Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 6, 1900, p. 4

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hacking our ir there is noth ing ao bid for a cough as cough ing it cars the icndcrmcmbranc of he throat and iune3 and ihc p wouhds bus made attract tho jcrms of con sumption slop your cdugh by using the family remedy thai has r been ourlnd coughs and colds every kind for t afford to be with- loosens the erasp of your cough the congestion of the throat and lungs is removed alt inflamma tion is subdued and the cough drops away three sizes i the one dollar size is the cheap est to keep on hand the 50c size for coughs you have had for some time the 25c size for an ordinary cold for 13 year i had a very had couth tit tl wtnr and everybody austhouf ht i had a unta cat of umpuob than 1 triad ayrs y 1 berry lector i llllmltairi r ttxuiott an oocsftvum ca writ th heater if hwibulnl wkatat ul oaetre tai iml 4taa aavlmwru lea jotm nly toolt ft weaey i v atxb lewetl aa aa v otn gsiltarlna obtained pins from yrmnoa n i in ims su ft waa ptawd that no parton ahatl pot to aal any pinna bol only such hall ba double heeded and has lit bada soldered fast lo tha ebauk of lb plums wall smoothed lha abankwall shspen lb point wall round iliad oauledand aharpeoed at tliia lim moal poa w- mde of braae but many ware alo md of iron with a breis surface france sent a lerjta number of pine to kitnum uulli about iba year 1020 la tbta year on jolm ttuby at a r lad pin makiokjn olaaoestsrshlre ho aacooaaiol waa bla venture tbat ha soon bad 1co0 persona working tbaaa plna mads al htropd worolield in lilh repute io iugpjnrnkaraoomblnlaudraundad oorporajtion the odaetry waa carried qo at bristol and illrrntnghem ilia latter beoomlnf tba chief center lu 177s priacs wara offered for tba oral natlra roads plna and naadlaa in cjsrollns and dorian tha war l ia p talobcd enotmoa prion tina vary from ibrao aud onehalf inohea ia length lo iba ama 1 gilt entomologists pin 600 weigh i off abool arfoaoo good word wlub oats t utatt xzz res thursday dkckmbeh jllooo hear whet tom drown at oiford sava aboal wild oau in all tba wlda rang of aooeptad drllah maxima there la twos uks it tor all in all mora thorough ly abominable than tba oo aa io inow ior of wild oats look at ii on alttiar alda yoa wilt and you can maka nothing bok a devil a maaim of l tba only thing to do with wild oat la to pot i burn oarafnlly into tba bolt feat part of iba flra and fat i ho til burned to dual avary aead of tbam if you aow tbam ho mailer in what groand bp they will ooma with oag tough roota ilka oooob kiaaa and luxuriant alalka anil laavea aa aura aa tbare la a aub in heaven crop which it turna onoa heart ootdur ihlnk of the dvll too wboaw apaclal orop tbey ara will m ibat tbay thrive and you and bobody alaa will baa to rrap tbaoi and no oomrooo raplotf will gl tbam outof tba aoll wblob mbat ba 6ag down again and again wall for yoa if wllb all your cara yoa ean maka tba ground aaaal agala by your dying day coufil orlrllpe ftvbr oung jfolfi tuzooya cattsor nr uvu with ovt itoyb wanud aoraa brlaht boy lull of ufa and tiiw to aund at my count aa drlokaia of bear to all up tba rank i thou i forth- dalay of iha army of drankarda ttaaaln atray hlxif ui a yaar will only supply tltatoaa lacurtnda from tba drunkards that dla ukud tho who ean toll or hav waaju to lw tow for fronts ara amail on old dilnkara you know iwt tbaoi oonta from tba ahop tha aobool or iba bom a w ilwflooma thw all who tny ooots iat kuouiarsartadarulr aoos toooroaju and falhars kaep voud lor good uoanaa uars or if you will vol to kaap rnnnlp tba mill voutnualfuroiabbtubjortbawbaajs wlluuvnd atlll f7 a huddock onlv trifles when lampud lo doom tba llltla aulad calling- ll us utiuk of ruob aaylnga as tba following 0os day a vlallot at ulobaal angaloa btndlo remarked to thai great artist who bad baaa daorlblngoariad htue uolablug loochaa lalaly given to a hiatus dot tbaaa ara only trifles it may u so replied iba scalp lor bohly j s reoolleol tbat trifles maka perfection and i wsafajai parfaolloq is bo irlfla in tba same spirit tba great painter 1ooselo aoooanted for bis reputation in tbaaa words beoaoea x baa rwajjaotadtjoibrog 1 ra of aaiao- oheaur maaafaaturer tbat on railrlnj from business ba p arch sad an aetata from a certain noblaman tba arraogament waa tbat ba aboald bava tha boaae wllb all its furniture jast as it stood oo taking pos aeasloa however ba foand tbat a oablnet wbloh was in tba jnsantory bad bead rw moved and no apply log to lb former ownaf aboal it tba teller said wall i oaruiolydlj ord it to b removed but i bardly tboagbt tbat yod woold bava oared or ho trldjlug a matla in so larga a pur obasa uy lord was tba raply if i bad iaot all my u altawud to trifles i should not have baan abl x6 po r ahmxs this aslata and axoas me for baying so in lbs spring when grlppa was raiiujj i bad a bad altaok and tba ooagb was so sever tbat i iboosntl would oouglt myself to deal b t roi a ho us of dc woods norw pine byrop and it cured toe lo a surprisingly short time ura j if jdyrea isasas hstixm- k ei xiook oomes to tboa who look after ii wind and good luok ara seldom laallng llreat cu aooldant mr thomas tubln says my sieved year old boy bad bis foot badly injured by being van over by a car on lb utreet hallway wa at ono oommaooad bathing tba foot wllb xr tbomas kolsolrlo oil wbed tba dlaoolo ra tion and swelling was removad and lu nioa days ba could usa bis foot wa always keep a bottla in iba bouea ready for any e merge noy orlury cjjminu itulilica brrcli iho rl unl you will 3mltaid by 1 v ry utur mnntifn tiim it ml iiur but no ullnlmnlmauuralmmljiry marufc itirrd ui cnnvaa or duck iho only mrn whuli j ii ll imprrtcdalod with ho para cum wllrn woruolltjlavrt irallteraolci iitoiuiiil iiki for a ilow iukii d k1 t uublxri alt ollinrs nro fm ilirivbli f each up if yoi long us allged hultl jo krsjsrhf attui mrs i w l qsllals iu oodfroy 1 q says i have used mflburns burllng hesdsolia iowdars for alok haatlaolir artar taking two powilera i flt balur atid was a bin la gal up anil go on with my jubtalittlkdrop io lbs west of ireland on ft oaruro oir cull a judge was wout to dos during uie apeeob of oopnscl on ono octjssloo oodo ml was aildreaaliig him do tba subject of carta iii town uom miss loners right to ob lain waur from a oat lain river water bklog very oshht m the lima during bis epeeoh ho toade iti o the words ildt mv tool we mutt hava water wa wberaupii ilia judge woke up euulm ing 1 well juwt a llltla drop a lllllo drop i ilka it slraug tbllls wbal tury kay tlioae who lake flood a fjariaparllla fur sorofula ecasma eruption catarrh rhtu m turn or dyspepsia say it cure promplly and permanently even after all other preparations fall you may take ibis medicine with tho ulmoat ooufldeoo that it will do ou good wbal is has duo for others yoa have every reason to believe il will do lor ou couailpalloti is oored by hood idja life is half piit before one knows what ufa is tbsl acblntt baad cap be lustanlly o- waved by taking ona of milburus hlarllug uaadaobe xowders 1 powder 6 oauls s for 10 eats 10 for aj oeuts knfiwthevavbhewvmbdioanbv ra oo in jill men t anata alurfn ilia same breath are in a latter i rroelvad from a wsablnlon girl in lsrll we were dining at joseph a tho other ulghl aha wrllea when a dallgtiliully draaacd woman silling at a 11 la nasr with a parly of three eenl dnn of tba mail with bar to aik fuber if wa wsin uv american hba teamed lo ba aaytng i l yoa mj in bar friends and as wd came out aim loipel ma in the oorrldor to rxpuin bar odd pn oecdlng hho waa poliiai rsi itwlf madsuouslle will pardon tuo aha said with the moat ohaiming aooenl hut it wfea a wager i hevn wagered my buaband that ws shall aett lily amarloaiia ibis evcnlht it is now thirty flvo wa uin aeen and mmo 11 who is wiui us would not be have yoji were atnerioetis mala i was why war jou so auio of il t i akd madame flashed a daxallug amlla at oh i she said the xmarlous i always the volora of tha wolit and iba manners at table of iba vary very beat was aula 1 what is it isooly good bargains that ruin loo your bead ache 7 take a pslty do your back ache taks a patty does your sldeacbst taks a patty and do not taka any other money la lost only for lb want of ooney dallar lose the wool tbatt lha shasp wbhe t ia no always prtbua ask yocrddkgtror tattys ill is- if ba hasnt got tbam writs us ao dosing tha prion ho 6n is and w will supply yod oo uka this is worth mora tbsu two yoa shall have children cry for castor i a thrift is bailer tbad aa annuity worms effool a child heal lb too esrlotl to neglect- borne urns tbay out ooo- aud death if yod euapocb tbam to ba preeaot glva dr lows puasaut worm byrnp which destroys the worms without injurylng the child prlo us jnta awful emporlonoa with heart dlsaw mr l j lawtoronlo can write i was so sorely troubled with heart dlaeato tlial i was mialilo for l8 months to 11 down in imxi lot i smother after taking on dou ol lit agiiows i uh cure i retired aiul slept soundly i uael on bottla and tit iroubl ital not ro- tamed g sold by a t brown starry your sonwhoti you plaass yoar daegbtar when you can if you ataadyspeptla taka pattys if your back aches uka pollys if your headachos taka pollys if you r nervous ilka pollys if you eus weak uka pollys pattys will mka the slok well a guest aud i polaoii flsti after tlir days ara aterriblexaugh parbipa if your lordship had ord tnor about trifles you might not bava had ru slou losvlt it in iahhwthfiylu i heard i other day old farmer whin but thi my bay orop is a fail maid i is joov potato crop fallaraf no your ols i i your oornf o uol o ual well wether why hot bagn with sua baa and tbaukfuliia bd than put your ona failure in parautheela at th aud y ho auawar lvus far tn actio km tliiiuor world huudvods hav uetiflad to thd ooj pottys pills bv dous tbaoi liege avails thaq carsgs luguur aollou of tba bowels la urieary to baallh lavs live pills ar tba uet oooasluusl oalttavrtla for family or gaoeral usa prioafijbaitu auy drogglat 1 ha btoal cuniilug are lb flra i caught ht pellya usver fall la giva virallef aud they cur if given an houoat trlsl tits hrat i up mud cm lo lbs eooodd rinrusittiswf as cporil stands the most pi omismjj way to treat aij old tuttkul iliutimatikiu lb to set ni the general heiltli wnatcvermaucs health ih 0thti icspects is good foi rheumatism we dont say it will cute it sometuiks it does sometimes it dont youi chance is better with scotts emulsion of codlivtr oil tiurtt with anything else now uiiown by and by there will lib a sine ctire il will make a big noise in the world when it comes i t umlvlllutatfkr itu tba mora you court h clown tha tulellar b grows wberaotharri fall thora ir ptttya pills prov their power to cui a dlaoover not your hoarded manoy to auybody no family living in m bilious oouulry ahoold b wltbodi wrnwlie vageubl pills a faw doe uked thati will keep lb liver active ouauaa tba stom ach and bowels from all bilious matter and prevent ago mr j l prlo rhoals mast co ibd wrlus i tried a boit of xrmala 1au add fto3 therd tli bat tuodlolti for teuer ftttd ague i itava eve ueed th fault is a geal aaiia who oonimits i baillew ittobe ih moil ojfffvjotlv rtmady for th btom- awh muut nrve irs 4h ntsarattrt u what annie patlorsoa of backrtlla n l7 y of soulb american nervine lor ah says let crlpp and lb compl lea lions which followed it telt hoc best to dead with i mil- geoltoo dyapepau and general nctvou shallirlcg it cured bar loo sold by a t urowit do uol laud your money lo a great man mra hiburt ltck nawniatt k ti write i was lu bed for weeka wllb rbautiiallatd aud uouui uol tuova without balp i began ukldg ullburua uhsuutstld pi in and oo lou rallavad lbs pent and six hoars fxxdpteuly cured m if you waul to know aeorel beek fur t liana i u itroublttca is plaaur pattys pills ar small mora mi lei hut oo ia a do and every doa ooutila xbars ara no huukj tiltow ma a liar aud 1 11 show you a iliuf 1 4 pitch good idm tsev be secured by rau addnaa patcmf mcoaa iloqiri if this ulldoea uol hlloklo ll wall it will at usil usv it utftrk oollo aud ridiisy dlnlaulty mr j v lfavgvlilan y wrlus i sm subjiol to evs atuokaof colla aud klduy dinloulty aid hud parttielas s 1ille afford ma groat rstlalrwhlla other leotodles have failed they ana lha b i tuodiuluo i have over used id fact so ureal is lha power of ibis inedlcln to clesum and purify ihst ulaeaeea of sluiosl bvery ttama sttd uutura era driven from tha body no una will gal a bargain ha does uul ask lor aanyfsk oataarli it strikes ona lika a thunder clap develop wtib a rapidity that no oilier dlaaaaadoee ir agitew s catarrbal itiw- dr la the radical rjuuik safe and pleaalat cur that lb dlaoaao tleatanda us th mean prevail t it deep sealing and year of d litre dow i dally tith catarrh agnawa gives relief in tan htlttuioa u cools y7 vli by a 1 lliown if pooplo would only treat ooaohu and colda in time with lir wood s norway pin hyrup tbera vrotild ba fowur hprne doaolal tha aavcrest ooughu and colds hronohltts and croup wtd tha first uuge of oantuitip lion yield redtlily to this powerful lung- a daughters banger a chatham mother tolls how her daughter who was troubled with weak heart action and run down system was restored to health every mnthnr who lias n dniifctitor ilroojh ingaikl fiidini pith wrnk und lutleas whoan lu tilth is tint uint it ought to ita mlmuld nuil tlin follow liikittntaiiiuiit tnatle by mrs j h iioolli no ulaliinoml hlroot chnllmin out boiiiojiincncor rotulmxof mlluiirug heart htid s n i ills nl th control dnij bur for my dniiglitnr who is tiow u ytnnt of tirit nml had iww n bfllldlcd ullh wuttk hotlou of i jo lit art for cotmhlorahla imiftlli of iiiik tliro pills linrn iloiio har a world of good n slorlng klrou htnllliy nnlloji ut hor liart linprovlnc hr ybiicml hrnllli slid ivliiff hfr plivwlcul stroiigth lnyoud our exrukiutlnris tlinynrnnsplnu hilromady and to any ono suffering- from wraknraii or hfsrtand tinrva troiihln i oordlnlly hhoinmrttd uioin mllbtinisiirtahdkerteplllsaraooa a box or 3 fgr 1 26 at all drujfglsts i coat with while atars r his opportunity little hoy wtio ha bean almlyiutf rcoenb political cart done mamma u uncle ham alwajs wurryingabout money 1 ho it would arntil dear does ba always wear red sjid whlto triped paiiuloona yes deair aud a bli u r yes and does ho hava art engla forscpet id- lead of ft canary bird uka mine i yes and is ba lha hlggrsl rnati in tha world t there is ouo blggor then mamma why doesnt unoiobai go into a dime moteiiu t tfuui how uucli a ou wbiuii f thlunosi is wasting wasln is tssrtng down hootta kmuulon builds up it uever make wsau il will give rich blood and bring back your wtlglit whether lha llona etrlka lha pltoher or lha pi teller thaslona wos ba lo tba pitcher rvovad phcolos huby coats and cinnamon flavor vf agnowa liver pills ara household favorites impurities leave lha syaum tit nerves ara toned tha blood is purified tha complexion is bright and ruddy headchc van 1th and perfect health follows their ue 40 doacs 10 mail- lot sold by a t urawn tha arguniduts of tha btroiigaat have always lha ttioet weight you need not cough all night and dlaluirh your frlsuds ihera is no oocaalon for you ronnlogth vlak of eon treetuirioflam mo tion of tba lungs or oousumpllon whila you can gat dickies antl conumpllva byrap this medlclua ours coughs ooijs itiflam matlou of lha lungs aud all throat and cheat trouble il promo us a fr and easy a 1 pec lor a lion whloh imtnftdiauly ratlevaj tha throat and lungs from viscid phlrgra thi graatrat cunuiuk is lo hava uou at tali ni remedy read what mrs tho catur worthporl ontwyl ieaiajgrtt ooll-which- ootlled 00 ray throat and lungs ao that i ooold scarcely apeak abova a whisper x also had a torrlbfs oocfili whloh hiy friends thought would send ma to toy grave i tried different remedies but all failed lo do m any good until 1 took dr wood w nor way litio hynip and the ooulonta of on bottla oortiplouly cured ma and you will set yourself in your placa not ba tnaja lo qui til ui yards ytllotv oil labia out paid rediioai swelling and allays intuimiiallon curvs rhauiualuiit alilf joluts contracted chords sors throat oroup rjulnsy oto it doaijlqlllmjqjlifljkhlqcji l clol prlo 33 oeiila ha is tha wiaeat ulau 1 himself to ho does not think bob mccready abov 1 splwndld portrait of hob uo crssily ouo of tha bent football players lu csnads lie ub uieitilwr of iba ottawa university team aud has usou in all or its rhbaipuiuhhlp uiatcbs ifa is a apuudld iritiiu ot rvbu1 csnsduu tujtuhoad hut btroutf bh ba 1m its has luowu wlmt it is to uffr froai dyapapsla oo itrlqualy ififlct 4 waa ba it tha opsulni of tits pafct lboo ftcdaou that b woj ual ihlt to co cul f lib hli itiui islus in tbo ucl oud sjjos la tcruiltltut hiadicb aud th awful pftit b kulfcrvd after vsuug tba remit of su laipalrd dlgsatloa warbad hlui that he waa lu uo coudlllou to play fuotuall uis hardest of all gator heeldrs he lacked iks energy to tarry him through ft cam pal us ccnaulteu his physicuu but tttat genturuan gave hlui uo hvllsf at tbla stag ba writes i was idvleed to try dri letlj hlls uta hew rsaiedy ibst wits of bay rrucds assured bw was wuiiderful in llg effect i bkautlcal but be aauudad their praises so peraleuutly that i was at length induced to try tbetu ttie vary first doa druva iba balu away sad at tu ud of a week i rejoined my team and i have root i hrougb bu of uur hardrat seaaocs in ttie heat tona tbat 1 have avar bead lu ir wtty 1 iii y hbrna to tbuk fur my nna coodttton- tbtt ara the beat tnedlclit i hava ever tskau i bey make cue ao strong and so fait of energy j shell nerr tska any etber when i fel in need of h atrengthenet hucb la lha reooatrae- inlua of this wall known atbtet and ucb wllrb tbeiperlerwof overwu wbo tries b wenderful rttnedy if your druggist cannot aiuilr you writ to us euotoalne iriro t0 tntl m lllle als iwtllvs fo hut xd irras tks dr 1utijf uedlclna ce ottawa caiil- castoria vor xniau uid ohildrtut r tie ha bumlu tlgauarsi ihlngrremaln hcihlnrfjadoeewblu uudoua cbuitlpauod cured mrs jamas ourk oommauila out writs 1 waa greatly irouhud with head acli a and constipation 1 triad lixa liver pills aud titty dou ma mora good than auylhlnu i aver took voir is a irat invdilor weuhorvvol through damp cold hud feiposurti many a brave aoldier who left bis native hearth as fit as mail could ba to fight for country honor hai been invalided hara j heolui otth uultur of ihs billle ground uheumatlim south american rheiitiikllc ctir will atttolutoly cur awfy case of uheiimatliiii in exultuico nelloflu six hours s 4 oldbya t drown a womans tougus ia htf sword aud aha dors not u it ruil aa jlu u round fiiully rsuiajvi ou lut al y shoul 1 lt in the houu for an smargauay dr psllju pill dlsoouiil anything in lha marks lliy ar mall a ohlld can taka lhani with bus ysl ouea a do8 lha aral step isall tliadlflioulty wa ara spendlnrf ihouaands lo maka pattys pilla kuowu our inouay proves our fsllli a trial will wcura yours to bo a merchant tha art consists mora nnroltingpaid thatrlimiskitigaalss do not delay in getting rtllef for lha llltla folks mother graves worm kxur tulnxtoria a pleasant aud tuts cure if you lova your ohll why do you lot ii suffer when a remedy ia so hear at baud t hodyie eweet bo iberbaestiug business mens backs too much ruvi ftnl hustlo wor nml wirry fall to lha lot of tha averts huiucws man kiduaya cautsund it theyfullo fllurtha poisons from tha blood properly urinary trouble general languorond pant in th lack ara tha natural remits a man can fttlaud to huslnea popcrly if hla bock aches 110 usa tryluc only ono bur rotnody llias uovof falls doanis- kidney pills taka s hint frornhusiuds4 inert who hava uafid lllelilt i havo taken dati a kidney pills which x procured at tho meditul hall hare for rheumatism aud palm 1 1 tho small of my hock with which 1 lnvo hen ttilictoj for tha past six yearn lltey did tua so much iood that i heartily recommend tlmm a an excellent tiled iclna for rlioumitlo trouble mid backacha otiiuuea o 1ilxky dealer lu agrloulibral impunieiiu orlllla oul doaua kidnoy i ills euro bakache uini or weak luck brijilj dltewi dlaveus iropay ijravul lutjiniaut li thn urine too frefjunk riuiufs at niijlil rlaiimatlam mid wikmiitllalddmty lnfiliiulrril and- uld paopla lumenihor tho nanin doans 1 r iuha nil otlrrf ju doau kidney i co loronlo oul castoria coktorln is tor infanta and children cafltotia in a m miles rtubstltuto- tor castor ou iarcfforic dropu nutl 800 th luff syrapn it contalnn no i titer opium morpliluo nor otlior nurcotlo dubsiatico it it ilcnimt iu kimruntoo ih thirty years us by million of motlion camtorla destroyh wonns aud nllnjii fovohhii- iickh ciuitorliv cuxca dlarrliooa and wlud colic cantorln stuovoa toothing troubles cure coiihtluntlon and tlatuluncy cuntoria ofutlmllatea tho foot rcfftilatex tho btoruacli and ilowcli oflnftutu and chlldrou fivlnrf healthy and nuturnl rdoop cfutorus ik tho children innacctv tliq mothers friend castoria i u an riucluiit niluia cwllr ifuia ban talnlly lli a a us guod tnvit ni llwlr blllu i c c gvmio ju aj casforio u u a wll ailautcd to dilldirh that i kcommend it urio tu any actlptloo vnown lo hi v uaacttkku i jirirn v the facsimile signature of ulimyiu bic 1 without ipaorp in ciiniiihllioun- ti tton tik head 1 f l i tu 1 maka rib i 1 tr vo fjtl hciti 1 u il jjji triilugv rlllo vriouoo asalldruiialg laxa- liver k il u batur lo baud tha11 bragk 0htjlna tuorbuv or amp aud kind rod oomplaints huuually maka their appear mo al tba tatus time aa ibsltol waathir green frull ouqtimlher- uisloni a and mtuy parsoui ar debarred from ling lb- uiiipllug fruit bnl ihsy itoed not ahatslu if lhy bava dr j d kellagga uyutarj cordial and txka t uw drops lu wiur ii our i lis eriups gjid oltoltra in a reiuirkabla mamtttr ud la mr to cheok avery dulurhinc of lha bowels llsttar lo ba anvisd lhaii liitiaul atunlloii lu tha world of horn a of lhlo madlolna hie ho lu vary sohro uf pro graa aa iu polities and rllgloulha dlf noultlts ofopluloua and lha individuality of in id hava beu piraut lo tha dlsiyro maul by which tha suudard o ihsw hotllw hava beau uva led go with ttioal of uur famous preparations forimoet hi il limlration of whioh truth sunds tha vorl i famous rumsdy lo gsusrsl dsblllty and languor yululua wlna aud whioh whstt ohtaluahla in its gnuliia ilreunth is a miraculous creator of appetlu vitality aud sllmulaiil lo lbs gauaramrrlllily of lha syaum qulhitta wina and lis 1m provdiiieul ba from lhw flrat dlsoovsry of ih great vlrtusof quluiua aw a madloal sgnnl been ona of the utoel thprouthlv dlacuseed ralftadleg v tiff 6 ad to the pub lo ii is ona of the grl luulo and and uatural tifs viug stimulates whloh ihs uiedioal profeaaioil havaboati compel lad li recodulxaaudptaecrlb maasrs nortt and lyman of toronto tv gvt o lbs prlrstiuu uf thslr pure quiulus wins lis great ir ilu to ha lmpuuus gud lbs aulldsrd skorllatioa uf ihearliala which ihy tiffaf u the poblio oomas lot lha kt jiursd ur all ih dafiola whiah skilled uhaervatiou aud scleutldd ijulon ha pointed out iii ths lhp irf hit prapi rs s if lbs ulur ilia nidtt covered ore ia always tha most glowing aqxioua mothers find dr lows warm uyrupthabal msdlalna lo rxprl worms children 11 lo it worma dont a handsome alio often plnoliu the foot children cry for castoria llm ire do not fall the aral slroks vat a dear oomplsxlou taka pattys pills lhay uaverfall to clr tha iknj thouund of ladle awaar by thsui tha hauillaof iho psrlah u always ol the vloar a opinion 13 running sores mr stephen wascott rroeport n s jiiii the fnlloivini riiriencd with llurdock wood lhlturh i wis vary miidi run down in hnltli and enipto lj our local physi cian who iitieiiikd mo throu itiontlu jjnully my lejr hroltd out lit running borcu u all ft irlul burmiti i hud tltirtecif runntniv toa ut one tim from my uma to tfidtnp of my foot all tha tmdicm i tonk did iiib no rood so i thaw it usuld arid tried mini when one h ill the- boltlo wa ano 1 notice il u cjmiiia for tluv hotur mid by the time i h d ftnialied wo botilc my li wus pdrfuttly hcun cd wnd my liuil 1 1 yr cully improved appears on every wrapper experienced undertakers by dealing with us you are absurcd of the most careful attention and everything done in the most skillful manner and please remem- berthat we only charge lor embalming in- exceptional cases we keep a firstclass hearse and stock of all other funeralsupplies and at great- ly rtduccdprlces caskets delivered tfra speight fc co kcton grand tlltthlcttaiiiway 1 lire at uatl 1 mlai 10 6s p m timh uk i naiwg 411 lolng wtu 0a in mill 40 i lotos ut wini avii 1 0 4 1 in this limn tablu ai ul inltr chi t1 an lluiula oat lltt 11xo ma i r stroot planing mills actorsl orit john cameron arohltpot and pn tractor afauufaolu rar of hti doo kuiiim uouldluis i drxssino matching atjif uouldjffo u onler on short notlr vl aaortl etooltoti hail c rloea toab to tlmaa john cameron proorlotor acton flonijills hurvlphnles hawkb proprlotor illlhcsl market prices paid wheat and othkk chains ourxma of flour llaa won wide apicad favor llcl grade nlwaya on hand llouit choi mill 1 121 d cracltid will at i tc at loweit rce for casli humphreys hawke act on kcton 3utn st mahufaoturar and daalara in all klnda of drkssud and uhdhi ssld lum bl r lath and shimglls sash dooub and nlinds window and door ihamus all kinds oi indoor and ou dooitjinish hitvinijirwbllbmonod on hand order will in all cateabe promptt- filled lumber droued and malclkad whlla vo wall prlcea are aa low na any olhor mill turn ing out wotlt eiiual in quality cualom loja cut dt any till jmo xvjutu jjluxu anowtt all kind of wood on baud and promptl delivered lo any part of tba town thb american monthly revutv7 op rfivtb ws fi iu on impcunl majjala in lb snm mn4r in iu plclurx couipreleoj uauly e of iu wodda currnl bulory nol lb numersorrof m bar ficu but a comprberulv plclur ol tl naontb it adlvlll iu noutl prrhillbiattnj noubl ilfiraocu tlia inl informed nun and uooun lu iba world und ii lndlaprnublc- tlur are ttuny reader in your locality viio bav yl tram ol ibruarfuliau we wm o cila iiajacuica la vy clly and fowuldp in hie country v ul pay bberally lo or telle elforl 1 ibeaubicrlpllo- llrj ulure raooinucm liuwuej with uuunual incrcaie ol lcome rval ual ol tba pol l your i icauly wbo iliould luve iu rev cv ol rvlw and aluf in u or acenta larrm aj u cop c d wortlnj oullll than ollcil ibal uucripbo a il i c m to wluiaaulacrlplionprojcitlo lor i ic tcvau ol ravlewa and conarqvjnuy order ac carly trcurrd i jc uclp uon araj male aprllca 1 al once ami 1r your prlea as ca s yw yi1k kkv1kw olf iltvllws cohlanv is au7 ilaee c v tkke a look throufih william nock of footwear this week your tltnv 1 1 hjwi bftettl aiul you wluh surprised at lha extent of tha ttock you peet will ltd filled perfectly nnj your lasla uli cd hrliift flic wlfa and llttfa oni iflzith you 1 heir foot needs will he filled equal ly well dnd al wonderfully ijtila cost to you our wholoraitcnllon li gltm lo hnyinn and talliiiff hoots und shoes and there is benefit in ihiu to you wo mo iuro wn can convince you that lha p lo l y fo la williams shoe store mill st aotoh ntafkltju xewkjcikltv wht3 fromhtlv dqnu the advertiser in the acton jtree press does not have to neighbor with indecent advertisement the fin it purs keeps its adver using columns ruspectable and its worth while to be m such a paper 8iskl patents guaranteed our rcetrtitna if wa 11 any cuouudini lalcli ttml urafilivtlau of auy liivtitl n will iktiinilly itvi uur oluloii li conrtrnl lha imttulalillity of uius how to julu ittlaiit sent vioii ia jkisaat 1 alculs tliiouiit usa ltrttlfl r niltfatournaiviiu lblcnlit u li tn 01 1 tliionuh us ick jwfv llrtfrlllultcliailc ill itjh 1 ayuht ukcosi an- ulumralt i ami wllely clmitalcd jot coiisiill t t y mauurarturrrsaiiil liiyttntil unid uriuttiiuroyfhbtk ail t is vi0yor j kvanta a co ilmuai jtfujiicys k van a t ulng wam iprdmpti laifgj prdmptly secoredl uu invent r liadlul si wo wlllult hither it is initlu multy whi fiir tr inloruuiih i w ls invent ors ltlii- aiul jluw ii rr atlwlln1 baud ua a trousb akai oh in vol uou or litiprn vc mi n you rreaaoui- uilnii ni pnihably ttalettuuii f aullottrtvs huu iih hi othur liauo ultaoa4 m onaal nut tu riillioil mauiom j fclabxon jfavrmtrr aouoironii vxruts eti a uwjaiikl ynijtilm lltaaluklm of tla ifuctiud rkeiwt it klat1lthl u luit 1 l afiiui alvut 1jvi libit- iiv t wml rr n i iuiluu waui jtkallk kw h jll i u wwha t aitmvrtut ak auuo ututl kfcajtr maftna dcfttanft cotrromttl ac iae iwiatrsjlinatftoisjsba lfee ni awior ffaaaahtataaianta blor f uoatnilal laajl it ol lu ike kks scientific american a iwnilai ijblr ulillnuwl flr raat r lco

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