Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 2, 1901, p. 3

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fes5isfe8i issu sssssssassss -t- georgetown branch agoneral bankingbusinoss transacted correspotxjunqo solicitor saviiigh dipartmfcut luuueii allouiccrnn lojni o oni poi- laft nnd upwardstroin day of dcksli io tly of withdrawal no furmalltlca and ij delays in drawing money jfarmors buhiicss solici uotonat trajiuiultiloiaimcra discounted and money loaned ur egitimato duainesa purposes our collection deparnticiit hu every facflity of making prompt munu inntea handle anil money advanced on account pfaatnoatlow rateeof interest travellers are notified that the huil of hamilton and lis branches lnuo circular noleaoflhc ivovlncu luak of i cor land limited which can bo culied without charffelor iron bin in any pan of i ho world hiyn opiirit hamilton trmmtth 1073- capital paid up 1703212 reserve kimd 13341x9 total assets 14b27357 jamiu tuamlium cashier p forsayetii aohnt ocorflotowb bnuioh always ahead taper hangings- stock now complete and without doubt i ho finest over put on i ha market looooo holla of wall paper i are represented by our cample books j b mokee acton will talis your order attb price will astonish you 1 ho will alio sell you ast ycara paper ai 35 discount a uup for good thing ohasttilelles cuelph ht 3bton jm jqttss tnnnsbav may iiavxn- utive local bbieflets which caught te gyai or bar or i pro pravs reporter thla waak fifth month may yesterday was hay day trrot flablng season opened this mar- i axomqtlnjd5ji5ritb many smallpof u oomiog neater belter be ysooiuated at once the oyclisu me 00l enjoying the oqoniry road again tb boy took tholr brat wlro in baity lake 00 saturday the leave of tho meple lilaca and ttbtr tnti ara banting out tbe wall kept itwui to towu have a panel refreshing appearance bow communion service will beald to ta methodul cbureb mil buuday fb lallp are blooming and lud an 140 coloring 1a lb vernal tin i of prlng there he been a pretty general in qrtaao in wage at the taaderio the patt tb last wuk ol apill wan twrlalnly a dalltbtfal borttinukuon ol jlorloaa anrlotf waathr tbauho may will btaftar bo hoowo aa victoria day and will b a dobho holiday tbo lcal orattgrtnan hie already tak imt v aoaara a kacoauf nl olbrauoa 90 utatwalftb of july a burfta number ol onr cltlta atund- 4 iba loitaral of tlu uta da t id iv umub 0qrdblllon uonday alra u w 0 cbavlton of hpwwn apant a ooopu of day a doting am k wltb aoion filtnda- dolldlng opcrallonm haa aoramanoad pi ih fuor mill ate 0m iba m uifl iff u idtntly a man bl nurpdm qalloq womans itialllala u id ba- ga lnhaiawn ball aa rd la pre t bfpmtol mctoaadtofl will u r uax ww tvh aonoil htmou of lbs tiooa- of lotftina will bt tfraaobad by luv h- a muiitirqn in sana church nit buudy u0wn hi ttiitt baa oomtoaooadl mantlma apw u bu aloob of umbar in i lkyifd tba punlna mill u alao rnnulug w t butham boa hv ny 4yfd llul nftkaiy ktitl iroory la hi dnmttly duuttl by mr jahu u knnkr mr o4 ii v 00j11 11 a u oarul it t lo mmitfoq v u l ti lir t 1 a m ullud the news at hohe moatty or- local charaotai and av6ryttm intoroatlnir la ft ali f jr m w mwruj irt ui joa-cu- oh bv lla jhhki pbblmtll fat tlmm wbo oonlaraolaia parabaalng mottmuttat fit woca of any dlaorlptlon fotf dhir miry plou ahoald oxdar drot km ibt old relubu s and tmaibla mltr j u uamllioa ooalpb out all ipvva allowad to bnrctaaara all work da maurlal warraolvd oopdatluon daflad to ttiowk about tp mafir vofwaok eitq c old osaa wbo tnuod lu marry will ba puaaad ta urn ihai tua oaw ifairlaffa act u mada nltj alwpu by applying ic 11 i uoocw imuut of tnanlagv lloanaaa at uj kaal paaaa oiboa oall a fww dfja batota iba aaratnonj and bata ib mauf uplftlnaj- filvata ofboa all bo4wam atouy mfaal aod ooafuualhj al rmbitaoa in avwaat fc ionf mutt dvo yoa tow j if you don t ilka yooe location ina von will not be mlaud if you oaul aay aomalhinj rood of iho town in wbloli you live and malt that lulujj keen your moutli abut younotmily luotir llto 111 will of oulorpilaing cllixeita but you dtajiuy your inormuco il a eaay to ajeak well of your town and you tiava- good town lu talk about if jra only look aiouail ou aud aul your wiia 10 work in m hod ita advantage will nut aeoriw ibo cm i al tin tiiurulug aervioe in knox otitiroh lul honday ilov ur macpheraon referred to ilia call lo iad rooalcd from the oon gragauou al colllnicwood and atatad that aftr taatnra oonaclaratlon ha bad decided qui to aoocpt it bqt would remala aa major of the church which had afaowo hi au tnuob kmdnea and oon a id oration dprlug the pt ova year tbo congregation menlrad thla armiannfmnnant with unfeijuad all atactica and the ofjualala eepeolally are pleaaed that them l to be no dlaturb aooa to tbo kindry rrutlooa at praaent xtatiok ttatween and people cairha cantroa hr xia hmddomjyi about year ago air cbarlea uamerou ht talorned to acton after a realdence ol aaeauueo yeaaa in aba moxth wou ij baa alnca baa a oomforiahlo borne with hfa nephew mr tbomaa cameron lie wti in aolon laat friday and that evening was taken ill with pneumonia death rtaallad 00 tuneday otimi1b mr oaumiod came to aoion aome twenty mix at twrntyeixbt year agp and or iwejve of oorten j ear a waa a teaipotad olllaea tie then removed lo north weet tttornlotf laat may the funeral will tike ajaoa thla afte at s ad oclock inlarment at fairview canulery it ml ton xjqaor xioamea during the paal tan daya the lloenaa comralaaloneral of the ooonty bava bean iwtoe in aaaaloo- applioatlona wro before the hoard for twenty threo lloanaee in the oounly of thaeetwenly two were granted and one rfnad mr modermol oak- vllle boing tafnaed a hoenaa aod given one rodntb to txlloat tbla la out lea than ware kranud laat year lf k u oleatef of burlington appeared before the board nib a petition al by fifty raalieote aakin4 that only two hoenaw be granted lu liarlingtoa the lloaid granted three av before bowevar the 1 j rant iloote hur lingtou baa a aummaf lloeoae xfaa iraprwomoutu at vbo tiolf llikm tbo taee and areena of aotd colt llnke hav been in tbttande or hh ww llawee profeeeional gardsneri lbe paat two waakeandbe ha wroaht a transforma tion- in lbem kaijh of lbs green ha been enlarged to a dlaroelaf of about ty four feat and ba been dreated down as level a a floor ao that pothnjf tbola will haraafur give greater evidenoo of th alul of the player the taalng krouuda have bean enlarged and the link generally will now contribute greater fllolaooy and mora enjoyment to the playera of ibis popular game the green havw all been freahly aoau wltb uwu graai and will not be ready for the phj5pal ul about the lfilh inat toe work put upon litem reflect much credit upon mr uawsa ti fer ij momm jzdntmtiotimtfmrbiotsg jur j b rcaa d d of ouelpb preaobad eloqaenl mrruone in nonnecuon with the edncatlooal annlvaraary in the mathodiat oburcb lat uauday live morning dlaooura wa baaed dpon that paaaagein jcxemlab h ilia which i vary dlflloolt to tinderatand oo the part of the ordinary reader pr lloeetangb bamnooi leeaoue from the esperianca uf moab in the dlaturbauoae wbloh followed the eaey habile of life from ble youth up buob dlelutblng experience he bald ifeveal o to ooraekc pleveul mm frqm being wedded to ibi world t develop looglb of ebaraeur purify oar motive brlp to deepen our eympetby and engender charity for olbara the evening diaoouree waa from vbll 1 il to live la ghril to die la gain lu tbo ttrt olua xanl meant that so ieogah lived be intanded to ka- flaot obrlat in hi exproeioai to die i glo the appoetle gave evidenoe tliat be wa taady a wrll as willing to die thla aiaumenv to dla i gain la a universal eutemeut tiuivoreally diebellevej to tba cbrlatian it i sv a fact for throogb death lbe chrntun galne deliver- ana from tba mysurle and obecurlue of life from domeella trial and trouble be gjn latarooorse with bleasad and oougeu ial famtlie la beaved be goo to bd wltb jeans oar bavlour lu oonneolloa wltb the bermon dr lua preeenud the claim of the kduottlouel loulety tba odarlttgri wall eualalned taal glvlntia for tbl worthy fund ifenajbfdl soefal kv the portrait gallery eoolal given by 111 kpworth league lu the mathodiat bchool iloom oaafonday evaoiog wa a highly enjoyable affair the social aid win well developed and the programme throughout bad a well aoatained in ureal t be portrait gallery wa udbue bovl aud fuauuollvd thauooporualu exhlbluj were grouped undar lb following dopartmeuu lroni banl tjharaoler of worldwide tfououu lolitlola i popular author 1ulpit orator ropt w meet aud huwortti luagu b1eitlbare one cf which you know muejciaua and bingara the worlds- llulsr military mvu attd lb ltogueaj galury tb xrulu were taatafully arranged on back gruuuda uf white oouou around the room aud praaeut- jed aitallrafillve appaalenoe more in laratt oeutradintha tpworih xague uieinber ooruar and people you hkeel tbart at any other point the witre por trait of local pereouage taken when limy were bable or at a very early period hi life and they were ktmutlug ludaed par uouury lu dlea ejtptesalail and pjoelura no uama4 were allaobed to tb portrait aud ui oompatltloti u bam lug oorrectly ih numerous faoed ahotu wai keeti tba prt wa won by mil teua ourrlt umohr of th fuhrtli departuint of aclou 1ublio tlchool wbo oorreotty uatitbj tiuily bus half of all that war axblblled tb prlie was a portfolio of beautiful loual and lrovliiolnl vlewa taken etid kevaugej by ht a t urown the vreeldept of tb league who u well ktiqwii anealeit amateur pbolograplter 1 he various number of lb literary aud ttinaloal po- gratmna were contributed by the dbtttob oholi tba hunday bbool orohaalr th ulue alias maeou twlua lu oornet aud 6rgan a vocal q1q tb victoria grose by mlae llowaa tbu a mr 11 umber alon new patilotlo cooipoaltjon ii wa wall rendarad and look writ via walker rcl ud the comfofur mr urowu read the lur trait agent and mr moorej worthy of ilia hire the aohuol room wa beautifully deocraud with flge and bunting au praaut uiaul faated pleasure in the proceedlnga new jlpwopib league ofseere tta annual elaotlon of ofusera was held oil tuaalay evaiiiu lbe touuvalug afnoera went olaited for lliu eiiaulng yrar i vlcolt- 0 i pil uim ulna waiv tko ulcaliiiiart uni t mlae way ir dn 1 ilarary uopl ula uargarot unwm do iwhiiai t l a i junior lln nllno lcrolarj lr a i lltniaixt cor lerlrrw alonal b tihiurorulu kit willi ni orgkiilil ills amite hu tiuiaun hutil junior iil llta jtmooli xwacui hmuuju wklkarauluia j u otirna an jlopoltffou demited item a trio of toronto eporte urd lha town hall ual 1nday fn an ortoiialble ulklug maublue enlerlaliimeul in he evening they ollei upon ltovo wihuraa toaek if a boxing oouleat won i i ho allowed tie replied llial ills hall was in the liande of lh oaretakor and if anything hlnl ooourred they would have t lake the oao sequenoo oounaillor jealia wak ooied lntoaoilngaa referee tbo uurrtnt iua tloo ou the ttlreel linxl day was wore you at tho nrixe flbt lu tbu twii hall laat nights iheermr la aij to have been diagraoofu by aooie of ihoae wbu wltueaa ed it tile poopte of aoton lupe the town hall will hot again be dla by any euoh affair lu tho future ashonovlt mlae neaeu m dick spent a few daya in la toronto daring the week mr m b nuoq u itcme from arthur mr jirih mardock wbo scffaml from oojelon of the tunge laat week la oon valeeotnt llev mr h under aa welosmed in hit pulpit on bunday after a few weaka ahaenoe through illneai mr qeorgn m unlock baagone toqoorro town and i at present at work upoti lbs lreabyterian obtiroh among thoao who attended tbq torooto uorae hhow were a tliofiiton xv j aleiandar j wriggle worth mr hutch uorrlaou exhibited 11 handaome apau and while be did tiut oarry home auy priae raooey he won fourth plaoe lu a urge olaa mu m inula hilt and mil autila uiltf vlalted ibeir bom in lumlufai outluti day milton mr thonjaa ueiiltoraoii koooi la adveitlalughiebuilneta for sals may litb la the dale of tlieoonoeit to be given under the auaploaa of the lidlol aid bodety of knox church lbe people of mil- pr t r tjt j 11 janet douglass tiratitl lulng kue poaseuo a floe rloli ooallallo vulon and u carlala to charm ber haarvra the aanvat for aubtorlptlon to aaalat the band to aacqre a number of new irjatrameata baa been eo lumraaful that the oommittee fvl waratited in ordering about ioo worthof bew lukttuiiienta mr u h lorter wllh charaoterlatlo outerprlae lia arranged to rebuild hi aaw mill lu muakoka at once mesar orow a murray lb toronto bora dralar report that they have aold lbe i v mouibbotl ulr of carriage mate at uoaton for tj 000 rimy paid lilft for thou at tho bora aao here a month ago ckaotiloh coming and going vlsltora to and from aoton and varlouaothar p arson notjaa tlie vaxa 1 aaaa invito all its roaaarauioon ulbuia 14 uila ooluuin if you of roar frtamla ar bolu away on a botiday trip or if you nave fftamlsvlsiun- yrx ro card to tba fas 1 uaaa mla hellio ilnlme via ud friends la luaili thie weeh lir 1 11 uoore toronto piu hla brotliar a alio i vlalt hle week mr thomaa libblga lla been encoding a mouth with toronto friends mrs thotuae o woora retaroed on ualurday a lief vtaiting rtlalivaa in george town urltd warrenofjlhbcr9u lima made the vase iaxaa a brief oall on luoeday moeirc ihomaa and joaefh allen of uuelpb vlilted at the home of w p campbell on buodey mrs xnm and miur glyton of hoakwood were guoats at th borne of mr joseph cultmau thla week mr willie oraine of toronto was in towii for a abort vlalt laat week renewing acijuaiiitauoea in lili boyboode boat mr and mrs john malt bow oama up from toronto leak week to spend a month ioeoat the homo of mr william brown mr wallace leby ha moved to actou aud the family i now comfortably eetued in the brlok house oa mill b treat opposite park ave mr and mre campbell and family of toronto ace visiting thotr pareul mr and mrs uoorge campbell prior to ibeir removal to alpeua miob t mr 3 t klliolt who removed to tb hootch block aome month ago has retur ned lo aotou he ha very kindly feeling for the place of bl adoption itev it j molutyre who waa pastor of theblloamalrcuil far a year soma time ago hari ktaduated from victoria unuaralty and recalled his degree of u a mr day manager of the globe bsrvioga a loan co and mr j uaua of buffvlo were gueeta of of mr and mr john a mcqrail over bunday i itetf it k xuowla paator of knox oburcb gait one of the largeat praaby- i terlau ohurohea lu canada ha been ap- proaobeo by the central presbyterian obbrob bt- ixou with a view to a iran latloo mr koowle ha not deaidad hi answer tbebt loal aupeod i 16000 yer w r rfhl qtuwl ouohqiitown mr j u wallace matlagi- mrcll4ua bank aoton wa bare on baturjay auier- in lend lug thelaylug out of howkou link lu the park the club appreclaua hi kind aaaialauoe aud lualruolioj the congregation of the metbodlat church wa vry pleated to ha their paator in hi pulpit on huuday llev t bauudar h much improvnd in health through hi eoura of irealiutnl at clif ton bprlng n v a meeting for tbo purpoeo of orgaulxluii a looal fruit qrowera aaooullob will ba beldin tbecounoll cliambor at u p m on balurdey mayalh all iuureauj in the growing of fruit or flower are- invltsd to be present one of the director of the ontario association i expected to ba present bpelght a brad new gasoline engine are proving highly aallsfaclorjr to customer wbo have sweated than it i reorud tlivt mr xi i iitwaou ha bought outact ainlsy lulereat lirtb bykc d alnlny co and alo in tba quu iieolrio ifht oo th utur will bowtecaldl tho oiorgctownkioolno light coi tb lp worth league baa arranged for a oouoert of high tuaril to be glveu it the towu hall to uorrow evenlug hie talent kecared are mr caldwell toronto favorite soprano mr percy browutl one of toronto beet birllono mr u 0 pem who ha few juali a a humorous fclocutloulil t and ula iilna g mltobel of whitby ladle golle plauiit aud ao- oo uj pan let the lagulatur uratil to uia high school fortha year uudlugjuna 1001 la lobl 76 nab8agawhva to curb a cold in ovfb oav vahlaaauve itroma qolulua talilnu alt urexteu refund uie ntoaev if u fade iu care u wltrvveaelgdatirtaaveaaaobboa at a moat aatufaclnry tminvp to the ulh april ached tile bad bean received from aomo 817 von aerator wberoa for th whole tncnlh of april in the laat census only 3 were received at bead quarter lloumaraur will get go per oenl of tbclr pay wheh their schedules are received at ouawrbiid the balance whaa they have been passed tbs bhehoygan wl journal speak in very kindly term of mr a a farmer eldest aon of john farmer kwj for many year esteemed resident of aolon and who has for aome time been foreman of the pout washington chair co mr farmer hx reaigued bl position and will go into bailoono on hi own account tb family ba beau moat active in ohuroh and aoolaty drain and the journal aay they will be badly niijied at port washington absolute security genuine carters little liver pills muat bear aignnturp of 4c aaojhattlav wraajev bejew vawy aaull aaa jcakters rm1 rorutuciia f0i tlinimtaai i idi tluodmttt- raitqinbuvol roi coatmratioi i reiuiuvaui jrt tiecomflxiiw wwawlamataa 7lz cure olck hcadachbl auoihar sorrow baa coma to our nelgti hood in tba daalh of tba lata john futohkr fur tome woka paal b had boou u lb qitalph thusr hoepluu hav ing undergatt an operation for appall dlcitu qraathopa wai autaitalued of hi recovery on ihurajay ual ho wan ready to returu boms whau habaoauiq lujdeuly wore auolhar operation wa btomary from the abook of wbloh hu did uol recov r ii died eatly bunday tuorulng th funeral took plaoe ou tuaady afltruoiiial j oclock at lbeuixbr cometery ihd deaeaaaj ma born lu neasagaway where be had lived during the fifty two y of hi uf ill memory will live long lu ths heart of ilia resident of tba antlra town ship by ht uoubuteut chrlallati life and ud eharllahlediapoalllou he mad frieuda wheraverb wa known mr fleloharwaa a prominent uiamber of lbeueaar oburob aud worked kialomly aud belt aaorltlolugly for the welfare of tba oougregallou he wa treanurer of ilia church at tttua of hi death lly hi death li widow aud uhll ru to whom lie wu much davolsd hava keit severely filiated tha obildioii sevau in uutitber ara ploroiio prank hit fred jiiild john orval aud llalen all at home anoept frd wlio li in jauieatiwu north dkota tin remain wr brought to iaaaagawya ou huuday for burial nail buuday will be kaoreuieulal aarvloa lu llbeuraar cburth iu coutiaollou willi wbloh there will brecptluu aervloe th llr mfj bavage uf guulpb will prsach mr lie by llutotteuu ha routed the farm of th late john mophdru llv mr oraualau of uockwood occupied mr blair pulpit morning aud even log of laat hebballj on friday evening lt a pta4lit lrly of young people easemuled at th bom of mr jobu kitsblug naaagawoya lu ipsnd a few hours iiiaoulal luteooutae prior to saying farewell to mr wbi u kilobing wbo left en beturday fur llatuwtl to lak a attuatlurr in a oh factory there about tbirtynv persona were irorunt am j rioak aojuyable avenuig apaut klghl oilulu youth ware found guilty of disorderly oonduot ou the blraet of that towu last week and quad from 1 10 4 each abd boat a out lower at a dmauoe write programme to baud yeeurday i am axoeptlonally plaad wllh their daalgu and worktuauhlp the fax pax i biuit be wsll supplied with way aud mean your promplnea lu turning cut tb wjrk wa lo highly satisfactory a b 11 bpaaklug of uev j m ilagar huuday bcbool auulveraary aarmou iu dublin h treat oburcb quelnb laat buuday lb ouslph iurijd say mr ilagar i a very aarueat hytnpatbello apeaker and hi hertaoua yesterday will uo doubt be protiuctlv of umoh kplrltual cood to all who heard hi m bev wmiamkbwallowiuda 0 ourk mocoriuati weut out on tb road for the keaaou on mouday tnbrolug both lu prim ooudltlpu mr jauie moleau wlthuwallowkbd mr w u bole with mooovuiko have both had thsui iu charge respaollvay for several year awl are among lb moat popular horsemen on tha road mr thoma ilbbag kuatalued a vary painful fall from th varaudah root of lbhouauxt the pax 1kaa ufao which h wa repairlug ou tuesday attaruoon bio right tblgh wa raoured abd b wa otherwise badly brulaed tbl acolout i tuuat uttlortunaua tha kprlug work wa doming lu lu ooualderabl volume requiring blaattentlou th tireb baa ball match of tha season wa played on ualurday by twq team of junior they were tb ubam rock aud lb maple laafa tb eoora wa uu to inl in favor of tba for mar th bbamruoka taam were m mokaabva oepla dynaj baundar 11 willlama o clark p griffiths w baundar fred 0 reliant and 12 words h and the maple lafe were i c uamabaw cap o bauer c lllitleabrmd 12 ababko j welfordl kildia aud harold wlua th bdya aay it was an xclun raatoh torpid livr i aomeilme reenonalble for dl fucnlt dl featlon that i dyfllkrhia 1 wbenlu what headache dlnlnes conatlpetlon t what flu of deapcuidcticy what ears of imaginary evils conduce with the distress after eating tho sourness of the atomacb the bad taste in urn moatti and so forth to make tba- life of the euf- lenr scarcely worth living i k dyspepsia resulted from torpid liver in the case of unr jones z320 h izui fit- philadelphia pa wbo waa a great auborer liar btatement made in her 77tb year i that ahe waa completely cured of it and all it attendant aches and pain a aa other bare bean by a faithful use of hoods sarsaparilta tnat act on all tfaer di organs cure dyipepala and give permanent vigor aod too to the whole ajotam castoria par infanta and chiuren uall aab f jfbliiet set sale m en place toilet bet bl io each i o printi1 and olll srta ijoo each io printed shaded and heavy cltl toilet sels at if oo a aci to printed and gilt enamelled and ahaded ai i 50 a aet rij piece dinner het regular f so ealeprke 9 ifi rnpteca dinner bets rcguur price tia jo oale price io 07 piece dinner seta regular pike tio bale price 07 rjpier ihnner bej regular pclca is kilo price o tha xotxd tu storx amd cuiu a falacx j a mccrea cuelph pays to buy at bolrts it pays to buy at bollfrts housejc leaning time spring cannot come and go without anme changes and the umo haa arrived whe liousa cleaning i uppermost in tho house wifes mind the home mutt ha brightened up a bit and many things of ncceaxlly must bo replaced it may 1m thai the old carpet will nol aland putting dawn again or tbe old curtains may ho too shabby to put op a gain wa have thought ihuall out long ago and ara ready with substantial help and solid saving so this week we will pay special attention to our huum furnishings department and will offer aome exiraordlnarybarsins loco curtains many hundreds of jlr to nottingham bwlaa brnasel and other make from soo to 17 co per pair llnoloum9 and oilcloths ywo barn an taoellent stock in all the laveat design and will cub lu ault your requirrrnenta a sco oo 0o0 and 7 to per yard curtain nots and muslins w have an atosllaol book of cor tain net and muallno lu all tbe latest design audtbanrtoea era aooh as to tempt the closest bnyer you should ew oor art uatlns at 5o bo 10o and 13o window blinds how i tba umi u hay window blinds we have a nice fresh stock of tharn in all tb different ahade al see aod 85a carpots tjalon aod wool carpeu from 28e to ii pe yard axlra value brassage aatnin sters and tap tries from boo to 1 55 par yard alao a lot of odd length to be cleared oat at off regular price curtain drape bach a baleens cretonnes lappa damask etc all at popular prioo a nob a 10c lco mo up io 05o a lot otboman blrlpe aorllarvs to ba cleared at 11 per pair we would just ask yon to atop the spring movement in tho bouwj long enough your s of the house fur valor- it pays to bu jv at i bollert8 the right house rlarabxtliiau hamiltons favohitic shopping place t mall orders reoolvo vary prompt and oarfal attention gr carpet combine consisting of the chcavst kind of goodnes and live best kind of cheapo will be found in our announcement to day cheapness of price without goodnea of quality never tempi thaacnslhle buyer horn you will find a combination of goodnexs and cheapness of prlc ao strong to slump nvnry item named a a genu ine bargain it you take advantage of the opportunities thit are now offered you can put now carpet and i urnuhlng inlo your home kt n wonderful baving to your pockoi took why not coma kiul see our block and ut ba figure ii oui for you your neighbor am saving money why not you i 35 t as and it 15 brusseuat u msii iiryj range of lundaom patterns for you a chooao from 13 inall color ol blue lerra colta groen white and red 80c and hjo bniasel at 65c yard in shade of fawn and krocu tour neat pattern were good value at orig inal price loo velvet at 7 w yard 3 pattern only shade ot green pink terra colt a and lawn border to nialch special value i 3andi 60 willoiu moocyjtrd we have juit two rottems in i how llnecoioringaot green 1 and terracotta you should sea tlmte tapcaula worth 75c at 60c yard pretty patleroh to choose from with border to malchthl il a rare bargain 50c tapestry at 35c j pattern in fawn brown ami green coloring grand value at price 3c onion carpet at 15c full j6 inches wide neal patterns very cheap for lite money 30c china matting at aoc apal- icrn iu green and blue coloring very nice for bedroom uao in tho warm weather f i unouum at if 005 pleow only inlaid linoleum lile patterns rod and black while ami greed and brown and green this 1 a wry special bargain 7ic linoleum at joca millet lot of hgurod linoleum in floral and mosaic pailoro thi won i laal long al the price we are asking for thomas c watkins king st east cor hughsort st hamilton e h bollert fe co 25 tuid 27 wyndham 8t gubuh nesitf house ipurnisniiigs lace curtains our stock this year ia larger lhanovcr an1 as wo import i homo goods directly from ilia manufacturer in great brltiln we can ahow you valuo llial are hard to beat wo have then bls 75c i 00 tl 50 i 03 it hs ja3 la y il lj 7s lc our dollar curtain 60 inclieswido and j yard long htho twstcurlaln for lie money to be found anywhere and our other line are hi proportion tapoatry and cbenilo cartalnaeio also full range of tapeslry ami clienllo curialna and table coveia art ktetn art draprrlcx spot muallna etc von should not buy curtain liefcre importing our stock art muslins t a errat varirty of palt cmj and cthrlnps erlectly fan color txl he loc c 15- carpets a special onion carpet al 35c and au excellent inalily at 40c also a full range of heller ij uall lie of union and wool ftom 50 la 113c a apodal una oftapestry al 50c hemp carpet lajc 15c 30c and ajc japaneae mattings cotton warp tt ijc 10c and 33c no trouble to show goods hend6rson st co mill street acton sjwwfflwwwwwwwwwwwwittlffwfflwwfltflffi i thutvtbs up 3 fj thumbs doian its a toa up orthe coin wheihertnimb ahtrteahonhf l ati is fe longitudinally or croswiwlha favblon change with each succeeding year if lu doubt consult u h helson wbcru lbe utot 1 always to be found hay dltlo a to collar cuff necktie acarf and all tho rest and you ll bo on ttio safe aide my new spring hal ara in the following make are a guarantee of stylo and quality the henry drier stiff hat in all ahade wo control thl hat in guelph and i gurantes each hit as to ully the old reliable wakefield in haid and toll stupe in all color pvery hat lu thl tuaka that we handle la alriclly first clasv and at reasonable price other make in kugluh utul american hath from l up if you want the blest in hat give m tt call at y wymlhain street k prrftsol displhy in owe show room all this week our d1rplay9f parasols thiu spring eclipses any previous attempt made by us this week we devote a portion ol our show room to a showing of these warm weather nccdablcs skilled experienced taste has been exercised in selecting the great stock that is here ready for your inspection the de mands of lashfon have been carcfqlly imet and theres a sight here well worthy of your attention malice it att important point this week to get acquainted with our parasol stock a visit to our show room will do it the prices are also interesting and in order to introduce them we will give 1t off all fancy jparas0ls demacdonald bro the lion cuelph glasses that cure v eyestrain causes nuny serious ills nervousness nniftlgb hyslerb sleeplessness headaches baffling the skill otbe besl doctors we adjust glasses that remove the strain give a lasting curt wc guarantee satisf action g d prihqlte r 15 nelsois merchant tailor and mens i urnlaher guelpli jb oh vua omlv 3 luluuuuiuic hecent improvements in our optical e- partment enable us to test the eyei equally as well at night a in the day time you can leave acton saturday night at seven get your ejes tested and return by 10 p m now stook of gold spox and eyoglaason just in skvrge st co opticlklsis gu6lph gurney co j new hgmfi porfflshlnfis 5 hace curtains one konielliuc hunt cf large itock nf curtaltm hut j what liruiiuea tmuna 11 not knowu until you lalt our x curtain lieparttiieul x price ruglug hum jc par julr to i5 00 tcr uir 4 carpels tm uoct ol cru luclmllm all wihi 1 iv4lry ituliu ami iioil n tlcko fuwl colotlnu wtcaai4hkb and jswe11kb qllglgth6 t x motk now complatn all wldllia j j lowest prices in groceries i gurney orco- j t aaiiattai mkohahta aoton j wiaiivatlu jjs-ax- iri

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