Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 20, 1900, p. 2

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cl ucutu atnlafarepaieooiliinderltuti uwxiaur to ur and ura john uueueland jfajtbkf ilvrkmiiikiln krln at lb hoot td lirlilea fuliar on wtlueida umnibtr byiuv itr j j illudlev ttirxnea frederick lltder to irjmlll ideal dublr of hi llato in lluwljleme on weddeedar iciter jamee bald acedia veer i nat lit raaldeoce lm llvniwufl hoed toronto on frider peeembcr toi 11 johu alaiender aged tt yeere- ltaiibkt in haqneeing on tueeday ilaoemher llili hannah v juirt relict of th 1im ltunatacadtayaana4itlbmoauia liiiiu hinui cityuo on lietnrday atli iteaaiiilier vlntorla ynaurael 4nhlar o prof t i hall fotrtnally of halloo eed t yeare and 1 tnoatba at dr walkara hoabital ieebha hi lioqwai tlrui thuuhday dtokmwm30 1000 x mtnnv christmas thai urd old laatival of ilia yoaf around wbhdi bo mny hallowed tnemorii elueterl7aain athencl iri loan hundred year alotm tba train leace on karihvrood will lo man flrmi rantf out on the plalna o hath lob em kvar alhceighrtalmaa baa ba- tha adad eeaedn of the yorlbeaaoo o rejoicing mirth and kyaty lai ll u11 balbe day of paoe and good will lei old feud be burled old juarrela forgiven and kindly reelllle lnurohaned tb fax irxna wlahe it t of reader mklthy ciihihtmab kditolllal notes oakvlll town council baa decided lo submit a bylaw to th ratepayer baking permlealon to laaiie debenture for t7000 for building rrajartllthla walk 111 tb lake side town tbl u movd in the tilit direction aud will bo doubt be favored by the ratapayai qermany baa given one mora proof bar reeolve to maintain friendly rui wllb koglaod it fa generally agreed that the imperial chancellor epeooh in the llebhalag od monday tpqat diapoe boo and for all of any bop of kurooaaa ruuf i l i i th praia prams ounnot moofa momorjjpund rapidly grow- i oar without a canvana 1 tba eplrlt of apprealauoa heroo aarwoa for qaoon and country la oorlaluly mitt i la i atnoori tb- workloif pwpla of oloo and tba nod for tba mooomaot to tba memory of our aoldur baro ounor w j uoorv wbo itava tip bla ufa nt ira- lorltod tl mtb movaroboc lat tt growrf wllb mttob a tba ymuh vukmm ondbaa alroady ruibd owar on a bub drad dollar tba balk of wbiob baa bt oootrlbotadrby tba aroployaaa of our man- tofaoluilon rodqalrfa wbo bava abaaribad vaolloa wbiob mr kroxacad bla idviafam uiwukooudaollclutloa nlgbt bavo aourtalnai tba viggaattoa lbl tnooameat lo tb colonl alfold iflijf botiv4jfl larj nsou t africa boo id ba proaudjn joonjoo la lakklitk practical ah pa aad tba lloyal coloolal xoautqla wbiob in ita m am bar- ablpla typical of tiia mplr u oooildarlotf aaveral projeola wbiob ha beaa or mi laul for ha approval tha lrovlnca of juabao iraaa jlaaocia uoo uura townabjp 1reaa aaaoalktloa and jb caoadua lr aaaoclalloa will bold a jolut oodvaotloo lo uoouaa1 in imiraary a ooofaranoa of rapraaaolav tlvta frotn aoh maaoclatlou waa bvld la m00t im1w kndlji dacuion rvaobad john a ooopar rapraaaoud lb caadlaa iraaa aaaociauou il looka a if k xotln ooblaal will llkvly taka plaoa at tba coming lollooa in etquoalo towbibip- tba avaola or round nit iba initial taaun laat yar bava no i bvail foruolun it la romorad tbat itaava htawart may bavo lif wular ona of tba praaaut mambara of iba county coonoil aa bla oppouanl and tha alaolloo will tbara- for aaautita dlalluolly hly llaa tba preaank connolllora ara llkaly to aek ra- buotlou tba oooopatiooaot tba toambara ol iba bw patllamaot ara guaa a follow ltwyafa c3 marobanla lid farmer jo doctor 1h bawapapar uau it manufao- lurara 11 lumbarmad 0 nllamau 7 bourlpa 6 hf doala b babkara 3 trader j dlaliucra 3 prlnur irbar 17 real aauu ajjeot 1 oil operator 1 mlo httaut 1 mill owner 1 cbaeaa daaw 1 doatraotor and farmer i hoaoar 1 ablp owner 1 frolt k rower 1 oaltla axportar 1 oubt 1 aaryor 1 ournytmu 1 tba report of tba palmare xoatltnua of tba irbvlooa foj- tba year baa uen pre ulad by mr o o crelmaa tba bnparltt- uodeot a urffa looraaaa in mambarabip and aollvlly id tba work alj over provlnoa la abowd by tba compilation fbjdra tba mambari of tba varloutf branobae now total 110000 a bumbot of tba mora valuable of iba pa para wbiolr bava bead raed by promluant aiparta at tb a tooatl ngabfxba yamrmhriuoludadi h tba vol u ma isopta aonitlroi oomplaiu that it bard to tfel men lo rut for tuunlclpal honor jt aauuot bd hard lo uudorauud lb dltflileiicaof mbelttve booorabla tu to allow tbmalva to b plaoad in a poi- lion where ilara and lualnaatloui oau ba throwu at i hem simply baoauaa they dar to hold opliilona dlrfranl lo thaaa of thfu uujerara thar la ud for fcjood mau lg our muulclpal council al tba praaaul time and if there waj laaa of titifair erltl- elim no doubt number of food dllaaoe would ba wlulbg to auuma ireapodilbltlllaa for tha furtherauo of aotona in ureal tba laat meuiitf of tba couboll of thla muuloipallty ror lh yaar 1000 baa t luld and elill liter la uolhlurf daflulta aa lo lb peraooava of asptraut for lb flul douuoll io lhwiw century owlil to ooutluucd lllna luava learou baa dfloluly decided lo rallr ii lie aarved tb mutilolpalliy faltblally aud ba eartlad h taat tba batne of jobu ourk j a ubuuraui joltu william h wal laoa johu ii maltbaw i vrauolacurit rytid w h duuy ii ttwaobtur j j lwaon and ale baoord are uin- tlouad for municipal honor and from anion ihiit a tluaolory lluv and oouuuil could ally bd oboeu a uoud itoit tba duy for uoiifiji- tlou for cdunty couiiolllura apiecb ucaily all of ihd il tiwmbraor tb county council appear to b rtdy to aek tha buaratl of iba rleototfj of tha aavaral dlvuloii fu lb fourth dlwuio whlub lilclmu aotou milton and naaaaa- vy tltea may ba a kaati ooitutt mlllott i boomllik raellvatal havlajno repvaaaul aliv in iv county counoll fur lb re year while aolou llae bad a ittaiilber there wjjliiaually for that tarrrt and hi to booi willl lbe waruaup- wll nauaauawaya oau elvwy let repiaa-nl- atlwv aud uyberafof ramaln for miltou aud abtoa to ba delbbuily aud alia and laka aouiewhal in rvapmil to tba olhtrr mem bar mtuottrtww ur tlaaali bar beat mu to ibe town oaniuoll and i lltefa- foro uuabl la uoll ujkil ao i table oandltul anion will ttol allow tba euolloo lo it by dafaull for tba waal of a kood tapraeaulalu bul lb indioajluua arn thai if mil ton wll nolladly umitlnata a k man ibl aclj will al way fir tba oumlutf lenu n dewet still fighting borloua dtniar ravrai at noolt- aadaoht- oonoral clamanta ntrrow beoap thanksoivino pobtponhd ioxihix iiro iii lord kuotianar in a dapatali from tratoda ilaud deo l7lt report tbat all the uritleb eoomw in ihu enkaiioriieia al nooitadoht hi arrived there and are doltk wall jniianmkantna i ih uelalla of tha defeat of tballrltiah at nowllicuoht ill- oata that jnoral lmenl euliro oroo had a narrow eecepo from rapture tim h plane were aplendlrfly laid if the mel iilllil oolumn had tarried a lllllt lonitar tbero would liaa been a oomplnl uooaaa for the luer who lnl them- elvae undauntedly yllli and waving ihelr army tbelr ruehee were ol ly etemmod by artillery after tba drlllh rvlvaal the lloer held a prayer moalintt tbelr bymna oanld ba baaril y iba ratlr infl aoldlarr all aooountlndloalaa beany loer loa colonel lejtga axbtblted eplondld bravery ha hol 0o lloer with ble revolver before ba frll with three bouei in bla body loxi uao 1u it ba been wlaejy denlded not to holdaihajikaaltag afirvlca ktkl wgl cathedral oo lhe teturu of ijd 1 lobar u from huoilt afdoa- unlcat botii dewelud u i ary ahould happen to ba croebad in tba meantime ruofi a aervloe wonld o oourea ba dlalliiclly out of plaoe ily the daw arreogemenl ihara will unfortunately be no npportnnlly for tba meitolnoenl trlhate whlolt iondon la ao anxioui lo py tbo klold marabal but wbpj iba war i actually at an and lhore will baa far belter oooaalon for a graal popollr damonairallori in hi honor mtfaches ovbr a ioo baa bn bo canvaa aa yet by tba looaj oom miller and here i bq donbl wban a cnaa 1 toad of tba marobanla bnalnia man enh eillzaaa-boirapraaanlfld- in ibo ift3 oontribdtor wboaa bamo ba already bean publlabad in tbeaa oolamn tbat a babdeoma awrgau mount will be rejiad and a monumaut of nradltabla character an d i mention b eonred for ereohoa in aome prominent loomlltypln iba municipality attilabu to tba purpoaa ll would ba a fltllntf ibinh if ibu fund we remam bared ddriutf iba holiday eeaaon and tba kaaa iaaa will promptly aok- nowladita all oonlrlbollon raoelved tba following aubacrlptlon bava bum toivad at tburofboodnrioif tba weak 1reviooaly acknowledged w 60 taanaaoijm 0 dr uekao i hlmployae tuujwcu aflonl unuary y i w v wild w huaaala w a uubajy al v ilroo w j llabw u a uoioaajd w o u6f m m wailai- i w uloclalu- w ouawutoena u juuuu- 10 r utbbao w u jebuatotl td u uaufeut w a uiaeiairt u kiiuu- j j ilaub sj w yoeu w h ualaod u wllall u coulaou hi ulliotu a t ollrlen u w walw fcs u j uecauu fct a ilanar w u waub j j ilurtl w u ctwyaa u ullaid 4 jwild fc3 waoabaji w o uedur u buouraor w youubla ks wll id kmpley luejiuio ji co al wurbou fcrwaltanw y wren chtuulwaiij v ulwod i1u w ii utoray a hcje umploye addiuoaal lut a k huklui wu m u uoom u wteoiytii 100 chaw ttrwlu al a 0 hall 1 00 a utum a cylonjhulub od john vou- u 8 j clark j od aux uatnliaw fc uluauu al jobu uclialim- u mall uallabb u wmcanoll u jo anew 95 gear afiiw u j4 wlleou mm youl raealvrj up todau lo u north west oh aim thanspollt oeriwiroaol uurludtbahaoaol havittaltou llw06flo biehli or hfaln irauapofud over th canadian aiumlo railway from parry sound pael llirouub tba boulat can si by wy ttlnilon 7700000 buebel paaaed down tha si lawradm mutlnfl ft tola of 104i7bo buabala township held liablg woman pwl ovwi looa plank and cut at uoo dahimua niwloaont dae 18 th work for tba uou jury altiliiaof tlia nih court itar ooniuud of but ona oae liredk v lha townehlp of woodbouit tb plalulirf li a lady who wai trlpp1 by m loo punk in h aldewalk and ml vuaulultia painful itijurlai it waa bhowu tbril aom puhka lied bu iiioe for more than a moulh ur jutloa meradlut awarded isoo ilaitihiha and oml th argument on tha lfillty nf tha uanlloba prohtbldon aol wua concluded at wldnlpf latt wk end th jiidtieriierwd jujuniitll tiutil nail trm itafrrlu4t to lha prohtbihtv u ulr wilfrid laurlr blni all to rfpraarnt cttnida at tb oireiitoiiu itiuubfurutluk tba auilrwlim commonwealth iu uuy nit lha ottawa cuiitu sityi thouuli lh cdiuu liaillot leau tdbl willi ill prmiltr iii all tuaiura pollllcal it i nol blind la hie neiil abllliie and peculiar tltiix 0ll taraonl and oillolal lo aerv cuimila aud tha kmplra upon th oooaulou u blkt with fata 10 iii fcevorat porllona of lha cedar lloa of th llrlilih poaaiih beneath tha uouiharu oroee w uav no doubt thai hlr wilfrid ahoull hab able to uudmka the ttuk will rprnl canada with vuoh uri and wisdom will win him new honor and title country nw induano in lha oojiollof auipl lnu from a paper lhntilil altln li luer ilurlmt the iho loo tndfrat bir wilfrid jovriiineiit ihl i wl prala liill dominion rttbyurhxm lord uirihoou hueukeii jjsjuoo tnlh uuuenlly of aurdnii of whloh h la rml tuolor tb ulfl rulrr idooo to be ralaed rout other feomrora a a raaull of olaterett vmokintj it brllad ked ha lull of ifltartrllll ba pxmxtirttll y lual ih aluli jif ik h neighb9 news intoraatlrtht nwa itpma suppllad by corraapondenta ontt cwohnnooa in title vicinity ohunchill a rjulat wrldln took pleco at the horn o mr jul denny on the lolli lual when hie daiijftiter iryaoliu and mr tlo k uvder wriouilled in wodlook llcv ir htnillev pa lor or lhe yom ootiple tixl thekijl llmiihouuii mr a ii muorn we home front tor onto over llunday mr and mr john moo- oonlemplalr taking a trip to clifilrnl early in jaml ary and apeudlnif a couple of nioulh i t w wth relalkeaon the 1aoinomcoiat a numler from hart look in lha winter fair aluurlph laal week oeoiioktoun muavjura hteelo who rcoantly trailu atad with buph a aplendld reoorl at the jllith bobool lake hl landing la tha county mosrl kcbool tha varelty olea club concert on tuea- day evanlnf under lh auaplce of tba kpwurlb ieaiue waa a iiiauullloiint luc from a mualoal etauijioliit tbero will ba a ahoojlllit match at tiled wllllania on chrlalma day commencing 1 p tit i whloh will attract aportamen 1reabyterlan tjumly hohcwl eiitarlain- nienl on the jlii tlaptltt on juth cotkre- k on u7ll aud an on 2blh 111 111 up tbo holiday week pretty 41l uallinapad kvory poraon la preparing for chrul- ma mr y hoar maaou happened with a bad accident tha other day whll taking the leak pin out of mr bandy blticlalr uiup mr knar full down th well about twenty feat and rodad a had out in the head and waa badly bruited qwlnj to hla praeeiio of mind when falllntf ha caught th putiii which aaveil him further injury mr qpo o gampbvll ha been confined lo lha houaa for thaaat week owlntf to a aever attack of k ml a m collier o llu haa bn vitit loji friend her tha put week mia k thoitipiun and yj- cimpboll apent bunday at mr 11 8hortiitv nasttaoaweva tha kbeneaer mot hod i eta are lakjnjj ureal ptln lo make thblr cbrlalmaa enter lalnmout tba 4luay avor bad jmoatvuydayjjia jdilldreujira- praclic i lug lhjeautlful oablala balila ouu la comlnit which waa ylven in acton a ye ito tha antarlainniarit will ba bald on chriilniaa lva monday siili in it ad- mlaalon i0 cent thu effort ou tha ptrt of the children and tha bumlay bolt nol worker la worthy of baiti- eutbualahlloally anoourafjd and bupportad amonrf th relative of trooper j w border who rlnrntd a week ago from bouth atrioa who wore premrt at tin rac lion tstidared to hlrn in caitipbellvllla waa hia urautlitiolhar who i in her 103 year t ha o id lad y alto wed a keeu ate lulaaat iu tba prooaadlngi aud hearty atrappreciatiotlomior randouaohiavd maul aa lha younjjait mambr proaaut ashunove ulal jennet a traalou nf wernartvilla vd la vlalllnu relative- her and at uornby mua ilaad thornlou relumed buuday frdm a vlilt with miloii friend uroeork cotuall mlluovpnlfluu dayjiar a number of rtlatlve aud friend gathered t tha homo of mr aud mra usury wlleon on monday availing lo oela- brata tha tenth auiilverary of thblr marrlai tb malbodlit sunday sohool enlertala mant will ba liel 1 ou thursday avanluu jfauuaryjkil- mrthomaa uuclura la home from c lava- land ha will apaud aom time lu man lob iu lha uear future coualuarabl inurealwaa takeu tlilayar lu tba winter fair at ouelph amonn thoad mho alunded wata c fraaton jahn wilaou j y urownrlju it dick p diokn k ftuddll u l c thomp- mo w j alixidiltr ami w ii n jlfjflil cncwsons coimuns tha larn uuuibor from bar who at lauded lhe wlnur fai in qut lait wuk war dali with lha traud tliailay tha oolioart ketutlu jlramoaa btff7nb ttuitftlday pht waa lu bvary way a uaud ur chaa llurrli preached hard itat sunday lie v mr ilnlden will occupy the pulpit tirxl bonday chriatmas sunday whan a lara conh no doubt will be praaaul ur ltolt crlppdhaaa aplaudid display of chflatmaa ifoodb in hli ttora here mrs jo aiidaraon of toronto span i a few dayi laat weak at mr n korbra ur and mra blawari of acton late of mar n d apaut a fow duya during th pail wbak at moeirj iljtit hrowu jr aud d mokaowt mr johnrorbaa of acton epanl sun day al tba home of air n intb miaae jlfirtha and mlna cainbla kpanl buuday with acton trlmiida lcaqoutmlmor murray of acton apanl buuday al mr j murray wu wuh tba yun vuana tha 1dlloraud eluff and ita uumaroua roadar ft marry clirlattjiua and a huppy haw yaar lint it u iu m v milton if major duoou rafuidi to aarva lonuar in that aapaoltv the uania of mr u h llbiuulnai ia proinluanlly luaiillourd for tha oftlco ol chlvf maulatrau he will make wn fko isnt mayor hul will find ll a by nonlraoi iu till ilia plaoa uf mayor iddaoon who haushowtt liltiiaru itioid fully liwu m uilunta hl rsl in a practical way ill ii any pradeaweaor fur a food many thauawliox 1001 rink la elfidtadu bd qfiiii laiiit ror crirlitiri ll will auoouiniodatd flva curltuil riuka th uav caor iuohardeoli patior of tbaublhddlal ohuruli leu ihi wetk fr toronto lloapltkl where ha will umlrijo au opavatlan for bi luleual trauol tha carpal factory haa now fllty tlnsw eiiidoyr on it pay roll th lloyul tentpura ciurcl lo luveluv ju uiiir ancilhar lectur her aboiii jauuary lllh lia major dlo reo ivh word from luruu itjvr 11 u w lht jimph uariin uf tht piv and priprn lor of ihn luliuu fluuriiiiijxllltlnircil at hu huiiu un deoamber hrd ultehatunk ltomanoea of l ho earlier oanuirlea imier ware ao popular aa atpraaenl and to mrel he demand for lha reel u i of lha doln and eiparlenoaa of ilia early real dan l a of tl0 american oontlnent lhara eppaara to be a uooj aupply of able wiltara ona lha la leak of ihcao worka la the uuaria hhjhway a romanca of vlritlnl in itn aeveuleenlb oenlury by mary iz wilkin the atory ope it lu ighj at jamealowu am through it twoily three ohaptareholietba reader tlrnol with lie reallatio teoltal uf the aatly day raperleno wtaituff thruunhout a ferved atory omoin aud in lei aperalona of mol rschlnk paraxrapb relatind lo the turmolle abd confllcla ir eld ul lothat early dale the wrllor pul in iho mouth of the aloryahero tin following concluding paraitraph 1 i hai learned that the utton of oo la ibo ouly one which bold good forever ttirouyli all lhe wlldernea or hlelory and the path lore i the only on whloh tboea that may rjotne affr ua can aafrly follow until the end of lhe world wro it publlal toronto imee 76 eenta auil f ijw 1 joroa llomr an apxl on behalf reunlon by itv john fin m a i c x llural dran of toronlo i a teatler the reeolt of jherauthiir nf perlenoe n which a tuoutf and w written appeal from- lhe atetnljtohil of church of tvnulend rlertlmn lu i ohnroha and ludlvtddalawho iikvq k odt from the church of unulahd to all wh aeparalod ihemaolve or are i living i aspiration from hrr lo laly lo end re form around the hlalorlo church of tin realm the ground la taken thai there i but one church of ghrlat thai lhatchuroh id tuveued with iii authority that apeak in hi uamethat ia akaured of iiu pre- mi co aud her own perpetuity andtfialond id th oho rob of kugliud dr lut koe axhaualivoly lulu iho auhjoct ahowa what he impliea are the allaole of other denomination and barn ally hope that the content of the volume will do aamu thing loward brlnjinj home ihot and acojnipluhlng thl rouuloii ror which ou curd iuoharlatlo prajer la alfll aceud- ing prio bound in cloth 1135 church of llnjdaud lub co toronto spirit ok ci1i1i9tmas abom chrulm t herd li at luafftbl alrauitotiraj and mybtlolam ll miiii poa aaaed of a spirit av well au a body tbd aplrlt aeema redolent lu lha air in lh atraiuii of clirulma muelu ou the over green and mlatlalo and on tha very peal ing of tb bell whloh hood lha world will melody eoemlnuw fathered through all tin twalvdmaothaaiuoa tbataaored night wbeii heaven klaaed tba earth and chrlil our lrd wa born and ilia an choir ohauled glory to cod in lb hlgheel and ou rarth patoa in men kood willl yat baarly ldooyear ihlahymn hat oiutlaaad taring dowu the abaliulng groovea of lima and allll rbohoija owr th weary wail 1 at chrulmaa dawn ktmlr tefrtirittat bhakaapairir laftaohool al 11 cuy at 1j johu ilrlght at lfi the hollow equatl li u i km or ciiii tha hollow iquare a purely tyrltlali military tactic wa newer brokaa but ono why umium tommy atklua from canada and tommy atkln from all other ilrltfah poaaadona tund aolldly toy i her tha ieiicn la that lu a oommaroui way alao tha oolniilea abould alaud firmly to gether i aud ha ladle of canada tba purchasing power can do mtioh toward aocompllablng that tud ceylon and luild produce th flitml ua uy ualng lb toad urown lu alater ooloula laille act patriot ically the tea appeal to joti from aantlmanl from parity from economy iu ery way they ar aaperlor to japan china drinker of craeti tea abould try monaoon sauda or blue itibbon packal 1 buta ouu won have to bother ha head about iba klondika why nol j tit hllikr lp lher oanl tra alocklnva lo hang up detroit mttlnu qcoratei hobarts 83 armatron avartua toronto pal i a from n wall porty pet hlsfh aincl llvua ha waa al work ou tha adelaide slrt skating uink wliau ha ml alighting squaruly ou bla feat ii waa terribly llljuredbolli ifgt ware broken hi left foot dir located ajid ha waa aavarely injur ad internally lie ity in lha hojpltalfor alx mouth llhrunialiini aal lu and h buffered more than mortal tongue can ull uolll laal aprlng when lia got relief by utlng dr arnold tdniitiillb mi joiiu moiihu coouaolo lfl chmtnut st mb hkkhy iiili qrocar 1isj duff or in bi uhify aa to iho truth of lha above tha aociaiy ijood manuara la tha rloinent of chllbulua mra j i rusk ituikvlaw ont sava i have uaed ilagjtrda yrllow oil for chilblain audiound ll caoataflfaotual ii rrlivad tha irritation almoal inimadiatrly and a few appllctlona made a oomput ore ilighhaaui ahoed for woman data from lha time of king louie xiv aak our druvglat for paltya pill if be haint got them writ ui tuoloalng tbd price k0 oeuu and w will aupply you vfo woman la eduoaud whola not ifjual tkrttra iucoieful tuanaaiubiil of a family tub u j li liuluuow of cod livum oil may u taken wlih moat bautflclat rerult by ihoe who r rundowu or auffaring from aftar effaots of la grlpp mada by paula a lawrauo co ltd lilumfuo lurara rvltya pjjla are ainall mere niitaa but one la a dou and avar dor cjunla bore are no blank liven an uprhjit piano la aomellmda a downriukl uuluuno- 1 thoaa who oonlouiputa purchaaing moumeiiui pr work of any dlaorlpllou for their oameury plula abould order dlraol from lhe old rallabld graulta and marble alerv wruamltloupauelpb out at expua ail low d io purolaber all work and malarial warranted com petition dulled what ahall 1 ukd uil for a chrltmxi preitr mr huaga aake1 hi wife o lllv me uimlhliu viimuaivr ba rrplld oarlt4lv very well ill lv j ml a wim1 if jllriillljt to yhobtlauour to mamdv yonrirftaaonr marjwhoand totnl marry will ltd pleaaoj to leant thai lha uaw murrlau aut i mad quit almpld by pplylnutc h p moor leaueruf tuarrlmgd lloeneaf al th yuu paka onto cm i tewdayaltefontiha ormonyatid hava tha matter eaplalued private oftlo all buiueae blrlutly plvala aild oolindaulul at deaideuoa lu bvatilng 1 t chlldren cry for castoria jsomc reasons why you shoulil imlit on having eureka hdnhess oil ullcllnltrl tiv mii illlrr rriulr imil kallu t roll g li rr oil nl a hcny ihhiimi tl harness alclicllrut lniwtntlv rtilkllcil nl ml it ll ur mrvrr imuulh- uullur it etlulclicy it illdrjkcii truniliril iiiliicii kcjit loin truuln oil iiiiii loulltl u b linfrilkl 111 niiaar stomach 8oowl livrtr iiollra thimimijumuurrouulhitbujhiilihinfaca of tin milnurr frmn indljjoiliiiiij dypipu bi thrixiic wlomich nllmeiiu waich the a i i rrak i i mid th i lu x vanlh when von hlaii imi pd 1 llt kvon n inf i ihn- ihfriwtwir ofuilaily i mh n i n lh ir- r hi try i i her cane call t tn a i t i utn hrakr 35 cu lmi by a vtiuvn the right house llataptmilrti 1r3 hamiltons tavomtli mioiilnf- 1lacl a qreat store for christmas gift buyers do not trifle with danger and tcmuinbci cvecy cotijvli or cold means danger shilohs consumption cure will cure vour cough or cold at once it wjll heal and strengthen your lungs it is a safeguard for you ilwajs take it at the firsit indication o a cough or cold uaue vatrnu of tefoitovil 1 iilwo ullln lit rnitou ihj labtvlaiul lnreuwinithdirtk ll ih re u nallilnir like ll or comb tlinui and lua truull klilubaoeiiaumptloti our la a ly all drulla lit canada and united htat a al ac aofl ftloo a l tu trat iuiihih at la d aa ad and aa id jl prlated kuaraiitaea wtlli wary nettu if you are not uneil rd la your drukb kn kt yattr tnouey back will wlllutflej luv ii clrfiuniptl al talltwat t ui you 3 c walla i weato thb demon of all diooboo judncydlmascsarcriilniyeocilldylr inixphfiiable unaccountahlo and innldloiil ll ia the function of the kiduoa in filter out all impurltlm if iheyro cloned bllth american kidney ciru utll put lcm to rlghla and defy tha ravaa of ao grim a wltant aadlalielea or other kidney coin- rilicalloua it relieve lu bkhoilra 11u sold by a t ijrown kendalls itching tiumlnu gkln dlav rjuaca roltavail ti a day lciyna salt li he u in ilarbera ilch and all orupliona of tho kliu quickly rricicd and aedlly cured by ur agnawa ol itment it will glvn in- plant comfort iiciui ol itching illekallng ordllqil plica find will euro in from ihrctf t j a x nigh li 5 conta no sold by at ilrown -its-youihmervesr- ita tho condition of your norvothat elthor mokos your llfo u round of pluasuro or a urjo- loss tjmjrdon to many women ufa ia one round ol sick- neii ucilneta and ill health to attempt euen iho llfihlflil household dtilics failuei litem many of tha symptom accompany ing ilila alale of decline arc a feeling of tircdneaa on waking filutneu dlnlnesi alnklng fsallng rialpltatlon of tho heart ahortnes of hrcaih loia of apjvelitf cold hands and feel headache dark circles under ilia eyes pilit in he hick and aide aud ft i the oilier accompanlmenta of a rundown and weakened constitution all lhoc ayurltotut andcondlilous are simply lha reaull of a poor quality ond docctkij clrculutlon of lint blood ulth a wauling awjy of iho nerve farcea uy feeillng the ay si em with t tr warbs blood and nerve pills i utit of penpin buy nlmoat jl thrlr clrliimaa i al thla alma i hala imuiiui tltny find here ihn gralbsl vuricty ul icnlrahln klftm prolly and uaaful ijlfi nnlctril r our tjrilal htulmaa ilcuml neiurtmeiit tipelalra firal floor abould im vial led by flvorynnn who railcoma to hamilton it hau iho ann a i array we over callmird of ojunnptuto dlfta for vomcn and men anil chlldicii haudkicuohieffl 1 louaamle and ihouundi or llinn all dclrjhlo khuu from mmllm mr al jc alp to he very hhrsl roal lace handkerchlcfa arl5c a pretty imk of c tawn lunlkrrcbhfi with new dpeu huiiullichlui at 50c three prrlly iiwn hand- borchlofa with jaai embroidered cdea in a pretty colored ihu clclil lot of fine uwli linen t llaudkcrchlofu with fast nmhrol- lie ml kl uekuur value jjo fur 1 50 each hcgtiur viluo jjc for joc rli ktd olovks woif iho cry ileal values in chrlil man gloved uo know of when ikod w will aupplv free or chargovtnlblnly cejomd lo with every pair of ladle and mlaace gloiet ul a dollar or morn our it and t3 glovca am apoclally yood value othcru aa high aa you llkn omuatmaa trmia wliilo our furs arc aa good ua youd wluh rcllahla aud blyllah our price art much lower than such kinds usually kcllsl special valurf in ulack coney muffs al 81 ill lllac i unroot h jj other mulls up lu i0 1ur jaxkela vj upwaida capcat to ji capcrlnea fss -mj4- ll ltraatira ituffa i7 in i chlwwa umba wool ikiaa from ajc to 45c great variety of ivraiau finih tur tor children votl men amd bovq our woman frieniltt can buy prate enla for father husband ton or brolher thrlr own or somebody elve in our mena iurnlahlnff de- partmeul the kind that will mil mm lo a leo styllah tica from 35c lo t mtifllora 35 to 3 umbrellas li lo ib handkerchldfadocta tr kldglovea bitnlj iioum coals 14 la in- wahu deddino sclal line of while unihrlnl- nhle wool ilhtukcis gool he6h u4 luchea nice quality i 75 a pair very special valu in comforter filled with fine pure while col i on fill ing all in ona uniform shoe very uou aud cici 72 v 73 inche in swib jutonby don l fail to come and we ua wlifcti youre in the city at oilier limes writ a us or samples and prlcea irelghl or evprcaa prepaid la railway alatlona lo ontario on all mall order amounting lu 1 or over 4mu bbrturmtmita stekk astray lauicuixnllib pre 111 1 ue of lie eauderalcnad j atwiol tha middle i ocuiltar a imo year tbe uvne will 1 laae iove 101 it ur klmralda 1 dkstrahivk rksidenoe fob sale ijutr wll attoti irirt 01 viimu i aveiiu reeautlr uculthl lv win ttlppe la mi uttered lur sal tlte lionae la well imlll hae l wia will tll aid pantrr laraa neliar anil wifodllouea onnnectail f laid and etlt wal hatila and fnwl liouaa no ul prwlae tliare la fco aura o land well atusaed with eliniee fruit ilia prorrtrle wltlilu ua enrpor allan ol tliw- uitlvluff maiiufaaliu aoutd oolrtk u teliirlae own at ilt fl kalru la lriariv nguirt make a anlaodlit iibiua and ffarlena will l auld ia fur iarilotilei aiilr al yukh 1ukuoow r4 thomas c watkins king st eaot cor hughson st hamilton prff handsome sa holiday spoon with hi cruel llapwy coniulclea allo1 oil i tlte ha mile lha cut ahow all etreant coites 6 pood that id tovel in uelktl and sure lo jilea oh the front enthral ttie oirn flrtlaf atfl k ktocklnt without whkli no clirluntaal roitiiilcte th tr loailetl with ttotxl llilnifa la duittttiy atrn atmv the narrow lirt of the haiwlle ori which apiwaielit plalit leitbr thifworit irry chrllmaa ill th- told bowl we me old rtotita- claua with hta rlowliig lock and lila jry ueavil awhibliia iu wbly tiraic ninety overth lck of hie uct toln- tltet auooctlter it i a mot ilrlalii tkiura and vruwr enillcai al -wrrtychrtetma- on lhe bev of k handle ar the k ull wltkli tlllkolt the old and tin in ttie new ami unaer- thold father yua ila complete the ileoor- ucii of dxr it it a mnf ikiitlful aiikl aultabl for a holltliy prcaeiit for uiea self or a iruifl tha cou trctlod of handaoni btmmiua baa aunind i jtny 1ku rotrhten ol c iwf cnimiilt lii plb ideally of twiu ii thla kikmu l th ff but kciliu chui- tnna aid yo1 could nuke loudki lui puy chool ehtldrea or eblldreu iu tlu v trdy mbao church fm ufiett u aevcral hundred of uicui our ohear offer hoiwiuuudlotf uia faet lhaf utiwjoua are of auimriar uualllr ami ftua rtuub by wakhia ar rill uouj elite wllil ul niaauraelurad to bae larue uautlly we ui them at a nur that will euahteii to make you a ubrletnia ireetnl of oil vuuti if you buy ylire uollara worth of trooje or mor al our alor tfore dhuuim ultt lauiuniler uia plae gudjrr1 ngl quelph 0nt you h rile at lha roai of tho dueaso am laya alld foundation on which to build soon tho weight iucrcasea the sunken chocks and la tinned busts fill out tho cyni eel brlfhl and lha thrill of renuwud hralth and blrcnylh vihratoa through ho sytloin its por box at all dniula or dr ward co toronto qnl aoton machiuo and repair shops uunuyaiimulill iroprlelor l uuvell egulpkd with a i tha muhltion a umuiry uiekiute al leiialta to mtohllf y audaatuultllrami and to du alt kltula uf huiirutlu bwaabmluj auu aelmeal ulaukniiltliliia woolworu rihtiia nil iul aaaliafaetury liialiimr uu eaa lealr ally iidilu urlitmleiuaul uf auk luaka uaat uiuilnif aud blluri duue ia blinalure la on evury lnf of the uomiiu laxative uromoquiiiinc tabiu u lewedy that ftee w oald las hm oajr the long distance telephone affords the cheapest and most instantaneous means of communication conversations clearly and not hurriedly spoken occupy the following time 30 worj minute 70 words milium o word 3 minutes ym dont have to wait for an answer fine furs jackets troui ao 00 up caperines 1 fromfijo up fur scarfs troni j7j up sable scarf lrom 6 jo up tor chrulmaa irtciila clove mocca- blna sa sll ami hver in hi 1 ur line made lo order al tlia luteal tvoislhlo rites or rood fjooda and value fur remodelled ana repaired llns fur a lpecully call and lukpoct goads ln e lafontaine furrlor cuolph almanacs pee 90 ftfree p5 good morning i or fivo dollars t5oo i will make 1 doz best cabinets and ilarye i 1 20 inches h rwwshhsm photo hntiut rotoh uii1 loll ks ibal doll viii iiu a jiniiivu 10a llulliiucl 100 we humhu tmwt muaauuii globe optical co t3 yonigo straiart toronto- almanacs i hose desiring a burdock blood bitters almanac for the year 1901 will be supplied by their druggistor general mer chant free of cost by calling or sending to their place of business forsame or one will be sent by mail free on receipt of a twocent stamp for post age adtlrebs tho t milburn co limited toronto procrastinate no dont do that- but come today to tho acton pump works and get your pump repaired or buy a new one we can do it watering troughs cisterns and a generaljobbing business done satisfaction guaranteed 8kao crounu cohopv llflltjf llletil in charles sibiiaob n0likationmbbring thlnti county council divi sion cou v o halton notion u hetahr slveuthal a iullni of the aleura will be ifeld al lhe tlla ol ifxrnieuiwiiln lhe onitlajif hal ton on uia twenty lourtu day of ieeentbr luou biw the liuura nf ona and tma o clfwu in tlia allw counell tlulo llalton fbteatr uuiilleof candidataeare b bated tlian are fjnlrel to a eufelail the i moodaf iheaaeentti lf of janoarylonl h olla lo continue open from tolne oelok in uia morula mill llva 9 clock la uia afternoon and bo onaar oh kknnkiiy hum in ting onloer uatxl till fourlb day of ileainber 1000 our chriatmas stock la nous complete hud included j ufaa jotatraoyijau bans at jo is a iloa ad o0a a bojr chocouusx ibm tar 36a creabur 2 jjj faf saa hoyl mad jjrcwn mjxrf 3 lb tar a so aukiad a nats 20c a lb orau- 20c 36a 30a 40a a tiou call and inspect our stock iieo our vludow dlnplay of xmas novelties kotow 13hkof2y j c uattjixw3 jrcp a hew departure giao j thorp m nadamain amd grain market squsr oualpkt llrabeh elavatora llockarood iltallou is now aoent for f flje mecormlek binders mower rakes the tolton ted karvealer plow and wool culler the koxon semi drills cultivator ilowi etc tha lltel disc harrows and iand hollers tho i laval crum separator tho west disinfecting fuld tho woriliiiilon slock tonic and hern ial or tho windsor tabid dairy meat and cat ila salt toilet i in grl it dent thorn food cuitem etc cutlers sundii ilarnea holies illankel root pulpers bop trucks and weigh scales for sale call and get a calendar j n oneill successor to oulp makonsto gborgbtomn fojr ottristidas dr ially uevar fall to iw rll and tbey ouri if ajtwn an houeat trial that aobloif head oan be inauutly re lieved by tvlml ot of mihuriluflla lleatlaoli 1oweur 1 powdor ft caul d fur 10 oenl i wjor 5 fiaula y zrr iet avaty eawn ul monlii b to you a the beglnultuf of life and every tekllny buu i it oloe doe your bead aob 1 take a llty doea your baik aob 1 take a ietly doaayour aide ah 1 taka llty and do boi uk any other werry xtutttsr h and a iiaimv niw vi2ar to au gboj thorp cutters i have a large stock of new cutters both factory and my make now- in show room this is the proper time to buy while assortment is full call and see my stock before you buy dont forget that i have everything on hand to repair your old cutter or sli-igli- tlia long and uio1 of uviful iliuk nowaday ra ilia ullllngness and ability ol the merchant lo tell lome thliuja hr less than hi cotnnoillara and all llilnua aa cheap a can bd boukht eltewltens that la our poallloneocaclly and it applies eiecra11y lo the law ruue ol hood now in stock aultabl for glhftlsthivks presents such as fancy chairs rockers parlor tables framed pictures chenille curtains hat racks newspaper holders raymond sewing machines and nuineroud other article which will lake your fancy call and inspect our lare atoclt our prlcea are alwaya right johnstone co lruirnltuii toot-lot- main st clon lluiouii relucting vouh xmas purchases see the following which is only a partial lfst of what we can show you 3 callulold and cryatal clnvo and llandkar- churciuea leilher dmutlni casea lllbleiian1 iiyum hooka ijjathar houinmocta and albums iurwja wllh blerllntf slivor and gun melal mount inuii st xfetal hook tuarka and iuper knives jarlumea mnttudbraifclnsonatotr cutuu rruma atomiiara ratrkittc xmu cards and umi calundara xmas cardauithcauajlunlvu4klllowta holla iiuuoll rurulltir iron and mochihlcal toya ololb ikjnnd towortly f toy hooka from 5c up call and see our assortment for yourself a t brown chomirit htatiouol- l ll is-

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