Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 14, 1901, p. 3

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bank of hamilton aqeneral bankingbusinoas transacted correspondence solicited saving department interest allowed on aume 1 onf ioi- lajt nd upwards from day of depoelt day of wlthdrawsl noformalltle end 10 delays in drawing money f farmer kubiucsh solicited note of map nil bio farmers discounted and mono loaned lor egilimaio dusineu purpose par collection doparnncnt has every facility or makintf pruinpl return sale notca handled and money advanced dn account of aamoat low rates of interest travellers arenollfiod thai the hank of hamilton and lis uranches leeuo circular notes of the irlncl hank of england umitod blew can w caaj charg or trouble in any part nf wotld the news at home mostly or s looal crtaraotar and jvrv j tarn lrttrstlns r tftw 0 wat ouppfy xha thaahiajieallbbii ppmw by tboe who wer abort of water and qfh vm lblperteeof people generally hras farmers has not only bad to driv their alook a ooopto of tnllaa to water bat beaebeen obliged to banl aiur ibat dl leuoe for doutratio aaa thai have been mora weill dry lb ibla wuon ihuinta lb an u forty year before 1mm i tblm jbauf txmrt outaije ppi iiall of weetfly ara al rlfibl if you want ibsm bat it la tba ataak ly looal paper thai adertieyourbaineea your eabools your churches your oamti m soclelles aympelhlsee with yoa io yuurl atflioiloo and rejoices in jroor proe parity inhottjtlsyoar weekly bom paper that counterfeit t oo ullt kcatntne oloaaly ilia two jolfat billa which ooroa tnti jour pja easing a counterfeit laiojuiiar dominion bill ap pareotly of phot agraphia origin and made of ytllowub paper of poor bjitv u in ofrcoialmi ilhtrjopy urnja twttnum wlib a picture of king fdwerd vii tl pfinoa of wau on lb lao head officii hamilton fcatabllabad 1873 capitaljpid u 17 reserve buncl 1234119 total assets 14827 357 james tuawauix caahlef b forsayeth agent qeorgotown branoh always ahead paper hangings block now complete and without doubt iho finisi ever put on the max vet 100 000 uolu of wall iapef are represented by our sample book j b hkee aden will t your order and lb price will aafonunyou- hh tell you sal year a paper at 35 discount assail fof good thing chas l nelles cuelph rllje 3lctn jttt ttss tuub8day ma110u hulol utmlocalbkieflets v7niatrcaaiihtthw bj frea preaa rrxrtir thla waak nit burnlay la hi vautoka day th ralluoara ata koluorf raady for their optfolng luy j m hamar u a paabed at waurdown laat sunday abool fla loohaa of kuavrfauta vrl day aftainooo and avaoln sunday a toaitorot tniula bavoo of many bbada and fltalt trsaa attend th bible boouty rnmlind thla venintf la tbamatbodlak obureb tbe faaa 1acaa u doln tba dour i y prlntln rnd advartlalng thla year ut uaory danny bu old to hdwakd batlar hie dwelling od youag buaat ualtoo county baa fohyeut gradoalaa of toroolo xjolvaralty la atta aad afadl nine mr m v barry llookwood u ablpp- iom tornlpa at tba g v u blauoo bar thu waah tbe aurm eit bandav thinned- iha at taadahoa in tha varioua cbnrohm aapaolal ly at bbjbt uaaaia tireaoatl a oo hav opened grooary dapaiimant trt lbalr btora lu j x molfa old atand yod tnay ay and bluv that tba baobbooa of winter baa beau brvaan but dont yod bet any money on it mr wu vu fcvery rvpraaaoitutt the boy a tamplata of tatuperano la in town in uta intaraau bf that growing aoclely tb btook uf loa at browe mill u ateadlly tftowlug tbaro i neejfly 1 000 000 feel of umwr la tba yard now tba malbodlal buoday school 0haa tra and a number of fiiaoda will attend a tea meeting at kbenaaar obureb maaaaga way a uext mtudy avaolng ilea will lama gave judtmneat lu tba bnjdar a bllla aheap- wort yln aaa laat lmday vardiot watt axalnal mr hiiu doga and wa aaaad 8 damagaa and tba ooau f tba bout i lion mr buattoo tb ivovinolal bo- retary loat ba uffloa lb l fntatlaac by or laat tbaiaday ula loaa waa koma 000 with 130 000 inaoranoa tba waw ilka tbe vboeuift will aod riae from i la aabaa for wit btratlon autarprlae la cbaraolarlatle tboea who ooouamplataporobaalag moumeutal or woraof aay dlaerjptlutt for their oameury plot abonui order diraot rpmthaold nllsbu grebiu and toajtbu daelar 3 u hamilton oualpb out al axpeoaea allowed to parovaaere all work and material warranted eornpelltlou dfll wklbabcombtol u nulbon ooa for bahoalna flo lba orauutated uogwr for 1 00 4 oaae vm isq i oaua corn add a oaua tomaloea ufio lb- beat la market ol the abqveoadbd gooda 0 fur sifa 4 oaua bed bel nou itf to thobb about to mahdy young baau or old men wbololeudl to marry will be bleeaed b laajro thai the new marriage aot la made ajoit almple by applj ing in ix v u oora laauar of marriage lloaoaaa at th vaaa aaa ooe oell a aw day bafor tha oaramony and bava tba matter esplaloed 1rual omoa all baelnee atrlotly prlvala abd oooodenllal at naaldano la avanlnita alrt cwiaoa uf woooalook u the prood motbar of trlplau tballttia people mm a ftw daya ago tbla u tbe aaoond una lira ooaaoa haa itlvao blrtb to triplet bba got tbe queen a bouoty for tb drat aal tby died however there ara two r children in lb family menlluoa tbe tboaaandtkoeionaitocnalii which you are lotareeled daring the year and which yoa fto no ani jw lb daily papera vm ad irutur s3 rtati and uqmot doattxvrqd on friday mre buai triller of bronta widow of th late uuk trillar appeared before alaglalialaa haodooatd and vatlec boq of oak villa charged by lloeoae inapecto beyoobu wilh jelling hqojjc without i loanaa vatr baga of lager which had beaafoond lu mratrilwebt lwre in noort a exbtblla afra iriller waa oon vioted fined lo and ooala and informed that her lager waa forte j led and would be destroyed aeprovtdes bylbvxicmadt caeatjmo v bkuab saaga and m urmp tlado tea uere a tba way lb saolch blook foike annoonoad tbalr ooil fox toeeday ntgbt in the mil too caawumoa oraa eoolal galherin at auld john beotl a hooaw on the big brae oa d h mountain aboon the toon o mil loo oa tacadey blohl 13ih i vary few day march at aeavan o clock to help thayrer reefed moetlmg j iuollcm chnreh parmer 11 hue your farm tba cuuecy othtumutmmmyn it eddadignjly noreaera jonrapp aul 00 of iheimportaooeof farm jog andyonr pride in yoar voaaltou and lit the ind will tollly make ou a better farmer tl a iitea ta m yoc1 one ant la oarrylngoot ibe lun uuwad m tlte t id oouuuy wbate every arm la known by ha own dlatlnollve name domth oftfta hanan hoper k uta kamuel helper who auataluod a fralutaof tbe ihlgb a ooeple of wseka ago died on tueaday evanlug olhar all meola eat in and tba enfeebled fram of tb aged lady waa unable to wiihtlabd ibe ahook tbe funeral will take plaoo tbla afternoon fmoahb bom f air ueog lamb and toternaant will laka pbvoe at uiaiamlly plot t f vert od cemaury kerirecf air xostf mervjdo a ooople of weiia ago ilr flemntl iard bean a famhar flflora j the o t ii elation for over ihlitf yaara waa retired ofr jjalrd same to actio lu 1870 and baa bean atar aluoe empliyd aa baggaaamau bare llld early daya wcf kpant in bu bative city of iond 00 jerry ireland wbare he waa employed in tl boyat irlab conatabolary mr lird waa a failbfnl runyloyca of tbe g t tl and baa b a good oltlaen la be oooer of eaveraj dwellink nd baa a family any man might wall feel prood of during hie thirty on yaxa of aertlce hare ha waa but three umae off fnty and than only for a coming and going visitors to rd from aoton ana varlouaothar personal notes tbe rasa paaaa toviiaa all u readara to 000 tbttottlaelefabi 1 ye wanda ue solas aa j bu holiday ufb or if yon uai titeotla vlaluns ya dro e eard to uia raa tislled funje mloutar an fonk o the to 1 kirk a blobt wl ibe auld bootob aanga a drap ode tea oat oak an baggie n ither dom forte thatll gl roun your heart lik a wlb o flanbel com a thaelthr a coarrageoaa anflx o faoja xraat mmmw la the letrl awimmlng balbe two young ladle got beyond their depth abd ware eooa la a poaitlon of jeopardy albart ola ode li am ii ion tbe wlv yaa old boa of aid 5 no u uamll loo happened to be bejf by and b blookl ly went to thalr aaalatanoe tbe led had forgot lea all a boot tb incident when on monday evening tba riru called at hu boae and presented blrs with 4 beantiful kotd hog as a tokaej of tbeir graiitnde tbre aona of aid hamilton now poaaeej souvenir a given tbaaa n appraotattoa of thfir bravery od ooor in alag life a pretty kood record for one family doaipb 7crtfu xxuaamiaem otfccxv mwllpd tb annual meeting of tb officer of tba 30tb bagl lome rifle was bald at tb watlao ilouae on tuesday lieut col good w 1111 preetded and the following ware preaant majors f abtoo moore and bet bar burgeon major moorlnamon cvptilns beatlle koue and langtoo end lieu i a 1 ballanlyba daaoon morrlaon barber abd bradley the banal committee wer appolnbad abd a deputation wa eenb to tb meeting of th bounty council to aak for a grant for regimental axpaneea prln uipally tboa of tb improved meealng sjr irabgema adopted b tb oor a oamp i in 1800 tba oouodl as tuual wm liberal and granted ss0 okampkm xveaeaiuiioai aaa good wuhem mr j w uumpbrla hod bis bnoday bobool olaa mat at lb bom of mr w kdjolnaion laat friday eveolog to kpeod as saculbvenlngwitbueesrcoroeephand wee- ley bingham who are aooo in twtaav with thir fatbara family touultbu marl during the vuing th following addraw aooompanled by baaullfnlly bound copies of th ualbodlet hytoo book tu present ad to joazrw amo waaurf uiauwiw bain bcaolja ihd cluwuu ll la with mow thai wa um of your eon tarn plated da- partare from our muat a you have always b a regolar in year attandaaa and abown a hearty lataceet in the welt ara of bo uaea and aaboot we teal that we eajiaot allow you t aevar yoar eonoeeuon with ha without in boo -inn- showing ear it- for ro wa tbior take this opportualty of bveeaa uog to you tb hyms books way yo tw by uvea aefaloeaa sad bplcfat soocw tb doa- uiaasof uodborsauiealnau tblas tbfa aapairmtad by dtatateea we rm work in th aentoe of hr efaatar abd thoub we koey ever meat hew ajpdd we haay owl at laat aiwl tsoal e th waaler wl doa tb young men appreciated very much the kind word of tb ejdraa and tbe bemotlfnl bookri preaantej a pleasant vnlng was 1 pant toolbar 5caoaarhf mlaalowary nvrvfom the tolsttodary aunlveraary arrmoiif la lbs melbojiit church leal sunday by hev j 0 uookaf bf watardown were mncb joyed by lb bongregauot tb dle- ooare in tb morning was bead upon mat 2 3 ue eed others uimalf if oanool save and tb them th im poaslbulty of saving- without sacrism tb two striking bhairse uriel 0 of obrlats abarsotaf ula pbyaloa almlitbtyoaas and ills omnlpount lovwer impresalv- ly forth obrlats bbjeot in bom lug into tbs world was to- av others lis si way a bad this tboubt before ulm tbs sg of ohllal lt tb age bf bolluaee of sal vetlod ofsaorlaos tbsprloasasuaobrut paid that h mlttbt save olhar was that useould bot aawi ulmaelf tbla la tru of ills followara of tb prophets of th hpoatlea of tb cburob u day tbs trl toiaalonary work whlob la being oarrled on is with ibis spirit uppermost tb hlatory of lb obureb of ohrbji la a- blalory of aorldoe this la tb tro life tb rnoat ktlractlvs hf it u th lif obriat ued and tb uf b aspects ns to live tbs taxt of ui bvanlng leermod was that olabe oi tbs lord prayer reoorded in mstt 0 10 tby klus4om ooms and was an approprlau smpllfloatiou of tolaelooary atforl to caund lb kludatn ood tb tjlviaiooa of tb babjact wr 1 tb ostar of lb kiugdoi u ws bot advanced by grshplng and aeetjug but by utfarlng and saving it is not of win but of clod th oppoaltloii obriat mat with on earth was whan ua fceeetud ids kingly eulborlly they looked u tr illui teaob and a kim heal but wbeu u apoks as on having auiborlly lby ald away wltb lliid cruoiry 1h a what of tb kingdom today tbls goawl is wlnulug its way througbout lb world thar u lbs dark kid tbe baoigbud aouta in bealhau ubda bat th kingdom issuiely botnlu a kingdom of rlght6o joy aodtmiu tb uoly abet l whv doe it mean for yod abd me to bray l tby kingdom ountet it tnb ihat ws are to b ready to tight for it j to do belli fur ulng jasos j to pray to work to give and be always found atmndlug at our post a ad dulog lb beat for lfiti we know bow tbaobolr ang aatba and wolanlarhee very apptoprlau to tbe a object praaentad tb offadogaof th day were bpwarde of 160 ail but about u h in nut other u to qurb a cold in on8 dav tefcimemv llrom qiu tahlts al diesgleis raluad tbe woe v it u ue u mt ststa w wtevea atgsalwr u oa eaea bs special ovangohua service wars oom menoed in b dlaolplea oburoh bu mon day evening tbe pastor hev mr ma leod u being asaltd by kalut t ll llodkinaoa of hamilton who dclfvar a apeolal addree each evening ths kobjecc uai evening was a hymn termor loutlrd neater my god lo tb tbia evening tb service is withdrawn owing io tb annual meeting of lb bible booiely lu lbs methodist church tomorrow waning mr llodkinaoa will ipk on all are debtors for all things thar will be tip sarvlo on saturday owning tba topics for bondsy are tjown among thorny we have found tb chrit a number of jb addiaaaes will bo illuatrad with uhall ivoaw rajaaeai bjr- it t 0 btlict boaiuea methoila anl prompt a lantlob to oblllnnitft b appi etated and are fcore to win kuocaes tbe anooal report juat pjibllahed by tba lloyal templara of temper n ml a lotarviting in taanybarttloulara but in one point deervs mors than a paaalog natic and that is tbalr rvmerkabl promplboea in paymant of blelms la their uf inaursno depart i 1d00 there w kixtyona uuims la tbla daparimant died of thee ibe re cord a show that filly bin war paid on th asm day that the claim papers war filed tnd th other two within two days from del of filling tbu certainly redact credit on lb baslneea mabagernant slid cannot fall to b a aouro of aatlafaotlon to boyal templar generally a cmmgi arjlcro lonrtmgmllt0 tbere la very general regret among all concerned and especially among tb farmer of a wide radius from aoloa that meeers llumpbrl a hawks 1 ev dla continued to operate aoton vlaur mill during th urn tb mill was unuvr their ooulro they r their patrons ths ntrnnat aatlafaolon r floor prompt chopping aad grlitlng have beau hnppllod and obliging treatment given to a patrouaye was acoorjed tbam owing io th unprecedented lack of rainfall uai year tb walarpower was vary iaeduat ind tbs axpens for coal id firing wa o heavy an item that uaesr humphries a hawk fall that they could not oratlna lh hlgb rental at which they had leased th pro perty it is still hoped that strabremiuls will btffrud by which tba axoelleut halller and agreeable boalnea men will be retalnad parmanaatly ta iowa tb vs oftobeooo hy mlmorm tb ladle of acton w 0 t d ar taking practical itep to cor la ii abd if possible prohibit tb aal of tobacoo id its various forms to minor lu town oo toeeday lb literature commit potted cards bearing a nopy of ths act and lis lallle in tb fourteen atore sud shops actod where tobeeoo blears or cigar elu are offred for sal tb oomtnllt ppraolalr lbs kindly twcapllot aoooijed them id cb baa abd wer highly lm pieeeed with lb uuru0e by ui deiurs generally that they are anxious to observe lb law fallbfnlly in tb toolbar of aau to minor tby wr slo plaeed to knowlhslth trans in clgamlu u ills taittful to iho who bav bead handling them and td find that several have die coo tinned tbeir sal- tbs penally for aal io minors aaoapt what a wrlluu recusal for sale ooms from lb minors parut or guarllso is not us ibab 110 nor luor lhaaiso or to impnaomaul wither without bard labor for a uriii not eaaoeding tblity days abaloorueos who bjaii appsar to thi uikglatrsl to b uudar ib yosrs of 4ji ubbws it is abowu by evldaitoa tbt bs is id fact 0vr that ag frdj lis x wry xaotirs tb flrtt xjuiveralty laolur uudar tbs joint anaploe of lb youug 1aoplea flo- olatles id town was daliveiod ubi frlday evenlag by mr a jl dslury ii a of toronto uulvsrslty la th muiodut school rooai a very lect suduac kreel ed tbs lolorr llev ii a msopbaraou ibtroduoed bin at eight 0 cloak ths sub- jeot wa tb bun la it tiatloa to ur veelrlal lir ftijd anergy lu topular and aaally undralood auglobsaou phraeis tbs prolaajor rendered uioat luureatlug aud iu blrucllvs uiii vary fciuullflo aubjaot with wssltb of ecuulluu daulf and eartfully prwaaaled lllutlrstlou it was abowu that all motive power la dsrlvad from tba sun that lit sun la aaasutlal ta the ultimata sgeiit lo ths running ol a water of llta ktaam englu ths wind to ill alfctrlo powar sud uiuecular powar to ths aim we are lidauad uol ouly for our day and iilgit sbj our aeasoua but whatievr any work ia to b don tba auu lu lb last aualyau u the agelu all actlvllla of lbs earth srs due to tb ion tb profeewsr ebowl yry drly lu lb laolur tb huportauos of kcleallfiohludy bd aaetd that even id tbeujoymnt of llleralurs sud art a knowbdgof aoutuos iss help tud las sure at ths oloe a vary cordial vol of apprvoialud ws invd hyllev mr ii agar and seconded by mr valoouar and ported by ooutplimeuury tediarka by tbs chairman maaers john cameron h 1 moore luvjl moleodauadr j a bell by tbls leoturw th young people com mltla baa amply decnottatralad thai solan tin aabjaouud by pfwaaotalfoti uy such abl ednmalloaiala as mr lebutybe popular lead alul rendat bl lualruclive and belpfnl mrs c j bra lib e in georgetown thla mk 1 riuc pal jamrs moore pf ootlph apei i bstarday with artw funia uiaa mamie mllor uf turool waa lb gueaiof acluu lien la laat wk mr 0 j hm tit left u t week on a bual braa irip to uonlroai a id quobeo irof a t dvlury b a waa tbe gneit during hi my lit town at mooreoruf i mr oliver cook who has been hi alnoe amrly tti january a able to bo about again mr john maraball of the mlltbrook kfpatur vlaltcd thoaas i asaajeit thare- amy muu may mooreepe t a fo- daya during the weak at her brother s borne in george low 11 mrs fred bryare of toronto apent tbnraday with her frleud mr arob mo tavub mlas i lail aloure returned from gulpl laat tbnraday conaldarably improved in health mre jaa llydar returned homo laat wk after apandliig nearly a month with f rltnda in rrln f mlas clara f moot went to aahgrove on monday to epend a few daya with friends lhaie mr j fyfe leave thla week on ble aprlng bualneaa trip through manitoba sod brltub columbia mrs boaa of ifarriatou la the goaat of bcdauxnlr mr iter j k oidmen at bt albana paraonage mr and mr j i van u abac kr of p i laky uloli war goaau of mr o a isnoabeokar tbla weak mr maloud walkcrton arrived her on halurday lo kpeud a faw daya with hta n llev jama mclao mr d jleiidaraon m i cams up from ottawa oil tueaday and attended ihsnomi ailon at wlartou ylrday mr k bell croeorgelowu wat id town last wednesday attartdlng the wedding of hu friend mr obks k aklna mr and mr a t maan mr and mrs 3 l wsiren abd mls mada mlsou at leaded the mee log of- tbe womene iball tnlion al mlltnn laaltuceday a rumor which has ben current as lo ibnooatcmputed reslgnatioo o dr abra- ulbtstl innsttttnminatinfttnartanjota by dr abraham ll imxur mr and avrs william ucphil and family will wave for lb north wee id lbs coura of a weak or so a faro wall kocia will bo tendered them in kublt church baxt monday avenlbg mr d uendereou m x was one o tbe goeal invited lo ths bona of hoqtltbd ban juat in the temple gate ukt monday eveuiig lie found it impoaeibla id b prewocl howavr and aeul a utter o re bret absolute security genuine carter little liver pills must hony slnatura trt jje peobwti wrapper below ortersi l5caf5 rdileauac-t- roa bizzinoew foitoiplduvtb fqi tomsttpatidh mi launw iui fqi thecjdmpujuqi cure sick headachc avuwml olbu hxloiy ifeefidaf tbs animal mllug of acton branch bible bocuty will be bald thu evsulug in ths uatbodlal cburob luv mr moviaar of vargui will tlelnr ths local auuual addrsas tbs local minlaurs will also taks fuirt tba preeldeot jobu b colotoeu lkj will take lbs chair at ft oclock thy xosi f heir way it is rather a asrloua com mini ou tba kuowlwlgsoi a coupu of looal vooallila ol lbs gaorirapby of their oouuty ihkt tbay got loal last friday ulgbt lu altsuipllng to traoh luoonikbary school mtaaiwyi whre they had beau sugaged to klug kt a conurt tbvir swett voloe ttsvar war bled st all at blootuabary that ulghl bud tbs bloomebury eouiuiltte uav knew the ceaaou why lors jeiow iios or fatouib a we aolou agalu wuds two mau to south africa both wu varna and jopb lyrd iaed ths uiilllary axaiuluallouli kt buuuy uarraokm laat w for poaitlou oa ool btdu lowell oooaubdlary for tbr left actou laat vrlday biorulug atld ara now m roufj for ii all a lb beat wiihas of this gommuulty go with that biavs soldlir lade 1u 1aiuall has a brolhar lu tbs british uavy who rvd eevral mobtha laat ysay lo tb boutb afrl can oamiutlgi limbhoubu ur vtn nawtou ave had of abort horns bold al it g uooullough a mis fetched jjjo iuv j li hookay of watardowo mched lu ths matbodut oburoh bar oil hnmuv ailaluuou uiuulq ul4 hloiffl iftws was s vry tuiall cougragaliou kings evil that la scrofula no disease la older no dleease la really rcaponalbl for a lor m rtalll onaumptlon la commonly he oatrowtb titnre la no eicuae tor iws tec ling it it mskea ha preaonco known by so many leni aoctias tndular tumors cotatteoal eru tlona to flamed eyelldi sore ear rtck els catarrh wealing and general debility oilmrcii of j w mcginn woodatock onut bad eoroful sore o bad tbey auld not attend ecltool for three month a when dirt rent kjnda of medlclnea bad been need lo no parpoee whatever iheaeaufferers wen cured according to air mcginn e toltlntary teatlmorilal i y moods sarsaparllla which has effected tbs moil wonderful radical and purman i cures ot pceonala to old and jpwung boud cold ub0 inll 1 6 yrs gold fill 100 boat olaa 100 wa gnaranu perfect eatiafaouon globe optical co 03 yoxts strwot toronto speciaialf m tea sets dinnersets toiletsets 40 i leco tea selrregular price 5 51 tala rlco 30 44 1 iece ta sal regular 6 y sale prifo i5 30 toilet beta ll 30 up to ic 30 dinner te from 3 00 up to vi 1xika m1ciai in toilet beta jtcn icco printed toilet mle at i 30 a act at rjf hotxd txjl srynx j a mccrea cuelph it pays lo buy al ballerlc it pfiys to buy at bollerls iloflhwbl ready fowcarctotlntif i coming into vogue as much fur ladies as for gentlemen j he iinly thing to spoil itiv popul inly is 1 notion that some makers and dealers too still li ivc th it any kind of blop work for readyto wear garments will do its 1 big mistake we h ivt the exclusive control for guclph of the output of one of c in id is i adoring and most up lo date ladies tailoring est ihhshment hvery garment bear the most critical inspection as to style making and cloth kvcrything i right about them we liaine just a few of the m my we show co to curney 4l cos for isew springgoods every week for some time pist new goods have been arriving to be speedily spread out to your view frcm jhe best manufacturers evcrydcpartment has its paota of fresh goods and youll find us just as willing to show you anything that interests you as we arc to bell a spring prints advance shipment received conttimng new pittcrns and colors light ground witlustripi3 and fancy figured designs in blue reds pinks xnd bliclfs spring sheetings unbleached and bleached sheetings plain and twill spring cottons new pillow cottons 42 tud 14 inches wide new apron ginghams new factory and white cottons i spring flannelettes- largest stock ever shown containing fancy checks and stnpctf 210 7r hull ol french coaling serge 7 1111 sul t unmeapun well viu io f ladea eiyllah lion i uu rna le ami lined daring skirt and jacvel silk njtch collar fincy sleeve deep aiylub jaeffcf a very rvlcabbi auit flounce and belted top on akllt v fll 7ri stilt f heavy trench amaxon t7 rfl suit ol two toned scotch healber io in 5 aliaie fancy allk collar and 1 ju tweed double breasted jacket pearl buttons on jacket 1 and flaring skirl all lire doance- tklrt with deep extra valuo lit moal at 2go por pair bargains in underwear tho boat and frtishost grocorlos always kin atook gurnet co goqi dressers naturally inifil upon having thcifclolrien made by a tailor who u maaler of ida art in ita outlines a garment abould harmonic perfeclly with the form cf tits wearer heady mads mlaiili and tlojipy tallorlnt aia mllca away from ilia right dress point don t wear poor made and pcorttntf clothing when yod may hai a perfect fitting luit and overcoat mule in tho latest tlyle of tho tailors art and al rcaaonabl pdc se our new 111 warp sultluga anj trowaerlags a new line if fancy veiling kpeclal lo day r e nelson morclmnt tailor and moris furnisher the new th empress thla popular shoo for women haa proved 2 great favorite ths quality fit and siylo ar perfect muds in wide medium and rutrrow widtba phooa 200 2 bo 3 00 3 bo stamped on aold of shoe for men slyluh pctfoct fitting shoes of varioua maltea ibe wear tcuarantood for boys and girls i inn atul coarse shoowear see our school shoes they wear like iron and fit the foot ordered work and kspalnnij receive prompt attention main st aoton kenny bros naduaqawuva lbs bpeolal aervloes whlob have he u la pruttihs in 1 bauear ohureh lb peat mouth olyaaj ou tutsjsy avenluk of laal weak uucb hood was dons a number bavlutl taksn a btap toward s ohrlallan ufa and tbs ooumfegellou iensrlly has beu bulla up mlas or svauutllat psot th mouth in lbs sarvloss and vaarted a very aplrllual iufloauo ube waa blttbly etemil fcr her srvlie hie anuual rnlsalooary ocfarluj of lb masattjawaya qlroult will be i laaal u1 and poeslbly lu advauoaof last year a good time piec is a faithful servant we nukts suialty of reform in tbe wontro kind when we rtnilr a watch or clock wc uarintce itfo to accurately ud ruirtuilce ttito keep ieolmr accnraldy e k bollert cfe go 2g and 27 wyndham st oueijwi iso siso a guaranteed watch for one dollar and fifty cent a wo will aeod you n nickel watch poaipal 1 thu watch splendid timekeeper and warranted fir one year when you receive thla watch enamlne it an 1 ii you are not eallafied with it aend it back and wo will refund your money the same cls of watch in a gun metal cad f i 7j ladles watch gun metal caw 2 50 send monoy by tuipreas or pot oil ce order r tk veojutktsls ie sprucb st toronto ont our hnnukl january sale is now in full swing and every department will contribute its share of surplus stock and ovei purchases winch must be cleared out before stocktalunp mllllnbiyat half price usntloe choice garments at less than wdullbi factor p uress booas- t 6oc- for 2sc somo spooial dnvoa in shoao hend6rson sc go mill street acton gwllfltfwitfwwitfnfltfllfwwiiiwwwiitfltttfww i cushion 13 ce oxtefes t 3 ops 3 3 3 wa liave a iatbo rants of cuihloa toods including salosd illa and fancy art draperies ttrtael good sllkaueti danlni mail cloth etc we have palrlotlc tops as well as various oilier tlean all over lixe are eslenalvs ly uaed as lops for cukhion with frllla of oilier malcdala cat thla alnd of work dub before houae cleaning eaxyas c f goodeye r co i mill street acton liluiuuiuiuuuauu julululullul ill quality combined with yalue a d phiisralie amd jewellek guelph wamtbt oalbl llbu paraort li aoaaly rapraa uanalat raputatloul sw tj mper dayabaoluj otupaay ol aolla ft par haar parabla ut burs and all ai airelsbt boaandv daneiu tosnai dausj aaeii wak ntan nlaym1 jary pal aeb halnnlay auaaa manl daoaj aaeii weak b jlouajiuass jiaumi la miaf la oa ho ol lb aaaauta vaiatlve bromoqtilaioe ru j kwumly thai n k kl ifi mmm datf isa conbidebatiom 6ee our stock before you purchase your spring suit we want to iee the men who are particular and who will not be satisfied with anyold thing our latest creation in keadytowcar suiti arc tha carlton club ihe newest london productions at 10 and 12 the retell stoat made with d b vests at lo 12 and 1 1 to our regular lines we have added a line of hand finished serge suits 111 blue and black at 8 p we show a very complete line of spring overcoats and raglans 1 i d e macdonald fe bro the lion cuelph

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