Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 15, 1900, p. 3

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bank of hamilton georgetown branch ageneral bankingbubinoso transacted corroopondonco solioitod j department inrereal allowed on mmy1 oni iol- i ah nnil ttpwanln from ttwy of default u day of withdrawal no for mall ilea and no delays n dfawitijj money farmers huhjiicks solicited notes of responsible brmen dlscounled and numny luinod lor climtn dusbmsa urmuui our collection donnimiumit ifa every facility or nialik prompt returns solo botes handled nnd money advanced on account of urns at low rales of interest travellers are nollfiod llial tho itanb of hamilton and iii it ranches issue circular note of the wovlncul hank til 1njfland jiirrltod which can be caahed without charge or l rouble ip any pan of iho world ttfe news at home montly of n looal charaotar and ovrv horn intarnatlng hualj opi icli hamilton katabllahod 1b73 capital paid up 1703214 reserve fund 1234119 total assets 1 i37357 jawiia tuknuuli cashier b forsayetii aoknt goorgtttown branch we make a specialty of ketjingilmclinc of good suitable for wuddinc guts uiuriiday cirrs litllnusikp gi1tg call and tefl our great varialy of batllf ful nw good no trouble to kiiow tltom it qeo hynds aoton out ijc rtnrt jfm jlrtss ti1ui18uay novkm11kk 16 1d00 little localbrieflets which cuaht tha yaoctraor frea pratt ra porta re thla ww ijooki very muoli km if white bad oom to a lay th flrat skating of the muoii hh an joyed y lord ay tba merchant and clothiers appre- olau tha ooldar weather mr george bloval baa aold bit slock of booh 1 ebd shoe to mr d kopraau do you reallt thai ohrletmsa willbe br fl week from boil tuesday y about 0e of tu luob of snow fall ou toeeday and bom there id paseable sleigh lag a taiga orop of i told you aov and i knew it would jo tbat way baa sprang up si no sleouju day a meellud tbd frm library lloaid will bo bald lu tha library 01 lluy amnios at elhto olook mr h iiolmm dror shipped a car of lambs to buffalo yet7dy ha it on tb buffalo marks to jay a o hi drain is uio laid this week on mill street to 0011 110 1 with tbd mala eewer at willow titreet tha paea lnui will ba milled to any obscribr in canada or the united btetd itll b- d of 00t for una dollar lie k l fi u d of na kawaya will p tacit at ll a llrlok ouurch next saoday morning at 10 oclock mr o a waoa ba opanaj a uaw maalaboplu tba pramlma ulaly ooctlplad by joyoa ilroa lo mra boordi blook off miu u ulwlim ati wamllaitt man log aaiwloa of almltrla llbl wblolt tba owoara of intlalud raaldouoaa atid llotall upaolally appraclata tba ural eutur win out on tuaaday tba alalgbloft waa talbaf itittlffarsut bub lb driver bad tbd distinction p tba aral alaljtbrlda of tb bahioti litr mr oli ibbk luu bu pump worku dow lu oral olata worklny oriir iii uaw gaaollno odin i a faturo tuoi appid outad it do lu work with prfol tall faotlou off 0ortj lwktr bad lb mufortun laat tburaday lo out off lb top of hi uft tbomb wbiuil wclkju ijcaflmaa-t-fcol- laatbar tauuary 1i ooti a faw woaka holidays lu ooniaijiitiiaa- auollooaor uamtlraat bah obd iba aaiai of tba fatm balongluij to tba dalloo eu4 bl ud uun i luaaluv to mr orabatd lawaoil or1500 bill lot u ooo 1 naaaaaway balontfiuif to a bproatlowni ailbartaou for i1c00 iba faarn ara oobtl ufad wall hold tboaa wbo ooutoiuplau purobaaiuu ntoutnauta or work of uuy dlaorlpllou for tbalc oamatary plola aboufd ordaf dlraot fromtbaobj rallabla utaulu and tuarlild doatarj 11 hamlltuu gualpb out al aapaaaea kilo wad lo purol hmmt4 au work and malarial warrutd ooropallllon dnad sash and doons iw stock if you ara bulldliitf or making improv mauti call at drowuu iltnm mill wllb your ordar in htook aaib liiid 4 lltcbt iaill4 uiibti juiho jllgbu uju8u jgbt door 111 mock 9 loiu 10 ig ibluk and a 80 19 tblak aolld tnuuldad itd rftlaail pabala yloio 10 1 iblob kroot doora wllb or wltbout laa up jluati tlaowu proprlalor malu htrl aotou hucqqnizin tmh ohilv tcuti ontario will qlv leo aora to uauh of hoc llaturnlnit boldlar toaoato nov 6 uou q w hum lrmlaf of ouurlu baa annouuoad tbat 0 ary aoldlaf 10m ontario wbo wu to tha booth atrtoau waf a grattt of ico tara bf tba publlojauda will ba madd and tbat u will ba fraa from all taaa aiuapt aobuul taxaa for tail yaara tba lalidri of wurw will l ht hoitbrn ontario but tnuob uf tba miplialn dlatdot la ijulta vauabla to thosk abou to mamilv 1oonj idu tr old mid who lutaod to matrry will ba plaaaaj id laajtu thai llio oaw marrlatt aot la luadaajulta klinpls by applying tc it i uoort laauafof liiarruga lloauaaa at tba vaak laua offloa oall a aw day bafor tba oaramouy and bava tba outuf aapulaad imvat uflloa all boalnaad alrlody pruau aud oouudadllal at rwldauoa lu aoulur a a vntortunmt fmll mr ob lotto muuro uborob buaat aaajlajiiad a tvarara aooldanl ou toeaday rsorufnu hlio waa going to a neighbor a for a ll of water whan aba allppad and fell bra king hef uft arm juat abovo tba wrlat mattiimllmt jiaalwrmmry tivrvloea i its fifty aulb annivaraary of tba molbhtl cbnrob bar will be bold on utinday jcui ioat iuv t w jaokaoo if kl ra ifmllant uf tba oonforonoe will proaub moriiliig and avonlntf tba obolr la proparlng apaclal mofejo tor tba oooailon aud tba day will bo 00a of unuaual intaraat yaritierm ittnttittfa mooting maailn or tba parmar inatliuta will ba brll rxt woek at oampballvllla on tburalay ovanltitf mod at mlltou on 1 rlday vnlnif isrd aud al oaorkatown 011 halui lay avanlng 9 lib tba inaetlnra will bo addraaoaj by mr a uonoll wucr villa aud mlb 11 maddook oualph and abuuld pruwa vary lotcreatln mmiafully tlumd mr if v 1fjlatur tba baad of una of thadaparlmantd at tba adtotrtnnlntf coa woika met with a gainful aocidnr tail tburaday lid waa aarrylnjf a buokst of hot oil aud aoap wbon lis allppad and tha aaathlnii liquid dranabed bit right arm rlbt alda of uia f tot and forahaadj aoalding him pilufully though fortunately bot daaply irompt mtdlcal troalmant r relief and mr poliollr id at ba poat agaiu ibid wak hvioaruati hot hottlti iaw mrd oardlpat r ba raturnad from lo ron to after upending a faw weeks with her daughter there h ha bad the ptoaaura of holplug to welcome hof aoo in law color uorgoaiit youu from booth africa who upon hid arrival home wad treated with tbd mreatudt enlbualaam a 11 u cd hot of mauds ware assembled lo meet blm tba house waa tery uatrfully dvoorated and llluiiilnated jtwo bonflrea lit up ilia strsel wblut inside lir partaking or suppr bundrddu oaiua lo ace and great tba bravu ralnrusd aoidur a iiraphsphooa added to ibaenjoyment indoorj argeant young is iri hplaudld hoallh chutieu jwooa tha ldiiomtlotilaim hie hrtlof tho year will km thrmovsi of a number of familiar faced from amoug the schools of aolon aud vloiuity miss jeaumorhsllua bad baeu appolutad toaoher of the school at bar own horns nea gampbllviila misl llaa ll- moquian wbo for three yaara had oooupled tba arduous and respoualble posltioujif taaober of thtf primary dapaitmautof an tod 1oblio hohoolxoea ittaronlolo tekaw psoieat sionsloourae al the mortnil bobool mha mamurohy has tendered bar realgnatloa at lome school wv vrej nlaort who baa oonlrullod the dastinoa of dublin bobool for three years with great aooepubillly leavaal at cbrlilmas lo take a oourse at iba normal mlsa uuloheon llrnehoute aud miid obapmau upayalda bave raalgnsd ihslr posluous ja jtmoyoj ifuuur the family of mr joseph holines young blresi has been subject to a very bnklutl rumor tba psit week whloh lhy feel keeri- lylailjxuaiuyji caaa ot loatrcbfotef ol a mild type broke out lu tba family uita yioaale beluj tha palleut uaf youurr slater lsna having been ill a few day while ou a rsoeul vlil lo frltudd at yale mlob 1 the rorl was clrouutcd that sh had been flt ctid with soarlal favaf and brought the infection home wllb her ws have before us a oarlifloata from dr 0 arwld wells of yals saying that lenas illueaa was gasulo litltallou braugbt oa by a severe ool i and ibe duration of sick the municipal council llyltw poiiad for tha pjirohsso or land tor vvdenln mltbtroot at th wsrren block couooil mat uil monday ovenlng si 8 o clock in aeml mnothly aaasion members were all preeanl iteava iearaon ji chair tho twenlielh report of tba committee 00 finance waa preeanled nd recom mended payment of aooounts aa follow a canajlan uanera klaoule ca sujiplles fttt 81 j ii iearaon auppliea 1 go j a unalkhl ajaelile iljbl uuok sco ii 1 moore pttnun- 4 n u l jraliani taua aud tallti coming and going vlaltora to and prom aotort and varlouaotharparsonat not a 1 ramps i w v uailta bollarpurfe 1 us h k taamlntf 1 co tiaas was duly four days it is hoped in view of pr walls nutlaoate tbat this aatluiabla family will bot he subject to any furthsr redactions lu this matter tba origin of tbd fevaf is unknown to tha family or phioiau aud tha patient id havertbalaas rapidly oouveleeoing out kuotrla tight ervm tha constantly uoreeslng demand for auolrlo light has beau au agreeabu aur prlaa id tba council during the roaent th bslwaen one and two hundred usw llgbti have baad applied fur and it waa ml that hefurd any further luslsllatloui isfd iliads the dynamo should ba tested up luaudbeyood the poltit wbara auy pos slbls ddintnj for current ooull be made in oasa all preaeut ordors for light wara in slalul with lid iu view a lest waa tnade lutlbursday afteruoou with all lights in u including the street lights turned ou and the dynamo was thoroughly tvtd and it carried the entire- nail with tba utmost saturation thar- are now 910 lighld iiihlalled and tba 152 street hghta- makta toul of tto tba tuotrloiind rw uow at work installing about 00 lighu lu mr jauisu u row 11 s plaulug mill aud reaulsuod and will than put lu cctligbla for w ii blorey a bons tannery tlia wltc- irlo light plaut la inaulfeahy a profllsbla niuuloipal iustitminii autl if all uird of niahgul wllloleere a7jue woououty iu tlialr usa by pro tu ply turning off all hghu not usedad thsra is every prohablllly that tha authoritua will soon be in a poelllau to make a gsusral rducllon of tba tariff uhargea for ourrsnt kit hondonsonsmajrjmirv 143 according to ammanillntf haturns laoalvad durlntf tha waak iha following are ibe returns for ualtou showing tba nisjoritlee iu aaoh polling plscv where the net majority for each oalulldatd id glvau tba oblolal raturus of the complete vols will be n uat week uuhllhkaow u uiltou in oikvllu w 4 ueorgauiwu aolou tj hurlliiiitou it ksyuelwo mo 1 lluroata g horvsj si b huwarltowui u 4 dublin ft tuouiiieou s cor it 0 ulumllluius to tuivtiaiiu ho 1 iloyus oruintiulii 1 u 5 puatvllld 1 duudu lltrmt ft 1 alitlo 0 utouu hsijww- no 1 vr man a numii a a iuiuu4 n s ivilb a ft lull s udbool 8 u auilby sj nlkriluiwhvl ko 1 uauitullvliu u lrwkllld unaloblull s- uolljtrat aaamlnatlia new aldlug mow heiug luroed ut at ll roams 1uuing mill actou iijco moved by j williama eroomlod by itourt wallace tbat tba twentieth jport of ibe oom ml it on tliihiicx jixt rajd be aopei oajrle1 muved by john olirka rondd by jnbn a ilendvreoa that the llave ba pt i iba mm of tiooo for nhanliei oarrui mnvod by john cltrk sropibd by john a idermij lllf l ka u granted to introduce a by lw for the purposa uf uraliaaliig pert uf the original quarter of lot no 30 in iba thin oonooaaian uf tba lownabiu of uueing and now known aa part of tot no 17 in blook 41 in ibe vl lg of aoton for he purpote of wl lonlng mill fltreel and that the b law ha how read a hrttlms0rd 1h by law was uad the rulrl number of times atid pissed council adjouriird at utile o olook nebnqaogmknt op teacheus principal t t moora matnsssd tor tha twontythlrd tims at iho mealing of the 1ubllo bobool hoard on monday evening the luaebsra of tho flrat ecoflnd aud fourth departments ware rgaued foslwtl thle tih tweiity third tlin in sucoaaalon that mr thomas t moore xmnclpet bad been anggd and the fourtnth lima lbt mlsa g molhall has rroluod apiwittment ss tbaobef of be seooiltl department tbeorlginal reaolutious engaulng lhain were raapecllvrly as follows at a meeting of lha irutleaa hoard held on nov ihiii lu7 at which there were prraint w ii rlorey chairman v uandaraoii kd ward moorr joseph las by and batnuel moora it wad uoad bru fatwtracn eeeoodaj by kiwuj uoore tbat uia application ofttiouiaet moore it bead master of aojimpublla- reboot ba ae ewplaj ajol lial the aureetilaat bdtln lilm be signed by uls glial rmu on babalf or the ikt eajilaj- at a niaatingjjr tbellorl bald on oct 17th 1b87 whan gor ii lid clialrniati w ii btoryjj lljklcgarvinjdr iiowry thomas ibbage aud isaao vratlou war praeent it wad iloradby wh hloray fcnomll by tbcmaj elbe uiallbshtnllbatlon of alias laau tie hall ae taehar al the tsoui itepartiuatit be aooaplad that uie fcury le xo pr annum sbj the oaalruiau be authorised to sluu au fthdttnt na babaji of uia hoard to the sfforls or this two faithful taaober much of the suooees of aolon xuhllo school of raosnt yaars has baaii due thjloar of 1 rttsl of aolonjobllo bobool mat monday aveniug at the call of tha chairman members all present ii ilolmaa chair- tnad preaidiiig tb gommltlra ou fins nee pressutad tlialr aeventh rafiort ard reoomtnsuiud ayment at the following accounts jt v urowusuu tilled su w walker reutuig buokooards 13 bo moved by alaie a beoord secoudeby w ii keuney thai tha finauoe com mlttee taport just read ba adopted carried tha chairman roportfrd that savsral uou resldeut pupils had made application for permieslau to attend lbs tjrst dsparlmeot tba resignation of mitd il jean molmiall u a of iba third department was pre aauud and it waa alao rsportsj tbst miss kllu h uoqueeti luuudad going to normal bobool usxt term moved by aux a secord seconded by j li matthews tha r i he losobara in tba following dspsrlmeulu ha re atigagad 1st denarunut t t uoor at a salary of e4t0 thuldaparuiiaululmo uoj halt at a salary of so0 u pauaual ulutsua currla at a salary of tirti aud tbat tba becretary ba instructed to advert for taaoherd for his third aud fifth deparltneuu holding soeoud olaaanrofas slonal oartldoaud st ssurlss of 375 hid 1350 raepaotlvely carried movjdby ii bwankhamir saoaiidedby 3 ii melthewd thai lha foe for non resident pupils ba aisd at co osnis per month carrisd othar maltsr of interest lo lha schools was dlecueaad and the hoard adjourusd si 0 20 aqifd looal voters to curlf a cold in one dav tali usalue ikuum guitlne tabutd all ilruutata etuoj the miitiay it it taita u aura a w ltuntiuu4liuuuu aauli bus raturdays ikorifoontalnsd tba following islur froul aotou j l uuitou would i uotoa in today a horuthatmr william mitchell of mark hiti sgad 15 was out and voted for mr msoleau and iu looked upi as probsbfy lha oldest voter but anion can out uo uarkhaiu as mr ilourt mills of aolon aged 0t was out aud voted for mr david xlstldareou ibkoldgetitlsmsu was driven to the lll by mr aum a beoord forsiaaji of tba canada glove worka aud tba old genllsman ttaedad ho i suoe to hud from tha oarrlagd mr mills is lha graud father of ueeers guruey urea lilsrobauld of this town lbs uml ohuat vour in aotou was probably col win allan llbaral agd about wl iu was driven lo tha polls by mr john warrau and oarrlail in to tba poll by mr arohia john moklu nou and anaulfnt voiku aolon novemhar 0 the volar evldiitty ovst looked tba faoi lha ara ilsll isij who ta in his 03rd yes i polled kjiood liberal vols on tha msniorabla bsvautb that be was oua of lha first volarj at tba town hall thai mornlog an tl that be wa lulthak urruddrivsuliof hooompanlad to iba vol is th klakuioiit from llw capital of in uud rewnua aud expenditure ot lha dominion for lha quarter sliding october hi was lesue1 by tha lluanoe drtnieiit friday iba revenue fur that psrlgd was 1171111 5su au inoreaee of ii qjj h7j over the same tsrm leal vuar iliawxindluia was 16 uttjjl all luoreasa nf about one miliuu dollaia over tha some four mouths of lwim making a bellcrmnt in tba nueuuee fur the mat jusrtor uf u fooooou thar wkd a tubstanlul oreaae iu theveveiiua ot every depaktuirul lt the aerilos fur lha nutraal yeaf lbe espandlturdou ordinary aeoouut laavad a surplus of over 7 000 000 lha capital s nouul eapeuditure oouourrsd by lhi 000 ovr ibaaanle quarler hi itlth inducting iba ordinary aud uapital asuaodltuio from the reveuuc i bare remalua a eurlue uf ftfiod 170 for the ourreus piailtr tlie raaa pautaa uvltaa all lie raadera u 00a rlhuie lo this eolainn if yon or jour friend anr gnlag away on a bolldaj iclp or if joo have frfauda vulting jnq drtp a eard to lha eau inaaa mr weeloy uoore was up from toronto a faw days last week mr asa hall u 0 pending a few days wllb volallvea in lleillu mr john arthurs jr raturnad home from tha north waa t last weak mlsa may moora bea returned from bar visit with her sister lu toronto ut duncan moluloab ot wood took spent a week al bu f ether horn lata mr aud mr lettia of moolraal war guest ibia week of mr ahul uorrtsoo ur halt ted fovmerly of aotorv ban odened a drug store 00 queen 0 treat west faradala- dr dell dontlat returned from his trip to 11 off- la ou tueeuy aud la uow giving his pr action personal elumuon mr d heudaraoii m 1 was lu toronto on monday aud was tile recipient of con gratulation from nmerooa polloal friend mr j k ulud aud mis liui of liorlln who wera iii of typhoid fever ara amvaleeoerif there ware about 1 00 uaaea la itrrliu mrs a blihenotl and mrs jemea molam webt to itipuy laat week toi attend the funeral of tlulr slater in law mr trod milne mr and mr fred leavoy and family bave returned from tluntawllu tbey removed lo that town laal anting after tba tanner i sink mr neil gurrlo son of the ju nell gurrie an old sillier of oprlngf wbo was homo on a visit lo lin relallw in that aeotlun relumed lu aloena mich on monday mr corrld ha beeoi away for lb abeefr nineteen yearaworklnglnlh lumber woods lu michigan absolute security genuine carters little liver pills sua boar signature o aea paostaalu wrappae bcanr vary aaaall aad ae corl roiiumfat roabuzikcue mi uuotrwm fcb towib uvou rot conpaticul roi uuav tu rot 1vcc0mpux1m aaatataaaays oure sick headache mubtukbekntqbeaprnh- c1ated ibb idwify htralj uaj frwiy star of montreal have a recor i for giving their subscribers tba best premium yloturea given to newapepef ladder they eeerfl lo kuow exsotly what lbs osuadiati publlo waut this season they have introduoed an eollraly uaw subject and oua that a o- la illy to ba appreciated they are otfariog two beautiful pictured tb cos id the 0 aster piece of tha famous hoffman oiihibt in tuu tkmllk a mo beautiful study lbs coloring of tha painting id suberb slid the dtawlog of th faed i si ni ly wonderful thla is paruoslarly trud of lha face of jesus lha oouuunaoo la full of boyish beauty no mora highly spiritual conoeplion of lha fae and flgut of tba mstsr has aver been ucd ou ostiva around illm are shswu iba nabbltf grava and thoughlfnt meu whose astoulbhnisutat tba wladou of tba youth la strikingly d spieled tha picture u 17 x 14 in and is a beautiful study for any houir lliair sooind piatura is also a work of art and at ouoe appeals ta every canadian heart our canadian soldiera ara roluru- ing from booth africa aud this plcura uiltud iiomu from till wau a a haudaonie souveiilr of lha occasion it rphi4ll4jm0f our brdldjorju jlla kbiki uniform opeuluglhadoordf tbavooo iu whloh bid dear old mother uuoouadloud of his preaauoa la aittlug anxiously reading or aud over tha lltrs from hr boy la south africa tha picture tells lha story it is trn to life tba coloring is perfect it is 17 x 3 lu on iba heel ijuslity of paper it la bound to be a popular picture with geuaduna kvsry yearly aubsorlbar to that grsaf family papr tba jewty uttuid mtul wnlly tttar will reoelva a copy of fa oh of thaaa beautiful ploture ll la truly tha blggeet dollars worth ever off red a dee orlpliva pamphlet itoed wllb each picture auy uf ur readers oau teour ou uf thai pamphlets by aeoulug hia nama aud addreea lo iba imly iirull oad yttlly star montreal two big things now a word to the wise is sufficient but sdmii stubborn people ivatt until down sick be fore trying tqward off illness or cure it the x recog- nixe in the word hoods assurance of health for all blood troublr acrtifnu plm- rloa a wrll as dlnraaea of ttie kidney ivcr and boards hoorpa haraaparilla is tho offpctivo mid fatiltlnas euro blood purtflor t jlave takrn hoods haraanarllla ami rind it imiwflrlal for my- arir and bahy it tf u blood and trengtliari lha system urs jfuikr wali i llnhwi ont etretaffth builder- xfyioir wife and children have tahrn llixha karaapartlu and it strttnjftlmtkjtj u it relieved ma al a lanie bark iavr alodaoaux caretaler colt inntltute oalt ont weecisa ius fllu erelleniitaeaaajrttlatwaa lli ij juapank ealy tajuthtutt dinner set sale tub nptbd t9k stoh9 knd chink prtncb three reabons vnty you thould buy yaar j3taninrrm tram urn 1 w crry thm irst stock 3 w jave tbm imrrt akart mmut suuf jmttjt dmmtghm a we fare thm wnt woes u blnnerware wvhuvmjumt cajtea lata mtook so jab iiiaomr- stt uy job w mean stlm tbmt aave a tmmpot tuuowj or plmtm ah or smttm fittfjr from iito ro tj0 w riumii utant mt from 7 towprmt thy are tbm bmmt vtlut ever uttmmd in thm city amltta f rata tbm jo2tl3laamrvmr we jlava bq htnarsmtm ooajojete toeee we wifl tj peoiaj priota surityf ae jab dlnamr sst sl eixapajrt oasmtm mmat oatlt kae city j a mccrea it pays 1 buy at bollerts pays to buy al iiojlcrts you had forgotten 4tevvvv ttvvw vi vvvvv t jiist a ixtord about t hhts wo want to inform you at tbl lime that we have a moit kalect slock of llin ialcil hal frum ibe lctl malcr in the world in the latest devious lu mot up lu data styles wo lit both the head and tlie pocket trices 50c 75c f 00 liaj r 50 vi 75 i- j 00 ini 3 50 j7j 8jjm wtrk in and week oul you can gel the litest design lu hals from us catitowhyt wo are on the lookout at all time for the latest styles and we ret litem you 11 mala a mlslako if you buy from any oilier house before you are our stock and imtea t 90 wyndwafst r e nelson cuelph morohanttallor- and mens purnlshor 4- ev- s 4f r c rr- er the bight shapes the eight goiors r and thcrlowpriccswcraskfoirour ladies jackets golf capes and keeps our staff of salespeople very busy oilier attractions in this department are all extra jbuiio liuoo i ladies beadytowear a dress skirts in block navy blue iron groy and sea green at 300 ladies shawls and wraps warni ami good7at 125 1 bo s17b 2 ami up to 560 youll congratulate yourselves when you see thee offerings d e macdonald brother the lion cuelph r glksqoia house ladies jackets millinery dress suitings gentlemenb overcoats and suits newest domgno at cloooot pnoos i a complote range of boys and youths suits overcoats holiday goods for ti holllay wai i 1allu to makd your iiom i krlnlt acton 11ollu cohv 1ocue1vi bttil h llu dig llookstoiiii tor iihm two lino lluwlll y you wy- ohasl nelles s cuelph henderson fe co glwsgom house hcton cp goodjeve co has opeiiod up auoihar cralu of croclery comullngof ollt ttdga a up mad tuuoam ulna cups and bauoera lutaa alt miedand shaped atwar uaslug alto a lot of vanoy cupa and oauoets bhaviilg aiugd puui ola vaaa avjd other looodj call slid see tltani cfgoodeve mill btrotm aolon that though vomawbal delayed rold weirhor was txiund i 1 tomo am novy thai it is hero yau are not prepkrrd for it wlili iarm wearable wlnlsr cloiblng hut we did not forgot wo wore prcparrne all iholiuo f r whifl was nre n com now we odor you the result of our labors rhe values afl uiosl iiui ling lha niylrn ijuahtlo and make up are exactly what they should le xvn take up jhtl tournl jtuint wowmi liiolo prices they mean rhtich or uolblng at all you uiiut ho go 1 or insi men ijiidurwir weflr uia heal valusf the ua1 afford taheuiar in man woman nruhllilransrlaee lu wool hall wool merluo rieacallnxl or haiti gloves nnd hosiery kama loiaik a i11m hate w have near aoaii nluar btls 1 ri lieao arkooda lien lnij our ci uiiiaftd i shalvee blaiikutu aid ooiiitortfr we rieiy nuff mmct sils a alr hit llunsela loiinllukui oloiliimr tiu u 11 luate aival aa unit an i our 1411 it 111 jackal time liotl i roils i ln willi oitiera n t tliroilslioitt ilia la iii tl 1 jacket iiiarkal a 111 ulu luoiiwaril ararkhtln kins uany nok tu ilia la arttia mlih in uttounl 1 1 iih liuy vum urui j oil ie aeau if 1ayk to buy at bollerth e hbollert cfe go 2banil27 wyndliam sl gtjklw1 we will lead this fall and winter 111 low price for young farmer strong wat ches uvcry watch cite fitted with our pa tent dust prcventor at the tern m savage got watch repairers wyndham str gulilph- furs lhrgest stock lo w bstprl cs best values in collarettes and caperinci large btock of cluldrensfurs from 25c up blkck fhncydress godds y hy h1 french i ancy dress maleruls in mohair and wool italwd uffccta urlght luslrejmnuli choice and excluklvn pattern for separaio sliirts or lull drcsws at yjc 85c tiooandflaj spbcihl shl6 gfgorsets special tale of ii s c cornels for two weeks i corsrts for 75c attractive pricdoffcrins in ladlca underwear our special vest at j5c iia uomlcr men a ri6oc lined underwear soft and 11011 irilallnrj double breasted iimcial at i 00 pr suit spscibl lines oiiclofo1 lad klaclo i crp1 ialio i into ho lery it will pay you to buy from gurnbysc co roill st kcton enew the empress i hit jiopuur shoo for women baa proved a greai fivoruo 1 ho jtulliy lit and iiiyln are perfeel m4le in wiito medium and narrow widths prioovlsaoo s2 60 s3 00 360 sumpo i on toln of she for men styluli perfect filbtij shcea if various makes 1 ho wear uaraaltted for boys and girls 1 ina mid coarse shoruear see our school siioi j thoy ucar llko iron and hi the feci ordered work and ropalnnjj reoalva prompt atlentlon main bt acton kenny bros grocery and provision store new 2 fresh g goods lowest 3 living 2 prices 3 iluuuuiulurl hsvltik 0iened a ildw builiiom in tho nluiva llne i tba prdtnui on muln sitao elv uuuilel hy mm j adams 1 have nlbanim in liiviiinif my frfuils and tlin nun nilty in tiauaral lo iiikvbcl my slocb i isel ihttl t can ullii eonlhuiico ask a sbiro o dlr lutronatf becaukd my ttools are all fresh kud of llio hast quality urn cunoincr ii find priced are lued m verj rasoiuhla mures the stcl coiislsls of stavxj ant yavtoy onoojcuxlfls oanmed qoodb and tablb belioaoihis vrvvre vkaidtadiiiis and provisions john r kennedy main bt aoton 1 banks ur dun lo any person who dixpi uu iher a kintli money by buying from ma will ho dol theli t lends a kindi act giuwts prtmitilly delivered a call aolldlod johtn a kennedy and piln in who save byinmirmintf huln f llio o utuwu iuuruallal d dululh mlt writes hiam been ttslilfomr i inn throat and naaal lalanh for umr au jeais durlu vbjcb time my head lio wrn slot pad audmycbudluuulruly muciahlu wl ralnutaa ailr usiuif ir aiw e c a fcivder i obtained relief 1 hm boltu4 h u- aimoet 11 uot cut truly idled me s i lints uirhal uu bli1 tl lit vjij il1lii11i1ii1ii 1 l l n ji lit 1 in 1 no ltplllluuji iwi wr rfanuitu i u lulluill 11 globe optical co os yotimtritt toiunto 1

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