Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 21, 1901, p. 1

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volumjc xxvi jno ill aoton ontaiho thurbiav jvklmluaitv 4 ii 1h01 imioic tinikic icnts irc jutoif xt rss kvkhy tiiuimday morning uiiij htiluht alrlnunjcofflr aotowont tanuiiirlliuirtii oua dollar t yea strictly in euvatine all ailbenrlltha cleoon tlnuad vliai ilia lima lot wlilnb bey lith ku 1 paid iik as ib4l tim data lo wmeh tf ube ild la denoted mi lb addrvea label aneaavtaiku luras transient advertise ments 10 cant xir hinarll lino lo ftnl lu aartlnn 9 cents par una t f uli uhariiiaul insertion conuiit iuim tho fullollntf uble iuh our rales for ilia ineertioii or advefiiae mania to apeclaed mriodl mllaeha totnohaa olnahae isno it nil j gad a islam ecteruaemati unrtimtomlu will l- ebenad ohm baxb monlb f desired or chanae oftenef than eno a monlli ui com ml lion must be paid tot at nnlu ratee qhumarontnjildrutliduu tow om a lb oolo by nooo ou tuesdays aeeceute payable uouuilv ii 1 klookb mttorattilruiflalr lhmps ioh parlor diningroom and halft at very low price to clear at days bookstore cuolph day mil dicap 8ubinfsfi toirtttorp merchants bank j of canada john m macdonald u d c m j p tjilbn m d 0 m oolo an 1 i iuceconer u11i wajarlok treats aolort t wb 1 i 1 u pul abd v c i kllly ho ubtituiym ubuiix uwivmitv uomy lusirrtaia uociirri or avorntrialku low otboa fcft1 lleeidenre vadaruk it aetull oifloa llouie 8 lo 10 1 to 8 au t y to b d u dilydhn fc kam tmfcolf 4jo hos corner woolwkli end llaker titiou juellli ovcumuouuio t talhui mnjstoloi bumuay ifl anl u i pan t ilbmnkttldu ikoukttiwm omtibio jm llklii d d 8 lob jutto orncabvadlrowii drug blue ilpxom dtllllxjatm or tokokto umivkauty vtarnwu daub tueaday llrookllle vrl da uoekwood tlm lataat hlauluo umj 1 jirj lxol a j mackinnon hakmurrau haucnau cuvkyamcm orilckulli hul lu utuiama ulok uiwtairs jlcod illhiuatmu ktuciratiaul cauuiuiam kit kttm timlku affaulvltb coafiyaliclndtuii kulukulay ojil ou tttat mum on firm x ruivajty at li- r j uonaub olkvouiin count couuly of haj ton xiuvayakioratdutvlrrfltaijfaaaaurui lutai lvauta agul alituy tfl loj u orvitk 1xrvuiku ulixw awom ont miscxllaxxo va d k a p hushand v s j tajuau luurl vuilbary oolw 1ioaafamrvbcaf1nary ifluikociaty vsurlniry offloa ovac wlau lltuaf klioli uajlt ilod la rwi luon ulll liuaat aelou tnsurancu acunt w ii dummy louwal aiiutcanfadualioul4iriatiaclauau acb uuujo vila itiaulatitf couil oflloa youu siu aeliti h knlty giubt i ottawa oamaqa uollollor o vatauu for iunuati atd rnpuh atilcau0til or lilt caalajlau aluw tca hudhutouaiu latautttlloa aatd far ul tlaatutrkuati ot tvaiu uubut luad fur lhafl phial tulv t0 vhm altmfiabo f m ran0i0 nonan uooiailhdkr ouallll ouuirla of 4ll kiaja iha lo crfur y dawat duiw aawull y lulatti akuiaok liounuku ii 1 uoonu imiioh ov uikuaum lacicmatu ilauoaloa howiukriiulrj iiiaj taatiluia lli ula avattllt viw i ra oolu aoto w m ilkmatmskt iilommimu auonom vo tua couotlaa of wllioeuli alld ualuu jrdaia laft at ui ja t uaaa uium juliu cur alinytaaldaooalu aolon will t- tiuiuvtly kt- audadiu taiiua uaaauiiaaila a lay uluuaf id loatj ou 111 a ulol ualu uiuaaud at ilia lwt ta ol iuuiaal tu auiuaut camaaid liwalrja uulihouluui htocuvoalitat ftlbou phu wullinoton mutual kiiib inmuhakiqu company icaubllallau 1040 ii4 oitim v auatlvir oni imuuuanauaiicaabiaul uuiuai vmm auy abluiuulaatlluia kwwttdad ul luy ajja llua ski til- uliija od will ba loluljy sun savings and loan go hlfab qffloa toronto ont 4utbuwai cijli 00o000 00 iwyur nialutlly abjires ht a mmitlily iiuifiliiiouu nfsoc ir klitttu for laohionlha wlitt piymuiil cwwao oo bid lu maturity vuluo kmo twi l momyl luiat al s airajlit iuau of lejuyaluo in mpntlily inilalmaiilh on 4ip3j ft j mcnjibb adjoiit aoton l tmmo1 iii aarv nuuuly lu roiwaaaut lai ooajpauy ul aolid ooamijalrt ar lyma ahlyl j l dai ataoluury uia atid all uauaaa ttafaut xuna 1 lo ilaftiilta aalaiy ltl ooiatuuajnu aalajry vld aaoli halurda au i rsuvftith m locd waak htan uiltttuouuhtrtt 1amuiim cvt uktlbauo capital rcbt 6000000 a6oo a gi nlkau ijanking uus1n1 tuangactlid inlorml at tiiot ravomhlo cur rout ralo hi lowed nn saving liana account ami irltna of cillt kuj uvalubli lu all ufalhi uurlil snccul olteilllo 1 lvn lo i ttmiert xlualncm money orders vqk ahv kuu ul to i50 payabla nt any ittnllnk point in criaila ouuljd of ibo yukon tenltory may jiow bo tmocirei at the ilanti counlor any delay acton branch j u waxc4cx mmaiget any pictures to frame any iictures 10 i ranie 0 ou sliid to waters bros g0el1ph aoton machine and retudi shopy uumltyaillmdull ivobrular ury uut aailaulluiml imtiumeau aiid lo do all klmutif ataajh ailliitf bunalitalitj uulktouil blaakainluilu wuuuarara vaialta twiloruiad bl a aaualaatvry ulatoum ut aaa trapadr auy biaaliln of iruplantailt tl aby blalta liaw ktitumlna aod ullnrf datta aqton livery bus line wll auljid tuul qtyllah oxa ou 1 waya bai saoujrd atlilikublaa a iwjailortalu bu- biu all ualba batwaati 10 bl ajld 01d 1 lu girfulaltnullfiulatbbraryuar tti wabu e ouoluanlal tiavl lrtully biat john williams w barber bros paper makers i georgetown s ontario colorod pkp9rs john r barber for izerybody tf und kliorl of fcuccaaaful tulver tl si iii wivtuuya uid ll6 vllliujjtieaj and blllllljtif the lilolclljul lu mil lcilld llilnti hrbai liuui liu competitors aiul ail tllua tnrtltcjp as can im bou teladwliofd 1 lial lit our luillitin eiacily auj it ajtpuoi 6kkcculy lo tha ure rund ol ooj now in uocll bucll a h iancy chairs rockers parlor tablus framed pictures chenille cqrtains hat racks newspaper holders raymond sewing ma chines and uuiiioioiih oihdr urilclci wiiilii will tula your fancy call alul limrtacl our afn attx1 oiir- wlce titc itlwitya tlyht kwnstonko if urnjturo bealars main t aliuu thb trade 8ahk jdf canada capital paid up si 000000 assots ovor 9oooooo guelph branch xir txmi to himtorrk k savings bank doportmont hmjiiunt ouiuifnt llatm ik imtbukht 1ald oa u m laiwltd it vi alul ujiwanla lilarat allnoa1 from data of iuph v data if wiuidrawal and 4ld at ooriiikiunaad lialf yauly aiiiuim inula ti raa tall u uluiei oil nu nlaru lua 1- tut vollodtluu aalaa notaa ii wyatdaluflual a kootal uatihli u biikluaaa tiaiiaaotad a it ifjonlis jimtry tvi run uj t scuudl a ilia mo u eoealnc duwu call and seo our now linoleum oilcloth and mailing dcjiiirhikiiit the first time you are in flueljih lluiulrciu of rolls of ililtkooiltfn nll in tinrn ilittl at pdcei from 33c to 1 1 35 lwruuaro yard almost a car loatl of iliui liood jiikt now lo liaiul our prlonu arm alwayu imultt john m bond co gu6lph m jqok jhiere 12 lbi oatmcnl for 25c 45 lbs s k oatmeal for qo centb go lbs s k ontmcal lor si75 choice feed corns in quantities at r ceo j thp2f sxxds anxiu ixtflxuxnts xrc cuslph and hoctcljizood brmns win battles hovalcitv l iu51rz55 lkqe ot oublph ont can develop yours for uia liatltcs of llf wlien in town call and aee our hrifjlit ami cheerful rooms olhcc opn sal unlay j w wjfcowq tradara lunk lluiijuitf ittunlpat auuuii ost aftor six oclock tonight and every niglit until bix a m the rsll telephone companys long dulanu rates ant ap pronluutoly ona bajf lie day rates mo chared ormaliiik appoint ments to talk at a specified time procrastinate no i dont do that but come today to the acton pump works and get your poimp repaired or buy a nqw one ave can do it watering troughs cisterns and a general jobbing business done satisfaction guaranteed suqtoa cround cohonvo main si actan dunlop r solid rubber carriage tire a naw carriao tire tliat iuali h rlillnu on ihl riuil a iiuuur ecanomiral no for il iloaaway wllh tlm vibration that nlules and brcalu ilia earrings l hpl sptm balwl tla rul- ixr uraaul uitual hsiiu 1 tvuls uia otylinj hd nullluu wliui utlar tlimmill hotid at onca for 1 rwi llro catjlojtuy klvlntf prlcc of all huoi tho dunlop tiro company toronto umllbj or john r winniitu momthfcju and lla laaoaa laia and tifow 1 capilntf wltlla i t aud i liar a a i nit a kiaaa to alu lakaa uat bld to brandy bod 1uii- v tlxouh ta idglit tliall lliaio coinu a baiy faalliiff lu lit a itiouixy utbady wbatl i hla lu aoliuol wlut faihr la lt old buiitf 111 tlula waabow ilia aaula k imjw tii jil 11 avay biaucb aud buuall ttitdugli uta wood a lid tba ajuucoa aau ad ul ba lull a kiwi i t lirliliua lra wkluajl aluo llntalxhuntf wtuiluy ad iloll 111 1 wlalad hist i coatd auf aim wuuld tuni about and waub lb in fro4u lbaldluig alalsb fbftl tba abaiaaalontflua walla quaar u1 wnlau buui tliawu r lllrlala auduia unu wllliuut a doiw and tit balaabi tuuh uial wo lulnlad cala attd uia uaeka acioaa tbaaaow wltaia aaqulrial truaadaway whon ha baard tbjkiutai aui rattta tit uia id uitf alalati tliafa wan llilmbla yuu could ma outh llj tboiiiaitda tr iuajr ibaliaia alid uia rlaara that 11 about ajlulbljhiy ut lwkad and baaidd tba load a li scroaa uia way anj would altt aalldwai tllu and uia tub oil fabar m wblii how it ud to ualt and dip lu ulmauow i oail llaajr 111 clilckada4 ulli lug lii tba hllla ad i itnow villi tba lira d ullu ly turn sway juat tu ida to adlioal wlui rtlr lutttfalauli mlek taaeliadlua a x4 lu tba bid jiuria nt i yould tilad tba bid tud 3niiit jltabing a young jl willi uwy- kraa faoa llhtad witli uduaual aspraaaloo m h kt st bli tlaak raadlnrf ooa of k pilo of lettorufrtim tlid inornlnirf mail it was ollfoni til at ft local rnaard bad pawti lo dux ibo tltiaa now rrown somawbat item ii looked kcroaa tba effloa hi his unottrapbar ohcklotf tha typatrrlur oliaa- a food ulrl ttuil m rlly ir ha lbou and sh dbarva it bnl i aliall low araura ilrai tiawa tax you alioa ba aald kindly soma woman who tnmi to hava beaii jour ooualu limjt juit dlod wlthoat ft will you a bil ol kin fco yoa r hair lo prelty pomiy ltulvad it utt a had foituns for a oatu woman ua thouaadd dollsri uriwary dallas arratiod widow of joliu arroatroritf oo nblldraii so iba ulttjr bajs air itoyo aalppad his aanlfiiimit in a rjulck laoulv way as if culling tlim willi shaara alioa tanuau half row attd ul dowfi kiisju ebe turned tl aud la it ooth lbs blood rushed back with tha ifraat sur- prlaf my eouflu i was all slid said llisn aha cruaaad oval to th uwara jask raavchinif out tier baud for tba uttar u b oferd it iuil it for yourself uy dur ur itoyoo aould utpunial tohlaitinodraphar ou omialoiwi with propriety for aba was ibo orphan dag of an old fruud and bad bean oammlitvl la hit iurdlbihlp hua nrovad lo ba a hltfli aplrltad ulrl wbo profrrd tut to sat tha brd of dapo dsuot aud ihrofora ha had tslati irinlo hu-omcawhaa- alialiaahtaiifor lnora th u a yoar uycoualal sha rpaud as 1 bwll dot3 1 kusw i bad otia hut i uavair saw bar alary dallas i uoc luotbsr was jupas sltlrr tlrw was aoma trotibu about tba marnaa tap though uy aunt thraw haraalf away so lvlaird mamma say und thara was au sauaina metlt a lhadow pad 0aj ha syea and now sbaa daaj j mr uoyoa s mi lad baauu hkt atuutlon had bo claluiad aral by iba daatl eoualu you dou t siii to uotla lb tea thonaaud dollar la that too tltilbt turn for your udyablp f ha uugbad o hi bh drw a icmu okuhlutf hrsalh i oouldnt bip a txtouaut olplly for my far away ooutln iba waa uot mor than tiv yaars oldw than i 80 youuk ti dla aud lav it lav ii fa tn lo aujoy 8hs wasfitiiajly ryjuif wall latd 13 i ha btlalmm patl cm 1 hll ba au old fool and cry too fortuu suly ii is nil mraousl proparty not a bit a rval ailsta wall invaataj tba adwla utrslor wrlua ho dbu to spv of ha aitya i oouitratuuti jou with all tuy harl alios tbouitb im a bll sorry for bjywlf 1 havsjo ioas my oairaful asilat anl probahlt tba bait oua woul huow how to ipcll tha uwjsr yrumblad half of ilia in dont wllill do i boiils tulo poaaaaldo ol of all this luouay v aha asked timidly why just abuut as soou as you pla lo tika it you imi whaii utrs ito will tha llsir at uw sups rlabl in doasul liava to wait lbs jaar or slbuau nioollif as if ihsra was a will of ooursa if ibsra war a lot of dabti ihs ailmiuislratiir would havo to ab that tbsy wr paid hut ba writs that thars araul nuy siopl a faw iriflluk aooounls around towu wliloh can htulllad wllhin a mouth if any an kuowu dt bli orop up isteir youll hs rnpou eius for l urn thats all lhaukyru i ujidersttud now qlis was morbotitpomil bythli tltiih if jem plusa i am rady to ujilu lbs days work xfalbyu any littars lo tabs down not uoluy to ptok on on lbs uritl train ah t yhskttl uj loll url llva mluutas ulsv ths i uuof pbars jubik pauoil was hylua aoroas iba sp lika litad but kuidadappajiaully by a ooul brain a litlu laur ihs dlalatum or alius kariuaus fluars wars running lo and fro ovr bar lypwrluf as a if plsyiutf ou lha hays ul a puno ur luiyos kleuuiua st bar uow aud ahsu saw dial shs was a utll pslr than uuat a llttls mora uravavhul utaady wins ortd sluft bs tlioulit ilk hsr falbr flball do liar duty or what aba thin its is her duly wlaravr ths i 11a tapaalad ibis whail it kicked uvar bar pa par a and fuuild thain wrltuu with did uaoal auouraay i lis uekt tiiurnhii h w saarally amuaad baoaiia she appaaj iu a llaok drvas wllhoul a bll of vxdor a vary bulloaabla i changa in oiyi who waa fond ol brlithlnrv hba caught bli juaalloolnm glanoa yon aieiil raally sorry ara you 1 bo satd t u a bard luttlon tho k wu too truthful ti nlv downrllh 14 if aba mul die i am ttlad 11 im furtuna mini tu inn ltul it ri ial a lltlla galltujo i am blkiw by uthitt nuiiirii xng uw bar oh ulr ou ii under klanil r yas ydaar 1 ihlik uii and i tik you for it llh lawyers faoa had inl ita rjululoal espreaeluii a month laur alloa krmli waa or hr wy lo tbo town in iihikl wlre mary diui armtruu widow of john arm stronk had died ibo gill wllhall lb rejiaf mm anslaty which hoc modou in noma would now hffiird yet fall a little lonely ss she urud uut to ttka the fur- tuna which bad so tight bar to ba aura ur itoyoahad touber you will alwy havo a frlaud lu trie my dear your fathers daulblar cau bovor loa bar hold bra for hid aka aa well as bar own thau he ooojjlied and amllad in a depra oitlng faahlon as if air a of boint aanll- mania wil a lo ina and if you ntaj l advloa bssurwu hi ma know iak no impoilut v tf without conaultlum your knar jit it iffbaullyoiueryjjtrymualiijlsursly will ootuult you and aim was than aura aha woaiddj o iu any important csan at tba illliioli town hvlui with th adinlnlslrslir wuavuliraly taliufaotry all ilia invattuieuls wars sxpluluad to her and jood advloa ulvni an lo what il waa hat to kail and what to laava untounlifd iu faal alio waaar jul- wbo won raspal involuuurily tbu admluitlialor said iiiiicm ths projwity bad to o to tba widow balrj i in klud uha nti it and no saripaitrem of a mail now said alio ibl i uudtrilatid ihs buiiiaa oiniwlit can ou till md auui my oouilii 1hr vr rasaons alia haiitalcd why ll a fmllu drilled spait and i knsw ao utile about hrr or hr huaband wall its rutbsr a kad ituryiti soma wapactv tba miu rspliad fluoli a julok wipluy nut of two ioiiiik liwe 1 john armslroiii wai a ral thrifty joung- fellow and by ijtdmi cuts stut good muju maul bsd yot touibrr ibu lllilu furainr alwaya said a liiaii hfcjl no rilil t marry till ha could tska osra of a wifr bom obli to lila old father aud mot bar uw ila bad a prslty ood toailiou and ha tnsrried mary daiihs rlia badut a esnl an orpbsn as you know bid taught adhool litre sal try juit euoujjli lo live ou thay wars aa happy aa joi plaass wtll tbsy d breu marrld only two morhus when bs oams down with punumouu aud died in un da a ths hock wan loo muoh forhr llbad alwaja utl rather dell- oats snd jual oua wuk from lha day ha weut aha dlad too xbadottir isld twas hsait faltura oo i bava mans monsy bcaua my ooualu wai bla wife for two month aud used jukt aavsn days lonr tbsn ba did v hba put lha question iu a low quiet voloo thats shout it ml- vaiman but ibaras bo rjutllon of iu l tlisla lha law iu jllliioiu if tiien bad bu teal astsls only hslf of it would hava gona lo lha widow but it was all parsons proper ly snd tint wan hrr as much as if sbsd lived a van ysars luitaad of savaii daya l4wa lisva to oovar all caaos and cant nuks provlslou for differ ill periods of tlmr ths sdmiuutralor wiabad lie nbednt explain ibis hut ihad bava to know it soma lima be reflected alloa lhuk ad him ye i tea it qulu cuuly dulyuti say mr aruifttioibis parools wsra iivitijt and whra s ibslr boma 1 he mentioned an ohacura plica juit ovar lha border iu wjwvmin thars is uoihiuit mora at prsaflnt i hallavs lbs said i am uralcful ti you forraklu avarj thlmj ptlu i mi and shs held out bar hand to him bafora re turning 13 bar boarding houa id ilka lo know whats in bar head ha tbouiibl tbita was a good deal id it and ouca mora lbs mull think it ovar ii took two daysihla lime though slid kusw from lha ant tjulck might what lha aud would ba no ill not writs to ur royos aba spoka aloud in hsr roon i will oot ha rasb but matiars o oontolauoa mail ba settled balwasn oiiilf and clod tba third mornluit afurward alloa aud her halid wra on lhstrsii k1 t ibalitlnvlii-h- i wiooin it provad lo ba iwo hi lj a fit in tbu railroad alalloo aud with uo iiieiibot raaolilnullothurthsn a boplltbla aim wtyou tba fsvmar ra- ardsd bar with kindly ourioally ooln l ol i mr armstrongs ba yo t ha boil in raspoma to her inquiry vrundof theirs t y as lit rply waa somewhat hul utltig in a way aha added lliayra julla cut up alnoa jo u dlad ushba ynuvs haard alkoul it t fibs iudiaatad thai sba would ilka lo hear wall you fca tbsy halut gol muoh money own their home but prealousllllla ready monsy to live on osnt sal a ptao you know john bo was raal forhaudtd and lit usd to wml aui just so muoh avry juartr anoujh lo kasp em yoln oom- fortabls like didnt tska a drsdful lot ibouuli theres a ilok dauubtar i to posa youd nail har an old maid wtll joliu up and dlaltihd be jutl insrrlad thsu bis wlfs shut up loo only a waak spirt 11 ha wautjuii ilka boair no tiling to waka a wllh ou iwi 4emi udjjava ylvsn lbs projwrly lo his folks whsralt halongad now its gnna ti soma woman nobody kuowi kuowthlu about jutl baoauaa aha waa a oouiu or aomstbin to john arm strong a wife ths farmer liksd to hsar himself talk aidadially wbsu ha had such an aluullvs llatener ix weill oil tba villsga wm awfully ssoltetl about it uoil folk sjiviihh the armalrougs to g to uw but our lawyer said twaul uo usa whauvar tba atatute was i lain au day uutldoaay if it is uw u aint kop1 no it laiil uoepal asaeiitatl tba qui i flgura slblj sldi if tbatpiiuiui knows whats jjood for hurtslf shell keep away from here for the won i gll no kind of a welooms tain t likely shell waul to ootna ihuugu hut biia wa be right at the armelroiigv uald nu thank yuu ymi jidot pay u m iwah right mi uty road and lw enjoyed it im rl gladkuva dom u oblrk alii up a bit twill du hlrii good i bbpa it will aaid alio- i hank yon for yoar klndneas nhly glg don i mantlon it tna em anjliadruva il required ums herva to knock al that door and u litioduoa liarealf aa alloa frman 1 im t id motur sntwarrd th knock hba waa a woman of kindly ban avolaiit faoe alioa saw bar faoe harden and aol aa lo mentioned bar name but be waa prepared ay i oomo taw au with deut retuounoo alio was admlttef thay wcra all than father mother and tho pa a daughter a hoaatholdnutnby barear inonl krty and lllim tha youotf balreaa had tried to aaltla ba forehaod bow to beajln but no tidied worda woald ooma to bai ow hh tnuit pluugo in as boat aha might i know yoa cannot wih to aoej m she said yoa think i bava taken joor aona fortune which h mads by faithful work i doot wooder you fcol hard toward tne there won laars in her syo and no ona oould doubt uiat trothfu earnot f librae tb uw 1armao wa know thai you you werent lo bla roe old armstrong said tbla a maua moi of jcatioa ie a ijuia keener than a womaus horn body has said that a mnii judamtnt li ruled by bis head and a womans b br jlh ive told mother aud mellee so alptlia liniu be went on it waa our forlmia but it wasnt anylwxlye uull alloa looked at him unufnlly no thus far it hum t bau aiiybodys fault you may bllv me that autifihrvs days ago i knew nothing of the olroumetauorg v no moral right lo th s money i aea lhalsplaaolva you can itwas uotas if ibey bad lived tonathsr for years tl abd managed togaiher por it to go to ma a t rancor knowing whkt i do now i oan tiol ksap it i oanta for lhal puroea lo iva it baok to you tha palt miilia ittrtd lo bar fact you dont iiimu ll indeml i do mean it alloa was mil lug now thai war soma minutes of aslonlahed lleuoa a juluk ravukiou of fa- 1 log sway ad tha hllla krottp 3ul my dear mrj armuirodgrora and ofoeatd the room to where the ulrl tat apart- liar botilgu una ret irtied to it uiust color as sba tpok tell us aboul youneir are you rich oau you afford to dothut alios bad uotaipeciad this qsaatlou but lie suiwend bravely no i am not b atu an orphan with my own way to make dut a poor girl can afford to do rhtbt aba cannot da otherwise hba draw herself op with a nobis prljo mrs armlrougspoks again ooos her hsart was oonvlnoal ths oould ba bolh jut aud quick in droiiou as jou see i liava not oonsultsd my hmband or daughter hut i think lhay will sgre to what i wy we loo osn matt a generous baart gonarootly it us divide my sou s fortuua you keep half aud ftlva us hslf if you will ibe itilarast of your portion will amount to as much tu our boy used to taiid ui from his aalary aud will furulsh lbs llttlo txlr tiling we neul lldt wa cannot take it all sba concluded with emphasis look lug at the others with a queelloii in har ayes lliuht moilisr rlghl as you always are tba old man turned to alios do you think wa d ba ao msau as to take every cant you offer and leave you poorer than wa ar i oo attar many ruom words ll was tallied amid smiles aud fearu and the ba kluinu of an audiirinft friendship than alloa parmtn weut back to have thelagal irauifar made poorer by five thousand dollarathauwhaii aha cituethtlljuucil ughur al heart neiiday she wroua brief note to un iloyos in what she said if you have not a aompelaot auncajraphtr may i go to my old poelllou t i will explain when i rwath you whtu ur itoyca opened the ullar ha ax- claimed what lu the diokaos i well tba youuk woman of this day are- hard to umjaralaud hul of course i waul her if aha wauu lo oome tie wrote comal to ha sura i fall ilka ulagrepbing ive bad two dsm of tba pencil within a month lha first one oouldnt spall i told you thay oouldl hilf o am the aeoond ona tnlxse up tlia patty of tba first part and ths party of lha heooud pari iu my law pa para ami t can i make har uudaittaud which from tother you are a oonuudrum uow but youll he a god sand alice gave a happy uugii whsn aha read it what a der old gromblsr my guard lau isl it team i like ohm home bo he packed her trunk aud waut well ulbsy what does bia mn t waa ur itoyoa s graatng and she told hluj the whole elory upon toy word 1 why didnt you writs lo ma flrt afraid your v wouldul let you ah t lets ae youra not twetityoua yal time enough lo uudo tha mlaohlsf obs taw that he was feign lug ditplaature you arsmlaukau sir i waa twenty oua tha dty tha trausfar wta mada i iboughl avout that uba looked roguleh oly puts 1 he iutarrupud i watul afraid to write to you though i knew your duly would usd you to look after my intervale dut my duly i must uqtnyaslf thau au lha interval of live ihouuud dolurs would hardly t upper i a girl wllh a healthy appetite and a raaou able liking for prvlly olotbte i was glad lo oomo back if you wauled m ur hoyoa uuglid aud than grew urate uy nhlld he said you wf always a hood noble girl aud i repol you mora ibau aver for this act hul you must allow an old lawyer to he jtaloue for tha uw u ijaoj u me tbouuh iu thu oats il workd au injuitioe you musl always htriemur that laws do for tlie moel tsrl work the graauat ood to lha grsaleet uuiubar ytw sir alios asseutad bleakly now ahalj i take down your dictation youlkt cvmsvihion hu nliudud no uxqilciblf yaj sir i autea wllh lluit chicago pro- faieor who alsajts that a mau who la over twentyfive aud who has a rjulr sin ploy kuant does not uawl any exercise- hava you rcijuur employ man 1 1 i have may i ask what it is ytni may i am a ulur oarrfar 01 ilil jimtbr lha heel ptuleolioil balnlt levers puau tnoula diphtheria ate le lu tiilldlud up ika uyauut with uoods uatuuafilu his mothell 1 ha ijaet einblam of dolhlre ei ie tbo nahtraj iqvo uf a worm child utlatual ua rvtnelus luiloed a iled nonvcnuoual type as if the tender eminence belonged h every lumber to illustrate the child e bold upon the m itber no ordinary instance would hciiow but aa lodal in lite ut tmn o a ooudemnod criminal funrnlehea one of tin crucial case for the brutal mutdor of a m-lph-s- old men a you lb of eighteen in a neighbor ing- elate lay in j a 11 a wall i tig execution he leanted vpbv approach of klndneee and rraenitd iba friendly ofrioea of the chaplain with lilur curses tba boy was apparently reprobate two te a brfnra le eieoutlun a tele urantwae brought lo him lit his nil he snatched it and lore it dn with an oath in an inttarfl a oheua came ovaf bis suljsn face ua tlmw up hie bnde with a cry and ho to wap and eob the chsplalil took lha lelagraln and read tho id worls ur mother ie lovhitf you yal tha tneaga had com twu thoi mile the mother iu her distant home had hot heard of har runtway boy for threa yeare tne young jirodlgel had not changed hl usine and one tuy lu a brief newspaper mention tho read ol him a iniirdemr condemned t die it was loo lla lotav him all her ijtriiirhea7r could tend him i i bis ignominy ws lbs lal fond aalltenod una an anecdoln of a wretohed looking tramp arrested for va the other day in ilrooklyu tells ue ou ths other hand eomelhlng of the hoi 1 a mother has upon hr child when ths tilau was teerched by the onloru a wllnl iholoyrli of a t omnti wau fuuud iu his ilothluk j tag gtrw vsplaiiet oudhtitty llud a more crajjloue tuduuoe ouikidu of lbs ioics ttallou but tbaofnoara ieard the 1 ramps tlory aud believed ii ilu ileclarw i ibst lb photograjih was u pulnrw if b s mother shes an old woman now lm um if felisisullv ive carrlad tlut plntura for many a year i didnt follow the road she marked outfor me the mora theme to me bill bar face hae lnn with ma in very statn in lha union i wouldnt pail with ll or anything in thfe wqiii keep it for me snd ul me hava it w boti 1 go mother lava is a holy ihlug ill if ul and moia ihiu pitiful li the baaauoea that wtll drag it iu lbs mil uut it oullives even thst indignity il byh to tba etteullnu uf i ksp hood con be idle j if lour hauih ployed tteli i 10 ibu rultl jlllll 3 live up 10 your i yoorowh scorn isrlf jou have any ynu hjiau l a in ilmjiilliofaia 1 oom ar the vary qoni oli anumliauncv call tbs physloun llks ihs aohier mud roijwud to the call of duty without adwsyi welling to dlecover ibe why and wberefon a doctor who is evidently tba soul of devotion to his profeaalon waa recently put to the teet and much lo bis subaaqusut irritation was uot found wanliug it be fall in this wits according lo ths doctors report otis day 1ml week i waa juit sitting dowu to a most excellent dinner when i received a call ftutd a little rvaynarold girl whose father llvvw iu the udjoluinj block hba wat ulit of breath hul the hiauaard to yep out for ms to oome up to tba bouse right away thinking u must be aoiueihiuu serious thst thould causa ths llttugtrl lo be tent for me i wlaed my uiediclua mm aud hurried off whoiehjckv i asked picking htr up in my arms aud oarryinr hr so llial i might ket along faster klixabeth she snawerod is she very sick i aiked i think u js typhoid feveriha replied tbls gave me a tcare snd quickened my ups wa ware uot unif lu arriving at lha bouaeand i was turprlied that no ona met he this way orlad iba utlu ulil itjaiog my lisud allowing myself loheld alooy i- aooa found my talf in a bedroom by lbs side of a doll s cradle iu whloli reposed a doll with a raj rag tied round its ihrrat i was daued for a moniaut and only came to wheo i heard tba htu jjiil luqulr injfaaalouily if i ihouuht niiaebeth was folng to die i auurad her thai aha wasnt and all utatabe uoadedwasa spenkinit i meant tbailltla girl uol klistutli dut from what 1 hard as i oame away i am sfrald that tuy advioa was not understood aud thai ulaabelh ifot it s a vouno hbholnu a scottish ihulji tbai e dol in r il all taiai llinr- but si ba the tuiigli o miw the i r j iiulflan gy iyl klali le lyina dl i mh ie ll t 111 b lib oil i lloollal amecg tier tin baaiuare way bricllt aaa fair apart will in ler lllalaii lain ir baait liil ijlbaau all w lb tuixle uina lid an a i a- 1 1 i laeuahltecllalr fe1 l- hi tokfay alri1 l in ii aklr allit i atll linluua i u a rul wlitlir n uln ibu watnl u tblr tioilnu tu tl i i lyh a dald iba jij siarfaru brulv altltkorryi ilooui i rlulbb voh tucciitia in liii wing t lii tlbar of i by sroaiitll with other good lit iimu kept i a of printed ou the idlest york city tuil much fatherly simca am hsmledto young mail of bis acq nihil mice from time ui lime and utberwua illtiibiilod when lhay will do gocl it ie vtu lo say that the sucoe of ihn lutabllilimnnt yeforred lohaauau built up alnnu tin iliiae indl- vnlhibnil tb ur ruadtra jiuy or jiune nswr lint uavflllly sm tlon al your ny and hol t viol virtue oler n abnvo am ihiuge las 7 llwr iia mlratl iiioj eicepf d within your iuoome make no betti to be rloh it you would prosper ll nsverplay attiuy game of ehanor 10 jrn moiniy boforo joir spend it 11 never run into debt uuuea ynu l a way lo get out agulu never borrow if you oau poahlbly avoid ll 13 do not mrry until jou am able lo tupporl a wife li llejusl bdfore you era eueroue if he tauiperaie in all thing 10 gava when you era youuu lo speud whan you are old buruufbndg chohjr ilko many arjolher iuii wbo ret made abucoeisof life iord cliarles lleretford wui the despair of tha teachers of hie boy hood they reported to hi rather thtt young cbarus would do nothing be did not care u do aud on lha hoys thliteenth birthday his parent formally announced that ba mutt make hie final choice of a proksilou colhtrt ii rcly report the conversation whloli folusnd whet u u to ho my bo tlm army ths navy or ibo church tha navy sir and why lha navy boy t cause id like to hd au admiral ilka nvlnjw ibaw likonlnon why not son t cauim i waul to uut avail if yuu were lo join i tin navy why do you think you win over tar cm e an admiral cliatlls cauia i mesti lo wat the blunt reply lis had lilt with aud enteral tha uavy iu thtee day gener i oordou ouoc saidaadly lbs race is for bouois uot honor ad for nrwpaper prtlw lull uust lhamoal hoiwleaa tmoiii ot miirl fdmll that if true tbsre are ekoeptlona in new york a few weks ago ulaq uiuule qwartl whilenut leeking work for tha support of her youujjr brothers and slaters- cams upon a k fire end learned thai a number of firemen had jisl been disabled i hba ran to a neighboring groor bought a gallon of milk had it heeled and carrld it to ths ahutiad fireman tvn ie at tuted a phyelaiau lo revive tho who were overcome by smoke uba climbed a a feno and with au sx mda ilu dpaiiiiig for lbs man to drsu lu their hoar aud then discovering two wouudj firemen ulipplug luto a waer flild cellar aba held them each by a ug till help oema and the herself was faint and sihautled tha fire oommitbloiier uarnlng of lb important aueuuuo ot thl eighteen year old heroine lnvwd htr la oall at ins ofilce in a heartfelt ii ill epwb he paiitd her in ths usnia of the ureleful depail medl with a purse stuffed wllh hank notes tears earns lo lha jlde eyes bu tbo pul aside the puree llbe waa deeply touohaj aud krslul but the oould not lake the mousy for doing whet was her duly and a privilege aa well am lu ihli reeolveeha has aver since pereliled it is said by tpaulalors st the tin that whllemlashwartt worked e1 valiantly tor hours boore of able bodud men ttood ouulde tha ilrs lines ouriuutly looking ou a quluk eye tu tee where una may he u- ful aud ability to aut wisely in ah einargeiiov ami alurdy refusal tu he paid for il these ar ratraahhig attrlbulea hi either tutu or woman aud lift ibu humbuel llfeuu of llie cotumoupuoa nu man ie perfectly rvd to thoes who heel know hi o nu men kuuws hilii svlf wholly the higher lha mau lbs cts nan be be aullrely axuauud willi that aelf tbo laee cau the world kuuw hll hup motto the mambr j of a uihla ouu in a naw iioftltud pirlah wera tluilylnfi gl pauls ruuufor chrlitaiu living vet forlh in the twelfth oh spier of ilomanu amou thaqueatioua aekad by tba leade 1 of tha luas wtb what motto should he adopted whoo strangere am lo ho en ten laltud the proper antwer of course and ths ona givii by all ths msmbere of lbs olais with one exception was given to hospitality in tha date however there wat ona young person who held a different idea this waa thamlnuur a daughter wbo since aha was ntteati yean old had been lha head of lha house end the manter of many a dinloull meal i doot sgre with hiaoihere she aaid ilrmly 1 hiuk very ofieu the motto ihould bo patient in irihulniun two nlwanova tha fallow feoling thtt inerke olio ot tha enrlerel tpott in huiimn ntliiru in often noel prnnouucod amoiih ieal men a writer in the ctiitury telle thin naw auaodpleof paraday thfr great pbyslolti and hie friend lloff tnn wro walking one day lugmlhtr through tba tlresla of ijoikioii where both were thou profetaorn when psrtday stoped a newsboy and bought a newt ptpwr hoftmsuii asked him why with hli houie regularly aiijptlni with all tba papers ba niedad hn ttoppsd to buy a paper from a buy iu the mnet iarajay replied 1 waa once a news hoy uiytslf and solil ptpera ou ibo tlroet il wta a titling explantllou no excuse for people who wear rusty or faded clothes diamond dyes will make tho old things look as good as new if dm to buy i or huiu muulbu laiirlly ol peoplu oaniiut afford uw dreae jokele rapue wattle ot ololhbs ovury lhru or ul the uso u diamond dyvs will suable the in tu r mw at a tiuliug oct thair fadwl o runty jjtruiuutv niakliiu i haul aa haiidenuio as utw once mrs w l woodj ot croeiwull out uayu i have alwayt utl dlainuud dym w ith the best riiu but my ltul trial uf ilium has okoeado 1 all pruviuim rffurts i hsvu juul dyel a drwaj u thu vury tluutt brown lunriella cloth wnh dianumd lyu uut llleuk for whl making it look an will j ltsw uoodtl luiullte strt i tn i is mi es titis for auyunw waring hid oiolim- while dtamund dys ato wdd

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