wc- flank of hamilton georgetown branch ageneral8ankingbusino3a tranoaotsd correaponclonoo solioited saving dfpaitmnit lltcic3l lilluvrttl vjl itm il oni doi uk and upward irura ly ut ilomii i iut of withdrawal no louualll and u dolaya in drawing munay ffarmeiv bomjicbh solicited nuteaol riiiiltto larmpr dlacounlod apd money loaned lor ultimate duslneaa purjxtmta cohcctioii duparmumit hu every facility for making prompt rot urn a sale notes handled and munay advanced on tccuunl of same al low ralea of interest trvellr am notified i hat lha hank of tfatniltonand brencheeuaue circular notes of the provinciil lank of lii limited- which can be caihod wthnnl charge f trouble in any pari of hie w rl 1 heap opilci hamilton katablliw 1070 capital paid up 1703212 reserve fund 1231110 total assets 1 b27i357 jauku tuhmuui l caallw b forsayeth agent aorotown branob -looi- special sale of wall paper chas i- nllll cuiuh oii all ida m lock for on nionlli at big dlmounla muit b cleared op- wora klack taun p mckll iliiduugcist acton will trial you lllo grcateat ullv ever tlvoti lit wall paii us liokdhus and cu1ling ipapihs ohas l nelles cuelph lje 3ltiott jttt jjrtss thursday ikuudav ulli 1001 the news at home little localbrieflets whloh cauuht th eyai or ers of fre praa rportr this waak tb team iter uo kepiug- the iroada wall opened there ba beau coualdcramd work of lb mow ahovrl lba put w the f uad be been htavy tba pail week hot btavy toamtnk conlluoee tba fltit real bliaaard of i bo winter was tho atorm on halardey morning nearly too 000 feel of ok hava afaao delivered at llrowna uw mill lha peat month aoion baa ho moi houaea uow in several lualanoee ftniltea have doubled in dd boua tbedut e4mlua delaynd ibfl btttij log mall rem toronto ou tueaday until ailcr lau o clock bevcnuen tmr member wi initiated id acton council lloyal t of lam pereooeou mooday evening tba appoint to a i of dr john al meodouetd aolon aa aeaociale oorouaf for tba cooniy of halloa baa been ttaaalled tba auction alo of household gooda at ur abgo lwaou villi uka plo ou balofday awaucoullueuc gal 0 oolcok lo 3 thoi oulpb and tlookwod iaglviutf 45 lb aaok oalmcal for 00 muu i ioauadof 85 lb aaok aa tutllabl bi dv da arab pta h takca your aaamy ami your fiutij wokln loktbr lo buit you to ba baatt tii on ts auodar you aud lha oibtr to at the nawa to you v i tbo iirauollibla vtika by law waailpl faatad in 0kvlllalut by h maiorlty of 100 votai lbavaavu oooolud ad ibat tbay wia u uad of 0r pfouollou flrat ur wn aclbatl bajt fuu wbloli if oairiud oul ufccaaaltal lba aula of bu hoom on marlablallbuwk it la a oootfori abla bouia and abauld fitrmtaril n rrufly porobaaar mia a wau of qulpli addnatad lba idiolu4 of lba woinuj oraltttl ulaai onary uoclily l kttol oliuol yaalar dy aflaiiiimtt klia walt la fcw atleitlva and i ui pi ivo lmkr m howard ofaru look hit strvloa in tba mntbodlt oliutell al ijiiiabouaa ou fljodav altafuoou owln to 1u ult qagar uufl iii ha u ro4td lo ba praftcbad a vairy kuod aarmoi tba annual pmvlitulul ftaclloa aalaa o pura brad oattu and wla uudar tba aoaploa of tba domluloti oattta bbaap and bwlita uradara will ba luld al oaalpb on waduaaday 37tll vbuary naitbooday ta b clilutuiaua naw yaaraday lba lucal ravldatittj of ulal nttonhra wudbmf uuliintxfa sratluga lo ttnlr ftllow bouulryuai 6wlih to ilia lllltaaa of llav j k poddati u a lba rolor of hi albtta oborobuar- wa no taivlea od bupday mniln ur j u wi una uanauar kiarcbaulij hank aonduilail tba awauluif aarvtoawlb udi aiw-plmito- tbaaununl tuaailnti of lha oaoajlao xraa aaaoolatlon wbloli u la ba bau bald in alootcual ou february 14 and is baa baao poalpuu u waa daauad inad vlaabla to bold n uauiltlat dm log lha mooto irk parloi and aatblala faalofa of auob galbodoga a po put nitablwa4r upou tba wbo ooulompla porobaaiuit i tiuir rk of any dlorlpuou fur st x vl n b old nhbta b s mu- pauaca allod w p a1 daflid moatly of ft local cburaotor and ovary lttn lntratlne imrior fmii thlm rlag k parlor aoalal uudar tba auaploaa of ut alban a church will b bald al tba bnmaofhr t btalham otl uojo tainoa and rofieahtnanla will form lha prmjr amnio olaaoa ii i ournay uarry jaana and nlliara will tandar aoli and tliro will ho allraetlva an and ohonwaa from tbo lata ultlalra caattta an avcnlnk t uittrr u mi iklpatad halo of thoroughbrtmt tuock mr 1 ul u kjnnadjwtubau a aala at filly tburouubbrad durbamm and grada durlianta on tba jordan farm fol 3u oon fi hiuonj a olla and a half aaat of anion uii tjatnrday jod uarob mr kui dy baa a lul uf vary ono block and ll t aala will ttu doubt bring k urgo nam bcr of i ruminout it iokmao to town tab prow it vulrermlty jlxfaaaoa lctato tllia local ounp pooilaa oonmiluwj of tba oliurcboa mot on tualay aeoh nd df ol ld to holt ba flrat uctuta of tba aaflaa ill tl u tcujul taotu ul tba matbodm flliurob on 1iluy veiling march ut mr ds iiury of toronto unltraraiiy will ba tba lecturer and ida aofcjrot tba bon lu ila llalallon uiklaturatarrcwarf tbabooil unl admlaalon fea of ian canta will ba oharkl the lturw will u both bitar oi it j and luuruotlwo and aboald bo alucilod by m ucl galbcrlntf of oar oltlitii i he piortnm will luolada anvottl fuuatoal oamuii xn lmutuii vitally jmorali tjunaral roro la fait at tba denuuo of mr ajua lawaoa to acton ll a tliair inuilloii lo laava bakt waek for obayrtitta wjo wbara a nnrnbat of bla rienji iciltle aud weio b oonupied a yooi pollon ptoi in bla mnui mr arid mra tion ara bljbly aa turned oltluna and tbalr kamuaal ia regiattad by acton po id june rally tlia boat wlabaa of all no with tbam to tbtr far paurb lioma mr lawaoo baa laaaet hi fine iruldiiqit at tlm imtd of f rod a rick utrwat to mr o j umlth tba uw tnaiiior of w ii htoray dc son u tanuarla ilev wr jindley fu melbodtmt chdreh uwiiik to lha llluaaaof tba 1u joa m ujr m a paitor tlia pulpit of lba mullodlujdhurcli wm ocao lad on buu dayavnlittby 1u j i uiuduy lb o of guoli b wl o ia al praaant in charga of tba gourrgatlonal oburcb al gboroblll ur ihudlay prcaolicd au liipraaala xr moil from oan 11 1 407 abd tba pttonlabaij cto f aad tba l aald go lo tba iaiporlatiovof affactlaa aodorlnji work waa tun baalrad and obrlatian work ara wbra exhorted lo ba oaiaful that th work initauad in haa goda approballon ur hluluya kindnaaa in fllll4 tu vacaimy wl much approclaud by tba ooti jrtatlon a prayar mlln wah bll hi ibtt rjlofliltji elca vttewotl to lit j i codhlmu twenty ovo of lb lullmald frlanda of dr j 1 ouftbuii landarad blra an oyalar i u piiar ht tba dominion llolal lal tbura day avenlnk ou lba oa of 1i removal from aolon mlua boat anw pro dad a moat ippilialnij miu wblob all bnjoyad a vary lleaaaul evfcllluij waa ipnt aflar tba oloili waa nioad ax coonolllor vfatwla waa ailoiulad toaitrnaatar and tlia uiuai bit of palrlulb atij olhar toaabj wra druuk in oold wuf in propoalntf tba liatt our quart tnatiy cornphmeo tary rauiarku wra addraaaad lo xr coftliua hi tbraa yaara raaldaooa in anion hvd wan for blm many mend and bla rainoval la vary much rrgrilad dr cotfblaa lu bruf npocb lhatikad lha oompauy for lbir many klud worda aod kood wlabaa and atatad thai ba would alwaya ha tvo very kludluat faallnkai for aclon j xoyal umaliobmau jrrr lba lollowintt aplalla from formar aitiamad ratulaot uf lb la vlolulty will ba kaad with luutaal in ranawlotf toy aub- acripuon lo lba paul iaaa for auolhar year i pan a faw paragrapba ralatlva u ablra in mm i lob although laal yhttra ucopwa btlatrthttay5rat yal w litar no compuiula of bard tlmaa in tbi ualdbborhood lrioaa for grain ar ifoo ua for olbr farm product tba wlnur autlad in aarly but baa uol baao anlramaly oold bo far orai la oonaldar ably mora mow than muni and ocoordinij to prdictlonaof lba ol lr fcatlum a uood crop tua bxpactid uji haaaoti laoj i iuarwaalli iu valn varma which i r oo turn and ad lo frlanda wblla in ontario litre yaara ajjo al from ij 000 lo 1 300 ara uow aalllutf for u coo 111- aboald bt eiioourajltnl to any wbo u lu doubt an to lba ad v liability of coming woat i am vary raapaclfully w a wldu cart wrluhl mm hmllatt womotta juaiff mij tba oral maallnif of lba abova boculy waa bold u lba town hall mtltoo od baturday ual tba offloirj auclad wara rridiuttwra 0 daaoon vloo irm mi- xr howruou 11otr mta w j oollrall lba followluti wara appoiulad dlraclora mr- j l warrvii and mia a t matin anton mr dr imtwar tititt um joliu oloklti mia v o will moll m wj claumiia ul- ju lllloll ml- mcorto aud mr david lurluy miluii mr- a w iwi vt tuati mr d oampball taunlay mr it a vumluu aud kfr- w v urown lrafaltarur w v w fuhw ouillnu lou mr john wrltt1aaworlli aalitfiov ur m crawford oampudmllai aud ura j uolbatlrauwaaaauawaya it wan daoldad to bold a lublu tnaatitik lu lba iowu hall mlllon tba uat wli lu pabruary and hava h udy ap44kar da lluar at addraai all udla ara iuvilad to julu ibabooltty umurblp f so tltformur kuuymjt yairwaji luttyr tbo jubllaa oobairasiid a few frj laudaril mr ch h aklua a farawill partly al tba boina of mr john vorba ou tueaday awaulutf a vry anjoyalla avail tun waa apaul kud lba fullowluit addinai aoopmpauud by vluabla mauaiitoa in flluddt it 0l jwn aud panel 1 wl praradltil vocud u ikin utu vatgun ah a frluj of aalaraua uiora i laattt duly gould davulv ufou ui than tbaluf ilthidltirf ujou bthtrly ou ovaf u a avlrlwua t at i ava talki for ou lba piuuj itullnalluu of a u mid lilttd w wub sou a eoutltiuauun uf uia mnn that 14 tjf rliuaatilaaj ogf cnm umf your ulura ltka yuur t la a olaar atulbonaai iord aa a wulr uf u i tlia paal uj a aujuiwl yuur dual vulnuablu ami aoilllmi duuhu lu fuuut vilb yuu w willi yuur uiaur viuud- wub vtu aty uaaatva lu jpur baw hubara aud urrduudlilca wm utw traanl vuu miiit ibaaaalnallliktujaui rtaimlttblti i u imbau ui tba poiiljfaiiy w co01uu j trouuklt v aish mr aklua rnada a try ml labia twply aud faallnu i wall an i luod wlabaa wars than apokau auj lha ootntany dlaparaad rr ttia uacbcra and irh ufa of tba ii oiploa hunilay hnhtxd look a aulhtldo to i imnlouaa on 1 uwly altiruuun ll waa oold d alormy but i bey all accmed lo acjtjy tba ouiln tba patlor iu uf molod and tba auprillldtjiy mr vrod ilank mmlad tbemltca v tlva lba aholafa a good lima omeorm of a i u k at lha laat uoalinrf uf lba 1 o 1 th followin ultlcra for lba praasnt year iniiallcd by tba 1 o u j 11tlloa u4mlu o ll-jbori4jl- v o itc j kln0u- u ujmm i4i j r b aoltrmui o ri t h vvwtj usrbail j w ja oolanau il li j w jluawud i j 11 jehu llutulak cliplaitlwuin1 ilil tlirtleiuiiir h a uokhd cooper jt ahlum xiaulrc imituotmlttp tha oroaof coopar a akin who bavo boaa dolnu a proulbla mrjohani tailor inn boilr aaa for naady four barn ha dlaaolvad partnaothip by niulnal cogaanl mr coojar will thituao tlia buiuiaa anrj mr akioaiaworillhl weak lo u dland wbarabahakipurubaanlal 1 tkn pou- lon of a tallorink boalnra htarwututoal frnm acloii i mnob h f r ba haa niada bota of warm friuda btiica lia tintim uact0uh of whom wblla aorry to horn blm reoiotr unite in wlabln him avary buoooaa in tbo tlouruhiutt mntiloturltni nwtrrrrw bw hlwil i atu ux cuooa will bor0tr tvapodibllllira in lit ura but h- i fully abu i i m with tbam and will oontlnua in nlv bla pair ua aallfac hon 4a tinjoymblo vrmtetnml vult about forty tuemlra nfiiitun txutioii aod twanly flwa from carppbalwula paid tba hoyal tt lara of tmiarauoa a trtrnl vialt mi monday avunli tf tba ullioti o7noeitotanrothbrtnettrii and inltlaud aavanlaau uw rn am bar a tbi apika wall for lha maimr in wblob aolon mom bar a ara working atr boat baaa wan fiiliiibcd thmlltlu an i camp ballvlll m tuber 4 funilabl an aniwllfjiit proitratntotr xiuaoh wti than arvad by tba mambafj pf llm horn council la which all oil jullo wbon luncl wna ovrr a faw ramarka wra mado by acton mim bora afur which all want honia f folium proud tbal iby wra itnyal tmiura f tempertic aud ltniu to acoouiihab lores itooj iu ufa the cannae iioorf urwrl utij thu worthy fund huu rnlijl lha vary oradlubla ttl of 1w bo bluoa il laaoa llanl halnlyua of aeoritowiii andaunnrllllly gould anton bavo each oonutbolad j 00 lo tba fuu l ihoct who daajlrw lo ooolribul lo lba fuml will kindly in ihalr aubacrlpllona in ll u vukk aallbair aafllcat collvnuulloj ll i dcalrabla thai lha ordr for llm propomd tnoontnant ba ivan by lba ll ilaroh to that it may ba couiilctail and arxitad iramadlataly upou u cpuimi of prlntf tharabaa boan no oanvaaa for aubacrlp tlooaandnodonbcmanyof ottrbualnaaaman and oitiaana ara wailing lo ba ollod upan if ibay will oonaldrkuly hand iu tlilr aubacrltdion tqtbla orncttdurlutt lha runt iwo wak thairklud action will rmotd tba mvcaaalty of calling upon lham xh am oftfto at ual it ncauary for lha tnouuuiaat tin cmuddlmu jlniaiiid tblalaua of tkt cttnajmu almanac tut 1001 whloh forma tha fifty fourth of iba aariaa la nnuaually valuable aud la indla- panaibulo avory oflica and library lu lha domlnloa uauy uf lha lilt itive ara not found alaawhara and in no olhar voluma nan an much intormatloa abouk opada ba found in ao amall a pm in ihla aar of military activity ipcl allantmu haa btton glnil to inlllxry tnaltara in tbo dominion tba rcautt- of ib rlautlona in canada and drltaju aia itwon th cualom larrif u raid lo dau ajao tba ioat ooloa dinolory and oaaaltaar aa a directory ta- caaujwtm jhtaae it uiiaur paaaad pull lita ara ulvu of lha clry ol all danounluatioti oelilla aud iuatl tnlaai lobool oolugaa aud unlvarltlaa batrriatara uwl aolicilora lu ooutlo county aud munclpal oltioaraa lowuahipa cltiea lowngaiviinajcparilvialocrxmnrl alrk- polloa man aualaa rla tic lha hiblorl oal diary wblob ban bsi buoliai inursat inif fealuia for tba pail faw yaara i con unuad prloa iu papa oovr 100 pay- 1l5 ool rubllalia1 by lba copp clark com pat y liuilud tor on la out local unillptutej maxllr uatllau of d ramp ton ia vllt- iuj aolon trranda mr aaa hall baa aomawbat improved tbefal faw rfaj r j lout llallontyn ol gaorgalown vialted aouiu frlan la thl wak mrm a clirlailr of toror w ta apandini a faw weeka bcra onnner lould want lu toronlo on mo a day to upend a tw da j a will bla piatr mlia may mooca viaitod her altw mr mukarriban in toronto during tha week mr th 0 mooral has baao vary 111 tba paat weak but ra vradallyrwoorer mr anlmr- job wbrnuttaaltba lu coming and going tuavaaa faaaa lolt u uaaaai tonoo rlbmuiulatwluino ir you or jour triaavla mo goln ay on a noudar trip or tf yon bara irlaauavulliuf ywi arop a card to tha tfaaiaj la a moffat j oall nof mr a tiwion ui mr 11 1 moor an i mia uuaalf vur itela lt lb county bunday bchool ootivvntlon ai burlogu laat wawk mr hoy of napaliao waa lba gnaal laat wodnaaday of 11 brolhar in law mr j 11 wallaoa managar marcbaula ilank mlaa maud cookuiali daaoonva- arrived from lorouu ou baturday moruin lo vumi har grandl la very ill mr uallatburaun ul johniriowo k who wa hem alt riding tba funaral of har alatar mr- norman bmlth irlurnad bomalart wrvk ht lo wiui b bar aiuraliltlaiirl ir hugh maun of lha luiny lliar dulrlct vputa day ll wk with hi falhartliugh manutar ha waa an roola to ottawa lo palanl a uawly invented track laying maohlua luva j k ooddii ma and j m haifar m a who war too 111 to laka their reaped i va krvlca on bnndy ara pldly recovering aud vnpact to ba in their pulpll upll bunday mr w 0 kluft of iaru waa in town on tuaaday ha rxwthly ruilh bla ur tory which waadaalroyxl by ura laal aum nr and i tannluit jlova lllir rob- uk and trial a in profusion kfiln absolute security genuine carters little liver pills must bear blanaturo of am iwsmlla wrapper botww ruriabxeaf- roi dun bin ftll dluootlxtt roatoriiiuvu roi comsnrattol foi laudw tub r0 tlec cure ick head ac uk cnbwuons cohntths tba 1ubllo bchooj boird ban oontraot- ad with ur w q clambu for ld oordi greau maplditud 10 tvrdboh lis oorda lo ba 3j inch wood and tha baurtoa four feet for 1 wr coij mr hoara tba o t h otlou int mo al oeorgalowu wu iuaunlly killed on ttteaday wlula working al oua of lba eaat i wl lob a ibarr ilia train biokcd up upon blw ha waa aomwbal dfollvo in hriug i tba rakriilii of lha utd andrw vfemu wbo tllmd at hi- home lu 81 lou la uo laat eumiuar arrived in anton ual vrfday and wer inlarrtd in tba family plal iii wirvlaw cfiiury ijr warru wji a utiva of aolon luv t la kin ot 111 audraw aohurob oualph will proaob aniilvaraary wrnnuta iu knon church ou quudayjitb luat iu atead of tbd uiual monday avaulng nler ulnmaul lilwral fra will offanuua r tf qut hj al lha tubbtib iwrvio u orciinaii a ci ba bau kuiiiuton d lo appear bafoia j willlains j 1 ukt tuaaday ohared with iwiug a uniliiiltt iradr mv r oranuau dt co oltim tbay ara uol and ocuot ha drqurd a- traiialant iriulr- and thai lha by law oauuol ba ap piled lo ihalr dm mr john mtqueeu hay juil recolvad fromfrurudeat yorklon n w t a wall oalandar iauwd by lba mtthodfit cburob 1 ihia whloh u vry altraollva it baa four oolored ploturea au 1 botoaiigravlt g- cf ibbfohuiob and plor llav geo illid il ifiwaa a trxl for avary day in tba yaar aavral byuiua atid tiuforuiellou rapacllltg tbaoburolk wblla vliillug bar iultr mrt dr jled ialilckit vurkiou lutliuiiimar ur mcqutan ellaudrd tbi cburah for flv weaval milton finds oat what summer lays by be jt spring summer autumn or vuintar someone in the f amity is under the xeather from trouble originating in impure fyloodor tw condition of the system all thesa of whatever nam can b canxl by tba groal blood purifier iioodflsarsftlierlla 7nkrdtojpoinf bohai vaa tnuiblo wlli bolla fur monllia waa advlawl u lakn hihki a har- aaparllla and after uahur a tow ihuioj tiara not alnow beaarbo jl llinwlm truro n fl could not bloep- i lld rujt have any ppollln aiir ixailil nnt alnrp at lililtt waa ao llrml i could liardly walk head abodt hrmkla haraatarllu look four hottlea and it reatnred ma to perfect haadui ulaa jaaata tuasbull cranbrook onl coffee ila- nilnr lttuutrlrtlp elf raitiante m tak wltb llawl j iwjmiu try our j favorite blend of coffee at 40 cents a t i 1 pound tho hotad 1xa store and china palace j a mccrea cuelph it pays lo buy at bollcrls it pays to lluy at holltrt itrraailiimu hamilton s iavohitu iilrinc 1lacu great bargains al bar february carpel sale blrankems mm are g6g0 coodncs of qunllty tbat a lba drat iblng wo make turf of in ihla at ore and aftar wo re certain lba ualliy lu all li ahould im w make price low coomb h to brlnff you here pal all inferior ipjallllca we m oflrlni a alraiglit rdutlon of lo per cent off a great many lliin of lilanltela wo bava lit atock and we otter iheae ow ttamplob of tbdrriuxlltlen and priceu t6 demomtrata in a prc ileal way the reducllona we re making very iprclal line of all wool hunkflu the cosiv lofty finltll very u per lor rjualliy 9 lb in welihl our former luic wh f we ra nuw marked thorn to tall ml i40 the as mo line oabovtj but to lba weight our farmer arlllug prica waa lo 50 wo vo maike1 them to tell ut another line of all wool huukela thiuomhav very fma make and finbdi and 7 lb in weight they have boon telling at s hwe va now marked them to aell al s4 3 another una of aaroe make 8 lba in weight that have bean aell log al vj 33 now marked down 0 6j uxtra apecial line of all woo blanket the admikal very fine make and finuh 8 lba in welohl and uually aold al o 75 marked down totdoh tlie aamo nullity a abov g lba in weight very warm and comfort able uanal belling price 7 30 now- marked down to k08 itra urttc bjm all wool blanket known aa liohatok 7119a in alw our former prion was fj 50 now marked down luaf of- extra special quiit bargain have you aeen ibe line of quiha we re aelling at 8c they re jxoo in alu nice range uf pretty marullea pal i em and hemmed in ready for baa juii l he thing you ihould have lo upare a lwller on their value u a third more than wei are utllitg come and one at boc if you cannot come pertonaly your blanket need can be aupdled jual aa readily by mall try un and b convinced thoma c watfcins king st east cop hughoon st hamilton february sale tug lions innistbf shle of avten8 overcoats rs istourgoiig on to our8 a cold in or4b day tlroi iu quli to talui a 1 tu uua u cur re aimialine k v aatslrtot ukxiata m o w quite a uuinbar from hra waut lo hook wood on buutuy lo hear la mr llubba ttiay ware dkuttbud wllh iba ancallan aarmotia ba dalivared the luv gentle man baa loat tinnaof bbt oldlllmn vlgoe whloh baao ably diapuyad wban a paalor on the actou olrcoli which included cfaweon comma aoma er ago a ttuoabarlram harahlaoblleddad ml uobbe lactura in tb mlhtdal oburub hook wood 00 monday wubt ou tba trlaugu lar man thy apeak vary hlgbly of lba lofllura about forly joung people from barai and blloaiti apnt a vty aujoyabla llm at mr j laavalua uettuady ulgbl ur 0 laaby raoalvad lba aad ttawa laat tiie ley of lba dealb in toronto ol bla eou iu law mr jo jobnaon tba tl- oeaaed b bead in dalloals health fur a tltna but hi death w hot axpeoted by i hi- frlanda bar and uauaed a t4 abock fldaad mr job tt ion waa marrlad to mia hiu laby daughlar of ur q laaby lutl one of our hubeek aataamad young hullo about iwo yaara ago ibay bavd rvalilail in toronlo afar a i no ura jobnaoi and bar infant aoo will bitya tb heailml ayupalhy of hbf many friend bare in bar ad bravmnt ur alan orlpp- who baa beati running lla uew mill at lipeedaliu f q the paal two or hi rue mouth- removed it to lba corner ou baturday ha inuuja atari log bla mill btra the flrat of naul weak mr- uoopar of huruby vullaj at mr n forua for tht daya during lb vuli mr chm oamua aud lba mlaa galllbla alullded hly vt mr j uartiiibpayvliuawlrridaynigbl tbay report an ma 11 lit lluitf ulaa li cuuoy of uoakwnod a pant a tuy or 0 laat weak at mr llobt hukalu mlu jaiinu orwlmt i vulilug friuda in moawro aud 1aulay ulook ml uluut niouii uf tha ouiph colwuia inalllula was horn or bou day uiau ii ilambaw vlaluj frlod u hramoaa laal weak mr janiei oainua and mia ijdha gamble vlaludfruiida lu cuufaalownaat lusaday uaalar willi wlltaii of kdiu ullu u vlalllug trlul hara low it atttu nofltii and noi1tm- vuuut the time for hesitation is pabt the realities of winter weather demand an immediate decision in the matter of a new overcoat these tempting prices will help you to a conclusion j- it weve priced the balance of our meni and boys friezei ulster within the reach ol all we have had h busy winter i rade and yet we have a greater abundance of slock than wc reel we should have add to this the fact thit spring imports are irtidy ort the way and you will readily understarrdour desne lo clear the shelves as much as possible of present stock lo accom plish this wc opeut d a great february clearing sale 1 on friday fe 8th- 1 he published list of btrgnns touches only here and thereon the wealth of bargain chance 1 here arc many more that we havent mentioned bti assured of this that what we advertise we have to sell and at price i exactly stated bonus cards punched with ovfcrj sale we expect a big month and have engaged extra salespeople to crve the crowds of uyers who aresure to come etirtoiiert cfe co 2 and 27 vvyndham sr iikhlh ovr-hnnufcl- january sale is now in full suingnnd every department will contriuutc its share of surplus jtocl and over purchases which must be cleared out before sioctl along mllllneryatlialf pnee llanhoc choice garmcut nt less th m factory prices llrb5 rnftrt- tar ran worth rom uibb bllllll 35c to coc for 2c somo spooial drivoa in shoos hend6rs0n st go mill street acton the new shoe 11 only men i rlea tliltera heather mix and ulaxk in ltrown some tut rubber lined rcjular nrlca io wlntarsald rrlco ir oo is only men frlom uulen 3 uliaxlea of drown regular price h oo and vtl 30 winter uuimca to 50 10 only mentrlero uuler drown ami hlack tin i7 ami i7 50 quail ilea winter sale ftlcd 6 bo 7 only men a frlene uutera illack and two abaile of drown msja fmm io d frieu 31 inchers in length they were priced al 6 00 and 6 50 winter ialu irlos i3 00 12 boavor ovorooatfor 10 5110 boavor ovorooat for 850 8 beavor ovorooat for 650 8 beaver ovorooat for 5 d je macdonald fc bro the lion cuelph the empress thl popular shod for women baa proved a great favorite tim quality i it and siyl ua- periaml made lu with medium and narrow wldiba j 1rloou s2 00 2 50 3 00 33 30 stamped on sola of shoe- for men slyllih imrfecl fitting shoes of varioiia main the wear guarauttd for boys and girls i ioa and coare shoewcar sco our sciioolsiiols theyuujr ilka iron and fit tho mat ordered work and kepolnng rtcelvo prompt ultenllan uh kenny bros wavgh retpalrlms we have been so busy in our repair department that we were obliged to engage another extra workman we aim nt doing your watch thoroughly and guarantee hjtisxic- tion sryrce st go opticikns guglphj k our sist holiday season n cublph tho ijrrst irula on re fqfr hl rjr dc lay lu rdiulriiiii depart ment va are vvorkmu hard to catch up jj k lha water iu lba raaarvnlr u badlly 1 uainliiif a number of uukii bavd bii found slid alopptfd a 11 cumuu uaaaaor w hirovj lo for bla aarvloai and o mtkay oollactor abonturty lumura of tba jioyal fainplane vuitel aolon couiiollou monday evaulu iby wirs biwpiubly tnurlalii od aad bad a llalluftjul uulitlif luaolulluua of ttjmpatby with lleva uar ooddaii lua ilni aud m0uu of uaoritalowu oil tlli ulnaa wej paaaed with th rtroug hupa that iby mlubl kouii ba reelured to beallh by lha hural ueatlary tnutiia bix lul widoaiday ibe una new rhik ba- beau upeiiaxi kud la bow l full lumili l ular tla aunoal hitiuii bamjuet tolll be 1 bald in tb to- blluu vriday aeului on kabruary ijtb aud ou eaob tuaajay uulil apill hoth lba oblpao ullwaukae a ul vaul lullway will aill oneway beoond olaaa uakau at lba follow i uji vary low j fua i touotluttalolit 135 00 lu wob lao flo ooh 1uluti w do to california woo tbaae tlokela will bf kood on all train kud parnbuwtl will havdoimlojbtaj rout and alghl lrmlum via hi fcaul and two iouu and uita iralua via mleeoorl luvar aaodl tuaaday the luuta of tba lfamoua llunaar llutiud taloa aod lba u b govarnmanb vaal mall ualua au liok1 akeuta a11 via tba gbloto mllwabkaa m til iw luilway or lor fmtbar informalion addraaa a jlaylur iaaaanxar akefit u kln btrael ual foronto out two men rr 5 dikufealug ibe lelllve tmfl 1 g t illlforant tallora in cuelpli ouud lliey ware not ao fwturl after u ibey wa that nalaiii puu tip a bull fir bumeaa or q fcoclal funclloua fieer from doled tbau any rf olhlaconipetllorav llutt be baa lba fineal f l aud uluat luilents in clolhand mclboiu so ahtl worlni hi jt a yit lef ion and ul the bloat reasonable pru ii lucia 15 wulklikl isallllittf k e nelsoist i meiohant tamolr and menoi furnahor cotocurney l cos for neaaz spring goods every week for some time paht newjjoods have lteii arriving to be speedily spread out to your view from the best manufacturer every dep irtintnt has its quota of fresh goody and youll find us just as willing to show you anything that interests you 4a we are to sell spring prints advance shipment received containing iilw pattern 1 and colors light ground witlntnpes and fancy figured de igns in blues reus pinks and blacks spring sheetings unbleached and bleached ihcetmg- pl1111 and twill spring cotton new pillow cottons 42 and 44 inches wide new apron ginghams new factory and white cottons l spring flannelettes l irgcatatock uvcr uiown loutaimiigianc liilcks and stripes extru vuluo in hosiery at 25c ur pair bargulus in unorwear tho boat and froahot crtfoorlou ulwnyt m hiocu cotil gurney co