Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 30, 1901, p. 3

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uij6mhi5liiia 5b3s5shsst xsaitfin if- f2- t5ttt bankif bflorgrtowihbranolh aqeneral bankingbuslneos transacted correspondence solicited saviutrn department lotecest allowed on sums of oni dol lar end upwards from day of deposit to dav of withdrawal no formalizes and no deuys id drawing money blagmprtfiiiibinftsh sollcubd note of responsible farmers discounted and money loaned lor egitimnlo business purposes collfctioirdbpiirtttieiit has every facility for malting prompt returns kale notes handled and money advanced on account of time at low mioi of interest tratollets arc notified tjiat hie hank of hamilton and lis hronches uiuo- circular notes of the provlncu hank of ungland limited which can be cashed without charge or trouble in any part of the world aqro head office hamilton jcatabllahed 1073 capital paid up i 703 212 reserve fund 1234119 i total assets 1427357 j awe tubmiiuu- cashier b forsayeth aohnt georgetown branoh the daintiest thing i is 1nchain wall papeh jtfbiw vd thlm year titan xrr thp- asaunjxiej shown by j b mokkjc fxtuat tht uoauatottt a unsatr jfdpro tho oouitnjlteejiafl arranged for a- mol it jot all interacted la uio proposed mono- itnent to the late uunnar w j moore lo bo bold lu the coanoll chamber ou friday ovning7lu juiis el hooloo h lp hop ed llteo will be a large attendance mr j ii hamilton or onolpb who baa erect- ed nearly all the monomania lo acton be paal ten year will be preeenl wllb -draw- inge particular and iieoeeaary suggos tloni fire from t tpmrte about 7 do monday evening while mr william jlrpwo and children wire dawo town and mr drown was attending hie dairy dutus flrs started in uie kitchen from a spark from the stove alighting on a douoh usar it whan mrs drown returned site found the boose filled with smoke and the 0000b bursting into flames it waa thrown eotade with its ooihiona and the flames exllngulahod hada few minutes elapsed before discovery the rssult would have been disastrous i a huoh ifttprovpd her v too the introduction o the orcbelr into ndxbwobenndybebeiiapfli baa given the service a seat and heartiness in the singing whlab waa heretofore lack ing mlsa jennie broltb erbenlsl ie uader of the orchestra nd tbe organ is supplemented wltb two violins oello and oornal sept iynd who la proving him- mil a rnoit cnergello superintendent bsa introduced the 70 edition of sacred bongs and boloe and the aohool baa taken very kindly to the new hymns thus supplied the interest in this splendid school is growing moateiabercdhy suadmy ficbool vrtamd the members or their respective sunday uohpololesses coat at the home of muaes florence and annie campbell hut friday ilng lo enjoy an boor wllb them prior to their expeoled removal to saul i bte marie after spending a social boar together the company waa oelted to ovder and after kind ly words were expreaaed they were pre sented with two very useful gift one a toilet case the other a silver mounted parse thanks of appreaolon were spoken fur loo gifts or rood will and friendship shown refreshments were served and all went horns feeling thai they had thoroughly enjoyed themselves the family intend shortly to remove to saul t bte marls where several of the family have already located tjie tomohorm convention the teachers oi the county have inverts chas l nelles cuelph q3ji 3uto ym ijwss thursday hay 80th 1901 little local bbieflets which cauaht th eyoa or bare of pr prejaa reportsrs thls nas in on saturday may has been a vsry wsi and ohllly month the wet weather of may baa given the hay crop splendid promise a matting of ths board of truttee will be bold next tuesday evening tbsoontlnoous rains last week render- evhnutvrmtur sloppy for several days from thursday until mobday tbs trains wars all crowed ejltb holiday travel lers- v mrx d mackensiebas the oootraol lot nmodelliog and improving dobllu sohool a good many oltlxena who wouj out of toirn on victoria day bad a dreary time owing to the rala tb young folks el mr beardmores had gctllej a display of flrswoskson the uwostsjgbtof vistorladay irtaj snjojable at home la in ilihlejittlflli hiiimil of aoton homo uroulvtbllrnau as we go to pressi tfifapiiilj sabbath school asloola- tloflotteohnteh of england met tn 1- rootkentlos in bk jades church oakvljle at thi anntul rati ilng of the parttsrs and womans lostltnte will be held lo the town hall milton oo thursday jons qlb stuop m in tba pastors abseno at ooofersaos th bpwosth league will conduct the anaslog aantoej in the metbodut church nttl bonday i tba brickiajert at work on david wiluamtoos new boose on the uulcerraa- mrj 1 maeksnl 1 doing the carpenter work there will be no serrloe in the dls- olplet church next bonday morning wev 7 mojlsod is attending the annual oonveo tioo at owen sound the sermon commenced last sunday morning by the pastor of kuo oburoh wlllbs ooutlnned next bunday subject i boles of the road 1 bhter than a letlar from borne is a oopyol the faaa paxes sent prepaid to any address in canada or united slates for 96 oeota a quarter or il00 per year why not rids a cleveland bloycle 7 its tbe best h u elliott aoton li b elliott of anton 1e selling tbe beet wheel on tbe market tbe cleveund thenewsatjhome mostly of a local chtraotor nnd ovorv ltem intorastlridj j t t bmltbeyespeolallet will be id aoton thursday june 0th one day only rooms al agntws hotel if you bar uy dsfsolloyodr eyesight it will pay to call and see him examination free- call early or yon may make appolulmeuu hi a t brown drug stole those who oonteaiplate purchaelug moomsnlal or work of any dlearlpllon for their osmflary plou should order dlreol from the old reliable graolts and marble dej j- u- uamllton ouelpb oat all eaipeasee allowed to puretaeere all worlf and material warranted- competition defied tba farmers oooperalus binder twins company of brentford limited joseph stratford qsusral manager an joat nosr plaolng oome of their stock tn small boldlogawub ihe far mars of canada r places stock in other this rather i qoalltd oooimcativs binder twins oom- nettslhatartrtaqblox 8t into txltu ejfcosjat quit a dlsooonl they will not lander any olroutnetaooes bowsvsr deviate tm ibaor nisw of trns oooperahoaooe saw o tso dollar for t ho sdred wm ilwiewkwkywb axptru tblt js to i wy tli tbe ooeaaloa of the holding of their convention here their stay last week was declared to be in every reepeal pleasant and their oonvonlloo e decided suooese tbe sub jscte dlicataed were practical and helpful and the papers and addressee war cars fully prepared and very interestingly delivered every subject waa introduoed by teachers in tbe county and every leach er intrusted with a subject exerted a mani fest effort to cove tho ground of the topic in the best poeil bis manner the concert tendered ihecltisens onwedoeeday evening waa a highly creditable- and eojoyable effalrv tbs various nam were were exceed ingly well rendered the ofooeni for tbe oomlog year were elected as follows iresidatilj d uegrecor keatelb vteepres a dayman llurlinstoo bellvllle treasurer j b deacon p b u ullteu uurarlanw v in man ullton bxeouuveulasesa uorball i ausun k kennedy and uaesrs hlnkley and porsler tbe next meeting will be held al dillon cordial votes of thanks were passed to the trnekces of the method is i obnroh to tbe eltirena of aoton for tbolr hospitality to the coondt for tbe town hall and to those who assisted in tba conceit w v patoreon moltat and mlis a llyan georgetown were eleoled to attend tba ontario luosaional association the convention paaesd a reeolotioa instructing tbepreeldontend secretary toelgn the w q 1 u petition against tht tdanufacture and sals of olgarette tho temoharm inmutat contferf aiamarkqf apprtdallon of tbt bos- pltalty extended by our citlasens to tbe members of the county teaohers in- stltou daring their visit jes week that body tendered aoonoertjj tbs town ball last wednesday evening which for mniloal merit and general gratification to tbe aodlenoehaa notbeen excelled -in- ycarv tbe mualoal artists were mrs baws and mrs inmsn misses lawrence and dower milton messrs mopball and elliott campbellvllla j dr allln dow- maqvllle who has been staying in aoton tbe pait month tbe mlaees mason mr jb wallace and mr j 0 bills orches tra mr w j bberdlao president occupud the chair oar oltisens were proud of mrs bewe in hsr several num bers ana felt that its her removat from aston to mil ton wa had an p piled 1 the uouuty town with one of tbs beet vocalists ever resident there mrs dews sang lifes dream le 0vl duet with mr mcpball and for solos happy dsye and the heavenly dresm with violin ofcug- a to by mr teddy yaus of mil km each select ion was rendered wltb splendid effect abd ell oi ted repeated applause mrs in man rnade ber bret appearance here and scored a narked success she has a vary plmmo and attreotlvepreeenoe jind eweet and pathetic voice of good com pie her numbers were dusts with mr mc phall tbe crooklt bawbee and a good night song acton will cordially welcome mrs ionian again mr mopball is an old frlaod here he we lu splendid form and sang a solo queen of the earth and duets with mr elliott loss end war am flow oenlly dove in addi tion to ms duet with mu bow aud u luman his rich tenor voice with its volume aud compel was ad ui i rally adapt ed to his eelfotluns my elliotts pro- dolauoy as an accompli hed bantoue is well known throughout lbs oouuty his due tt sure enjoyed sad bis soug soljiers of canada made ijolte a bit tbe piano dnete by misses dawar ajid lawrouoe ware tnatt srtlatlo reudulona of dlffloolt class lo i aelsotlons ii trovatare and uouata were their t amber dr allln filled a place on the second part of tbe programme most sooantably his was the only humorous n amber the datclf mans broom and bia interpretation of it was welt received the dr baa voice of aplsodld volume and compass and during bis college davs was much iu demand at musical functions joor twins lottie and llaxel mason brought down the house in their ooiuet aud piano duels end have already been spoken of for future concerts la t o town aud ihewhrji mfr buis orchestra acquitted themselves wltb moob aoosptanoe and gave lbs progrsmme mo orchisspal aooornpanlnitot which pleas ed ill a dellghtfol svenlog was spent the silver inajverser attatrsmtotvarvjmrlnbrjrjmnionfor to oelensetion of tbs silver anniversary of tho opening of uie presrut eduloajof the melhodlitchurdtt bunday juno xotli nd miindaytoiyrst- preached on sunday by iu u w- calvert of ingersoll wlm was pallor wben ihe uhurab wae opened and by mr david ilewrs of toronto who laid the corner otong end who was himself resident of ac too ojerllng aoton ilour mlllsnsarly half a century ago theee gentlemen will also give brlel td dresses at thbbnnday hobool on bunday afternoon and al the entertainment man- day evening tbe programme for monday evening will be specially interesting etui varied and will include vecal and instru mental selection 1 elocutionary ntfmbere a popular new fltg drill several or per- ieneelen4ettalueewul4aae part- mmaucmlag ttuadmy tiohooi catty catlap tle ifatlierlpg of eequeelng buuday school workers in convention at uunwii- llams on tuesday wa a vefv interesting event and a very unusual one for the enterprising little place which pro t red he hospltalliy afternoon u4 evening eeeslona ware bm botli of which wsre largely attended and crowded whu valu able food for meditation by ihosewho are beadnf be veeponelbllltua oihnndejf school mcvlotf theloplca and dlscnesloos were profitable the association s under special obllgal on lo ilev j mcpsootland prof mccnrdy of toronto and mr j w freeman of burlington for their services on tbe programme the glonwllliems choir provided excellent muelo and mies emma graham and he v w b moalplns b a sang appropriate end vsry excellent boloe tbe boepltallly of the ounwihiams friende was unbounded tea was served in tbs lowu ball to all wllb a lavish bsod and everything supplied was of the best the floral dteorstloo were also highly creditable this was he first sunday bohool convention ever held in the glen and it was in ell respects a gratifying buocee mr u- e buddall ashgrove was elecud president and mu marlon s koble horval secretary tbe rasa pases invitee ill it readers uicoo- trltruisrtittits euluwtt if jes ee tae rsles- are olttg away on a bollaay ulpoi u you have friends vlaluoi 70a drop a eaxd to uie fas iaaas mr aj geuuts epeot the holiday to toronto miss monicltb vjelted friends in bsvln thle week mr wro william 1 visited lindon rela tives this week ulse bell hlopheusonvlsltad friends in ouslph thle week mr d m hekgereon spent tbe twenty fourth in toroofot mis howes epeot victoria day el her hems lu trafalgar mr a h uemstreel of tfafalar was in town on tuesday mr ja wilson visited friende at quelph on the twenty- fourth mia bo tie smith spent tbe holiday with friends in ouelpb mr gordon uenderbon uf llamllton waa home over saoday miseee clara end lottie moore visited toronto frle iav week pehbonal8 mr j t elliott speut the holiday wiut hla daughter in hamilton mlasnouioalun speut a few daythls week at tho home of mis howes parents in trafalgar mrs dheodenonmrsir mckeegoo and three children and mr milton hen derson of aoton wsre tho guests 00 tues day of mr t henderson mhlon jrr- mr j cole who is employed at drown planing mill has removed hlsfe roll jr from georgetown end will reside in the brick hoase on main street vacated by mr geo parsons dr allln who was in charge of dr mckeaguea practice during hi recent illness eeld adieu to aoton on saturday he road numerous friends during his stay in town bergt and mrs voting of toronto were gaeet of mr gardiner lake ave during the week the abloti friends of this brave booth african hero wsr glad to see the bergl again localbnihflets wheeling ha not been popular sport for tourist thle month meeeis t blelham a sou bate put in a fine bow soda foatitaln which com mands genera adlratlon mr j d mokwhsedlipoeed of ilia drug and stationary business u mi v 11 brown late of chicago subscription to lbs monumeut fund have been received a follow d ueudef- eoo m 1 ijoo i freode tloo u j mcnabb tloo h arlodell co oente tbepan american menajiexlo and cisoue visit acton on saturday ilth june tbs tents will bo pitched in flyuos field on queen street uesr the 0 tb station the ftotb regimeot wellington has escort d a regimental rae tent for lbs camp at london slmlur to that adopted by halloo lleglmsnl a 000 pie of yesrs gov owing to tbs wet weather tbe dublin plonlo anoouuoed fo r victoria day we postponed tiuttt tuesday etll jons the programme arranged will then be carried out mralra4sopflrlimludtbsjrnlefpr tone eo looee bis horse a fins dxlsat it bappenad to break one of it iff la the lia ble tbe animal bad to be killed as there was bo help for 11 the district prayer meeting of knox churcb will be held on friday night lu bpeysue tu the bout of mr mocorqua- dale tbe meeting will be conducted by itev u a maopbereoa mr charles t moore ha kindly re membered the f paxes wllb copies of the souvenlif edition of the lancaster ohio uajtiu pabllsbed on the occasion of it its sevenlylhtb anniversary a very kuooesefaloauventlou under lb auspice of sooth wellington i teacher association wa presided over bt ouelpb laet wedneadey aud tbureday by mr 1 james moor th preaueut a meeting of th dlreolor of eequee lng agricultural soololy will be held in tbe ooouqii ohkinber utxt wednesday alter noon to revl tbe prise list and ap point judge forlbe annuel exhibition the finishing touches are being put on the ouroey co dew store in the wari block mr w walker palutsr a gelling la some of bl beet work end the place will be most attractive when completed ueit to curb a gold in onst dxv jlhv ai 1 1 coming and going visitor to and from aoton and vartouaothor personal notsi mrs wm lynd end miss lynd vlsiud toronto friende last week mr and mrs john moffat of celt view ed aoton frleode thle week mies paton of toronto is a jroest at the homo of mr j a moorall misses ettie and maggie laird visited friends in fergus this week mr ed praools of toronto le spending a few days at bl boms here astekharoid nloklln vlalled uuelph friends on tbe twenlyfouith mr amos mason was home from mea- dowvalefor the twenty fpurtb mr david elliott visited friends at mount forest during the week mu card mckeown of toronto visited aoton friend this week iter 3 w has of toronto junction spent monday with aoton friends mr and mrs james moltm visited hamilton f rlsnd on victoria day mr holland w smith of montreal spent a fewdays at hi home her- mr a e oorrjey vleited st lbs metho dist poreonvgeal blfrtoolhu week mr and mrs mayor deacon of milton were guests at moorsorcfl last weak miss ktsex of toronto was the goest of mrs jas laoky during lbs week ugoi1qutown the preebyterlau cburohs restored school room was opened on sunday jlv 1ljm olaasfoedpf qnelpb preached sllr- ing sirmcu upeelel social meeting wa held 00 monday evening there wa greet oottularuetlon lu towu for half an hour after the big railway smash up last thursday evening a number of our teacher and other reluru- ing from ihe ooventloil at aolon were 00 the train j ilockwood j mrt johu btraohsn commenced hi duties as customs clerk at uuelpli on monday mr aouls slmmou has reuted tbe cen tre ion in eremoea from mathlas mo- cant the license baa been trensfsrrejrtr i ami tbe proprlstorees tskes poeeeeslou on m te bssse sees a vlait lororflnton batordaytttniog misses may and llxxis gardiner were home from toronto over tbe holiday miss trsasy lsnglay of toronto i a goest at the bom of mr geo uynds mr o v btafford of st thomas is spending a week or eo in the old boms mr iuv j k ooddeo and children spent a jay or so last week in toronto mr and mrs d xopmen and mies kop- man visited toronto friand last week mr and mrs j w stewart spent tbe twentyfourth with friends in goalpb mis mabel has of toronto jo notion is a guat at tba horns of dr moksagos mr jev matthews spent a 00 o pie of days last week with friends in hamilton mrs k e keleon and child reo of ouvlph visited acton frunda during the week mr john itamsay returned 00 monday after a pleasant visit lo hi home in ham ilton mr frank gibbon who is working at charleston was home for tb twsuty- fourth mrs w carroll mrs jennie smith and mies edith visited toronto friends during ihowoek mrs james wilson iod mrs david me- kaown r visited frlsud at fergus during ie week mlas mcggle mcdonald of toronto spsnt a few deys with her sister and bro ther here miss lot us cameron be returned home from toronto slier- spending a month wltb friend these mr and mrs adam lalog of brampton were gueetv this week of the mi see laing agnes street miaae dorothy-and- m qordan bsardmore of toronto are spending a few weeks in town mr j m fernley and mu maggie matthews wra op from toronto foe a few daye this week mr obartes holme left on moodey to take a permanent eltnauon as night agent at weston misses jmjna waikar and may hags s several days during tb week with friends in berlin mr it horns and children and m lis itlaly of toronto were goest at cedar creek farm ibu week mr aud mrs alfred soper returned home monday after spending a few days wllb friend in toronto masters torrance and arohy maodooeld beardmore of toronto spent a few day during tbs week in town mr and mrs u e mokerlbso of tor onto vleited at tbe borne of prfodpel p tmoor during ihe week mr d henderson m p has returned from the capital after fifteen weeks spsnt in lb house of comrnoo meeaf john balid end duncan shop- pard and mies bteppard of gait were gueels at ths noma of mr a t mann mr will slatbsm who has leen ooccpy- lug a good poellloo in allea craig si no early u lbs jeer was boms for victoria day meter aux and mack seoord went to wluous ou saturday to attend the funeral or their uuole lb lau walter k seoord of wluona mr peter mann st who spenlelveral week wltb her daughter in celt returned bom ou victoria day after a vsry plees- aut visit mr murray modonald who baa been at southampton the past ooupleof years his returned home and- is employed with tbe aoton tabuing co mr and mrs vanberg and mies oovel of torouto isfl 00 monday after spending several days al tbs horn of mr john kenny bower ave iuv j m he gar and messrs u p moore and jas brown are attending the annual sssslsn of hamilton conference in n11 uther disease makes one feet so old iralittena the loliil produces lameness qiij ina fa inotlori palntbl it is somen nirs so bad aa wtiolly tn dltat llnnnrl luahoold never no neglected m j mcdonald trenton onu bsj it nflnr a eevera atucjcof lbs crip mrs hattlo turner ijohvar uo baa it so severelj sue could not lift anylhlnn and naild scarcely get up or down stairs w if ftbfperd bandjr hook conni was laid up with it was cold even in july nnd could not dress himself a word in lo testimonials volpntarlly iven these sufiergr were peimansntijr relieved as other have been by hoods sarsaparllla which corrects the acldllr of the blood on which rheumatism depends and build op the- whole system noons rixxe ei e eeasueauea r tee x seats if ignorance is bite rhea the fools lo this world bervw tbe best ofll inly to renreeent lenre eowp lneul reputation syfte par r tklf 1 s3 per dar abeoluuir ears weeklf s3 per dar absolutely enre and all pen etralibt boaand saonlu aalary no oommlaaloa esjarr paid eaeb saturday and ie money advanced eii wreh bta fis 10ubbk3liulaaoamfit cuiuno seed our slock is fresh and reliable- the best la alway tlio cheapest all purple top turnip aecd aoc a pound c fkounda for 00 itspo seed 13 pounds icr tloo china palace remember our pecul dinner set sftle prlce for llil month w make iplil- ly of wedding prtwent t i tim noted te store and china palace j a mccrea cuelph may jorif the right house ksyahuuau isj7 i fam i lton 5tavoritrsi ioppi n g tlacri bfall ordem filled promptly womans coats at half and third all the ialliisprlng styles madotromirierirqilailyorbndcloftix and venetians some are strapped others si itched a good many are silk lined and others bound seams everyone is finubed in the very best manner perfect fitting and exceptionally stylish andup to date can bo used all summer in the cool evenings or for going away trips a golden opportunity i o obtain a firai- clasagarment at a very small price thlslt how we vo marked them to sell borne ssjs j up to s0o coata to sell at s3 bo the s700 and sb oo coats to seu at gaoo tbe doo lo alboo coat wtugo out at 500 and hooo to s1700 coats to sell at tooo- 5untraer wash fmbriom ilsrgs raage of fancy cord it aluslltu loebadaaoillsbtblneacd bleekcren and blast and pink and black pretty ooraldesletdsejeoli new taney stripes of green with blaek and wbfte wak and blaek and bine and blaek strip and spot and uibtand mid awavdtb blaek and white and eren and wblt etrtpee very epeeul at per yard uc bpeeul value in ane obarabrar plain eolers la pink and blnee at per yard u so end lee special lot oj taj cheeked aud btriped obambrays la sbadeeolbloe and pmk at from w la tso per yard pane oclared muslin 80 tnebee fanev end striped dealcne in pink blow navy and srwea sbadee at tso yard plain and vaney slut unallna nt bat- terse in pinks blue mauvee blaek and white ebadlnge so inebae wlda at sleyent 90lneh organdl uniltn baodeorns alee self stilda sbade of old rou bevy blaek and corn flow r blue at ood mailu and eolored bwu klaellns so inebe wide neet deln and polk dots shad o row oadt blue ty and black at bo and uo yard colored xystst x splsndld lot bare for vour ehcoalng rnade of good quality iaroale and eloallns beat deelena some are tttss- ad otban pliln all of ibem are wall lamam and finished pcleed at coe tse si fuband uleaeli whit rawa wir coot and stylub obcoelac u at tl boat now a handsome ransw o deslfpa and pal urn and uew on uoting in dally home hint i womens waul btad of fine aoalltl wblta tawu tueked aed bemsulobed new blabop sleeve at 8o0 women tin wblu xawn walsu looked rroot annlnga yoke insertion trimmed l 91jcq womeoe vine qasjily wblu uvn wauu looked and trimmed with several roes of wblu insertion and prloedetsl13 kstr floe qoallty india lawn waist trirntnad wltb tuek and tnaertton tn dainty delna and aleo in balero ereouabl wif of style to ebooae from al tj00 thioinas g sstatkins king st east cor hughson st hamilton particularly good for wen our is equipped to accomplish the most satisfactory results for the man who is parttetilar about his clothes goodness and careful workmanship set the quality standard for evcrypiece of work wo dor every nqw idea that has developed for malting better looking clothes has been quickly applied the making is done by skilled union tailors after styles that are faultless the spring selling never hatits equal in this store and the reason must be attributed to the unsurpased excellence of our stock the best and latest woollens aro picked out ono at a time with most careful discrimination with full knowledge of what fashion lias suggested for the season all tho latest woollen novultlss ore shown bv us suits made to order sloond up trowsers made to order s4 and up lhttrorj1lnet- ilovb wlioldu lit yiuituy to luud th ftonatt mjou of ilkmiltoa oonfarbe 1 rtnlllou iu nv soi 11 nir minn iohii you ihi 1 to yon bh im car i tioot kpow ppuy yon ki noi toamh tor your atlou w b nt tb md nfi oi lb dwul lnn c ampuoa of mra ilvrll tb lf of mr 11 n llftrrt who bm bwa bw for lb timet iis month rtmood hr maotj morafojl mr llarru be bm tiradaatly doltuiofor wmn tlaw maob ajrmpti7 la fott bar for jur barrla ua bia hltla sitas d e macdonald bro i the lion cuelph it pays to buy al bblleris ii pas to buy at bolurls kalre you seen the pyramids not in far oft ligypt but on ihoelroets of god ph whole pioccsilontof tbom many many hundreds of hem have bebn carried through lha st roots of guelph this season vv refer to the pyramid liat boies ihe great novelty used exclusively by ourslcve logaelpb liory lime ypu see one it contain a piece of millinery from our millinery section and ihorlmmenio mjniberof ihcm that votrmorrtistacij4crtce of ilia enormous mjlllnery trade we are doing not jmly are tho 1yramld dose ooai uufuttsllvfjaievitauul up- to- ut9 lluttbfl jnllllifry wo put up hasno iukmo ouelpb -from- eveeyet and pofat ofesed- lance thats why wnrc sending out aojnany boies the great mass of people have foorul that this store is ibe best one to buy millinery in for that mat tor a great many other things too but its milllneryeepecially that were talking rttt- t 1 opin this week with a beautiful duplay otjuno millinery light jjlry gsuiy creations of fairy llkaqvellness indicative of june tho month of roses and weddings wo are constantly opening the prettiest thai the worlds fashion mart has to offer nnd we ato going to keep up tlw march of pyramids forjaaahy ajjplng big millinery business- dome and aoc it pays to buy at bollert8 h bollert go 25 and 27 wyndlioah st 6tjelph gurney co for new and seasenable seeds silkcloubs just received large slock of silk and tattolta glove tr value al 35c and 50c per pair pjtrhsols a choice lot of adica parasols latest kyle in handles at i 00 up ltt dibs ubsts ladles vests fine ulbbcd swiss cotton fancy simare and round neck no sleeves and short sleeves at 3c be 10c 15c 16c aoc 35c s5vsoc l hqsibry juira valuoiacaahiderehoslerybl 33c vjc 40c and 500 pcr pair pull range of cotton hosiery now ribbons worth seeing suitable for neckwear in all the popular tints also new lot of velvet itlbbon all widths muslins full stock of organdie swiss sporwittjutlh curney co oenerai merohants aoton mwjuwmwjummwwwiuwiuwiiiwittnfittw e 3 hql1my sovfilimfis- ofnoid todky w now arrow urand collars new american soft shirts nowamrrlcn soft hat now panamerican bow tlei new dulo of york ties pineal assortment in tho city m m is- m nelson merchant tailor and mens purnuher gnelph x iihmiummwmiffiummmiumiuwiunfiumiuwiuk r e ons psicb oniv nem- house irurnishings lace curtains our stock ibis year bt larger than ever and as we import these goods directly from the manufacturer in great urltaln we can show you value that are hard to beat we have them st 33c 7 ioo ly m i8j i j lwalc our dollar curtalntco incites wide and jj yards long is the bcstcurlaln fortbe money to he found anywhere and our other lines aro lu proportion tapeatry and ohonllo oarulni kto also full range of tspeelry and chenlle curtains and table covets art sateens ar draperies spot muslin elc you should not buy curtains mere inepectiog our stock art muslins in a gruat variety of pattenii and colorlnge narfeclly fil colors at 8c loc ujc 13a carpets a special union caritolsrascaiiaatiekcelleninuamy at joc alaoa full range of better iiualuu of unions ami wool from 50c to bjc a special line of tapestry at 30c hemp carpets lajc ijc aoc and 3jc japanese mattings cotton warp hi 13c 30c sad 33c ho trouble to show goods hend6rson st co mill street acton 50 dozen ladies girls childrens and boys hose all sizes aflfjpjecs 100 pairs ladies corsets of the newest styles akso r a large crate of glassware and crockery and a crato of st6ncw5rct v call and sun tiihm c f qoddeitg cfe co intll-l- st kctotst neaf slghted people sec dearly closd by ltd or hilj reisott try to get along wllliout glasses thereby suffering endless misery n anrlsomclline blindness follows we are competent 1 examine your eyes we use tho most modem scientilic mclliods mill guarantee satisfaction q d pringblie watoflhakkk ktttt jaswbllek guelph ifsaiaxi

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