Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 25, 1901, p. 2

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w aujfmkkfcfiiiv c iitiiw xti5iiijaliisk yiff -t- y sea ai ilea sta on tn ini ur lodutt j ii lluseellra sou lnirrsiq aelpo on w ed needs yuxh april u sir kul un jo t grippe a dangbur uaui isein vaton on wjndij hi l- tu mr ana kits william xular daughter uuktbu iluiik ttluawt aa cornwall on prll 1mb i lta ihii llnuiloii wr o ii llerbar mmmd wiii i r ajr jltin it liailwr u v v ao uualurahlhal wiit luhiiia uoutimbu it lia raamente of the 1 rlu farnia lluillntme on waluaedey aid tlilt ty tif llee dr uauilanbu iui wliah mortimer to klain a harris pub luhar nl ilia llurllniton cjaseue med uflmtttah in iert op toaedat mtk apu a uoullletl aedlwjara ku irntm tho lion til hi napha- i tu it uiumini luaraeud luuionu shall the curfew bins j to pan bylaw with pro- visions for tha curfaw t ttiomaj ullour ead je utoit jfct jlress thuiibday alilfli lb hki editorial notts a cqunieucfljlta0 rtpreaentetlses of the llcniiniortovernmenl and tha ootem moot of ilia h brlli waal territories will take plane during the oomlnk summer of the parpoee of oonsidsrlua tba question of otrsririing tbeterritorlealtito a iroslnoe qtnetal o grady ilaly alalia that if poellwo tho duke of cornwall and york nitty hm id opportunity to i rupee tba rnrsl corps of the censilieatnilllia when be visile uenede nosl fall tha genera saflgeat ootobar instead of juno oenipe of tosuaolioo oflloen oommajiurm tare oorpe art belfajf aakad what they tblnk ot the suggeeuui and if tbay ana war that they believe that tha man sritunm oak fn tba one month as well as in tha other tba otudgo la likely to ba mad a r a part u current that one of tba oooan una of ate mora la about to introduce maroon eyatn on its liners and that it will ba a brest oonteolanoa to bnslnees roon who will ba enabled td gal dee patch every day from tba porta in which lby may be intereeled a oonteniporsry aggesta tbat tbe invaatlod will probably cause as out of ita oooeeqoeaoes a dally newspaper lo appear on board ship and tba passenger will dot ba in ignorance of currant areata altar leaving mew york or liverpool aa formerly tha department of agrloaltar bee aboot ooocluded iu pbna for eiperlment- tnj inutrngi r tests will be made id twelve localities tbe localities to be gronped in pain m followi waterford and fjlmooe whitby and lindsay iiondoo and alvlaatnn mount forest and stalker- too iautboro and 1rlnoe edward dan ville and cayuga aboot 0 or so farmer wilt part lei pale in eaob teat prof buuttlowortb will direct tbe work whlob is qnder tbe ip per vision of ihe department of agrloultare trovlded tbe enow is gone tbe eeed will be planted in a week or ten days tbe mnnloipal ooonotl won for tbsm- eeleee tb eoooninma of the right- thin king people of this community when they plaotd their imprimatur upon tba petition of ihe local womans christian temperanoe union to tbe benate and uoaee of com mons praying them lo prohibit tbe impor tation mannfaotaira and sale of the deadly cigarette u canada ialltlomi are being circulated throaghoot the dominion sot if tbey are all aa freely algned as tboae which have been in oircnutlon in acton- the i effect upon tbe powers that be moat oe considerable a o tons petitions are eigne by tbe reaiden tain later s of all tbe denom inations all tbe teachers of the public aoboola tbe various temperanoe religions and benevolent organ laatloos and ibe majority of tbe boalneas men in town the necessity for tbe introduction and anforoemeal of a anrfew by 1w for anton has freqaently been d beted bat until leal monday tio effective steos were taken to eeonre if poaaibla tbe adoption of tbe anrfew as a part of mnnloipal leglelatlon at tbe ooanoll meeting on monday evening a delegation of local ministers made a very strong appeal lo tha council io use ibe powers conferred by tbe provincial parlia ment and introdpoe the ourfew tbe council was very fair with uje deputation and want ao fair as lo inekrnoi the dark to eeoare data aa to ibe results of tbe intro duction of ihe oarfew in other places lad to promise to rive the in attar careful deliberation at their next aeaalon it is earnestly hoped tbat tbe oarfew will be introduced and given a fair trial tbe re sult will uooueetionebly be beaenoiel to the vising generation borne forty villages and a bomber of towns in ontario have this by law in eneoeeslul operation canadians w1m ths v c- xlauta c oak burn and tumec and serat holland arwtha dallant hsroei lonbom april u3 tbe qaxttu tbu aveo- ng anuouuoes tbat tbs ylclorla oroes haj been oonferred on liuntenanu 11 0 oookbom audit li v tdiuer and sol kaut k holland of lbs lloja1 cauanlao dfaonne for oonsplouous bravery at kom atlpoort itlver mov 1th looo in protecting artillary from capture thmoasetu also make ihe announcement that llobeftoonter and wyudbabt h lot- ial bave beau made detonate tbe incident by whlob these canadians won the coveted dlatluotlou occurred on november 7th lu tbe oourae of the dash of geuaraj hmllh iorrleoe llylilg bri from belfast lo komatl aud baok tbe speldoiaoiaeul was tbe mavlngol lb guus inkheooureeof a running figbtou lb bank of tbe komatl when kbe canadians under lieut col leseard formed tbe rear guard mammo stbh millb pfsvt to ba breotad at bhult 8te maru darwoiv april 10 after at all day oou fereuce wltli oouuaotor al lb kateell house bare mr a u harvey preeldeulof the couimsrclej developmenl douipauy of liverpool london aud new york say a doa was closed today which will result in the faruiatlqu of tba inttinauonsl bleel iron and ftp company which will bulbil immense steel mills at baulk ute maris both bit atnarloan aud cauadlan eldes with aoapaalty of 000000 lon aouually aud smplovlng about 10000 tneg tbeooobolldaled lake huperior towet company of whlob mr cler is vice- freeidenk it is underetood will uke 4 large uwik of tbe tooooooo atook of ibe tiew oorupany as au outcome of tbe eetabllsbmeut of a steel works at tbe boo ulaaaliy tbat the blast furneoe- will be eetabiiebed al detroit wllb a oapaoliy of 1000 tone of pig iron per day employing 1000 men lb was lull mated bytbota interested tbat tbe new oompariy woold be aaotiva ootuautor of tba raoenlly fowed steel oowbias in tbe united b la tee th wonawho llaiana tonuttery no ftflf fcotobalteu ba uw daturat aa wall edinga mlo cioauetth8 umdbnthk ban council metan monday evening aa r rljjornmeiil all the momur uiic l spji ilreve williams opeood ibe pica if o mini y at rlhtdotuak til aeaalon an important one a ounaidvralile vulome or baalncsa having aooumulalad during tlte moiiih since laat meeting and lu addition there were eateral new matters up for oun 1 1 r lloo tha coaimlllee on fietlee prauntsd their slslh opoit and recodimended pay maul of tbe uluwln account i klw klncliurr teeming coal fi 00 co iavlllanplla4 1 t h frelcbt on eoe tu aclao fnaa taau phtttjnc m j abpalgthttltuu liuaae 1100 ul jaeapuahoepllaj bualli oara ol v ilursna tj elcloll oil oo urnamoolt 1 1 u it w cbubolm co ooel bl 6s ftoadlan uaoeral klaeute co tup- vliae ib ba icl m moved by u bwaokbamtner uoonded hf u jaans that tbe report of tbe committee on 1lnaow jaitread be adopted carritd moved by john a henderson eeoonded by george hpda that leave oe granted to introdnoe a by law to aalhorfae the leeae of debentares under tbe authority of an act locoaaotldats tbe floating indebted- nees of tbe vluagauf aolorjand that tbe by law be now rvad a flrat time carried tbe by law was read and nbssqnintly tbe council weok into committee of tbe whole on lbs by lav councillor hynds in tbe ohslr the by law wee dually paaaed moved by george hynde eeoonded by ij a henderson that the paper writing attached to motions be tbe draft of debenture and ooopona pursuant to by law mo 260 carried iatiuoo from tbe w 0 t uulon pre tog the house of common bod benate to pee an ant prohibiting tha manufaclare sale and importation of cigarette were presented br mr ll 1 moore in behalf of the union requesting the signature of tbe council to tbe pekltloo moved by geo hynds eeoonded by john a handereoo that tbe heave and clerk be authorised to eigo oq behalf of tbaconnoil of tfale municipality ihe petlljon to tbe hoaa of commons and senate for tbe prohibition of tbe importation rranufao t hit pc a oropin ontario n interesting andlnntruot we chat wttvmrtoj bprlng is hgaliilbere ftmdjitp tar mars ere look over their broad arid while in some oaaa work ha been alarled iptn the land ll la i lo only to ltv ihe land l loltivllu t alao of tho misery and health i a atfyoefliubjnlneatxll all women rockwood elating th who r agonlet i surrarlnsa of at lady eyporlaroad larehd ialeot oijiktih oartufl moved by john a henderson eeoonded by h jeans thai tba tbrfuka of this council in behalf of tha ratepayer of tbe village of aeton be ten dared to mr jobo- h barber m i v for his courtesy and valuable assistance in promoting the bll of this corporation al the recent eeaaion or the legulalore carried tbe fire drigade was represented by oblsf gamble and fireman lawaon and lee who prevented tbe views of the hrl gads relative to the proposed to arrange menl of uie salariee and grants to tbe brigade mr a bauer firemen of ihe engine also spoke the council having bad tbe expressions of opinion of the member of ihe deputa tion decided to give the matter mature consideration end will as far as poeiibls meet the view of tbe if ire brigade uet j k ci odd en m a and luv ii a maopbereou were present as a deputa tion rtpreeeoling tha w 0 t union to reqoeel tbe council to peas a curfew by- la w with provisions ajmllar to tboae in force in many of tba towns and village of ontario ilov mr goddao said that sll years realdanoe in aolon had given him ample opportunity to nolle tbat number of boy and some girls are allowed lo run tba streets dp to a lets hour at bight lo their great detriment morally and pbysleally a fathers of the town you are be said to aome eatent reepoualblo for tbe conduct of the children and for tbe jeopardy to their souls and bodies which they are in owing to tbe laanee prevailing illnstratlon were cited shoeing tha evil of children being allowed tbe freedom of tbe street at nlgbl much oao be done to remedy tbat evil here by introducing a curfew by law parent evidently fall to realise tbe re sponsibility io their children and while we may urge tha duty of parents wa oan not a minister go farther but tbe council is by the legislature given power to back us up lu tbe matter they cab pea tbe by law propoaed and secure excellent re sults mr oodden spoke ofhll axperletio and observation in place where tha oarfew is in force and its wondsrfol stfeol in sum rnarlly jeering the street from children of tender age when kh bell 1 rung al nlghl could any better plan be bropoeed to ao- oomplieb tbe and deelred f t appeal to yoti llemen in behalf of tbe young children of our town and hope that we will together da all la or power to save them i trask yoa will take lbs step proposed mr maophereon said x afveute yotj are a a ooanoll seised of the importance of this matter i will not attempt to go over ibe u-otind- presented by mr uodtlan from moral standpoint i lav long fall tbat some step should be taken in this matter 1 feel that a great deal may be aeoomplieh ad by lbs ringing of the curfew bell i bave notioetb very salutary affaol of the ourfew la gelt at bine p tn when the ball is rung every child of leudef age burr ed off the etree ta to their home tbe good asult in other pleoe were aled referred to w cannot set i male th a moon t at good auob a by law would do i do not think ibe metier of auforoneul would be a vary rut tdk give elf to uudeielaud thai with the hufclug of ibe curfew that was an authority which meant tbathil children of a certain age muit be off tbe b treats at a elated hour and lb effect would be burpriaiu i sliiotly hope the members of the council will aee the cog ency of the remark brought forward aud lib their ttaual courteous deliberation of th nielur tbat a wle deolalou will be lved t sfl luew william asked if lb council were lo pul tbe by uw rxjueaud jnlo force would those who advocate ll atalsl lbs council lu its tui orcein sot or would tbay leave th ouue of th malur upon ibe council and ll ninoers ibe depulatloti keaured a strong mors support and tboaght there would be utile difficulty iti enforglug tbe bylaw if the public ware glvsu to nnderetaud 4ts power the luevetbe ringing of tbe blt itself would not be a vary great matter but tbaciueetlon would krtjubcsparafaloonaider- ation councillor hsndereoa euggeeled that the clerk be asked to write to milton george town dundslk and other pleoe where tbe oarfew is in force to eeoerleln the sffeol of bykw tbe cost of the eoloroetueiit end tba matter be considered al tbe belt meeting thus tb maur reeuatpreeeul- ooecoil adjoflroad sjflyvtcje tea ooloqk sow are of die heat quality and valletta which are the nei u iiiia tt e mne aatlrrt iry returns in urhr t wnufo eami ltifrmtlou which mlflht be of practical service a newapepey reprveen tetlve celled u port mr o a ivils ex perl me nt- 1 el l the odtarln aitrtoultural colltxr ll eecure some infurmatlou for potittaattrm in con variation- mr hvvitx at on do rofariedtri tlm m crap es uno o the rttoel important ntiject which could be iliac ua ami at tbe prreenk time do ym ronslder tlm jie crop important one in ontario t aaked the the pea crop one or this 1ravinw replied mr xvvlt but it s tor only thrreened 1 1 preie i li the southern pert if ontario by lit ravages of the pea weevi drapus ut nsuslly celled pea bug because of great damage dona by the pee weevil n farmers are iulltlnjt the krowlojj or peas otltely tble is itluly iin by vefprritig to tha report otiijovuaireji at cndnitrlo whlob eboas that in 1hd7 74ji30 ad h were devoted to this crop while only cql sm iom win used for growing peas in 1000 thos showing a deoreave of upwards of b0 000 acres in 1000 a compared with tho year previous do yon consider that this deerease bat been ceased by ihe trouble of the pea weevltr i certainly do as the pea crop is ao highly prised by our farmer generally the rraln is mnob stronger for feeding purposes ibau oai barley or porn and the pea straw is very bailable far feed ta ebeep and alao to dairy cattle when proper ly handled are all varlotle of pea injured by ihe pea weevil t i bave beer making a careful cindy of ibis point for he lail four years and and that nearly alt the varieties of pea are enajeottothe ravages of be weevil th only exceptions being grass peas cow peas and chick or egyplsln peas tbi graa peal produce ad excellent straw and a fairly good yield of grain per acre tbe oow peas require loo long a season to grow for the climate of ontario unlees they an on light sharp soil in the extreme sooth ern part of onttrio and even than it is h saw p ue he unfavorable years the blob are also known by to satisfactory kgypdan r frank kvane of oj 1 lonlenao btreet montreal will bring hope aud joy aa it points the we lo rtiiowi lieaim ana certain reloaee frnrn paitij mre hana eaya i faal that i unfits to aay a jootl word for dr williams i ink mile in ibe hope tttal my iperlaure may bo of benefit to so mo other uflrlnfl womai i am i twenty three joera at eg and airtce my is indeed an imporki i have offered far more than my share of agony from the sllmenls thai niktuiv wi at ihe age of alxteen the trouble had pvowu eo bad that i bad to undergo an operation in the montreal srneral hospital itila did liclure rr and utile later 1 underweiil alnther npr atluu rrom llils i reewd some beitent bnl was hot wholly cured aud i root limed to anoer from pains in my abdomen and bilious headache a faw ear laler liav ing wilh my husband rvmoved to halifax i was again suffering terribly and taken to the general ho pi la where another operation was performed this gave me relief for two or three tnonthsand aalu tbe old trouble came on and i wnuld suffer foe daye at a lima and nothing seemed to reluve ibe gain in febrnery 1b00 i wsri sgain obliged to go to ibe hoepllai and underwent a fourth operation 3ven this did not net help me and as tits chloroform administered daring the operation affected my heart i would not permit a further operation and wee taken home still a great sufferer in 1h00 i was advised to iry dr william pink pills and decided to do io i have need tbe pills or severe mouths and bavsfouud more relief from them tin from tbe four operation which i have passed through and i warmly recommend them lo all women buffering from that ailments which effllot ao many of my hot writing under a later date mr evan bays i am glad to be able to tsll you thst not only has tba great improvement whlob dr williams pink pdl effected li my condition continued bulj m now per fectly wo i i bad given up all hope when i began tbe uie of tbe pills but tbey have et e h 1 have- anaeji taajiec ibquejutsnonkj onl m uoj fit at pun- other names eaob as chick pea idaho pea braaillan coffee pea etc prod one a very large yield of uralo per acre wat tbey realro thick eeeding on tether rich land and the straw become quite woody by the time the pea are ripe in tbe average of seven years experiment in growing gr pea in th plot at tbe college tbe average yield ha been us buebel to th acre x consider tbe graa peas tb best substitute for ihe common varieties of peas for ihe average soils of those district where ihe pea weevil is doing ta much damage what about sowing peas late in ibe season id order to prevent the pa weevil working upon themr we have experimented at tba college aud have bad experiment conducted tbroeghout ontario lu sowing peas different date lu tbe spring bnl it beaui that the weevils are galling ao numerous tbat they injure the late aowu a well as tbe early sown orops although to a lea extent tbe yield of grain par acre bow- ever produced by a lite seeding is mnob isss than that produced from tb early eeed log can the pea be successfully treated for tba distraction of tbe pea weevil t tbe pea can certainly be treated vary effectually for lbs dletruollou of 111 weevil if tit trelroenk js don in th rl way in order to gel the heal results tbe pea should bo threshed a boo a a possible after harvest and treated at ones wblls tbe weevils or butt at btlll in the central part of tbe peas aud are in tbe form of small worms the p should be placed in an sir tight box barrel or bin and treat ed wllb carbon bisulphide by poorlnrf the liquid into flat diahs aud placing them on the top of lb peas cud pound of ibe carbon bisulphide is bufuolenl for trealli from 12 lo 15 bushels of peas aud is sold by most druggist after lb ujuid i poured into lbs disboe lb boa should be closed aud allowed to remain undisturb ed for 4b hour tb liquid vapor li quits vapidly antl an the fumes ate two and a half time beavur tbau sir tbey will pas down through tb pee and de stray tb bug eveti though tbey ar lu ihe form of small worm iu i h lunar t of tbe peas and th fekln ot ibe peas i still unbroken mo fir should be taken near tb box while lb uarbou bisulphide u lhare a the fume f mixed with air ar explosive if ignited is there soy possibility of redloatlug tba pea weevil from ontario by united effort i believe it i possible to eradicate- tbe pa www 11 froni ontario for borne urns to coma providing that th farmer would bit bar grow bug- proof varieties or would vifeoluilly ireal their peas luinteulalily aftsr hsrveai eaob year for three or four year wltb referenda to tb btfeal upou tha peas from thod o th eerbou bisulphide mr evll satdlliat it did uut lu auy way impair the gsrmluatiug qualities of the seed and thai pea ibu tteited were qull a good or either feedlug or seed purpoase a if they were uobaa treated how oan iba fartuar secure tits beed from ibegrau pea i was awd lu oou clulou a good quanllly of gras kea eeed oau beublalnsd from uaerly auy of th prlnol pal eaadatiten lu boulhoru outarlo tapllod ur vu 11 may aleob lud from a tiuiiiurot fariiisrs in this park uf lbs pro vlues especially lu ihe niagitra jlalriol many of whom had a few hundred bushel e for hau tills spring any fa nu a re who wish lu experiment with bug proof pats coin i ails j lit viix au aaureaiitisil qutntltv of grtu pea and one other weevil proof variety free or charge by tiiplylug ta tits co lha 0 a q qatlpll we ar hiving a big denibtid fur esperlniaulal psroel uf bo proof pea bud lite farmer eni lo bu atixluus lo aud oat fur lbonalvojuel how thee vail ties will thrive uti their own ferm ouelpi rfrviv jttrtur william lttrii tb medical etudeuk found with a womans body 1 bl piuseaeldo was dued 00 at velerbori ur hobeit llyati caretaker nf ihe qovernmaul building at ouelph drophl dead uit bsturday 1 lord wr iba underslgtted do beeby agree refund tb mouey on a melt utile urmua warranted byrup uf tar if u tlu lo oora your ooogb or cold w als uuar qtseajooaakbottlsta prov salisfaotiry or monsy refunded a t bbown that affllot bo man eax petaed throuej four oporotlono without dann rtl vj i brough daily palm plalnlug it viiada there are thousands ids of women elm undrir0 aiioietlmee bordering on agony ly woman oan do in nncom to such the alory io lured before known for years i feel so grace ful or what your medicine ba done or tnetbalx gladly give you permission to publish my letter in tits hope that other women will follow my ox ample- ebu and health and strength and new happiness through the us of dr williams pink phi mo discovery in medicine in modern lime have proven such a bleeelog a women as dr williams xluk pill thy sol directly en tit blood aud uerve invigorate tb body tegclati tb function aud restore health tid strength to the exhausted palisnt wlisn every effort uf the physician prove uuavslliug other so called tonics ar titers imitation of these pills aud should be refused tbe gotiulne bear the full tiamt dr williams pink pill or pas psople on th wrapper erouud each box they ar sold by dealers- in mediolue or osu be had poet paid at w ceuis a bot or six boxes for 3 w by ajdreesing the dr william medicjne co brockvills out qbonoetowm an ttocldeul causing considerable damage occurred at tba g t 11 station last bstur day morning a freight kolutf west about six a m ran over a swllcb and into som car i uhd log on a biding lb cur wet overturned on lb tnaiu track th block dalsylug lbs 0bioao express goln there wa consldorshle damags done to rolllug stock but no person was injured ibe suglnter of th freight train going west bsd order lo lake ibe siding but approaching it b run past the switch not having waited for a proper signal lbs result wa lb disabling of bl engine and the dor ailing of several cat mr bulger has received a cheque from tbeao u w or luaurwnoaon bar 1st bnabanari life mr wj uokm aud family have got uloely settled in ibalr nsw home brandon mr sud mr johu h barber havebesu spending a weak at old polut comfort tho dpworlh leagu have arranged for a grand concert lo be glvau in tbe town hall on friday evoulujf may 3rd cans das favorll soprano mr caldwell and other aral olas talent will fumiiii iba programme hev johu baunder m a i expected to return from clirtod bpring this week nj lak bis pulpit usxl bundsy luv mr walufi formerly of murval bis been appointed huiumbeuk of tba atiglioan obrirohe of dsorgstowh morval aud ouuwllllsuij aud will auur upon bis dulls brly in juu ihrall milton- tha horse show leal imdsy wa quit iuoouu ibe number of eulrie and attendance war both good 0 a black baa disposed of hi farms near palermo and with bl family has moved to ubwkeeville waterloo county where he has wourod a orisrel store bus lues it b auderioti ha contracted with th oounoll to sprlukle tbilrl during tb lha loefou ortu00 at lha tail mwllug of lha counoll there wer 1000 of taxes uncollected ths victoria basa ull club was orgauix ad laal week with tlm following olilolary hut presldetil judge hamilton prsl dent ur clo hum vio foeldeiil mr j w iillotl treasiter ur a duff iloorstary charles- barber usiiagar xi j cuuuingbaiu captain lloy lield boy hwhi a fourteen yar old boy wav kilial at doroheslar by a train dn uotiday a funeral which look lco book vr uu tq- id vett wrd m rrrn tct-e- difficulty in getllng through on arrouil of the etorm aod the bd conditlnn if th roads the lioirir w iipel rtt i llie glees lanrlt brbkan loslty tlm rakot was plartwl in a call in ttil nay tha journey i the uraon n nij i tbe seated ltnm i j king israel was inrn in it iruhj irrlr church on tueedey ovonlnit tiy oinieny of amateurs choeen from iiiidi i th btat slngora in oao ol tho coi rpulnma in llif vlllato altlllu lit sjmm ff rl had bocn mads lo adverll the tit lhro sus wary- largaaui until tirrri t sir john ltreohet tho onlmtor tha roiarm king iiati1 ardalr juhn talor represvulei nu k inlniio i scl tbeglanltlolulh lhinxilo lively and inepultlng ml torn exnlluit i ill bare were rendered iminii which thay b mentioned ibo following b an th- iird fotirees mr hrsohan d j ibe usmo nf the living g fl i come mater blreohsii and lejlif iktto ihe bong of triumph mire aiin t tl bohr y- armies rf h lvlrk gel alie btriehan hj1 g v er to my wnrll mise miihi- 1 ltn duet wnuurfil ive llusre ie and gllepo ill the ird llq jutg ml mnb qusrtt o lord illimko me not mesari blrachan i lmlt watson and totted holn out nf dsrknnu l mia may black qiisri1 cast thy bunions on thtt iird misses mumoe glllesplcj wataou yuung and murray bolo thon srt my trust mr 1 wat son duel unto thro ho llory missel oetraluler and black tha duet my bhcpherd by mls glllerpls and mr hlraohsn wa a floo number cuiiratiitallon la mis i ha gillespie who is a uew ssjilrtit fur popular favorij on her bucceaful dnlmt mus iteove tho orgktllsl prorincd her duties in a very nbn mentor sbhi proved an exnallctit support lo idr blrschsli in condaoting the alfalr between the pattl brief reiiiatk wire blade by the hev messrs cranston uolden abd f lemln kverton uaoii b whon tbauked tho youtiii poflple and thrlr leader mr blrscbau for the muloai treat provided th oantalawlll be kopeated at kverton on xutiday evriiitig tb young dau of mr go hi i mew york and grand daughter of mr john hill of this puce who died after a few days lllnee was bailed in hver too on bsturday april uolh llnw tttli wa ortej one huudioj ucllat itaward for any oaee o catarrh uiatcauuct be enr1 by hall catanti curo v 3 ohujev a co fiope tolado o wa the uudaralsued have known v 3 cltstiay tor tbats vaars and hsllava hint par faatly bouorahle in all buiuaa transection naauolaily all to carry cut any obligations made by tlialmrtil vvaeratauix wiiolosalsdfugstet yolado o valdimo klmkiw 4 uiavtw wliblsale ijrua gists toledo o lulls caurrh cure 1 uvu lulriimly attlutf drally upon his blood and inuoou aurfun thesymum wuovso ter lnttt u hy all dmcslau taauutouula la hall vautlly 1 ills are uie i a1 he who flee proves him if guilty children cry for castoria acton- livery bus line ajceof the tmblie i wall equipped and btyllsti lluj oan al way ba tieoured at hi table a comfortable bus niausl uatus batwen iu k tu and ft10 i u jareful atuiition alvaii tnevaryonur ths wattucf commercial traval ur fully mat john williams for youh new market or liuniber wiv5gqns or arty repairing in th carriage line go to j w onibilil succeisor to cnp mckiiiid gborgbtown call and examine tlje merits of this buperior hoe made in all modern btyle of laitb and beat f leather all sues aa to ee widths lor ladiei and entle- men thia ghoe will cure callousen on the soles of the feet excessive perspiration of tho feet burning ot the feet and it will lieep your feet cool in hot weather and warm in cold weather m jazillikws boot knd shod dukhjjj boiik aqknt foh aotom uj llll l it 1 11 il l i imihiihimi w i the btrewnwn nevv dbess goods in suit lengths 3 t blaclsatin voulards coiorad-satiifclotte- 1 chevron serges amazon glottis fasy mohairs- wool homespuns izpular makes it popular priciis i we know yon qrelo irrfor v wc have them 1 and to emphasize the factwc start a 3 days sale on friday evening ofthis week of over loo suit and skirt lengths at stabtling- pblces 28 suit lengths regular 350 to s500 values for m 33 suit lengths regular s3 to 54 value for 147 9 pieces rain proof cravknettk co in wide regular 75crsi25 qualities suitable for drcsies skirts rain cloajps and wraps special at par yard -ill- yard wfde fine wool dress stufls in navys browns cardinals and pinks regular 25c to 35c values for 22c and 17jc yd skirtings black sicillians serges and fancy mohairs regular 35c to 50c qualities at 1 yards for 99 dainty patterns in mer cerised sateens and merlawns for waists at 27jc 25c 23c yd millinery is beaming latest styles at right prices is a good reason youll get suited here 1 try it i another choice lot ot straw hats to hand this week priced from 25c to 1 our friday evening customers will lind a lot ol special good things awaitingthem cxrocery department rc-siock- td this week with fresh goods at bight pbices the b crenn an co 3rd8 block acton j j- t- eye strain belies character defective sight produces unnatural expres sion perpetual trowns caused by an effort to see better often belli character we are experts in fitting glasses that make facial distortions unnecessary a d pringle wjltcumaueil m i i tit tjtl and jeweliku vx u xuxjitxx a j0umney by relepltone will klf you 1 uld6i ideal rapid transit and save limonml money vi ur lime i loo valuable to tpriiul lit writing utter tnd ttwallliik replies ihe irlrhotw uuo insiantanlous co imumicatiom givu tb long lil laiico uperatur the name 6t tlu individ iijl you waut you will then wase ao tlmr lu ulliihf to an oflice boy i the bell telephone of canada go 10 pagkagesfor 25c vddr cbnlca of 10 paclago from 3 varinties heunie s 1 owor and garden beeds for 35c also early garden teai llean corn etc in bulk cheep canmltti graateet jrly seed 1olato at j 3c per lock iarjd quantity ticiit dutch scttu i arn nuaullly ho 1 beed peas and oat gold agency for the amouu ilmoulh hinder twine llvr iilioaf elc all kinds 1lour aiid at lowest prices fur lct quality at robt nobles flour feed store acton furs purs great cut in prices bable hulls wem j ftg j 30 cttxiue ol bable word vootiow j5oo ailraclian jaxloti were i3000 now ja 50 and lis i ur capes wero i40 now 14 f cray lamb cijis ward ij now i1j3 aid j 30 sable mufltf wenallj now 13 men o 1 ur coalu veoia ijo now i17 ln e lafontaine purrlor- cuolph at aul keiuullou si r yaar ueyejl waehlyt tttay abeotateiy ewre aad all aiiaa akaleh bouelt4e den oil eatery i burpees i free the ueel he4e laal grew are honeeily dcecribed in ihu bru rssw cakalomv ef anastf bwuiht i11 sumwy lllboenihml ruwaaav whie a pee lei can ur ul ten mue to oar anutd i oiuaikm tiihtt mv ahxiai ulhee psaae lilre rqtad nlatte lumher erlthajwf atmce bur pec a co phtutdjufrkta really cuaia yuu ihi w iiiil ita bbcruoemfiitd- propprfcyftjf knhn nuuiicu tt ram a a tillacs vroparly i- for aala oil eaay laiina aly to wu iikuitltbbl coin foiuhlo dwclliim hoii uaitl t ik un mix t aall hta laooee e4tt furtabl at ala ft watar iwh1 ea nrhllon dn in seallanl uiuiiaiii coobc uraiul ieiojai aluli dehiitahlkkksidencb pom bale rail known mpeil flllt wall 1 aynlla l u now oflarhl rir aala the om aa eieht rooma wlili hall in cellar arid woodtiotiia nennaatad water jllalila and fowrliouae nd i tsmlees aawirt- alioloe t ru it 1 ha vrotaf la within tfaeeorpor allou di uie llirls inanufaaturlne town of anion owl ne to die tiroilmlir ol valnlew oatuaurr il itoirlc would tuase a splendid ita ur ui4ilificaaii1 aardan will be acid 00 as7 unim for iterueulaae aitly at vnn i as oolee anion hinder twine untir luruiar notloa itledar twine wilt u sobl at the klnoauia ianllnujy ta farmars in auctl gtlaiitlllaa as to ay be daalrad lor oaati on dalltar al uia following prleae ileayar v j oao la pmt poaaj rlaai t hewreelano a j urmaroti 4 tare man ita p raat i pound 18 j iddraes all tximmunlcauoa with rnillua tea lo j u ilia tt wardeit 1 anluuturr klnsalan out repar liiaarllns this dotloe wluioul autlmilty rota ula klnlrlouc will uol be t14 tbaia tor klnsslon uarahllwll the public uealtil citizens abe requested to comply with the public health act notice uheretiy flven uia all realdenu cf aeton are required oruiwitrt to clean their 611 an drains yards pig atvae waur cloaate and oatbatldlnae and pnmlim and reiucte uterarrom all dirt manure or olbar anhauuee hlnli may endanfer tbepnblle baahli and to bae iba eame com plated by the mh day or uay ueit on whloti day tbe nanltary inapeaur ill oomrnanee akenerallnapaeuon andlortbar ih n il-nh- iiihiimitti ot prohlbltlnc tbe kaaplny otboqa betweat tbe 1mb of mat aad tba let koventtwr aioept la rena atlaeat to feet rnai any dwalllna honaa od ally eet irora any atreat or lane wiuiuia ooorakapt free tram any atandlnf water and raaularlv elaartaad will tim strictly aoforoad al eltlaens are earaaatly rwqnaetad to keap uialr pratnleas ooaatanuy elaan aod iho roughly dlalttteetail john wltliaufl lueve ot uia uunlolpaluy aolon april loth loul waklrpapeir all j ho newest designs and colorlngr in ingrains and every kind of jupcr to lull any room paints aik lor a tampl color card s w ii i a paint roady lor ilia window siiadiis cuh1ain polus lire 7t t broiazn chemist aoton careen seeds lll rate any 4tt paawate font oo uoet bald ooo m io 20a vegetables luatae wax or hulur dwarf i llaloa iula huur let beet round meet beat inuu oarrca abort bom iartot iuoi iwvjige abbe late flat ubbae lonjf keapars oauumbar or ailoltig luautubarto plekle corn arly loru lale ilarr wtiiu oliolaaet wlary tiad early ureeeeerlail raltu oukly iltuaauaadlutf kluk uluumjrlll altd htl wauruialouawaateat itruna or luaaarva luloiis urea yatlunr uaatla1 ssi 111 1al part inuj rtt teaa uladlum early llajlahlonif au miliar uadlab aeaad an 111 mar ludlah winter htjuaab auultuar itlarrcw huaab wluter keapbitj tobaooo hard laat klu turn p allow or un hea uutnbiar bavory aloweuu alvmuinawaal aiurs dwiitr uilnture llil mrutali niwarl tail llllaall atllluti ularlgtim llapalstiilla1 ji atidrtult raeraut afblu itirj utbar idb 1 auiau piuaa laiasjtnr m nl la laiue rlawars sid 111 1tlqll iluttuiua indian pluka ilaltihlaum laikai llaillaaill uarujold uarleold dwarf rait oil mlguonatu iwaat maaturtlutjuii til 1 41 naaluruuui dwarf uilinl lstiay itillad 1 tltuula larueullllaj irulom uruuiutoodit lilllfaj 1opiiy uhillay uluad loppy earuailiiii oiiwawej iorfulaea alnttla llij tuiuialauaala laiw rluwarlujf hoarlat jtuulir 11uj h looks uarmau ldwaak munrluwar baal ubl haat faas tcoklunfm uru varbauas utalil uill f yinhlae lbl lull wiubarjali uluiute j vham kacbals lit bur ragulaj full slas iu aud ia paokala tills la a h isar uihm ruudail tn aaufiat uatlk tilmvailf tlilrl wamtud uut uut tuftl aiv at i it with luuuay and ywur uauie aud addrwm aud e beads wtuuh ou promptly cbo j thokp ukkos oitallt imflxuknts xtc cuslph a roqkijiood tie elcnature u on ory h the eem laxative drooioouiaiae

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