Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 4, 1901, p. 1

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i vr kt volume xxvi no lo acton ontauio thuk8day a1mii u ism price three cenjh mht act 3free jpresg evbnv thubbda morn in a it tm jtrcflrrtiitfttinjrlntlnjcoibco ulwubthbht aotoh ont letjyln edvanna all ubaorliui tblued wbeu lha time fur wtileh umt have baea paid bu plred the date u whleb aubaertpllon hrpaid 1a dtooud cm u eddraaa ooarrauot iutwhm toll lag tabl ebowa oar ratea for tbe lneerlloii of adruanulor ape period 1 s mo 1 no ju i eaoool o0l atfjjnl 87j i i 1 m0 jj tjoi uo adrarilmiitmla wluiftort apaolflo direction will b idaetted till forbid and ebareed aoo4- loadvi adrartlaamenu will b chanced month sir wd per ebaaa oft bo ft maatti qe eoapoeluon moat be pej4 for a regclat rate c wo oe bba ofllee by boon on toeedara aoooonu bajable month n p moonn i kdllor and feotarutor voshuss fiirerforp 300phck7tgbs ne vst wall paper hlcilvhi in i i tlkuaky and mahcil nici goods and low 1klct alii is oltdlk days bookstore cue ph pay bella choap tbade of camp coptal paid up 1000000 assots ovor 9ooo guelph branch kkxt apoa la rottmrja savings- oonk dopartmont iiiuiikut ouiiabnt uatk of intkbkht raid ou eaul depoalled ol id aad npwarda latent allowed from data of dapoait to date of withdrawal endpld or wnipoondtd half ifltintrr luida to vaapooelbl ta0iera 00 their omn mm at uta lowaal burraril ratea no charge made or oollecun bala twxaa 11 paymble la cltaalpti i garaj hankie liuioaaa tr a r it jojis mmmr ijorlru merchants bank of canada j ohm m macdonald m dcu j f ultkn m d o m offloe an 1 raaldaoo comer kill at bdasiik teteaototi 1 lolptnend d b c i kelly ho cllutul uouiuj ujivart uomt ooleo julluaidanovijuk bt asloo offla nouiw- to 10 1 la 3 atul y lo h pkr ditydenr ktm kail tnaoiy ajtd tioa ooraar voolwlcu at ukr rtraatj uubuif qkrutaoova 10ta to 1 pm and b to pxn smidamln m laipja 1 bkhnktt lu b dkntibt aaoajutrov i jm beiil udhldh qfllc ort lixown a diu btora uomok umjuatn o tqowto uinuint vtaitthq dayatuaady urookvllu vil day uoekvood ttio lataat nmltimri uaad if daahwl j ulokinnom wkuvnu doucttok gorzyvci j miieod uiuinn bouaikojlljmd commuaww iula buaou aaorsaiowa mortfaca 00 fajrto frroparty at r j mohabd curk boorul dutaxon court count r of ul- toa oomtfttoarabadivlraaadufaaa ttaaj batal agaat um to loan aao orrioil rtyroanalhook aoom pnt mqcattxjvzo a d r a v husband v s hoa afambav vatartttary uadloal offlm0r wotdaa iiaxbar btaop nasi doo to fd btoca mill bumt aotaa tnsubancli aghnt w u dbhmy awal jftit podfadarauo u juaoelalli afiml utoon irtn iomuoa com pa i offio ttoang bl aoton j h mry o bist bohclto of i fo lnaolloo rnpakm applloaliona o lh tjanajla adoar- umiadbaroanialanlomaaaad or tba haylttril of trada mariu hmai phlat tnirtt two yaart ajta hood for pnv plbaul aia nuhait booktllndku itjwuiam fit onaljw ontario 0ar wullamaluaia aooaal booka of ail kladm uajo ko ordar laiodloau of ar y daoori ptlon oarafal 1 y boatta ratio r nl iwotopiff don m auruou fiobnheh u v woobb laauxii ov ximff ticim pslftuoma nowluiaaaaatwaouwl iaaa3 at raldana id lla atanln vtm vw oaaa luto vtm hkmbtiikkt lloxhihp atlotlovub for um ooautlm of walllbftpn atod halloa 1 oidllllfl mill riimw pum tttm aetoo or umtniumimld acton will b promptly t- odjd 0 tf rui uaaann jll monay to loan db tba moat favorablo btnudl tha lowaat lata of i ltnakbd m tha lowaat i euubottulbu btock uafltal usjioo thbwbll1noton mutual firb inburanob company fcatbluhad 104o- uox an o talapboa ct wlu ba pfuuiptl son savings and loan go hsjid ofpiob toronto ont apuowmd cxml t ooo 00 ta t yr tutuflty hft pu monthly lnaulmedli ol 50c pr than fw tto months wba pymeau oetaoifio 00 tu la miuurtiy vltt lioooo i mtwy 1 tnlfbl loin or repayable in moot lily lnaltioqla on ppji oauoo o w j monabb agani aolon capital kcst 6000000 2600000 a gunvkal banking bublnkss thanactiid interest oj most favorable curfent rales kjlowwi on saving- bank aoil and dckait eciia lellcrt of crwlit uauoj kvaluua in all pa hi of iba orul spedjil ftltealiol given la larmer buiiou f uonly oudkiib vox amlaukf ur to 150 iaynblfl at uay banking point la cntla oulakla of lb yukon territory may bow fwrwtiry1 nt ihw itanw tnnnw wtlhf cajl and scu our now jjiiiolemn ohcloih and mattiiig doparlment tho first time you arc in guetpli uuiulm of folloftl nil wttl in mny loj rkim ftotil 3 lo sf 35 iiwjuaio yard almost a cat load of the good just now lo band our prions nr alwaya rluht this kjstjsk itlcth tbaa llti no homa clrcla but liatli a bayaid uta gau t aaat hfouj tba tvay of tba baaitktowa waary laaralux ilia ijoa aro t ltb uui t aa ma raach battda bow mtipt out unousti uia tbaaaallcbtoa tbo kaauc itlua aoaoft and atlll and fair you itold a ebaaflna aymbol to nioftala aarf yod u11iii uia lone bid i to baauty t lod un tba cuy utat tsaoy a day ittio lit tomb baa ujo u kaatarjilluaosliaatlitsi o auv laaaa wt hibjtob yoor aon of rlnry klim xmvh wltil frfiia aball tuaat w malk atnootf tba old feaja oltli aumattiio of taltb jt ilot aluulowy and nnfactatl aaaplnat tmiyond our raasb too far for mortal looablog too tatof human tba nooolihl on iba ttatr 111u tbat mmuu alt tba aod voiitntliaoiil voluiiia of ttiiila uf lod i wwula taad your biaaaac of booil ulat dnda acton branch any pictures to frame any pklurca lo 1 nun waters bros o0blph has kq iiimit if yoo have telephone service any distance up to j500 miles may be bridged in a few beconds trains may be overtaken messages already on the way an ticipated and the very sun outstripped the bell telephone go orcanada- 3j1k7uc cooper utra cooper anns llg io 4uoooivc lo lll palrocla of tbo bus arm thai ur aklna h mttred from um abova iiiitlncn tlui karoo will bo cat tied on by mr wro coope who will uuleavor to glv iba blnoal aatlajactlon la tba fulara aa la tha paaf la ordcf to make room for now good that ara cooilnually kxtlvlnif bo will give bu fflcudj spoclal prices for the next month hoplnglo ncalvm your conllnueil cooli denco and aoftort rrr jmjy woitxuamsuw uuajtatmxjx wm cooper uriulliahtrillou uux htbmtf xurrau amateur cameras kmd suppjli6s premo poco ray magazine cyclone printing trauib ablnat 3j cvnl fkintino papkba s0l10 a mala velox photox fmotowbtulf hotoh joiin m bond co guslph spelt2 tim great kqyptian grain somi1tiiing nuwtky it jpatlbot4b lot cue bolliat paid per bushel j so bi biorc gram sod butf jiroof iter lb 15c 4 lb far 50c t prf boihel ttt more cow ivsaa tbo mt cat 1 1j fodder 3oc per lb j iba lor 50c 73c per cck ijio por buiikii al atorr whho llullcaa bailey i 35 per buji black wulieaa lutley 750 per built ijjrowa oat only mc per buth imracbolco timothy anj clover ei aulka lticvrcoa and olmtofl closer bromul ittermla orchard bed toji kentucky and other rraw garden iieeda jc kkl 1 ull dtrt 10 jaila for 35c wo put up hnd lint our own aed hood leaa cuc id 75c per buili a rrml vulcly wrftdorcall forcatalogufl geo j thfopzlp skxd oram jtdrixuxtrrs ire gu6lph sl rockwood acton bakery westons bread williams bread and cakes alwiy lo us tut at malllwwa alao a choice una of oonleotlonafty fruits bto broad ulitrd tollwwlutauubt aend for ii j e mallhewb acton ilvery bus line wall xqulppad and styuali ttigd ca al way ba sacorad at bu aubbw ufortabl bua uaalaall oarafa attanuoolaatoryoj tba waala of tloomaroial tra ral ian ally toau john williams fmiralaron procrastinate no dont ilo that but come today to the acton pump works and get your pump repaired or buy a new one we can do it watering troughs cisterns and a general jobbing business done satisfaction guaranteed skatea ground concpve llrliik tltm 111 chalfcs bbaob mklii st aclou rgton saw planing mills mkin st wlanufaoturarx ind dalr in all kind- of bhubko and unduussld luu ukk tat ani bhincu sash looflt ano bunds window and doou mauub all kinds of 1ndooh and out- uoou 1iniblf luvlutf a wu auoiiod atock of lumbar ou ltatul ordera wllljo nil caae u promptly lucj lumbar h reaaed an j tiulcbad wtu you alt lrtcfl aji lo i otlter mill iniu tajfoul wltvlbll in qoamty cuatom ioa cul bl t litobrams jajtmsnmowm fraprtmtar v aklntu of wood 00 hand and protnptly cwlvaml to liny put of ho town v- jvt1 ibdaftavuka iw fuurt la ilk- od klall blot of waf o kaaur llll ioi liid o ktr k blow- llld ua lo cooquf doubtln till w- hall knoi h know i iy irif r nu i he jvji sajjc ofthu lrilite kxia w fuma- t tkl waa born lo tba atatloo boom sl and graw tip ibeta the alatloo- bonaa f tha very oeulta and pnlaa of gray vox and cray vo ia tba oaaua and bulaaof aoarlaln 000 oly in a oartalo a tat not n to oiratioq lying weat ojf tba adluouil and aaat of qowbara in par tlenlar ttwr- a grain livl- t fl vnt it iooma baalda u railroad iraek ottd i painud datk red tba um aa tba aialioo boaar aa iba rallioad alalloo la called tbara l a atora wbara a i moat abyuflnrf can ba parebaaad cxmpf aa uaomctiroaa aeons tha partloolar thlnff yon want and in tba rsajr of tba kiora u tba poatofflca baxt to tha bo lobar oouo tor a hlaokamlthtab biliary kaepa a bop bait door uim hillary bla laur raakaa draaaea and boobau and utti chair lu bar ooaatory frama hoaaa a block up tb alraat atx iba baf mr oaoraa tnrbob livaa oral door to lb too hog boutr jual uyood r thai u gray folhl lt that la all of gray qof that tha oaaoal travvllar would aao 1 by any cbanoa a casual trartlr ahoald aver paaa tbat way am a malur of faol gray vox reaabaa twenty ml la in aaob dlraotlou farmara with wbajt and otbar prod 60a bajutl know it for tbelr ablppln point- iaraona o raatleaa to dvatra oommaaloatloa with tho rt of tba world by tocaoa of tba ooontry a mail aorloo ara 0000 pal ad to ylalt it thoae inoljoad to itatao 19 tha goapj aa praaobad by tba bay ur gorg tut boa b pay it oocaalonal oall aud bonao kaapera daalrinj pano baouu oannad to mato or calloo patrootxa tim arnndal a ifanaral a lor tba wlckaia of whom tltal waa ona llvad ovar tba ttatloo la a fow low nooma whlofa aorphaad tba vulur with tbalrooro fort tba hamp oarptla on tha ftoora had faded till tbay wara ajmoat buaaant to look at tha railroad aopplifd plenty nfooal for tha iron aiovt plant raw wall it lha aoutb uodowa and tba kltoban waa alrnoat immaoolataly olaan william wlokar iba 14 of tha hoaaa hold aod bula fatbar waa tloktaiur bdtapbar txpraaa and fraighl agaot and baotacavmaaur and did not flod hla dotlaa ooofooa in fact bot baln an aaplrio or barvooa man ha waa wu eonteat to h ilownalalra to bla plaoa of hudoaaa to 1 mount aialra altar work tba finding blm aolf by b own haarthatooa and to look paoajvcly out owr lewl and moootonoua country at tba diatant aky to ba aura tha aky waa aomotlmaa vl4anu od praaaotad itaalf in tartllnf bhsasa whlob would bayd baod bum or laaaoffauiira to peopla ao inufad td un fortuity bad tbay paid mob atlautlou to it but tbilr ajraa wara daad opou tbloga baarar aarthbbd law of ubam obaarvad tbaaunaata of aoaodalooa bplaudar whlob wara flauntad lu tbalr yaa or obaarvad tbom riotoaa tlawoa with whloh juua uabaraj fa bar triumphant day or tha inlamparata baauty of oartalo ftulnmn fmviii tartarrall lb mtnm balpllal ad wltbpurpla abd tha aky atlowad with tanbaluvabla blaa and at annaat dlppad into a boriaou of tnoilao gold tboa who did obaart tbaaai tltlna kapt jalct about thant for raaaoaa btal kapt uulat about thaoi although aba aaw thard from tba tow window a of tba atftllon houaa tiba kapt quia about a nam bar of iblojta about tha utur aha bad wrlttao bar anol yraboaa fur akatapu it had not baan a paltlotilatly ajrahu utur ludoad it bad a dlatloot tooaof aniar aud imparllu auoa in il dar aunt vranoaa il bad aald i aappoaa you bavd forottaa that i aui allva vou tuuat bowarar bava baatd of buy aa lataooa uy baroa to aava you tba troubla of looking at lb botloni of thia pafca la ku1u vrboaa wlokar and i ila at 0y pox orr a alallon houaa in tba mldju of nowhafb i wrlla to you baoauaa i mut writa to aomaoua and i am not awiualulaj wllh any boa alar i im bot ambaluld with jod if tba trulb ruut told it la dlf faraot haraat homa whara i know aary ooa but bo 00a knawa ma tba only gli bara u aaornlaaa tur bttan tha dabahtar of lha mlnular uba u a aoaakiibi kind ot kui and jaaloaa of arytfaloff i do bba taaabaa in tha biioday bobool and pu op all tha kooia blaaandoytaf aoppar abd baokuapalrtlaa fjba baa told lot of liaa about ma tbara ma girls out lu tba oountry but tbay barer doom to aaa ma tbay oom lo paod tba day with gaorghtua aouiallmaa but tbay know bat tar than to bother tan i auppoaa im aura i dont want thm uotbar aad j kaap to ouiaaloaa a food molbar baa not baau vary wall jrvt a ab ate n u looujtb bat aba la on bar faat all day loogv i dont aaa what tnor oould ba aspaotad bba aya tbara la bo naa to coinaj out ba- raoaa tbara la do plaoa lo no lo 1 aaldooi go out tpyaalf 1 wll not ba in a ojt doaiffloa wbau ilia majl oomoa in be wmy oaor tur- bneb dota with men ldflliit around amoklutf and watohlnjj out for a c banco lo mak ramarka yoo wltl hardly behovo i but till it ons octha drat lattara i liara e aent not but bat f tixvu written plenty of tham i do ll fop praotioa i liavo ui in aoltool aery year linco f waa flvr i am xli bow i am coliul to knrp ilil m bolnjl to aibool i want lu uarn bara i bavo lomi book a lo trail tim aohool tftaohcr wo had four yor ago aotida tbom to ma and i aaod thorn btok to blm when i have raad them iiq la principal of a bobool in ktnaaa cuy now wo havoa woman aaoliar haro at prca ot bl la uot much on arllliiiifitlo am j cauhoat ufic thaia any day but al ii i lory aha la uratrab aod lo aba la at writing hbo aaya i writa a good bknd aud i bopo you think ao too my oompoa itona bava alwaya baan tbo beat to tho ai liool though geonjlanaa ara mora poatl ol and flowery bjlna ara batter punolu tnt iban here aod mora grammatical thascuofl liia twenty firo pnplla now which la worn than it ever bad before there ara aomo biff boy a bat georgian aud i are tha blkoaet n dba would atop koinff lo cbool if i woulj for aba doaa lot like it vary well but i korp on jail lo plkuo hr al hull llil la una of tha taaaona hha wouul out 01 br rljilit hand ratbrr llian ylo tip baforo i did i iiavb wrlttao you a good many lotlara knd lortl tliem up but i am kolntf to aoinl tbla 011a jut to tlt at aitwrr i liava 6oly had ibroo lollera of my own ltlir ou a kood many but i will uol y 1 li tba pot oflloa for tliein aa i told you tha aprlutf u backward and lad for lha oorti mother miidi yuti her lore and raya luvhopoa that you have not forotoiihor though aha la hurrlad allvo out her in tliia dorert i krow oti rnuit la buay and it la not llktly that you will oara to anawer mv latter al all hot if ou aiioutd ou abould yun would find m your obliod ltlujt kklj wiluku in a few daya tha anatrer oamr wrlltail in an 1 irrgnll whirl hi1 had llatella my daar what do you mran t hnraly you hava had rollpl training t obyra auntl aod you undartlaud tba mraulntf of ktatar i know lb hi tho uay on wbicli cbil aroao from th daul wall then yoa faal do you not that ainoa uila la tha day that brourht mora joy 10 man than any olhar day of all daya it iboolj be act aartfoa pralao am baaoty anl bapplnaaa baa dear child uromta in prion i tbo aprlrl whlob la a pes potaaj mlraole and ralnrna raoh yaac a lrtjna aymbol toahow na how ufa oomaa ouuof dealb how ionooenco can grow out of alt how joy can coma after borrow tba day for foo li aao of perfect beauty i woudar that all lha wathidoea not aiujf 11 maana hopp in all of ufa aba waul on lhara la nothing ao naocaaary lo the aplrlt aa hop tba man who loaea it la woraa than dead nay bo a dead without tbo paoa of tbo grave i apeak paaaionalaly kaulls for onca i loal hope i waa onn fraah from oollogq and enamoradrith tba aorjulaition of knowledge i ihouitht i knaw a rreat leal about tha old pbllotophlea and i tried tlbrlteto that lu i haro i fouud all that a peraou of inlolliruoo aud honor and oour aja oould require i at my faco firmly a iba future fan a oj myeelf a atolc and detorminod to live a life of aln virtue and la defy deet luy my daar i waa mlaarahle 1alalle aald nothing and tier aontpto deeded i txliovad only lit tboaa tbiuk whlob i aw damonalraud i fatiolad my aclf very tainted and aalnla x ktmoel dlrd with lonlln it eemed a it lhara wu nothing to hind m lo thoae aboat me texpactad bo future waa diaatlued wltb mproaeut aud had only titeinorle of the el which i put aelde aa foollli aud ketillmcntal and auperalllloja bui on day in ajillo of ntyavlf all of my hopooame back to tua i beheld in lha philoaopliy of our hltaaed iord tbo tout thing llm world boojrdbve iaawahe ioko mnto alowly that all tho bouevolauo of olulliutloa wu i ho out 00m of ii i know thai the liberty of aome dimanuyltrdeejphrlnrraatrl my uaiulirailkpttiydaarcblld it gave m itruat plaaatire to oo rantimdrud by you audi wahl above all thlnua to bavoyou vlalt ma and lhl immedlauiy ilaaaebrgjqur father and moll a to ulve tbrlrpormlaalun aud aaurelbml hall will tclva yoa the bert of oo vour uuolaa oannrclioii wlih the road maka it oy for lo bond you lha irauiporutlon which i eocloa i kn6w a youu girl i likely 0 want baw clotba when lha lata home for a vial i bo rvbollecl how much beterour ahopamuit ba rbati yoor7 and kindly de lay your purohaae moreover th preaant e ta ao rkooodldgly convenient for m that unloaa j on hava exoallent rtaaona for delay i pray you to mak haate willi love to our mother and klud ramemberatioe to your father i am your loving auul fuixcm cotkuiw oould a utlorxhauko lha whole face of th world ttiia nlbt lha iuumi waa tedder with ulao aud greaua dlloalo and llluaive aa a aad aoug but to blalla the earth aaemej oompouudad of aoarlat bod gold bba packed a llttl old haircloth trunk with lha clolhr mlam hillary had made and aho oiiod ougaorgiada tot bulb juat to let her know a tblug of two but whti gaorkltna pried im fto clad jouoatirol wont it b glorl oual aud klaaed bar tltal wlahed aba had called with another motive the belt afternoon aba left tho little auttou bouao 00 tbo overland land flyer for iba flrt lima lo bar life and by tba koorulotf of tba aeooud day ber aunt mat bar id tho great ulanlug irutl depot at cbloajco all the way up bu luvd boon faelltig a trifle ball iere tit bb bad ru idea her aunt muthl try to put ou alra wllb bar beoauad aba waa a oouutry alii aud ah clearly mad up bef mind what ah would do lu feuob a oaae bba didnt inland to be pul upon ludead aba dijut i but who would ever have auppomed thl anybody would coioo to luaet oll wlokar from th elation houa al grey vox aa thalbaaullfalwomau whocamatomeatbert bu waa folded in an embrace aoj lip retud upon bar own a lender perfume floated ta her from fur and velvet il wai aa if aomagraolaua juaen had lovingly ooodeaoanded to one of low batata tha a the thouuhl thai wotlhroanb uui mind for utel bad a mind with a lot of curlou pbraaaoloity luoked away in it which aha had uot from book lu bar lonely readmit of oenre tha uvsl tblnjj btal wan boiiacloua of a waa an oawhaloi ing for 1 1 tig of ehynhi btit a moment mer whan aba eat baeld bar auut in tha oarriir aveo tbia vatilahed im ao glad you aot up lu tlm for kater aald bar autll lu a flab vole whlob eaeoied lo warnt btall through aud through i aball flud th day all lha happier i tikp aomti uneitpacud pleaiura on kaatir jmt aa 1 do ou ohrutiuaa day eakury hul hardly knew what it wa it wa uot th outtim of the luv mr lurbub to uiak imioh of ihla holy day and ibf devotion of hit aartuon to bla sub ject waa all th uollo ha tool of it among th taauy bawllderltiu thliigi vthltlli hap paued in tba uekt fw days uotblug waa mora uwlljrlug lhau lh u oouttaut tafr ana to ramtr aunt ifauoa waa buay audiu off gift with whloh bui helped her hha wea al lb tlorll looking at lllllea lu ila ordtrliigoue to be nut to a frleud at lha boapltat on li a ahut lu au old rjualutatio who uevar laft bar ohambar uu to ati old anliieter ooualu huuthar tp a wild youug bachelor who waa a tlluut trullon dlok la a dear allow at hrtl urbxl auut vfauca i always remember htm on holiday j iba illy will carry tu ma aagaparhap who ban ull f it u beauti ful anough oerlalnly ii haeaaegar rpeto iui bhdld uut follow 1 aplril all her auut held tbla rapid ah 1 1 ting from aubject to eubjrol u wbioh bar auul and her frienda uminl ao at home waa eady oonfualug to kiel who waa uead tuhaarlug unaubjel nhuul bafora another waa heguo it blaeaad letter tooeeag daar ohilj iti meat a g ol bujw and tegaoeratloa aarlry im afraid aald hi- 1 bluehlog deeply h i doulqult undar aland aoot praooad waa aabdlng off toma del loatf lllutnlnalad izaaifr carda but mw aba luraad from bar deak to look at btal our lonely ghrlal ta ilien i ghriat la riven i a great white fact whlob ilka tba 1 in heaven ugh led op tba dark plaom of lla world i o y alara of beaten bloaa ye tba iord pralae ulm and magnify him f ore war i o ye bowra and dew bieee r the lard pralea him and maanlfy tflm for aver i o ye wiodaof god bleat ye ilia lord pralao him aod magnify him fomver i o ya fire and heat btea ye th lord y ulghta anal daj llghlnluge and eloode ya moanlalna and hllla all ye groan lhlo ppo iba earth pralae him and magnify blm fort rl the raelt e u t we thoy ware the uplrllual ruala of mou tlioy badatiitnotnattnirttorty7 in aplteol an auparlor phyalou atreugtb i baw thai love waa lha ouo thing lliel could unite o to lltoeo about tut and reconcile all tha diheretioet and bridge bver all gape i aw indeed that it wa all that kept many nen and women from dot pa i c from mad ie and tuloldo hi ail ajo in wbloh the alruggla i ko hitler bui there ibera dear oblld forgiva ma i i have lajkod ilka a preaobtr only now you know what laeler meana lo tba ltleju waa looking down al tba tip of her pretty tiew ahoe it ban never ut touch of anything to ma khe aald and there waa a ting of reesulmeul lu her lone the reel of th week paaead very happily 1tliw wandered about the library looking r lha bookt walked through tha de kghllul room whloh bee mod lo her laxur irfot j though in reality they d it played mare taala than wealth bhe mat tome glrla of her own age who were exceedingly gtaoloua od who ppeatl to bo oatlrely unoouaaloua of bar ahynaaa and that pecu liar country quality whloh jbtulle felt con viiioed moat b nolioaabl ia her lioh day aha attended church with bar hunt and the eolemn leuten earvloa en thrallad her the great laealou waa for tba flni lima mad a living to ber bba beheld it with awed and faaolualed ya hb waa ubdor tha kpail of the greatest drama in tba world bauday morutug dawned wllb kunahlua and goalie wind wind aolb aa velvet llnclurad wllb parfum full of bolt buf fellliga tha willow and aider had flooff out y alio with greeu toadau leuui beard tba bolt lapping of the uk agalnat the great baa walt bha lookeev from bar window over au expajiae of par pie walor tipped with dumoud never had ah bean takabf lohtgab bafora lu it perfaot apuudor theakybboo arched to meat ll deeply and marveltoualy blue but tbara wa a perfume in the room wbloh did not coma from out of door 1buiu looked about bar by her dreaelng table one alalely tlatk ou each aide tlood two per mit leulle who bad dona a few bpoultbaoua ihlug in bar i f threw herult nou liar kueoa by lham lo inhale their fragrant in 000 of tbi allff graed laavaa a beta waa caught iltaed nfay yod flud tba me bage of lh lllle again blal did a thing which wa ipoulauoouj hha taitad bar aitnta uol ti her up it wa a plaaura really m uioet delight f ul plaejtur to dleoovar that the jarkljowo wbloh bb doughl wltb her from hom and which aba had cxpectid lo wear wa vaplaoed willi a lovely doveootorad uul frock wbloh ah had uavar beau bafora it aeoitiad toault th morulnf and when h wa ou nothing wan mora filling than to like a while roe from it vaia and place it amoug her braid lb ilia dining roouiwher lalell uuola attd aunt awlldbir tlmrd war hank uf tlower upon th ull 11 la lu th wld wiudow roee ou tha maulel aud bunche of tar gat tue uoli laid at aaob place her auut inathar wllhaffaoliouau word lha brakfait waa a hbppy on knd thay all wail merry over th homaly symbol of th day that war embodied hi lh lltlt uibil but i- itelle d grtat hour oui at lh morning bervlo what word wer thea that tha boy aaug t what perfect for glveuu wan thia tbal wan pruuilaad avu for tboe who had alnned to tba utumiu bean daap voloa of tba organ angel awaet voloa of child ran wbu llllo wltb hoakl uf gold what ineaaag i tbl you bring to day to ft foollh girl with au oh- btluata brlda and a auaplolou haaklf gau llbdlbbtklt bar balflab agolllloaj day aud month and year aaii ba forgiven j oau bho outllv th liinuatto of ihoe fool lab luleerabta croat grained dajet whhl plao had tbay lu lh woild fco full of beauty and joy bo redewtbed from it miaoriaaaud ll alna by tit great bacrl 00 t how ignorant bow ooafaa how hateful bad baau thoaa other day a t ah lu lev them far wblud i to be orttuf tho who atood for baaaly whethar to taaka a groin ed roof nob a that arching abov bar or eqiluda ftom at orgau bach that tbtltl jag ha b w to- repeal w and hope auch aa thoea lha boy wara alng log now and had baeii aluglug duf lug lut or ataq to grow fjuwar buoh aa tboaet tba patfect lovtlineaa nf which a poke lo li now tue king ber hu all lu baraalf that wa vain an mean 0 ye holy auit humbl men of heart blaa ye thalordl praletim and magnify jllm foraver 1 lair iba lird la graclotis hi meroy la everlatlng and ilia truth a o dor at h from generalloo lo generation a lettlle went home the glad wava taped to the tap of the ky aaawaji and fell in a million tparkling diamond drop upon the froah award uba watched it id alienee uwr aaot aat baaids bar ami ing and looking now and than into lha heart of a lily in her hand did yoo read ita mceaaga dear 7 abe aakod i think i uudereund that aflaruoou abe wrote a lolltr lioroe to ber mother it waa a loader la i tor and it teemed to her mother aa bba read h toahow that lur little girl undaralood aa aha had never 1 framed that alio ild all the herdehlp and deprivation or the loioly life the had ao lung led 1 i ahall be baok heme with ou by knd by the utter a 1 and iboti i ahall b a much better daughter than 1 bava- bren i love you mother ur thouch i have been ao carelee aboal tolling you lle worda fell into tha gray life of ita dieapohwl womtn a blarllght ml in a dun aeon but kiullo aleo wrola to gwirglana turbo h dear goorgiana i ahall uot tll oo of my vliit till i reach tinmj i ml joa very mo oh and want jon to mlw me a uui bim whan i come book i am golm- lo help yoa with th bociablc and thlok ttik a iok up tbaral imn upt oh 11 muat be a rouo a sled little robin 1 01 euro of u note t yea tbara a brawn no 11a bin aad tbara a cad luboeotn fmk dowi ral luol floau i rlxhi bara in tba hplne up from lha inaraat oil tbe dear idttla uin1 itoot yoa aeatbe wbua puutall alii a i o wlu dew djopa 7 mt you know tbat bo daar irttla flower uliliuiit oh what la tt- bubulna the titb lin tba kuabjn uis boebloc tb daablng ainug 7 ob fdatau um etruun of u forat baa broktn tim booda of uiewlutar awl mint into aoog iauu h jloiar tekall know haw lietlei ihl i aeon how much kinduea doe ld how aellghifai ll u poatlbu lo toak life ir jou only know how xleaa forgive me for being oroa you were blwy beltac than i aud i knew it now i am not aebamed to ay to what are yon writing i bar a hot aakod in patalng toooblng hetello a braid uti ly wllb her band vat antwer ibe girl bald tha hot up u her xur hunt returned itwltli k v voa uuderetand ihe meiaagaof tha lllle quite wall aha bald lotm eastgii matter it on of th gladdoal of chnroh featlvalt wa calebrate it with inuaio and dawera wa deck our ohurobr with tha choloeal bloom and organ and choir give no tba inaplritiug mutlo ilia a time ot rejoicing wbeu all tongue arw eloquent wltb praiaaaod all heart art over flowing with gratitude ibalordhaariaeo thia if lb train bubllme lie wa dead knd burled j bat he ba corn forth from tbe tomb ot with th gravaclothe atlll bonnd upon htm but it gloom i gon it i all alight our lord has iain in ii kud rleen from ii kbd robudltofiltero he i booomo tba oral fruit of them that alapt tbl i th ground of our hope he laelad death for every tnau that wa might hat trmmpli over lha uet uetny xb hojoeo and a kaoeodad to tba father ao aball we rlaa and aacead for k in adam kll die ao in ghriat abaii all bo made klive ha la aon of man aad boh nf god tbl a lha aurety of our faith ho waa man tempted in all point a wa ar tempted yet wilhoot ain in tbl hit bau hood conquered he wa god iln ba gave up tbe gboet upon tha oroa bs pray ad for ul aoamla aud alayai vatbat forgiv lhm for they know not what thay do ii wa god whu be diod heaven put on mourulng knd lb aarlb rocked with amotion ha waa god he ctma forth from iba rock bowu aepulchar having onlahod hi offering for ain abd given tha la i touch of fullnea and joy lo tba goapal of todempuutl kud tokurrcotlou obrlet i rleen from th dd our faith ta not in vaih dealh j bwllowod up in vlcuby thbtik b tq god whlob glvalh u llm victory through our lord 3eabuohrttmuvjmiitjrj pubbn wilhulminag joke lh qervaan ppri kraa1uug lha ttory of ouof the jaki lu whloh tba qurii of uollabd dellgbu on obrlattaa day bbr a uaual recelvod th profaaarn of dotah unlverallter wbeu on laaruad man graelad ber th met hliil filh an air of ohlljith rellaf aud oonfldeuo oh my dear uyhcar i an bo ad hat you have come aha bald i have watt lod you here ie a lltor of tbauka from a utile king w con for rod the or jar uf lb lion upon hint bccaua h wa bo good la our dutch aubjvila now wa want you who are bo iauiou a uugulal to prououuoa for ua tha utmu ourof frteud th flatlarad proffbaor took lh paper looked at it uuntmefed and blukhad until tha kind barud kill quuli ruil nevar mlud kboul that now tha aald taka t ham aud ktudy it lb llkblfl klgiled lo lh letter wa djoaakaitba hamauagkal boanwooo hauoyiatibl lug ligalogo ngabdaor batmiaji iijuou1iiologjuiolafakalalul vii a littlu uumiultifc what nau ii be lu ibia bjlakit t ibd iaxd bay ml mabel dean and iuaij who i am but lta ao big for au laeurf baakeu iblt knot uovor will noma i gucat but th bcuaor will opati it it oautukllbgg my i i bar botnelhlug i u that i iguaa it b juk no liaut- maidumt o mammal do com add be 1 know ibejaa frotu grandma ihre liny whit haulam kud bb th uulaaa vgg i leut tba tooeter a mill geueral oil yod dear aw ohtckabiddie i atd kll my own i now ill bavjjlaur agg thd whole yoar thk volcano a voloauu aald tba teacher lu a long laland aoliooh ta a mountain abd b crater or deep bole u iba centra from wbloh u throw up or amlla amoka fioo tooaa and lava now ohlldrau oan you 411 ma what la auleatfo t ea leaohar aald una of tbe boj voloauo la m aick mountain naa noti tbe early eon ta eblalatf tbe era la eoft aod dry tba bloablrd airs ilia carol ajooa uiabrurbt bin aky ko bring tba dainty traaauraa tba acaw of arary bud tito kaator bara bid alyf on laatar nlbt for yoo itaa purple ecga aodeoblali aod tad a aunaot akla how owt joo iblnkba alola uwn froul llnl of paradlaa7 tbeo alart tbain on tbalr journey llowcaltydowu u toll a if a troop of nower had euutad on a auol i tlia bird lau la tba trea lo tlia hrooka uuli liotil uta bill add all iba utuo paopla are laumlld0loudar ktlll it t that was dlffemufjt ljpa aakod the little boy do yoa remember tha brat money yoa nod ye aald pp it waa a bloe bew ehlny o cent plooo thai old mr gregg iba grooer iave tn for doing about a quarter a worth of work in carrying a load ol potatoea into hie orllar i worked all batarday afternoon to eani that olokal and larboo bo paid ma f ran throa block bonw lirod a 1 woe lo bhow il and di you put ll in our little bank akad the little boy ua- 1tolf falheiit permleaioo to ipali 1 il j ut ail i plaod howovat x kept it for ihrwi or four daytt jut lo havo lha batlufkolton of having mony in my poclut oarurd by my nwu exerljoua aod if x oould hava bought all i ho thine i tbouftht of buying with that clokl i would hava had about oio worth or bookr toy biarblea and what uol finally i mad p my mind whal it do you think i bought r i am auto i cant gue bald tho litlee boy what did you bay papa 1 1 went to th bakery and bought a uj pie why papal aud you aald grandma alwaya bad cot lard pie at borne and let ycd have a alio of it a aoou a you got bom from kchool 1 ye i head tj set a alloc bot bot a whole pie and bha never ut ma eat it tba y i wanted to bo i wool to tba bakary and bought my pie and borrowed a ipooa from tlia baker and ate all tba malard and laft the croat 1 barer bad anything taale ao good in all my uf you never allow tue to oat oualald pi thai way papa aald iba lilll boy ob ibale diffareut i bald papa a uov ifvlventon iow imporunt to tba world niayba tba nrulng of hoy a tboughl into tba rljtbt cbabntl u indicalad by tbe fact that tba talephoo waa orlgluatod by frofeaeor a g bell when be we a boy hi fatbar tbe venerable iroiaaeor a m bell giveej an account ot the matter in a let tax publiehod in mr george ilea bew work flame llaclrlcly and tba camera in the boyhood of my throa eon i took i ham to kee tba peaking macbloa oouetracud by llarr feber and wa wax dl greatly in tar ta tad lu it prof eaaloo ally to leal tbalr theoretical knowledge and their mechanical ingenuity i offered a priks to lb oba who blioulj produo tba beat roeull iu imiuliou of apeeob by bloohabloal taeaue all ot oour art lo work hut both log of blallliug uovelly wa daviaed tba aohaoie of my booood boo a g ball wa however iba bful tbla ooulaat aa wall a lb whole eoutaa of thd hoy adnoatlorj directed ihoir mind lo tba aubjacl until lhoouaurvivror lha lad cam to tha conolutloa that imllallva inaobaqlam bllitbt badeapeuud with aud merely the vibration of pci ba transmitted i lo an alaclrlc wlra tbla was eatltoly itla own idea h illulraud ll to ma by diagram- and akatuhad out 111 who puu of baotrl oulo coin in uutaatlotl long befor anything hid baau dona for th practical reallaatloq of tha lda i cau claim nothing in lh uuphqna but tha impulo which led lo tha invention ivutkt cou4kinm vaitlutibu ihoe who ar luduttrlou lu any calling aracapabl of further llaalugr wharaaa lha idl ara fit for uaihliiij but temptation falteiil ioctor i dou t know what a tba niatur wlh tua 1 cant alup iav no appetur uo ittararl in butlnfca doctor wall why don t you propo lo tit giil mr nioeillow wbl do you think 1 lha proper age for girl to marry t uiea lsha o about 11 ludeedl auithow old at you r o about iu ill mkfutuaitirnly doulyou know that th grakiug uoloniou eaij hper lha ro1 and apoil tha child 7 bobby hub but ha didnt ay that ulllll ll waa growcd up ha im going to lako it day off uaxk week fur lh purpoaa of celebrating tha kuulvarary btmy birth btia when i oclabraud luia lut bjontb i took a year off 1aaeougr running lo lha barrier ooa duclor have i tlmo to aay good by to my wlm cooduclor i don l know air how long bav yuu beail liiarrinl lltlu kthal had tiavor boat a load u- fora aud having by uliauo dlaouvercd ou jo bar itb wer gardou duui runtiiug to lb houaa bar face fluehod with aaoiumaot ijlug m m ooiuaqukk 1- tharaa a pooka t book bopplttg around out hara wltb tour lag on il j voa abould uot feel llnd all tin lime boaltby poopladou i- you woiil if you uk hood baraapadll fur a wbilr

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