Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 21, 1901, p. 3

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bank of hamilton georgetown brtnch ageneral bankingbueinooo transacted correspondence solicitod 1 1 savings doportulciit interrti llimnl iiammi of ont hot iak and upwards irom day u depuall t iut of withdrawal n mall lies and- i u ctatiya in d money faraierv iuihjihas solicited note i ietkilt 1 hi discounted and rmmey loined i n cgil busineas purposes business purposes r oollccuon jdopai incut is hihiii inittllv lot nrnkini imfkfnti our t notea handled and money advance on account olum at low fate of intern traveller are notified that lhaiunk of hamilton am it llranchea issue circular t hamilton ami its llranchea issue tlrcuui notes of the provlnciil hank of i or land limited which can be cahad wlltioul charge of trouble in an part of tlta world head o pic1 hamilton fcsubuahod 1g72 4 capitalvaid up 7p32x reserve fund 1234119 totaj assets m jawu tuamuui1 cashier b forsayetii aattor gaorgotown branch -jooi- special sale of wall paper ciias nilu s coliih out nil lvl llij tloclt lot ort nonllt w lit ujj cllicounu musi bo cleared up before kiock laklni j i mrkl 1 till qhuccist acton will rok you ilia rcaieil olfcr ever klvcilti7 wai l iall us llohdilts and ci iung paii rs chas l nelles be retort 3fr jjfjrtsi thullsday itlluuallv 311 1001 uttxe local bbieflets whloh caujiht tliw eyai or elw of pr prau rooortar thla wmu the jublua orcheelre held an asaam bly io the- town bell le4 vriday evening to mild weather ibia week we vry generally eojoed altar lbe luni continuous oold spall thequdpb magulrele u fining boya 1 00 and ooeta for throwing snow bille ou tbe street he j 11 wallace cooduoted lb aarvlo m in 8t alben church ket houdey mornlog and evening he robertson milloti he been ap pointed a oommleaiouar to iva oatlte for lha coonty of melton tho cartla nation aol may be pu in oparatlon un aavaral bnlleoeneod joint whleb am altered to xtat in town auctioneer uemelreel conducted a vary aocoeeaful said for m angus lawaon da btnrdy aud uoojay aaaoiuka if lb boy and jif la wbb oatoll ou lo paaaloy kuigha do boi jolt oaiohlajf ou lhafall ba ail aocloaol cats un f kaoetobareb annlvaraarv aafvle will no doobt u urgjy atundad luv t kakin of 8t andrawa oborob guajpb will ba iba prraabar catuohomfiliba padlgrwxl klock oflrad foaala by iadl b kaooady on lot b4 eon 8 xsaquaalttfl a balotday jod will ba aant on applloaliou tbad qranoan c bav paid umlar jwottat lo iba oorporatioo lb 1000 lot j poaad andar lha tranalanb uadera llaoanaa tbay will ao fo la raoowf u a j oaollarf ullaf of h umt fobanla bank ulba raoipunl of uumroui oouittdullooa thht nk upon lha arrival at bla happy bomaon latk ava of a litlla oa and bolr tba oldaal tialrgla a tha rvoanl cooniy banday bouool oouvanlioii wu ura jaua bpiowl of anton fbu valarati la 7h yaara of aif but l axblbll a lily inunab iu tba work uurlloulon oatrtu tba univaraliy ataotlon uoltra by mr twlury of toronto utiivaraiiy will ha dluarnt in lb u i boil t uobool lloom onvridav avaolna hib uarob bobjool tba inn in maljoti to ihluga tarraairul anolveaaty aarvioaa will ba bold hi tba uaptlal cburob aotoo on bon day u arob srd luv w k morion of owaa boaodafoimarpulor will paob hi 11 a m aud 130 p in upaolal oollaolloua la aid of iba thumb a rjuaitd tbaauuruiuufcutatinoudfiad by poat ar lo ba hald in tba uwu hall baal holiday avaolntf nndar lha aaapioaa of tba ohrlallaa jsndaavor boouly of knoa tihuroh iaa uan oaniud tha ubqrch bad d aided lo buna no ucnday lio ntbrlu in oounaotiutl with tha auolvaraairy ihu year in anolhar oulumtl will ba fbnttd a aynopalaoltlavahrlof tha iwalf tb auuukl rnaatluit o tba dominion ii fa aaauralloa co of wfcudoo tltu youn ooupaliy taouaof tha tnob vitforoua- and aneoaaafuj araoo ouraiorllaul oanadlall llfa com paniaa ila tuanakaoaaat baa abowo ftu aptitude for aeourlnn lltadad baaiuaaa nd tba poaltbvu y al praaant ooouplaa la nneb anlad by a uuoiber of oldar com pan laa tba tkunlplon baa a bright tutor b forall and ila oiear will ba eqqally advau taaoua to pulmy huldara and aliafa boldarv thoaa wit otmlatnpula pultahaalu rnbuinaoul or work of any diwtnpllou for tbair miiwuiy phila abould ordaadtrvot ronftbaohl reliable ajrauiia and taarlu doalarj ii tfajnllionjualpba3tk al axpm alfdwao to pdroraart ah work and mateeli warranlad ooropatltloo the news at home moat i y or a too character and ovrv1tar intawaattna rfnw prvma trlmtlnt fiewaoa a now profaaaional firm who havo u lomovnd to toronto trom uiaaoorl en t mated their oral lo of printititf ordered in canada to iw faaa 1aama laat mk ujmo rronlpl of lua work from tba faxa i tu j h prlnllrirt dapartmenl tha follow luft nota waa aont ua hlallonary and oiroulara taoaivmi wo xi ud tha aanrto aallafadiory and oonm it a ry lit a lo- of paiftlnt- p1 t- i ld twoulu draft for amount of bill u o j irftfa rmtrta jtr vnt of kara ilpaekintf or the vialt of the milton c pnnil 11 t of t lo aotoo taat waek he atxptoa aaya the luv ii a uacpha ou ooonollor akad lha ofnoera of ulllon counnlltako dharaui thainltlaliona whiob tmy did in a rary aooaplable mannar initial 10 naw room bora tblt la verf aueourag oft indeed eud alu thai ibare la au liiuraalln thalemperanoa oanaa in aown tltla oonunil haa only been oritanlaad a abort time and bide fair to rtaal eome of tlta baa i in tha order jafron tomoherm oourentloa the haaaull ooinroilua of the ualton taaobera aaannlalmn will maai al lha waluoa iiuum uuton at 10 a tn on hatarday j3rd inau tbe ohlaf boalnaaa will bo arrangin del alia of the annual oonveniton to be bold in ac loo any leaobere trnataea or olbar paraooa wlablng any matter deal with by iba kiaonuva ox at tha oonwaotion ahoold oommnuloale immadiafal wltb ipapeetor uaaooc mfltou or lha beoraiary of tba aaaoolallon a jlaynton hurling too tba vax iaxaa u in reoelpl of a oopy of o uaj hcathjlrinaa star prloud upon paper tnaunraotored by lha bewkinieiur p par wilt in that olty of whiob ur 1dward ifinlay late of the qeorftttowo paper mil la managing dlractor and mr l 1 bnydar late of lb trader uank one of anton a progreaawe hdi la the boiatary traasarar tba company waa oatabliahad laal j qua wlh an antboriaad oapltil of 300 000 and oommaooad boat tx lha flrat of january wub fifty band a lo- eerie of papera bainjf ia turned on i and lha demand la highly en ooa raging to tha new oompany w orba xjtie ffaauifor aratfndaej the remains of tba kta beoator uokindaey of ml i too ware conveyed to ifamlltou nn tbnraday for lntarmant a lbe family 1 it in the city oematery a rt parly aooompanlat lbs body from uuton a host 0 hamilton lane unoog m ll w kxb ma hi tll- arlar drown alax turner and w v- unrtoq mat the train open arrival at llaoallloo lha kqrvloe waa oonduoud by itev a i uell mllioa th jall baa rata werat j uarwlok toroutovx whaallhati carnn- bellville dr btuart 3 1m holt v chlabolm and j hendraaon milton mr d ileodaraou if 1 who wee a ufalonrt fruud of iba iu haoalor left otuwa in time to attend the fanaral bnl owing to tha anow blookoda hit uafu waa a tailed r peterborough and ba did bo i teaob toronto unlit ilia afternoon iu fujayahlo iarlor booial alarge oompany gathered k l bom a of mr and mra tliomu blathara obnrob aireat laat thuraday evauiua to partiol pale 111 the patlor aoolal held under tba anaploaaof bt albanhghurob adali ful uvenlue wam kpeol lite only regrettable feature being tlie auooe of tba paator tbrou illucaa mr t if harding waa mnalor of oeratnonlea and be breaulad over a vr aioabla programme contributed by uraira it j uumay councillor jeaoa uiaa lliaoobypaaid the ehueeof hnwiay bohoo with uiaa j on i- bmllb and mr j u wallaoe as koeompablata ltv u ma and m h uoor ooo trlhutad brief addree very appelitu ng knd abundant refreehmetile wrrf provided during lb evening tba ihanka of all were estendad lo mr and mr bulbatrl for tber geoeroua hoarjllallty iiaat tburaday an unuanal eight tor thla oommaulty wee wluieeeed al felrvlew oemelary poor gtavaa were ejtrtul labaoualy open to rcoalua lha ramalna of aw many departed one tbe drat waa occupied by tba utile daughter of mr ww uoideu oburob at reel and bafura the burial rvioe waa botupletad iba funeral of lha little aon of mr william uuarlbur uf tba beoond haa arrived al iba eametery 0u friday morning lha remain of by d nay t kelly who died of pneumonia at hod nay warelaid alreat bealde thoaa of hia falbar and mother and at 8 oclock in the aiuruoou the itlula eon ot mr arch motevlab wea uld away tb fir i fuucral aarloe weaoooduoled by lie w b uoldo owing lo lha iii oeaa of itev mr iu aud hv mr meopbareou oooduetad the olbar three eervlv tba following obioerawv war uiull ad by tha iaalcaoaul cjmmandr vraunla on monday evening atlbv regular ttieatlngi aa tha oflloara for lb coming year of aotoa camp no cj ti 0 uov h june a lbov vluoht eik6ov o acw luukruov uwiuwu litlky j vorbea walebutau hov a tueord hautryuov ii iiomii i liyuuuiuv o i ublly thla la oua of tha leading fraternal aooiatualn town and numbere among lu membera i iinderaou m v ea it v fyf- councillor jean a a couuotuor branala trualaoa xanuy and agoew x truetea baoord and other oltlaeoa of e jul prominuo md a aoouly deeevlu of artooa ooneiderattou by lltoaa dealrlug inaurartoa al the loweit- ooel oompaubla with nafely udhon leuulurlh doj mr xjoueld molarau of teril who tula brated bu oua liundrijtb birthday at the home ot bu daughter mr mcoowan wd jarvijruwunin lo uoaruur la1 died thre un monday moruiitg tba remain weia ukari loth raaldaov of bll bou iu law ulahard i uoor u j milton tn monday aud iba fuueral wu bald to iloelou cuia ury alio ulouk veeleiilay aturooou mr mclaren wan one hundrml ivera two tnoutba aud mveiiueii day ulj au i uvd iu thre wiilurua and ave veuu of ilrltll ilovaralg ia ila wait a ball ye of llreadal bane booilaud ud aaltlad at 1eru tti lha during bi me ba wea eiigageil in lbe ahua bualue and waa up to a ihoit urn ao liurtrlilugly avtlva fcr a man of hi yaera ha uave a fatully of aeven child i ru lie wa au euthualaaila member of tlta melhodlal church a bad atuok of lutluenaa wak the oauaa of hi deetb 6peciau mbetino of council municipal offloar orahnrrl f4ap v pointed atsama salary 4doparannum a apeelal meetlog of lhe mnoiojpel coo noil waa aallad for laat friday evening to appoint an aaeeaanr for id0i the bj law iwlng overlooked at tba rrgnlar meetintf the mrmbvra were m pvaeenk heve wl llama in the chair moveil by john a hat leron aeoondad by ii bvlarkhamer that tea be rrauud lo inlrodco a b law for the i urpne of app li lir a lnunlclal fuorr for ll e village of anion f r rie jur ij01 for the wrfer e aw w fellwwln dotiaw aaaoraor collaotor rwniery iptr cauukax of tuwn ball publto ealiool oarnatary publlo iek niklna ramplldy oollectiuna i f eleeuin hubl eooourta cult inw wrade repairing and bail ling aide walk village cnuble 1ouud keeper truant ofttoar and vub the dntiae aa may be required in oounctloii with lite work of tha municipality and that by law be now rea i a flrat time carried bylaw read a oahlm movd byjji jean eeoondrd 1 y l rgw ilynda that by law to eppomt a mualoipal ofqoer be now read a eroond and a third lima and that the conrifil now go into aommiilaa of iba wbola-on- aalil liy4aaj and that rule lit he tuapau lad f r i porpote carried council went into ormmlttca of the whole luve william in th ohir hy law waa flnallf paacd the blauka being flllh in with be nam of h d oraham and tno aary being oswl al pour nondred and hfiy ijollara hs0 00 per annum tbe a a mo aa lest year co noil adjourned al b 15 o clock coming and going vlaltora to and from aoton anit varlouaothar paraorvad notaa acton frkb llbranvj j cimoron blwotad chairman mdh i- hwxaa raajaot beoratary-traaaurar- tbe ural mehlng of lbe vree library hoard wea held n tbe library lat priday evening membera praaant itav if a maopberaoa john cameron tboe t moore john william and 11 1 moor tbe aleottoo of ofnoera for lha current year waa lb drat bualnce moved by if i moore eeoooded by if a maopharaon lhat ible hoard- haa pleaa nra in appointing john cameron a it ohalrmao for tha preent year carried mr cameron aoeepled the appointment thanking lha hoard for tba honor tbay bad ooof erred upon him moved by t t moure moiodj by if a macpberaon that ii i moore be re appointed beorelerytvreeaurer for tbeer 1001 pleaaej lo 1 ava aeen tbe honor paaead around bnt at the rjueet of tha hoard would continue to perform tba dutu the report a of tho librarian for deotm bar and january were praaauud a follow dwwtu bt j an ua y ueuturahlpi tw wd llooka laanad au aod ciaar rtoir i oat malory w 01 tiloctopby 0 1 vo and travla u u heleoee ahd art 1 oaoaraltjuralure w 11 1 cuy ii s vulloo w m lulbjiaaa it 18 iwimoaa juld for cu- iouaand carda- 10 1 vlua u 10 1 15 bi u tbe librarian klao preeetlted bar raporl for the year 1d00 a very aatlafacury re purl aa follow umbrahlyjnury it 10o3 it um bwuollj during the year w m l llooka laaaad during tile year tlutory and hltuuieal tto- ntdm wl volutn llloeraphy i voyata and travsl fauj uciartaaaujairl u leoerml f juralure ut loatry ib worka of aleuna oj lulbrioo literature u uueallalatfua f toul auri gaah llacalpu- oaulocne jid clm 910 an lne lot uo4 katoinlag bouk vlutln aoeellted uada 1 co u m ttrna v- laiao ijuatun moved by john william jwoonded by ii a macpbereon thai iba repoiti ot th librarian ba received carried moved by t t moore eeeouded by ii a maopharaon that the h landing com mi ilea for tha year ba an follow fiaikca t x moor joo willum- j k qoddai ad tb traaaurar uooftcou ii a manpharaou j k- godded j m hagar jno cameronabdlha heart ury i mkubmaamr john cameron johu wrttumo it a ugopbaraou aud t t moor carried thacotunllub 0u vluluoa proeauud ihelr flrat report reoommeuding peytnodl of aoouuta aa follow librarian lualaur for ll ii yax 91 to ckbrauu above bo uubhar datlug huuip for librarian w id tha report wu adopted tb hoard than ailjounied milton tbauiaiaierao lha rluk are preparing tor a gud carnival whloh wllllika pune ou hilday evening valuable prlae for uoetutiib and akallng race will he jrfrl vrank 1eevu h h qalbralib and w v karl are- rpreullng ullton council no cllt- t oft atcrand couuoil meet ingal toroulq w j almatrcng rvpr aant a ualton dltiiot luury ilendaraod city agenti uf tha domluloo kipba co t quebeo haa raluruad to bla dutle after apatiillug a week vaoatlou with hi paraulv ut and mr tho hauderaon wni mtcuuaud of bill hu trafalgar aold his farm to a huk jr of hajuealiig tor to 700 aud will rllra lo htidputu mr it l llemaut i again iu a orllloal auta ot health mr vrd ueoord ba eut tha faaa jaaa a ci y of tilt laat laue bf tba lwurail atonfllumtlu jw ll j 1 bh- llebed throughout in bwedlab aud of nouraa we found ll hlahly lutaeeaitng to curb a cold ila oni oav take laettve it rout u gulnlue tellata all fua4 the ruauea u tl iela a ue a 1 on aatli boa rtnuurlue fua4 the ruauea u t toe w troveaaauui low hatuurjohth and noiitii- wkbt k on february ulb aud ou aeoh tueeday until apill ooth be oliioigi hailwauka a hi 1aul lullwey will al oitawy won ulee lloketa al tb ful low lug very low tae rana iaaea let lea all ita rlbate lo uila wltaa if yoa o voar frlanda axasolneaievoiiaboluar ulp oa if yon be traoda vlalunc va top a teard to th laaa mr w a miller f oaorgatown vlailad friaodl her oa mou lay mr jameeouldie oualpb waa a goaah at kalrvuw n i blud hlaa nannah late ot kiln u vtalllnrf berailerf m f u -or- mr abram hluftr and mta halite vial lad fleade in hritlo ihla wk mr aod uirwm noble of torooto vial lad anii n frteo irinrloirmarwaek- mra ifaltfhl of uoltoba waa lbe gooet of anton frianda daring tba week mra ii j hall of liar ho a pent a ooopleof dayaleatweek wilb aclou frianda mr john kaonay left nn tneeday for llamlluxi to attrnd grand lodge a o w mia mtfgl howm aaacharviailad home at umtnriulu irom friday until monday mr john if mellbew vlallrd friende urbbetburueduodaik aoif tor on lo during cnlecessity knows no loj bat t tv of nafitnr bows to ike necessity of keeping the blood pure so that the entire system shall be strong healthy and vigorous todaks uood saraaparilla lb graaa blood puriflor if therefore a law of health and it la a nocolty in nhy very bonaebold it atarxr disappoints ciyalpolllt had awaeaera attaoa ai eryafpelaa aunetang from dljdnea anal nactooanesa ao thai irould not reet at tugnl trd hood enareaperllla wlutcood reaulte and now recommend it to outera m galjtsaa tortmito onl tared feajtattjr- waa all ma down and bad no appetite waa tlml all the time hood a itaraaparilla waa aunatml and a trial benefited ma eo murh tharssow z would not ba without iba medicine ilka u i ilrjuattt central morton n il i cameron of oit bonn j oroeuf mr tboma caman mr ah w-it- ill- i laal week mr metilii mccann of the torooto star la apanding a few day with hie mother and a latere hare mr il i warren of tba rmjj george town celled on tba faaa 1 ax bator- day after noon mr cordon hendereoo of lha hank of ifamrllon ilamlllon waa borne for a te eayijai iii the iolaouon of mr itobart ung bam and family to remove beat month lo uetiltble maria jdf audmraiierb if eodereon of george town apent bundey at the noma of 1 uendaraoo m 1 mr john 1leleob au in walkerton laat wyek altandlng tba funeral of hi brother mr imar imitmfa mr aud mr john mohaoharu ware at ooulngaby lmi week auendlng tba fanaral of mr mcfaohem mother miae hella kannedy ba returned borne after a pending a oonj le of moo tba with bar atatar at vael fraenwint uiob mr allan campuu nunrnad lo joboa- towu n v oo baurday after apanding a few woeka ktble fatbere home bare mr cha oodei rnerofaartt i far reooverod from bio recent ulnae a to ba able to vialt friend in qoelpb tbu week mr jams drown of manitoba a foraoai- reeidani i apendipg a few week wltb ontario frianda aud wa a aotoa oa bat unlay mr b v mortlnuanofhbarboornabl toronto will uave ehortly for califorpla and will boi return until the tally epriog torouloiar mr ceorge campbell and femlly kanao o4 from uellinllad lut weak and arw bow comfortably aattlad in timlr new home no victoria avnna ir a iu1i oflenauuc and mu hdiib wiiglitof gait arrived on tnee day loapend a few dey with aaa uall hiq and ctltar friend bare utv and mr ooddan ar both in poof iteallh bt athena rectory ha been quite a boepital for aome llm ita hoped they will eootj be fewlured la htallb mr y y uvf id kjtirf nrjtii- eatfiooa attack of varlooea vein went to toronto uoepital ou tueeday for treat tueul luv if a mnopbereon aooom- patllea hi til mr an i mr lj kajlyot ingeraoll mr qaoy klly norvel ur jno ohn uramulou aud ur john 0 nell i and mua coventry of ceorgelowu attended the fuueral of mr bydney kelly on fruy absolute security genuine carters little liver pills muat btar blaprnturo f rwibimuite tejalluvl n eojwnrtiot miuujiwtxra rea uctwuxivv ourc ttck htadachc limi1houbu to mogilalia toiuti to noitkjraotno- coet i to california thaaalloktiu will and purohayii will h louu aud eight llue vli two radloa and three ualae hlver each tueeday tba famou 1 loiieer lintllnl ir b govern mat t vl mall in all ticket altaul hii via milwaukee a bl wu ix furlhrr litltrmelloi addrve laauater agt ul u kb g toronto on 135 00 lute fto 00 bd oo it train- fholc ot aix hl ieulaud la mlaedurl oult of lbe it and lha u alna lha cbloanu ilway or lor a j i aj r htrevl kal lh delivery of klla- wood oouuboew to keep thing livalj w lha brvioe lii tha methodul church huu day after noon waa oaudnoted by mr a t hrowu drujuul aoton mr ll j ouroey huoompauled blmebd led lha king lug tha aarvjoaa of luv mr mage ara tiluob apireolatad bar abd bu llloeaa u regretted but the congregelbd baa biert wall aarvej by tbg kuppluai ol th pal two week an iulert bllliu brtiag rvoalved lul weak by a friend of tba writer trud mr john moor who 1 bajaurulug at lo attgu 01 apeak luklowlng term of california a a pulul to bpeud a plaakaul wlular iu february ba baieu a vary wet month it eeeina to vain and blue ry aeally ur moore la feeling on ttbge tla alaa of oodoeuule eud ulnar apaxl thing auj beg it joy eel a week al tealdebea no thai woltso bore al bauu monloa u moor doew ml eeew- maab for th tamltiuy tyl ke fuutid th people very friendly jd that olltuila 1 grand ttteealeof iborougbhred alook by mr iul h xeiiitedy on iba gordoat lernt on helunuy jrd march will tw doubt btlraol biyrafrounll lent oulr1 ujfuini -ll- iw vvlo th kltljil i urft la villtlewu for itaat muidy 16 innit lb ooiikiegaliou m atlaud the ain iveraary aarvioaa iu knot cbarok jodust tte wil eera n vav i1u 1 trttlnr j jjty awaeieaeit viha 1 1j a8ywtfeil fac fish fish ilsh arc scarce but wc have a few packages of no i herring hcadi off and split no i trouf heids off and split salt codfish and all klndi of frtsli flh t tbe noted tba btohe and china palace j a mccrea ouelph pays lo buy at bolurts ii pays to buy al liollerts no leitting tjp on monday icbruary ihth our i ebruary ala alaned up with a freah hat of hargajna among im mny ihouaanda of which are lha following statics the right larbiikliat in apla edvani aa tieaallfal baavy wine wrapoerelf reajular lo mt van oooa one lrva wbiievotahetgnlluetxl larce oolor- eilertuobelrinllu reatnlal x eaah uearvv afl luol wide leelury eotton wrth in- la v oe ir vent llekatcwllnl illl oollh vajntar ll ar yen wide blaeebed eotlou recalar no ilta very tine alille oolloa voilli lodkv ua lfa rinaet botlli lou alotb laguler iho lop llaavy vanl lle eoul altlrtlrta reauluaoa vie faao eloer down ouuli reeulee oo oo flood wlit let nalatla ajular la ice h oaanaletle ajno1 peuerna rait j lo ne rrllled eartejn mualln tegular on dttxss toons aud s1lk3 e iteanuiul ilk nnlab velveteena ell al adea m jarfi rana fanoy uleuaa welat alllia tu jar- rs and b tale uieti bleefe oorded ailk vecnlar jo i 1q lunel i uek mo in allka reenter aljtx t end ale oo lueb blaab d eaa eooda aaajalar ooe r oomaapona and leaey belting reeu all nnulntmed bam at ball pu a lot of feelbaraeod wlnaa athaj7loi v boree fa nat rloboita etltalf tirlee ene valllnkvaetwolellr law prioae run jackxm eij0 vine aa tract an jtnkela rag tier 3j i0ahelert aauanrtan lafbau veiiur 1 st kin ttai hi eo aal i llokl are t j hla i tier all able e- reaeler oja beer uik raaular 4i3vj jntar ud aiaaaa jacktts and cafx3 we i are no room to give delallad prlaeijueta- llom but direct il i k to tblatajit avvliave a eooaldaret le naewr ol reel itle aertneuu of ellalaeaj ttr are all uila u a ajeoda we want tn otear evarr one of thvnt efore uareb it we are frepered loaarlnps on u en l vnu need ona ilon han in aea wttst w will do for ynq in tbe way ol prtee fvnp univr and aeetbemda im oa i deal ta bar unleae ute low friee aortipela yoa ja jvt jjwd butt sai k wihuiuoiih lot nrtloae hiarraioualv ibaeii 1 ita u ant veal and are aelllna uajf prlc tl la la u e beala i j 31 ianl j 1 anla i 5 ianl 00 1 nig 1 jo 7s b ml 15 00 tanti tbbmfj am traicsaj tbera a only of thert ufi lo oell and everyonn will ho moved out al tacrine- price oulyluack ailraclian coala ape del quality and well hnad 36 inches our regular telling prtco waa ijj now reducod lo fih s only co la of boat ouallly aitra chan jo neb julltoj farmer aal in lining tcuurly aold at 135 bow reduced to in 3 hamilton s favorite shopping vlaci special clearing sale and and of lha beeon clearance of odd lot and broken tine at price lhal will not buy ibehr equals any wbara tills ulo appeal eapeclally 10 ecoa oray loving women everywhere wuaoa mmd childly mm oxoirmm thar- a not a great many nil told twjftfyoaralia tfsrnogvrihcmil a tnagnidcanl bargain for you hare i lie particular woman a 1 slack kid cloe alca u only lha price wa 1 35 palr out ihey most go at 35c women a colored kid glove only ona alio 3i uaual oelllng price vi 3j pair clearing them but at 30c ladles kid cloves in reseda and black only alxes from k lo c t 4 in t hi lot regular valua i 00 kair clearing trwm out at 50c special lot of hlack ku1 clove for children 6 lo 8 year lha uiual selling prku f 1 13 pilr to claar at 35c children s hlick jcm mill former selling price jsc pair while ihey but ihey goal 35c children s hlack wool gloves former willing price sje pair very special at iac ftney satin lined 30 inch a regu larhkind reduced to faj j only coal a best grade of astra chan heavy quilted satin lining 30 inch regular vin reduced toll the jj 50 kind reduced to 17 v the i36 kind reduced to t3i womaa aeadj co- wear s ktjia woman s bull tailor made laical alyle douula or slugla breasled col skirts velvet bound full tier cm and well lined they re made from fane tweeds and cheviot tegularly sold at i13 50 your choice now al s women s suits made from bice quality cheviots homespun and tweeds coats single or double breasled and nicely lined skirts are lull flare and well lined and bound repular eel ling price fif 50 your choice now al 910 w en and tl 00 woman tailor made bull from fancy tweeds cheviots serges and plain cloths coal are silk lined and single ot double breasted styles- the skirts are wll lined bound ale we guarantee tha styla and fit of every karrnenr thla 1 an eicerlonai chance ti obtain ihead high class garment a at such reduced prices thomas c watikins king st east cor hughoon st hamilton oxjr kmnjrl tcinuary cte is now in full bvung and every department will contribute its share of surplus stock and over purchases which must be cleared out before stocktaking mlllllwiyat half price hhqc1ioicc garments at less than mtuum factory prices dress goods- iar worth rom ultim duuu4 3sc to 6oc- r 2sc somo spooial dnvoa in shoos henderson st co mill street acton two men st s diacuulug the relative merit of ilia 2 dlrferettt tailor in guelplt found tliey verd 1 sl fe not to ou- apart after all tbay agiacd lhat nelson pot up a fcult for bulnea or gf aoclal furiciluua finer from defects than any q ft of ida competitor that be lu thd fioeat gj p and latest pattern iu clot hand tnelbodi j and workmen lhal approach prrfectlon uid i al tlta litoet reasonable prices 0 cod neleon special i j woretod istnllng k e nelson ikferoharit tailor and mens furnlnher ekbollertfeco 25 and 27 wyiulham st guemll canned goods r wclmviijrgo raugeofcauindgoodiincludingj lomatots peas beans and corn at3 for 2c finnan iladdies kippered herring and sardinci at 2 for 25c red salmon it 15c and 18c chicken soup at atoc boned chickcnf boned duck and boned turkey at 25ccich sardines at 5c we also carry a lirge vtock of staple groceries ebzl5r3coq hctonront co to curney u co for ine1a spring goods every week for iomc tune past new goods have been arriving to be spcedily sprend out to your view- from the best manufacturers every department ins its quota of fresh goods and youll find us just as willing to show you anything tllat interests you as we are to sell spring prints advance shipment received contmning new patterns and colors light ground with stripes and fancy figured designs in blues reds funks and slacks spring sheetinga unbleached and bleached sheetings pliin and twill spring cottons t new pillow cottons 42aiid 44 inches wide ginghams new factory and white cottons new npron sprirtg flarinelettesi targcst stock ever shown containing fancy checks and stripes extra value in hoslorv at 25c por pair bargains in underwear tho boat and freaheat crocerlos always in stock llllrl qttrney co watch repa1r1m we have been so busy in our repair department that we were obliged to engage- another extra workman we aim at doing jour watch thoroughly and guarantee satisfac tion srvrge st co opticimns gxjlfh ai- our sif3t holiday season in ouiaj-f- the larot irada on re cord kindly eicuad iu lay in ivpalrlug depart itieiil we ate working hard tocalch up i firinglbyhajaw 5j- tmib lioiscs men overcoats is isioini goiisig oisr the time for lichitatiou is past the rtihtics of winter weather demand an immediate cilcimoi in the matt r of a new overcoat these tempting prices wih help you to a conclumon y weve priced the balance of our men and boys frieze ulsters within the reach ol all 11 only mans 1 lsxe usiiev iu hroun lleither mu mid hlck am aro rubber lined tej ulr price io winter bald pile iu oo if only melt i lle uuler 3 itlude ol hrowri uular pried 1h oo aud h jo winter bah 6 jo only men s frldra uulera llrowitaiil llfack the i7 and 1 30 lujlliu- wlmar 4le i i k no 7 only mmi 1 ruia ulkni hiacl ami two shade ol llrown inadd irotn joon frleid sj lucbc ill unglb they ward priced al 6ooan i f y winter t4lo 1 rkdlsc air rifle f a a ovutahmau aemaftulc 4 rtl itaajanruir la irl a 12 beaver overooatfor 10 19 beaver overooat for 8 50 8 beaver overooat for 6 60 6 beaver overooat for 5 d e macdonald bro the ton cuelph

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