ivlrwork a fatal answer f for fifty years it h- w 1 been lifting up the dte- j i couraged giving rest to i the overworked and bringing refreshing sleep m i o the depressed i i no other sarsaptrilla j i approaches it in end in oures ayerv the leader or them il it was old before other sarsfl pari lias were born ilmthdk aaaranjb aycrs pills aid the ac- tlon of ayers strsipa- jj rilla they cure bilious- ness adutn ibanusad ayetnvedkctnaerar more than 40 year end ban aaid from the vary aiart tbat 70a aaaae u best meafclaea tn tb world i em arv your her per ilia mitd art 1im bni i brat took itmmnuo i am now peat to and without your modlelr rll jan 34 je rf0ir jfree rcsfi tiluithday alitll- itttb lool thekmert lawyer le alwea teol upon geuingal wrilinrnt 1u l ot ilia priuoipal and wilnreae on tbo olhr ida a cungrraiirtati aa waahliifltnu paper iln recently told iho lory of an 4uvej4urtlmi aaao fcuoual for lb defendant ha via ntmilnlih the lalnanl in fduh mm r ht whealock t 1 k lata a iiaarr 1 with on il mr i mi i ovr a horee heda thuarrel bail gone n fir that mr mtjihroald bed midi appli cation to a maitlalrble lo have whorl wk bo and or to krp the peine elleglrg- lbt ho bed threatened to jo blm bodily injury when lb wea ballad mcdonald leeubed lo iheotrentubiniefl under which vhee4ock bad threatened blm tha oroae rxaminallon began now ur mcdonald the lawyer bald joa declarethat yon are onder lb fr qt bodily btmt j amearr yta are even afraid lor j our lifa i i ejn eorr j tbn yoa freely edmli tlt hal wbcelock can wblp yon xal afcdonild 7 thoqarellon rueed mcdoaal i irleh ineunuy ilal wbeelock whip ma t nlvverl b boated i kin wblp blm and eony balf- docen ilk blm i that wilt do mr mcdonald mid the attorney tbe ooary wu already in a roar and lb lawyer ratted the oaae without farther teetlmooy or argument tbo oaae wu dutnlaaed or ll wu evident thai 11 coald not be oodar aarloa bodily fear of a man wbom in bi- own opiioo ba liad only to d om aeventb of bla alrengtb lo wblp spray your orchards the volcano vb8uviu8 blttkr uttoir i him haabenalndyin ttibviti t tti lt on ls till madif ttity of tbo volcano fnm juv irpb il kt oootttntly in orbit i r i linn lour yeara lha flow i mm fl r wa than ovrr goo int lail aifh 1 n- in with in uo faot of i bo loji 1 a aarlea uf eiloai lha wllblll tlcf lr beaixi home id wka of lava war 11 t 1 1 itoo fact lxrptmmoi atinv pafntino aplollnrf ibatla parhapa uie mlllat alaborat piotoro in tfawwoild la iba work of a flemlab arlut it ocaaptea iho aoiootb alda uf a kernol of wbiln oorn and baa in ll rnauy lutaraatlom ofi bo akllfnlly haa lha ktlal worked ibat in iba olrotimaeribd apaoa b b pilule a plotara at conaidatabla lalitadr tbero if to b acen a mill 00 a tcrraoa mui miller wllb a aaok of floor on bla baok by tbaoolldln atand a borja and carl and tb arllat baa even found loom for a roadway bpdb wbisb h baa painlad a- groop of peaadla and barrel tbo mora bar you a man a tba leaa narvakabaa tuat aoonda parmdoslcal bat it lanl for nervo la aumloa uooda w b lx- tt10 kiri ful ahin aud ja kh ikix toilat utt llw wtitl i in ipo pclllton on ooutii lm awai tthii luhllllui ilu 10 yoti tlia h lamwor ha iir ixen dabale i all ramlib aotm rax nrllmlcr nu f- dtawn i0 uavsa firry jxi ul in iatorf mpat cnnomlra lmu klulkn aoca railheal aiul moa ffttltrc be- nuu 11 ihtowa any blng fnn a m lit y amay to a aolta atrcauu wl a1o whllawah or lm yrnr lulmuc- vrca urallw lor your addicu the 8pramotor co lbndon ont jlcmombar all wlio bava aver abowo any klndnraa f ay wo naver orrol to ba graloful honry ward jjcbar i kkfj out mono but tlioafl wbu have lwcoma fayl out know wbat a dajiraaaod ualmiabla fjluit it la all btrauglli la none and deapondenoy baa takan buld of the aaffarora tbay fer aa tboojtb ibera waa tiollilntj lo live for tbae hqwavar u a onrr one lax of tarmejee vjo table xliu will do woudera in fealorliiif health aud atrotijth mandrake and dandelion era two of hie arljcln ctiuflnj lut ilia oornpoaillon of iarmeleaalilip wo are born wilb faoaltlea and pwor oapabla almoal of anjtbloc bat it la only tbeexarclea of tboae power which rw ua ability and akill la auytblok and laada ui towarda perfection john locke- arly into tho air on- block wwixhad bitty ijmaj ail blrfuor ualtaoool call naloa lint ll i k k cio 000 boraa piwor lo jimil ll coo ooo tmhlo yaxda oxuwaawl aabea were belhm for lb in april an 1 may tho otaler ta tllly tewt w than u fore aothal vnailiua rlt now 4 3o0 fnrt abovs aaa lavalj nnat vouii pvta the mtrntut yoo ra inalinolivly in clltiad to rub tbo eye that moment oeaaa lo uaa litem alo u la time li nia yoor eyre a oat whan juo beoome esualbla of an oftof t to dialloralab goij water la about thq aatrat applioallou for lutlamed oje netor bloap0 that 00 awakoalny iba eaa ab all open ud tba llgbt of a window never road ur ww dlroolly in front uf tba llfcht of a wlodow tba batter uht baln that that oooim from above nr obliquely or ovar tbe ullabouldtr too tronh lujht la aa l jaal aa la a aoant light- it era tea a glare that palna and ooofuaee tbe eight borne women ollnje ta iboir own homea like tbe hooeyaookle over iba door jet like ll fllalltbe rrflloa with tbe subtle fra itranea of tbolr cood naaa henry ward jjrechor axa iver pills tboao who have ue laxxliver 1mu aay thy havo no equal foi relieving and c unntr contlpatlon slolc head ache btliousnebs dyapopslo coated tomrue pvui breath heatrt burn water braah tw hnydiwio or d border of ba atomach in ci- or bowrla decchers novishnbgb tba following vtory waa vllrnlly not toktts iltialraubilfuxiui rlljnlty but aa an muiiiil anccdnia of a jrol man who loel cbll irtn vbartrt ibnr fun it ooold hardly re11ln uol i i ir h h oref3rtw4trtofcryti hwh i ibatonoday i a mil ii lxy hi molliar liljho b ua ihjiiilmf bill aol bi in uira lt 1 iy at bi i lol rutopwhllatb- wm 11- j lirrn waa a half bmali wtlh bit h mi- craaay a a wool lo puuiali kl lliuua uf tba d u ila wbi irli cured ail i tba yuunifalxa iyi ui il lo l oood iaolly mr trrlirr aritun t niakn a call uhin iba cfiaa aud fi mid no one 10 reoolva wni bin kmnij icaklau bya v flaali ur atlft l all li bla bjm aa ba lyouly toll bla jouii liuala to prvpare for tbu run p of 111 dm old u i proteatad bo f llora doqlvr of bilo pi y iii lako all tho rp-iulbllly- re d lb lttat preacher when m creaeay lirarud ibe itouao on bar rturn aha board ludiokllona of a email riot ikiiiod with lditnalioi at hi nil beard or rbilmuu lt lior hula rvpuhllri ba ruibatl lulu tba iiuum with worda of rebuke iremblliim on bar tongue at iba door aba pauaod potilfle j henry ward lloeober waa flat on hn back on tho floor wilbja parotl of joutlj- ilirllaii ap preitly daticiliif a boat dallca on bla proalrala urm and tmllllnf ahrill la tba aplrlt uf the avugdr lmmedlataly ftota into elloot ooutler nation all thornula except tba arcli luamgmit otlmblnt to bla feet tba unaba bidolerrtjman iid mo creaaey i promlaad my frienda hero tu take all lha rupuiiiihllity lot ihle outbreak and tbero be toaebed t be hair bruab and bieaenled jt lo bar with a cbettorllldiiirbow am rady tj take wbalevar udoe tbcm you may brgln at 0110 hut tot unco tbero wu at lufraoiloii of tba i we in the oreaaoy household that w ui unllicd mr livel w uh- the liquort thaipic au tbo arnumanla which ate advanced to defend or to pallaui ita otfeiulvaneae bava an inhalant weakncae tba olklm that it bliunld be tcloratod oe il on not ba aoppreaaed a a coofcaaloii ibat it propoaaa lo icaltt wllateler gal enchant mania are bad agaloat el no plea can ba offared in favor of mceriilntf it that mlgbl not bo uaed toicua only beltiif changed for iioeualnm brifjarldmue or ralalntf a tevenuo from bawdy bouaea it la avll slmelntlnguroodandltcgula llntttcskimndi3aili3omusof piwotxstiiuonjciiccrfiii- nc55 md rcstxontalte ocitlrr ojmunmorpuiiu nor mineral kot namcotic vbxa j-u- apofcct itcntcdy forconslipa- tion sour slomachduurtioea worms convulsions fcverishr ness and loss of sleej tacsunde stnalur of kew yohk that the fac-simile- i signature is on the wrapper of eveex bottxas of castoria aasterle la yrt p ta eaaalee aetuaa ealy ll la mwt aau ta amlk xkn ajlew ajryeaa ta u rkaytua alaa aa tea jdea r ptwalaa tkat u jaetu aa yaaa- b tau yea gt fa-fl-t- baa every vnayet wao xotwy shomwl never dreamed that auch khoeacouldlxj mado in canada 1 in c that a beautiful fintah i uko tho ahapo and cut of it tpo ao gtacrful yo know yea it a tbo kinjf quality aboe and really iirll rnvcr von aboc ao comfortablei and neal ar tboe arc and yoii ii thw rintiiml qhahritilumi itallwa im twin mr- 1 i r iu ikil 1 ino wt u i lotf faal 11 i- tl ll limn tl l oflt if til iuo sun savings andtoan co hitad offlci rouonlo ont attanritd cjiii titiu ooo oo ton year liialuilly alum nr iwld monthly iiialalmetittt of yc r aharo tor laomonlln whnn ayinrnla cpjwj oi 00 aid la malurliy xalua smooo money lo loah ul 3 iiiuih bun or ropayfthloinnuiilhlylutaliniit oil appll cat loir to r j mcnabb agont aoton r vllln you wan1 j jtloult i and j oatambaij i oltoun i gsrton knd 3dgn jucilll brkis1d theuttlll ulallalkt all wmo awak uaure 1uu il 1 alia iuaiuyt icu lul i i ilfnitv iioutoi w barber bros papex makers b ottitgfrttlhs jjsx timk ritufr jcrrr skuvhts ibaveallula aarvant wlpiaoilftb idta always da my uddju vbyfaldrully llul aba aau too toaet and alia driuka m tto drink x very clever tarvant aa you wll toay think another uula aarvant on my sncar alta hi u osaarad uoja aarvaal aryoaaty nil ha aba aaa m bo inaai and tba drink ma no drink a vary clever barren t a you wall may think how one more uttla aarvaat through the alnsla aya ioae both uia oiltara blddlntf vary fallltally lint aha eala ma 00 mamt and aha driuka too bo drink a vr davar ar ant aa yon wall buy uiluk a nadla and a uilmbla and a luco of tlirwuf wlthnnt the docer nliubht and the knowing head tbay woald dnwmiki oat if they ulad a day to aaw a aguarw of batebwork aa yoa wall may bay troy hudgrt no usb fpu al for mora than fifteen year x bava poraued my proieaelonal work in boeptui and private pravollaa and whila within tba bounda of olvillxatlon have not found ll deoeaaary to adralnuter ajoobol x an not at all prajodload agaicai ita uaa bayond aolentlflo medloal ataoobuiooa i baloog to do tomperanoo aoolaty my aotioa la baaed entirely qpoo aolantlfio thought obaarvm- boa and aaparteaoo i beliavo that in moat rod probably all caaee rlliaaaa can ba better removed and aarghja opera tioo mora anoeeaafnlly performed wltboat ita omploymanl wr charlea gilbert davia his pui180nal 8chadule muaa wlllum wrote tba old nourcd eltiaeu e you tbiukln or anything tar blmmala daobrlatnna lima bit moot b youd lak ur know dee wbat x need mare william bay you got a ovarooai wbat you dont want ar a baaver bat dal keen aoma benrloe er a pa ar brllabaa wbat dont fit you of waakji apaokled or ttnapaokted or a nudarooat wd dealaaraa fraulad er a par aboea wbat to a down at da baol an ten oenl tar gtt my dram wld r ilt yoa b- uaree wulam dm toe la wbat da ol man ueed nnjooda bad atlanu ooiulquilom tooee tba whole lyatem perfoota dheatlon end aeaimilation and la therefore tba beat toedloloe a darvona pereoo can take if yoh ret tired aaal mentally or pbyaloally uka il ll will do yoa good tbe it la fiood lo lend lo god and h tbey pay good in ureal xarrocuea 1llla poaaaee iba power of anting a pacifically opoo tba dlaaaaad organa aumnlaiinat to action the dormant energlea of tba ay urn thereby removing dueaaa aa lacl ao great la iba power of tbia modi bine lo claauaa and parity that dlaeaaei of jmoat avery name and nelore are driven from tba body dr d canwall oersweu 1 0 ool writ t bava ulad ivrme- leaa lllla and find them an excellent madlrjoa and ona that will aell wrll freeaiid eaayeipeoloraiiona immediately rvllevaa and fraea tba throat and lunge from vleold phlegm and a medicine that peomofee tbla la tbe beat medlolne to uaa for ooaghe oode inflammation of tho laugaand all aflecuona of tho throat and obeat tbla teproclealy what llloklaeantl coueumptlve byiop u a rrwciflo for aud wherever uaw it baa given unbounded ullafaotloo child ran ilka it beoatlaif it la ploaaaut adult ilka it booeota il raltavea and oorea tba dlaeaea a r ivmiami p ont wrilca n fotlowa 1 aatkerw are ao manyothttr mcdlclnev oftcrcd for aalo in mini it ul ion for laxa-uve- imu i am ir- licular to jot hi tfrnuine aa tliev fareur- paam any tiling elao for rrffuutln tho bowel and correcting alomach dtaordera lajtalivcr idl tua purely vepotabloj neither kt weaken nor sicken to toko and promit tu act il only avil ooolii alamp ll on tho better ftwlji be ny it the when it lb misohd a caajr vrlendablplra alrontf and habllnal in olinatlon la two person to promote tba good and bapplneaa of eaoh 6lher addl- whl u awaet in iba mouth 1 not alwaya good in tba etomaob llegular action of tba bow a la neoeaeary to tba beallb laii liver ill la are tbe beat ooeaaional calbattla foe family geberal nee lrloe sod any drngglata a wound never beat ao wall ibat tba acar oaonol be aean tba breatb of tba plaee i tba breath of ufa to tba eooanmptlva norway iloe by rup 000 tain tba pi no vlitaeaend enraaooagba oolda bro ll boaraenaaa and all throai and lona iroablaa whlob if not at landed to lead tooooeantptloo a bother men bora and yoor own whip nan do a great deal weak darvooa or dalloau men and women wbatbet ovr worked mentally or pbyeloajly will find nothing to joal ullbnro a uaart and narva ilu for raelor- loei tbelr baallb and bnlldlog up their yet em ibat whlob la jumped a peaoy will r ba a pound that ashing bead cap be lualantly relieved by taking one of mil bum tilt hog haadaohe 1owdar 1 powdar od a for loo 10 tor usa join tie i im wrhoul imluar aatioa of lha bowel li livar 1ille regulala tba bowel oar oooljpeuaa dypepeje buloaaneaa alak beedeahe aud all affeolloua of tba organa 9 dlfieetlon lrlo4jjt ocou all drn giiu damage au tared makaa yoa knowing aaldom rich nearly all infant are mora or la aubjact lo diarrhoea and auoh complaint while leeuftux aud aa lbi period oi tbalr uvea j the tnoat orltloa molhara ebould not ba ithoct a bottloof ur j 1 kallogua uyaonteiy cordial tbi madiolua la apeolfld fur auoh oomplalnta and la highly epokeu of by tboaa who bava oeed it the proprietor claim it will cure any o ohultra or aumtner oomilalul iraollaal wladom ooaautt in baying tba obviou thing at lha right time true ooo rag oonalata in doing lha obvloue thing in an amerganoy 0 ueeea at trulb children cry for castoria dunlop all kinds of rubber tires for all kinds of vehicles dunlop llltlu lirorf lntiuiiuiho currluyo tiri bolld ltublor carrlaim tlrr invalid choir tire tire for lluby cotruigp the bunloptlre co limited yowofrro uelieve me upon uia margltl of oeleatlal itreatn atoua thoae elm pit raw whlob oare the heart aobe iugello till la the way of ii iho glycerin iii hooll ituulalon booth tbo rough and irritable ibroal iba bypephpaphlte toua up iba berve and thecojjwar oil heal aud alrousthen tba lo aa mod broiiobiaj tube and air cell i r all wieli 11 v uatf bat uoua iu be alludld 1 bisease and tlislomfoit are not iise and nottoinfort lime is health so is comcoit you miy li well- be eoniforl- ablc that is iilaltliy u ani mals ire it is natural both for you and for thtni if your ill health is caused by imperfect digestion try scotts emulsion of todliver oil it does what it does by getting the stomach goinc right well e4 yoa a laile la try u yoa ccott dowwk cuadaaj tba mtllatona that ilea- tandarmoet aleo bajp lo grind uagyarda yellow oil oare all pain in taaoor beaatl for aprmlne out brujaaa oallooa lump a welling intlammallud rhaamauant and nanralgla it i a epoolfla tba poor m waul mttob iba rolr everything ttiere u 00 form of kldnay troahle from abaokaoba dowdlo xlilgbta dlaaaae that ioaa kidney lllla will not rallav or aura if you u traublad with any kind of kidney complaint give loane vll trial tlura la no u6 blowing- a ore ibat burua- well atuulwu lu lha world of home opklhlo toediojn ba beail it very aoutoa uf prl krea a iu bolllio and rllgiontia dif floultir of opinhju and tba ludlvlduallly of meu bava bawu paieut to lb dlaatfroe luaul by wbloh tba blaudatd of tliaed bodla bav beeu elevated uo willi luoel of dnr famooa praparallonafutemoallu 11 lualrrflion of wbtob troth alauda iba world fmou remedy to gaueral dahlllty and bxttor qgluiba wlaa and wbbh whan obtainable id ita genuine alreagtb ta a mlraoojooa oraalor of appetite vitality aud btlmalant to tba general fertility of lha ayatem qglnba win and lu im provament baa from the aral dlaoovery of tba great virtue of quinine aa a madloal agent leaq ona of ibe no i thoroughly i re mediae aver offered to tbe pob- il u ona of iba great ionic and and natural iu ivlog atlmolanl whlob tba medloal profeeelod have bean compelled to reeof nb and prcaorlbe aleeera noru ropandlyman of toroato have given lo the prepmrauoo of tbalr para qnlnloe wine the great ea do to lie 9004 and tb tundardeaoeueaoao ibearllole whlob tbey offer to the pabllo eomee lolo tba markel purged of the defeoie whlob iaklued obeervalloo and aoieollso opinion baa pointed out la tbeleee perfaal prepare 1 a il rwin 1 1i la uot a bad driver who kuowe how lo lorn uaa the pleauul aud iffootual worwkilui worm kjt- rmlualori uolhlurf eqmu ii 1rooure iwtua and lake it hbm whan you havo done a klnduaa aud yoar neighbour 1j the bailor for il why ueed you ba ao fool lab to look any fur- thar and fiepe tot reputation and rrrjuilal marco aorrlln where dootoraj do ujcroo f iby- iclana no longer conaldcr 1 catering to iiuackery lo recommending iimochco an marltortooa a remedy for indigeatlon dyapepala and norvouanea a south ameri can nervlno tttay reallie llial it is a alcp in ailvaticb in modlcal acienco and k aura and pormanent core for diaeaaoa of tha atiunacli it will euro yn o bold by a t irown a lamp while it hgbta the object on which il a turuod llgbla alao twenty other for whlob it never wa i n landed joabert one short puft glearaj the head uocayourhcadacliar ilavwyou pain over your eye t la iba breatb oion- im thcbo are certain ayraptoma of catarrh ir agnou calanhaj 1owilof will cuts moei atubbom cum tn a mar- yelloualy alioit time if youve bad catarrh a week ll aaurecurf if it of fifty ycara landing it juit aacffecllvo joccnla f sold by a t urown about any art think uat of wbat pay aral of wbal please it i in tbat aplrlt only tlial art can ba made ill buveo boo like teaflrtit tha heart strlnjc il u not wllbln tbacoiicep tlon of mail to measure my groat buffering from heart dlaeaae for years i andured almost constant cuttlno and tearing- pain about my heart and mjiny a llnvo would havo welcomed death ur agnowa curo for tlw heart hat worked a veri labia mir acle thoe hlcka xwtb ont the other night at a aut jmr a lawyer propounded thin conundrum tu a brother llmbof tbo law 1 wbatu the difforouca between fug end e uwyort hi learn ad friend b up whotaat amidat tba roar of i tighter from tho keollemen aaaembled luj propounder calmly replied why ouea trtlat on earth aud he 6thera mlaaad in heaven i duties because they are mada in canada they won tbo fold medal at parle tbia year s herw u thohrademark yoa can know tbem by 1 k1nq quahty- aaavatw toy the 0- eft klngr ox i ontario n6sns colobgd auitlou mother dud ir low a worm uyrup tbe beat modlclue lo plt worm children like it worms dont john li barber a bad hore aati at much j more than one woma sold by a t l 50 who bravely dart muat aomallmdi risk a fall hmollett bedridden ib year if any body want a written guaratitoo from tna personally b o mv wonderful cure front rheumatum by outii american rheuinatlo cure i will ba tha gladdeat woman in thd world to uivo it fcay una john luau- mont of lilofa i had deapajred of re covery uri o the lima of taking this wonder rwiiouy lie thai bolda u uo utter lhau he that boo urge llona of ibevaauag nine boils on neck anyone who inn lvci teri troubled witli boil j can sym- 11 ithiatu with poor old fob there wasjip hntdock hlood bitter in those dtys io job hul to suffer in silence now- 1 day j no one need liidine tlitr misery of boili all tliey have to do is take nuij when their blood will b cleansejl of all inwhirltiei and every boil will quickly dis- hpear miss lydltt moody uumioui tu6x co tint bonija iho follnwliiif htolniuent uf hor onao homo 1 1 mo no my blood not ao out uf ordur thai many iwlfri apiwarud ou my boily and pniroutd rue hnvlutf any real i hml uliiu uti my mok atdlrunut tlmeb and tjujloa hutnlwr uf email one name on my hhoiildi nt and anuu our tidkt dour linlghbor aeeuig tlio ooudltloiltwaalu told toe lo lake u 1j u for toy blood and i did ao p i aflor i liail fllilahod the ftmt bottle i found tbnt bomo of lh bo hail dlaep miaml and all tho rvat wera guuliift inuoh amitllor i thd lot two mora bottle and by tba time i bad thnie nearly all kite ibrini toa iml ft twill tn bo a on aldoa tbla n hiiidiiibo fnmi whl h 1 i iiiiruml it cured completely sold by a 1 drown ue wbo constantly will not finally can hot lie william 1 uuvauaou a oeuket ef peawhe dr von staoi llneapplo tablet would prova u froat aolaoo tu tha dlalioartancd uyapeptlo f be would but lest their potency tbey 10 veritable kemk in pravenllog iba beating of atomach disorders by aiding and buniuuu iruy digoatloo 60 of thaae health ttearla tn abo7and tbey ttt3 stunts hocum tnenuad by moat e uhysklana 6 bold by a t urown whohaabaau curad of hackfche wild kidney tiouhuby theuaeof doau a 1 ilia has wrlttan ss follow i ui wii llishop ialniyia oat wilt i na uuaad doatis 1 111 fur luitla luck an 1 kuow ihayara ail moluut pill as two boea wui- blauly cured ui atra j t dajhau uontical qmwrllai ouvyaarako i htitfarttd lrdhly with kidney tmuhu i consult- i aavaral iliyalclana and u4l their riot i ona without aucca i uw doan tllln advartltad o urocured a boa and ibay made a complete mre ur j 1 oflhltli ltnnlarjh itddge i k i wrltaei alunit bim niniitlia urn- uutfervd trrllly wllh weak nn i lame hack i took ona li of d04u e i iiu an i uii uilhi1 tu tmy tbat they cur 1 11 mi i i have nut 1m 1 any lgn of uiy trouble ahic llvoy tuau oarrie u luemy lu hi boaom itulbedfmr j v kellook diu guljlrtb write a customer of mlue having been cured of deafuta by tba us of jdr thomav kelaotrjo oil wrola to ireland telling hi friend there ol hi cure in ooue4iuuoa i reoelved au order to eeud half a doxau by esprea lo wexford ireland tbla weak god balp the ahewp wbeu the wolf li judfie v children cry for castoria clbhring sjtle 01 furniture taxcost j a speight co have decided to clear out their stock of furniture all lines at cost prices there will be bargains lor every body who wants furniture for any room in the house a short time will be al lowed for payment of goods purchased if cash is not convenient j a speight co warorooms foot of willow st hcton auffurud rnally lfl go munli lit ht tilth thut i am now a alroug 0ttutjrlrl tbe oomuiuoeat thluga kbdh ui lie with lu every body a graep ara more viluable tban tba rlobew wbloh ao many wtartale nigh aud elruifiile altar kawlhoru kidney experiment th tio lime for ekjerlcneallng when youia dls coverailtluit you a vlcllm of aino one form or anotliar tu kljiui uika iay hold of ilia tloatildttt i ht thouaaiiihi luvo phinod their faith to and baa cured quickly aud ter illy south american kidney cv tba llduey bufferer truest frleud 61 bold by a t drown whoaliualii e the bky bboali higher tuuob thati he ibat aim lb a i k use oaet uerberl v tr ajfnewe ointment cures pile itching llleodlutf and lulwllsu comfort in ona appdcsllon il cuin lit three- o alx blah i it cum all eklri dlaeaaea in younf and old a tbtiuiy beyond compare and it never fall jj ceo i d bold by a i llrowii wbo doa the beet olroumeuboa allow doe well aol nobly ah gel a oould do uo more youofl rosslf plifjl ttm jeiinnd t proof ai tblrvurth ir aguow a i vr 1 ilia aro beating out many fuaatl lrfmiua at auar- tor av bo flwy re bettor modlclna aaaler doeee and lo cenle a vial a thousand all men i a may atlw mm a llaordercd liver koep iha liver itht an i you ii uot bava flkk lleelache iu nanaoa ct- allailu and balhw him 61 bold uf at t drown abe tin en oe qdfaitlnjrdnro rainy j1 oomplalul uaed lutarnally hya-j- vellow uii euro bora lhrol hoaraeueari quluiy tain id the ohoel drouu eto ilea t exteriielly ourea hliaumatlanj fluff joluli oontraoud cord llpralny fitrilim hun w uealjn oulv eud uluaof iiibtotu li not wliat inai him but whit man ing- ilooi wliloh eiall would do brown area sure cure ron nervousness sleep ossness nor- vous prostration loss of energy brain fag- faint and wwyspeus loss of memory holanoholla libtlessnesa alter eftoots of la grippe palpitation of the iioart anaamla general debility and all troublos arising from a run down by atom 1 1 lev will build you up make rich red- blood and ivo you vim uhd lvtte ioc per box or tluco boxcu for 1 3 ut tlrtii- iists or will be bout 011 tyicipl of pritv itj fn- m it- hunt lui iituud toronto oul l f 4 4 i job printing wc do all kinds of commercial t and other job printing wc will do our best for you on any order- j you may teefittorcntru5tto usj and il it is not right we will make t- it right t t firstclasa block for t j bill heads t letter heads i i business cards 1 wedding stationery i galling cards j j all kinds of blanks i btoeto j promptly printed to order j froo press offloo aoton v j uu ujil wsk uojcolj111 1 ho synilulj111 100 llolllm 101 globe optical co i yona street teronto- tba un of eojoymaot dapaoda not on tnaqaaetlty of uitnga taaud but on the vtwuay and patlanoe of taete ituakln h tpttetsileuv baay ba ee by ear aid aditiaaa ywrarvait btooml onfljvitfi call and examine the merits o this superior shoe made in all modern styles of lasts and best grades or leather all sizes aa to ee width for ladies and gentle men this shoe will cure callouses on the soles of the feet excessive perspiration of the feet burning of the feet and it will keep your feet cool in hot weather and warm in cold weather boot knd shoe dbrlbr sole agent fob aoton patents guaranteed our ntiuned if w fall any our acndlaa kwtili im tlnnfptlott f ny iuvcnliun wut lh llruluullly of bam iw lo oualu i v u uf lateal accuted thruuuli ue a tmill 1 u our rapeuac lalule lakctl nut lliliiuiih ua rvccln fixda heitwwith i wtdaly clfuulcd journal tute 1 coiikull 1 1 y miiiifailu 111 1 for uwil lot y vhi add viotpnjd kvans a cc iituat auatacju kvatt t tjlatf wawm patents promptly 5ecured1 vitrvl r twr inleicatlug u k tavaat- r i r uur inleiealliig i ktn halp and movveo ar awiadkd mil ut a rvagtl aaatcn vf imoel 1 f y niuirt torliiiiiro n 1 uwlitullvu free otironlulunaa in wwlwr u ttnjtil-u- wtaulamc ttefecthl bdolkatunebavvulii u amlully inhftlrl i y tie v conduct f illy m il m i 111 a in aiulilxal aud waktilnalua imiiiullfu 11 u 1 ivium ly tllafelcli wail an i hllv artme valauu aktrf mdaalliehlituii hghri icfciauiee lauute luivtii lltouiili mktlon at ua lii rlvjkpululw wllh ulthaiaa in ovr mufwi dlktilhutcd thiuuglmut awialtyllaleit ualilaa ol luuufai tottmandlihiiluceia marion lwlajyon fatnt atkpaeia arid sol lot to re rimiij new verfc t tia b u ruatali 60vear8 expbrihncb ooinueveaii any a j rlmlnaam waaiaar a rnainihitle reaaaaejaj eaaetafc aex scktilific junirkan ttlaauwteel weafety tnr wl litir whmita l -va- s8-