Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 28, 1901, p. 4

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spfespajcv -t- r u jrvzjjy jraf coaled is u coated then you have a bad tastp in your mouth every mdrnlng your appetite is poor and food dls- k tressed you you have frequent headaches and are often dly your i stomach is weak and your bowels are always t conitipated theres an old and liable cure look at your tongue k pltto doht bite a cathartic dose and then stop bet ter take a laxative dose each night f tret enough to causoonc good free niove- ment uie-daykfluowiiiir- r you feel better the very next day your appetite returns your dyspepsia is cured your headaches pass away your tongue clears up your liver acts veil and t your bowels no longer 4 give you trouble 4 pricucwti ah facftft- pill rioaa tu nonnod j uiu bufft inkjruytiuhr kiwi 1 hateerer tftod mr n ktaxm htarch jo mo inibtoo kan bljv tonjfmm thumiday majtoii 28tb jml fshtwonnvi 3foihg ran rive paxxs or twjv lolly tolly follf ull tie five pal re ol twin toe tiny acrap of email una tl allm and toppling tall ooa tlie cunningly derlaed mn the roar oit mlddlnl4d omi wo ra ialua u have a uai jmill to- o let i ti ruu llia- boa oily 1 oily i oily ull um ttpjio twtu tliey may leak ioo eaady dolll ijkatba elilna on of alollu aod uaii yslloat candy utuad anita pair of tuuidjr toltun and a o ol uny oaojy lote wiu aralaul fcai fotlkloa and bile ol oavadf hallo will lb asatut watt llui 1 oily 1 ollf i oily if tli fly ilr of twin do lo wlsntniod in tnolaaaad or to amoarltif grandma titer a or to batting qr to papar ofwll aay hlridof eapw thay 11 all ba had lotw ull tly aonry tat twrblna so lolly lolly 1olly wani tb h 4 of tlr audl oily oily lmly wba urn ova ljr of and th oblldnw of our ueiabbora 1 um onlabad all lilr labor i whiu 1umioi tba aual li baiting iw within ua eandya meltlaav voo moat aerub uioe etloky infauiu ull tkayra beat a jawallad pin old you know olr thumb attj nngera ware the ne pain of twin v by all lbmyoa ha to bay lo tba fa sit poaaibla word or yonr raader will ba bare toakip them and id lb blalneal po bioi word or b will oartaioly tn launder aland uam haaklu children cry for castor i a no gtam ia mora baooaeary to tba obrl tlau worker than fidelity tba humble ban thftt roroba oo in noablaa and alorm when no banoari ru wavloj ftod ibara u oo mualo to obatl waary faau b j miobolu rivfb calm u atimrloah dlaa ij ouij by in aiaoiloao mdloio orlxluktad add pra parwl lo lb moit currhl of atnarlcab oountia ibit madldod la uood hilftrmpilu it aurcfl rdlclly rutl armaolly lu tbftl it raiaovaa tba cu olaanalorf tba blood of imrojuloua aud olhr iropurltlea it ovfiroomo nil tba arfwili of qurrb too kkbtl bollja op iba ajaura 1aonlo wbo lalk lu tnuob kuw bar al miai tibao or olbar lo got auabbvj liar u your hoy- naw valiladlaa oom atd uw raladla go but ttoqltii kmuuiort ia lbt yral took fomijfctloit ou wblob bopa of rsoovary troiu woak ibrottla atil uok uiual toal ll i ila hlndard at lb world jl i did you awr nulla bow nil travail i mail lu ilwav iraaablat oooaouiy lo bu lfv tba uai vavodu- ijv luotr ill kir lb udlaa uvorlu tnojlolud lliy our cooalljiatlot auk baaikch llllkouaueaa fcnd dyappau wituuuturlplujf uirklui or felokaoink dj lo dya duty fllit loday tamou ujiim kiid do notwaakail and tluuaol your af ovw lliliiita you uallliol d would not un laratttud if you aaw tbatu z sr fa t baiiy fat is the cushion that na- tuio fills out mdsurruuntls thu littli ones with to protect their tender part the mine with littens and puppiev fat w not tender lit they must hwu and fat they must he h yom uiuy ik auywaykluul of hi righu givuhun seotts emulsiyn ufud liver oil t- u ii ula llnl l iry it ih ilka scott at uownv ckwwuu luck comes tothb oblldqv lock mid majt wbp bcluvm lo it cajtnp lodlltnrnt popl in dlflernl aya 1 know man wba la dpw abool i waswtobo botwlaokoamato blm lu belpinr ft mn oqwiib bliowoml h waa a ullboy than in bul l ou lay a big man wbo waa blj and proa prrou ouimully aa wall lhylolly od olio bad jtiil t bu ovprcoal oui of tli coalroom totnd to itlm aid 1j liauo boy ul moo wilb iblaooftl at tha a ma tlu t t kli h tl big ooat or tolilrft and lurrlng y tbe boy dldu bsln to b bin aucoji lo do ll and akuj birn to balp waa juat tba big man iuu iokc for ba nd nalarad man bui ih trial ujtniil tdbifl oatmu ihaoax gdoytip p fairahoqdw l tornlcg roond b in bojrt impale r atp log down from a chlr wblcb bad bad boau iaaaod whnh he bail kfabbml on to ha tnlnut tu mm tururd bl bik tbu tlcklad tb bljj man vtry mocb od ha look thakaall boy lulo bu ofllo and practically la boy a fottuoo waa madnfromxbal mlbot tut ba hafl tba ib0 in blm lo malecood aa will bn bralna lo roedbu luck ball way wbn ll em ma nw york oa taiey obeo ctean ones tba bead maatar of a wjdlng acbool inbbtfflald la very paitlcular about lb babavlor or htaicbolara during tnaal timm a abocl umaa tba matur obacrvod ou6 of tha boya olraolng bla knlfa oo tba labia- cloth and immcdiataly ounod on biro i laihal what yoofrtnprally do al boine alrrha aaktvl lonily ob nof replw ua boy qoltly we renarally naa clean knlvea at borne london fu tpltaih boa th natural anliptby btan bma and grammar i eiompllflad in tbl in aorlptloo upon a grave id dumfr land irra llaa andraw u i boraon wbo waa a btteulur paraoo 11a atood au fast two wluioutbu ba al 1 waa alaw llwalarloo the best friend of the mother wife and daughter maines celery compound ttae great spring medl- cine that restores ailing females to perfect healths mrs adamflonbayaioannovor bay too much in vavor of painea oolory com pound on of tba oldeal and beat edited month ly truigaaluea publlabad lo america lo a raoaot lading artlola declared tbat mor tban balf the revenoea of pbyaloiaoa u darlved from the treatment of fmalaa and tbat about one oaaa la every hundred oorraally dlaitnomd abowed tbatourea are exlrvmely vara tba irnportatit kaowlajji galuad by women of ery age a boot paine a celery coojpoond and the epeolal and peculiar baoaflta it baatiwea ou amala aaffarlcig froto ulmairw peoullafe4ble aojaaatall a from tba common iii ol ufa bava to id a painea celery compound tba race popu lar and trualad home medicine of tba day in apt log lima when womatti nervoua atratigtb la oroilixad by borne work and dot lea aud tba oooatant demabda of eoelal anotlooa it la tbon that talnaa ciery compound abowa lu lovljtorauog and vilahalug aatecu tba preoloaa medtcio la baed from day to day it qufckly baaubce bervooadeaa proatratlon weak naa debility laotfour deepandeuoy and tba mauy bmua4 lilt that owr to wooten ofalam mr a u adamrom head of ui1l atraam tctug con b aaja i feel u a duty u bruoy uatlfy regard log iba valu of 1alnaa celery compound blooa childhood i auscaed from aick bead- kebaa neuralgia aud oooatlpatloa had attack oooe a weak which kept ma ooa fload to my bed mtvd been treated by a number of pbyalolane without beneficial reeulte i proourad ala botllsa of 1alnaa calory compound wblob waa alron tt oommandad lo uie and after a vbort time i foand that baw ufa aud health oomlrtg that t eo looi wlbad for twoyara hava baaaad aud 1 have tilt lld a loturu of ray old trouble i tuo uever aay too bjuoh it favor of lalna calory compound ibara lia bar yat beau a oloud la tba world tbat wa uot cuarrd away by inu hiua i tm iwitlor tliiu niorulu tliitnk you i took n iiutn llvor iill limt iiicht mid it wnrkiid hko a t lmnn lieiuluolio iiud itiliousiicga uw nil i liuunl many ludh n ny thoy wouldiitua wiu ljyxjliivor piiik umyti mtcli im unhy pill u tiika do hot crir itukuu tmd nimt t dimtiputinii dyhohiii uour utpinnuli imitttitl toiiifuo vnd hixiutb and all utomuuh uud livur ilu vyheaclilldruaiil i wtinolkr lal d track lltaka a awltol them back iba wroug i toll la at auyona troubled wllh holla tltupla llaabaai vet uore or buy cbionln or utlgoautbklu laa abiiuld uaa llur dock ulood lllllara eiteiialy and lake in ur oally it will cure wharo otbra fail nohudy like to have fcujoue watoli hlui eat tba urlghtewl vloweia luuil fade but young ltvac andangarvd by aavara oouxha mudeome niiy m pnmrmrtfnrt tborouclaotrla oil croup whooping ooagb brooohlui la abort el btfaolloaa of thtbroataad lunga ar reltavad by thl urling pvaparatloo wbloh alio ramedifa rbmomtlo palo aoraa brolaaa pilea kid day difficulty wad a moat ootooilo a norses nobiuty bhk impacts prlooloaa informa tion ttvhor follow mortnla mrti f h a wid kiown prufoa aloiiat puraa pib1ihei-t1ie77iriiinh- whlob wilt ba rrad i y tliotianla wbo aro tdaj ooi leiidiiigagaiiklt lftlaulllea aull aa aha bae ovatctfine uua b aapaaya i dair lo vtlui loi ilia foliialtg informalii rt t my duty aa a iure very nactli t an i ana lliu ai i btrtno vry k run down i wouhi kbi dlzxy pw wiih i lt italion uf lb baarl ou ibk leaf caullou my bl od becamo thin and waury and i wae ulteily uhabla to perfuitn my dutlca my frirnda tacame auimd j and a ubtt wae calcd in bit liou g i lollqalagail ida dlrrxllum j did uu iui piovr a frier d who called on mr buioaltd that i aliould try or arnold to i in 1illa which i did bml fuiiyauteyuu thai 1 aid uutiktcit itttt o aalamipy aelltuaira aud ft i ulic llio i have felt fur mauy a lot g dky v thla utt fruk trutblul and caudld atatameul i ufii gayaa icitm before butconaidet- i am doluif ilbv lu pendlug you tbla i cab get plenty of tbem from friend wbo have ueej your tilu aud i will bo gla to an a war al cor reapou deuce rolatlvo u uiy oaa voura aliicaraly liiuabiai 100 tecumaeb bl toronto ir ainolja toxin 1 ula u ouly madlolce ruado m ocra dlaaaaaa by killing tbe sarmi tbatcauail araaolilbxallarutsula at 13a a bol aamolaboue ur aaat toat talil ou raolpt ol imleeby tlia arould- lbawlcal jo llulllfd caluiittlulwlnii- hlt wm- w taronui llooklot aaut fiae lvr doea arong action befiol ita owu xt trlbullou punlablng itaaw by itaelf and wrckln ibo uiatr omenta by wltioh u vorka j a froudo strorff worda by n new vork spoolailat after year of lee lint nntl compatlaon 1 have nu hmllallon in aay liih that dt aftnaw a cum tot the heart i thr quickest aafest and aurett known to niedl cal ecienco 1 uva it in my own practice it rellevea tho moil aculb or rot of hrart ailment lualde of thirty mlnulca and no ye rail a bolt by a t ilrown lie mho la l leiileoujly provided for with in need but little from without ceoellir running soros tba outcome ol neglect or bad blood have never ailing balm in dr agnew a ointment will ileal tbajmost atubbom caara sootheairritallon almost inftantly alter grat application it relieve all itching and burning akin diaeaaca la lay i curea pjlra in 3 lo ulghta 1 renta sold by a t urown wo want bo lima but dlllnco or wt perfurmancta hamoel jobuaon kidnoy ory vjn in the back la tba cry of ibo kldneya forhelp to neglect tba call ia to deliver lha body over to a dlaeuae cruel ruthless and finally life deatmylng south amoricjn kidney cure baa power akin lo mlraculoua in helping iba needy kldneya out of the mlro of dlaeaao it rdlevea in alx hour 38 sold by a t hrown the iood o etil wo contar on plhera ouu reoolla 00 olireelvea yielding stop the pain but dostroy tho stomach ll u li lly l t imi tlia c w bo many wheoirt iioatrutu putiof ting to cue in tlw end ito ihti utict liiirnctely ljiore larnt than cvk1 dr von stan llneapi lo 1 ibku are u 1 urely v ij11o peptln j reuratlon oi harnli4 m hi u o e nfirf ra ig pronu any d tordrr f tlw olteilive ot nolo haul 3s nlt jo sold by a r hrown oralltntle ia the tairaat 4iloaom wblob kprlnga from the ioui umiiou solaatloa put him on orutohaa jaa brollb dairyman u crlmaby out write my j i inli voe almoat uaclcaa from aclatica and rheunialiim and not wlthatandlng my tlm for pliyalcum 1 must give thacrcdlt ulire it tkclonit am a cured man today and south auicil can hheumatlc cure rnuit bavo all tlur credit it a marvel 34 bold by a 1 urown self aaa iri pain thy only feel it labor for a worthy and whlttier jealous rival cannot turn back thai ltd the demand for dtf agnwj utllo ih11 la a marvel cheap to buy but dumonda in quality banlilt oauaea coaloj tongue water braab pain altor eating tick beadcue nevef grlpo operate plouantly tocenta 37 sold by a t hrown a brothdr a lufffrinua kbouh evtr cuin a brolbora pity u one foot intho qrnwo tlm thouaanda ol people who ruah to bo worthy a remedy ax south american ner- vine aa m laat mart would get it a a firal reaori how much mliery and kuffedng would bo pi red if j on have any nerva tllaordef you noodnt buffer mttiula longer a thouaand leallmonlea to prove 1l 6 sold by a 1 urowii a cheertul couutijiuca uloktua k ttood haalt iluptrl beafnesa of 13 veara 6tnd- intf lrotracled calarth induce deaf ueaa in taaiiy caaea upt i fed connor of toronto canada waa deal fur 13 ycua from catarrh all ttealmenl blld to llevd tit agnaw a catarrhal iowder gave him vellef in one day anil in a miry abort mill the deafneaa tefl blm eiillrely it will do aa much for you 50 cent 33 buld by a 1 hiqwn lha volwof uiakcul li no i lo ba illenood ii lar flif graal luut tutlrr li fount in ill i tilcalnul luavlllolllm iolil aa lllcklua alltl coiiiiiplahyrui it iiooiha bii i diinln 1lira tba icnu bllily of ll a 11 vnibrtue if lha lhr l all i air pmualuii an 1 la a aover iuiirtmcdl f r all n ujh rol la houraiirki patln nr mi a itu j tl v ol an bn uelillu win 1 i cutu 1 nitliy wlimit huiuuud 1 1 ujadjvai r un 11 nn n 1 ral ll ilttltjl wt i 11 itofatehteoodldm may bd ur4 by oar aid abdraa yh catthr recoho hflxraya the illdguf aary u pniuultlul ilkitb u tba troth uf it and lu booiooloua u ibsl wbloh gufcktruiiaha to the luvaollv 11 houlh jamkaudue of l l hh oal wrlta tbatuoaia villa uuied him of haukacha aud klduay troubu ha only took out boa and thay luted bint iry tficiu if you have baokacha there ar uiu bat will make ou hooka awd lu loo lulo the woild w dtaoh deapetah aa thay woutj do a dlab of friltera carvanle dr ljwa wom tip up u a uru and rvllabl wioriu vipkltar auu itjuady lt on bbll jrvn of adulla 1 kura u gal low dont despair why oirl8 cannot throw even if yon are troubled with backache and not able lo at tend to your household duties if you have not used boans pills you can be absolutely cured by them proof from onb op many moxtttil quo jan aflli j 001 doam a khht vim oo toronto ohl lear klra i have been buffering for 13 ifriva from ktdnoytrotjblo 1 had tarribla aivactlottna waa troubled with diaainaea my urine waa aoaiitv jlfly mhti and tonulned o thick atlolty a- limrnt i oon ulted pliyaloiai llliout t 1 aucoeaa and mpojtlaapalr at maw t ftf loanalllaadverliaod ao i prooorad two boiea of thorn and they gave mo a complete rure and t can a i land to my honaaliold dulloa wlnwut trouble i can reoommend doana lllla and moat aay that they ahoqld he triad by all who buffer from kidney trouble 1 maa m lao i out 1tbw aieu kuuw tbn llf i i ir-rd- if ilarabytblr mm mr 1 j llupea cmiihibua ohio wnu i hvii bran aflliolil for um time wllb kl luy and llvrr tomi ulil hiid rlxl irmrka lltl- tba m- lit h for lhaae daaaua tho 1mu i 1 t i cauao piln or trlplitf aid ahuiil i ba utd bbu a ualhartlc ik rqnlrd they am k tin coated and olttd iii the luur of lloofloe it paafk their urllyftllj klvs ihem a plaaaanl aiireeat le taut the rob or rltiblaohiieae wli atay white ilo matter bow muoh the worl i throw mod at it awlaat ulliknhi ny 1l i t 1 1 m11 ply tf tui muug more aboi ltalber li worn out by laufll ltk than by butuuir do nt worry aboul chanao for uitful net while a jingle preaniit duty remilna bndppc bob mccready abov la a auteudld portrqll of llob wt cvvedy 00a of lb boat football player la canada if i a toiomur of tb ottawa university taani and bua lou lu all of ita chatuitlanihlp malcbea lie i a aouudld aptclmn of robuat caundlau mnnhnod but at 10 a k aa he 1 be baa known what it la to buffer frani dyipepala so marloualy afflict d waa h at lb opening of tba mat laooj beaaon tbat ba waa not alill to eu out tilth b team i aloa in tbe back nud tmca la ttruillitit lirauacba aud the awful pang be- aurfcrad afltr oatluff the raault of a a imps ml jltitlnti warul blm tbat ba wia lu uo condition to play football tba bardral nf all iuqeurldti ke lucked tbe ajietgy tu carry blui tbtoacb a cam palgo he coniulte i bla phyalcuu but tbat kcnllctuau jate blm no rvtlrf at tbla ttaije b write i wo a lvlaed lo try dr imly a i tlia iba uu icturdy tbat one ol qy frleuda caaiirvd me tyaa vroojcrful in ll rfveta i waa bacotlcal but be bounded their rake ao porajatrtttly tbat i waa at itugth in 1 icatl to try thatn tba vary nrat da tlfuva tl po away knd bt tbe ecj tif a tk i rvulnvd my team and i have rime ibrnujb ou of our hrjtat aeaaona lu tbe wat form tbat i bav ever been lu lr ivtty 1 iii ute alono to thank tor my rtn tiortlllon ibry tr the wat biadlclua i bavo era r ttlkah llvey tpak one eo alrong aud ao full of rnorcy i for oa ahalt naver take any other when i feci in need of a atrenjriheurr rucb la th rvcommen ilatwii of tbla wnu known athlete and auch will w lb aaparletwai of voryon wbu tria tbta wonderful retard if your dm git at paiimt anpfly yeu writ to tie encloelntf trlv no rot hottla aw bettlea foa 3w1 allrvutballr vtty ukdbjlua co ottava canada weoltiti do bmraoodby our by m pa thy than by our labor cadbou f array ilagyarda vahow oil cure bpralna brulsta aori wound cut froatblta ohl bului ttlnga onnwota burna acalda 0011 tualotia olq lao ja if jou would lilt ma up you mutt bd on idghat grauild lliuaraau children cry for castoria there in uo uaa hiding from ft friend wbkt u a nown by an auttny one lixa llvor till avery nluht for thirty dayn intkaa a tompiti ctira ot hllloum aud conallpatloii lhat la jml j5 fldnti to b ourud whvii liuluitrj goaa- out a the door piv 6rly ooiua in at the wludow altontluii in tba worl i uf homooj tllilo luudlolna ha bran it ary aouroairpro u aa in polities an i rvllyl in hie dif aaulli nf npluluim tiiii oif in lul luallly nf mrii havu len ptrei t lo thu du tat wy- wblubthaalkiidardol tlicafl h dluj iihvu l u ildvatud ii 1 wllh utnal of our faiuoim 1 rfpuraitnn i iimhw lu ij luwtrbtliiu uf wluuli iruih atun u thu uoil l famous ttiuidy to utibru thbillly an 1 aiiumr j liiilua wlna and whlou whan ubiaiuubtf in lt hiiulnu itrnuuth la a iniruuiiloua croatur of patlu vllalliy abd allinuunt to lha gaii ferti ol lha ajalam tjilnlnb wine aiuplw im i riiweinai t baa ioti lliu aral duoovery of the grual vidua of quinine k a nirdldal aitwiit u11 una of lha uuui lb irougbly dlacuaaad deiiladica ever oiyarod 10 the ub ho it u one of lha uraal ion id and aud balural life iviim atltiiuunl whltli thai madioat profeaaloil hkvaboeli oouiplled lo raeddplaaand prvaorlbe hleaera nottt ropabd ljinau of toroulo have uln to th priaratioii ofthalr pure qulnlu wit iba grehcaireronk 10 111 rmpoiunw arni tba atandardaaoalleooaof tbawtlc which thay offer to tba public noma lot ha markal purgd ot all lha dafoa which akllled abaaivation and aoiautldo ppinloo baa polnufl out lu tba lew prrfeul prepart liana vt iba utur iloya from lima immemorial have made all manner of aport on lha aoljcl of lha inabd ty or rlrli to throw a eiotir 1 uv auipaaof dourat thai it u a nailer if knkottintpraolw smninri frrnmit rtwty thrijwajattirjb with a mnrti forra a a boyif aha kaww h itrw a inanv a tndiiitl bill tily ouiftli an liter rvenii i b d rfcrrnre 1 lr ml l tf and a boy a ia a th a f al y ibl- 11 boy ikhhia iuw ami farlr 1 ck whh ibe upoar pari f hit arn hihiiii at rlhl aniloe with hie txfly at i hi forearm at an anile of forty fo drurr thn drenl aot nf lhroning i acton llahr i i y t rli h n the arm bark wllh a n1 if hnap w rklnn avrry j ntiti houllfr t wiat the gtrl lhn a wttinjr aluli aim rlttld tlw boy will hi wh i arm nuxe1 why ihla mrkad an i m mlukl u ilifterooo dlah my t eiuina j by the tatt7ilirtlariru-ow4u-bo-l- tba- nflnlna anatomy le a nm nohna lougar it st anmo dteo i iwcr down than in tbe maaoo ino frame 1 he lontt erookrd awkwaul tone inter fna with the full an 1 frre im of ibo tun tlile la ilia remon why a girl oannol tbruif jealous op his pp aoettain ameiuan buuuuvinur al nuud for beluk a tender hearied aa a vi man and the ay ho pardoned con v ilu waa aumthlng awful lie waa callad upon by a commit ca uf thn labial a loto wllo vr3 0lly mil in no ti way told him dial 1i1u wholeaalo pardoning muatllp onv nur hob looked aohtorormtlm ti peil a bell aked for hiri pardon atrk ettd whan ho camr ual 1 makn out pardoua or twry man in ibe panlten tiary lha cark huward and withdrew 1 hen th governor looked kt the 00m mil tee who uaa aarjott iu if they thought ha wa gilnj mad datltuman hu ball niiblly i an aovergprof 1uiuaa aud if tl u com mltlev or any other nvor iln trek k liitorfro w lh my oouittiliillonul riht to pardon i ii aljjtt vir 01m of thaa aidcuu which the olerk lu making out qoa morning i thinob washington nllvilt av ll ia hard lo niake i aeeni irua that waahlugton jiffuraou franklin and th fatharaof the r ubho never aaw a rail road or ulntraph lino or a hewing machine or a holograph or a lypawiiur or a rubber ba pel nrahoo orapinutra etem uditig waluh ur a oyclopojia dlollonary or k ohromo or a lum unra ingor a friction match or a haitiuif ato or a furnace or a gaa or an bltotrio llbt or a ire englta or a uiouaand and oiid olhr thltita commun to every on to da area sure core for norvousnosa elooplossnos nor- vous prostration lossofenorftry brain fag- faintanddizzyspolls loss or moraory molancholla tilstlossnoas aftor eitocu of la grlppo palpitation of tho hoart anmmla gunuial doblllty and all troublo3 ahblng from a xun- down system they will build jou up nuke rich red blood und jivo you vim uud encrpy price 50c per bov or thro boe for 1 s it ilitijj gist or till bt sent on receipt of price by the i mi- burn co limited- toronto out a clear ooiiacleuc cm biar any iroub t coho and kmoey diflloulty mr j w wilddr j lmxrargvlll n y wnua i am kupjacl to havera rllacka of colio and kldny dlniculty and f ud larmtil a iilli ifforj ma great ivlf whila all nth or rma die have fallal ihcyarathe b 11 diadl ohm i hava vot uoj lu faal wj k ja tbe power t ihu medininu to cleatiio and purllyrjhat dle of blmoal ery iiama aud ualura are jrueu from iba bod god gvca ua ulu to ahut down hi ourlaiuof darkuca on our lilta day w cbtiunl bo beydutl the aral trial ofdr wood anurway liu byrup will featity any 011a that lha luotf healing vidua ut lha pine tree iiaauow bn ronad lulo an ffativa and can uauuut couih madloiua bald by al dealara 011 a guarautoo ol ullkfactlon irlou5 cut you might aa wctltxpout nua wtva of tlia kea to ba pracualy ths aimo aa tlia tidal wave of lha a aa to annuel thatthara will ha no chang lu cltcuinulano w l qladalona the torture of eczema prevented sleep- mr ruulurmoro miudoivullu btutlon llulnu co n s writ nu followh i uhijl iilrtuyw nrnlwi llimlook wood illfti hi uh tin wu rumody for uklu din in 1 i hud imioii aiiffrliiir f rt in hull klin or 1 oanniii fur tho pui i tlw nir mid could mil jil un iifl fit in lliu turrlhlu huruliil niiil him 1 thkh wnii mort 1 ut ul lit mi 1 pit intidamahplu ibarliil of 1 it it i th uj lit 1 w til i try it und ufti r ui 11 i imltlliviihio uiu h ili 1 ll i luntluuid null it iiium 1 hotlha in nil uul 1111 miw tu ph tuly ctiiod it in 11 hlrbblnj hint thorn a a h1ul1 ivnuly u h ltjl for thuati liirliiridduy und ulj lit witlil rdhlokkliiiluiuiu dw uliu dan u 1 110 rlluf fn in tin ir mltwry apply it externally und it tukt u out thu llri uud itch uud uhu h tho imulhik ch hi tales u inttrmtllv mid it purl hi a tho blood of ull lluiint polaonh whtohaiuthokoiirco of akin urup tlona bjbjbcurea eczema l and all burning itching skin diseases what is castoria ou to ho i for inftuits and culidrcn caatorixk u n linmilchm fiubntlttito for castor oil paregoric irop uul hoothtuir ftyrttps it contains neither opium forphino nor oiher- nnrcotjo trabstiuair ith tfiutrniioo 1m thirty years graktj fruyk r val t- klab j vwtt 0 17 1 ww n ib r uso by millions of mother cantoris lnxcroyh worms and nluy fovorlnji- nimn ah and wlit colic costorla rciiovqf tvottinr troubles euros coastlpatloii aiiil ilattjltsncy ctuttarh asniniibtos tho food rcrtilatc tho stomach and bowols of infant and children k healthy and nntural sloop castorla is tho children imiacef tho mothers friend castriiu v l ln uolnfl vaat i oct ltb iuu procrastinate i atorl usii caraluut wluln for cl ltji kl tbria hava ir lly uju tu q ua c rta uto 1 ibeir till ml tl ua q c oakmow tomtit aaw cutaru la ao vh a lalr1 to ctlui tul t lacomamtid it aa auw t aiy 1- acrlptloa known to wr if a aacnaa m d aar m y the facsim1le signature of no dont tb i hat but come to 1 ly to tlc acton pum and get your pump repaired or buy a new out vve can do it watering troughs cihtcrns xind a tjcncril jobbing btiantiitloiic si t isfjislion guaranteed ekotoa cyound concavo urine llca in ohahlee eebaqb i main si aciud appears on every wrapper king quality rubbers a cine nnoncn ki qiiy rutbcu are 10 light a finc kubbtr mzv d ey to wrbecau5p for a fine shoe thcr ritm there ii more pure gum used in their manufacture than in any rubber ever made king quality rubber areueatlau ieinerubter a fine rubber should be worn with a fme shoe and should be a perfect fit they are not intended for old shoes that have lost their shape have cracked and have not been frtled for the rubber try king quality rubbers more pahs of king quality i rubbers have eiven perfect satisfaction than of all other kinds to catch the ec and the mind at tho same time is the art of advertising tins ad illustrates how true tlua baying is especially to those wishing pleasant and profitable employment canadas sons on kopje and veldt the pqly book dealing exclusively with the canadian contingents is the book to handle official authentic cheap sells on sight to everybody and any body can sell it capital or experience not necessary send for free outfitand make money tho bradleycarretson co urantford ont limited pertinent peintsjf jn mo businesbanl prefess men good phnllng la not ncccssjrlly hl primlnc is not ncctiaarlly poor prlnllnk cheap good prliitiim la ilka jood palnljiif it demaada and ohlaiui a weend kunce tho aecoud klatiw lejula to thought about and kuowloda of tba thlnjf portrayed and then on to th nrllst or mlvortlsir riifcre a oiiijtoiej kind of prinlliiy wo dop i do that a i ho poor kind that a the kind you don l want uul wlifcfl you do want uoniolhlntf that la neat clean right up lodalo printed 011 1 ood paptjf with fine ink from typo lhat ia now and of the vtry la tea face mi in an artulic and intelligent manner in abort when you want o strictly first class job just jingle our lchphaoe or drop in at tho i lc prbui ofheo mill street and make- youf wants known h p joore glehring sk1lb n 01 furniture at cost j a speight co have decided to clear out their stock of furniture all lines at cost prices there will be bargains lor evcry- body who wants furniture for any room in the house a short time will be al lowed for paywnt ol goods purchased if cash 1 not convenient j a speight co warurooms foot oi willow 81 hcton air rifllrfztt amlavaalallaualmtlbauajuaalaaaiaaaaauaa kaiwuai ufcai ol jal iwlfjtahwi iuiaaiabitaaataaaitaai arf uliiiimiiiiiii ir mtwaarllmarma aatl tmja if fah aarlllaa aoat yjiir4-t- awwatrajlaa in7t coopbr lktd cooper akins jr ilcga jmimmco lo ha ulrona of the lale firm lhat mr aklna haa rcllrctl fiom lha uhoio huiludi tho bama will ba carried on by mr win cooper who will endeavor to give be uliaoai latltfactloti in ilia fuluro na in iho pal in or icr lo make room for new gooda thai are cotilhiunlly atrlvinj he will r rrlenda spocial prices for tho next month hoping lo receive your continued confi dence an 1 auppori tit and xvokkmarsuir auajijurrxin wmopeiv fcoerchant ta1loh uilx btlteet aoton hcton saw planing mills jtftlls st manufaolurara bnd daalera in all klndaof dkissl l amd undui isia lum ijlit ra1ii and eh1nglus sash dooitb ani ulinds window and doou ilumls all kltnds or- indoor andout doouilniblf having n uell aawrtad stock of lumber on band order will lu all caacshc pro nptly fill lumber drcuod and matched while you wait 1rlccs are aa low aa any other mill turn ing out wink otpial in ualliy cut torn lai9 cut at any tlmo jmo xvjuifx j4uxx tluowj afajuliraj r0 p wa tar all kinds of wood on band aud promptly dollvufod to any part of tba town castoria for infants ajd cliildrcit lajusuk k mud iiu ii 4tf ri lkall bfh i patents guaranteed our ic rlirud t we fait any oo aendlne aldcli aud tlruiiitliii f any tunolu it wilt j louli jl tiwtr or i liilil fc tooretnui ike iwlculauuiy of mine l w li omalu a laic ill brut uih il tniimt tail kcuiro ibiooijhuaa ivnlj r ulf at tnir vaiwux lvtrt u taken ihit tin hie u lcl 4 hsijowlllioutclhiiif lu fuk i atkiiruixoin an til ultal i un j wl uly- licoul i iourual ouimillrj 1 y ma lufauuu iau1 iliwai trfull rfuiinlctiylhtl aui viotor j hvxmd jk co iw ulrswaurya kar dlnb wabtm c patents promptly 5ecuredi r intritalltib ti i i ttnw you a awlodlad liatihir modal i t v ir in iltluii wli aitilixwillullymi frwoiir ioimi u aw it to v lhly clanlalls ulxtd alcatux haw li il uccyhfully iiimoiiii ly uo w coil lutt r illy r i upr1 t ll rt u u lllll ant w0 lutttiu ihunialll rjuuh nil ly il autlqul vl kfiui lllla aabioatlaatleliivliili ii ih4i ctt tautcuia fiuuulu l latarul luryuirl litrn 1i1 mat4ii ft m hill ralv ipkul tutl wllllihit clwt l our ui uawa4lrtu llullllmud llniuliiluul u4 iluatlllllui hpcihyiuht i iiuru fit ltauuuc tuiaiaahtkhuliicia marion wlarion wisant cxph and sollolior taflr 1 t nwvat i iu if m af ruautaal ucucerii amikuwk waahcasoau c experience tfwdc tyiarutu dtan covraaktb ac tepnabaadtu a aka4rk and lwliln anf if aaoartiain vat omiiwa rwi itlwf al lnitu le wettabaif pauatitlj fipaali hmsammch oitamalai navodlhiob tm slfllli scientific fltmricdn a heed jlr llnatilad wbw rl i ntkiihi r hin iao fmruli iimk j rv i four tlsabl tk4d brail wlli it 7 -t-

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