Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 20, 1900, p. 3

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bank of hamilton georgetown branch aqonoral bankingbusinoss transacted correspondence solicited saymgh department lateral allowed on lumi ol oni do ialt and upwards from day f depoll in day o withdrawal no lormallliee mi 1 to deuya in dawlng mo hoy farmere bysiuesh ilhlc ijrmrfl ined lor rlllmiild solicited nolo discounted and money in business iurm- our coltoctiou doai r h a every furl lily fr making prompt returns bale notos handled and money advanced on account of same a i low rates of interest travellers are notified that llti hank of hamilton and ha i tranches inuo circular notofthe lminem hank of fnfelnd limited which can b cashed wlllu ut rharpe or trouble in any pari of llm world irm olljgk hamilton rubllahed 1073 t capital paid up 1703212 reserve fund 1231119 total assets 14827357 jaulb tuumtiui t cashier b forsayeth agent georgetown branch rnothinglikelt in town is the verdict of exper ienced xmas shoppers a wonderfulsclection of christmas irosonts for old and young santa claus neadquaiiteks oko byhds aoton ont ocijc xiaix fxtt ttx tiluiiadaxeobilbelt aanooo uttfae localbrieflets which cuht th eyc or er of frwa prti reporter thla wbou chrlelmae bet tudey wfb jou a merry merry chrlelroaa he alban chrilmaa nlertklnminl to blgbl tomorrow wilt be ilia eharleel day of i bo yer tb kcelneeaol banu cleus i blocking predict a btockinge tb weather cbrhitma merchant uport an nooureginj holiday ude the khop wludows are regal in their cbrlatraa deaorattona tb crowded alore prova that tbora ia money around and about decoreling with chrlelmae greena bun rommeuctd in real earnest mwn hurapbrlea jl hawkaehlpped a car of flour to olaagow on vtliuy keep youraya on va rueador tleemeuu tbee daya yod may ev money you will dot ouly ba able to meka newreolulionef6r the a y tul tterw eury- tha public eeliool bare u cloeod for lhar the leal iwoua of the century bava been rotl tb oourm of aorrooui on ilia lord lrvr by lutf ii a uaopltermin will t oooclojcd tuxl bbutb 6ulnj th boboil of abum iubllo boliool couplouud 8 71 lotba ruiula of tba sick cblldrona hopiul at torooto lut wak an lucrd dminj for wlutar oodj baa ban wjixod by raarobfciill itioruy owlnif to lh eoll wtbr of lb- p4bt t5onrwfctniirhxrteondaiytnrdorooir tibt claualutf don i u wu till haittfrouy ubu buy bator tba jilil the news at home mostly of local chrotr atnd varv uam 1ntrtlnt hmutm cimum triumph tbapanulk htit clfcuj 1rinmb la im randeicd by hi alban a bonday bohool lo tba lowp ball tonjaht in oouncb tlort witb thair ohriaitaaa aaucuiiimciiu wan a mo rod aocoew tbarabaaaalabava protan illl and fioluoy and tba rg andleuctf wblob wdl undoubtedly atund will bdllgbtad wllb tbo piofcrarame jmlloit tor no1 imylnd orcr tmxtut tho 6klll si ya tbo oaaa aaint l ii cumuli fur fillu to pay to lb town uaaurar lax hiodii oulladled by bim aa apaolal cohaator waa board by juik llamlllon anj jary nl millon on tueatuy it required all day tuoaday to laka tba nvldanoa jtxt morninr tba lawyara ifava tbeivkjureaaaa add ilia jutlj0 dolworod b olmfito ti tbo jury blioitly ftr noon a vordlck of kulljy waa returned rjiii tbo jnilt aantanned cornell to au inonlba jn ttto oe4jul priaou thorn hlmpkg jttul i avflapm for tba eonvanienoa of vuutt vuttm aub aarlbeka who wlab lo remit tbalr aubrip i kna for tbu noniili yoar wo enoloaa blank forma mid anvalopm la tbli laea- vo will tie tlctl lo bao a howaf of rnnaw klri during trio next fov weak and wn ch v ml bo i bat l 1001 thlajupar will bo al laut ilia ejjrut of he lnjt yur in tbo put ii you oui laud ktliiif mvanly qvn cent for a nan aubaortl ltif friend or uelbbor bo liiileh tbo btur the urgor our iul tbo bvtlar will bo iba ppor itvalmuiut of tho cvaiary ilia lajatltuto- for tbo arat yeaf of tbo twoutlatb ootitnry aro now ou an j from tbaui 11 li lo u utbrad tbat tba yr wfiltib on tuesday uprlnorj ma rob jul ht 7 so p u aftnimer june ijtid al 3 s7 p tu t4utumri heptauibsf ird at 1h p til kntl wlnur oeoemur jinj fcl 1 j is p m luurfalleon thi fltb april aa obdbiou iy of y totli wbluunday way i ii and clin 1u nu wedaduy m rob juiio hopleinlur mini dctalir are tb live humuy months udljfbfu kvouiujj in lvorjxoj loalinioiiiale of tba bibeat obataour robpeotliit tba lftbitf llroa matlon platnro nterlulurnen to ik lvn by tba motboil ut sunday uobnol on curutma lunt oonlliiua to raaolt tbia ofrtoo from varlooa poiola in outtrlo ilav jit ilobbe of wlnflbtiu a former pior of tba oburab bar aaya i watt altnply delikblod on pwluro waa worlh tba prioo of admlae no it le oralola eutartaiumenl kttd wall daburca- tba patronage of tba pobllrj thow whoiui on qhrletrnaa aveuin aro latiurod of a raoal enjoyable aitteruln- it l j i uckeeb new drwt htor mr jd uokm drujgit waa at home lo bla nuuieroua onetomera on hatorday ewaiiluif in bla attractive tiaw etora in iba new warren i look mr matte ba vevy tidy anil attractive preralaee of wblowbo la justly proud tbo new a tor a la 10 f i x 50 ft tbo front ulng 16 ft 80 ft with rwat otflc and proscription ooa titer imniodiatoly lit the rear and aprlod by a tnlrrorod partition in roaj- of tbia la a uro wui liiibtad laboratory 1 ba hbrlvinif drawer dcbuuterabttbo ironliloromra fln isbxl in wbiu tuiiiiil and- with iba uumerona mlrrora tba shop nature nud larn plau iriue wlojowj uie premlle kro very effective it appoarauctf ample eleo lrlo lamp are ditributod throogliout tba etor which ia well lighted both by day and tibjbl thuummutid jaivtf hoot attracted tba moet ineiiioua cbrlituiu window ltlraotlob ibat baa ovor been on view in tbia perl of oourio la to bb uen in tba window of u 1 iriuule walobnilk and jwoller quelpb it la w vry akilfully errugd pleoa of irtefibauum and worka with a preolaaaud perfectly ufa hkenitjtlon ramly aluluod lu automatona it repre tadu bnult olaua driving to tealdenca wltb bla telndear on obclettnaa aw allbt- itifi from iila alclub wltb a pack of obtlal nta bo oliriiba up a a3iiarlolb ebltnney uoee dowu the ublmney and pen throuub tba i u lor lor of tba houav tujkoaiuutt bla pieeault aud retuma aain to llldlkh and rrlndeer in addition tba loan of tba bouse watka to tba wiudow lo aaoarttin tba cauao of tba dlstiirbauoa aud a kill bluk ilou in tba yaid barkj furloua ly ml tba inlrualou siuta olaua oodtipua four mluutia lu rnlklu iba trip and ao oouiphbln bla fcenroua joada and r- pata bla aplsndtd prorata rne hftoaii lionea vary boar durln4 tlio day to tbo delbjbt of th orowda who watch bla mabcouvara from tba pav outaida to mr w tba godahob fuart obrulm4 uutu bar uaned ist week a a blttbly oradltalla production and wilt ba appelated by tba sttar rcadera mr aud mr jamta lickay outer lalusd lb bkeutura of knox clirlilua kndv flooiely ut thursday evulu a nost eitioyabla bvetilud vn apeul by all anlou aud iclulty aeit a very liberal oontlnfedl to iba bid wiutr fir at oulph ul week it addillou to tboe wlio drove iii far mar a aud oltlaena went by g ty it tba auuul uuitday bobool antrlaiu maul of kuox jburot will ba glvau lu tba town ball on new year ubiht jpleodld proarea be been to d a by iba scholar in tba osntata ail lo uauu ouua waleb for particular- nat wk ibi falber oouauf tbo luplla of bt oora oliool oufllph threatened to ibeb tba lrinoipal mr t cfahioa utkeirtbutlr pun i bed bla chili far dieoboduumi mr moore ha j tb flbar suinrnoo taora tba iollua maluu who anedbitn is 06 aud ooale j thouolhodll buuday bobosl orolwi tr supplied a aploudld proifamma of tulmknnul d vocal niuklo al tba aubual lea bfatlurf at coohidby on tusday nubt an 1 dliithud iba auduuoa ur kd jf moore tteve aeotal nuinbere which taoolvetl fenrorbud tinoioua apluuaa a ad 6buiiittyilfti icuria youdiet jubilr of irof 1 v hall kauaaa city fontejly of iloruby out ooonrredon uaturday avultl ill lual with bt bwtkol and lwu altlcir hbfl wot to ler iba wkjiundre hnd of loraiilo wblub waa yuhlu ibelr oiiy ukl lu relurulnii nob off the auet tr at their borne when a nr from tba oppoelie dlro lloowblob tbeydld bot aeiarlbdrkuesa iu lbs audlittjoviclortawaa k tiled tba frleitde hero vkloud boartlelt ayraptby babh vfjd doorb in stock if you aw bulldlntf or uiakbtf improve tuautaoall at urowua luolut mlll will yonrordar lelookasab u jh4 u laaailllgbulwasoiuubu uiawi lmhts urwatoaiockhlojjfllollblck aodsbaqs 11 thick aolid jnoaldad nd raltpnole 10ao w 1 ihlob vrool doora wllb or without laee up jiataa brown prvpftator mai btraal aou halt on paitmehs inbtltutc coming and going cla out last weak the parnieta instituto bet 1 their aral ecaaion on tialurday altarn xt tbeopeu lug addrate waa k by mr a m of walkervllle on how lo farm on a 1iily aoia larm uurlntlbii addrcf im elated thai be wae a cualomr nl i bo brasary a lliouuli nil oddlcloil to tbo uu of the boverayo bo firmly biiavod n tba kool lualltloe of the illiwl tllo a food or bia clu hi it ihib ho ilul not belioo it llowuit ol irlihiulk k mk ualitloe i r ilia urlii to l w- i l mlmdtocl nf olrllh vwko lb aubjeci of holcrl ua ibey tffeci tbo home llo boll anl tlo iuy mia maddoek trvidnntly i it ink- ibi4 uljot i bo of greal iuifo talna to nwrjotir bmi i ally to tbo fanner milk la mo fll ifraatfa o tnvoyare f dleeaar lie ii cm th neooaally of oalo and nbettlinefa in tlio baudllnif it u lmu1 a mircrn that urea tnanj i it an ullvi in dy fim lbs ucl thai ill nliilil h h a paoo 10 fl x 1j fi k id for i llbful brratbli for tioiir after i tie uollirra w ilrlivrrrl a f are dlulialon followed which ttaultcd in a hiki tll of informhilnii iwinu rcatvl at 7 4 p jttm ii ll on omiilwl the buh 111 i iilrrruli fit tlo sudlonoa until lb chslmen mr a t malm lrppl forward n i aallud tho meeting to order in a fw well olnwoti worde hojjvo tlio nbjact of tint itvsaliuo lira t are hull ttirounout tbo co inty and provlnoo tlio flrt t on i lie pro rrommu wuh a kfllectl in by tbo nrabelra and then tbo ohulrmoi inlroducal mr 3 ii wallao mhr mrcbaut tunk who fevornl the aujinns with a plana eolfl which waa rndcred with a skill which pwooe mr waluca lu the fronlraiikaaan acoomrlihcdiunelalan mr 11 3 moor raiiderod two vocsl arleotloiia wblob did him crodlt wn prt dirt fir 11 u niornjful orr u hie muicl hits mr maun thnnuhl thl iuo nut b nf ona koo1 ihliik wa4 lianlly btlincd rtoo to beeallod on mr mrnnlll to ulv an ad drcsa ho atiliuunced it aa hlny tito bmiel bide o farm ut mlie maddook tinu nrit on lite pro graiiinia waa introluoed liar u i iroee waa an uomeuia bclenoe uie muldock do sarve ureal praise for bur eddree wbloh aha delivered betoro an apprcitllvq audi enoo of about 400 luuiirr- romptly at 10 p tn the chairman an nuunoej thai the programme wa fljthd and tha orchestra lod in puyhirj ood tuve tlv councils last mfktino dlejtod counoil met nn balurday avenlntt at h oclock to oomplelo tb year a buultw aa rrfjnirwd by lututn lueve raareou tvicuplcd tbo chair and all tba mmbera weo prant tha coninilttra on yinanoo priiud thtlr twentj third tpou and recomtnaiided payment of tba following actounu can hail kltrlecu aittiua dil bl ir arpi ur 10 00 nil t w 1 oo 1 01 1 10 i n 1 00 lie uoshju h juo jvllluuiabaullmf nraeitiflii j llaray frihtaju taebiluu john caiiltroit he1ve in library altohnae 13 u l iwlaa u urlu4ll reueira ii i uoore trlulltitf ata tleo ifyuda buiiuea- t t uoora poalaiie j clarke ulettreme 3 1uu ti co ui6jfe- u moved by j william i araoudod by it waluoa that lb report of the naiidlnfl gommitua on firmic juit read ba adopud carried council lit en adjourned visitor to and prom aoton em vsrlouaothar paraonal ftoteta tba rualuuludua all ilo mdmlana rtbtitv u utla oolnmti ii you im vour frlsxkla sro bojiij away oo a liulljar tfltf or if you bi tilaiuls muntf yru drop a osrd to lbs fail 1 bkm mr jutepb allan of hremploa former or aclou is ill with ibo4d fover miss jaunio itooll ol norval bee been pioiulod oacbr i f lime ktbooj ibomiuro m rlurou re uuoata at the bo d nf xi i i ikkhbb tmeron mi iulu 1 h iubt t t wtopto of dya wiihrtj i loiouv ut wsek mr o y uood-v- n bae bern very hi lto a wo wet la le not improving kry li mr lull ii colo baa brn etinaaj teadier of dublin flohool i ll0l in aucoeed mr vred milan lir v 1 mccy uu foreman nf tlia liurlin gutut favored the v 1aum with a loawiiil l jl on tuoday itav y w oml of horulnu wlt- ha mwii u liie -h- b tlia pail wrk uw cmtna down oaring lo bla father a aai hi 4 lilting ilev t albert moorr ol lumilton baa bcooptl mil illvlut 1041 lo dallver kd ad dro at i he ititllhliitunl clnfereuoo of oon l le to u 111 in bi li oleoo cal neat july mua vioed holmra d uglier of mr joeepb ilnlinee rsluriteil homo from tba juliih criierl llovpital on hturday in ekoelunit brail h afler troatment for a decayed twine behind tbo ear theautpthy oibunday bohool workera fitnerelly wlm t tnul i ii j a jaclibon ii a tba qiurlal ttrcurj of the provincial buuday hclnwil vuocia i on in ihodaalb of mre j tbtlf bonta in toronto net krldej mr j v and ml- lolho llpolubl went to ttrrudtt jburdey mwi ina w aeeoi pauy the run tine imr- of mitri annu ii midter folvr milr nf lha itta mr john bpiubt wldiedyt of walkr e llitepl ul u btrt uftera lot u and trylnft illuea absolute security cenulno carters little liver pills hfluait bear oltcnaturo owa pcjsmll wntiow fi jfm roidutimess roa wuootmul rw toatfia uvtfl roi cotttiratioal roi uujw sua mi tmccoiirlxjdu cure sick headache 6n of tb moobaulca of thla wll known atora la duajba credit for tbia wonderful ylcofl utmobabtaqiij la born teniu aud baa wrought obt aaveral profttabla iuveutlona in tba pael year or two mmhajui h h juuual moling tbaauuual meeting of tha ualbojut buuday uebool waa held on monday even iih at tba home of tba auperlnleudant vry anoourafilng repot la wara kivou by uia oflloara tba avrafie atlandauoa ual yaar waa ail tn luoroaaa of 0 over 1u09 over 700 vwitore wora preeenl during tha year aud there were ova auty of tba aohoura removed from town duriug iba year tba dueuoee bavobeen wait austiln ad tba regular oolleolloao for tba aupuorl of tba echool inimoimlad lo 1103 v7 mletanary otfarinue 62t lliankauivlig vaiid jj 17 tba vaveuuea ot tba aobobl fo4f tba yaar ware 3ftfl 10 and tba paymenlv 7 49ieaa tba oftloera and toeoher for 1001 wjvlecud aa follow i fluparlaleudsiitll 1 uoore auoalale uupu j tt tiiutuani and a u hiekllu hutl llwue dta ule w ilug urujryl0 wllilauis laal h1 iiarr lirtwa t2aurru j ouruey ybiruu jl u luruey jtaslubj if uoyj oittanuluua ud neleou oborlauruue loul li jiulebt ushereulama aulovwau10 ltauiliaw vaaaberttboa t uoore tin i vrualj ute h i uaa ut joel oreui j w tlutuibrlm lite j u uiu lire jeuiee uo- lauj utj jobu buau40u ukeo0 umubt uue mva wlllutne unw oura uoord uid iuxu ualtu uld auula buviiiii ur jauiaauore ura jauule tluiiui uo vl jisidforj udutiwm huomj at cualjab at tba irovluolal vat block show a quolpli last weak it agoaw a bon wjl awarded tlia fotlowliitl prigee in uradb atnll prlwata ttralprlaiotrstroartn mon the old nrt and fourth for barrow- uuder blv monihe teooiid for row under al moulfia and third for two ude hoe first prive was alio awardwl for baoou bo but when tha animal waa weighed it waa found to ba two poundi over weight aud tba prlaa waa conacquautly can ul led whmtubaut thut jkarjy hbitpl4t kvry year tbera ti a reaolutlon la llk bjlud of man and woman that tba holiday ruab shall ha avoided horiafter by an early gathering of praeuta hut tha resolution uavsr warai to he carried out alwaya thara la tha a hfcalution oouearo i ok inhering what to buy or make tba llueriug affio hbtiiuwoajar which or what would ba moat aoeeptabla or approprla and bo tba woeka go by until tba dawning of iba eallva weak auddauly iiislla tba cbrlitraatl ambition i ptodeflnlta form and dead icuox church c j omclury at tha annual meeting of kuoi cbrutlao budeavuf boolety tha follow n snertletlo ofidoaia war elected for 1001 hon pra llv ii a uaciliertou lrueul ur jaelukay vlealrae utu lyud ludiueuueh halmu car ttea uuao uot ball fraurer ute lambert oraaulluue jabuu iinllb ant orauutulwuellikll iajarof ulitiilud ur j j lawion oouvauxe of coululluaa lraya uaailua coui ur wfii ual lull ijiokoulcoui ur j ll keuiiftjy calliuacooiuia ual bail hoeui com ulaa tllueuir flowar coal uua lluuttr uood lluretuie coui uua autlnuu tba aoolely a uew program in a of toploa and leader will ba distributed at tba opn lug of tba uow yur yha mi wuiirhmu bt cuatnfa tba irovluolal winter jvat buk fair at ouilpli latt weak waa a biaguln0au uooeaa tha allaudauca waa uruer lhau any baratofora aud ouelphe ability to bouta tha orowda of alook men from all par u of tba oomlniau aa well aa from tha united utataa waa taitad to tba utmoat 1ha hue now building built by oulplt aud tba oouuty of welhuglou for tba aoooniuio datlou of tba winter fair la ad ml rally adapted lo tha purpoea aud reoalveil favor bpmd obrlatmaa ulght with tba melhodut bunday bohool ad ajoy ibelr apleudld anurlalnmeul b b no fi hataagaweya bau been kwarda a diploma for lb uut and baal fcrp eebool in ilia eouilly euiura joliu ituwert rueerv taaehmeuri a ujuu u allan un j onelaou jaui uoora kiy buuday neat la l ha anuuat upuday bqhodl day lu tha ehurcb tuasoliolara and ibelr pareula will atuud tba mo ulug aervlod and iba pajitor will preaob to tba aohool in oonnaction with tha eervloa lba uraduaua from iba primary dap rt men i wlube preaeoltd wlll their diplomat on qbrjtuiiaj veulug tb annual ouuruin uuul atbku piooiloeet to ba una at tha tiuwt atuaouve the school e bletory will be given on friday ajteruoou ihtli i ut if tbara le good aulghlbg tba bohool a aiiftusl alalgbrule wpl uka place and k he auow fail ia will ba arranged for kome bultaue dale ulr how tba mrhauta would waloom a few inchea nf anow to enlivatf tht cliru maa trade and who wouldu t ipprieta ut tba clirlallan endeavor boole ty of kuox cburcli held a aervloa of praise at tba tabular tntotlntf of tha aoalety last babbatb aveninu that tha iutertel lu tba work ol thla aoclely ia malutluad waa manifested by tha largo altandauca tha mauagerof tba naw akating rink tnada a aarloua blunder on bunday after noon evidently forgetting tltel in tbli eoni m unity that day l observed kbd ravoraooed 04 no eye like the masters eye yoa are master of yotsr fie stt h and if yoa 4 not attend lo duty the blame is easily located ifyoar blood ii oat of order hoods sar saparitla will purify l it la uie apeciflo mmntly fur iniubuaj of ilia blood kid nay a bowel or liver heat trouble 1 bad boart trouble tar a number ot yraro and rtltlerant modi cine failed to benefit m i tried hood a hervapartlla end three botllea coranlataly and perteeuy cored mo uaa c a vuxv waller ilrtdce n k christmas presents 8orfwaetl- wiln unbtbcrta 1 ci bad lost tin chit dreii two i were aublect to thrust t mo tile and ererabot very atruof tjiey are now healthier and atmnter and bar not euvw had a cold maaw if fucin rarnbroka ont mcodz sauafit ldvjmiltf luaaaxneeejeneem tfce eeeirtttatlaet aej rcmcitilx r we tc headquar ters for article iuitab1c for christinas lrcscnts special price special p it- tcrns special designs and he largest stock in the city to select from sec our stock before jou bpj dried apples wanted tha hotod tea bio re and china fajaoe j a mccrea oobuh g notice 3 3 3 ijiuiii province of ontario county of ilaltqn to wit jotice is herebj given that w williams located at acton county of hilton and in the pro vince of ontario being a business man o acknowledged reputation has decided to offer upon thudite and or the succeeding dajs special line in fadics and mens over- shoes uonts shoes christmas 3 slippers etc he will also make a 3 specialty of misses and childrens s gaiters and leggings or one week 2 watch these columns for unusual announcements 3 w williams 1 boot and shoo merchant 3 ditcd at acton dec igth 1900 3 luuiiuuiiujiiiumiuiuiiiiiiaiinuiiur pays to ruy at bollerts it pays lo fluy at liollerti 1000 for 600 we li ivth idi biisy t ason for l idle and mi 1 jackets and coits i lu prices were rijjitl and tyles cr- rect it has been no trouble to s ii our mncnth i iw re is something uniqut in bttity tnd tpplirnue about tlieni comptrcd with theciicril run sw ire u6t bidly luck with unsdeablc stock but we wiih to char very jacket on our racks and to make quite urcpffw we put on stlc several stands of l idics and m11be jai 1 tlb and ootl many of uhich jou wont m e excelled in the city it 10 00 for one round price of 600 each it iam to jsny at jjolvi in e h boiler t fe co 21 riid 27 wyiiilliain st fillkmh heady for xmas with the best stock for year iuld wntciiea- gold gem rings gold biacolcts gold chains kt skvkge co j61ellrsguelph 1 ivienew shoe the empress tbia lopuur slwio for women baa proel ro a krtaal favorlli tbo quality til and jkf 51ylabrrrertact hjado- trfwttbr niodiurrt vv and narrow wldibi prices 52 001250 3 00 360 stamped on tola of shoo for men slylih nrfoct rilling sioee ol varloua male tlui wear guaranted for boys and girls hue and coaran bhoowear sod our school siioks they uejr like iron and fit lha feet ordered work and kapalnng receive prompt attention main bt aoton kenny bros aa a holy day of reel thbeoailtytlo uot axial for bunday labor on a bksliug link in aoud and tba people here are pre pared lo apeak and act with no uuoertalu aouud id opposition lo auoli a bourse tbia nsa mutaka may be forgiven but let it not ba repeated the wullinoton mutual mr jamo ootdfei 6uooda that lata- john hhobaon bb vloapraa al tha company al lha monthly meallug of tha director a ot tba wulugloii mutual fir iaaurauoa company qaorga a clara u 1 of 1raeton waa appoluled adireoior lo sll tha vtoauoy oaueed by tba dmth of john i ilobeon jau gold la was auoud vta preeldarll aud h uurlon lo iba haetiullv commltlea both of wbloh psltioua mr ilobeon fortiieily tilled a reaolullon of ooudolenoa lo mra uob- eau waa moved by tnomaa qowdy aeoauf ad by jfamaa ooldif eipelig lb eortow oiud by tha death of john i uabatiu for eight yaara an auargilia and uaaf ul member of thla board aud for iba p4l al it yaara tba aateemad vie fieaulwil v 4 4 44 44 4- 4- r- e nelsons i bulletin of holiday goods j new neck tlea naw neck sipurca new smoling jacket t new omhrellaa new initialed handkcrchfefi naw dr tlaa new 1jjamai i new siyus in hats and ci wrigbl a health undarwoir new nock- muftler naw cjioroj sbirls new drinff gjwn new slyua in clovea new droaa slurta new drvsisgbv new collar uultona spocul in i ine undarvcar special waterproof coal tj 30 specials in heady to uear overcoats 4- j special in ordered clothing for cbriitmaa j inkecilon invited i r e nelson guelph i morcharit tailor and morid furtilshor rr- i arirs tit jaj uaymaura juo agiaw ura n v uoore able oommant ou all bijm iba bbow of fat blook waa aaoeluul though in oattla waa hardly up to anticipations but tha ahow of poultry waa immense and waa claimed by aaparta to bava trarely been ex oalud ou tha oonttuinl many men ot high poailiou lu agricultural aud ilook matter attended and thara waa but oua opinion via that tha ahow waa an uu ijtialitud aueoeea jl ba kddraa uf wlooma byaiaytmkeleou ou wejuelday aiuiluif gave no uuoertoiu bound elu tba apprvolej tiou fell by tba city uf oulph thai it bed been booorerkee tb permannl lme of lha fair and the reply by tba minister of artoeltur end unluuu uf tba iair wall jut i aa ourdiul ucau uf ci ul ph a liter alilv and forvaluht in providing buoh a oonttubjloua aud extellnl peimanuiit bull i lug for tba aooorn modal luu ol the fair to cuftb a cold in onb dav takelaaallve urotne qalulue teblau xi itruaalet tefuud llamonerlf lajta lo sure he mr w f jrwf a alkoature la co aeli hoe llulldera i now being turned o ulu acton aiding ilanluif two bic things now hoi i day gooob fur ilia holiday baaou wai i 1aiuu to mala your hotna bright a 1 on pi ovli com to ctulpli and koa ilia 1m iiooksioui 1 ur tlleed two llllea ll ulll pay you aaya cha8 l nelles cuelph were well within the mark when we tell you that a new lot black dress goods which we secured at a great bargain and which weve priced as lollowi black broche alpaca repp and poplin at 35c boc 75c and 90c a yard means a saving of fully twenty- five per cent to every purcliaser are you going to benefit by tins i offer 7 theyll be bought up quickly- thats certain i clhscow hous xcton christmas novelties at henderson co just received several shipments of goods for the holiday trade everything we show lor the holiday trade makes the most acceptable presents for they are both useful as well as ornamental purs latge shipments of caieiunis especially for the holi day trade all medium price goods within the reach of every one the styles are correct and they are by far the best value in this class of goods ever shown in kc ton also guantlcts muffs and collaretts buy youn yviiu a new table cover new portiers a pair of new lace curtains a new carpet or a new dress presents such as these are often most highly appreciated immense range of handkorohiefs of all kltids scarfs gonts christmas ylos gtovos etc henderson co 6- iekxsfaasst5seseesemsx pull rrhcb op holidry crocqriss what to get for xmas you do not know but you wilj have no difficulty in deciding when jou exam ine our immense stock of xmas china and glassware holly for docotatlng cbrulmaa 1 rults and groceries 111 abundance candies lo uaiitfy tttc littu foil tho bat oaaaon a qraaungit to all g f gooduva and go mill stroot aoton d e macdonald 8c brother the lion cuelph c s- h a gurngy st c0 cliristmas display worthy at all ihiuaol a vuil thla at ore is ipoilallyuhractli jut imw in cala holiday attire coma lo tha atoro and you will fin i abundance of chrulnu u koudiib of 1 imiylinea lilil l 1 nil itecauu of the encluiva character u i llm iu cxilonu that you want dont fail to vlmt thib store j boautlful chrutmatf hundkorchlola over loo llflereiil lluiu don t fall to ire our new last j silk handkerchiefs with union jack on taoiiutlful cushion tops lilch satin ami uuaii cushion lops neuckt pilntlnja 111 ulna liargahii chrldimas tublo ltnonu cauulu barnaln lu 1 ettl 1 iivritu iihla naftlliig tubl covare lc t chjrluttmiias specials spm- lale for chruimab in kid cloves ililihaiia walal sitka tivlorwear kouory tie qontav bopattmotit v bava tit very bewoat tu ooilltt chrihlniau 1 iei collara shirts subpciidea son etc xmas groceries candies hi to sie our spilljl new cntas udh new 1ujcu1i illw lioll uullo1 liu in hi cutmj 1smu inwcim i lumn iwirilo mi r lldnim nm llo 1 lm uiu klli i iji uululiu i candltfanw ciwtim ciocuin hiowii mlt i fcud 1 vtcy uim1 camllnn gurnet co

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