Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 23, 1901, p. 4

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1 blues everhavc thernp then wc cant tell you any thing about hem you know how dark ry thing looks and how you aro about ady to give tip some how you cant throw or7 the terrible depression k are things really so blue isnt it yournervcs after all thats where j tbetraubjfcla your nervesarebelngpolsoned from the impurities in your blood ava aanaraa- sarsapaniia purlhes the blood and gives power and stability to the nerves it makes health and strength activ ity and cheerfulness this is what ayere k will do for you its the oldest sarsaparllta in the iandtheklndthat was old before other sarsa- parlllas were knovn this also accounts for the saying one bottle of ayers is worth three bottles of the ordinary kind a txmtkta adrfmswk mmv of 1 if tea hutfremnltnlwfca4v mwlithwt i mltyn na iiiiiwt ii rr fc 4mo ijutaa jficejhus h thukbday may wrd 1001 a4 i yo to tilkjlofiex fcto yiu ve loat our ae lull tiuullolaanaud att llaloetuitap ljt kouiilit yd but ll peat uvr tnlad lha loelno- tuidw of how rou ran ilinlla and abut your uui lad raltllufldlti hot the winning ooaou lad ilot the wlnum fair sot ili wing ahaul led llut tha weak da pair ho vbati fallura atuud ou don t tutfi your plan hiulu and mint your uul led tak it it a man i diamond taroad la 1uu lej t night luatoad of loom wbrv you j pluok fc tomuj oft youd itraap thorn t time will heal uia bleui llf 1 but a ipui dm 11 ami abut your tui lad tekltlikainaul than whubuuaetoawe lad wbea your nsbun uitousu abj ilia blleul otimt viluhbtcuufotiroq tihrluk not el p it coolly had a yotl bein hnill and eloae your an ld iujuluukouiml f j ir ponastrv in thb nomthwest tbo work of tha winning foroetry a aoolatlou 1 allractlug much latere iu lha woal farmer aro mora than aver before imprataod with tbo importanoa of tree culture and ut studying tb lueatlou wltb a lew to aaoartalalng tba but varletled to foeler on pralrte land aa ahaller blu it u ouiqimi thftt tb ut ixrouollou to b m0ur4 from kmall urovoa ktuf lb a from foru ki tbo oollduwooi u airoait ly rtooinmeudej ridin tfcjtt b th rlnglnil of ft bell i not rou it peiformtnca r ir to r hotthfrtioniiml brll rltik ikomeineivi brwhtotrmrtrhiwm tr for momnt of itemor waul 1 in all 1 b ability bo for thmn h momont of aib thuyarqlba bl lik 0w lotuihr tboiuitltnorv wlf ihir roollod of rlniilntf wnlim ii o to b burrly wlwii tl city l lo nako morry an liltb dya tba rjpiora rllmb to i bo balfry an i ifceo by tbo blof 0 anil up cui lo tha wfttl of ihv towar vaeh tnouala to tb belllio u lorlnjf ni tttiili atrlda llia imalder of lb brsan mom lor tbeu ba poa- ibo ull wltli hi- foot buldlna on to the oroaopleca upon wblflb uia b of mo 11 wtinrt oradaallytbo uroat boll rway to t roocoair rnorro on t omwfcnaj ubl it 111 it oqulre an inarofculora tbl f ior lb himmir lt gunhy aod tbqu wltb loorenltifl fore tbo of tbn ball wldco- oolll tbo ir trofiiblltui from tbo ko biowa ibal olrlba ibo tnftaalvp ridoa of ibo mooittr tbo mart brtlqu of tbo atroopliere u tbo bngs boll rlogo out would bo ttnoogb- tomaho o unprelld tlnjor lorn dboy and fu from bu trob buv thu lldoiall for u ol out bat many boll- tbat aro inning iu tbo bolfry at tbo wtnt tlmo lu obodlaoca to tbo movemonla of tbtlr tldora a nit ttjo cladr ant tllu l doaf eniog notwitbatnddlnd all boroer tho fldera beodmd rloo and fall with tbo aotlog of tbo bolla now appaarlog to tbo obnrvar from bolow to bo id a partootly borlaontal poallloti a tbo ball ratotim tbo limit of it wlog ahd aualn rlaintf ifraoofally to an up rlgbt poit ion aa tlm momuf way baok wardwltb anotbar thiindarlnf nolo tbo moat urrlfyloif prt uf tbo darlnd porformanoa la tbo olxbt uf tbo ball ilngor oalmly kwaying ibo bll wbllalt bnia far oat of tbo bolfry oor tbo oily tot ibo outward awloi aooda tbo ooubtarpolao wltb ho rrtjar into tbo paooboyund tbo arob aud ooo o0 aoo tbo r insert atrd tbelr braitau mourtta born far out lolo apioo making fmmttltnm jur own wlra 4 f i iuhtttully wfca ii- roruui tl 11 ull lof itua ini lie lowr till yr dtiai it not iom utfjal ui w klh wuctu ir fm c ui la qil iy aoj uu kfc 1e page wire fence co ud walkkhvillk our ibo pubjiu pulaa baa rnnny boat for wbtcli judbtlc ara roipoaalble found at taat a liter pill tbu la amall aitd auro ibat aotu tjatokly anj lborotikbly uia i dooa not grip la llvor 1mii poaaaa tboa quallllo abtl airo a aura euro for liver ooolplalul oouallpatlonklakbdadaoh olo utbiuollo i mueb tovllad by lhoa who woald defy dooeooy x utxiu lo cyd abottlauf uayyarda yollow oil aboou u la ry ojohav kit ull la tba tno1 tjtteollva iromody for apralna brauua ouu atlfl jolou oootraotlon of tba muol oratnpa in lb u oto tbo ohroolo borroxor t oertaluly prordlalutl individual ceylon and india tea crgew oilblacil l lialncniujdofor iiimiiiiiikiiih1 f yl naliuiu jca ibo iifuii uu anl kowtitv ti iliu lr urn irnjmiiiililo lur lln iuutarll 1 of iwieatinff roniuttijitloi b ibnl it ik uly n mallrr of 1 1 inn wbr japan tat will u a ihlnjf of tbn lasi c v 7 v 7t coylon toon aro uold in ocalod y f j mmmj m load puokota only novor in bulk blnok mlxod or unoolorcd coylon groom samplo on appu- oat jen ddrcco balada toronto don despair even if yon arc troubled wltb backache and not able to at- icnd to your household dalles if you have not used doans pill you can be absolutely cured by them pfeoop trom one op many moimuui que jan 2gtlilq01 dau kuuiu uj co- out dear blra iuaro boon nneaina for is yeara from kldnay troublo i bad urriblo baokaba and u rculilod wltb dlarlno mytirlno wa aoarrty iilrbly oolortxl and ooiiulnad a tblok atfjky awuinodl i con aultod phyaicirtlta wllboul any aucoeaa and almooloavouplo ilwnalr at laafc i uw doautri lllla advirttaoil no x procured two boim uf tliam and thay cava tna aoompleu euro and i can atund lo my boumnold dulloa wltbout trouble 1 can rooommand poalta iilla anil rnuataay tbat tboy alioobl bo tried by all who aitltnr from kuncy troublo mam m croiolt orkluuda u ilia memory of tbli art huldeuly aturud cblldrti are oflti attacked auddnly by painful and tliilrou colio cramp dlar rbooitdjicutrry cliolrra inorbua obolcia infinitum etc dr lowl kxlract of wild btrawuarry la a prompt and hurw oura wblfib tl oulil nlwayukpt ui tbo boum do tb la tbo awkitluk frotrt lb uiuiui t dtcm wooallllfu worm uann6t oiiuellbor lit obiuron or mrlall wlion rr lowa worm hyrup ia ul alldeaura wo dont mlwaytf uao coal of dro wbi want irrmal it malui lo aouiabody the tortxire of eczema prevented sleep children cry for castoria lluuiort coma uttno aurfaoo iu the aprlutf a id no other boaaoii ito pity tbay doitt trun tbmw kll off ibat waybal la aplu of plmplea and other eruption tboy moal ly remain iu tbo uyatoni ibata bad llooda rlaraaparllla rtmovu tbm and euro tall tbo painful aud dlifltlurln troabua tbay cauu nothing 1 olaauaao tboayauui aud claara tb oomplotlou ilka uooda uo you quarrelled wllu oeoripi aald one youiirf womat yfca7 au wared tbo otbor with ntuoh patbo la your n gb4taiuailk broken off ob uo i told biui 1 hover willie to koo hu faoo a4alu and ba aald bo would lava md fiuovar but w dlilut uo to ur u lo break otf the tuiaiiement itutt lowu i waa run down and unrvou o i ot k boa of olltburua lloart and nervo 1hu aad tboy pewratl tf great bauaut to nie my mother alao wlebaa toaay tbat ibay aof h yalaaitm iwr i unilert loo jo o i lihu that wbultl ti0a u world dral move hlmaolf booratea irovrkoud ontario dar him 1 iui ld to u abli tj ull you thai doaua klduy lllli proved n axadlaiit remedy for urna bok aud kidney troublo from wlilob i buffered i look ouo box ami they entirely cured uio aire ii bmlth it u bonorablo to vailliiloa to hava utile ooal la mail for lt eiiemlea a delicate child let a delicate child trke a little scotts emulsion dfcod liver oil after brcaufait or dmnei not too much too much will upset the stomach itctlcr loo little than loo much 1 he effect will be slow it ought to hu clow in a week you will see il began the first day dont be in a hurry soorr uowwi ou tw llbarftllty ooaaul iktuf la bvlut mamoibly tliui tnooli llroyo mllbontt ulillk hiuob lowjor ra uy lo lk bnulu la niiuoa had urauoar ay budtob it froal s to 30 mlaau x good hub aou fcood ainly by hvlurf unlr dunlop solid rubber carriage tires will carry tumvy lojuiut and withstand hard urvlcc jin everaotuiaxlory eay- rldlnii vfhctl tln every itit truoranucxj cnix fitted to any wjjee anatlur catalaue butflorltteoo llmrrau altedtlon lu the world of houtd orjtblo wediolo4 baa bau u vary tourooof pro hraaa ka in polllloa ktid rnulotitb dlf flauult of oploloua and tba iuuivtjulhy of matt htvo bean ptr ut to tba djaalr4 iiinl by which tba aundard of thaa botlua hava bau tluvated ho with tuql of our fauioua prirauoiii furaiucutln ii luulrallon of wbioh truth tuiid tbo world faiiiouh rmedy to aiiaral liability and ftuuuor qululua win and whlou when obtainable lu lu iteitutud atrailgth la anilrmuiotie- creator of appollla vitality aoj klldanhait to tba ttaneral fertility of tbo ayiunl qululno wlua ald lu llit promeol baa rout tba fleet juoovary of tba wreak vlrtuu of qulnluo a k medio tteut bn ouo of tba moet thorouitbly dlaouaeej eajdi4 aver offered to tba pub ha it u olid of lb uroat tauioa and and natural ufa mntf ktimuuuuwbloli lufl nibdiual ucotehlvd llvo boit oompellod to vwoofculaaaitd pceaorlbo uooara nortb- top aud lyman ofaronu bavo vlveo to tbo proparauou of tbelr pura qululua wm lb yreat oare due to k imporuuoa add tbo ateuidaid aioiutum of tba artlol tvhioh tbay offer lo tho pobllo oorooe into tbo fsafkat parfttd of all uja dafaou wblob akllud obaorvaiuan and aejanllflo oplnloa b aolntod otit lo tb 1m parfeal pnpaxa- uoni of tba itutar- mr laul iirlvlora uowlowvllhi itallon liotou co n h wrltoa tia follows i ahall olwaya pralao ituhlook iiiomi illltem iuith i at jotnixly for vklu duuoh6h i bail won hufforltik from tiiilt ithfiulii i or lcsdnia for th pot flv ora and oould not pot ally rmt from tbn torrlblu burulntf htid itclilnj vrblahwaa worm at iitht and pro vented nib alonpln ilaarliik of ii h ii i thought i would try it mid itflor uulnir o hmtlo 1 wii bo much rillnvid hint i ooulliiiiud uutiik ii tukuii uu boltloa hi all utid tuu now pom plotoly ourwl it in it buaalnir that lhora u viah rolublo routody aa ii ii ii i for tboao torlurrdday ntul lilfht with torrlblo kvin dlnrajtfiji mid who can got no rllof from tbelr mary appty it txlernauy and it jakoe- i out tba flro and lloh mid ald in thfl honlhig proee tak it liittrnauv and it nuri- qoa tho blood of all thoao poiafin whloh ttra tho kourqd of kklu unip- tloiui bjbb cutta eczema and all burning itcbing sjan diseases 0outt knrt kldtir 1 fflttihy mr j w willorj i lurjotur s ytwfiua i am rt aul ject to aowro attack of collu and klduo dlfuoulty and 0nd larrnelvaa illla afford me t relief while all other mirdiee bao fllr1 tbay are lb- bot ledlolno i bavo oioi uaod in faot ao ltrkt lo tba power of tble medlalno lo noa aud purify ibat dlaeaao uf almoat a very nam angftialuru aroilrlvn from tho body lr mn it bot a rood yat it la a uiiukiu castoria vor lafiutis ajid children taru- drnlu coita re aafu sm 1 tiwy la tho bomtt wbhib mediocrity a to merit ttioea iwodetlrabla ijuahncatlon pica aul lo tbn taala and at tho earns time clteatualaraloufound 111 molur oravo wuru luurmlnlor oblhlren ilk it 1h beautiful j the kpaudour of tba trtlff alcohol andathleticq allgood trainer and u l051i complt- ra egrao on lbs rulo that alailuancn from loubnllo fldldaand bovorhrfa ia ahenlnuly cceaairy i am injatlf art ebitalnec tweanas by beiup onn i m atrokr liitliteraixl bailor limn if 1 wrio iu t aod can jft lbrouih mnob work motiul ami pbyaloel will c and j lea tiro j also uacb llw practice o abatlnet ua uitlioaltrit- itigly and boldly for lb peraonl rrtiia i and for many other loaain roatlnif on aclontlnodala hut this duo not inmueiioo tnu in wbat i am now uaoblnu atblouuiam n an copuonal practloo and i flt that aloo ilia hold woull aa drlok help tho atblala titular py ciiniuiioi i would iay uao tli 0111 exreptluually jual a i 11 f jilt ay u caaa of dlteaaa no what iaflueuoc ujii it u osprlnm i j allied lunnbcfortribr dtaiuer i- 1fllw tl period ut iralnii an i ibo dinr uf mdul ijrnc bo long a you are are til corirao ol preparation touob not tba hurtful lblu ft will bo euro tl undermine all tho qualltlaaou wblob uu tlopeud for ancce il will injure your 1 recialoii your decmou your preaeiico of in i ml and your onilur ance tbo famdua tralnarwtiu tau mo tbo four iiuallllta put ma up to lht he wi uut woll wbfll b b uj a treat race ad flmul him boluw par l ibo matter of circulatory powir i advlael tlm to induct in a little aloohol to hilp him lbrouili ho reeeulod lhl at onoi it would tka away uv olifciic a it did in ihocaaoof onool hu opnououu wu loirijavotboahio luaiimony what ho walked 400 uillta in jwu day ho abtuiuod totally nd wbui he walked lb 5000 mile in lmdayabaaballud tolally and when ho walked hi lon kld unlnurruptod oonria from hrlhuiii lototlduu he aaur- tliat a vlnjilfj tli of hurry or a uipof brandy would leduoe hi hdllvlty ua waauol teitularly an abitalnar when he waaatlibkrty bu unjoyikl a nluxury a aaa of wine or a tumbler of al but when howa l competition il wak abolutely ueooaaary for blm u retrain ti dr woods j pine tlikacaaan and oidn ftrn ofthfyr ao prnvnlo u 1 it would bo advlaablu to keep a botilo of jlr wood norway ihio bynip in tba bntian it allay all in flam tun i nu mid irri tation of ibo breathintf orrnii ami bum rough and old of yotmif ami old morn tpilokly and tiffuotually than any otlnr romody mr arthur mnhuwy whlto 1olnt quiia co h ii wnta in tba fall of ibth i wa ink on down with a anvern nilndk of l qrlptm whleh left inn with n bad nouh i tried anvi ml rntnedlra and could obtain uoramnfattd wnh til moat i in drapolr of n rura whftn a frlnnd advurid mo to tako lr wtwwla kor- way tliio hjrup i took thrfo bottle i in nil mid it iiiudihromplft titit luvealfoti apriuii from lbd wlu oholoa of oomniou ihouuhu and thlugu bhl kry last winter lull a icfticy of i m pur a blood to many people culuj tired tfe inj lack of anrtcy ludlijettlou oonktlpa tion blhouue- elo burdock blood lilturj never full to euro any ol ilia torn joiu lilifttk by unlocking tho uorellou aud removing all impurluea from lha ayaum ilepom and charfulneb aro ilia badtfed of tha kntleman repoia in energy lmeraoii a cad wr lha underpinned do hareby mtr4 to refund tha money on a co coat bottta of qrne wkrranled byrupof tar if f fail to cure your ooukii or cold wo alau v ntod a jj oul botlla tl provo mttlvfactory or tnouey rsfuudsd a t 11110wm 11m n tba ohktialla inutfa of un obaiitkbldtloriilly vor internal or axlafiul una ilayarda ytllow oil cannot ba ckcelud at a pain rllvlujj and aoolhlnu remady for pal 11 habit if not raaluud acou bcoomki a neoaaalty ut auuuktluo ksrly all infants ara mora or u bubjeot to diarrhoea kiid auoli complaluta whlta teotbiuu and ai uiij parlod of tbelr 1 lha mot orltioa motberd ahould uoi ba without ft botlla of pr j d kel loiua dyaeiitery oardlkl 111 i tnedlolna i a kpaolfls for auoh coin plaint aud u bliibly reoomuikuddd by ihooa wlio bava need ii lb proprietor- claim that ik will ouro any cd of obolara or aumtner nom plalnl lbabaaid of lood itituurd in half roll oor hn yuil i jilt tr ii you dont know wbtn tha oouitb will slop the coiujh of oonkumplluu baa jiml auob a blnuln tkhioll a lmul alau now whilo llio nouith ia astily tnau hltej uvary day in our ilia id a iid iu out book how tua you wrlllutf shattered nerves and weakened system the after effects op lfl brippe han you had la crlppoi did it luti an attar efftcts u it m tad what mr i j bvopiiy of montkil que hu to uy of th food mllbornit heirt andnuveplulduhlm he writes ltir aevtra ifrpfx wbkh uft nuaq run down very turvoua kod extremely vak i could not alsap at olfbt and troubled with pfouaa pcr- iptratlan which cud au niuch annoy kucr lltartnf of tba ajood affecta of mlt- boroa pllk i began taking tbarn mutwio my grauflcatloa tky bracad nu up iovwc- attd my wbaia ayaum and mada mauac tlk a otw nun i can wc tban to allaidiatiacajl did tha nilull i oftan tha dupa of tha heart ahd tba heart of tha mind s10 siy wh111 j on wtum icinr qtml ity hhoo 1 on g t ull tlm uylo llio fit ami finish found ill dm lit i aimriciu alukk riui kiiil quftlity fiictory in ibd only 0110 in caiuja hut nuke i idiou filtfwn but tor uian ihn ainiitauftilihi wiiilii timed inlo cauuda with u 3 duty taken out of it nualify tho klnvf u hrnnd la worn by ibo fcr vrirfjcmiadluu laillh 1 it la a ima nolo pf glioo lihlilnu ofrurrfrmjr iiiilrvca 37 my ten 4 width all alicu llnuuhd knitf quality ooldiuiidulauriklul tlioliirl rntoltioii itynn hli1 abimiiayionu mr oftoph uuoky whyalon i y do aoiiill 1uk yret and noblu and jut jour bamaln lha hell of ruia mr goopli llut a nun niual bd dad leu ear to have hi llama pucid there tivaii if ho i quallflod mr oooph i kuow but wouldit it u krand to lako my keoiinmitbntl around tbera and know blm your iiatnat it would bd auoh a kooi example for him m- iiihj t w illn ppuniry ahould bo without 1armelo vonolabtd villa a few doee tkjtau nowiavd then will keep lha llvr aglhc iuo uo alomach and bowu from kll billuu matter md prevent k mr j llmadj hboala martin co lud writbd 1 hay tried a bo of lurmuee illu and oud them tbo uat uiidlcluu for fovcf arid k uoi hvo ever uaad katuro u the rmut ol god whan bobyhnd scald head vvhni mother had salt fthoum- whon father had piles hr ar- nw a olntmonl avo llio jukkeit relief and aureit euro 1 beaaara re mi of truth picked from lctltnony which is olvott avcry day to ihl fmatert of litilora it luut never been milcheil in curative qualltlo in lcicma teller plica etc 33 ceiil 103 sold by a t urown lku la like tba violin wo tnukt learu to uaa it nobody coined luto tba world with kklll lo wlald tho bow my physlclnvibtold mo i musi die out bout american kidney cum curwi tna of thai awful ilrlj lit a disease thi i a aentencfl from u letter of a well vnowu biislnea him in a woiletn town who ihrouflh overwork and worry luul contracted till kidney nctilcnce it will rdlavtj inklautly and euro all kidney dlaaaaej 101 sold by a t urown a powerful mind learn from ait how to lurpaa tha bond of art m sell well aaya 9nikut o llt ot truro n b want any better evldenco of ilia real merit of pr von stan ihioapnltt tablet oa cui for all form ol atomacu trouhla hun that they re in kiich grwil demand hot a nauaooua dou that make one a very luudc rabdl but pleatant quick aud harmuiaa liny tablet to carry lil your pockol 35 ceiiti 104 sold by a 1 urown what is sssisvxnvsvsscsjwv imtoria cahutrla i fur infants nnd culidrcn caatorla in n l liiirmh kh hiibatltute fur ctuttor oil parcrjortc iropit nuu hoo thing hyrnpk it cdptnliih noltber oiliiiu imorphliio nr otlinr narcotic nubstnnco it 1h ilcaiuuit iu rtiurait4w 1h tlitrty ya iwo by mlhiaum of ftrahd thunk u all wav 1111 imri 1 i 1 m i- r ai a n i i ri iut itf llulab l a ij 1 wu f iuum llll 1 n 1 i vii r i 11 hi w jtfwll oohtorln doalroyi wurxiiil and nllayfj fovfirlb- iichm ciutturln furh t3iurrkooa aitciwlndcdittr cwrtorltt rollnvcfl tcothliiff xtoublcn etirca couatlpailoii al flattlloncy jtuitorla asnlmllatca tho sood icculatit tho stomach uutl bowcla otinfantfl and children giving healthy and lintiinkl sloop canfiorla is tho childrens iaimrca tho mother irlcnd catona castoria atrja u an raclult hixlutti fl caatarla u ao well alnl lo tllmi ml h lilt kl alicia 1 ve r uld lu tltt ii lnmu 1 it uwtor lo any of ii feoort tnvcr npeni thhr ctilldten tt jwriptlc woliu dn o oiuooi lowiu aau u aaacwu v iirmilnn v the facsimile signature of aaavadada4daaaddaa4 x will s oii wvn1 i mauur ojatmkil- fjkl ouh eugwton wmd qpgn 3ucil1s brkno tlill ittll baarkat au il 1 klialuaulytfll tlilwliyllqli401 1 appears on every wrapper f3ew jflitmott talaata oaxbard prte bfoa they are batohrd wtatc athat jl taalxmre in pat aa ta tha wtalcv will prewnt ear fclae o bur of wann or paraalte ay wann or paraatte artna tie uata7 j apriag u caq for ban tpatllult a dm book 11 howl winter anavytaaar and rrf ottaer kind of anraylnc wbkta w will gladly toall ffrg to anr- om wtiubco tt the sraihotob co j lon onl glhssgs sa dlajcsa sa sa sa sjl wc succeed because our glasses e perfect sight the frame sits comfortably each eye iookfrigthrouglrthetcntrtf of the lense the whole becoming to the wearer shvhge si co optigikns guglph a si kino housl cfl lu and moving iihow ilia iirccmllei in llio u ty of uow furniture waitresses springs etc and j0i1ntqxe co ait confident they can fill your wjiii very lalhiactor lly and at the luwd lilnj prices seclil attention 1 uhctt to uphoht either lu new uori or rcpjrlnc picllud i ramliiff l 3 ipeclally all order receive prompt atlenilou tha vcw itaymond swlnj machine it i lie favorl hereabouts nrd joluitiono ft co supply i lie m cariksts made up lo order anil lloutefur nfsbiiii a o in van o all linda lu llod 1 at o iu vnely roller ullnda jornstonk cor- furnjturodoolcra undortakers main si aclou try it and see a well tailorirxl coat il ono of the realcst plciiurts a nun can liavo it t it wlien be elk it and fill all the tiuid he ucara it our cojitm jiavt an dajty tt ia thmnt which iasur comfort aad tixtctjaa th haw jnwajr wuoj- ooj ojtr tcai baaurjaf jkkijrhr wm m cooper morchanl tailor- mill st acton a man without iurlh ia llku a waoft without spring llaaobar liver troubled bllluun kallow com pldnlou yollow ay jaundlod to yiald to theouratlva power or laxa 1 ivfr 1llk 1 boy are aura lo our ibo poet writud on humaud tlmo rtitalikua by wrlliuu llued uu bin lhera fa daiiitar lu uklouuk a noil many who hava dlrd uf oooaumpuon haw dated hair troubled front eapoaura followed by a odd wblob auld on their lunu and in a abort tlmo tby wr beyond ibo aklll of tba beat pbyalolau haiflbey uaed iltcklod alitl cnaumptlvo hyrup bofora irwaa toolala thatr uvea woud bava beau aparad tw roedioloa baa uo etiual fur oarluacoatia eolda and all aftactloaa of jba ibrxtat and lunga theia li only 0110 bciti way of elni a thintj too marty popio dally with catarrh it alrikea 0110 lilto a thunder- clap dovelopa with n rapidity thai no nlhe dlaeodoca dr a now a catarrhal 1ow dor i tho radical qnicl safo and nleaeant cure that tho dim j to dnmand uw lha iitcan prevent llcjtlccp iai inland v car of dlalreai don t dally ulh catarrh atjnow glvad relief in ton mlnutei 30 centa qy sold by a t urown ha who la moat ilka tha dead dltv with moit ra warrior- woes throusli damn cold and oxihkauro many brave soldier wiio ieu bid uktlva hoarth a at aa man could bd ta filtt lu country a honor lias bctiu invalided homo bocauieof thavulturo of tba bill la oround itbeuinallsm south american uliduiiiallc curo will absolutely curd ovary cane oc httaimutltin in uxialenca lleliol lu wit lioura 9j hold by a 1 urown arav boob hit aa uh wall will liu well thought amritui emperlorio0 with heart disease mr t j ijiw loronto can wriua i wav aq aoruly trohbled with heart dlieakd that i wui unalila for lu mouths lo ua down in bod lau 1 smellier aflef talhih oiio doie oi dr ajnovu a i icai4 cura i telireii and slept tqiuully j i mrd 0110 bottle and tha iroubla hai nut ro- tumad qq sold by a 1 urown true uloquotiao it tha ojutampt of iloquellcd voved f cicoiobm uubycoalb and cinnamon ilaiar lr ainew i ivor 1 iii aid liomoliold favonlri iinr uritlrj leave thu lynteni tho tirvu aro tout i llio blooil la purified 1 ho completion i hrli lit and rudjy headache viilth uml peilct heal i h follows ihdlr uw 40 iloui 10 canlavfioi sold by a 1 urown writ uututuue aru joined without otwu i ballovo it to bo tha most ftoctlvo ramady for tha 8tom- aoh and nerves irtthn markot la what aiiuu 1 aueiaon of saluvuio n 11 aaya of south aiticrluui nt rvlno for kho ay la grippe and llio complication which followed it ull her uokt lu dead wllh hull aatatluu byepapai and ceueral kcxwoua bhaluiink it cured hot luo sold by a i ltrouii a 1 0111b la a tnnnnmot puiiad at lha boundary bolwaaii twd world children cry for castoria clbkring shlb or furniture at cos j a speight c0 have decided to clear out their stock of furniture all lines at costriccs there will be bargains for every body who wants furniture for any room in the house a short time will be al lowed for payment ol goods purchased if cash is not convenient j a speight co warorooms foot of willow st cton ffiu itopluhteooilum buy ie kcuml by oorau jultlnaay tk pakhr ucoftd iwood engraving hoto engraving half tones 7 tiwcm citalwulimwaiis jljoneseno aclcididestw toronto f to catch tho ejc ami tlto mind at uio samo time is the art of advertising tlniad illustrates how true this snyiiig is especially to those wishing pleasant and profitable employment canadas sons on kopje and veldt the only hook dealing exclusively with the canadian contingents is the book to handle official authemicchcap sells 011 sight lo everybody and any body can sell it capital or experience not necessary send for fiee outfit and make money tho bwablevcawitctson collnrllid bruntford out vio u lit muiiug niuoli lu 111 futut fur iiu1 in uia timarit k111 llm viwi lklliilillll 160 8lliahll 1 uo lloabcilaawut 100 w ipiuiiui imrtct mtluuiu globe optical co- 03 yoncestrwm toronto uklll id tba jul dutribullou ot hiaa for lha uuimuoblealnf tha bruia creation whu kufferlnal from a out abraalou or aor doriaad aa uiuobbeiitllt aa ila inaalef iu a like prmjloamnl from tba heajimi koothlnjj aolluo of lr tbomaa bolotrla oil lamented awallln of iba nack atlff- neaa of ilia iolula throat and lunge aro r i laved by it patents guaranteed klclcli an 1 ilruillutau ituiuiilly lfvlv tur ol fill 11 lee cuii trtnlu tie iwtteuu uily ol kmr ii iw i ll ulu lalrul mill uu itiikkf lulcult ununl llmuitlmju sciti nil r twilcntourripeiiw 1 alcuu la ken uut llinwii li ua receive nvrrjd ujfrulll 1 ichaiue in niu i lti illn 11 llliutrtte i an i wt uly clrniulnl jou toinulir 11 y matilda in naaiul invcmoi twulturuiu fhck aiuiru vioyor j k17aw0 s co umteut mtrueyt kvaaa 1 da waoh patents pbomptly secureoi intel ttluir thut i how yj ar hoou4 1 retail kaur 1 r muj1 f ymr u lrliiiiiroviueiil in i w will letl tna our oivlnl ut i to vullcr it u int iuy palnlal tr uutaj kivpllhihilut otlil un mxf imciltl ly ua wc coitltwrt lillly elill pe i plir lu j till i hal aul waal lu thuijiullflcauatni 1 im- ly duimlcli vxulmid auully mtuih isilfiiu aut ikulteuirrrreimva iumiiixi ldloit piocmril llrrtti aiio 1 ft via llnti revive andcuiiuilk willi 1 t clura in over ilo uruaiait tltmil uu 1 tlm uul llh- iu mini 11 hncultyil k i uainrra l mauuf luieiau i 11 tit lie la marion marion patarit apartu uml lollottra rtiii nw vwk t ii ii u it hatreal tto vear8 experiewcb manna dcsiahs corvrttokts c ataea iul4lv wwii i 1 yr irfbkt fi laur ihhtamimiyi atuiluvltliullouiuailralr- 141 ta- ltrvri uut a 1s oaa kpnwlaullirf tallhbvi wlxtrve lu lb t sctentuic jhtkncait 1 11 ut rtt line pouj 1 i i hirwmil il uuu brail t- co hbw yqi

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