Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 16, 1901, p. 3

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bank of hamilton 6eui yuluwu braircln agenerol banking business transacted corresoonde nee solicited saving donartinpit internal allowed on ium ol oni dol lar and upwards rem day of deposit to day of withdrawal no formalities and delay in drawing money farmcra humncss note of reaponail la farmer discounted aird moylaaacliortk dtialnces purposes onr collection dcparrnflnt i sale notes hlndlafl and marny advanced on account of same at tow rale of interest travollera are notified that tho hank of hmlllo1 and j hrartchc lasue circular nolo of tho provlqcu dank of england umlled which can imj caahod without chate or iroul le in any pari of the wnrl 1 jieap office hamilton tirtr 1873 capital paid u 1703212 reservlund 1234119 total assets 14827357 jafaa tuanbutx caahler bforsayetii aqert georgetown branob always ahead soj paper hangings stock now template and without dout t the firnait ever put on tho market 6 loo ooo holla of wall 1 apef are represented by our sample tioolui j b mckee aolon will take your order and the priced will astonish you he will also ii ynl est years papers at a 3 discount a snap for good things s chasl nelles cuelph be 3un fm xts thtjbsdai may 16th 10q1 little local brieflets whloh cauaht th byna or bnrw of prwsi prwaa rtx thu wwwk the aire sprinkler ia on it rounda ajrejqand the dual ennlhlaled hilton band la iit free opto air oonoeru already in lb ooanty town the ovptsun have their ban da fall these daya with new buildings and repair aeaqajna ctlulqt beo will b obnreh last eveo held at fiuwarttown nut moddey at 10 a slock several of oar citizens who have tleotrio iibt installed are poltlnj lb malm the machinery in the canada glove works u closed down do monday far re pairs to the engine snow and hall anoompanled the tboodentorro lest honday afternoon and oooler weather followed by a vote of jw to 6 the village of drayton has decided to loan the drayton flhooodary10 00o the death on saturday evening of m ra et t oriona leaves a lonely husband and two life tunxhlera lor whom tnaob kynftahy to fell l ttlit eold apell whloh invarmbly corn bauo has been experienced dor lag lb rak there bee as yet been no frost to do cumgt however bef henry softly of toronto who i canvassing the parish with b p o k hhrtli preached tireing eermoo la bt albane oharob las sunday fairy lake preeenu a very at tractive tppenraoo the water u higher than mntu end bosuoft ta a dsligbunl pastime engaged in by number of ciusetn stall inspector graham le tnaklnp hu annual laepeetloo his week and re pot tlbe premlsvaof booeebolders gen rally to ssiliafeolory sanitary oondltlou bee air momukp of teeooie sanr- eeotjog e dominion aluanoe for the sup- preeeioo of the liquor trafno gave a alurlna ftddreaeiolnwduolpl l io the clinton town ooooou baa aooepl- d the tender of p l mordee a oo of jjoodon at 10 oeou per tqoare foot for eemeot pldewelks and ecoeelnge h eemu the ftolfeie ere now polling lo fall tleae on tbe link doxiog their lelaore boan and are highly pleeeed with be ualhjortnauoo whloh bee bee effected oo tbegreeni eed teee am tear pbotogreplirw i lly 0mef 4i reatluaer leoe luk prlpe uoolflntf npbesioeee will h for til aumuuw thom jjcaoenipvle poroheeleg nonmeotel or work of eoy dlearipuod for tbelr oectetery plots should order dlreot tromlheold rellabu granite and tneible dmur 3 hr- hamilton quelpb oot all xpenaee allowed to poroi aeere all work end material warranted oomoeutloo frq aeorgetowo reoee will take puoe uoal may fa hlob the following tftlubu poreee are oflsred tfreefor all trot ordaoeiatattrotorpoe 1w i trot or pane 100 open rnn mile heau 160 i green ran ft diu t7o bouiee oloee 19 noon hay h4lb horeee etulble hayl k uooenaah bee oeorgetiwo avw yoyhoalr tm manr yooajt w k okl osen who intend to tttarry wlu be pleeeed to learo that the oaw rruge a 1 tned i lniple by anolylogio u v moor laeoar of uariiage llotntm r p lew day beloro the eeremony and be the otltwi mdi1a prl oflbfc al1 fceimm ttieuy pflrau and ootaodentlaj ahwufwnrf la wjiptoff- the mews at home moetty of e local charaottr vary item interoetlns miitttm cmtajt ttttxt mouth tbe camp at niagara will open on jnda lilt eud break up en ibe mod tbe following oorpe will be ibtre the oovsr nor general e body uaard and sod ir goooi flrd infantrx brigade soib 87th ddlb ellb 77 ih and u7lh luglmente 4tb infancy brlgadeltlb fllit aiu luitb and both ileglmenta luornlu are want ed mow uniform w- he served out mr cth mka maothor vurtsbm mr v uleb tbe new miller is ovlde illy well eatutlod with bla investment in tbd ac too 1 loo mills tor be has purchased hoflncrroperty of mr john harvey at lumber from jjj old home at mldmay and building o per at loon are likely ebortly to oommenoe jietjly wtmtdmd ymmicrmy tbe nnptlau of mr bt afford j jlannett son of thomas uennatl ttq trio and miaa btule jloberuon of arden men ware oflabreud in toronto eaterday mr and mr ivennetl will taks op their reeidauoe ju aaton id the boose on church hlreet reoently ooauplad warden havlll and family tjiey ere both already well known and highly esteemed here and onr eiltxene wulaxuad to them a oordlal welcome a oroiraona vlmoovry mr wm bolee tbe manage of mr o u tilarka mooormao tnede a startling dieoovery jn the western uote subla cldfluh oo tneeday morning wban be went odt lo attend to mocormao am ha entered the stable door be saw ijlng on the floor about halfway back the body of jatued llnrgesa a tnao 7 j ear a of age walijinasinjlhauillie alty tlwfeaawu lo a terrible condition oat braised end oovared with blood and elable dlr the body lay on lu back immediate balow one of tbe openlnga in the loft through which lha bey la thrown mr bolee promptly notified mr xi blngnlar tbe hotel pro prietor and be in tnrneent for the chief of xollloe bargee was dead when dtecovared he wee a ablftleel fellow and and le tboorht lo have been loloxlosted and fell through from the loft to the atable floor tranty feet below to hie death xmnammlag sunday school worker tbe eleventh annual oonveollon of tbe township of beqaealng sunday bobool aiaoolation will be bald in tbe matbdfllat chnrob qlanwllllema on tneeday 39th inat there will be afternoon and evening e a a kt raellea aailemi the following txoellenc programme will be klven iii thsll ler n ooo d isooeslon on atallatloe ud by j w freeman barling ton compute organisation and bfhalenl vfanagamenl by be j mop boott toronto advantages of llevuwa by be wm mckay nerval oar voaog men end the behhelh bobool by mr j w freeman in the evening the following la the on woe devotional eiercleee by be oop cole nerval inelallallon of 1 resident fleet address tbe bpirltoal bqnlpment of the teacher by bev 3 mol boou toronto addreaa by 1 rof mocnrdy toronto unlvarsity the oled wll llama frleride will provide ua for all wlo altend mualo by glenwllllama eholr lary acbool la invited to send a toad of delegate the president mr a e nohla of horval la exerting himself lo iske the contention an aesared hoard of education dram leave of abienoe to talee mophallarrantilnk for nowcloaeta tub t30aturtrili bobool mat lest wednesday evening la tho council chamber orlndell and john ii matthews a latter from mlu mol hall teeol er of third department rtquaellng leave of abeenoo for the tlfree weeks in june end after i ag to eigege suitable aubttilote for it at lima was read moved by john alt ew aeooii ted by jobu ii mettl awe li at ha rraekl of mfe mall ail lor leave ut auoi oa durli g the lut three weeks nf juno be hraoud and that al o be permit tad lo a to ploy a 11 e oort ar oamreifeertottrkttonwrj for nrmaloderwl be ierro- and will brmt ibnreon a fine brick reel dance mr uleb u shipping hrlok and the rmmm i anas invitee all lie readers lo tribute to tbl eeieme if roe or jour trieooa ajjegoljisteear oo a bolld ulpor it roa have members praeanl it holmes obalrman friends vlalluic ya arop e card to the vpna john agnew w b kanney coming and going vleltora to hnd from aoton and varlouaothafpareonal notes umuof teejbo- jumoiate coateuitott tbe programme lor tbe teach ere con veuiloo to be bald in vba mathodut bobool wf rmn w a thnradaxu one whloh eboald intereel every edaoatioa lel in the cooaty the eighty dine teach era of the oounty are all expected to be preeeot and aotoh will cordially welcome ibe pedagokqea 1 rooeeding will com meooe u 10 m wedoeeday morning with devotional euroleee to be oondooted by be j ef uagar m a the forenoon eeealod will b4 taken dp with roollne baalneea and the dlaooaeioo of pepers on writing to be given by w o barton w j mcmillan end j b bprlogar the afternoon will open with the 1 resident address teaching by objects will be treated by mlseeel k kaubady m carrie end a mokinnan teeohere beading coarse by w inman t b berngey end wise b cordon uelpfal bemluu oenoee by h uaabend t t moore and j ii bradley and velne of filth olaae wofklabaralboboola bv w f 1aller eon d bwart and k o forvler a pabllo oonoart for teechere and invited irunde will be held in the town hall in the evanlog the following will ooolrlbnle to tbe programme misses deacon law renoe and da war meedanaea bewa aad lumen mr f h deaood mr bell mol hall bobert flllol and ibe aolon orobealra be if a maopbereon will open the proceeding oo thursday tnorn ing theaeeoouuoa will then be divided into two beollona tboee peitloalerly interesud la primary work will meat in separate session with- the following pro- pramma primary beading by missel a byaa l baweeraad k cbuholm t discipline by mleesal m thompeom n allla and a mckay the programme for lharemaluldg beolloa will be book keeping by j uaaddrew mr b o hardy and miss k a nlehola history j b mooregor w j mcounabaa and mlse d t lllloll the olo eeeelotl will u that d tbnraday elternoon tbe fiiai topic case will be presented by mueo mol hall mua i anatln and mrs h l molann practical lllnle oalhar ed from obesrvetloo will be the aobjeoy tf au avddreae by j 8 deacon loepeolur how to make the hlujy of asrlcaltnr intereatjng will be introduced by m lease k m loualay h dalee and 0 yoang the queeiluu drawer will be lo the hahda ofmlafeej m lettiaon l ingmltit and n peltleon vorbiaf uoneououa lu aotoh have been ysjry auoeeeaful aod there le 110 doubt the one t waek will be equal to a ty of until up to the aummer l oil uya carrlud meeera ii orlndell ohsirman propeity committee an i jobo agnew wbo ware appointed to visit milton sabool lo inapect tbe cloetta there rbporied patlloulara aeto ihalr conalruqlloii and aubmltted plan for tbe propoet 1 new onea at our acl ool moved tyu orlndell eeoonded by w b kanney that tl e report or the special oommlllee wl o visited milton enboul and inapeoiedll eelilaatjch received and that tha board arrange for the tnembere lo vlalt the echool in oompsny with tha inapetlar o till j3odaud 23rd mey to eelaot site for new olosate and to inapaot fanoea ac carried the board tbaa hdjoatna 1 milton the auuaal dlatrlcl mealing of tha malhodlal ohurob will be i 1j al water dowu qesl toeeday the mi i too preaud brick co are doing a very large trade this aprlotf tbsy are ehjpp ng bri at tha rale of over 6 000 a day ooe day dili weak they ladectant ahlpped in one single day over 100 000 brtoa the council bee put auoll r i00 iuibe waterworka by tl e parol see of a aprlug on the moforrn farm charles downlo le per for roll g tl e dutlea of night walchman at a salary of llbo per year aimeatlll remaliie istlfl boof uuoollcot ed taxes an effort will be made to bava it all oolleclsd by the fleet of jo ua tbe court of bevlalou will mml to moraow evening at 7 p m after a aomawhat protracted lllneea mr wm boot one of milton a oldeat and moat respected olllteoa paeeed away yesterday morning aaed 73 years lit formtt hockwqqu mf jolnbtrachao recently appointed curk at lha cuelph gualom will aaanme bla new dutue on the j7tb this township la agala i onorad in bav log col mntrle ohosan to represent tbe liberals in ths next election to the leftlal live assembly oo wednesday john dumald while helping hi brother btrlcklai d who uvea near the foar coruera ramose damollah an old table fell tram tbe peak or the toof mr duflleld bed bean on the roof removing some shingles from a baru which waa being torn down and ventured out on a loose aoafloldlng wl loll gave way mr duflleld fa 1 twanly two reel a lid alighted feet ural he waa nneooeclona for some time tad ma irga from the hip dqwtrbae elooe been pralyxd uu spine le tbought to hava bn lujurad and aa yt the pbyalnuua cannot aay bow aerloua tha lojarlee may be but he appeara lo be gradually improving hrnm tjiibay medloal etndenfc-wfc- trlnlty college ml uat week to tapreent a toronto house in btirlaud ireland bool lend sad france he will be absent a boot ave month mies wood of berlin a at present vlaltlng bar broil mr t j wood of ihu village local bnibflttts aid hamilton cf uualph waa in town 00 tuesday mr wm welkins la borne from torooto 1 aw bdbool miai jalo mooregor al milton vjalted aclou trie id ifcit wtek mre m i urry and 1 er two danfblere left uat week fv a vlelt to dal ml u mlaa mitnle holmea was 1 ome from norval for a oouple ol day thla week mia woodhall of uoorkalewn vlalted at the home of ilr george bltoulo lul week mr george i araooa who baa beau work inf at fldland for eoroe lime bae ratarned borne v mre a j oeullea and babe ate apendlog a ooaple of week at 1 er father a 4 oral al berlin mr faooell bmytb of lha traders bank hanover vlalted fr loads lo the old home leal weekti mre lie j w itae of toronto juno tlon vulled at the home of dr mckeagae traffng tbe week dr mckeeguele4mproved bo rapidly that he will soon be able to be oat again and altend bla practice mrs a j murray of bock wood epent a few dayedorlng the weak with u a slaaee lalng and other fileoda mr bobert moore e family will rsmove tola week to uanuvllle where lit moore hss been employed for eome lime be ii a mecpbereoti went lo toronto otr monday- to vdtend tbemoanaltaeeving of the uynod of toronto and kingston mr w w hlta principal of weelon x nbllo bchool has received an appoint ment to hamilton btreet bobool toronto during 1 1- clay in town dr allln baa mails numeroaa friends he le an eothna uslloyouig man with a bright fa tore be fore him t banuler w a molesu went to xloton oo tuesday to alund the funeral of hie ancle john w moleau publisher of the liolou tvmttt he waa claoled chairman of ibe preoeedloge end the rvw aaya tilled tbe position ad rally mr carroll waa presented with a gold watch aollably engraved mlu j wbetworui of erid daughter tjt- o the gradaallng olaea of the deaconess training bchool toronto tba year word has been reoalved by aoton friends lo tbe affeot that mre thomas cook of 0 rand baplda mian who wee very ill during the winter la slowly regalolng her 1th bbe aenda kind regarda to all aotou irunde dr joe gogblan left thla morning for londou where ha will practise bla profs aloii of dentlatry dr cogbuu tarried on a aucoeaalal boalneee for three years in acton end now aeeks a wider field the beat wlabee of many frunda go with blm oaalph uereury mr william grippe of baaubu merle writ the fne pa that the older reel danta there cordially welcome tbe bew njlejt of former aolonlan a beoenlly ueeats j no bymoo w 1 campbell and b bingham apenl bunday al the grippe bomeeleed a few ml la out from tbe baalt tbe fas pake bae on alloyed pleas ore inoongratalallogdr w ulowty f off on anooeesfnlly pasalug hie final tkamlna- tlona at trinity college toronto dr lowry baa not only taken high aland log lu hi oouree but baa woo a oectiooate of honor he la a worthy eon of a woitby lire hia father dr w h liwry gaelph being a gold tnedallat when he oradaated prior to eetulng lu acton more tbaa a qua iter century ago chuwbonb connuno air fdwlu orlpp ha ranted tl dock rky farm far ihla year mr oliver laaby nnderweul a aurulcl operation al oaalph oaoeret lfosital leak week for tha treatment of a loe atatidiiig allmaul ua la improving uloely m a nelle la spending a faw weoka with frlauda in malloo mr o a lumabaw bf lowvlll vlajted at mr jae lumabaw eoubnnday mr and mre j forbee and mlse laua akiui of antonj visited at mr n forbee on bunday m wulwetklu uweladenl toronto latrhtttopntrhie- bnoilhtwrttirtntty mite bonus oairoll of llauiillon re turned to her home here last week probably there is no lb log ao ouoertaln as a aur thing tbe annoal dlatrlolmeelldg of qolph dlotrlol was held in dublin bueet melho- dlat church goelpb on tneeday and wednesday be j m hager m a and ix 1 moor attended front aoton the uorosee dlaulole have been finally arranged the lulermedlala aerie die irlctbo la oomposed a follows bramp ton georgetown gleliwllllama btreelavllle m mitchell brampton a chairman of the dlalrlol the mesara uolmttt drovera made a large uumbor of farmarrtiymterdaj they ahlpped three oar a of atock two of cattle and one of hoge and distributed about 1000 ainouk the farmer who delivered lhard meesra arnold 11 roll era report thai they nave received another tempting offer fo looeu in aa 0 nurio town whloh la hunt log for mabufeoiorlee mr ii t ardold hikii tbe ooonoil to rivs him some indaoe meot to remain in aclou the committee viae bean uuabl to arrange for bight of tneellug of the oo u trtbotoreto the ounuar mnora monument fund lo arrange for the propoeed moou manl tbe maatlug will i rohably be announoed in uail laaua mr w a blewait of the aeoond hue who had hi left fool eeverety sprained oonple of months ago whiu jum ing off a load of bay la able lo be about now with ool the aid of era lob he 1 m had p tedious time with tbe it jared member tuesday and thursday evening are general olub nhiht- on tha golf uoka member are expeoud to oommeftoe to play lo twosorae or four some f lwwediauly upon arrival at tha thu pevmllting all lo make the rcnndol the links before dark from tbe grand baplda mloh ifi ihq 7sal we lara that air george w cook formerly of aoton who la a ooudtlalo o the btfeel bellwey of thai ouv has uu appointed a apeclal deputy bhariff with powera to t reserve aod order ou ths hue over whloh he tuus theoouoelt mm nil he for lb oeooelt uail wednesday veiling lu connection with o teauhaie idellluu couvuliod wtllulbafamlaaaiii we wanl lo give e an par lor ooooett lit recognition of aclou e kind trealmenl of u teehergtts t by past axparloaoes j from the mooonllh h w l orlj wa learn the 1u bobt j fdnilutljrt ha heoome quite at home la local matter at his present ohafus at bpy hill al the homscomlug of 1 1 i eray carroll of the btrathoonaa from bouth africa kit month he was chairman of the pnblld gathering mat t welcome blm aud a member ol he oomlltevulotilfaentballnj wlibei gold watch aullably lueorlbjd bemrmbecthiaorgeloefb rsces t ly 1700 in pureee lake plaos may it blngle are on railway ah to oijjfib a cold in onb dav take laexallve urome qolalae tablets i srtnisaxasa sat absolute security genuine oarterv- iittle liver pills put bear blbiibtur of 5a pesinua wnfoa- waayaaaeti ka4 aaeaa t uka a aaaa imiusuat roidimans raa wuonuila m taimuvia ratcoattimtim rnuiiiviui roe wrtewriniba oure ciok headachl scrofula what it commonly inherited is no scrofu bat ibe scrofulous disposition tririrfffallyatmmcrtrinfflcaloaby cutai poy eruptloni oraetldes by pe- nei nervousnebe and general debility the disease altllcted mrs k t finyder union st troy ohio when she was elchteen years eld manlfestlnc itself by a bund in bar neck which censed rl pain was lanced and became a running eore it amicted the daughter of hr j it jones perter city ind when i years old and developed ao rapidly that when she was 18 aha hail eleven runtuntt sores on bar beck and about her ears these sufferer were not benefited by srofeaslanel treatment bat ea they volun rlly sayajre re ooro piste y- cured by hoods saraaparltla thlt peculiar medicine positively or nets the aerorojoos disposition and radt xtxtj and peysnancour cttm uw aitoaee at wholesale prices nyipu roadra large porobaae of dlnoar bats tea bali and toilet bala and ssonred pays to buy at dolurts j it pays to buy at bolurts dallinapad mr david cook jr and two yoang ladles wbtls driving in aor on bon day even in j 5 lb inst- had rather a serious axperieno turning tho eon rr at tha town ha i tbe horse eh led end ibe bequty was turned opelde down mlae cook bad hsriawbonelraoturel the other aosp d wllhootfrjiory glad wedding belie rung yea lard ay with mnalo whlob was especially delightful to 4wtv70ang hear leeuaaaod no h1 esteemed bare mr btafford 7 bennett and ml basle bdberteoa formerly of thu vicinlly bat lately of arden manitoba were united in tbe bonds of holy wedlock at toronto confer tu la lona are universal la this taction seeding oerationi are about over and preparations are no w being mads for ths root crop t i a number of bunday bchool worker from tbl vlololy will attend the bunday bohooloonnuonnctna owttllnnv jpr tueedey 28ih lost mr uarry bnort u and bu man are boally engaged on the frame o mr fred near a new biro boud cold beeb gold fill 1 60 syrs gold fill 100 besi glaaees 100 we stoarantee perfect eat globe optical co 0a yorb stroot toronto- a apecial trade dlaoount on eamewteiva decided lo euse lbs llna opt at wholesale irloi jhe goods aie ell perfect of the latest patterns and designs and are the very ousel ware inolndlng fills llrpognea china french china kngllah bern loroelaln and hi a mine ted boeee olym- pla aodycromer bead ih fallowing carefally i i lite ij noguo dinner sol regular prlco 6j aalc price jo i terman clin dinner set regular price fa sale rice fjo ii 115 ploce dinner beta regular prtco sao sale prloe tic 5 ioo piece dinner seta regular price fi aaleprlco til 35 07 piece dinner bfll regular price 1250 sal price fio ro 97 piece seta regular prlco to aalo prlco j 3 dinner sets regular 7 aaleprlco i3 75 tttllpl bits ranging from if 50 up to lioo 35 tvseta ranging fom 350 np to 30- yoa are cordially invited to call and x amine these goods we consider it a tho kotcd tba store and china palaok j a mccrea cuelph oeoroetown georgetown will tend a large oonllogeot nf htltlay pxtiftn yjfwr tp t ol mav tuesday lo the bunday school gouven lion tl e volnnteer are getting ready to drill preparatory to roing into oamp at niagara next moolh the golf clnb a membership fee is fixed at ii 00 for ranllemeu and 60 quota for ladlea both lha high and fubllo bchool have enlhaalastlo foot ball teams beeve nixon la preeldent and j m moore secretary of lha recentl organised ueroeee olub jhoyx8euriiisliiiigs- the right house uatabr1t11ad itlj hamilton s favolttl shoppinc rlack some news from the carpet and home furnishing hectlons and wlilch at this beasoa of lha year should be particularly inlereatlng new cnrpcue yud si li tapeeuy hrossau cipu ml til mra and oololtta beeuluul ctu per yard al jo tapeaby oarpets oreaalay a bat ujvtr tnake the oaoatuplivdaie daslco aaj eolorlnce per yard too kiuagnodquallir of tepeetry oarpeia vood rang of bloe fatunu batuleodia roioruce uaually bold at ood yard at tapestry oerreu beat daeleoj tood eolora wall wcrlh boo a yard al bk tlooae breaaala and wool aaiuaxbe at offejelb al as u n md w i obee wlj red tetpestay turfnitul beavyvapeetxyotirtaln yard bv i aadtv inoltea heavy knotted fiinge lou and bottom colore of aveeh erlmu terra ootu blue atad brown at pat pair siko t jw ails ec00 atlyl laoo curtalug uouiaebam lee ouuin l yard by to altd is inebas brlsbt tpray daailjpi overlooked edfw vary apaluj at par noiuoxbaii laee onruloa a yard by 5 and so tnebea 4 ebeiee apcay deiuso border botj loseruon etlaoi overloek d edhs apeeul si koulosham lace cartalii s yeo b m to b0 luehe ao palleras to beieet rrom to tlfbi spray edeow also lloblbet onrtsjoa eopte of uaj bt lea irub i olt ocrlain i yard by uj luobea b border and laeavtioa dotted centres extra aood veide at w pair vary speetaiatat yio bmwu ta ourtaue a yard b la njntf paui at a ltldl of ji curtain octly ccspelr of a peueru to be cleared at apatbtrd leas tbaa the reulsjr adllcg prlca aaieatry tabic cover ttlrytbu1covart i vard square trltmad all round revereahle ooiorloe of vej krn bias and black and red food baevy cloth bpaclel at aeeb slee hhve yqu thsted ilia comforts of a costume designed 1 y mrs d nol uq in ur drejaii j ruimit itultlboa ploaiara toyoairyou doao stylo 111 prlco and trcaimeii ai will lo to your liking out guarantee for it nitl ij oodai 11 bu k dcpartmeit la almply cr lj with no mater ula nothing up lo dale ut ypu see t here special lerli g i 1 inny lines ihla week boo ll em it will be lo your advantage 16 tailor made suits to clear the price run from m 73 lofis 31 hoy are itcauiu i anils good newanlup to date will clear them out ihls week at a til 10 inf wm t lo sail every ope o 1 1mm and will make price low enough t to do it 1 sonus card punched wllh every purchase it ravcfto0uytbollert b ibtir bollert cfe cor 25 ami 27 wyndham 8t gtjelpi1 new lace curtains our stock this year u larger than etiof and as wo import ih ufactnrera in great britain we can ahow you values tliat are hard to i goods directly from ihe wo bale them at 5ic 73c f 00 i 50 if 03 l b3 i j 35 i 30 tl 73 etc our dolur curtain to inchee wide and 3 yards long ia tl a benl curlalu for tl o 1 1 fancy to be found anywhere and our other line arc in roportlo i tapestry and ohenllo otirtoinu etc alsofull rangoof tapestry and chenilo curtalnsand lal ic coveia a rl sateen ar draprrle spot muallna tc yoa alioald not buy curtalna liefcre inapecllng our atock art muslins in a great variety of patterns and colorings kirfeclly fil color at he 10c iajc r3c carpets x tpoclal ttran carperiiralic a tpoclal union erpct al 33c an 1 an excellc t luality at 40c also a full re age of belter quail tie of uttlaim and wools from 30c to b3c a apeclal line of tapestry at 30c hemp carpels iac 15c aoc aud 33c japanese mattlnge cotton varp al 13c a dc and 3jc no troublo to show goods hend6rs0n rx co mill street acton that fit mail oildbrs recdue promi t atleiilloo are filled same day a tvceived as far as posalhu samnlci cheerfully sent upon application and all mall order purchase ol dry good amounlng to fsoottnd over dellveiedeipreaschargea psld to tioareat railway alatlod in ontario thomas c sstatkins king st east cop hughson sfc hamilton limhhouat aocorjlug to rumor aom people are oalolilntl trout hare th executor of the eitete of tbe late mis jjullivati offer for kale the boose and 1 j hare attached beloogluf to the aetata lu lltuahaue 1 h aaje will uke place fit 8 p ui thl afternoon mr jobu watson i getting the lumber amid limber tin ih u round or a hoe oew heuk barn vlratclaas photos a rensonable pilose have a lilting before i leave town olvlng up bosinsaa joo ikh bamuw womau called a juk la punch woman called a heu is in an oil er bunch deaf nee tabbut m oured 0 y itmej appueatloas a thy eaanol 1 eseb ih dueasedpoiuimj of theear to ere u only 00 waytobuladaejaaea and that i by eonelllu tiooa remedlea dsafncee u eauaed by en in oatued condition of the eaiaooua llolug of lb kueuabua tube when tbla tube sets to flaw d you have a rambling eocnd or iaiprtel baartug and when tl u eetlralr aloeed deaioea u lb result and unless tbe innauibielloti can bf ukeu out bb4 tbla lube res tared le it or- lual ooedllloc bearing will be deetrojed lo- evar utne ease owl of lao are ceased by eetenh vbleb le bothlbg but an indented dondltluu uf vne wroeeajee uj vvefuaet we will give oo uundred dollar for any osee of deaf dae caused by catarrh thai not be cured by 1111 a oetarrb our head for efrculaf tie v tlouinhtsuo toledo o bold by druggtletee halls vamlly 1 uuare tbe beet lsze isrant your next suit order u wbo in 11 poclui ha no mobajr will oar bad lhml ol mff ud boaky and were propnred to get it this spring in the first phce were ready to sllow ou the best qinlitiei the ncatett patterns and colors mixtures in the but kind of suitings trowsetlngs and overcoatings then is you know we make the best tailored and best fitting clothes in the city only men ind men of ability ire employed to make coat for ua if you look into these points and learn how little youll hive to pay for what you want touugiyeusiheorderr we buqeeed because our glasses give perfect tight the frame sits comfortably eich eye looking through the centre of the tense the whole becoming to the wearer srykgb st co optigittns gu6lph d xtixlroxx 50 dozen ladies girls childrens and boyb hose all sizes and prices 100 pairs ladies corets of the newest styles aiso a large crafc of glaw life and crockery and a crate of stoneware call and sluthem c f qoodeve cfe co jutlll st hcton t ior d e macdonald sv bro the lion cuelph new and seasonable goeds jslfk clolfbs jiul m1voj ur ilotli ol shu on i talfotla c lowi nxti valo al 30 and 50c wf t mrksols 1 a cnolc lol of uull 1 arawl latest hyli lu itatijl 01 lkdibs ubstfb lajica vcuftt 11iuu1 swlii colli n la icy uaro an i r 1111 i nacl 00 ali atul ahort alvi at sc ht ioc i ilk ioc jh jjc 5oc hosibrv lllra valua i eakhl at llollsry ul 35c jjr 4 11 a 5 c iwr hair 1 ull raoga of colloif honlory neini ribbons woribaaolok aultl i for i eckwear in all ii o v i i r hill alao now loi orvlvt ulbboili all width trtusuiws i ull lock ol onaodlat swlta s an i i gurney co obmaaai arasohantb aoto tminiiniii lave 4v t

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