Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 25, 1901, p. 3

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iasajs3eibbfcveias3 bant of hamilton georgetown branch ageneral bankingbu8ino83 transacted correspondenao sojiqitod havings dcjtartmont lolereet allowed on sum of onlv ikl- lak and upwards from ley of deposit i day of withdrawal no formallllea and deay id drawing money w discounted and mono loaned tor egitltnate business purposes oar collection papai uncnt ha every facility fur making prompt return sale notes handled and money advanced on account f mdio at low rate of interest traellera are notified thai the liat k of hamilton and ilajrancnea issue clrculir notcaoftha provlneu hank of fngland limited which can lw caslwd mill ul tharga or irpi 1 la i uy part of bn w ril he hamilton baubuahad 1872- capital paid up 1703212 reserve kiind 1234119 total assets 14s27357 jams tubnuull cashier r q forsayeth aglnt l oeorgatown branch always ahead paper hangings thejijbws at hoke mbatly or a looau charaotetr and nyaptl rttpmtloal a nntyormmry lf eooual educations jetrlo la oon neollon wltb um method 1st oharob will b btll neu bundey he vr ltosi of luslphwlll preach morning an i evening itottcantat to the fmll whmut lx per ienood farmer claim that tba tell wheat aboold benefit greatly ll now fall 0 laal hatardey tba ground 111 shortly be in splendid condition attain to receive the spring crop h la tbougt l by many tl at uch s fall of snow aa wee esperlouosd ieof mora advantage t lha growl g erope that an equivalent amount d tain the growth at lhaijll wheal so far be beau very aeliafeetory j oareioi ceeura thlm spring aetou baa a considerable list of oouven liona lor tbl spring tba woman a tnstl tula of the ooonly oaael hare beat wedne j d j stock now com 1 lelo and without doubt the fiatat ever pot on the market loo 000 roll of wall t aper are represented by our sample books j b mgkee flolon will take your onhrf and the price will astonish you llu scllyo aat year a papers at 35 discount asnai or good things chas t- nelles cuelph thursday aclll stb 1001 uttle local brieflets which ceurit the byaa or eara of prea prasa raps thla wak the trooi flablng eeaaoa opens a wsek from today tba halton old jloya in toronto are tormlng a organization ulllon bad woo of last year a taxes uncollected on the lfitb lost armmrbar fronrretode4 tba- p l lha tpworlb leae in lbs ilaihodiat charon axi monday even lop oopua of tba viotoria cross may be saeared at tba pas iaxaa office for b5o tb xottumeat ifnad clamlag throttnh thestforuof ura o b bmlut arbo bsa baa shown tqpoh intarask in tba acbeme to arock a monomant to tha toauaory of oar brae aoldu baro lbs lata qannar moore we preaant a oonsldorable addition tbl week to tba and aa follows ataioont pnvtouslr aknowlsdsd tss si srsnk narrts 00 judmu ilil tould 100 j j sfsltbiw co bone abosr at muton laat fridr to teonla ooaru in lbs park are now initoodabapafor tba opening of tbe aeaaoo seeding operations bae been reusded the past week owing to the snow and rain sdow abovale ware tery unwillingly brougbt into eervioe again mlut hatarday a storm mr adam cook baa built a new barn 0o one of bla main btreat lota near tbe alll atxeanj than ere no ooraplalnta now el a very dry eprlog walla clsurns and lroetn are rapidly oiling np tnaaprl pbowara of tbe peel wask have wsbed lbs fane of nature an i ftuen veettjon an impeu we gladly ul ibeego april of many wesubare thy tinweloonte gift of mow bloara o er tbe earth like feetbera mr j i mckee hae poun a fine tod foantaln end ulka of opening an loeorsara parlor in oonneotioa ub hie drag atore a good many pleose of aidswslk era in poor repair in town tbe blu soj weikaoommlltebave a big contract bjore tbem organiaar mawblnny baa been booming ibe oboeen frund here the psafc week seven new msmbera ware initialed t ikat nee tintf j u usitsr m a k- to qnelpb for bnnday wpreaoh huuday hcbool winlvarsarv aefniona lu dublin titrvai obnreb i the kklnraa avs rule dou t like tbe hud loo ks tusy bate bvsd buiotf i bgt yon 0nt l ll uttndrymeu too manv bntia the aqth april 11w1 will u trsootdid ae giving da anow storm of alx inobw ou be level and maw drifu three fet dt after ibe seeding was oommaoeed mr u uolmea drovsr u ablpplng tante quanlllua of atook a preeeot two afclpmeout weak being tnade for wblcb ibe armara are reotlvlog ery rtltstactory prloea boadmssur portfusoii oalled at tbe g t k autlon on tuaaday aftarnoon wllb hie gaeolloe loiprollng osr the or rune w gaeoune sugtnae aud has epeed of u nllee par bottr tbroogb the autuutloo ul lueve wuueme tba electrician bsa iqiurovad tbe booda over ibe eleolrlo llghu on mill buet ejul main eo the tbe annoylug rattle oaosed by tb lod eolltwly ovaroonta tbe improrernent la tnuob appreelated we have bean lnforrnedby tbe baud boye lba thsy hae just rlve4 a lot o axoallenl new mailo and tbst ll is lhlr totentlon lo keep up their name a ultyl ibe beet town band lo tbe provluoe mil too btformtf oau aflton cornet hand auod ible t meters omney a oo be purohaesd the eutek of gioeerles and prnvlslona of j b kennedy main street at a very low rate on ibe dollar and will rush it off t pilom fa below any olbera quoted lb these sotting tlmea tbo wdo ooolemplete pnrebaklui moamsnu or work of any dledriptlon for 4beir cemetery ulole ebould order dlreot hv relikble greotu and marble jerj h ilacnllioo ouelpb oat all ex peneee allouej lo porormerm ah work al muriel werislaj eooineltllon bfv ft- of 11 a woman a missionary boolety of lha mothodlstl oroh will be held here on tbe olh may tbe annuel odnvenlioa of helton teeohere i os tit ale will be 1 ed on tbe saml ajsd j3rd may the ofsoji man from a wide ara will utbar bare oo the i jib july portrmlt cmttory aooiel xhcjipwoilb imuqd ollbft matiodlat cbarob will bold a portrait oallery aoolal next monday evening an interest ing feature of the programme which will include unmernnannmberinf a literary aod tnoeteal character will be a portrait gallery ana those who allend will be invited to name the oslabritlee wboee pocualte fekelbw elo areezblbted aprutawlllbe aided lo the person naaniog oorreetly largest number of portraits shown the evening will undoubtedly be an enjoy able one urnltou teeeaere i net it nee convention ibe annual oonvantion of tbe tesebsre inallluu of the county will be held here on wednesday and thursday 23ud nd 33rd may the day aeealone will beheld in the school room of the methodist obnreb and a publlo meetlog will be held in tbe town uall on tba first evening mr w j bber dart tba irestdenl will tske tha chair at 10 o clock on wedneeday rnornlng i spare and addreaaae of interest to the pedagoguee will be presented and dlsoqased during the eeeslone of tbe two day tbe concert on wedneeday avenlug is for tbe teachers and invited friends a splendid programme will be praeented the following talented artiste to oontributv mleeee deeoou lawrence tnd dewer msedamea hfbrl twmen mr trott peaoon aqd tbe melbodlal bonday bchool orcbeetrm oar oltiaene will give tbe teaoberi a cordial welcome both to the town and to their homes jl mew end rdpnier fmltloila oag the victoria grose a new and popular patilolio song baa just been pot upon the market by mre clara v humberstone of kewtoobrook that well knawji daughter of aotoo of many tlfta attainmenta aud reeouroee who oompoaed both words and muslo the victoria cross has been welt received by the pabllo and standi very creditably beside tbe numerous patriotic song issued the past year or eo mr carnooban baa written mra ilumberstooe that he ooniideni it one of the beet publish ed ihte year and mr orlngan aaj it la saoellsnt and aboold tneet with a toooeee ful reception the w 3 oage co toronto have thought eo wall of tbe sent iment of the words that they have bought tbe right to nee the word and air on tbelr new school exerelee books tba new song 111 drat be euug lo aoton at tbe picture women e tmmlltalo mtcuflag ffent weejr the woman e institute of 1 1 if ton c jp0 ty will hold m mil in aoton neat wrtlnoe dajf ot bo o a o uuelh will ad ireae lie meotink the afternoon session nooning at attotn the couqc 1 ci amber will be cor lined lo the ladies tlui evening sesa on will be held in he au liloriuin si d will he open lo the public tl e add eaeaa snd isoumious will be inurvperaed wllli muslfl ii a gentlemen ere psrtlcularly invited to ll a evening evasion tnrontfb tha hackles ua m cxuac a very interetttng si toon page pampl ul willi bait onoillustrtl us entitled ujjln tbjf jtoakloe on a csynne i as been reoejv id t ills office it oootalns a ll rll i g aoouuntof a trip over ll e klo trail made by bur old irfondanl former nitioiht j v beoord of orills to the tilt it g property or thh kalo hloosn iiovelo go mr tlecord le a large al arcl oljar jt tba mines of tile oomiany and his trip lsslfam ssllifld lilm ht h mi 04 ms ueorge havlll 1 do j u uelcee i- 1 60 junes alattbewl w 1 cx o y qoodsve too j ll teanon 1 m wm cooper a tleorse hjnda ed u k kannabeeker fci bd it t arnold hod it lutnitiaw to at llrowii 1 id ur j a lull 00 t lopmn sj jaw bfoiro 163 t1u oreuoauco tod win ultto as 30 to tboee who desire ul subscribe to tbla fund will kindly do eo the present week for the fend will close llb tbie weekv the unpaid ooutrlbolioua will kindly be for warded to tbe vjunt paaaa offloe by belur day a meelldg will be called in a few days to decide upon the design of the monument propoaad and invocation tha junior x a oo jf tirrainjeoi the annual entertainment of the junior kywoilb iieague wae held hi the mo bo dlst sol ool room last friday evsullitl and proved quite a sueoeea this waa true both lu respect lu aluudsuce and el aisoler of tha prograiurue much of the credit u due to mia josle oram tl e painstaking subar lu undent and 1 eraluuls the follow log twenty two members oontlrooted the programme 1 blaelna hymn 1st a trjr tuv j u lltr u i lpur a vlollo hot wbaf avuud tee i sv lu uuj uaaurwuiukuuay f addiaes uf wuui uuu clsem uaer ijjnw 1 t brown trsunt uei w tijue s lliuuitt ueke io uuiake ulldrwl ualtheori r tiorutiidoau uut lollu aud 1ui useou b addree tietw it i uoote 0 llyuiu llrlug vbeul lu tie jtiblot leactie 10 lucluuou uvltlug uedy fur couipany uary uoodave 11 uludsiaeruu uuloeu leiy atul tluer itu uorf r uusu lloute uwesl kouie wltb verle uoos uytle uatu awe 13 ulatufue tt mw uehulsr mrs uat hews iuuuoau jtblile tuoit ull uj uey kluodav it vlsguilll with uolo and chorus tbe upllual tealuilaalib is luoluuuu arold allakllil la itaug iu 1iulsii aud unillah iteae ust- thews it in ubutbtej htory aori oram and icuarue mattbews la uuh uminjtlua- uierelae icvs uatlbews 1 vlullu uula haute h uatu willi keaney sa lucjuuoil fault yiuden insu oram 11 ournwrtaudoicau lottleeted iual utwui ta urlllaitj ultorue twelve vtrla uod have tbe kb the vellooejuimbere gave evldenoe oc oareful training and ware weill rendered my the junior entertainer who preeeu tbsm to curb a com in onb oav take irilkatlve jtroato qllalne tabtsu all eeswtate refund the wtoae if it ulla to hie jenktw nravea elgnetaiaeit on eeoe ttoa nuoaoally loh lu gold at 1 oo per dlsorlf tionr of tl o ren i a i besulilu ii nature emot g ll e hookfo ara wor 1 loturee worthy a llelui uuo or a ilt ty tbantttb prtj itaatf siorm igltt ihol es of snow fll ou llstur lay a ty unusual lajl for the utter i art of april it wis fuuowed by warm rah a bower- 0 1 by mot dy tnor i g very meagre traoes of the dowofell were visible bnow at this time bf the year is unootn mou of course but the records at the toronto observatory show tbst it la fallen during a ril and eveu sl ller periods borne rccoidrd et 1 uuuiusl daleaon wl icbsnow ml i toionlu am june a and 11 1b3 may 3 and i ih7b b toobaa on the former dsu and 0 10 of an inch ou tba later- april u 10 mocbv april 13 1bj3 7 inches april u 1uj3 0 lochs italtou old tlaym ottuatue an organlaalion lu l known ae ilia heltin old lloye astooulion was form ed in tbronto last tuesday hlu with the following cmosrs honorary i rel dents h v mckii nun ltourt laid law i itourleon john wsldlr dt j ll willmott donald u mann itev john eilleapl 1 resident w rldw ft rk vice i resident w t ilobeoil beoond vioe 1 resident or w i willmott third vioe i resideut hubert hay beerrttry d dowmsii troaiurer aux kobertaon oommutce j b biotsy a blewart a q hen leron o worlbl g ton j h welkin d urau charlee meilson thomas kvshlt coming and- going vlaltora to and from atton and vevrlouaotheperonau fjotnau uirsadereti i orffour fr ti u faaa rest invite all tte tribute u this oolumu u you oryour frlenoe are uol g away on a oil uv ulp or if yoa have ideuus vlslllng ynu dro a eard to ibe taaa vlslud lit farmer ffaffhi jbt mr and mrs johu chliholui wl o te moved to begiuaw mich lt yr are evidently flojiirf a wsri i lao 1 1 ll e hearlh of friends in tbst oily tl bsglnaw iy artrrof ust vri ley says about thirty friend of mr a i mra jul i oblsbolm surprised them lil evening at their borne 3100 booth vsytte ttteal it being the occasion of mr aud mra 01 isholm a 181b weddlttf at uuerssry at d mr ohlshojra birthday oai is and music were the festur of the evonli g before leaving aid james willi lie on he half of tbe gueata reset ted mr at d mrs ohlabolm wltb a beautiful parlor ian u tbe party broke op at a ule hour after having had a moat enjoyable time tie ctiaaaa jkbotit complete tbelocaloeisuaenuraeratorm ex warden uevill and barrister mokinnoii are about through with their at umeretlou they experienced no dluoulty in thslr luterrogs tlona and fouc 1 the ladle especially well informed and willing to al awer tbe que tlooa aaked tbe i idle of acton said mr uevill oiljoatly reed the tnwi paper and keep thamaalfca well lulormed a number of thrtu even had the patlloalai we required listed on heet of palter when we oalled of coarse lha enumerators are very chary about giving any information concerning the resultsof thslr work but the para laasa be gleaned fropi liemburilo ent to warren t ua lu maklug the bisection that the popolallon ol aoton baa lucreased about 15 per cent during the decadn in 1bu1 theotncial oensui plsoed the popula tion at 131a in the preeent oeuaujf it will between looo and 1000 jleiou float u11u cbmaga lod- moeara chsyne obeyue wl o lave owned acton tloar mill for a u umber of year have tbl week aold tbe property to mr v oubjof mildmay mr qlebl an siperlsnoej miller ibj hi successfully oparaud mill at bboltiurua mild nay and other point he will devole spool 1 aluu lloa to tbe development of the home trade eudu determined toglve tie highest tls tlontoall customers ituporlanl improve msdtawlhbeiueoudou tie property mr alebbaaelready let iheootilraot for a uew eog neand boiler bouse aud will build a liew brink smokestack a ooualtlereble addition ill be built al tba front of the mill forslevauugaudetorlnggrala a driveway being arranged through tbe uewalililloii bomabew machinery la alto spoken of the new proprietor will take possession kbool ibe first of jiitta lie will be cordially welcomed by our filtuetle aud tbe fermlug community xuluju old iihlr u yjwiy aha death of mr il onibi 1 lllutt tr at lb home of l is uepl w lot jb oot j lwjueelng on bun uy evrtili j ri lowed i uat member of the family at ibe late thomas tlllolt ar ot a of the first ketturri ju tl e vloluliy of adtou mr lllott bad basil 111 for soil line hi fsthir tmlg tale from tbe north of irtutid to cauaja about itao and alter a few h ulbe mltlvd ou lite farm below aoton al iut occupied by hi gran leou he was on ol the pioneer of title section and tbe first tluur be used ha carried from oburohvlll following a turvayor a buae 11 a ouly path way throtigb tl efoeat a few ys wre pent aa a bachelor and ahept ib 23 h merile1 mis margaret islle of tba vloluliy of ulsuwilluma ibey hvei on ibe farm durlug ibe lemaludar of ll air lifetime aud al their death were hurled lit ii a cemstsry t 01 urohlll the aubjeot of tbla aksluh ur married but lv 1 lu ihe- bouie of bla broil er oeorg for mahy veer and with 1 la uthe ht ibomaa llllotl jr the peat twuly our yeate tbe whole of bis sixty tevei yeat were apvlll ou tbl fan i hi rtuiaiui were uld tvl le tl use of hi father end moll or at oburohlll ou 1 us lay afuruoon tbe luv j m haner m a ottloiallug bi1in 0u of the aarlieet vetllr of 1 rlu town ship passed away on tl evault g uf april 10th u ll e partou uf mr a mumllau the deceased wae iwr i lu a r my leal ire bwteuj tl december lblh he v ig rated to oauads with bla pale ta early d lhio tu ittle family eeltlvd ju the vicinity of niigar 11 a for i few years and iheu settled lo erin auwnhkp lo 1bj her the aueot of ll is ncilce gew lo raauhood loyally taking a part in lha f loneer work of clear log jbe farm lu the nlouu pgn hex was ever a respected farnwr th i merel eervioa ware held n thureday the inttrmkut be tog in the brln oewuery 1 n r j it lldsayjr of toi aoton fileudi tbla wk mr joseph i erkln uf ii rook ill spent monday with 1 1 sister mr w ii bpeight mra j 1 haynolde anl mlsa oowdy ol ocelil wereguests st mooreorofl on tueeday mr jainbffltauel wltuhaabeen oonfin erio u e i dues for aevorsfmonlhaie ablo to bo about again uf j li ilyuti and ol ii lren of denver colo era ibe guoil of er parent m and mra t btattism mirbttm-ihoeelt- returned uaijrtek from fltur falls whence he wet t on a pruapectlng trip a mouth ago w mre letor mann weut to oslt nn tuee lay with ler daugl tar mra mtff and wlllepend sidonlh or eo with bee mr oaorge 1 j wards ha returned lo ller home in tort huron after spending r couple of months with her mother ms t btatbam kit vi ll jackson eon of lur t w jackson of r lora irealdaut of hamilton oonfersncv ha been appointed musics director for orirosby lark for tbe comjoj eeaaon the fax i uiuut ei tends congratulationa to mr aud mra flgln a harris of tha llurlington qauiu upon their bsjpy i tlale mr harrle end mue ina m mer of hurling ton were united to holy wedlock on lu17th luet mra o u wliluman b baa realded t t aoveral yeara at bunuy cove llanob athens oregon hsa removed wltb bar 1 uebel d to walla walls washington her nun srous acton frlsnde will be glad to learn that she is in good health and enjoying her far weeler i home at tl a anuual moalli g of the womeu alum o of torotilotjl ivarftcy held list week mis florence deacon u a was elected lla vice 1 resident tbe far 1 ae ha puaaureinco igrstulatlng mis deaoon tbe dsugl ur of our esteeraad fuhllo boboo inspector upoo this dlillogulshed booor kings evil that la bcrofnla no dlaeaae t older no dlecese is really responsible for a larger mortality consumption la oqmmonly iteontgrowth there ia no excuse ror nrglectlna it it make ll presence known by eo many signs bitch aa glandular tumor cutaneous erupt loni inflamed eyelid aore ear rick at catarrh wasting and geqeral daqjljty children of j v wcojnu woodstock ont ha i scrofula core so bed they could not ettend echoollor throe months when different kinds of medicine bad been used lo no purpose whatever these enfferer were cured according to mr mccin i a voluntary testimonial hv hoodssarsapartua which has affected tba most wonderful radical and permanent- cures of ecrufule in old and tduhg castoria von iofejiu and children field seeds mamoolst x yib qtm fomt afenxoj ftf 1 a lb 5awr- jojr jfajixoi rnr 1 10 lb dinuaaier sowing- jzepe seen tor oo also n full una of turnip sefd end sugar m i t bill v free do aura bjutgct n ample of our celoi ralel jl f ly lowdhk on saturday reo to everyone ttjt fqtxb t3fx storx j a mccrea cuelph pays lo buy at boiler tz it pays to buy al bolurls thhatek vc too emphasize dross goods nothing tint is seasonable and up to date liab been overlooked in thii department with a well assorted stock and a first class dressmaker we claim your attention wc suggest a few lines in detail colored dress qowih ono labia loclu llnr all wool tcrijen x one ijblo inclu ling pure wool 1 rench c iur r at ioc one hrochca small cl ccks elc your cbuica itlngi fancy check i etc some w rth 75c yurawoolpuplhiriactebadeavl pcajllionn navy cardinal 41 loci c wide al 50c oj i 60c j j iurs wool i rench coallnge plrle tnlsh in now kprlnl 1 ail t 4 inches wfflo at 65c adhc rum h wool i reach a 1 una kxj range of aliadee 44 inclfw vuui wurslod t nlah a1 iwll 5 incite 1 ore wool ladles clothi 1 rgjit aajln f nlsh in 1 ow iatrl shade as 1 tue uiny aage lie tulloj le fur lailormadea absolute security icenulne carters little liver pills must dear algcnaturo 0 aee feomlle wrapper bekrw spring effects vary aall eiul a ow carters nmiuucstr roi binikeu roa luuqouin ffftiniim rm cmittipaticmu raiukiuwsui foitmecompuxin t oure sick headache j a moorea of the bo led tea store andoblualalaoe quelpb u selling iven oslebraud saw log matigo and tbe mam th loog red mangol and gtaut sugar beet l vary tow price try him the farmers institute and tba womsua institute will combine to bold a pin bio in tb grove on tbe farm of meesre thorns aud a w i ear kelson town ship on violoria day tb may th ktloi obtiroh sunday bcbool bu organised an orchestra with a moaloal persona of considerable ability tbe nw organisation mad thslr bow to tbe school laal bunday end created very favorable impression tba ouslph aereury say lb victoria has ball club of tbal city la open for dele from 1 emsiatoo harris ton dray ton lis towel wlogbem urueeel aoton aud georgetown for boll jay gams or any dale suitable tie methodist bmdsy bohool will oouiplste a jjuaitsr of a century in tie proaei t oh u rob building on the 1st of july an auterlalument to suitably mark this liver hitulvetaary i frf opoeed f or xomiulou day the teacher and offlorra end bonday bahooloamnillu will msel ibis evening t the aloes ol tb prayer mealing to oouslder lbs ti altar limbhoubb ir aud mre lloma oowdy of quelob kpeut tueeday with mr and mr john moore i wal rttharn eu are planolag for lb ope i lug of the trout nablug season xi a torouto llue oo will operate the kllua at dolly vatden tbla aeeeou aa well aa well an thslr jjlmsboui works mr lto oftorouto visited bl brother 011 tl e fourth una tbla week cnnwa co ki bub tliablg now ilorui ou bsturliy has delayed seeding opeellol somewhat mr llobert ortpp our genie pott tiiaeur at j etorekoaiwr reoalved a large oatiituuiatil of grooedea laal week for bla store mrs johl drawee who be been at ol jo li hoepllal quel pi durlug th wlriler ralurued boms latt week bha ta itnswl al improved lu health tl a etletidatio et ohurcli wae very small od handsy uwlug to tbe storm nevsro else th pallor luv b w huldan praaobad all eloallsut aermon mr ob a harris of itockwood will ucouiy the tullrof tfe method ut cburab it bunday mra jluokmere of baailnaw midi leltedberauul mrs john icrewaon aud tl er f rlendi here last week bl a taluru 1 lo her i on belurdey mre ureweon rvturued with bar aud will epeuj home urn vlaitlug frlenda in uafiluiw four4iundrd aud tfiy immigrants lf i halir on friday by specie i train for weetsrn poluta and atolher lot of 000 new 00 mere i eipeoled ibla week mr h v qlergoe aououneee that in adtlilioii id ii e tarl pleat otlud toua daily oapeelt no balng belli al the bop another of j 000 tun will ba4ded m 6 castor cajlol also navy i without ttnlng at 1 ay i ura wool clay woralod suiting fur smart lull ma lea c rrect si ulce aauxfor i grey and fawn 34 inches wide at fi 00 black dres goods i ura wool popllno 43 to 40 inctie wide good bhvcl at o r ni i nc ruro wool jiopllna bright sllkfinuli ajnxbca wile al l as n 1 fr 35 i ura wool broaulclotba and cheviot amiable for aula with ot wllbouijinlnjti j4 and jh inches wide at 93c and li a yard silk and wool crepo de chene su liable for dressy gowns 4 m inch ts wl lo at vi jj lo a 75 per yard it pays to buy at bollert8 err bollert cfe co 25 aid 27 wymlham st guelph arnil 35t11 the right house 1 atabiitiiku hamilton b 1 avohitli bhoi i ing placf tbe noelties for dree good tbl spring will enable you to bate something that la distinctive an 1 co opcrat vnly inexpatislvc you can well aflorxl o buy from our new stock slnco 1 are arc the 11fst ok manui actuhlits i ko duct we would ilka lo 1 avc your apjkroval of this splendid stock and we feel we will hava it if you will only coma in and see what we am offering colored fabrics tauetlnc 75c yard a 46 inch ma lerlaj liht weight lor hummer wear all popular abode rcaoda i rown blue lawn wcdgowoad ut d car linal very special value voiles 75c and ft 1 yar 1 one of the leading tabrica fur sununer fowns all wool ami 40 inches wide n shade uf fawn rcscdaw wodge wood cadet vlcux rose purple beillo and crcai 1 herringbone cheviots f i 00 yard all wool and 46 incl ea wide suit able for skirls an 1 jackets color of fawn nav grey vicutromtuid wedge wood homespuns h5c yard 56 luch all wool material in aluules of light grey oxford reseda and cadet chvlotb i 00 yard 56 inch all wool r ijauijcpaford grey light grey vmua and navy st adee very mr vtccabl scotch chovlols to j3 to fij 00 co tume a very handsome and dcslr able fabric in tingle costui e lengths all popular colorings in eluding naslel shades navy wedge wood vioux rose grey reseda and fawn bla0k fabrios crepe dej chene t 30 73 3 oo and a 50 y aid a soft graceful and rich black and a particularly ideal fabric for summer wear 4 quail tie and 45 inches wide voile yc li 00 lis a yard ihain black very light weight and i arable soft clinging material 44 inches wide v voiles 75c qoc li do and 1 35 yard black figured material also wool aid rnolialr grenadines all new and dainty designs in stripe and fflure 44 incbc wide lustres and alpaca 33 50 50c to too and it ajard mala black fabric also in fancy 1 haul fnisli 44 inch at murk ami bebaslopole 75c i an 1 aj new nuke popular ior gemeral vas weave 45 inch maierial grenadine tl 33 x 50 1 00 and 3 33 yard a large and most complete stock in nil the loading make la ilk gauze mohair silk chiffon and chenille 43 inche wide very hand koala and stylish fabric thomas c watkiiis king st east cor hughaon st hamilton gurney oo i por i l new h6mb porfflshihgs bace curtains one komeli nes bearacf lare stock of curtains but wl al lirac toe tnaans li not known until you visit our curtaiu department i rlcoa rai uliig from 35c per pair to ij 00 pr pair gatpelg lrg slock of carpets including all wqji tapeatry ui lea an 1 ii tii ip newest lealgns and color 1 1 qubighib block now co nplate all wj lilts lowest prices in fooehos i gurney ov co i x ottnerai mbrohants aotom j secure your white underwear at once from c f goodrveco and youwilebe perfecley satisfied skibts from 50oto16o gowns from 50o to 1 50 oblbmise- at 70 and 80c dbaweks from 25 to 80c corset covers from 1 40td70c ipwwmmmmmmmmmmmmitiitfmmmmmmji thumbs up 3 thumbsdoimn is fc ll a los up of the c in wliell er rnerl a shin oul i be srlted a- lonojtudlnally or crowl tbe fasltlon clungea with eaclt succeeding 3e ywf iflniloult consult ii 1 ni lbon whore lie vary llast is 15 always lo be found say litlo as to c illai and all ll e rest ami yo ll be u i t e culls nccktlc scarf tafe si la my new b ring hats are in the follow u alcitiuc a guarantee of stylo and rjualliy the henry carlof stitf list in all al odes we conlrol ihl bat hi cuelnh and i guraillto nach hat as to ually the old reliable wale el i in i ai 1 nnlwll si ape in all color lvery hat in this makn that we ban lie i strictly drat class and al reasonable price other make in i nglmi and anerican bat- rout i up if you want lha latest in bats give tins a call al yj wyidla sircct 31 31 owa 1 ick ouuv merchant tailor and men s 1 irnlo f cudpb imiuiiiiuuiaiuiiuiuiuiiuiuiuuiaiiiiiuiuiuiiiiuiiuv necwz house purnisliings lace curtains ouc alock this year is larger than ever and a wo imimrt ll esa g tod lliectly froi t the manufacturer in great britain we can show you value lltat ate bard lo beat wo have tbematsic yy ti oo i 30 tt 65 t 5 j 3 t 5 j 3 73 etc our dollar curtain go che wide and j yirds long i the beicurlal 1 fortl a money to be found anywliere and our other line are in proportion tapealry and ohenllo ouriolno eto abw full range of tapestry anl chei lie curtains ai nablocoetu art bateena alt praprrle bpot mutuni etc you si ould not buy curtains i micro impcctii g our stock art muslins- in a great variety of patten a and colorliifis perfectly fat colors attic 10c tajc ijc carpets a apodal union carpot at 35c at d an encelunt quallly at uc also a full range of better qualities of unions and wools from 30c to bjc a special line of tapestry at 30c hemp carpels lajc 15c 10c and 33c japanese malting cotton warp at 15c aoc ai d 33c no trouble to show goods hend6rson st co mill street acton 7x prrrsol display ta our show room all this week our disphj of pinsols this prinj eclip ls nny previous litijipt imac by us flu- week we clevoti i portion ol our stiow room to a showing ol tlitsc wnrm weitlit r iiledablci skilled experienced taste ins been cxctcrcd in cltctiiik the great ttock that is here ready for your in pection the dt- mandu of fashion have been carefully met and theres a sight here well worthy of your attention make it an important point this week to get acquainted with our piraol stock a visit to our show room will do it 1 he price are also interesting and in order to introduce them wo will give 1j off all fancy parasols d e macdonald bro the lion cuelph c f gcgodere cfe co 7uiilist rcton hecen i improvements in our optic il de partment en ible us to tet the eyes equally as well it night i in the dny time- you em leive acton saturday night it even get your eyes testid md return by to p m now stook of gold spox and eyojlaoooo just in sryrgbcs co opticikns gu6lph

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