Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 23, 1901, p. 2

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a-rvvkfa-gt-r- hi imvatj 1 odr corisfvtlxchehsr k ttnbbvouswbber dm a deuiiiu atlttu ikwoooon wedneeder saod t h w holdsu gbailea ii jobneonuiclaiolle anuioavbotli of brio towoaltlu inen lmuai cofwtiln oa weduesda jyimr jnliu alui egad tt ytm uhti wui wiiuintultoiiof lol 15 a 1 caret mcrbeeou wile ol john u wjeara hothnai wt llomawood ave- tnnwlo tn ttnirele iclh dr herbert of dr llaary ltouli eed rt jeera 1 arw in saaalor hre in their annual institute conventions an interfestino proobamme tn gallon tesnlu re institute p opened jo iba methodist school rootn yeeterdey mornlnc cbije retort jjfwj ress pditofllal notu3- a tar ihoiljob rises tbrre is lulhood ol steps uuff t- towards promoling an early uuituoiiuf heaitlnisof tho joint ii lk commission or the aalllamept o piatluia at beweeo uultad btatea end canada wlih llielrolicitl aooromari lo wb milling to iho oonrts the nueston of lha validity or tio iroolnoui mines act of 1000 the alaufcee of lha- ant lqdiiputa arelboee wblob provide fur discriminatory laxaiion of nlokatiais not refined iu lbu country klagkdwsrd who u boia november oisilbss decided that bis birthday shall hf eejebratadlay 2ith dlfjmh jr tb eootliiofoat holiday hitherto observed by all lha pubmo departments qaeea victoiui biiihtuy knd iwioj jdim- pains u ibe oolonlal movement lo observe tho dy aa empire day tla splendid growth sllsied by fall raln in onuflo bu ores led qnlt bonyaul feehc la trade cireios the ajirlug c fa also coral c forwarctin a i if auto manner kod tba ebeeooe of any ajulv frotia of a imiiuc silent have made the cereal outlook lo ibis provluoa jiiriiolry promising hadumu i tbe members ot tbo uoaea of commons aud tba tieasla ro to have their indemnity inorbmod from 1000 to tlcoo tttglrmio lth tba iremut mmiod tbu up ba boen dtrmloed upon a rsoll of oar tnoncuonblwoon both parlies tbn ia pmcliully dnhniialty of opioloo to favorof tb loorcmaa blob tof ooont u nalonil older tba oireamtiaooo m v e t fe etoryona i brmlly plotdl 1ui tb liberal pranu praa it tba aappumaotaty ucnloa tor tbv ouua and r harbor tbo fnflaanoa of aoeb lodaaaua mao mm iz c o maltt x it barbar u 1 p and oakvillaa mayor la by do maanaypot a hut additional grant tba oaat plor may ba pot in axoallaa ooottltlon aod tba obannal daepanad tba full foartaan faat tba work will bo doab ba dooa nait w intat toroolo star 3orlbaf aopplamaolaiy aallatalea atnounuuu lo 130470 wera auhmlt- tod by tba mljlalar of- flaanoa wblob brloga tba toll aslimalad aspaodltars for naxt jaar op to 0003uo of th preaaat ariropiatlod f53g38 la rqolr- d to aatiafy arbitration awards in noa soplla and naw brooawick la conn act ion with tba eaatorn kaiebalon lullway tba balaooa proiidoa for tba mint for an aalracomioil obaatvatory at ottawa aaaay ofllaa and hooq add jooal for- oboott la the notbwaal tarrllorlaa alur loo oclock with prayar lad b nnry ilnaband en 0ki atr a fow inlrodofitory rroarka by lha irmldanl w j bborldan ximroermai inapootor laaocmi inlrodpoad ii i mooii of lha fa iafcaa who welytol tba taaobara lo anion and lothattaaof iba math- odlt achool room ha pramnlad oaoh member of lha intlllnla with a copy if lha loapaetora annual raporl ana awrftiog pad baarlnk aa a fronuaplco a flna jbolo- itravnr of tba aa itobcrk llltlp former poo lor for tha ooonty was the condition op wiss uillib for bight vcans lha daat dootora and hospital traatmant faillaxl to halp r auutmia hatl alm ho of evar bain a w4ii aualnher earnaat adwlca to ulnar tiuf- foraro tba rblt and aorrja fifty laowa a4tar ad lo thalr mmni on raotlop ll wh drowad laka tba raporta of oflloara al tblavaaalon inataad of on thoraday inapeetor- laooo traaanrar of inatltou raad bla report abowlog tba financial boafotaa from jany lit 1900 jany lal 1001 tba raorlpla eonalatod ot a balaoca of f 110 20 from laal year t l alallva fttnt tl 00 municipal grant 35 00 lnlaraat i3cc ti 1w7cc tbo axpandltnra waa oi70tt tba raport waa adopt ad yraaldaol bheridan jiaroad m aaara mo- oracor and blnklay aa aodltora to oaamioa tha traatorer a itaumcot and raport on thoraday aaanlng w f inman principal of tba coonty modal filoorraadtbarapocvllba libraryoommutlaa abowlog hat tbi boolu of tba library had baaa nvciaaaltud and ronombarad and mw catalog oaa laao ad tha number of booka atpraaant waa 988 though only twanly bad bean laanad doildg tba yaar tba aipanaea for tha yaar weta 12i tbla raporl waa adopl- ad inuraatlng addrtaaafl on tba aabjaot of writing wara glvan by ucaara w q bar uoaadv x moafulanir in tho diaonaaion wblob followwl u ikoaband fcud mr ioobaad of toronto took part dalacataa wara raglatarad aa follow aolon t t moora ulaaaa moihajt ho carrie alii goorgalowp t u earn gey mlaaea friufila bvana llyan and mckay milton w p xnman mlaaaa blaela pattiaoo lawraaca barbar and melan oakvilla h hoaband mlaaaa brady j aula and elul ohlaboli barling ton a bay n ton mlaaaa biaoh earioaaloit mlaaaa bolmaa wooding kanrjody corrla cook bcol mokinuon and bhortill and m mara g ix hoi ma jno cola k o pvjatar and p haidl trafalgar mlaaaa ingabalt tfarkaa liooaaly mra ooyna miaaca mooraokaa lowa yoang anitln urart w ireland w st bomarirlllajrloaoonjbarar-g- booklay haleon-w- j bbarldan aid j w- momilun kaaaagawayamlaaaa k j mcpball b xmmcoaaandayfoot maaara w v patterson w o borton d ewart aod 3 h mogrrgor a vary lotaraatlog afumooa aaaalon waa bald partfnalara of wblob with raport of today a proceeding and of tba splendid ooooart tendered oar oitiaanv which la la prograafl aa wa go to praea will be given in naxt laaoe one of ilia mod comroori al ilia aama lima on of the 01 ml 10 u draaaarl all- mala which acdicta iba paopli ol lb la 00a l ry ia naiota dabtlliy the oaoaaa leading to lha tioobla aia vailoua over work or aotijf baiuu amo2 lha muat promliiatti brt whatever tba cauaa iba llt eflliclloq ia om thai uiakaa life a bqrdau bucb a euttarar fur ytana waa mu margarrl glba oj whim j load groaa v k i hrn wa otto ofaleaoal incaaaaot miaary aud kba liad 00 ma lo at nnlln i innk nimler rinilirtq fnrjrrb wbau u wllliama ijik rilla ware brought to bar nolira and lo thla ufa rl- lnj ucfvcraelorutg majicma ta 1 owe uelhi l iiu uuia tall i of ur- ilhiavaanil cwra fallo for tlapaaliht jaara luy1ira baa been ouoof oouainl rnlaaiy my iier yalam wa aballafed autl i waw radtioad to a mere lliyairval wret my iroohl botao l oe of ilia ailmanla that ao fr jaantly afflict mfwi- i waa ixilaueaad- dlaeooragatratl tha time and liftt dnjixn aai for yeare i ondar traalmaiithy doclirr i aait a to boaloi and aouraj a 1w9rprrl ahom i raroalocdfor aorae tlmr wblla tbara iba trtalmaut temporarily boirdicd ma bat 000 ln woree than aver fiually wy nerve iroitblfltookulha form of apaama wblob caused mora aoffarttj than w can 11 1 whaa ihoa tuked i fall aa iboogb iwaa lliermtly fclktao apatt i would fretjoautly brooma unoouacloua and tometiniea would remclit iu that ooo- diuon forlialf tu hoar i he aome- umaa had as many aa aix of thaaa anaami lna wl and no oue who baa not almilar- y anff red can imagine the tired wontool dapraaaad faalltig whidi follow- ioclora aea otletly ouabla to do anyudiig or coa and ihoa iearaorrniaejr can tienr ba rorgolun than i brgau taking dr wluiama 1ik imu aod in a aborl wblla oand them boipiiy roc than another doctor told ma lie coau cuira ma x atop ad lalitg ll pilla ami ilka tba di in the fabla while gaaplatf al iba abldow i toal tba aobalanoa i waa aoan i a wiatobed oondiuoo aa f the pi ik wavba ooly thldjj thai bad atar balpad me and i delar- mind 10 bag a ibem aala x oootiuncd to take lhars for nearly tuna mo lb iba troablagradoally hoi an rely itevlng raa rjnltl lajo nowin almoal par fact baallb aod nllv relaaaad frorn what t alooa lima miltom tha osniaa ratarna for tbla ooooty taala tba faoa thai oak villa baa tha largaaj popolalloo and aoton ooma nail with milton and georgetown eloaa in tha raoe for third plaoa it 1 aclona indoalriea of oonrsa lbi plaoaa bar in the front tank in tba mailer of popoutlon take ihoae two 0 three lodoatrlm away and aoloa would ba little batter than a fiaj eulion bataraao tomnlo and gaalpbtbara la no raaeoo bowavar why mlllon even in tba matter of population aboold take aaoood puoa lo aolon wa bardly-nodar- aland iisefonmer acton may boaat of bating a larger popolallon than milton bat what care wa so long as ws have tba bast looking girl in ths county yoaitg old or middle agedl evarjooa knowa tbal to tbla raspsot wa oatuilea vsryoibsr lowa or vlllageia the ooanty qaantllys hoi everything it qnallty tbal ooanlf yc anloa may beat us iu numbaa bt aba cant touch os lo t looks ltyla or drsaa and a re ry body knows lbatuhloa refotwr abel a esse of soar grapes ah 7 we pliy tba poor old ooonty town which 1 buabja with- all its sftimito kasp paos with ibis safetprutng town wblob was ao looj ragardaa by oar ooouty town people as jitlla and bu- knowti op career and charactkr abrah lin an address by joaapb oboala dortooreal britain on tba oarvar and character of abraham llnooln his early ufa ms sarly stragglas wjlb iba world- bis obaraetar as dor sloped la tba later years of bu ufa and bis admin uaratloo which placed bis nam so high on tha worlds toll of honor atd fame baa been pobilabod by tha chicago milwaukee ft blpaul hallway sod may ba bad byaaud- inaj six oouts in ttoatag to v a- millar general iaaasugar agaut ghloagt iii rockwooq mtulraleellobertaou od hartley fined tbomaa armstrong of gall 1500 and bball iul hdr lor fllriiojt tc lb mlliorr u- ii r maaara- uarrlaa co era preparing for thur stiuual raoalpt of wool tba farmers from a wide area will deliver tbabr woo produota beta durlug tba ueil two tnonlbs llockwood oirouitof tb mstbodut bbnrab has good reason lo be proad of bar blgh alaudiutf aa roedttbdriol maetlng hld la guelph last weak no ouly did lha circuit stand third among- tba fourteen lit tha amount of mlaalonary offar- biga bat tha league contributions to tha forward morament lu miaelous was k largast reported 00 the dlalrlot 1 even tba big uteiph oburobas balag- behind lb i circuit tba efforts of ur mr uolden tba pl ibrea yesirs have borua aioellaut fruit no paalof could hava beau tnor aaalous audalfaacrlnoiug qa taasday svenlng ol last week a dumber of tba friend of mr john rltraohab enter tallied blm al sapper at lees hotel on tba ava of bis dsparuira to bis new lloallon in goal ph mra lea prepared a splendid msuu wblob all press nt eojovad mr btraoban waa praaanlad with a baaoll- ful abony goldbaadad oaoa- ly aflnaolydoadaja galdipg to dalgety bros dandaa and london tba far famed horaa daajars for tbipooant itf tba old country children cry for oatqria ftah preeenra without parmuaion ttev 3 g sooit of itireoll preaohad in tba mstbodut obnrch lat bond ay lie george tuobardroo preached an- nlrarsary aermons at lolarsol a formar tba modal school taaohars ars at lend log tha inalllute convenllon at acted tbe naie of the conrt of suruloo las baaa changed from tba 17 lb lo iba s7tb lost mia morton alatat of tbo morton barbar of ibis town underwent an oper ation for eppendloiue last weak and is do ing well tba ladles of milton ibis evening wilt prsaeal tba slink association with a floa flag to decora is lha bw link on state oooeeion tea will ba served at tha rink at bs0 altar wblob lha p will take place a baabai malob will be played on lbs agr leal t oral grounds 00 friday alter noon utwaen fji marys si club of toronto and ibstviotorusof mil loo gatnscelled at b oolook 4 tba qasrtsrly board of lbs mslhodlak ghnreil ulltoa bsva eiteadsd k beaity and onanlmooa invitation lo luv gaorgw luohardson lo remain bars for a third year mr llicbardsoo baa aoospud- tbe oorporatlon offers a reward ol fao or information weld will load to tba ooavlotlooof tb parties who meddled with tba watsrworks and damaged lbs plats glass wlpdow in w b cumaola a lore deafness caapot us cured u v local appllcailona as iber eaanol kub lbs olaeeaed portion of lbs ear tbers ia only mm ey toboiedaaftnaa and thai la by eoastittt- tlopal rented la pi r oauaed by an it- named soudltioa uf tba baeosas lining of tbe ataeteebuw vube when tbla tube seulafuin d imi have a rumbliug souud or impailest beulog aiid wbea it u entirely eloeed deejaeea u tbe teeult aud unues lha hiuaiuuieuoa can be tekea uet ead tbie lube teetond to iu uot- tilel boatliuod ueeriag will be deelmjvj fvt- tri bio eases out f a ceuhtl by eelelih vtbleb u bothlng but atl ludaoied doodtlbmi vt tbe tuueous auitaeea ws will givs oae llundred llollus fr auy due uf deefaees osused by beterrb tbil ceu but beeiiiedby halla caurib gate ued for strouum flee v j ciiknmy jb co vuieoo o uolj by unursuu tm balls valjuly lul us lhaleel tboofbl would prove a- life of cooatai misery i cxntjot praiao de willi pink pills- loo highly- w canl too strontly orce iboawbo are ellug loleei thai- wondaful baallb realorlug virtu in tbouakda and utoowitda uf caees it has baaa proved tbal dr williams pink iille -ev-le- nerves raalrer medical ecuooe has yl dlaoovaiad tba piln ad speedily and dlteelly opon tha blood aod lha nerve abd liinsrsaoh lbs vool of iba troabls fleot- iug ihorongb and parmaoaol cores olber tnadlajoas cncrely aol upon tba aymptoens aod wbei iba pa lieu l oaaaes using ibei they aoou relapeed iitto a condllion as bad as before there is 110 tranbla das to poor blood it weak uervos which ihasa pills do not core tboes who era aiok or ailing are breed lo jive this meillcjris a fair iriat and aro eantioilad gattal iba numerous i coital ifms wblob aqtae dealers offer tha gaaultm jiills alwaya bear the full bam fr wittiama piuk pilla for pals people o lbs wrapper aronnd every hot x have always uught aud do taach aud shell web x doabl bol um i die tbatiln raaotvlng to do oer work well ia tbs only sound fusbdrtlon of any religion wtialso- asar iloakia a cheerful f eie i a mrpetbal auurtes some re reasons why you 9caid woo luvta eurem hsriess oil uneouallcd by any other rcfiovra hardualber soft espcdauy pjisircd keeps out water a beavjr bodied oil harness a acsujant p bodocca cost of yoncliamssl over burns tbe leatber its efficiency u incrcaactl stitches kept from bitekiug laanldiriau locsjitlea waiik paper ail be newest ciiuaud c0i0i1i7v in ingiains ami evcy kind of pvprf lo null an room paints aijt fur a wnple cnlor card ady for il vtnkwyffrr7trrr lglltan ioij- iic htbrown uhemist acton- amateur cawieiwtszrt h su premo poco i ray magazine cyclon e 1printiho frames 4 k 3 ft cblnal 33 ccnld printing papers solio aristc velox photox h rkjtfcshttxrtf photo hrtiot kotow clearing s jmorl suiifl 3 and h 3 suitings at gg wholesale iriccs marohant atlor mill ea hi i icc malnsts f j ltt acton having kecurod a lucratlva allaailon in 000 of torontos boat tailoring estabuab- menla baa decided lo dispose of bla boal- ncas here and for i ho boat el weeks will conduct a clearing- sals of all goods la stock by tho suit or by lha yard jcntlr sttmk ta be ciaawf orders tor suits should bo placed at onco as all orders must be filled and the entire stock cleared out by tbo 1st of july genuine sale vew uptodmtm oooeu tills i a jamilii aala 1 n prioss will pivailau tba proullaak ia- len per cent over wholesale coet tba stock u new and uplodsta those who coma first will ready tho first diolcn i wi j lee 1 and oantlarnans tailor procrastinate no dont do that but come today to the acton pump works ahdgct your pump repaired or buy a new one7 do it watering troughs cistrrnn ano a general jobbing bucines done satisfaction guaranteed cualilts teuiiaob mttlu gi- ac toil id a rnao whose obildhood ban kbown oaraseej there always a fibre tif uumory that ball be touched to gaulla 1hu gsontaklllott a book for motlthhd containing much information aa to tha care of chlldrwn and tha trwatmant or ilia that c6m- munly attllotlutlaonaa qlvan frwa uhysuatllssi amsaaagsfor molbers is lbs title of a very bandsoma uula pampblek just issued by tbs dr williams medlolns company it is doted eotlrsly to tbsoare of infeula and am all ohlldran aod tells tbs mother boar to aid bar ijllls orea in tba emergencies of every day ufa it deaotlbea tba ills that oommooty sffllot objltjiar limjs book la 00a that sboubl ba in svscy boma jtbsrs tbara ars lofants or small ohlldran all mothers who eeod tbslv nam and a on a post card lo tha pr wiulama maauolas oa brooarllts 0l wlllrtcwjaoopyaf this book jraa oftharg mantis tba fan passa wban wrftumg 4 floor paint to be walked on mtuiy socalled floor jutinu wout stand the walking the shebwigwilumms inside floorpjuht is tnada for floors and nothing eke it lu nuule jlflrdurahli ty jt iatiutxl to walk on color carda or uw aitlng sold ry the right house i the flight house i the right house cslablishod 1843 hamiltons favttrlte shopping ploco may 23 iooi carpets jfltin 3wbfrttbrmrnlb krstfdt thk siasonla iuw heiewhenvery liduaehotd la hiuxherjaged wllhlho annrul hnoarclesnlng j when carpet a iaperlca ami upluilalsrles aiu thoroughly overruled when old and wellworn things are dispensed with and new ones purtliaed 10 take ibelr ptaen so thai lha whole boma will have thai air of newness and brightness ao much in lcenintf with the beaut und teahncss oi nalum tbla store hi belter prcpajoj ilian ever before to help lhfna it make no dlfleienca whether your spring refurnishing calls for a big or ibis la pr eminently tbe a i ore lhata able lo roaka your sowing bring tbo biggest harvest of results y dolbra to your iockel jkxk lu travel to lite uljhl i loose lo do your buying hadnt you better utile eijiendilu lis ibe aavlng come tlgbl you with your spring if afood n a great display of fine carpets brusrobrcttrpota good heavy qualities of hljih cuu urrrasehi carpet a rvc ho p irmt to chooso rorruln iho iaici1 colorings with j- itordera to match per yard 90c croasieys extra ftna juallly sframo brussels carpets in all the newest shades 13 elegant patlerna lo select from eiim good value at good iuality brussels carpels 6 choice patterns in new dark coor- imra roo1 values tl rjoc- yard special arose vol to t gajpola croasleys best quality velvet rllb 8 borders and n greevt rfas fel oea and 7 retylrandsotnepertrarti tit5 litr beavyinaliiy amimjer car- pels templclona 17 very choice designs to choose from in all iba latest and most up todale color logs per yard t150 taoalry garpotav tapestry carpets in neal pal terns hrren urown and olivo colorings good nusllty worth 50c yard only a limited quantity to sell lo go at htavy hngllah tspestrr carpets h h a n dsome bigbclaas ir car- jlalr od in elegant deslgna to pick from mr yard t 15 also a few patterns in tbe ksma quiutlea but without borders at carpels new colorings and very choice patterns jh uordcrs lo match per yard 1 135 administer carpotfl templetons well known make very heavy fiuallly a elegant patterns sas-paileras- wool colorings rod and very special value at per yard son special lino of tapestry carpets vcty choice designs and good col- orlngs with 5b border lo match this una is generally sold al 75c yard special at 60c croudeys celebrated ileal towins xspealr carpet e 41- borders to match 7beauttfnlpatierns and choice hew color ingh per yard wo also bavo in stock stair car pels lo match tbo above lines of tap estry modetip carpets and bargain every one of ibem made from odd lengths of patterns wblob lor various- reasons- we arc -going- ootof tberesa y-royr- sixca ant equalities td the lot and prices sre partlcnbuly eaaytbese jdala ajuaimstkas qa 13 lee i worth io at io 10 ft cm la feet worth 34 at i17 wiltohs q ft kq ft 5 worth 117 also 50 6 ftx 10 ft 5 worth al io baubsntt hflx 13 fl 5 worth lo at rjo tararstwv h fr 3 if 0 u 3 worth lia atto00 japanoae matting yi inch jspaaeae malllnga in green bluo and red shadings regularly iocyard at ajc lletter qualities nasi carpel deslgna la green and old gold grwen sod- tan green and reatt green and purplo colorings per yard 40c japanosa hcurs kicelleot lot inexpensive summer furnishings bine green and red col orings two hlots rig feet at f50 each fj i a fee at looo ench special offerings in homefurnishings a moat complcto showing variety enongh lo suit every possible tasra and values that wlu dcllzht economical aboppers we exercise ibe greatest cira in seeing that we got the very newest as well as the best kinds we appeal to your best judgment on these i iac carlainb nottingham ijcexoriain 3 yards by 40 and 43 inches bright spray designs cverlockcd edge tpeclal at per pair 65c mottlngham lace curtains vajnla by 40 and 43 laches choice lot of designs aver locked edge special vatbcperparc at i100 pair not llngliam lice cohalna j and jl yards long by 40 and a inches wide overlooked edges llgnl floral designs small figured centers border inseillons 6 designs to cliooio from special valae al fijo pair nottingham laco curtains jl yards x jo and 55 inches overlocked edges nice do signs border insertions o choice pal i ems good value at ijoo pair not llogham laci curtains id uobblnet males thread same both aides making i lid best and strong curlalna light andcctlvodejgnacoraesofnall lenbergs also ugbt spray patterns 30 of ibem lo select from j yards by 50 and 60 inches very special value atttaj to 55o air irish ijnr lace curtains jl yards by 50 inches ail bw sfi up todsle pat terns plain utsflnllod centers 14 choice designs extra special values saoh keto aalnclt curtain sash net double and single border neat patterns on ood net worth 35c yard rry special al 05c pummar quilt white crochet quiliaa by aj yard finlaliad all round ready for use pretty marseilles patterns teg ul- arly ilio each special aj krc poxoo crocliet quilts fine white cot ton ery choice marseilles pal- terns exceptionally good value at m3 s4xno yhlb3 marseilles ooji ts satin ftnlhedi rhfiift lot ofpatlerns to select from at tals others dp to an eslra fine lino at 5 tapawdjy table coyoxfr a yards square fringed all ronnd re- veraable good heavy cloth green alnwou bloo and blacirred arwl gold coloring special value at liftj hnglish tapestry table covers 3 by 3 yards fringed all ronnd good floral designs id crimson olive and blue colorings at ijjo to 5 bob cnbhiosja ibrisand ao aao cushions for out- door and other uses filled with soft ugh i vegetable down and covered with an sateens and muslin to medium and dark colorings nicely frilled good value at 50c cushion tops aosxo orient lal do- signs and rich colorings eacb aoc another una of cushion lops 31x31 and m4 al a 5c king st- eaal cor hurhson si h ttloipa8 c isatkiiig notiws to trchpassers- iiir inltilln la liarali otllwl uiat 11 um- 1 ut eon 6 kmu ologlolv oxiimi a iaa- a lit la iuealn hay iut idc notj0k rpjiu io i il aollnj tlat it le 1- duma lo iii hiit1alfa tliek a note fof own rliivon nr aloiij tha llil ttaiiioiiitier naxt pev- purllti lv nte la in rirenuuoo i barety uu il lii nlltalae aalil buaa i ua nr muli inr cnadhucb not and if one mnh axlla it la e forgery itiiv j vvu it iiuiniierr lllllbnrgl0 t viiri1 jiaynaaiaiak hrtcuis toi oaijunt ii wirt riiel tti eeaa1 f lual ijlowa butho dtl3 3m ilnsxeiiiea c tkuuh to loatue wt iwibu ut rnuf iftls sesaaomatewlravueijnl rarseiul lupoalug ol tbatr mtnaufoi toell i uuie alii be tiam raatkiiltl for luaiiiaiioa wliauiar in foel or let all llnts al ral t otors vol tji icrlilipl tee caola 1 nbu lltuauh iidiulor municiialityok acton coari of revision hi town hallo monday may 27lh 1901 el h p m lo hear all cumplalula alntt lb aaeeeamaal uoll for 1u0i alt itaiaona bavluk liialuaaa in tha said coutt are rr to allaud 11 ilia kal llioe aud place t t uooitti dstad staotou llilsbrt ol u loot kotick to cukditons in the estate of duncan keith farmer deceased nollch la batabr ala tatoaiil toliif ho latrt ebapilav ico tbi ll etedllwa ml otbaia tiavlns cleliua sasjaal tbe eatala tj ibs held dtmcan kallii oeoaeaed are rwiolr on or before tba stib lav- of uav x u llol to aeuu br oal brapaid or lodallar to juo- klnboa ietou aollelter for ute adululatreul ibalr oltrlauku liklnasbd1 moenaa aiidfaaw aod darltlol uie full bartlcatat of ihr claitnsdnly velndand uie ualure of lbs sa- caittiesllfsbrlliald brlbanl aud farther lake nolle that after suob leal meolionad lau tbe aeld silmliutrairts prooaed to duuibnla tbe uwll of iii dmeaaed among the nartlee entitled uiarato bavlaw recardonlr toclaloaa of bub alka aliall tbea have notice and tbe said administratrix will no be lleble for lb said asset or any part thereof to aay parson or pereooa of wboee olajm bouee ball not have been received by bar at tbe time of distribution a jlfekinkoh llllfltff4ueartralnluatilx dated tbla sib dayof lay u 1xii i harris ge wmiled rockmod woollen mills established 1867 i i thirtyfour years of wool buying i j and we believe we can nay without any reservation thirtyfour years j without a dissatisfied customer we have aimed to put conscience into this business for it is true evonfrom the material standpoint that honesty is j the best policy t j- an immense quantity of woolcomca to these mills for- farmers havo j learned that there is satisfaction in fradihp here they kaow they get full price for their wool and they know that with it coes full weight 1 the matter of payment is something of a choiccwith the farmer him- j self part cash and part goods or all goods if he wants it that way sterling value in goods for every cent that his wool is worth mw oomiwqi ooaslwoj t p smith sttiisttna nt sncuurr juu nv voit iwuwju sej tte call early and avail yourself oflil valuable er vices as tbu is a rare opportunity to have your eyes proper- ly tested free of charge no jjuci work but a scientific certainly lifu cult caict accurately fitted all w0m1c cuarantkki x1 ll t -4- willuliat agnewa hotel acton ows owyowuv thurspay june oth or yards wldfj and al y uti ion blankets lu wblla in goods or our own manufacture that which tbere fcra bona betler we have whllci allwool hlaitkots a yards vide and s yards long 515 per pair yards long 1450 pes- iwir 3 vards wide yy per pair wtday350aad 40c per yard 73 laches wide 70c lutineu all indies wide heavy quality and alao fine quality jjc yard sklnlngs 30 inclkei jy 54 incites sue 70c bc yarni well tcoured pound aklens in 3 3 and 4 v bd4je lonif 14 50 per teir o or grey 1 j yard wide lj sbeetlngil wblto or grey 6 incbaa 4 ply 40c per pound color- homa spum 54 incites wide iu the loading- popular colorings by llm or line 133 luiivlof lines for tulles tailor mada suits and unllned skirts ittjx and kt diiucgist acton unequal eyes bo yoo see equally well with both eyes if not both may be defective one certainly is have them properly examined we prescribe glasses only when absolutely necessary and gutrantce satisfaction xonsulmlinn free gxtelph an jkwclikk twiml for lilcas wfir illljjlb wullli 40c 50c 65 fcd 75c idiloubldwutlt ioo wwl 1135- our store docs not confine itself to the selling of goods of the manufac- ture of our own mils we have a fine assortment of other good including skirtingsricknirioatingiihttoiiadciidenimsflmnelspricolons shirtingsi butchers linen towlings coatings and many other lines that are always wanted on the farm the lory will twu rriaral rrvrtlvloa thai wheu iicllliatt yaar wool bout tnllu you sd ulwaya rail count t lull wclsut nuj lall- itarpecuou i hrrris co r i rockwood ont for vouh nrsw buggies market er iiarnber wagg8ss or any repairing in the carriage line go to j n 0nbril succcuar o gulp i mckuil geo tg fetosni is binder twine fanners cooperatine co limited brantford lrlces for tho soosqu of 1901 sod bui 000 ft hod btttl- 680 rt bpeolol manilla 600 ft bisal old buoj btaudaid tliti lailor two or 1101 our owa u ca w adix jwjuiuiais- lolo 10 a ojo 8 a 75 1 wouldnt tlial freeze you whalt wby thelctfcssiu to ba procured at mallliawa confectionary biuret no it wouldnt bul it a just cool euouuli 10 be lurtlcularly delicious liwaaovenlils cool driuls can a lobe auppll- thara 4 cbolcelol or 1ruks coo- fecilouary cakes and jancy k niavcultslwaya lep la stock j c matthews bakersdaqfeglieiter mill si tbo hv lb bul rp ol cm jatmul bo ba iba bra1 oolook ol lb dlauo sweed tubnips- uva4uouuuuiturilev luiiiavred bilrvlujts utee ibbora jomu inlbed haaaholta uueu tfalco luivu yo hlahlaad imae cartesa aueidiajbt carters uardy llutley s llrouse yen wareueljs imprared lulls oawbtii f bnarpslmnrovea sust loule uojml mostotk tiunivad 1elple tef alaojwsi our llspa and swado tnrnlp seeds ara all tesusj seeds james hewer smdniuaal fmd 5mnrtnmll st cmltit re7utoizkla bakers and grace re who bvo bean or seven years in the alureoomul slroot havti rwmoved lu lha pre inst vacated by john ft kennedy oa uslo si hare tbie will havw larjor pramlaos and will be aba lo enlarge ibalr stock as befarsj ptlra fraah groceries and itovlaloos will alwaya bo found on hand ian obmam soda waior aod summea bsvctrages a oarw fesjatilq will sboftly be put in cattooafa orders will rocaivo tba most atnlal mtasilioiiaild all will bo welcomed 1b tha mm pralsm tbtathamson frainrrs actomv we have ul a taord id ay to you tbla tbe aral mid uulv truly eoerallre aontpaay in nlomaibb jos toueylui sleek in email tioldltioa oueattd twoaliraal par it la also plaelua il vilaudld twluee wlui you for the eomldtf harvest at prttwa rw uielarlal eanaot nw ueheugtit fur your idyelty and lntelll- geuea will bold ualaealateueel your eoenuawm ead iwuffareueetalll drlv ua from titiwnn wliuu taeens a destliblow to all tutire eo-ooer- alloa oj vuiueiastml alllauisly balag one rw ktti a ulxlatifl twine oooiblua irou the luriueitaas f wblob roti alll be absolutely ualvlam 11 lei u youre- loti all tbroujb iu uaqaeai ulu orloia moufljlfcuod 0 rsilst qaeattooable lunueuea as a telue r ajrula wait lur uly uavs to ho belter 1wliio was aitor uiada ou uattli or turuubad lo lb caiialleu vajoiar tbau ll been suiiiuad you by sua your own jumdauy if ws wareuol su lllutlu elaliletll lit pioleellou to you aa vuiiits llteia wuull be ihi iiilutu wbauvet llllj um llaliteulbar lb hell uobl wails lima wralllug will lit question auy louiter imok at ii aualalit lu uie fees and uauufy vihirir wllli usva lilild uuy your twiua fiuui tliri liulbmr cotuueny ail- u oii uae but a wrjclt of judeeaiil yeu wdl see at 4 klaliee tbel otbar auwueulea soins into esieteooe ara aluiiily utwllua ou our aland ken uauou sud that lu auy uf i beee eases you win be aioaauasly dutluud we nave plaa fur albteaje lor yuu bioume lu lu tbe round floor aud join beads wltli tbla old aslai lubed telusuiijaulhtluti uuy uur ila1 um 10 oeol twlue aud you will uiahe bo uilatake joseph stratford perioral manager rhl omoto i ob awj b brib ol laxative tvornoqulnioc xuw 4

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