Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 4, 1901, p. 3

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f bgnjk of hamta georgetown branch ageneral bankingbuainoss transacted corresponde nee olioited department tstofraiu6roinimii of onh noi- lar moil ermnnl from iley of tleposlt i tuv of wlolflrswrj nufotmalille and nu rleuya in drawing money hern bminesa solicited note of responsible farmer discounted and money loaned lor egitimate dqilnau purpoeee oar collection deparnicnt haa every facility for maving prompt ret tuna sale notes handled and money advanced on account of unto al low rates of merest tnvellcrsarotolriml that the hank of and it jlraocheaiaauo cltcuxtte notes of the provjocl dank of england limited which can be cubed jwllhoul charge or trouble li the ne at home loetly or looaj crtaraotr ai ova ry itm iruaroatlng ft 1 1 1 set head office liamilfton xatabllehed 1673 capital paid up r7032 reserve fund 1234119 total assets 14827357 jamk tukmnutx cathlef b forsayeth aount georgetown branoh lway8 ahead ol paper hangings stock now complete snd without doubt i ha finest over put on the market 100 000 kolis of wall paper are represented by oar sample books j b hgkberclon will take your order and the price will n r t lie will aiao d mii you aat year a papers af 35 discount a snap for good things chas l nelles cueiph jt finit jttt res tnoosdat atiul alb 1d01 tmiillocal brieflets which cauaht tho by 01- bsuw of pr pro raoortare thls wk obllueecf kustar nnfold untold i and offer to nim yoar beat of gold oood friday tomorrow ths leotao season it ended bonn flna ipriog weauhar now bad rpeds are prwuy ganeral now euur buoday is rswsolly wsloom easter ag w l great demand tbl tb afloar vary gradually slipped away tbs ivni kuur uu sjr in bloom tba hot cross bn roan woo i v njucb sleep loolgbl 1 fceobla geoerally ars enatoas tor tha warm spring aanabln april abowanc ara bow due may fldwwi will ba forthcoming anawcr lb co enumerator freely thay ara iworn lo saersoy march went 00 lo about tba same tamper aa ii u nshersd in tb ftrl oontlogeot of tha kaeter boll day ylaltorawlll arrlva lcdey ootdw loaoglotf u iba root of a good daj of iba thing that ara avil mr dn mann waa 00 monday alaotad a mambacarf toronto jjoard o trad tlm bnnday aloai war baw lu joaapba ohnreb laal bunday lib oyollat l oooorajtad to do uoebuploitiar 00 tba atraau bar yau t rtba eaauruda aartrtoa lo tba ohorohaa 00 bonday wilt u tnxtot lotaraal jtba kupulo ttlok oo ara ramoalog ibalr ratbar oailfbuy waluntf room and faea tba power boof l will tboa b improvad in appaaranoa tbla la a boj waak for tha mambara ol arob oboira vbu tba laadlori aopranoa ara no rahaara tbay ar- ryln on ibalr rw bu t bmlth aja ipaolajl will ba in anion tbonday april 41b on dy ooly rootna at agwwe holal h yon bava any daftoa id yoor ayajbt u will paj to oall ad aaa blm haanlatloo fraa oall amrlyoryoa way mua appointment at at btowna dro btor tboaa who oonlmptu pmibmlna moomontal or work of any dlaorlptloi for ujalr oawaury plota aboald orda dlraot roba iba old ralubla graalta and inawa jjaj j h kamlltoo oualpb oot- al xpanae alowad to yiuaraaara all work and maurlal warranted oompalulon dlw fjnino on voub haos drlok yoor raa to haory b00u waavar and knliur oppoall obarob aoutq fubllo freboul kmmlor vomtlttm tlic pubho lohool olotaa thll armfpa for lha fuler holidtye i ha vaoalion oontinuaa for a weak from kaatar moo day and tba aoboola will ra cpoo on monday ifiiji imt taabfi and pupil will no- donbt an jo tbla ratplta rrom lbalr aobool dntlea sook so4i kmmtcr moailmjr hreutaj loo a fore iba eoa nxll in ilnaa buret on minlay ilnlir tho who ara not providwl lnoehij by tha 00m tnlitoo lfli altllta aock will reoalva una that ieuni at tba door into wlliob thay may place tba atnoanl ibml will raprvaeot twio iba uu of ibalr took or atdbklng a good programme and refraehmelt tie mooutaatfaad nbw tnmo tito uuaoer moor tnonnment fund baa takan anollar upward move this week tba following aabaoripllooi bava baan bafided in a friend ac too ifip a friend ueorftatown moo iobq moiua acton i4 00 total to data t320 w vary few of the marokanta and imalbeea men laiown liaia aot in ilielr attb sod pilous i llttttorym camfrt fvats t the boys or d ualtary 0ll a boalli atrma oa baturday reoolrad ibalr ah m of what la known aa tba 00 tn fori fond ito x mooibboo wrote major ilardman on tha matter a few weeks ago and tba reply waa an aooloanra of to 55 to acb moniur of i bo balury title money le part of tha fund enbaorlbad by qolpb olllaana whan the oontingant u orgsnla ad oualpb urrau miko vomag atarricmf afaaa mltmh the milton jltormr aajrai a yonng oonplo not many milaa from milton want to toronto on their waddlnf tour thay raglalered at be hotel and want to their room abe groom left the bride in lbe room and went to tba offioa whan ha re turned be knocked at ih door and said hooey no answer again cap and ifonay and than oama tha reply oo away yon idiot- tbia iao t a baa blva it a a bath room lie bad knocked at the wrong door j txt kitte cltl sadmomitxt oa t ijifirton bsa sofigaalad la th vusa pucaa the organ utatloty of e looal lufle clttb oomprtainjf ha menibera of company 0 helton itaglment and all private cltiaaua who d eel re to engage in ride practice end improve their skill ee njsrkmmn iooal cluba my dow ba orkaniaed under tha new dominion regula lloua id whiob a oertain number of rounds flj f nnn nppllft4 trm tomombera of tbo club the looatton of rifle bulla with a minimum rana of goo yards ia perbapa tba moat important 000 alderallon in the formation of a elbb but loosl raatkameo aaanra as tbat auob a range mey be aaoqred at eeversl oonvanlaot points baac ball ro thd roat agmlo an enthnalaatlo maatinn was bald in lha town llall tuaaday aveoing for the par pose ol organ ialng a baseball olab for tba oomlng aeaaua considerable in tares t was tskaa in tbemattarby tboaa present and the proapaota for a cuooessful saasoo ara anoonraglng tba following ofnoers were elected hon im w a bloray praal daot i vranala lit vlcapres oeyloo j bmith 2nd vloe1res a j oeotlea eotroes frj llydar manager 1 deatlla managing committee w a bloray u ii wordan u jeani a j moklanon t lioelu itydor fnx party commlltae 11 jeans n mohebb e holmes tba matter of forming a leagnf was dleouaeed and the bacralary ntilrnolaa id wflut bo iraabytarlau 050cbh ph iw tban living pl ui 1 md lo wm imt 0 r i do not think tbat la aorrot bualoom mlnolpla i am willing to meet tba tarva udoprloaatmlqaou iba following in my oaataeecta and tba pabllo beai irada qranolatad bagar loa for aso package teas at qo lb 800 paokaga teas at mo ife taa at boo- lb or a qoaiur piokus a loo a bollu rp o 00 mfokaral 8 can- fm ma oattnsd flnnlao luddi 8 olaaoad onrraut- 8 lb for mo other wau aopptw at oorraapoodiugl low prjow jomi u ktolblu 1 srw 4 bt traaanrer yarfboa laama of tba ooanty with a view to fnrmlog a league for tha county of hal too a delegation was oboean to wajt opoo tba eoanoll for the parpoee of aeoor log tba privilegaa of tha park for tba season of 1001 the sasiax muuaory oputagm yeatarday was bot a propltlooa day for millinery o patting tba prstty spring orcatrone in bead wear and tbo bllxxardy woetbar failed to barmoolse tba an favorable weather and slushy walks did not however deur a goodly number of isdtee from venturing ool lo east 00 tba display of styles of bats and bonnets pre pared by skilful nugars for spring wear tba vul ton to uaudereoo a ooa show rooms found tbemaalvea la obarmlng anrroond inga tbannmbarof pleoaa of baadaraar was in eeaas of any yrav loos season and lbe pretty decorations in white and purpl lent an attractive air to iba aurroandlnga amnngihe multitudes of styles shown lha panoses hats predominate and tha pastel shades ara every w bar jin evtdauoe tor bans are alao abowfl in aavaxaj sty us- a very pretty creation la a vtout bat and another equally attractive is a forgebme not- new colore id trimmings ara old rose and antique bluea end the trimmings them salves com prise a profttlod of flowers gensss nhlflbs and gilt stfecte tb brash oepray u again la favof though tips ara hardly used at all miss ajaob who bad a sey auoeai saaaoo at bar flrat opening tail fell is queen ol this pretty domain ftnd aha la not only perfactly at borne lu thd abpwroom but has the faculty of making all her vsllora feel atua1y ao ban thay oall the the u orennau co tnado their bow a osarsrs lo the ladles wants lu millinery yeaterday knd thai tbey orealad favorabta impraaalons amply avldadoad by tba oomphmeu tary keferauoaa lo the numerous bate and bomtate ahown in tbeir very oomprebattalas display tbougb limited or space to abow goods lo tha beet advantage mies flowers tbs bead mlllnefdeeevea apealal pralas for ths very large and attract u display aba was able to arrange lu bar olr onmaorbed ptrsmlaaa ths uktalully ar ranged dlapuy laoludae xaome unions daslgos in pattertl hats a large stock of ready loweer gewds howard taoas and ttlmmlnga id endless varieties lha bali ebowa are mostly of tbs flat hhapea wltb trimming uinarry uul tbla jstfeol many of the moal popular tthapas dars otl at tba iqi aide lbs liuiinlwgaaia dowers full age tlbboua olilrtoiia tafalla silk snd lhara la a touch of gold or a gold thread lu naarly everything in haw shades purples pluks stid shrimp shades sre numerous tba nw behgtas which have umy txtoont ao popular tin blta and collars are lo be louud en soma of tba nsw beta a vary attractive pattern bat of wblt irillad kooda wltb a wraalb of rosea and fqtiue frunt tlta baud over t lie side to ths lop orths rim eudelsrgavplder bow of blaok valval rlbbou oa the crown on b the uaw oblf too be of tha vouad shape with- flare on left aide u trimmed whb looked white oblfloo wltb a touib of gold thread lias three targe toes oh up of j m and l finish sd 0f on tbs band with a thlneslbaelbuosls aud baaaatrapend bow of velvet aoroea ha baalu abrlakuadsln mitllriary jsanttnlp- ed by tbla pushing arm otv fissssbwj monday moratai a freight train h weal broke in two on monday morning while climbing tfie grids halweail hern aud i too l wood two 5mrw8ra flbrattod and themorning t a press waa held al iba italian here for about an hoor by whub time tbo traak- wsa olaarad coavaiijaaoata deposftors hofolofoto whan a dapoilior jn lbs poalal savlnga dsptrtaioi t wlsbea to wltb draw any of hi munsy from tba savings bank it usually ooal blm a daisy of soma dva jay for the return sdvlae tjila pe vaiitij agisii rnhpfrbm- ftirrstli ibal itieiltmlai ilui now ihe dspartmadt baa ordered that all poctmasura osu pay dp to iso to any depositor that is known to him without wailing for ho adviir vttty yrmj ifsgslraiej ool w atun who 1 uow lu lla elfjhlh ulh year la celebrating hia illtulb jar as a maglstrata htj waa cotnmlaslonad aa a jusliooof tbs lesof in 1bi while reald ing in cheltenham and took the oath of odes quail das tlon and etteglencn befprel e magistrate torootu ilaok in tlia fillies the colonel presued at many oourl awey from homo g ing aa fr awey as oraagavllla coouvlllv urini ion ami olbavpolulai ua came lo aatou in luoj and waa alwah rtady hereto do ma irt both as a maglatrau an 1 a public tplrlltj oltlsatt ooatf rtdy aptf iuf hervlvtm oood friday aarvloa will b lil 1 hi ths various oh u robes to mrorruw barvloe will the held al tho uuiel hoars in fit albene abd lit joseph 4 let the matbo dlat oliorch mi vie will be held vt b p m when the paatur will address ilm oongraga- loa lu koot church two eervloea will be bald preparatory to the communion sarvioaaod buuday lie mr camaron of bbakspaara will praaob at 11 a m and 7 m p a bright and inloreallug eervloea will ba hold lo ell hs ohutobes on faalor bnojay ths sermons end moala will bavaapaclal nfaraoca lo the resurrection another of jctoa0 boat afarfatf a very happy wadding took uoeual wedaaaday 27lh nit at the home of mr alex x bymon theaaalou tbeooutraat ing parties wars mr john a bytaoii ion of iba lata charles bymon li abd for years a reeidant of acton who removed lo haul i bts utxrla last year and vlora iiaw daugbur ol j 11 buytoi of vermont the nuptlsl knot waa tied by iuv w 0 armstrong mr and mrs bymou will asulalo banli si marie where the firm of bymon 4 campbell are doing a thriving bnaloeas the congratulations of mr bymon many acloo frlouda will be utandad to the bappy oonpla ptmtutomlettarim 6 the w v tv xfikl actuu llm a mal h oigaai o tba womepe ohtllun latnperancs union baa heeu maulfiatad in vrloue waya utaly the poitlng of the car j a bearing clauaaa of the statuua touching tbs sale of tobacco ant olgtretle to minora a oouple of weeks ago wu com mandible monday of hi i a week waa oruaade day abd a number of new members wars ad led to lbe ranks at tha meeting bald tbat evenlug la xnox oh a rob aobool room leal week the ladles die tributad a aertea of five laadau riaatlv tied whb their emblematic ribbon show lug the avlla of cigarette smoking in the distribution soma two hundred aud bfiy call were made by the lulloa auolbar serley will be distributed ot weak at tbo meeting 6 mouday evening it was daalded that a da patallou of the w 0 t j acocm panlvd by tbo mlulalarsof ths town wall upon ths municipal coon oil at us best meeting to request tbo passage of a ourfew by law hip blrfffl coming and going visitor to and from aoton and vtrloliaothorparohkl notasr to curb a cold in onb day taaalaallve fliomd qulnlae tblu all truaataui refund the mnu ii ii tad uri ha vy nroyea algoatars a om aack bos itor soma time rumors have beea ourrent to the effect thai ths eld shack 00 main street hetweau tba dominion hotel and the campbell hoaaa was a rambling raaort which was frequented by a number of young fallows whose morals wars not improved thereby it was sven hinted that llqaors werv sold there tbs illegal paaotloes ware evidently hot ooudned to week days for as paople teturnod horns from church laat babbatb uveulug amoks was t be seen issuing from the ublmuey and a gleam of tight bare and there strayed through tba oarafully chinked wludowa aud wall a trio of married woman id town who auapecud that a relative was a fnqaentar of ths premises datat mined to raid tbs place and with lamsrtty of tb carry nation order proceeded thither ward at 10 80 buuday nlgbl after aat lafylng themselves of the presence of a qua to tic of well known young men of the town and thai they wars engaged in card playing for uotiey they proooeded to affect an eokanos this wai aooompllab ad ajuf oonalderabls dltnoulty but immediately lbe docrwa opened tbs lights wars extinguished tbs brave women identified tbs i time us howsvarv and secured poeaeeatou of i us pack of cards in ues when tbs players wore die tut bod out of reaped lo their friends ths nkrno of those ooooaraad are withheld for lb present ivrllouura have bou given ths awihorltlaaattd the buildlug will vllbar be rased or pot under- very strict survelllauos lbe three ooursgooua wottied did a brave andoomaaudlbla deed in braakluu up ihia dot and it la hope acton will nul be agaiu dlsgraoad by ths proeeuos within her bordora of siioh a diaraputabls 0ai vcur weeks idora and trout lit it ing will bslagat agalu t lis auow ilorm od 1 uedy aftarubou audyeeurday was bot generally t pre oulel lbs oolura mat iii ths oounojl obsui or last svoulng lo raorgaulas for lbs mtltftl aooh u ooeu ths liberal couoevatlvaa of uoutli walllugtoti will nioet lu qualph 011 balur day to uomluau a candidal f th itaxt provluolal aloellou ibs advent of aprlug will bs ballad with rejoicing lbe paalnji wltiur his witueaaed an epldamlo of eoiigha oulda and uiatiy o of grlpiw mr jaiitai drown baa put in a set of ablugla iitauhliiary lu oounotou with bla saw aud laulag tnllland la bus ruuulug od the season slock of icedkr a woman s idea of belug iloa to auotl r woman is to klaa bar f11 1 aay 0 b how lovely that new hat u 1 whalt aba kuowa ab baa ban its aar lha crow kid hor- ald a yuuhg lady how du joil know r vbe ws xaed an 1 of rjunra ahs gavs ths woman rvaaoil 0 be uaw tbaautiual uiiivtitiii uf tha ouol uutrlcl of lha woduui a allaelonary buoiely will bs held lu lb mollludlek church aotoiiuulhutatlyuihmy a 111 baa beau upeltad in lha meruhsijle luuk bat far vaualldlpu to aid lbs 0uadel alaooletloti fur lha pravsdttou of lubaroutosla with headquaus al ottawa l bluguur or tb weataru hot i uuelph waesned j0i i ouats uvt week far a reoond tlulallnn of lha lioauae act i ime bailviidor was to nlttrge will j ulug lu the bar uu buudy tbo ran 1 aaea luvllee all iu ributalo tbiaoolumb if jou or your friend ara stoui away onabolulav ulffor ii loa bava irtenda visiting jru drop a oaid lo the tasa laasa mr n v moore apat t tuaaday in toranto misa margaral drown visited friends in toronto ou tuaaday mrairna mama i uitimn jf oca jdbadh vale for a week or so mr arthur tyrell turonls ipent bun day wltb aolanrlqa mr thomas bharlock of toronto la visiting acton friends this wovk mr nbnesmelthawa postmaster spent a conpla of daya thia week in toronto mn ilosa of llarrlatou la guaat of bar daughter mrs itev j k dodden m a during 1 eater lido mr john uqfcv of toronto and mr k w lunlth uf tdohtreal wees gneete at kalrvlew i lacs uet weak mn ii btreator of waurloo apanl a few days lt week al the buma of bif molhov mr t btalhanv mlu oootlovetwaaatjjodarlob townablp last week atundlug the wedding ol her mood mlas clara llddlalotir mr maiiin moceiiit who hae uan ponding a month at bu inothara bom here rstnrndt to toroold oo taesdey mr and mr ohaa it aklos are noa comfortably settled in lbalr homo at mid land 11 nil usee i very aatlifactory too word hea been received by friends bar of tha eats arrival of mr u u ln and family at their new boms in banlt 0u marie much eympstby ia fait or mr llobert jobnatoi and family in tba serious 111 of their eon charles ills o edition u very orlllcal llav j k ooddeu u a vialled al tha bedside pr ms dr orion ouslpb if babtcn promotiom8 public bohool pupil who talk btap up tha laddar following twenty 00 pupils have been promoted tbts wesirfromuiatofiltl to lha third depart rnoa- l reaam cmen tt ataitle mooenn a ilealty arnold 13 alloe hliaw a ileaels jobnetena u clara la uer minnie ktexaagae is itobin afnew s jeaole llypde is jennie dunn a vred oraham iv hilda abraham t jennie allen js vuiel clarke lane llerwerd ib aaa ilamabaw a hadce chapman t an tara hornby ianniiir j 01 m iifn 1l oamvbell clajk tbs following bava been promoted from tba primary lo the fourth dspartman 1 riorsaoe alatuioera is i eullua ii llden brand tamylljtgbl a mary ullun t kffle oorry rockwood a alio front s oertta jobntton t ida orabaun b wjunlaarliuull 0 heeslacoon 10 klna rriok 11 laaura wiles it kellie williams 14 buial llunaie 15 waxen twowti 15 ilarry if trues lrijohi la mix re la hyduey dunn 10 attofnllla ao kmeetwardsu 1 bdellsrtlo hal list to rred uouuililiu ii was mr or loo thursday during bar last b an old friend of ths family died on thursday evening luv fther veeuy will go to hamilton today loatund the annuel mailing of tbs illibop and priests of tha diooee u will return u time for tb oood friday services in bt joseph a oburob mr william noble oeurano agent onelpb died last thursday altar a abort iii cats from pnacmonla mr noble was well known in acton and was for a abort lime a resident bars being en gaged in the hosbnsineaa jbo following mnd frfim a distant attanled the funsral of tbs lata mra leom bmlth last tburaday mr jobb cavan and mr w j king toranto mr david klrkwood and mr bmltb dramp- ton mr and mrs fculgrcw nerval j mr and mrs d mooregor mr and mrs 1 h la wart abd mr and mrs ii oaalor ingtawood mr darnley and miss kirk wood 1roelon mia m campbell and mia kit campbell dranuord mr and mrs dames kirk wood krln absolute security genuine little liver pills ftmuat bear slgnsiture of 54 pacsball wrapper hclaw wr aaaaxt ami a vxatiuiixait ruounhos nn luubdum rsitoiniuvn rucutrifatiua rmuuowuii rwl tc0iimxjjfj1 tst ourk 1ck h cad ac hi milton tbos lavsry an old raaldaat of milloo will remove shortly tovamia north dakota u sold his rasldanos on mill street to mr it i oelbraitb ja lindeborongh and family will uva ihl departure for the west hls weak clg being their destination milton sprint show will be bald on prl day april if the ep worth league of the mehodit ohoroh have seoorsd ihs esrvloes of bunley mcksown drown the war cor respondent of the toronto mall and kmplre to deliver his llltutratad uolure entitled to africa knd the front with th canadian boldters idthelowb hall tbl evening crewbons cotinana pb toada ara bow in a vary bd atale neither wheeling nor ilalghling mr obas ilarria itookwood occupied ths pulpit of tbs msthodfst church on buuday sad delivered an excellent aarmou mr m orawaon jr lia bl materil ready to sreot a dn oseilttoo bona soon a ths aeaaon bpaoa bp mr janir moor of mount pleasant also inlands erecting a fine brick rvaidsne this sum mar mr n for be has a vary larg season of mason work for tbu a urn mar mr robert levins who was so ear lonely 111 lbs past moutb w aye pleased to ey is around again mr ghmjohnton son o llobert john s ri e vf 111 a t ae slight bopsa of bis recovery mrs ab yoaog and mis leu a heady of booth baglnaw mich are spending a week at mr jam moore a mount pleasant mias jennie stapbsneon of melaucthon 1 it leg rrlsnds in this vlolnlty mr and mrs oeorg looker and child ran of acton spent sunday al mr llobert grippe mlaass lllhs and llosls haw of acloo vlalttdatmr jas gamble on tho red ay tbs fanaral of tb lata fredrick birangs took plaos on baturday al tba friends baryinggroond dioesssd bad suffered fnwhlbcilafoasaal03oa nnlllbli leth oa tharaday momlrjg csorga lasarty mat with an lmldnt on monday wblla rolling ft barrel i of sugar begot a splinter in his hand and u was n to neechloroform lo remove it miss argos of domanvllls la visiting bet friend miss manning mrs bhlpley of allaa craig la ssn sialtiag friends la this vloinfiy tbs7popntsuotfortblvlllsgs bes been inoressed by the addition of a ooopte of families mr taylor of naaaagawaya ada mrpsaofa nf eden milu mqvad bar this week pays to buy at bolurts it pays tq buy atwoltcrtx scrofula what 1 commonly inherited w not scrofula but the scrota looa dlapoajtloo thla u generally and chiefly indicated by cutaneooe niptlona sometimes by pala- rici nerrouns and general debility th disease altlmsd lira k t boy oar union bu troy ohio when abs was slghtssn years old maawesung itself bj a was lancsd and becam a wanning sot it afflicted tba dangbur of mrs 3 it jones perksrclly ind wbsn ii years old and developed so rapidly tbat when aba wea ii ab bad eleven roaalne sores on hwv neek end about bar ears these bafferar wars not benefited by professional treatment bed as tbey yoluo- tarliy aay wr completely coxed by hoods sarsapariila this docauar medlcin poaltlvsly acts tb bctofaloos dlspoatuon and r reels tb serofaloaa disposluon and radl- eally and permanaotijr curwa ttw dlssaaa teaeher in ihe mnteooa telrlok beauehn ollb ma flu la pal- rickt ulnl boy lia jrm 5stock pnerns5 lluylng a dinner bt or a tcs bet from a stock pallera lias one special ttd vantage you can rep ace any piece you may break al any lime wo have 5 block pattern vlr haviland china roen illuminated roaos au tuujxtnvfcs colonial blue green elsio rax hotxd rxjusrotue amd cttlua paxjicx j a mccrea cuelph millinert displat tttrtthasnever equalled in tjiis city 1 rom a jown aourccs comes the verdict nowhere elan lasucl gathering of millinery atlemptedt cuaiph s moal ikarlicular women who know what is ahown everywhere ele have said li those who ore familiar with ihe trade empha sired it and judging by the crowd that vlslled our millinery depart men i and the number of trimmed beauties thai bsva dlaap- 1 lo once more jippcar an tlte head of some laahloaabla lad ay that tbl display of millinery has bevel been equalled i guclpll liidt hat beems to have character lone fetyle peculiar to befctf peared lo once more jippcar an tlte head of some laahloaabla lady r 1 n idyll liidt hat seems to have cuaractcr lone fetyle peculla itself juit as tttough an ur tat tlcslgotd it tpcclajiy for you that s what you want ejiclualvcneas be sure jo visit hie opening many home id town will ba mads glad to morrow by tb r- fan ion of famllia th arm of cothru watt and oclh rl barrlalara onarpb ha baao dissolved lik aa eatoe i wooer the oeoaa enumerator will rof ue to uks oo tu aw snawsr oluet ilplloburob moolreal bav decided to luvttd lley j l oilmour of lutullud 10 baoom their paalor la suooe tloti to lha uu 11 v tdr uadsou mr oumjur la well known in aotoa owlug lo th serlou jllueas of hv mr moajpiue toother atthepareduag in qaorgelowti th kpeolsl servloesannodaoad to be bald thl wek in tb baptist church wars withdrawn prmbuuutig pet bo i aint aa ordinary tramp uul every tprlog bout april my wife luulstjpoo cleanlo hbor mr lloarum place interrupting blmaym palhetloally my poor man i don t auulber word ilsr qaarlar th xalios darker ubop il ii u wurden lias been nlarged aud transformed lit appaaratlo duilng tb week it ba been taatefully papered wltb orlmaod in grain wllh border and bailing to toatub aud preaaata a vary attractive appaarauos jthero wltt u dlvlbs fewxvlo- in hi albani churob to nlgbl at y 80 1 lo morrnw oood jmjay at 10 b0 a m aud on 1 aster buuiuy boly communion at 7 80 a in and at th tnojrulug service bpeolel muais by tbsobolr at both morning aud avoulug kervloe in a blh ring aarmou on buudsy even lug 1u mr moilaraouapokswitbaoquall aed puudomnatloii of tha evil ot getnt tlug u slw referred to tha faot that it welt hinted that anion waa not free from tbl avil bdt be hoped ii would b kpedlly btiuihllatad her ulrsm tester of liln died quit uddfbly isatwsel a neighbor eeelug lb door of hi hoase open walked lu an i found him sitting to sohalr deed and ha child tunning a boo i th bnue ills wife ulng out working did iiol kuovt of theoocurreoc until nosided by a f rund no luali id town la aeked to do more favors than mall uarrur william nvv a trip t mads bat b i aaked to take letlera to lb traiu and poet tbru bee the aaoders war too i ale at lbs post mo and very oiuu bla baa 1 topped to lake on letters on lb aire is do is all good iiaturedly lou v d e macdonald r bro the lion cuelph hive overcome the mbty vision tlur creeps oo with the advance of years tmd now 1 am the most pleased mm i know a pleased patron is the best advertise ment we give ffee tests and guarantee satisfaction n jessxjbel trhde lixt sunday in ilaater buiuliy a lime to which lite christian world looks with ghuf emotions it is alio the time of the year when the world of nature in tbla latitude at any rale bursts i lie hoods of winter ami spring glad apring the new life is nsheral in it is the- time whert everybody feels the r ihabblneas sod discomfort of the winter garments artrl looks about to ex change than for something new ia every ictua ll i period of trnu formation from tbn sombre aod dull into die life of brightness and ih robbing with a nv impulse tor th requlremeata of the limes we are retdv and prepared in the beit aenae in help von nut a section of our targe and growing business bat has gathered together tho beedw lof the raster trade in ladies weir dress goods silks millinery cobtumes capc parasols gloves hosiery corsets fancy goods in mens wear readytowear suitb ready to- wear overcoats new ilati new caps new blurts new lies new collars umbrella alt are hero in abundance and we invite you lo do your shopping hmn with the lull assurance of gelling the best v 11 p3ys to buy af belterls e r bollert cfe co 25 and 27 wyntlliam st guelilll gurney oo now easter cloves rknd hoslory new preach ku1 cloves all the newest ahade and ihe best jitakes spring hosiery u now complete in plain and ribbed all aires li ira value in uck saleens and fjallna and i idle vuu linens and cottons our stock of linen i the largest wo have ever shown new choice patterns all width and all prices new oxford shining in plain and check toweling bhrellcfi circular inilow cotton factory jtid while cottons 1awn lawns dales indian linens curtains curtain muslins carpets oh jj cloths tapestry curtains etc flrsl of all there la a pleasing variety to cliooae from and with every choice you are dure lo ho pleased with llie rjualliy c ihe gooda and above all our price is sure lo please you i wool carpets tapeslrv carpets union carpel hemp carpeu tl lace cnnalna nt all iirices from 33c per pair up to s oo arkiitrl nl c irtf mualjp in whllw and fancy patterns g largest atock of oilcloth all width gurney co oenkral merotiants aotoh fek j jlsjjkuttrj7lsj j istliat is prettier than a delaine or foulard waist for spring and summer wear we have a nice range of these goods also allovcr laces insertion i and edgings to trim them with remember we have a good supply of curtains curtain muslins etc buy before liouscclcaning c p goodeve fe oo jucijucst koton a d prietgle watjum4iek and jewellklt gtjelph hecent improvements in our optical de partment enable us to test the eyes equally as well at night as in the da tune you can leave acton saturday night at tven get your eyes tested and return by 10 p m jvlillinery opening wednesday april 8rd oar display ol new spring millinery will be open for the inspection of the ladies on the above date millinery btyles this season will show a decided change and for tins reason it will be to your advantage to see as many styles and shapes together as possible our staff is well equipped with all the newest ideas and the display will eclipse anything before attempted by us come early if possible and see everything by daylight our general stock is now complete for the spring trade and the hum around our store these days indicates that good are going out with 9 rush our stock of new dress goods silks trimmings etc is larger than ever before you can sec them for the asking for we deem it a pleasure to show them clothing is a speqialty with us let us show you some hendersonst co mulbtreet acton i thumbs up 3 klow stook of gold bpex and eyoglauooo juut in srvrge co opticihns gulph thutwtbs down 5 h3 3 u a a toe up of the colli whether men s klilrtp should tie felrlpod lobaltudlnally or croaewls the fashion changoe wllh each succeeding year if la doubt consult h nelson where the very uleal is elwsys lo be found y dlito aa lo collars cuff necktie- tcarta and all ihe reel and you he on the safe aide my hcw siting llatu ar in tbo following makes at a uiiarahlj of atyuand iulliy the henry ortor blllf llal in oil ahudo we conlrul ibis bat in tiuolpb and i gurantee aactt hal ua lo tuuiiiy tbs old lellabks wakefield lu had and soli sliate tu ull i ilui 1 very bat la ibis make that we handle la atriclly jitii clai utul bl issvaonable prices other makes in uifgllill aiidjulfsyan hula from i if you wanl iba latest lu bats give sue a call t j wyiiilliam 3 3 3 3 3 r e nelson okmjsic ont merchant tailor and men a umlslmf uolj li lauuiiuatiiiv 3

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