Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 7, 1901, p. 2

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v 4-1- s jjojuti ukuuiri ilejlle hl nlll nul twriik4 ciia ft to alabe 11 r of iru rk jrtl l untlu inlay uaerli or1 j iiwfjtiiiu vjliu ael 3 r ffiljc axtiw jfrw rn nioitbiay uatkju lcrrroiiial nptuu mr oulberl m 1 presented a poelllon front ibe town odpnoll of drookville ui the provluole1 igslewra tkhiff tlit lialejlua bovnaoled uj abolleh trad lug atainp oompenloa ijir wilfrid laurler will not ko auloll but hon- william muluok postmaeler general will repreaant canada at the opening of ha flrt prliroeut of the australian commonwealth on may mr muluok will levo or kaund h ivoak fit yuuu to austral mr a ii allan ofolirfurd who aucoeede tbe ulo hubert mokim el ah miff di wellington county haa hold the poeitlon otluevoof clifford werdeu of welling lou all j li ural tcsaiw or waal wellloat6n in ii lefilalatar iii- appointment popular one through tb oounly la dngland tha blayota ha had it day and a rapidly being supplanted by tba motor car am a roault lb cycle com pan lea are losing it i elated thai no lea- tha 100000000 ara sunk in these luduetrli in hagund alone during the past four year fifty cumpatilea wltli dapltaii amounting to 25000000 have ceaaed to do buelueas tble 1 the oml proaperoua year in the history of ihafurtnoreiiibtltataabl ibis pro vince it la expected ttiat lha 10000 of laet year will u increased 05000 before tha season end- la halloa county tba member ablp will be oonaldor ably in advenoe of any previous year od now loada tba pro poo wlb a total of col compared wllb 0i last yur and with cis a tha hlgbeel of any oounty but t w ii 111 v to ba inoroaadloboojo m the dsmauda of tba situation the county of huron cn make a bout obuoerillng 111 three rapreeenlellvee 111 parliament wbloh cannol ba aqua by any otbar county jo ih domlul6u xhora rrt popla wbo tblnk tbera la no virtu honor iti tba bat wblla tbaw otbara wbo lira proud or it it la tbia t tiolthar dr mrdouald mr molwan or mr holme euber moko or drink tby kra total fcuulnera in tliaf roaped tb ftfd olbr rpfmnutlaa wbo do not toi aplfltuoua liquor but bot unotbor county ill tba whole dominion bu toproaouutlvaa who jo ao fr lu lliia roapoav km tba t uamod tha itnu thlntf bald food lu tha laal parlutiiaixr ulao ivrllatnonlary ketcboa lu cllulm ku xtn aa tiiiioutioad by tba ulalatr of mllltli a bobaiua ia bolny drawn up to provlda for tba auoouratiamant of rtflt practloa fcmonj oivllluiil till wilt u luandallod on tb hum of ana patted lut yavir by th viotoru autralla l il la maid if tba uu propoaod boootna law that mob ol tba rlfla clnba wilt ba ranlrad to ht uudtr tba command of n mluua orhoar kcllva or ratlrod and that ha will btva to ba a ttra4uata of tba propoal aauoal of muiklry tbraa yra will ba tba mid imutii limit for mombettblp n oeiuld proaoutl of tba practlo liiu ba htland bj fcud hit too tulr a will uooma halls to arva in tba mllllu for period of tbra yaata tliua forming au admlrabla roarva fftr tba praaank foroa tba fjovarnqiaut will aupidy irua aud parmlt tb ua of tha oovarumaut raniea wbora poaalbla in via of tha fot that tout bfaaitauou tuy ba dlaplayoj in ahawrio tba que- tlaua of 3naua anumoratora totublu ooti- fldailtlal laatlera tbo folio wlhtf inatruo- tloua will ba foattd lotaraatltik kry ofiloar or other paraott tmploybd in auiy oapaolty on oanaua work la rfjulrj to kp luvkiula ilia mcrcoy of tba informa tion itatbarod by tba aoutoaiatora ud atiod oil tba aobodulod or forma euumralorla not partiilttad to ajiow bia aaboduua to my otbar paraon uor to mka or koap a copy of thatd uor to nuawr nuy quaailou rpdhuu ibolr coutiiiu dlraolly or indlroolly and tba am obllitaliou of aaaraoy la imtioaad upon bonimlaalouara mid otbar o filer a or am ploy a of tba dotilda aarvlow aa wall aa upon a vary ofttoar ourk or otbar amptoyaa of tba oaiiaua oftlca at ottawa tba fafilti tud iullitloa or tba onaua may not ba ud eiopt for tulutia oompiulloua aitd pltlva kfeaurauoa la lo ba nlvn on tlila if a faar la antdrulnad by auy prod thai tbay may ba uid for taxtou or any olbar objaol need no more recruits the waroirfoo btopa tho llnqrult- 1n of voortianry for bouth afrlua olinrttai dutiian bulttlhndiih umi mi nockwoou mil kll llya faw dj tlila of it rok t ih 0 tim wa itpltt llio i mail i i yulrcd dy hai aa many tnei ohtl in ibihmaaofcoi moii yo4lrly war turol alrxlriuw wa kd if ba lta1 any inrorinaiiiii y tha d ibt u hollia hil lutitnald td uanar1 ktlilir fa radlnaaa t aur ramur n carialn mrmr and thai ibnc wainroajxdi fur atiecua uf tlio nrjjola- tlmi tlio hfuuuryilrollnod tu niaka a aljtr incnt uu tba kubjrot and ina allnd w tfkautn be partial oarrabanllou of i in teportd in olrouuhoo latou malub jartfully oumpilad atall do ol hoar btaaca tbuw that tlln pre- aanl ayatom of uaiilla warfara piovlng wry dlalatrotu lo iboommy tbelr id hi killaif jkitrj woiindwl and prlaonepi for january atnountaj to juatovar 1000 wblb uooo bava bean acoouutod fur in february kur january tba ntjmhor of lha killed by otual ooubl wa uvar u00 and uu takoil priaouara tba fluraa for wounded aro taksii from eaunnitoa obooko by pnaonora commandant oanaral jlothi raoenlly aent in a mat of bla lotaea approi mating to bur flunrea with a aaquoat that it abould ba pubiahuforcha information of irtlatlvea of bla man tbia knoled bowavnr la oonoaalod from tba barherao hla oomqiando now to de newbi mhi atfonta of maokartslo and mam bold to llava acquired van couver worldi viacouyaw 1 o mrob it la report ed flora that agent of mao ken in it mann have aoqnlred a half lotaraat in tba uvru nawapaper ber in order to kupporf ibelr achnttio of a railway from tba ooait to kootaney artlclaa bava already appeared in tbia oonuaolloii and lit aupport of a hi from tha orowa meat ooal flnlda to tba ametioanbauudary the popts ol vttahb old ilooolvaa tha pallalthtlona of thi curdlnale on mia dlrthday hou maroli i tba papa raepaudln on saturday lo lb felicitation of tba oetdinala upon tba ocoaaion of hu dial birthday dalorod tha aaourian hoatillty ajtalnat tba cburoli now tnaalfeat in aaveral oonntrloa ha repaalrd tha vlewa ba ax- pred lobla rcmuleucjoucaloa cbrlttlao damo 1 callmlloawonldtabaa aoolal progroaa of their joadlnj part in thi reipaotlva countrlaa a new leathei cqmpanv appllantlon mad to nov sootla lnslaltttur lor incorporation unirin n b fob 3 a bill to uoor- porala tba dominion laatbar oompany wainlrl in lha lagialaturw tba principal luoorporalor la walur i baardmora of toronto with blm ara aaaoclaud bla brothara and alo uaoir uolunaa of tbia oity tho company pro- poaea araotluif lanuerlari at luflram illvar in tbia county on tba lumber property ra- oautly purahaaed from tba vouugj tha capital la abooooo uullb fiout in a flieioht ca hxoltlntf inoldant maruad cloaa ol thai btook bale att qutph gukim b 3d tba big tboroutlhbred oattla aala waa oonoluded at uoon today tba tnoat ollha prloaot maumajawav 1 and avaryona aatncd walt aatiaflad a moiteioitlinf incident of llid a ooourrad at noon to day a carload of bulla par- ubaavd by mr h dyment of darrla wara on tba aiding when tiu o tha bata lot looa aud aurud flgbuuy in a faw inutaa aary aulmal in bb oar waa on tba rait pan and ihvoa auooaadad lu jalllrjtf loooa after tomaidiflloully tba aulmala ward quloltd lud lha oua whlclj bejtau lha troubla waa found to bava broken a 1 tba aulmal waa removed and will ba de- alroyed lord llobaru tha i91s animal waa in tba oar aud wu aoralolied and brulaod but uol aerlquily lujuroj baptist church arjni vlhuailv tba propoad new railways in tba uorlh oojutry will luftkn tha land yranla to lha voluntiera mora valuabla than thay otbar- wltd would havd iwau iopu n old ontario do not raallva what a kingdom we bold u fuv in that naw country a polmy of tluvilopiiient much aa that wbluli euuudii tba atlaulloii of iraiiilar hogs and whloli ba la utifohliutj aa lha proaom aaa aion of lha liualiiru prooda inaaiia that at au early day tba ux paying urk of tba province will ba yraatly inarcaaad lliiu rolls vi ii tba od aacllona of tha co in try wbloh lo tell tha truth bava borne ilia tuiavy part of tha biirdon for tha whole dominion till uraal country 1 whloh ontario aeourad aa lid own il a well- maiiad atruiiila wllh tba dominion ueverel yeara now found tj ooutalu lha melerlalafor a naw lvovlnoa rich and broad aa tho old aa it li baln opna up it will ba found that it baa o nttioli aupar- flolal wealth thai u dvilopuiiul will mora lhau pay for he newlf it la doull- ful if wit allempl will ba made tu divert any revenue from tha new oountry tha artiumeul blii advauoed thai lie ravtmaa ahould be applied to inaallnu ita waiila but at lal that uw country will be ibu to pay lie abara of lb bxd obrga of m i li lain i uk tha jjpuetltuuoual ayum wbloh nuaoa a lenlurf of tba burju upon old ouurlo buooajiaful barvloea kind hloqusnt barmona by former pttator hutiday waa the aral auulvaraary for the uaptiat paopla lu ibalr naw churob juv w h nortohof owaii bouud a former paator praaobad at both aarvlooa and waa aaalated by itv w b uoalpiu d a tha paator lu tba avanhiil lu the nioruluu mr norton took for hie text tha aral pari of tha uoond verea of tba eighth chapter of deul aud thou bait renumber all tba way whloli lha tjorl ihy ood led thae rafarrlutf to tba jduruy of the paopla of uraal durluu their waudarlutia llirouch tba wlldanioaa in ea roll of the proiuieed laud he a poke of the lima ba had bu aeparalad from thi aolou popl the ohanea time bad made tba faoaa that ware mlaeliik and the beau tiful j una of worahlp that bad been arsotad in bla abmnoe lis rirrj to hlajournay- uiu lu europe and the dgradahou lu oouutriaa where lha uraca of god evlitod la a very imall dijre referring epeo tally to ilaly and frauos ila thanked ood for bla bountiful uooduat lu prcaarvlntf him and tba llule oburoh at ptou during the alffht yeara ba baa been aevared from ibla oh u rob in tba evening mr korlofi toouijtr lik tlt qaneelaje a he referred to ab rahaui uandiuu lila aervatil down to ueaopolumla and there lo obooia a wife for lila aon iueao tha eeivtinl uayeth if tba women will uol lie wlllnitd follow mu into tbia lend mua i need ilirrny thy eon attain i ulo the lend from wbauoe thon oameitt and abmbani aeld unlo him ba ware thou the thou brnt not thither aaain mr noriou oomparvil hie errvaul in tha olmroh uoluu out lo eeek uoule fur ubrut if lh elunera or woildly poplu will not oonia up tu lha church wnll doul lowe luoburob to the world ohurab bttlim too muoli t woild and lha etauderd muatbo releejl iiidloaiuk mr norton a id if tba popl of world will not ooma up to the prluuipua uld down lu uoda holy word beware of tho otlrea that will auruly oome the iiimloaiid aluuluj waa eupplled by lha obolr of the oliurub aualeted by mr uoalplue and wa vary appropriate for the oouaalou mr ifakle m r isl jtiba hospital li thullnikllne tafm utibtly uh1u1 with iitluno1 ikm1 eelubmii- lha abu i born bieileaaxif tble ar i tlin m4 naujjaouelpli r if buyare cakhn u lowil nle lu aluml j o mu plohotltown m w ilnly and o moklulay will ba the criiiui mm in era too fir ororne- loam a lanin hum from nulaltle p gullonuhe bl ittak aale on tuoauy aiaoeaor fjoarok la on hu eunulaanila aaln hua ifolnu to do i ho aaaeatnta aalufaolory and rjuluhla tbil tltod a krnily ootitotml hockey itlauh played in tba rink i i lriuy iulit with acton our uija won hut umllthl lo half lha utl carnival of the eearon will ha held lu tba rink on monday march hlh mr j p hullon of nutton11h t warden of ivi baa auulurjd a parlytlo atrokaaud ilea eerlmialy ulattlio reild of hie daiiubter mr willi- li tbaaalnaot lhurouubbccd i tick of p u kennody on haturdey and it 0 m cullooh on tuoiday domtnandid ih attantlmi of nearly all loo i atoekmn mr jamea watreuo1 of walkaum waa in tbia looa illy uit week aurv y ng b harold probity on tba tlb hue tba rutinlnrt uf a lino llweeil lha two proper- una rovoauj the faot tboaa wbo bava baai cutting limber have inlii aa anuah a 0 yarda ovor the tine mr- and mra john loom coiuinuktijrii joy their vllt in fjhromla lki weak they viiitsdan old kpanub mlalon 130 yeara ol i they bava btui at lou jl and weill ike perk tba aboroe of tb peoitio have coutlnuoua atlractlona fc them aa alio lha nranua urovo laden with the aweet parfuioba of utifoidlnh bloeeoma and the luioloue imi fruit tlio tempera- turauat wedneeday at lie aulee waa it deitreea in the aliada mr william newton haa ihmu bono with appointment aa juehca of iiia peaoe bqulr indhx kawton will aatind vory well c nil w sons cohniillb tha dry fell and the prolonged oold wnelhor have oauieil a ureal acarolty of wmimilhlbleifnlnlly armm farniura liv lug to ilrawwlf leveral tiaa for thalt hock mr john patten of itnokwol occupied tba pulpu hi lha method church here on hunduj it upeolel aervlaea era beinu btl 1 tble week lo ihaurlok oburoh they ere oouductrd by tha different 1pwoitu leauuae ulonu lo to tba 1 look wood circuit mr william anderaon who haa bcou vary ill during tha paul week li rrooveriiiu mlee lmmi walklna wbo baa bean apaudlog har holldeya at her home in tbia ylolnlty and with frlenda in norval raturued to har dutlra aa nuraa lu ouelph oeueral iloipllal on monday mr aud mra walker merklum are upending tholr honey raoon at the home of their brother mr john walker of thli plioa mr bwlndlehurel and mua iihnl kentner of llallluafud apent qunday at mr n lorbo mr ilobeit damper l hrlu aput bun- day at hla home liarn alir and mre jamea otmete kncfhiar minna gambia attended tha funeral of mra d copeland of gaorgalown ou pri day lait mr ahdjure win frlck and family apeul uuuday at mr it gibbons milton wbii 11111 luwir ifn itjuike of the i a livetwltb tbu l0alia pula ouia llaokaaba hldeaaha uoauty oloudy tblek aud highly oulor- h urhia diabatae drapey and all troublae arlalujl from a week oindllloo uf tha kldneya a card wa lha uuderalguad do hereby ugtoe t reiuud the uiotiay ou a 60 qli bottla ol uretuee warrauud hyrup of tar if ii fall to our your oougl or oold wa a leu guar aula a ui oaut utile t j prova aallafartiry uf money refunded i at ulluwn tha rural ratepayer of tha publlo school are agitating the reductlau of their aaasmtnt and threaten to acocda from e aeollou if their requaet be not grant vd llev dr luota will deliver a lectura under the auupioea of tho pjpworth legna lti tha method let church next monday availing aubjsal tha drltuh umpire tba coyal templare will held asi open eating in luoir hall ihletlmrday avvn lug whan au internatlng programme will ba rendered the publio are cordially in- vittd to attend a muilaate under tha auiplooa of the ladiee aid of tlio malhodlil church will be given at mayor dtiioona raildenoa to morrow evening tha couuly council mat hero jeelerday and tratuaotnd all aooumuleled buulneea and reoolvod ilia auditors repot t tho romalna of tbn lau mra it l hauihtroot who died in the q antral iloepllel ouilph ou saturday wea laid to reel in tha family plot here on tuaeday afternoon mra ilemalrcet had boeu in poor health fur several yearn and although everything ponlbla waa done to reelore liaelth aba eucoanibedoii biturdey mra nemalreet waa the daughter of tba uu mr franola barclay ilegulrar- she waa a favontalu alltbaclroletlu wblohaba movtd aorrowiiig bqabaud aud a duar ultla hji and daughtorara lull to mourn her demle tba annual meeting of the milton uraee and hied ilaud wae hold ou monday night the following otllara and oomiulttua wero aphiluled clialruian 0 p juhneoti beoielary t u hkdowell uuaiooum- mlltre it li gilllua 1 oonway t p mudowell pro may comraltlnv b 4cin- nejlt mcjanuoit ii lalon i mr w a irtwttm-hu-htuimj-euitw- pair of drivers in wbloh h tikae ooiild ablo prllu h secured them from o strong oikvllle end paid j0o for tlw pair tha following irisiu from a diitanoe altiudud iho funeral of the lata mra it l tuesday mr au mra wm hemline aoton mr john u itailter m p p meeera prank ami iuy harbor and dalay libber w ilarolay oeorgutowii j mra l ory and mlee hertasnjder tuiunio mr 11 p moore ului mule naunu ami mr j ii wallace aolou mr and mre janua kniuly uaorgetowu and otbura a oty intereetlng beeion of the wo in iu e imtltnte wee held in the own hull on luieday tbu ullaiidaoca waa urge and representative tha lluenie ooiuuilsbluuers wera lu aoaeluu in the court housa uu tueeday tiiay will reoalva aiplioallona for lice usee up lo saturday uolli april 1 uoptuferfed inakalh the heart ttdk i vigorous old aqe oiltainld thiiuuoh thli u3u of dh umlliamb pink pjllb mr wllllum orny or nwmtfrkoti xollo how ho uioatna haiq und h warty nl ihn advonond a offeavonty aft or havtna huffit ail oraat jtorluro from bolalli nl llhoumajom mr wil ira favorably knovii iq i market ana vllhlty e relief fronr tb peitl wbo la well io town i rrjuolfik v i f aolatlo r bl illlo i by tba aaa or ir willlamaplnk rapodar of tba ilxiirm called ufm blm u tbn pur f obtaining periloulara or ibe iuro whan mr cray gava tho following eury for nlhnatio about two and a half yeate au i aeiisd with a vry averr attok if rhaum- aliim ilioiiluwaa- mply lpiidyx- at lllnee tho troulle waa ld liiny kneoa 4bu lu my bipa pur neatlxaf yar i buffered along working ae beat i oouhf lu the bk of wio bis-i- earoa- thv dleaaaa dtulug lha day the pall wau lose aeverr but at iilifbt it waa jual bd aa vr to inoreaaa my uirlura i oaunlil a oold wbloh fr aulld in an allnk of aclatica ill my ri uu if i w kxl a short dlalanoa i wouldbo boikm by abarp pain lu lha hip and lu ihte i beuama a used up tnali i tny appollie filled me aud x could not real alhfolil uu aoooutil uf tba pain i tried one modlqlua after another wllboul avail i alao ooneulled iloarora wllh no batter roaull i waa beluuiug tu ihluk that 1 wee dcomod to suffer tbn net of my ufa when una day a friend strongly advlaed me to ly dr williama pink pills 1 took hla adviaa and procured a anpply of tho pills aud began taking them acdordlng lo directions ueforn lha third box waa unuhn uotad a change for the ullr ao i continued the use of tba pllle till i bad taken twelve boxed when luy trouble bad eiitirrly dlsappared today i am free jromiiajumidjenlthat lif iaworlhjlvlng oven at tha ripe old age of seventy i on now do a daya work with many men wbo are tweuty j younger than i i thank god for my restoration lo btalih through tba egenoy of dr willi my pink pills and i trust other lmllr auffsrera will give them a trial for knowing what thtea pills have done for ma i am sura tbat they dei not fail blng aa bone tidal lo olhre almllarly sflllcud if iho blood la pure and wholiaome dlaeaaa cannot exltt the rtasori pr williams pink pilta oura ao muiy forma ofdiseeaaia ihst lbsyaol dirclly upon lha blood aud nerves ibua reaching iho riot of the trouble other medicines act only on ibe symptoms of the trouble and that la tba reaion tba troubla always relume when yu ceaad lbes lubdloltms dr william pink tille tnka permatieni cures in kidney trouble rheumatism erysipelas anaemia and kindred dlaeaaos dili be eurayou grt the ceiiulm which beara the full iiuinc dr william pink phil for pele itcpla oft the wrapper around ilia ikov noll op honon lehders in dry goods keep constantly arriving- best values tliey all are special value in indigo prints at 8c 10c and 12io newr cottons- ai8c vcand 5c a yard flannelettes in a large variety at close prices saturday will lo bargain dav n our now new crocery department dress goods a special snap for fridav v and saturday shoppers with a lot ot40c and 50c qualities dropped down to the quarter dollar figure dill 8troot the b gcrennaxl co j d mckoos old stand ac ton irullfurcelari ifrrfury uttonlalu imuiereurr will suruly tlotroy tlio n of sitiell anl oomnulaly 1 riuu the wholo ayituui whan butrthg it lluou lliu muooue hurfaois kuoli artlolae slioull uevtr be uel aioaiitou lruerliuoiis from rinjulle nliylolath as tho damajte lliay will do l uu fold lo tile uacui you caw nomlbly ilarlvjlrom lliaui halls caurrh gore niatiufaolurwl by j j chotiny a co to latlo o eonlaliis no tiiarcurv and j j ukati lu tarn ally aolhitf ulraetly uikiti the hloa4 aud muooq hurfaoe ol tlm aviuui lu buying uallecsurih cure be eureyaugot the genuine ii hi ekaii internally end mails hi tola to ohio by v j cheney co lalllnolilele fr- hold by drutiiluu rlce ila tir boltle halls family rills are the bl a mans id of martyrdom is lo get h a own breakfast before the reit ofll a family are up il u c a i u i i of corns and warta root au 1 brmioh then would ensure tbewiivith audi a aud effeolua remedy within reaoh 7 wbo heap hi ihal keeth i i innulh klrpeth bla lire but hn that openeth vidit hi bpj shall have dtulruoiiou kotort publlo tiohocd the monthly examlnatium took puoa in tba five department of the publio sobool last prlday and lha following puplh won plaee ou thairullof honor vlllbt liariktukht ci a hi v iilie mcdonald 100 herb pyfd 112 lillian prank umlb0 class iv lethal colamau ssi jean mcqueen j1h myrllo mallbewe ju clasa iv juu vlorcntw murray jig philip ilolmea 334 plorcnco chapman aud xlua pearaon 2ju i marka ppaibla s00 1 r7 xoohp uxriuyuxuy qlaae iv jr vida iouur- 300 dan hit oh la soif pjruaal quruay 1119 claaa iii myrlle dills aud myrtle boper ku hoy mcphall and oharlla mat- thewa u03 uodha gamblo 1u0 marka poaethla uj0 0 mcpiuil teeclier t1iihd dbmiuyukht jr hlplorrlo speight 331 maggie hornby j 10 kva luisliman 102 jr ii lmma toril 2j0 lrn drown 103 mabel artbura 100 marka poeaibla 00 minotukt u houiu tiaobar vouaru imriltukmt baniora leouard wordeu 330 daalty arnold 133 deeiia johnstone 233 marks poeelbla 332 luljnueulalm john welaford 177 lil lian williama 100 perry iloxil 103 marka poulble 1u5 juniors ada lisblwood 100 jl ml mo pliereon 180 jamea dunu and lena holmea 17j marks powitita joo t cudkiu teicmtn rirtiruhriutuaut a bonlora warren drown aud alioa prout 170 mary mitten 103 sydney dunn lck marka poeelbla mo intermedial oe harry ilrll 10d dortle seuudore 130 iuo cook llj marks poe- slble 1 w junlarakulh hileoa73 anula mawin 71 marka poeelbla 100 a olaia pordon johnson 70 joala kennedy 07 john clark u marks poe- albla 100 nkli ik aljik teacher they do not o por diliouaiiosa conailpatlon dspep- ala or sick htatlache uko laxa liver pille they do ncjt gtlh weaken alokcn the alaska oaudlcnlh is not su 1 ih much lighter than ibe bomb oaii tspir r a but amcrl mbthod1st maoazlnb and hu- vibw fon matlch hsgyerde vellow 0 1 cures spraint hruuea aoreu woundu cut froilhltso clill- blaiua itinga of luaicts buriia scalds con- tttsionvelo pricy bo ten out of every hundred of tha worlda population apeaka iho dngllali languaa and what u more thoy are the uppr ten the eiaaullal lung healing prlnolpli of the pine treo has uflueify heii auccesifully aeparatad and rrliiodr into a perfect cough medicine dr woods norway pine byrup bold by all dealers on a guarantor of aatlsfacllon price 25 oeuta mail 7tm the right house tahulmid hamiltons ravokitk jinopiing place 1 tiy tin through our mall order section promphaiid reliable servlco always interesting nowb tor womankind v ery item in tba following list is au exceptionally money sating pvent wi mint net rid of lliead lines to mako room for the new goods 1 bat ara piled up all around us and voe made the prices jwclally low lo clar ihem out quickly 13 50 aulbs i3o illii s at to ilaadylowear sujlu tailor mnda ol cbnvlola aiuitwdcdb jit oat slylcs tloublrj or sliigla hreslcd coata vilvnt bound hill flare und w l wgnm mi tcig 1330 s11jso uulbi dclihig at 01o ready to weir sulla nnula from nice nilallly cheviots homespuns and i wendfl con l liitfln or double hreailed and nicely lined sklrta ruirnararwh llnnrand boom our reguar selling pricawnsti30 alo uld 020 quite belling at 12bo and tlts oo womens reidylowear sulla mada from vancy tweeds cheviot 1 sbrgca and plain cloilm coata silk lined und single or doilbla breasted skit la well lined and bound atyla and fit guaranteed blgbclaia gar ments in eiory respect and at greatly reduced prices 91 06 and 3 coraeu ftttl that celebrated corael c p id a broken ranga of alxes a grand har- giln for you if weve got your kite if range wna complete the price would be vi h5 and now selling tit 1 pjflr jladuoad ihoaei on ooabe women ulack and colorpd liover coals fully ullorod and perfect filling regular 6 30 jilnds- jiow at tj wnmnii lll rml rlr qtil ily in hlaok navy brown and cardinal with fancy stitched and dainty braldwl designs regular j quality now ut fdjo womens coats made from heal nuallly deavbr allk 111 and irlmmnd with rows of si itching and fancy dealsns hi braid regular 10 50 now tailing at 0750 clearing prtoe on wrappers ycry special clearing lluool womens wrappera mxdo rout hngllsh ilannelellea of gool quality nlcoly i rimmed and skirl a are nlcoly trimmed and tklrla ate full width neat lot of na i tern a and full range of aires 3 lota only the fi 15 quallllea going at lr 00 the li 6j iualillca going at r 35 the i u5 quautlca going at 1 130 13 3ttirrtalatf jaokeu at 1 womens dreaalng jackets wade irom tho beat ratio of eiderdown in grey navy light blue and white nice range of tlylca well made and finished very suitable for use in the sick room and the regular price wa vlvij thomas c watkins king st east cor hughson st hamilton nsolid jgold zaz ua rmju t 4111 4 a j i ii uk t sa o iai h 4 ss usarksssj kcton akhuwi4hwun ieitamu 3tauil lurllrtw loitayt iho comet b it la a lra uf but when lha d life mllburua uterllug headaobe puwdera tiura the worat heedeoiia in from qvu tu tha utlkajltl alayaiut and jltvltw for march la a apoolal miuiorlal uuiuher of lha queeiia uoalh ii haa elx artlcua on soma aajwol uf lha queens life mauy poams iwsuty poitralteof tba itojaj pauiily aud many other illustrations of tha juene ileign oilier llluslrated artlolaa are tha log of a missionary deputation in dcmirr foe hymuoloy of tha church lord uoeeberva napoleon and worlds pro gree romanoa of the pat oftc n ii- luatrelud alory ily wtrtr waub- pireu dedloatai to tha wtimana mission ary society by mlas maude petite and other arlloue of interest twnily oenta a oopy fl 00 a year fl 00 for ala nionthi toronto william llrlgga monliral c w coatee halliai ii v hueeti a m1imohiau igsub iwauly eftotn powder 1 mlnulsa aud lei one powder co u bad after- wdera loo 10 the march tt nudum huyaiiit la a me moilal iiauu with several new plotura of the qutmii haiiiuoma plalae of the naw kng aud tha ifi queen and other por traits and photographs of blulorlcsl and praeuut vttluo dr parkin o m o wrllua of victoria and tba vicutruu age the hon q w lloas premier of ouurlo duiutuailaea in a abort ardole lha growth of tba urllleh liniplra prof curk v o l wrlus of ibe death of iho quoeo arthur ii a johjuhoun of tba queens prima aiiulelere and richard t laiioetiajd uf tba prinoa of wales visit i canada v 11 j tuker of lha ceiisue hlatfof thoigueaeuma iuliellug remlu- isoalius uudr the tlel a ceusue iw taken there are a number of lighlir artkle the wh uue is worllty of thb national publloalluu of canada twowarn i ufs loelug fleeh it one aud a hsokiug cough la auolhar if thoy ooiiib tngiber lbs warning la a loud and hard one boolla imulalottdoea aoine or ila beat work lu just theta cases it prevcrti co itutuy- lion a wibo man will hear and will lin learning and m man wlili uudeh iny shall attain uih wnin vou want i bwm i and- j oatmeah amouu f i saw si planing jvxwin st manufaotureira and dealaru in all klnda or drrssed andundrusaed lum dlr lath and shingles sash doors and ulinds window and door thames all ivids op indoor and out door rinlbll ilnhma ullatorted ulackol lumbar on bindorilera will in all caies be promptly ilk 1 iimluir dreiaed and matched while you y ing out wark equnl lu cjuallly custom logs cut at any into ir mill turn- jno xvjlnx jjiuxsl uuowm mmgr imwletor all kinds of wood on hand and promptly l piflollba lawn amateur cameras mnd supplles premo poco ray magazine cyclone jh1kt1ng fhamkb 4 x s will cthlnet 35 unl pk1ntino jpapehb solio ar1sto velox photox kiioro mkatiar moton iriu ijlbliertiscmruts pioppily lor suit amumurtt r ie wu iii itlitjikt aetun desruaubkresidenofc coii oalii mlar wall in trr1 m lrlw x alflliiio itrcniiuv kcruylfj by win ollptia la no- nrl t i- tt iiuuu la wall lutlt liaa alulil tuoim wit iill an iilry laru cellar at t wh-iioh- ai iiixi tail llant and eolt waiar iltablaat tl tlie mtuilaee til 1- la an r tail i wall tikbad wltli nlolca frll- 1 ila lnlty la willi ill ilia our por allot ul tba tlulvlub i1iiiiiffc4lurln uwii of aolun ulg lu tlie mnilliiit ut vairtiow tauintarr uila lnirt woul1 majie a iau1l aita lor sxeeubuiikoa ami bartlrin will be sold eaay urin vxif lilloulara aijtly fukm iwaasomc jwt loheadofcaitle imiliimhnts litc t uu a rll liiatruotluiia iak ka1uy trf aall by 1 mu 10 uaiumliiif uu frlcuy maroh iq x0o1 look tbe mlooiiifiituekjlutilalilaiiu hokhlikroli mare ira bay l ivintiuia liali ciiir iky u- m cattlkjaiay oow freali calveil jan to elie lut uusli juvy ui u eal b valenljii by willi- s ly wluiont ro 111 yeaie lu foal imtf trj ii judiaio ballaruymni o or oatober b lielfara due too in nejii j noil a tiot iii nalva i fat ealf 11 lace tuikr 7iw oia is tate tiling b years old i tulforatltliiua ymrasliallara rufuf u yeais a uallera klalu su yewr i bull uau htwalal alteutloq la dlreebxl in he iauere in this hat are ailra uwl iuallly hiikki mi 1iuhit tlolawolr aliaari 1 tain yoikalilra aow lue in april vnkablr boar luituuunttl litatittub uhu eulua tor uebbl t wl4 aa1 bajrowi vlowe 1 lihyy barrow 1 aatt orill 1 clilaa tpotli outuritjr 1 unit vullai- 1 oct tuhr l talinldb mill olidtltam tnaka b low watnmur 1 toy bumy lr bob latlial eutur 1 ai duubla liarnaae aat btiiulatiarnvas 1 var bltib ufid eollara 1 palrudtrivlllu mllara ruika wblmauaa oow chaluil no u jawal italiue nook blovs eoal aiil wxkl and a lul at otlir artlclaa hkkij hualhlon lualiala urur lm luhu nalilod hmbele mlllt fl lone y 13 tuliu allka otuvar a rjiimlliy of taaalii tulilx no tn aa tbe roi rtetor liaa leaaad ills farm ami has ho fuillior uo for lb same tuituiidraiu rola bay and allsunibbf u a lr i ull r ttiat am s or all on btrcval joint iiutee joiim 41u1tiiu11 auctions acton bakery westons bread williams bread and cakes alway lo u had ttt maltliowa aim m cliolc llnoof compkotiqnary sruit8 eto llrcail drllvorl lo iiiom wlio unno inj foru j g hallliewb telephone pointers one of tbe many good points of a telephone is thai a message cannot fall to reach in hearer correcily another good palm is that it reach ei all points and that everybody in the city or courjly worth doing business with has a telephone another good point la ibe economy of time and money another point can you afford lo he without one at home or oft ice thai bell telopbone company op canada snow snow and what trboat it why you will need a cutter or hleigh i then you had better come at once to oneills georgatow ii stul see hlip stock of cutters and bob sleighs they are a fine lot and nicely assorted prices right and everything guaran teed dont fail to inspect his stock before you buy j n oneill succetor lo gulp fc mokonalo gborgbtomn suppbrbrs lk grippe purs purs great cut in pkices qiucixl noticu anttwt coopbr oizgrtqn wnd odon ills duknd the but in themaibol t all wide awakoiluaturs uso it i ustra luallty iirloaa rlubt- v tjinrv iioiuop xeeeeaea wahuiu cepbh rllableiwrsmi lu avirv oouulv lo airmul urjj uoiniiihy uf b111 tluaiuilal ruiulalbi aunt t vkar payable wmbly 3 frity aluuiuufy iiiro and all aa imita liallit fchi-fld- illtiilu kury u utiiuinlaaloii aalarvitld eauli baluiday aiil aaiu lf tufkale1 aoll wak mtan llaiul llouhk ujl uaihuoam liv oiaieiuo c0fjperi akins taxlots llcgs tu announce lo lha patron of llie ulo firm that mr aldus has rollted from lha ahovo bind no ss lha an mo will be tarried on by mr win cooper wbo will endeavor io jve lha utnmm a tuficllon in tlio future aa ui tho iwat yodrler lo make room or now giuxbi that are conilnuilly arriving ho will give hie irunds bpuclnl pricoa for tho no xt month tor lha wcaknosa and debility ol body following an attack of la grlpria something is needed to siore lha vilalliy jo lis won led vigor weak lunge ned atrenglhenlug and the bronchial tuboa noed protection front threatened complications brown egg emulsion la unquallotl oa a malorallva id haalcii lrecoery without being a burden o lha woaleiiotl dlgoativa organa of an in valid among tha many reasons why wa claim so much for it womiht mention thai it is very lulaiahu and at that it coulaluu no inert or harmful gums itlaun elegant preparation aold at a reasqitable price to oontu for un tlox bottlii hoping to ncelvi deiicn and support your coin i mi ad cottii- children crv for castor i a n and wouxitanulw uvaujlntxxv wm oooler ukuu1iant tailolt id ill utuub1 aoton- sahlu ruffs were oo now i3 50 caperlnea ol sable were 400 now 350 ailracbah jackals wem djo no now i sound j i ur cuped werd o now f 2430 cray lamb caps were j now ii and j 30 sable mulls wera i15 now i3 menu pur coala word io now 17 ln e lafontaine purrlor cualph iile alineuire u ou every haaa u uiulue laxative bromoqulnlne tliou uta simly iaea aaaw a mm to aew auj- 1iepared and aold only by 7 t broian ch133wiist kcton sbbd grsin wb oiler an follows soed peai 65c fo 7jc 7 varieties seed oats 33c to nc ia vvtletios alan muiuucheiiri parley 40c ijlck dirloy goose se wheal spring rye spelii cowpean graae peas bug proof prmiklan llluo paa llluck joanatte oils llgnwu oala ami jolb cuolury oats come and aee our liocl vury choice red cloiir alalla lucariw und unioihy seed all at ibe lowest poe ble prlcre ceo j thorp jiijirj7i iic ouolph st bockwood

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