Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 18, 1901, p. 3

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mil lank of hamilton georgetown branch aqonoral ba business transacted corrapondenoo solicitocl savinijp department lniersil allowed an mini at oni ijoi iairttihuipwiiraffreffl dy of deposit in tuv of withdrawal no fmmauilcs an wi delay in drawing nloney farmers bilshicsh 90cttbrtole of discounted and mono loaned lor egitn business purposes our collection deparnnent i every facllltj or- ma li jg pi nipt n bale notes handled and monoy advanced on tixounl of same at low ratca of interest travellers ar notified i but i ho hank ol hamilton nnd in tranche lamin cjrculai motes of the irovincl uank o england limited which can lo cashed milium i a or trunhle lnaiy wl nihn wnrtd the news at homb mostly or a local charaotor and ovorv itom internatlng actou totf liakx the golferemado their firs tour of the links on flaturilay end enjoyed a pleesai t gillie they wiirbe obligedto rrtri urlliar play fur the present a lha greena and li are in lha hands of a proieaekfnal gardener whole putllog lltaoi in oral oleae aliee for tho areaou a pelsllonr vauitired obant ml coaiatnrolmf hotel it is rumored tun mr rrank ouyettr who lrilim tl onimaical uoie for tho iul lwotitbl ttunlia ja about lo retire ilia euooeaeur if pr cecal agrs lpnho fartneraj boou na caiiideutwll bo ljr j j holland of hamilton mr gojfclu has nun incilid the business of ilia corn mercla hotel with considerable redll 10 himself at d heewou fur ii a muoli improved rapu imllaa j head oiiicf iiamiuon established 18 j capital paiduftf 1703212 reserve fund 1234119 total assets 1427357 j a was i ukmiiull cashier b forsayeth agunt aoorgotown branoh always ahead paper hangings stock now cqin lola and without doubt the finest ever put on die market fuooou holls of walt 1 aper are reprcsenlrd by our um id books j b mokee aston will take your order ant lha prices villi natonieh you i fa will also tell y6u 35- discount a snap for good things chas l nelles cuelph jje retort jvte 6 thuhbday avuiii will 1001 uttle local bbieflets wtiloh caught the eyaa of eara of fr pr rportra thla waak tbay ban banay aoclalanp al llr oiaa ooanoll masting ul monday oen in jinans are in a vory good condition evgajo fine warm eprlng like weather the jpftat week lh bo da are barsllux on the email trolt bathe the termers generally are bnay vrilb their seeding experienced gardener ax at a pram lain tul no the putty willow oatklna are out jo blootn again ci ai dan in it and bouae cuanlnjf opcr ktlooe u eaaral now mr j d moxee baa pal up a cue new wnlng at ma drag a tor daatlntf a oarpek la not a orlw at able teaaoo of the year the maple aogr aaod la about ovur tb ataaoa wi au unuaually abort on tbe dnat haa bii flylntf in clouila tlin wmkand the street aprlukler aaln ulotf oalladfor the woroatia iiiatuole aspect to hrld ft meeting in jutou about tbe drat of uay fartlonlara later the efalp limber dalivaied at tbtt o t ilyardadnrlniiibe winter baa beet ehlppat to lha old country mr j3 k oook of valrvlaw avaune t haa kindly favored the vaak valuta wllb baaket of ryflao paraelpa bi mayor tttl ruj a vardiot for fl 00 damagae id bla lib- 1 auit atfaluak iha spectator ut weak abont a aeore of utile tola of live yaeta ware inuoduoed lo tbe toaobor of lb primary depulaiaut or tbe potlla aoliool od monday and coimnenocd tbe lulllal atan ol their sduoellou tbe obalrmau of tbe lloar j of tyock of ooalpb city council baa raoommended tbe cly vnglnar to take i lope to oompel the telephone and talrurapb nooipaulee o paint their polae on the ally treu at a apeclal tneelln of trafalgar oooooiiod tuailay 1 romuter bulbar lend of tbe uamlllou rdlal railway presented the by law fur tbe iug of running tba propoaed eleetrio railway tbroiiijb tbe iowa hlp- the oouunil aa a null did uol thlok macb ol tbe propoaltluu aj grauled hotblahv oakvllle ur mr juia aodiew lata of aabftrove wbo iceenlly came to canada frutu hoot land baa laued gordon 1uii tba qua farm ol mr john a gordon a mile eaat of acton mr a tul row and family bawe taken poeeeeaiuu and are tteltlug oontfor ubly settled in tbalr uew bumf the daaghborbood will welouma tbe in wi uuy for ilalivary wajyjuo unit be uecualoiiied lo farm work good waaapeld aj ply hi onca at vaaa vu4 offioa tboso who oonumpiau purobavalu moomeouior workot any dlachpuou far ibsir oemetery plot ebouut order direct from tbe old tellable graiiite and uieible deader j u uainlllon ouelpb opts ah xpnaeel al towed to puroraaere au work and material warranted oompetltio devoed tothosb about to marrv youoh ninor old man wbu intaud tt i ajarry will be pleased to learn ihat the mw maraliga ant la made quite bluipfe by li applyto l moore laauer of marriage g llosoaea at the feaa rxa oftlpe call a li law day before the crmooy and have the i pmiiv epllaed private offloe au bftflneaat au lolly privau slid ooufldaultat jl rwildoom in 4vooloas x vflul hew lavonttati mr james idallbewe who rittanuxl a new rein bolder leal year bo jixpated and will paunt a very uaefol aitlnte in the form j a urat whip look wu be will lutuptuthe iearket at onoe it oin bo wl lac he j lo any whip socket and bolda ttiw whip aafply ant wilt fruatrate thwlight flnfred tenta who so oft on balptheni aalvrslo wblpilaft in rla in horae abed ur matlbewa idra u a good one and mwv oil s long felt want 1 sodouui iwoemaker lteeve whuam who laid no claim lo ability ae a tnaglatrste when be took ofuoo la luaklnrf a mark for hlmaalf as a peacemaker hearat people have come to him lately anxious for law and bound to have tbe other fallow putilahed wbo by tbe wias noiiua of ilia worship have some to a mutual aireetarut with their opponents and wore afterwards glad tlny did not tnejdie wllll tli ia a olalnlios llled aro lbs psacemakara are oun tidy chuoay al ill la aaason the tidy oltiasn will pay attention to his baok premises and be that they are placed iti a host and aatiltary oon ditlun by tbe removal of tlin winter e acoumulatlon of rubbtab of all tons do una bafora the asnltary inspector comes voiinilandjisve the humiliation of being ordered to doo hy this trn official it la tnucli more easily aeoomllabod at ths opening of apring tbau later on inspector oraham will commence hie luapcctlon on ibelotlioiuay hiim otf ta charah tbs following lsiho roaaou given by a ml n later in a daigbborlugtown why woman bould take their bats off in bla churob wo human being can rot much good out tfcrbi board op education klncj wortla roapootlna tho toaoh- ina btafr uv the inspector theosrdtaaite aw aaj weda dayovaniig lotli lual at the call of lite oliairman uembnrs all imi t vt mc kesgoe enrf mr meutwws l the kooriury read lh loll wing tetlsr from mr j fl deaoon iictor mill ii uastit3l i0ui i ultle hsbool hoar i aololl uawvlmma i t ii i a your ael tnl on don day wadnaailay anlfillav of tlia whs stxl fnnnrl tn akpartmaiiia all in im wnrtilnf onlr tl taoal i ailllttnia lo your icallaal alall uu1 ara t r jufl it aiuaalvae asruaal an 1 aoiui t vw ii isiila aaratae eras tar earn in ii vary hi wtriai t romterlf lolcctlm iokbera al d l 1 ajrllfjlig in know ii al y aaiuir n 1 aa btat rewarda etctl atl6ca y vaiittiuiir j ii isa om dtirlog bla vil li ipmlir daaoon oon ferred with tu chairman of the hoard and the vluialnf lbs achool respecuuf the neooeealty fejr new olosau kuaadrlaod that stspa be taken at an early data for the erect ion of new oloel upen improved plan ha gommlllaa m vlnancs prearnted tbalr fuurlll pott all t teooniu rudad pay- maul of tlin full twli jj aoo uuta i wotqejiiru kiaoraawooa at el aa elatrn aeuu vass i urn ajvartiaiug an i trltiun atitiualraikirt 1 io tl alucratarr doitiui latllt i af coming and going tlia kaaa fasas inviuw all its trlliuta to tills ealunin joa or your frleade ara rolua a say on a tioutaav trip or 1 you kava mr will uansbh pent a days last weak at mtlvarlon mrs 1 mrwior of miltou visited her alstera hero thla week v t mis q 1l killmalfic utjruoi jisoa laat thurwu ovei 1 g mr john t flllolt of ibeooloh lllook ient i uwrday in tuwu 1 tuootha lo jau 1st lbo1 i to eitrf w moved by w ii kennay saoonded by ii orlndelt tba lb vlusnos rrport just read be adoj led carried move i by john agnaw seconded by w it keuuey that the bhirman and u urlndall chairman of the property com mlttee i it milton hchool to li peol the oloaeta there with a view lo wearing una and ugaealloiih for tho naw doable rr mired by the order of the injxotor to be erected at lha school and to rstoit at a tnealli to be calud by lbs oliairman carried tbeuoardtliui ailjourned j inleaijlq or ti face and sludies lis expraasloi no aotmoii oin in pirn a msu who is looking into a lopaldod apregatlon of jead birds ltuffod weajau cbanieloon aklua rlbboui jot a beads stick ausws paper flowers oorn tsaaela and tblste down it makes tbe alb nor reel lost in this wllderna kingston fteetaatt umltaa tilmtarloml hoclvty mr h coaler milton the beoretaiy of ualtou hi lor leal aocldty is aooorlng and tabulating information teepeolloff the date of tbe fliat church aervlnoa tbe flrit mlulaterai the places wbsre tbe urat ar vices were held in oonneotlon with the various churches in tbe oouuly he ia also asking for blatorioal data tsapeoting the organization of tbe various pobllo schools bouovoloot and utuperanoe ao- nletles orluket curling baseball laoroass football uobli and golf clubs which he desires to put ou permanent records v 1 v a xilntilct coaterenes lha ontario and quebea irovlooial commltloeof the young mans christian aaaooialioa ate holdlm a aotiaa ol diitrlot noufereuofs during april and may through out lbs province the first will be held at guelphoii friday baturday and utmday of ibis week and a number of ac ion young moo are arrauglu to attend gum of tbe loplca to be ooiuldsred are 111 bis btujy its iniporuuce methods work in email lowus lie value lo young met- end the church lrayar itei plana and powtr la ua work lersonal work imiw lo organise train for and develop ihete will be alroog apoakars al lbs coo van lion and all youufl tuoii will be welcomed jvw dairy ttualaomm mr n v moors of lakeside farm has purchased the dairy buainsas of mr j 1lyutl a lit takos poaseaslon co tho laft of may mr moore will conduct tbe dairy httalnaaa on tba late t byunloabd aaultary plaua all 1 1 milk will be asratod wllb an improved ssratlng tnaohlue by wbioh all liiipurlllos will bs removed from i lie milk b l cream will be drlivered daily in quart and plut bottles kud tbe new plati of card tickets which are uover used twloe will be adopted ily atrial personal hupervlklou and the adot tlou of ths beat sanitary liuliioda mr moor t peels lo lupily a larj4 circle of ouatoraars dally willi absolutely purs rich milk ami crain jppromahlad coldeu usddfnis lodsy mr a llobertaon oblef of the flredtpsrlmanl aud mr lloberl wilaou one of the old time settlers of na woya are nelabrallug their blitbdsys mr wilson lias juat anured his c5lh year and if be and bis good lady ar spard for dre years more tbay will oqlabrau tbalr golden wedding ihey are both hale aud hearty at proeeiil and lbs indications are that they will be pard lo see that oocaslou lu this comiftllon it may be ataud i bat mr and mrs itobt ag bolrlkoepir aulou were luarrleu ou the same dale aud they alao bid fair to celebrate tbslr jtoldau wedding chief uobeiuou will uot oele brate his kleeu w add lug for aoms lime yt ouflpb utrtury a lssor witch foumtbl aiur it la hardly a yar at una ltev ii a mscphsraou was hotiurad with a call by the oongrratlou of lle ivaabyurlau cburoli utralhroy lbs flnl bar extended by that church lo a canadian tulnlaur and now oouias suothsr frotn tba churob at colliugwood oaloial ttelloe of wjjloli reaohod him ou monday from llav v d mclrol u u of uarris the moderator of the 1i0u luv or mocrea f weal ml n ie ln lou ion vmbyury was hi laat paalor al oolliiiftwobd the charge la a alroiy oue wllb a large held fur useful titlnlalailal work wlicii ttfo uau from ulrathroy was iraoelved tbe congregation of knox ohuruh here by a unanimous alsud lug vole maulfsaud tbalr oonodenoe la luelr laalor kid tbslr deal to oouuhoe his asrvloaa fhars la uo taasou lo doubt ihat the vols thau giveti eoutlnuea to repre sent their faslluga toward 1u mr mao pheraaiu the was 1uase l uol lofornied as to mr maopbsraouelulsatlonerpspsot lag tbe call from colliojwood tts ear llnly a great honor to receive wlpreeein- n iuyitatluu from uueb a ooiyrstatlon aud wall naturally tro-iv- prayer fol t sldsrktlou xruul usv mr msopberaqd ue has oommand tt lb aaoev wbe ta eeatedon it to ouhb a cold in onb day take iaisiim iiiouiu gulntaa tablets all jtuaslm rha4 tl a luataev ii u faus tq can oe w lrareeimlmskewsstbj i local billlifljitb our park alive with the youthful population dlportlotf thcmaelvaa in various games hiebs ttlle mj rll g evoulugi inapoctor layuolds wu bare laat tburadsy look log over tba licl 1 i rojmi ties before tba animal lioanses are granted georgetown couucil bar a iked tbe o t 11 to put 0 fool croaaluia ov their track luatead of u foot as heretofore the municipal officer la having tbe elreela taked and clasrod of rubblah of all kinds ills annual cleaning gives aotta tidy apjearance t mi jj ulr rhett- frleuds to au enter lain tutu t to be given by themselves in tbs methodist school room 10 morrow evening tba annual meeting of the ouelpb district will be held id oullm btreet metbodlat church gunlli on monday and tueeilsy may lath and 14th mr john if matthews wbo wai the tiergelalrl4 captain of the creeoouta has beau appointed a member of the council of the canadian licrose akaoclatlon llav j m hagar m a will reach butiday hobool aunlveraary sermons in dublin street church ouelph on bnnday sstb loat this la the allvr aunlvesxy of tbe achool the following s a bear p ion a have beeu reoelved during tbe week for the conner moore mouuttieut fund i au 0 w ulll monroe mlohtloo u k mckar ihen toronto flaoo j l warren ac ton 11 00 the number of deputy name wardens has beau greatly roduo fl to the report ol tba oultxiu qiulb couimil loners ihere are only two ufi lu hallon murray crawford csuipuuvillo and o u llacey milton caowjwm the uible society collcotois in town have made their return lo mr a i utowd lfeauror j heir nolleollous amount to 133 which la coualjerably lu advaooe of last year the returns from tbs country collectors have not yet been mads james ilawer aeedamati ouelpb 1 offering a liat of tuueii hwoial prises mi fruit vegetable and roots lu flftoeu daises the oompstllion la to lake place at bis alore ou tbe j3rd oo lobar tiaxi when they will be judged by com potent ju ige and tbepriaes awarded lbs orllls jvidj ulur says we aim ly rise to stats tliere is no time lost beweeu games in orllls ou monday of last week tbe ourlars played a match agalual u put their alaiias away and bewail golf ou friday beveral matches wets played tbs uppar pari or the course being lu fairly good coudillou it writ for 10 000 damages has been laaued at oagooda hall kgalnat tbe grand trunk hallway by llobinetteaud godfrey the plaintiff is mrs jane teull of obel leiibani audaeksdsmigos for the- death of her huahsud whu was killed iii ihe tsoout melauoboly aooldeut while rid i tig ou a band oar wbioh was run dowu by a train an illinois paper aays that au editor in his ioolhani part uf lha ttatu prluud an itain wbioh aisled thai lbs nun wbo was bugging hli hired gltl had belter atop or bis name would be publubed in a few days about iwanl nve cltlsciia aid up ihelf subeorlptloiis and lol 1 tlia editor to pay uo more attention lo itorlai golu round ilia lal vulimaftt uf my w ring stock has jutt arrlvsd an i i have averytbliik now in a look for ural class tailoring in all its branches lav- ydur order for your uaw spiiuif suit ait once workmaiuhipaud fl art guarantee j ho orders turned otuf ji ourlailtas lallorlug iliiitmaul liavdgivsn utmost eatietaolinu and ara vspmuoh admired w j l u rob sob tailor aoton lha hamllumt ittr at usv w ii wads roctor of the ohuioh uf tlid aioeuklou hiat a tiuiubar of ths prominent mau of tba city last huudey mom log ou the way to play olf aud ulitly rebuktd lb m lor babbatl breaking iberulsof aouu qalf club contain ihta neotlou no member al alt be pdrmllted lo play o the links on wuuday on penally in oe of wilful tufrlngemeul of lias of member hlii fwklawbunb cohnlillo beejlugls ibeordiof the day in lb la neighborhood mr john luttati of hook wood iiaaohed lu ths melbedut cliurub here on butiday mr jar lirowu of medolns hal n w t kpeill wfdoeaday utl with his old frld mr jae gambia mr drown left ou lbs lclb iuel fur bis home la tbe we i mleses jennie irabetu aud kallle niokell paulbubday atur i modpualda alton kr william coleman left ou totwday for ilunlsllle wbsre he has mo a red a situation ille who daaplars rmall tiiuga aaldetu grjwe rich jhfo i ejf of k lore viaiied friends hare during lbs weak mr and mr john a moltt of call viaitcd anion friends during lha week mie mwy taylor and master willie h aver y etc rued from a pleasant visit with relatives lu hamilton v mlis helen hymoo left jeslaidsy for fuultbto marls where aue has aecured a good aitualhn a teacher alias kdle juwcll of cuejb baa b ihe gue of bar aunt mra t k beoord the paewsakkocbo mra kdward malthaws was in tore laat week attending the funeral of her aider in law mrs jacob dempeey mr w d hc hammer left on tues day to take a altuaticn lo london tbe beat wlahee of acton friends go with blm miss gentles of toronto and mlis fjing of llerlln were gueels at tbe borne of mr a j getitleemarvhania ilaok last week mr altliur lalu will apeud the aummer in managing bla bee yard a ah he aud mra i slog will take up hoesekeeplng there of a time mias ida mcnsbb want lu mheflon last wsek to sperkl a few weeks lu the borne of mr john mitbauseo bbe look her uv beesod slater s bebe with blt coouoy bhletda wasi lojvn last woek renewing aoiinalntanoce lie was in lituburgh xa during the winur filling au en genome u l wllb tbe orack hockey club of that titty- mr charlie holmes eon of mr ii b holmes sgent g 1 1l look his examina tion iu telegraphing before the chief dis patcher at stratford oil monday and passed very creditably mrl ilsnus of ford is i oh wbo apeut six weeks nutalng her brolber mr jchn llotcli returned homo laat week mr 1lelch is able lo be shoot again and hopes return lo vaork next week jlfieumatism no other disease makes one feel so old it stingo ueotot ittt lisnniir in 1 makes every moltori palnral u lo sometimes so bad aa wholly todlsa- ilf and it should never be neglected m j m trenlon pnl t bad j oiler a severe attack ol the irlp mrs ifatilo turaer itollvar ua had it oo aesturlj aba could not lift anylhjnjr and could ecaroelr gi u or down ouira w ii hliepardbandy hook coon was uld up with it was cold even in july and could uol dress himself arrordlns to testimonials voluntarily given theae au be re re were permanently relieved as others have born hy hoocfsrsarsaparllia vtitcn coma in acidity of be bloofl on which rheomatlsm depend and bnjlds uf lite whole sritera tloon ttllm cere leeaauaaoaa rrieeuterua 5siock panerhs5 tl pays to buy at liollerts it pays to huy at botuyts sir adalrs cftt1 addocatkdd children arrived from toronto last week and are viltlug at the borne of postmaster matthewa mr meddock is in poor health and in ton da vpooding a few months in muakoka our late mlowciitseo mr angus law sou has uo been long in securing a poll 1 1 oal appointment in bla new home in the weal tits cheyenne tvies of april llllt aaya align a lew eon has been appointed poatuiakleral little tfojes creek lu ible county good for aogoa mr wtllem mclball wrlkm tbe fsss lxmd on the xolh inol thai the family will koou be altled in their new home bear urandon man ue aaye the snow was then nearly all gone but not tnuob work had bean done on lha lebd mr mopbail ends kind regards to all aoton friends llav w 1 morton of owen bound formerly pastor of the baptist church here has been appointed to the position of buperlntendeut of home missions of the ilaptlalcliurch ytrah liranl hj t death of the lata llev j p mokwen the tsxs pakss congralulsles mr morton upon lb is marked preferment col w allan was cordis ily welcomed on the streets again on monday by lb uumer one frunds and oitiasns be met it is many months since be previously walked down town and bis familiar aoldleily figure has been modi mleead tie has gained greatly in ttreagth lately and is how quits hale and hearty for a gentleman of sight y six per nearly twenty years mr john a maodonald rep reaeu tall ve ol the canada paper co has been a welcome cellar at ths vams pukae office on his tegular ulps lulimalloa has been given that be has retired from this posit on and kroewed appointment as pec lei scant for i lie imperial lin astursuoe go mr man dotiald had a most aucceeaful career in bu late poalllou aud ihe fkam psaas wisbss him kbundaul prosperity in bis usw el la a tlou ur ilourl wauou of tampa vlorlda made acton friends a 11 in visit last iiiuraday after au absence of aigbleen yean mr wauou came in cauaaa to accompany the rematnsof mrs watsons uuole wbo bad died si their home for liilsrmaut at lllyth during bis visit bare he viaitsd many old landmarks and mat numbers of former friend during his toug abeaiioe b baa kept well posted m to ths even ta which bavs lrandred la the al i boms having been a couabnl reader ol tbe i- ass paia ilia humarous friends bars were glad to see hi id again absolute security genuine carters little liver pills muet blipllkturo os h vary al aa a u twixuuar raaaumaat eiuteun nitmnauvn rat eaarnr noa fhuuiwuil rutmcesruxna ouri ick hcadaohc a matur cajlrr haoiaala tba kpwpib lmua ill klaaol and very tnlraallnit miclalauiikou urn uj iyth rait 11 will b t iilelitra ktlury aool1 rtd will ffofd lotaral aid plmer to all wboattaod castoria for lulavnts and children duylng a dinner bat or a tea set from a stock paucrn lias one asocial aulrantajpx- you can rep sco any piece you may break at any lime we have 5 lock pattern via t havtland china qrean llluminatgd rosob autuum tmta cotoniafbhie green eloio rir motxh ttjl cjtuur una cam a rtxacr j a mccrea coelph wesill b cfe q corsets lrstear tlue higlit clotlies we otsfly make the best the apparel that goea out of thin tore is surpassingly different from tho alyleo generally shown it is more eclualw belter made heller fitting and no higher priced hover has our itock hn shown to belter advantage than thia prlng quality nukes our offerings worthy of your attrition i hi kprlng a uliowlng it really extraordinary you ii lay to they aro this spring a productions from the beat mills in tills and tho old land one point we iwiro to emphaajko quality i never lowered lwro to lower price and wo might m well attempt lo write tho hltlory ol lite ilocr war on the back ol an address tag as lo attempt lo gha a description here of all tlid new good our clothing is cut by an fcuperl and made by skilled union tailors the pleasure of buying li partly in lhr looking aud we 11 he glad to have yon lodja you will not bo urged to buy d e macdonald bro the lion ouelph secure vous white underwear at once from c f goodeve co and you will be perfectly satisfied skirts from 50c to 150 gowns from 50c to 150 chemise at 70 and 80c bbawbes from25to80c cobset covers from 40 to 70c c ip goodeire co suullst rcton itmfmwmmiifnrmwmmmmmitrmwiffiimfmij i thumbs up 3 e on 3 g thumbsdomn 3 it a a tots up of ilia coin whether mens thirls ahould b alriiied longitudinally or crosawlaer ibo fsalilon changes with each succeeding year if in doubt consult u 1 wl lbom whero ilie ty lileat la always to be found hay ditto as lu collars clii neckties acsrfa and all the and you li be on live ufe uiu my new spring list are lu tbe following makos are a guarantee of style and quality the henry cirtor stiff liat in all ahades we control ibis hal in cuelph and i gu- ran tea each lal as lo ouslliy v tlieold reliable wakefiold in baid aud soil klupes in all colors 1 very list lit ihia make ihat w handle la strictly firstclass and at reasonable prices olhermakes in lngllih ami anericail hats from i up if you willi the ufest hi hall give me a call at wyndliam si reet i renelson j omu isicki ohlv morcliaul lailor and mtm s iurnlalier guelpb j ulluulllllilluuiiiiiu t ecent improvements atll 111 our optical de partment enable ua to teat the eyui equally as well at night aajn the day time 4 you can leave actoi saturdayaight at beven get your tvcti tested and return by 10 p in every woman know what the r g cprvcti u islhccorsct of com with tlic essence of style tt is thconiy cornet tint will not cinnot and docs not tretch if you buy an r g corict uiat doci strctchor prove unbatitictoy in any way bring it 0 ck to u and wcwlll ivc you i new one we have in stock the amous 397 moderate- ly straight front which is popular with most uat demand an extn mc- women whodo straight front we sell 397 for si 25 our corset stock 11 larpc and well bllictid ladle are kindly invited to tho ilomonatrnlloif uf lha now cereal coffee by the iemlfgtoncofl0 in oirelor during llte w it pasio buy al bollerts j- e h bollert fe co 25 and 27 wymlhnm st ouelph neirtz house furnishings tdice curtains c t our stock this year is larger than ever an 1 as wo import tlieae good directly from the manufaciursrs in great urlliln we can show you value thai axe hard lo heat wo have them at tc jyi tijn i 50 h 6j i hjj j j 33 50 lr ij 75 elc our dollar curtain 60 incites wide and 3 yard long is lb to ho found anywhere and our other lines are in proportion tapestry and chonllo ourtalnb etc also full range of tapestry and chenlla curjalni and 1 able cove draperies spot muallna elc yon alio uld not bvy curtains 1cfcro inpectlni our slock ho money art satecn art art muslins in it great vri ofnallcrm and robrlnns prrfrctlyj t colors at he 10c ic xc carpets a special union carpet at 35c and an excellent quality til 400 also a full range of heller qualities of unions and wools from 50c lo r5c a special line of tapealry at 50c hemp carpet lajc 15c aoo and 35c japanese mailing col ton warp al 15c aoc and 25c no trouble to show goods hbnd6rson st co mill street acton boudoir clocks duuly wedded to utility a choice selection accurate jtimcpitces graceful designs in gilt pretty patterns in porcelain an appropnale gift to firace a ladys bureau and at prices that will agreeably surprise you a d prinqle and jbwkllfclt guelph of liowii naw now easter ctovos and hoalory nw lincli kid clovi all ilia bdi d l m bjuintf lloiry i now complctu irt puin and rlbuu all tile tlra valut in lllcl saleoni ami salln anj ijjua waul linens and cottons oar lock ol i una i tin unc wo ui cbolc mllecnf ll wldlh j all lulcaa n 0lorl sblrtlnn ill plain ami cbocb louallnji sliaallulia circular llllow colloul laclury anj wlilla collon uani lawn dale indian linana curtains curtain muiuna carpets oil cloths tapeslrv curtains etc 1lrl ol all 111 i a llaaln vruly 10 choo oi i an i wllh ftvary choka you ar aui lo b uaul will lb nualliy ol ilia t hadalivallourl 0 plcaw yu wool carj raolry carpel union carpoli ilanip larwil laca cuitaln al all prlc from 35c jmr ralr up 10 s 00 lar lock ol curlalilmnluu in while anil fjney ullerll larna1 lock o ollcloib wldlh gurney co qbnkitai mehauantb aoton 1 1 t 1 7 i hew stook of qold spux and eye qisboog juut in spvrge co opt1cihns cuqlph iv cateh tlio kyo aud tliti miml at the siiun time is the art of advertniing this adjjlustrutu how true this saying is especially to those wisliingplcasaiit and prohtable employment canadas sons on kopje and veldt the only book dealing exclusively with the canadian contirigcuts is tho book to handle official authentic cheap hells 011 sight to everybody and any body can sell it capital or experience not ncccsary send for trcu outfit and make money thb braplevcarbetson co ignltod brantford out 1- lalerrrvrtv 7 rv asjss1ewllv

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