Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 29, 1900, p. 3

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ji rfj sank of hamilton georgetown brancrt aqoneral bankingbuainaoa ttransaofceq copp oopondenoe solioitod savnikh oepartrnfant loteee ellowtxl on numi ot oni dol lar and upwards from lay of deposit lu dav of withdrawal no jovmalllles and no delays in drawing money farmera yoainesh solicited notes of reaponslt lo farmer discounted and money loaned fur cumulate dutlneu purposes our johcction doparnnmit hu every facility for making rompt ret urns salo not handled otmonay advanced on account oiurno at low rales of interest travellers ana notified thai ilia llank of hamilton and ftp hfanches issue circular note of the provincial dank of pnirlaixt limited which can be cached without o iht xiuhle in a yp irttt hlad opiicis hamilton taubllahed 1873 capital paii up 51703212 reserve fund 123411 total assets 14827357 jamu turmuuu cashier b forsayeth aaint 1 georgetown bronolr the news at home tea spoons nicklc plate irom 50c 1 do solid nickle from 1 a do silver plate from si 50 1 do solid silver from 6 a do kni ves and forks you will find the best choice and the lowest prices in above lines at geo hynd8 aoton ont jmeixka cram 1 eljcrtgirrjriejressr thungday novfaullml 51 1000 little local brieflets whloh cauartt th eyi or ears of free pr r porter this wank ed by also nuoh pleased winter weather 1 here again preparstuua for oltrlalmas are lu progress in many quarter thawaluoduoiiliui ylulwm destroyed by fire on monday mora log mnii humphries a lie was shipped a not bar car of done tttglasgow ooltriday a skating rlok likely to be one of atuactoua tot the youog people hora llile winter tbabctok work of the third store wo the warren block le pntty well up on the coond story dor llnfi ton le now hub led by eleo irlolly and the oiiibmu are with tb eflot meronanl who desire a ut ohrlatmaa lraxe shoold put lu an advaillaemanl lu the fax tasa and have their desire brett fled the heavy wlud storm last weduea day wroaght bavoa with euoee trees jta soma ot the tlectrlo street lights word damaged grflstml aiielpliliaweuiiaii ized with the noble purpose in vlow o clearing ofl the debt of the general jloe plllnf thetouv tbe village of towler has passed a by lej to provide tat tbe punishment of those who oommlt the nnlaanoe cj spilling tobaooo juloe on ihe sidewalk for the benefit o bew resident it la wrlmo stats that a municipal by law r quires that all sldswalka be cleared ot suow by ten oclock a ru after aaoh storm ha a 1 urane fc t of button wrlue ihe folder toplo garde you did for ua are lo hand ihay are a work of art many ibaiika for your usual promptneea and beauty of execution little leonard tbe twin eon of mr and mre gba doolule main btreet died very suddenly on mooday uaornlng of id flm mat ion lie was in bis fit lb year but byst waa very stroojf tbe ontario agricultural department le warn i no tnlllrs and thoee who have stores of flour and msl to be on tbe look- ont for a daetruollwe itusfitkoowu aa the ukllurrauaati flour moth the removal of tbe old bulldlotf it trout of his llue rfeldenoe lu ooarae of oou- truotioa on oburoh btreel by mr j j hieweou txinlraolor baa raaob improved the appeaiauoe of the bew bulldini the glalbatu people are urud by the ilahmtr jjin4 to build a mooomeut to tbe isu ll juht a lourau who waa killed id tbe trabsvaal and ays tbe aoheiu u one whiob should ootituerld tteelf to every oil j xe ail organist teuejllly died lu uwedeu wbu held hla p64lllou lu oue church for 73 yean without muilu a service an szobans remarks thatohruob oholra nod b more peaceful lu bwsdsu than ou tbla ooutlusut llraulford u reuliul fund for tba reolbu of a iiibiorl1 to the uu luul dull ler ihe lale luuu oshorua aud other llratitfurd boyawho did srvloe u ho u ill africa luthrie day a over 350 haa beet suheorlbed thfl illdbal l tu rir tellatl church ba dvid a uaw style of eutertaliinieot uuluf ihe title of an old msun oouventloil a local psper iii describing the event eaplalba thai the isdlee bad to uu to ihatbaoi in utder to iaouretthe autlyuatsd ooitoroe-neoeeeaty- lfrrst round for uldrflou i london v iva lost about a knoutb ajo betwesu tle fourth hue and anton station x black ilk psrseol with m ring in be handle virmer will be rewarded by leasing at mue ierryuiau a fauuf gnoda atar bash anp in stock if you are bulldlnifor uiaklui improve w ilantuf mill wltb your order a atook eeb h2 4 lliibta iaiut ugbta l wubu lights i uiiuri j igbta uoore lu took 3 10io 10 10 thick ud 0 bid t ib tblok solid moulded and elsed pauela ii loafl 10 llllob front looretwllh or without glaaa top jy uaowh iropfutlor malu btreef aoton momtly of a local oharaotor and forv itom fntejrostlnb st andrew m ttotmon ilev h a mao p bur eon prsschd an able aarmou- before bt andrews hocloty fu ht andrew e oburoh gutlpb last huuday evening the sermon la well wutlli re prodnclug and will appear lu nest issue of tba fasa iaaut tho coming nomination tilt day fortoosltluu nomitiatluiia of can didates for the oftloo of onutity crta no llora throiialmut the irolx- will bis year bjn m muy t u jitti j be nomine tluu for muulclpl oandldatcs wilt take plaoe oe week later mou lay doo dl co jt co tul fttmtilaa tit taviafocir mr charlie holmes baa been appolutod assistant to the aent of tho 0 t it al levlstoek wbeooo be went last week charlie la a born ralllosd man and belongs to he thiid geuaratloii in that oooupatlou ilio fnsa iuaiuj wishes bliu aunonas in his uew position i jolf crmtor ihera would surely be no need to- make this hitrrolioti oou i j the four profes sionsl gsntlemen who spent las ibursdsy afuraoon ou tha links th rough a dronahlnfl rein have been aeen by the community generally the fpur estates were repre seoted oolf la oohalnly a craa with thftm parmera samtltutoidovuaa i joloa llalton farmers institute baa arranged for a meet i or to be bold here on haturday dec hih whep addressee will be gives by ml ii ifaddook oaelpfa and a monall walkervllle all inetllole members for jpoo will get free admission to the winter fair at ouelpb ou the 11th to the 1 8th jixombr uttltmtalty jimienwiob lecture iheplorssno yonnbpeopis of tbe oburohes lu town have arrauged for a arias ofiwmrtirmirlritf the emur by procure and ivoturre of toronto uul- verslly wliloh it u uopel hie yomm people of ibio0mtiiui fly will taka en intsresl lu llibhrst lent ure will uuivnby mr alfred do lury 11 a lecturer on mathematics lu the unlvreity ills eobjcl will be tba huh in luullon to ivrtrui lire an 1 hturjy and the dale fiifsd for ihe lecture la frldaytxth lsecenbr two ilrothmra jajtirlom lall baturdsy while at woik ou tna of the rolura at the aatou tatmluif co edward waller had tha rolaforlune lohave the foro fltiger ol bis ut baud ljsdly oruibed tha flesh and tissue were torq back to tho first joint and the bone ex posed 0fouday t noon lua brother frauk who also works lu the tauuef y waa jdayli ij footba with a number of fellow- xhk fiftv8ixth anntvciibarv bptandld qarvloai in tho mothotflet ctiurah on burtdny prealdent jnokeon proalcllnff employtea when in a scrimmage be fell withhlaurt arm under bm tba arm usialned a double fracture and waa dlslo- oelad at the elbow jolut it la a eerloue injury and may result in a slirf joint u clous amtttent t hoiogrmpherd we have a number of amateur photo if rs pliers in town whose arlletle proiluctlona the result of eujoyable pastime are oat taluly marltoilous they tiot only turn outgood work bat have heenrsmarlably aucoeaeful lu 00 ta poll hour iii the annual competition of litciwalhi of new york whloh closed thla mouth there w17 snlrlaa and mr c o bpelgbt waa fortunate enough to acure the 13th aud the u5th prlaea the suhiectt of tha former blug a live wild chipmunk and ihe alter a live chicken hawk mr w hark uoured the 9td prua tubjtot a nest of yountf orowa wltb tbelr moulha opu ready to be fed in lbs recent competition ernoutf tha drug riats for amateur photos mkjt t urown secured tbe first prise tha tvsrtfeuv matter lbs last aculon of tha county couuoll wshld m lhe court iioum uillou on tuesday upon adjournment at two b clock al theluvllatlotiof warded wrlg guawortb tbe me ruber a of the couuoll tha oomity ofllolsla and a number of invited gussta pioeeednd lo the wsllata uouse where iiosvtc01btonllanrtonbitfnl apraad lu walllug alter emplajutlloe had been dona to the excrlltnljtiauu a number of after dinner speeches were road the works of ihe year reviewed mud the very aatufaotory ul ailment of tbe dutleaof the ofuoe of warden bymr wrlgglsa worth we vary kindly referred to amoug those present were ex warded msnalea ox war leu warren mayor deanon bberlff olamaiiu 1 lag sirs r itohertaon lueve 8lawa of kstjoeslug gapt rautou ueaera j w elliott john buart hicbard diuw 0 1 reetou 11 white aod w a lawreuoe was jmaoejmtad with tba no frrtimldtint mr ii h llulmea aeut of tba o t it hare haa pen a i let interest in mr v u lueve the dey elected president of tha orand trunk luilway twenty six years ago mr lleeva waa the agent al parkhlll aud mr uolniea waa aasociaud with him a operator and ticket ago tit ue had a vary high opinion of his superior oflloer thaakndtafttanllyppraouta tba dletluo tlva prefermsut receutly conferred upon him mr llolmse hays the uew piesldaul was alwaya a thorough and couipetsut ofuolal aud that ha waa possesaad of high ambitions sveii iti hla aarllar career ahd while at xvrkblll declared he would be at tha head of the road earns day mv ltouuha always kept up an lutimale ftleudshlp with rrldnl luva the fax ihkiui vanturee tba hope that our anlerprfelng mid faithful kguthera will ba ftbla 10 pereuade the frseldaut that aotou with its mor ihau 150 000 reveuu per evuhutii tplhi road deserves and should have a uew aud oomniodiua depot ooti blruoted upon moderulluaa and wltb up to date accotnudatlona ihidtu o m oooj uu lha tuauy frieiida aud aaaocltue of mr john i ilobeon of uualph were vary in u oh iff oil 4 at hla suddsii death laal friday evening after two or three days hluoej lie waa oua of ihe beet known aud most highly respected oitlseus of gllvljh and waa promluaut throughout ilia prov luoa in agrlouliural and flu an dial quoles mr ilobeoii haa bau oua of tha chief jro uiqion of tba irovluoial vat block hbow aiul baa always been lulorestsd li atcidiblt ture lid waa vlily uviysaue of aga aud a brother of mjr joeph hobeon chief auglti ear of ihe grand trunk ha laayea a widow au 1 aii onl olilll majoa- wlfa of mr a v 11 junes fa ivgsr uadere dank guelpb bieaklug of blm hi a very feehugatllole to tliacluelph itrcury last baturdsy d jatnaa will of tbe ontario agricultural college pays thla tribute u never was oousldared what we apeak of m a popular candidate for omoa be wa too straightforward aud uutspokeu for thai he did not puesesa ihe popular aria and dovloee bulne poeseased aterllug ability honesty fidelity and courage and hla fellow oltlaens abowed tbelr spproclttiuu uf tlteee ijualltlee by electing hlui and ooiittu ulug to elect him ui eo rnauy high and reepouelble positions to curb axold in onb tav tske istle llrouiu quinine tablets ill drugalsis fefuuil uie uiuuer ii ii fall to ems ae h w uraeiauelureuuueauluj bmoe the yoar ihitl aulon has been privilege 1 rhli iho niiultiratious of motbo ifsst proaohera in faol the placo waa tlrst ael id by tlie llevs anas an 1 fara aflame wlm rorolvnd from thn crown all the lands upon whloh ii is situated end whogave it it nrst name adamsvllle which it retained until lllu when a pol ofnie was sltblabrl an i thero being already a pott ofntwof that naqjwui qualeo uur mei t iismw ibx oho in upou the aug geslluu uf iho lae hob rt kwaii acton was urbl male w regular jiulilug appoint msot on the nvu u o u 1hs4 durlnrf tbe ministry of ihulto llw ieall warner it waa mala a part at oooit twn circuit lu 1u4 an 1 than wis orel guau the privllamoe of rrguur hun lay iervl w tbla wae under the ministry uf the late luv luther o ltloo in 1h73 anion waa opaitod from georgolowu and niado jbo bead uf a olroult situs whluli dale the following iasmri have mllilutrd lu the spiritual urn le of the church hora ll hubert lliillii twloo ltvs john 0 btevensoii geo w oalvert uichald uobbe i hoe l wllkiueoo wlluattf uryerj joeeph i lolling g6rham a glrurd fh d ihe late jueaph ldge uov j a molauhlaii and tbe present psetorllev joarh m hagar m a tba sorvjees of the day were oouuqolad byhev 1 w jeoksou of llora lrealdeut of hamilton confereuoe ills bvritions ware able aud inteioallug and wore greatly appreciated by the congregation tho morning sermon was based on i john 10 and considered thoughtfully tbe constituent elomtota of man material mental aud mural leading to tlie itievl tahl oqnoluilon that god la the uu prims author thorellveee xiul in ell things aud that soul la god for just aa truly mlghr ingvnioll titghtihat r stsudiiig ou thu tablu in the study ol the ganluuiau whom lie was visiting was insdu hypo oua as thai hu should uoh that thu untvtra oeme into baliitt without god iii aujplilcatloii of this great idea in ita ralailiu to ilm txt it waa shown that aa light la tlm result of light aud ufa la ouly derived from life so love outyhaa its source in love an prevail by the ustl wo love because ha first loud us ua vised version all love haa ita source lu god who ia love sometime il la dls turbo i aoiiibtlmee peverled eomollmos shrivelled but ii primarily canid from lllia there la more ofvffcollou ombllotl and suiilimsnt ihati we sometime rolls two children may have grown up together io play in study and yt on may ittrn cut a boon the other a bam the one waa reared in love with all lu outojmt ihe other in hats aud dlionur an 1 antagonism to the good tha difference waa tha love element lu the home lhe necessity end prlvilre of living user to the great source of love waa shown aud was illmjraltil by tha faol that tropical fruits slid flowers oanuot develop and mature in our ollma although perfect in kind iwoani of the lack of tba eisaollal mti lhe preudhsr closed with an appeal for th sake of good uses and usdlulueaa to draw ooulinuelly from the g fo nuln o lovo th coming and oolng vtattors to and prom abton and vnrloueother personal not thu itaas 1 oaaa luvliee all lu dra lo ooo rlliute to this ooluun if you or jour friends erekolugevarvtieibtiluurtrtpar ii yea bee frlandstlalung ynq droy a card to tlie t 1 as mia 4 a lile hlej leon vlsltid fijsada inuu 111 ibis week mr fr- k held of geo geuiwi vitlted aatou rii nil n hui v msln luerof mk lu r vllt her sleler mr- w u ma ll lid week m r nrl m an 11 son master 1 wn w rug au 1 0 miseae nelson ilawihurne of toronto li day at hla father home on visiting for ohrlit the eougrrttttou al lhe eventng aervloa was much largxr thsu in tha morulug owlug to tbe preaauos of many in tuber of knox ohurcb congregation and of tha other churches uev mr janltion took for hu text malt 10 4j l whosoever shall give to drink unto oils of tha lait of lliia lluld coies a oup of ool i walr only in the uama of a disciple vrly i say unto you he nhall u no wue lose his reward tlie aubjeoi was the rawanl for riioi under god borne people he aubd innijtia tlie can makeaoloes bargain with joti but qrwl will rtoagnliti and rwar i faithful service and ilia wor i ulla ua unmiitukably that w may have hsvn and rwuni or beayeii wiihout reward god ie tha giving of utniarcflldwtiir h ojirovid bar praeaut talvaiiou expeots from ua aoopt ablaobetllence aijd aa a reeult will bslow glorloua aiitj abundant rewards mali can not apand a life lu sin and huu lu old age turn lo god and expect to receive the arae rewards as if hla whole ilxe had heeti apaut lu goda service lu all our efforts we should remember thai qod will reward the smallest aou wa do for him that there la work even for the timid onca and that tola done in tba aervloa of god are uot measured by any human standard a during the day tba choir rudrod pedal aud auitabla inuslo which tha oougrego uoo fully appreciated tha thank offerluga of tha day wara liberal owlug lo the aooud payment of 00 on tha twintteth ooalury fund now being collected the hoard decided lo aik for but tlh aa tha maximum for the auui varaary oollaotieoa lha aum of 108 7 iti utah waa laid upou tha plates during thn lay j mondays oouno mhctina tlylaw paessxi arremaflno far tlie coming munlolpul ulaotlon council met on monday evauiug mambara all praunt tha committee on fitiitioa presantsd thulr tvoiily first report and reoomnundd payment of tha following aooounla 11 dluxhaui labor b is j 0 hill cosim is 10 arthur laatsou tabor gd u jama ikowu lumber sou w os moved by j william aaooudsdby kobt wallace that lb report of tha committee ou finance jqt raj b adopted carried moved by john olarka aecouded by joltu a uaudsraon that loave be granted to lutroduoe a by law lo appoint the place at which a poll will be opeued lu tha munlol pality uf aotou for tha uucliou of mutilcl naj gkuuullloraaud fubmtiflchoqltrusueu lu oaaa a poll la rtiulr to appoint hi turn lug and deputy haturulng omora aud that said by law he now read a aral tluia oarrled tha by law waa ititroiluckd and upou motion waa read ilia required iiumbejr of times atil petted tba usdal polling plaoaa beiug nxsd and tha clerk ulug mada iteturtiingomoar and ii i mooro and j c hui being uppoiuud lijpuly lulurnlug omoart foriha iarn mr thomas 1 aatou waited upon the couuoll te4lttlilg a rebate of taxaa of 100 upou hla mill tit properly in vlaw of hla lose by fire last spring ho action waa taken uleotruiau meliu in hahair of a ukallug rluk company applied for the u uf ihe power hjjiue lot for tha purposes of an opeli akatlug irlukduilug tba winter lhe matter la under ooualdaratou thu coupoll ban adjourued 1 1 bmlth eeawclellt wtl he in aulon thursday deo fltb one flay only rooms at aguew a hotel if you itave any defect lu yuur eyesight it will pay lu ual and aee bin i lamination free oeji early or you may nuke appoluttiteuta at a t urown a drug hlote on iurs1- mr jul spending main birr miss llagriudall who hash mania al glen fhi u y inouthf returned hdmn nituo mr and mra aheml imllh an sou of gluvarevll n v salved 111 aclon last haturday en 1 are vlltlng friend here and at nelghlhiring x inu mr ii f mkora wa in giulph nn monday altandjug jbo funeral uf the uu john i hibson li vioetmont of the wmlinglon xmre ineuranoeoa mr lied moknrrlbeii or toronto wlm has been wllh her parents hare sines tbe sad hews of the death of her brother at fretorla wu reoelvetl returned home yeeterday mr 1 hendtsoum v has been in vlted to be present at a smoking ooopert at fergus lo morrow evening to oelobrats the election of john mcgowan m 1 for centre wellington luv mr harvey nf fergif haa been tendered au luvitall iu for lli fourth yer asimstorof thefer uetk odtes ohumrt by the quarterly ilotrl thlf church la in a very pr leperonr bnndilitiri the twentieth century fund subscription leaving balance of 1 100 ou hnd after the entire church debt is disposed of ilioqusrlarly dnr of grace church on wednns lay availing unknimoasly xtetidd an invitation to luv l n hums ii a otorllua mr uumalaoue of tha most abla and opular mlulsura of the lorouto conforeiioe ua la ilia son of a fortnor pastor slid grace church may congratulate iutlf if mr fi urns aooepts tba inviulhii ilramun nsas bpeaking or uombrdir w j moore- who died in fretorla on the olh inst the milieu caawdo of which capt w xvn ton la tha editor says he waa formerly o a o no fl coj aoth iteal lortichlflea ilia death lu the service of hla queenje tlccerejy eg railed by hla old comrades of the lornee and by many frisntla in tha north and of the county absolute security genuine carters little liver pills must dear blsnettur of 5ee foesimile wrsnr lw vasy saaall awl a cair ta tauso as eagur tor hrudacbt ror dizzimem hb billo for toimd liver ror coistipatior rtb saiifiw sum kir thecomrlexior t ours bick headachl uaowbmjlars ta be tinfsnsxf with the aolt snow tha past week tha snowball nulsauoe has been rampant aa a result windows have been smashed lu tha store bf goodave df co mra beoorda store aud lnd church and numbers of persona have received sore blows the author lies are taking tha ruatur up aud action is about to be taker to mske itaoiinilua offatio to throw snow bella on tba k tree i nearly a score of milton boya were ansd hsavlly last wluter for thla offauoa levb talk it ovttr vil camlbflai tha policy of our uawly eltoud ruler a la hi favor of trade within the strip re vour patriotism approves of ii dut at ting that ailda i appeal to your daluty uate aqd ground my faith ou quality if you try ceylon and india machinemade green us you will nils something what t tha hupurllled imparted to 3apsu and china ttaa by tha filthy method a of baud rolling think of tbla dlua lllb bou motisoou aud balada psokaga arson sale colonial 1 hoes who contemplate pnrobaslug momnautal or workof any jlsorlpllou for their oenieury plola should order direot from the old reliable granite and marble dealer j ii uabilllou ouelph out al ax pn see allowed lo puroraeara all work aud nu ler i si warreuled compeiltlou deh1 two big things now i holiday goods fur tha holiday heaaon and wall lo mala your home bright acion 11oflu comli locuelph and aee the dig poo k stoke 1 or thee- iwo hues zhecessity knows no lawa but a taxv of nature bozos to the necessity xf keeping the btpod pure so that the entire system shall be strong healthy and vigorous to tnko ifoodahnraapanlln tho groat blood purifier la tlicrnfnrn a law of health and it la a nnceaslty in utterly vory h ou soh old jt ntiter dttoppotnt enrslpelsui had a scvi re attark of ttryaroelss suftertiijr from olsaluesa and nertoubitessaothat loiul i n it mat at night trlal lloxl s haraai irllla wltlt k rwiujts and now roommnn 1 it to ullkrs w cjiilwcss toronto out tired feeung- was all nin down and had no aimtlt waa tlrt all tho time hood nsraanarllla was stijtgestml and s trial benefit inn so luucli that now x wotild dih imi wlllkhit the tinmllcjrwi mas j 1 ltuawxt7 central norton n ii 3 sauaf irrii bnnihtirascinntr sale jt la only a few weeks tll chrlitmaa noa baturdsy december ist our china palace and art room will h upon to the public vjiih a slock not equallod in ontario we have only apxco lo note a few of our specialties ninitxttwkan we show v different dinner sets ranging in price from oo lo 6 oo toilxtwaiuc we show 73 differeat sls ranging in price from i 30 lo fta 00 t rsta sktu it an k 1 111 in price from j 00 lo if 3 00 jsalad sxt3 hanging in price from 1 ou lo fiooo and a full list ol fancy clhu inclu ling everything usually carried in a first luss lock cut a cass cut glass is a luxury hut we bring il wlili in the rch of all buying direct from the cullers and saving he middleman i rofit see our block and prove tlu iruth t i this sttucmont ii save a rush al christmas huy yi goods now aud vri will konp them or you until you rrulie ham ljxlioh1 paid od all goods bent ouldde the city the hotad tea btore and china alooe j a mccrea ouelph pays lo buy al bolurls 1 1 pays lo liuyal tiotterls for men gnd boys i t the duty of humanity rl eien lc u world lo dross themselves in a ratlonti an 1 nminalilo punnor leads tip ill hlglteal llr1 in life it smnmha away many of rhr ronah edf whreh it i f i he irtlsion nf mn in rld to dress themselves in a ration am i omlalilo punncr ii leads lot lo meel you cannot afli id lo u l j py imhlng ii l ucakncaa l humanity to judge by appearancea 1 vena will k ttl tt ua while a weft preaxod man would pass by unmi iciletl men are learning that i hey cannot affi fl in l ill diqiu r ifourt hurnsaaya the mind is u10 slanlar i of llwi in in i 11 tlin ll 1 fl jiln a il wears is an indication to a very large extent of hi inln i thla looks as if we were wrlilng in lha lulrrul ul our lnlhltiji ihiuiiuu jud ur bul it is also- written in your own inlcresi k two factors which wd present will readily help lo the uihill 11 f llin p im r2 p st were well within the mark r when we tell you that a new lot black qrcbs good which we secured at a grcatbargain and winch weve priced n lollow 1 black broche alpaca repp arid poplin at 36c 50c 75c and 90c a yard mearii aeaving of fully twenty- five per cent to every purchaser are you going to benefit by tlni offer theyll be bought up quickly thatseerta n v d e macdonald 8c brother the lion cuelph ck- s lions hunting cased gold filled watclics 15 to ss0 hens and boys strong nickle screw cased watches to 15 mens open face gold filled l watclics 515 to 25 abaoluto cerlalny that you get a uusvr vaoov lima p i e c b w h you buy from r prhjftfc we have now been lu tlualbh jo year an i if hi- hum bar of customers la any proof are still elving good sail sotlon both in kapalrlua walehaa and in the food ruuulilu qualltlss of our new watchs- if you have bouutit any uilag rrool u t ulug tl a last uu years wliuo has uot dun sbwllabuouslit u oruu uol turu cut as wall as you- ui lugbtlt weuld whan von bcusbt it eouie lo ue aud wa will even yet make it good to you lu soul way 1 i every eustouur ia lie twfaotlv aaujfls1 aud hill orfr ulada in good talllt holds good all ute time pringl6 thejbwslbr oublph agents whydont you send for a free prospectus of canadas sons on kopje and veldt it is the latest book out an agent just reports 51 sales in 8 days another 26 in 4 days big book sumptuously illustrated antlis so cheap iljcik on sight send for a free prospectus before you sleep and make money easy and quick yliubradleycarretbon co llmltod bruntlord ont 4 4 our iltiui iokm knuly xou we clulllnif 1 pvnryllilug thai mnn rnd lwy sunar mailn up lu rrcat cicencnca ul dumbillly an i parancivilli a vlaw lo ihn dubeii cc n nmy in price anil in which nvnry karmnl u lkmmil willi uur ruarnnl gnd-ii-v- ojidi hlll i ol ii y uuimi lailor arlis i peclal fitting imr tprvlal autumn sale ibis work 1 11 li u h all wjjd rwrrd lufrjr fll 00 f ji yi worslrxkfflllii mc f h 1 oveiroato sanio reduction ijcelhe sp ual line of stitched 1 odor ilatual bl s ld urrywhora for 8t xi e rjbollert cfe co 25 and 27 wyiidhimi st gueull purchkse of mrtches we have just purchased a new tock of waltham and elgin watches in gold gold filled and nickel cases good strong extra heavy cases farmers sons with thick glass for savage co watch kepameks guelph otwitfww5 new 3 fresh goods 3 lowest 3 z living prices- tjiiieiiiuiieiiir 7k n3saz gbrocery arid provisioii store john it kennedy main bt aoton having opened a new buslndss in thd nlkovd llnrj in lhe pretulu oil main blrne slely occu h mrs j adams i havj plejauru ui inviting my fricuda and the colt nunity in general lo inspect myitock tleel iliafircati wlili confidtnca asttti khartr lately occu h mrs j adams i havj plejauru ifi inviting iny fricuda ami the coin munlty in general lo inspect myitock tieal ihartcati wlili confideiica asttti khainr their patronage becauoe my goods are all fresh and of the hett quality and customer will find prices are fined at vry figure tlie stock consists of btaflie and fancy quookiubs canned goods and table delioaoies froxts veabtadles and provisions thank una due to any prrton v ho does another a llnclnr money hy buying from me will in doing their friends a klndiiet fact goods promptly delivered a call solicited john n kennedy and patrons who tavc hy inforriilm 1 limn of ihe st winter is corning rnt7 liimrhit ic rrhnrr rnlrl vni v i will all want warm underwear we have a large stock of mens boys ladles and girls in many different qualities sues and prices we also have a large stock of hose ind stockings mens 12 hose and ladies boys and girls long hose also wool yarns for knitting black red white dark and light grey seo uur job lot of moris and bpyti ovorcootsat half price c- f goodeve mill btroot acton t it will pay you sdye chas l nelles cuelph j gliksgoia ladies jackets millinery dress suitings 1 gentlemens overcoats and suits noweot deaigtib at closest pimooo a complot6 rango of boys and youths suits overcoats henderson cfe co glhscowhousq hcton glove specials perrin a domestic lined glove special at 50c rerrln imwrted lined clovca f 1 oo si 35 and ti 50 cjrlti a unllnel gloiia guarnntcod 9i 00 t 5 and i 50 renin a ileal mack kid unfilled lias iwrlu a i ull dress gjoiei 50c 75c and i no lorey a geiiuhis mocha lined and 11 nil ned 1 owuo a kid silk i ined glove hlal i s lpewnv a lhiluud uuck glovn ulk lltiotl ti 50 aud vj 00 a complete assorlniaiit of hiiss newest shades and allpcw r e nelson cuelpru msvohaiit tailor and muns fumlahor the empress 1 hiu p ipnlar show ir vv mien haa jinlied k uvvitlu tho ijuillhj lit aiid iyld urperfoct made iu wl lu uu liuiii uu i narrow wl liha vrloaa 3 00 82 bo 3 00 3 bo mam pa 1 on wjiu of ih w for men btylkh twrfvrl filllii lif virlma itiakc 1 hu wur giuraiilc i for boys and girls litis uud loaru slim wear k oiwr scuoot sliol i hoy ujir lilo iron an i hi llm xl 1 onierwl work and itflialrmg receive prompt attention main st aoton kenny bros w 1 uvtiha

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