Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 4, 1901, p. 2

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ft is ttdgujj4jg t j h 1 lo air and lira j w h output us dauiutar jwajuunn llunnrrr llstn it uia rwl1iitm ol tit brldss uncle edward doughty hag kimuim do wfomuy otih march br he henry urand will huruett to ulee maud held ilsilliikaat th mattes jeorgatowupo vnmuvabtli meeehbv tb he ii ierrtn mr james it- lull ol ntenwllllems to 111m dallletereeas ulna ol tb sems n tviowitnto in dt jtnii cburab fimlerleb township on wednesday thti march lr lie hmlut mr ubss k tsylorpf wjrui lo clara aldssi daughter ot julu iltilduton eg aquarian quant hrmox htitttrw h lbboitt ot ur a i nymrortrroibwrof ui troain tli mi alco on on wednssday ttui msrofa br j armstrong mr john a hrmon of ths arm of uunaiitiutpbllbulhhl boo nflba uu iiiwim flvuton bao awn in lmoriaabellbiobteroij jbjytoo kj norui honlpausr verjoon1 boers surrendering tha clmrlna ofth batrn tretna- vta continue womin taken to utraoht another doenobnenal cap tured dikd n tuesday ui umh of i nob ummu uflmirat haaajuraways on wednesday ittui starch john uatbednui mad jeara hitttok on sunday mui starch or bronchi pneumonia un hut i i mujloo rellot of u fals cbarlea huuoo end moibr- ho two aeorgelawn 1 rwia wm r of mr jcfc pcije ttnn 3fm ijress thursday avail 4th 1001 editorial notes tba dominion government announced tuesday that the canadian exhibit at lb iauamsrioan txpoaluoo it ilnflalo will be dosed oo sundays till announce ment will bo satisfactory t- canadian gouetlly there la a strong isellns that tha dimi of tha provincial uniformity should ha obangv d trora lu original para a toronto uol- varsity lo the university of onlwlo tb govaromoni baalgnlfiad lu willing aaaa to tbla obdgo ot uim iwaood a ihara la a oonaanaaa of opinion la lba1 duaotion 8a i tiara exojiraloaa lo tha woat bava be gan undar very favorable clroamatamoaaj horao urgo pzttm baa ahaady left and mon aro praparlnft to go from ontario the olaaa of mtuarri going tbla aeaaon fo kodi and iboy aeana ganerally wall aoppliad with tboieoaaaary rnaana for tnakln jiomaa for themaclva an atnondmaal to lha mnniolpal aoi ralatlug lo hawkera and podlarvbai been inirodaood by mr t to add lo tba liat ot tboaa who moal tak a- lloeaae pcraooa aolloidng the aalaof good waxaa or marobandlae from aamplaai or othar- aalae fna ntnra daluaryil xhiajudaml nt will plca a uoenae on the door aampla crowd who lof eat tuldaaiial ilrocti of town and vlllaa a well aa frro horoeataada u in tumorad thai ur hal lour wil aoon bo iramlu of great brilaioi la aoo- oeaalou lo ibe mar quia of baltabury kod that he will alao be procnoled to tba uooaa of lord ae a prallrolnary to hu aooeptanoa of- the premurablp that woold laavo mr cbnmberun ondlapnted loader in the iloaae of oommooa- bak dooeoi 4bm ibuijtaro to bappaa botil after the war budget i carried england germany and japao hava breaenled idenlloal nou to hoeala and china warning tbara tb algning of the vmanoborun agraement will invoua the partllloa of china tbla oom bin ad action dstara roaaia from loalatlog on the algoa- tore of tba agreement pranoe while de dining to oooperate with england oar- many and japan baa intimated to russia that ahowoold regard- the -oonoloalon- of thej manohnrlau treaty a an unf riant ly aot w it hon mr unlock a proposal lo eetabllab au auantlo cable nndoi govarnuank pwuarahlp u inurpraud u at indication of tha dominion government intention to expropriate the telegraph unae on land and to run the bnalneea aa a braoob of ibe poatal urrioc tha aame aa la done in qraat uritaln the poatmaauranaral iald in hla london inurrlow ibat under a govern- tnent monopoly the ooat of oabllng ooold be rednoad ooebalf the objeet being to promote trade between canada and the mother coon try and not to make a dlraol profit from lba investment- many proml bent oluaene think ihie aohtma oau be earrtad ont without adding to the obliga tion of the general uxpeyer if bo ll moal oommand lba approval of the go- general ppbllo i werladly give a pace to the lalur of oounulllor llenauraop lu another oolnmn mr llandereoo la nalaraljy anilooa to toaka aa good abowjng aa poealble for hla oommlttee lha preeeou yat ua baa a good oommltu tbla yee and tbay wllf itlve lba muulolpality good aetylce but ba baano betur oommittee- nof will better aervloe bo given nor the inureeu of tha tnunlolpality be mora oarofbttjtrnmrded by thaui than wae lb oaa with tha eelfsaorl fiolng oommlttee whlob preoeeded ibam aluoo uie inaullatloa at tba tnnnlolpej leotrio lighting ayatem we ballave the oommltlae of the preeant year will be abla j hiava thoarvanlyeaua4l of the plank balance vary nearly if not aotlriy the ot- peudltuiea fur lb tnalnunauoe of tb puut during lba year hut w ar juat a oarulu that lha oommlllm of imi yar name a bar halauolug th ixpendllnra for mialittenano with ibu rejeuue of thi pladl leaa perbapa tb amouuk of in oraaaod rdu4 lit blgbt tbl year mr uaudaraon ooualdara aa bioet important onr kefarenoe to capital aooouulaud axplelo that oni uiumii have a vagu idea ibat yomo capital aunt axuu out of wltluli llaiua reneoled aa addltlona to lba plant oau be bald and lie ooutlnue it a hardly ufoea- bary to bay that aiiob a not lid dabanture- would hav to be laauod etd if auoli u not tb mm why thau may w aak haa tb ooduoll gone to th bapeiiae of aakln th ivovinolal 1arllamaul to pi bpeoul aot euipowerlng the oouuoll toieaua debaittura for till very purpoae t iefinll u lo anawer the addliloa to tb plattl and ektauliou lo tb ayalaut uot it tit aluutiaiioe ooat a ooualderahls auni ovaf tba orlulnal mtlutkta hud ireoalpta front dabautuim anil oil ba bea chargable to capital aoiouul aud in- ordac to baleno thdbooouuk bj utxt tb avlra boat for luatalullon the oounollia at tb praaent time in hi very act of uaulug debenture to aaote thar ha anraly been a oapital aooouul up to the prevent tiro at jaaat kvary rata payer boderaland thla and naarjy avaryou onmmand tb ooata of tb ooqucm in tbl aotlou of raulog uw dabsutaraa ae a wlae on nod th ofnam- tnoa a to mr ilandaraoqi oonoldd- lug paragraph tbar haa baeo bo qasatlon in any q neater oonoarolog tha wish to e lb plant t oily aalfaaaululdg and wa have already commanded tha oonnrnita for iokdom april 11 a drajuh li blanuiton aayailb imperial light florae- have captured gommandank irlnatoo and a oonvoy of alt waggon a commandant kaglbreoll m dpalch aaya haa enrrandarad tha llr lttih in wttplng th eaturn tranavaall clrar of everything naafnl to be boera all tha atandlng orope have been destroyed hut lba woinanand olilldren are being oared for five hundred of tbem have been oonvayed to utreobt wbar ttiair wants ar wu atteadad to a despatch to the maw york front pretoria aaja a cooaldarabla dumber of boer rafagse roan women and oblldrao oontlnna to flock iota that city dally from tha outlying dlstrlot they ar being sent to th dstantiou aamp at irene a train from jobanosabnrgwae flrsd opon naac tha kaalfontalo sutloo on tbnrsdav- blghcbulakoapl for lba wounding of two mnlei hddataag was dona loxtmim april ltth war offlo haa rsoalved advioa from lord kitobener dated pretoria march bqlh reporting tha eaplura of 12 boar in orange blvar colony and offiolally announcing that uanaral vreooh haa taksn 51 prisonar and raoolvad th aurrandar of 03 boars aa already aoddonoed in praea datp tehee jjord kitchener a lad re porta opon reoent wracking of trains at aaveral points lomdom april brd gsn kltobenar report thrt plnmar has ooonplad nyut- room and prenoh haaosptnrad three gone on th lower iongola tblrtyons prla- ooera hkv bean captured lo tha orange river colony there were bo casualties- ashonovb mr tlanryrt and family have taken op their realdsnoe bare among those who went up lo town u lake in tba millinery opening last woek wxto miaa nuon ami ulaa a1sndrr mr v 11 nuoo1 h- secured a altua hon on lite fdsaaeyifarrla fm naai toronto andleavoa this woe for ibat plaoa those who attended dlvio service litre on hondsy enjoyed a very aioallatit aer- nioafrom mr vsrswsllof jtoronto mis annagrshsm end brolber enter tained very pleasantlybn friday evaningv nam bar af youno people in honor of their erund mr harrison of for tags la trairla a oooaldarablo amount of building will be done hero this aura mar mr george yilaon will put up a new barn mr uaory wilson and tha messrs aabsaburst will remodel their ur george currla is jiavtbg bis bboso rrmodelled and vanasrad with brick- hard labor for 32 years thla bantanoa paaaad or at toronto man in duluth haws coram from dalolb minn that joseph goldstein a toronto rnan bdd a son of morris goldstein the quean blreet eoondhand atorekeeper whom fanny if el part and mayer bbapsro war aoqoltted of tbecbarge of having mnrdared by poisoning him with carbollo acid last summsr baa been aentenoad by judge ensign to btill- watar panlteptary for thirty l wo- yaara with hard labor the long terra la made np of dvayearaforattamptadgrand laroany in the aral degree ten year for each of two nf nttlng dapnty ehafiff and seven ysaraxor breaking fro ooa always upholds canada lord btrathoona addraaaad tha imbarial inatltuta on monday nlht- lomdon- april 3 last bight at ths imperial institute lord htratboona mi with a nordial rvoapuoc the lugs commlsslooar promised lo give an address on canada and lb empire and it was understood that tba dok of argylwbowa to ooopy tba- ahau woold asla lb opportunity to glv public uprsaalon to th view of english people with rrgerd to btrathoona wonderful and patriotic effort in raising a force sitd maintaining ik in tb field during the urllloel stage of tba war tba expectation wu not disappointed and tha dakv epaeob wa heartily applandad lord btrathoona who was naturally plaaad if soroswbat scr prised by the warmth of hi raoaptiodmade a- strong appeal for a closer onion between canada and tba mother oooatry im parl sentiment ba said made creak britain what aba u and lis oontlnnanoe and legitimate development would assure tha integrity of tba british empire be ing maintained for all lima la oorn the electric light revenues and expenditures naqsaoavvbya a gloom wea spread over our aelgbbo booil by the sadden death of mr jolio l stlaokad by append- oltls and on bstorday maroh 33rd as operation wa performed vat hu home by irs mokionon and piatt uu eass how- var wa too est iocs to admit of recovery and in a few days ba paaaad away tba fuueral was held last thuraiay tba casket was a mars of flowers sent by friend from toronto and elsewhere attar prayer at the honja oondootad by kv mr blair lba remains ware interred la ebansxar oenelery aaeaaloa was held in tb chnrob in wbloh mr blair mr elagg of massagawepa mr black ol rcckwood and mr itlemios of hvertjo took part mr feflegg praaohad tha aarmoa mr mofbadran wa 9 year of aaand leave a widow and two children to tnoorn hi loss mr john hetcbar u in cuetph uoapltal with a very serious attack of appendicitis mr robert bimpsoo left last friday in oharg of a oar for hi home bear rcglna mr bimpeoo in company with mia ilutoheon started on toeeday last mil ilnloheod haa obtained a school bear begins 1 mr jas a waaar of milton ha been ebpolntad bailiff of tha fifth division court- campbell it le vice j worthing ton nulgnod ceorqetown jislraouon in increasing tba aobsduliflso ba td be as neatly certain of aaoomnllsbldg ibis as poaalbla they- will undoubtedly b a fdlly iaatlflad waa tb ravaoaaa aa os4 lba axpitidiiufaa 1q suohasnoont aa to vrsicant l in rajdaalag tba acbsdul rale m tboaa wkk has stood loyally lo iaoppdi t and patrdoag of tb plana bntxoa stauut v aa allow me lo trespass on your valuable space to take exception to two or thi remark mad in your otherwise vary fair criticism of alactrln llgbl to a tier a in last week fax fax the method of bookkeeplnst yoo oom- pialn of was tba method need by last year oommlttee not tb oommlitae of thla y tb llama in tb statement of reoeipl and expenditure given by me at the last kneel ing of tba oouocll war taksn front ths auditors report juat issued and ar nor- raot a fact wbloh every a lector cab verify for himself that work wsa dona lsat year of a par- meuenl natut and which will not rvqulr to be dou again thi year varyou will admit wbll yotl give last jrear tm- dilttea credit for tb amount of snpplla oa hand ak th end of th year and juatly so jtattaltq make them a preaentoi tha aimoat of aopplla on band wbsothey utokomoost tb beginning of the year amounting to about 1850 tbi bir will make dlffsr- anoe of exactly that much in yotu oalouja- tton th unoaual axpsnctlttirasfor repair to transformer uok likely to occur agalu to wbloh you rar amounted lo us thau wo 00 wbll this years council have al ready voted amoutils in sxoas of thai sum for the seme purpose and another bill yl to pay all uf whlob transformer wet sect away last year but tha oommllu or this year bav to bear lbs expsose ttt point 1 oonaldar most import sot wa jour referfcuo to capital aotouut- wbll i nulls understand your rnsetilug thr aw ihoaa whu do not and who bav soul vju ida thai boot capital bum 1st out of wbloh lltoi regarded a addi tion loth plautcaii be paid i i hardly uswaaary lo lay thai auoh i tol ll oass thy hiusk all b paid out of tb correct fuudjof tha yr utile usbstilurs ar issued aud sold for that purpo which would ba too expansive for th abjouul lnvolvbd iti coueluunil4e- oouuoll fl tb plauk bhouldb selfsustatulitg brlug any grail aoduidul bow that it is dimly asubluhal and lb rstspsysr- wlio la notaussrot elect rio light should not he oallad upon to ooolribut anything to tli aopioii of the plaut outams hi share of mi lrt aud towo hall ifgbtllig the ootoltllitee bops that with a decreased aoouunt for aupplies etc i and au luoraaseof revenue lo make end soma where dsar tuesl but if they should not quits do so tb oonimlttsa naay be templed to employ ao pi lal aoooutil and show a bandsom surplus buk i aeaur you sir ik would aoi help tb pocket of tha ratepayer thanking you for your in dulgence i am yours jon a ujsjinxaeosl aotou april lit 11w1 4 a tluui tha ctt wbogrow ao enthualaatlo over golf last fall met last friday evsnlux and were tormaliyorjpnxadinta dab aa soon a tba link are in ooodltioi tha golfer will got down to work in earnest- alur three months in legulstlve ball of tb provlnoo our member will appreciate the respite from furumentary dulls wbloh have been added lo bl large business claim upon his attentive rogation will take plso today and mr barber will be able li give bl privet business mora attention mrs meudan who opened a studio on main atreetbaxl the bspllst cbcroh last september for teaching moslo by tha fletcher method haa had gratify log buooes bha baa now class of twenkyoae puplla and though the fetobar method i th application of tha kindergarten ids to rn oslo a bomber of young ladle are taking the oouree because uf tba ease by wbloh the reading and lima of muslo tangbk mr maudeon is a psinslakio teaobar and bu made tha fletcher method a vary bianlfaatinooeaahara mr j n omaluu extending boalnee la oarrtago and agrloultural implement and baa already commenced a very large spring business ho 1 a very enterprising oltlaen there i llll considerable comment spoh the oouree pntsued with the injured man campbell who wa alio wad to ii li the 0 t it waltlog room with a broken collar boo and a broken thigh and other injuria from elsvsa monday bight until thansxk afterooon whan uaeve msar ot baqusalng ordered blm sent to gnalpb general uoapltal evidently campbell ootragsbu ooudoot id pask year baa almost destroyed any human feeling toward him in th community the snow ba disappeared aud tha streets are drying up rapidly many bom her will be reunited with lha lsi oi absent member during etrtld tha axeoublv of etqueelug sunday bobool assoolallod mat here last friday to arrange for lha abbual convention belt month a gocd programme was oo ulead the plao of bleating haa bol been decided but will b eltbw union or blinafad ijtitinteralor j li moleod and br 40 mokiuly are busy aaklbg jus lion tbl week abulbar uui ufreacllabg ha lakei place among our luotsralui mr h f hooper who la leaving town jia soil to mr t qalbrallh who moved t mr hoopsra aland naxt th uvsry atabls mr farewell utudent from victoria colleg voionlo ooodplsd th pulpit of lbs methodist cburoti on uuoday very aooeplably luv mr- baundera who i at ollflou upriug n y is blowly improv ing- litduttrlal topic are prominent in lb editorial discussion which ooouplea the opening pge of lit april rrwi a ffcvmkm the etillor oommsnte on lb billtoudoller steel company said on tba threatened blrlk of the anthracite ooal mlttrrsare poluled ald ibatruollv there are also bevsral luggeelive paregiapb on the reoeut railroad consolidation th tjuesllou of govertllilbllt owttatablp lu cu- ads and titojeru trauspoitatlou problem lu gllirsl lucludliig an an posit ion of tba amsrloatl oabal polley itgwora nldoiogowninroaiisadir jls dgstnsaueaiswn pf tb gaaulk uxbbvc brdt1lthuijllo tauu t rsassaty fku a is sjsw aay killed bv a uuiibt tly wi1uul harry llndaay of n lotto l klllud on monday at at bawltiu be llltf april i a fatal aocljanl uoourivd irlrjiobol towttablp this fcnora- lug lu wbloti harry lliuly youugeel aou of coutrty cuntmlmloner llndaay ad ttl j ear wa almost iuuutly klll- ej a bawlug ba was lu progress on tb farm of jstuaw auoltte boil lu allohol aud al wbiah a large number of the neighbor war pfoasut- nttjdalily th tly wheel bl lb aiwlnglitttohlue burst and pe 0 uiffarattt illro- oosupe ol wbloh struck ltujaay uo ibe bead aluioet aevriug tns lop aud exposing the braiu mo other person wa injured though several around had inlraooloo escape lufora toad lost aid arrived the buforkuueta young biau braetbad bis last a trd wr tb uudarslgosd do hereby agree lo refund b tnonay oo a60oett botil of arsan wanraqtsd uyrup of tr if it falls to our your ooagb or ooldj v wa also guar antee a sooant bottle to prose satisfactory or money refunded a t bitown pblwg of c propoaau tltlw fov wa bon of th idaoox april 7 tba oawdonf aaya ii krns thai a aogxasuon baa bean mad to king kdsurd from a ropraeeclauvecoiooiel quarter thai lite iak of cornwall be lasted prince ol australia in ootnmamora- oo of ibe fododslioa of the aoorallan corn moo weeiih the tnstur has been re ferred to the miuislara beveral difnooluea lu tb wsy of conferring each a till ar pointed oolespeelslly the fact that if such a recognition of the colon if boahl ba eon templet ceaeda baa lba first claim a external i vesnggeelioa la bow made that tfca dokea sldmtaon be oremtsd fnaoaa canada and australia respectively spfting weatjjer the census of iooi the kuussholder must answer quest lone falllnjr whloh et petnatty mav d in- ritetad all over th dordlnloa of canada orf monday tb census enomcratora staried ont oblaialng the necessary information for ibaforthoomlog oensa the hat of quastloos tney are lo aak boose holder a is a very extensive oaa tbelaw oovsrlnglb taking of thoanaoa oompele th pablic answer the questions put lo tham by aha pans taker and there la a penalty of bol knore than f0 provided for anyone who raf neaa lo answer tb principal informalloa which th ool- leotor la laatraotad to obtain rslai to each person in tha boos th bam ssx color relation to tha head of thefamlljor hooaa boldar whether toarrlrd sincle widow widower or divorced raoath da ts coon try and pine of birth year of immigration year of batiosallxalion rsolsl or lribsl origin tba religion wul be asked also aoch sabquestlonea whslhar living on bl or her means employer employe wot king oo own account working at trad in factory or at borne earn inge or income from in vestment education mother tongue any infirmities sic question will sieo be asked reepeoueg belldings whether owned or leased and how occupied mortuary atatiatia relating to death for tb year pre v loo to march 81st and name of those in a household who may be ehaenl information is 11k wis to be obtained regarding land occupi ed the product and vain per acre and facta concerning factor will b collected separately thrtnj sjobadnja provided for an lor i ng atallalio of tha product of tb flsherle the forest and th mine it i expected that in two weeks the work t an uptodath institution commercial aebool war orgabhud thi country to meet a demand from bosi- men for young peopl with apeclal train ing for the work they bad to do in offlo and counting room- thla training wa bat supplied in lbs public and high schools o th first to organise business college war bosincms man themselves to supply a demand for trained boos keeper and stenographer which fur exceeded th apply th commercial school is therefore bsoeaaary to oar boaloee life we know that thoovand of touog people annually find position in basin t atebl lab men t and tb urn majority of these have re ceived a commercial training if tba oommsrclal lohocla of this ooootry ware to ulose their door in two year there woqld be a clerloal famine the opportnnlll that have been opened to tba fair sex by tbelntrodociloo of aboit- iand and tyyawriting uitbe boalnem offlo prseant a field of p lei employment that baa extended to every department of commerce and industry th uoyal city boslnsaa oouege of gualph ont haa mad a plao lot itself in the cause of education and la every day becoming more and mora a bualoaea in tllutlon bostnae men teooguu that it is a publlo lastitulioa and a great good to uu community the oil prejodlos axe dying out and where pre judios exists it ls th prsdudloe of ignorance th college a a business institution u tun on boina princlplea and oooducted by basins men who are competent to make a boons of their chosen profession boa lb dem com log from district and village lb twsjooatry mean bolblngt are the people mistak la supposing thai they know what tbsy wanlt tbsy understand that the kind of training received 1 what tby wabt and that vain is givan for value reoeived tb oolleg ha therefor be- ooma a permaneal a buslnee oxlor aa any othar oommenjisi aatabllabmaot in ths locality eaaur tercn beln april oth an ax- osllent ums to enter tbla uptodate insti tution writ for partlcnlar about tha employment bureau teacher what was joau of ato msld oft- bright popilusde of dut can you tell ma why a uoisy uol aa- oy an oysur t iscaus he i bocb atbelflah aballnsh trsvollsr lo bat it la jersey hay irabgar ar tubiulloe wry ihlck about her 1 naliwefo theyre long and slim t9voft-avfrimhn- cary you saiely throuoh ths praotlao of taulntl b itinlo in sprlnn i doaoonued from our wtaa forefattiora ana haa good meuloal endoreamanta few busmeellone ileuartllnu hoalth solid ooldkm beat gold vtu 100 syr gold jill 100 bostdl- 100 blobe optical cos 03 yonsreibtrvjl toronto- aeronaaa call lug ove lb bar to a friend hi tb crowd i what ahlll i bring you back for aleaent t yrlud- bring m a akv teeiter the practice of tfckiak a uinia during the inclement wratber of early eprlng is one that bsa been brtjorslbet us by our toref s tbersj who lived in daya when a atnrdj oonsutution and vkiuu3 health meant even mora ban tbey do u jay the cos lam ha the hlglieai medical en- dorsasdsol and ibe heallbieat people are lho who followed it thousands bol really iii bead a inn to at this eesson close coofloenvul in udly venliuted boose offices shpa and school rooms during th winter months miltn peopa feej depressed an j outvtsorl w a tine must be assisted in throwing off lho poison ibat haa accumulated in lho yslam else people fill nesay prey to disease and are subject lo many dlsponf forts from boll eruptions and similar troubles dr williams fink fill for tale people erotliolit tonic intjioina know to medical acieno tb pill make rioh tad blood and strong nerves through tbslr ove in sprlhtlro jaded list is easily tlicd men women and children are mad bright active and strong evidence of the wonderful health restoring virtue of- these pills is given by mr j langtols cn laforitalu itrait montreal who says before i began usingbr williams fink fills i wa coder ibe care of two doolor whs tulj ms my tronhl we developing into oonaump- lion i wa very pals and noble bad do apbatit and ooold lierdly trjil on my fsel i wa very much discouraged and tboogbt death ws blaring me in the face i had often read of dr willi ma fink fills and dually decided u try tham after t had used three boxse my appetite wa much belter bbd i felt a little stronger i oonllnuod tho us of th pills for three month when i felt fully curod whan x began bslng lb pills i only weighed 03 pound and whan i discontinu ed them my weight had inorsaaed to hu pound i also gave th pill to my baby who wa fed and sickly and thsy mad him a bright rosy fleshy child 1 think there is bo weak or sickly person who will not find beoafli from dr williams fink pills it i a wast of money to experiment with other aocalled toolc which are all lh l al p fillaiaautupon gttiug tbaoennlu and if they are uol sold by your druggist and direct to tba dr williams medidi co brookvlho oct and lb pill will b mailed po t paid at coo a box or six box foriaw millinertt thisris millinery opening week ifyyu havent been- in- to bcc our display before this be sure and come at once all who wear hats and bonnets can get suited here with the latest pro ductions of fashionable- heidwear we have a bright new itock at right prices and extend a cordial- invitation to all to inspect it at the earliest opportunity v jflrta bucritbcmiiis fiovqty for rale nuutlkh- ot fur in mil tlluso prousity mm atilr in wll iikllbtukbt aaton ntinfortabiiv dwolliim for sauk plir i1ioiiki baling satuen in irattd 4 lufma unli oealree lo sail bis liouss indloton ulii annua tin iioiim leluvort omfottable tnttbtlcast llrocmartciie wllh banl aud oil water rood ilarafn in excellent irkuon and in gixid eunaiirixi tumi reason- ahts snrt marts known ntxu appluatum to huntr uiua aelau itloiialtu cook urandltepldsljob open thursday and saturday evenings this weeks easter spegiauieb lfice edge hattclkerchiefs 25o 5o l3o po 6o velvet bibb on ties with jewel ball and spike fancy chiffon kibbon ties velvet belts eatent leather belts fancy belt buckles mens hats if you wear a mans hat call and see our special special print sale saturday morning from 8 lo io oclook 900 yds of superior quality fast color prints regular i2c quality for gc a yd not more than ao yds to a cus tomer another big shipment of 3roceries just received and going at bight pbigesr the b crennan becord8 block madame i am loucitlng far horn char ities we have hundreds of poor rajuadr vioiona clilldren ilka thoca at your gate and sir those children ar mlno t and th slamming of the door could -hd- llrard in tb next street n th e oner one uundrj dollai tlaward for any ease of oatartu thai caaoot be etirwl by uahs caienbcuie v j cnejiy it co frop tulajo o vs the badenltnad la ve known v j cheney tor tba last fifteen jreerx and iwlleve bint p- leeuy hoacrable id all boaluaed trausaauoiui baaneully able to carry out any obi ifauous made by their unit waarr a tauax vhoud drumtuls tolado o waious kulm a uiaviv whoueale drutf- gjal t n ualr oaianb cure it taken uurnaily balln dlreocly bpon the blood and tuuooas iuwuhi of the ejeum krloa ysd br boule ttold by all drnxxuts tesuutoiiiajs hall vsmlly ftlu ate ute beat co acton lmlf do lw utmu uw uol mirao children cry for castoria usan ba gets 00 who is urswn by oxen kvary fool think h i olsvsr euouh acton bakery westons bread williams bread and cakes always lo ha had at matlliew aiko u cltolcc hon of cohwsotionary bruits t0 ilrcxd delivered lo those who can not cttd for it jg matthews airil t the right house ttjlhlllueo 83- hamiltons 1avohitk shopiinc plack our new spring goods this li tha aaaton for haw boods and there u much thai bright and alirac- tlvo licra for your inspection hero they ore ready for you la all their veroal rhosprind millinery ourtllluuery oreauoo have a tone of uie imported sod modi bad to suit lbs waut of uie individual w are pul- uatf tuto these hprlo hat so moob ludameut that wa ar sure you will aojov tba way we baudls your work and wa believe you will approve ot our btsibcd of ti audita yuur uar b a wa bav studied many other cjaeueoa in order to bive yours iiie beat at attention wby uol tue your ordsr tof ibe boring lion at asloand ai00 ws bave a line of trtof d hats df our own ereallan lba are veallr wobdarful value and will ba ears i tbem gpeejc otslr own ijooda sod v tslss bomo now silks- a hbowltid of besutirul feua lou talus bbd war 11 1diiul taaattas in osw casb- inars allvsis tbaae ooms in blouae unaihsoulv cue ci aklndaadaxclualis lo tlls ior cuuredleau da ikds in uaauuful buadaa or any fawn meitvi quality nusrajt- tawl and very aulubla for keeapllou uowtia bat yardf i to jcatioy ltroeb ullk in lilty bbada of raaads bry suauve bus uuellty vikl i you cattuot could liersonally tlicros trxluod buyer at your service service the twentieth century bilk new bisks blew belabt no lib id shades of blntl a wedewwood and ak eadst raaeia qentinaj bar yard boa ulwik ilroehe bilk all 1 bsavv make yat sort end food wsarlnc uusllue apeeul vales at tse bse ooo 10o 91m aijio and ju per yard ladles outer garment- heillu make in moat eaptlvsjuiuf fasb- lon and most rahllrgtf la new qreattone and oorreetlv tauorad jffr factorymi as from uie wbola lade garment essle dlsbieta tte latest novel ue are now beiud abowa with tanor el ik oibera ulutmsd bf bobby pet dorntebe ulutmsd blab or coat collar wry lypeisedaefljotoaaruja 1 various styu tiiao to faux b various styles 10- ejttdln lbs bopolar bo beak wbleb will be tbe leading style for tbla beaaoa th usblaulng coats are bars a wall in blank ooloe some are blalu otbars are uimuted brioed tim toli00 two very swell ollk fcum ocevl bisde rroni baavy quality blaek atfsta silk allover luckine el ik uosd- uaastab r- front baa iabjlon 00w brio- rbialtsafroiii to do your buying well shop lor you at all tlmoa why not try our mall order thomas g watfcins king st east gbk hughoon st hamilton desirable residence fob bale rpnat wall known lroat 00 valrl a avanua laeently hmiufll by wm irlppe le now drarikl for aala tli luiux la wellbuilt bee eight rotiroa wltli ball ariil tienlry laree aattfcr and woadhouls oonneetsd i lira end soft water h al la end tow bouse on uie nremuas thara la anaon of land wall stonksd wtut eliolee fruit tb property a l thin tbe oorpcr atlau ot the thriving roapufsjurlna te ma ol aelon owing to tbe proilmlty t rsirvlew tay terms vat psrtisulars apply ai thnrwjabaeofbce- jmnaf ooasiwql oominoj t f imitm uiimiino tve meuust ui uw vl liluilju tut coital colugit call early and avail yourxclf pfhu valuable services as ibis is a rare opportunity to have your eye projmr- ly tested free o charge no kc work hut u eclcntificccrtalnty uini- ciilt case acrurately filled alt- wokk iuauantket will he at agnowa hotol acton t pwvonlv thursday april 4th pgrthb spring trhde l have a complete hoc of- disc harrows scufilcrs and dale land rollers i keep ueveralbl cilltlvalof point and grain drill tubes in atocli in ilia carriage lino i hav a wry com- plele stock of buggicy carts market and lumber waggons ilna cariiaro repairing oioll kinds b specialty y j n oneill succior lo oolp 6b mohomslo gborgbtomn call and examine the merits of this superior shoe made in all modern styles of lasts and best grades of leather all sbes aato ee widths lor ladies and gentle men this shoe will cure callouses on the soles of the feet excessive riercpiration of the ieet burning of the feet and it will keep your feet cool in hot weather rnd warm in told weather w xnillmtfrs boot knd shoo dbkldr 8bli agent vob aotoh iwlm oc all i33 fr bubeh crak peas f 100 per hualiid wmu hulldu llarlev ouc p huiliel 1iuwa0ati only oc a biikhel t nuwceulury oxls lino ubtiuhel rriiibjjui llluo fa oc a bushel hlack joaiiallo oats iiurc 30c u bushel soiivalhii o4u 30c a bushel flooac yviteaojc h lnuhal alto all now and slanjanl varieties of skicd gitain- lxroii teod uraitt warehoukd west of toroulo all kluds of imowor aud vco labia hoedicbl uulud james hewer tmlu vlour mid feeil 45 macdoutyil i gualph spring requisites specialties which wll arb heady to sjpply to ouii customehs plbre ohamola moth ba for preserving fur garments from 1jc up moth camphor chloride of llmo inmeot powder for easter bermuda easter xuietf paae kaster eijg dyes and a new assortment of easter cards htbr3wn chbjuiist kcton potatoes wanted goelph rockwiood intrade i for timolhy clover seed grain flouj reed corn bbl salt land salt etc etcjb ceo j thor sxxos attjllif jmjmr73r xrc ouqilh rockwood spring fashions you want your now suit retdy by spring link wa uaitt your order eaily if ihu la the cas it take lliu to finish your cloilifs as wo wint tltem finlbhctl as you want them flnlthsd wa ar known by thet wxoallahow of tiur tallorlitr and that mean your ttult will b aatlsfaotory iiiim axiunt roa llsjwr hksus wm m cooper morohant tailor mill st aotoin seed- im mi sense stsimljb iarftwatsss quuitsracatctvav amhtuto4ba a hsei cokaeed ptateeiofhher wbk a itvaabwc watlee burpee d co philadelphia turs jpursl great cut in prices liabld hjutfn were lj 00 now f j50 caparluas ol uabls ware 0oo bow i3300 aursclian jurleu were 13000 oow ijjjo and tii iulrtpcs were tu how lajut gray lamb cap ucje j now i1u5 ami ijjo sable ajuljs were lis uaw lis wenij 1ur coo a ware io now i17 l n e ufontafnc furrlsr j cualph

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