Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 15, 1900, p. 7

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ifthhatniltefr georfstotn branch agqneral bankingbuginoea transacted correspondenco solicited saviugh department interest allowed on muma of oni dol- lait mad upwards from day of dapoill to 1t of wilbdtbwjll no fur mall lie ami dcleye id drawing money farmera buhiuesa solicited hnie of romixjcblo farmer tuicounled inj money jqicoj fur rgitimaio duaioesj purpose our collection department hw every facility w malinif roni rdunil sale notes handled mod money advanced un accounf of aaawat low rales of internal tnvellen am dotiiiod thai tho hank i hamilton arfd lis j tranche iuua circular note of the lyoviaclii llank of england limited which can bo cashed without faryo or trophic in bnyrarrnf the worlit headqaiicf llxallmon atitahqintl 1073 capital paid up 1703212 reserve fund z319 total assets i 1827357 jaukm iuuuix caalilcf b forsayeth agent georgetown branch the news at home 7 tea spoons nickicehitcfrom50cado solid nicklc from i a doz silver piatt from s150 a doz solid silver from 6 a dbz knives and forks you will find the best choiccand the lowest prices in above lines at geo hyhdb aoton ont jkwkfjue toa ftht xtatx jfm jlristf tnth -uoo- eittle looef bbieflets which ceuierht the ey or ear of preej pre hdrtr trtla waok tiler u baaling on ilettderaotl pood a day w i wo la t week the early wlntef didnt uy the threw da rln annihilated it now watch for ihe curielm en uoaoeeodanla la thee column the herb wouollee aabocletlou have decided lu inaiet on the nloeiuf of all baiber elme oallitjbheljz j odd morgan aaacaaed a uerltbetn fattnar tlo and cou beaanee hie neighbor cattle bad been damaged in hi barbed wlrefeoe st albao bon day school a boaiy eafajced in ihe preparation of luir chrut mu cantata entitled bah la cwna triarapli afr j l warren baa the oonlraol fur eapdlyin for ieona1own 1 obi id sobool twenty flee eorde of twofoot hardwood at fjooperoord several eltijb load of eaw log were delivered etllrowneeawniltriaak thnre day and friday that wee auraly taking tioe by tbe forvlock a weak of prayer iljn proftrcei in the matbodtetchnioh ibu week tim bervlee axe belbjf eobdocied by the peator and oonanseoee each aeolott al 7 bo o clock yerllotf rvfervnee m wade in the obnrcbaeon sundey to tbe deal at 1ra toria of llombardiar w j moore tbe aaveral eoniicaliot were rnniratly ajfeolad tb enoaal mmtioi of lb womati ulaetooaury sociaty of knoz cbnreb m faid law weoneadey eiternoon la tbe oboolroofn aire lie qtnaty at afesaewood dalid en intartahnrf d drraa bceeara cooper j aklna taaerobant lailore bave removad to iba etaraof oeorite 8toel 00 mth htrael wbare tbe urfiei- premuea will permit lbra to abow mr hood to belter edvaatet and do a urn montly of a local chnraotor everv ltm lntare4lrb a isrlor cotfoert a perlor oonocrt hhi en enjoyeble pro rem mo le ott tlia tepla for a dele lo by flsel early p dtoembef to be held e mooreoroll under tbq auaploea of the 1 dlo aid or tho melliodlat cliuroh i art loo i r a wllj be slven lelar ft ml unit mitml ilag euro relaad et half meal ovnr lha town 111 an i ott er 1 u idluffa lu town on saturday in repwt to mmory of ilomoeniur w j muore h uewa of whoaa death l frelorle of enterio fever on tho uth in at arrjved bare that iiornlutf nat odd of out mnntcloam mr uilnaod of aotorj preeided et the organ in ohalmere obob yeelarday ihe ranalo wae not alulto blfrnronloa uuelnh a u watt mr htlneon who oreetcd tbe dltoord in unalph on hun ley la nut aioaldafu of acton all la harmony uov mr ii gar el ioorgtlowu tbe matloduite jiar eoooeaeful eunlver eery aorvioo oil huu ley laat uotb hiarn inji end evenlnff the oon wore uoud en i the eervlcee edifying eud inaphr lnj the preacher of the der wee ltv jmhrjerj who eeoently took energo of acton uelhodiatehnroh and wlioao hjlula lretioa ainontf tbe people re aifetlotf with fevor ijo epeeka earoeatly and dallberetely and hta eermona were ttnly eppceoieled by the metbodlat oonjireelloa end other oongreftelluua in town which apant a aarvloo with thetji iltrail jpen mmmo er wiaolthog a winnipeg deapauh eaye meaara maokonele end mann will romaln here ror e few daye aa to tbe boalbeaaura road eald mr menu there bee beau completed lomo loti tnilea from thu aide end 10 rollee fraoa the other end laevlng about 140 mllfr to be oooat rooted dezk yaerat praltnl the eampenylieve a bunt i 000 men en end may heve tally i 000 men et work naxt year el though the profjremma for1001 imb not uait fully iuapdoul mr maun intend ramelti lag in the oily for oouple of deye eud will then return to iorl arthur tho utithodimt ltitvorry iba ootigrafiatlou of the mollodut oliuroh ia looking forward to e day of apeom loteraet on the oooaaloil of tbalr fifty alxth eunlvereary tiext huudy the iraaldant of lb oonfrouoe luv v jaokeoti of flora will preach morning end evooloii mr jaokeon la already wall and favorably known here and bla eermone will no doubt bo much eujoyad the choir lie aptolal muald nmler prepare tlun tilbor lhtuk oftarlnd will berleu during ahetiy tfio 001 graeuoa of k00x ohuroh bae kindly alftnlnad tholr inuntlon of being praaant et the evening eervloe mr johu x jrthurm trip wst mr johu 11 arthur 8rd una kafde lug wliyniataly relume 1 home after o extcaed tour of new ontario manitoba and the north weet jocrltoru in apeek in it with a yux i aee corrnapondant of hi tftj whloh wa amoatenjoyebleoiir teya ii wquld t unfair to pea juiitfomoul 00 manitoba end the lorrilorla a the year waa en unuauelly eavam ou ihe rein end oold did muoli iltliitt to the ornp atlll in oallu parufartuar will beve enough end to a pare lu new outerlo there are are a u umber of wall known paople eettled savaral woak ware apant lu end aroun i drydsu hoi tho bl y eetmed family of mr rul kualy now int ml aetilintf thle dialrlet raon of jjraat v while it la yet bavily llmbwj the jroutid la eaally claerod for crop and tbe aoil of the ba i not too heavy an i allll elrootf enough to be moat productive thar le too doubt but that thoae who have gone lulo tbl new oou itry heve eplendid proapot the railway eooommodelton will ebortly be nrelolaae iu every reapeot no on ahonld go without balug pnperel to do a fair amount of bard work llal it will ba work that will eooo tell of progroa 4 ew abaerfaijoae all haart era aorely tonobad by the new acton fnitb lidrarv 1 nn un- rollod tivary month owln to tba ennlvareery ear 1 ice lu iba aieihodiat churob next sunday tbe aveoloit eervloe of kdoji cborcb will b withdrawn lopanult tbapaator end ooo arairatioa to partletpate wltb tbctr aleter eharab la tbe apaoial ooeaelon mr cbaille mooaon of the otuwa joarwaf baa kindly forwerded tbe faee pen ooplee of tbe jourl ahowluif tba one m uoe 1rwe whloh has juet ben pat in ibmt olnoe the journal u uow u noeeaaeioa or oa of tbe bueat raaaea in aateilc it be a oapaoily of u ouu ooplee of a ml pegi paper per bbur olojldar i iunll tba- new eldlug now beleff lnrod out el urown luuliif mill acutij uval w katj beer craw km oorxe a bel baok for loar tiy weearei moi by by applying xo mr j it mlekall uookwoodl o sa8h doobtf in stock if you are building or uiaklug improve meute oall ek tlrown 1 uulurf mill with yoorordar id elook eebb 14 mid 4 llgbu ltx4i llgbu udxooj llgbt j4xii l loore in etooki 106 10 1 thick md 1 bxdq 1 ibiak eolu jnouljed atld nhwdpattele 3 iqxu 10 1j tblob wont doore wltb or without glaa up jluea xwwaf propcletor main bueat aotuu duty eoorne prndanoa and brittolaul liu law terror fur btau wilu a kraal pur if a itaaoonallald well menltud auaaeolmfiltoflou euooeae 1 tb itu bwdm otrcolauoo of ibet greet weekly m paper tba rmug 1mrmld aj ifli btqr of blttdtraal fee- in addltlaa l glvb a lb btpeek end beet fartuy weekly oo the oobvmdedt tbay loclod- ploturae that alone oooi not be parabaaed fof double iba amoant aberited for paper ald pjelorw thu beaton ibey are lng two in oat beautiful pioinree u ere aure to be eppreoieud obrltt id ihe teuiple i one of ahem ud oettaldly it e a beautlfnl puoa of worki uouaefrooi the war u a plotore that at oooe wine iu way to tba bajvaefiof oaaadlane ta feiawly irli tuul wkll tur lor a jeer wltb ibeee two plolae furonedomar u marvallou on saturday of a bereavdineut doubly or trably tad ou acoount of the olreomatanea of time eud place to be ao far from borne end eo uaar oomlug home axpeatad by ell yl celled ewey i imnoipal end mr moor end am y have the eympetby of all in the death of their aou onimer mwrc hi xreloria whll x a com to unity we have touch oauee for gratitude on account of thft general haalth ind low mottelity t ll i a alllklbg fact on re- fltotloo bow toapy vacantia era belntf medela our hotuea frlanj after frleud depart tba ut during ay five tear past if unw praaaoted would be t ionian- lug of dame and feoe well kuowu and familiar u niauy eg ld childhood youth and beauty paaaltik away a fact thataeama quite lphaut pollttoally i that people do a good deal of thinking for thameeua end a ijuod tnauy uneipeoled thing bappeu ueelda the many ear prlaa throughout lha country thl eol eeemed eppareot in both the great meet ingiajctod tdwit baji several tlinae euppoeedly elrouy point wire otrefully made with tbe evidanteipeoutlon of greet applauae wblali did uotooiu in many of the inaleuoea probbly e good many knew aa wall or better already than theepeakara tbe boeal we mad by both peril of wlahlug to cultivate aud perpetuelea broad uxllouul a irlt fro from wolloualum aud yet how the appeal vore made to eult tbe looalltlo thu race cry tbe em ploymeiil cry the many a ory of cue kind or auotbar lu faol in ou vllug a a laat et paal lb deeirabillty of haourlng tba honor of bavlug a raeldaub of the village in larlleluetit wee rceetlud jtj nothing for helton ary wae foollati lueamuob a tbe uiambar was for wrllemaul itiuteed of county oouuoll ltaalde eluiple facte ehowad thai bomelhliig tad baeu doue through the medium o th ioeuber truly caunuflrl i hard both for tba- pollllolaii to teach id alao for the volar avtway to praotlee 1 oor iroklbltlun i uow did it fare t wa itevar tuautlouad lu llalloti carteluly tiot publicly in aauu why le uile thu 7 how leit uiml the pfofeedly lafji body of t rohlbitloolate wfre iavdiuppdaled- l3 jteem4 la b a kind of hot potato everywhere lu poll lie get jl out of lb way end glfceut- deoent burnt the fact it no foil w of eoy parly cu give much aauieuce ou the matter k far ae hi party tesuuoarned ubr uhcu n noerti hltuwu wbjle elrlotly following ihe party lartup aomf day it will oonia out on ion of th heap ohiteuvku a gauyiim mktiioi for cm lug cramp diarrhocft aud dymautry i by ualtig laiu kill lhl madleln btf auetaluad the blghaat rupulatlou for uvar go yarr avol i aubdtltule lhare 1 but one xalu hi i lor utry uvu is eu uod jru greeluae uoilblale lu bring gn lluulhlnee lit to uuhk a cold in onk dav takiauva ilmxix quit tla tel i at 111 lruticuia lfudd u a utoi ir it faue lu cuta to h w tiiuveaalai atua taui mcii lxia the frro i ibrary hoar 1 inet on vii lay evening laat lu ihe i ibrary marubora reeent uv if a maopliar boo uev j k uoddcn m a itav j m ilagar m a meaar tho a t moore join cameron aud xi i moore jo the abnoo of the chairmen itev j it ootid on waa moved tu the chair itev j m ilagar the new mtinber of tbe hoard wae introduced the repot of mjaa i lr i the librarian for aujuit f uipwr an i october wae read e f llowa j i itart ota itt nberal u iki iu tji lltxki taken it 1uj ust 9 clabairiaatioh lllltorv w w 01 illraily t voyaneealiltravela iu u kolanoeaudart t 1 uaidial i lurturo id hi 1 oetry juutfuiua u 3 fiction it ti mlaoaltai oqm u u uuijum crtal l 10 w 1 vluaa w 73 vlsltora to tencl froftv aoton ano varloueotber poreon1 notae jcomingjoinq winter finis oat what tua paae i aaea invitee all iu veedere loeoci ribum to uila eeleenn if yea or your friend are going avay en a bolide trip or if oa have frlanda vlaltlim ytn drop e eard to tbe vaaa d friend lo vol oto toul l ml el eo el i tha report wa ado u i the commlitno on rinaboa preaented their eeooi i report atid rccomnituijed pay monl of ll n following account mi tho lit decamber c lew book urcl aied in gly i uuaau rlluok co turw can claikco oi os wllllaiullrlitc 100 to uiori w moved by thoa moore buooudod by u 1 moore that tbe eccoud rrirl of the committee on l aat roe 1 be ao oepted carried moved by thoa t moore eeoonded by john catneiou tbxl tho olixlrman end becrtrtary be end are hitraby autorlxmt to peu atl eooauut with tbe meroba of canada aotou ah 1 iii ordor to moal currenl eiponial of ihe iloarl thoy be luilructad to til mount a note of uoo tot lx month or until tha government grant and mnnfc i jul rate for tha year ere paid carried the hoard iheu adjourned 6kohohtown a good irogremma i xiw ounoed for a va rater e inalituu tueatliiif to be hel 1 here on saturday tholadloe aid lol the congragatlonat church will hold a aocul in the ecbool room wmorrow evonlng tbe annual lllgb bohool couoert i en bounced for prlday evening 80 lb imt a toroolo paper aaye charlneiltewart of rjeorgelowtl a brakvli l on tllto 1 it wae robbed lu that ciiy la t friday ulgbt of uoo the lobllo sol ool hoard i contraoted for next year a ut ly of lira wood et 5 00 oid for two foot wood thorandmr w a iaaer returned from ibelr trip to the northwral laat week mr jo m moorfi ol li m f trail reoelved lha ead uewt mi balurday of th dlh of hubiotlar w j uvrr ofumtarlo fover at pretort sfuih afrlaa on the oili mil mr lengay vruioli el of oeor publlo uohool hxu lmn inakiug eu btfuit to aecure ciilclnk bl-qiielphla-drill- the eoholer the 0pl however hat loo many duties lo aooapl the poalllon pern abhonove mr david diok left laat wek fur clev laud lie ajieut a dy or two lu buffalo an route a death hut i mualatgrelted i that of mu uertha lhooiaoi a bright yoong dauglitar of mr crorg thompion of ijtewarttowii rjom troublome ilou ere et urge in the laluhborliood mr miloolm mo galium and mr j- dward qrlgdeu have loat a uuiubar of iheep another viollm of lit til too prevalent typhoid fever i mia mend kindre who i et ptaaeiit ill with it key mr ilagar of aoton preeelitd al the afternoou eervloe iu che hell ohuroh ou sunday of laat wek hi rmod from ihe ult ouajhligxhou jlackaat we v eerueat aud ini raavlv john miller klgliteli yexr of ajr end k boo ot ihe late john miller of the baee hue kujueeiug died at bla mother real dance leal wk from a avre attaok of typhoid fever lha deecaaad had been alok for a boot a mouth about two moot hi ego bl brother itobert juat fael tweatyjoi ya dlod from the aeme dli ate within three year mr muurba bean bereaved of her huebind end bar only eblldren sh bai the united eynipalhy of her many frleud in her trials uarjhocknumrj oo ttiuredey eveulug of leit week tbe llelgbbor aud frlenilu ot damioakburn school section to the uqiuber o about forty hi at the home of mr aud mr ieul kvnuedy oou 5 liqueilng lo bid farewell ou ibe av of their departure to their new home in the weil a a tlljht token of ibeelui in wlilob they were held mr and mr kauuely w made tbe roiplcule of two handiome eaey ohalra an 1 his following tddr ihiiuookburo ov ulli iqud rollr aud ur 1 eul uauiiadv uuiu euiauue willi the luowlidg 11 al you areahoitly la aavr your ooui siloo wltb ui we your frludaujuiebuori of uauuookburu uabool luotlou wmi upou thl our only ot par lunliy to aaiur you of our friendly lulareal aud rnil for you and your family auj our hearty food wuba for your euue lu uie futura mow dar filawd a a kwulud of the faataruel feallug and uuoil fallowablp wdlh ha lu tb put kiiaiaad our latareoura and a a tokau of our regard aud good wlaha we uuu fur your aooepuune tli ehah whloh ruouah of little luutuale worth will lu the tiute lo from krve to ejl up tlaualit knauiorl of day aud yt tlial lav iiud iu beyle good by we couiiuetiil you aud your fauilly to tbe ean bl ului who tuutb aud catalb for all end may w- ill be uiad 111 wllliug aubjeeu aud if wot pwulltud to uleat 1 are balow luay it be oura tu meat wlit parullg ahaji lie uo uiore ulened ou belajf of your uaujbbot aud maud john winn john uiuw j ii waullku i v uixn aftsr tlidtaadlug of the addraa by mr a i ubuu aud the preeeutaitou of lb chair by meaar oohn menu and j l warren mr usiuudy who we ooui lately laltrti with geiiulua emrirur rdjlld in a faw wall uijomii remark thanking the frleud for the gift aud for i be good will maoifeatod toward hlniaelf and family obori apeeohe ware eleo iiada by the olielrmaii ot iha availing j m warreu oapt john ultaw wui mtdjouald aud j 1 werreti lufteelitiiint were iheu pruvllel by th lelle alur wl iuh the remeiuder of the yvauilg wa apaul in eooeaj liitercoure liiltjerail wltjimualo by meaar menu and arthur tbo aven lug imuoaiuua were biiiuubl tu a titling uloe by the v uipany joining in all giug uod be with you hit we melt again tbe very beat wlhe t f ll a ai tire culil biuulty gu wltb mr kennedy eii 1 mi family to their uw borne iu new ontario lhey bava beau tiioel ratimabla olllaen end kind neighbor and i hair remove leevae a eerluub blank her vlalted acton i apant toeeday mra s day vlali laat tli u red ay t mr alei eleoord apeut ady or two thl week 111 huffalo mr mi rlon of ii utliamplon waa in town u tueelay mr kamatn y wued iriaode et htiatfm t laal week- mr lroysecord of hufmu le vial ling hie mother thle week mr j 11 oeaoon i s 1 ublie uabool oo ruaaday mr i mellla euctrlolar in hi old home at ijcaton mlae katenlokell of naaaagawaya 1 vlalllng filende at llmehonee mr illltnil smith of hat xorlbga vlalted hlmother kalrvlaw 1 aoa laat tri lay mra tjultnu ak d family who removed to aoton lee i ring from rrln have re moved to toronto mr alber lilng made a brief vielt to the bone bare tide week lie be bean in vermont for aome nioiitba mr and mr a i njoklin etlanded tu oualph co irgleta luotitute oommanoemenl cxerclioa laat friday evening itev m moorogor of tbe iftrtmlitrr ataff toronto wae a gueet at lha me dae laat saturday and vial led a number of the member of knox cburab mr atoll campbell relurnrd on toee day from loioilto where ale we vlaltlne hbrdaugblar and family who beve been very iii they will come lo acton abort ly to recupe mr x fwinee moore oltetpb ur endt mr joe oj moor georgetown mr and mr lleit mokerlhen and mr and mra john auatrian toxnuto name lo town oo riaturday aud apant the day with lrlnclpal ad mr moor after learning the ead bew of tha death ot color sergt moore at 1 re tor la absolute security pen u i no carters little liver pills eetuat bear stormttlrw of 5ee feoshstla wrapper beeew te take aa aatfar nroi itabioil i rqr duzlmctt rua biuodiitu fok t0lfl uvol rob comstlpatloet nti uiuw xtxw fdi tmctwaplojm oure blok headache evurton iuv 1l j molnlyre of toronto our mhllaur ot uo epent toeeday of laat weea in the village having preach ad on tbe ilookwood olrcult on saoday 1kb lie ooogretalaled ua ou the fine toow obureb -fcba-inlartor- ea aa-tba- exlerior he wk plaaaed with tbe pro- greea mad and we wre ell glad to eee bltn again mr marabell ha compuud a bice driving hoaeebeeide bie hub mia madilluehoru offjuelpb i apend inrf a week et mr t uenaou in mathodlat banday school baeohoeea friday do jlet for ibelr annua enter talument aud cbtrlatma ire llev mr iollook took ble text sunday morning from john 8 ot he mnet in oraae but i tuuet deoraaae abowlnrf plain ly tliat at cbrlitlau we tnuat keep ohritt in tha fora front llev v a fumiua waa bailed away t uftaday lo bury the late mr 1arker of ortou at the mlmoea burying gronnd sb patriotic iaiu oiuiuaw vour brother aud lover are returning covered willi lory- the wholeempr atleet tbe nradll of ibelr achievement iu africa ibey met their booalne tba llrllieb tea plaulara ejao fighting for the oauae pear coutlna you oeu aid tbe comrade of your aol lir brothere try gejlon aud 1 nil i e ore a uev if you now drlnkjapauu leave ihe real lo your daiuly palate balade mdilaooil hid lllue ulbbou packet a await you colount tho wbo contemplate purabaaing iiioutiieutal or work of auy dlaorlpllon for their oeuieury plot ahould order direct from the old tellabbj granite and tnarlle dealer j ii hamilton oupb out al expeuaed allowed to pure aaere all work aud material warraulad ooiupellttou defied bic thincb now hoiiday coods for tlu luhjy sloii anu wall 1apkii lo u your iioiim tultlir ac ion pi oli i comi 1 o glicliili uttll k0 llui hu iioqkbloub lu lluilwllo it will pay yuu beya chas l nelles cuclph summer lys by ibr u spring summer autumn or ivmtcf someone in the family is under the weather from trouble originating in impure blood or loiv condition of the system all three of whatever name can ixi eurml by thn groat blood purifier hood abareajarilla it rrrrdttapjknntt bolts- i waa truul il wllli txklla for mm uia waa a 1ih l tako hood kaf bjmrllla and arrn- u i tf a inw ixktlc have at alnrti bean bollwiiv1 k ii flsanene truro n h could not sleep- i ll 1 not have any epixmka ni il ihii i h t blrp at i iglil waa mt tlrt f rontd herdlyweth near aboot ii kmi a karaaperllla uittk hkir httlee and ltriat rad me u porter lallu uiaa jaia tiraeei tx cribrol ont urarlluuaajrtliajlataa4 if yhf u t ut iutlw iuaula dinner m salr tub notbd tsk btobs ftnd chink pkuice three reasanb wjy jrou aaoujel buy your- diaaerwaie frxtm am r j we quevue luatl f tool 3 wa jaew aa larvari ammort aeal ud jvellivfi jjaetxae 3 wm 21mro ua jlaarwc mornm jab binnerware wmhrmjumt caireai ipto mtook mo jolt dtmjtmr sttm by jolt wm ana sttr laat ear a tmpot auxarbovrj or plat sltort setts jzawfiajt ann t0 foeuff wmvrlllmmli taaua a ojd 97 to xo pa- al taejr are thm oa eajma aewr- ottmrod luthmcltt jlxidm from tbe job juanarware ww limn ho dtmmmr satmaomtjtlwtm taaw wilf mmll ml jolj pr4ca during tma jab juaeer smt smlm wrmifht paid omsmtm amnt outajdm thm city j a mcorea qoeuph iubys lo buy at maltcrts it pays la liny al jiollerls furs lhrgest stock loiatest prices i best values in coll irtttes and capcnncj- large stock of childrens furs from 25c up blhck fffncy drss gqods new ingllah and i rench i ency drca aeatcruhrln molialr and wool kalaad t- flacte urlghl i usirw 1lmah choice an i eaclualve pattern for separate bklrl or lull dmvi at 75c hyi f 00 and i 33 spbcikl smle olpoolrsets special aalo of 11 ax3 coraet for two week i corada for y lkdibs undeftsliiekr allracllva price- ouerlne in ladlcu underwear our special veal al 35c u a wonder men h i loot lined underwear aoft an 1 uon lrilallnv double braaaled bjiocui al lioopcsull i spscihl lines spocul nw line in ladle kid clovee dlaiiul carpet table unco hosiery oilcloth grocerie etc it will pay you to buy from gjyrlh4bc5e07 7uhll st hcton iwenew the empress thl popular skoe for women has provad a greet u von to tba quality i it and btyloarepcrfect madtf iaatiilo- medium ami narrow wldlb prices a 0o s2 50 3 oo 3350 stamped on eole of sboe for meli slyliali perfect filling shoe of verlou malo tbe wear guaranteed for boys and girls i ina htuj coarw ssoewar sco btw sciiooi illoks tluy kur lirr irod tuul 6t 11m fl orjenxl work slid luulnnj receive rkrompt atleniloit main bt aoton kenny bros itmthifwnfk g new 3 p fresh goods g lowest 3 l 3 prices 3 fmiluiuiujui k ni gcrocery and provision store john k kennedy main b acton having opened a rtew itutlnets in llid above line in ll pretnlve on main slree utely occuoled bymr j aiumi 1 hve pleasure in inviting my frleaj ml iba com i lunlly in general lo inipect my lock i uel ikkl 1 un villi confidence of a hire o ibelr palronage liecaube my ood ara all frail bud ol live beet quality and customer will find price re fined al very raouabl liguriui tba stock conla of btamjib and vanov orookwes oannkd qoods and tabtiw bkuoaoibs fruits veqetablis and provisions tbnk ara due to any pereou wbo doe anolbcr a kindnes and patron wtio u money 1 y inlying from ma vlll rmrdolnjrtbelwrlend a klndneeaby infoenlnarliemofiba fact good pro iiplly delivered a call kollcfled john a kennedy rsrv e rr the eight shapes the bight colors the eight trimming effects and the low prices we ask for our ladies jackets and golf capes keeps our staltof salespeople very busy other attractions in this depirtment arc au extra jphia lints of ladies beadytowear dress skirts iii mark navy lllufl tron grey and i siia griiuh at s 00 ladies shawls and wrap3 wauu atid good at 1 23 1 r0 175 2 and up to 15550 youll coiirytulj yourselves when you see these offcringi d e macdonald 8v brother the lion cuelph etl j t- ajnothkrdsh at djrbss goods our dress goods thih season is selling enormously ahead of thai of idst year still we feci that wc have too many goods on our shelves to forest ill the j ossibility of having any lines left over that wc shouldnt have wc do not hesitate to roduce prices and force their stir i his entire week will be special drcs goods w ek it birutn prices for convenience wc bunch the hundrt ds of pircr hi to four groups at prices iqc 3yc 50 nd 7je odd price youll say yes but they ire odd bargain not im t with only once in a long while waolc drbsa roods lilt wl4oa e bldaotanaot i a tmie of i ou dur ubrle reeutar km ui aie flfl inelodaa booa atv liatiy rimvi in tmi ptalb and raney ouda rum lug taafuliaily f men 00o to b3e rn offarereallr eiecaat aood id llaohe of flhn w dilfeeenl diu tdlnily aom kt booloeipe yd tiih tuaa you b00 4jt cltolaeal olmnuv 1hc r in daaleii and f atbrle ixiuftt lot our uh naaat trade aud aortti tolly i 13 59c p iqc l w ma a eliyatall silk velvets about 27 pieces to choost 1 to 1 25 at 55c come while they iist colorod dross goods m oflart you ui nuijaa of l lal u atrlixa ihr aid plain toeda u am flllare rtl lju lea tbau av par y 1 etrt- kmdraceeooetuuie taooda i q m ana f mr aney aoeeke plain aenre and m i oal w uuu bodaaelbtwtatodt optm a ebolea al eolprloga alytaa ami latariaiafof aklrt eoaiumaa of reular per yard good boat eoiii feellabaleo meutrlala i ot ail auued in tba mipereanl from regular e h bollert cfe co 25 and 27 wymlham fit guhlph purchhse op wmtches we have jubt purclnscd a new stock of wilthairi ind elgin watclus in gold gold tilled and nfickel ct e good strong extra heivy cvt with tliicli gin for farmers sons sa1tage co watcii repairers guelph agents why dont you send for a free prospectus of canapaj sons on kopji and vi i dt it is the latest b out an acaljuslrepqns5iile5 in8 daj another 26 in daj bip bool sumptuously illustrated and is so cheap it ells on sight send for a free prospectus before you sleep and make money easy and quick tho bradleycarretmon co llnltod brantlord ont fancy work now in the tltna beforo tl a ali aie filcliejoer lo chooi whit you will male or chrtlnias iwcttnik we hae tlo inalat jfm cushion mo camblooa itatleaburg cfufre j taaaii 1ujnft teea collar ilcaldoe ihe numerous little articles iiiatle for 1111 all trsont8 c f- goodeve mill stroet aoton v b coma i11 and tce our lalfnt sllrt and wain holder 4 4 glove specials i errui 1 ttomeilc lined giov iccui at 30c i errln imported lined cloves it uo i 35 an 1 81 5 ilrrin unllned cloven suaranlfied i 00 fi 15 and 81 30 purrln s itoet huck kid unllfte i i 35 pnrrlu e 1 ul jre clova oc 7c aiu tft m slomy ecoquliia mblia lined and unlliw fowno kid shuttned clow ipelal si yi vewnev ivuul llucli clor ulli unci i 50 and j 00 a comldte ntiortuinol of ajri tioueat ahdcs and all new mula r e nelson cuelph murohunt tailor and menti furnlshur 4 moui iluiitin aicd gold filled wtttfclica si 5 to 0 tv menn and lioyw stiiiienikla fcercw tiucd wiuciich to slg mciim open yiiue gold filled wau0ich16 to 25 absolute cetlelny that you kel a iubi fhuo llo -jf- p loco wll b you 1 ny fmni pringlj umia4 ao r w if ii hii txt tuuhimr leaay etraue wear allll am 1 wl eua tstitul bolli tu auejrtua atatwa and la lu euul luuulue s uliaifc3xvtrw telllaveu yet naahe it goad lu km to aaaai eemaiin wlau 3 vrmr ewalotuae to be paefleour mluflarl anil thle offer bnada la suud raltb boliaewwl ell ue set thd jalllslbh oublph

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