Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 24, 1901, p. 4

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stunted hair ydur hair spill at the end can you fiull out a i a n d f u 1 by run- w nng your l ithgcrs through ft 3 docs it seem dry and t lifeless f give your hair a i chance feed it the roots arc not i dead thoyarc wcak- bxcausc they are starved thats all iay01 visor if you dont want your hair to die use ayors hair vigor once a day it makes the hair prow stops malllngrand cures dan- drulf it always restores color to gray or faded hair it never falls i oa m bttta ahdm fr i il ty hair march sit bo0 tjukova ii dak hale llfiloriil thliii underfill nuiiy i ii whirl i tttufwlliir luth ivoillkuliia- i oumt nwyorkn y i j aill iowll utu toiuumanuly killfkltte no it u luly fit thai many hltlruo broujil i i it 1 11 rlil must in the liitiruil iiv l- wiui bi1 tlio ipiali 1 t hudou- tin hourly iii iy r who bam liarnmy tlr wiling hut ibadr i eel rn l ilil v i d l think hit fulling kuimi in n qrdin eiy lluwr il ml ill- ii lnnuliitj ii u tdn lwn i k 11 or lull id wir i i 1 1 a bllllkllt iii hod ka ll u f111 lllo lirojirri thrmiaib thohnlo in tin- bottom ur imlhur ilia titlj if iliu lljwjr p it dtiilly till willi water hit jimuu ailuil btill a chancu oh him ho jou tiltl til lho jo lawjer afd bitterly i wuixloi- if ll wouh l kiy hxj 1 k tho o lu yoor father r tiho k bar head jhrailh il fo my doloi- h piled 111 whl yw uall the oourlorul rorv hut i oenl ulva up lh cae in r this wyl hoeadaimed liho dujf tint laud with tha polul ut het aeo mr flraaiw il b jjjilmiiuij1 yoirtiolesk for a now tritt 1 1 lonq and hiqif ij dait xtt rcss tnmiday januaiiy 9lli 1001 ffb 8 3f0futb they talk about a woman spin- as thorn li illiula limit ttiara s hoi a plaoa on earth or lieavsn rlima 4 tint a uk to mankind lvoii ttiora not a blmtlnu or a woa riir not a wliutr y4 or no llar4 not h ilia or lilli or ultlii that liu rallibr waliilil or wortli wluiotilai womau in it dyiiepud itiillaahod o w qnow a co 8yrou h y wtlto riaaae und un ten yrau of pli we are wllinu tonr of rnttla pi1u tliti any olliar illl wd keep tlay imvd t iirdt rpuutlou for th oura of dyaptu nod llvnr com plaint mr cliai a qruitli llnjiay wrllm iarm pilu tro it ex onlloul ubdlolu my llr linn lnm iroulilaj lih mar lmdoh but tb pliu bavtj ourdlir a fkior niouta in lullair lliao nons but omo hie no poor tint they tr uootl tor luurnal or external ui niyd yftllow oil cauuot ba extioilaj ai a pain irellftvlud ud toolhliiu rmady for ell ptdi notblna on tlie table laitie ai coot if vbr un rriil rjmutlly of il aak vour druiojlil for tettya tillt if tie hkant kol thatn wrlu uh anetoiou llie prliw co ouu ktid we willnupnly you woman tayu mi tjxclmtihf ba a tuaiiu for a lunu hair lotirf drnawa lon rlbbonr lol lulten lonu kjuchp luf llnia ui cjreai iou rldoi lonrf walk tony dry oojm bill atid lotitf hiainory woman ban nuo a oravjiiix for lilyb tbliiji hli litoloj hhltu illtu hat bljli dut binli family blub placa in hoolaty blub volo blub rootin blub lhiimr and liljjli irlej uut for all tbo iutrioidui of br nlurj and tbo fervor of bar fado aha u tba true botoloo and itiinliterliijatitjol in linio ofiiol jufat fbll iuni 1 tulubt a wall ul j biori wd o any futbtr said llm wltiiia wbo bad been fttlllns ratber tbo botler of ibn lw- yer tml yo tiimdtit try to rattle tna by hikin fool fuutoui no rmorlod llm uwyar nnw iva ralud tbren boy mi tfot two j rand io na ibala k ma trained all iba tlmo induupnolia prtu the worlds best it has met the needs of thousands in the past paines celery compound ooreb amd makes people well it la tlio kind you nood iyou airo ailing norvoun wbak and donpondont palnob calory comaound mnkan nay dlpod and llulldn un thu oytonn r ita stby to iii for llilti but its kwdthmfalninucflrhytj-wliirior- castoria ot liifuliu ami chlloreh uavlu luutoh gutsu tiiub ia mouoy but most pmnla and ll ft oarronoi tbil ie draldedly lucluatin urltum lltftdicbe urr 0 apl to wbilbwomlk w u wrltia milium blorllnu iiodob towduri bav ijiwon mo ureal rlltif from palm of hx grlppa it my bead and lliroujjlt toy biou lrioo 10j und zoo ajl daalora uamma juerid lilllo four year old nolllfl at lbodlunor lablo tbaoiboraveninii 1 wbal in at o j people cat euup flrat than iltli t ie it to lie 1wi- nan o awimininu 1 iliiarariina llclmi dulkur jordan lorry n fl writu a fuw uiontlih fo i bnd b aaver liibt in my tbroal an ohot and broamo ulio liourte a botllo u lr wood norway in uyru eoon laliavod the lloareanaea end cured tbo oold billoldej are poreone wbo oatit ljury iroubld wltlmiil biirylnu tbumirlvee itboumilumlaihtirja luniba neural ju and ooiil are ell couiplaloly ourad by milbunia jllieumatia 1illr iba ureal ioolfla rbeumatlo remedy lrioo cma a box at all diatom mr muahy how lulu vwo little wife baveyouaavftjl anytblnu tbii wak j mre ulaarly ob yea indeed you will find tbo expeiiraa canaidurably leaa 1jnv jilit betu o im uio jrooar and tarauaded biiu 10 dalay eeidliiu it in bill until nit moiilb yattd of exparlenoa apd taha by pby- alolana and ita ma aa a family rued loin j bavu fully proved dial luinoa cclury com pound la iba worldj beat and moit reliable medicine tlie relative nrnrlt and ttllafbiiay of plu cslory compound in oomptriaon whb all oilier vdinedlu for tuakhi people well ia- olearly abown in ilia inlellljjotit obfttaoler and reaponiible etnidlntf of tbo pwple wbo today rely on it to oure in omnia nervoua dahlity rbeuniatlaui neuralgia liver and kidney irouthg and blood dieaaae lie tower of rapidly repair inu hid tlai and cuanain hie blood makes palnee celery compound tbo beat never of life that il ia itbrlnifto tbe weak and lufforlitii tbo needed nutriment to the nerve tlaeuee all over the body and ionreaboi the volume of braltby blood to lb at a brkdown of aome vititirtitftvurtod widuiandnjfhvbir now faal wearlnu awa can be ueved if pel nee celery compound be promptly used if you era numbered amonuat tbo elakoneprooureriluei celery compound to day and utt lit iieiltti reulorinit powere a oft plmbto cuvltinn of litiuhu wart felt into u hith the font miik milking it itiouhl forluuf an iillsitliiti leoiltoiuliiltnr tho uiriinst ulntcr tho cohil t uhts for tnnimur inula jmtllvo curu for coi n i imnmiih litiiou iritiiucior biirnnif ttiul ptinpiinifi fict dr reed cushion shoe rqh men and womrn sold to i liu do ilci in t town mnuiiicturi il in c uiiulu for dominion cushion shoe co 1 llll l v hv thd j d king co limited toronto let woman dover bn per mi a dud to for hl uial linr callini u nottbo lower and mom vadbly oii oleltniuailioo bullbn biubor and dlvluor calilny of inlfaarjriflcb cliae hinuley mr t j llumee columbiia ohio wrluu i bauo bnnti nllliotud fur some hun will kidnoy and liver camplatntu and tlnd iarmetaoi pila tbo beet medlolne for ibeio dueaeb lliotu pill do not oamepaiuor urlpinif and nbonld bn used when a oatbartlo bt required they are uelatlno ooated and rolled in iii flonr ot koarloe to prjaervo tbeir purity and tive them a pleaaant aurenabla tftltc ioea your bead aoho j take a petty joia your baok echo take a putty dium y aldn aobe tako a plt and do not take any olbtr wben il la remembcrrd how on oily life lohjj fdsildabeenmtftnemicu it ii yot enr prlelnjl that people bavo llltlo confldenco in friendship i llvwr troublnw biliouinem aallow com- plat ion j i how nyee jtinllce nto jiel i to tbo curative itowcm of ltxa liver pill tliey are euro lo cum ltit not tbo cmpbaaie of lioapilatliy lie in bfd end board bul ll truth love honor mini courtesy lluw in all tby drada lraur children cry for castoria lota of people would be meatier it tbey rere rlober hilburn3 heart nervepills roi- weak tv tuino plllri iim all til sou kt nml dhi nrdtiru nruln fmm wouk lilurl worn mil niirvph or wutnry blond audi on iulplta- tloil kklp lioftla ilirobbliig hiiuitliorinr nixilneaa wonk or nnthhilla aunt mlu norujimutae nit t plraanima drain 1 iiir aenntnl diibllky and innk of vitnllty llioj nro ii trim burnt tonln iiorvu food nod lilood onrlcbur biilldlii up ami nmtvlinf nil tbo worn out mid wnutcd tuniiih nf tln bodynud rjjatorlnjf jtorftmt bfnlili t i i fo b boi or 3 for 1 25 ut all ilruj fi tu a nmical i- child 1lt a tlchcatl chiltl trlc a jittlf stutts iniulsiin of liul- hvli oil iftci litluvfnst or diniiti not too nuilh loo miuicji will upslt the stonuch ucttci too little tlitn too mucfi i he effect will hv slow it ought to ll slow iu 1 wlal you will suu it bugan the ftttt day dont he ina huiiy u ilimlv u- itltlc l iy u ul ll 1 a lldwhm ikuu hume folk tievur net new clotbcu unlese there ie a funeral tboy ninii klttnn attention in uio wotl t of homo oatblo mqilluine ban bean it vtry onrcji of pro uroie aa in politloa and rtliwiii ibo lil noulllas of opinion uml dm individuality of man bavo titan puout lu tbo dluayrtmi niant by wbicb tlio euudard nf tbeso botlioa bavu urn luvatcd ro with innet t f oar fumou preiurauuiuloreino in il lustration of wbiob truth l47tna the wotl i- unions remedy tu oiirral diblhty and lauuuor quinine wine and which whin oblaluable in ita ueipinu ilreuulh ia a mliaouloud creator of appetite vjtallty and itlmulanl in ibu ueuaial urllllty of iba ayatem juiulnu wjie and lu itil pjnvenienl baa from r llrtil dlioovory of ibiuroht virtue of juluitie aa a medical euent bn oue uf be moel tboroujlily dleauuriiiil reutedley ever nfferml to the ptb lie ii u on of he kru a i too lag and ami natural llf iviuk utluiuuute wliltll tho nullaal profuueiuu have boon ootnpjllod to rutmuuualid pn uiiltm movuru mortb rtipaud lyman of iorunli- liavo ulvuu to mi pdrperktliin nt hair pure ojiinlnn wine tbu urcait uare dtlu lo lie luipnit uuw and ibmuiidanuiiwluuueuf tliouiliou wtluh limy ultur tu tb pitlllo uhu into the market urul ol all lb dcfotd wlihib iuil ilwivtitiiik mid iwulitiiid tluuu b v diil- i tint in ih liii ifjura lionenf lb ltlr iftiilirlla 7 and her tether oalle tho plauo bora in a joke tho remembere it wbon tbo marriin 0 icira later and tteau it from her elitera the couylmiji an wboealnn of perioue troublod with brouobitle or the asthma la excessively haraaiiinu to tbombelvoi end annoying to otbera lt tlomaa kcleo irlooilobviatoa all this entirely aafoly and apjwdlly aud ie a benlyti remedy for lame najg aoree injuries pilue kidney and epl nal troublea au an till round family remedy one hit aluaye aliogld bo lu the bouio for an emerfionoy dr pettyj pdu diuoonnt anytbltiii in the markol tbey are eo email a child can ukn thorn wilh oane et gabatnideu iqo reward iioo tlilili if lila 4f will l iiuaaw lu 1arn yl llicro u at uaat una titnailihl iiibl arlaiina ixhii k t nno in ll tl ateitc an 1 llitt niirl llall a lil nijui triiltr trli 1xlu eonalltu li itai illanua ulr hnalitntloiial uul nail llilliunliliil ua liiudfcll aaluu liiully h iihi i uiucuua ant r i itoaworlnif tliu mll f llllllhhutalllllt til- tht uilli iy i olljliu u tlu mnlltull k i llliij ilu 1mk ihu ll- mtk tli uu linol uilt in it- urllv that uiarilfroiijllliiixliui dluialuf itll fh toiir 11 i fr lll ut- v j t uuiuy a d tjtlu t ai i llully driikul ialla villy i ilia ilia t hi iwii ibhik nil lh mind wilb tnbr new klld hlatnaallilj tidlillf llltl hlll kwn ibu ollnraud ibfinota aleailily w rtl t un hit in ihnfetarry hnavu alivn a the hi lw ltblikant it may be only a irltllmj oold but uc ulect ll and il will lateu ita um in our lu aud you wll aihxt u birriol l l autliiirly iraw lu ihla oouijtry wo bavn uddoii obatiijij and niuat hjmdt to hhvfi biijbh and rohie wn nttiunt avoid iboin but wulii lifaiit a burn by iialntf imuklne antl uonaiimpttve hjup oie liidioimi ihat baa nuvur imxii known lo fall in otirhiy ootib cold hronnbltla and all alfootlon of the throat limit and choat iiow many pupla i lltva tern ulio would bavo looked oaiinon bulla unl of tho tnuilua of nun wllh tbolr bar bantl and yol had not lb oourayo to bit bappy aboophllegaulhur my btomrtch avo out en tirely ami i mint 1 urn lil i i 1 hu wn llm emrn f mr 1 t m i i n iwnmtrr iul wutwtil n oi rjbn uiclt of ij c jt i i imh mid iluip bun uh lurnjnrnl trlirf lul r n mm sold by a 1 drown over the door of nearly every pleasant place you ihnl ihla inn no almlmlon hlekllraiuelie mre joieph wordworth ohio u q aaya f bave beeii troubled wllh alck headaohtj for over joar lately i alarled takln lisa liver pill and tbey did me a world of food an liny without pain or afrlpini- f if you are a dyspoptlr lalfe peltye if your beok acba tike pellyu if your liotd achba take peitye lf you aru unoui if you are weak lako peltye peltya will make lbalok well if tbou uaiitt not uiaka tby t if such an oue aa thou wouljest jiow catlgt thou ox peot to have another in all thing to tby likiou thomas a keinpia worvinn why 7 you hate aallow akin pimplci cm nnns dltcolorallona why roiorl to cosinnilca nnd nowdera to bid iliacffclia ir acntws liter lllle teru late tlia eyilem and realoro to iho check hit healthful rosy bloom nnd rwach hluib of youth from ono to two plllu a dosa will clarify aud purify the cnmprkiou in abort ordar io tenia for 40 doca 137 sold by a t drown oh mammal exclaimed ultlo t jear- old margie runnhiu into iho house uroally exalted what tlo you think tbo old epaaklod lion has uld a nailful ot liltlo ohlokena i tailors bad backs kvery onoa and a wlillo a onlus nvonti a slovo a waubitiil maobina or a furnace that a child can run bul wo notice that the ol i folks continue 10 run it the a rant sorpont of all dlaoaiei lcidnc ilheuo may well bd tallcil tba box connlrictor disjuw unaua pectlnir and unrelcnllnn it iou the victim lu its coll and gradually lfhtena nil life la crushed out but tho real bouth american klduov cure trcalmcntlini proved its power over tlio monster and no matter how lirmly enmesbedlt will relcaio heal end curu 15b bold by a 1 drown mamma do lip orjlm kibr you never hear me trying win 11 my hair is combed ethelii but your h hair aln t b bltcb tulta jourli heaillikojn mluadi- children cry for castoria low peraone lnvi roiitaki in appear au jooil aa tbey really are llun am tmr nrrve t if tbov are wuik nnd you norvuus anil oasily lluitralcd cant ulcrii and rlio in iba moriiinu unrrfrcabtd join bloc is poor turnuu nsrvee depend upon rlob noiirishinh wool lino id heraparilu mhhua ibu norvns uroim by enriobinu and vilabxliiif hie llonl ii u ewrel ro frofblih alirp anil oomj lotrl currs norv oimtfmilra iu11111 lkln ll o lu nal iuiirttcatiun iireoiircd tiy iiooili pills ubon crank nitou crank then com truument the oram pd up posi tion in which a tailor work come j hard on hia kidneys and hard on his back very few flucipa hackadie pain in the aide ami urinary trouble of one kind and another ofuntimed thd that r warninye of kidney ftvjilittas- lii a day or two but clck kldnoja won yd well without help doans kidney pills are iho bee friend of kidneys nwulinfl r lalitanoa luul tba proof from ft- tailor r notion triad thorn mr john uibortson march an i tailor nurharo out jivou ida oxperlenca as follows i had been nllinjf with my lildneya for morn than a wr wlcn i commenced taklni doauu kldniy u wblch tfi at lfc loruno11 drtij ot rn and am alnoerely ylnd dint i did no tbo wroiitf action of m 1 idnryuiuade nm uiok all over aud caused me much inconvonionco nnd pain lhat u imw a thnifi of tho pant booausa donni kidney pdlu cured mo 1 bava had no troubln or noonveiiionoa with my kldnoye rr back ninco i took these remarkable pills nnd yrm mv lw nis tbat i gladly recoin mcrd tbcin toober ouhorora laxflliver pills arolholdlcufrttorlto intdiciur tbnydo not piirie 1 npt mlu 11 or birken j buy uci iiulnrally on iio itouatli inrr aud imwdu curliijl coiiutipatloii ilyapejiuii alck beadchu and bilionumia 1nco jio lord houlihta on tumimiiantir ma a louul army ami i will tf aiywhrr ami l auytu will it ibon wou i lit lluilu wtxifd in mr w d caltf- a rpoit t iy llfi al ttin worll 1 inixraiim collar in i imlm mr ah also aat i lhat lh t tall mmali i r tu lif in doulb alm i1i u ld i bin 11t lh tnoijot- uiml iimi illtirnhud thl lllrtun auiiklli if il india an iy by lw ballitllnua kjllal in liionny ill if tw illlun- 1 dur- r atllllltil j linn ij btfimif hlliildi i all i o nuiinf from lod ltnl rl tly oa uu told wubt- llyu i uul llm man iikit what bo doa not nuaiinir to y no tbu b heaua mia lallmant iamparauooalfalrein tiontieulloxj wilh ill- 1n111 tiudor hi oouiiiiand wblnh l alway lu ibd illraotinii of keplii ttuiii thotn hl umptaliou of drink k1v adduluil emphaalatobu wrda iff and hi rn uiwuf duford iculmiioriiavw d mutih to kp tho drltlah army in tbo tbl i in thowi modern dy from tho uruatctr enemy it baa tu tl nor i wiu llie ciumaudr in chuf of tho wind 1 army ttm tiniompriiiiilwlui ho miiuh happily bavo liln ohaiimd for llbdlir a bliqht mlbtaui an aniuiiint lurilont luppund n anlly in a bauk in onp of kui luddkinvll ava port lownu during tho iiidim r liiiur lb umiiik doore npfiiul to adinil u piny onn uutluil or a man a woman and lfllw f mal fry 1 b wbu voic and dre piotilkiuiud tbuir riulio oriuin alr tlam ini round tbo liu tiding ijulhlly bililbd ihoinihlvea on a vtlvelueltao ticna of bacon and bread wuro thtiu produced from a liaiikiilvmt habded romd aflr tin j j edibloe hid liteu aluiuuli 1 unl b ford lb boniiled oerk cihdd iioiuli bis scattered wits lo impiuo tho oauwo of thiu invasion of hlu territory tho itu advened to tbo cannier balding out a brown jiltf itii i eaid in tbo broadut norfolk point o ar and earf moattor they had mietskou ibe bank for a public bouiu a fuw doora farther on i dr woods norway pine syrup a nniiulvn euro fur oil throftt lunit uid drniioulul duoqhimi jltfiillni and uimtlunit tu its action ihuhiint to tnko prompt nud ifjun- tual in iot rtuullh mr chan jfiiiimnii h nr kiv r n h wrili 1 vmiu tr id b d ilh bnnrhi m us and ro tbn il whub tbo 1 i 1110 liuuiu d mixuirhltle und rw mnuioud d un to try dr uuilu ntirwuy 1 luo ij tun i did n nud uft ubiuir tlir10 bulth 1 wim tiitlii iy iintd n t iko a lii x i i vol pill l fi n llr- ina lill iimk blb jl ah 1 p wltb udt mrrl 01 pain ipiijr hlluiiate ermnttinnrinktfk hi nliirli tt dvpon ala nud umim ju il hi llr in th iberoiaa jopartuianl wbiob ouite tbo luta and latent of each riiiruoti ii is alwata lost when we null it to assume tbat of another houaseau nearly all infauia are mure or lesi a till ctlo diarrhoea aud auoh com plain to wlillo tcolhiuu and as ibis period or their dice ia tbo moat nrjtidil molbara abauld uoi be without a bolt in ot or j d krll dysentery cordial this medioino ia a upohlofor ouoh oomplainta aud lu biuhly spoken of by tboaa who bete usod ll tbo proprietors olaiiu it will euro any caio uf dinlera ur summer oomplaiul cols ziccready atutr is a 1 11 vml 11 portrait of holi lie ir f h10 lut foitall nlnycre ii tennta ii la a un ml t r if tho oltaw nlirrtly imni nni li 11 ltn in all of h lii niatclfs ui a pln4ld friuttii of robust canadian mnnhftod but tin ut us i10 is be has known what it la to suffir from dyspepsia i jo seriously afflict rj waa ho at 1l0 opening of the past iuo season that lie waa hot abli tacajiyt with hie leant ilttmf in the hack ami sweir irf lirtulueul beatlaclie ami the awful padi lir tulyered nftrr eatlne the remit of en linimlrrd illcriilou warned lilm that he ni in no condition to play football ik tiarlet of all c ilmldea he tached ttir cucrct to carry hlin throucu a cam iwilcn he consulted ids phyilclan hut that ilutkuian care bliu uo rtllef at tbl riser tie writes 1 waa adrlicd to try ftr peiiy s puis tie now remedy that one of my friends assured me was wonderful in ita erfecie i waa sacntlcal hut ha sounded their praliea so persistently that 1 waa at luiitfiu luducod to try litem the very aral il drove the pain away aud at the end uf a ttrck i rijulned my team and i have nun ilirmiili oue of our hsrdist arasoae in uu- lt liirui that i have irr luro lu lr r liy a 1 ilia ore alone to thnul for my nil flillilon ihrr aro tho lal uudlctii iiiiip irrim llirv mnlo tint- y str mil mi full of eiwnry i tir mw aball nrur take any nihcre when i fcil in 1110j f n atronifiheiur uch li tho ncfuuuian i11 v m of this p known ath et en i inch will i m llie ntirrlenc nf cicryii wlm hli ihla uuiurfil remedy if rur ilnuraul jtnnot anpplr you write- to us bncloalni rrl luittlr ili itaimfl foi rn aiurmittii- ur potty medicine co mrs opitfyro ih yon kmw john i really bavo a very omall moult lu the iiltsa it doesut look laro onouith to bold my tonituo mr 8pitfyroiosillj il iaui caito7oil o7 olbrr cathailio is not nroilcd after lvinr lr liwu pbjiaaut wormhjrup this rnnmly ootilaina lie own iiristive eul not only drlroa tint carrk t ff tbo tvormi price jl- what man liaa done man can do bul the trouble iah won irdolt 30l13 colur vinlu g atocuble prepprntion tor aft- intuatlngutcroodmutltcffuta- lhg tliclomfldis nnd bowcla of imwiiiimiiiuea promote stdidcsllonciim r ful- tttasiindllcstcontjins neither ojittunxorpuino itor jencral- wot naltootjo jibw toliiyxwuzlmtma amuux ajcifcctlltmcdy forconsllp- tion sour stomach dwrthoca wonnscouvuuioiisfcvcrish- ncss and loss of sleep tacslinih stjjitturi ol kew vobk asactfahitiiiuliamiii jjuosisljcr exact copt of wrapper see that the facsimile signature of is on rsoer wrapper of evek bottle of castoria oasteda is tat tip la mnu oettlaa only it bet ed la balk doat albw anyeu to tall rtre aajtklac else m li- la or proml til it ie maet m riedai will aner erary jar- poaa t bm liat j et 0abt 0 tti a u j to catch the eye and tlio mind at tlio saw time is the art of advertising this ad illustrates liovv true tins saying is especially to those wishing pleasant and profitable employment canadas sons on kopje and veldt the only book dealing exclusively with the canadian contingents is the book to handle official authenticyclicapsellsoirgighrtercvcrybodyrand any body can sell it capital or experience not necessary send for free outfit and make money thobradleycarretbon co limited brantford out i gold watch free uaajwaia lria aiu ll triral lavlieaaivuatl ujytkm allptlaiabjr- r- uuinmii4ujtak wm wnirai tbrajiukm wutalhaaft iutbtrrlvi di 104 1 gwwwwwittwwwwwwwmwwjjfwg i notice j j5 5 g province of ontario d county of ilallon j to wit f jjotice is hereby given that w 3 williams located at acton 3 g county of ilalton and ifi the pro- fc vincc of ontario being a business 3 man of acknowledged reputation has decided to offer upon this datc rrflwoncahirsuccxedmgdajkn sp 3 lines in ladies and mens over- 3 shoes boots and shoes christmas z 25 slippers etc he will also make a 3 z ipecialty of misses and childrens a gaiters and leggings for one week 3 is watch these columns for unusual 3 5 announcements 3 vv williams 1 t doot and 8hoo merchant x s dated at acton dec 19th 1900 iiuiummiuiuiuiuiuuiiuiuiuiuiujujuuuc lit pollys uevor falllo io reliof and thov oure if ftlven an honeul trial all of u4 put on mora or toe mtlburn iiierlimt tleadaohe lowiiate aro easy lo tsko barmlue in action and euro lo euro aiy beadeoba in from fl tu jo minutoti if yuu bud to und live wood frleudaair be bauuo1 would yen fj easy i worms din not ensl either in children or adull wbon ur low worm hyrtip is uhcd j5o al all duabr lvery joy that if u uvea must ba eamed iro il la scoured and how burdly uarncil tbutu unly know who bsvj wroatud fur uitial prle clooio itohlmii ouynlmf oreopliif otawlnif k 1 lmt irli ml hi n f tiiiniilribydr a in s tiuiill ut aiuwi tiililunit nlf 1 1 unl v dn i linn lllrr mil ih11111 u lid it il liiui llaii nilbo mid nil 1 miiitiout ntiii mju it i if imluii 11 1 i iai1l 111 11 u lu nil lult llluiiuaj llllll i 1 uf illutullljul itdlllu iluiuik u 1 ll u u lilii 1 uilnl ij uild by a 1 lljnwn wo ho b t to mosuuro uuroulvca by our aspiration iubtojtl of our performance unt iu trull tbo conduct of uur lu i tin ouly proof of the slnoorjty of our bearlr osoriiolliut r lor a alear uotnplaaion tak iin g id is limy never fail to rltmr tbo u i tbuusand of ladles awoar b thnn crimea soiuottuirs ehnck n loo miicb vlotj almoot awas loo llulo white watery pimples plvo yonr ufo niy body broko out in white watory plmploi which ffrow so but that tho suf- foilhk wus almost unbtiarublo i took doolois modlcluo and virlous fomodlos foe two yours uit thoy woro of llttlo bonollt vlienuvop j rot wuintod up or swoul tlio pimples would coma out uiralu 1 a uulirhbor nrivkotl uuidoek lllooil ulttuis and i m kind i followod hli nilvlco for four bot- tlos oomplutiily cured mo lhut wus tliiciii yours ugj iipd tliuro hits uovor buun it spot or phuplo on mo sl junnaluuimiio uiigliln io out exeriencgd undertakers by dealing with u3 you are assured of the most careful attention and everything done in the most skillful manner and please remem ber that we only charge lor embalming in exceptional cases we keep a firstclass hearse and stock of all other fnncra supplies and it-great- ly reduced prices caskets delivered aitandtitunij kaiivway il- w i r- i utual ll sxt i if i i i tll llm ul i ft 1 iritrni tint lu hill j a speigtht co kcton aotom miiuliiiio and iniutir simps illlfv nillni i i mi fl tor alluwll julul wuu i tii mallnry i umfy tiojiul 11 iiik liirlilii ry anl aurlinltuial imi un i all in all in te of twain niniu if t- nifmnmnn fritii hhfofliilllliiu wimiwi ra r- ala 7 int aallafanl rv i acton livery bus iine tu umlirluilrapmtfiillysolli ita tba ti iron 41 of the tul i to and itifurmw tin in that wtill enulppod and lityllall hltf oau al waya botloourad ithukuhl a oouiforlahu till tilaataall trail hldn 11 a 11 and f u to ctsiulatuiill iltvii loovfyoilof tbo wauta f omniaidlaltriavsl ui fully un john williams sun savings and loan go hlad ornce tonorjtro ont ailfadwaeif capitt 6000000 oo ten ear maturity uharcs are paid monthly inaulmentn of 50c pr share for 130 months when payments cease co 00 aid in maturity lue sioo 00 money to loan at 5 ntraijjlit loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appll cation to 1 17 j monabb atfout acton acton flour mills humptiniuaft hawke proprlmtore ilijjbcst mirlei rdecs tald wheat asu oil ilk grains our mau ol flour i las on wide spread faor llesl raclcs nhajn on lianj i louit choi mili i 1 1 u cracljidwiilal itc al loues trices lor cast humphroy3 hawko acton dunlop solid rubber carriage tire a new carriauo ho that nnlca riding on all roads a pleasure economical too for it doeaaway with tba vibration lint slukes ini iiroil i nrr a iljsjioil s 1 100 hulwoon tlio rul- lor tiro and tho stool llaiiko reveula tlio orootiluq and cuttlnu which other tlroa tro sul joel tn send at onco for i reo tiro cata cut divlnj pnetj ol nil tiica tho dunlop tiro company toronto umllcj ot jomh wmtllpcq montreal sturrtbllnrv wsck i undone and ocrdana dmo iraic mnd desolate i lmi cuted nerve urccl 1 i not ono of you is too deep dava in the mho of dneiio hut the story of biicb a potent remedy ai south american ncrvlno can reach you and lift ou 1 back to ftood health it a nature a truslod hautenjiut rcntlo but firm and uq flinching it never alia sold by a 1 hroun patents guaranteed our tee reniintil h uctall any hic uuiuuji ivclch nil it ilcuiitlun ot any 11 will litomnlty tcceue our ot i11i011 fi coiircrniiia he imtculoulily of i f u u a 1 uu wllhonlchi ill widely l ln lalr1 jot eutl i t mtliinlci y rukk adilicaa victor j itvaw9 a co imfojit attorney nt nj wauh lhiro is ufiiniavlly a noilfuublo laok bf rbulnrio in maluilhtion h tltopnektedod irftft ii uiayuaiiilby allalr ll irw lta u1u4 aruiittk i prdmptly segured urlnt nd lli alllllx ll luarouatiaktfinh r iiirticivirvniiv nl und no will loll lmlhd i l 1 it la litvlutlnn ur linln you rve our ii i n proluhly luiii ut lie in 1l1 n iu if hiiiliutliuu nli 1i in uk j hujhiwt rorurt u au fin ui iilil maui oh 1 uauxow vxtxh itollcitoubjl kiaiaufrtt uctiilral vi tlri n fil- i j lluit a 1 11 n au uily af lull t ujliira ia titaoat mmiiku duanamu coivhulhym ac nllij aklrli ajillv ii 1 kuuluiilin luilllul ilui iiumiki ill alulla a l il ill lt i t f f tni lv i i ulals ukii liu null ill 1 1 a t h tiilva ittutt4li4 will ml a i ii llli4 sclcnlitic if incucaii k 1 11 1- ir nnuiirtiu w kin i- i i itt v hi waliim uc

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