Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 10, 1901, p. 2

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rff uamtuibi unarmcsai the raatd u itaunder llnbert k iiudw ot r in tiuaeu dauatilar di uh let jaa 1 ai arua p lmtiiikal tb muuh ol lb rout ulll huhl acton o january i t luv ii a all ituncna fa laugh is of kuumiu r uf uw wlllii kitu it 1 j ikd at im bout of liar dauclitar ii nsaeaaweja on h ionia i i alnun uaavum reaeefnlla l ijc juton jfwii fjrcsfi rilulluav januauv 10lh lml kditonlal notk8 it u a currant report in polldcal olrele lb at th oaurlo uortrnroml will i troduoe a measure nx eeion of lb legiilslni providing ftrf lb aoooor tbout uf technical aoboou id ulu provluo riio ulal iculd produolloo ol lb work uat year amounted li bj56 u3uh oom pradsvtuai3ao5 in 1bu9 tha dv ereas lielng tawing u lb slop peg of gold production id th trabavaal by lb vat j the hug prodootiori of tlaakloodlk be t ul canada in th third puo with total ootpulof ig 000 000 allot any general gibson u baking lb judge and barriaura for anggeuoo uw r of arm partioalarly in coaneolioo wl tho bxuoaloa of tb jurisdiction of diviali court kiii lh aevbjft of eipena to tax payer and litigant ii ba received many tapllea which will b eooahwad la tha framing of future uguuuoa hirlo6ot qimure4 bave baacj adopted to prevenilb outbreak of smallpox la lb coualraclloo ump at niblook weet of vori wilkm from iprtdm dpcial i luuul have beat bworu la and other ueoeeeary bup hav bewu laked thar krs uow three eeolre of bmallpox in cab da but il 1 uol feard that lb disease will pradd with a vuw lo encouraging lb davelop- tiiuut of literary bpirtl in can ads lb jadut jnya jh toroaio u offsnoi cab irim for lb boat abort taila by cri tlua wriurtf tbo ooropelilloo i well tlknaaj hi tj urtber jirtuolra r givra in ibo jaoutry bomber of the mjtjji a bhotocrpbio eooipeuuoa u avbw i nouttoodcud oub brlsoal offftrad tiloniiiioa loramjfc will paalal atlbtilloa to tutmotian immlrtalioa into mw onutla daridff lb yer idol ralbev tliatr um north waattarrilorim tliat wara forty abpllaauoaa- ooa day laat toaak for land lu lb mw district tbln boom for naw ootatlo ualbr with 111 uaqal tlaccaaary arork bmlooa to tnaat tut cf ibo irovlolal aaaembly u tamktaft ihlaga bday about tb orowa laoda da- xkailtnanl a reoaut oablrsram uu tbat qo vjotoru ba abprowad at lb broooaal to lalltou a bow order of knighthood lo r award omoara ajba baka aarvcd la lloulb afilo tb ordat will btobably w 6all6a lb btr of africa al tba recap tion kv0 to col 01 tar in toronto uat weak liu qovarnor qaocraj jlord mjnto to6ajbau bio tod that tllaubanubod booora woaidb oonfarrwl hpori cloi lu tba itoar falura loaaly tbu daoora tlott ol btac of afiloa may ba bean in tin govorooratnlod on tba hboa oooaalon rrotouod rcarat wll hi mi bj iro- baartad llrilooa kbd urltisb atuarlcauia wbarwr tbay ara ftmnd at tba atalaocb ol tniafortana tbat baa ovarwbalooad ijord duffarid iii ma bod lord aya yiald od bithlawo whlla flablln tia utuoa of tba amplra in oootli afdoa aoma tlma ao maw hla acoond hod lord vradarlok toraulo u traporlad lo bava baad arooodad in iui ouoouour witli uoar rvbala ia capa colony and an tbodith lo fill liu cap of txilsforluuo it u aoqcmiooad la oabla dlapalcbaa tbat x0n uoffarln baa baao practically ruined nnabolajly by iha eol upm of a bltf abaltallaa tninibfj acbaroa muoh aytupalby will ba fait for bis- lord blp ju canada wbor- ha tuada a aplaodld rcoord aud waa anlremaly poptiuir whan jjavaruor auara oblcapr- fatvumu tb annual raport ol tba roitwtr oatlkal for tba yr 100 1000 iiaj uod 1 priated iiid dutributaj lu tba tualur of poital tavduua it kbould ba ruleaibrj tltftt ilia yar wti ibahraiduiiu tba wbola of whloli lb raduotloa of tlomaalld polat froui ilir ui twooanupar oudm and of tb iniprui boauga front flv 1 ts onut jur half otiuoa bad bari affected tba hliihar rataa having prevailed during lb fil half ot lha pravlona year tba idvellua flrtba ki of poauate alabjpe calrja alo or tbo baa mr falu abort by only 5s 000 of tba total abioobl drivd in tba pravloua yar tba lolal uutnur of utur poalad lii ciiada during tlia yar wan llhiiwum poatcardd ir7jj0 00o tiittared latlan 4 313 000 irea uur 6 01uo00 tiewlpauari traolaat patlodl au la ioka l0 603 7 w four cbiu nmtlr 3u40 000 aud tdoaj hroia for ittluill bud alaewlxra of tba abowa latter oultrio aaot out uluely blllllortl a lu vliiuod tii vr tlma ao mr vuu will bya tbarx are otily two cuauaa balrlola ant traltora biuiiutlv lu can adu in futilalid wheii tba warfranuy ooola ra4aou babe up ft tllrild alut fnafaaa- itltf baail lu ioudod uawlpopeia tbat dlitild ftijilora for piiuoarim avral iituntba oj re now ft tiding it proniau to tdtooala a ufa hid war polloy urltuh oaution uiiiaiida that tba spread of ti ir jlull no i ooat loo muoli biauay lu cju ul hbowia ultras a ilupoalllou to baatet ulowly llamr cliawbarlaln haa nut dontrivftt b6hna of colonial ra nitmiiition m wiatuilualrr it baldly tlatolvca en cauadlai tauhji lo pro pouad a plan tlie luiparlal fadeibllou our vludr vuiuuad publla iiieti bava lu urn 1 u a lu ration of va lrepled uaiiadibii buiodoiuy will uewer be bacrlfid ej llisiaplie at uiotl popl ea it lu launu la a bond of sympathy a league oilnfitc a family of lull ualloo off tlulowaalld raapcl 111 lb uiottf tab i an 1 huty if uk1 ba rbu lu of rfeouim uaullah ollk and btruutf aa aieal ii u liuuetlia ueayoaamt-i- keeeuaa 1 u tui rwlucwd to writing jtlia tulb col htltutlou with all lie virility and beeaulm pulaiitv haa uairr beau aet tloau la black kud whlu to put tmr lu on paper would uva the bloout from oof bob uat national utpola cadaby williams is our reeve bx- councillor fronola hlakoa ar uxoallant hun and poll only ho votaa loan it ea very aeuarajly uwuhl ibal owing lu thai lection by acclantaium oonoctlloie and ttohool trostara a aataller voto tliau aaoal would be poild in ibo kmiual lot ilreveehlp m alutniy thla jol iba oaa- twaer aa the vole pollrd waa only lavrn leee 0 lb of laal year u m cowdad on all aldoa ibat the rciajwlly f allbar oanjidata roauibaacnall and very fow wave ready toptopbecy wbatbr tba ileeta for 1x1 1 would be tl councillor willi ma or hla oppooant coanciltor viaoeu tba pou bowavaii 1m honor foaomu- and ur wiularo wlltpraalda oer lb daatiniaa of lb la bianlcipalliy for i pre year ur yraoola made a very creditably tun and bad babcon ja tb fuld a weak tba rsaou woo id oodoubtadly have bean dlffaraot for many of ble frlanda bad bromiaad lbair vo aa lo mr william l for lhara waa any annoonoemeot of ur vraocla ca atara ur wllluuna baa abown blmaalf to ba k ood oiliaan wttb commendable intareet in monloipal affaire if baa fcerved tba peopl faltblolly for four joara and will give of hi bat anoaavora lo fulfil tba datlaaof bia ofllo lb br year hi laya 00 claim of opeci fitneaa for lb office bat feci tbel bu knowledge of uabloipalaffalrawill aid bim materially in barforaintf tba dnlia h quired banlcolar ur williatna batnrally feela aomajwbai ambarasaed in hi bear offioa tb4ollof afacutrat falling bpoa hi anoaldar in a way bevr bafora azparieoo ad in acton uy tb rati roan t of uav ieareou and lb defeat of jt warden havill for lb coooty coaoclllnrahlp mr wlllitoa la lb ootyaotlva uaitrau id tba municipality or violully tb pvrnmant baa oootemplatad tba oom mbwoci of aaveral bw uaglauata for acton foa him utnai and prompt action at tb braaant joootora wlu ba appreclaiad by in community ft wonld be filtla abd aooaptabl if key ueaara iaalaon liavill and john cameron were given immdlat appoint man 1 lo lb booorvd odio of joatioaa of lb ieaca tba teaou of tb poll wa aa follow faiacia wiluiata kdlteefaelvdltlatan mo1 l do utl u itl tb council lor tb ootnloi year will oonaaqaanuy b oomp aa follow tie john wiuiamet coaneiuara jobd a uandwaow oaorc uyoda harry jeans and ii bwackbaroar tb polllo tbroucbool dtvislod ho 4 for county councillor koanltad aa follow ifavifx mirrcmkow vauooca juooi u li lii uulxi ii lo ist haaaacwy iu ill ltd ua ad yi tb mmbra sat tb brcaartk year from tbl divlaion will b uaaar hutobaon abd xaaoook tb alaotlon of ur peacock la iiihfslf of a aurprlaa bot b baa proven blmaaf a atrqn man ula 1 town ra bim abd avulaotly ovarlooked entlrvly tb friendly apldt which baa been talked about for year a existing balwrci acton and mil tod wbil lb voura of aotod watw kooerooa wnooxb l eon u tbat lit yolas to mr jajpro- oated by bollin axaotly 14 it tbab 00 taotb tba bomber for our ealccmed citizen xuercuu liavill mr leanock la tb only bw mambar of lb county council or 1001 uf ttavill tallrai with tha ftiinifilnmnaaa tbat b ba served tb county with ability abl interest no warded ba flllad tbat important poritlon with raaur dignity and ao councillor aor exerted blmaalf mar fully to perform tb dalle which bwd la lb oltlott lbil ur uavlll tb auctlotl la fsfiaesinic wa on of lb bntteat waged fot year it turned upon tmillcal line and baarly a vary vol nib townebip ws polled from ibal alandpoint- it wa a fiery latlul abd lha conservative won a signal victory oapluriua lb luev abip and frry aal at lb oooncil but on tbr ar som diaappolnlmanla but k qoeaiag baa- alootod a eouboil of capabl and fexperieuoed rpreatlullvc tb fallowing u tb vou t tb polliujf plao of lb towuablp lu a ihouiaiid pouujaof uw tbej 1 bot miinuiioa of juf liuar iriulilw bllloiyuaa ejow coal plealon ytllow eajbltdic etu yul i to the uutallh buatara g llwr villa 11y l to out tb baw coanoll will b ka fallow 1uv v q near councillor uc aibbon catiipbell cook and qiabati tba only uav ubd ueeled ur uftqiobio oams iu at lu baad of tb boll hxiumoa biaawtibaa untokr mayor j 11 dacoa j ooun olllora w ausander il k audareon a iiiiwluboibabi w 3 anuatroug j u llaatedo and t uolfrowll flobool trua teej w ofeieer w i dok v udo wu oiavuxa mayor job mallay ooun oillorj aluu h cbuiolm aithur p cblaholm cbttl chultolm arthur fl vwtt gi llilr and vc ifauy 11bmuyum tbouiaa tbulmrn waa eld m or for hraiulou couucil wj r euclad by kockniallou niaamulwuva luev ja hrwln aool councillor jnu uaboo o qruiuio a uauiluu aud al lull kuuoi ruava bui ly c- ui a hoi uifikuoii lit billion oruwm i ui c0au ir nlliwi vlmthl ovrr ilu wamnbvl iitj irity toionvo o v iitwuhd alrcttd by 4 819ovrk r llpno abloom lb uawapapr luni lcud to ottw wv w k huiallsld f ib uneury iunfrwa uayor luvid itaau of tb ckrmilcu wauilio aa major and xh voriilbar- oakvllw councillor uv coroj hntytb wa vurttd tu tb council vf uaobar tuwbalili uwkoka ainival at hauitax usoond continuant kuturrtty tt llonlyn callri ilikirit n b j tim alaiir klyvil willi 1 w i canadian oouuuglml waa mau oul i ii llm harbor a 7 o clock it i availing an oin lo anchor al uaianina hair an hour lur hi a will remain lhii jb mornini lbs troop iiihiiiui kii g at luo clock tla alaamer a arilval in nllit waa in an incident of unmlnjal i y wa ll oaa on iho eiraval of ihn flftfut and al k t f tbo bra- man wl 1 bad set bail 1 11 rt fnuti spa tuwn aj p really in coid health died al ae aid iwrlve othera ere dttwo with dtaeasr ijoul halloo of the ilujrel ensdlan dragoon diod on hunday and hla body was lb lrat thin ecut akbuie from th tranapurt lo nibt srrant trumpeter ittgll of wlnulprg dud on naw year day and wa bntrrtl at aaa kzcpt tb twelve turn ill with enter c the bealuiof iti 77u lueu aovcu buraw and 40 officer 1 rxcellool tlia voyaia from cape town wa uaaanl the oily rlly lormy jwalher liiiit uit friday and uaturday thu a gal vau iqnouu d diathioutionoi samplbji of bfcuo omaim aho cotatoi torus 1- iiiuh or yukvss 1asu during tb paat twolvd yuia asm pi tboaw varialie of grain eta wbloli have aaeoeeijad boat on lb bevaralvuperlmaiitel par ml bav been dtalribulod on ap ileal ion in tbreepoond baa fire through the mall to far mora in all part of th dominion the object in view in liii- d liu but tun baa basil it add lo lb productivities and i01 prov tbaqoaltty of lb cultural product throughout th oouulry by placing wllbin reach of wary farmer pur ewd of lb moat vlorou and produo tlv aorta tina work ba met with munli appreciation aud a urge measur of 000 uoow lualruouon of the hon mluilar of agrlcultur auolbei- dlatribotlod will b mad ibia aeaaon owiutf it hi very large bbmbar of appltoatlooa annually ra delved it i not praoticall to eaiid mora than cue sample lo each plionl beno if an individual rroalvc a bampl of oat b naribot also ieoeiv on of wheat haruy or polhtoc and appltcalloiia for more thau on aampla for on houechol 1 cannot b anleruincd tb sample will bdeeut only to lboa who applj personally uat of name from aoctetic 0 iudivlduala ea tool b conaldered the ditribution wul eonut a benclofora of aainile of oat spring wbaavt baluy flald pea ibdub caniwd twlato abplictllooa should b ajdreaiaj lo 0 dtrwclor of i- a par i mental varm old and may b sent any tlm bafora tb lit of march 1001 aflr wbidi dt lha hat will b closed eo tbat tb aampu asked for may all b bent out iu rood tlm for tow log lartiea writ ug will pica mnnllou tb sort of aainpu limy woul 1 prefer 11am log 10 of thrt different valtellc of i hair oboio iboald tb avaiubl block of mill tb varu tie named b exbabated bom olbaf good wort will ba ban i natead tb aample of grain will b bant early bat boliloe cabbotb dlitribuud until danger of injury in truu by froat i over no provlaion ba been mad for auy ku are dialrlbuuoti of any otlinr ada ibaii tboeatiamed ialtir mty b seilto tb knperlmactil firm iro of poauga wm dausik cinictor kipealmautxl farm milton uyor aud ura dsaooa vry bo pliably anlertvtned lit town council and avrl otbet gueeta new yval wk dr we llobarlboa who for lh paat two mouth bsabreo vry 111 intlialloapiul i brooblynn v arrvwi lioms uat w w tu ualhojial hunday bcltoal will bald their anniversary 011 hunday and monday jab s6lii aud jul tb many friend of ur flherlfl cubianla will regret to irn of bet- sariaua llldm tb annual mlui ot llm if altou con earvativ asaocktiou will b bld in tb luyal tampurv iivll uiltou on tnly jauuary itli at 11 p m brgt johu dow of no fco ioh loru itifl ha commaaoad a apmia eour of inatruolioo at lha i toy k i boh 00 1 of infantry toronto hav a i hum a former pit tor will ooaupja lh palplt of tha uelhodial obumb tier on sunday morn in a and vdttit ur ilui will prolmbly taka charge of lb work uulil ur hlchardsoti rboovsra bufuciaully from lila illntai to taeum bu paatoral uulld wia luiottbodltoh rhjawer who uft uiltou logelhdr in jain uvyj far tha northweat terrllorui bath col horn ut wek mr kit lot i haa un mj loyad on a luuiu which tuna on ill ucksnu itivar sud ur dwar wat in clijg of a fur irajiug po4t fort good hop 1 000 ilia north of cdmonlon an 1 about 400 north call of uawson te 1 nacqaqaweva chumchill at hi rsguur sarvu id tb couftreg tlooal church uat 0uody a reoaplud aarilo wanbold wbfii luv lit uuduy lb pastor rvosived ms bw biambera lulu full botiueollrmi tb dra bilnulry i bium ijult iffeoltv iiaaml uamacungraill b it id u friday lth iml among tb apeakar luv j ec unaerwth ii a of hamilton baa- kindly blgnlgaj hi- wilhu to i- uia buubrr of urtott i apattdina wwsk with bt buict mia j w ueyder mr laron utsutfar of klaoaidlae viril ed fruud bar last wak tba chruunaa umiday tiohool enlir 4aintaeil hall in tha 1 beuraar uathodial church tbl yaar was k jtoliled ucoa tba chiljru did their part puujidly tha rhutoh wag crowded and all ur highly daliublad wllh lh ratidarlun of tha atutata iunla cuu la coming a bptoul faalur ot th evnlnj waa unla cuu clt anl praaeiithiliu to ur john hall th uuirhiuiuuiit rf th hi day uchool ilia a 1 irra waa aa fulow iimau ii bo uauuuau lunta tllaus dulr worj with you bill can flu i 00 mora rliluu oooabiou inau willi kurruuujl h lif iu bebolar ufjhf luiulay iujoo wlioin you iovj aj wbo lyau ur afarliall your iiaou allty buauuiiisj uiih uiu tb siyilal ufa of our balitli bull nod lnur tuaunafuif ufa lu jivokaj lha al in oval of ii a whole community your idaullit ha crmiuaulj lit raiml auj toucjall vlio kuow you our cliruluu nullty libbu biiuiuiui to ua bwaa call luglorllilba umi tin i u lu ut liimdelly in fair cburcli tultlloii tla w ililuk ol jou you ar fcrvlltg ihu oliurcli a a iocai iwiolir umlur uubdsy itchowl tiuiwiiuujaiitbiid trula ant j lluual lallliluluam inu malk ad j ou tu trr otnea your wrui lifaaila1 auliiaaumi ior that your bvrvlca ward uat tvekuusd a a mora duty but u labor 0 luva youlu lwu lujuuiibl in your rwoit to hlriimtwoi tjjtojaudoixhabaotnuiqf your vh uu w all hava ijjw1 it u uur liait lll tkulluu of your wojk that 1 iuui la uj uiili yuu itimtor bitj to bhuw tlial a bava uut bsii ulieoiiaaluua of j our orlh lu sdjiuou lo our woija m hatsby akk yuu to till j thh miwlm uf tlu muui in which you are bkhl w wuulj uaurut mllh yi u yuuruuj wlfa lor u rfuir liar laboru and bairoatilsl wlib your wa ixay luw bu iu4 to isat uiu you ajul juur ur fsiully uay ril all l aaiad ut a luuii u4 uaful lif wuj mltrtl th juj bultuw ul lull of lll artbly lifaaiauier uiay yuti luujh tit ulad ia luto tb luy uf your i- j vry awly yuui lu belisl uf cbuiob aud uel wul hkti i 1u4 uxlt u falio ami fjittugiy plud and hpraas the hi p tbat lb kud ly reutuxl axlting woul 1 nonlluu abd tit biiuim that be wiiuld endaavor to b lihlul iu lb usala servui neighbo news intoreiitlnr now itnrrta suuptlotl by corrobondarta nntl lxchan in thla vltylnlty ol onobtown 1iopi ilia atairmant nivvn at the ooml rial i in it icctua ltae a ftrtallng in dabladuea luwc ab well aa ulbuy tilhar town the baunca due lha trraauror n imiminallonday wa flhil ii 3 ibafxtatof etarvlug the publla beallh aidaniouut paid for uharille uat ynaf waatlmitl i lav ii 1 uasoti haa one to i la uw charge l hpokanr waahillgton ilie liacraiiiatil of tbo iord a llu pur waa dipenawl iu th 1 ahylaiisii hur h uat hunday imrtini a carnival al lha rink la aunuuncej fur url mtmily ovanliiij lit a w nloo iii u uur oi1i0i mia tilo tot 1u01 1 lllur wik11 1 dla aul uck ii all lnl vl lot liu lallun llmtl oubb ur ill ur julm moo mil ithttir ot ibrr m tih ui iu ru au california the remain of uran ll iiituborl o aolon wcrn brought her on hunday fui intormanl quit a largo buttibar of tola tlooa and borrowing frlomla attaudwi the funeral hli wn tho youtiget daughter of ur j 1 10 luv j u hagar u a of aolon ooiiduqld iho arvio ur lambert deoowso wai due to a oold coolrsftad a year bko which luvol ipod into lung trouhu ohe waa a tnrinbar of tb uatbodlal chuioh ulloam jhd bore hor buffering with ghrulun forlltujr th many fruuda of uiui martha xiaim will b glad lo hoar aha 1 very much ii proved and w hop alia will soon ba able lo b arouud again abhohovf lb utasea morrlaon miurtbiaed a urid number of their jrund on friday avatiiiil uu uinni ildmr of norval waa tb lineal over hunday of mia piok ml lis ucdonatd u vuitlng rautlvi in uayfutd mr frank ford ami uumi chrlolla- and ida ford or ornish fc bun lay with frtbmt hare ondao joth ax willi m dnujn in old rsaltlvutttaaacd away h wmniulity two ysara of aga 111 iuurnint in aall grot oeiiiblery took luo ou naw yosr llay a memorial servioe waa brld on bunday a pretty event on new year day at lb roeidetia of til bride mother wb lbmarrla orura uual iur datightor d lh uu ur jama uurdook t mr ilobart ti hoi lir of lgrton luv johu haubdera u a oftlciated th lrljo worn a ljvcly k of whiti orandl witli vail knd orsbg hluseom and carried a boujual of whll carnation aud ha otntb- ur hrijrbmail waa hr ooualii uia kbima cook of 6t oatharltib who wore wblt over blu and carried pink carnation ur oeorg murdoch broth a r of th brltu waa groom on i lha bridal party en t irad lb drawing room tu th hlratn of a waddluij mtrflli ami th oara mony waa perlormid and vmgrbtuutloiia received undar au broil of vrorn drapdl with fuit while ribbon and rosar oueat wer presaut f rom uilion oaora town and mt for eat and a uumbar of tha imtnrdislw neighbor aud frulid tba bruai tliuwnho cbtharlttea ur aud ura huftur war antertahiad at an oyilar auppar on uon uy availing and left fur thair bom bear ut foreal 011 wad ueaday ur and ura william thompson and littl kraud daughlar lillian apant new y4a in arthur and alttoded lb wdulug of mr ihompaoti a nleco at oriuavtlla ou vulnasdsy ur and mi j ii nixon ura i rmlth and mim val nixou alio bpiil lbs holiday a in arthur ur id nixon took nlsw yaar a dinnar in toronto cnuwons conneitg a story frojfl life titlowlnu hum bliri i min can it ovlincoml a iv- ii i tparator whouurrororl from kldnoy troublu tiportt many uollnmln ijanl 1 xpurioiuitta to llaetoeli hla llunltli lr wlllumo ilnk iniiu aoluu lrmtiiiy and 1 rttx tiwiy finxi uaiih u tu iir 1 1 1 t haiplura uwf njlril ini tuui 4i an i irruallllyralihlinoatiaav 1 i llai i in ill h kb an i ill h a fw i it 1 w mi dllrl aymltlma t1 biclllyy u ihln ihe bddt i ti lh kev o 11 in llm hank whluh aoonipaliy l in m liikn tho llfo f tho autufr olio f al j oi i i ry 0 ib uli bulfjirnr wa mr iarn uiit ut junun onl mr lu11 in ail ilrwi w with s lmrur leo1 fly lav hi iyl on co h ioiiowb i m aw anl giltt inlll poiat if at d nitnrally a vlioi j i tail hut tl ufa i a mlllir a lird one with 1 iighourf ubor anl rr jiinil 1 iaur hlilin year bgv a lh raall l f ll j portira i waamtnlaci with kijl y irolllu ant a tlluugli i i t much iiiouay iu varl iu rmudlrl i 01 i u t hi i u niliu ill til i waporaiawl tu try dr wlllin 1 ink imu in lhi uulumii of lhjil t iu iroutl- brau lt wminu all bijiiravatia 1 form 1 btiffirof fro in mobt averuiu in the bank and a ualllig f lrowalej an 1 j bo aavora wa lh 1 akn that inmiy a night i buarcolt iiosh 1 my ayi my n wa oor i auture 1 from liraiuoh i flovi wa nilaurabu anl wholly uuct for work it wa wliild in thla nonilithni thai iwalvued to try dr willi link fill bnlpioourd thro boa iui01 had flnlhad i in- ihltj box i fh m bell r btid i than pruoured a haltiliion boxe mora i uad all lhe but ikifor lhoywr all ou i folt tht my hewltli waa fully rotird in tho itiu rvl iinca then i hsv lul jiul onn slluhl rotrtrn or ha trouhu and ur williti 1ink imu hjou drova thl out uml my howlth kltic iibh batii lha vory btit i imv gaiinxl tniioh in weight eit aud bufp will mi i oonaldar iljbok ua hcbllhy a parbon b there u iu ilia country and ihn oredit fui ihli i feal u aullrrly duo to dr willima pink imu or willum 1ink pilli increbaa t apply atid tho rlohnaaa of tlif hlootl anil in thla way cure ptiyaloal and functional weajmeaaow moat other iiumiidihl ii i in ply act upon tha lymptoma of th duraio hrnoa when tha nibliclnn u hiooutiuuail lha palloflt ia oon b writihtd aa avur dr william pink villa o illrtoily f iho root of tha tmubla anl ciirn lo may cured ilatic it i unwlu ti watfl mnnny lu ek poriniaiili wllh olltar mvdioii o tliet pill aro dol 1 by all ilaalnro or will ba lett iol paid at 0 oeutl alox or ilx boym for 3s0 by tildraaain ihn dr wilua medicine co drookvillo oil moat tho fiamo dnywudnaoday oth fobruary toinkio jan 4 tlia provincial lkia uturo haa ltan aummonad ti meat on wadneatlay pch gth for ilia tranaaotli of hmliisaj thli u tha tinio day aa tlia naw parliament uioota at ottawa 111 palo hluo or stwl coloured oo blultintl motion of eyeluu and fupil jiola dccuufulnta anil bclaulinnaa orelbltrings rlauuia i briunjs l abluliul ikv dr qaviu of oudlih delivortd an aob1uui icmure on 1 in j on and ita lurna lu lh church litre on thursday evening uiu tha altantunoa waa very urg and attontiv we r plaaud to tut thui mr uolntoah bucoaaifuhy undarwant an opara tlon for bjpatidlollu in thaoualpli qauarul iloapltal anj it low rroovarliit tha tnuniolpal ilrationa bava baau vary warmly coutaated thia jrar ur u grawbonjr who ha baan ill la rvoovarlnk a vary pretty wedding waa bouirlnixcd at tha realdanca of mr wui amuraon on wedikeadav jab unil whan hia duuglitbr ulaa auho w united in iiiarriaga to ur juhn t davidson tha popular oth uight agaut of calalonu ont iou of ur cliaa davidton aolon at litre o clock tl brida rnlarrd tha uatefully doooraud parlor on her lather a ami looking vary ohbrmiuy dread in paarl gray oovct tllolh trimmed wllh cream attkn and silk uc aud rhinaalona buokua aud woyo in bar hair wblla roaa olio wu alundd by ir aliur ulaa annla who waa also bsoom ingly attired in blua ar trimmilwltli wltllo stiii jl mp and hlua ailk and wllh roac in liar hair th groom waa u up port id by ur clias oamhla crawadna riornara thr uupital knot waa tttul by luv h a uolharsou acton after whljtli uurti numbarinu about fifty of th i turned i uia reibtwca of tba htl i aud uroom aat down lo a iuui tuoua rapatl afur ampla juatloa bad been dona to ll auy good thi una tha company apaut a vary puaiaiil alibtnioon in muilo und booihi lnurcourw ths irlla waa tl racipianl of many baautlfu and ooatly praianu allowing tha high vatwni lu which fibo ii bald by her uumaroita fiundv ouatta vera prexnt f onuuilpli loronta aa on ami kiun miiih lu lha avanitt a rtocption waa bal i ut tba homo of mil chb davilaod at which about on liun drad slid filly gutala war praaant ilia night wi uiiii very pisaaatilly by till in lippiuj iho light fautballc in uanira won othar aoclal amufeaniouta lha iatty not diaperehig uutil iho aarly hour of dawn ur aud ura davidson uu by ihaminr nooti train on xuaaiuy forilinlr naw homo lu calrduuia wheta they carry with them lbawlalitofrsr of frtijtfi- ihbt tha may both ba bis i with a otg hapiy and pruproua ufa about llility of lha young wopu cf ihu neighborhood apaut a vry plaaaant lima at iho homaol mr jva daml 1 utl friday availing uiaa 1 inula uamuhaw of lurlm u vull ini si th hum of bar trot bar ur llm ilatnalmw ulaa alio u ttlone of amlh hpellt a vm with hr fiuud lh mi uanibl uf aud ui win murray of nieeag way bpaol ilun lay at ur andrew murtay t mean wctkericc lungs all caustid by a cold and cougl weak lungo sooner or later mean consumption shilohs consumption cure will ial and strengthen the lungs cure cold and stop the cotmh r c ir uyai xnj ll u ti co ur jul nmn uanss klai llura l di ltiuitnj waitcou uvii llli i i niuiionl wl uh ml villi tor lunf anil a ui i c ur 1 1 11 it 1 tjjuly cua iu i holt ii wi miuv g cdr t butl by all vlrugvtat tit oatlk and ulllll klkta at tte iaa ajl 00 m i till in fir tat ilrltsltt at 1 aa a s ami u u i x prutstl auarauta wlllt avary bnltla it yon are bot bsilaua 1 tf lo y el ysur tuatity imcw will for illuttrataj ixv ilgglat mo j deinft aaked what mado liltn ao dirty a alrcat arabs anawur wan i waa mad of dut they all m and i eu po it worka out v canl wr- llio nudaralrnad do i erohy irreo ft rafuinl tha money on a co cut hcttla ot oramaa warranto j oyrupof tarl it fall lo our your oouuli or colli wa alao uuir an 1 6 a j 1 oant bottlo ti prove auiufactiry or monay relundeo a t huown the right house i hfa1 ml ik j uauilio o 1 avditin mioiiinf pi an bargains in coats ix irtfw numlicrs of jjood wirfii winter jackets liiiii j uiluh li than former price- why bc- 1 iu c we wmt toniiir ouljlw b il nice of our season s ock at once here are somcitem ilrtn 3vdluritsenicni ilopcity for sale l0 koiini oil k ui t ll a t 1 i uialausa al ut ll a lt ji uu s wall ota j immt ll i ls l l laliy 4 llwihi 1ui ii ar m i4 j5 to i vimnally h to lilack clolli unaaura at ll yr jarkrl at ti 30 u luck niida at t wcarbh alylraldn at b v l llrtv tawn anlblu jactc-i- bin for marly bjo two very choice fawrtjacvnt 3 iltuck chilli 7j o i j in coh 1 r 3bhs to btr 50- varioua glrra utbum harijjliia in fawn lwiod irloua blylca an a u chth ulilers ii color 1 orniorly b4 deduced lo bj 00 i ornicrly fj rmlucl to 3 30 pur unod capoa i lain ctotlt cau with fur collar on il ii nod who fur t rvt ivirgaln i ornmrly 2y trnluced tu bill 1 ornicrly 16 rrducod to bv 1 ornicrly b53 rcilucod to bjj fur liijod oloaku i nil loii hi clpak in bljck cloth with linlnj of fur and fur ir lining i ornicrly b13 30 reducl to i3 1 ornicrly v30 minced lo ao pur capoa and fur jaokou if you ro ihlnklnk of gotlitig a fur cap or coat you thould certainly bo 1 coring in m1 lick lit bplrildld values lliese i in nuclln in k slllaclun hti wii eaa tt- llicin tt wo 1 uxranlcc jackh mu1 bas thirty incite in ungth fine quality nf astraclian good rjulltwl farmers sal in lining alio jf and 3h itettec onea ml i jr 1 7 j ackf1 s aprcul b5 thirty jx inch good astratlian with uiled farmer sella lintnr slies 3 a 3ntl 3 hotter ones at tw bu and i40 cat fs bpocul at br twtsnly toven and thirty inch cap ape clally good value iletief one at fit3o and bj7 muffilll btwfial value in buck coney mull i bi another in black hire ll 35 bedding at ti 74 special vain in whit un bhriukabu wool liunket good largo bjw 68 and b inches nice 0lt uallly ojiecial lln of antra urge but not vory heavy bunketa 7amo inch u tihr 1 nkable line and soft two paaiilles 1 rancau bj hj luir oid ljualor bj30 pnir at ti bpclal lot of pure- while cotton filed comforters filling all in orm uniform abeel kite 7jx7j don 1 fall to come and u ua wheii youre in tlie city at ojlver tlmea writ tu for earn plea and prices freight or eapre prepaid 13 railway italian in ontario on all mail order amounting tu b5 or over c watkins king sfc east cor hughoon st hamilton uksiitanhkuksidknck foil uali pull wl an n vrapal n fahlw 1 avanu ihki 1 wufu i t wf vltta ta now dalxl r if sals tla i u la wall 1kiu bsa slcbt rtuiiia wui tail bi it nlf y urff oallarsikl wnili c o sctsil ilanlsa4suti wstar tits i la alwl f wl 1 uaaon tlia pramtaaa tbf la an ui isnh wall atnraed wlui ebolee trait tits t lojwt y u wluiln ilia norpor sllon of us u rlll mstmttlurtnk inwti ol aelwi le itorli llf ol fslnuw ntalary uile svnpsrty wuufl msheeaitssrlm blu iui kjssuli si i lmilua will l sstd two big th1ncb now holiday goods or llm holiday seatojj and wall iarcr 10 male vpu hoirio bright acion pi qili coml to guelph and te tho dig bookstore i jr iheui two line ii mih nay y6u xaya chas l nelles guelph kendalls spavin curkus i i i i i i i vefeftklaav clear hijil hlua ayan with calm ateadfaat 11 m ea dauole ohcarfulneai good leni r aud oonttnoy for liiurual ur exuri ylluw oil oiunul b ai allvlug aud auolhlug isi il u hsj- wiled a a pbiu ly for all lu some reasons why you should injil on luvlnj eureka harness oil ytictiitiilhjl in nnv other render luinl itfilhcr kufu eixlully pujund krclm out vur a heavy luxlicd oil iarness 11 evctllt ut pttkervntlv educe coat of j on- luiniraa rr hunia tlic 1 oat her iu cietilv ia tucrruivcij jrcurei fkt wrkc litclie kept frolii breaking olt a anl hit all tk iu riliiuj lllhia luuuh i iuj 11 uj s- uum tuim t sli a fiaui kuheiku 1u11 buau kr 1 stu ij lw jhikwut ujuu 1i ilxlfljw kud kui if toiwaultlumitiiuhtlby ilcuriilaatirriuas i inutll mll aasllnltauairuiutaursli f ijji rutl k inijjll iw ktujw f mi tr uw ar t ttu i 1 civ r sjlrcw i wn j klhuiu ca maihitoi puis vr the piior pity a prominent pillar of a durham om r church write i auqefcd intensely from inflammatory jtbeamatum gst on bottu of boutk amertcaii ttbeamallc coiw bealed but i tlly those who softer aotautb and do bot non bow bear they am to a cure i uel like proclaiming it from tho bouaevtopa sold by a t itrowu fine furs jackets rrorti 30 00 up caperineb i i rom s 50 up fur scarfs i rom fj 75 up sable scarf i rom 6 yi up i or chrlilniai ivlsenta gtovj mocca bins sealtkiu slipper 1 and eveylhlog in tit l ur llu mad to order al tlic lowut poaalbl rates tw good kckku and value lur remodelled and repaired i in fura a tpeculty call and loapecl gola l n eufontaine furrier cuolph iala on that naw rlntf vutiibti ut lian you uaih thouaauu of canadian uaii vouch for thasloaby of that naarl ikiuli ranf ly tyny llkuam ii aura tmll vary quick ly j5d of all tuujutu uauuuctlirad by th j riirklh ui iarry davla riu lollur a handful if mothv bualul uf laiiiiinit itid worth a huiduoll b3 iluhhl v ill 1 bo 6yrildhll 1 00 luatdlass 100 wa suruilej perfsul batwaulutu olobb optical co xit yon0srrtttit tutunto iip y b ad acha tk a wily uoa your hack acha t taka a itly doaa your alda oh 7 taka a tatty au i do not lake any othrr uuwbru ot a lutu thai doi not talk aud h dog that iluea not hark dor tor tha llorsaa mrv itiouipaun itouud uari writes my huautid would uot ba with out hagybrd a yolw oil iu lha bouw a lia uaad i a good deal fiu- doctoring up tb hor aaa bud ooiiblilura it ppuudld trio oouldnt evtlmat ii vmluavt dr aynw a cur tor tb heart banc faila it relieve ia 50 htnuiei it cure it u a beacon lubt to uad you luck lo health w ii uuiaelmaiof g a it ueltspoit iauy two bottle of dr agoew cur for tbat ifcart entirely cured m ol palpliailod abd mothering spell iu valuai cauuot b feslhaalfld 10 baldly a t ilrown in tho unit three minutes talk long on tho distance telephone ilefor calllnj central mak a notu nf all you wuli to way bnd when you nl thoriiircd connection i tm1lk business business chkng9 enoch stathaln has purchased tkie meat bud nets lte to fore carried on iu that well known bland on main street known aa lite holmes jiulcher shop by mr f ganll net and tollclta a blr iharld of public patrona batbt quatlxtiayi of ultan and guued waiani i intend conductini a clean tidy diop and cuutomcra need ham 110 hesitation lu en rutting to- with their orders i rcah iuutaind fowl and full in teaton cadi paid for hidea and pella delivered at i lie stiop cutters fiiave a large stock ol new cutters both factory and my make now in show room this is the proper time to buy while assortment is full call and see my stock before you buy dont forget that i have everything 011 hand to repair your old cutter or sleighs root pulpcrs hag trucks and weigh scales for sale call and get a calendar jnoneill sitcccuijr 10 oulp jk htokettxio gborgbtomn acton flour mills iiumpimiliu ju hawke proprutora illllxu maill trice paid wiieat and otiilh grains our mau ot flour i lat won wide tprtuul fav or dett mile aluaya on hind i lour chop mil 1ilj cltacked will at i tc at louett prices for cash huiriphroyo el hawko actov irua joottiisib iu liko a h worm lulbu ttiat it ihluca when 110 ya ar upau it i cj t lh eye of ho veil tr agnow v atetryhbit powdar baa fjovvd a i to many a man imforu thipul i iwi fi hoaisineu hud throat tiiinnaanl cttanh horn of the moat recent avldeiica of lu tlhcacy toineafroniwwvtlkratwn itrhinlniit u iu new york city llaaayu i hv tiaver fnual giiytblng tniial ihu leiuedy f ir ipikk mllcl jo cent 157 sol i by a 1 urown 1mi a till araauialltitar mile but una la a iliuo bnd bvary doa oouuh il ur ura no malik wlia 1 tho man who doesnt aaoridc lila haalth iu th a at oh of wlulom hlk nv4th wuuii mr j d majsi hlukaly i j wrol lit fulluwiii ouof thy ohljrn took blukuilh wiirmu and after trying wary tllitk without flllllh frllef w prooured dr iw w inn hylritp whluh bell promptly bjid uotully u good morning 1 or flvo dollars 500 i will make 1 doj best cabinets and 1 large photo sue 16 x 20 inches jyujakwsjrdlkiflz hhoyo ktsylut kcyoh if you kir hllyapaptb tak leltya if your baok bubsj uk telly a k your bead fobs lav petty it you ar nervous uk pally if you sjr weak tavkalsllytf 11 ly will mak tbaiok well who inuojaoed aall burb into lb navy nosli wheat b look llbui lulu tb ark 8 tiila lwl i oa wy ujiu aw laxative tkumoouinine wu for cliristmas tb long and nhort of tlcceuful aiuer tlting nowaday ore the willincnes and ability of llic merchant lo sell ixma thing far ua than hlconipoillors and all ihlugi aa cheap as can be imolit eluwhnre tlial is our position otactly and il at plied eajkrcially to ibd urn rang- ot rood now in tlock suitable for chlrallsttucks prbsents such tlm fancy chairs rockcrs parlor tables framed pictures chenille curtains uat racks newspaper holders raymond sewing machines auil uumerouu oilier arllcw which will tal your fancy call mil liijwcl our larga alocli our pdccj ttrn nlway ruhl johnstone co m pulultufl doluori new year bargains china ware bucera at 1 ualv 1 mru luvclikl gum u a in i mirrom luicku cuv 1m tuo aluiluk doxeu vary llhlly j dauij4cil ut tiult it kunu i mi to jjr silll offrihivgtvorfum a t brown oheuiut atid btatloua ac 1 on

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