Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 29, 1900, p. 4

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treachery a persist icnr cough is f at first a friend for it rivcs warn- 1ns of the ap proach of a deadly ene my heed the warning before it ts too late be- rforo your i u n ft s be come in- h- flamed be- foq the r says lion when ihc danger bliiml first oppearq help nnturc with dont delay until your lungs arc sore and your cold settled dovn deep in yourchrsr kill the enemy before the deadly blow kills you cure your cough today one dose brings relief afcw doses make tho euro complete taraeilrnl he u u artfiaery call 1 lcirtaarruua si mia mmi ac l l elaar oio i n nililnr yotir cherry rwotoral th brat kamoy fur onto bod miiclia an kit ill r oat koactiiia i havnuamlll for m r ami it oerululy boat tlm all i jullimhkt mmv dmm tr vnll kakaanr nomplalnt wkabmr and daalistlwt tnailri dto yoa ran futt ly twlr wills tb oaeaar fr vau will tuunptra- llttj cjltklt lawll uu4 lj acton jfm jjrejss hliiuiuiday nov-kauluitsolooo- ttlje jonn0 jollifi u hymn oy coifvouy ii abigalli law lo ateryheajt wehaarltoueaiidall a aortgaf lhodio tuw nob llohfir wa may cji thay throng the elleaoe of 111 bra we bee thant u of yore thaklridtbounelbebrav thee wlio walk villi u no mora tlahkrd u uka w burden up whaai the bate laid it down tbay biuhunaj all the joy ofj til ay aof tenad erery trow hut all i ui food lo thltik of ulea whan wa ar troubled bora tbetiva be la dod utat aaoli hava uh although tha are no root uh houlellka aaam lb vaal utikuowll ttlneauiaylavauund there to fullow tllaw were dot bo barf wharaver thay toir fare tiny eauuot ba where ooj u bob on any ku or bbota i what at batlda thy lo abu ouif qod fur v arm on i joju w cxojwt clear away worm mr wm qrvbani shappajdaou ool rllm i h glvan dr low worm hyrup lo my boy mm aod aaia bj and it good worm taajholoo it la uloa lo uka lmynx thf rhllil l ilka twjen 1rloa 3j olio baa iwaya atrauth oooasli lo baf tli wlaforlanaa of ona trtanda ibara u ooujlntf batur for oblldrapa ooob uid 6olu than li- wood nowaj tine bytop it ifl vaiy puuttlt to ulu jid ajwayai otatm tba utua ooaa oadghil proroplly ito cmtldot b4 k irleull too ally oh wl0 i hlriototi tuiaoiy chlldran cry for castoria tliluji iromledatb tblbg dad wutoctht fail tbra ur ittya ill 1 j irova their iowr to cms tint in yol wltloh u worlb yold tlid miuhuat plowara mult faj but voanjjllvoaonduiitaj by aaar oootba ud ooliu luay ba preurvad by dr ubamki lolactrla oil c00i wboojotf oouftli bronolillii in abort nil kffootloua of tll ibroalaud luilia fo fellavad by tbu urlln hajiaralloo wblob nlo rtnadtb4 rliounmlla jlni iorj irul- ptl kidney didlaully tad i luoat ootnulo itova and lodbiy ilka no tallowililp ullburitu rutlu haadaobt iowiura dotitiin naltliar rnoridilua itor opium hi ay promptly our alek beadaolia naural ula limuolle ltiadaulld o urlpt bad uba of tlclloatd lad i a td hijdba from fcuytiiuh wbfttovar lrlaa 0a fid2sa ouo itiay o loud wy alr aim la tiiad mary a o ciiuual ulddla stawuoka n avu i bavrt uaaj lkxft llvaf 1ltu tor wrtooa llvar oouipuint aud tliay bwa uii iiti a world of liooj luakiuk uia umart ud bualtby to do uua inuat ba duinu wo ard iiumdltiii tliouaod to maka imtjislmla known our tuotiay prowa our fohli a trial will woura youra turnino poimto in lipb oooa to avarf man anil dattop midm uta motnont lo declila lit tba alrita of uutli aod uuapood tor u sol or aril alda no una tio baa raad biography wllb carafulnata af failed to tar lain llllla ihintta oopenully in tba liaof grat man which hva tuwiad lliam away from ignor mo or idlanaaa or aitur to a lit dlalln tiulahed for ita iihalllgrnoa aid atnaalaaa horn limn lbalufidnuxtl nl waaaarly tnba u la ald of volialo tui l ua of ava vrara lla oomnlllrl ui imtoort all inodal poem and wa i aver altar thai ablo to lrco hlmaair lron ha rxrnloloui intlaonoa yiltlam wilbatfore- whan a child waa rkloail andar lha ttalnlntf of a plooa aunt and allboukb tnuoti aa dooa la 1u early manhood to eraaa tho irnproaaiona raoalvod from bla aoot bla wbola ma wa mooldad and oolorad by thattraining hotsa waa 4jolu yong wlioa ba took lb wrnnil ildo in a dobau and ambraoad and dfamiad through jlfa ua joaltlon akan at that tlma boott thaoorntnatitabar in a daapalddg mood raad a bymtvof lit wa ua ootba all acrln ood abd waa tornad froobla alo aria dlatiaaa to a ufa or uaafalnaaf tha rabaka of tba laaohar knd ba taont of aechoolmala arooaad curkrtha dbi tlnitolahad dlina who tip to that tlma wu vary alow io attaining know i ad ja tba tornlnjt point lo loddrldgaa ufa waa wben ourka look bm ondar lila oara tha brat yoar h mada kraat proftraaa in atady and aoon davalopadjntg a man of loaroiogand lofluanoa aaron uorr aoaght aplrltual ailvloa in a ravlval at ooluk bat hla couuaallor told him that tba work waa not gaoultia ilia anklallaa wara dlaaipataj and from that tlma hi downward uinr iraa bn datwl ilobari moffat tba dltlpkuilad mltalon aryraeba raafl pfaoard annoonolnga tnlaatonary meatinil waa lad to devou bla ufa to tba banaflk of tba baatban thu it la tbat obaraolar and yaara of naafolnaaa often dapand on ona lltlla avent o olrcurnalaitoa lono packs- llarber aald a farmar lo ft tonaor now that ooru la obap you ougbl to ahava for half prloa i cant mr jon aald tba hair draaa or i faally oogbt lo obargo rnqra for whan corn 1 down farmara tnaka auab long faoaa tbat i bava twloa tba groond to go over the wonderful medi cine is a marvel- lous health builder palnes celery compound the tried and trusted remedy in thousands of canadian homes its cores hue speedy and permanent tjaar of talnva calary compound aoon reoogolas tba important faot tbat tha gml madloina qalokly ragautaa 4ba bowau olaara tho oomplaxlon and brlgbtanj eyaj that ufora had a dull and jatlodtoad look abothar proof of tba atimoutlng and lalgortina powaf 0 talnaa oalary com pound a ita immadlata affaot on tha pulaa whloh bceomea flro ragukr and fall in alad of onoartaln and faabla 1aloaa calary compound ubatally faada- tha barvoa lha tlaaoaa and brain with tha propafalamaou of botrllloo and tbul aavaa ooantlaaa man aad woman frotu obroolo nia fbati m auinitliyipapjg bu and falling maolal powar no tamady id tha worui la ao rlofa in heab forming and enargy- producing vlrtom aa v aloaa calary oompoond klr 01 uolmatl 33 kia btraal uamllton oot aaya liaiug troouad with ooflgb dallllty and ganaraj deproaaion of apjrlu 1 uaad a ta am bar of madlolnea bat raoalvaj no baoaflt front tbam i waa than advltad to uaa ialooa oawy oompoaoj i proaalfdd tba praparaliod andbakaa to uaa it willi wonduful bodl i am nov oonvluoad hilar ualng tavaral bottlaal of tblf uolujlad tnadloltia tbat po olimr cab ootnpar wllu it in auiy raapcu i am uowt t obaugaj matt toy baaltb n roawad dapraailou of aplrlu goua my appatlu la good and i tau alap wall uuilo in lli loarlloulaba apmoli of tba haart which oatiuot ba ooiiiprad into wordtf baoauaa it u inflolu wagnar ullburu btarlltitf naadaobarowdara oura lha wo rat baadaoha in from qvato waiity uiinulm and laava uo bvd aw- ctfaoli una powdatvso 3 powdara loo 10 powdara3so uouay u round it tnmt roll cot 10 ooritri dot worth a dollar a vial thla latha totimony of luindrtrfa wlii uu dr agnew uvr pill tbayara ao aiiro aa pure ho rileaiant ajid euy act lug tha deimiul for llila poriular llvr itfglilalor u io irerit in aslilg tha tuakota tokep uji wllb ll oi bold by a t llrowu una navur k bo tar wbaii oil dont know wliithar una la go inn vt i iajjy ivtijthc rwluon that na ture ilisoutiiulsliiiouiuis the littll oiilsuith tu protect their tentki puts the suiu with litleii uk1 puppies fat is not lemlei kit they must hive am fat the must he if join biby is anyway shnit of his lights jive him scotts emulsion of loi liver oil w1i i till i n malil lltll i jl 1uu l tha monay paid tha workntaua arm u brokan it tuay baouly i trloiugoold but utlot it and it will faktrti lu fa uk- lu your lung aud you will ioou in oar lad to an unllnis lyurav- in ihuuoutilry wa bava auddaii cliangaj and mutt txpet to bava eoujlia and cell- wa cattuol a vol i thum hut wa oan eflaat a oura by ulug hlnuit anil coiiauniptlva dyruji tha uifdiolni that baa navr bu kuowu to fail in turing oouub ooldi bronohilu anil l afytloiif of lha throat luiitta and tiliaul an all around htmcdy mra ilannaaaoo illitaoatth manvrllea i havn uaal iiiiard a vouow oil for aoro throaty otita aoalda and froaibilva for a long tlma andfoonaidar it tba btalall round rrmady pada 1rloo ioo j all dealera ila la riob enough who liaa nutblofi larmalaa a 1llla pnaaeaa tho power of acting apvalfloally upon llnj iliaaaaod organa alimnlallnu to aollon thn dormant anarglcw of lha ay lam utaraby rrmov ingdlaaaaa lu fact n gtfat la tha power of thia modlrlito to clranaa aud purify tbat diaoaaraor almoat atery natno aud natura arj driven from tba body mr l cara wall oarewell o oot wrltaa i bavo tried rrmiao a ltlla and flod tbam ag aioellant madloina and dno thtt will mil woll a coward ofer daala a rnorta blow to iba bravo coo lka uvtr vill vary uluh for thirty daj a mka a complato cura of bllloaenaam and oonfupauon that la juat ofi oenta to ba oared jdromd ftiodaoro th tloyn do- yo acbot tkoaluy dom yoar boaracbo 7 1 ako a vatty doaa youc alda acba 1 take a xatty and do hot taka any ulhar cottrteay thai laall on qua alda onuot laat long lf rather bo dead ban aulter again tha torttirea f innnniu tlpllallon and norvoua twitching of my muul n- ducl byalmplo tieglactor k lltllo indica tion ttioui tiro iho forcotul and warning vorda of a tatly wbonrolalma that her euro by boulh atiiodcaii kcriflno wlmt bvflrythlntf nlaa hail falw wan a modern tnlucl a fow doaea ivca rollaf jj soldhya t drown it la ttol though to run ona tnuat kttrt in urn are your ooma harder to remove than thoaa tbat otbra bavabadt hava they tiot had tha aroa kind t ifave they not boon oared by ualng uollowyi ooru curaf try aboliia a fat kitchen makea a lean will hundred hava uatlftad to tha cd pattya- lllla hava dona them great rhapallntf rpu truth kidney disease eortenvears a glon mlllor mdh5 torrlblo trial ho found a cure at last in doahs kidney pills 1 mr i m lluru ulio ianavll known hiahlnil of 011 mlmor hriktlnri co out wrin nilllotld willi kldiioy tioilhlotor uu yor to pionaml in in lit hnvlnjf found in bnnu kldtioy illu n oiici for 111- nil- hliilltiu wlilclilio liltil lijuii lojitlnljvorw iiknimhle that ho wrolo tho following klnlnmont of hlcaa an umt othnra uluil- ltrlvhnlltltnyv byhlaapoiutial i inyo titwm uflllulcd with kldntytroiihlo for rtltoiit t yonra kiui linvo trloincnvtiral wtnimllia but novor nodvod any ral uurtlt until i utartrd uldujf dnmiu kldnty plllw my bafk nwd to conauutly alin nud my urlno wiw lilih cotonxl aud milky looking at llmoa bliici i bavs fulliliod tba third ivo of flnnuw klduoy imila i am happy to utato that i am nob bolherod with baekfifho nt nil and toy urluo la rilkitr an oryutnl i ffal coundnt that ihoko pill ftm tho boat klduoy ihielaa in ihn nountry the worat jaala nr tliom that arn true itayarda vullow oil curea apirajni bralaea aorta wounj out froatbllaa cbllblalua atlnga of in wo la buruii toalda boulualona eld lrloa 2a a thing loo much aa u tltlld prized ftt haai thaj oauaw7whi tho ouro7 tha axllva irrllatlng cauaaof thlamoat painful ol dlteaaca la polsonoua uric axld lu tha blood south american ithaumajlc cure neuirav urea the acid polaon iteliovo in 6 ltourg autd cure in i to 3 daya o sold by a t llrown bbb cures to stay cured tho most chronlo dlsoases of tho stomach livor bowols and blood thousands of testimonials from those who havo boon permanent ly cured by tho use of burdock blood br tors speak of lu u n tail ing- efficacy indyspopsin bilious ness sick headache liver com plaint eczoma erysipelas scro fula soros ulcors bolls pimples hlvos rldriworms and all blood humors jf yon want to bo ourod to suuf cured uso only bbb t it la eaelar to k away ruin tha hank than from tba bottom v oll can1 trlt you ilool know when tba cough will elop tha oough of ooninmtiou lia juat each a beginning taka ttootta limumcn now while ibocoaub la eaally managed llawara of areoonollad euamy ynt a clear oomploxlou tile iotlya lllla tliy never fall to claar tba akin thotiaaud of ladlaa a wear by tbem t the boura wa paaa with happy proepaola lu view are mora pleeaing than tboaa crowded wllli fruit loo aoldamltb tiik hqnaelhas niahtmantr oh the eald w bad uch a larrlbra dream laat nl it aeemed tbat i bad auddenly been deprived eomthow of ihr powaf to move a l my huiba wrro pari lyaed and i lay right in tha ptlh of an eatomobtla that i could boa oominu inward trfa at a terribln rata of rfil with th ija at tba alda hlxlng itklh two 6aof iomi lorrlhla mnnaitr nnarrr and titarer it qirio and i iii forful aiy triad to dregniyatlj nt nf ila way but waa unablo to mom i tried to cry out ai that tba man who waa running lha auto mobilo might either atop to turn ealda end avoid tunning ovne iw bat i could not make a bound on on it can aa if imbutti with ufa and in a fury of iianay r bad juat given myaalf ui for juat whan yea be interruplod then you woke dp hut thla iant tha important i- ft of ll ly ypur taperieuoaa wa know that ll o loraeuioi ululitutaxa haaaihklii0hl oaup tintrt lltniili dl ttohrh tuaantgttctitr it ooontry with niahop wrltaa 1uv oyrua townacttd llrady of a aflaalonary in lha croat weal in tba auol w ftouit juurnal wliltadlaauaalnd tba nature of tba bou that la tba jlmiop waa dlaoaaalnff i i wm bnly promptlnii by a rjueatlon now and then wa wara on tha toavreaatof a wagon with tba driver on tha front beat iii the ittlddld of tli illahope axpoaulon the wjgon took a wild pluoga thorn wm a oiaeli and over wo went into the muddy dltob i beg uur pardou getite i bald tha drlvor who had ralalned miutrol of tha horeea aa wa borambled to otir font i wau bo in to roiled u beariu the illlla man dloualii wy immortal aoul which i lardly aver kuowad tbat i bad one before that i clean forgot wbera wa waa and drove you plump luto the ditch solid gotnforf shoes floodyoar welt ilitws wiili fuooper irnwtlo r tlumaruiuo kind of iliara ooodycar welt mitl allother vanche in b gootlyrar uvlt thrrr ro two unida of iimuiilw t on- l lealhir and th oilier la u sleiwr patent fh kibli in ot- itiero iiouly onakhoo that rprcvniila a jwrpctual coniforl when by tthhrmhauca tbnpljcbof kltpr lu tho hoiiw otll boot oiutll ir tins i tha gikku car uvlt th u n mada with the slecpvr inile tha mccjior lli nl huxible lutolo uhich in mmla from i ounca duck in nft and phahlfl pcrfrtctlv wftltqiroof and ahnp luru lo th fool in audi n manner aa to affonl the jr alefct posiblo comforf tb sleeper inholti will not lunlm uitb pen juration ua k ithor inaoleit do nud i alwayu ready for imnietli itowrar tht j d kmif co llmiled hava tint acluilvi rilit for cnnida slinitatlitttoodmulucfiuta urig iht stanwuia nndbawcla of imams iiiiimrn mm that the facsimile signature orand tronk railway ta xi ii iiiiiuwii ul 11u lut lo i tbtrtlii lal l lull lull promotesxhsstloiiclwirul- ncss nndltest con wiu ncllho- opiummorpliino nor mineral mot nasicotiic ga apcrfcclltemcdy rorconstlpa- lionsourslomachduittnoca worms convulsions fcvbnsh- ncssmulloss of sleep tflcsuniw siflt ol ttew yobk is on the wrapper opeveet botxxoi ob gastoria oaataru la pot bp la eaaaba braei oaly ii iia aat aeu u balk dont ailflwj6jaa a aall r aaytklaa alaa oa tka pu a rwauae tkat it laataa goed a4vlu anrar twrjrwf peee jaat baa tka froo gal 0abt0bu uta speight brady r mxcrjua morons watxh motouv oaaoltlnkmu ujji- xmoltljcs mtass a ib ott castjnqs tq oaokti j utipalrlk itomptly lono oooreotownont s beforb starting on a journey think a moment and ivc time and money all you can do n it la vain for a man lo rl aarly who haa tharepuleof lyltiiin brd all morning if you are a djappllo taka patty a if your baokaebwa taka peuya if your hoad aohea lako potlya ifotrarw nervous lka pdttya if you are weak taka potlya potlya will uukrt tbu tlqk w01 xx knooki bodly at tba door who brlnga good nw to nuea4 an eel too bard ik tba way to loaa it dr pettya never fall lo glva tuet tod they oura if glvau an bonaat trial hot evary lo that barka bltw dr lows worm oyrup la a aafe aura aud reliable worw ixpollar aolaauihy wall on children or adults panurejbu gat irowfl a crooked log iivakee a good are ho oiit eo literal aa ba who ha nnlb iogtogiv aek your druugdt for ioltya ilile it bd haint rot them wrlta na wiiuloiutl the prloa tq oenta alld we will aupply you lo ruda worda daf aara in bla vagalabu pillr parmala baa glutii u tba world tha ruila or long aolaii tlao roauaroll 111 ha whole realm of iiiadltal aokitw oombliiad with new attd valuabu dlaooverlaa iiovr bafua known io man ior delta and tlrbilltated quitilltullou prirtw lllla- act ilka a ubarnl lakru in aiuall ditaea tba vffil la bolli a tonio andaatlmuuut mil llv aaiiltii the not- lluii of lha baly giving lima un i vii r mo wind oau do blni huixl who tlavrj for no port monbv tl pnert oillldnv taay be aeoutwd by oar aj addrwat the fatlmt itcoro a iia bob mccready i bov ii ft anlendld rmrtralt uf hob lf vady ooa of tba bait rvotbsll playora li canada ho u a iiifinucr of tli ottawa ualrertlty team anil baa bou la all of hi ehjuiptoiialiln tnetclici ha la a eplcitdld apfliiiau of robust canadutu mnnbood but ttroiii an ha la b las kuowu what it u t trrr frotn dyabapau lo iuuly afdlt ed wa ba at lbs opaiiluc mjtqintv mlchlj waauu tit at la waa uot ahli to go out with bl taam 1aliia- lu tho hak aud kliuu lu tamtlttaut haadicuff and tba awful pug b miccorad after hu th reault of au impalml dlatloti waroad hltathal b waa in bo tohdltlou tvplay lootball tba tavdiat of all lamaa ijeejd ba uckaj ttia aaargy to carry hhu threucb a cam- bibju uayouaulted hla pbyalclaa bat that gentleuua gava blm vu rvtlat at itlltf blaa b wrltaa i waa advlaed to try dr wttya pllu tba uw realedy tbat oua f amy friend ftaaured bu w woudcrfblm ttaf affactau i waa akauttcal but ba bounded their prelaaa eo paraiatautly that i wk at length uiluced to try tbam tb vary 11 rat doew drova tb fato away kad at tba aud of a weak i ljulnad tuy laant tm i have aim ttiruuxb oe uf pur bardrai aaaaoeta in iba beat form that i bave tt baao lu hr tstiy lllla rw aiuua to tbauk ur my rtaa ruudllloa tby ar oie bat uiadlclua i bava tnr taken tby tuaka oa eo etruatf and ao full of an ray 1 jar on aball pmimt taka- any el bare wtten i feel lu ataetl i f a ilranahanar ruch j tba reijoattman- dnlaiu t tbla well known athlete and aueh will imi tba iperteoca of everyon wbu trlaa lda wmulerful remedy u your drnaatat raurt auitply you writ- to ua aocloelnc trtiv w i-nl- n i-im- tl miim iw taluk addraatbtr 1 wadlot va otuwa bnxla it will work while you fclecp without a gripe or pain curing constipation biliousness sick head ache and dyspepsia and make you feel better in the morning in tho- field of medlolto iauooda oar parllla it poteoiinta aclual and un- quahedmerltfby wblob it ouraa all dlaaary oaueedor promoted by impuro or tnpoverlabed blood if you hava rhauma- tiem dyapepata edrufula or oatarrh you may takallooda turaprilia and ba cured if yob ro run down lud fcrl wek and tired you may ba ear it wih da you good iba favorlla family oalhartlo ii ilooda phi lie that would eat tba koriul must orack ural nud vormoet h i not aacaped who drag hie obalu elschty vcaiat old oatarrh fifty yoar dr agnew catarrhal powder curoa him want anyalrnngor ovl- denca of lha tower of thia wonderful remedy over thl unlvaraal dlteaao want tba trulit of thacata confirms wrlta caorga lewis fjhamokln pa h tay i look upa my cura ai a miracle it rcllavc in tool mlnutoi bq solctby a t drown im a bltd are oomitiouly plucked aa an all round fimily remady ona bat alwxyi alio nil ha in tha home for au amarganoy dr patty pilu diioount anything in tba marks tbay ara ao mall a child can taka tbam with aaaa yd one a a doae- a great talkor la a great liar ibera u uo prlda uka ibat of a beggar crown rluh mo out ttui fsr obaira or any aummar eomplalut if thay hava a botlla of dr j d kellogjta dyaenury cardial ready for uia it oar me u all looauea of tha bowu promptly and cauiiw a boaltby and uetural aollou tbu ii a mwllolna adapted for tho young and old rich and pwir and i rapid ly beoomhi tha moat popular mad lei no for oholnra dyasiitery ato in tha ouvkat ha dpo uot tuard hirowlt well who ia not blwaya on guard gastoria by ioin to see a man olhumev k to talk with him unlev you wish to break the peace you can talk with him just as well by long distance telephone w barber bros paper makers georgetown ontario the american monthly review op llevie ws itlb odd important mifaxlna intbaworli giving in lu pclur iii uxl in lb cottlrlbuud irtlclei cdltoruu and jepirtmetiu a cornprchnjvr timely record of ilia world current bbjory not 111 enumeration ol mere bird ficuv but a comprchcculve- plclura of lha mould iii acttvlilci iu noubla peraotiiutbn ind notibla ulleencc tlus but iiiloraicd txxea and women la tba- world find i indlirxflublc- tbert are many dr in your locality who luva ymo tut a of iu tuefutnei t wuit o etixbhiti mtiv 4 g cnltitit- very clly an towmltlp in ft counlry p will pay liberally for ctlc eifort in tbeiubicrlpilon held ttuure momeou can ba ulllltd with iubuntlii ucteue of incomr make a lfal ol ilia pcrtont in your locality who ihouu have h review of rvjwi and ind to tu for arent lerms umpfa coplei and working otillit tln tollclt their lubicrlptloni it i a compliment b appraici a f enon wild a iubsrrlpuori proposlllon for hie rev lew ol rvlcw and corucquently orden are cjjly secured tuu i tha artlve aumcrlo hon teiton make aprllcatlon at on naming your refereiei prjci 23 cents a numutr s3 so w yar the kcvlew olc rucvlkws company is aalar plac w yo- ciy ior infant ttud ohlldwa 2lw56awa tla fat tladu uaatar sudd on doutha xnn th let tsraufco poopla apiunaiitly wall and hippy today lo morrow ara tirilen down and in ninety nlna cai out of every bund rod tba brart u tba cauu iba king of heart romedla ir agnaw cum for the heart la within reach of all it rallava in 30 mhiutea and curek tuoit chronla 01 sold by a 1 ilrovn a woman taugbv whan eha oau aud weep when aha plauaf attanllou lu thd worl i of homaojalhlo riiadioloh hag bean ita very aoaroauf pro groat ai in politlca and tallglau the dlt ilouitua of oplnloiia and lha individuality of man havo boeii ptraot to tba dlmgri niaiit by whloh tba tunjard of theao bodlua hava bau alovated uo with mnai of our fa mom praparatloni furaiituet jn i lujtrallou of whiob trulh ttaitd the worl j aiuoua re tiiad y to gaueral debility aud labiiuur qulnluo wine ajjd whloh wbaii oblainabla in it geuulno ttreiigtb i 6v utlraouloua oraator of aprwllu vitality audatliuuuui lo u7a gaiieial ferllllly of lbs syttaiii quinine wiuo and ila in irowoiuitul haa from tho nraful woo vary of the greet virtue o quinine at a itiadical agent two ona ol lha moat thoroughly dlaouaaid leitiadlc uver offard to the pub ua it lu one of ttiu great loulua and ami bkiural iu giving eltmulaut wblob lha mudioal prole on hkvahoaii 00 had li roojiiud ami prtaoriba klhir mortl ropaud layman ol torouto hava gtvau to lha preparation of ibelr pure qulniuu wine tba gr car dun in ita importation and the hulldard akiwllauoa of thakrllola wbltih tbey cffer to tha publlu oniii lnt tha market purged of all lha dafeola which kktlled uhaervatlon vnd auuntlllo opinion lia pointed uut in thaltiiirfdii pr ip ara llonaof lb laltur 1 tba a 1 rar uf 00 ill ohlldron cry for castor i a novor art tba baar akin until you havo killed the hear patty pilla ara email morn miiea but ona in a dota aud evtry doia counla ihare aro no blank it iu wall toloavo oi pujtnh whou tits gauia lit at ita boat women will talka cant bauiko iioku fof tul- intf uucu otuok ttlwmtmll- buiivai qtoait ud norvo viuh tllc on eat remeov ron weak nrnvous -vomtrj- haonty tiiilurulltiut uticna woman find a u rmuady which cun u her of mtrvoutliafcu nud aoaknebh ralinna it r iiiun anil j bun pits loloriuli rcliil ihkhiuuiv in liw vvbolrt avmiom alio ehioibl aiikloiu to lot iit titllerlnif hlniew uow it mra llutinali itnlmriu st- jauif sir t i fohn n 11 ridauah rakptumcrt wllb lliirfiinodv 11 folhiwa 1 pur fcniuayoaru i htvri b utniiibbd will ilutleniiu of ibo in ut anil dinineoa ulloinimiiled by u aiiwxhrrluir ttiliiin wbu h prnvmlaj ma ft rtimiuir my apii lila wit pnnramt 1 h muth run mwi dehllluled mcn i htod mliw mllhijnn heart iiiut n rvt 1iln tli hmolboriug- f hntf imuiiiiiii mv in nit unit i now ritular ll lluii rlnw intm ilii ipivearrti ami i bava li ii iwimuilully budt tip thituikli tba hmlo ttlttl tiflha pllla i liowloelauoiigaraiid im r 1i1 in inuy yia and cannot ai io ii ill pi tibtttimhatmimdy which tmnilvj my luun inatholib experienced undertalcers by dealing with us you are assured of the most careful attention and everything done in the most skillful manner and please remem ber that we only charge for embalming in exceptional cases we keep a firstclass jiearse und stock of all other funerv supplies and atrcat- ly reduced prices caskets delivered j a speiaht go hcton lisezsm2wes3tt the advertiser in nrhte au acton free press does not have to neighbor with indecent advertisemeilti the fun pitrss keeps its adver tising columns respectable and its worth while to be in such a paper uiiit i7il iifcfisssi book mews colorsd phpers john r barber lylaln stroot planing mills acton ontt john cameron architect and contractor alauufaelurer of kahh door vratna uouldtaai iiiallatjla mptt uovloljia to order on abort aottoa john cameron proprietor duimlop carriage tire a naw carriaga lira that makes riding on all roada a plituro economical ioq for i dooaaway with lha vibration that alulca aud breaks lha carriage a vahepajepaoa utwu tli rult- br lire and tba bll hani wvaut tba crasplittf and eulllug which other urwi are aubjaot to send at one far preo tiro catai gut giving phcca of all tlis tho dunlop tiro company limited jrottohto patents guaranteed our u lci a mitly r our opiuulu flu coofruluj hie imicikuiluly of ami iiow la uualu a idlnil mill uiiii ruu talent mcurj llikhiuhuaa ivcrilxrd ut iileat our vuuae i jlciim talen out ibihilli ua tciv jwajc hajiievlllioiitciuiur in 1 ua 1 aykht uunmi 11 ulnittaltl and widely climuird jourual toiimllr i i y maiiufactuiektaitd invfilnih lend ikwliipleopy fhk i jtdillaiu viqtott j hvams av co iuleu atidney kvansf jtf waam 0 i prdmptly secured 1 wtlunrourliti iv or lllii jud how t tm a irvuca mtlouor lui you rre rnr 01 im prubablv luiuitiuuii if ainjihiia rw lilajbuat tufun mn riiriiutiul 1 maatitik acatllow aratnr kolicitouh o antrvutat rtll a wkll v ili 1 ura4taala bt tfc- rulrlbibi luiuui if i ml itlti luilwala afuue kuiua ljal i i ltfiiiv tauul w alaium amrikau wauwk i mimr ul abui kwuityultltllt aawr iklwyhk tlihi anrnnaaanolnc a akatr4i ana 1 rone aanalnc a aarti ana raaaartmam aaey kl aaln ihjf 1 hthi frm baur mm iiitoa tawiktiablr lteniablaw i imhiiih iu aulalliiodaitub ijuullbhibiialsjuairta la lftilliurr tf aaruitrwtattaia j l llrhuli at u 1 ilk ivnln ulln wlltiimteuaru ta ilea lentific american iln illunla1 waalr f lit r vhh n a t wr iwimlua t bolwiil lawlai cojnewjqrl 039 v ht waulaatou l

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