Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 28, 1901, p. 4

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absolute security genuine carters little liver pills must bear signature of see ieo4eaik wrwtf ivili rtaiyukuu raitozmtts tfjl ibtvuuytft nirbaulwlklk cure bick hcadachk lincolns danuno mr unoou elenoel a taady lime beppeued ibat w l qf of bar joke one flag mmmllnm befc tnrild abraham llnpolu mi- todd w auuleeaealnaperly ooodod by a bevy of young orom when tl aok up ul1 b pproeched aud mooli lher emuewei1 eald in ble peculiar idiom uiaatodd i went to tunm willi you tbe wofl y uletoddkooepud tb imitation end outlnd loat oil ol meetim at itmr rrlend ebedld ber beet to kp der of ijoooln baau finally return ed lo bar et ijulle on or breath from ber wei mary eald one bf lbhk dtj be0en60mlfrrja tbewwre yea ebeaiiawere tb very wool a message of hope to mothers wives and daughters ceylon w india tea i grn gr bhack is pur tea iurt it i lkliiv restore and cheers tho c in di tir drink ix a iyri knrapln of dclicloum naliaua ton houl ou rrrrlpt of pohtnl rarntlonldr wlilrh you lrlnk ulnru mixed or c recti tru addrcuti hal ad a toronto or montreal r peruind to au d iim kjii fur pubho paimks ofclery compound tbo private oui luo buw bablla dcobj duty apul h i oehed aervioeblmeeir the beet ill mr willm vnd vkktuydnycclft 6it wrllra wo have been u nf ltlilo 1 w i ll by far the bet pill wo ever ud for dliole end debilitated wtluillop ihcee tolllol jik oharii taken in umlldotl elonlo kliaa kumulenl mildly rn tl lh woli of the body filvlmf low end viir i uton 3trce ms tuoimiiay fknituauy aath 1m1 b outtgirtjiv a soho of artow tiuk hjn botf of bdqw tico bow utluua uuu flfl sikm llitw trota wltu lb croutul u mwl fcnj uk b nd tra will uabr uhm fof u olukdm uaya ttw la tb- keluwl uoam drmln oo umi t lottllmt oi u ooutlotf t4m fcoj hiltalorf oj umlr kkkufl udla j- uoddlm ktwwloly mailuilr tbttd vblaklotf or um y uui vbwi tb wibool u not tbr o elci our ocuflvbm i v- umimil tut your bt4 ktxl mu md imp bony otf tll mll up lo om bill lop jump ud klld lad ton htadytw1 hajybowl feb in bbj tuo llrwaca tkws wko dod txlfctwl wi oa4uum kuuou lmi un olkll waif a wom story mrs- m e bardwou of hamilton ont tells an interesting tyturailve the only banuhor of dhtoaso and troo llfoqlver for brokondown and af fllotod women tho wondrous modlolnw that cu whfrn all othr fmll cbanklal aid crmuf dlvomed ihroagh ooi ommd uka puuarv id reoomraoj ing rjn 0lry compoaod to thu fcmteudtjiuo tb mikkia qwdiolda pkcuiptly k tll bmttb nd htrttnfltb tbkt kit werud tmrvooa dmipoadeal kbd brokaadown horntn o knoob bd ju m how qayou qa wrlu- folio it ktfordi oj taocb blmwar tl tuy to tba grmlftood lbt litx cwy com pood hu doo fcrf tn i w oompieuly kaodowa in bjlb kod k victim of fraiu wmknmiadtu blnbtbrmooluoribb tm coaapoand i aa eoatpuuly cared it u tba best blood parifur i koow of bd x tttoontattod it to all wbo hoflw 1 did- yjgny llubt i bll wilbont t jou wbu ttc fh- hvrjoin nil to bmharjbllokil u oatarrh for twonty year and nwtyr i clrh twnly year c mtnl uuotf diti5o in llni lldul bi i ui i iu tirade vy jfci lxalli ii lutl df a calrbl liwlir 11 f fir ii ilea n va huuaf iclirf aflrf udng w but i led tauvl bo mu- uldby a 1 mown bbktna tumm lo ito hi4n uiiu 1 bin mlf bolp it on 1u wy ywqyearaabod- tor eljjlityiart t uffcj h no oim over did llh lmtnm ilun ror tva year i lay in ud 1 could not ko ranch u feed ttiymlf a irlend rocora hflded south ametlcan rheumthc curo alter ibroa tlova i crtuld it up today i m j btrontf j evr i wu mr jolin cook all cuolon lii toronto 3 sold by a t brown making rmttlmi w blu rfi t i n wtf lc luw the pace wire fence co ltd vatktnvillr orr tabkb foii thi n york j nliw clihtuhv urmt an i inrlr what i xo kit iilkoii hid fua iloolrlno tliftl it u itodliucu i ttfporvirl llio truu clootrlnn llmt hod hum 1i uii much illslr hiui fclokiimu in elilldreii u gauvod by woniii mollior qrvo worm ythixusm felvm ttu by rumovintf lit- caua oivo it tvtrlal ni bo wmwlliod i will lahtea bvary m bli mouth broth cer dolkrllnrtii iui lb uol jmparuliuib nr iijo xne ttlury t i i b- r-i1u- tho union or tbt i fokinu tortbt will h ilt lid i uu tv to ward lljo nihlliiiitiwii ly j wlb t o rnunl iii tb lwlltltfl umilury ib uurr tujl lity i iltnlutlliy nd umln of wr mi nifuu i bnpa ur llm illaaj yraliro f n1 l lnlll ll f r lll on i rnrrt irfi uitiou by ibu rlcji uf tbclr dull tb- tr hu 1 ilouiid miiuil tho bopo or thn nuw contury u tlm union or lb- llirlb kiui in iit lbs lutoicit o nduntlon lludy d civlllktlou iktumkruran llm uk of lb tmiillulli rmilury 1- bavnulmu lt lurupohlil aimrlclu 4imjlu but uiakn a uautiul pr ntun for tba luturatif ilio yiin1vtrimiaa crtapl cojialderilitf thoiivellu of tba ut jrara pt ilia tilliatarnlb oanlury t wunl i llko lo ilia trluini o j latloa in all ll k tbln aooonlallona of ibal wrklha triumph of iubt nw foiof ami huiib uu baolllly 6lomucu 1 boi- tor tho uomolioi b unlly by kivatar mmpllauy ut worablp ud mora in warilnoaa til nljl0u i ll l abiira tiou luauad or war and for 1b triuhihh of juatiou and iinivuraal brolhahiool ovr our uid of lu ijiia iyall i llofta tba rowlll ikiwer of cmiuad aaiillmenl will aiialu tho comluk inury to- wltuew aoma tlfictlvo praolloal ta toward tuolnri lntottitloual tetatlvcit upon a baala knoru lu uitlaon will lha pcaclul rulrtlml of buiitau duny uarfjuu ito uarlnjj lha laa nartar of caolilry lred for haiti halt boail urailuoly obourliiji jiia lualunalilatlubl uuba lnilfcwljl know of uu mord imparatlvu tiak for tba nlloui ocrltury than ibo kaatoraliuu l mat in hi- rlitblful poallioii uf paramouul imparlance william jtmnliitfj uryaii i abould llko to uo tba protoilon of arum now oonaiturad by many tba mott honorable bm in tba twmiluth oantury to bo of all human oodupatloin tfio moil dla houurabla i ahould hkn t a tba killing of mon under tha nama ot wir aboluhod and lha aarlh ibetmby frood from it fouleal alalu audraw cartitiilo what is jnnww castor i a cumlorin lhfor infnntii awd children cotorift it a lmrmlik bubbtltuto for castor oil parcfforiej iroi uiut hoothltiff hyruph it contalnm uoluifir oulum mrhlu nor other kurootlo bubatnncn it in 11 ctwiunl lo euurimitoo in tltlrty yeara two by mluiouk of mtliurm ci drwtroyh vormh and ullayif ovghkii- ncuh vmutrlu tiros ilaxrliaaiidvlmt0oiic7cttctriv rillovh tootliliiff trofiblch curcfl cointtlputloii ud iltitiiunoy cimiurla oiuil mllatok tlio fk1 rcpulatcrt thn htomiu b und itowoln of infuutk pni children tlvln lmiiuliy uihi muunil booj cantorla it tbo cltudron iutiiwcn tlio ivlothorh irlcnj grand trunk railway 1all i una i m vi i r wv tl j ul i il i ul i lutki tl 1 e i 1 rfllfn u i wi barbkuvv bros papei- meukiers j costoria castoriar- bati fr ictly loj lu ct u- ilclrclll be c c oaoimiii lu man i la well k ur1 u uttod ll aiirrirf lu i1mu ti y iv- aaterb uut i aciilloa lnowtt tow if a aaciiaa v lo i ah m the facs1mile signature of in all labor tbare la ta o ba talk of tba ltpa uodalb lo penary how sha dath vk cuiit thar qrandn and aunt was 8 k from j totha ahnolds toxw cured her pills why woman abould auffaf faiord irod 111 health that moo u a quaauoa that baa baer baen katlafutowly ankwarwl hat oojbl komu to auftar taatn tbati tba mala portion of tba roo wa aay too no woman aboold a off or tba oomplaiou known reoermlly m famala troobua whloh raodam ao many thooaanda of woman tnlaarabl uty mora tbau aha uaada to bold her hand in tba flva tbera la a tnaaba of eorlotf all tbaa dlaaaaca a bafa aarw kjmpla and nolaillnj maanaof coring lbm that tnaatoau xt ataolda toxin villa or weak baapla llaad tha following lauar wbw will allow bow thaaa woodarfal piu do tbctr work hamlllo oat kov 7 ittvj iiu io yaara old bat klz ablldran and always had rood health tip till two yaara jt than the changa of ufa oua on my krod mother my mother and my kunt had dud daring lb tnoat ontloal partod and i felt greatly alarmed hank hfihe undar boartntf down pajn4 abort beea of braalfa axlrama bloating dlxay kpelht anoompanled by moat inlenee ach lu on the top of my bead made my life a bardan i alao had luflammalioa of the bladder wbfch oabaed thw moat aoniamd pain a balbbor addaed m to try dr arnold tokln 1ilu they bad cared bee in lima of klmllar trouble i bomb kuuply and ttaed tbam in two taonlha i waa mylf aein klronff robaat and vlttoroua but a traoe of pain remaining i havd uaed uf arnold to in imla atfandwotaeloe aodleol well a wksa i we twenty i tnoet highly reom mawl dr arnou toila till to aery woman who buffer from any of the complaint peoollay umir aax k ma miav k uainwaxju dr jutiua a vaala kllt k aom by all dru- luu huge baxtu kumll loi km obaot pott paid ou tvoatpt of pato by um attutu cbemual co limited oenad iai uulub4t ii klo uireet weat twwlu uoekut kit tree upeak lillla of your ill luck ami boajit bot of yoar good luck t w it meant death urfcmm j- uckim of ihnivilu oot wi4 u lirrulnioit mifuculihia cum from lit i if auicw until i uln kmi lb tnityt dnperlot bfci bd iliutiu ttlld uticmo jwoilrilton on- da l vo m l iu awl one botlhi cured me i ua iuffciint u yoili w dupelkd 1 lc i ujic 3 bold by a ttijowii ihatootli oltrn bile tba lou jus kud yl thuy keen toalhcr a modorn woapon in the bmttle for hoojth if diacaae hk taken your cltuul of hallli tha alomach and u toituiltui you with itnllye i ion dyeiwpua and nervoua proitrallon south american nervlna 1 the weapon lo drw lite ananiy from liii ktronghold at the volul of tlie bayonet tiencji by trench but swift and kure il ftluay win 4 gold by a 1 drown a illeyeln filtwl with bunlop tr a hfhl in hltfhar rtimnlion h eauvi it nibkr put a pnrfrot finkli on u you cah huvi liunlop tlrna with th tbkkrnl trrari oi uuy wheal you buy o intra chargr bbam bom to no man uuleu be him keif help it on th way hernial th cauae kcama cavuvtb hip dieeaae whit awelllntf and area ooneampllon have ibair oruin la korof nlou nonditloo with the kliabteal ulnl of aorofnla in th blood there 1 bo aafety tb oar for thl dleeeae in all lu form 1 hood ejereapa nlu whuj roe to lb root rj lb tronbl andeipll all imparl tu and dleaa itarm from the body tb beat family oatbatlla i hood 1m1n vaw men vr fiwiiiv tb men whom they bav njarad white wateryi tb louth of lea 1iu lb loniiu and v lliey keep together children cry for castorba unworthy offaprln brag tb moat of their wuftby daaoeut thai 1 no i a mora dabjferoa td j tliaordar ihau thoe whloh hffeol ll hrealhiug ortcaii nullify u11 daurar with dr iboniav kolaolrlo oil av paltuoqln of itokuowledmad effloaoy it cure jableuee and aoreileaa when applied aternelly a well a kwellej lieoli atld orlok lu tb back and a an inward apedltlo poaaaaee wol koutanlikl cjalm to publlo nontldaoo do tbay uol wr that dia wil but ttvaifdy aud truth kbill b to tbm thai ilavl hood 7 n u using mothers want scotts emulsion of cod- liver oil almost without ex ception sii before they get to be mothers catmj for two is no small tax continued for jnonthb the emulsion not only is food itself it gives strength otdigistinc usual food i if the milk is scanty or pof r the cinutsloii increucs supply and enriches quality pimples five jeirs ego toy body broke oat in whits watery pimples which grow bo bad that the buf fering was almost unbearable i took doctors medlolne and various remedies for two years but they were of little benefit whenever i grot warmed up or sweat the pimples would come out again f a neighbor advised burdock blood bitters and i am glad i followed his advice for four bot tles completely cured mo that was three years ago and there has never been a spot or pimple on me since james laahouse brechin po oat unwomliy ciriiilnif i rk 111 mcul of uibir voruiy ilwwnt mil behoi hlandk in ifcatan ihut of akihw laliu liver till will crowd out ol th market matty ol th rmuuouii au lltiutn a utter mouichta t le than tulf llm jkio u all tha braoment ttmyled lc lftp lh dematul what it lift lii liho- nomottal q tlae lo cinli 1 hey curw slcw heailachfl llillouui luttl allay al itouiocltrrltalioitj solj by a t drown while lha srial ixlla hre th iiltlaotieii uliy kldnfti ache i llo you fi ilrowty 9 riukuil n0 onb illburns heart vtruf foh vteak a no rtliotimulanle u coat nollilui to b ordinarily polite evott undar ad verba olrouirtktanoen and il ken rally pay a paaaetlir iii k klrpjtljl oar who waa thud ahd kuapy and wanted toko lo hod ballad oul to a tnan who had jjttmtare tba ooaoh and w iiurrjiiilj through it tlirae pllla nura all dlaaaaea itxl dla- erdont arlallik from wank heart worn out iariu or wntnry blood ktich nit 1ulpita tlon bklp itoiilm 1 tiolilihi bmotharlnr ditilnch u onk or nlnt flpollu aimiitiln nonroiilnirbh hlim ph uiuia llrain 1uk gunrnl dobillty mid ijick of vitality llioy nrn n triir iinnit tonin norvu food and blond onrldior huildliik up end rontminir nil tlm worn nut and waktud tin uu ii f thn iwxly and rohtorlnff jmirfoet limit h 1 rlrn uoa a box or 3 for ll za tit all driij lit hayrunt itrahoiil lit a to have ll berth had up j what do jou tkkti in for uiirhy plie4lhavothrbinppiuiilull cqliliutl back do 1 look ilka a glteptuii or con duclir air no alowly rejoined tho tlrtd paa or lookiutf up ut hi in wearily au douol i bu your pardon my obtwrva tiou i thai a bhpmi car oouduotor it alwaytt tnllaiiiau v in iiii j oi not nlvcajo aim al what lis moiu lo hit itiataul uthtif uuitanttcd by usin ullburn burllnu headtcho powder no dprliiu after ttct one tiiulil itllier bo bitten by wolvn than by ilisep vat hava you hoxk- i drowy do your limb mi wavy hivo vort frequent beadiclxar llav you vailing vlilon tlavo you duxy fcclltifi aw yon do preaaedl la your kkin tlry 7 hivo you k tltod feeling any of lhoa ltii nrovs kidney dlieaktf 1 aprience ha proved that south ameflcaii kidney cur nevr fail d sold by a t llrown wuu therd iaioom lu tha heait there ii room lu lb iioum tchlrt bumlhtr oroplnit oawllnji skm ijiwai relicrd m n uv mlnutea by a o ninwnl dr ariiew otnliikiu ituwi nutanily and cuica iutr sjl ttlteuili scald heat lciema ulctr llkutlit kiwi all ijuptloui of hie ilin it it inothiiig and lulcimg m l oci lilo nugie in alt iu1 lruinnrt irrii it ion o llio htil or ravlwi tbirinir irciliutg tunc 35 cenu a but 7 i sold ly a t drown it hn v r inn l on hi own guard tni what you like give th dlgeitlvtt organ aoma work to do thew function uoed kncerxiedoj aaucli tu any patt of th human anatomy hut if theyra dell cat glv tbam lha aid that dr van stan ihneappl tablet afford ami you can ut anything lliata wholeaoma and palatable 60 in bat 33 cenu 8 sold by a t drown tlpeak llltli of your ill luok and baait uol of your ooj ludk attullau lu tb war i of homtotb uedlaln bft been iu vary aouro uf pro gre a iu polllloud itlulou lb dlr noullui uf opinion and the individuality of man have bau pai lo lb dleagre ideill by wbleb th biaudatj t tha bodle uav baeu klavatej lo will tuoat of our fabnou preueralloit fureullmttll 11 lualratluu of which truth auud lb wo14 fainou ruidy lo gtirl iibillly and labkuor qnlnlii win aud whiah whati oblkvluahl in ll gmulhealretihlh i a mlraouloo tuetor of appllu vitality and all umlaut to lb teoral fitjllty of th bateal qttlulue wibe and lu m proteoietit ba froni th ftral dlaooaery of lb keal virtue of juiuim a a medloal krsnl bn on uf lb luoel iborougbly dleeuaead teedue ewer offered it th pub llo it la on of lb great toulo and and nalbrel hfv ivlug alimuhuiu whioh lb medteel prulweatun bkva uieu oompelted to reengula bud tiraeolbe ueaar mora op and lyman of toronto have gleu lo tb prapatatlotl of their pur quinine vie lb grat car due to lie iniprntano and lb hutdaid euwllanoe of luartlol wbidh they vffar lo tb panlln eotnee lolo lb market pureed of all the defeot whlob killed bbaewatlou od aoleuiloa upioloo baa panted out lu ihelae paifeot prepare lion ul lb latter ll who live williout reatraiul will dla wilboul honor uvirwooilk ara eaiily curml by tha una of lltcklui ant coiianmntlva ujrup a tiiadlolna of ai traordinary panklratlnu and hllilg proprtiua ii u aokuowliultlud by iboe who have uud it t being th beal tiled liilua uai for oouuhm ooldi iutuui vton of lb lung and all affection of lha throat aud cheat it biireamaue to tba uuta make il a favorite with iadl and olilldrun uau rid liiub boraa in pooli when 41tay hava tirt walking calmly iu tin oompaiiy ol truth yon nwy 000k in f mill pal an wall kb in wrt cue itii no ploaiant to lako tbkt chiljran cry for il but il death to worm of all kind pr ljwi worm flyrup prico 35a all dbaum fair word plaaae tsa fool and aomolimea tha wla sink iletdaclir howovar hnuoyin dm triiiiinjli pofiillnly cured by lata lire r illli they ara easy to liko and never ip the man who nover makes a miiukrj jjuudtuajflftriullylijijiaitoiiai olharato bellevo him uagyard yolow oil u pruriipt reliav and lura to euro cauhu cold 1 throat pal 11 iu tha cheat hoaratiiea qulnay tto irioo uo a georgetown ontario nglnis colorg ikffes john r barber appears on every wrapper jcing of them all kine quitlity khcms ha been l oold medal acton flo tit mills uumpiuliebt hawke pronrutor llltlirot mnrlmi irlcej lld wheat and orilut chains our maid of flour i la won wide borcai faor llesl uratlel alwayv oil kind iiauk chop miamu crackld will at i xc at lowest jiricea lor cash humphroya hawko actoi tlio lttjliefct ward ut tho tartt epoilioii wltcr mmdinfoof- ijakitrohitliobcitrxhoofaictorieu of-lho- world were tl o fchown llio lidy who woaru a king quality 7cfrilirticstrladicvhooin hi worul beauty of finrh hatidlomo dosirn perfect fil iippearattcc and comfort willi the prico nyht made by tho d d king co umllod toronto rllihtoounuei ixiltotll a tltion hut bin la 11 reproach to any people pertinent points of interest jpq business and professional men children cry for castor i a where ou onitiot olinib ovar you uiuit creep under chronic iornuiiiiento ot 0 lonibch liver and blood ara speedily removed by tlie botivci prjuclpla of tbo innredienti cnterink into ilidcompoiltlon nf larnifloo a vtetablo pilla tbro j illy acl rpcoihual i on tho doranttd ortaim itiinijutlii to action tba dormant aucriliea ol tha oybtom theraby rdinnvtnu dtitaso and renewing vitality lo tho afilioled in thl hoa ilia itreat icorat of llm popularity of rarnirloo a vtiub1atyllt much broth in aainotmon undo with httla maat dr woods norway pine syrup a paalmvn mir fvr all ihtoat lunj and ilroudblal dlkaau iinulli aud kootldiiu lu it aetlou llekaeiit in take prompt and offe tual iu it rwnjt 1 mr tluu johnaou lluar ulvnr n il wrlti i wan irouhlitd with huaranuia and anri tlihial vvblnh tb diwlor pru- itiuiu oil lltutit liltu and riiuiituh d uie to try dr wood si norway iluo hyrip i did no and aft or ualntf utre blllu i wa ttlr ly duied t katu lttxlli ltor ptll ur retir ing twill work whllu you aep with out a krle ol alii ouvinif blllwuauaaa euiialji utlun kick b idai b auddyapep a and ulnae you futd butter lu the ikirlllliu irlft i bob mccready abo i a koundlj portrait of hob id timdy ons of tba bat fooltall player in canatt hi t a tuoinwr nf tit- ottiw uulvurklty ttflin tud ba bfen in ajjif ittt cbauipuiuiiblp uialcbs ltw 1 tt kplcndld knechuau of robuat cauaduu uinnhwl hut stroue ut la b baa known wlnu ii u to iiffr from dyapeila uo ialouly afflict fd woi be at lha opaulnu of tl iibt 1 1jo1 iuaiin tlmt us wi not abli lo l out utf til team pnlna lu llio bail mil biu iu tirmltteui ltailaitie and tba awful pniga i10 iuffcrd nftur oatlutf tuo vaiull of an luijlrod ulnllou wsruj lit in lhai ti wa in no cuiulltlou to play foutbah lut barlcii of all gaiua llljfu br ucltj ltu iifriy to larry lilin tlirouu a cam patfin ii coiuullad til phyalllaii but tlmt koullcnmu save bin 110 rllf at llil tan ti writ i will advlacd to try or putty 1 ilia tli uew ruirdy that on oi hay frltid auurad bi wn woudarful lu ll fact i wa akrptfeat hut bw aunjj lhlr piala ao paraliteully that i wa at icumlh ludticad to try tbam tb wry drat tloa drove die palu away bbfl at tb acd of a wk i tvjulued my ivan livl 1 bav rhumt uiiounb ana of our bardret aoaauo lu tbo ixat rurni ibal i bav nf bii jti r i lty 1 llt ure abut- to tbauk fir my due ttulltlu tbay are th beat lilatllrlu i bava otr tkktl tliy lah one au alluu aud ki full o nary i f f ou ktial ukr lake any etat whan i tel in itf u alronctbeher hutfti l tbe rwooniluan dattxh nf tbl wall known alttlele aau eucu will be lb ainerlaiic of rryontf wu rta ibu woiiflarful reinatir t flriaalat raw t aiifply ii welt- i 4- l rtw v bo renta e ttll- kin twttlla re k iu iolrm tlia pf hly fjullie lj ottawa caaada f ltcil hel4uiiilyteiteisieiitaw ajrieniliuni lllm ay hu n bu i not h 3 good priming la not nececurily iiikii pi iced cheap pnnlini h not nccitisarlly poor priming good printing ii llko ood painllng il dumanda and obtains a cocend fiance lha ucond flanc luda to ihouht about and knowlodt of lha llilng portrayed and then ou lo tho artut or adverllur 1 here only on kind of prlnllny w don i do thai a the poor kind thai a ill bind you don t want hut when you do want omchiinj that is noal clean right up lodatn printed on i ood paper wllh fine ink frim lyrw that is new and of the very latest face ict in an artistic and intelligent manner in abort w ben yon want a ulrlctly firal clans job jual jlnglo our telopbon or drop in at iho i m 1 ibls ollice mill street and make your wanlo known h f jitoore furniture anp funeral requirements tim three mas lorlhooatly itijo ucctv dmuuiou u a cur for ihq acqul buttsrtt euro rainy and or tba uol ataua ol ocn sum lion it eootliea ihaouugh and irolonfja tbo llfo it u0b00 waro aln aud spaoch worn ploty iho earth would ba full of ualnli and tbo lower of dab i would bo the plan of sal valion tailors bad backs tlio orampad np jio1 tlon in which a tuilor works ootuoa hard on bin kldnoya an 1 bur i on hiu hack vory f iw oucaia back an 10 julii luthnnldn aud urinary troubloa of onu kind 4ju1 aiiolhor pfuntima tha flrit warnlnj ol kllnoy ilitiaiao am noijlooted think it will bu all liiriil in a day or two lint kick klduoya wont gui wall without 1ml p doans kidney pills ava tho bay frhnd of kldnnya uwulinu nuulstanco luad tbo proof from a tailor vlit hail triad llmm fdr jolin luib rtwin tnorchtuit tailor dniluuu out uioj hi ovorlonco as followu chad li nllliik with tny khlnny f r noratlianu yuarwl 11 1 oomiii6iiwj ukiun ikuna kidny nil which i tai at ho 1 arlano drit ulnro an i am kluoirtly lu i tbat i did an fib wrui notion uf h liltluuyuiuadu tnt itiok all over and jaiiuimi in inuoh liiooiivuiiuuc ami pjiin i i tblnu of th luuil ifhi diuui tmiavu jejl ti with my kldn icidnoy lulu 01 trniiblu pi luonnviniii 1 or back kluti i took tl mid you may ito m mend thorn toutli tbht i th my kldiiovm ruiiiarkattlu pllla that i iiltully roioi mrur laxauver pills aruld 1 lull fiiinili lite urine llinin iliu 1 ri u 11 11 ken hi y i t iiuumiillliiti tieeilolie alt i hlliuuul4 1 v- 1 tul jrttselgiit co furniture dealers and undertakers wish to announce to the public that they have at present a full and complete line orfurnitureaud goods which they have dcsided to ofler at a creht rbduction in pricb we advertise ikcauu it piya lo do to y jlccauc it in luml for tirxl class buainebiboiileilodo ilecaum ue are not athanied ol our oodii or our work decani wo drslm to reach all ln1ullhcnt pastilr mid they read tbo jiajicru llocautouo lielleda in small rtrofilaantl many talei ilecauta no bellev ilut a ufa time experience iu the boot and shoo imslneis puis us in a poition 10 trno you well itocaukd wa wmt to ct your attention and your trade boot wnd shod dbhlob kcton ont tfit a witoplteitboorl ultt knaf be tecuml by 33 m paicnv tucono lul llmuij coujiitnl tyh a lalalllilwliw hr f 1 luii kuilu iljjllf n toeealiaum eliy a1 104 iweele teu patents guaranteed our lcictuiut i if v akclcli aud i ft ion ot any m iiiilllly rrcru our oplul m fce cuiucinlng be imlcuut uliy of uiie lu lu oualu a i aleut fccit uuiu rr iii i aleuta mcuiej llnoiiul uaa lviitlu0 or tilfl at our rapiiiw 1 ulc ita iueii out ibrihiuli ua rrue juvjcv hnjruitl tclnitr 11 uu 1 tu1t ukcflu an illusujlrjl aiut ubulv tliculiltil juuitial coltallr 1 1 y maliurarttimrfaiiil iiivvattxa ucucl turuuipuculiy vnca aiuiaiui vioyow o trvah co iwfraf ittotaeyi kvanar ale- waii c parties wanung anything in these mnes find it to their advantage to give them a call work promptly and hatisfactonly done wilt j a speiqht go aotoim to catch tho kyo ami tlio mind at llui siuuc timo i lb the art of advertising this ad illustrates how true tins iayini is espccially to those wishing pleasant and prohtible tinployiiicnt canadas sons on kopje and veldt the only boolc dealing exclusively with the caiiidnn contingents is the book to handle official authentic cheap sells on sight to everybody and any body can sell it capital or experience not necessary send for free outfit and make money yjlo hhadleycarhetbon co llmltod bruntford ont esee air rifle t -taltllw4xinm- i ivi im il lam il i i v4i ll- ita k tw kll k 4111 i ll jil njwc luz juaw avuul m-u-tr1iivrtin- atliwlv ajy ttw ahawa r wlloiaatmii urtw i aw u ff j irrr r w tn v rite f r mir inli rwllinf uk u r hull aiut hnw it i r awiuiiiu1- luodtlifyi4r 111 iii iii i wfl willie n h to m hlher it la o tiinln u hv uliy tit tn oibiir iuumi lulfbuel ruf iiuru rurubihad aajtiow jk aultejoi a bojucatoau e kxxrt hll utehiul vnulii iltxlublia ut tb lutltaihulo lubul t i lull fllicj luklt44le abulia kui i- uu free our n inl oimi if lutti 1 1 tut 4 i ai ullrutm v u bu 1 1111 1 luluci itsxa ho veatls epenience tnatu mllllq dcu13nu ccnvuuwyti ac at m a vtritnj uiijt ii wl wul lyuul will ultufue lltlhj scientific flittiicatl alarttau ihearaji w aly ijruwt i lr tullt r r aiial llui irtltil hn lie ll orrtw mt v hu wa luoiluii lb castoria vor iiifauiu and culdruu tlmll ijaatiuf cm t44ifc

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