Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 6, 1901, p. 1

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toe peess vluij5xxvl jo li- aovon ontabio tuuksdav jun12 s 101 imiioju tiiitkajs cents ifvluy iiiuiihday mouning at tii rrtia ireashleam 1 titttlnjtomr ult iiithjcbt aotom out tbmm i r humj urrrowo ia dollar per yar itrleuyhi itunot all aul eniii uot a dlau n tltiuod wlon ttia uuin i r wt loll uiav t bean paid lia expired tile date to wlileu every aubaerlptlon la paid u denoted on u a addreea label adtibnilnd lutxatruialoal adveru- tueuta 10 eenta far n uitarqil llu- for drat in aertlon 3 oen t una i r eaeh aubaoquanl lueertlon wae- oownmrr luraetho foltowlnn table ebowa our rthm for tl 7 inaeitlou o kditruutauitjfdr jl v is t 00 i boo v00 m loo i 100 ad vert la em aw u without- apaelfio direebaae rll be inaerted ull forbid and eharared tooord i ugly tranaleot advertlaementa moat be paid in advance ad vert teamen t will lie oban once eaeh month if deal red if or ehengee oftetier than mmk month the oaropoaitioo niul be paid for chenfe far boatreet advertleeroanta tnua 111 ooloa by noon on tuaedaya aooounu pay ail a monthly 11 r 1ioohb kdltoretid 1 roprleur shle oi wall paper at very low prices to end juni ioih tliilwsl wall wnor in llie aloro boiling lum 15c lo 75c will lw eol i al 35c roll 1 a par at joe and 3jc will le sold at 30c and 15c roll 115c paper will boaold al joc toll lc papers will lo wild at c roll re and 7c pattern will lx old al 5c roll c papers will 1m aold at jc rull under and ceilings lo malcli all rood combination lluy y ur own pane al day a and w rbtirro percent pawo tbopaip uimgcr trad bawk of canada capital paid up si 000000 assots over 9000000 cuelph branch kit itooa to poetorrn savings bank doportmont ukillhht guuiibnt itatk of lntkhkut i laid on auuia dapoaited of tl end upwerda nterett allowed from dais of dapoalt lo data of withdrawal end paid or eompftundad half yearly advances in ad a to reapo alble farmar on thai own namae at 1 a lowaal urrant reiee no charge i tad lor ouijecumi eel note ii days bookstore cuolph day miu clieap fiusinrsb hd irfftory tohn m macdonald m c m uc aaaou to j y uiusnu dom offloo an 1 raaldanccoroai uiii a vrdlck treat at too iib lluuii 8 to lojrt am j lo t in aud d k c i kllly hom uluduirri licoill uwivuuitr uomt urn al i kkimnv uocicrr or irorukcikikk luw odlc atod uaaluoeyrajlak ht acloti omiiaiua mttilo 1 la j bji j i to r d it dltydln kt ctlxtutuutamti kaa conir wwtwic j and har nuaau uukiifn osrica hotiaa 10 ui to 1 y a and s to a ma iliinliliw ttlyyn l l bknnett lde3 dewtibt omt4ju0 ju ukll ddiilpu ukaru olooa ovar llrowu a bu uto a uonoa usuduatat ov toaomto univkaaity vuirup dita tuoaday llrooltvliu vrl day lloekwoodj atbatu uaad if deairaj uoax 3 uxcillu aoii jiajuurk botacrrom coaryarjcaa raioa uu1 utr- lit ualtbawa lllocv j mctikod uajuuarva holioitoalku couuiaaimi uaia btrl oaorgatowa uodtsyanolofi doiia ao4 taoamf loajil on llral mortsaa on arid troorty at lki k j monaillj jlark voartbolvlaloa goart count r of haj loll jpnaranraaiilvlia4illlaatajm uaa batata agwat fclooaj to loai u urrioa1 arryman allloak aotom 0nt merchants bank of canada cipiul rcbt 6oooooo 2600000 a clnlkal uankwg husinuss tkansactud itiloretl at mofll favorable current rales alloweil on saving hank accounla and lenot necelnta lettera of crellt luued available in all part of tlte world tliey are eerlalnty hard lo hold snecul allenlloj uualneis ctleil lo 1 armr money ohdehs van anv luu vr to 50 1ayablo at any hanking tolnl in canatla oulaldeof ilia yukon terrlmry may now ixi procured at the llank counlef wllbout uy twrrofrbraftcr j u wallace mmumivr any pictures to frame any i icluns lo pramo go on- 6kmd to waters bros atra liph axb cxllajzo un j k a v hushahp v s tlradaataouurlo vawuary collaaa if on alambar vatortttary uadloal huolaiy olboa ovojt wordaaa uaibat hufp toai data to vai blora kllll btrvat aotoa tr tfnsuuance agiint vi 11 dummy 41ammtl atbut cunladaraliotl ufa aaaoeuuoti xfjaot uolvu 1 ua luaurauoaa ckioi uua offlo ualxg uu xetati m ibi 1 anrif ivlns tuauuau uv 1 umo axil outuu voill of turouto c of uu4i0 vour tax ma aud a4allaauliiuu or lauautl oil al i1 hkniiy oniat i uolleiw dl 1 ataou lor ifdvauuiul alj traparaa aplloaliona fofllia oaiiadku abijr- loao and turoilauutoilla atuf fur uia lualauatlos tf trad uukl baud for liji ibla4 tblity two yaaia hlxluuath ulawoia uvujlu f uooloiindkua wyulliauilu oualyb oululo i0r william uto aoaouut hooka of all kind tuaja to ordr 1ailodloaja of avaf y daavrlutlotl daiaj ully bouowau lutlua uullkhl lnunit ify dott 11 v uoouu iwiuaa tn ifxajoauai luayaaa x rlltuofflo ha wltaaaaw tjulrad laauaj al kaaldaatta lu u10 ataulua vnalaa odm aofoh w u llembtulikr lioaaaau autralqm tanua uaaaoai alan iaoamf ui loan oil tba uloalfauiaitla ulna aud tba lowaal auiuauf aooatid bwarda f luutwal lu uuuuouiuku btoou ua1 itaij tlkcuxx thb wkll1nqton mutual film inhuhanoe company icaublubad 1040 maad o01o ouelvh onv ii n uj or ulaiuoaa u will ba ixuuivuy altebdad to jdhh 1ayuhl liiaul uualt1 bakers and grocers who bava tecn fur aovea yaara id llid iluio an milt iilrool luvo roniuved lo ilia pramlaoa iual vacated ly jobn if koiinody on main si i loro limy will bava lamer preoilaea uild will ixi ubfo u onlarijo ibojr tock ai botrapiifo frcah giucacu and rrnrattm grill nlfiaja b riiniiil nil liaml i0k oream lurlni 1i10 aumnat puia ko cream bnla water tod aunimer ltovuraoi a uow 1 ouulalii will alonly bo put in cualuriora urdcra will locejua llm luoal cyiiul attention mid all will bo walcoiucd in lha new premlaea t stathamson main st acton aoton machiuo and reiwir sioi hbmbyotumdttti lrourutor ahhwall uitpad wltfa hji tha maeblnary baoaaaary toaiacutaall repair tu taaabln ary audaiiaullurailtiiplanaaiili and todo ajj t a aaiiataatory inaabar wa oajt rwpalr nay biachlna or iniplamaut of any faiaia haw aumtnltui aod bllna doda for your new buggies market or luniber wasgqns or any repairing in tha carriage line go to j m oneill sllcceitor lo culp a mckentle g b org bto 14 n wuln vou want iloml and oatmeal qkt ouit giiemon kno 8d8n 3wills brhnd tltalmftlln iba inaikat alfmlua awalia daalara uaa it uxlia tuallly txlaw lialit iibnkv iiontor j hcton saw planing ills sutkiw st mahlifauturera and dottl a ra in all kind- of du1s1d anu unduugblid lum hlu lai ii and munglub baillj doohb anu hi ndj window and dook lkaml al l kfkdo ov lndoou andtjiji noon liniml luvlltjf 1 wall baaorlod tilocli if lullll 00 band or dot a will lu ull caacibf promptly fitted 1 bmbar ijittaaod and iimlcwl iablln you wall irkaa am aa low na any other mill turn lujj out work 9ual it iuallty cbatotn loa cut hi any llmo jtfo xvjj jahx smowm all klada uf wood on hand and prow pi i y tkuwml ta iwyaut oi th tpwo iji uk bclp you lo bold ilia dollars ily having you lllllo hero and tucro t dollar or mora would eoon iw hnld try uu on a hcfrlkoralor lawn monor screen door or screen window john if bond i co hrrdwnnb gu elph see 13 corn tor croon hold or silo maia cuban wb wbiu sent north daiou early hutur uaatadon cuban qlattt aold tela isiwor ulne compton a ayly loiujfallow uam south bwual yallow danl ktoa eta all at price that will plc yoti turnip sd 30c lb or 0 lor i 00 iupj bead 5 for ti oo or 6 00 per 100 ibi i arly sed toiatcca tovnato and calv ba riatiu tarls grcn diu stone cop peru blo garden aoeda 3c pkl 10 for 35c geo j thorp ouefph si rocloafood wouldnt that freeze you what why tbd icbch u to 1m procured at mailhowa confectionary jlorat no it would 11 i but its juat cool enouifli lo 1m iarilcularly cool drinks can aluolw mpoli ed i hern a choice lot of i rulti cou fcctlouary cava and lancy hlachlto always kept lu vtock j c matthews fiakers eonfeolioner mill si with a welephene 111 the house l1i i becomes worth living you miy tit in your i ibray and ivo your ortlers for ilia day to tha butcher llm biker the krocar and ibo many oilier tradesmen items forgotten in earlier orders may ha oddd and a mend men to inada lu lion tha poiieaiion of a tela phonaisa tract icai solu tion of lha problem of comfort able ho 11 tiled pint the bell telephone of canada go clearing sale s ordoicd suits s j and s g suitings at g wholesale s pvufis merchant wjlee mill main my acton iuvjjiu ucurcd u lucrillvo situation lu oua u lurtmtua best jllirluu onlabluli tisita has duel lotl to dkpou ol his hiul neas heft ami fi r the nnul uk waoks will conduci a cluanud ualu oi ill j uchu in stock hy the ull or by thn yard xufirw utavk to bn cfaarw f orders for suits klmiild m placed at unco as rm ordora must pa hltod mid tha mire hock cleared out by thn ui of july ww ltto 1u uooilt ibis yi afibmtnu sale and very low prkwi will prevail all thn mold 1 usk is iil per cent over wholcujid cut luw htock is new uu i up 10 dite tliowww co4in urat utll tclv lb i rl chulirf i poetry vitv cmsovjfk thtt you iaar can tall whan fou taod a word iua au arrow thai fioui a bow hy aa arehar bllud bm it cruel or kla i juat it will et at trund it tuay plaoa tl hiaaat if your d tiupad with its polaoil otbajoi to a atiaiiitat a baart id ufa pcraafcaait lu may aarry ita 11 o at ita aalto ou liaiar can tall whau you do aa aet juat what u a raault will be hul with nary daa4 ynu ara aowtofl a aaad thaqgli itaharraat yoooaanot aaa i mil kindly aatla aa aoora dropoad lu lodsprotluollraaolll t ouuli you may 110i know yt u ua at all and ahallar tha htomt uial toll ton ditir can til what you uioniltu will do lu i rit sin you bau or lor vpt ilia tliouul la ara uiltift and tliau airy artawkuruau oarilar dotatf thay follow lha law of tha unuaraa uaah u1i11b tnuat vaau lu kind anil tl y id b a track to brlo you bek wbtatr wont out tron your mlod hlta ikwrf wiuax thtl 3famujf 3uaiilng fa jllanrjc of pu rposc niany happy ratnrna ol thday villi dear i bb called out its a lovrly moroluri ooodbyal uh fan down the atalrs lightly la tb ball aha was tjiel by au elderly looking man in a velvtuen coal bbe nodded hfthtly to him end be opaned tba door fog bar vour brother e birthday t ha asked with tv smile 1 yes wa must do aomeihlp to night in honor of it anil you tnuat help as mr llutrll goodbye i shall be latefor my bust about an hoar utef ihll ilsuud omargod from bu room ge wu a ul jaaulnlll yoatyt follow with a oooawba heavy indolanl looking faoe ho ata sv lalaurely breaktaat then hgtitlnji s objptr elle dropped into au afroobalr by the flm and let his ayes travel slowly round tba ihrhnwro e itr- wjlee laduf and oe wahtkd cabal u tallabla arauu lu ararv ouui to rauraaaiit laiil ttuutauy of aolld nualialal rl utall a m hi yaaf mrabla weakly ar day abavlulaly a aud alias ai alfabjbl bonal la dafl nta ealery ud oouiutlaalon 1 aalarvialt cti malurday and eipeoaa nt nay aiuauaad aaatt waak btan ulluiuuuhu sal uauajktmm br uuioam t lhaa u botrluy- au and so r j id it all looks 1 bui 1 1 aver kat out ol it i preeeolly he roe and rolni to a oornetf by the window drew forth an aaaal 11a bat himself before it and naked at the blank yeas thau be felt for his box oi bruabes and fingered them tadltatialy finally he laid them down and looked out of tba window there was a lap at the door and th next moratut old mr llulaill entered ife lived on the upper floor and bad rot to be very friendly with majrfe and her brother i won t iuterrupt you ha beget wilb liunee at tha ease i only cams to oiler you my beat withe ttianks i vleaae dout go erled vjju ait tba old tusb moved toward tha door lack is i dont think x shall do mnob mord workjiow luther thoogb of nlvlntf myaelf a holiday my birthday you know 1 be added ball joqulely old llntall came forward slowly he looked at the blank cauve its tiolutf to be a great thln plain td ihll i m workluji out the ides now it takrs thn you kuow the old man nodded and looked out oi lha window ha had beeti thinking a rood deal ol rid lately this boy who rot up lata aat drsamiiiif half tba day aud loafed lha other who had never earnrd a peony it bis lite kept in idlaocaa by a devoted sister who as typlsl in a solicitors oflee worked hard from morn to bight believing u hi hi hurt and soul ha fflanoed up sharply at pbll might i sea your portfolio ha naked i used to kuow something about at tlill pulled it but with alaorlty and opoti d it for tba old mans inspeallou lr llulfll turued ibeni over cud by oub y were crude aud badly dons with no iltfu of dlstiuollva ability whatever yvttl t asked lbtl sy ha slisfed hi iird uluf in hlmealf qlva tua mr ouudid opinion mr liuull wlied his ulastes abd pc oeedu1 id oblige him h uu the truth tba nnilaaaatit naked truth and a wave color ewtpl over you nil phils foe ihau he isujthed us too rldloulous 1 ha orud old mr jjinull roe4 froii his chair aad made his way to lha door im aorry he aaid hut i thought you oujiht to know iliil laughed sjiln as lha door elosed on thaoldtuai built was bu unoomforlabu sort o lauub lha laugh of a man wboae lud has baeu sodjaiily ooufrotitad with a iw aspeolof tbaotu hanlrodsup aud down the room of bourea i shall ha fatuous soma day shall iy little uad bevbk a ibodaahd fold and she dotati t piluil worklug at preeenl ha rafleoted and be ald i badu t a parllla of ability that v was waiting my time that i ought lo be aajru luu my living kseplug madge instead of uuiuh bar ha glsuoad toward lha window tba sun wa tthluiuov tsmpthigly ha walked td tba tnantleplnoa aud found lwo half orowus which madge had uft lhaw uu thlnkluly lis slipped the into his pookal than takluj ills hat and stlok made bis way out of tha hous hi maaut to fo for a long walk to think out lilsjirest idea uut ha found ha could think of nothing hut old liutell a word tba idlotlo ieuuuoea kspt ruuuiug throuch his head 1u ihll lulalati a uire loaf art lbe ihiutf wa abaurd madge bar self would bd lbe hrst to aay bo ha walked for koma lima aud msda an effut t to think of aobielhlug alt ireaeul ly hsdroipet into t obeep reelaurstit to have luiioh it sat down at a table nkl to blm two nun were ulkloi rather eaolledly i dou t oara who it is ou was dajar liih vui hatkally the chip who iofs while a women works for blm is m hound and dsmrvee to be klakcd i why i d eoou vr ewerp the roadway i imilll with tad fan roa and hurriedly left lb plaod j ii was half paal two tha hum afuruood when iladtte ran lightly tip tba eultoaee of lbe hooae lu llloousbury aud buret into the silting room ha feee was tiuabed alid berjiyea sparkled 1be aaw a young uiau laudlnjf by the window his baok wee lurpad to her ihll aba or led oyoutly i bee a half holiday i the qgure in lbe wloduw lurunl aud she rave a tittle ory of jurprlac l uiok 1 sho gupad in auniahinent diok i vingloti obiiid toward bar bol hug oat bis band just diok no anauriiltltt a amllo he oaaglil her hand and ainod lonklnr into bar faoe ilomethllif baa happenod madre and 1 vo oume up at nce from aolngton to tall you about it there wea a dailtty fluali on bar cheek ha ihourbthe had never imn bor look ao beautiful f hope it is eonntilni ood for ou diok he said la it t i doo i know yet be said elowly that is unttr i va beard wt at y a have lo aay kow it bappaned thai el tbla mooiint ihll halauu mm weiidlntf bis way home wardhe let blmaelf in wit hlel and want up to their room the door was not quite shut end be brard voice madge t and another a he reoogused it after a moment then be canght a few words he glanocd around the lending wasdeik hardly knowing what he did be vank down on the oral stair aud llalcn ed i know things would come tluhl at last madge dear lvlngton s voice was saying 1 uut i didn t tbluk it would be as sj lejidld ae tbla a rood poat abroad only uptm to a married man too 1 there wu a pause oeuliie ibu graaped the banister tha re wee a slight movement by him aud turning his head lie found llu loll bad or j l to hie aide thau thay heard madge voice it was low and tremulous im ao sorry dick but why madge- jot love met yes hiva you diok slwejs have loved you always shall hul i lure was a pauae then hi a whiaper there a im i old liuull laid a hand on the young tnane shoulder uut saifly 1lil waul tnind cried kvlngtoa he is a mau and can nam his own living ha would not wlab youlole up tbla you dou t underaland dick thar a hospital incident some day ihll will be a great artist be tint tlqw li wmu my hftlfj ob diok i m so aorry but i cant leave bird dan t go with yod though i love you sot 1bd ueutan shook old liuull hebd from hie shouhler and roee suddenly to his feel ha blood for a moment undecided then crept away on tlptoo down tha stair old li dial i followed what are you going to do 1 he atked ihll made bo reply hu crammed bis hat on his head opened the door and atep- ed into the street old llolell went with blm and lhay walked away together are you roicr to lot btr loae her one blft ohaooe of happiness aaid old llnlell to a low voloe or going to ooulluue to idla your life away aba keeping you v xlll eemed hardly to hear him he wag striding alanx with his hands thruat deep in bis pookels bis eyas staring btralsbt ahead of him lluddauly he tblaw ijle bead back 1 you beard- she dor an t wsut lo go her ilf be- cried almoat fl roily bliod mxm forget all about it a ttlrl with a heart ilka madges uaver forgets r piled old liutell what r you kolug to do 1 ha rapeeud releiilloaaly a little tuora time and i might do soma thing big broke out imill yod va loafed for three years and doua nothing aald tha old tuau you know you will bsver do anything in art youve lllfully bbut- your eyes tid ueed it as an iouae lo yourself and her for idling tba young mau a moutlwaa twitched oouvulelvely j youre right i ba erled in altoarsa voloa uut what a tbera left for ha id dot i know bolhlng have done nothing ha flu lahed hclplaaaly 11a a man there a always iomlliluu for a man to do lumstubar what tha hsa done for you they bad raaohed ul martins oburcb 1 charlug cioa thll alo wd abd pass ed a habd over bu brow tha old msu labed bhu auxiously ha aaw phils aye travfl acro tbs kvad lo where tha recruiting ssritsenu ware pealng slowly up buddown aurt for tisw blood rtieu phil halalau suddsnly gave lil shoutilsra a jerk backward yes ha tatd uwnu blashutteath lharea alwaya aomslhing left for a man to do that nluhl ma igs was pilling alone reading a uliir that ha i beeit brought to bar by a ineaaaugar tha tears came to her ayes aa she rtad tha uit aw kauteiioei vox throe years i have played it as far down as a fellow can nut im lolug to ha a mau at list madge if you want to maka uia happy dear tnaka ma feel i havent qui is spoiled your ufa go with dlek tha ulur dropped from her hand oo wllh diok she rapud tu a low tons ihsra was a tgp at lha door tiisu a man was showu in a youny man with a pale and anilouaifaoa madgs loouldu i laavet without aikluij you ouoe again la ll rjnlta hopaltas t ha began uba jraised hsr eyes lo bis and ha taw har llp tramblo not rjuila hopaui diok dear aha wilnetal aiimj about 1ioju tub oicklno hu pil luoautly uurruwa iltolbers advortised in tha local ppr for a porltv and man of all work for tbalr hook store un 1 uqlld av ays tha olavuud vim dtiur thera ware i ui ly of api licstlons autodgtlisin a big itiunfluur iiiahmau who walked into thaatosaand klauoed about iralbar utioer ululy xltislly bu eyas reeled on a big slgu suspended high above the door over a tahje filled with books dlokaua worku all this week fur fi it ammouuoed 1 lis irishman had jt acfalblictl bli lkaj ibougbtfull and tbso edg 1 tuwelu lha big frout door j ha hoof welkar atoppod him ami eaked plaskaitly if tbpra wa boltlalhlutj he watllad klij tbeapplicabt remarked with a haukward glauoe towards lha slgu 01 oouie in t git lb jabrhul ol 11 ttot oere t v il dukens klti wiirruk all th week f r four dollars if lie waul tp 01 ii not ye d bellhvr k e blm an i lha vialtor strode out now la a rood lluie lu heglu taking hoods hsrperiu the wodlolue that cleansea lbe tliud tlaara tha oooiplea lou r ihe rooolleotlona uf tblrty yeare have laugbl ae eo ol the eacrifloaa of tba civil war but mud of the glorioua blalory of thoae peaoeinl berolnaa the boepital oareeejremaloe lo be written it would be hrard to find a more touching inoldecuqfujne whlob wee wltaosead by mia uarifa au army nuree in lbe collejre iioeplulea aeorgelowo a yoong soldier not mora than nineteen yean dl was brought jn woonded lu lha ebouldar althoagb ba bad been tightly baudajjad be was already pale from loae of blood vo tlie oirson it was evident at a glenoa that ibo wound waa mortal toe wound had oeverrad an important artery and the lad would di in a few minute if i le blood ware allowed to flow thai be waa not already dead was due only to the fact that nursaweajjoldlnff jbicktha ufa atream with her thumb about bis oot atood aturgtcn and oeveral nuraee fall of pity but btlplaes before his hurrying fete only the e toady preeeme of that thumb kept blm from immediate deatab how long ean i laat doctor t ba aaked in a feeble whlapev only a few mtnulee lbe doctor re pi 1 1 ed gravely honest t cannot die yet wallad the boy i 1 ltave beveibecn baptised i rone t give myeelf to gbrlat aral lbe laat words ware hlmoal inaadlble but the lede eyrs aearched plteonely for aotnedilug which ha wauud end could not ecu lhe surgeon looked at tha nurse who was holdlug the blood in check bba waa telul from wearlnees abd ay m pa thy 1 another nuree ebould he here at once ba said carefully 1 as aha made h trausfiir of bands upon lha gaping wound ilion ha hurried out of tha room i v ibsv few mlnulcel he i turned with tha army chaplain another nuree bad bow taken her plaor tba dying lad glanced up with wan happlnaaa al tba minister who immediately began to read tba service abridging- it aa much ae poealble to the beoeaeary jneationa of faltb tbe eoldler anawered ae firmly as be could hat every c lag on him fearfully when at laat wauc torclte rave way to one of ineffable peace aa tbe cbkplaia after tlie lords prayer anded wltu the exhortation pa abonld we who am baptlxed die fom aln and rise again unto rlghteouanaew tbe lad opened bio ayes the wblta faced bureee wore kneeliur about bis not and every face was wet with a last breath be looked up at hr who bad his life la her keploo his face shone with hope and abllolpalloo i am ready bow h bald with great distinctness you may lake you band away he cloefd hlaajee lu a few mlnutes ba aa dead a soul la not eevod merely by a ceoo- mouy nor does the bead oi lha religions faith whlob aabollfle the ceremony alwaya spring at onoe to ufa is may i have been aown yeare before la tbe boy hood home it may have lain deep hidden lu lha nature half oooacloualy preeerved perhaps but it will show vitality in the great emergencies of ufa and tu ihe greater emergency of death only qod then will meat the soul s needs only faith will reveal blm opportunity and oharactbif it la not opportunity and lite let jf oppoilnniajti not ability aud thn lack of ability that make tha di0etence in tbe power of human uvea for rood it la faltb and tbe laok of faltb cbaraatr aud tho lack of oharaotet- it la coijaeorallon end concentration and the failure to x uec crate and concentrate h courage aud self denial over egelual cowardice and aelflabneae there la a potential hoio of faith a poe aible prodoot of larger truth in every aoul tha dow of a u pre me opportuuity ewings open to every rnaolnd woman oburcb and nation ife eorae great mcroentuod atanda before eaob and say a now ia iby lime i show what la in thee i bbow lha world thy viaion or iby blindness f and wuat makes one groat abd the other email te t o rraape what t oth peeee by one en tare the door of opportunity which tbe other fella lo enter beoauee of lbe cowardice of unbelief one looka at bli aejr and falla while tbe other looks qod and hla nolveraa in the face and darea to troat truat in spits of the atoptd lly ol tho ohorob tbe mockery and onbe llai of tbe world the rnuunderateddlng of friend harlan tage preaaed with huaineea oarea battling with 111 health led a hundred yoaoaj tnen iutn tha kalniltry by ooneeoret lug hie pareooal influence to cbrlit yet every buslnees man in new york bad tba a christ and the same opportunity jobn weeley became lhe aapoelle of a neva diapoaaallou of divine giace to tbe world yet every atudenl in oxford bad tbe aaroo opportunity to father abont hlra a 1 elf fallow atndente for prayer and borlp- lote study aud divine galdenoe tbe noble daughter of william k dol baa con aeoratad beraelf and wealth aud time to aolrlng the problem of the poor in new york city yet many rtob mens daughters have tbe same opportunity george mel ler beginning in poverty has built up thoae orphan home lu drlatol england which are miracle of prayer the unbelief of the world oanoot galnaay yet thare were other etudenta in the gorman nnlveralty where be alndled bpod whom tbe aataa ftllo waa prn time wpnd fall me to tell of the many who through faith lieee ati the pnrpne of qotj in dav v day i don t bellava i can ever be much of a chrlatlan aald a hlila girl to her mother why 1 bar mother asked ueoauae tharaa so much lo be done if oua wautai to be rood waa lbe reply one has roi to overcome ao lunch and bear ao many burdens aud all that yon know how the mlnlatef told all abont it last tjunday how did your brother get all that wood into tha bed laat spring t did ba do it all at once or llltla by utllajl litlla by little of oouraa answered tha girl well thats juat tha way we live a chriallsn ltfs all lha trials and burdens won t oome at one thus wa muat over coma ihoea of today aud let those of to morrow alone till wa eoma to i hem of oourae there s a grat da of work d be don in a chriallsn lifetlma in tha per formauca of our obllgstloua lo god aud tha discharge of tha dutlss that devolve upon u but that work la dona juat au diok moved the wood llltla by litlla livery day wa should aak qod for strong lb to take ua through that day whau lomorrow oomts aak again ha will give all wa ask for add as wa need l dy doing a llltla to day a llltla to morrow and keeping on lu that way wa aooompliah great thing lock at llf- in its llltla by llltla aipect rather tbau aa one great task to bo don all at ones aud it will ba easy to faoa il pboplb who nevuh bum thu1h own paces what i si claims the aetoulabed reader is it poealbla that thare ara any civilised psreous ou the fate of the earth who are uot in tha hall i of beholding their vlaagea lafleoled from lima to lima lu it mirror of soma kiud burly this cant be ao wrong quite wroug gulu teejr for al the preaetil tluia straiiw as it may appear thare ara hundreds of men aud wouieu la lha uulted kingdom who have uot gsscj fulo a mirror for jtwri tha convicts oondued lu his majestys prisons form members cf litis ootumuulty lrom lha utouieiil olft oouvlots autrauoa to h jail to tha mo man t of hu eiit be u uot permitted to have lha use of a mirror oi ilia amsjlcat placa of glasa lwing rigidly denied to him tu the woman con viols hi a abseiica of a mirror forma oua uf lha chief hardsbli a of oonnuemoot aud mauy a female warder can ull piteous tales of woiuau who have actually fallsii upou their knees bud aohlwd out lulreatiea for the loeh of a luoree of minor juet fur a bwooud all theeeedtreallashava pcrforod to be die refcjarded and it therefore oomes uut lhat mety fitle eoiivlot pabeebrew or fuar yaaia without uluj ikermltled to gate upon her own faalhras tt mild youmq mun thlnli how mauy youugen who ttrti actors it tho flrl pari oftblsnrama have ever rw heareed iii thuught tba part a thay may lake u tba laat three aou act i llelore llif bar of lha aalooil act ii uefole lbe bar of lhe court act iii llefura ihe bar uftba piiaou act iv llefur lh bar bf jod talueee bejlua with cobweb and end lu ohalur a tjauiwn cmhwxjtlta t a aj uot and urn cherry tree ware firaoaed lu anowv wt it flat tba tardy little art le tree was la a eorry 1 1 kb i lror it oouldu t boaat e bloaaow ami t waant n ia et al and me dotaf at ntuo s pto tras rair i pi ynrai y hul 11 lha fairy of the world un llnrerad o i ar way and ahe waved 1 ar maglo wand around and lilagln worila did aay and with an answering i luali and am 11 tbe biiiy apul tree caioebloomtruf out in jilnk and white lbe pret- tlaat of hie three outlook their day which tbe pride and uutwlief of tba world would not see and have made their opportunity ll therefore behoovee tie vetch lo he abont our valbers bualnee watching for our opportenltee for tbe night com nib in whlob no man can work in au hour when we think not tbe uoo of mad may noma ta tba supreme moment of our life aud find be bleeping on the lb r ahold of a malchlaea opportunity ll is qod a part to eetlmate tba value ui our aervloe t is our part to aerva and qoee lion net proverbs from china many oi tba following chloeea new yeer fcnd other proverbs have a familiar bonnd blhara ara not quite ao famlljar they are all worth quoting time alee like an arrow days aud rnooths like a weavers shuttle oar dally bread dependa ou heaven veaueet tboa bol god be still o eaul and helen lo tbe thunder roll if qua does good heaven will bestow on blm a hundred bleealngs au things eje according to heaven if onadoes bad heavan will eedd upon him a hundred evils to eat ones rice looking towards lhe heaveus no eonod can startle lu tba darkeet night blm who bee kept hla ood aolanceolaaa abd whlls kettle of him who has a wicked heart la full nl rlor the kettle of blm whoe heart ooluoldos with lbe doctrine of hsaved has none daring lb fire part of tha tlrst mouth i one has an empty mouth to maka a man of youraelf you mutt toll if you don t you won t diligence has lis reward t lay la with oot profit do good regardleaa of con eequenoe- ta perauada ona not logembla 1 to wlu for him balur uu dm tbau give credit for 1 000 oaab correal ones self then others think ul youfown fsulu his ural part oi tba night when waveful aud of lhe fauluof olbwa tbalaur part rf tha night whin aaleep au upright heart iloej uot fear damoui hawbodoee- aacordiug to uaavan will bapreearved us wbooppoees haaveu will parish true doctrine ean t injure true fold feia no fire a slicks a aliok whether abort or ull a maus a msr weather wrest or small yott cau i opal a book without learning eotoelhlug no puejuit equals that of study youtb la for learning manhood for auuou learning is far mora prscloua than gold fmply isgold audsllvar tio is vain aloe neither oau lha baud that a dead reulu of a hundred virtues 11 hal pltty is tha worel witblu lha four saaa all ana brethren you oau t carve a rotten aliok when lha 1 iuurar la virtuuus mlllluiis will ily upou him has van lias uot two auna tba peole hava not two fmperors oto p pulpit advlhtio i n o ihe reading of secular notiosa from lha pulpit is a jar to lha eervlcea is eioeed ingly objeotlouahle to a larga number uf people writes ldward llok in the in tut imu journal lheee folk rightly fel that beoular maltars should ba krpl as far removed from tin lubhath ssrvlces as poeelule and ihey are iierfeolly jualtrlod in takiugtbaiiioitlou illi a bit dl tub log when a hilnuur anuouuota that a fair will be htld ou buoll or such a day or thai a strawberry fat live has been arranged fur avbertaluaveulug all our ohurohee can not alollah pulpit atiuuuuoamaiitstuouhm many oflbembewdowe ajely- thay bava navar had a i laoa there ihey are uot lu kee lug wllli the dignity of the palplt of boura whare a churoli is abau luuly loo limited lu ill tlnauoe to have til i0el uiudalaorl of a lealut prjulaj there is some reeaou or tbe ooqbuuauce of the method uut whenever it is poeeibli pallors of our churches should be allwn to adoit the olrquur uu lhe mluuter should out be turued tntu an advaillalng medium undesany pretaat wbauver nor ehoqld lite pulpit be drakged from ua high place and lolly puipoar lb is uut a bulls un board abraham lincoln b mother all t am i owe lo my mother ho aald tbe moat typical american of aroerloana abraham lincoln only twcentty baa ene- ology been definitely akoaifalned oo hie father a aide be came from tbe 1aritan atook hla mother belonged to a family of juakars prom uriah ifanka waa das oended nanoy the mother of tbe llloatrl oca ood given martyr president sba was a winsome virginian maldao ull dark dignified with few f qcala in bar day for grace of meaner and inlelleclnal kltalnmonta ltr reverent devout nator was given bar by geueratlone of pioos an oealors men who believed fn ood feared him and no bod j ae hho wayt with her brave huaband out on tbe frontier of weetern life leaving be hind lhe auniiy booth vcw booka ware id be had aaoept her oonalanl volume lha ulbla and bar noble conduct aoeorda wltb its 1 reoepls hhe longed for a larger life but patiantly endoredbsr lot yet do not wonder that iheelmond shaped eyea looked badly into tho peat and a ehedowoftee ibrew lleelf aoroas her benign faoe ae ahe redacted upon a cheerteaa present and sv dlamal future her homo was a log cabin of on a room only no door bad been hung tba sklo of a deer stretched eardee the opening poor protection from the wlnurehlaat the at ara oouli be eeen as ahe lay on bar rude bed of hlraw in this ablur abraham linco waa born vebruary la lbop and when he was moth un yeare old be era left 111 aftar yoars he anjpake ooier thle grvat woman ao brief a space riven to him and given amid each feerfol odds such poverty such harehlp tba verdict which he gave is au i am i own to my mother oh man or america what a uetlnsony from our treat modern american 1 aye the rrealeet of all our haxoeell and how many mora could re echo his words if called upon for teetlmony and you tba mothers of our greet onea and of all tba leal hearltd au i brave suob a rneaaaga as this to you is a tiilrll of joy hhe it was who in teo abort yeare of hie i ii taut life so moulded hie character pari fled his amblltons made his airue and him all ha was to ul abd the race that in hla afterdate and amid all bu checkered ufa she blill remained his guiding angel the ater of his proud gloriooa deetiny until tha keeasilu a bullet bet him free to rejoin lha taolhor to whom he owed eo much that watch it wb a girl who brought a walob of a jeweller who wan eh lad it for one year what does that mean y aha aaked wa keep it in order for yod was tbe reply lhat i we rgulau it of oouree jtjtqh brokjllw g 1 oh of oouree in a week she waa hack uy watch doesroao queerly ou cau i imagine said bbe if you will allow ma lo look at it ma dam bald tha aaalatant oh yea tilie buu fumbling al her drees a blaab rial ii ji brighter aud hrighur ireeently with an air of determination aha onntlnu ed operations ou a more eatenalve aoels in a mluuls ibcre was a llltla rualle aud a sharp click ou the floor uiia picked tip lha watch quild as a matur of oouree and paeeed it to the ekuliuui who stood ghat i ll keeps ell aorta of time she bald tha youmt man auppresapd bis feelings and remarkel u i dly a watch nee 1j very oavful babdllug oil i in viiiy oarelul of mine i always carry it inside my dreu so thai it shant gat scratched i ought to heve brought it tutors it hiu beeti going so badly bull left it under tny pillow lha other morning aud mary changed tba ha t and it got into tha uuudry it wasnt bold jou kuow juaf aoakad a little mary la very careful aud she fouud it i fear in i id wa shall ha obliged to charge you for adjusting tbla watch it earns to ha in ratbsr a hid way oh i think thats uot fair it was warranted fur a whole year i ve bad it only about a weak and i have hardly ueed it at all whal la to ha dona with such people atkuj tbe jeweller in deapalr uomuthino like t john aald mrs oroaeus thoughtfully every body lu society fcwtiu lo think a lot of genealogy lu tlifteu days jennie what aroulinsd johu look ed up from his availing paper oeuceloity rapealed mrs croeaua 1 what a lhat t i dou i oiaotly kuow replied tba food da m a s but i lh uk its a ua ut aoms kind at luast i vd heard uoino ladles refer to it aa a family trd well what of ll be aaked wh it aoeiiib to mo a aottof fad you know an t eretyciie wliq lu auyoua has to liavoono lluy our thun hu aald irrlubly lluy tho best ono lu tuwu aud have lha llllaeiiliu to miii bu dojil bolher me wlthdataila ol th a stlalr gal oua abd aliok it up in tha odtteervetory if you want one aud if ll iau i la large- hut i dou t kuow aiiylhlug about lilchl 1 lud oul an if it u loo big for ihu con bervatury aliok it up ou tha lwu and if that bin i big enough 1 it buy the beat iu urdar ti maka vooui tar ll i hare oau t any of ilium fly higher than wa cau aud if it wmm in a quetitmi u tiees x u buy a whole orchard for you a woman who luvus too much sometimes i uea but a woman wlu lutes loo little never rslub aullilug wurth looelng u is uuraelves who idaka tllri umauho uut oli uiiialauoae ua as la ollail otinflrui sd

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