Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 15, 1900, p. 2

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nb j monday 11th xno l urenit mrs wn tdortop a ton vinrnhiiou vrtjey mr bthal ii oollehje llirtel toronto lo ur and lira frederu woodland a eon irifl oubc retail rcj rrss ilf u11hiay novkuiikh lfi 1000 liditofual noth8 the rihnt i united hisjes more vole thai country 011 tilllluna tatdaullet election in ihe leulled 10 the casting of ever before pulled in any ui al one time llteeil the appeal against llio oroee ootivlolloiie m llaliurt ligation of lttoh whloh wee hoard before jiialioes wlooebridge and fjlreu al osjjooilo iuii hie been dlsrataeed withmmr t jli london ing valtgltau points oat that luiatid ha thai far filled to make any r tar in or canadian loyalty and urges tmw that aoino compensation be made for oauadau flaoel ogioeeaions lvorybody expected henderson to oarry h atloti anil ho did so with an inotaaeed majority in the dominion ierlleroeut there aro not a uiuonmen more capable in debato thai david uandereon ii i credit to hla county and puraueehlsbaoeet oourn rrjgsrdleae of ilia tafarapreeanlalloa of hi foes llramplon coiwrvatar tha oeuaua will ha lakeo next year and a tot ilia oenaoa ooroes tha readjustment of the oouilltuenolca all over tha domlnloi tha rleneu threw out tha bill paaeed by ooiutnoiis providing for a readjuatcnant on tha round that it u too near the id for taking tha census and that it woold ba beet lo wait till tha oenana was taken 1illl oiqujo will not bo unable eltarlh oemtie shall bate been ukan neighbo nfews intaraiatlna nawaltomt supplied gorrainondanta nnd exohnngoi in title vlolnlty duppbrln school fuwlng la hi blending f tha pupila of jiffrlo hehoot no 10 ketjiieelng oim v lily hmllp claee iv 1loeein moore mklfl my tin john lmngln- imii icrr iljrvy iillmay olaaelll ar kme kourui mannl morley jeeaie elvlnglone willi- jnp ball olaaa iii jr lot lie monrr hart jredge flainuel muhpadden oliver mc- artbur claa ii ilakllam alfred oemp- bll iroy martin uohbl dradye hobble krr tart uuina llvlume my 1 mo arthur may k moaitlur david o- arlhar kv hroltb ptirit iudnulilnnetonaarthnr hallldav fradmoartbnr 1artl jr tan huma uaul hmllh k j ctliruiw tcohar sir charlb8 tuppeii nbti ho wlll no clcfiuroaun lit ion 1 ur nfis attar tbacleolion 11 whluli h a jje ftaud laai wmk kir oh lis- tu mr ottvad uttcra and in ur fxim vor tiail 1 ih dmiinfm j of ym plly and tmxl will ait an kttl llldii were uma jjea ffoltl 1 rt trira from nmlr t nrlf k l li iht bat and ximuim 1 t w jk u 1- i tlir olrail- wlln a d xbt 1 daolaln n wm to if hlr oliarl w- h1 1 th drcu rtloi thai ha w uld nll lo i lo llfi- ha by tlt blnwl tocliluu i iii- i ii i oclklbmo uv idnatlirn ti ontario la about to tnaka kpotbar of tboaa lnurallo axpaxlntanta of ahiptnantl 6 porlaliabla frulta lo qraat ilrluln tha fortnar ahlpmeut inal with ocoaae and ll la hopaj if ono or two mora proof of tba foaiblllty of auoh ablpmanu ara maji thai paopla in tha fruit boanaa will ba per u ad od of tha practicability of anurlntf into iba buaiiibb with adaota to tha trtda of tha oounuy and profit to them- aalvej if uio oonatltnaoolea atlll to ba pollad aland aa lhay ara lliara will ba in tha iloaaa it itraoob uural and bfi brtgllab liurala 7a enrluh conaorvatlvaa ud four tvenob oonaarvatlvaa and tbroa- itiuiiali illdepandanti if airary kraoob mambcr lu tha uoqm war lo refralt frotn volinff tha uoallab apeklnft libaraj would atlll have aavan of a majority ower tba nuglulitmawlnb conaarvatlvaa bir wilfrid tfotfouruaa ko tnorabara from quabaa whila tba oonaarv- atvol only not fonr tha london jall mall qailu voljw iba lfanaral tone of o6tnmaut in amylntf hlr wilfrid lanrler fa tba living ambodlmant of the aplrll rjulrad lo ckuada il looks aa i ba tnujllt hava m lootf a apel 0 p0a mtrjdtitttaaodoiitjrlltyrinu7 vrotjohcenadlat but anlhualuth urltlah imparlalut atataaman ona of iba moat ln aplrhiff bd moat baafnl paraonajhiaa tn tba amplra but tba alaotlon attaenpta to loro tac ftalintl ta bla diaajiou hava do- bervej tha aavora dafaat toronto ttu- within fortnight aaob of tha uum uraal ootiiutnlioual korliabapaakiorf ha- tlona baa eorapuud at lootlon- id aaob ou tba governmant it toef ha reaalvad lha ovarwhalmlnft approbation of tba paople in a taeaaara lajaad to alartla iualf and baa raoalvad a baw laaaa of powar for four or are yeara in aaobv oaaa tbla traaalt bu beu dae firit and foramoat to tba jooaraj proaparity whlob baa raload during iba put five yeall and to tba on- praoedautad ulorlaa and lmparlal davalop- mania whlob have altandad ibelr admlou- tratlot oibar alamvnu btv tio doqba euurad iuko tba raault fcad it la important to aaoh oouutry thai it aboald judjt rljjbtly with regard to ibaaa xfdmtt nockwood tha gnaph luitrlot pyrortli latj uitinal ooovantlon bald taro laal thursday had a lark attendance of delrnalo nd tbalr frienda praaant at alltbrea aaaatona and it waa 00a of iba rnott auooeaafol oou vantlona of tba dlelrlot that hu ar baau bald tha lraaldant mr v halo oou- d noted tba proooadlnga an til ute new offlaer wara inatajtod thadlaanaaiooa wars lua- ly mial jennie uluball of onrlpb gave m moal intarmtlatf talk on jonlor work tba following ooloula ware appotntad hon 1tai iuv t w jaoko 1raal daot orlando jollltfe 0 ii vioa1re mlta oalbraltb matlonary vina iroa miaa kltohlu ijllorary vioa 1raa ilev k h vuga ii a boolal vloxreaj ilruoa tinnier bacmurytrtwmrar j k xova ooufareaoa luproaantaltve iuv ii j ijarnwll kov b w uoldori ia at waterdowu tbla weak auiatlog ilav j k uooky lu apaui ario4 luv k i vugit ii d of kaaaanawaya vjll praaab in tha mlhwllt ohurob bare on munday avanln t 7- and ml kdn ui1u at s oolook bverton aald uiijr iiu nlruumtalioo vi if n a aaa1 by acoliualnxi wl i cental i lu re anlar political hfa i anidoply jinividaid tlir gljrlaa praaaluna f khiwiu ha r butlrl u iawtil in- hut my al iii llio j u el ij my homo t 1m au iiidlffarhil jjoctalur litl i ahall tk the hfalot rnirth jtmiaorvatuo uriy now unlll to k man taklug its ilod in tha houaa and belore tb oouttlry walnrt ther battle by ooa men full of vlor bopa aiiduraiiqc and having bahlud tbm a kod oaua tha arourlug fortba pcopla of canada wl u righleone ua and fafr plantar all oreada alid nallouall- to a millibar of prutiwiieiitcoumirvaiiwe vf bo rxpraaaod thc bupa thai hn would obiiiux hla douljti hlr olikrua tupr aid wilh all barlouanaaa ihla rajlaf from public life a a boon tha koatcat i have anjoyad for yaara llaraambar ray ajto tba party wonld hot iuu11 lo the ida of my reelifaliig i ootlld not lnll upon doing eo stgalnal u united pruuat abd now the good poopla of capo ilrolot county hava given ma the opportunity i made tio ureal tor i to bold capo urcjon for i mt myttuty to my parly waa o be in tba fight ul hdp my aupporura rather i ban to eoiibeiiuata my vfforla upon one aaal i waa in tha oounly only fuur daya i have nothing bkil what la plaaaatit to hay of- tha eleotori of cape lira ton at lliu moment aa i loava the attua my heart go out to all canada in the hope that peace and proeperlly tnayaboond tba aoolal at ur a wealhoratons tua day otonltm waa a grand aoee tha programme waa all that oould ba deeired and the booaa waa crowed fall luv it powlle ooonpled the obeji- vary efficiently 1rooeede amorud to wi r uravaaoonland family left thursday for laroo iv where bar boaband baa been rklng about fclx weaki he la well lud with tba place and ihey have battled tbera w will mlaa i bant they have been bar twalvayara and were good ailhtaua uue willir or toronto vlelud bar broth- arthur at ur uclbadarens buuday ur aud hit llallay of qtitlpb vlaltad at ur dolling on joody ur 0 oaaeina wbo baa- been iii iltly aboauwovmh ahereagailli ur h u abbott kvarlon and ur th london kiiguud papers rrsepeo- tlve of party aiproal nubondded aaui- faolion i hlr wilfrid laurlers victory tha dally mt4 ullliaaa it to read a loeaoa lo the urilub antlwarllk llbamu and says il la a ramarkabla feat which liberal- nearer home woald do well lo poudar that no tuora vloioenl atateuiettta of tin jubtloa of the urltlb oata have been made tlau by hlr wilfrid laurli ah lha pa pre deacoea uo oolnoldeuc of three notable oaaee lu whloh the awing of the political pendulum baa beau arreted nud tba jkiuj ntto remarka do it portend a uew factor in demoeratlo politics tlieouty aats oonoluauu is that what has happened is not baoauu lord uallabury ur uekluley and bir wilfrid laiirlr have llaoovarod a uew way of govarjilng without mlattkvs but baoauaa in all three countries tbara baa boat a allrrlug of national life to tiaw uud grtai laum kud baoallla lbs oppoallloit parllu havs been found out qf touoh with natloual feeling david webb of kdcm willi left tuesday morning for owen bound to talcs a term in thahdiuemoieelher wib thm every anooaa mrs blmoos has gone lo apeud two weeks with hmt aoo who uvea beer oam p- ullvilu ut j 8 joyoa moved on monday into lbs red brink bouea formerly occdpled by ur1ao vaaoonf uvur l mln- iur of bpeadalde will prcl in tbs metbodlal oburob hr next sunday r- vlos baglnulon al alaver oclock as tubal mr ilongs spent ualurday and bubdsy hi ba boms uy uaravllls tlsquuslno township council pytnarit for improuomontstltc durlnh tha sumrrur a new colleotur obohodtovn tw annual high honed nnnnart anl oommeucamflni rsarnltra will be held on friday no qoib atleer agme j hhonill who wrote on lha hatilor irfmi examination laat july and tiblaiurd only lh i of h iiai txn awardnl a thii nritillnjle 11 1 in appeal tlw milcrary eri t the metho- cjiat churtih wlio hahl il hbbllt iuv j m luttr m a of anion preached eiaiulit ki wbluh warn wall ircrlved by le rmitiurrkaliima lo ttie itfutniog the no ii k r 1 pa tin n wae a welled by the attend ance of tha lli illa and lu the oentnjj he nhurnli wa ciuwded t the 1reaby trrlnna ajij ngreialluntit up their eervice- tli- inuald ti lluwday wae ota ajwcial urdnr and vn mitimrally puaa 1u the oloir hl lb ilaoon of uiaa job milton lomrly new york and mr 1m j monrfl adui both or whom aang moriiug aiul availing tba antham la my lthl by tha fill choir lu lha availing atj the organ voluntaries of miss william wore muob appreciated the uffenngj at the day were tull liberal and will aubataulully aid tbo hoard of the obuioli cruwbon8 cohniimu the flwt big enowlorm of th ocouiradjui ttuady audwenow have aa abundant supply of ilia beautiful a good humur from hern ttiiuif the tjuarlerly ooiiimuiihiii arvlose in tho llriok ohurob on llundaymonilng iuv i l flagg- ur naaaagaweya will preaoh ill the melhodlal cburoh at 11 uo nrzt huuday rnoniinu mr m orewaon jr la atlll kept vary buay drilling walla mr j walker haa lbs largest crop of turnips la this vicinity he bad over three thouiaml buahela off about si a ore meaara john and leo orebatn andmias dentils apfliit buuday laat with rletids lu merilan mis atfgla atidoraou of aolon ta vliit- ing friends her mr m- campbell of kore spent bvera1 daya laat week vuhing life daugbur mrr j q am bin miih iluiitinu cased gold filled vatchch 15 to 30 s mtiiw and uoyb strong nicklo know roktd watchch 5 to 15 imenh gpoii face ojoid killi watchuh 15 to 25 abjluto ccrlalny thai you k a iuit sr5r placs whan you buy frtun stonibs in rtlli youths com panion at tlis meeting of lhb towuablp couuoll laat week tba following aooounts were paiaod lluuli loau aillua in atirobas al aunwilllama bridge ww chajdaa khk to haudluf apypa- l aut and han hildae ft w wlr fur repairing road ma- eliliis s a jatiiai if ilanlay fr repairtiiif urlde at iaru arat hue u s 63 banlali hear bslatteedua tut balld- leg ahututauu fov tha uw bridge at ute ulu bj 00 john llunlar for furnishing awr plt id oo the llamlluu llrlds worka co for oawtullon or hw bridge in ulan wlltawa hje 00 llugh ounnlnchatu foe brdlug uie hill oppoalea korvaj cwiltwy- clilngu4auay paying a like iuui 4 03 oaorye at for bpraadua milton nllrvly aab- l thelilatory of tha houu of ootutnona bleollon ooiitvala iu halton ilnoe oonfeder- fcllon ahowa that tha part lee are very even ly divided and lu any eleollou wl rutldl date of ultlior party may raeonably bops lovdubjuoe lhd7 wa have bad no lees tbau ihlrtaeu oouteets while lbs majority of tho oou a 11 1 ue ndas of tbs domlnlau jtave beet fat jailed with eight eo tbars bas ttl ample opportunity of aaosrtahtlug opr atatua polilloslly in ibotblrueu oouleli the liberals have beau auooeaeful all tluiae- the ooiiatrvallves wou ait suiial uu tuber of buuiidiih and one ludlueildeut lias beeti aleutdil iu all the oou tea is lbs past thltljthren years llouieuibev baa bt ulfolfcd lu lmtau with a majnrliy as bigb aa iso with tbs alugls sioaptlouof tbs liullmi u ihojfwhu mr haudaraou ran against ufj moorgor rtrvubut this was uaver aooouuud a pel i tio j i con- it4t- ludeed ouly rive lime bas iba tuajurlly uedsd 100 and at four eltfouon it waa uiidar jo our ihlrten oou teats baud resulted as follows i juliii while lil lan aaailiy ihti juliu vvhlu lib 1m tuajulty iwt i tluhlaholiuowlt kluia clttiaali 1 luti win uucrauy ijb luuiajimlty 1k7k lion wul uaeduuaall lud ill tilajofltf itcd wuuccraiiey ul fi iiajurlly liw j nil n waldle klb 11 uiaj uueeauj i beaj 1 tll j mill ootlrt tnaj fillhwtit i jled juliii waldle ijb m uljwlty lrwl u llauderaou otmj101 ulaj uuieatej ihuj u ijriu iuu d maxlty itiul 1 llemlerauu quit u majority iim t liaeouuoii iu niajtirlly it ia v njeulfea beu thai llellou uau not be regarded tha aars and oertatjj larruory of aillarly though tbroamm ihw atreuglb wpularlty alfj exoelleut una of otgaillaaliiitl under bis peraouel i u per v i loll mr luideraou bs bald lbs oooity ihe pastuiuoyaawa uninterruptedly ttuolioo aaojtamant has ud jo andrew of lbs town tin ksquea- in left last weak for h old boms lu ioodod uogland after at abaeoos of eleven years lie ur iiell tba now luoambeut of grace oburcb is making a vary favorable impraaalou tbos ialursou poitmaaler at drum quit died suddenly oo uonday bight of laat week us bad been out to lha field after hla cows in tbs avenlug and on bla return oomplalned of reeling very oold tat by tbs alove for awhile and audduly ax- pi red dsoaeed was about seventy tars of age us uava a widow and a grown up sou aud daughter caaiajijom tbs model baiool honor roll for the pit mootb is aa follows flora bismis 570 jennie bodtt 50j agnvs tltiortill m hdua katl afi ivir luld sis ida waas ml obai jo 00 oto q itouuann 4ojrada7loufley 4a0 marks obtalnabu fto tbs i ending of tba btudeuta ia dele ml tied by eoeral class workpranlloal uaohiog and wrltuu examination lu boleuos of kduoallou method lu kug and math and bohool mauagmnl tbs ladisa aid of kuoa ohurob purium holding a aoolal in lha ajjioolrooiti or the ohurob on tueeday aveft nov jotli a good prufsmms willtel provldad aud refmabtumtt asrvad iuv it uaddow11 d a furniar pattor of kno ohurob hsrs lias rignd hi pahlorals at watford and jold tha btsa ot tha widmlttur at toroulo vtoucuilry hillchluua- oobay paying a llkeaum uaorse 0cejutlell for building nw eutvar lots yt and w v oo and for supplying two yads gravel lou if and m t oau tliouiu vrloe tat aupplylug forty too yards irravel for tui hue at idels per yard clj klrklrtek for the rhf of lira woolor tbs municipal wohi hejaiiu of johu undaay for jjj days kliovelllng gnvel inliurowtdivleloil john ifapbareou for repeirlug vul braiiah brldss at knrval- too j colwlll for overaeelug put ting lu oourau lu the qlau bridge abuuu aula 13 ftj ooualj uokay oleanllig out diuh lot w tui line 8 00 luo cleaning out ditob loth hua lot s 19 i hi i vf 5 vf litbmahv notub uutviaa mail book tommy and url- xi la do titrru novel u u grvut piae of ohraouratudy yoi hmry throuyh ihs alory oiios for lbs alory which faacliiut you ao hut ou rrflictltig that a literary oiima haa thus jiji oonmiitlo1 yvu re read or fully in order lo rl awry flua point of ilils aillitlo production ths ptotures reitiklii with you you njwn a llarrln gallery ut otii v and ti t hrvr tn be oloeed ditikrua oould uollmpliii ou to mors init tins tls orowded attest ou tillalkouuifvioiuau with liauilhly hearing vndlbiiik tbla it a bit like the gtliel of your jsllery hut lbs broakod smile is tiot thirs and ao you are aver afur tea oh- lug faea ror thai hoys on lbs aueel iutl you ulors tbau they did tbera huy be a tommy among lliui e ld of vlxleeil tilyaterioufly lalu j hair browr and wsvugdellauos lo lbs buib uolblug urtling kbool blot but his vx- preeeloii uf bla fans whloh waa almost feeraotimly aolemii aud appereillly ua obsugkbls luru la a derttig ulltor lis baa uuu liberties wlbau oil uuatum the ouloiil of malting lb baro tlirogjbou t tha oubu olaik co toronto joeeph vjynu furuuhlug aewer pipe aud putting lu the aatus aeaond una lot as johu hule for aupplytug 1j yards alfred laird fur aupplylug oj yajrda braval uauiuel uoolur rjrlug road lot ti iwli llua ujd warru advartlalug voura lut court auj prtiillug tax uauuadyllroaohottlaalukuud jaaob ifajuar rapairlug oulvft aud fllllutf holaa on illi hue yrauk wrhuiibworlli repairing oul- verta lots 10 and ii oou augul parhuaoueaiilulthlooar put- uuj ou gravel ou baud hill dlu- wlllunia joseph uardhmeut as jvr order on luuuh luar eoutraator aio for euttlug bridge aeal itobatt tluwarl lueva alulliig jurors 9 daya- j a timy clerk almtlug j mora 0 daya j o stiorkll aattesor altlug lurori ijlali- 19 to iii lb fifty- 1 wo iaus of the year the ioulxt comjmnlih publiibea mors that two huudrwl atorlea yet to carefnlly are they selected that they prove itiekhauatibls in variety unfailing in tbs power lo de light tha stories already in hand for tbs cmpauuin lltol volume show that tbla fealuraof tho paper will i he ltroug among lbs roups of atones will ba ona of old battlers day tales stories jwttullyudjal saw ofllm gajluuings of- pioneers in tha wo i there will be four stirring tales of our inland beas plolur- tng tha adventures of lbs traitor on tbs oreal lakes and there will alo ba four true tulee from lbs zoos told by femoub kerpera arid iralnere of wild txael atid tbls is ouly a wgiiiiilug wo shall be glad li sand iiluuretnd antiounoemaiit of tba volume for 1d01 with aatnpla copies of the leprr frs lo any addrees all new anbartbera will reeelvs tha com- pattioa tar thd reniuitilng weaka of 1000 fres from tha ilma of atibrorlpllon and ibou forafulydarjllytwqweiaavto january 1st lm also tho comjmixw naw oaloodar for lwl aallabls as an orna ment for lbs prettleit room tn tbs houaa tn youths couraxiom boa ton maaa volutu rlj for k- ul all nw r tuuli uuw l t uutr kh ki r i ol rk t w i mi k uti r- i i unbtklli mc lkiiil l w cl jniili i z j ruhtiiwm ia lui frrwltyu it i hu lil au viur iliutiuiijvr aibjil- f mpetlu l lkll t do j itektlall co lmosufd vms vt f laaairaiajiaaciauaiiff iii aune way i wul faatly batlsrlad and title uttai tail ilia km priinole tm jklnrqlrbfi cublph blood poisoning follow a wound in the knee caused by a pitchpohk five the d l emulsion tlw d 4 l emulsion tho d l emulsion the l u emulsion tfvile tumii m1varefwwlhv fuenarpmlls 0oc a 91 per bottle tl sure you i davil k ijiwkrihch lle co ulilllsl umiktl fi i cl to ii u i ui oc u jafpj f bhiijjojjiio tiuimii jo johajbd o u aiuauii puo ccip jo tus iiiv jot mtuoj joqio jchs uvtl kjtllojjuu ojou 1jh uiu3p uiojj botldluuo puv puu jspjnq oii oj jatop uoh b3ijj b tl ljm0 osmoo ej j3a3u latli atio ijastjjr i uuapi tup aoj djiq sjaaubv jq oldood oboh the right flouse hamiltons vavokitii siioiiinc 1ick bargains in new dress goods -ft-oil- jo htiortllllomtliig lands lu oh wllllauia lobaotd for uxgj a oo j trasy aaiua s 00 moved by mr near aeoondad by ur cook that tha treasurer bs autborlaed lo pay tbs follow i ntf trniunti being in each oae twothirds value of abaap killed by dogs iba owntn tharaof being unkiiown qeoraacauipbatl 1 eliaep 4 00 vvllllammaiikbahaep u to jaa qauipbttll i aliasp a lain be til hj carriiid ir kdward towpanud waa appoitd a bolltfltorot taxaa tba oolualor previously appointed for ida ward having rcaiguad loud nouehts appeal yothafrlandw ochwtuvnlrttf ooldlars not to traat tham to intomiuantu lllhluih nov from pruuie children ctyfor castoria i lord llobaru aauds euikinu appeal lo bis oniiiiiriiian to refruin from turulug lb wloouiij nil the liouia coming of the troops into a ilrunkrii urgy iiu axpresoes tho altiocre hops that tha waloomo will not take lha for in of irealhijj lo aliriiuluiiu aud lima kad lo iximsioa that uilt land to digfalu lln whom tlijuatkou detlnbta lo lionor utld bwer tha aoldtara of the qnsit iii tba eyas of ll world uhloli haa walobed with uiidiigulifd adinlraliou iba graud work lhay have iwrfqru ul for tbalr sovereign and oou n try he sylj am vi ry proud lo bj able tu ihuuid with llio iiinui aleolula truth thai lbs oouduot tdr tbiu army from ttrel lo latt has ln sxitnputy not a ainglo casa of kerloua uilmu im hell brouubt to my uolka j iiuuj nolblhg dvuervliiu lbs tiaiiis of jrims 1 hai lruild u lbs meda own aodirly fvjing utidtgiuhl teriei aid they have borne thaiusvlvas has hroe ou i lie batllrllilj and liku geiitleiueii on all illier ocuaaioiia l lord huberts ulplalns that bs ilius appeals brtabee of lbs dlatraaalug aud die- ruedlisbls vceties r from injudicious friend nedmg tbs parting tnldisfa by shoving ulled eplits iutu luir bauds aud potikiti i doctors in consul tat hon qave thai burfurar but llttle hopo of bodovarytiov mwtlfwwia skvad llrtmikvllle u among tba old families lu tbs towiihhlp of auguets it tha uaighborjtig- ooutily of qronvwe ihr i nous bailer known or mora influential than thoaa that bear lha uama of illaalu tbs iluaalls wars among tlteearlleet battlers lu tha towuablp and have aver since than takeu au active part all moves to promote its welfare tha bjaot of tbla narreliva mr silas lliwll la ona of lbs younger mmbera of tba family who aoma years ago lft canada to maka bis home lu tha tlats of nabraaka ha baa paad through an axpirlinoa al most mil j us and eoiulders that bs la fortuubls in being alivs lo tell tha us the lory as told mr hiuells owu wordi la ai follows in tba aulumti of lodl aabuiuad a tertous injury through having bs lines of u pitchfork penelrala my left knee tha wound apparently balod but i did not arjoy tba earns lilth i bad prevloui to ilia acmdauuatid it was hue a abort litus bafois i wa cammliullo tike lo my bed on aconunl of axaruclattriif pilna in my llmba and atlffnaas in my joints a doctor waa called iu and ba lanced thd luaa litres lltiios and than told ms iba trotiblo waa blood polaoiilug ua traatad ma for to ma tiiii but i ataadiy grew worae aud lltially five phyalolana wars called lu for couaultallon my entire system aeamad to ba affaolad and lha doctors aald tba trouble bad reaohad otta of my lungs and that they oould hold ott but utile hops of recovery afur remaining lu bed for alevan weeks i decided that i would return to my old homa in canada i waa ao muob run down and ao weak that it waa a jiieatlou wbetiiar i would live to veaoli lhars but i was iiavoithalaas dettr- inlctd to mrksaii affutl to do ep aftur a loug jouruay under thea moal trying olr- matauoes i waohj my old home i was ao used up aud presented auob an antedated appearance thai my friends bad no thought that i would rraiver i con tinued to drag aloug lu this condition for aavsral months wlteii ona day a ooualn asked ma why i did uot try dr william pink id la i waa willing lo try any tutdioiiia that waa hkaly lo oiursona aud i iiii for a supply of tba pill atur i had immii utlitg iba pills for about three wbakat felt an 1 in pro vain ant in my condition from that time i gradually grew heller naw blood amed oourhig through my velua tha aliffnras lu tny joints diaapjwiar- fid amllhsbuonfaingpaip vlifolt bad iq long torlurrd ma vaulabad i took tuall ten or twelve- boat uf dr williams xltjk iiiij and i bava no baaltatlon lu aaytug that iballevs thay aavatl my life for wbati i ralunietl tu csntda i hid no bop of reoovary mr uiaaeulvaaaiuoaituttud to bus uld hiinis al llmioln ntb but lbs aulsnieuta mads abovs ou ui vouobad for by ally of bla frinda in tbla beditoiiaud by all of lbs ualgbbova in tbs vlolnlty of bla old boms dr willlama- lk 1iii nut aueh ap- parutly bopls oaa as mr hjatelis becauta tbay nuke uew rlob rd blood aud thus reaob lbs root of lbs troubla tim pills atuis ouly medioiiis ollarcd lbi publhl uiloualww a record of bttolr luartalloua oures altar doctors disd failed if you kr at all unwell this medimus will reetont you to beavlth but be aura you jet ths genuine with the full iatns ir wil liam llk lllllafuf i lopl on tlis wrapiwr iouid wult i ihe-masxer-christian- tho mothodlat xlmos in its review ye of the gglet otidhuu uarls corel us latast book la a darilip atj utiec in prom 11 ng atlaok upon eyiolaaluuclsiii whsmw uie failure of m jalktlalnl is ilue to ilia hiabtllty or ubwilhiibua of ilia elrlo mind to undonuud tlis nkw testament ur 0 uie okurob tits rjlflj tiilhors 1 attupokeii in bar ikmirra tha liulto inclsni oouvenuocal ubriallaiiity no ous doubt uie burning lrinrtiy it tlis wriur t louoa to kee trie living olirut ones tu aiitbrotixl lu tba hearts af liunuulty ait vl all wbo are lutsreeted lu lha rsll and to lil pmbtiia ofthflldaytoicadl inauoai book paper 75 ltolitjhprtlitlrn ltlngly cloth 1 2b loliullttap8lbo wm briggs publisher 20 33 richmond st w toronto special ptirchnaoof a latgo tjuantlty of 11 lack drcaa gooda sml navy uluo scree at ulwul onethird lotu than regular value all of them lu lbs faraoui aold mwlal llrind wrilu for aariplesueraaraa few details twanlyj pieces jlncli inncy l i lack 1oplln in u tint tatcctlati ol new ilcalgns lloo i pllna lor 65c 9tfi ioplliu for 75c i133 1oplln 1 for lioo i ten nlncca all wool i hack suiting serges iu various makes 4 inch hoc mack serges at jjc 75c illacl uergeaal oc 34inch 115 ulack sergei at 75clrjlack scrgtr at 00c navy sorgo s two mates or 5 inch coatinl serges ons medium and tlw oihorhejvy tmallly reguur 75c for 50c regular li for 75c big silk solo great lurgalns in good new silka perfect sitka daalrabb silks il a very rare opportunity write for aamples i plain taffetas lna laigtrasxortmcntnof tbrfienrrwet bhjiliiiga full31 inches wld these lilka we liavo boci aell- ing right along for it now h5c 7c jltxtjl3 jftu- 03a dljck and colored plain taftctaa various faililonabla uliadbs wore jc now 6 ioi jri v ox soar ib- 06 lino rich ualilyof new leau do sola reveralblet aaj in wide jiut four pieces regular li 33 juallly for 95c 1 il jueyf7jsu jfoj- boo uiau i if ul nfcw mervellleux silks ay incites wide fiae i will tllk back regular iaj a yard for roc jackets 2oo soma bargains in last tcaxons good varni hicjt jadtoti itrpmtty tarktialnnrrtlied wens formerly markodarfroni 3 73 to i650 now i other hlack jackets went very apecul valiw at i-i- reduced lo jh and aoma in 1awli deavor doubla breaaiod pearl bultonl various slicu were lo now 15 swirb sr by buying ihroiikh our mail order departuiout imlghl oreapra prepaid lo railway stations in oiilario on all mail orders amounting tu or mors samples sent anywhere on reueil second hand vehicles if you need a good strong secondhand buggy call and see my stock i have a good list to choose from and will let them cheap also a few second hand market waggons and cirts i am anxious to clear out a full line of root pulp- crs hog troughs and waggon springs on hand thomas c watkins king sb east cor hughaon st hamilton j pa3tli5mibmrnls ilojmrly forsnli nuuiikit of ma b1 111 promtj for ml till trim altl to ww iikuhtiibbt aoloa kliunlhhkiriloijsii to ll nt lunilalmt buck liouse lo t apply 1 vwvu lldljl vvvuk vmdl a itill1i polul ol 11 li astltay iutilrigjil t1lavki ou i1i-oiim- lolw dnl 6 ktmiuiicm bailor tlatiia ui tl l ri owner may liaiesui vlna ixi il lsyluriripeiisoa w w mmitt mmlkua faum mt saijb pnk uddaolriiul nrfraldr tale bis farm lar in w ubiiboiriimi norali eon ku apply lo wm ilemalresta jauel yuahrio dk8ira hlk jtksi i1kn0k f oh bal puit wellkitoa property r katrvuw a aeanuajecanlly ooeuplnl by wm utippe u nee ottered faraele ttie bouse watt bofii see elt roome wltli bail and paatry lane and woodbnueetvnneeted f lard aod a li well iloeked with itblnuteoorpor n r property woald nuke a bplaodld bite ror reeubuse and badea will be eold orresy terms ro particular apply at vaaa iajtee office a a too onl prop uie uirlvlns toajnafacturluj win a ue proalrrtlty o ltalruw acton bakery ws keep a tileo assortment of bread and cakes drop a card and have the waggon call if ho weather kcejie cold wall be getting oysters regularly lupecteoma thl wec dc matthews new butcher shsp c k whson hah opered a new meat ahon in tbc- sremlaea lately occupied by joyca ilrolhora fill street a clou whern will b found at all limes m full supply of prima rash feibj ourad uoala sauuagesj teah ruh poultry ha season and hope by strict attention to ilia want of blacuitomefs aecurlog tho beat animals or slaughter obtainable and doing- a ch bujneast ol vtromplete aa itifai i ion o ovary cutome your orders bohallad- c a mason before starling on a journey think a moment and save time and money all you can do by going t6 see a man of business is to talk with him unless you wish to break the peace you can talk with him just as well by unb distance telephone j n oneill succegsor lo gulp makonulo g ip o rojsxolhzjnt- 1031 f pwi the country centleman the only agricultural news paper and admittedly the leading agricultual journal of the world pur goods the stylish kind and tho good kind of 1urs arc not tsecciur- lly ibo umo good i tin nro scarce this winter but we bought the aklna noma time ogo atitlclpaling a run on just tho kind that fatnurbutaeeawtejtdeekwejfey fall1000 coop6r sskins mxuhiqkkull tkiloru l s uakino lb hem annul hitilu tholr luitroim uni narally u fo ii1111u lln t st favors and linie pato we ha all au- ina ol 10 public ror llnlr notlio ui to uatolallori npnrtalloiii oomlm liiolinq h thouakminou vallovihudoatinao vanoy vkihtinqu all die utbit novdltui from tbs lu mikais tt prices in leopluu wltli wo and malarial it l in our 1 sl record li a n llou will lieylvaii araillo 1 iht btllilo ho troubla to ultinr our to lusura a uool isldallui u 0 oou hole al in tnwu tor ilallwarp a lilui iurii wlilch do uot oliftiuo tbalr two yaate wsarior mousy relumlsd 1 lllti colur in cooper akins main st acton bablo ijorsliitv and soul pure it rnmark- and length of exceptionally good quality at reinavk ably low prices according toili required rlpailts and riaiodlilling now ta ibu limo dont wall until ncedpd badly m jou will wait l n e ufontaine fur lor cuolph wanted rhoumruaviunr will succumb lo soulh american hbsuniattc cure 1wcqiji it goes r ll t lo iba beat of ilia trouble and rcniovostliecauw many ao callad euros but deadoii pain tomporarlly only lb have it re turn hgittn wltu tloublod vluluncc nol to with litis gieat remeily it uradlcatca tout tb byateui lha laat vostigs of thadluake ajul its cures aropermaiiuiil 74 iaim ktuau ia ibo bail a runt ami ante i r muddy for nrauipr wlm and liurrhnua asallulunnl fur wounds and spraluu it la uueijualud avoid iublilutv llmrog bul 0110 ialiiklliir ierry dviu ua and qd that as an all ruuudfamily rsmody always lipoid be in thd bntiiii for au mervnoy dr peliye vuls duotiuut any thing iu the market they ua au sum 11 a ubllj uan tka them with atj y0ues a do a sm to fill permanent potitlona with ui at aood pay- all supplies free chance of promotion lo good turn wa also deilro same good agents either on whole or part time to tall our preparation foe llio destruction of the 1uuiock moth catetiullar known aa aavaupllxiatuntt many of our lalfibiiien cany this as a aide 11 no and mala considerably moro than tholr eipcnves tliarchy wo have llio larguat attori tntm 1 of alack of any nursery in canada pco- ple prefer our goods becauta of our guaranlea au- our hlocli-ls- wilotit under government cirtllicate proving- cliuinlliieai and froojnm irotil ulwasa apply now for icrrltory stone 8c wellington toronto uvry department wrluua by apeelejuu the b hse auuicrilles lu their kespeeuvs line ma ntber paper pr4 da toeipels with it lu qualiflcalloas ox allleul bxf olvthaaarleulloralnaswtl wllbauye of fuluawtaad tllrnnr bol arael tualtd by o tbars ileal lulews of thai oropat llt ua kei jlepohs beat aooounuomes beat utarrthlng ihdiuratmbluit to all country residents who wish to khup upwtththrjnutis blugl bubaorlpuod ta oo two buuaarlpliona 3 b0 jtoai bubeorlpuoiul sooo sfcgul ihduoatuktnttt to uaiuuus 0v l4 uo aut clulia polut ollib procrastinate no dout do that but come today to the acton pump works and get your pump repaired or buy a new one we can do it watering troughs cisterns and a general jobbing business done satisfaction guaranteed bkotobcround conoavo urln tham in charles kbbaom milii si acloa special for farmers your months thaltrli for bo ouu ul rj oopieo will h msjled free cut kegueet- ii will pay anybody interested lu anyway lu eotmlry ufa to beud or uleul dree iba puullabar luther tucker a son albany ny m t aolon macliiue anil uoirnir shov iiuhuyauinuwu proprietor um i ell aijulpiid wltll a i ilia ulacbhiarl m ummhtr iooibluiu al rplie louitulilu iln4 agricultural intpuniuuul sn1 m do al k uaauileanl nttlutlhiisesbimluaaudg4ieta blsksmublus wooltor rpalis tieiomw h kbatlslaatiry liiauti wu uu iilr niaohlue ur lidplmiit illmaud rllejd j oil led dul tuy rnbe a u alanatura ia on evory uik uf the ivuulae laxative broraoqitininc tabuts i tj toiuedy that denej et je4d iat saej elexjr j a pleasing phetegraph se our4lf aaotltera aeev you but let us pro you at your bl our work ia commended not alone for tttd art 11 ic nieilts but for the eoe- land and accuratetieas of our likenesses wtjal a a pretty picture aud it looks ao much like you la the hievlubu emclanu lion phfiro wrtsit rtoton oatmeal cut 90 lb sack 175 40 go 11 25 also conestoga flour 3oo everton 195 maple leaf iqo goldicsbest 210 geo j thorp crali rod and soods ouxrjii j icuefatou ocrfwo0d r- m mllborus burllbg ifsadaubs 1owdera uura tba woral baadaoha lu from fits lo nty mluuiee end leave u0 bad aftar- affact one powder bo 9 powjore 10j 10 powdant iid new ideas ilajr uruabes combs toout uruahes glotii uruaheei lurshs all i he latest alylts stalloniiuy newot dnilgub imc our pads wlib llaga on each bwl luvo lojwa 10 iiialch nlw lot ol iiulumhk juil arrived aak for aamtde pf ltdlea lvffuiikj lltolicr at brown oh m ul and jutlouej- acton u

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