 it to miiuiii tbeooa by baraa lo th family plot in lalermo oemetery there tbd ramaina were laid lo rt baalda bor buabaud who predeoeed bar twooty ibrea yoara ago oa the lal november- ihe aarvloe at tba bouae u oooduoted by lhhev cuouulxon bb bad raaohad the ripe aga of eighty aeveu yr bb ihvd lo mourn br i tea mix of a family vlx mra dana 1 mcdonald aoton jamed hauth llay city michigan mark uvtord btreet gualpb an i mary mar oalta and maria at horn tbertuoeaaed willi bar laid buabaud milled in trafajat uear xalrmo about fifty yaarai ao t1m family aold the ho mo lead and removed lo ubvlpb tiinelacm yeara ao tbld fall whef lbey have realied aer aluoa uu aqnein xhoaerm hth 1robably tba largeat funeral ever atad a tho neljjhborbood of ouowllllima wan that of tba ut john lealle oo monday aftar noon of laat weak tbd prooeealoa vu eo joofclllut iba larl veblclajiad bcuoolyjlefi tbe lei frm when tbd bearae bad reaobrd tba qlanwllliamd oeroatory a boot a mild away where the inlermauttook plaod barvioed were ooodaoud at tbe reijuue by ilav l iarrln of jte oeorgfr- iowu ireabvtarlau ohnrob abd hev w mckay of tbe 1raablerian tibarob of morval th pa hrarore were bepbewa of daceaaed tbe ulfl mr l1i wbom deatb occur red on klday afternoon ufitb oct afler an illuee of about a week wad lu bid ho lb year bavlug been born on march lal 1uu iu county tyrondt iralud whan a boy of about five y4j of ago ho cam t ptrdu w lib kt v aihn allied lu tifjuaalu townablp la 1810 there the uviaaaed ramalued far tb bilauoa of hid aotlva ufa wllb thd azoap tloti of about two year apent in new york blattf lid wa4 oua of tba tqoet ireapeoudl ploacerd of ilejlou lid wad over forty yaard au t idar in tba ireabyurlau obnron at tlulon and aeautcd in balldlnrf ibrwd oburobed lb oral on bcloft of logd tba beooud of frame aud the praaeot one a bhhdaaraa alond rdlfloa th deoeaaed w married on bpl 9th 1634 to mia jaha btarrlt alao a native of iratand who witbuln obildren aurvivd thd candidal in tba oooualwhlob oon eluded laat veulujfmey boogrelblald tbim- aalveriupoki thd kucoesa lb lavk atland alio aud the general good oharaale ol their tittelluiie bar mr mominuood mealing laat frlday wauluk wad a headed by au audleuod wbicb crowded thd hall able apeechtd were daliverad by lion luahard ilareourt mlnlrur of faction aud hon tbomaii ualu lata upeake of th qoum of common wbicb tbe audience llilaned to altli much inureet mr mo kluuon promntod bid olalmd for aupport aud niada an excellent iruprmaion mr joon it uarber m v l alao apok a fw word iu praia of mr mckinnou and ax warden jolm watrreu occupied lb obajr the prootdiud were anllvoued wllb patrl olio aotlkd capitally raudaraj by mr obarlla bpaldlnk mr uatidtcaodd meetloii on monday aveniutf waa alia wdll alleudcd aud ilk that of bid opponent wav k raced with a lar number of ladled kaueevnloklin wan voted to tba chair and mr handaraon lu an axbauallv apedli showed th allied fllord and mlukaj of tbd goveromaut and tnad aa itnpaaalouad kppeal for tbd aupporl of bid fallow ali h p4oii wan ft vary abl ami eloquent effort hid boyhood a friend wni aldlaw q 0 toronto apok 111 bid behalf ampbaaiaed the poluta pr aaiited by mr huuuraou and bpka tba aupporl of lha ucur for bltu j 0 hill a orohtalra ilayed a uuiuur of aelec tloua lha hull waa ttalty dtooraud on each ooodiioii vat eavardl tnouuiu mi uiu aldett dauithtar of mr j mad wilton main blreat baa been lu poor health iu tbd aumniar alv irnl a mould with fruudd at voreet but returned how without improve- innl bh waa abl to bd about moet of the iliua aud laat wek a pent a day or mo al bar old occupation in th canada olovd work lbs walkad down uel on ihura- day but on vrjday not feel am ad well a uual waa nut out bh iol up on uatur day uioniluii but during lb for noon wad htricketi with a advar ktfliou of the heart and beforhooii btouua unoau olou bh llnred uullllb veulu wlu bar plrlt tookltd fllulit ml wll 4i was in lit yrluia of liar bright youtiil woiuatitiood jul pait bar twenty ural ttr fib wau a favorl willi all tbd yoiiutf paopl an actlv obrullaa aud a worker lu upworlh laaud hun lay uohool auitdiiipdraiindboouly ur dith raakad a lad break aialu lu tba family which wai ao arlybravdhimrhofthihrhvth oniil tba wldllntat dlb of tbd aldeat aon uourl but lb liaarlmt ayiiplbyx to oohituuiili 1 wllb th id amouji ui floral itlbuue umj upou th oaakal word on by lb 1 pwurlh latud ami anpll or ly her hbpniatd a liol u an 1 fllu in old nl in ooiihcllttii wllh tho fuural tdrvlo on mouday aluritooii which wau vry largely attndej wm thai th dulja or pall lmj wrw imjerly rformaj by alt of miad wil ona tilvuiu helotiiutf u mra kruiu buuday holwol ua uueed amelia huabaud anula uiiitttum albeiullrownmaud iiiu ada jtuuuwmi aud maul ndlaou ilev jod m uaar m a ouuduated lb louuklemvlw doll op honor the itport of standlne of pupils of aoton publlo school for october ribjrr i arautkxmt olatd vluuwp llrown ih3 little moore mil joele htptnon ofaaa iv ban is thai coleman 203 jean mc 2cb ilojarnol 1 2r3 laaa iv jur harold vioklin j70 lillhp ilulmra xi ua leareou 202 marka poaible300 t t muoajc taachr hrnlor illituby ii rk 33 wei k ifavlll 23 mynl k j til mark iomlbl3po junior- iii myitu hs jio charlie maubawa3s willie i lut i lb j mo pball jtj marka poeibu j0 o mtllllllf lecbrr tin an 1 aribtmamy claa ii br vtnoanf ooodv adah clarkr au m qqiwn 2t1 1 irrle bpeimbl n0 wlllp ki i- j7i ou- h jr 1 1 v iui 1 wr wlllime uvial hlmljnhu 2c0 markd porlbl- 3o0 i j mdlihl teacher nbaru i kriatmkkr ilenlora ileliar 1 wor u l jj madie obapmtn anl bydney hmllb j lb blella uuruey 231 markd poailtlu boof lutrmedlalra frel oialum 172 lva cook 100 ilobln ajtnaw it 6 junlora ada k at wood lb j dh uw jpnjjalear jfmllalonjvc marka poeible 200 1 cuaaid icachdr irunrii iiariaruaut keolord amy b pel lib l 000 oertrude jobneorflutl mina vrlok and id orhm idj inter mediate- j ohu holden iftjs mabel iildnbrand it arthur kenny 170 markd we ible j00 junloradaiy vur y the ilarr llalna matlhewd bul kill i a milaly ua markd poibl 100 coming an1 going vlaltora to and from aoton an vartouaothor panonal notai tie ymmm 1 aaa inailee all iu reader lo eon rlbute to tlila nolo mu if you or your manila are koloa away oo a tiollday ulu or if you bate trteixlaylailjiir yon drop a earil w lha itaaa mra j kyfeind tl e m foronlo frlen ta thla week kyfe vllud vilie1 ula jabsaoaulva john mataarl v bcamplxllvlll la ajiintf from lyi bold fever mr b v moklnnond laat meeting in iba ooonly wu held at 11 rook vl lie on mon day aalntt mr john lluarbar m v v u w cook an mr mcklnnon addraaaed a lare aud enlliudaatld audi ooe t the llev a ilulr ii a preaobd in ohalmoialobbrclixjaolpbjtklbutida llld pulpluhrwwerw aopphod by luv jrank olllopl of kui 0li- evehtdn miu llamaey torn nar ilumllion mr bran 1 blatcr a pending a monlh or ao at tbd parionat al th btoua church mr j weetberaton want to vilt two week wdh her dau mra iluth kveletgb mr o a abbott apeut a fw da or bulwek in jtookwood miad goundou and mr ii turner of oampbellvllld and miad couelon at txaatplit j n t jtjtve here mra molmaii lfl tuaaday moruliik to apand kfw weekd with frrlndd iu culpb and hamilton on aooount of ihd alioliou on waduaeday lb vpworth lwajjua held their weekly meeting bunday evening whan mr uo oonducud lb a r vice kvlnrf au axoallant paper do tb bubject for that tiald arn yon del on your beat i after which tba eoretery celled ih- roll it blrif thd flrtt meeting in tb mot th ther waa a good atundana and all abjojed tb ttilln aghanovu mr aiiarll dick ml ltkl wk for uuffulo whar b hope to aecur a illua uan mr a 1- gurny of aolon apnl bun day her maaara y v nixon and o v wrllo- worth want in toruuqjii monday la help weloom tli aoldier halloween paneed v4u mar nujetly than uaual hard mr a o itobluaon wrltiuk bom from niagara valid n y aaya cttiadlau dont know atiytblnu about alao lion aarapahua anrod th liu prooeuloup ato ar of dally ooourrenod mr andrea aulbony d amis of farm alack and impumtou which waa poalpooed from nov lat will bd bald ou friday icili th ropo i no wrvicm lu tha mathodlat church war quit buooeeaful thd build iu waa not urge tubugii to accommodate- all of iboe who cam iu tb aveulng llv mr browu will remain la aclak tb uaalor lu two week of epoia aarvloe a uuutber of young peopld from mllloiiipeut tb day berej aud atlauded th aervloed aco nautown r lav j m iiatr m a of aoton will pnacb knuivreary aermoualu tba melho dlat oburob next buuday mra i j wbuur wai at oraogevliu laat week alteudlug the fuusral of br auter mrs 11 moquird ar inolbar of mr 11 mcoulr ajito of lhu llqumr at thai towii maaard biul a ilrady ara building au automobild ii j creel in an it putting in a nw poliu auiln whloh will double tba power of tb manblu almp a aobool oblldrau a ooucert will bd hld at buwarllowu tbld aveuiug 1 lroebjliruu buuday bcbool has 60a4jej tba hervlded uf mr prank yalh or toronto for a wlopllooti exhibition to knorfowavtiiug lleotlou koitatnnl will boon b a iblug of tb pail iuv k a vey bau aroa tad lbs in eumbeuoy of ul jatnw church ouilpb aud u kpouu to ukd owarg tbera ust uunday hi raiuoal from bl ouri id rewretted by ihd ooiilrrgllioil on monday morulugulr wilfrid luriar waa iiven au ootbualabtlu kdovptiou au hid aprclil train raoheri th 0 1 ii attllou a ueuiandoui urawd throng 1 the ttlou platform and ovartluwwl lb railway tracks llr4 i hug ol ear went up whan blr wilfnd au p 1 uul to lb raar of lha car p- -i- jj liii to curu a colo in on oav ta ti- llroutu qabdi tdulau jtll iruaatma ruul tla luuuvlr u fall to rniia od if y laiml eaoh boa tartar oitntooiu iulroduod th 1ra inlar and tnadir a bilfgpib fraiilla obeerd want up wlmu lllr wllfrll oama forward a luvrly butiiurl wautuoxllii hid baudd an i ua huu1pdd thla h iivokda few worda in i impu and alwuuut language tii lb crowd tie at iw or holum i i alfred uudj wad oharoed by lell lld uuyalu laat uaturday with uiug drunk aud diaurdarly and ualug tbieauiiiug and abulwa lbguay ihd cad wad hwid belure juettued lfavllt audlvaroou tb tihar proven and hud i waet a til lo kof1 for two lumilli lludj waa libtratad laat weak from lb ujunly goil alter aervlnrf a eouple uf muulbea a prirvloo obarg mr ei mra tho ia ilrui toronu filanda thla ak ml imut of acton vl ovrr hun uy miln i caomj mr 1 m i nl r witb lliir u n nd ui itbur in toronto mimi mina wlkr went to loronuron monday where aha i a acoplel a ellae lion m molvldi of nw retell vlalmd friend lu acton au i vicinity lha pt wek mia huuuan anl mphw or toronto were guela of mra o o kk over sunday k f mr wur crroll of turonu baa ralurneilbum itrllkilli h a we with aouufrl nl- mr and btu uooriltf lottlo apvul bun day at the bom ot mro john jlallo r wboea hubnd dll a week mra j w humibrlmreturnndotljbat urdayafura ploaainl month viall wllb friend in the old home at ii mia claras moor went lo toronto on balurday kill participated in lb welcome urn to o 1 here from booth africa lion rinmaa itelu wd ei irrtalned during bid uy lu town at the home of tit klly lbey are ohltlm- irln la mr lloberl hiughalit jr who had been working 111 1- riu fur ira tluig left laat week for hault bte maria to like a altua lion there dr j a 111 an i ilorj wank and harry bayard of naaaaawya left on monday to upend a week or ao at huff a jo cleveland and other point mr and mra liiomad moolaokon ratdrned bom on monday avaulug atlar pending aeveral in 011 tbd with ibalr aopd and famlllei at hlghat at d itidelown iuv ilourt haddow ii a ii d formerly of milton bad realttuad bldpaalor aba at wtforl aud will olu th ftlaff of tba lrv4iwuwrand will ramovto torotito ibia month mr and mra 0 c lb mr aoodwmh mrd it u barber aud miaaaa hut i on and wetberald uf oeorjt own apant dalor day afuruoon ou th golf link bar wllb aolnu frlcndd mrr daniel omntrnf toronuj diad very auddatily on tb a treat near bar hom on baturday uitb oolour her huabaud 4 a toronto prlnur and aou of tb lal jama grant br acton mrd muabetb gray wbo ha bn bpeudlug lb paet five month with rela lived in mabraakh ihinoj aud mlnblftau arrived bom laat avaoiug aud will apeud a ooupl of week at moorecrofl dr j m maodonald enurlalned mr d jmeklm nn ofjlrlmabywbo waa bard a day or ao li weak mr mokinnon wad iuaieotor of publlo bohooli lu ieal oounty dorlujtj maodonal fjaanhlng dya mr joedpb coleman waa much pleaae to int hon tboa ilalu on friday even lug having been koqualoud with blm for aixty j fr and imng in th bam noljjb bor hood in wat flamboro for about ibirtj flvei yvari dr llreuueu of iclarboroukb lata of job amiea burg boutb africa waa lb roaat tbld weak of mr g a clark an old friend dr llreuuaa wad recently offered lhu nomination of tba oontervatlvd party for ptarborougb but declined miad mditi 3 bherlock of parkdala formdrly of orawaoud corucrd who baa tnauy relative in aoton aud vicinity ban been aooapted by tb hoard n lb woman miealauary boouly ot tb malbodul church for miaalou work bh will kpeud aom lima in training hi lb daiaueav llonja toronto absolute security genuine carters little liver pills mutt bear qlgrtnturw ol 5e iwlaold wruiiprf belew very aeeexl ui ad aar m tajui aai aaaab carters ip roa dinman nil iiuoujmm roi t0ihd uvhl roi camttpatidi rat iauow tut nil raccoarujuol j45jr ii ouhfi blck headachc iba lord mayor of dublin ruled out of order a reaolutlon propcd by iruh natlotialiat miulbni to oonfr lb freadoui of thd oily upou x iraildanl kruger at a tnadtluuf tba oily council au monday aveehig two j big things now goods for i ilolltliy sonoii anll wali palku 10 tlultd your tloihd brluln act on iloil r com logueluli indu a ik 1i1g liookiiioitr 1 jr iiiom iwuiiiioh 11 will uy you uya- chas l nelles coelph the least hair casts a shadow a single drop of poison blood hvilt unless checked in ume make the ivhole impure hoods sarsjparlfla is the great leaderin blood purifiers il mnin no nhndriw hut 1 rluua nun blur uiid 1m a til itiur nn ry huitathnhl runnbnp eoro- uy u ti r w tr t if i wih r llii hi 1 rkn mi a 11 mil or ol yi ir 1 it i 1 k it into m riiiiil ig a n i m k llir i itlra ol r i- rllli 1 i i i w wti iixhi a ou till t h i 1m i i irl thd mi ii mim jum auu uiorlawiiii an ixi r ot r rhounu lam- i w i n my nqilrird win 1 j tl rl iiiallni ille i ro- lir will tl ii t u r lrl to try ii hxi hnrni iirllti in d live imjui kd 1 rllrl nl on nil im u e to w rk uliniwk ituadl klarifarrtvltlit n dinner set sale thb notbd t9k 3torq 7cno chink phlkcb hree reasonb why you thauld buy your xjnfi r re ttim itfmmt amwort at ejkf rrr7aal dmatfnm 3 h- jlmym thm jcovntt iwor job dinnerware wabmrwjumt taken into mtoek bo job- ntanmr hatu by jab e rami sutts tbmt flare a tmmpat jfufawowl or pitta abort satt jtaaginf from io to 1s wa trlxlmall ihmm at ivorn to 10 par ant thejf ar tba bait valaj oyrwf iitbwolty jlmtdo from tn job jjinnerweje w iira so dlnamr batm otunjtlmtw tbaam ww trill tail r mpaelaj prioaa during to job viaamr sat sale rrtxht paid oasmtm mmat outmlda th city j a mccrea it pays lo buy at bollerls ii pays lo buy at bollerls iturnishirlgg if nithink tlica js inytlnn in imirinsritns wi ji ivgnt kot just ask tor it ind slc how quickly ynnil lilscrvctl a a nnttcr of f irt the moj k i woixli rfully lompli tc jnd tyk iro rilt up to j itc hcr arn two pi ci il inn ill it illu irili tlic trciul of viliu fuflii chcip to ell cli ip wliii on ln hit d ly iiiorniiij ip 1 mil lt jjo our i rke 1 only fioo l- 1 mr i im wtx i i oil i ii ul i y lli ial llial wa kito tf of oorlololy t the conditions for blanket buying at tlic lion juit now arc such ab to make it unpardonable for any family to be without thcfe cold weather comforts housekeepers know that pianketworth lies in wear and warmth blankets at the lion are best and quality questions arc settled before you enter the store we havo a very large assortment ol sues weight and qualities but there isnt one in the lot that isnt alcadcf of lti kind r im d e macdonald 8c brother the lion cuelph ls 9z s3wwifwtttwwwf11fwwwftftfwk xx3p xxx i glocks i m m lulululululuiululuiuluiuluiuiuf common ones for 100 better ones for 125 extra good ones 150 we will put your old one in first class running order no matter what mai be wrong with it for 50 cents and warrant it lor a year prilsgle th6 obw8lbr oublph furs lkrcest stock lowest prices bestvaluok ingollarattesandcnpennoe largestock of childrens furs from 25c up blhgk pkncy drss goods hew iligllnh and frdiicb lncy druukataiarulfl in mohair and wool halted utfocte- urljiht luilrri 1 inlsli cliolcd and exctulvtfpattarm for separata bklrl or lull dmaaed at 75c tic vi 00 and tt ly spbcikl skle oip oof2sirs special uls ol b a c carted for two weeks i coreolu for 73c lkdibs xjlsld3lirtiewlr ailractlv srlc ofterliigi in ladua undarutar our tpeclal vul at 35c it a wonder men s vlbice llnad onderjvdar aolt and tiou irllallug doubl brejjttful bjwclal 1 00 par bull slpeoiml ljilstes special naw llna lii ladidi kid glove niaulel carpaia tabid i inem hoaury ollclolhi groceridi ate it will pay you to buy from- gurneysco jvtlll st hcton io be sure w ve i ood opiinpn of oyireki but we subtanti ite it with tin oir r trcfuni nioni j if tliuir irt ntit as repreiented kot much fuc- work ibout tint our locks arc esscntfhly completi in vry pulic ul if priei i arc right pattern new and handsome 1 ik most royoj facihus supplement the good and ih ike hopping here a decided pleisure- eomc whan you will it 1ayw to liny at itulleitv e r bollet cfe co 25 and 27 wymlliaiii st fjuklph n canadas sons iw on kopje and veldt an aulbeullc account of im canadian contln in ibo outb african war iy t g manuiu u a introduction by very hov imncljul crnnl i i d iiimki on odiclal iripalclir of i inut col otur and older commanding ofhcera at lha front comj letn in onavouuio joo paf richly llluilralcd only t 50 a tua cpltitni money gft i hep trospi ctiis tholbrablevgarretbon co limited brontford orl 4 fe-4- 4- etft juist a word about hrts 1 wa want to inform you at thla lime ilut wa have a most lclccl mock of lb iileat hala from th belt makers hi tho world in iba iatut deaijjni iu most up lodain alylc we fit iwilli tho bead and th pockol prlcei 50c 73c li 00 f 1 35 ui 50 81 75 tl oo i135 lljo vi 71 ii oo werklnonl wnnk out you can t ilia hlert ddlgua in hata from uc lauui why we aro on tho lookout at 4- all llmaa font haiautaiy lea andmaicliumi yaull maleiiiiuuka- if you buy from any other houw hcloia you tco otir stock and prices al wvndiiam st r e nelson guelph morchant tailor and mens furnlshor 4 444 4- 44 we will lead this fall and winter in low prices for young farmers strong wat ches every watch case fitted with our pa tent dust prcventor at the stem vjftnysr savage go watch repairers wyndham street gullpii z ncw fresh 3 e goods 3 3 ss lowest e living 3 g prices 3 iiuiujuiuiuu 7x weiaz grocery and provision store john rkennedy main bt aoton llavlnj oteiitui a tiaw butineu in the nbova lluoa in the prauilua on main si ran laloly occupied by mru j atlnnu i have plaaiure in lnvllln my frlaiid anl the cam m unity in fcancrnt to impect my alock i cl that i can with confidcncn asl a share u tbalr ikatronaue ucauud uiy uood ar all frnah an 1 of the iwsr junlliy an i cnuloinrr will find price are finad al vcrj kaioiialild fifturoa tba stock contuli of 8f apiie and ianoy ottookmibs oannkd goods and tablu delioaoil3 sruxts vkaiutabiitts amd provisions thuultd ul duello any paraou ubo d id unnthrr i jay by buylti4 from ma will lie dolnjt llidr frund fact goods promptly dcilhcred a call nollcltotl n 1 lutrnni who alc monay by buyln4 from ma will lie dulnj their friends a kindness by infunnfiik iheni otlho john r kfenmedy cfgoodeveetco ilua ukuo up itnuther cralo n rroclery cotuulliiit of gilt kidtje cupd and uauoera ulua cupd and uauoer 1 laied all alaee and ahaiwd a- ward hamlin aho a lol nl vanoy gup aid ijatioeia ilhavlntf mud 1uta olaaa vaa and oilier oooda call mid ace llieiil cfgoodeve mill stroot aolon tl the empress l his ponuur liniir wn iu u linn i ro n ureal fjvorlin i ho juility lit n ul style me prrfuct ulo in unt tnr hum an v narrow wl hhu prlooa a00 2 bo s3 00 3 go stat ip4 lii lc f siim- for mop lyikh peri ct lit hi li r ul vjrl uu nulna i im udtr 4urmll j for boys and girls 1 inn tin i cc jrsfl h w iur see ur t moo imul j limy uuirhlu in ii an 1 u tint t onlcicd workuiul krpahlik localvo ui main 8t aoton kenny bros

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