Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 14, 1901, p. 2

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ilofijf jn exhv sn ttajirtoayjrebrvary ldm jiuimyonpirkmo 7lal kit itii in hsaesgewaie oo tbareday fib hiatal lollt and uk angus kelqi asm cl tlt at tli t nmaataed tlaalrtna hal on wi alv ji waiel u ur atari ma t h t j toil a so 7luel it mensury ple v1kd ii euuaw tm iwtli r on yrldajr duijf rp jejiiaaouislan mdujwn r oakrllls oil thursday jspu william lhtb kan inblamuiye u vlulit at 0ule ou friday vab uutl cat jejiiaa mult night in hla slat year umsvmai uoekwood on wednesday tu uarclt mary willi wife of iu k iut wmoirr al oekvllle on tl anur nsorolu keb tslui tol hi kiimimui wricbt in bar txod year i aaa 107 fjlababl johnstown n ynn uod uf lb slarsb i ey only od urs frank arnold bej 1 uumlba lkuaarai u boote of ttm bob in law ur tieorite lamb aoloti oa tiwltf hlb menb harriet liurvmb widow of tils ut uaiuuvl uoper iii be dial year fitlje juioit 3fre r8 tntmhdxrrw3tnoirriww v editorial notes th ilrillah answer to tha united butae la a dignified bal oo triplets rejection of tit fcuaeu rumodrntnu to th hay peuooefau treaty and it imvm upon ibe united hula uowomut lb respmisibllljy tor uv further motion that riy b downed a pod lent ublpper will ba inureeud in tb fact that bummer freight rat on the raj i way will ba la effol oo april 1st they will be twenty per neat lowar than currant rale a cood deal of freight u bains beid back till next month wba ibc iraffia expected to be very heavy steyns hope is waning thai expraeldant ofttja formr oraneo fr btato la vary doaponoant dotha s pending buimendeii louioa march 13 the 7imm baa r oaidtmtotiowtnftnnw lltoemfonleln t hoar who have aurran tared br bay lht mr hlejn n a laoaat apcob a1 i iillpklla ajlinlltwl lltat lliar u rto ohdoi kl rvgalnln lb conntrj uatut a rhtinn a da a kknait 1 tjnla wirow ib tl a roaull of ilia vguuailooa bted lonl hit ohm r and lauera1 loula luitha la anxiously butbopa folly a waited tb pramnoa at kir alfred mlloar tn i rtloha to oonanlt wlib lord kltchenai- la aipcatal to baaun tit ohaim from ibe mlllury iu tba olvll admit latra htrtui la wittimq ioimxl mirgok maroli ii g4b ilotha la wlllintf to aarranrfar ii ultad an atroutloo in order tooammarjlcat wltb uwwiai jll nd mr lilydi ftboaul uioy deollna u la iwllavad navartbalaaa that ooaral botha will aurrtodar tba doera hava do artillery or atumbol lion and ara barylnn all their gone tba railway from lorenzo harqo lo pralorla la jiraolwlly clear of uoare t la aaaarlad tkal ur kroger lhrooh drxajdtierajnit arotnrtaltrt m uoblkbnrior aotlntf iraaldaut of 1m boo lb african iu public aj for dttaili rttardltk tba naollatlond a numbar of waatexi americana are i prfaeot id ontario for tba pntprm of plok inrf op atookor oattla thy ooae rapar ed lo tnaka larg paeobaaea oanadiau ottle ara foaod to- be aoltible in try way for ib pqrpoaea bacdad aod tbare aboald b a larga lrad id ibara if tba jb atook ara obtainable lo aodoleot bnmbtn mdob iotoroaa i belog tnanlfraied by ontario farmara in tba baei angar lodoelry ii propoaad to bavo a dumber of lj tnade by tba agrloaltural daparuneni ol onurio throocb tba aaataro part of tba provlooa wbaxe geaaral lourcat la being taken lu tba iioaetloo and where it u propoaad to asttaa largely la beat culture mr olargu i quoted a aayink w hata already arranged for 10 000 eettlara for agooia wa af with tba qpvarn tsant but wa intend to tnaka tl ten time thai number that fa oor preeant dot that mr cwfluaa ida of auntinit iblnjca i io ranhipiylblh u0 ojpjtnalba tnlnujeof baoltbte maria aomawbat tba olou crfbwsonb cornbrs in earnoil w9 haa had mara weaib rtorlok the paat week ur alrx cripn atarirl blj aawmlll tbta weak babaaalra a uok bf loa in ibla aaaaon qolu a numbfr fie tit lira atiroded tba rmlnal tatilncuja the illicit oburnbjuk wk th rbkd coitoact at n 0 naaaaga laat friday onlii we ulta a extreme weakness resulting from poor wateiiv uloodi je heart palpitation dlxxlnaaa and waaknaaa in th taa followed until tha surrarar- pelt that h caao vaa a 1 moat hopalaaa parmehs and womens in6ii- uxe joint moatlnar at milton laat wry m pranounoed suooaat tuaii veralaleotdemabdaforaredualioala tb gold royalty in tha vnkun have raanltrd in tba oorwnmaol ctlng tba flflare at ave per cent laataad of ten per oent aa previously oollect thla deolaloo la regarded wltb maob favor by thoea in urea tad lo the gold field and tba oo ernmeak la hopeful that tba output will be auolalent tto at thla fifty par oent r- doottoo in royalty to bmel tba upanaa of goverumeot in tbia remota dlatrlot tba labor organisation of ilritlab oolombta ara lb best and atrongeat a tba world and tby ara 00oparaung baartlly wltb lord a day allbano to aeonra tba otijeoi for wbiob tb alllaoo la woralng tiaob la tha report of lly j 0 bbaalar tratalliogamreury of tbadomlnloalord day alllanoa mr buarar baa jqit raturued from a trlptbroajtb ilx wauro irovlnoa and ball ooma baob to oularlo foil of anthnalaam over tba proepeol for batlar sunday obaartano in llritlab colombia 0d of tba moat important bupi tbal tba ontario qovarnb3aat baa talten a i no it prohibited tba ejtport of aw toga from tbla provlooala in oonumpialioa by tba cabinet and there aeemto ba llltla doahh that it will carry it out tbla a id effect t abaci uu problblliorj of tba export of taatnral ga from tba laee panjnxnla and wbaa it i remembered tbat lllmoat half tb oily of detroit baa bean o aoma yaam llbud wltb canadian natural gaa tba tin porta noe of tbla atep can u realiaed it u alugej tbal detroit it bslorf tb baa at each a rata aa to malar ally tbraatan tba pernlaimao of tba eupply complau rturoa of tba birth mar riameeandtlatbaof tba provlnoa of outarin have jaat bead prapalred by tba lugtalrey oetiaral tbera la au inoreaw lu all ibraa blrthabnajniajeaauddaatba dr uryoa kttrlbotea lb lucraaaa in tb rrglatrellod of birtba to tba proeeoatlon of yoaag fat here for bot reeuurintf tba moolb that niadatba rata ao high in dealha waaaugual lb wat waa ao inletim tba inoreaaa la waxflax u laid to tba lmproamenl id jlttla gadetally xtl ualtod county tbera vrv iri birtba laat year an in4raaa of 14 uk marriauea an inoiaae of 81 and 16 death au uora of ts ilalion a jaath mu waa 10 7 ker 1 000 tba bul t lu tba provlua waa iu lllr m0 lb uweet iartlt d k and tba avr for tba pro 1 no wai 13 4 two protitluanl bdalueaa blu lu to wo baveapokatt to ibd um paaai tbla weak about tba i uiportatto of oratilulutl a hoard of irade for aolou mot of tba manufacturing town of lha dominion bav auob or and tbay bava bau fouud of vary great valu iu uulual oon aideratloa of inalura of general tulrat la tba town and various quaatloua which do hot rata tally ooma before lha municipal oouuolla for oonaldaratlou ar tbar pron ably dlaouaaaj uom htay aay tbal pleoes of anton sla do tot poeeaea baob orgaulxalloiia 1 bia bowavf la a mlauka for tlo ilk hi or- ultobell irry bound and other small lowua in ouurlo bava bad lloarda of trads id auooaaaful operatlou for yars and lu tvary oaatba towu baa bailafittad from tba kxlberluil inselbar al tauur lnlrwala uf tba leading bualnaea biao aud ulllxana id oauaull upon publin tnaltara raleliujf to tba lowu tb full oourl of appaaj icava jujguuol ou tueadaylu tba waj huron alaotloo oaa diawlaalum lb appeal from tba aled t loo court wltb noeta uoa mr oarrow la tbwafurw noaaavad tha follow ioipllapb la fouud lu au uugliab oburobyard hera lie j b who for forty yaara lived u oonju bapplueaa wltb bl widow who survlvea blao llarycr jjoffaiiiu acard wa tb uuderaunad da lareby agio i refund tba tnoaay on a 0ou botua of qreowt warranto hyrup of tar u u alia lo our your oooab or ooid we alao hoar- ant 13 oaul bottle to pro aatufactory of mony ewfuudad at uilown tba union meet log ol tba helton wo men a institota and tba helton vermarv inatitula brld in ib loam ball bar on toeaday alterpoon and availing were eminently aoootastnl tb afternoon maat log oonlrary ii tba uaual order of things waa better attended than tba ona bald in tba evening tb hall beln oompletaly filled a number having lo stand tba pmldent dr ttoberteon made tha atatamant from tba platform that it waa tb beat attended afternoon meeting ejer bald by tb inalltul in hal ton at thla me un mia juora itoa of tb o a 0 oualpb delivered a vary in urea t intf addraaa na bread and tlulur uak lnf u which waa full of uaefu and praolioal augjteatlona and blb wa liaunad to wltb tba kaanaet atuntton tbroaboqt folloing mis roe name mr o h cot trell a inleraating and wrll delivered ad draaa on italalng veedlnu killing and dreaaing 1onltry for tt tngllah and canadian markeu at tha cload of bia addraai lb speaker gave a practioal da- taewatratua ky hi mr ltobert wanaborou spanl tlanday wltb frln de hi 1111 burir uaaaia tboa and c a lunsabaw tj lowvtlle spent a few daya during tba weak visltlil ibelr brother mr jamea ilsmabaw and oibar fr lauds ulaau uarolayor uualpb la visiting bar friend ulaa 1 malua pf tbla i laor mue jennla j rah am who baa bean tailing friends in moaboro and i alalay ii look for tba tba pt taw wrk rr turned borne laat wvek on men lay altcrixxo aa jul n crlfpa aaatwrkln tba samlll here ba tad tb mufortpntioioa thetlilrd ptifif of tba right bend and lbo other uugara and band wera badly laoeratad fo waa alaaning away tba eaw dust underneath a iroular saw whan bia hand name coo taol with tb saw rockwood the only store in town luv j i hookey of water down a guaak at tba meth lll arsone ota monday uv 3 x oodtlsn m a drove through tba urrn from aolou on bturday after boon far tba service in si john a qbnroh ifa found an almost empty oburoh few venturing out lo be preaent- mr fleorge collins died in lh general uotpltat oolph1ast thursday about a year ago ha want them lo tha institution to be treated for an lujury to tha band tlia oaaa waa a lotifon and the oooslila tlon waa considerably drained before the palient waa able lo leave the lioapltal ur however recovered auffloiaully to return to work at htrria woolen mill where ba wax employed about a week ago be waa again taken to tba hospital thla urn bouvrlog from severe bamorr bags of tha atomacb but waa apparently rooovarlng from tbla tiooblo also whan on monday evening some obaoura oomplloa lion set in death resulllnff twenty four boure afurwards ur oolllue waa about 3 year of age ills death la tab oh re graltad by many frlauila abooi llookwood mr wm llurna is preparing to balld a flno brick hooni tbe coming season ilobt usxled of kurval will do tba brick work and packham a bona lira m pi on will supply tba 4890 brloka reiulred mlaa siraoban of oualpb- vuill friends bare tbla week platforma oblokan for tlia fcngllsh market whlob was dona by polling and dislocating tha oblokan a neck cloea to tba bead at lhevnlnmellpt mr a w xearl u a of burlington gava an inter aa ting address on agricultural kd beetle fol lowed by mlsa boa oa thaanbjeoi one kye on tba tid tba other on tb town tbla waa really a most vxorllsnt addrers ona of tb bast w bava aver llsuned to ur jl warren lb indefatigable bear tery also made a few remarks- ilea idea tba above addreaaa tbera wa an inslrn mental duett by uleee dewar and law rono and vocal aoloa by mrs in man and ur a mokay tha melln was braugbl to a oloa by sloglng lha national antham rtformtt crboltablg holl th comhilttaa still at work con- idarlnn tha bleotrla llflhtlnp bohadula ooutioll mt on monday evaolug and prooaaduia oommenced prompt lyattgbt o dock luev williams lu lha olialr and all member prawn i afur preliminary proceedings tba com milt on yinauoa preeauud lhair fourth report and raoommended paymanb of ao oonuu aa follows yred uuau botur mmpoubd tt united txuetrla 0d rpaulna trans ronnars w oe tba loton yaaa kaass prltitln and advertbdu uk atti moved by u bwaokbamsr aeoonded by tl cteans that tb fourth rvport of tba committee oa fitiibo juslreadbadopl- ad carried tba collector relurnad bis roll for 1060 all oolleotions having- bean mad wltb tba following exception john illaoock dog 1 00 removed faaao beaver dog tl 00 removed oeorga ilarwood two do j 00 removed l a monibb athi tl 00 w burk 11 00 it t arnold fl do tick m before sluing of oourl of luvisloti w h walls left ibaoouuty beforfaollcloroom manoed bu r ootids th fallowing ukss war rata road ageluai tba propartlas 3 c mclaati tcrouto blk 3 pi i ill 00 and vrauk burgees lot 14 dlnkaona stir vy tl 00 tba axsmptloosof farmers wltb property wllbin tba ooxporallon bat oabtldd of are limits from taxation for lira protection aia aa follows jama 11 row t 13 00 wnl iyid 1 b0 uuiib maun i j 35 hugh wallao ii 60 jxmaa uarry 13 00 daard mora a co ii b0 and a uolbarsoxi i0o afotfed by juo a haudarson aaooudad by ii bwaokbsmer that lb botwurs toll for 1000 ba tooei ud aa rturud carried ur james mclutoabraarwaetilltig tba ilaplial oburoh waited upon th council aaklug llutt luattnuob j thtlr oh u rob doss not usath vleolrlo ijbt ou bouday en lugs al all a red notion 6u th rata charge for current tha rat uow oollacted biii ou lb sama lau aa thai of tha oliurobaa wbiob ut tbaui ou buuday sveulngs ba mads moved by j a iletiilaraon aeoouded by ii jeaus ibatas tba ufa aud light coin tnllu bav lb whole quaallou ol a revised schedule under consider a llob tbal th matter ba deferred fortha preefllt carried a propoaal lo rsorgiula lb tluatiolal ramuuarallouaof lb lira uilgaja hj bean auggasud but uolliliig da nulla has ooma bafor tba council for oouil uratlnu xba ijuaslloit of rs arranging of lb ateotrlo ourraal iobaduls u romn oar ful ooua lerallon by hi vita au 1 llgbl ooiiiuillte auj will llkaly b orystalla lulo aonietliluil iiiatsrtsl at tha utxt meet lu lh irobablllty is ibal a luodldad insur ayatam will bvedopud couboll adjouroad at 10 unlock qkqhqbtqwn u 0 mcoullougba abortboru bard of jo animals aol i for ij10 tba blgbaal prlos was paid for lady hal ton hth 1lv w h uoltploa li a baa bau r appftlnlad a member uf th vre library uoard th council la movh m to aoououila lb beetifweur from lbs tveaarvulr aifl 000 gallons per day is mora than tl can stand lb kvgiuiautal baud suy wltb u mtltou a aygraasue 000 p waa hot arrautfsutauie for rebuilding lh 1iaaby itaacburob araaboal ouoiuletad prom u a ulrror tiimjazil ont ho mail in ueaford ia baiter known or mora highly ids pec tad than mr wtnok drlaxoy who baa beep a real dent of tba town fur nearly forty yrara ur delaney la a atone mast u by trade and baa helped oonstiual many of the bulldh g which go ti nxka ii meaurile chief busluea stmttuioi llaailng tbal be bad received groat benofli from tba uea of dr will fa ma i nk 1 ilia a reports of tb jwlrn r called t obttln psilmilare of lha aura and mr deuuay cheerfully rave him tba following aialrmenl fjal marob laid be my boallh became ao poor thai i waa ourapallad to lull work tba cblaf aytnt tome of my lllnaaa ware axlrtm weaknase in itto leg loaa of appattu and plp taliou o tholieajl tbajeaat aaer tlon would cauae my heart to palpltvta violently aul if i bloopad to pink up any thing i would be overcome with dlzxioaaa my legs wera ao weak that i waaooropiud lo sl down ti put nry dithea nn tba doctor i consulted said i bad a bad case of anaemia he prescribed for m aqitook thrawbottleaotmadieine b alubawhllaj i aotually grew vans until 1 baoama rq weak and emaciated that it teemed im possible tbat i ooold recover having read or the cores effected by dr williams pink iilla i determined lo give ibam a trial from tba first box i noted an improvement in my oondition my lefts baoama atrunger my appeliu improved and by tba lime i had uaad four boxaa i fell btlur than i had doua for months that tha pill xr a wondarful remedy tbera la not tba least doubt i call do light work about bona without experiencing any of tbaudploaaant teneatlons that 1 onoe underwent i fact an altogether dlffereut man doaplte tha faot tbat i am how sixty seven years of age all x o0 say la tbat i attribute my present good health to dr williams fink rilta and i wouu advise any other similar uffrf to try them to thoaa who ara weak eaally tired barvoos or whoa blood la out of condition dr williams 1 ink t un ooma a a heaa- ln outing wbaii all olbar medicines fall and tailoring thoea who give ibam a fair trial to a full measure of boallh and strength tha pills ara sold only in box bearing 00 tba wrapper lha full bain dr williams 1mk iilla for il 1eopla if your dealer does bol keep them tbay will be ecnt toit paid at 50 cents a box or el boxasfor3 50 byarjdreinolba r williams madlomioco brockvllla out tha bloomsbury llurary aoolely hell vary auooeeaful anlertalnmeiil in no 0 aobooj house on yrl lay evening of last week tba proceeds wera lu all of tha school oaorga dredge has aql 1 his farm to jau caruoohaufor a good figure it is reported that cbarlos tlortbwlek has ranted tba farm of tl a ms robert park ramut1 boolt uarlidon mills has sold bis farm td walter oooit of uramosafor a good figor jamea llamaey of tba town una bear kjti mill- baa aom bis farm to mr bm del beott of maaagawaya wage are running very high lu this vicinity for farm bauds q00j men ara vary aero tills year bpsclal sunday aarvioei will ba held la tha kbsuexar uelhodlal gliuroll misiga wvyansxt buntlay luv a ii blair or bodoui will preaoli at 10 40 unlock a iu and oclock p m and ob uouday avuii tig a grand tea mealing will h held whan addraeee will b given by uev mr ilagar aolou llav a blair kaasaga waya and ur tl 1 uoora aud others tb aolou method lu orchastra will fdruub tba muslo and dr kelly of aolou will occupy tba obalr abhilnove ljqnsgdaj nd by a i wcntictli century council tosell dry goods hats caps millinery and clothing we sell groceries too at rigiit prices scotcll tisreeds for saturday bargains jlataiab7rfwlitfrt piojicrty forkajc nuuiikfl of len and vlllsa pratlr lot uloo aar etn a al lr to wu iikuittllkbt aeicn hk8ihawib hksidknor ht vurl an clcgnnt lot tumbled in our way j little while ap ata wonderful price wc piss a lot of them on to jou it less thin halt their regular values look i listen i crab them i saturday at o6o 75o and 4so a yard over go atsatgcoodbyeerices u aow c a lor aata tba bouse la wettflw baa eicht rooaia wltb ball and nantr imigv oala an4 vnodboom ona daetad hard and eolt aaiea utabu awl lt imuaa nn uf uremlai tl u aa are of lajbd wall auxibad vltl ehaaaerrali tlte propeslv u wllbin uwoorpa allow ol uto ibilalag manolactiutna lawn of jo owto to tb proalmllr lajrvlaw hauiataey lbta ptropartv srobld makes snuodul li for nwubimmm and pudm wilt ba mold aay una pajrtlenbvrs applk at rajta raaas ome only 3 of them which wc hivent room to pack away theyll fit little boys big boys and men of all hizcb i hey will be wanted next fall and wc will pay from a 50 to 7 00 each to cur customers to give them bummer storage saturday and next week if any left weve btruck another sn ip in lace goods narrow taccs tor handkerchiefs and underwear trimming laces in blackwhite and colored curtains and curtain nets the b gbrennan co j d mckooe old stand acton mill stroot tha following bualnaea of intaraat to thai fubllo wnstrananoted ur b k iluddll has bean oonfinad to tba bousa for soma lima with a savers oot3l mrs d bra lib and utile sou left herd foe ibalr bom lu oladalonauau last weak uisa he diok and mies maud uoqill put ual weak with frluds in llramplon miis uiuui caiitelou of llsjiar was tba goael last weak of bar enualn mlis alexander 1 mr muttiio nixon baa uoim 10 arthur where b has taken a situation as book keeper in tb bardwaru slora of ur v urooklabank ur liyrou rboruton is raoovurlug troui ant allauk of puaumotila oqulraotad wlill ouiuqk la ur wm hooj will bold an fcudlon aala of farm atook mid liuplsmuuu ou monday lblb iuat owlay lolbablormy w4lhar pravulaut 6u buuday no eh u roll aervlo waa htld her sunday bobool was hald at tb oh u roh hour ur uaorg crahabl owns tba aiuaruil pair of horves in this vicinity on jtuas- dayoftaal wk ur graham 111 uiani buudlug uutlad for a few minutes and they aelalug tha opporluulty took a hula rau down oraativalley hill tt th fool of wbiob tbay turned a complete sotuw uult lo thi aofl aoow doth hdra aow1 without injury milton ur 0 jonas lias liu ra a polutad iiibuaclor of waurworka al a aaury of 100 tli bprlug atiluas will b bsld br on th 10 h judge uomabuo will psaaida ilia faruisrs who ara lu milton aohool uollon ar still sgltellntf a retluollou of ibalr proportion of tb lahas paid for tba support of milton 1ublln bobool ibslr laud aggri 4 100 acr an i thy coin plain that tbay pay one iliirj jtior laxis lha u thoa of any other rural arotlou in tliatowunhlp 1hy ara alarmsd al tb i roajol tint lha board will abortly or ur a ur rxkallilitul lor t bajly lleedad impruvad bailing a paratus for th ubllo aohool buil ling and that lhy will bava lo pay iii pe milt of ll j bay say tl at tb ouuld raupajars of tha llurllugioii oakvtll aud aolou lottool mollous aeparsud under shullar alroumsunca th lliuijalor oflba mluou jlt auj itooauw clailljuiabultbaaaittx0l ths said company ou th lath of april xba uupbaaaoit ulock iu wblohlh cauwj h is looautl a advarllard for sau with a vlw of rsuoii a number of ba lustrums nu of tha town band whlali bav beoome ouuslderally used up- an apitoal fur fluauoas i to b mad to gouernus aud public spirited olliaaus liter will b a pi aocial at uoelou uborcb to morrow aveulng tb ladles of knox church will oelebrsu bl iatrloka dy by imlllng a social lu iba aohool room on woodsy evening match ihlb county com cil met in uiltoti lait tues day all th mambrs want preaent ths ooonly auditors presented ihlr rport also tha hilsou and miltou lloj co report for iba year 1000 was presented and real imprclor dvaoou piaaenlad his report for lb lust year tba lira for aala of non resident lands for taxes waa i untied tba clerk was initruotod tl notify tb muuloipil clrks of th various municipal i tita in ths odjtily to make thalr aaaaes mett returns for 1000 ao that said re turns shall b on band at the next rvgular matting of ibis council a daltfcutlou of oflloara of tha 30th jugl oonposed of haul col goodwill major llarber and cspts nolls luatll and latiglou addreaaad tba council in refer auo to a grant to sal t luglmsut on motion 30 waa pauud iba llagl msntlo assut in axpetls of kolng to camp lu 1001 vr ltiik ind ii d coutta war appointed publlo aohool examiner for 1001 council adjqurnad lo mwtou first tuai day lu june a oouoellad man oannot poaaibly gv anybody ale any credit for having any aana jiauaiftilffllntmtalialulanlluutt luilwill uereury asusreury will lurly daetroy tb aeua of small and ootni leuly darabge i wholasraum wbau claries it through tb mu coos arfaa uuoh arllolas hhcuul uevr h uaad ol ou praserlpllous foui lrt ulahle physlalabm as ilia daiuage tli ay will do is uu jdd to tb acod you oati poaaibly derlvfroui tbni kails caunh our btanufa6tured by k j ohmiy it co to ledo o ooulafus uo blaraury and is takil tu- terually aauug dlreetly upon tb blood aud niuooos aurlaowj ot ue arauui in buying halls oatartb ours b sure you et lbs hamulus it is uvau inuraally and waua ui tcllo ohta by v j obaoay co teslinioauls fra hold by drulu bltia br botus if all 4 yetully i ills ara ibe bel tba report thai col blwl baa bwti aulhorlaed to rale another i 000 man lu canada for 8outb afrloa is oouflrmad by lb at ofrfor a waruluc to faal tired afuraxarliou u ou thing to fael tired bor is auotbr doulsty lb utter is uxlueas it lau i but it a a sign that tha sysum uovj vlullty is riinnltih down aud nveds tba tonlo ffct of uood a haraipalhu ll a wsruluji too aud auffsrsn tboull beglti taking hood a al ouo lluy a bo it la at ouo tb boaua of 110 000 to in- bros but chair ootupauy was carried at lulowall lb aaseullal lung hsallu prlnolj 1 of lh phi tra lias fluslly beu auooeoafully separated and rsfinad iutoa perfect oough nisdlolob dr wood s korway lins byrup bold by all daiitrs on a gun ran tea of balutsqlton l u oauls we algli for obaiig aud spend a tan dol lar bank iflll for utwghl doan s imils ours luokaoba bl laaoba beauty oloudy llilok aud ilighty color ad urlns diabetes dromy and all troubles arialui from a wssk ooujlilon pf tha jtidiie ur audrw caruagu baa oflsredtloo 000 for a library al ottawa children cry for castoria iowar is something or tha wj jffonbl 7 don t ibluk leas of your syauni than you do of your houe ou it a thorough clauhig too lake hoods barsaparllls it baeini tl urs isslway room al tb hot loin for on inor lha foot uf lh farniar msaautes ib fuld uliburu a hurllng llfelaolia towder our lb worst headache in from five lo weuly mlnuua and leave bo bad af sffect cue powdar fie luwders llvt powdvrs uao some reasons why yoa should 1nw on hiving eureka harness oil uneouallerl by auv other render bard leather aofl especially prepared kecpa out water a heavy bodied oil harness in excellent pteaetvatlw reduce coat of yonr liaroeaa never burna the leather it ifodcnctia increaaej fcccurea best service ttitche kept fro breaking oil taoltln ail ocalitlea wanarw ay mr1al oil i awipau mow is the timr to oleanaayoorl lood wltb ifoodsbarsap arlua at this season your blood u loaded with impurities which bav acoumulaled during winter au i whlobahoull baaxprlud hood s barasparllla has aooompllahed thousands of remarkable onras of blood dleeaee h is what tba millions uks in tha spring to build op health and ward off sickness what we oainadlh7okirrornom0lletcr tell us whet tbay intended to cat n for obrtstmaa and didnt gat it t vou oau ull by tba dlalabo apart peopla are in a photograph bow long they bav been blarrlad it is a qroal iublio ucnerii thaaa significant words wera need in relation to de thomas i oleotrlo ou by a gentleman wbo had thoroughl uetod 1 t id bis own oaaa having been cared by i of umanees of tb trio of tbre or four year buudlng i nvr falls lo remove eoranees aa well as lamauaaa ad a in luoumparabl pulmonlo aud oorrectlv w should ibluk that a girl galtluif mar rlad on a very short actual utauo would ba afraid po 1 vould aay th tuuit bav baad anxious f git marrlod a niayala flttwl vltli duiilop tfrtj 1a hu in i l bar ryktlmttluti b wuvi ita mskor put a prfrt finlvh m it you tun havti duulht ilr4 wltb j tba thlokajiftd trail oji any wh al you buy no extra oluiro amateur cameras knd supplies premo poco ray magazine cyclone huhiihq sramkb 41 ktut ctulkot 21 clkl v wuntino pafkufl solio aristo velox photox fllcyo hklut huiom the right house imj iiamiltqn s 1avoritb shopping place mail orders filled promptly wwhgfljf a sha5qw qf beilbt the following hems are aomeoftbo most manltkent apecuj clearing lota oacr offered in aome cases there a not many of tba line left and yoa would conxlder your on bl inter becoming b aa aarly ba tba day as rllu tbera a something for eryooa in lha tots advaxtiaed tor men and women boy and vlru and prlcod ao aedncllvely low you 11 hardly ba able to resist their at ti actions- yon re aa welcome however even if jroo don t comolo buy 3 bpoolrtl in plowiela and wrapperottest jo loch irench mannels in light blua plaid and pink with fancy stripe wera 50 and 60c yard now al 35c 6puce only fine bhlrttng- llannel neat patterns regular jj and 40c yard now 35c ss inch french printed hannelstbxt wera 50c yard marked down to ajc jh inch i laid winceys formerly aoc yard now 15c 41 inch trench wool mololona re gular qoc value now at 50c ah inch french mole ion llixt worn 17 ao and 33c yard uow at taj andrrsc ab inch prill led ilannolla and wrap perettes llut we ic yard now jo inch wrapparelles aoc valua at ablnch wrapperello usual iye kind now soiling at ioc wrapperetlea tliat bavo leenv aollhui at 10 and nc yard now at c rtannolou sklrlinjlb a6 inch lilanxveletla skirt i nv in red and black aldpex wltafaacy border bsoal 13c quality reduced to he mannelstte skbrtbags hi red fawn and bine fancy checks and soma with fancy border regular 17c yard reduced to toe js incn balmoral skirtings in fancy stripe of jrev and while brown and green and blue and while etc regular 31 and 35c yxnl now ac balmoral skirting js inches wide hct pal terns www 45 and 50c yacd now ad jjc these for men men a mocha clove and mitta wool lined i jj and i 50 kind at if menagloves and aautaoaparatul j other rjualltlc at 1 3tt man a colored silk muffler priced regularly at lr 45 and 50 your choice at men a all wool underwear turn bull a lh h regular la and ifrey buck lined 63 and i h i 35 trsrmenla bow at tt 50 hoys all wool colored jeraeya sjxa 31 were 40 each uow r tttoma8 c waftkins king st east cor hughson st t hamilton wmgh repairing we liave been so busy in our repair department that we were obliged to engage another extra workman we aim at doing your watch thoroughly and guarantor satisfac tion sryrge st co oitiomns gulph solid gold watnikwtmu aaul o4 aia iaj araazljtf ssass unaa3uuu- z 1ivatli 3w a awb 1evwwj aalqikl hqtiom snlut cooper 1lxvbs cooper akihs yjjlomtt p4 dag 1 10 announce lo tlui plroos of tha late firm lliat mr aklna baa retired from tha uuov4 business th asm will lw caiiloilouby mr win coopof who will toudeavor iu glv tha utmost utlxlactiou hi tllo fulura as lu i put iu order to uulm room for new goods thai ara cotilhiaally arriving ha will give bis friends special ptcb next month iloplugto rcolvn your coullnued cohfi deiic aud support ouahahtxxn wm cooper ubuoliaut tallolt mill btrmkt aotom furs i furs i giieat cut iistprices sablo ruffe wart j do mw j 50 capoilnea of hahl wore i43 oil bow isioo axlracban jackets woiu b oo bow jtu y and ixx fur capes wera i40 bow 14 50 cy lamb caps ward j uow i aj abdfn jo bablo mbp weralij bow feii men a f coals war txo bowlt l neufontaine furelor cuolph qastoria tat inikauuil clhllilrab ciucuit auot10j hai a 40 head op caitle implements etc ii im odeeournad baa reoalvad inabmetiaoe tom mhtwujdaalealtta lo sell y nablla uteuw allot a con wtaaqowjng m rcuy usuroli 151001 at 19 oaleek tba following atpclt icnpbuaeaut uoitawl tlnalinate yaara b valet t ttbln- rown mar jrmn bay bora t years b i ia mabt bay drtvlac mare syaars bv ueli bw bay bosaa beavy mar ib vaum tn i oatrxjavjaraer eow freeb oalvedv jersey lo oalva laat hareb jaraey eow to oajn da to ealv bat of october betfsn doa to eek in baptbeowsaoaln oalre 1 fat eatf x at ere rlalaa 4 yah old 11 steara rtaln syaara old1 b4rra rteln s yaara b believe rising a tears eifava rlalo oa imr bpan b ile list a blikkpa yoraablra bow da in april yorkshire boar 1mplkmknth armaprlnaootb tmluw tor tataanl i wldaaaad barrow plcwa 1 beavy drill 1 ebeel4ooib cultivator patolitilj oiala1ait eauar a daubu baraeee i oa alaal h 1 pair bbjbtopcad eollan 1 pair a driving eoluua forfca wbimatraaa eow nhsl 1 mo a jewel binfi oook stove coal and wood aad a lo of mbee- arllelea bbbd ouaih 1t boahale barley loqhaaw- oals uo baabebj taltut 5 too bayns bul alatt elover a qoaatlty of pea sm taralps no u bu baalaa arm and baa bo fartbee new for tb aama tbouawdral- roots bay and all soma of io aadbjadar oaab over tbat amount ansa tnoalba eiadlt 00 approved joint botea jonh bultti ul 1 auctioneer auction saler- iu kbqokb ma aotom thohougubi1eo y qnade cat- tlb horses pics and imp tb uodetajcaed bas teoalved icalruauobs from walilaoe a labby to ball by bcbllo aootiofi oa lot si nod b abcul ao mil from aetna oatb acton ud on wednensday aprils ai on o block tb lollowtna notthkb 1 team yao parpaea boras v yaare old i bay toar vaajv old rood drive cot by bwallow 1 eou rtaln 1 year old got by catjfaaswosrr hoaaal eowf yaa ou nla bowlyaarsou got by bualbalbut lad do to dajvektod afay 1 oow s years old aol by ulb crowr jvaalwiul ball calf at root liocn obaiw ulakaaa 1 aelfer i yav old ajprixe lnor a vary peocojala anltnal got by chjla liuni i ballar 1 yar old bred by obailes ulasana cbarlaa dtohaas w a gat ot ho hallor and waa bead by j w n wall of ualeta ii uak nres prla at torooto and loodoa far aaad ball ihle ywar alao a oooabrtmiaot q 4 bliuit horn belle by j ii warrea aad o uavldeoo oaxba oifrra 1 oow to ual i or oalf at foot lktllwi years old daa lo oa old la calf sbalt of feedars s halrars 1 year o riob 1 brood sow do to farrow ut uay 4 ptaa i tnontfa old a bunbaa of plymooth itook bans ialputurntb1 rum naana 1 pair loli slelaba bpabrhlriiaia 1 eettav 1 up bony 1 rrostai wood blodet nearly bew 1 toat at wood naowor aootmtbaauateottb aw 1 aolky taaa baarpe max nearly bew i uaasey ealtlvatot wltb aeeder attao nearly na 1 sn baaily bew ploww 1 eat tot ton bar row 1 new cliutoy fanning mill 1 ayllnder pal per 1 wheelbarrow baaily bew 1 rud raak aa taam barnaas aa klngla baraasseat plow bam see crow tar locstng abald ebajr baaaat aooop sbeval rob bulf bee baea roba ealtl obalns foras boee shovel a bat wblflu ma i bask yoke a baaibar of grala baaa- j a coantltr of jo and bardaood lumber about 9jxq feat baaung atove daisy obtain batterboal i milk ean aqaaatllyof pouues kmptra buui a guantlty of bay aad bead oatee ueaaalian aid various other sjtloles too bbbaaroo to manlloa oaulognes of abort if oru atoek bpcil xppllea ioo ooavwyaaoe will meet tb tntaolug ual as bit aad umber dayof sala u isfl or tuir oau pouus i aom of jd00 and bodar oartty blr pes eant pv ana urn t no reaerv a th proprietor bas add his farul and 1 avtag up farming inok1u anauobiar acton bakery westoas bnarl williams bread and cakes always to be bar at matthews alao a choice una of oonfeotlonaxiy jtbuitcj jxto bread dellverad to thoaa who cailnol aeoj for it j g mallhcms snow i snow and what about it why you will need a tuttcr or sleigh i then you had better come at once to oneills georgetown and sec his stoclfof cutters and sleighs they arc a fine lot and nicely assorted priclis right and everything guaran teed dont fail to inspect ins stock before you buy j n oneill suocaasor to gulp at mokotuile georgtbtown lk grippe 1 or tba weakiiout and liability ol body ol lowing ail attack of la gtlpnd aomalllltlg is llooded to vnalord ilia vitality to its wonted vigor weak lung hood strengthening aud tba bronchial lubes tued vrolectloii from threatened compllcatlous browns egg emulsion in mrmi n i ril tit recovery without being- a bunleil to lite weakened dlgeatlvw organs of aii hi valid among the hiany reason why wa claim to much for it wa might men tlon that it is very palatable and also hut it coa tains bo inert or harmful gums it is an elegant projurallou told at a reasonable price ho oahtet for ull u-ox- uottlu 1iepared and sold only by k t bfzoian chbmist rcton i

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