Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 11, 1901, p. 2

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yya zjjyfvtgrf23 mkajsilams lt hiniat 1m cork rlfm luelpb oo wmiimtlti anrll3rdloafr uaun w w oillralu ijf ui msreury ft eon atlba rablnef sir t i oo wadnaday april llmit larrtn 1 ui klaa faenl canadians dashing charge wla lilla uobibea i 1 lo lwlne on wadueaday april x ti joyna ad wisare iii num aim josephs hospital tie sluoleyulul 1 a pell mil rtmfchniri- swd lit 11 alhla tiomi smday i n luaaal toronto oeoaral toptal oo thursday april th h- w eon 1 1 tlia uu aodiaw l liarra of oskvllle agea mi yean ljc qtloxcfuiiptess tuuilblay a1uil ulb 1901 feditowal notb8 tho average salaries of rnal ueobara la lb public school o tha proslooa in 1k waa laof and famalee t tb nlgbeet salary paid wrtnrftsoo per iuddki lir btirlooronalpb wbolaln um city llendlasr tb tonogwbersw ksacou meeting wht u la au oppose joeeph powney la lb flghi for the loobj lit ia south wellington wotb bava i talked cp lo libel suit for lha peal three year and the fight will be a bllias oo according to the lest report ol the minister of kdocaatlon tha toul axpandi lnm of tha publlo anbool for 1800 was 4 873 0m or 9 20 per popil th total sspeodltuxe la connection with um high school we 1722238 33is par pupil tha hjfhbcboolstadaunnmberwd33s6 42037 attended lha pubua schools last year when lha argument on tha lord a ly observance case u warned lut week la toronto chief jaatloe armour mad tbi banal announcement lhafc lha court of appeal aa a ooort would rive bo dec in lha cae tha loeetlona aabmlliad hf tha gorornraeol of oahuia woald be aniwerod by cb of tha five judge dlvidofclly kj if tba qoetiooa bj baao aakotl before kooaimlltaei of the legiiati the umpejace party la qrmi urllun bfta aaooeeded la geitiog luchlldr bill throosb tho boaae of codiiooa jwi did ao with an oerbimninj tnajorly th bill protldoai for a penajty dpoo lha pobuoajs who aalla drink ta ohud be the af tcaa child of under yarltrio lombarba jtowed to go to the bar rood to porchaae tba fathers aopply of uqoor aod wlu acapa tba oooumlnmtlnft indoanoea theea orroondfnj2 the mm qrlluh poatal oard oonuioa phatograpba beautifully exaeatad with parpla and gold aarroaadioca of ilia majaiy king edward vii and qoeaa alaxandr wltb tha orown abova and tha data of tbelr bulb aad marriage and king kdwartl a aooeaaloa to tha throoa tl belnw oo tba oatar oarnar of tba oard la tha following extract from tba kinaa peach oo bu aooaaaloo i will with god a blaaatnff aolaoaoly work for tha promotion of tba great empire over which i hate bow been called to raaifin obaaoeuor boyd aad ut jaatioe mao- wahpo oo toeaday tnornlof at oafooda uall toronto baodad down judjtnaat la tba mipi alor election oaaa whlob waa triad au north hay oo uood friday tba petition of th co jamea ti klook wltb hia frleoda claimed thai be waa an utlad to tha aaai wai dtamlaaed with ooata tba ooort declaring that tba oonetupanny waa and bad been rapraaantad alnoa hut xaoamber by cbarlaa a afocool who waa nominated by tha liberal whlut tba pan american kxpoaitloa people are boom log tba great elhibitioo whlob la to open at buffalo bait tnootb tbarv are many raaidanta of that city who are preparlotflq get ooi of town donog tba projraaa of tba ahow at thla moment bandrada of sttffalonlana wubiog to oaoape tba tnrtnou and ooniaaloo ot tba fair are tanking bomaa la toroolo where ibay wlu reaide till tba exhibition cloeee tba demand for bonaaa ia no great thai ranta be aharply advanoad wltblo the laat weak or ao and boneea are aoaroar in toronto than they have been for year captured m lioar poaltlun and forrj- d etburfetnas lftrttnota want dottia t6 vielo duiui matal ajll ueulla wbloh ariivio beraof uo vtmaoli a anooeaa ful oparailoaa in the kaetera trapavaal a i tow tat io one engaeroank tha canadl mm obetgaad a lioar poaitlon la buoalo bill tju 0ag ee l boy galloped lonf the uocra wsr lo a iioaitlon where they could notba b flanked aad eibere it waa at moat impoaaltaa lo duiodaw tbeeo btl by lha forward char of the oanadiaoa they tare oroad d yield icoraa of lloera wltb their famlllae bavo aqirendered at afalmotb ululand and otbera are follokppg their rxenipla at dlf farrnt plaoea the people who are oornintf la eay ibepbaea never hrard of tba ijrluab proclainationa la reepect lo iho aorrandar and larlbennora thai they have beaa mlaled tq regard to tlte lloer poaiuon rurroaia april ba amor b in oil lalloa bare that tba uargbara have itiven commander in chief bo lha oottl april 10 toaooapt gen xltobeova lerme of eor nmdaraad that if bwdoaanot aooapt orr that date tbey will kave l he oomroaodoaa and ooena la t joaooa april 0 ord rlljpbeoer report ing lo tba war ofuoa nndar data of pre toria april h aaye plnmer bae ooanpl ad piatarabarg with allibl oppoaitioo hi oaptarad two looomotwea and so trooka tbaoaptare of pieteraburb la regarded bare aa important tba plaoa la tba term i due of tha railway aod haa bean tba oapl tal of lha oer eovemmanl alooa the evaoaatlja of lretorla the whole north era railway u bow in tba handa of tbi britiab mockwood mr u moftalg inp5tor of holirxja for the alfohia ditr lot aurl at one lime lrlncliial of he nhi ilookwqol anademy waa liar reuawing acij iitilanna laat wiwb 0 nassaoawbva mvaar m bealll atigua krfnedy aod llaur banlale are lakin tho oenaua orilatbnblp the tele if the farm and a i oak of the lata john mclluilraii u wnoounred lo be hrllot aril 17th mr and hire john i aelerbruok mi for 1 hair home in uakuu oil april oih ur john flaloher la allll in the qulph aenenj hupiut he ieeald to bo elowly improin but not ut of danicer mr- oaidwar wir ottinrxxiawsttr ujjriorj la apapdliiu the j- attar bulldaya at tlta liomeof bar father ur kllahldk itev a hamilton it a of lreelton will preach ideational bermpnt in tba- uetbohiat tinraliaa tif naaghwja clrodltnrxl uaaday llav mr pjagfl i0a tt yrorlton lo lake the apeolal eervloea for habballi dec loo day death of chas t hill porty- actona oldaat marohant riwaj vaara in duatneee 8arrte pramlaaa in th ona after abotber with marked rapidity hay oar early reeideata beaa paaalajf away tba peat few year tha laat to fall aaleep waa cbaa t smi el who for forty fl yeara baa beaa actively engaged la la bu oaatlla boatoeea la ac too always beldg bald la blgbeet eeteem by ble fellow cltl hwaa ula death ooonrjad at oooa do good friday ur u1u waa a batlre of allegheny gooaty new york and hia father a home waa bear uanavlua m y ha waa born la 1b10 when tan yeara of age bra parent moved io canada and battled in thlaooanly auteeei h ipeal b y m e tba farm at panrand for aoroe lima worked in ifamtltoo io angurt ibm be ww joined in tba bond of wedlock to jane graham daughter of th lata jatnea graham btreeu villa tba young couple aeitled at pern wbera they lived until tha 2nd april ibm wbaa they came tp aotoa and aettled oo the property ever alnoa occupied- tbera waa a am all collage od tba property aod tbi waa mo red la lb eeat alda of tba lot in the rear of tba pre entetoraof ur 3 0 u1h and the blore and dwelling occupied by the family tha pact forty fira year ware erected that eummer air hill wa aotooa oldaat merobalit and ooalinaed looker ia rneroantil bnainaaa bare than any other marohant in aeioaa bletory he wa a man of atari log honesty aad uprlghtuee of character and daeplaar a mean aotloa by whomsoever commit tad he waa actively aaaoolatad ith acton a piograea and earlier in ufa took an active inumt la edoaatloaal knd moniojpaj matter lfa waa for yeara a tnamhee of the peaed ef peblln llohml- aa arrangamant haa juat be concluded between tb united biate and canada aoder which all poatal money east between tbi ooqntry and tba ualud biaua will go at tba domeetio rata nf s10 of 1 par oent inataad of the international rata of 1 par eeat a at praaant tbi ooooaasioa la regarded aa mora important to tba money ordw bnainaaa than any action taken alnoa the inoeptloo of lb system tba tnooay order annually aant lo th united htate boar aggngau aiooi fi000 000 and in tb other diraotloo about tha sum tba exchange of tbeee order u now reelrioted to four iboweaad docm u 4bla aounuy bi wader tba new arraogemant will be extended to 50 000 omooe in lb i oounlry any mooy order ofno in ailhar country being tbna anlbor isad to issue or pay than it 1 expeokaa that um radical red notion la the rate will arabla lb boainaa j p downey candidate ttiw popular editor of tha quwlph harejd nominated by thw conawrvattwaa south wellington conaevallve heaambl ad ai auclpb on baturdayld ooaeotloo lo bominau a candidate to oootaat lb riding in tb election lor lb leglslatnr ttr llearjiitwtop nailed lb ooo vaolioa to order al b oolook and after the vioe praeideotl of tb varlooa dl bad preeenlcd lb credential of tb de- lagataa th boiqldatioa u proceeded willi by ballot oo tba ore ballot ur 3 l iaawoey editor of the farviuf receiv ed a tuatrity of lb votee aod oa moiloa of mr iho ingram who waa mr downey e opponent lb nomination waa diade uuanmoa ur lxwny aooaptad tb qomlnalion and briefly hhrnkh tb ooavauiion mr ingram loltowad iunt ool uaodooald o luoapfar luntool wblu ax aid john j drew and ntbara alao poke and tba masting closed wltb oboera for tua mbdldala and the king altar paesiog a reaolntlou of ooondano la mr j v wtituy ur doauy i a uuslpb boy aotutboogb a oompariuvely young man baa for many year been prom inantly before um publlo in polllieal meitare ha la a speaker of aonaldarabla ability gafiul in hia manner and will make a etxoog oandldata tmataaa and whan acloa wa inoorporat to 1873 be waa one of lb popular dtiaeoa eel eo tad to aerve a a member of tba first council whiob wa oompoaed aa follow i w u storey luev c t hill jtofan brilt asa uall and v ueoarrin ur uill waa ouupokaa aad ry frank in bia tiltaraaoaa bat wbea be formed a friaodabip waa dot of a floellatf obaraotar bni endured through hfa in bia early day at pant be made friend who ware el way a as i earned and tb same spirit obaraorariaarl bla long residence bare among bla friend al pant waa tba wall known oen tanarlan ur donald mclaren who died in february of tbi year la bl lolat year mr uill visited him laat anmmar and a delightful day waa apent la re of tba long ago day although alwaya a man of tbr highest moral cha b did not associate him self in actual membership wltb any cbqrob until about twenty fla yaareaga when b became a member of lbe duomftk cborcb uuraotlv interest in tba obotob of bl nboioa booo broogbt blm into ommal relation and for twenty yeara h might bavw bean see a every uooday tnomiog wending bl way lo cborcb oarrylug tba element for tba common loo whiob u obearved by tb disciple evry tvdvday owing to the increasing inormltla of aga be baa been anabla to attend church rvgularly lb past two yeara ur and mrs hill weaw tb parent of a bug family each of wboor l la prosperoo olrenmalano and highly eeteem ad in tb olrou lb which they move two ohudren died in childhood tba other are john 0 aotoa ur dr lowry ouelpb jsaoe pbolo artist toledo 0 1 urs cbaa t killmaaur port llowati out j aid cbaa w photo artial muuro uiobj cbraur t photo artiat oleva- land ohio uanry f photo artist van coover b o and uis bella at bom of theea all bat chester and henry were pieaent at tba faoersl ujavulll svuo ear viva bar husband j tb laal rlta were paaformed on uooday afternoon tba paalor luv jam mo laud had charge of lha servlo and waa assist by lur a mo tovell gualpbl i7svti ftltanpheiinn mrirt hlxjljill hagar m a tbe bearer wei tbrawaoaa ol deaeased john jama and char lee and three son of bl iwlu broth r hubert of peril uiram of torooto charles of parti aod george of ulltoti tba remalua wr tenderly laid to r i ia palrvuw ceiiielary tba following fiunda from a dlauno attended tb fuoeral i ir and mia w 11 lowry dr w u lowry j obaile edwin and mtaee ada and niiu uualpb mr jam graham turaulo uu graham uamiltou air vred kulmaatar toronto unlvanlty mr gbaafer msttbaw albarl oollaga f uellej villa i mr kara and ur and ur charles hill peru uleaa charlotte aad oaaele hill ulltonl mrs 1l oraina toronto john uolareu aod jamaa mo oowan toronti mr aod mrs uugb black aodjobo black and ur and ur john garalang bock wood ur qaorg ueoderaon georgetown milton the llconvo cornmlalgner will meet op batordy biornlnif 30th inat to ooneuler ine apptiaatloos of ijuor lloenaa for the for the current year the contributions to tbe fanj of mill- branch of the bible society for lha year jail closed amounta to 51 the officers lorld01ro itealdsnt iuv k y mcl bmitbi vloaprea lut o ltlobardaon bccrelary j u deaoon treasurer jam uollluraka depoallory thoav hendereoa th corporation find it neceaary lo secure a larger aapply of wslof for he waterworks ayalem tha waterworks committee report that a safflolant addition al supply can be secured for about j 1000 mr plolsy chlauolm and family have ramoved to toronto where be ha secured a position a traveller fur ill mix i ar rle- co ur gblaholm was baiiquatied by 111 friend hare last weak before bl re movel ltlauosa oil wednaedey evening of lest week live family of ur and olr james lores eramoae aasa milled around tba old bearlb to take part in ewlabratliiff tbr goldea wedding of tholr pareota there were prraent jam and iuobard miohlean wltb tbalr wive mr and mr b lawn buffalo jonathan and wlfa lramoaa jamc on the linmnelwed chlalmlm family gualpb kmltb and a portion of hi family also from gorlph u1m audio detroit and mia bessie 11 ch to mrs hhwdoa detroit wa prevented from be ing present ouaocountr of tbe alcknea of one of heroblldreii the family te union waa a very happy affair tha sou and dackhura presented tholr parenta aacb will a gold watch and au addraa whloli bxpreseed tbolr filial affoollon and praying that they tnljjht be lon aparwl to enjoy tb koodura of th gmt giver tbey were also presented with a locket and sevaral other u from itulmduaj member abhqhovu mr a warren baa been very ill for mo time 1 bo method ul pulpit wa oocupled on hobday by iter mr fry of torooto iter mr jeckou president of tba oon feraaoe will preeab tba annual edttoalloml aermoa bo band ay naxt utaaaltglabrnwurldg ula ida hood id m xwigfluewortb werain toronto for faster among those who spout tb holiday at tbeir respective home here war ula lena mcdoll ur it j flaur w morrtaon percy morrison mango mlxoa j f nixou brttborutoo and luv f w tbompeon tho rjooa of temperance elected lha following member a offloera tar tha oorrent oatur w p wra tilbbald w a fannie boblneon- h q kdgar nuddtalla us h f mixont f 8 idav wriggleawodb treaa mclura brownridge chap john 0 hanks coo a wrugleswortb a c tboma douglas o b wluchubolm p w p joseph trirnvbl tho ad lability of electing officer beml annually inalesd of quarlarly a heretofore wa discussed on friday evening tba majority of th roambet were of tbe opinion that tba present syatem la satlsfaotoiy bxpsiumhntal fabmb tho uniform cooparatlvo dairy hard toat ftfoortf tho atttnrtluu uf cajudiaa fscmaraln teres led in tbe dsvolopemeril of caoada e riaateel iodnalrlal factor tbe dairy herd la drawn lo be following letter sacaally ent lo a few farmers in each prof i no of the dominion cfntrel 1 iperlmenui farm ottawa daia ria vonr nan a lias been handed ts me aa that of a farmer who la particularly inter imi ia the prod act loo of milk u la a well known faol that lite kraal rasj jlty f f dairy licrde if we may jodtfe by otab return alone are loeeluk invael it la however oertalo that this nead r t wtbatcaselrjuinaleuicafe andinuiiutenoa are exarolefd in eelecllng and faadlnojlba oowa ititeuded fur milk prouoer bo a order in be able lu work mora effectively lo wards improvement along ihla line i em deairoue of oblajnlpg soma exo inform tlon as lo the methods of feeding followed in different parts of canads i should therefore be mucb indabtcd lo jon if yon would write ma briefly opoo lha following points j bind and finality of fongbtgo rilbo fodtu juur milking cava ia u ur t 3 kind and quality of grain fed your milking oowa in a sumraar b wjaler t 3 qnaotlty of milk yielded per now i doyoa use purebred bulls t whet bread 7 5 what uao do you make of by prod ool e whey etc if you have any t would you caro to ear y on a almpla dairy herd test daring idot lo ooajodctloa with dairymen in different part of canan da and ua here 1 the only ex pen as would be a spring belaooe for we tha milk wa wonld fnrnlab with blank eaoh tnootb for keeping tba record if cans dian dairymen are to raise the average yield of their herd and make a profit it muet be by first finding out what their individual cow era doing if the cow u not paying keep and leaving a good profit for tbe dairyman either tba cow i not good or tba dairyman i bot feeding ber properly if you are really interested in tba dairy kualuea and car to go into a cooperative uxl aa mentioned above i aboold be pleas ed to send you further particular r tbe aim in any oaa i abould ilka to baet from you oo lbe afore mentioned point your very truly j h gaisnil agricultarltu tb repllo frlicltrd by the letter were of such a character as to indloaia tba advia a bill of making tbe m mora pablic with audi an end la vlow lb foregolug 1 i van for publication it j hoped that many of bur dairy farmer may fee lb important and necessity o keeping suob rtoorda a are suggested and ibat they may think it advleabla to join in tbla oooperative dairy hrrd beoord or teat any farmer inureeled may obtain foil particulars uy addressing thoagrlcol turlat 1- iiwrlmcnul farm ottawa all latter so a idresaed we narrled post frer advkiiribing what it did tor m marohant in i town or boo people doe bualnaaa of viooooo a vor tfle spring feeling not exactly bick flut neither arc vol wi 14 cioao connrfsment rjutlna iiio winter months ha loft you weak eaally dopransod and outof6oru lb words wrak aid dprwaxl rt preates ilia cfnllllon i lb uaai i tf people a ihe awlu tin it lil nelorw ln thai hetnai ty jnrf monlheof u luor life in badly ii iiuhj bull lings wltb impumiy ttuiiuil ou have aftieadathe aliitlic aarvolmi f minora you your apllt u riblu ji o so caaily lrritalod ordrpree 1ihpa llir- ara pimpleaor lljlt ruj it ll t 1 dlcaleuta li od nd sltriilin win l- avyf lbe iinlini way be 11 kbould b atleoded lo tin on laeu will fall an easy prey lo grevrr tj 1 1 lul u a pargatlva in the imp that it will jut jou right any doctor will tell jot ibal ur gallvre weaken thai tl ay iumiir the action of th llvrr and crrali rhrur a con etipsilon a toolo a what la nredad to help nature flglil jour bellh fur hvallb and there is only turn alwaya rvllahtr never feibmf linio and ihtl la dr williams vlnk pill these 111 have no puritatlve aoliun tboy iktaka rloli red blood lrer i lie lirojta i j fd- nerve aod make waak dapraated really tired people wliather cij or ountf bljbt active and strong among ttoie who have proved the health br i niug ritallllee uf dr wiulame pink pills la uia fmma cbaput of lake talon out who ssya i cannot thank you nnoufib for tbe good i have derived lbonjli tbd itiee of dr william piukfilia ihooastlybellevw that for them i would bow be in my grave uy health waa completely broknu iluwn uy face wa aa whlu a chalk aid if i made tho least ffurt lu in any buusowork i woald almokl faint from tb rxsruon and my heart wool 1 boat violently eo that i feared i would drop where i atoj i wa a great sufferer f rora jieaj achea and dixuneaa a wtu and my jietita we so poor that i acarcely ate at all i trrd aeveral medlclnaa but tbey did not blp me and lbe a i decided la send for soma of dr william pink 1 ills cot ix boxe and before i used them all i we a wall a i bad ever been wltb a ood besltby color a gocd j ivtltv and an tk tiro free dom from the ailmentr that bad mad me so miserable yon may be aura thai i will alwaya bava a warm trgard for your invaluable medic loo do not experiment with other eocaisd tonic you are apt lo and it a wasla of money and yoor beallb worm thati befoi yon w uut b aawdr williams pinkpill theyhava proved their value tb world otcr and you nan mly hpoa it that what tbey bava dune for otbsi they will do for you if jou aannotret tb genuine ptu from your dealer send direct to the vf william medicine co brookvillr onl and they will be mailed poet pai 1 al m cent a ox or hilt box tat j co qtoholtown crmwbonb cornuhs kaataf pueed off vary ju felly bar tba aervloa 0u tluuday being fairly well attend d the road and field at drying up wonderfully and 11 lb rlue weatbar dou uqna spring aeedlng will be in fall opera lion before tbe and of tbla week mr wallace laabye clearing sale on wednesday last wssooaof lb moat sua eeful sale bald in tbla vicinity in year ur jama llamebtw is we regret lo ey ia very poor health it fr hoped by ell that aba rnayeoon reoev sir and mrs bolt moor uf aolou apent faster huuday bar at mr n forbe mr and mrs viiak and ah i id rati ol acton pout ktalar lioiday at ur 11 gibbon messrs james moor jr and 0bs gambia spent tit hasur holiday very pleasantly wltb friend la toronto urs ilou browu ar aa 1 uia graol brown spent tho holiday with ur and kirs j p davldeou of caladonl usasr j uoahhurand jaa kajl sud ula frnaia kail of aolou spaut rfuuday at mr jamm omuv tba minis luloaliaw apeiil lbs boll day wltb friend in aclou uxualbq jfriwinuubg bar dangbur ur jams uamaltaw u jobvl hud jaepll ooletnau let on friday yor cuvelatid whom tbey have aeauroj situalluu as umiit en b inter on boat plylnu from that lilut mlrf mabel allburauf aolou u vllu lug at ur wm uriol w 11 piiiu 1 tb proprietor of a depart htartl store el baweratowo ohio bowers- town la aoouutry village of 00 luhabltaata the loan uo t largo eoougb to aapport newapsper it wouldnt support mr peon if ba sat around bis a to re abd talked politic bui when be opened bp ble elorv be pti lha u tbwvsjritr l than lha sword lo bis door plate aad started in to conquer all tb trade la bl territory how well ba auooeded la told to us la the few word no new paper here oaa county feeat papers doing of 00 population e 1 00 000 busluee a jeer lu a town of 00 publication j 000 per week i hera la a world of argument for bei paper advertising think of making a country vlllega trading oetttra tor a progreaalve ohio county i tbe slory of webkmsker tbaltoyal baking powder bxld lha achievement of ur how doe ba adverllaast trlpl column full isngth sal up like a metropolitan ad border item clasiltled prloa tblug geaeralltle reads tbi and 000 wincing what ur poiio ba dons you cab do but you oaatdo it without you advertise and aland back of every assert loo lha liuili and guaratilhi coiujaiiy limited toronto itvd bcu a polultd adminletrator nf th estate of the 1 4 to a it camming who died reoenlly her leaving an aalat conillnj of a small amount of property in town lloportsfrom ltev john baundera u a who is under treatment at cliilon ijprlub uhnltarlutii m y are vry favor able lit piorcb ia so rsi id ibat be hope to return hom at end of this nftnl b t w jacktoti preaidanl of the confereoc will preach 1- juoiliottal nntvsraary er moua church beil bunday kaslar visitor were inur b than usuit both to and rum lawn end piw written and neat black absolute security cenulnp jbarteis little livep pills ulust er slsnaturo of some reasons why you should insu on mavin g eureu harness oil uneciuauctl byumvothcrr rertdcra hard leather soft rerdra hard la evpeoally iriucl keerpa ool vratcr a bewvy bodied oil harness a cxccllciil preservative reduce coat of your luirneaa nctcr barna tbe leather its efficiency u iuctcakcd secures best sen tec stitches kept from bicavkg oil ootlllu you wearhose weve provided a bonanza for you in cashmere hose plain and ribbed makes they go on sale on friday this way j5c and oc qualities for 23c or purs for 00c 16 5 and 6oc qu ilitics at xic or 3 purs for 1 wash coods for half price friday and saturday over iooo yards new pattcrnb american prints and clnllils regular 8c and loc qualities lor 5c a yd choice american plgjucs regular 15c to 20c a yd friday and saturday c dress coods new arrivals in homespuns cheviots satin cloths satin finish cheviots black brocatelles at bight pbices our grocery dept is full of choice new ttock at bight pbices the b crennan co secobds block the right house ljrrisjtltio ta3 h hamilton s pavofe shop placu yovhmjjl qjldxr can uk mxucdpaqmlrlr the first showing of spriiig coats nekt lo our millinery deportment lha coahicciloa able womem than any other part of i lie atom to find ourwbat t tba correct f usttt itousa stylo are sure rlwj boit back stylo will be greatly la tin out tba ltifht houi gr our stock inclmtri ilia bow and fashionable shades ilearialn mora fashion tbey come bera lo aiujy styles lay tlvtej piuitbatlme and luner ba correct and right uptodate this scascn amongst fashions bio at jlaoludlaa cost la a bw ratag bt sirlas lnan bltck and blue uroa4 douia kloale liaalad and stllebed it so thllo ilak cost tn tswa bad ooovsjtuoui ula4ylio4 wiutbsua borah alao lllae itroadeloui jseket bttwly eutctisd sml satio atxappad at bjtooito rwaajadto www 1 hegelau irawii by osail l00v lo tba awsenoa of a thing whs ibar li ba a poiot of dootrlna of practice or of uurnratatlow tb ool kind of rapantasoa that u 0tut aaytblog in ooda sight hi ibat atgnmmttwfwttilitoar a card wa tba aodanlgnad do hereby agree to refund tba money on a fiqoacl botila of gratwa warranted syrap of tar u it tafia to ear yoor oowth or oaid wk also gaar antes a iflea bottl it nrowa aalufactory u uajugy iwfwwakj w udav owe liuudru holla uaaj j f- aur ease of oatarrb uiet eaauot be eurad by uelle catarrh cure v j chkrlbjy m co imop tulado o we uie uddarehjuad lwe koawn e j chtamf for the lest btleeil yaen bihi beuv him par cuvibouorabu tn all bualaaa trsnaaeutm nnsneully able to carry uut auy ohljauou toede bf tbelr brni wawvta0alt wbolaaale lthgtals toledo o wauium ktgaa a uaann wbolamle broa- kuutuledo o iu1 oataria cur ts iakaa islsmally aeliog dlreotly upon tbe blood aad uumueearrae of ibsajstam prioets p botu sau by all draawjata tasurnoolabi frwa ueila rswallrahtla an the best 0 man ki tba battar for ignore nc nor lb aroraa far koowladgs things that baf a oomoaon uallty 99r ai fu nalu aas t kiwi w ropinabacwl roiwtnim islultt8tnll mtnfuufll iwcntiratim inwjxiwuast rwiwxcemirtexim cure sick headache aveel tjai lloa that any tu uau iu i rl la tba slsbl th raveej ask biros of cud r lbe universe la change i oar lit la what our thought make iu t rtp tal lo oil tba tttaat pain our used externally cures ibeuinatlem swajllnjc bruise aluf taln and aoraoaaa of every daecrlp- tlon luurdally used u oura oroap cold aor thydet boatsoaa asthma bcouobllla qwoay kto irloe juf oaulr all drnxglata tbbn will hud reel from vain faucu if ilaadoeeltvery ut lu 111 al though it war iby laat to a rational being it li the asm iblng io act acourdlu to nature aud according to ursl elrirsj great cut in prices llmadelouia la bues sad oolors l wllb oolsiatitillquadla atlk aad braid your kprlntf cilotrk w woulj lias to induoe you to buy labr of- our slovaa not baeauee of tbe eroat we make 00 a stoat traoeae tine ut bacsuae we want la please voa end show yuu bow ilxmoaauly w ean aauafy you in uia way ol aalllus slots llauat uikji our tuaiui 1 what wa ar promuldf you tor voot aallsfaeuon la waallas luvas tuay ar tba baal value lor tba money voil avat purchaaaj we know you will be tfllabld to can and wear ibau lvtaa itadlae kj olova uhjvhu ae bvouarvd slaar fa all lbe laadio abadm par pair si do ibadiaa eu llavea carlujo pari point euibnilland ftebup abada of busk whit jtaart are and taiode per pajraijo ladlss kusda llave uabroldaivj sad wltb elasn 4iaila at bray dwd sad bleak par pair sum ladlaa atlduloeaklsieeue ilaoa belesis wblle black paarl brown vaa tnoda and ariy per pel slts chudrans aod aliases tqd oknwa wltb s euapaspaclal vaha at 91 do cblldrao a and atlases bite quality kid gloves warliy ptqae hvn 1 clasp per pair vlll 4harmlax new silk ilctu btiriiisfinrnlc property lor kale aviuimivr of rams aol vtllaa f for aala on aaay laih atily to wanted yound fllrl alit is ir 111 eaalalolu i wob al tor lullwrr bar o at riaor alply lo ltd 1 fltahk iiaiumh lllvtboy fasd storm ounfoitjihlo dwuilinfr hoi bali rshk uitdaralsna a uapua ubli and lot 011 ika avi ootufortsbla ronnl tea atil an 1 luada uurnay uroa aal aatuad la oread to sail t is beese a with aa si ti ojoii appllasuon to- tuoiiaiid cook orand luplduuti ie8irablklte8iienck fonoale rpiiat wall known prnpert on falrvlaw j avanos raoscuy ocenilad by vsin jrtpne la now ottard for sale tbe bouaals wall wll baa etsbt rooms wltli ball and pantry lane eellarand wood boasaeoon acted ini3 walat utable sod fowl bouse ooui ttiere i au aera uf r enoloe fruit tleproi allon of uia turtvw aoton owlna to ue prcstmlty i cacoatery u la property would make a splendid site for ttsbuhooaee and gardaas will be sold oa easy terms var paitlonlara apply at vaaa i ssa ofqee utatile sod fowl bouse on uia prsmlese ur au aera uf land wall stockad with s fruit 1 1 a property la wltl in tha eorpor aoton fllachiiio and hcpai sliops iikhuyutundkte proprubw able weir equlfpad with a1 the machinery beoaasary to al acuta all va pair ta mubln sry andeaileulturallraplaiuenla and to dc all kinds of bteematuos boraabobinandaimra blaeasniluiliic woodwora repair barfnrmad a d satlsfaetory manner wa eu ratalr any meahin or implemeai of soy mska new cnmtnlng aod oun doca a joujlnby by tklicph0nb will jjlvc you b taste of ideal rapid teansit and iuva uniaitful money your lime is too aluablo lo spenil id writing bsller and owshlnft replies tlie tcleidonc rivos 1nstantan10us communication civo llw long distance operator tha name of llwt in livid ual you want you will then wula no time in jai to an bo the bell telephone of canada ak paralti qb7t ol aaney tjoolaloa u alosu blouae leoatb xalosive wltb a prsujr ebeok aad alou 4 ts and vaney merrwa very stylish lor bloos wear navy and wbua stripes per yard aoey valfataa u narvitaorna grmf and black sthpad daalspia vary fetehlnsi ik- to blooae wauu ails hota oeotory bilk plain skt roebrowr idawb alttce eluding bright 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known by tits wuoallaltow of aur tallorlnu and that man your bult will ba satlefaotory vii s atkhia rou hslwaar bssnu wm ml cooper merchant tailor mill st aoton s96d grttin spcllit 30c a lb t 3 j par buabal crass iws iiujo per bushel while ilullcas luilay qoc per bushel jligowa oals only 50c bushel mew century oats bl 00 a btlsbcl prussian dlua peas boo a busbel lllack joanetlosli pure 300 a buabcj bonsalloa oals 500 a busbel coo wheal 73c buahel also all new ind ajaudsid vsrletu of iareit heed grain warolipui west tit toronto all kinds of llowor aiul vgetble beolsand iltllb jame hewer tarjdloorkaj aaej 43 mslounell st cluj ph 11 alsaatsr uoaewarybo bilk gbi laxauvc bramchjuliiiiic tax wawtkd coualy to laiilasaill llauonl eoualy to buanolal weekly fc beraca la every apaay of solid day abaolatajyaarw aaa all as ainlsbl bobsrnda daaiute salary no aioal aalasy paid eaeb euurday aad sapatoee tnooar ad van a ad eaen weak btah ualujuouall burpffs tb baal ttawouw are aoandly seed- rn nn sense f ftjjj buawdxbawynta tj3 saowrveeea arw awv wxptwcvsfwr a jkjjftl raaqy costs nnmblag aad avwattawayswiw wrtu t0oav t au dai judrz watlell purpee co philarjelphia i lutvo been forlunaloln securing a mill lot o new canadian tweeds of btlost it lerns at a very low price and am in a poal tlon lo make up bow spring suitings at front 10 to 514 borgo from 11 to 13 a taloe agsorimont of scotch tw oodo at 510 to 20 irlno anoy wonitodfl at from tlgu22 1 pajiuzig from s3 to 7 ileal worknianihlp aod trimming ulaaya uaod yourorler arc kindly wljcuetl laid i w j lee tartd antlrtn tttllor k li onlrtorlull tlwin qd qm ulttitllwiakboriwtimttu aaupwlutd utlu ullor utd dnnnim rroartwaw teal feltl call and examine the merits of ttnu superior shoo made in all modern styles of lattt and beat grades of leather all sulh aa to ee width lor ladies and gentle men 1 hi ihoe will cure calloujes on the toleb of the feet excessive persniration of the feet burmnj of the feet and it will keep your feet cool in hot weither and varm in cold weathei w wiulik7vts boot knd snob dbhldr sanbaosnttohiotqw hv f imttbnra

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