Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 13, 1900, p. 2

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dikd him at flreeoehury lud oil tuaeday 4ui immlrtj ufa urut king acd 100 yeara itir inueoratnwn oa wedueedey deo kill julu kloe ed 39 yaara s niotilba is day hum hi kxiumiqod wiiimilr hi niimu ulliuutrtw hcull in 111 bath yr ilmnwoutiion hunday ilnl aviout uery am uittmortlt eed tl jaara wlloaat 3th vktule tllraet toronto on tliunday dill ilaeuib uiula it wtleuu oltuijwwul wllauui ad ch uil uaiiiattai oajavllle llurwla motiiiag dili oamber allfcbuttojm daugbbm- of ur taud umo j wtrlati acd at month ui iif rtn id township of trafalgar on hun linjnibjiim at ina yuu friday itoeambe tuj annii llrijaaf presbyter taomb tuj annia itaitntuaoo wife moqoarrle peelo m uw north oabytaclan churub thulthday dkotjmhku 13 uoitonial igoriis a apooll deimb frm bbnlt uuunoe thai tl hun cnace wawiu orlarv y ha tc arrayed by order jvll k- count von wtlddiim up id oibb or oomrnunlaun0 with lha m1 notwllliuodlnjt lhal th laat munf of lha counoil of 1100 will b bald neat halurday nlna there la yel little indeed kill a to who ara likely to b tbueso bor good mo will no doubt present thomealve to take th plan of the preeenl member who ntend to decline to aerva tha pablio longer a nambtr of klaliuj laetrla tallway com panic atiil a tiarnber f ooropanl id- undinirtoppiyrorbootponticrrkstliar oomlng aeaalon of th irovioclal legula- turn will aak lot eiernpllorj from th total tit prohibiting lha running of tha car on iba lord a day tbaaa raqoaata will ba fought by tba lord bay aulano mr u v iioklnnoa whoa nam vary familiar id thl county ban joined wllb a couple of olhar boa i baa roan la toronto and btfer tha city council under tha liern of tha toronto qu oa toupply r far heatlntf and illuminating at a price not to exceed go oanu par iboueand feet and the quality of tba ua to be a preacrlbed by uw toiouto ia now paying naatly doable that flur oatatlo baa arranged to tnala k aplaodld exhlbik of frolt at tba laameiioaa kx- poaluon tha eihlblt baa bean ablppod to buffalo la ba biaoad in oold atatut lhara jjaaloeaa matiwbo inland to exhibit rood at lha unctalp axpoaltlon wll ha iotaraaud in knowing that tha u ti antborltl oof- laoud doty oa tha ontario fro it axhlblt kxblbtta for tba cbloao worlda valrwaro aalarad frx of doty in tha cttmiuifo m avail lot daoarobar appaara aomd iauftilofi lotormauoo and apatittlatlon aa to what tba population of oauada will ba abowo to ba by tha oaoana of bait march vignraa wbloli wi ata told wara oarafully praparad a la suaa hhowiuif tjrowth lu iba oattadiaii mllaa darlty tba past lao year la lata baait frnan a total of acoooa iniaoo to ijocajsm fniaoo or- ttaln of aboul twanly ova per oaot- at tblu rata of idoraaaa tba writer proceed a tha total population of canada in 1001 woold ba c 031648 tha fitfarwa for 101 havlntf bean 4b33i3d de wet is trapped general knox la qallavad to hav him aa baauro a cronjo at parrdaburir kitchhnrib quirt plans iihikdt deo u tito v suuulirl y iba ballln ulwtan jnral kno and general ie wt ooollnuee ail h1 uibforooa obanga urtroixi luoaiiliy rik t4 dtllxlla inrofuiatloo on tha aubjct iaallto be due to ihe aht at lau brapbla oonjniqolcitlon with iba wn afltioil wliil iii wr onto lnnl llo linn ibecuuicl tlr inllcll- hi 1 iii ontouu liva kxi1 11 w ohhlloil illl iomum ul 11 1 lilau irli 1 rorif kllcbanr la already fuimickl the furwiul til akiwila in una raapeflt if baa adoplad la4io atyla in hie hulutliia ula deeptchaa baa declined lu pompaaa jly by day alnoa ba aaaumad llio oblrf dcimoiud and a aluia aenteuna aofhoea for hu ofonlal audounoemetil thai tile laat batch of drltiab pruooera bad turniul up aldtthaole kipartiara pleated with tba eoonoray of wordn they amit thai fiord lubartannqooaoiootly dignified the gueril la warfare by devotlnit a lootf bnllalln to it dally and that iir kltubanar will nihil- mix lha boor operation by allowing all patly incident lu paaa witboutobeervatlun while lordkilohenar taollura he i fairly aflame with enerry ulllltary men aay avary trooper in oeneral icnoxa ool uraaa baa throe horaea and thl wllb fraab remount oontuully avaltablo tbo putiuit of da wet into tba laet ditch baa become pdaalbla ua winter laavldenlly bara to atay at ut mr nat brown int ml taulliif barn on wadneeday pull report next week allaa m tbompeoa waa unable to lake bar plaoa at tba organ on buuday morning owln to illnaaa mr and mra jfame boriulq hkve ru turned to their borne hra for the winter ur uidbuwlm wall after belun at the tnluea tba methodlal church bar luuud hold ing their itamealliiu on friday between chrulmeaund nav year flih do mr biu our genial poet mailer and marobant u e reeling a balldlny for ma chinery for which ba ia aoul now limlimousk tba imperial authorities hav atpraaaed a daalra that hlr wilfrid haorier ahoold -l- teud tba oaramonlaa in oonneotlon with tha openlug of tba confederated anatrallan 1arlumeut and it u now rfrdad aa al- moat certain that tba vremlar of canada will vult tha antlpodea tba abairallan rarllamaut will ba opened oa may i at by tha ttok of york and if ulr wilfrid goaa ha will probably lea her early iaaprll which would give biro ample lime to raaoh hyduey by tha daalred du tba canadian iremur will probably ralnru to canada in oorapany wilhbvuaeabi york and will thui ba iba brat to walooma tbelr lloyal ulgbueaeea to canadian aboi tlilt nkwdpatiliambny mr and mr john newton of sartiu vlaltlng at mr j- nawtona ur and mrajohatuoora kpanta foe daya in toronto leak week mr wrn 1i1i1 had a valuable now killed on the crand trunk track laat friday mr and mra pan kennedy havo baan heard from and we ara glad to learn rived safe in dryden with tholraffcota mra k boolt toronto ha aold her farm below the village lot 30 ooo fl oo- ipled by mr j uoujw1i to mr ohlbolm near milton among iboe wba reoalvad oeerllnoala at tha george town iiib hohoole vecent conimeoomant txoraiaea mr frank moorojtoeiyod bf fur pamliijf th junior matriculation vxamlnallou iart i ut july coagratulatlona ara in order georgetown of mt i to kltit mr em mra jamte hlm neaaaol mnvnl from ilran ilniit ri to tbjr new home in rtiwir lt waek 1 hey rrrt uxlnx their ull iieluhbnra and will alaye havo a klml rr lun a rrell parly by mr ant mra wm mjlueui rillupvidogprpvluua wa a wry puaaallt klhnrlltn mriilmr john ii iirlor wrre in jlttcauo on a brief vlnll duru the ili muamau i irani haa bm bnu enjoy inn a vlau with riu u in 1 urnnli willi nummei u i eilrrrln tlm kp t5nn glea jllb mllilolltl clllh fur an enur- taiuiuaul imil idody nl in the town hall i hi will u thooveiit of the aoaaou mra jhi huwarl h mlnli tor ll with hr den at the rmna hiurktliitfoorjiriinncniibiit eierulaeaat ihe ihuh houjoi llm praannla- lloit of oertlfloaua diploma and kahnur- ehlp xo uochiiul pupilr wet tri fifllnwa r wfbalar preaolited mrllfliaun for iart i junlorroavluilxkttrmiie i lum hetue johnaloui maio icenuedy alberu mubunald bele mouweu join jlni liarn datiui ifaiilon imgar uouon thoa henrjareon ilobtn j william mul lln daniel ilinouu william hume and part 1 junior matrluuutlou to fruk mrq and liarry lulil mr 1 heudoreon m v preaeillad oar- tidaaloa for iarlj junior staving lofaxxa llelila iclhun jlrluy makkl ourrir harriet ifartwell batle munnlalu mabel hoy jennie boolt car cro allan uolmea wiiltrmicilh 1clr held ru hulledtto and for lrl j junior matrloulallon to tnrvllla morrow and for hularjleavlngu apge hliorijmj gnrlrude day foot and mi hon btnjuuii mr jolmu harur m im pre graduation diploma to agia hhurllll flora flteolo jonule hoolt mallei hoy bala mountain harriet hariwell mag currltf milton dlugamali futar lmd oarl croaa col ooodwllliapreacilted miih flora v uimi lha flrat ulakstichourhlii in matba- m llo and modorua maonipicknt nliwaipapi huildino tb jd thrall and wully star of montrbul haa juat moved into t palallar naw builjiiijf adiiiuud by lu ooutaidnor- arla to b ona of tin hueat if not tbo vnry flueat llewapepor bulldlug in lha world with ii uew gutnlui proaee and rijulp- rnont the uaw building of tha iiwtj utmhltihil wttluj slur ooal hair a million ilnllira thiiprog tlm fiiuttt lltratd 1 gnu of tha nurvrli of lha century a puaot of good tuinoq wa hava juil reoivcd from tha clark co limited toronlo a n logua of thulr chriitmaa booku a a fh of qood thing it h oopp cata- ulilled a boeii nab8aqawhva on wedoeejay docimber blh over one hundred friend wara invited to qi boma of mr john uakinnon naaaifiaweya lo pond an enjoyable evening upon tba return ol tha bridal boapla mr and mr daniel mokinnon who were spending their honeymoon with frlenda lu glcdoti a very dvlittbtful avanlug wa apaut in trip- plnf tha light fautaalln to and other amaaamanu mr and mr moklnnou and family did everything to make tha avaning pleaetng and enjoyabl to all tba rueela returned lo tbelr home fallug plaaaod with tha avanlug outing tha team in wblob tba young nonpla ar b tito gov mm ant am btrorw t when th houa ad journed tba auotloue lu uurrartf and yal carl- boanompule tba member oftha houaaof comman tb atandlng of tha sis mem her of tba houa of common 1 a follow ontario libera m oonaarvatlvea m moewent boulhilrtin71litad tur liberal mocairtby wax alaoud ajjalukt coneervatlva and ttava tha covernmaut alpport lael aaavion ilobluaou weat iitfli and thorotoa wo i durham a canacrvallvea quabaovliberal 57 oonaervatlva q nova bodlla lilbarali is couaorvatlve 6 frluoe ildwarj lalauj ijborala 8 cou- aarvatlvta u m an i lobi liberal j gouurvallv 8 ludepaiidhula 9 pulu and ulobardaoii northweeh arfllorlraliurlf con- aarvatlve 0 uriuh columbia li bri 0 ootiwva iia 3 ludeveudbut 1 halph umllb tba total ebowlug la thoafura a follow liberal vmf conajrvative hi independ ent 3 uu1 313 th liberal plurality over tba dobarvalle i ji tblfberau hava majoritle lu alx of th eight pro vince lb axoeplion being ontario and manitoba lu manitoba tb oae la doubt ful mm iba gonearvaliv hava kjul on major liy over tha llbral whiu tb two iudwut will not ofuu vota again clis govarnmant tba governmeitt return blrougar than it did lu lttuo aud an blrong a wbu it dlaaalved tba uouaa wa hbowii by the many proeeale wgtott wara glvto thm hveryona wiali tba happy couple long ufa bapplnna and proaperity in their uew born wbloli tbay intend being iaby tbjewver chhwdons cohnkhh daaliiuetl lo aarul the undecided in ohooaiuu holiday gift lul wa think lha hoc mat will ba traaaurrd for lu own ukfl aa it appaars in suoh an attractive form mtdu bright with axtracu from hie aaveral horlei aud illuttraltonu faom tba book new litbratuhe a wnniiii of veitordaf by cai a muoi mm iiiio or tha lateal vol placet befor the palhc by tba mueeon hook ua toronto tlile a a trnii or ttrouuuii rellglou ii le and introduced varlmia lileretlng feature if the vjd inellon of iplniunxry wrk in a woman nf yetlnrtuy mr mr bae made a lu ly uf he dntelopmout of a young girl bom in the middle of oaulury anil wruwink up to womanhood in lha alrlkhlratnrlluhluiy of that 1 1 mi- who under lha tretieltlou in rolli life rrt-thvmbl-fc-whwtk-ehatatv-nftr-teeiw-ha- bmuubt the gradual ikanjefn th- point of vlw la narefully wurkeit out and the allruliu of ihe earllri perm appear to auttar fur a lima only to take a now and nobler ehap utio tyjm of abaraoter tbu pcxluoe1 ar familiar and line it la wot that imforn tha motlvra pnrmaoa and oon- lliolaof that middle prlod of th nonlury puafrom tonnnibfano they ahould thuab mmlt the ailbjtot nf aynthotlo atu ly jmoa in floorlolh i j5 i alio tllnpur volume n 0 tbo laat by ma- a titunbf rdapl ijl by r oid vi i ilk anlly l4l oaulury very intarahulj huinriol luatl old vlnrenne waa a klrug hill timi on the wabaah but during the lutervnlug century liae jrowf la imi one or tho hiim i beautiful dltle hot we ii lha great river and tb oooati it i tbo peer of any of tba tela ropujar favorltlr tba oharaoter are dvawn wltb a life ilka lialuraln rraly fourh in romantic writing yot the action ivwaly and drainallo enough to ault tba itiunl blaaa reader alice of old vlnoen- nee doeervo the limuul poiularlty that awejt it vl i olotirrit15 wn brig toronto ood qlven power to love loving aa wa ari loved la delightful and human living whtliar wa ar loved or dot i ttot bany but it 1 god ilka lu the fallhortjiteaof youth our lova go 6ut in return for klndnaai and love re- oclvod loving thoaa who inva ui aeema aa nxlural a braatlilng and no indeed it ia dint aa waadvanoa in llta lha maater tat ua hardar laaou and put our loving powr lo am proaf ttu ii team a bird dootrlua that loviny fallibla and unlovily man abould lw ui teat of our lova far a pur and holy and all loving god vat any lova worthy of lha tim or tha only onrt which will bear teallng la god derived only wbeti w look to him for power lo lova men do w gain ihat a flection for and ymjlatby with our fellow whloli euhula u toiova olhar with uo thought ofrhelr tttltuda toward uu dk b j acfldall ca i nobuih iu11s vf nurtoa good kvorda i tan a proffloual nrrihi willr xi r 1 lner llullux ns i was nuroiuulferer from rlmu mall tiii alnunt comtant mjciatln wllll iwit phyftlchnx i had wvry rhaucn of a cumlfitwofoln ihclrtwtwcr hnl thoyfallrd tmulb anierlcau hbolinialk cum wan rrenm- ndi in day my nix year ol pln teem i wo hottlpa cured ma lo6 a a drum bold by a t brown tie iitoj long ihat llvr well fullait por auld lanq sync tb wealber baa bewu quite wlutary tha laat few day quit a number from tbla vlolully at leaded an aaaambly in hock wood hall lul thursday nlahl a large number from bard will aluud tha frovlnoul fat block show at gualpb thl weif framoa aobool no 0 will hold a grand concert ou friday svenlng nxl aud judg- lug by tha talent emurad it will uo doubt ha a groat auao tba prooeod of tba oonoert ara to ba uud in proaurlug a flag for tb eohool mr alax crippi who baa bun 111 durlug lha paat wak with quluay i abla to ba around again f mr hibl goleiuan who has imanaalllug ou gaorglan day during tba aammar arrived boma thi wk mra ii ii aluu of aotou vlailad at mr jaa gambia laat wk mra iotur of gaorgtown viallad frianda hire last weak cvbrton kivu mun killlfo on tha a t u neai cheltenham last wettrieaday mornlnu at about edveii oclock laat weihiaeday inoruttiu a urrlbl railway accfbiji ov corr d on uw n jt nw utwi glilun ham and jnglewood by wbloli tlva mu lot tbalr llvr ttiay wra tha lhra we ll in moii an two farmer itolng lo kn threhluy who wrj riding with s oij th baud or tbav werajrun into t by a llxbl angina aud lender and kllld juauul ly uavral of ibm hava famlll- tba uamaa of tha billed ara j m allen action frvmau nell moartbur aud olivr kill trank lhrrl john teuul aud arthur frame farm u boor j ll ijawotad that lb ualhodiadunday hchool suiartaliimant ou frljay lha j 11 iual will u th avaul of th aaaxoil hir tha larger acholar ara preparing duloua and ublexux wbll tb lutla on ra aur- prlluif ua wllb thalr olaar awal voiced th wholu acbool will alto alug lngilhsr tlia oprluce choir caunot b loo highly reoomnieudrd thay alng btaulifully aud will give ua a number of ohrutmaa ambema he v mr fovll llrln and hav t a flaming will gfv abort ail- dr than lbs daoorallng oiminiliua la not paring ulior in ornamuulluu lha liaw bulldlug aa well aa a wrll rireafl aud richly fllld chrlalnua lw thaxdmla blou la ouly flfuan and ivu caul ao all bjay jamwihl njny ft irrat tb ladiaa mlaalou baud meet llunday afurnoou for thalr monthly arrvlo mr 11 ilranbam of itockwood ia ajmudlug a wk wlih mr win hoi top tba painter haia jual auibiib1 thalr work on lha beautiful new raalduiica bulla by mr j kvirt tbi aummir though lha work went ftowly ba bouad i vry oom- modiou and comfftrulli liinxa ov ciuini bhould old aoqaaintinoe ha forgot tha anawar cqium tnochanloally from a urltlahar nor abould uaw xoauiluuiica b forgot iu member that on ilia hlootly fldld of south afrloa your hrava aoldlar boy wara on tha firing line flanked by loyal brlliah aubjeotv from ceylon and india lu lha mldat of daugar uatlng frlandahlp wara formed and you ladua o cauada hava it it your power to oenteui thoaa bond tha qreaituaa of caylon and india appeal lo you from sentiment by uelny them you not only aid your brother colon let hot you gtt abjolutaly tha heel tea thoaa of you who driuk green japau ua hava a ravelalloii in ator if you barlrjakothathangrf hlu hibuonr jalada and monaoon paokala may ba bad from your grocar cojowikr iiif ilbhrlou tlllnji jaailaatli bailey it la ouitoimuy now with many of iba leading pa par a to offar thalr aubaoribara premium piolutoi if ona jud tha mrlta of uia papr by tba quality of th ploturoi offered them ilia vim ijtralj and walty star at montreal eally oarru off iba palm for their ploturaa thla jaar obrui lu lha tampta and jloma from tha war aro oartalnly the moal beautiful dbjeotandihabearteorkmanihlptivor offertd tba pulllo certainly no other dbwepapar on show auob oompllmantary lettararagardlug ibelr ploturv an hav utoly appaavedtu lha jiiwlq fltraltl tha ultara aro ganuluc too forth writer mma and ad irohj le given and wa colic tbay ara from tlio beet aulhoritlea in canada on worka of art ii in wonderful what ona dollar will purohaao nowaday in ilia nawepapr una thr inniy jhralu ami uttlli slar with llio two plotnraa mentioned for ona dollar ia oartalnly tin bargain of lha year well takh a cup o kindndaa thcu womeue niliide ilk wluur wlnjj luy khif i anil turn at a that to love of llcaudal tea and fruiti- thy re cmtuut allll far a that aneoawa wi lwdju ta dcon wl jakaii ail a thai i ceylon ireeu tax they loa lha lmt aud wliaacrlinailauroa thai v 1or h e tha ua aboou uis lava tliy derly lea au a that lllue ulbliou anil lialaila la ajbrwumwif4 atlifct ilxoauia you wul you an ma jaimi lha line tiiev ira at vor eyue tha flwi ar lliltlah tui thay lo lhni vmi an a that i though acuia may prate o tthar tu an flaunt jaiixu an a that th laaele aay theyll iv tlialr way au ill lot cyloa far a that vorauiat an a that awa jajixji an a that tha hounla ua thay lo lha bt ar tlniplr tlrcwu an a that i thu abova aungnatlon from a fair cana dian oorreaponddnl willi apologloa lo burin hxa been gratefully reciv6d ami immadiauly adopted by colonist the duty of mothers to t1ieiu dauqhteks i would aak you to niaks eoiupalilona of your dxughlara talk to them plainly ahow thein ihe benefit of health aud a ood noiialitution if you a them ompaluug of etomaob piina aboul llielr mouihly perlodu la thalr period a ara irregular or huppraaaad if you uollca their ankle hwoiiad if thay oompuin of palplutlon dlxxlneea or fatntncee if vouaea them pain with dark rlnga around llielr oyej tha ay- btlla ydlow and palu hpa andguniayou wllkoow that gar ma ura at work in your daughlara ayatam that thay ara anapplug tha mitrltlouii clamanta from hvr blood and area you hauntod bay wlht7 mlnjwul imxlyracl jand 1 xnd lured by vil forobodtnir xloomy ndlullr robbed of that dlvlna roatoior alpen appetho kin nervea aluttmtd knraly dohil hatfcd tbla la nona too dirk a picture for groat soulh american norvlna to oblltcrala andxat up lu its lead ibi glow ing tuna of uis aun of perfect health sold by a t hiown 123000 people arc killed every year in this country by consumption the faultiathetrt no-ouc-ucd4iavc- consumption it ia not hereditary it is brought on by neglect you do nothing to get rid of it shilohs consumption cure will cure a cough or cold in ona night the right house iiamiiios i avoititii miorrinf 1iacf gifts for christmas our chribtmaii preparations are now complete tin is more a christmas store tlian ever it an ideal christinas shoppim place every floor teams with ujiistions of appropriate gifts for men and women boys and girls be sure you visit our special department of christmas jfts- upstairs iwst floor hals reduced our full uock of fixhhuulla millinery ncepl luourninr ha been iwlnced 1irtly and alylish hat nil of thorn kpcly trimm4l for tbla teatona wearing and winter liax only commoncwl bis toi iarli ifjtaat 7 to oo to v 30 hal at fo i573 lotojo hataat 84 k lp 8450 llalaal 83 8350 llala iteduced 11 i i mlt 1mtm jill aow 60a mtui ve our complotn aiahrlment of ready m untrlm hal lllihapft lhalww 81 in 8a m now 50c and yc alio a lot of tin- trlmmod fell ifau in varlou ahapc and color wcro 75c artd 81 00 now j j baitaifib in flannele shlly ccnil rianneu for 40c thre kind fma scotch stripl 1 lannela french twill 1 unneja and all wool hugllah bblrllng i bntiel good iluity uf dcaiirni hoc lul a nnali linkable fti aud jc at ajcvriro 15c fancy hidped uiack whirling 1 lannabt all- is iua wr4ppmrwttm 10a i ancy prlnleil wrajienlle for cblldrcna wear wrapper tde quita larpi rancer of gooj deaijrn ft flora klrlpod and firurwdintlema in tight and dark abades as inch were lajc for loc pur lined lapeb bediiced a wa wrlia ihl wa hava twelve hng warm ftr h cait aud- cloawa lhal on account of lha mild u mllier wa hava rtwluced to much ie lltait former pcic if you want om you muat coma or will at ones the cape aro very loag and warm and llm cloak full circular atylc cloak were f 13 50 now via were 8 j a and 830 now io were 83s now 833 cape were j4 now tiff were 835 now 8o were 84 3 and 846 now 830 were 8j3 and 85h now 835 swff3 jutohibv by buying ihrouli our mail order detriment frelhl or eupjea prepaid to railway hat ion si in onlario on all mall order amounting lo 85 or more sample tent anywhere on request thomas c watkins king st east cor hughson st hamilton jlrto oiifriisitimjte properly for snlc 1 mjuiiku of i wanted hki tillwlitn lor farm wb applv al 1 olio- at lit c fh b kwuelua 1 ii hkknkiir aoloo io kent saiik onk run uliu tatiltirlmi oaanti iilidulan ailv d u uooruutl il til lid ua dksi ra i1lk itll dence fp bal rpuat wall kowd fnipwtv on valrview x atmiiw ikwuur ooculxl by wm oilppa u now ntfdlreil u aaia tlia houm la well tuh baa alll touiii wltli ball and itaauy urn valla anil wam1ioum 000110 ted llard mo aoia walet lllaiila and fnwl bue no ui pntolaea ttmre la u un of taitj wall auraked wlb cbuo trult 1 lie utilyle vllliln til ootpor atioe of lb ttitlelna toaaufaelurtna iowa ol afttoa owln b ui ffaliully n vmxrtrw itamtmrf uiu huwrll would eaaae a pleadtd ail tor ervaiibimiea atxl bnwiu will b aold on aaay loriiia for uertloalara aiiujy at vmxx ltuolb tax notice ratkiaylflul an tieikby remlwud uiai k laaae ar now due and payable ami tjl aura bidii be paid bo lata ibau ute 10th december a the book ar cloeed by atatute on tb i lib all taaee not paid by tlia ln dat are xnuaadded for noleuoo ll utuhau7 1 colleeur i lab u line iiovlk ffmk ujy of r a tfhcuj laachir aiul xiulmut bwiully want ruly into a ilfdiiw itwe a couli wi act lur lajipljintlaivklulfyaywilluiulbuj unit ilia itcu a liar citr hlihataraubuiiilau cur u auld hy all druatfl- cunada anil unll1 tu14 at sfu srva aioou itolllo in lretltiltatti at- i ad b sl nml oil a rluled kumrauun yita with vary imu1 if yu mrahulliiriln1 pi lo ynur ni aud kt yuut iiuny lirk wilrs vliluiut 1ii1 fiiduila llva wall how lonxor abort oommll lo heaven milton do your head aohet tako a petty poevvour baok aoho t taka a putty put your aid- aoba t take a petty and do not take any other chrutiati ufa oonaldta in faith and char ily lulbar lumarda yillow 01 lakru out ptin raduoeeawelliuu and all a inlummallon tfiirrj rlieiimatlim kliff joiiiuooulractrd ohorde aura lliroi otouj tjuiuuy eta it do not i lulu tbo akin ohlkiiljb clqihliit lrloo jfi daole- j v iiifa lacruollilo wo aro thrown into it hid tried ch pin on the fininu link a wnndhhkui mn ianv th villas of cheltenham wa full nf aailucae uu friday wbu ula leunaln ui avauf lie reldnu wbi hud auoh a traulo dlb in th railway aooldnl un wj day wro boovx h lootb th fuuerela look plan at twu pe in tb afiornuju from lb raapwaltv boraeeuf tb deoeaaed llifur rwaohlu tb oameiery they lurmad into on aoumn pvoalon about tore rail una tb bade i rx- phm of 1ieir ainpuya wai born by tb o t u jmipany ayiiku imj i 6 ur mar- uaral kin dii hat yeatrrday at lb au uf 10u 3 r ub wu ham willed isib 17u1 ur whh ota ohio and in ihuj rmov1 wllh bar par n in thl uui wbll ll w yt a territory hb wa mm wl ihlueu oblljreu aud ih muthr of thirteen ablljrenl hh we mrrle1 four tu ur itiok wa all lu du bou wurk loud after paaelntf th oaulury mark haull til uaiuh luc tlou by iloii lb ial tlv feaaal it pupul muulh ijiiukii ur cauiim hide by tldii btod paiiuilntf pohlfl 10 111 ith the thikl brawn of caylun and india in uja racunl iinplauiantuee tilaloau waa balihu0 another and no ona foryot thu watuhwjfd you ldiea of canada hava tho power inweufl a rnlantlea war fare on tha liupura taaa iliatwime liuo jour home from china and jmjii ajui al ihd nine time hkalel your hrolher oolmiivl who proluod the bur a 0yl4u ami iullatau if nu dili u jilian lua try llalada nu boon or lllihi ftlhhn ptrkftt r1fivlo and makiiiff her blood watery and ihm uo than and ul vr arnohla ijnluh toiin pilla klv tliam to her a month or more aud you will nver rret it aa lha cure of till dlaeam ii aaeurad wa will ulvs 8100 any oaaa or anaemia or ohloro1 in nuiilhirle wblob toilu pill j fail lo oure iuad tba following letter wbloli will ahow how the wonderful pllla do llielr work haitilllon ont nov 7tli 1000 i am 40 yetra old havo ait ohlhreu aud all ay a bad uood health uutll two yearn ajo thau tbo ohauya of life oauie on uy orand in oilier my mother and an aunt dlod during llila mast orltlaal period aud i fell really alarmed haoktolfo tender bearing down palna shorlnei uf breath ailrouia hloatlmdiiity bpalla aocoinpanlid by moil iutatua aohlnti oo tha lop of my head mads my hfu a hurdsn i alao had inflammation of the bladder wblob uiuied tho ruoat aaniaiiiit pain a neighbor adviihml ma to try dr arnold ljnullab toxin pillg they bad cured her in a llm of aimiltr trouble i bought a supply and utrd them in two mntilhe i waa injwlf ayeln elr unh rohuat aid vl not a traoa of pain remained i have uwd dr aruolda unuliali toxin idta off and ou aver alnoa and feel wa well aa whan i wait twukity ijinoal highly raootmuoiuu dr avnulda kuuluh toiln pllla to avey woman who suffers from any u tba oompulnla psontiar to onr uric illuned mua miur i iiiunwam 3 ynypeetoral a quick cork for i coughs and colds jjj a very vilaibl reintdy in all jy 5 alfccllaoj ol uu w i thro or lungs g e v davibft tawuiivcucoumiifcl r oivlimnkilsr tf a rtat now viii lm ojmgalilviu 100 lutaiuuaa 100 globe optical co 03 yonsa strt toionto jtine furs jackets from 30oo up caperines trom 85 50 up fur scarfs trom tj75 up sable scarf trcm 16 50 up or chrulmas prtsants glomes uocc- lnrlskinstllrmeftrnlv7lliiy la the pur ii ua ma da lo order at tlia lowest noatlhle rates for uooh kood and value punt remodelled and repaired rina 1ura u 1 pcclally call and liupcct good lrnre lufontaine furrlor cuslph for christmas olhrtotrrton oaiod lll dr agnawo llvdr pilla are coalod lika a clnua moil drop vnry unall and ildihlful to take ona pill a dois o in n vbl for 10 cnl thalr popularity ii a whirlwind kwmping odiiipetitora lieforo it like duff ko pain no griping no inconvenience log bold by a t llrown t new butclier shop n p in ilioll ho 111 ho found at drrarnold nullah toaln pilu am told by all druyuiiti leru toy 78o email box uflo or aauk potpaid 011 reoalpl of price by tha arnold uliamlaal oo mmiwl canada uta uullillny ii kluj ui wi toronto india oreu lra coiinh heiitarda yaltow oi uur all pain lu rnail or bewv fur hprali out brnlee oatluua lump uwlliuiu liitlminallon rliauiuatiiiuuj uaiirilju it 1 a upauifh lluillere eaaiuma 111 uw alliutt now ixlnu lurued uul at driiwu luuliiil uill aiton children cry for castor i t tuoiteiwii of oauihunh oaii vouch for the htiloaoy of that twarl oouuh rtnady pyny luuaiu ll our a oold vjry tjuiok- lyvutuljyu han-liur-j- hy ilia propriutor of ljrry davie pain- killer to riiotm auout to mahiiv yuimiu mul or old ui mi who rud toln marry will b pll u laarp that lb new kiurrlajj aol i mailo quit lmpl by applylutfk h 1 moor laeuerof uiarrlad lluue al lha v paaa oflhw call a few dya bafov lb ociainuuy and hav tb matter captained 1rlvat nfrio all buln alrlully prlvati and oouudeulfal at teeldeucm in availing llaa oiianed a new meat klioi iireiulbca ulely occuplwl hy joyce ilroili dtllblrrmii acion wl i ult llmca a full supply prim vrh meita ouirsjl uaau etauaimaa vrali vtah poultry tn uaaaon and hopea hy utrlct altcntlou in the wants of his culomrtni ucurlui tho iwwt nnjtiiala for ilanihlcr oljalnblo anddolni a cafcl hiulunib lo fivc complolu uluf icllon iq ovcry cuiilomar your ordota collelud c a mason jteuiatlojteil llgtiiett jietitlej utt thmimhout jtfuwtliil by xleo trlci ty ifxuu jtf of wen jay ogoit stmbltujc lu cumulation crktsid crtrmrcc h0t6l tiiuo cook 00 munubband proprietor murrlok btu hkwilton ettmw k tha lonft and ehort of tuccauful adver- litlnjf now ara tlm wlllintfnaa and ahtllty ohtic morclianl to aelftcmaihlnrtt for less than hlacompeiliora and all tblnjf as cheap as can bo bought eluwhere that is our poilllon exactly and it applle eipcclally lo iba lare taaga ol pood now in ilocl kultable for cjhuristtuxks presents such as fancy chairs rockers parlor tables framed pictures chenille curtains hat racks newspaper holders raiiond sewing machines antl 1 ume rou 1 oilier articles which will lake tour fancy l ill and intpeel our lare stock our pn s are always rlijlii johnstone co sur allure tdjrti malrr st aclon cdpp handsome j- 1 iviwiv hoiiiay spoon tbeevt elm an ucant cnfl bpoom tbei t mewcl tadcalatn bhnifdpuaac oa tbsfreat appear th opra fitrtjawkaj a iocklht without wbkb too cbritou 1 roatplrtc ttw lm loild wllb tood thine i dudlstly bh abov tb hirnnr pelt rj the band oaf letter lb wurdu urrry chrbktau id tb pjd bowl we are obi haala clau wilb bbt fkrwuav liacfc and bu jtrvy ticenlj awlbctav bvwip- tbirmtnilii1y nwrlkr hack j bu llt m- dr allojrtbr u b dwarf picsalbaf pkl and pu vuan tj aicrrychiutmaa oa tb back j lb beadle ar the vied belle wbkb tin out th tjd and t in tb lw and aa4cr- kwatb old father tim wllb bl nwl rrtbc happy krw vwr caatpleta hmj dnsp altoo ot tb hack i tb beadle attucttbn- it u i eaoat bullful ailkie aoiuble fur m boildy txvaent fut twe a wlf at a uuwl the col- uxilan at bawtaom apcotu be kaaunusd 1m auiiy lucaliitr lb bmyotiuta at a liup- radvniniinrapignl wood eoouh lu pbho beld any at umm tbla hinu u b wot bailable cbriat kaaa tl m mu makwioudw huet ectuwl cuurcb t calldml tn tb public oriuyabuol htncb fair oti i ecvcial bundiol at tbeni oun cheat offkh kotwiuuadlotf tb fat uwt ibetpooo at t hupeilor quality and a onlab by bjaklnjf ar- embmui wltb lb hinatatnj lo b v larcgaanutywajeetbwnaka ftatu tbu wui aoal1 b taj iknaa yj a obrtauua pnenl tj ouevuleiaw by tlu dollar weui at kood cw tnor at ckuf kuw bator lieoelub liau luuiatinbaw tb ptae gttjtptrtrstglt guelph ont notlok larger premises cutters ia blieur i ou vivory lot ol the bouuiim uxuhyc bromoouiiiiho teiiot u luedy tbat nureel c4u ita uo elaty i have a iarpe stock of new cutters both factory and my male now in show room thib is the proper time to buy while assortment is full call and bee my block before you buy dont forget that i have everything on hand to repair your old cutter or sleighs root pulpers bog trucks and weigh scales for sale -gtth-tttid- m1 i calendar meurs coopiik a akimg bag announca to their pat rons that owluo to lha inucas ed confideocei placed ltl tllem durlnu lb praaeut towui tiy liave boon comitallod lo tale larger prmlu wliern thay hojm to coiilinu icra aid their buaitieaj by clvinu tlia utmost utiiiaction botli in maleul and workmanship our object will always b lo huullaatyld of maierud aud of qnneal aud to do thl we arw coutluually adding lo our al ready urrtl aloclt cooalatlori of fancy suiting hi scotch and weal of ilnjruml woraloda pauliujj fancy vulnr and a full rallied of all aud wintr overcoalina cooper uno i vaiihloniiblu tujlorn mill st acton hole vuiuu tc ihe elbjll eur tyke and lull warn whuli will uutebauaf ealur lu two yaia wear or lubuefl nomination meehng thlho countv council divi sion cou o halton not1cu u banby auett that a tnteun of tb alectih- will be bald at tb vllu ttt leortelowa lu ui county ol iiiuui on u tweety ourtb day bl ueodlr 1joo beidasn tb hooieo oo abd two oclock lu th after ttoee lor tb pepcm bl beralnatlnit enduu far lb offlo t county couaelllor lor lb third coooly coubcll ulvulou uf tb county ei hal ton if a greet number nf candidal are bdml- bated tbaai an required to b ebwted tb boll will bopaad at tlk pollln ptaem tor eaeb of tbpollttiratibdluione within ibeaalddulrtet oa uoiwur tbeevoui day of january 1001 tb poll to eobtlob open from ula o eleck lo lb morn i no until a oeloeli la tb afmroooa and oh kennkijy kooiloaun officer dld tbutouadajej uietwbrlba business olaange enoch btatham ttas purcbaaed the meat buwlnet here lofore carried on la lha well known aland on vi am street known aatlm holme hutche shop hy mr kf cardlner and aollcil a fair abate of public patronage bent qualities of fresh and cured meats i intend ctmduciinjf a clean tidy aliop amd cuilomef bead have no haliatkwn entrutllnj nut with their order ireah aauaage fowl and iiah irt ieatoh hmocii statham cub paid for hide and pelts delivered at the shop a new departure geo j thorp seadiman and oroln march ant mkrkat sqliara oualph uiabeb ulevaloreuockwooj huubn is uow agent for the mccormlck hinder mowen kales the loll on tca harv p and rool cutter the hoion seol drill cultivators plows etc the illaaal dlu harrowsond lawl hollers the de laval cream separator t bw4iuu4 m1 the worthing ton stock tonic and regu lator tii wlndior table diiry meat and cattle salt jouellld griudcra tliotut 1 ood cutters etc alu cutters sleighs ilaruesi etc robes ulanleli glsoe j thorp good morning p w five dollars 500 i will make i do4 best cabinets and i large photo size 16 x 20 inches h rkwshhr iiioto kwtiut xoton acton bakery wb keep a nice aaturlmeut if bread und cakes ii i up a crd and ltajn 0m wion cjll i ihe ueilier kpcold well im jelling oysters rculaily 1 kjm wu ihia week j c matthews procrastinate no dout juuit but come toduy to hie ttcfblinpurnp worcs and et your pump repaired or buy now ono wc- oun do it watering troughs cibtillia and ii central jobbing business done satisfaction guaranteed bkritog cround concavo iiiiiik ibaui lu oualllkb subacih m jd l ailuu illaorii seliictinc youit xmas purchases see tly following which is only a partial lisfofwhat we can show you culiuloul and crystal glow utld handler chief caw iultlter ifiilbclfcei lttble ho 1 hymil llnok lnallier hound ltiets and albums iuraos with ttorliiu silver and gun me iiiuuutiuk ilrtwarttoaaynaritsnrltpertrinvc idrfuiuesllnaudsi atklnams ale cut glass perfuin atomliei 1alrloitc xiijis card and kjoi calwidai xnmi card wllh canadian tk- lluwei dull and ikdl 1 uruliuie bun ami meclnulcal loyu flutb illuiul luuiksuuty ic toy itooks fiom jc up call and see our assortment for yourself a t biiowjv olicmist slalionor

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