Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 11, 1901, p. 3

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yfeicwbibi i bank of hamilton georgetown branch agonera bankingbusiness transacted correspondency solicited- sayuikh department ialullowu no mm o onii doi lar ahd upwardi from day ol ekntt m cmvpfffcrllhdrawal no formalities erul no delay la drawing money farmers bumncss sollcfhjd not of ceiponilblo farmers dlacouaiod and money louioj jor cgttimale our collection department v sale notes llandled md money advanced on account of wufio at low rale of interest travellers arc notified lliat i lie ilankof hamilton and lis branches in on circular notmoitholvovidcu daok u england omited which can ixi cliod without charge or trouble in any pari of the world head ofnce r hamilton xuubuabod 1073 capital paid up- 51703212 reserve fund 1231119 total asssjs ms jamkm tuaxauix cashier b forsayeth agknt georgetown branch the news at hoke tly or a loo character vary llm lntrtlna- lways ahead paper hangings slock now complain and without doubt the cowl ever put on i ha market 100 oooltolliof wall iaper am repreaenled by our ani pie book s mgkee aden will take your order and tile prlce xelllastomsh you rl nil you ait years paper at 5 j6 discount a knap for good things chas l nelles cuelph ijc cxtnn jxtt jjrejs thursday avail lllb 1001 little local brieflets which caught thw eyea or ear of frew preaa roporur this wok all bal have been off to the ban the paal weak tb f eimeja ex itobjug lo gel el ibelr prrog seeding tbe fall wheat lu ibis section he wintered vary aaufactoryly toronloa rate of taxation tht year i likely to ba over twenty mill nelson township liquor hosuaa fe haa bean raised from tuo lo 200- halloa baa tbirtylwo ceueua eonmer- ton at work throughout tbe county tb boofcld fr engtno co of pniitit i bool lo remove to lyindoo london rale of taxation for tbe praaaot year hu been atiock at 331 mill on lb dollar gardening operations have- commenced mr wautrof falrvuw lake th boo of being aral at tba garden tb editor of iho mm paae la bndar obllfatioo u ur cbaa mclaw for bu klndoeaa lo harlng tba apoua of aoooaw fa flablng rip on tba bay at midland dar ing hi easier visit to trunda in that 15w a meeting of lb h uaobr and maalon of knox gburub held leal etlog mr geo uynda wn unanimously ohoma aa superintendent of lb s h in pluta of mr mcpball wbo reoenlly removed to manitoba bl tbomaa la beingawapt by a w t reform tbe oblet of olloe haa inaimoud bit men aaya tbe ttmti lo arrmt every person whom tdaybmr tiaia profane buuruajt on tbe ueal fend the omtlr will be triollyjealrwl onl from tbe report of the kaaur ki amltuulonaatotalpbolteclaulnatltnlloo we lo not of i poplu wbo wrou la form iu uue dalay utokua etood third mnd hie kdtib uelb ibbvu blubjjf orcdltabu lo theae atodloua youoj ladiea tbe aolo cbrlat la hin to day by wr e j aloore who h home from albeit colle fur eur la the utbodll obnrob but boodey waa minb appreouted by ibe oonsrfalloa tim knuilo la by arthur travetytn d wofda by uaw angllna fellow aludao i of afr uoo albar oollere lr jdmpb atnew wlahatbe faaa passe to eey that be uara lbibop btwaau tb dominion hotel od lb- campbell ho fr a dark com for davelopluif aamtenr photumrapha 1 that the praoa wbo were u tba nml on huilday lug t nit u wa raided by tba women war mil tura uu sunday wllbbfa oooaanl uiattbria bu urvcr bu liquor old intba prmlee nor auataiulug rawwirhb hiinaa vvimtku tiny for delivery waggon matt be acoualomed lo llin wofk good wagoajjald apply at ouce at vaaa 1 ofdoe p tboie wbo ooulauipute purchasing uoameut or work of auy dlchptlou for ibelr oemsury plot should ordor tlireot nun tbe old reliable granite abd marble dealer j h lunih ouelpb out al expaneea allowed to purolaara all work nod material warranted ooropelluoo edfled to thobb a pout to m a finv yoang mn or old ma wbo intend lo marry wilt ba pleaaed to leard that lb be uaxriage aot la made quite aim pi by ppy u r m u tn uiawiirr l lb itaajt fawa wlloa call a fw day balor the orromony and batetbe aihht- axpbuoed irlvato ofoo alt boaloewa ilrloily prl and ooofldaniui at rldeon to etenlnjf- twish jo ou a colo in onb dav w tevalasativ qolhlne tablala all cxxf prltjax ktuuai tbe weal her during the heater holiday though not ao warm aa it often la at tbla aeaaoo of tbe year waa for ibe moat part bright and plaaaant an unuaoally large number of viaitora wero in twt lood friday aervicea ware held lu neatly all lb otiucchea and the day waa spent in family re unions and social pleasure kaaler sunday was bright plaaaant the lienrfsiir at itm olmfclie waa larger titan uaual aud tbe mifflom and service appro priste to tbe eplitl of laalertlde tim apeota heater molo by tbe varioua ohoira wi mocb an ay ad u ilr crdltmhl o aw a ntpr a rttmt the april number of tbe inlamd iinl of fhioagd utn leading trade joornsl of tbe world lo the printing iniuatrlaa oqolaina a beautiful bslf tone engraving of a baakai of plmyful oau and kittana eutujed curios ity tba photo of wbleb waa taken by mr a t drown aotun tbe honor to mr irown for ibis vxorlleutaobieot ie all the greater when it is known that be eenl the pllolo lo tbe nlatu prutur by rouet lit editor having aobn it in the oolleollon at friend in chicago acton ha eeveral vcy skilful amateur photo artiste old mlubtmf soeiaj a friend in cloveravllle n ytvanda tbe fbmm iaaaa a oopy of tb ladrr of that town in which tbe following annoonoement eppoars tbla evening tbe aieni tray- lug llsnd of the fremont blreet m e oliurob give thetr old llubber sociable a literary programme will be rendered the remainder of the evening will be spent in having a rood ttm socially ii bt maple ttjir on snow will be served to all wlsliiog u at ton cenla a pute admiealon ptloe on or mora pairs of old rubbers but those who think txvore of worn out footwear fhao money will be trltnllttd on tbe payment of ilv dn hqulbd fmlr acton ooi j nt 1realdent wlteon of vaeeldg agricul tural society wsa in town but week and in oonvereation with the fsju faaa ex- pttsaed the opinion thai a vary kuocfui vihlbltlon will be held ben next fall he has confidence that tbe local director and lb ollizeua of aolon wilt do their part aallefbclorlly and be believes that even greater interval will be roan ilea ted by ex hibitor and dli color throughout uje town ship and beyond iu limit mr wilson ay ibere waa but one dltsentlng voice on the board of director whan ibe question of ooinlnn w aoloq wfth tbe show this year rrv 7hi nudw dleooaslon vraak jinrea nie it ibo tiomptlml mr frank llorn pejnttr went bo bt joeapha hospital about throe month ago ffering from lung trouble hi death covred on monday and iteeve william and tinderlakar spelgb want to qoelpb on toeeday ejtcruooa and brought the alns borne for interment tbe funeral we bald yesterday to fairvlew cemetery iu 01 k qoddan m a offeolatiug mr horgeea te left with a family of fonr small children lb re daughters and one uar lot la a difficult one bat she ie a ii of energy add with tbe encourage ment kind hearted citizens will be able to give aha will no doubt be able to keep bet family jogitber oaicux vult a y mad j a tba brethren of walker lodge a v and a u wore favored with a very intereatlnf official visit last week frpm it w m- dor reir i d 0 m of tb kigbl maoola dieulol hamilton ua wa aooompauled by v w davis grand hag of tbmaonio jraud lodge of canada and xlroa mcal bate and juiddel hamilton newton cj credit lodge georgetown j grmmlt of vaveriy lodge otwlph and other an important aeeeion of tba lodge wa bald at whlob ae feral initiations took plaoe after wbiog a banquet wa bald al tbe campbell houee the evening wa moat eujoyably epent tbe visiting brelbern ooogralalaunff m prick w m meoklnnoa and tb member of walker lodg upon their vary manifeel proeperity and constant rooraaae of mamberablp mvebersolaronamwlroderry owner mr llotaton tb bu lobar baj jaai uloeed with v h henny tb agent tor mr v klly of huffto formerly of aeton tor lb purchase of tb store on mill street at present occupied by qurnay a co mr llouton will take poaaeaaaloa boou a ourney a co remove lo tbelr baw misa in the warren block he inland pairing and improving tb premies aud will go mora largely into the jneat boslueai doing oonelderable pork packing and urd builoea- mr ltolaloo baa avidently learned tbe aoorct of conducting busiueaa buooaaafully lu his lo tluriug th peal twelve mouth four other bo lobar have sold ouf or dlaoouliuoetl buelues her but be ba been for sevan year lo co bland o waltl tut a highly nooeaui sale tb sal of iborungbbred abd rrad elook implement at laid by mr wallace leahy on lb lud in at wa very sdcosasfut nearly everything mit up brougbl krio and the figure at which the abort born cattlewere knocked down waa very gralifyldg tba eirgale sroouul of tb as wa about vlboo tb abort burns were purcbaaad ak follows dty dlckatia by t k houon lldertou for 1160 msgie by j cnnningbaui norrsl forllso itoee of tilretbellau by jobu monabb ttramoaa tor lio delay uuby 2nd aod her naif- ohlaf hiokeuri by t v hobeou for tlo haley haatte to joaepll lasby fof 76 maestri j l s3 j m wwrreu aold two young bells at tb le feiitlnueeoiuadimiil to j withr- atinttriuoa for vi aud oloera to cbrislopber lwckhtos fur lao mr laaby bora broubt v14j lja aud fjll7 uud a iwoyracold coll 70 uia god oowa oold for w fatar the grand trulik rilway lie already aaol bul a tnao lo ee that lb lawui t tb stations are put lu order for lb spring lb lawns at wkdau hswlltoo njasift irvlu gait and other poinu will tcelv special btteulloil tbu fc pjsugh aie kbowlug their appreciation of the com panys tftorts in making stallou unoattd- luge beautiful tbu i sji vy oloe but if the o t u rubus would provide com for table iuiu for tbtlr pit 111 soul llrgcud plane they would ba saouaed if tbey omitted tbe uwuri slid lite boweiu al aclou for iuslanoe with an eunual revetiu of over io0o0 here tbe vooomtuod alien are if tb inoat iotd- iule uuaatieavoury ebax enter t bo lb for pueangereaud alafl the waiting room u a dfaiiroe to a puo of actons im por ta ooe tb ladta have perhaps th great cat reason to suffer one evening leal wk wheu tbe ttelue were late and a vain was felling adles wefe obliged lo t there in a orowded room wltb a number of men smoking tbe men oonid hardly bj blamed for lboy bad no other place to go bat imagine tb diioootfort of ibe lad tea barely tb q t h will mxm realise lb abviloe tieomsity for a tcwrirpot and eovldau acton turn a i if club ueettmg the roogilstlrn meeting oi uie trnnle club hre was brl i wedncawsy pvenlnn april 3rd a lair attendance waa present ami ibo following offlcera were iloe 1rw ur i i klly 1reemeotw hieh vtoe rrae uue mtoole hal liaeretary lu lumav traaaurar w 1dom ultalltae of uauacainatitkllaeee 4ue b uoorajjyhalaon klua iird and ada frf aud lismii i m llantlarsuu j ueotlaa joo h uooia and ilia rnireia the proapeota for a large club hero tbla aeaaoo are good as much in tar eat la being taken by ogriyouuf poople lu this ploaeaut and healthy game st aibmum vmmtwjr mmrflua the annual eeetvy meeunfl of bt albaiia cliurob waa holey on tuesday evnulug the itactor luv k cuddenm preetding the church weidan preaenlod their annual repoit which was deer vary saliafsotory to the vestry 1 lie soperiiilendant of the sunday school mr jamra abrsham al preeeutad very oomrnsudable leporl lb fliaoolal aid of it abowjng a battnee on band al the elaollon of cffloarb mr t ii harding was rftaleoted vesty clerk and maeer ceorge chapman and kidney kaondere were re el ac lad wardena meears a daner and george h latham were appoint ed lideemen aud mr cooprr auditor and lay delegate fined or allow tag roker nartng tbe toronto papers report that a coo- vutlon baabeen aecured agaluat the ownar of k bouae in that cily where poker playing wa permitted and the fraternity are alarmed george lllckay a spurt wbo keep a cigar alore on king street wa convicted before judge mcdowell at ibe eeaaione and quad 7fi for permltung poker to be played ou bis premises and taking part of tb proceeds it waa shown that ikckey got ton cents on every deal one of tbeorown witnesses hatntiel kaufman who had been cleaned out 111 kukya jolol gevevldeoee lo show that bare is a rvg ular llowery aids lo ibe joints of ibe city he believed be bad been cheated and aaked for bis money back hlckey told him he bad money enough to hire men lo aandbag any una who would tnaka audi a com plaint anion oolt club tbe golf club are one again taking active atep towards the seasons play and a the weathar sbowa algae of breaking ap tbe follower of tb royal aodancunl game are rejoicing lu the proapecti for an inter ne ling aod enjoyable season th animal meeting of acton golf olubwa bald in the council chamber last wednesday oh- t c p0ming and going visitor to and prom aoton an vjatlouaotharptrapjiml note tbtp elected wealdenlj ii waluee vtwir juhn a ueuret heeretary ttm w hlk oaitaloluv if a uaclicisiri ghaolalnbevj j vaeliy commiltae on the tlrean the ofilcar ah j if puooie 11 holme uoy uofntoah and dr if ally th xreaideut secretary aud captain war appointed a com roil tee to formulate a eerie of local rule to govern trie links tbe memberablp this season will probably be considerably larger than leu year the club intends maklug improvement to tbe tee and greens and eipeola to have every thing in flrat cua shape when tb season jjaoeeeaftfl hoc bociml tb book social lu kuox obuictl paeaed off ou monday bight to th satisfaction of all a splendid programme wa tender ed lo tbe auditorium of lb church ibe number werw a ful owe an tbem cuclr insunmenuj al oeloavtlurv orchestra aeelaud by ur leuhuiau hold mr jj u henjeranrt quartette uaasrs uanu sud if andaon aud uleaa atogiure and tirsbajil uaadlna ur ilaakay ituatt ulaeee ueclure slid irutam tuedlnculaa ada tloluiaa uualo arthurs orebaetrs heading ulas jobuaton mia- jobu lion is tw fae la tb obnrob and ba splendid ability a an eloouuoout the audience wa delighted with lb rendering of curfaw shall not illng to blghl when lboe bumber were flolabod tbe ohalrman itev h a- mao- pbarsop anuounoed that oua hundred from tbraudienoswouldbe seated al the table dowo stair when tbia uu lobar bad fllsd out tb piogremm u continued for tboae who remained behind this plau worked splendidly and iu a aupiuingly abort tim tb wallera served the two hundred wbo wished refrmbrnrntri rlow preferred toll led tothe programme wllb- out any break altogether it waadllbt ful evonlug acton fhbh liuiiaiiv tntarwatmnu mel to in area rtberehlb continue inow 2o- tb xublio library hoard uitt lo tb library ou saturday at th call of lbs obairmau member praaaut john cmrochlr- mau luvj k aoddn m a llv j m usgar m a and u l moor tba llbraruu preseuld repoila or vabruary ud march a fallow uutlablt lad uufkrils jd uury 11 llluarsfby v voya aud travju to 111 lluxa td luuttee a r luy a vullvu w lullaluus u u loaluihioue iri trtui uj yiukuem culou4 aud carda a 1 wnll llmidallt tio m lb report waa adopted v th oomtiiltu oiifjusiio rioouiiuaudd laymsnt or lb followltig account i duaouul ou uou al umdhauu uank teat u i aelwi vaiamaafiirsooplaulioal cants 1 i u upon motion lb rporl was adoplad moved by j u hsgar aaoouded by k godileu that tha kluiilnlpal treasurer berwjuatudlo ly l tta hoard tb autu t ulngtle balance of tsaa ool leoted in 1u0u in bbalf of lb library hoard carried moved by j k loddao eeoouded by ii 1 moor thai ibe cbalimab and treaaurer u luauuoled lo rsuaa for thi moutbstbe pole for 4i00 jiaoouiiud al lb mercb- knuluakon iheoolh november last u lour funds for lb payment of last jreara ptrobaae of books fur lb library tbe nvernmanl grbt lor lb ylr being tluvjo be paid wilbln lbs three mouths uabwd carrijd the hoard then adjourned tb many friends of mr harry ulbbuoa of tbe third itue eejualug will be pleated loearn that vftbsa jjinoat eotirely te- oovarej from iba sever altaok of fioau inonla from w ll 111 huron tba raaaalnvlles all its readers to klbtttetouilaoolanin if yon or- your ftlanda are going away ou a holiday trip or if yon have frlaode vlalung yna drop a ear4 to tbe rasa laaas among lb numerooa good friday and heater i at tore in frlaode in town faaa iaaaa rvporlera beard of tbe following mr hrncal hamilton from klmvel mr and mrs alri mm tbe we nran ford mua annie turitn wsa borne from berlin i mr chaa ii and arthur k moore from toronto mima ada fraud vu botdqfrorn a to i from toronto home from t of quel ill of guelph ule uery itout it h for a few dayr mr murray mcdonald oame home from berlin on filday mise hvlen hyruon i bom from boulh- amptoo for vacation mis minnie hulmee cm morval for vsottloo mr and mr jamee symoi visited aston friends mr and mrs 3 symon vlajtcd anion friends hev j k goddao m a v 11 ted friend in toronto tbn week mr winn ol ior hyeree spent keel wltb friends in town mater teroy mloklln of haspelar euiud acunrelbtlve mr frank maltha- baa been borne from herlln for kaaler mise hllaa mcqueen a home from lbs normal bob ool toronto mr geo waller spent a few day a lu toronto during the week mr jsme gordon of llockwood vmud friend in aclou tbla week mle hill of ualllnafad wa th gueel of her friend mia campbell mlaakoamlhonldlng of stratford spaul a few days wltb mis ida day mr sod mr john kan bey jr spent kaaler with fruoda in toronto mrs js piretbrookand maaler arthur were good stsanderland villa mr sud mr tboa hrunt jr sod daughter ware here from toronto mr ceo campbelljimled a few dajs last week with ble slater in delhi mr h w cameron of owen bound auflored sluo tbe sjflifc j ilx r tailed at falrvfew flao lbl week miaee maala and hassle hutoblneon of herlln wrre guest of aoton frland mia ida harry of newmarket a pen i be heeler holidays wltb her parent bare mia margatot howe teacher i pending the week at ber borne la trefal- mjaer daisy abd kdltb niokllo are bom from the gutlpb icolieglsu insti tute mr and mrs monaster of herlln were gooele al mr thomas cameron lbl week i mr wtbmylh went lo h abo ver on saturday to vlalb bl sons aud daugbtar there mr sauturl fowell of guelpb wa lb gueel of bi daughlar mr t e m seoord mr 3 savage of toronto wa a goaat at lb bom of mr james moore over kaaler mr d haodsraou m 1 cam tap from uiftcapiul ilurtday abdjriinalrildrt kelr ml mabel williamson of herlln 1 ihegueet of mis mina walker ho war avenue mr and mrs tbo t moor bd mis may spent th holidays with relative in toronto mr charles molam went to midland on good friday lo vial mr abd mr chss k akin mr or mckesgu spent tb bolldsy at th bom of hev of w iu toronto jonotlou mia margarl lumsay abd ml field- 108 of hamilton ar goasl al lb bom of dr klly msburkrnesl and klwln irrymsii of toroulo via tad ibelr grand parebls daring the holiday mle may and liiul gardiner war up from toronto toapeud kastar at ibatr n other horn misee uragg abd mcniobol of st maryj visited over haater al lit bom of mr geo 1areon utesftynaaud bar frund mis bcb- watt of berlin apent kaaler at tbe bom bf bar parent bar mr thorns vrytusu jr and master kdwiu war op from toroolo on monday visiting bl father bom mr w k bmllb of hramoa visited aelon frleuds on tuesday mr m j moore bam home from albert colleg hallevill tbblsday avsnlng scj spent kssler al uoorearofi mr anson smith it of glabford vlalledbllbebom of bl daughter mrr wh storey dorlug tb week mis nellie alllii teacbar i spending tb heater holiday at bar home lu uuudtr land aud wllh frleud in toronto the mieaea lelng war lu brampton at their father home over kaaler mr oharle jobbelou wbo wa r ported very ill ul week look a turu for lb belter on bun da aud i rapidly recovering mr kiufmr arthur lslng arrived her ou saturday frou ouisha neb tbey will apeud som uui with lb miaae lalug mr frank uuruae w in gulpb lest wb vieltlug ber bubabd al bu josephs uospltal mr uurgeae died mohday ulgbl me hawthorn 1 born agalu from si joe pit uoepiul sb i feel tug bibob uturas areeullol ui600aol treatment rovlvad tliat mlsi orsovhagar arrived bom from lit collet of dumealla soienoe uablilluu thursday to spwud a weak or so lb methodist laieotieg mr arob campbell ralarned from guelpb last week bbe is oooalderably lui pruveil lu baaltb knd able uibe abool uar many friends ar glad lo see br bom again l luvd csveu whole itjflrlug from aevei attack of sppeadlollia is slightly improved df w 1 caveu bl ott wbo suffers from lb eetni dleease la also recovering at molher11 lu perth county on sat urday mr j j caven toolbar of frinclpal caven of kuox college toronto at the advanoedsgeof u7a died mr osven weaof martyr ooveoabtlog stock apd wa born lu galloway beollaud august lei lb03 bb has beau a veldaot of oanada loe ltm7 v dyspepsia from foreign ord neanlng bad wok bartwrawirauattto atgntfyootr ttvmuati tar the moat oorutnon caaa of tb dlaeam la n prarllipoalog want of vigor and lone in hint organ no discs make hfp moro mltcrublc ita lurfersra certainly do not ffee to tat limy sometime wonder ht tbey should pal to jtee w ajvujfent ballvllleont warrlly trouhlpd wlui it ifyr years and 1oter il gaaro rau clatre wis who was eo aducted wtui f uiat ha wsa narvoaa eleep- leii and actually sick moat of tbo time obtained no roller from medicine proic- alonally prescribed tjtey were completely curvd a otbcri have been by hoods sarsaparilta bxoormrut to their own su lament vol- unuiily mac tbj treat medlclna stnawtaen the etonumvn and lite wbole dlgcallvo system lie sure to gat llooda solid gold r8f heat gold fill 1 60 jr gold fill 1 00 ileal oihmi 100 w gmtnoteo perf rs2watufaouon globe optical- c 3 yongo qtreat tpr 5stock patterhs5 iluylng a dinner set or a tea bet from a slock pattern lias one special advantage you can replace arty piece you may break al any time wa have 3 slock patterns vis haviland china groan lllmprtnatod roses autuuin tints colonial blue groen elsie rax morxn txx stojuc amd cms a 1aiarx j a mccrea cuelph pays lo buy at bolurls if pays to buy at botterts infor7kkt10n without any preliminaries or giving reasons as to the why or wherefore we want to say that are selling carpets at away down below regular price rates it- housccleaning time and your opportunity as follows ifl places ilruaeala carpel aonia of uia eome 60 yard laof 133 your abojoeh ieea wilton okroeu larlstebe4e b piece tapestry uarpeu bl aixl bw aradna slegatil now pauerna al bu al aj ur eenl leee uiaa nreeant day value union cajttxtti hatrajtnryvajewpsweoe l atj wooi cajttts oilcloth h mnolruuu utallt cathlitfl huan and uath at flpeelal itteea lacx coutajn xauc aooialra lee oortaloa aa olloe ijoa i at go par t iotaatte per mir rk al elco par pair tx af i 3 per pair it s at lt5 pee pair i 8 al x vw nal l-fe- ioa 8 al vw i laetetextcpaaciur iot h at ajao per pair tliaeeareall aatra and eepaelally low prleve arc muajiua a fte 10a ue ime end aoa la lovely hwue wpoataalldje lo lmmane nuge of deelen at iroia loa lo 6do tamboured heta lor abort ourtaloa irom b0o bwue appluiaafafor abort cur lata irom sqo to boe oitiimbuu i lor abort curtaina rrotn to lo oo kmiud ueallaa from ue to mo per yard aas gtjrney co new eaater ciovob and roslory new french kid clove nil i ho noweit shade and tb beat make spring hosiery i bow complete in plain and ribbed all aire 1vtra valuottrhuck saloons and sallnb and ladiea waists llnons nnti cottons our tiockol linens is the largetl wo have over shown new choice patterns all w wilis and all prices now orford shlnlns in plain and clieck- towelltigi sheetings circular lhllowcotton factory and white cottons lawns lawn- dales indian linem curtolne curtain muslins carpets oil cloths tapostry curtains etc first of all there u a pleasing variety to chooeo from and wllb every choice you are aura to he plcacd with ibe quality of the good and above all our price is aura to pleaao you wool carpel- tapoiiry carpels union carpols hemp carpets lace curtains nl all priced from 35c per pair up to t 00 large stock ol curtain muslins lu white and fancy pa i tern largest siock of oilcloths all widths 4 gurney 8c co general merchants aotom j that has never been equalled in 1iiis c1tv from a dojen bource come tbo vcnlki nowbot ule u tuch a gatliering of millinery attempted cuelpha moat parlfcutar women who know what sliown everywhere eio have aald ll those who are umjilar wllb the trade einpba- airad li and judging by tlie crowds that vlalled our millinery dopartnieill and the number of trimmed bedulle that liave dlsap- peaied lo on co tnor appear on the head of aome latblonabl lady wt tay that this dleplay of millinery baa never been equalled in guelpb uacli hat aeema to have character loo style peculiar to itself just a tllourh up arlisl dciigiled it specially for you thai what you wani exclutlvoncsi be sure to visit hie opening d e macdonald bro the lion cuelph jttfwwwwwwwfwmwflnttmtflniwfwmwwii 1 thumbs up 1 thumbsdomn 15 ilh 11 loe up of the coin whether tiioiltl shirts should bo striped tongltuddutlly ur croaewlhe the fashion cbauge with cacb succeeding- year if 111 doubt cotuull h l nulsow where tlie very uteat ls always lo be ouutl ijay ditto u tocollars cuffs nccklic scarfs aud all ibo rest and youll 1 on the kale aid my new spring i lata aro ih tb following mako are a guarantee of style and quality tb henry carter bill hat in all shade wa eontrol ihu hat in guelplt itnd i guranio each lu1 a to quality til old tellable- wakeiteld in hard and soil shape lit all colors every hat iitlhls make that w handle la strictly firstcla aod al tojuoiublo pikes oilier makes in kngluh aud atterican hats from i up if you want the latest in hals give 111 a call bt 00 wyndham birnet tl pays fe bu at bollerls ejb bolleit co 25 and 27 wyndham st gueijpu sitliat is prettier than a delaine or foulard waist for tpiing and summer wear wc have a nice range of these goods ailo allqvcr laces insertion j and edging to trim them with remember wc have a good supply of curtains curtain muslins etc buy before housccleaning 0 ip qoodeve fe co killst wotolst prevention of eye trouble wcrcntlon u better una cure it u cheaper- t t t it l posilblc when rare is impossible lye unable may be yoldcd by the tlnldy ttmoffbusci awexllno discomlort boftcrlnt permanent impairment bt klctit we are properly equipped to adjoit elaxics and ifturanlce utlsfacuaq gb d phijstgrlb w1tchb1hek and lewetlkk guklph i r e n1blsoisi v- ou isicu ohlv merchant lallor attd mens lurnlsber cuejpb fiiuiuiiiiuiuiujuiiiiuiiuuuii to catch the eye anil the mind t at tk home time ig thd art of advertising this ad illustrates howtruo this saying is especially to those wishing pleasant and profitable employment canadas sons on kopje and veldt the only book dealing exclusively with the canadian contingents is the book to habdle official authentic cheap sells on sight to everybody and any body can sell it capital or experience uo necessary send or lrecquitfit and make money thabianievcallrgtson oo llmllod bruntford ont jvtillinery opening wednesday april 3rd our display ol new spring millinery will be open for the inspection of the ladies on the above date millinery styles this season will show a decided change and for this reason it will be to your advantage to see a many styles and shapes together at possible our staff is well equipped with all the newest ideas and the display will eclipse anything before attempted by us come early if possible and see everything by daylight our ceneral stock is now complete for the spring trade and the hum around our store these days indicates that goods are going out with i rush our stock of new dress goods silks trimmings etc is larger than ever before you can see them for the asking for wc deem it a pleasure to show them clothing is a specialty with us let us show you some henderson st co mill street acton hecent imptbveuhents in our optical de partment enable us to test the eyes equallyas well at night as in the day time you can leave acton saturday night at seven get your eyes tested and return by 10 p in now stook of qold 8pex and eyoqlauuoo juot in srvkgis co opticihns ouelph anthrgajiadartaictv siltni fa

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