Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 28, 1901, p. 2

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xvvrftr dxkd ranximeuireebvtueoa vvedueedey msreh hofh unfa armour wile ol joseph- 11 ter- km in her 9111 year tllxjuiiilljmll wloh on wednesday i tljlitmaielitneius jctguvrwttwrot letow4- ineuscutni liar nib year fiurttlin hbfti i a o tull wmiiitr ou toaedav slarolr fltui in the town blp of kwiuinr jane klleohandavsoa be- lfx wlu rl tlimm wrlsbt eed mn llflwlkion wtroh itm il iwml ilrlsr- lbs tmiuiim of lie soulnlsst mr m it italian quelph jn bar hlet jeer hi it abet crott wlduw ur tbalsu cynta ltoweiakeq oiuvrllo ocijc jutdtt 3fm rutlhbday miaioita8ibil u editorial noths- new elec 3 jlatea for ghumhh and tiaadahta th ore sea from 20 to so par 0nt btortmut pay vrtorrijtindnrtiht a mbthb rate fixed at tlo oounoil met on monday martina at 1mil oclock in tgqlr bl weekly eeeslon the members were all present 1 iteeat williams in ttia chair tha ooromut on finance presented flflb rpo t and itmmmindtd payment of eooonnta ax followa u d orsiiem postage vm t t moore poeuure e4 talecrania 1 go luerdmnra juluag co supplies l outer in ijrneteeouuoii upnllee next a iuddeji stationery jo harvey f relent and eartafe j ii matthews wood dr bocn mfa reulonaotlti derigued to longstanding cf isvoo or ibe pnnm aorp by ublubldg a military pioo laud the lioeaae papertmeuf haa notified lb realaurant keepers of toronto and other cities wbo have no liquor iloedses that these restaurants will not b allowed lo bring in end apiame liquor in other worda liquor rnait notboenaarndaliawisjialnt where there are no lloenaee the report of ibe goramlailoaar of crown lauds for 1000 1m been issued ii shows lb at tba axe of crown laoda sold diiring having a total veins of tulb8t08 on toooanpt these sales and thoa ol tor roar year tbrre waa oolletted ibe mm of w8sfll3 uudar iba provlalon of tba mine aol for tba itsslng of orown laoda for mining pur- polaa tbare war leased 37835 sores and 1 ttlqintal raoalvadajnonnudtof607uil tba total oollaollona on aoooool of ordwn landa aold and learned were 44ss57684 tba poaltloo whlob tba pierpoot morgan organlitatlon bolda with rafazanos to tba buaineaa and pollitoal world la dlaaaaaad by mr john drubaa walkar in the april cattacpoutan uadr ibeuua tba worlda qraatef t lurolnlloo familiar with jtbe bmlneas world and a atndaot of affair a mr walker haa whla approving of tba gaoeral idea of oonoantruon wblob makaa for good organ teat ion aiid publlo oooaomy drawn a picture of too powar now examlaed wbleb will he a aorntieo to the- gnat majority wbo have not given ihu labiaot tbooghuol atleotiou m tba invaalaunnliitouajatajlaotloo obargea of u ii oook tbat he waa prmolloally offered a aeat la the beoaufor 110000 began beforo the banau oom- mlllee at ottawa yeeterday mr oook waa anbpoanaadia tha regular way oa batnrday and went to ottawa with bla aoonaal a h maxah k o o h itltobla k 0 appear for thebanate and b ublaka tor tha qovarnmant in hu avidaooo on taaeday mr oool aald ha had inpraealooa tbat money waa want- ad for a beat lo tha ban ate hu ohlaf f evidaooa waa a oopyot latter aluged to have bean written by a gantlamad who t died a ooople of yaara ago tha provlaloo mad by toe qovarnmant foa toronto unlvarelty oooeuta of a new eoienoe boildtng la ooat 1900000 a grant of taooooannnally towards the adaooa dapartmant and a raorgantaauon of toe university oooatllatlon allowlnjt the university graduates mora oootrol in tha muiagenmt tbla is practically all hal tba fr lends of varally aaked f or aare the aoaplloo by tha provincial leguutnre of the preaani debt of 430000 the qorarooent has reoognlxad the elalm of toronto university on the trovlnoe and it rests with the uradoaua to aaa that lha praeant good start is oontlnoed and eauodad as tba needs of the provincial institution expand tbo grmdnatee of toronto u diversity atwaya apeak with pride of their alma halort aad regard tha prestige of toronto pansbments a little blher perhaps than those of other universities to tha province but far eoms naaoo on tha other benefiaunt endow manti bestowed upon toronto has op lo this data been lacking it ualnoarely hoped the men of wealth will la fa tare favor the provlnoial unlvarslty with genoroaa flnannul lagaoue the fire and ugbt oommlttae of tha mnnlolpal ooonoll haa given honest and painstaking attention to the elsotrlo ughl injl ayalam aloes oomlog inlo ojttoe and their amandad aohedale for eamntwhleb was paaaad at monday evenloga aeaaloo of the oonncll la the reaolt of conaldrrable 7lnwtlgatioi and abqnlry la tba alata- man l ol reoelpla and expaohitarse ol the jhbleettlo plaat- daring 1000 however the oommlltee leave ihemeelva opentoqoas uooaa to uudr method of bookkeeping and make an error which ki a manifest li jojuoeto tha plant and iu ability to ahow ts venose for tha year almost if botfnjly j equal to its sipeodltnra it will be oh- eervtd that tba aam of lswm paid for applies la charged in its antlraly at an item for matatananoe in the years opera tions wbareas a oonaldorabla portion should bs charged to oapltalaoooontfor pftmw ent sitsnslons of both private services and atreel llhts new tranaformsta ud inatal- utlon of tha town ball the latter itself ooet 0i than there is 00 oredlf riven or aopplua and flstnrsa on hand while heave learson the ehauman ol the oommltwa last year ahowed tbat on bomlnalloo day tba valnaof aoppllas then on hsbd and paid for waa tbo bo it la eaumatad that the permanent extension or private eervlots and rearraogemant of a treat lights teat year onst aboai t300 the three lum nsmsd total lettltfl and this anm when dvdooud from tba tola eipendltar far 1000 as shown byjbs oommlttae and it properly should be shows a bet expend ii a re of jiutuu which is a very trifling amouut to he exact dlfttf in excess of lbs revenues oolleoted last year and last year there were unntnal expenditures for ta- pair to transformer not ulvsly again lo ooonr tbla stalameat we make not u pod fault with the energetlo oommlttae bat la justice to the pleat whlnb wa firmly bellsvs will yet prove itself to be a profit- ptoduolnitliiatlttitloa tor the oor pore t loo thaoommltlea has aatsd wlaaly in m-ar- ranging tba tariff ol tasstboqgh there aro still afew maaleaffooooaliiauolaa in the aabaduls ud the new taue wblob are to 00m into affect on the first of jans neither nol norsasonehly hhtb whan oompared with the rates paid la many of the towns of tba pcovuo id tbelr wisdom the oomjnltloe haa also adopted rf jba nutltl tqtiltabla prto par looavmoa eo k thai aooonaomarwho la dlssatlaosd wlib tb flat ru may pttk lo main and pay fo he ataol amoant ol mrranfc he oaafl we fwl oonfldaul thai with tha 0fvjol apaituloo iba ootnmlthie j pnpand io- omkaylh ftdm uw prasootjav bairiojfl sv m sirioaa aooldenta will moraisaaq mast f the sxpadlrtti itm ifiuraft and aldklng esawjhr osnadlan oenaral klectria go ap- i co 1 bib 8 ww moved by ii bwackbetner aeoonded by ix jeena that the filth report of the com- muteoo flaanoajost rrad b adopted oanied tbe euotrlo light oammlite prassntad tba acoaaded aobsdaje of rates for eleotrlo onrrant given bvlow mr j a deodlfaoo in pmanflng the new eobadnle anapmtvtnirttst pre seated the following atatsmant of reoelpti and axpandluras for loooi aaoairr laetrie onrtedt an4aajeot nstareeaitsi 63 btreet llblsvsxeaj mq 00 town hall as 00 ie r uop-ot- intsrvai and bloklog vans ito 00 anao t oodtlnalng ho said the oommlttae la loveetijrating the malfr of ravanoes and ipeadltnrm or the eleotrlo ligbtlog syatsm found 11 tba reoelpla were to balance tha ax- pandltore a higher schedule waa necessary farther increase of revenue u i tn possible- under the original aohedule beoanae tha limit haa been reached in tba capacity of the engine and lbs dynamo boald not esmv oarry mora lights than are now contracted tor the proposed new aohedale he said provides cheaper light or the poor man the first three or four llgbta being lower ihan before and those wbo install a urge camber of lights most pay mora than be fore the new aobejols increased tha rates for residences churches fectorita and tan neries and randan 1 1 nroeessry for those wbo desire to use oommerolal lights on sundays wpay extra for loom provision mt meu ajtheexpe of tet oooaomer the meter rate ti be eleven cents per 1000 weita the looraaaa of rates will not be sufficient to meat the amonni of de ficit abown last year bnk the oomraltta hops that by economy and oarefel over sight to oonaiderably redoes the expend tors moved by john a henderson aeoonded by qaorge hyndi thai ue following shall be ibe schedule of rates to be charged by the corporation for private eleotrlo light lag this schadalo to noma intoloroeon the first day ol jona 1901 and that all other rate or contracts beretolon axlsllng shall after that data be null and void c5omicscttjlioirrsl6 j p lights 3a per night 818 deye per year and bop lights leper night 1 when lbs dumber of b o p llgbla lo any one plaos exoaeds four ths dumber over and above that ahall he rated al two third ths rata of 16 o p lights when lights an seed 00 sundays they will be charged extra at the earns rats cellar lights of 16 c p wlu bs provided at lo pes night if connected with switch at stairway and promptly turned off whsn not in use or a metre rale of lie per 1000 watts luaidkxcs licht 1 light 16 o p 100 peryear allrhu700 8 lights 1000 allhts 13fi0 6 lights 11600- all ad ditional lights 1 go each par year when two or mora 16 o p light are taken 8 o p lights for bedrooms cellars and pantries wilt be supplied at tl00 per year elgbj o p lights when need for other than bed room cellar and pantry llgbta to be osiool- at twolhirde the price of 16 c p llgbu or a matre rate of ho per 1000 watts onuacaam the rats to be tl60 per ligbs of 16 o p when sunday evening aarvloe la not held regularly special con tracts will be made or a metre rate of ho par 1000 watts facto drs tlxmsxiks when the minimum number of lights era used during ths fall number of lamp hours lb rate ahall be tl60 per 16 e p light j or a metre rat of ho per 1000 watts hotels omen wimouxm eto bpeola oonuacts will be made aoeordlng to ooodltlone ooraiua lausm or 16 o r when need daring tha fall number of tamp boo re in ooobeotlon with other lights 3c per nigbt per light i if taken separately io per light per night or a metre rata of 11a per looo waits the style auduaks ot metres insullsd to be reoommeodea tfas eorporauod carried the matter ol kemanaratloo of aoglneefi fireman end members of the firs urlgatl waa again discussed moved by u bweokhemer aecondad by h jeans that the engineer and firs man of tba fin brigade be boll bed that the rale of wages and mods ol pay meat will bs die continued the new rate lo be paid lo be determined at thereat meeting of tba council gatrlsd moved by john a usndereon aeoonded by u scans that tha egreemeat with iba bell teuphone company whereby the dbrporation agreed to exempt the said coo petty trom taxatloa for the neof tbelr poles far conveying iba flra alarm wire he now abrotteted aud that lb hell tele phone company be uotlfied tbat the tor- poratloa are removing their wires aud term i tie ling said eremot carried moved by john a ilaudareou eeooodail by u jeans hl the oounall uow adjourn to meek oo monday 3ud april rt h oelook carried ixtxoon march c ttie war oolco baa mmltfljibolovlguptcu fiquj lord kitchener j raxtoau march 35 iluliutu a force including bkalslotia oolumn attacked ie- rey nltevuhapdted itrong eouthwaet at venlersdurp and having dbealel him followed bm up rapidly with the result ibst the jloer reargeard wsa driven lo and their convoy lualoditig iha k cap tured at veslbank oar troop displayed great gatlantry and daeb they captured two 0 1 teen pounder gnna one pompom six maxima 840 rounda of big ammunition 16000 rounds ot small ammunltloo 160 rlllaa 63 wagons and 34 csiuhesldra taxingjiojirlsciiera oar lusaes were- sfhjht many uoera were kihl or wounded rfaa tlnera m prf ihly fry hi eorty that they declined to aooept the terms offered by lord kltoheoer uelary baa been ao badly beaten that it is doablful ii u be will be able to recover from the blow vonlendorp from near which town ha was rooted ilea wvat of the johannesburg klerkadorp hallway and about midway be tween kmgersdqrrv and lltohenbhrg vanoauttvrtatnr mau la twenty mlloswestof ventaredorp w krey haa been oparatlog in tbla district for aome time his object being to harass convoy hitherto be has bean fairly suo- oessful but he has now met with a blow and es dewetla ijrfng low after bla disas trous lniiionof gaps colon yamvlooas meyer is still apparently being drtveonbe ooees4feuhtimcajutajtfaj veal hatha will bo sorely puxxled to know what lo do nvxt 3i in referring la the esuvuretlous tu mortharn outarlo lbs report juat usuej li thai a tract of arable land has been found north ol the height of ltnd atretohlog from the quebec bflundrysslaoroealha districts ofnipisftug algoms and thunder hay oomprlalng an area of eboot u600 tinarn miles or 16680000 acres the aoil la aolaynr olay loam naerly all nllabla for farming purposes and ths region la watered by the mooes aud lis trtbutarlae the ablulu mvtagaml and mlanahland the albany aud u tribu taries the knogaml add ogoks along this latter stream alona about which ajmoal nothing was known a tract of good laud waa found ex landing oo both aides ol ifae river lor a dlatnooa ol over io mltee and lo thadlatrict ol juloy illvar between ebe aseawad iownablps aroond dryden and liao usui aoother axupelve area ol good lapd wmtvukl about 600 qoan mljeav sw00 vtv lit eilenl oelabvq ouwa caprunnp i sufferinct women british troops beaurs oprlepn- rw a i ouni and ammunition a orntaful woman toll of her release from t aj tha affltathar ssnr trtrtwrl dootorh had follod to hi0 abhorove miss louse and miss lore it morrison are visiting frundain tottenham owing the absence of iter mr bagnlere the mat hod ut palpi was oocopled on buoday by mr bmlth aviotoria collage student the many friends ban of miss minnie morrison of orangevllls will be interested to learn that she has fslurnad to move boot la for another season st an advanced salary mr jorle morrliou 6f ports go la prairie a member of blrtlhoonae horse is visiting relatives and friends hen and at hornby mn j alexander is spending a few days with friends near btreetevllle last thursday evcolog the friend and neighbors of mr and mrs wm molel- -fn- gthri at ibeu- reeldeooe and enjoredtogathaf anpjitar ecppef and boo 14 evanlog and presented tbelr boat end hostess with an address mr and mrs molelland have sold ibelr farm and wljl leave for ilrampton lo which place they purpose making their borne for e future miss annie hingham of acton visited friends in this vicinity durlog the week a ihbbaqb op r40pt to the weak and dbpfthbsbd tlie amount ot suffering born a fay women throughout tbo oounlry can nevartnet catlmalid hllaully almost hopelvasly thy eitdura from day lo day afflict one that oo oulyfall to ibe lot of women the following story of the suffering apd rrleeae of mrs chailes ho of booth amp ton n b ought to bring hope and health and hap ptoses to other snfferor mrs hoe aaya nina oat of ten bf the tbirtylwoyears ol my ufa 1 bsve enffarad aa no womsai qoleta tbo has been similar ly eiuloled oanlmgfna x ecutd suffat and ityet have lived ttinv week cot ol toar i ild be unable to move eboot and in- dead at no ttm7vnsrw51ty ur attsmd to toy hoaaebold duties i cohaultod physicians three of the most akllful doo- vors lu the county of comber land at differ ent tiroes bad charge of my oeo these all agreod in their diagnosis but the treat- moot varied and wbllo at tfmea i would expertenoe eobae rellaf at no time was thstn ajiyjojlvbome of a permanent ours many anight whan i went tobvot i would have been glad if death bad come before morn log i never had much faitb in proprietary medio dee but at one time i took a half oosen bottles of a blood making compound that waa highly reoonv mended this like every thing alee failed tolwlp mr there seemed to bi mts particle of blood in my body my fsoe wsvaedsioly66timsrrid almost eotlraly dveaited me in newspapere litters laattfying lo the merit of hr william ilnk ilu but nine years of suffering and dlsoouragsinant had mads me loo sceptical to see any hope ot relief when dootora bad failed lo effect anurs hut at last i cams across the story of a oun near homethat f mr moeeefioss of hodnay i knew that at one lima be bsd been regarded as a hope less consumptive and bis core through hr will lima pink pllledaurmlned toe to try them i bsd nol taken two boxes before t began to feel belter and grew confident of aouro i kvpt on taking the pills all the lime faallog new blood in my veins activity r turning lo my limbs and the feeling of depression grsdaally wearing away to many women it my eeem in credible that the men making of new blood in my veins ooold restore- to healthy condition misplaced internal organs but tbia baa been my happy ex- bditorial notes oflwalrelums for north bruoa by the rstoramg ofuoer declare jam as llsllldsy conservative was offiolslly elected by a majority of eleven al the byealectloo in that oonstltusnoy laat wedneeday it la reported in many quarters thai the british ohaooellor of the kioueqcar will have tqflnd buob a bageaum of money tn his budget thai torelgo grain going into great dritalo may bear aome ot the burden of the extra taxatlod this is one of the taxes due to the south- africa ti war the imperial authorities are serloasly ooaeiderlug a ohabgi in the organ laxilpn of the jodlolal committee of the privy conn- oil in order to give ibe self govern lug colonies mors direct e presentation- la tun ooart of final resort of the empire 0i- da has been invited to send a ti present- atlve to england to a oouferaooe and hon luvld mllll whliklybe choen the latest oeosos of the varloaa countries show that the population of the whole world is about 1600000000 of this great britain and bar colonise has 3s 0 per oant hassle 80 0 per cent fnnoe 6 8 per oent united btetes 6 7 per oeot germany 0 per oeut austru- hungary a 1 per oent italy 3 3 par oent dr robert klppen ot bt thomas hss usl tallentielr to 17000 by he death of hn old lady whom lie kindly attended when in poor clroutnatauoes lur she toherlud the fortune it is a pleasure tt obrootolaoocaslunal eveilt of this agree able kind as recognition uf ths virtues of a profession wblob wo believe numbers many lr weslum hfoluree in its rankjt goo an abundant life dos nol show ltu in abaudabt dreaming but lu abuudaul liv ing boms bachelors jolathe army leo use they love war and soma married meu be- oanee i bey love pesos a man seeking lu reouarlos proptly by gulog to ew la ilka a sheep seeking shelter undar a bramble buah haavea will y for any lois we may suffer to gain ll hot nolblntf oau psy fur the loss of heaved baxter ths man wboauooeod beet in public life an tboee who take the risk of standing by their own oonvlclloos garfield how truly la a kind heart a fountain ot gladness making everything in iu vlolnuy to freaban luto smiles i weeblugloo irv ing aluullou lu the world of hoaiaopatblo medio ue has beu its very eooroe of tiro- grees aa iu poll tics attd tvllgloolhe du- 6eultiai ot oplnloua and the mlvidualuy ol nisu have been pareut to lbs disagree maul by whlob tha standard ot uuae bod lee have been vlevated- bowllh moet of onr fatnoue prpralion furemosblu 11- luat ration of which truth stands the world- sult0s kemady to general dablllty sod euituor qolulue wins aud which when ohtaltiabld in la geuulus ttraotitb is a mlrkculous oreator uf appeliu vitality mil allimilen lothe general lertlllly of the system quinine wine and its lm provemsitl has from the 0rst dleootery ot lbs kceat virtues of quinine a a medical agent bean one of the moel thoroughly discussed remedies ever pffered to the pub llo it la ooe of the grlt lonlos and and bamral ills- ivlng atimplabla whloh the medical profession havaboeu oompeltsd lo reoogulxe and prescribe messrs nortfc- rop and lyman of toroalo have given to the preparation ot tbelr para quinine wins the great oitra do to iu importanoe and tba atandaotaxoslranoe of ihftartlohj which they offer to tha publlo oamea into the aeree parted ol all tha dsltoi whlob skilled ctoerrertum and aalmllfw eplntoo lam nowaxlmaljiiyawomanastbbte if in this plaos this health i owe lo dr wuiiame- pink pills which have rescaet me from a life of suffering if not from the grave dr williams pluk xills aral espcoisuy valuable to women they bnlld op the blood res i ore the nerves and eradicate tboee troubles which make the lives of eg many women old and young a bqrdea palpitation of the heart nervous boadsche and harvooa proslrstion speedily yield to this wonderful medicine these pills an aold only in boxes tha trade mark and wrapper printed la red ink at 60 cents a hot or six boxes for 9360 and may be had of drojwlsu or direct by mall from hr williams mediolue compsny urookville ont c aware of olntatrnta fur catarrh tkt contain aaraereary will arsly dsstroy lite sense of am al and toornrletelr deraog the nhola ajutetp uan an let tag 1 tbnmtt die mueoua aurfaacs bueb articles ahoald navar tie need aacapt on presorlptlons from rernitelila ptiyalclana ee ul damejca tney wut aa u ten f ma to eaa pnaalbty derivelroiii tltaiii 1u1 catarrh oar uieaufe tared lif v j clny a co to- ledoooodlelii no marnurv utl li ttbvii in- ternally aetlns dlreallr uim llo lilooj ael one eurfae ol the atatsiii lu butlfi llalla catarrh cure be asrarnu at lliaruplus it la lahaei intetusilv and nifl lu tolaato qbtabv fj cbeaey ile thlmotiuu trta hold b iruatui ilo tin r utu hall- family illta are u 1 i heat not a fern ace fur your foe si hoi hat it jjvs singe youraell uhakapare for cuts wounds chilblains chapped hanqallbftumatlam rllff jul of burna boaldajlilce ol naecta croup coalrv colds hagjards yailow oil will u touul an excallenl rvmedy vilce 3a oenu all deelarr mililinerx opening next week commencinc wednesday attn bbtrlisititntb piojicrty for 8al nuufiku f urn bud uln ttvltr toraan my utiu aplt lo wu ilkmiitiikkt some people vrttelabd proepeilty bet ibe maiorlly doit kt a ohanre ld try thote who oonlompute purebaelng monrneotal or ork of any jiscrlpuun lor their oemelery plota shoald ordir direai rom lbs old reliable granite and marble dealer j h hamlllonouelpb oot al eipenaes tn pnmlaaarb alljorki and maurial warranted oompeulion flaflrd afterin f hatsatidiiittets kcprescntiiig the latest and most fashionable stylos the aooeeefol schemer like the setting ben os nt afford to txke a day off tcthobeabout to mafwiy young men or old men who intsnd to marry will be pleased to learn that the new marriage act is made quite aim pie by applying tc if p moore issuer of marriage licensee at the fast pants offloe 01i a few days before the orramony and have tha matter explained private ohloe all bnslnees elriotly private and oooqdeullal at reeldenoe in evenlupa a hungry boy says that bread the cry ing knead of the waking hour castobja jot inlanuuj 0m14in t a rjerd we the undersigned do itereby egree lo refund the money oh a 60oect bottle of greenes warranted syrup ot tar if itfslla to core yonr oougk or cold we also guar antee a 25 oeot bottle ti prove satisfactory or money ret coded at brown the instructor of a swimming aohwl is literally immaraed lu business are yoa mervona or bleeplass f have yoa faint and dixxy bpelu an yoa bbort of breath is your byatem hun howot if so nee mllburos heart and hajva wlu oivc your horse a chancel it was a eon of brio who wanted to buy an empty barrel of salt lo tasks a pig pen for his dog children cry for castoria acton livery bus line well jcqulpped and stylish rig oan al ways be secured athlsetahles a eetufortebla bus max al trains between to a- to and 010 pm ueriul altaatfca given to avary ordr the wants of tommarelitvvel lart tntly taa john williams wukn vou want i jblour 1 oatmkab qet oun elierton knd 6d8n 3 ills bhkn o tv ijmi in tb tnuk1 leu dujlly pilom lit hlenltv houtoi hcton saw planing if your ehlldraa moan and are restless during sleep coupled when awake with a iocs of appetite pale ooaotenanoe picking of the uoee eta yoa may depend open t that ths primary oauae of the ironble was worms mother graves worm extermin ator effectually temovas these peels bt obo relieving the little s offerer a wbsblllsoar duty to do we must do because it ll right 1 not because any ooe cau dautand ll of u vhswell a iwoynu flltd with uunlop tftas it held in higher tlmntluit hoaum umakwr ptnifetperfcwt ftnlib on u zou rwn h4rvwt dunlop ti ma with haul wpuidla4wlhaunrttmlpnps any wbai lawtaoftihjiawr- w t ifai jvtnin st manufacturer and dealer in alt kind- of cimssiid and undhliksbn lum hek lath and siiinglks sash loo h 13 and hi i h id s window and look uuaulis all kinds of indoqu and out door finish having a well steaded slock of lumbar oa hand orders will lu aji cases lm promptly filled lumber tlreised aiul mulched willie yoi wall r prices are as low aa uny oihor mill turn log nut work equal la iualuy- custom logs cut al say tlmo jjra kvln3 jxuks uttowj all kinds of wood on hand and prouipily delivered to any pari of th town you arc invited to coll and inspect our fwifortahle lwolliucc ron balb plib andaialsdml tiavlfts aaltld in clrand 1 itaftja mieti jaalra lo aall bla iidubb and let en ika annus tb tiuuss la a vary eointort able nraftieatl til rnnmul ona haril and aeft waiar ri looaltoa a0 in good alile am rnsde ku our nay uroa aaton m bkidtnlnvlcaliatii d lltnli i uou alpllcatlon to moiialltoook cirand llanlds ii lab desirable residence poh sale is now offered i e sale ttia btuiala esllhafll has eight room a with halt and pantry large eallar and woedlieuae eoon acted watar btelile and owl bona on i tbare la an acre of lend choloefralt jh prei uon ot tn ttfrtvtnr aelon 01d to lln can artery tbla proparty would niaxe a aulaedld air oc kteaubouaae and cardena wlllwaoj ifor partleolara apply at paxa pkxaa offlt u aeloo kikd wllii choloefrals rt pmpertyls wltbla uteoeruer uirtynn mantrfeeterieitwa a ins to the proximity d rajrvlaw on easy terma curtains suporb qualities ot ntmtflphicibb7 m h3 pairs ilno hnrlub lace curtains lust ipened special values in all aires prices start al 33c a pair with belter and bigger values s the figures go upward saturday snaps 37 pieces drent coods oc lo ji lualilles ro on axle saturday morning 1 35c and 33c a yd best quality groceries at right prices wlfuiawflljwrnjofflvwjmab l um fma lor h hre butdon youlioy tui you p yssj u pr ices or yon will be aorry rernembot wo sell only standard high grade iiualllle and we make tha ikicus hlght c well have n glad surprise for our friday averting customer this week parllculaxa uler i dont mua ll 1 uotlicr lot of malle leaf 8yrcp for 100 a pail the b crennan co secord8 block- the right house urrjlullikd luuiltons favorite shopping place ordurs b mall reoolvo prompt att spring styles in dress goods the dress coods wo an offering inst now are a utile the best value we have ever xhown llelow woglvo a abortllat of aome ot the moat popular lines or spring and summer wear giving yoa tba price lda of them ydo will have to see and handle the rooda yourself to fully realise iho luallly idea you will find the assortment perfect and complete and at prices that will not deplete your pocket hook overmuch b lac it dress goods wo are ao sure of the xwdocss of the dreas goods we handle that wji can aaauro you of entire aatlslactiofl we have the itm hl t new ijuck silk xnj silk and mohair crepe do cheoe a mew mporta- llon 45 inches per yrd ljo i100 and 1150 plain silk grenadine with cxnva ef fect light and coarse weavea a- inch peryardtiilsototaa luack french uroadcfoth buitlags with wnna finlah ry rich iod durable 56 inch per yard lioo i 65 and i300 illack puln volltes and also with ribbon stripe and dot effects- tha very latest novelty light weight js- inch per yard tllt3s j prineily lllck waterwlch sergb walarproof very diirablo 45h per yard 50 6 and hic ulack soiling iiorge- vaty lulubta for sprlnj wear 6 inchesj wide priced at t yard js to 63c 34 inches wide 73 and yc colqbed dbhs gooos our dress goods an worth talking about there la beauty in what we offer our euro has been to provldo ibe beat at all tiroes and wo art aan youll he pleased with these offering all wool taffeline jslnch apopular material for eprlog dresses abode of green lawn jrown navy cadet and reaenda pf yard 63c vollle a 44lnch abric all wool atyluh and serviceable in the lat est shades of fawnroaeds old rose navy cadet gray etc per yard 75c and 1 1 a camels hair cheviot suiting 30 inches all wool in shades of re seda greys and brown per yard sedan clolha jslncb mlerij colorings of brown navy fawn cardinal greys olc per yard poc amaron cloth u hichea wide all the leading shade of old rose uwd romtu grey brown vy royal and army red aultsbla for skirt and costumes per yard ir 33 thomas c watkins king st east cor hughson st hamilton auction sale iu kequeainfl nul aotok thojiouqhbibd grade cat tle horqeb piqs and imp tba uddaialfnad baa reeelvad lntmotloo wallaoe a labby to aafl by pablle auction en lot s2 eoo x shool ooe mile from aeton on iba aoten lloa 00 wednesday april 3 xt one oploc the totlowlmr m by uwallow 1 eoit rising 1 iia old 3t by ijri aaarr snua1 cow y yaare old vvyilob by8truiallaiir i oow vaera old ot by htraltoaluw led tins to eatve edmm i oiw a yaar old b by imh oronjewe wlu bull olfl atfool horn liberies dlckeee t laltar 1 ye eld a bvla vary protrtlalat ablmal aot by vharlee 1 beuevi jae old brad by cbarla utokaas itniee duskens wea aeal oiltoyal bailor st watbvcd h7 it w oj llauni took brat nrlse al toronto and london lor aed ball ut a7 alee a eonsuninwt of 4 elwrt horn bnllsby j- h wmtm a4d o usvidaoo wum cstttjj1 ow in ealf or aaif at foot 1 beira irvoldtt- u eel to uey i 1 betlr 9 veam llncalt o helfara yaara bid a good burteh ita ftii bro jfrfumbr of riymeolb iteek bans iiulkubrttflrl farm weon i pair boll auurbs spelabt make 1 oulur 1 top imxst- proata- eod bjndar t l lroat a wood mower 6 foot eat bsajqit out sd mm aalky vake baarpe make naail oaw 1 meaaay oeltlvator with mdar euantiao trly bavi 1 soohlar nearly oawj tl plows 1 sat tolloa bar rows 1 naw clinton tannins toll i 1 aylhwur pnlpar 1 wbaelltarrew naarly naw 1 sriud stona 1 atooe boat hay ek wood tack atook rack set taetn barnaea aat tingle baroaas aa plow harnaae crow par logylng cbalo abed basket aooop ahotal mu oaaily daw back robe oaule obalna forka hoae aboval sat whifba treas 1 nack yokes a numba of gvain ti qnanuty of ploa and hardwcod lumbar artriu i aboet fl000 feetl baatlog atova delay eburn i trnllk a of pft 1 empire buui a qnanulf ut hry aiu sesxl oetaa hausauon and vuiooa etbar aiuolee too nunieroaa to mention atoek upon sppla- tnae iba tn ore lug trains po ay of aile tkrlfh dv haia oats potatoea aud lumbar and all rami of 1000 ejwj under neab i tbat amount ten moelba e eortty hie bar oeot par no veeerv as tin proprlalor bas sold hi f and and la riving up arm in tim0m1u iuationear catajocuas of bbort h tloo oonveysni y c sktlth sciihiiria ly emtuuff jui kw vwl itxmijji j td call early and avail yourself of hit valuable services at thl is a rare- opportunity to have your eye propcr- lyt cited free of charge no kuc work but a scientific certainty diffi cult caacs accu rately fitted- all wouc guakakteku oft hw ell el atu l will be at agnows hotel acton onsbavohlv thursday april 4th for ejzbrvbody tim long aivd fchart of succcajful udvor- tlring uowadjy ure the wllllngueas and alullty o tbo tnercliaiit to sail uma ihlngs for lea than lib cuulucflori tl all thliik aa cheap as cju tte bought eliew intra that 1 uur pdlluu nxactly nj it vabjilles eiprclally to tlte large raitge ol goods uow in slock huclt a fancy chairy rockers parlor tables framed picturoa thenillc curtains hat hacks newspaper holders uayinond sewin ma chines atul numerous other article which will take your fancy call aqd inspect oar larg stock our price are always right- jqllnstoneco vutnltnm doiaor uosiacioo acton bakery westons bread williams bread and cakes vlwy to im tut t maltlmwi mo h choice una of aohreotlonarv sroits kto urild jllvcnl lo llioi who cudol ail for it j 1 mallhewb porthb spring trkdb i have a complete line ol plows harrows cultivators jischnrrowsscufiuyrji f diiil dale land rollers i leap itetoralhld cultivator 1oiuu atul grain drill tube in alock sd grkin white uullessttarley centennial ieai lllxck hulles do sword do mandacbeurl do lyince albert do oderbraker do coulenvine do sensation oalb lakeneld while do l tlo mutlpler do newmarket do grass do siberian dp cow do new eslinj do spring rye banner do spelts black joanetle do cooes wheat had i4ie wheal etc the shove ara a lew of oor nw and i standard varieties of seed grain call ant see our stock also clover timolhy orchard grass etc james hewer seeds ilqttt and 1eed 4 bistaiice hasnewmit in ihacarrlbgelli plele slock ol i have l very com- buggies carts market and ljumber waggons imue carriage teutlrlng til all kinds a apochtliy i jn oneill successor lo quip a mokenate 11 lineal obci bat olhkauu i jiiatlve bnibkhdiiusde btwiuatw iatokj the ifyou have telephone service any distance up to 1500 miles may bo bridged in a few seconds trains may be overtaken messages already on theway an ticipated and the very sun outstripped bell telephohe of canaoa- go spring requisites specialties which wk auk klially to supply to ouu customlihs yibro ohamols mothboa vot preserving fur garments from 15c up- moth camphor chloride of llmo inaoot powdor- for easter bermuda eaater ullea poaa eaauar egg dyes abtl a new assortment of koaler cords- htbrown chbwtlst jtcitom purs purs i great cut in prices sxblrt hutta were 5 00 now i3so caper ues ol sablt were i4300 now tj3 aairathxii jacketa were i30oo now ijjjo and fii l cape were hui uww 12430 gray lamb capd were ijino 1133 and lajo sable muk were i3 now i12 s uduu fur coals were io now fj u n elafpntaine furrlor cue ph wantkucepable reliable psreon la every eanty lo rsiuaeeut larse eotosaay of sol id aaaa repuwton aboa per year payable reesly 1 as per day absolhtaly save and all a teases j ttraiabt bonaade denoite salary no i aaaailaeiaa salary paid eaen btbrt- i aftft1vl dauaahuu salary no

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