Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 27, 1900, p. 3

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bank of hamilton georgetown branch aqonoral bankingbumnosa tranoaotod corroappndonco solicited saving department interest all on sum of oni ihil i alt and upward im m day j ileimau mi day of withdrawal no i nnialillra an i dcfjya in tl rawing money farmer hushhas sutltll noim ol nstp tialtilo jrniont dlacounlml mi 1 m hoy loxttnl or ritiinalo dualnm purposes our collection dopai nneiit has every facility or maltlni prompt returni bale notes ilandlod a rut money advanced on account of aamo at low rates of in i crest travellers arc notified that lh hank of llamiltnn and ll llranchea iuuc circular notes oftho jrovlncm hank cf i nnlam llralled which can ixi cashed without charge nr trouble to any tiarl of i1mw rid the news at home unoruuicbrlilnu httm tim haaiti o lha two hundred omployee of aleaars heard mora a co hid the actio tanning co nr gladdofied on chrltmm i va by lha a ties pealed tecll of a ohrot by entr from tleir im i iy 1 vary man aud boy employed u niiniraumj and iho gift graduated according lentil or aorvlcaanl ikmiiiiii or tho men i bn merrird luen bimi rr i biiiouiiib iar tsar t- u j i t llmr- waa the ivuikn m lha imittat l i out by dim tlrm panted for tbl tractol ghrlalniaa good cheer waa uver 9100 lliauiaii a ro niato vrry highly lliu gfiuroua actluii and family had oi hun day looming dlaarrh hfen il of 11uad ol 1 ic1 hamilton established lfj73 capital paid up 51703213 reserve lund j23ii0 total aoscts mm7i357 j wits tukmuuxi cashier b forsayeth agpnt qocrrolown branch ibthingxfkeit in town la the verdict of exper ienced xmas ihoppcrs a wonderful selection of christmas prosonts for old and young santa claus iiuadquahtuus oeo hynps aoton ont htjjtzjtt tnuwibay dt oemu w ot 1000 tlttle local brieflets whloh cu the eym or ear of pra prahedorter thla weew ilppy ni year i wmdi li a marry ohrltma municipal nomination t monday the new oantury lint tsay norri in 3kaiitmrvtoriotbohatmlayeuil uexthanday tbo tannerlee obrltmafl bo ejf geoeroo and praolioal spend nwyar- btbt lha town ball with koox banday bcbool tha obrlalma hooje oomthga brought bapplneea to tnany booeebold hern good roortlnill hhvo you lid fo lb fiu pkwi for lb nw mtilury 1 omlau k tba uak of ood luhini tha uatuodut uuaday udiool luhrldo to uookwood baa ua p4mtoual uutll uur data abum u lo bavri raal uv ciiltlaula for a clliaat mr ta bbuu laid of tocooul will ftaxt mooday olo k uaw laundry la mra uoorj block a auoomaful kouday ooliool aoelal waa held in th uilck oburob blioatd last prdy eplt luva dt tlitidly and 8 w hoidou faator kbd mholart rowld ws tb ptogrmrooa ur j ii wattbowa baa droppl oul of lb kaorfor tba luavaablp add it loukh as if utrtt camtnlaiouar wtlliawa ouull bavoilfor tuukin it alcctod h will omuloly do bla boat to hi tb offlo kalll faotonly uear 0 w audraa a 0o banker 0ilu bave uud a vry mlractiv 4ulollo oalndar wilb th amoua our oolorngravllil ihr hrlloua arlutloal lyaxacutad tbli 1 rally caundav will ba in damaud t j u nll ban porcbaasd ih praollo of df j t oob uo aotfto and will lak poaaaaalon lha brat of vabrttairy dr uall la wall and favorably knowo lira bavlutf paid a weekly profaaalotial vlau farlbd paat utro yra and kubu mnl liatufaollou tba nmoval of r oobuti will u niub r r utilldartl tuwiui lb uftw aldld now balbd turuad out at urowu a lmaulutf ulu acua tbo who oanlanipiau imrobaalujt mouutautl or work of any dlaoripllou far tbalr aiklry plot abould ordar dlraot from tb om rallabla traniln autl tnajrbl daaurjf u uamlllod ooalpb oul at ipanaa allowed to parol aar all work and rnaurlal warraulcd oompalltiou da had uawklutf aud you luat llvaaayf vrailu uutut llilaoli yr ilia kind of hu aaa you d upaot to offr you ft bumoroua rolllud with ouaarvmird ibrouithont lb lanub und b of tb donlulou vraiur of all tlubara of tlawapapahh ulliu itl fcaylttu t it tbara u oua pp which ahould ha lu ary booaabold it u iba famll jaaf ml wtlljt uaf of uoauaal uuuorip i loa r pouhnjj luto tbilr utuoa lu uubuaal at a tramaoduurau oabadlabri without uuauv frrnuand ibla waaaoua- ploioraa do hot kboy lb a uaal ibay mlaalui sabil arjo poors in btock if yoo ar building or nklujl luipro tpaou call at tlrowoa 1unluk mill wllb yourtwdw ifoauwk aab lisw4 hhu ljiii4 llhu jl801l llgbu iuxd- j bxhu ooorab atooku 10a6 10 1 thick aw3edu ijl think aolld ntouldw aud ri d paoala u 10i8 10 1 thiol wool doort with or wubuol glaaa lop jluah baowm proprutor main uuaal anion xq toftu ag toataltllv oapi toau or obi man wlioaud tolut marry will ba plaaaaj to loarn thai lb hi marrlait aol u tuaibsqulu almpu by applying ic u i uoora laauar uf tuairiao uoaoaaa at tha vaaat tumh offio- oall a faar dya bator tb otramouy and fcaaa tha jmatur axplaiuad llala offloo all boaluaaa atrlotly plvu aud ooundantlai at rwaidanoa to aaiipl laat owintf to ths danapera tha f urnana allowaa a largo amouut of aa to ncp during tho liluht and whan mr mnpbanon awoke urt kan day mornintf ha found tha uanas nilatl wu aud blmlf and family dalhly alrk jrnjb rou ol ita tnliutl usdloal aid u romplly auinmonen and pallia relief ilen hul mr m a0 haraou waa unalilo ty taka hi tlanday morn it u aorvtoo tha imocil of ilia iwtotioa uaa warn rl for aral day and mr mao phron and tbo babo worn vary ill hut tiava alnoo reouard j lihr ql ilyndi condootad th tnorulnc arloa wllb mncli aooptanoa and in tha avaali u aaaltftl tba paatar wb by tbia tint had oonatdmatly rooowsrod ji- of tha old vlrmi oi the jvw utidor tbu cat tloit ilia clialiik asrviooa at tboaoiilury in knoit olmrch and tba al lratlv nw voara aourulomnl aro ail ntl u ii d iha uat hl1 alh of luoo will urn a tuamorabla day in tha oh u roll hmroial anrmbna will ba paabad lylu ii a motbbon paator in tba morn itiu ibard will im a glirltuiaadicoura and in ilia svetiiutf aonin ourrtil bellon of loo i lntaraat will ba dlou- 1 tha aral anlarlalumaul of tha naw oatitury will ba uiven in tba town hall ot naw vaara tdlit by tha aoliolaira uf ibo tianday bohool and will ootialt of a oanuu anlluad all hall to bat la clati in whloh tha pauiotlo kirfrll u wall dbvloped hy vlailora from llrlliah koaamioua- tha tranava and india tli will u a tnoal aujoyabla ho ii day anlartalomeut and will com mono al oiflh to clock chrlmiatmm xmy flotmarm obnaimaa dawned brblbl and plaaaant and though appauancea wus d lhfllgr0 cbrllm ordar iba weather waa or lap and froaty uafora night aufucianl know lia 1 fallan to oovar mother aartb and it rlly lookad ilka an old faablonad obrlal- tuta tamily r nnlona wara tba ordr of tha day aud tha aona and dau and rolativta farthar rarnoved gathered aftaod ilia fratlva board from many point it waa ratir oold far plaaaura driving hut akntlnit on lha old mill pond wa par akoollonoa and lu fl acre a oi laaay aur janoaffutdod ballmurd ideaanf for the- aoorch who indulod in thla haaltbfnl irt a uumbar ot holt anlbutiaata apant tha q lyotnhallokfand an joyad rary-wttoh- tba uoiqua nnparianca bf chrllma ifoltin in canada lb day waa a marry chrlt- rnu indeed in nearly all bomaa u cftrlmitamm w4j1j a vary quit t but tnoal enjoy abla wodtllrijj tiok uo at woou or bhrlalmaa pay nl tba boma of mr and ur jaoob maaale whan mr i y oambla and ml- lleeala 0 uaaalea wra uuilkl lu holy wedlock i he caraiuoay watl performed by tha 1 rid brttuer iuv ii h maaali of uiobmaud uioh mr and air oambla were tha reotpiexti ol a number ot vary baudaoina and uteful ureaatit the huaeta wtr eouniied to tba brother aud ut r of tli bride and j room aftr oou urbtulationa the company at do wo l a vary aurn tuoua weddlu rapait mr and mr oidibl took tha attirnuon taiu toe mlohlu where they will pond a few daya altir which they will ruuru t their home lu actio they have tha beat wlabea oi tbolr bijraerou frleud for many happy abd uaef ul yr of married life a kjrewjj sooaj hvtialoj tba tnmbra of tba kp worth iiafiu titat on hruay evening laat hi tha bonis of mr wi ourney obuiob buael to apend a aorlil araiiltik with tha tbrcm member who are about to leava aotot for othar aeene mr vred nlxoo who hai been the teacher at dublin tba pant four year itoe to normal bcbaol toronto andmeaar j cheater matthawa and kd j uoora lbv on the srd jauutry for albert oollo itallevllld th former to lake a comtnerolal oonrae and tba latur to oomplele bla oourao in au alter- an hour of pleaaaut aoclal lulerooura ite 3 m uakair u a paalor nailed ui gather log to order apoka lu kindly urm of tha youuf utan who are abdut to laav bom ive word of oouttul aud than aakad aaob to aay a taw word to wblob tbar waj oooinlianoe lb sveulna vary enjoyably kpettl tba tbrea i man hav beau activa worker lu tba eau aud their removal will be kaauly felt hi albmttuv 8 huurtmluuieal bt v huuday iohool bi been no isd tor th tantwlleuoe ot it qhrletmii guleruinmauti for many year and thla yr wa ntl bel lud tha tuudavd jjal llturaday waning tha tiwu ball wan filled with u iithulatla audleuoe who iitued with nioymnt to the programme reu dored tb autitalnmaut oouaiaud of onlu haul ouua triumph a uuiti doll drill aud a oodl of tableau t ltlbr with carol by lb ohlldrau tba paitftn tba 6autttve lakeu by mam bar ot tha chtirob aud lluuday bohool the 04i t of character belutf previously pub mied iu three ooluinn ami anme were deoldadly well don an etiiuuutf fblira wn tba paat tiken by tha qdr tawji urak llaud lb doll drill waa oua ol t beat thiuu of th kind cr aeau lu tt and tha tukrhluy aud kln of tug twelve llllla mtthftr who tiok jwit waa vary plaaali n th fclnuluil ot th ohlldru id th carol should b tiiantluuad tba amouut of aaplaeaiau aud melody brought out lu tha belnu remarkau lby kbowad careful treluiuk ot lb rllt kind air j ii waluoe wb bad th dimtion of tb proyfeiiim tfeelded at the blatio aud very utattrlally iiilttwj and it w4a urifaly throuab 1b aluitikiiitf tralnlutl and rabaaiaat of thoa ukluj lll that an aaoeuit a reeult waa outlined oil th whole tueatiltltllumailt wa pleakluu ld kbooeaaful uth ki tiid programme and auanoe hoi tha let luureatiurf faetur li th aohuur wa tha preeululou of cbrlalma gill al the doe ot th pro k 1 ha oooaalou wa ullllaed alati for tb praaenliljon of a parof golil tn ulaa htou wbu baa ao aatlataokirlly per formed tha dull of organ la i uf tha ohuroli for a number uf ye iuv ur qoddu the ret or praaldad ounnem moohtl mmohial forrnor aotonlnna anxious to hbvi a fart in honoring our do- uaabad hero the inurmlii the om rm i m i mr ctiilluuea and thin weak tha the cnutrlbuilona ftom former w uui al uuljldo mii l tt o oontntiitl ii for the wiek am aa f unwa am ulit raluilr kik ilrr v lllll vanooui an anuui vrtil in wli uj rflranl la rcl j i u vvt i unl iwlliad im u3 itm u l l na uolt i ua ail i ju 1 laib act j i ry art ml i u 1 i i till 111 u jo u tj 1 txl tnla i i lalo h u5 ibeifllulal uiurif j r liiirliiati to lrlunlal mw re llvi itf d tal i tu hi an i burl1 uf ouiitirr mx iu ire tori- cemetery will he toad with ll niw a auccuaai ul annivikbahy tha ctirietmaa barvloaw of ttm mathodtat bun day bohool a mnrkd buooilm 1or naarly thirty yuaru lu utircooti ohrlil iiax day an i uv ally the irroefid inii luuday have iwiti nncailuii ol urrat inter lt the miholll ijutidiy iohool here iiittraitlnri kxcle1ennnau tin hnn day bava bru lull and enjyahle t ur ultmit on olrmn i ll t 1 ha cloelng ci llltilt ant ivtiraary l tha century wax jn li lot li tiretl an 1 aua nea ldal i any of ita r laoeann on ulinuy moruiiu iuv j m hauar oi a prmched a very at proj rlate and luteretlluu annin to tliu aholar of tho kiiboolf he haaed hi rctnatka upon 1hm b lh rmrdeellj hamnel aud h auawerl hero am i many valu able leoaotl wereitrewu from the godly ufa of baiiiual na a loy an 1 by ung iua and lllintatinii easily ui drr txul by the yejutge t aoholar lh uleiitinu of all waa held throuulloul the eruioii at it cloe th an parti undent of tb aobool brlfhy addreaaed th aougrattatlou relative tl lha aol tool arid it prngrrar klid mr 0 wullama baartayy ul ll j urnay treaaurer read tulr rrjkiru for lb year the primary ttaoherr mr jar moors and air jntiule hnillh and tha rraduata for lha year from thalr claaaea miaae laura coleman fern ilrown jennie a i ui utallauurney ada lumihw d lorena allan kill matir llobatt j aanewiubar william luatty arnold tlollaud uiul irodly turua thetinamo to tba front aud w th klmjla reinonle lba riaukirwer vant i with neatly frantd dltloma a oh havltirf jed the preloribed kumlnalion lb avi luu aerinou wua aldreaud aapeclally to parent klid kuittbt leit war eetcoted from i bamuol glvluu the hi dry of the famine ot ul and ijhtukh lb importance of atrial parent 1 over klght of the conduct and training of tha blldru of luvhoiaawailniprdiiciaix the dlaoourae wam an able ouo tha auuual mtulnml on ohrutma coming and going vlaftorano and from aoton nrt vartouaothar paraonal notaa tlie vaaa iaaaa luvllea ajl ita readaj to eon vluute ui uila polo ma if yoa or your friend ere going away on a bolide trip or if yoa nave irlaada vuluug ynq drop a eaid to uia faaa 1 aaaa mr l a william ii home for ilia mr alhrrt ilng tent chrlelmaa at hahm- hr- wlo rllaa and mie moqoeen a pant i it celt mr alauii uri gevllh- walutowna i4 a 11 k sir clli huh a bfiok ti r a fuwiuya mlej ai mjnrl i biijuyii gib blind 1- bo im i h me fin m tavl drllu iii ia night wa a gratityiug atiooca thnr tindano ttxd ihnoapitilty of the ohuroli l- aooommodata lha tnittrlalutnoi t which wa i rovldad hy lha lai tig bror with thalr apletidld prograuims ot moving picture w a delightful one aud ill larg aud i no waa maulfeally puaaad wib tha programme throughout lha hour and three quartern bf progmmuia waa bright interesting dlvralfld aa to eub jmh and wonderful in hi character inaa muoh ai in thirty ot tha lomra uhown vorylhlug waa io ufa motion ihere ware many marvelloua producti ma and aaoh kucoerding picture uhown on hod fo th ra nawed kpnlmuso from lha au kanoa among thd woet intfttarly inlirollng of lha mo lion platurea ware lha thrilling war toane lha hetoti horui ore en i no on thalr way loa lira hl diving an 1 tha aurono mora dream tha plclure were cluar aud dlttlnct aud brought out tha leading feature with remarkahld vmdnaaa lha kourtalnmoi t li a credit t lha ltlug lirotwbo are ealeenied eldnu uf dur town but are profaaalonal abtirtalur aud bav delighted huudreda of ihouiaiid ot poopu ou both alda of tha una with ihelr very marltorloua programme an event of tha evening waa tha throw lug upon lha ottivaa onifa uka portrait of beat oould and tha uti domhar hr w j moo xb buuday boltool orohaatra reudorad appreoliud aaalatanca during tha evening tba procodi of lha autirulnmant war m1c mr yn uy to apn ohrlatmav at bar horn iu hamlltoii mr gordon heujerain of th ilauk of til to curb a cold im omtt dav iiuaaat ten ftwal w u iiuve unaiur u uu eaob b hdqaeutttt aiirlouiturui snoaty lha kuuual maallug of larjutaliig agrl oul tu rat boclaty will be bald iu tha lawn hall georgetown ou wednaaday january oilt iieil al oua o olook for tba purpoa of 1 wit log dlraolor for iba euautng j6r and other ueoaaary bualuaar ll la hoped that a urg representation of minibar from aoton and vicinity will attend lha auo oea of uat year a exhibition bald iu aoloti waa marked and the local instiihera will naturally dealra ti ttke an lulweit lu tha futura oparutiotia of lha aoclity cnnul scotttuh coueirt a booltlali oouoert will ba glvan iu tha town ball on luaaday evnlug dauuary rib wbaii tba following ulut will tika pait mr will j while 1orontoa favorite oomlo alngr jeaaia marka lor on to favorite uoctllu koprano mia l onalll vlmulouttt mlaao mlliula lloe and ituth ilryoa obaiuplou lllgblaud dan oar who lie r form tha doubt award daito both danolug over oua award and oorge murray champion piper buoh au array of tiuut will aurely attract tha geheral puhlla and put au hoolahniaii lu good ftttle ilupiiy hdjug ou clrlmlminu hay a pretty boua wedding look plaoa at 8 50 on oliilaliuaa day at tha bnui ot mi wiuou iu niah aw dawar avnue wbau bar youugeet daughlar glare wait uuitad in holy wadlook wllb mr jama m oheyii millar ilolb are highly aeuamad young pe0ila and tor a uumbar of j tar mia uamabaw baa beet forewoman in hit operating department ol the canada clove work iuv 1 m ilagar m a pallor ot iba youuge ooupt tied iba nuptial knot only tba imuiadleu r of tba bridal pair wluieeeed tba oerrt ooy among tba many jokaua ot teem vtnaived hy itut bridal pair nun ware appreciated mora highly than a beautiful rooker and a liiautl clock praaaiited by lha ttmplojko of iba gluu work aid for whloh mr cheyu deelr xj xlud cordial tliank o hr jermr iou lha bft py ooujla uft on tha aftaruoon train for thaoorotiar u luuat iutu lha daalli of lb ave aieit killal un th railway ur obaluoham r ulied in lb mlowlug vr dirt being rluiud by v- iry ibal tbl jory hud that lb dtuee i ualue til ihtlrdaalb ihlohgh tint kr i i 1 per lot kout and gulug ouulrery ki lha rioea uf iba ooiupany mr yim haourd nf iloovtord home for hie hidt mr urn iaaraou uf lofunto waa liotaa for a fow ikje hie week mr h j hall of lurflu pent cbrut inu wlh aoioti ralaiusa mjoehff u home from ililtlab columbia fo he i utldej mr and mri jame bymou of oualpb are vlililng aolon trlatlva mriataa cordon of toronto wa wllb aoton rriude for olirltma mlj lllaoh went ju hannliuil u apand rjhrialmak with fri tvlj there mr and mri tieorg lurnaby of lon don are vutl ig acton friend mr arthur i moor of toronto la penlliug the week lu lha uldhoma mhwad an 1 mr ldwlt frnol of lorouto wtr home for chrll ma- mr 1ark ijii otciuvrakllu u y i holidaying at hi f a h im her mr llrt mx of madowvu vilted at bla fathot horn durli g the week mr johu moolure uf toronto apeud lug th boll uy at hi ulhr home mr weir of kluordlur vliud br brother mr john mcqnoeu tl la weak mr oor ion moltran of toronto wa a gutat at tha home ol mr b day tbl weak ml maggla klrkwood ot praaton ia vultlngattbehomeot mr ban 11 hmltb mlaa mliinu holmra morvali pending tha chrllma vtoalloti al bar boma bare mr bma coleman and family of londou vitlled friend lu town over cbrlet the thorn comes forth with point for t the thorn point of disease r4s n ache or pain bat the blood is the feeder of the whole body purify it with hoods sarsaparitta kidney uvcr and stomach will at ouoa rcapood 7 no uiom ia till solnt evre palna- bad eejaplnu my atnmach a lonn oc rwurajcla uf mother arced m ta uka hood a haraapa- rllu and ft mad m well and atrooj x bav alao livan it to my babj with aaua- tcory raaulta i am lad in raootomand hood haraaparllla to ouhn uaa jonv la lo 340 cbnreb bttorooto ooi comototo exhutlon- artar trt- ment in boaplui i wa weak hardly abl to walk uy blood waa uiln i took rood a fiaraaparillannul well and gained ao iba aarwoa mrua dalay and uui mlokliu are i cuelnb culteguu for lb boll miaae bom rot day mia m motaaan uacbar at havaal i pending iba holiday at bar father boma mr t jam moore and fmily apent ohrlalmaa at lha home of irltiolpal t t moor mr lntbarltyman of torooto apent a ooupl of day lial week wllb aolon frietida dr dcall aiil children lafl vjn utoii iiaad offloar wia bbmfor obrilma mr f red smyth and family ot toronto vilted al tba boma ot haava iaareou over gbrlaliua mra johu hutiur aud daugbur of marietta mioh are guaala at tb boma ol oani bliaw mra dauut smith aud mua joocl at tended lha wrddlug of mr bmllb nelo at inula wood mr d l jona uf madawakk and hah are guaal at lb parent i boma on dawar avenue mr aud mr adam lalug of llramp ton epatit ilia holiday with thalr aona aud daughter bare mr aud ura illobard bomervllla and vhildrau ix xoinion are vlitiug al iba pareulal home dr aud ur drydan and maklar arthur guta at suntlarlaud villa ovr chrlattdaa mr charlu ii moor of lb ouarxtmu ofuoa toronto waa boma for a few daya during tha wotk muic malliall left ou batuvjay for tort huron where aba will apand tba ghrlatma vacation mr jam lumhaw ot wyandolla mlob a tpndlng iba holiday with frlauda is tba old boma mlaa c race ilagar arrived bom laal tburaday from hamilton oollaga ol domaetlrj boleuo for vaoallou iuv q n maa of richmond- mlob arrived in town ou obrlatmaa av to attend lb wedjng of bla hliur mr aud mr van jlrg ot toronto aud mlaav nojrrla qf oualpb war go it ot mr john kaiiuay uower avaan ovar ob rial in aa mr aud mr w byduy bmlth of llallfaa mi ban tray no ot ouveliud and mr a 0 bmllb of d troll arguu at valrvlaw imaa mr uu 1 ur jaiina viratbrook removed talaualangulkbatia from loronto roently mr tiratbrook la mauaglug a d par i maul ot the virelhrookllro buy inaa tbar mr aud ur qeorgemldgtey ot lamb ton uilu are apand log th obrutma vaoallou tu lb old bom mr mijguy i uow lha prluolpel of lamhloa mill publld boboni mr arch manabb who ha been occupying a poellbd on lha o a and i b ii 11 at madewaaka tba peat alg uvontlih came home ou monday to aeiid ihehduaya with hi family t two things now eaaineaenerinttae mbnutluu4 bjt thatuela uu wrk woerasra christmas presents htmlinlicr we are hcadquar- tcrb for irtclcs uitablq for christnns ircscnti special pncls spccnl pat terns special designs and the largest stock in the city to select from see our stock before you buy dried applcb wanted pays to buy at bolurts- ll pays to huy at bolurls tha moud to blor hnd gblna fuoa j a mccrea otjelpb sasrage desire to thank their fridids in acton and vicinjy for the way they patronized them during the christmas seasoji trade never was so satisfac tory i savage co r cvtf were well within thewlark when we tell you thai a new lot black dress goods which we secured at a great bargain and which weve priced as lollow blac broche alpaca repp and poplin at35ct0c 7bc ami 90c a yard means a saving of fully twenty- i five per tiint to every purchaser x arc you going to benefit by thiff offer theyll be bought up quickly thats certain- t d e macdonald 8v brother the lion cuelph 4 clhscow nouso kcton christmas novelties at henderson co- just received several shipments of goods for the holiday trade everything vie show lor the holiday trade makes the most acceptable presents for they are both useful as well as ornamental purs luge shipments of capekinus especially for the holi day trade all medium price goods within the reach of every one the styles are correct and they arc by far the best value in this class of goods ever shown in ac ton also guantlc muffs and collarctts boy youu wiii a new table cover new portiers a pair of new lace curtains a new carpet or a new dress presents such as these are often most highly appreciated immense range of handkorohlofs of all kinds scarfs gonts christmas ylos glovas etc henderson ov co pull hhncb op houdkv cbocohles 1000 for 600 we hive li id a busy sc ison for litlics and imiic jackets and coats i h price were right md style cor rect it has hcon no tiouhlt try selj our j irnu nt i lure ih bomcthmg unique in beauty nd ippcirmct ihout ilunt compared with the gcnornl run v ire n it idly ivic with unsaleable stock but w w ml to u tr vi ry j u id t on our rat s and to make quit urc of tin w put on ih several stands of indics and mist j icl t md co it many of which ou wont sec xct ucd in tin t it u so oo for one round price of 600 each it iayfl to buy at itollei tk e h bollert fe co 25 ami 27 wymlham kt iir1j1i1 gurnev gos clipistmas display worthy al alltime oj a vltil tbiauot lacapdallyallractlicjul how iii xala iioli lay alllro coma la lha ton an 1 you will find alum unco rt chruh hi kiitittlona and becauus of tba ncluiva character tniuiy llurii iil tb bugllnn thai you want j boaotlful christmas handkorchlofs j over loo different kind don t fall to u our new ait 4 it handkerchief with union jack ou dont fail to vlmt this store boautlful cushion tops nicli satin an 1 linen cuahlou tom ivewtl wlntlnj s genu in bargain christmas toblo linons j0 bargain in tabl until tblo napkina conul tabl cot christmas spoclols tipodali for chrbilmaji in kd ctovcw klhhsn sllka undarwrar moalcry etc see our special new gaenta department wa ttavtf iim very newest in cent chrlilinas tis collar shlrla bu panders cot elc xmas groceries candies now iinlltli i tckbrf i rah cannad good iucludi ng canned pear ivacbe viakn cbarriefi and llatric mew oalca i ig malaga hal una tabls tlalains i candikb mew creams chocolale urown mixed t andancy mixed candle i qsuxexljloo xmis goods 4 4- 4 f t- reinelsons bulletin of holiday goods nw eclt tie now neck squared maw kntolitig j at lets mew umbrellas now initialed ilandluifchlehi now dnitui nw pjjamaa i new style in ilala mid caps wright a ilallb underwear now neck mumon new calored shirta newdreajnf gjwnn new style in glovea new dreu shirta new dreu glares now collar iluitona special in pino unlerwcar special wntcrproof ciato ij 50 speciajti in itfeady loucar overcnit 4- 5 special in ordered clothing for chmtima inijiaciioii iuvilcd r e nelson cuelph t x morohant tailor and moils furnlalmr t i 4 is isrotigb trovince of ontario county of halton to wit notice is hereby given that w williams located at acton county of ilalton and in the pro vince of ontario being a business man of acknowledged reputation has decided to offer upon this date and lor the succeeding days special lines in ladies and mens over shoes boo andshoes christnjas slippers etc he will also make a specialty of misses and childrens gaiters and leggings lor one week watch these columns for unusual announcements w williams hoot and shoo merchant dated at acton dec kqth jululuiluu holiday goods fur lha 1 loll jay sejtion wall iai iu to tilmud your lionia brljll act 61 ilolll com1 i loguelpli rll i km lb dig uookbtoitl vcir them iwo line it will y you my chas l nelles what to cet for xmas you do not know but you will hive no difficulty in deciding when you exanru u our immense stock of xmas china and glassiaroi holly- ao docoralng clirulmjb lmliu an crdurlea hi ebuiuuuu candca lo4iluiy tlui llllla fulu lb beat fjeaaoiij tilell ig to at j id f goodeve and go mllllstrool aoton 1 goo 3 si at hi s3 3 the empress ibla poiuiur shod fur women haa t rou u gioai fltvorlid iho 0liy lit stylo are irtoct ma le lu wliu uicirtim ami narrow width iriooa 00 2 50 s3 00 3 go stamped tin told ol shod for men slylkh uerecl fitting hoa ul arliu iliave 1 im war lualarthod for boys and girls line mid ciwrm mux wear ro our 1 v notn wuol rh ujrlil in un t n i th lt orderwl wufb ai d uilniig imb vj uunipt tllciillun kenny bros r

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