jhjmv 1iiaiialim rasizrssrajess vr overwork you know- all about it the rush the i worry the exhaustion i you go about with a groat i lcht resting upon i r you cant throw off this feeling you arc a slave to your work sleep falls and you are 1 j on tho verge of nervous exhaustion what is to be done take i sarijpariiia or fifty years it has been lifting up the dfs- couraged jjlvlng rest to tho overworked and bringing refreshing sleep 4hodepres8ed no other sarsaparllla approaches it in age and in cures ayerv is the leader of them all it was old before other arsaparhfas urcrc born aycrs pills aid the ac- ayera sarsapa- they cure blllous- scljc retort vtt hs tuuitudav way lfilb 1501 vlfyz gaung jfolhs why joo iba iocsla berk leua why joe the dotftfio luk 1 the ituoa why if you mml know u that that tho mtuo ilutf oati t erow and bo he bta lo bark wby 1m the rooetereroar why do the rotr crow v tlimrscaati why 111 tell to you lucauaatbo too to caausttilatr and o be bu to crow why floe uiekltun tuw ib wby doe the kltuirueir r tbareaeou why 1 in foiaul tatey i that ui utun em not bray and eo ltd he to mew wby doe the dookay bry li why do tha donkey bry f lha raaaou why tba donkey bray a t the h nasi waeiuora that ray and bq be ha to bray a gold mine on v our farm tlila la the edeflanr tlietlpre motor com i pftny of irfmdon ami id n iwu caulokuant irhnof afuhiy page j ftaoetl byfht rntrfrvtlrfi t 41 a mi proof lhat by t alng riropnf mean aterj farm paybeccme ft vatill u ijolil mine the irraltto alio thai ureal jitm ll may b made ill tho orchard in the flruv initio vineyard and tlm rdeit l by rrful prrmd ml inaiilfrily rrliehl labtra alibwe what ireoa ami plant- bate yielded ami lt they may bo induced to jield under ihe rjiafclo touch of ilia hnra mator thohpremow la a maohine that bat demonatreuid to i ho eallefaotlon of the department of agfioaltoiti thai over tty of ilia poaalbla fiuit crop of tba dominion of canada ia going to watt and all throuxh t lack of appreciation of proper rnaan or matlnit it hurtling tlili mijj m it is backed up by ooovinolnn ttalalla lvxlf will u found iii- iba report or i ho bporlu unite nt of apiaylug ipri roenta ilia work waa coiidootwl by tlireo uod of iba hon jtoriti urjrn mpaur or anrioullun tor ivioto of ontario oopica of lliia valoabla oatffokna may ba bd upon applloallon to tho hpratnator oo i ltdon vanietleb it ia worlh uhilo to do avco llirt amalleai klodnaaam aa t joru tho way kolb infl loal hodawdjop patlabea but elnkjng into the flower makea itawur do not ba ao bdky that you eaodot giva another tba bendll of a kindly amlla or a plaaiant word or a liatanlng r 13 nt loot and cbrlitiatt ijmpatby nadnot ouubl ot to con 11 itt tba loving tart about i iwa dixl atpraaaioo u la dalitoiom to llvo a put up atiul iu ufa and wiilout uauouug ilia homo olrcla tbay who ara bol forcad by circa m btantm to oonflna their aooia llfo allokalbar 10lhtr ttomaahotildawtnntjta of othnr paopla it il a mlataka hloh tauda 10 darrownaaa to allow onua atlf to baooma too boay with hi owu affair a aud tlia own botna to t any of that klnj of growth which tho aunahlna of aooial llfo alooo pro mo u odmlflaivl jftthyurmit stuok en hla vmnam if vm m ptncayw will ilk ir lr willau u lluk cka ika nluaua u llx lun th pac l w h our ou liufy frm oll wu imlbf tuili j ihuih iropf tba wwju wwlimm cl lllt ym hi hay ui lo- i it it utt y the pace wire fence co lw wlkcwvillk omy ceylon and india tea qreen or black dont forget the rkcts british irown ti a ii uncolond and cleanly ft i mi ichnilrolli d uul lontainb no adulterant neither japan nor china teas possess these cniracteristles shlkdff ooyloa topjo aro cold in ooalod loa4 paokola only hover in kfuk blaok mixed or unoolorod ooylon groan samplo on appli cation ddroo balada toronto why r woij a shoo tii it has won tho highest itwurd t tho lirls worlds intr oiifht to ba good enough or u lady to wc ir he mty comfort style ap- pmrjiice and dui lbililj uro the pointi that u on tho jold nicd il ity pneu and vahio m iko it the ltioicmof th oils indsof tidici who know how to dfcsj taste fully und comfartubly sjoo und oo per pidr mado by tho l d king co limited toronto ila e wiba girl who knowj her own suildtuly aturlnl catarrhj calloj an abnerloan dlaaaaa u onroj hy all american madloiuv drrnaisd and pre pared in tho moat catarrhal of american connlrlaa- that tnodlolno 1 ifooa karaaparilla it core radically and permanently ia that it remove tha oauaa olaalni lha blood of aorofalooo and all other itopurltlaa it ovaroomaa all tha fle la of catarrh too and bo ida hp tha whole ayiuro a tolling gait gatbara romorae mm to p4ttvt cood idut way b aacnrad by okaid arlrlrw th patcji7 recoiid bamaktvmal modaaty la tha boat policy can ilaooumend lu mr unoa ilarti berr tuacarora wrllaa i am plaaaad o aay that dr thomaa koloclrlo oil la ail that yoa oau claim it to ba aa wa haa boon being it for 04 both intarnally and axtaritajly and have always received beat flt from lla ue it la our family medloluv and i take great p nature iu traoommaudlug it uoilt may not ootu out on top iu all thing but 11 neutrally doaa in barrel of yoil cautyvll you dont kuow when tlia oough will atop iba cough of eonkumptlou hj juatauoh kugimilug laka bcottaluiul klou uow while th nougu in ually biau aged thero ia only one thing that tiiuala the hndgefof tba railway prumotera for aob aldlealo thlaoonntry and that la their hunger for more anbaldlea obolora morbua cratnpa and kindred oomplalnla annually wake their appear auo at tha a me time aa tha hot weather grean fro it uooamhare rriolouv etc and mtnyparaonnatw dabarred frorntattng theaa templing frulta but they 11 64 not autalti if they hava dr j d kuoa dyaeotary cordial and laka a fow dropa in wur it core llis cramp ant cholera tttttacnackablam an aer anotuurs to ory dtaturbatioe of the how el clrcunutancea alur ftoa children cry for castoria cliildran ara often attacked auddi nly ly painful and daiigaroua cello cramp dlar- rho dyentrry cholera morboe ohrhra liifaiitum etc dr lowler 1ytiaot of wild htrnwlxirry la a prompt and nra enre which ahoiild alwaya ha krpt in t llouac a miu who la aluiaya writing article ou ihacoodof niarillty will bo u luimorlal wrelch jth prcpchitota 4 vmh 1 a vl ro cinalanlly reolvlm iltrnt lurto im followiui which eiptlna iulf mr john a uiam waterloo ont write- i never uaad any medlclua that can oul iarmotoe e 1illa for dyapcptla orkidnay and liiar complaint 1 bo nif ei lenoed after ualug them waa wonderful aa a aafa family mrdioluo rrmtlm a vgc ublolilh cat ho llen in all tato feijulr ing a caluai tic wo would ilka to heta aomo una figure ouljutthow many fool commliteo into i iug ara iu a aiuall tyu lit oao yrar tor lulerual or ezlerual ua hiiyrje yeuow ull caunot bo excelled ai a pain relieving and aoolblug remedy lor pain we think there la a great dee mora uu neoeeaary ulklng done ban there it talk that u tveoetaary area sure core for nervousness slooplessnoss ner vous prostration lossof enorgry bralnpag faint and dlny spoils loss of memory melancholia llstlossness after effocts of la grippe palpitation of the heart an mm la general debility and all troublos arising from a imn- down system they will bin id you up make rich red blood und ijivo you vim and encrtfy price jjoe per box or three boxes for ji35 nt drujj- risti or will be sent on receipt of pricobythct mil- burn co limited toronto out it u aafa betting that many m oanadial know mora about the map of hoc hi africa than ha doejhbout tha map of hla owu country uilburne blerliny headache iowjata ara eaay to take hafmuae in action and aura to core any boadaobo in from t to 20 mlnoua wa have ilia roport from montreal way a man getting married tba alxth time vet it la aald a burned child dread tlia you ou tall anything about lha alu of a lodge by thd uu of tha badge lha iiiem hare wear children cry for castorja bom men aeem to ha good foe nothing alaa but to ralaa long haavy heard uuu uiiwu i waa run down and uetvou 0 i got a boxoi uilhurit uaatt and hrv iill and thoy proved of great uueflt to m uy mother alto wuht to ay that thay were of groat value to her 1 ikilur london livery man ha hi price y th eynlo llul vati ilia oyuio may oooaalou ally flud that the maua pried u prohibl tlva k a s y cure whit will 011 say to a cream that makes you digest your food so well that you lose yntu weakness and pim t is stotts itnulsion ol codlivci oil i urns toniiiion food into ucvcv and bono and muscle and fat v u eud yvu a liiiu u r li ym uu scott uuwng cfcawuu tareata who haa been cured of backache 1 lljny trouble by the ui of doau i ilia hot written u at follow me win illtliop palmyra ontwrilca i limtuuldoin a lilt tor 1am hack and kuow bey are an wicelunt fill at two boxea oouv nulely cured 111 urt j t daeenalt montreal u awalett oneyaaratco 1 iiitlarej terribly with klduty trouble i con ml l 1 vral pliyaklaii ami utid tlitlr 1 retcrlptlont wllhoiit aucce i taw doau a llllt advertlied to procured a bo n 1 they made a complate iaue lira j v grimtti unntajrua ilrllge i k i wrltem about ala m on tilt ayo i aufiartd tarrlbly with weak ami ume iwtck i took one boof doau a 1 hit an i am ttianwul to lay that they cured n e an 1 1 bavo uot bad auy alkn of my tioub e tine ilia tllgliotl aiilbllioii of up anlnra ia to got big enough to ho photographed by barony of mow york id tmil at i jiit a liver pil that is aiiiali aud turc lhat aaluleully tjulokly aud thoroughly that doe not gripa lua liver illla noiita thota qualities aud ara a sura euro far juer oonipulut ootiitipalbn ilok hetdaoh vto nearly evttr lha povtufllai ope 11 niirniuil goi110 que auk in whtii the mull will ba at thtt eid of the journey a tin all boy tat fjnlolly in a arat of thaj day nnacb on a train running ixtwern twof wrtrti aillna it wa a hn ltiiy icry iiucouifutlslit fur tritclilngnd that artlnular ride w rh llm moal unluh rnitlng day m iniirney in ur wh la iant 11 tit 1 ho tltitn follow ntt patiently weluhlng tba ill ii i m burryiiiu b until a mi thrrly 1 if u nlng akrd y plbelioally areii t yii tlrinl of die uuu rhlr laf ami iba dutt and thn hit7 the lad loolid upblublly and rr urd wlthaamlhi yoa ma m a llillr pa i dim 1 mind it much lcii my fthoi la aolng to meet inn when i g t t tho mil oil wbl ixkulkul ilo0iui it 1 ilia iii l ml i cell lok d hopefully and tru4trngly an i like the little boy out mlpd il much hecauao our father too will bo walling to mt lit at our journey a on 1 wd11b1 vet a frth alory about tho oild tiainoe nf lha colored people of the booth coiiidh from new orleene time i an jip toaujmuaakccpijjiaa aw taker womaii with uiotiictclirutuiiiamfltj da meet and 11 on co occiirrud to thn lidy lo aak thla mauonna of ihn tuba for whoiu or whalahajiadjieeli callo i 1 11 xt ply to tho luatllunlhe waahurlady mpuod twat a man nf mh mew ulmmo that entitle an a mighty ugly oue it ir i tnui aay uut i v b woreo diom than thajiljjtft ajilyl gqomlly dirnei quccii vnry curloua tha yale iv known frlciid ha choice tcollilel lhat ulhly prmntltcd tome it ihe i ody uuteum a few cf iiiehi am a follow a wag roii tho ul of uu oiuev otrio water from all a well the rollnr from tha ahede of nveiilug a drink from a aand bar a rocker fiotu he or utile a the deep a frto lunch from lha bndwlch lalaiid a llootl in cjrllu a bottle of hazard a yellow oil thou id ba lu every oycliata lit aa it it the mol tiffed live remedy for prain bruit out tiff joint contraction of tha tiiutole cramp in tho irg ate tin re a exoplionu to every rule l veil a politician may ba itontti eighty years 0d oaiarrh iflfty yaart or agnew catarrhal powder euro him want any alroni or nvl- denco of the powrr of thl wonderful remrdy lln jlaail7 n balrua of thn cata confirmed f wntaceorga lcwli bhamokln la h aay i look upon cura at a in i rax to it relieve in ten 83 ny euro nlnulc it relieve sold by a t drown did you over pauta to oontldar that it 1 a good thing thai uot everything you hear la truat klheurmxtlairn what tho cau8o7 whoraa tho ouro7 th act la irritating cautoof thlmot painful ol llhcaya pnlaondlia uric nrlj in tho blood so nh american rhaumatlc cura ttautra llierf tha acid polton relievo in 6 hour and cure in 1 to 3 day go sold by a t drown he who piomitoa runa n debt tat- mud quudon cfaathn on tho in- oroaso ivij la a iiarmilly well and h ijiy to day to morrow ara tlriun dnwn nrul in ninety nlna caw ont of avnry hund red tha h4kt i tha cauta tba kinol htart rcmedle dr aguauf cure far tlia heart i within reach of all itrdlovr in 30 mlnulea and cureii inoit cluoulo sold by a t brown government approval of the spramolor tl uu lrull th bow tke iyh v ttkauilire lull lltt facte ikwilj iu laihilae l71z twli lo trtlfytaal alia ro omtwio trcx j itx ilaard bf cir jott f rull fcp htntil ixalloe tjolu in wkk lbn wt ib toollu ik jnwu lo tj loo ii c luttotm 1 litj h tj atl taliur twonlo i i pl la ttallx lul ll hijaivlar fxdd f qm yijuc lulaey lt eiblllftlin john uryukwultcj actlulw tt ijatoaviitmaibt cnuaall v i it oaly iiiij- ut i kiuwr lvy rymrv k vriikti dominion i of canada jf iiftl la iiiilua i hvu bad kycnaid louauftuamrlhautllktand nt gkougf jolimon cilll qoaiuilliia slillati quibif i kiva much 1 laiu tolfwii vdu ttul lli hj5i1 ilj umyatifutuuaauiiielrua hi lb irulnl hi li lion j a loutuhk u vi lmi buss a w 5ij ul kl no i h 1uj om 1 h khamk iiiuln e la vtflebrfrvniiralion for aa- slmilallng utftoodandrctfula- aliibc8uujuuianiall3ovil3of imams lllldltrn pratnoteswgesuonhatrui- acm nnd isstonbrins natter ojiiummoiphlnfl norhincxal horkjutootio jij i a perfect remedy forconsllpor- tlon sour stomapuuthocar worms convulsions feverish hess and loss op sleep tacsunlo signatu of see that the facsimile 8ignat0jbe of is on the wrapper 0e eyeby bomee ob castoria 0sutt ttjmirtf txjblnriwttle anly it la aet aeu la balk deal odew aayeu ta etil aajrtklaf else oa tie alaa or brecalae uut li aa ej aaawar erery nr bee tlui yea pi 01toiuu fatfat- nfiumiuwiuwiumiunfiuwjuwmwiumiumiuwk 1 notice j r sec our windows for the latest thing t will a tuuttl urd wldi your i im ta the sphamotofl co lohdoh ont an i il y vllt 1 you a eottjl liaaktia ba 1 uyu aul ull iiikulu tujuf ltl if aonia monjira to ha judod by their own avpreaaed opinion of humanity thay ara uii terry ipecimeuu themeolve how to oura ueadaohe borne people iuflcr hnloij mlacry day afurday wllh headache tliem a ret neither day nor ul until tba uerveu ara all unatrunu 1hoautaiajnarally a disordered atomaoh and a oura eh ho afftialed by mlnu iarma i vmauljl illla ooutaltiiiik biandraka and daudahon mr im lay wark lytan dsr p q wiilaa i qud rarmelcea rill a thaloiaia artldo for bllioua htad a oli 9 let us cat drink ind bo married for u morrow wa dje worms oanuot exit t either in children or adulla whan dr low d worm oyrup la ued 23a all dealsra a ood way to avoid disappolntmaula ltaien your ipaotalloua a jllryhi fltdwl uuh ilunlop lira la hhl in hhhar futimntlnii bcroiiao iu miikar put a imnnot fmuli 011 it vou can huv ikiulap 11r6a with tlw oilckumwl triwid on any wheel pm buy iio extra oluirtfe nine boils on neck all uot old lhat utura aueullou iu tha worll of home orthio mad loin haa bu it vry souroauipro re aw in jwlltlo iml rli the dlf aouluaa of opinion nutl tha individuality of uuu have ben par tit lo lha- diaaijra nieiil by whlolt tha standard ol thee bodla hava haeu titivated elo with moat of 6ur fauiou preparatloue furemoetiu ii luttralloii of whioh truth btaud tha world famouu remedy lo yoiioral debility abd fciiituor quinine wlu and which whan obtainable lit ita uenulua treu i e mlraouloua creator of appetite vitality and tllmulaut to tha renaral fertility of tha eyaunj qululua wiua and ita lm provemant had from the flret dlecotery of tha wroftt virtue of qulnlua a a mad loal ajjenl leu 011a or tha moat thoronlily diacueaetl reuiadlta aver ufferad to the pub iu it i ou of tha reat touw ftlt aud natural life lvlu etlmulabu whioh t mad loal profeaalon have boeii 00 m pal led lo raoodulaa ami proac7ru uaaar no7tl top and lyman of luronlo hava iveu lo tha preparation of their puta julnlue wine the treat cara due to lie mpoitauoa and the etaudard axoelleuoa uf lha article wlloh they otxor to uia publld come into the market punted of all tha defoote which aktllod obaarvatlon and acieutlno opinion haa pdlqtad out iu ha lew porfoot prap ra tloua of iht lattar oenlua it uolliiuk but ooutluued kttau lion halvtliui oobt 10 oortitt hut vfprth a dollar alil tint it the toitimany or hundreds who 1110 dr aiuevc aliver 1 ill thoyare ho ture to pure to plcaiant and easy act inj tho demand for thlt popular liver ieniator is to feat it la lanliiff lha makara to keep up wljjijlirfgi sold by a t drown boibi cut ivm- noor old fob hurtloclc blood anyone who hay ever been troubled with boibi pathize with jthftru was no llurdock blood bitters in those days r job had to suffer in silence now- a days no one iiletl endure the misery of boils all tkey have to do is take jlbd when their blood will be cleansed of all impurities and every boil will quickly dis appear uu lydla moody uunnom itadx co out ut nila llm following tuloiiant of hur iiuuu hduiu t lino uko wy hi hid jot uo out of nidi r unit muny hoif apitoamd on my body und iroviutid inn huvlutf miy riht 1 liul nliui on my nick ut dlif runt lliiiiiu uikutpiltttu iiimuhur of t mid i 0110 chint on my uhmildi rw mid urui our mt dur 1 1 hlibor aihiir thn nillmttvilti riftl im nirtvukulltni firmy blm und 1 did 0 ilaflir i hud llhlulnd tlm lt hottla i fntuid unit hmiin of tlm bull hud dlup 1 uah d und ull llm 1 tt w w kidtluif nltuih aimdlnr i tin 11 inoru ixittlum aud hy tlm mum i liud tbcan liuahy all bjne tlnirt ta lint 11 boll to ba iu ealdaa this n ihiuiuliii from which i auffirtd triully lurt nut und i hnprivd t tnuoh lu hi alth that i uoi novy ft etroa vobuat uhl much of lha w i tdom bt on aa a tha folly of tha uxl o bimmoo u id t-aihor- b eiond than auffer ikalii tha lortuie of invomuia palpitation aul nervouu lwlchliii of my mutcc in- ilucod hy tlmpla neglect of a utile indlcst lion riioo ara iba forceful and wandn words of a ludy who proclaim that her cum hy south american nervlna when bvurytliuik elm had iimim waa a modem mifjclu a tow dow ivia relief qi bold by a t ilrown rro i a real oura for an over attl mala of ouraulvss q uaodouald uldnoy search llfctht hava you liackuclia u you foe drowty do your limbs feel heiw hat you iulni in the loin ilavyoudjftlneti llavayoua tired drujfkluu fbilluif lu tha relnus of the kidneys any und all of theta liullcala kid nay trouhu louth american klduay cura la a liquid kidney pacific and works won darful cure in moat compllcad caua j4 sold by a t drown uoclely is tba mother of oonveullou mp vo btttnej plnoappl- tabloio qlwo inaturtt rollef- nioy ra handy to curry take one after oat- itik or whenavtu you feal kiomach ilitlrea coming 011 aufferer have fttoveil u l q rautidy known tint will ulve lualaiit relief aud permanent cura- no loutf todu uci hjjintjt with jnnjjjaiiablo roultimt fir ull aorta of ttuniach troiiblei 3j conta od ld by a 1 1 trow 11 tha way torn a men laka of proving their reutioutihlp to atiaii iat la byylnji thay uudarataud woman lovely woman thra is uothlnij nual to mother graves worm ixtermlintorfor daatroylnk worms no artlold of it klud haw jlvan etiah satis faction tha doera capital and tha canadian weatherhaaal uasl ona lhln in common they ar both no ohan our weak knot parliapa it a your throat or your bron ohial lubaa it you take cold easily take boot 1 lmultloiii it check auy undauay in your eytlem lo aetlau luny troubla luokbaara a oeittlu reaembuuco to a btdna throwu by a woiyau you can uever tall whore it is koluit to i itlit jrcveaelij ontario dar blr i am iilad to ha able to toll you that doaua kfduay lllli proved uu axoeltut ranibdy for lama btok and bidnuy uouhlai from which 1 tmffurtd i touh ona box and thay entirely cura ma mrs ii tjmith quarrel would iiov fault was only on ouu cauld sox underwear neolcwoar and nowost strawjhat sfcyloo wa handle only tha new gooda and prices ara tha lowest in tha city for reliable good -3- i renelson 3 h- phick onlv merchant tailor and mona 1 urnlsher cnelph e tmmmiumiumiumiuwiunrmmminiuinjumjiir the eyes at forty req u i reassistance when ybu are thi age reading or neat work becomes an exertion and glasses of just enough strength to relieve all strain should be obtained we are experts in this line we examine eyes free of charge and guarantee satisfaction gl d prilstqlie uaimauiit rxtttpt ott and jfkweljttlt vx u jl jjjtxx sum b tmllvio wday itching- plloa dr awtointmotit li til akhul tin lomwiit uf itching i ho thoiiuudtof tettlmiuiau of met flcltodjby its ilea n cuto t ui aiatat iruurtool ng hlandlnii for 11 to hhiiilo l mi foil and cine ii turc in fruiu 3 lo 6 tlhti 3j1entaui sold by a i wow 11 last lotik if ihn itoohofou axa iver pius llidart who liavrt utrttl foiaa xue imu aay buy imva no cipuil for n hdvuiif- und 1 tirtnar oontstlputfon islok houd- uoho hlllounnoulj dysipopalct coated toliiyuo ioul btouth hottffc jaurn wutop dr o mylkuam or dladnrriliatotmttht livti orbtiwtihi mi oai111 william kitlrfiau wejlii onl wriuaualiillowmi au ilium utu wi iiiuu olldl hikllmilm nirmd of kill hi miiitiiullihirorlaki i ur isiui am pit tiiilur to u i lb milno um lhy- 1 r eiir- ytbliiuualot nuliitliitftliolhiwelr cctiiiuatnuiitthdiiofhih ivor- imu 11- pilicly vc kiliw val 11 liof aitkcn tie oaey inj und tuvii i ivor imi aiu piiirly n ull kv wjluiuirankci to ako and prompt to act glbhring smlb 01 furniture at cos j a speight co have decided to clear out their qtock of furniture all lines at coat rices there will be bargains lor every body who want furniture for any room in the house a chort time will be al- lowed for payment ol goods purchased if cash lb not convenient j a speight co warorooms foot of willow 81 kotoni qiiand tkunk kailway a01on machiiki mill kciiui ill0ll h1mi shops in 11 hfa- i1ih1b iilnl ofalm i iwihmuuli illuming i ii i ii til i jii1 wuli a i ii a luuihluarr e iltuial i11t uu mit- ai i ml in nuliitf hcra an ii kandqanenj tf vvuhi in rl ih7riui tv maiiiibr we eaa realr nva- lee shun ch1n6se in m laundry collected and ici washing at rcatoiibla r done hy hand so inachln ed rncd 1amlly ra all work or chemical xujihni umirlclor amateur cameras knd suppties- premo poco ray magazine cyclone printing frames 4x5 anil clblllot 35celtll printina papers solio aristo velox photox photo t3yi3t kctoh hcton saw fi planing mills whin st munufaoturarai ntd dealer in all kind of dri ssi d and undklsbud lum dpr lath amd sh1nclls 5a5iitoottsanlhein09 window ajd door frames all kinds of indoouandout doorunish hyf on hand orders will in all uukimi promptly fllliml you trices ate as low as any other mill turn inff out work cqmit in quality custom loscut at any lime jmo xvjuis jafabaf jjluss sliowm all kind of wood on hand and promptly delivered to any part of tha town wood engraving hoto engraving half tones purposes cammuli magazines a j1joneseng letidfslw toronto patents guaranteed tudln- u will our it tluiiie 1 if w lath auy o akatch ami urillaii nl uuy ftivi piouittly nch iwr nnluluu fire ciiirriiius tli lulculajillty of mxir nw to otulu a ltfllt ulll ujuiil itmkt wlcuta ucuitj tliietiltluariilviillkahl luwilckt uir iwiih t lie 11 la itlcu 01 t tlihhiuli ua wclw tjirijd hajliwllhot tcliat tub t arthx ukcoau an llliitlrutcil u i vl id clrculakj louiutl cuillullr ii y uuiiufactuiriaauil lllvqi uculfurmuiiucoiy tful aimieu viotott d fetvans 4 co kvaasf uta wahm c to tho eyo nml tho mind at tho siimo time u the art of advertising this a1 llluhtratcs how true tlir saving is especially to those wihlmip pleasant and profitable omploymont canadas sons oiv kopje and veldt the only book dealing cxclubivcly with tlic canadian contingents ib the boolt to handle official authentic cheap sells on sight to everybody and any body can sell it capital or exponenti not necessary send for iuee outfit aibd niaku money tho bradleycarret8on co llnl tod j brantkord ont patents promptly secured witte i ir our iulrikiliik uu ve w hly til t itaw yad ara a hm aktth i aell rliiiro tuhrwllluluio lreour npluli 11 at in wuihrr 1 it 1 111w1 ly jilultue ljtj iaiflhhjllm hfi turilialy irn ly u cmluct f illy iuli w i n m lu m amt waihluuiuu tlilaii ntlliciuttii lyillaiietcli woiuau lq i llvariue atlximdaitlicliivgi tl 11 ihiltiiirf lunilklitl llnu piofinr 1 lttrouli uaiton k via lion tacalve inecll lwttc4 wllliruil ctuiae lu nvr iim iiiwk tiutitl utcil ttm iiuhoul the ik nt 1 11 ion kpaialiy i 1alrl t 1 talucfc tit utuufto k marion uit tmyrt tantj solicitor nwvorklhh uir runtrl aluutlt llljtf w uu oo vttars expcricncc niltnilataa r imdotlr na itiiilul 1uku- ifl hmtt tlu vt h1 jssi ir- in itieftifie hnchcait a h i ir lllilrll hh uhiel wi