Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 30, 1901, p. 2

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rl 4 vjfsr a iuiituuiiiulunl lap vartajrelb rkuinkt wit died erlsn k f 1 uti ttoui wallet k heoertl aged cfl jmti 1uii- at ksneaaclrljo on vrtrttueymtb allnranljuiraeboiira lji ileeala wire of i int tbotn 1 011 fur marly of ilornbr out lttiaat tiia borne of liar tetber iuncen tnr la uu krlixule on etoiwlav kith maj uaral tnili wile of 11 w 1 fur is aotou ije attojm ss thuu8day may noth 1001 1ahliame pn mumbarp o tlio houia of cgmnin t fr ttwcpfi fifteen wnk btttlnb omiri may as perllernsht wae pro roguni this afternoon eeesloo which hsa lasted for ajs thrjoanrl a half months tha cloelor oors monies were of llio uaoal character tba governor gen aral droa op from iudean ilaji eeoorted by a troop ot dragoon o cards and eras re ceived at tha so iran oe to tha jlooee of jommom by a guard ol hoaor from tba foopooarirtsikaswautlibiwwarb ery fsw spectator ilia excellency pro roroe4 ptkatmte in a flei epeeob and tha mombera departed for tbalr botoaa editorial notl8 it ft oallnutad that ukoitoba will have a forty million boibalcrop for export this year tha araa ander cultivation baa bean increased tba seeding u dona early mid the out look ao far la vary favourable 1 a statement m going tba round that the union 1aolao and tbaj boat bam ieclflo will combine to free as oot tba northern peclflo tba canadian faolfla and tba greet northern railways from tba orlao ul trade aoiooa w0o0 foor par oanl twtaty year dooaolidalod debt debenture have bao aold to geo a bumeotj go or toronto for 14004 and aooraad interest thu la a 6d showing and wa congratu late oar sister municipality upon iu high tending a tba moo ay market milton jferme tha novo vtemya hsa bean suspended far a week for deelaxingtbat tba terrlbli d u trees among iheboaalan work lug oleaaei waa tbe priori pa factor io tba aoooeaa of tbo revolatlonary propaganda from wblob uio reoeot jlaordera prang tbe paper exhorted tba government to make energe- tio e tor la to jm prove the conrjilion 61 ibh ufferera aaylng that thta waa the only way to check tbe propaganda and prevent a revolt ai noon on saturday tbe northern ieoino hallway system in manitoba eta- braoiog nearly four hundred miles of line wu taken over by tbe manitoba govern ment xt will be operated by the n lx until tbe and ot may whan mackenzie mann will unite it wltb their ayatam all officials of tbe n x line have been uotlaed to tbe above affect it la not known what aotlon will now be taken in legal fetja lug ta prevent tbe complete oonaammatlon ot tbe bargain it la tbe impreaalon of man j that tba legal action may bow oeaae the enggealiod of mrd henderson m v for tbe erection ot lower priced government halloing in the smaller town wblob be baa ao aaaidloualy advocated both wbeo bla own party wae in power and alnoe tba proaent governmant aaanmed oootrol of tbe oooduya pnbllo bualneaa u at laat be- miimiffl f uwi mm mmuiu nlv poet cffloo u ooet iooo with lodging or tbe poeuouler mr ilandaraoo jd thepeople of helton would have beo pleeta- ed it the dggeetiqjj bad been inaugurated in our own oounty and it u hoped the rnluonof hlaaflartj lutbie dlreavlon will ere long be eeen in tbu oouuty tbe oovernmeat bu araumed the ooat of the trial ot tbe paper maker who are charged by tbe canadian free aaapcia- tlon with oomblnlng to inoraaae the price of paper to an unwarranted agora tbe precedent u thn eetabllabed tbat ible la qalry and ail future one of the aame kind ahsil be paid for by the government tbe aame ae inqulriee into inapectlooa and other olanaee ot tbe oaatome act fraaumably the judge haa detraction to employ a luryaxmbltfllt ovidanoo inonwltaoaaee itbeahaji deem u neoeaaary tbo poal tlon of the publisher ta not that of pro- aeontore or plalntlfla and their oonnaal wilt therefore dot uinux more reapooal bllity than belong lo tbem v milton tbe ooori of general beaelooe will be held at tbe coort uouee on tueaday lllb june g b- tteoey ha bted appolaled dotf tx oolluolor the council ba appointed h goalee truant offloer at a kaiary of 12 00 per annvm the ilallou old lloya auoclallou have deolded to hold tbalr annuil excursion to ulllonon beplember ik the date flaj for the lll talr mr ja landsboro and fajjilly who moved looajgary h w t some weeka h5ja jeiii at mi4olc wflfcl u mir xiandsboro aay be wa aadly dlsappoluted when be reached gallery ffforwuf the milton leaobara wbo attended tbe convention at acton last week are load in their praises boiii ol tbe ooutautioo and tbe welcome nd treatment accorded by tbe acton people mayor- and mr deacon contemplate a trip to great drllaln bd the ooutluent tbl sauimer jams landaborougb ba been appointed chief oouatable to all the vaoauey oausod by uie relgnetloocf cblaf llfadley iu0o more naa been placed at ihedlspoe at of the waurwork poniiultlee or llie imrcljae of additional apriiis to aupply the reeervolr a li llowan wbo ba bea in tbe drug busluee bare tor a bo at 1i mouth left town laat week for thoiupsou north uakuta u h tbe ladlae aid ot ltostou ohuroh will glv a graud jardait party on juoe lulli a the reeldeuoe of viuiav megallom lal line jiaquaalu flrstolaae programm it la reported that acme boy la tbl neighborhood are making oolleollone of birds egg by robbing beats ferbape they axe col aware tbas tbl i erblddea by the onurio atatutee and that if detect ed they are liable to be fined mayor deacon and ur o a jlsasattaat are at eewumigou u in the final adjustment of account w 1 aball be given credit for tbe spiteful things othar popl eay about ua ohlldron cry for castora court of revision thn court had numerous appaqle somecf wwlotv-aelah-bbfqfr- thet jud0s sell tbuphocq values council met ee a court uf fuvlalon on monday evening members all preaanl lloove williaioa in the ohalr artaeihe oath ol mambere of the court ol llaiic bad beat lkrn ilia bualneaa of the court procodsd with 1 he dial case thl bl the dell tli hone company whlbh sppealrd against iboaucmdient of 1 tor their plant in aolon tbe company waa represented by mr john k dull of gualpb the local manager of ihe dutrlol mr hall olajmed that the aolual value of tba ooenpanys plant in acton is 1b3 30 this waa of mhp ucov smsiroetit decision fclvan ba ii a mil ton some jars ago mr boll stated that tbe oom pany waa willing to aftreo in order l save any trouble in elundlnfl furtbsr courts to an aasemeot ot 1600 tbe corporation tboogbt 1000 would be aarjolubleaaass msnt bnt waa willing it the company would agree to make no further appeal to n ihe aeseeemeni at 97fi0 mr boll cod erred bv telephone with bead office and eebeeooeauy re tjor tedthat jmqwm th hlxheat aaaeaament tha company would accept for acton tbe assessment wae then fliad at 11000 barrister mclean ap peared for the corporation it was slated in the court that tbe telegraph company wa asataaed 00 for its plant here and that no appeal bad been entered h d warren asked that tbe aaeeascoerjt on hie interest in tbe warren block be re- daoed from isfioo lo s 200 asseeaoc wae confirmed mr b a beoord appealed again l aeaament of lot 11 blk 3 etlmoo reduced to 11800 mrs beoord alec apnea tod again tt asses man i of pt lot 1 blk it at 1600 aaeees raent con arm ed jobnb coleman appealed against aseea ment nf pt 8 u blk 16 at tco after explanation of cooqall and aaaeeaor th appeal was withdrawn b j clark appealed against aseeesment of 11000 personal withdrew 3 a hpeight on aaeeasment of hooee and abope lot 9 e 8 7 blk is at 13300 and pereona 1700 total woo itednced einoe asaesement to i200 vorther red 00 ed to 2300 xatrick krlly throngb w ii denny agent appealed against asseeeroenl of lots 8 0 in bk 3l at f 1000 aaaenment oon armed john william appealed against esse meat of a dog the animal being bow dead the orb at panamhfllcan shows back to health the moat complalsooloelanl col- isouan orllinrtii a circus would nol be cftnplite without m menacerie aftrl no ctm kurw thi wl ihan tire manatffirs ut 1 on ltoi lan amcriran hhowa whan lliey ioth ahout a mllldui iuara ilrjitotlnh litt forralt and jin uf live rottllntnta for uasti rare and rororlcmr alrate am txautlfiil lo people lliclr vliirnyorlo whlrli la omi lecu1 wiih th tie monster iutdu rliift circoa mid lloman illppodroine will be iceu at aoton on halurday june h ae upon cagr and rows of them filled with every strange and awful beast known to ibn aooftrapbsr gblaf among ihe amphibious oarnlvorous blborue split tiwilwd mam male is tbo terrible hovauju there are jjlaphant oamelf lromvdarie peer hear lions tiger als6pirdi orlezlle terpen luplller and in a word bird and beasts of every ulni j here js alao i in a very attractive prt f the nienajjoria ihe on lt utile bby iiipmouniu im aglnihle and four llq la by lions and in the unique dnpsrlrnaui em id it many marvels too many lo tiaine in detail a giant camtt the lllrst animal all i hsjah the glaut llophabt the hint jbxulji lbatwaik tbe cailbllieycryljrdi ot lleeals taller and weighs more than apy elaphaut ever captured bmabhui at oeonobtown train with joo paiionaara ran off th track nt the bwkoh through thb kindnus6 and penbibtiincb op a fnfbnd tbe ooort upon motion finally confirmed fhe aseeeeaient assessor graham did himself credit at tha ooort by his manifest knowledge of all particular respecting the aaaeaament la any oaae where valuaa ware qneellonad be wa able immediately to quote proper hi similarly situated where tbe value were arrived at upon identical basis hi grasp of the detail of lb assessment of the bell telspboue co wa very creditable th value of pole wire cross arm plo insulators instruments etc were prompt ly given the court adjourned at elevsn oclock churchill mis minnie bennett attended tb teachers convenjion at guajph last wad needey and thursday and enjoyed the aeesioq very much a large number of old neighbor attend ed the funeral of mr john ilussell at aoton un the 2lb r there 1 n ashin 1 ft the flrstbrook fond this season unroul are wtthluil turned the wet weather of the twswiy- fourth spoiled numerou well prepared plan for holiday pleasure orbwbdns corners tba wet weather on victoria bay mad thing vary dull and quiet aroood bare mr robert brown jr bad a valuable aheep killed oo the g t it laat week mr john murray 1 building a new kitchen and woodshed lo bl residence mr jamo moore jr and mu w moore spent the uitb at mr a t manns afiloo mia minna gamble gualpb spent tli holiday at bet home bert mra 3 h grippe spent several day wllhliamuloa tileodf durloi the week mracvamoe drywaod apeot tbebeibln toronto mu juxale ooleman toronto spent tba 3tb at bar home bare mr and mr george locker and child tea aoloa apeot sunday at mr it grippe mr aud mra m oreweon jr were in toronto pa thursday mra jo anderson ijvjroolo spent tb holiday at mr h fforbe mu mary grewaon hfaaaagaweya pent a tew day during tbe weak at bar home here ur it bberlook vatkuvl petit tb holiday willi friend br baafuas oaunat it cured uv loul applloeluusa they eaunol raeh lha dlmuwd portion uf the ear thar u only ou jay toouiedeaiuaaa and that u hy ocoeultl uooel raomdlae daaluaa u bauaad by an id hamad utodluou ot ui tauoouj llulua of th uittuehlan tube whau this tuba bt leltam t ajina have a iumhluulauuudorliiimrfeoi hearlua wud whn it i snllraly elud iimjdm l thaut and uulsa the tnuatunislicu een h taken out and ibis tube restored to iu bor tuaj eothlluou baarlua will be dseuoyad lo vat blue eaees out of uu are nud by okurrli tableli i bouilo but an tuflaiuad ooudltlcu of tha ntuoou suifae we will ue oue uundrad uollar tor auy ease bf deauaa attd by btarrb that ceu bet u auj by ii he c our judd lr elteulali fiee v juiisttjhyfcooroujo o uoldbvorutuiuutu llal 4 veuitly 1 lib ate th wat it i said that plue goe bafor a fat but ul revere u tru it dlotlonairu thouvand llki her teua haleod oevoru brlditoi writ i owe a debt ot hratltda 0 lr thonlak kelectrlo oil fur luft ta of oevee cold that troubled tu uly all imi winter in oidar lo lve a qtileulsrui a liaoklug ocutlh take a doe of dr lholies uclctrld oil ihrloe a day or bfteuot if the oough bpwll ronjar it y- live lm let live 1 a good motto for all murwllb the eioepttou of nhder- taker wnl utoher worm oannot esjat either in children or adulle wbsrt dr low worm bjrup la used ioa all dealers ilvfopldldlcr beforehfend eoroe peoplkrwouldnll bav tlm to worry ah all art every day story that wilt qrlnn haalth and hrpplneii toyounn aiila whoatjl upon fho aovim clvon when the ereultig tralo from the west reaxbed acton last thursday it was about an hour late and waa crowded with passen gers forty or fifty of tbe lubllo bobool teachers who bad beeu attending tbe county conveullou here boardwl tba train and a considerable number of cltlxena who ware going out of town to spend victoria day the train which la known as no j waa made up with a bsgttage car and seven paaaenger coeohe it had just oroaed the bridge wett ot the awilch near georgetown station and was making vary fair time whsn the rail spread the engine jumped the tracks taking with it serersl of the coeohes and rsu alontf the railway tie for a ahort distance the engineer and lire man rcmsltiod in the cab and immediately applied the air brskf jntt m lbs etigltie was on the edge of the embankment both men jumped and ecaped any serious injury in tolling down tbo incliuo 0 engine took the baggagd car which wa heavily uden with baggalfj and two pasavuger coaches wltblttbe other ave oar remaining en the rail there were quite tt number of excursion from 111 hull oiansavllla unl it every art tit canada erot be found grateful people wlu cheerfully acknowledge that the itooil health thry enjoy is due to the nse uf dr williams plok pills in i ihe town of uraugavllle there are msny auoh people smonh them belor miss larie collins an estimable young- lady wbo re sides with lur mother iu the taet ward miss collins cure through the uee of this mrdloino wae recently brought to the alien lion ot tbe sum and a reporter wae sent ti gat the facta from the jouna lady mae colli nsoheei fully ninrfoi m ktlrtlw and her statement la irri iractioslly in her own woida iwo yasre ago said she 1 beceme so wesk that i waa fcroed to take to bo j j the illotss oame on gradually i fouud myaalf moch run down sudored fjoro headaches snd was ae pale as it was poisihle for a living par ion to be i used several medio i no but they did not hlp me then i easulud a doctor and be asld that i had aoaroly any blood and that mjroonditlon wae one ofdan geri medicine did not aeem to do me any good and i fouud myself growing weaker i roaobed tbo stage where my heart kepi palpi ul log violently all the time tbe headache became cpotlnnou and my condition one which words can acaroely deaoribe i really dee pat red of retting bet ter end loathed ihe eight of medicine i bad been confined to bed fur abonv two months when a friend called snd urged lo try dr williams pink 1i1it told her i had lost faith in all msdlolnes but she wae apparently determined i should try the pill for she brought me about half a box abe bad been us lug herself 1 could not tbsn do tee than try lb pill and when they were used while i cab not aay that i fell mnoh baiter had morn confi dence in ihe pill and got half a doxen boxes before these were gone there wa no doubt that they were rapidly restoring mo lo my old time health a i we soon able to alt up and then be around and ont i used iu all tight or nns boxe aad befori these were gone i frit a though i had never bail an ache or pain in my life that is wbst dr williams vlnk bills did or me and i think i would be vary ungrate- ul if i did not add my testimony r the benefit it may be to some other young girl mis collins story should bring hope lo many thousand of other young girl wbo enffer a ah did those wbo are pel- wr ihe undersigned dn hereby sftrpo to refnnd tbe money on m 60 riei t bf tile ot ocecius warranledflymp ortar imirtl lo cure your omgh or cold we alao guar nlej j jxoooi bdulo d pr jmltfacljry or money refunded a 1 ilitown lidding up bu head dont to any bodys dignity whan be has to wr a tlirco inob collar to du it tsuiolii5tlrirrv70coa6nciijolihel mwi of them wero fortunate enough to make their way into the rear car before the first two oar tnpplod over the grade thoa who could not got out received a shaking up but luokllv tuny ereaped with a few brulaes the engine wa badly wrecked and the cars were off the truck and rather broken up it wau reported that one passenger had hi leg brokrn but among thn novel bij1il hundred passenger on board uot rdcelved eveu so serioui an injury though many were badly shaken urt among tbe oltlxen of acton who were on the ill faled tralu were mr w a storey of tbe canadian giovu works councillor jeans pwjlou court olork mokahb mr thorns 0 moore and other the passenger were sent on to toronto at 10 bo home of the passenger think that lbs accident waa oaused by reading rail and other claimed that a defeotlve switch to blame tbesle the lbirdeoident that has so ourrcd at georgetown within a few week the looomotlve and wrecked oar to gather wltb the stratford auxiliary passed ibrdugh towu friday aftaruoou about four oulock the cab wa separated from tin ouglua and wa loaded ou a flat car tba lendar wa alao badly smashed and loaded ou a oax one end of tbe exprea and eud of the baggago car were badly smashed absolute security genuine- carter little liver pills must booy signature o skv5lmlk wreipar lelcw vewy uaell svd eu aey ae take aat eutfuf- cartersi b taftil r0c mud1ch6 roi dimttm- rorbluoueiut for torpid live f0i comitipat10n rol aalujevliisl rolsuccompuxios cure sick headache 1 her ere 0aa of doueumpllotl sa far ad v a tided that ulckus autl goiiiumptlou hyrup will not cure hut nous eo bad that it will uot h reluf for cough uold auj all erttotlom of tlm throat lung aud cbssl it i a nwolflo wlilolt hi never been knowti lo fall it promote a frea anil easy expealqratlon lliorcby removing tb phlsui n1 gived til dlleasad pelts a olianoe to lieal some inon mind an like a waelhar vaue theyre alway obaugltig to iho way the wind blowlttg l hi algaatar hf on everybos at tbejreaitln laxative bfrjioliim rab i l pltatlon of the heart dlaxlnes or a feeling of constant weariness will find renewed health and strength in 111 use of a few boxes ol dr williams iink villa sold by all dealer or sent by mall post psld et co cents a box or six boxes for j co by addressing ihe dr williams medicine co urookvllls gnl many a koodmeb worth i not discover ed until his wlllls read children cry for castoria a man expect rounds of applause when be begins to climb the ladder of tarns nearly all lufsnt are mora or less sub ject lo diarrhoea and summer com plain i wblle uetblog and a thl period of their live i tb moat crltlca mother should not be without a bottle of dr 3 d icsl logglrysentery cordial tbl medicine w1 ewpmototaobh highly spoken of by those who have used it 1 be proprietor claim it will cor any case of cholera or summer coroplslnt a gossip j a persou who think too little and talk too much ror yor new byssifcs market or lrmnber waggons or any repairing in the carriage line koto j 1s owxsaaul succor to gulp a mckonil gb org bto nf binder twine farmers gooperative go limited brantford- prices for tho sous on of i90l rod flur 000 ft 10o red star boo ft 10 o bpoolol kaiillla 500 ft 0 biaojlold b o biboij btandard 7 o theaj taller iwo tiru uot ourowuiuuk cakad1an i aumults weliaveiula word toaar to you thu lha aral and uuly irulv oo0mklue eiuiinv lu farlutiy j touav lufcuok ii oonilukturvsalai prhiee taw 1uui naliuol liitw he tmiuuht fur your lraluy and luulll uahee will liom us in ulatouee yur bmpllolaiil atxl ludlfteiauoe will drivu us froui ailauue whleli iiieakis a 0auihlow lo all future ooopr aliuu ul verukaieaud will ulf ll hrlufel c tllnulio twliiu juinbuie frtt cm 111 wliloli j lou will be fcuiiiiillr lifllla lo hl juuraal mi iwotklllve luuva wuiiu bu i so hrlug a twiutiuualiiui ui rail tliroush 1u uuuuhuiiuaiju lutluauoe as a iwh lilneruuutcr uaartus or umi our aaaii wltti ledtdarauoe stitl you uuly uae lo welt 1 raaulla- nuu rurulaii better twluo wa sr ulaite uu d lu the ueaillait varutai luae e amo to yotl ae varmeee abet wbaueet plllad ailaiual ul umi dons waau uute wraetllug vltll tbauueauoit auy loutta iooa s ll stralatil iu die faoe autl i liity oouibenr vjltb lw jkql uu will liav- jo u ite uruud uf oimir iuitlou eu uiawu tyouueeli ul a wtloie o luoameii vya uw m j at a llanos lliel outef oompeulea awn lu to mmteuea are alio ply iradlutj ee our arand ren- uatlou and thai iu many uf usee oeaae vol will be ateeedlmly disappointed we hav plaadad for eight tears or you toeuuie lu on uie era uik ouovend follt bends wllb uila old ealalx llsbeil twine oneankaauen bur our ltd alar 10 esut twine aujd yon will make no mistake joseph stratford canaral manager wall paperr all lha newest designs and colurlngr in -1ngijain- and every kind orpaprrti au 11 any room paints asl for a lamiilo culur card j w 1 ii in il ulnt rratly uit llie window mi di b cvhtmtf 1oius ltc pl t bromn chemibt aoton i st im the b grenlman cor amateur cameras hnd supplies premo poco ray magazine cyclone printing srameb 4 jij autl cblnot 35 coiilu pwlftiho papers solio ari3to velox phptox h rkmshhw photo whtist kcton eggs buying am- wf can ft tor th i7utfrihl egg co 25 cases wanted this week 50 cases next week and all you can bring us all summer lorcasli or trade ai bightprtce friday and saturday snaps heavy crash toweling special at 7c 6c ic s tweeds fqr lc 7picccsallwool suitable br pantings and boys suiti to clear satur day at tc yd 47 yds heavy bine denim special atllijc 230 yards torchon and valencmncs laces regular 5c to 10c for lie yd narrow embroideries in usual 5c to 8c qualities for lie yd dainty muslins for lc yd 5 yds to each dollar customer saturday morning at 3c yard black and white blue and white pink and jfltta ubcrttstuttnis projkjrly for halo mmiiku of iriii uj tiuc prnvwtr lor la uu ny liiti af i lo wu iikuhtukbt white new and choice goqds gold dust washing powder lc pkp large cans magic bak ing powder regular aoc sizo for lc canned pumpkin special at 7c new jersey tomato cat sup extra choice qual ity 30c bottle for 19c comiort soap 4c bar 1arina a choice breakfast cereal lor lie lb 3 large bottles pickles for 25c german chocolate 4c a cake nolic to tiesimssorh miu iol iu u i i iilnl llil ll iui i u 1 ii u ihii i kolllolks ii ii i uulll i v all llll ublilli imttt llohld ii ulllola alll u mohdulkl ww f- 1aiiih kkwnuuv at iiuiinil ucwjumiii uybll lual notick rplik fl1lc i hly ddlineruiat ll i as 1 ccui lu my kitnilali that a uol orsklc 3ua ill ir alwl hi lllat haitaiilbr bast mir porting ta be sufiisil u u 1 tnuuh i 111 saaal nacouattu itrnil1 tx r ilgnad aucl nil if on ucli alls it a urgary rrtfyjwm lojhhtllhi ijiiubuiu o our millinery department fullpf bright bargains such as ladies sailors at 50c and 25c each 19 trimmed hats priced froml to- s3 each go on sale saturday nsorning at 50c each see them in our window friday evening the b crennan co secord8 block fcji abaiiel aemaei acton- i 4 j-t-j- t c- i harris ge limited rockwood woollen mills established 1867 after your wool clip 1 for tliirtyfour years we have been buying wool from the farmers of this district and we have reason to believe that they have been given very complete satisfaction our policy is very simple and yet the only right policy between man and man wc do not pay more than the wcol is worth but we do pay every omt o its val and a pound of wool with us weijjimshe ptfutith we pay you part cash and part goods or you may tak6 it all in goods which in any case are the goods you need and arc sold at the closest prices quality always considered some prices in goods of ouf own manufac lure ihaa ultlch tlusre ara none belter wa liavo white all wool blankets a yards w i jo and a yards loni 1515 par or l yards wide and ai yards lon 50 per ndr union hlanuotn iu white or kcy i yards wide j 50 per pair wheeling while or firoy 6 luetics wide 35c and 40c mf yard 71 inches wldo 70c j 1 lannels iu inches wide heavy ijuallly and also fuie quality 35c yard sldrtliirs 3d inches 33c 54 inches soc 70c h3c yarns well scoured f nouud sklens in 3 1 and 4 ply 40c per pound t honia spuns 54 inches wide in thn icedfntf popular coloring 83c the heavier hues for ladles tailor made suits and unllned skirts at i 00 oud 81 13 luceds tor mens waor ulnulo wldtlii 400 50063 and73c in double widths ll oo atld ll 33 but you are not confined to goods solely of our manufacture in our storo we k6ep the inost desirable- stocks in worsted coatings fine tweeds mens knitted underwear ladies vests white quilts roller towelings7 skirt ings tickings and other lines and everything sold at closest price mark this in your notd book that fall weight and fair itupaotdoa u an unbroken ule of theso milts haa boon so for thirty- four yoort hhrrissco llmitud i ijltfooulbw jujhnupkcttjrbrs rockwood- ont t tm- sweed turnips liiouuriuluriutoi iuiinoj uklivliiiis husl llrlasa juiiiu iuiiwovh luuitlioliu uuaullrlima iurvlalop uluhlauj lrlae oarlera ululiaiit carters lutly ukituyy llroua icy uaraliall inn rovwl hall e oraathury lhati s luitxovwl idul lclllau uoyal uatlaiv iuh rcvaj luriu vt alao beil dwarf ittti itapa our itapa and swede turnip seeds aro james hewer smmis 1 lour anil 1d 45 macdonnell st uolph w ba11ber bros paper makers georgetown ontario news couor9d php9rs john r barber that fit we succeed because our glasses give pcrlect sight the frame sits comfortably each eye looking through the centre of the lenae the whole becoming to the wearer skyhge st co opticikns gu9lph sun savings and loan go hliadofklcu tohonto ont jurauwjjif cjjiikj a 000000 qo letiyear maturity sharba are pld onlhjylnstalineiitborsoc tkec hre lor 110 mutiths whetl payments cedw 14a do aid in maturity value lino ou muney lo loan at j straight ya ur j repayable in inonthlyiastalmqnta uu appll- ial ion to i r j ntcnabj i agent aoton with a telephene in the house lavli become worth living you tny alt la your library and tlva your udn tot the day 10 ihe bulchefi the baker the grocer and thd tnany otbea iradasnwa items jorgot t io earlier ordere rn be the added bjm amandmeola made i abort i be- poeaeaaloo of a lelo- ptiooali e phacltcai solu tion of tbe problmof comfari able bouaokeeplna bell telephoie co comfortable dwcllinu fp pal thb uiiriiraibu ltlu ialtll in clranj luftda wui ilaalroe lu aell bis booh aod lot on ijka ayuua the hcuu is a anr aomforlalle reugticasl sis rooniad una wltb tianl and antt waiar sklbadn in axeellent loealon and in goml eoedlllon tnn rauon abla ami iliads known uiow aptoleauoa to uuwatyg uroa aolo ltloualtp look lran1 uylls al tm ciyil fix ctytiaaual u hri1 uow top gallant ii xriui mm tt imdk ol 1001 a his owe vv stable lot 13 ard hue lesiueslng tbltuh to insure k payaliu 1st vebrnary lsoj mno maxmospajablalsljbly 1ui veraooa disposing of tlialr manta btor foalleit time will be bald reaponalble for idsutbimui wbetltar in foal or nok all aecidatita at ruk ol ovaara for pwllgtee and daacrlpllon sea cards jbii ailxabo rofilalot procrastinate no dont do fjiat but come today to the acton pump works and get your pump repaired or buy a new one we can do it watering troughs cisterns and a general jobbing business done satisfaction guaranteed ohaleb ebj1aqe main si acton y p smith aeiramio lit thcuim mjot nw vbl itlumtjll and ttmto osteal lollt call early cud avail yourself of his valuable services as this la a rare opportunity to have your eyes proper ly tested free of charge no pucks work hut a scientific certainty lifli- cult caies accurately filled at t won cuauantihd will ue at agnows hotolt acton thursday june olh- mm arpretty th spring woollen tor 3mrtda u ja jaej urtt tlag to b very ioiujai ihey have already made tho start on publicfavor vv think youll find item just the piece of noadu that will tnalui a satisfactory suit our making doe the rust wm m cooper merchant tailor mill st acton grasp the 8pp6rwinwt gkhtlhukhwu hiive recently aloclod a fiuo una of sllff ttud bod i all hals of the hrat iualllyiu all alios jand aliulcs nnd lha moat ashluuahld htockan msda by kucii men os lyons lumnatt qud itaveiloy bf london 1iitf flhalr namo aro a guar atilod of ipialtly also heat american malicrl call and try oto on pricbsi j- xijcaatm lf llrdv in lubs aly beautiful tela silk bludhifa atki toi ltiu bak u eaitahily tauitli hi do bkvxitlxvx uxst 1looadlly- buik aurrtaltbeauurulbllb ulwuilruta a hat sult uie erld over at eiw ljur pitoael la tjik s a fhfhyoua abeeatuulbuc lur lallaaduie hast lut ou tbe market luy awarded gold hklal at 1eru uaimtalutu ml to the 14e world ai 100uu ula euwj jlatjtwjrra jljctft ruaaars to lluylt beeutllul blaoa tur teltalla ulotruad iue 1i ltuaalan leattiat sweat bead at the luji udulllit- isery iaaiet i sold at m nnl but at mr atore our petoe a00 la isbl loet asbln eajk to ti t vfe be a eouiiilau ranee of luitifrlad lull oalia aeaeek palurus ror ue lo ek miklrum hailore at bee o tse l ne lafontaine furrier cualpli sblls chbrp

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