Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 2, 1901, p. 4

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languid many la school- aims mid tit be lazy and eh if tloaa when she doesnt deserve least bit of it le cant study easily asleep is nervous and tired- all the time and what can you ex- peel her brain is being fed with impure blood and her whoietsystem la y suffering from poisoning r a such ews are wonder fully helped and greatly changed by taking l sanapariiia i itintfrcds ohhouaaodam of schoolgirls havd taken j ft during the past 50 years mrnyofihese blriamow have homtis of their own they remember what cured them and now they siyc the fiame medi cine to hhelrown children you can afford to trust ft sarsiparilu that baa been tested for half a century slmsmfttw authwmt if your bowels are consti pated uko aycrfa pllla ton cant have food health oatesa oti hava dally bowela on box of aver dyspopaia- ld jan u usq ily action of the da a tec a lmlta eared say i m ba aav m dmln ia ttt aau u mmlur ttv wt freely tom will twain a i lrrttbot aamraea raj c ataa lawn mi f at a a a a a a lj 2ufat jfrec rs mobt cl08kon sunday taxt ot that law conarnlntltlarbar shop a inolurjlna thou in holem thajallinu u a eiipv or lbe lw muir ibll barter ahup hiolullxm thoe in liulela terls aaftttamaay nw tmi4fiyr ihall raiiiif nrll or utter any mtilny in any barber hop ji work on huolay ami net proprietor of barber ip shall hie hitwr simp or jjarmlt lli ma u be opened 1 uhlin or rrry y bulniita f therein l any lima utwtati ilia hour of o otodk baturday nlbt and 1j oclock hunday night any employ am or any proprlelo ot a bubtr ahop wbo liiltui tbo proviaion of tb preoeadingaaatian shall du oonv lotion thereof be liable to piiauy cf naftflt than f 20 beaddaa ooats aod id default or pajninotof lb aaina shall x lmpriao1af tor aprtbot of lwsjiijuthtl thirty da oa no rribro than mix month a dentists queer will a danlial died in a rural town in jsng land reoently after fpendlng ovey flfly ysara palling tba euolara of liia follow oitiaaoa ha had road it a hobby to ketp aluha l3th wblab ho had drawn in ihq ooara of il profaaalonal oarrr an i look tfraat prida in tlm oollaollon when hla wiuwoptt4ml hndihftthhar ordarvd hlaoollecllon of trolbtq bfl pod wllb urn in hi oofllo fur boril ilia balra tfltud-jti- thirty iboomntj tcalb warn pal into tti ooffia witb tlio dcmul danllal if tuirn arohuologiat of tba futar oantary aball happen to open that ftraw ba will ba food for thought and lomg dlfllcotly parhapa la tlplalnlng the pranco of many tactb on spraying in winter with the stiamfift the beit rime lo tr txltialo ntrbanl prmi umi yt will rvul aa tt v wriis tlwt ilht5rs liiht jjearilr all alxhit wit lei tftiraylnir anvry miter kind of itinaluirwlilui n will blatfli- tiil ir loaiiy out writing cot if the sphahotoh cd london otil x clfjck l ahoold tlilaif your mot hor woottl poniab yoa for that a id tba nalifbhora llttla klii to 606 who baxtdlaobayecl bho caai waa ibo ooofldeol raply xtb bea ulok and im not wall aooagb to ba spankod yet and aha oanl ktxp ma in tba boaao baoanao tba doctor aya 1 muit have frwab air and vxeraja ob im iav log a bully time chicago 1oti thinujdayk may 2nd looi dbcjdunolalkfi vuvnts ha b v t eoaniatmrtartb btibyeohui with lh lnuf dimple in it i eoaol io foe u btjija btoath kua nu awaat thla ulnate i i ooont litre for the hairy etwak icuqal lonr for tha othar- cbaaka of aaua aott auxl fair 1 1 n cioh to the rootha i count nre for tba baity a ajaa and al for tha brow above thaul laoibltxtf eyoa lut will boi in ueuly do i lor them i uaysa and alb for the bahr unls vor tba bautya t aet nloa ua j ana bow t baia wlut liia baby eblu aod ooont it ail oraraskio the iniests umbrella iicttltlng 1iu aa it la waa in an xriah village a oouutbotor to the corohill nf aitaalna dlvargea lo tail a alory of old olike wbo with hia wifa moira ooouplad a bind cama on the rnoantala to tbl fnaoalon otna hla raverwaoa ona cold ahowary morning in maieb to hold a atatlou ulu ombralla waa dripping eo tatmtjjimiuha alaadilnjan in tba apaoa tavated by tha anlmala who were graxlo odlaide wha tha rxutgrcgatloa had dlaparread after the uaaal darolioo um pruet waal far a i roll while moira prepared hla breakfail for to enurtala hla rarnoi aftarwarda la tha orowalog honor of a elation lie had not gooa farwbad a heavy abowor ohllgad blm to uko abalur under a tree and band a liua goaaooa back for hla ombrala uia ravetwnoa in abalttf la aflbaf aanding ma to bring hla ombreu i aald tha boy bo ret log into tha cabin tba aainu preaiaxvalu 1 aald ulu uayba ltyha thing ba left tharatbayaat la tha ooraar and aeulog tha ambrollo be triad opaaa it throogb tha doof but ibo eo trance waa low and narrow and tba umbrella larica and wide wltboot a moment haeltation ha oaugbk up a apada and bettattano vail log down the wall at eaoh aid of the door matt alive aald lbe prlaal kppearlog on the aoene whatever kre yoa al t tlliura ua majtln way i am for your rlveraooeeombrelt aald old ulka hot a bli of u go through the door at all i ah booaenaa man i aald hla lrvor- eooe laonblng and atapplng aaida ba look the urahrelu out of molral hand aod oloaedll before them old mike aland al it agbaat than ba tot nod to hla wife glory bo to baavaa moira i be aald la li era anything ba- yant lhapowerol tba prlaat athart w harvw wraill hold ajnwybalwihtrckuiipaaepaociot amwilflmlaautrraumlktbaiah whtvhavrvt wre tfur h lv an la lk dwu fat lr w4 wht 1 klaluhyhrwuailaa a lli cltl p m tniijw vu 11 hi rn rf njmlm f upfhtd mlnmjf la m v the page wire fence co lid ualkkrvilli out ab he protoalcd my uva tut yoa la the rteet thing in the wuill it la urgor than the world it la wldtr than the eea 11 ma pour it into your oa blfl rjaoolaled tba fair maid uft jofj mean toinalnuate anything abobt i ho ito or hapa of my nan f mn calol coow hyracum n y wrjlei 1or yaara i ouujd eat matiy klnda ollood wltboal produolod a burulog exorunlallng pain 111 my aldniaub i look iarmolaoai illu apoorjii to ikreotlot uudat tha baul ol u and imlitcaa tlou ooe box entirely onrad me i can not al aiiyltln i ohooaawllliuut dlitrea slug mn in thojcaiu that plju do not eauaa pain or klplng ad klmol i im ttaaxl wtrr aoalliattd u rtilrad thtre la nothing lillfi imolu lltatl ul ability la y lio la yourtwlf oooaioillly iii tlie vtfriihte you l ultarof vouralnk lilolit or bllloum ioll if jot hava taken a ltva xivertlh the night brore fellow work while jou kurp without urljxi or pain i bear you aro going to australia wllb your buabatid kitty aald llib trilitroia araut you tier ou about he louu voy- a t well maam ad kitty olmly 1 lhata bla lookout i ixlun id bin now and if anything happiiu to ma ii will be bujoa not initio ita uot ilia woathrr tliatu kl fault ita yoar ayetm ologad with poiaonoiii material that nku you fal dull drowey weak and mimreblo ijflt llur- dook uloo ultura clair awy all ile poiiodpnrlfytidiorlohyqur blood mm ynafmiil i ami 1 ljwniu widow uert my htiebapd uolh notloat her thia morning clark in publloallou uf dally ill yea widow njw i want ym to iut lbe notion cjne uf roi in all appropriate puoo olrkvo mam ard the next tnurtiiiiu ab toad cone lo jlohllu a aniwnprnln ijhna a blight mistake a ckiiadian rlvar rfeanier lh tern of an emaalng blunder whirl a wlaconain pwr laorll4 aa ft jlowr a la ly peaatiiilfr waa lanrn hi tha flight doclira aaaulanrn j rxjtilrml bat itin aiflrmnrdll llf rtarry a itidintwr it the prottfaioi tlia hat of patiwiilare wa mail ar lit rdrr lo tlifiivrr if ilm waa a in tlloal it an kin nij tt an 1 i j jily llioro waa tlj nlilo jjipj iii iiim ii m i i tin kuwar i jtilukly rtui to lr lh i ii a inrlh anil erouael tl miipnt by wgixoua blwaot tia dihr wbalalhe mllr7 illi l t iw ing oattid from wllllln in a utilail tona therae- w j hi mini tut your aaiulaikk- iin l r r g lie i alward t wbat fctt t volc i aitil np doctor rvby you havogi t m u afur youf wll loan ppt lllo lltira aflar it if i like can lit aah tho m 1 tint- my trado im nmlo driver ib a montreal grocer in trouble with his back and kidneys but at last found relief lndoanspjiis children cry for castoria ita not tba man who beer other people bardena who noma borne loaded bom fl mra v- j nailt new armah 1 q wrilea trnatly alx moo lb i waa troubled with burning eohoe and pajna in toy foet to knob ail extant that i oonld bot aleep al bight aod aa my feat ware badly awollen x oould not wear my boota for weeka at laal i got a bottle or dr tbomaa eclootno oil and kcafclved to try it and to my aatooiabmaol i got almoal inatautreuaj and tha ona lollla aooora pllabed a perfaol oote barodlflijioapalj4yhad a bnaky- coatlttati dont ay you aiobdoon botbin madlgau an why not ooatlgan baut that unt food kngleab madlgan fellli im lad lo hear it for by tba power baytber alt i italworal llalletlu bin i wai buffering urribly with baloaacroaa tba amall of my back and i am plaaed to bay that after taking oua box of doana lllla i am cured m k bandera u i moral out borne people ara too liay to jump at oon- olnaloua dunlop solid rubber carriage tires will cjutv kcvy iodj anj wiihiund tarfl tcrvlcc an evcraatlsfactoryt easy- riding wheel tlit every let ffooranteerl can be fitterj to my wheel hood for caiaitwmo 1 dumloltmeoo tomowro kven the aalf mad man like to have hla f rianda luakai omtblog of bin tilrfngtb and kjtduraba are factor of tba great auoocaa no paraoa oau do f ull jaatlaa to blmealf wllboatlheoj lb ua mmd of tba year ar tby mora aaally exhauated thau u iba bprlug we used itol dlaouaa tba maaou for tbla bare ita enough to aay i bora la ona and that llooda baraaparllla glva alreugtb and eudurauoa uu tbouaattda anually ua tlfy truat everybody hot thyealf uoal b- a good story a certain young lady i dcl- icato liualth was advised by her doctor to take a half-texspooii- ful of scotts emulsion of cod- liver oil after dinnei ohiw a day and found herself almost suddenly growing robust s so miitll a dose is by no means the rule the rule fa whatever the stomach will bear not more another rule is take it on every least olclsjoji but not too much i dont over do it wviiawaeymaauiilluti- ufuiiuva beon a uownk tliawtuii taav tha mau wbo llva in utd olouda ihoubi uol fattoy that ba la ahova orlticlim tbeae two daauabta rjiiiillnaatlotia plaa aul to tba taito aim at uia aim a tlma ootualar to ba found in molber oravd worn uxuruiluator chlldrau lika it i fool butter tli in mortiinfi thtitik niijlit mid it workod liko it charm hoadaalia aud biliousness an nil ffo no ive hoard ninny lndioii imy tlioy wouldnt bo without laxaliver pills thoyro nyeh im easy pill to tnko do not fripo or bioko n nnd euro cotibtipatiou tlyhimpum itour htomnoli noittad tonijuo bnd breath uud all utotmtoh aud hvor ills where la jolur t tubed mm com- toaadl utieaklly wall auawarad bar huabtuj at ba prooeodnd lo fill liia pipa if lh lo ii u alraug as ha thluka it la liau yono akaliu ait if ll aint hea nona swiuimlu neatly all infanta are mora on ibaa inb jaot lo diarrhoea and audi oompuinla whiliflhlntf ad aa tbla purlod of their ltm4 ia tha moat critical mother ahould uol bd without a hotlla of dr j d kvl- togga dyneuury oordltl thla indlolua la a tpeolflo for luoh com plat utd aud la highly apokau of by thoaa wbo bava uad it lh proprietor claim it will euro any om of eholra or iiiuiuicr comnfatnt mr 1 ouillemeud un rial of jan bfl tli ftol write daar hlra vor un yoarataulterwl from palnu acroad my back bollt aldoa and ho twaen toy ahoitldara in fact at tltnaa x wax doubled up with pain and tny urlna waa highly colored i uw doalla illl alvertuoil ao procured four boxoa and muit aay ihny hnv effooud a oomplelo ouro i owo tny praunl gooil health to doati a pllla and oamioa recommend them loo highly to any and all aufforingi from backacho and kidney troublaa young dootor cqnurattilata mat i v joatbtcnca to atlenclmv rtrrnallrnt a wahtid yrn tlr laugbtr u montarlati glvutiar pi ort i did my iwit in tram my p mi aooompluhrtl parba 1 took brr lo mlk to ihncirtnhwii ittihn rutnig ofablachalrmr an j bail her ln tl taxlbcoka on tli jov by brart i llnuht i had bar prf ol in the hunua hut i mm mlttakeu uho altnmul a oonvenllon net lonif ajjo and pretty toon aba had a ohalioa to appeal from a decidedly unjutl ruling or the chair and how do ju auppoae alio did il 1 weil r bhe waa vxcltad you know and xbl la what aha aald you ate a jrpati old rrlgbt and i jui hate you 1 bo tbei 1 and than alio butat into tear ami l down no air woman nature will have tochangobef o rabowlll m atat parliamentarian clovelanil jlui what uq does blever amokta never haa patiunca with ihoao vajjo drink to xoaa navnr ui an oath never parade hia jlily nuvor forocal it oti tboaa around him mover for- gala a iiaint or faod novor iaiiea a ooinrada navar foriixla to lhank thoaa who aerva him- navar omita to return a aalutd and never by any ohaucn iielole lo give praud where pralaa la due young lawyer oud lo hear it but hadnt you betberlake malonf lrhapa bo had uller make bla will k dlunar ill i many paraona auffer ex- oruolatltig agony altar partaking tak ing of a hearty din nor lh food par taken uf la ilka a ball of ua1 upoo lbe alomaoh and luitead of being a baaltby uuttiuiaul ii woomu a pouon to tha ay atom dr iaruialaaa vaitetabla 1siu ara wonderful oorrootlvca of auab troublaa lliay oorrett acidity opu arorellona and oouvrt tba food partaken of into healthy jmulmaiil ibay arajuit tba wodafcti ia ukd if uoublad with lud igaalloti or dyatapiia throwing dlba ate in lo oonatltuta a rutthnggood lima with aoma poopla my kidneys ar all wrorol how aliall i inaura boat reaulta in tb ahort- mt llnaj it atanda lo roaxoa that a liquid anedno of iha uniiueiilonabla merit of south american kidney curd will go wdro directly and quickly to tba aeat of thd trouble than lbs pill farm treat mint and whan it atrlkoa tba a in ttrrlrtatimt 3 a apot tboraa healing gry halra aradiitira blououia llvar trouble bllioutuiai hallow com- plaxlou yellow eyaa jauodltw ato uu to the curative wwera ot lixa livar ill la thay are aura lo cure sold by a t drown pjeaaa look pldaaanl re mark ad hs photographer snap waul tha oamara now niaaio lie continue j you may reauma your natural ttxproaalan bousht my ufa for 3 oorttav thu waa quo mana way of 1 lulling t when ha had been pronounced ncurabla from chronic dympopala it wax a living dextb to ma until i ttlod dr von stan a pintppht 1 ablata thanks to lliem today i am well and i tall my friend x bought my life lor 35 cents 60 lu a box ho sold by a t drown banefit derived usmg milburnspills for nervousness locuct ulu ont iicpl abth 1000 tim t mtlburn co llmiled toronto out dar sir i uish to lut you know of iha benefit i havti darivod by usliiir your imn i am n widov wltli a family to atipuort uud jiavo to uorl hard whkliu very irjing 011 my norvra at night i was miahlo lo kleopfor houra after roin lo bed uud it seemed ua 1 every ncrvo in my imxiy was 011 1 ho jo i hnd aamolhurliic ehokiutf acncatlon and had to apring out of bed to culch my hrtalli milhunia heart and nervct pill have dono mo so much jjood that i can mcom- nifliid thum highly to any mnon afibcted with heart and iierva troublaa hla i wax yours with kratltudd mtts wu ilakfasl msmm mwm avtgc fnuc prcparalton for as slmilatlng liairoodarulhcflula- iuihc3tomni3nnriliowcl30f promote 3 bigesuoilchccr fit ticm aitdlfatjoonhtlns ndhw opmatmorphlnc jiorflncrair notnahcotio apafecl hcmcdy rorcdjrisupa- lion sourstooiachdiflrthrjoa worms convulsions fcvcri sh- iicss and los of sleep tfac sunuo siijrwitura of ttew vdhk see that the facsimile signature is on the wrapper op eveby bottle ob castoria owtaru la pat aa fa eaaala twauas aaly il la aet aau la balk deat auaw aayaaa v r aaytblag alas aa tk aua a praauaa tkat it j art aa geed aad will aaawar every par poaa 8 that yea gat ost0bia j ucs ttary pralaa a fair day lu tbu availing th forrorm swwopt away dr agnawa ointment ktanda al tba field ax a vqllever bcaw and aura cure for piles in all forma oua application will glva comfort in a few minute and ihree lo six days application according lo directions will cum chronic caies it relieves all itching and burning akin dlaaaie lu a day 33 cents 70 sold by a t brown a oaiuliautuosrily uaalbla b ouftd he always bis bla uaok up bom mans bead are inroad by auooeaa others are aim ply rubbers 1 afedlclne chut la tba name appropriately biptld lo ilagyards yalhw oil it an ba used axtamally or ukiu inuruatly cured euta hurua brulaas oontraoladootda at iff join la paluful bwelliugs ijuluy aord tbroal palu lu tha aloiiitob kidney oom plaint ato iriodjic ita a wua child thai doau t ask quia lions many people aay they are all uarv aaally i tar tied or upet aaally worried aud irrluud mlihurus hart and nuva iill arc jual tha rmdy auob paopla taqulra i boy ret tore peifsct harmony of iha urv muuw and git hw uarva for to abatured ncrvooa tyetama uarriam laatfaat thltik for a tuau j it makaa bltu ashamed to talk aboulhrssulall troublaa uilburus burllug lladauld 1owjere ataaaaf to uks baruiuad iii aotlou aud ear tooure any beadaobs in frmfi a jo luutea u aa nyulcal aa yon ilk but woa uuto tbat oua wbo plant lb thistle of dlalruat lu lb bear i of a llttlf oblld pimples tlieso troublesome diafiuurinji blemishes can be removed by the all powerful blood purifying burdock bloctdbittcn tito nntity littlu ininplthtljiitoomo oil tho fitco imd ouili purtti of tlto body imt mnipjy nidii ulioiiu that tho blood in out ol oulut uud ro- qninm puhritiij tlioy uro littlu iwitiiliui jmuul- om to on that u mill a tur o of troittinpnt with j unlock lilood bit tom whun b b b umlii join blood pum thou tbu pimplmi uill mtumli uud your hkiu luicomo tioft mid li m hero 111 owdomui uoitli unimliti- iuir mm moirtiio kutcli driuto citrlutaii co nb uuhii i tnko kniiit pbiuuuo in lvconiitntud- iuff bmdook lilood llillom to ovciy out lioubkd iuli pi nip let i uuu for turh that i would hnuk out with u10111 at thnt h ua my fuo mid bank i tnod all iioithot icitiiulilti tuoludiui dottoiri nudictuit but ttviuythmu fulled lo i mil ltto atlwit i lu id of b u i ttud thouirht i would by il whun i hud iiiuhiu d takitio two botttnril fihu irivutdttdlmluii mv kttpt 011 wuiu it until 1 bud uikou in all hi bottle it him t oniplu ly uud itduium ntly rxiuoul vt iy plmnld from my body uud i iituir fultbottur lu any hfi tliiui i du ut tho proftont turn r in oouuaal aloua lu torrow hturislok leo3lo dr agnowa curo for tho heart ia a heart ionic that never hula to euro is swift in ua tiled good cloaor lo iha honur laud and anatdias from uath a grip mora sufferer than any 10 1 her reiiibdy for any family of dlaeaiusa ajul aliments in tha category of human iiflferings gives roll lu 50 tnluutos 75 sold by a ttlrown oeatli doeat uol blow a trumpet tlhttumaiurri will sucalirnb to south american kheuniallc cura lcaue ll koed right lo tba seat ol tlut trouble and reinoves tne causa many aocalled cute but deaden pain temporarily only to luvd it re turn again wtti doubled violence not ao with litis great remedy it aradicalea from tha syaloiil tba last veatlga of tliadlaeaxa and lis cure ardpefmaiienl 74 sold by a t brown atolber readtng lalegiam usury telegraphs that ths gama is ovar atid ha oatudoutofit with thred broken ribi a brokau no aud four taeth out ialhar aagarly and who won i mother ita doaaat lay father iinyalldiilly couround it all 1 that hoy uevar tblnka of anybody but him self 7 now i ii have to wall until i gh lbe morning paper your weal flpol porhapo u i your throat or your bron ohial tubod if jou uko cold ossify uka boo i id ijmulslou ii obooka any tandetioy in your system to sariou lung trouble women and oils said tha youthful boarder art alike wroug aald tho ohaorful dlol a woman cant run up a telegraph pob and a cat emt run up a mlllioery bill question are you sntkfiad with tlto nhosa you wear if not try a pair of kaui quaijtv they arc the most desirable shoe on tho fuco of tho earth for women tho kmn qoaiity shoo u all thit a really firstclass shoe fchould bo comfortable caiy on tho foot atylish and durable buy tho klna quality ahoo at 3 q pair and qot satisfaction md by tviat j tl kimq oo umlid tomoptto house cleaning prtintlnp hi part of it just as much as boap- hi nnd wrubbliir there are bpou that water cnimot remove nnd dhcolorattoiii that scourino will not talc away uiuj uic point bruidi iu such coses the orawd trunk railway uall imru ii 11 iiiim n ma m v i ii j 31 ii im i rj1 nr il r fl it i m ull r id m mali m nl hi i h m m u ul xkakl rjiilmi u1 u u i n 40 i 11 4 ml n lal i- vol ll iii if rrl i i uunl hcton tucftln st mnnuraoturora nnd doalaro in all klrtdo of dkibbl i and unijhi bbll 1um ulit tai ii and mmnm 1 i basii dooils and hi inos wimuow avh oooit tkamlb- all kinds ol irjnook amuout- j d0qkun15h having ti well aaaortnd lock ol lumber on biad urdern will in all ates ijo promplly fiiol i umlmr tiro teed and matched while you wait j prices are an low ns any olbnr mill turn lug out work eqnarln quality custom loa cut at any 1 1 mo jno xyaxs wwjti ujwwj al kinds of wood on hand and promplly delivered to any part of i ho town amateur cameras kne suppliss premo poco ray magazine cyclone jpiuktino pkames 4x5 and c blnot 33 cn printing papers solict aristo velox photox photo ytnrtar kctoh therwinwlkklailfr family paint in small cans is made to meet the thottaarul ami ono dcimuida for n litua paint about u10 boua it ia ready to uce dxica qulckjy vduio good glotrf can bo wudied chljdren cry for castoria llama tuau impoaa od tbamielvas when iboy tax their uismory yho fouonod sktflnajf am in naturd 10 in man mill u is ilia spring and uaeafca kutd w0sl x9 oouild lo follow llld sloiuacli and iiorved out of kiltor moans poison in iha kprlng uoulb american ner vlnu la a groat purifier cures indloihoii dyapepala and too tba nerve 1 ba best evidence of its elucacy la tha untouched usllmouy of thousands of cured one 76 sold by a i drown if you would ba happy you mutt istru lo iva aiuy al a tlma lifoa burdon if the alomach is not right is theft nauwa is ibera constipation i jla tha louud coatetl r am you light liuadod lio you bava blck headacba any and all of he dtuuita bloniacli aud liver disorder dr agnew s liver mils act puickly uml will cuts tiioal htubborii and chronlo cjuo 40 in a vial for 10 cauls jy stold by a i uruwu ll is uever too liia lo mend hut aount limed it u tiuia waatsd 2d vaara of vluoaiarr chaa o urowu journalist of dululb ml mi wfitod 1 liave bear a a offerer from throat and naaal catarrh for over 30yeara during which lima my bead has been stunned up and rny condition truly mlaeiabut xv it bin i mlnuled afier using or auitew a catarrhal 1uwiar 1 ohtajnod mllof three hot tie hava almoal if not anllrely carwj me yx 7j buldby a iutawm the fdlaw wbo gued around looking for trouble doaaat used a mi cop 0 you need uotoougb all night and dlatutb your frletids there is uo decision for you running the risk of ooutraullng ludamuis- tlou of tht luugaor 0011 h u nipt ion wblla you oau gat woklaa aoti couaumrlivd byrop ihldiuadlolua ourad oougha ooljy in flam ma tlou of iba lung and all throat aud jung troublaa ll promotes a froa aud assy ax paotoratlon whlob imuiedialely fr tha tbtoal aud lungaof vuoid phlegm hall of people barrow trouble by landing tuoiuy itopatenteoodldit wy u oml by oar au atltlmaat tut pa tear httcord utuars ml lbe baud thai rooka tho oradu iu sdlil m ilia oua hialrapa for ordor in hid mothr a mwtlug attention lu ibo war i of home oj etbio madlolud hth ben t very sourouof pro uress aa in pollllua and religion tho di floultleii of oplulous and tba liidjvtiluslity ot lubti bava beu ptreut lo tba dlaired maul by whlob ths elamhrd or ibciu bodlaa bivdbaeu sluvftud no with mol of our fa in ou 1 preparations fortuasi in il luitrallon of winch truth stand tba world famous remedy lo geuatal dtbmlty aud auguor qululua wiua aud whlob whan obtaltiabld lu iu geuulua itretiglb la a jtiuaouloua creator of apiellt vitality and kllmulaiit to ibk tie ii oral fertility of iha sysurn quiiuua wine and ua u provaitiaut baa from tha flrt dliiaoorvof lbs great virtues of fjululua aa a niadlcal agaiit leau ona bf tha moat thoroughly dlaeuaaed ramedlas uver off rod to tba pub ho ii is oua or lbe great ton led and uid natural lire- jylug eljtiiulauls which ihd tiladlusl profaaaloll have boati ooipvll 0 roooguladmlldpriimirlba maard nurtl top aud lyman of t01w0 have glveii to iha preparaltou uf ibslr pure gululn wine iha great care dua lo la imiibiuuoa aud tbd standard ollooo of tbearliol wbiah bey offer to tba public mm ato th market purged of all lh dfpou whlob skilled bbearvatlou and scieuliflo oplnjoo bus pjluted out lu iha leas per fnol prepare kous of tha iittla4 1 job printing l we do all kinds of commercial 1 and other job printing we will j doour best for you on any order j you may see fit to entrust to us j and il it i3 not right we will make j it right j firbtclass stock for t bill heads letter heads business cards i wedding stationery i calling cards j all sandsof blanks t etc etc i promptly printed to order h fmoorie i free press oflloo aolon m mm call and examine the merits of this superior shoe made in all modern styles of lasts and best grades of leather all sues aa to ee widths lor ladies and gentle men this shoe will cure callouses on the soles of the feet execsivo perspiration of the feet burning of the feet and it will keep your feet cool in hot weather and warm in cold weather im willi ttras 6qot rnt shob dbkldr bole agent pok aoton patents guaranteed rlui4 u w all alty one acutllnu kkclclt aiul ilraciljilun j any uvtutuu will iroiunlly iive ir q lakm fea pa the pjuulal uily of miiic 11 w u ol laiu m lateut aeflt ujuiii j1 laieuu muej llirimiuliuaolviiuiui lur fcjlfht our raimiie iruta ulci out iiwooli us tcolv j uejjiwihkmitctiuriie tiitua 1jltbmt ukviiaii auaihiuratdlouuwllc1y clrrili1 journal coniullr t by xlniiurcluiriaud iuvloi icu i lur miuple copy utek addiaaa vicyort j evans a co uatif attorneys kvimif alwg waiiij c to catch tho iflyo and tho mind at tlio samn time la the nrt of advirtibing tiny ad illuatratea how true tliii baying p especidlly to thobe wishing pleasant and profitable employment canadas sons on kopje and voldt the only book dealing exclusively with the canadian contingents in the book to handle official authentic cheap sells on bight to everybody and any body can bell it capital or experience not necessary send for hvee outfit and make money tho bradleycaritctbon co limited brantford ont will r j our inirrctliiig i kl m halu an i itaw yuu at bwlndlad tvsiid u b muh blotch i r uiadcl of yoilr in veiillan nrliiiprovemciit mi i w wlllirll you fcwour n lull n as to wtielltrr jllpowily paleutabl uawd appltcattlhaluveiirial w uciculully j tlll1 i y u w eouilurt fully cipjhiwd ntnra in xloulical ay i uaitiluuloii ihuiia1llriiuilii t mi t ly illiiutcli wtnk aud iiuii i vawcui lalcul ashmmilsslhclnvcutuii lllulicilltr rurutabvil l uiit proeurrl tliroiidb tlailoii ft ua kiwu ikjv atcial twllii wltlimit charae lu rr loo uwimia uiurlluud ikioiijlioul lh ooiulnldll wpauiv ll4uit i iu lira ol uauufac- llamhudtluuliicaia marion marion patant cwrjrtd uttd golloltqra l nawvwill lh id ifruaatraal x a tjr istlesliittilvy 1 v ikiwtbcwiaiwkiparaatsfru tfiads martrtn oct3n coavanohta ao mtlnj aaaalrtaaimliuanlil iitni if aea aln tyr uulntt p wli r a mmumilullvfwiamllal lli ii lu i ishu at ira t1aua urrli r wlnd llil mwu iuhi tkirtik mm it au aaawul awt ouiukii ckar tutb sckndfic flmcrican a kaawutalr iikialrlt ijirawt tjr oiuuim i t ln artaiilutn itw iwna a wl tr amtsa7v bolt li2i fll wrmw-

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