Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 7, 1901, p. 3

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bank of hamilton georgetown branch aqonoral banking bumnoasj transacted corroopondenco solicited saving lopaitniut interest alluwtxl on burns of on i dof lalt hjfd upwirda ut m day i- lay of with liawil nu fmiualliha ft 1 uu douya in drawing montiy farmoiv ihmimm boudtcd notes of rcupoualblo mirm discount ex and money loiuod i r r itliuato dtialneas purpoera our coueofiou dopannniit haa every facility ipr tuakluy prompt returns f balo notum handled and money advanced otfaccmmb- of umo at low rates of interest ttavelterearc notified llal ilia ilaiilc hamlltonand its iluinches issue clrcul nohioflhi jvovliidi hank f jdrim umild which cad bo ashedwub chargrfor trimhln in tinypayl of h t7t7t hiad ouicl f hamilton established 1073 capitil paid 01703213 reserve fund 1231119 total assets 14827357 jauu rilkmhui i cashier b forsayetii aguni georgetown branota ije 2mnii y ijprcss tiiuiiuday u auuii lui 1001 little localbrieflets whloh camaht tho eyo or erw of from irejam it oporto fa this weak thofcuit iukiu klvoi tin bvtf beveral new families have moved luto town the past muk there ha bcetl eiliht wuk pf on interrupted nood slvlghlnu tha mild weather huuday and moo day played havoc with lba know bprlog la iaroly oornlrjtf tho boy aro el their marble ia real aarueat again thar i hi birth it marriage hud 1 47 dcaltta in tli lowoebip 6jllubllllll to 1100 tbcr butchering baaliikji of c a hi kon ban been purchased by a w john alou aaaeator 11 nullum j rguur caller amiaif liipiesiliu towml ip peol tbetfe day lba oarpanur aro putllutf 1 tl rout of tbe new dry ood klora in lba warren llloek thorn u aome talk of the bell organ and piano worka being removed from uualpti toloroufi if you inland ikylutf in a supply of lot for unit m minor j hot wcalbb jou bad baiter uol longer may joseph lyud waa accepted for a plana on co baden 1owoll w fioutii african oon- aiabulary at stanley ilarracks toronto od tweed ay ah wared 1 we know thou art kind hearted a ltd ut u look and tbxaala auil out ohblbt art nuralntf april viuuuil the bouae of a tidy woniao kuil a mollao loajjourn are alwayaiootdar aaye kdentlamati iu jiublla ufa with a alrontf domtwtlo lonjoooy antoba bill before the ljlilatur1 for the oooaolldatiou of lba 11000 o am hog ibdebtiduaaa mm tikatad iu comuillua by the lejlalaluro on lueaday a k many fcatiii aumralitiqua liple wexw ritlu tttait io aeemarob oomo in eoroawhal hod like they will oonstloul ly look for a latub ilka exit air w ooonr who coutluna the toeicbaut talloilujj builucm of cooper a akliu u attxtimi apcolal hiiluccmenla to ouitocnorn for tba pr monlb itie a number of year aluoe the team ttre of thli vicinity had auoh a fine knell of aioijblntf and juat aa lou blnoe there waa auoh an amouut of ttihilnu ready for their attention vlaoa for the 40 000 library aud ecu vooetiori hall at quatpu attrloultural oollone douaud by the ukkaey etate are bnluk prepared iu lba put llo work a hi part me nt lorouto hev mr cold of toronto oonduoted the aervlcea ill bt alball a ohuroh ajtaln uatuunday llv mr gxldtn u rajly imi rovlii iu bealtll a ml hoo4 to be able to uka lull cbarii nail duuday j 1uv mr cbayne of kuoy cjlrt occupied the pulpit of kuoa ghuioh leal sunday wlb tuuob aocptm hu mr muua were able vipoaltloue aud were do livared with hu uaual marilmluead tli la wkprouitaad to be a very buay one for tba whuueale dry ttd ud mllllu ery flrma iu loroolo ibe aprln mllllii ry opauluge bav juat taken place aud tin protty mllliuera crowd the oily wholwaale hodk a uuiubo of yoouti iople lu town bald a auljiuloii pry to the boiua of mr vyle bomrvllltf naaauaway otl tiee day avauluii t bey edjujod ihe lime kpetit la utie immpluble liuuiahulihajltirtl fm a bitterly culd one luv u a moharaon will be in hie owu pulpit next baliwui in tbu uiortiiutl be will praaob ou the aubjeol of uburoh life aud work and in the svaulnu a apaolal kertuou to youu peoplv will imi rebelled tui 4b kuljaat of lloiud dille ur wallkbe laaby- will bold a ouar m ale tif bla iborouijlibraiu aud otbur block aud iui lnjiiouu ou tlie 3rd april ilia thoroughbred aboit borua ar i lis priiu of the oalvda lie tua tu aril inn l tlie fauoy prloce noted in the luxu iwuw yrom tlmato time the al two ur thre a ihe uuarlii kale of aloak implaiudnte eto otur iul ti kenedy la uaturday aftarnoon wi very lartftly atleudej ilia day wo au ideal ouo tbe aale realised between j thx and 13 000 moel oi the aloalf fetabed aatlafaotory prlou hut it la thuuttbtlbeublookaaleat uutlpb a uw dave before tuuk the kseu ed ult ihe hid dlug by thealutikaiau rbuae who ounlaiu tate pjirohaaluj mouuktuital xit work uf any diaorlplioi far tbelr oemetery plule ahould order dlrol rom tha old rallebla kranlte aud marblk- dealerj if uauilllun ouelpb out al eapeuaaal aliuated tu puidraaara al wlrb aiid tuatarial warranlad ooaiatillou defltu the news at home- mofitly pt a looal oliarnator rd ovorv item intaroatlnb atnutas llltiltt society ofnrjnji ilie annu meeting of anton l llibln ttoclaly will bo held ill lba heiiel olmroli nest ihuraday ovulilk hth inal uv j ii movicar ut lwitua will le llvar ttmaunual addroea heevn william uauliu co luevo willlame waa m the bench ou 1 umiuy hearltik bla nratcaae in bla magli torl oi aclty 2 blu a charge bfoujjhl 1 y j flny w 1 i i ii a fimlin aaiaal llobi j k 11 wl tl a worn al irgrd- to bavs 1j1ii oaugtit worrying the former a ahoop uat weik kvtieuo waa taken anl jn lament waorvoj yttlo si ihly j mm for i otto fenplr 1 lie homo correapondnnoe kohool of flljiiiihitl iruaitf ll organlxlng a cuae in aolun any yodng inan or young woman wtinhautiul the pportunlty of attandtog cullrgn will profit tery matevlally j uk ing a homo oorroa pond anna couree in their utura life ily tbla tnotbod young peole camjuallfy themaenoa for bualtieaa pureulla by ulillalng their oveiilnga fur atuily ixok into llm uiatlnr while the urgaulxer a ulartl heath oturm u 1 itoiamtrobt ifijton mra lleinitrerl wire of mr it l llenutfcot kniural tnerohaill of mltiu dul at iheoeneral iluapttal on taturday nvoolou rbe daoekaed bad undergone aeveral operatloue ujjtoroiita aud el where and llad bteii under troatmont here for a ooon weeku hlio waa a kindly dtajxiecd and eatlmahlo lady and her huiband who lagroally dutreeaed by bar daniue will rcoalve the mo i kindly aynialhy of bla frlanda ihe remaiuu were taken to id 11 ton tbla morning fur bulla oualib mil lit inyn rba newnpaper una cheerfully w j ferguaon of the arcade htralford ana uf tbt laoal rtuooonaftil ninrohauta of onurio whn aakd o day laat week a hoot bualiibta aucceaa aaid be regarded tba j riiiler aa contributing largely ti bla auccea tliare la liu tnonay i pay out ao cbttr fully be bald aa the money i pay to tiio newspaper pullulmrt ft alwaye brin i mo roloma aud i pay tbe printer bill aa cheerfully aa i pay the bakerl lb la la tba praotlaal opinion of one of canada abfewdoit bualneae tiieil and it la a ibbou for noil advtttlavrt clinton ntul jltord j pwattb oujfno utimlity iu ihii mutliodlat churcli throubout the dominion laat uuulay bpeolal aervlcoe wore bald and aormona a peel ally addreeaed xia joiniii poopld were preaobad by ilia paeloru ihe aervlce lu tba ohuroh bars oommenued with a aunriae xrapr melting at u a- m at eleven itv mrtiegat i reaohed a kormon on oonaaoratlou from 1 uhrou 30 6 and who then i wllllug to cameorala hla ssrvlie tbl day uvilo the lord 7 in tho evening ha preocbd from luke 10 j mauy halli cboaon that good part which alioll not be lakaii away lloll aermoue were vary impreaklvd and very appropriate to ibe lagu day uervico at the clo of tbe morning ur mou a conaeoratloi aervloa waa held and aftr lba avanlug sermou a aplrlled half hour wee apaut iu pralas and lajtliuouy in wlilch nibiiy uicmbera of tha league aud lba congregation look part ur liolurya xeotar vruayivataa lb firt laolure in tlta tjulveroliy lx unaion courae uudrr tha auaplooa of tba young psoplea aoolello of tha looal nbutohe will bo lul i to- morrow uveal ug in lite aohool room of the mklbodut cburob mr alfred t ijelury u a l6olurr lu toronto uuiverelty i the leolurar of the bvmiing ilia enbjaot ia i ihe kuu and ita relation to thing tar reatriat thtl of oourafl a oienuaa ubjeol ha it will ba treated by mr pa lury in a popular matiuar ami will uo doubt prove uot only highly inureallug to tba audleiica but will abound lu valuable luforuiation tba lactura ooura baawu arraugeil with tlta purpoe of popularising aouullfla auhjaou aud or eating in tba young peopla bpolally a taate for atudy and ruotrah aloog llna whloh are bound to iuftuatioathant for good lu llmlr future tifd work irt3tfisp4tlbbaniigvuple of tba town and vialnlty will atleud iu large number aud a apaclal invitation la battndsd to tha aniploje of tha mauu faoturlng ettabuhmaut lu in lowti tba ad ml a ion fed la only lutanded to cover tha expanaej tha university profaaora giva their karvicaa frea only tba axpjnaaa blng akd lba admuaion ia leu oeuu kv ii a maopbaraon will take tha chair at 8 oclock joujiijy wadjid jimt vetslug a vary pretty weddlug look pltoa lait aveulng at tba home on main street of our a tie mud oltltaua mr aud mr jamo molam if to ba w dona twara well twere dona quickly applla to a bridal a vent than tills marriage which took puoa ualavening wan well dona scarce ly had lba frlenda of mua liaala molam baaonio aoouatomad to tint tbootiof60iiia day having ti bid bar yoodoycltthatraba wli quo at a van oclock imlaa llaaia llio only daughter olatbo houia waa ioiiiud in the boii da of holy wedlock to mr chaa l aklns who lataly rmovad in midland aon ol hugh akluh laq of natstgswaya tha ictarualiug cruiody waa parfonued byluv jo m hagarm a miu ilrlla buphanaon ooualn of tha brlda waa brldaamald and mr william uoopar tha forniar partner of tha room aotal aa groomaman llio hrlda waa beautifully attired in a gown of iruli motmiallua da tola very arllatloally uuda with trimming of tuck vauuolantiaa laoa anj aallu aud aaulcd whit oarnatlona aiimualdeii hair furna bba waa iudaaj a luviy brlda ilur going away gown waa a tailor inada fcouuimrofuavy bltiearf audw velvet tojue willi white trlnimluga to matob tba brldeamald wore a pretty gowu of tlta aatna nikuilal aa tbtoxtua brhlaa and oarrlad pluk aarnallona miaa molam waa one of arton a boat tatovail luugbtsra uy bar unllriugeffottb lu ba lug uaeful lu tha ohuroh of hir olioico aha eiiduariid haravlf to all ulia haa baau a faithful faohar in tbo mtthodlit uunday ilohool ami waa for yoara organ ut of lba i pwoitb league aud a mauibar of tba ohuroh choir jlor srvlca have in a a uiuoh appreclatid au 1 though general ragrat la full at her removal tbo bena dlqlloiia of all will raat upou bur ai a hppy brija mr atkltia waa alau a faunta in tha oitclia in which lie tuovcj ainplie haa already made many frlrela in midland 1 bo waddlug waa a iulat oua aud 4 ha guoata wara ooiitluad to tba julmudlate famiilaa of the ilnl olpal but tha tokia of ood will tii j awest fillowahlp wara uutnaroua and auoh ai any brld ml fml proud bf mr m j mr all ina will uavj by tbe u o olock ualn tbla murnlug for their naw lnniif they will lve acuo witlf the mot oor duawlabe uf all fur ufa lodg happluee as0 etiooea to cum a gold in unu dav tahelaaatlve llrom gululna tat lu a itruaalv rluj ueumuavll ulu tu lu hg it w tliuvaaauiualure lauit eaili iml mlmmloaary anithrrmmry ihoknuual mwaiiiarv aevviroa uf tho meltindlak burch will ixi bebl next hun day ttertik na will tie reaolieil al 1 1 a tn and n 10 m liy itev j 1 hockey of waierdown luv mr ilookay ia an able aud highly accept ablo preacher and ntlt tlunday a aermoiia will nu dontl tjti full of lulerekt aa laelpteitl vlwo lun fire alarm bounded laal bunday 1 1 kill ahixlly after ulm oulook for tbe fir lima elnce laet july a chliim ny n ibe brick bull ling at ibe lx mar mill aid main htra ta vaa ft un i 16 be n fire an 1 with llw k bliwln at ti tlrmfl fiara wire entertained lbt ilr rparka would ignite the rx f v tl tmra wvre hglxluad bowover without tbo al i of tbcviro ilri gala l aa old italy d xuttiwiuami vm a week a ubt itirudaymre tiamuul floper who llvra with her dautibter mre coulelamb ilavnlook ht bad the mla foriuno tu allp and fal heavily on her right atdtiiytrriiirwvan anif be ia iu a qrlllcl condition the fraolure waertdncel billowing to ue ei trorno ki of the old la ly- lrltig iii her eliilil llrat ar uefe a little in pa uf it being realoird yuiltt jloiiflrlxn chhltqrt ituttlt mr wallane laaby laa abt i i la farm i0o a her lot ii j con u 1 tmiaull k a mile above acton tn mr kobert juhnoii ibe oouilderatlon waa u j 00 mr l1v lu tetij romuvliig to the northwebl ahortly mr win ilrown aolou baa- tod hla farm iu the hcotoh lllock 10 a or t mr llouatd mcuouau for ajuooo mr iotef haynr bid lt200 for the miller farm laquealug a iravlom private bid bad beau given however ofv vljooo by mr eallicrilon- liiaurruiiea never com hlttfiy on tueeday of laat weak mra iuru vouug utreet want to vlalt her mother mre aioblbald camptull who la undergo lug traatment in the general hoaiiu- uul b while walking down alit to take ihe train for homo aba uuforttinatuly slipped aud fall kualaiullig u radlura of the right aim bulweeti lba wrlut and elbow bhe came honui by tbe train aha tuteiided and had the fraotura rtrduoc i by her phai clan hare general aymialhy ia felt for mr vurvla u tbli miafortune xtoaitty if at oh at cerdtown tha aolou boa key uam with about ally aupporlara want to georgetown laat irlday ulht an 1 played a faal and axeitlng tame with the team tlierr whioli rnsull 1 iu a victory for gorg town by a aaora uf i to 3 ihe loam liuttl up a follow jtotow mouoaiowm toaat coming and going vlaltom to and from aoton r vartouaotharperaonal notai ivllea all lie readeraui arasalngaay n i fuii m vlaltlutf fni uvri ulnlay ulp or if 3fa le ml a eard to lba faaa goal 1 qlnl covr loliit vorvtli llrullair goaekliam hill hu v llyjr lloliiuteli hulmu uur alia aliglirldo to an i imm grorgotowu waa intoudad to ba an added ptoaaura to lba ocaalaii but tha heavy roads and pitch holes robbed tba trip of lliii aniiclpt d aniymaul the xmio urx thau whltlry tha death of mra whitley nnllca of whloh was glvaii last iiauo of the faaa f ii aim occurred after a low hoars lllnts qha wa au wall aa uaual on irlday morn ing ajnd leb but was laksn 111 that after uoon and died ou ilfcturjaj evening mr whitley was barn iu county aiitilm irtund lu lui3 sba came to canada with bar parent iu 1013 in her 30th year aba waa uutud in inly wedlock with mr thomas whitley both realdlng al that lioialn kelaou lownahlp hara bey ia msuad for iihutaan yearn after their marrlaga when they bold heir farm and oatua to nasagawaya aatlliug on the praaait bomeaload lot ji coo 6 in 1b7i a daaghtar and two voua hlaiaad their union lhaluruioi mr jnlm uloolaou qf mail he mlob died at gbrlalmaa lhjj and her decease wa a great blow lo her toolbar william and daulal lb aous lve on farma adjoiuing their parents horn mr whltlay waa a devoted mother and wife and a mtl faithful and ardent member of lba church oflnguud and although unable to altind regularly tba service of bar oburch of lata year was alway delighted lo racelve tha mlnlttra tiodrtjftbotahoreb atlia bouto iifirra main wara tuudarly laid to real at tba low villa cbaroh of lukun 1 caiiielery near ler former homa on monday of last weak local ddleflcyq ihe bctolkeeper at dronta waa qnad ti and ooala laat week for celling during prohibited hour tiiey p 0 g l of knox church have in hand a grand entertainment for knur monday night tba constahla will have to ln argn ayad thaaa daya if all ihq auow balllug offendir aro apprdbemlad tha gstaway at lha autranca to lair view ctmotry bboald ha put luto good ra pair again and ueally lettered mteara george ilavill and a j moklouon have been appolutad damtulon canaua auumaratora tor aoton mioa aggla goul 1 toronto baa for warded tba 1bkm 1utwi tl 00 for tho quiniir moore mauiorlat 1 und jur w u mxb4 liao basn appointed oaoratary iveasurar of luudaa qohool doard at a salary of cq per year upaclal aarvlcaa will commence in lha doaoiples ohuroh nail monday aveulug uav mr llodklsou of hamilton will as all tha pastor lhaw o r u al lha regular month ly iiikotiug ou monday eveuing decided to uka aggressive it p to curtail lba aalo ol oigarallaa lu towu a sleighing paity want lo lha boma of me malmlm mnlminfann flfiolnh ulqflhtl on monday eveulug it was a jolly party aud au anjoyal lo evening a mailing of all oiukjiib intirutid will ba belli in tba towu hall noil tuesday avaolug to oonti lor tbo organization of a uctoagoolub for lha coining aaaaon urauiptuu golf cfuu bell ita annual mealing laal lisluiday whin tba following wall known golfer wara ideated olllosra 1reslileut judga mcgibbon vice irta w l holdeu hjo liana w c voung cam in wyhao curk tha mathodll uunday holiool library waa ra opened laal uunday it will in future ba conducted on a ayatuui similar to thit of lba 1ra library all booki tuuat ha rclurilfcl lo library wlthlii two waeka ffotn tha data of receiving ibaui from llje llbrariau fligualh 1rtabylery mwla in gall on mouday au 1 luedy uf next week mr maopheraou will ha i hero on luaaday night wheu ha delivers an addrebet tba prayar luaetlug in knox ghuroli will be held on wedutaday on aooounl of lba waabylary lineellug rtia aoul of the augj4id dailnlh aid hath uululug butlbaa ilif ihe dllljiut ahall imi uiii fa walthiulull by vainly 11i be inn- iulibod but liu that it4lherelh by labour inllluutbbi mr ualhraun of uuolpb vlaited ac too frlonde ui week mr w it knney vlaited frlenda at kilbride ibla wtek mr 1 iein wncls wahowafrom lui ouu on a abi rl visit ibla waek ml klrkwixml of fratnu la vial ting at the lioiiiaof mr ijhl i hmlll mr j a mcurall left last hluly on a bualneaa trip to halifax n tl mra miuulth la vialtlng friends in tortmto and dramptou tbla week mr chaa ifulmae has left tavlatook and la apeiiilng a vaeek alaa at home wir vtton tho -fjampbelf- left at week for tlault kt marie ool mfllly nrlaoll i turned boma batur da alur feuding a mouth wllh gualph frlenda mr j l corry returned laat week from a two montha busliiees trip lo lha marltliiclvlucre mr a halt of 1euatabg and mr ii j hall of llerliti v4tod ihelf tether aaa hall 1 thliweek mr 1 memiraou m v oame up from ottawa oiihturday and remwliud at home unlit muuday morning miss uadia mm timer of lalerma waa a kuoat ut week at lha boma of bar friend llbtlecook fairviewave miss dorlaud and ms trbo heudreon of aeuu sprtt ejunday al mr tbos han dersoue milton tfuruf mr alex lumihaw ha eeaured a ifioti sltuitilcu at iluiitwillu and will probably ramova hi family tu that town mr w 1 urnylli arrived boma from a siooeeaful bualllea trip to uiitlah columbia aud tha north west ou saturday mr joseph vlynu and mra martin fiyua wera al berlin this week attending the funeral of mr john vlyuu a utile son mr c v ooodave who haa been ooii flmul to ills houia klnca last december la now abla to spend a few hours daily in hi itora mr u l nslaon of gurlpli wu a guest at tier father home llo war ave aud with other friends here during the i week mrs it u cook returned home laat thursday after spending a couple of moo lba at the home of her sou william at ulaj alway8 ahead paper hangings block now oornpldo and wit boo i doubt tho finst aver put on tba mm ilk 64x1 holla wall i aimir urn mpfcmiilcit liy iur eampb looka of j 0 mgkee aoigh will lain yuur omw and the pikr will aatoulali you hewllum will yi ii laal year u pprratil j jl tllkcunl llui fish fish lmiiiiifirrtkiaralihhihiihshhrit ilh arc scarce but vc have a few packages of no i herring licad off and split no i trout iiluis off it pays to buy at bollerts it pays iohty at botttrrtv two events for tlie mil split salt codfuli and all kind fibli at of fresh kooi lliliij cha3 l nelles cuelph tho nolod tbja btollfi and china ealaoe amccrea cuelph miss mabel iud of toronto juuopn la a guest at tbe boma of dr mckaa aud renewing acqualntauoe amoug liar aotou friend mr j c uroddy returned from hi trip to lbs north west ou monday in the inleretlaofw h btorey bon he bad a very succaaaful trip mrs ii martlu of 1arkdala waa tba jot of mr v 1 campbell tba peat weak bba lvae fort vorl william short ly to join her husband in their naw homa mr charliedeatl of colllnuwood vlatt- ad acton friend daring t week charllae many boyhood maud were jdad of the opportuuliy of renewing frleud ahlpa haw a comas from gloversvllla n y of tha com plot a oouvaloeoeuoa of ha tin alt clark aon of george clark lata of aoton who suffered from a alight attack of kraal pox it waa rumored that mr clark had alo bean ajlllolcd but ibl wa not tba absolute security xfewulne carters little liver pills must bear slgrmturo oi 4ee kwsballd wravpw below wyy auol al aa aaaqy vmtkkeistaamatax cartirs mi jfel rimiltjuucbt n tiuziatmv fdr kluodtwl fostqinduveba lui coautlmtlob mi uu0w tuat rai tmec ouhe oiok hcadact uoahd ok education procttdlhtf or tho monthly mat- inat lieild laatwunaday lha board of truatoe o aolou public aohool mat last waduaaday avaulug 37 lb vabruary at i o clock membaiw all prasettl chairman holma praeldliig moved by 8 a makaagua aaooudtd by w it kruney that tha trejaurar w jttuthorised lopnyvjornhasvay ilioiaa freight and oarlage ou acltool daaka aud aeala carried moved uy j ii matthews evoouded by w 1l icauuay that lha oh ait man aud flacralary ba luilruoted to tiagotlata loatm of tooo on tha 1st march aud 1400 ou tba 1st june at tba loweel rale of dleoouul for tha ourrent txpenaee of lha board until lha aohool rataa aud lecialtllva greul for tbo j aar are pild aa vr power given by tba lolllo jobool act and thai the chair mail and buorlary algu said uoua ou ba half of lba hoard o an led moved by 8 a mokaayua eaoouded by ii arlndell tha ao far aa poealbl tba meeting oj tba hoard ba batj ou luely avaulug aud that msetiug ua called by the chalruiati lba irqaaurar waa lualruoiaj to ooufer with lha irluolpal a to pymaut of faea dus by uou r aaid- ut pupil hoard adjourud al u m oulook to tiiobkt a to mahhv young mail or old men who lueud ta marry wil bd plaaaed to uaru that lba new marriage aot made sjulle aimpla by apply lug ti u 1 moora laeuaruf tnarlag uoeuae al the kaxa v offvoa call a w day befura the livmuuy and have tbe matter explained 1euale orioa all buiiuesa atrlully private ailil uonadaiitlel al leeldeuoa iii aieuiug f mmmwttfmmwiitmmwtffitiirfimtfmmtffmfjl cushion oozers nc tops 3 e m e 12 wa liavo a large range of cushion goods including sateen plain and fancy art lira per les unwil good bilkalocn dcnlm mall cloth 1 tc wo havo paltloilctojmas well as various other designs all oir lacr are oxfcriitlve lyiolua tojifor cua with frills of other malerlals col ibis kind of work done before liouaa cleaning oea c g mill street acton fimiuiuaiiuuijujuiujuuiuijiiuiiiiiiiiuiiiiuiuiuuiuik f gobdeve co 3 watgh repairing we lmvu been to busy in our repair department that we were obligcd to engage another extra workman we aim at doing your watch thoroughly and guarantee satisfac tion srvrge st co opticikns guglph sq oxj1r hnnuhl f january sale is now in full swing and every department will contribute itssharcofjiurpj stock and o purchases winch must be uearcd out before stocktaking hllllneryatiiaifprce llahhuc choice garments at less than factory prices tlniw rnnrfc a iar ra worth from wb55 bp0l 35c- to coc- for 25c- some spooial drivos inshooa hend6rson 6t go mill street acton ie qualitt combined with value 18 a consideration sec our stock before you purchase your spring suit we want to see the men who are particular and who will not be satiified with any old thing our latest creations in kcadytowcar suits arc tho carlton club the newcbt london productions at 10 and 12 the regent street maduwjth d b vesta at io 12 and 1 1 to our regular lines we havo added a line of hand finished serge suits in blue and black at 850 we show a very cbntplete line of spring overcoats and raglans d e macdonald bro the lion cuelph first week in march kicht n f inf with the whulraojn millinery opening in toronto in tha firet week in marrb vn ball mainour drsl nurrli j new prior millinery on tuovliy march 5 our iiiiih rta of i rrfm h iliiluh an i apiorlun i attcrn llalsarut lknnela have o i band in ad 11 1 l n lei iirchca in monlrrat and toruito i lowera laur mila ornamcnla and i amy t hhii iwarlnr hre t ich uf youlb and lieouly am hern nay york iimnilcd wlldnf tiaia and uu irlmmol lwle urn hro iu rreal numlxr alao ly nriivala uf lovely new drrss material whih aro pm mi offering i j irs un cmnk will apprrcbl our detariura from tho old methods by showing nnvnlllet hn in imenl i hey ariiie j and wo niprai a homy www wa hntti mjrlwl ttin pftcri parllrularly low to induce early buying al ibl nanio time while our show llmiiiii ata trnafcrrrd jy the brtuui ol prlik millinery ur first floor will u ilal wllh silhlttl goods wq think ihla la ihr p ltrf i r wliltwf w a vrryllilng ln aeaaon anil evrrylfiliik in toawiii our rnilrn firl fin if wiino tlcvolotltriia wcll lo our grand dlaplay of whlln good ijju tktria ni itobaa cot cover chernlaos prawera imhroldrrlrs urna ah over icc llandker chiefs table linens napkins 1 aury nak ry puncy j itwna towels li vcllln iue curtains sbcelln i illow cottons nrw i il nnw aterus new lawnn now coil on taflnis new sillrln now cjiiiha mm a white shlrla men a i ancy shirts and itova shlrrc croat anoclal offering of i mhriddrrleo f ill iomiiii yir is of imhrol tety 5 wide at loc pflf yard thla ia a crcal bargain i veryhody lovll i wilneae ttir duplay e h bollert cfe co 25 and 27 wyudliam st gueiitll cotogurney cos for wblrsl spring goops every week for ome time pist new goods haveuoen arriving to be speldily spread out to your view from the best manufacturers every department has its quota of fresh goods and youll find uj just as wiljmg to show you anything that interests you as we are to sell spring prints advance shipment received containing new patterns and colors hghtiground with stripes and fancy figured designs in blues reds pinks and blacks spring sheetings ttntiloidwflind mmrlmll rlinminjri plnin tlifl tnibv spring cottons hew pillow cottons 2 and 4 1 inches wide new apron ginghams new factory and white cottons spring flannelettes largest stock ever shown containing fancy checks and stripes extra valuo in hosiery at 26c jor pair bargains in undorwoar tho boat and iroshost crocorlos always in stook llirj gurney go mi 1 m avian good dfessers naturally inalit upon having their dollies ma da by a tailor vho is master of his art in its outlines a pannent ahould hamionlio perfectly with tbo form cf tho wearer it cad y mado misfits and tloppy tailoring aitr mllea away from tho riht dress point don t wear poor mado and poorer filling clothing whn you may imo a perfect fitting ault and overcoat made in lha uleat sl of tha tailors art anj at raasonabla prices sua our new llclwarpa suitings and trowtcrlngs a new lino if i ancy veitlnj special to diy k e nelson morohant tailor and msna fumlshor the new shoe thg empress this popular shoa for women haa proved a kroai favorlle tha quality lit and biyle are prct mada in wide medium and narrow wl lihs prledu s3 00 s3 go s3 00 3 bo stamped on cola of shoa for men blylltli perfect filling shoes of various makes tita wear uarantaad for boy and glrfs 1 loo and coarwi bhoawcar sea our sciiooi shoes they vejr iild iron and fit the feet ordered work and he pairing recelva prompt attention main bl aoton kenny bros wouiex ar of lau wlly but has uileil 1 life s bo aid be jut auottjtb of a grlud bursorou to keep tba ejje toola of the wain sharp castoria ibxxr infkntj uul children bolu loll fcm lut tua vm i bo 6 j iuki nu too llt 01t 100 w bwusau pwf mi blobb optical co l3 yons strwajt totpnto- eyeache and headache eyestrain causes both brags relieve i only temporar ily pro perly adjusted glasses remove the cause and effect a permanent cure satisfaction guaranteed consultation free q d pkinqlie wltliaaukkk amd jewmxkk guelph

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