Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 29, 1900, p. 2

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11qun mtu ikt in acuin on balunlay novetnber alllt in mr anllrauiea medley aluuahtar 14c i aw in condon on frtley 3ri1 kftitmmr uu endu noltul uaxeju a deuatiler 11 kv iti ueomattlualil onkrlrtey no u3rd john i holieoii etfoo u yean liaitv atdtiiaali oil tburaday noaemlmr bill mary u oil net widow of uie iu william lluly in i ar twli yer ik ktrp in a o toil on monday moraine vjaui n iiiltar ieiianl iwlu son o litiarlae uauuuuluhufltui year t1rwh a at uie reeldeooe ol hie eon lot b 6t una kilu on mutidey ko kith laura lloanrlch eeal f yeara end a tuonuia gcije acton jfm tresis tiijithlay novkmilklt ill 1000 idltoiilal no te9 in ilia uriliu uoum or commons thara ar mb uwyara and bnl flltean farmers i ho to oounl in ih worth llroca aleollon alvik uie aoat to mr moneill by a majority f ono urn drop in did prints of 1kb boge of abotil 1 a few weeks lio ao oheokad ilia dellvarioain the country that boyers have lioon obliged to advance llie prloea again a 11 j times has been jnila a rlaa this week xbdlcciiiu axotugcr la ooaaeijuqiicc 1 lilrty alx manlolpslltlae in ontario hava already deoided u faor of abolishing statute labor an j a number of other munlalpalitlaa vote upoo the question at the oomlng election nelson and naeas- gawejr bavo taken tha initiative la this county a bew saolion of tba criminal law that will noma into foroa on january lat will ba of painful inuraat u constables and other a liagl tt the enforcement of the law it randera aaty ualui luroush legal brglect or any aartuesnea allows a prlaonor or tnalafot to eaaap liable to one year a iiti prtuji iiioii i ahe county council mat for iu llua boaaitltl oil luealsv willi till mstlon ula prraaiit oonnall eaplred it having eerrd two blra1 hiera is llkaly to b mvrl olmnum in the nii county couooll uavaral of theproaent fcnembera inland lo drop out lo give others a ebabo to mrva lliolr municipality if lord lloberta should villi canada aa ba baa axpraaaod a daalra to do lia will ba lon a b facwptjoa ii b provao hlmaslf moat appraobvtlva la hu rafareoooa to tba aoldlsra wboin canada aant lo booth afrloa and tba poplo of thl oouillry will im only too dallghucl to ba abl loirovo lo blm portonally lbt tboy krb walldeaarvaavppra elation of una merit as ut ublml a maatlns of repruaaulatlvaa of all lb inuillalpalltimaffacud by tba radul rail way aohama propoaad by aid limb nf loronto iuu 1m1 1 ahortly in ibat ally lit aldornlana aoliomo 00 vara a wlda area aoton i odd d bi objoctlvn polntri ab oordluif lo bl ofu atatamant tba tahniol palltlaa tbroub wblah tba troada ara pro- ioud bava thrown oold watr on hi atutnpti lo inuraat ihaiu in hi aohama tba canadian troduo co of to too to uut wwk vaotlvctl aa order from qraal urllalo for un lorn of oatiadlao ohtokana tbla order wg obtaluod upon a aarapu of a fdw buudrad pounds aent alt waaks ao ibis la tba lartaat order for canadian ohlokauaavar raoalvad and la a good aurt fof a naw canadian indoalry mr gilbaita artlcl oif our drat pag raooro tuoudlujf lba rihk of oblckoos for ablp raout will lo vlaw of lit abova will u of mpaolal lularaat tu poultry ralaara ourisoldier hero the propoaad momorlnl toblot v a v ara by col dnvltlnon nnd cant lanatan in memotty of w j moqllt in m oouaakthcn im j voom pip at pfietnn a 01 h tiovtubtll i boo plait uyiih a half mat 111 niv 17tl trxtlar with a doaptloh from 1 ala ottawa ouunuilouf u uawa lo lha oluaia of auu11 tli ami ira a itml rt f jllovauurvlilwe itall ilmausa a lne full o km uu toual a1 ii a liati of alt vva uiouril fur 01 a a auiillat k u wliljimlaorarawar ah i uialla wliy uiahf t 1 laflfiitf law to oar uaalaapa wharalau tl a ulfa hart au wllara fall ilia laaun 1 wan ua dlad iu uur o uie quaan tli 1 uurt ttiutiiiu fa flia li 1 tl at 1 ol 1 iu yrava wdhu0tnallll luii vut lliara ilia nb llrtultl wtvm tlia alii a iii our own in 1 uluuutl i10 comrade 1 lay ba hlll j taud tlia not with ura jt bird ehaj aliitf an t l liyrt altl atiova iii alaapar lliara and umatluiaai wlian uta braaul of ittlurf murrraffraiiiianitiuiaalr limu wllilflowart from ilia vol it taiprlii alij all la traali and fair lljlil aotna uudar handaliatl iluok vat him uta briatiuat bloom wr tlalura kwoalaat bjit 1 iubo tohll wjtdiifa i wrltuo for tha nxa i aaaa 1 to iua a haro to si tub lite w j moobb j from a portrait takan by art la t tlam aliawuiatnurtilnif lia ufl actoo for south afriaa tbf iuaaaf tlon it laal u of liiaaaj laaaa to araot a tablet or tnohutntt in baamory of llombardlac w j uoora otlo of antons aolller in d ilatury in booth afrlna who jwrkliod from eularlo feer at 1rouru on lbs oth insl has mat with favor an 1 ll will 110 doubt have a ucoaaafnl ua whlla it oualpbou monday tha inatlar waa by tha edlur to ll col daidon tba offloar comliiaudlilaftba lotli utury of fiij artillery from whlob d battery o tha lloyal oaoadun artillery was aa coluavldaou daolatad tba idea to ba moat praiseworthy when in terrotfttod as to tba most aaluli plau for lbs memorial tba col said ba oonsldarad a gralilta labial nuitably anffravad and hat in tha axtarlor wall of tba iowa hall lo ba moat deeirabls ibis looation is mora publlo tbau any other and would naturally croal iii tba hearts of tba rlaluk genera hon worthy feellnit ot loyally and patriot lam if howoef eomslhltifci mora ormldablo is dealrad to ba aaootnptuhad b added a raouuuieut auitably plaoed nta tha antranos in tba town park creolman buperlutotldanl df would ba a very crodllalla uuderuktojf but tbaftratilu tablat u in hub wllh wbak baa bou done and u belntf dons in this oountry and in tba old land uudar almllai elrouniiuuoes caplalu lnutou tba odor command inn couipauy ko 0 11 tha hsltou xliqas mr o o farmer loalltuus aays that lba ohlaf bubjeots for tba 1armera luatituta mast log ara baoou cold slorajja and poultry fatuulnif cold atorags appllaboas for tba farm will raoalva oonaidarable aluutlou and plai preaautad for tha oonatroetlon of arwrtiuaierooldw trfwhohtombrdioruoorw wai farmer all tba apeakers will aaaarubla at oualph for oue weak in deosmbef dprln owi maatlutf of tha kipatimeotal uuloti and tha lroinoul winter pair wbara axparls will tuldreea tbeoi and praotloally damouauu tba jueatioos ashpnovk mvn ln and airaaamlo mnt7owrrir are viillug rfrlallvaa in 1 1 rotilo mr dart tbnrulau la in taranlo whrra bo 1 opes to aooore a iliolliiii mra j aliudcr la i h uyittf in toronto mia ida cantabn i htraofa lll la slaylryf with mlaa aliian ler mi a mine molina vullo i in tba oily ut wrfa ilia aail new ooniea ll at mr john millar has bean tirlckrn wllh caver tin wm romoveil fr n bar h mo to mlllur where tfjtlfpr oaro oii be lvoii iter during iho win i at urn in wailiiealy mr moalluin windmill wau oapsia elouia dml wm doiiu to mr liurtiiaii barn tha week hljiul ervloae iii the melhodut uhuroh ara bai aontliiunl 1uv l honn ap arlliyr mhii ihlf anonien qui d uattehv gunnftt nar v bvalt pof3 dloil of ln- torla fever ait watorvaal- ondar on nov i 0th omul nor jo a cable was received thla mornlntf from ulr alfred mllnar atatiiift that as5 oonnar k wtl of u uatlery died at watarvaalonotor on nov ihlh lvall joined at xorl uope bis neit of kin belii mrs twwd both his pa rente are dead the aoldlor referred to is mr lrneet ivtt well known lo ouelpli friends mr latt was the ottiy aou of uia lata lranola kvatt of qoalph abd lnl hi yonth in thai oily baiofj employed for some hi with j m llond b co bamtwar m obants laaflnp later for trinity collefio boboollort hope tk worlds most famous picture in lba dreadeii cilery in arniaii hanit tha moat valuabla plulura in tb worl i murth t00 000 luibrl y hlll udonna andchl1i itrt plotui by poruilaltodi infil pfilally copied and ri rodnoad on hoavjr papof ala jj it so in all tha oolora or the prlulnal and is ul van with tbu years toronto lalurd ty jv14a1 uhrlatmaa number the modern madonna admittedly the mo t bettirul ploture avar tnada by pholottraplty alaa been reproduced also 10 x il and is kiweo as another prrmiuin wltli ibn moil beautiful book ever iaurd iii canada full of slorlea poame tud arlullo llluatratioiih eotna of tbs plot urea oooupyluu oil panes a boys plolare au impromptu elpaoh ta also in colora and tkn i cry mamma la lba moat tooohlng ploture of tha home of a tnlseinit canadian soldier yet p rod o cod tba wbolo sixty page ara original bright olean and typloal of canada aa also is the utls vlt wblob dejdotsjjn litoolors indian boy pldcldog faalbeni from a kluji turkey of tba forest which ha has alalti order at ouoa for uolblutf as good has aver befora been offered in canada and i year s saturday mljkl ohrlatmxa ws sold but within thro days of its publioa clou vtlao co bents lu lubes raady for mallliif ab all uawadaslers or from tba bhepiurd rublmilu company llmlud loronto thi repreaautativej odifra p0 parties within the stalls of vlllajiaa and towns at 4ba ontario jueeasmeni oommiaaloo uieal- ing in toronto laat wk oonunded that suoll proparlies raally darivod 00 banadb from uiuti wllbiu a village or town that on uiooulrary it was positively tojolou as tha praeenu for itiauods ot dogs pre vented tlia kaeplutf of blieap and lba prdsaiim of oblaketis prevented tba raising of cartaln kinds of crops thayaske1 that 11 farm property situated in towns or villages ahoolj ba tuseeeaj on lba tai baau as tha ualifbborlng towusblp and should pay ibk towoahfp rata of ukaliou rpabbaihbloedfcbss nu in br ol years a mi commissioned officer th uauat 11a eiwou i ued not say how vary kid wan uis lutiuis bar and rius hid newfoundland uoouon raluruu uow ootilpuls show that liberals bav lean lelaotad in all bul foorau tha returns staudiuif llbarala couaarvallvos i ths dread of mr h 0 uald jjrlllu oori- trol of lbs lakialatuta wlui his propoasd oorporatlou is id to have nauaad tba jtrwat iuliipada lbs menders alao bald tlia lla that by bsmtmrlng mr luld they mlhhlt rid of aoitts of tbs objwiuon- abla fatures of lba orlulnal it 0 luld oonlteol wliloh so com pie lei y oovat lba ulaitd franoblaef j he pre piru tlon fur brluiig tha maul lob liiiuur or prohibition aol bafora lba full oourt ara uow being tnada by all tha pr has ooiicarnad tha dominion govern instit will ba rapresautad by mr m ii m howell tba local lovarnmeat by mr j a m alkhie tha frptuir of ths act lba uudaou hay oowpauy by mr w li ierjaa l ha lloaiiaad vloluallsrs aisoola tlon by mr i ii ihlppauandlhs doiulu ion auuurs by usars w ii mulook and ul in j lor in order lo faojlltd uta procslluija lbs aovrumant baa praparad ilsaries of juutjous wbioh tba oourt will ba called upon to dolda tlon bouveyed in tilr alfred ullusre depal li anoouuolo tba death at welorla of cue of aotonarenreaaatativaa oo ula uaaoud couuu aent to all who have tread aiid enjoyed ux oow uirsaant uoorasbruihtaudbreeay ulurs from the front uia itiloruiauou of itu daau willeouis with a shook and to nous mora so tbea tboaa of us who liavs been uamtutsd with hltd in bu aid raslulaltt my objtt in whuun was lo add uiy approval touisoiwulug of a fund towards uis stmuou of a tnouuuiatit to lbs tuauiory of a oalluit you 04- cauadbui who rabdarad up 1 is life lu if md and a mil i slioul i bs ktad to laam of a land bluif bumaeefully alerted and eueloas a oaulbullau lowanl aama aud u1i11w that if yau would ovau your aoluiniis for luaii a iur loa that lbs utt amount would us oolokly ralaad for uia purpo i iuuat vouts very uulv j o iiluurou o4pl oomduuho 80ompauy lonielllflm vorauuwuov feind luuo with r vlsw to thw aooompliihnioiit of tbs proposal ouiliiiod ibaliutk pukjw opsmi subaoriptlon list in theeaooluiuusaud will ba puenod to roalve ootilributlaiis from all who do l re to bava a part in 4bs in altar we will bd llad to saa oltinam nsnrally and old comrade- of tha deosued tutsrasb- itut thamaalvss in tbs inovaujaul lvry aubaoripllou 110 matter how small will us ajpredltd and tlia puss 1atiu will ao kuowladgs from weak lo wk all aub aorlptloui paid and will tupolt all montaa received in tha bank to tba credit of lh msmorul fund fvan lbs boyj and girls in town qui auaiit in lbs movement and lhairuauies will ba just as walooina lo i ha iiti hi suy othsr oontrlbutor waoommeiioa ilia hat wllh llts mlawlng uuollolud bubtorlptlona oolouel allan 1 od bvvbettsr bonos uut teuop 8addebt thoughts tjauniuies what lo you has bwu for many mouths tint vaddoal yet swnuat hour of ilia day t tjurely that when in all 00 a tout or lu iwm oommriulon with relatives or friend you bavs 1st your thoughts dwell ou tha dnr abaant ous in africa vour hopes and fears your prayers and tears bttvagous forth to tbam and was ll not tba hour of afternoon tea your soldier ooniradrt tha briillh planters make tba delicious orooo uas of caylou and india this alone should in olliiayoulo try llieaa uas japans bavs uo auob olalui on you and are- bealdoj of inferior quality monsoon fulada and diub lubbon brands ara all good coloulal tba irovlootal louutura is llkaly to blast about tha third weak lu january thousands op anaemic qltllb huntlyinq to thb qravl vounif lady at cobourtf ortt caae waai pronounood hopa- laaa twlla how bhsi hatfalnad haalth kind btrnrtha iaaon to mothafa aba loudon viuj ilall an no u 110 thai it has he11 d finitely deoldd that tha doks snj duahees of york uliall vult cauada tnattaw ofibsytjit unot suudrbul probably they wuttoonle here ou their way to autralle or uu ihlr way boins aa lla uubaof york la td ot lbs aral irlla tuelll of tba auatrallatl oouiuloowejth tim munlraal sldr sugtlests that ll would be tuuob to lba advautsits of canada if tha vlelt oould ba so limed that tba 1 loyal parly uould teaob this oooutry lu lba suiiimwr but whether lhy ooma in eunimor or lu wluur lba lruua hmi- rrlnoess will rvosivp a warm wvloomu front tba wbnla lauadleli peopu 800 oainiuttu balauoa ou baud ift june imr uis 0 h umllbl b w t lis aulou yatta puss 3 uo tlia vum lmma liur u uoora ao j u lloora to u u holmes to a u lluillb ta twbntvkivh million hubll- illu la the vlalcj of whont in manitoba aooordlnif to munauur thotripon of oull- viet a wimihujnov 10 when qubsllouod tba other day aa to tha orop of lba p baaoii mr thompson ouvus manager said ilia conditions fully hear oul my pravlous sallnulus as to iiiaullty au 1 quality i may y amplisllually that thia aiatou s whaat uudor our preaatit syataul of willing u making bsllsr tiour than the whaat of laat yai lb luial oiop litis yar is about jb00u ooi buliy children cry for castoria 8ul elaaatuio is on every bo 1 f uu udiiuius lnxauve uromooiilniiio truiu ua lasktedy that auumla is tbs tarm used by doolors to indloala povarty of tha blood lhaprava lenoa of this troubla is maet alarm lug aspoolally among young gltls and a larga parosulsga of tbd altogether loo numerous oaass of consumption which annually ravage lbs oountry hava thalr origin in this troubla lbs first indloatlou or auumia is a pats sallow or waity oomplaic ion llils is follows by ios of applila frsiuaul bsadsohe india position lo axer lion swelling of limbs vlolatlt heart palpi tatlou and frojjutntly fainting tits xhtea symploiiii may not all ba preasut bul tlia mora tbsra srw tlib greater tba urgdiioy for prompt and rffcotlva treat maul whlob should b psriialad 111 until all traoas of tha trouble have- vsnkbod amoug tbs thousands who bavs boan brought near to tba brluk of the grave from this trouble and ultimately restored to ha lib through tha ui of dr williams imiik iilu is uia italia doyd an utlmahla young udyvhoaa boms is at cobourg muas boyd glvas bar saparlauoa ae fallows it is nearly ten years alno my lllua fliut oonimsnoad and allbougb i was doctoring more or lus i rsoalvad hill or no bene tit s tba doctors did not asem to undsfitatid my troubla two years ago my health beouma so bad tbut auallisr doatw was called in and its vlalad that my 04 was a moil aevera lypa of au mints and ibat wbila ba could halp ma tha trouble had prourasead to such a stags thai ba could hold oul liltls hopes of hours al tills t line i was as o ae olialk my a all u ware awulluii uitd would bsug down over my eyes like tuaka uf watsr my foat atid limbs would uwll and wra always j oold i was an jeol 10 vlolaut lisadaoljeu ssvara palpltalliu of lba bitrt and if i i lop pb j over i wuuld im 10 dltay lbal 1 ooul i aoarcaly ragaiu au upright pjallion ii y a 1 pllla falls t ma almost autlruly and i grow ao weak that i was a mara wreak while in tblsonitlluoii i reed in a nawe papsr of the curaruf a uuug grl whuo taa waa much likatnillw llirolsh ha ut or dr williams linb illl end i iloiar mined lo iry ibatti ahoss who knew ma did iml think any medlciim ooul i do ni any good or llial i wind 1 ever il bsltsr bul i do trni i tin 1 at sl eueitts in givs ihrtn a fair iril i havu uatd tbiin for usaily k yar with thu nsult thai i fvul ilka a usw pefkoii p ills swrllllig iii ll y ylldj aid hitibs baa dlasjimrad my eppiiu is good an i tnv fund is rugaiuiitg iht uolor whbih i ft it yre au i mil iww aud do wrk about the hmiui an i tlila ursl ahai gj in tnv fin iitinn u lus au a y in tba lis if dr william iluk 1 ilia it i- nut 1 hi hula 1 1 k that lliy iul riv ik ami i alt 01 glj u who si ylnjurly kttiou i lo give lbni a ihoruugl iiil neihb0rhood news intnraatlntf nowa1trpa bmppllad by cortotrtoontlant and ekphnngnn in thla vicinity nabbaoaweva corp ii i minlerghem ula of be canadlart jloulti afrloan i t nllngetil who a a eek hnutltg in muakoke kille1 ontt doer near itoaaau i illoy and a taylor hailt of campbell vllle who hunud with blm alao l a deer nacli lie w j hurler of the canalun muiild llllle baa brail invalided from hon lb afiinaiofnbland if la a naftie gaweya man but beenllaled at hasina limhoue uevt w jankaou ireal ltt of lllnll inn cotlferotio preeohad an able aarmon in tho malhodlit obnreh her on rnnday aftaruoon 1 bj ooilgregatlnn was plnaaoil to have this pfulleoe tif hearing him tba ulble hoolety ool loci ore am oanvaa ing this belghboriood mia wra llrawn of arton woiahlpjaed wllh lba llmehoaee meuiodlat oonitregauon on bundav aflernoon he was or yaas a regale attendant whrn ridsnk in ibis vicinity mrs laos aud lilt martha litna have baan al atlon tb past wk altandlng at tba bodsldaof mra lambevi daughter who is vory ill with jung trouble dallinafad this community losl by death last vtl day au old add highly rale mod resident in tba parson of mr george dee w i ok mr bee wick had reached an xdvanood age being la his eighty ninth year lie bad been lu poof health for soma time am gradually hi hold upon ufa looeanadt if was a tealdanl of llrlu low neb i p for many years and diod upon his homestead lot 8 ou tlia sixth line lrlu horn years ago ur and mr heswlok rem ivad to anton and etijoyod several yearn rel lenoa titer and made many warm maud mrs ties wtovh ureteral ysavrgoodlhorh- old geiitlamsn rdturiil lb krln au i has aluca real led with his sin mr 1 busr ueewlak ii was s kin i lieiuhbor and an earnoet chrlallan tnali x ha funeral yeaterday afternoon was very urgely al lauded 1 milton tha iiew skuiing and curling jjtik pro jact is materlslixlng satiafaulortly it is eklveolojl to be ready fur christmas ilsv mr imlth praaobed an abla tm peranoe arrmou in kuoi church on bunday aveulng tha iloyal lorolars attcuded in a body a aed os of mac lings ara in progress this woek in tha town hall under tha auplaas orttea tom plsts thtflooaltnlnfaurs ara addressing tb7eatm lenoa vsoh evening an inuroetltig laeelon of ii lion par mora fuatltula was bold lu tha town hall on priday jplondil atldrese full of practical thought were ilolivered by mr a monelll of wslkervills and miss 1 mad dock of ouoljili tba availing rueet ing was intaraparaod with muale dr ilourtaou 1reidotit prralded aud mr j l wurren oeorelsry altanded tba important duties of his ofuos itsv w i whila ltsof qraoaohuroli wutbaaaulbyjjihoii rjujuiouliu u 0na ga to fill tba vftqaiiny aauesd by tbs raalg ualiouofluv mr prances xbd annus tts nieatlllg tllertaltiment of tba milton methodist oburcb will ba held on xueatlsyeniutf deo 4th qood ua tocul progrsmme and a good time ara prom lead ctmwbonb corners mr o jollitfa of luakwood pre chad an exoslletit tirmn lu ihs method lt cjiuroh on bunday owing to the stormy weather tha etuadabo was dot vary large mr alex grippe has bow gohbla aei mill runblug at spaadeida 7 will ba there until afur tba baw year- mies tllll- memuraby baa handad in to the trulos har realunatioo as taaobar of loruaboboo during lbs peel two years which miss momurcby bae been teacher of bsoeau a- aud paluatsklug uachar aud bf departure will bs much regretted by all mlas momurohy lutauds taklntt a oouraa at toronto normal eohool this wluur mssurwasley cray son of mr w y graj has besu seriously 111 wlihjsymptoms of appendicitis it la to is hoped ba may soon recover mr john and miss l momorchy of churchill spent sunday at mr jas gamble a iheamiuil mlaalonary aarvioa will ba held uext bunday morning in the ohuroli here okouktown tha jilgli bobool oommsuosmsnt i tiler tsinmsntloha bull tomorrow evening is tba avaiil of tba weak thjprogrsfums will iiiolud numbers by ii n bbaw ii elocutionist miss may mawblnuy vooaliat mi 1 hil la itlotiardiou cslllal mrs ii ii haiulareou aaoompablst r aud tba prsasutatlou of diplomas mr john ii xlarber baa disposed of the cbalbsm iihhtr lo mr a 0 woodward uta of tha chicago jaunuil xha cougragstlonsl ltdus aid an ler tainmant laik prldiy avsnlng was fjulla a luoosas xha uiambsreblp of lbs a o u w lodgs her has reeohsd tha splendid toltl of lln jmr alas ouiumlugs a former acton boy la bsra front dakota visiting bli ait tar mry j o wiltson luavs htawart of 1 aiuealiig has ar rived for a ooo 1 iloaila couvsntlon lb ba held lu tho town ball on xueadsy deo th mr aud mrs moalplno and mlas mo alplus of barula arrival in town leal wak- aud will reslds at tha ilaptut paraouss with luv w b moalplno ll a tha spou i msalhig of the 1srmers instllula on batnrlay at ur noon and vm lug was wall attend 1 xha addresses by mr mcnidll and mlat maddook wsra praoiloal an i halpfill the inualcal pro gramme by tnoil talaul waa also sppre olalsl kor 50 years 111 others have been ftivmi their children for croup cough and colds shilohs consumption cure mothcrshavr j7 suit on in the house at all tmw do you know just when you tan find it if ytiu need it qiixildy if your little one t imspin and choking with eroup if you haven t it jet a bottle it will save your childs life hmlyh war r- i mf uf i c eil 11 i llnll- ll i ll hlllo n lu 1 ml i yali te i at la a na i n t 4 tl a v in f you l aallariwl b u and elyoi f hi itey pu vvlt ih- b mc t iwnt wltkoet l 1 i l wll a- d pynypeetoral a quiqt cure for coughs and colds vary valuable tummy la ail aifrctions of lbs throat or lungs i largs bottle 2sc davis lavuiihccoijmitl l v paft1iry pjvi telnljlt kendalls spavin cure yluield ralubla remaay nt tit iwhh it daaa ao blltlar b mm ritu4o ru um i j ltkil tutatw kf i i ui lba lk f i jf v rn a 4 xik mn i a u jflctrills ultrntlki ujtmk uhel allnlmnt fuf rmtlyt le a hj u lual ak v mr lruatrl ft r uaasall h-l- l-r- 10 atiu t u-ujilr-oflr- 5 7 do b- j- kcndall co imosblwl falls vt c some reasons wijryciujhouia liuuuuuuvlni eureka harness oil unuallm in miv other rend era lumljeathcr aofl especially pftjurcd k ollt fitter a heavy bodied oil harness an excellent prcmrvativ deduces cou ot j on linnicesj never burnt the leather its feflicleiicy i4 increaitd secures fcat wrlce glitches kept from breallujf oil is sold in all loculltle unlwnuredby kmmh1 oil kidnoy soaroh llsht iuva yontiarkiiulihtr3oyotrymtnitowi77 t your limbs fnl liivy t lino jou pains in the loins llavdyoudixilnutt have you tirckl dragging rvuling in ihu roklous of tha kidneys any and all of thou indicate kid bey troubles soulh american klduny curm la a ljuld kid ey spocirtc and worlsion derful cures lit moit complicated cjuos q sold by a f llrown xleiiiod j lixh tad rmilttmtt ttd throughout smtuntuliod byxltotrlclty rxjwi 1 00 ixll djy qood stmhllajf ia caaaaotiaa ofmnd c6ntrkl h0tl thko cook proprietor cor monabb end morrlok bth q j r m ourghuiriings ark f ch ri stmks 1 1 bkrck 1 rss i hey an many our choice selection of hrittma iruiti ii now rcidy for the inspec tion and approvil of all who know l good thing when they see it y y st liolrn itnuink otid turrnuln kplrrm and kitrartm tooklnic viah lliorolntrx hhrnddrd coconant irlnfkuftarf hhnllfd amouds and walnut tiron oranxn and lmon trol unking poerdrrn vhxtr1 value in tea and coffee tflrit abherlibfiiifiitd pioprrty for hnlo niiuiikh nf tame at 1 vlllsa tirapcrtj for ealenn auy inn ailrlylo ww iiuwotltjtkt vvaniki t llllsauy wanll1 a vllltrc t 1 al s urni li aolilna y jlelulaa laalil lualnud i hialj loltf hl aaiwaa alyt ilko j thoiii 1 vj jualfb qqj xtc idquirtfcrs for x7uths u supplies tivry tliy brings something iilw in ifoliday joodi ou r n vrs l co pengjrkl utrihklnlts oaltl ok f hanks m llalfly failly uivaalf i dealr i tl i tb medium f ua 1 uu u mi rata our hi aia tl at ba f r ilia h any bind letlara eat raalt u avmiatl y f or iii hi uia om of our daej- urn lit u ttli africa tlto a vfj kind mkin ejv the right house rtjlhllhiiu mo hamilton s lavohifl shopping ii aci dross fabrics vlzre 7sc for soc twelve pieces 0 i nncy dress malerlala lu stripes and fancy figured pattern various ahdea- including black and while blue and black mauve and black gtoen and huik purple grey mixture and re tod a mixtures 44 inches wide mostly all wool tome silk and woof were 75c a yard uow 50c at 50c bpeclil line of cheviots in ten different ahades including boel root greys brow rt 11 blues and greens in two tone eilcels a inches wjde wftla lor siinplaiollhcaa speoial coata a lot of old jackets in nr manilu room will be sold tit about half price timdo of boavef bonclo cheviot and frioio both black und colors in some caae only one of each price i ormerly 3 reduced to tl 00 1 ormerly f 00 reduced to i 50 iormerly o 50 reduced lo 3 o i ormerly q y 3 rwlucod lo loo i ormerly 1 1 1 00 reduced to o 00 i ormerly iaoo teducod tooo l ormerly i16 00 roducwl lo t8 00 iormerly baa 00 roducod to io ulstors 5350 1 ivu long heavy ulators for women just tlw thing for country driving in faun covert nnd light and dark brown cheviot were jg 73 and til now t3 50 one only woman s ulutor in very heivy fawn covert fonnsrly t7 for to far mummm two only ulsters for miiui 14 lo 10 years qua iu tweed was ta for tj and one in black cheviot wlthfur collar was th for 83 flannolo a reit stock of grey tiannelu valucu otd very exceptional beciusa wo bought lba goods beforu the- riftfl in prices and they are therefore worth qanilderalily more than present prlceu lurhnilanca all wool cry 1 lauucls lu fiv3 different shades of gry plain and twill nica fina maka and good heavy ucight 38 loch regular value 38c lor 30c alto ilia followlng union crry l tj inched w 13 and 17c all wool plain and twiji llfcht and dark 3 inches wide- 30c a yard 3ij inches wide 93c a yard these flannels are guars ntwi by w makers against shrinkage if washed according to dlrectlom tho makers against shrinkage u washed according to direction 1 also the following shining flannel thirtjax yhumalm all wool riannel shirtings in elht pattemi sirljics atul checkslight aud dark shades ab inch 33c sk1zq monbv- dy buying ihrough our mall order department rrolghi or espret prepaid lo railway stallona in ontario on ull mall orders amounting to tj or mora samples soot anywhere- on riuesl zltblqjxiasj t watkins king st east co hughaon st hamilton liahlnif tlios dr agnews ointment h proof ngalnat ilia lor mania of itching 1 1 tei thouiands of lailimonluls of cures cftectod by lis uu no caid too ogravat ing or loo long standing for it to tooiba comfort and cure it cures in from 3 to 4 olhts jj cents qj sold by a t drown i i i h kwilton cknkdk specull for farmers oatmeal cut 00 b sick s 75 o go 11 25 ai so concbtoga flour 2oo everton 1 95 maple leaf 1 go goldios best 2 10 a box or mllburu a htiaumkhd tills will ba sain fra lo any ono who suffars from rhauuialiiiu lolslk lumbago or osuulgla if ihsy uuvsr have tried ihesa pllli bsfora uund a jo ilamp for poalaga to xba x milbnrrrootlitmitadforouto ont luiwlciutiu cures all sorts of oul bruits burns and strains xakan j 11 uruslly ll oureaiirrho4 all i dysanlary avoid subsluutaa thara is but ouu iv 1 11 killr ivry dvu afo and 6o0 lbs lust uf gol 1 unfllug and remotes leas the uut oirruptluu of daauerata man lubtieon tiolitlcold vbd heetlljili 1 w byradnldtill 1 00 bealuiaaaoo 100 waiuarwutaa borfoet aatiafaouuo globe optical co 03 yomb atraajl toionto geo- j thorp grain fecid and boi avxlvii klevatim noexwooa pleasing phstegraph alotia 1 eva 1 xelva1 will 1 ul al li livilually w thareff aooat i ol in lia 1 there f kluij f miioli w mfurt ww w hoi i lallr thail we i e laia t limbar re- 1 roly m euli trleeo lioiw llila card will be aototi w v lath jjttl thou at t mooilk butelier kltop and heiidenco t ren t ll tltllliltlel laalres ui tent attar ula istli iwai iar iii butetiex shop anfl 11 1 tig on klalu lltiaat aulon in oonnaotlon marewltli t araareloa ouaa ilauiltnr hoiiae aubla goo1 sarlail ate tlila u uie oldeet eeublllioo tneal i ualnam in aolon la a eon venleet atari 1 an i has alaeye dot t ualoeaa tl a preeerjt uaae iplree dmeutlxm- apt y at ouoa te holllillt uolukh a uili dksieaiilkitksiijenck pom sale lflarty on falrvuw xicuuim i y win irh bownruiaj itrtau tl- iqu la wail i ufll lb altfllt mm i 111 t all and pantry u liar at i k i itarj aaj aot ue um mi pratnlaaa line la all uia ull t wall atoehad wllb i ice mill 1 i a i r irartyla war 1 1 1 in tliaooriwr of the i ill i ll u 1 aeu 11 owli fl to uie foahiilty of valryuw cnmtary thla iiooarty wooll uiak a atiuuim kilo far raulioiiiasai wlllbaaold eaty un ia vot particulars apply at offloe aaton oot paaa is mew butcher shep jutmsonl now meat shop in ibe o k has opeied prenilaes ulely occupied by joyce lrolhcrs mill slieel acton whera will be found at all times a full supply of prima svash mails ourad meals xjaubagis ifraab ttsb poaltry la season uod hopea by strict attention to the wanls bfhljlttialqrnrri curinkbn lunlmu for slaughter obtainable and doing a caih 1 business torlve rompwe aatisfactton vr every cuslonier your orders bollclted c a mason the master christian th motltodlat tlmau in its review sajta of the uaaur clirlauab ataria coraul s uuat book le a ilulotf atm utioomtouiuliig attaak upon edelaelaauolam blieaeea uia lellura nf eoalaelaatlalaai la due la the inability or utiwfllinubas of uie ourtoal tntnd trrnadetataimltkanww teettamantwal of tbecbareb ttiertd enthonaa udulealy outapokea in bar eittin of uia bollownaea of tnodnl oonvantlone hrletutiltr mo one eab doubfeuiebnrolnlf alnoerlty of tl a writer wbo ions u sea the- ljtlbg cbiut onee more aiiliinuiad in lba heart of liunialilty we advueall who ara lalereeted in uie trallflous and aoolaj trobuum of the day to mead this lraououe book patmc 78o cloth i 2b holiday udltlonalothsllttop si bo wm briggs punusiieb 30 33 rlcbtnoiid st w toronlo procrastinate no dont do 1 hat but come today to the acton pump works atulgt youc pomprepaired or buy a new one wc can do it watering troughs cisterns and a general jobbing business done satisfaction guaranteed bkatob ground concave dring thorn in charles ed hag 13 maiu st acton sea ourtrelf as otlicfs sea ou but lat us praunl ou at your imisi our work is commended not alone for tba artltllc metiib bul for tha excel lenca and accuralettosa of our lilenahaas what a a prislly plctura and it looks so much likd you ivlba inevllabla aiclaiiu lion h rlpctshiwirt photo wtvtst kcton oodtt uinnn acton bakery vu leap a nice uutortmenl of broad und cakoa droiacftrdiiutllufl the hfltiui cill if iha uealhor keeps cold wa 1 im gelling oystort regularly ljrjici atinid this wouk dc matthews uu who mtuud wllh iliulmll xli olharrf qoatbi nlli how brvon ctuna tlnuupla i tablet qlvo imtunt llolltir tlmy 10 luuidy tu air tuld uua uitof dl lllrof wllollaval yuu ilaliiuilll llllrok cuiiilni011 uluioiliawd in ovotl it ilia only rlllejy lllowll llmt uui kla illlutlt tnllsf ud mrmtiant cui lia luiitf lixtlau tiaal mania wlili iueliuiiatu ulti bat i t ull nut i at 01nwl1 ituuljlfca 33 lonluo suki ly a 1 lliuwil second hand xtehicles if you netd u good stronc second hand bugpy call and set my mock i have a good list to clyooie from and willlet tlien cheap also a few secondhand marliet waggons and cartb 1 am anxious to clear out a full line bf root pulp- ers hog trough and waggon springs on hand fxjr goods the stylish kinb and the good kind of lura are not nacuur lly ilia uma good purs are scared this winter but wa bought hid skins souid lima ago anticipating a run on just ilia kind that are popular this saaaon and can offer sable tora inn and soal furs of exceptionally good quality at remark ably low prices according lo aire nnd length required repairs and r1imodulung now la ilia lima dont wait until beedad badly or you will wall l n e lafontaine furrier cuolph ttp hynvmitktfutylateuiitr mjdujl ww v nil hlulaliiiu oll clug cill early and avail yourself of bis valuiblo services us thifl is urirc opportunity lo lave your eyes proper ly tested free of charge no kucsb work but abcientific certainty ijifti cult cases accurutely btted al l wuiiu uuait wnuttt iuci uu el hi w4vw will uk at agnowet hotol acton onbb dkv onlv thur9daydecember 6th notiobj larger premises in oneill succcaeor lo oulp a mokuualu g3d rglbtoslnzist tli- flipped tliat drawa luatst meairs cooimk s akins bag lo auuounca to ibeir pal rona thai owing lo thalncreat od cbnfidencd placod in tham during the praeenl aaaion lliey iiavm lioeti coiiijuiimi lo like larger pmmlaej whens tlioy hopa to coiiiinua to lucreaaa their biibinsi hy glvltig tlia inmost ulhtfacilon twtli in malarial and workmanship our object will always ba lo lead in style of materials ami of qltrntenla artd li dortmenwerarw cmllnually adding lo our si vefdy larga mock toualillng ol fancy sulhtigs in scotch and wl of lihgland worstatls ranllugs laucy vastlugs and u full range if falt and wltllaf overcjaibms cooper kkiisis mlll st aclou is wcnu tut tha m a ll eulielm tyka a wbloll will uutellali sole awnbi f the ealehrau turvea lueulialui tke alij lull wail wbloll will uutellaliua tuilor lu u mib wear ut klottay refuudad xmas magazines and papers candndlon enicllsh ond amorlonn luv your older uow iwforo our supply u vluiilfml i su ouilimclu4ud rum ov inabluk i bnp sliuiln die illln or ull olori cilnhoil iijiiiuij 1 lowsrs1 a t brown ohatuut had butloruu- acton ii i only it tin lia lll vl lllftl mllu illtow blflllv llulllarl xuiillli lliu lll uu imiqj lurnnil nut kt uruu mill aoluu umiil lluluu 3b5w atmfttw ftwtfaairstifliii

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