Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 6, 1901, p. 2

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r r iggggflffbi mixxirtx btweya to ttarab jane denftal ot joeapl lirottntteovni l stwreoat hooil- at tbe rmuuou of tha brld brolbarlnlew iu ijaaedowna toronto oubalnrrlevalleraonn jna tty llav t albert uoora hamilton m llev d to veil toronte mr ii hampaoe hnblelon u vannloalla third daucbta of william l moor toronto formerly d desperate murdbr in tor- i onto mm nti jem- h aurora burglars murdaraid con- etabla boyd enrout to mpl ffilje cctoit jree rrss thuwmay juni clh 1001 editorial noltms 9 the custom revenue for the dominion lor the month or may feat amounted to j13om compared with f2milb3 lot nlavj 1900 en inoreaee for the present month of 1 10633 j hon joseph chamberlain baa summon ed an imperial oonfersnoa for lb and june to deal with lb reconsideration of of the privy council he desire each oolony lo have repreeenlellv n 0i hone of lords tomrtojnni it adeepeiato alt loncipafrooi coelody the three man- fred ie hloe vfuk hutudge end frank jonmabo have come to be known a the chicago b barlr alio- end hilled comity coolbn iiod tliey were blig oohveyed lo k gtbr by lore aontible when ih ctb wenring ktimaab bireal r young man wllo bad ben wwie on hi aldawalk walked to iba aide of the vehicle audlbreapjlulxqtmlj til peu window into uia la pa of tba prisoners nataatly ba two frv hands belonging to illoo and it a hedge olved into in parcel which proved to be a stiff bat wrapped in a uewspane and whan tbalr band warn withdrawn tbay each bald a long barrelled revolver ooualable boyd immediately shot anlln anaapefat struggle that followed jonee era shot twioo tba borglem war recaptured and lodged la goal and constable boyd died in the boaplul disciples convention perils of the deep atloax hardsili aiud ex posure rnduiibd captialnh jiurna of doyipilnti n btollaran inlo66llntf story prom lla own i x orhmi1 cl arlnalt itu nburi co n ii inllt l ui oar oontarnporary tba oaorgatowo herau baa ooraplaud lu thirty huiu year of pobijcatloo tba herald u rf worlhy rapramduuito of oar lur town and looka wall aftar all ntaroau affaotlnu it u la a very aoooeealol load papar and baa baan under tba manaamant ot hr ii c warran fov a loogar period than any pra- vloaaowqar may coo u iba ted proaparity attend 1l aocordiag to tba notloea of alaetloo patt uona al oajcoode uaji tba trial of tba waat durham oaae will be hearda4 oobourg on jana 7 and not at whitby aa orlnauy atated tba aealqmnt- of tba oi aboold hae bean aa follows booth ontario and wsat dorbara to xha kinga banob duialon north wellington to lb oomroon xmaaa divlaion north drooa ottawa and cornwall to tbacbanoary div ulon whanararyoa qod a tnan finding fault with a local paper open it ap and tan to one na baant an advartlamant in it five toonabanater gavoila job of work three to one ba doeat take the paper two to one thai if ba ia a aobacriber ba ia deun gaent eran odds ba never dona anything that will aaalal a pobliabar to rnoi rood paper mmi i la aaa that ifa aapai a good one and fall of life be la tba c eager iu iwntiw i a i outa oa vary large aipanalon of ravanna from fees reported by tba provincial beoretarys department tba report for 1000 jaal iaaned ahowa a ravanoa laet year of 170 007 compared with 6781 in 1800 and 3820 in 1808 a autement praparad yeatarday abowa that tba increase ia ooo- tinolng for the first five tntttbs of his year tba raoalpla ware iix8 oompared with 183005 in tba urn period list year or a gain of 94 per oent- this u the lar gee lb tba records of tba departuaat and is an evidence of tba continoad prosperity of ontario and of the largo amount of ool aids capital being invested bora boalnaei enterprise the general convention hald at owan sound tb annual convention of raa disoiplea or christ bald at owen round tbe paat week was on oeossioo of araat interest u that body many matters of great impocl to tba oboroh warn ap for discassioa an addrees was delivered by ii v v hslgsrtetnmed mi from china on tba present troobla in china and tbi relation of the cbarch thereto was o moob tnlareal in oonnaction with tbe report tba young people4 christian kodaavoc bociaty h waa nnanloiooaly dacided lo aaod dr basis kyjobart the well knowo medioai njlaalonary to tlpek next year tbe yoang peoples foods will be an piemen t ad by a grant from tbe foreign mtaalon board dr basle uyjnhsrt u a wall kown canadian missionary whose baa- band was murdered in libel a few ji ago and wboae own ascapa from the heart ofdohlna to tba eea was onto of tbe moat ihrllilog and romantic in mlseloi annals the ctnecrs for the oarrent jeer ate ea follows prsaideot mr james tollon walkastoni vioapealdani luv crawford sl thomas cocrespooding beoraiary bev 1l w bauab thomas recording secretary hev a- tovell aoalpb treasnrar mr john buuuirv boar m bev jama lad lard owan sound tbomeoa erin u n blaven clan- cairn u 12 wbcur hamilton d kilgonr london a long ani animated diaooaalon look place over the raoom mends uon ot tba educational committee that tba deaoml national oouega of bl thomas be removed lo toronto and afflliatcu witb toronto university the report waa finally adopted by a large majority and the committee appointed to arrange with tbe oollega authorities al bl thomas for iba transfer too committee on time and place taoommandad ibat nxl years oonvaouon be bald la toronto in the early part of june iia of itjyapruijf jjn i ijroiiilnciil ola r men li nta jlu who duilni tulicli t ibn ear low ilia dangnrutii ocnatallon of ilrep i nliihf when not al ana c durns jo i ion i it f hi conet lr ife u jnara of aifr anil u li uy a hollliy vlcoruoi roprrxntalut- of liu alaa i nt iwey enjojed lull uoxou i unllli buj while chattiiiu mtly with a rnprckorilalive of the tenburg press ho aalii he ulleved that hut for tha llmly uo or dr wuilama ink phi ha would have bn a ohronlo ivalld 1hu5 lo ihofl said ilitji as tho vlotlm of a oomlioatloii oi rrouble i aappac i hey hail ihalr origin the hartahlp aikl viioaura i had so ftfjoeutly to nntiorgd my irtneaa look the form of dyapepala and kidney trouble the food which i ate did not anrte with m and frvrjnsntly gave mo a feellntf of naoaea and at etna tlmea dlrtrcaaful pains btlhe tcoiach then t wat much troubled with pain in the back due to tho kidney trouble finally i took a severe cold wbldhool only seamed lo aggravaln these trouhlaa but which eeemed lo effoct mplne as wall and x bvoama partially rigid in the arms and irg i waa forcvd to quit work and dootored for a time with little or no beaeot then i dropped the doctor and organ taking olbor tnadlclues bat witb no bciur result by thl time i was run down very muob had no appetite and we dapseeed both la mioj end body white la this condition i chanced to read in a newspaper the testimonial o a cure mdhy the qae of df willlama pink pill which in some reapecta preaanud symptoms like my own tbe tregbtfor ward manlier in whlou the ilory wai laid gave me ne liope and i duiiuilood lo try thm aiuu i sent fur three boxes or oouree i did not expect that this quantity would cure me but i thought it would probably decide whether they were aultcd to my oaae i moat say hey learn ed to sol ilk magic and bpra the pills ere rono tliere was a decided impovo mant in my eouditioii j then got a halt dozan boxes more and before they were gone i was back again st work ia the ehlp- yexd sad enjoying once more the hleutbg of vlgoroos health this was in the spring ot 1b9h end slooe that time up i the present i have not been laid np with ill nee occtaoalt hn mffcrlntf from ceylon and india tea green or blagk 7k qukntity of quhlity is what all drinkrr of machinemade tt a jjctj no tea is pure wholesome or lco nomicaf superlative in actual merit s n 4ii i pi- n wavitaalij g t jl the b grennan lo suit all varieties of tistes salad nylon toum arc hold in htutafl he mi lurkrth onlj itlack ulritl ifucolorcu onylon ilreen frro bnraplmnrnt addrrxw tri t toronto w barker bros paper makers a coloned pkpgrs john r barber amateur cameras hmd suppu6s premo poco ray magazine cyclone printing frames 4 i 5 ra cnblnot li conla printing papers solio aristo buccjes now thai we nre having mo weather uml jjixki ruadn thnro is lome encourugnmeni lo hoy new iliirfilr i have n full auorimenl of ihcm which you huuld sea ttelbre yon buy alau market ami i umber wagona all kinds of carriage and gen oral repairing dona on iliorlert notice a full line of agrlciillural implrmcntrtund htidcf fwlnn always on hand j nt onbiil iiuccciior lo cjilp mclcenxio ceorcbtown procrastinate no dont do iliat but come today to the acton pump works and get your pump repaired or buy a new one vvc can do it watering troughs cisterns and a general jobbing bubiness done satisfaction guaranteed charles ebijagh main si ac ion swede tttttntph jixie for atxtrday a bbt ftthi bbcrtisemtnts proprrty for sale a nuuiikh af un imi rtlli prapwt j3l joi tftlfl au e1u ifillut atlbl 1 wu iikuhtuuut about loo yards ol fancy check and striped silks suitable for siiiiit waists and ditkis tmmm- ings all dainty patterns and mostly washing colors priced regularly from sc up to 100 a yard special on saturday for 33c a yard wiiiru quilts weve struck a snap in this line and pass them but to you at 125 100 and 0c each really worth a lot more buaid tkimmino fully 2000 yirds of various colors some wool some cotton some silk priced from 2c upto 10c yd go on sale fnday evening and saturday at 12 yds for 15c 36inch fine wool nuns veiling just the cor rect thing for light weight summer dresses in cardinal pink and brown cheap at a quarter but a dress length to each of you saturday for 15c a yd 100 pairs ladius silk glovus regular 45 and 50c qualities friday saturday for 19c a pr 13 millinery specials on saturday sec them m sciohs upoo prs for25c new stock ladies wrapers only 1 each childrens pinafores special at 25 t545c some extra value- this week in ladies long sleeve vests at lttc 2 for 35c and short sleeves extra special at 2 for 25c good groceries at right prices all the week with a few extras for friday evening and saturday such as grape nuts 14c a pkg- italian macaroni 12c vcrmicclla 15c a pkg bon ton blue 4 sq for 3c choice lemons 8 lor 10c 7 bats oatmeal and castile toilet soap for 25c gillctts pure cream tartar in scaled lb cans 19c kxtrn rhnirr crylnn knittichk wanted o illxailaliwl only notiru lo tichpnssora iuu nubile la huobr uuuuad tbalalu x iauia fnuiil uu lut u nun sail lot s3 can kwiumiii by klioiong ub ud bsiry plcainn or otloiwlu iii urn loud aaoi ntng to t w ukjumius uylt itul n0tick do on or abotti iba hat hmotmiuttmr celt par portion to baalsntd by roe u lo elreuuiinti i hrrbf warp u publla ailtut tiacouftunf eaid not mm t b nevar tiila nor atcaad ttcti a uota and u una aucb aauta it la a forsat ukvwu u iiuuukuj illlubarcl o comfortable dwcllfuc fo sal fxuib unaatblttoajl baalnaaaitud lo 0ad jl lufirl uuh daalraa to ll bl booaa and lot hj ine tba tmtuaa 1 oomtortabla rouxbaaal alx rooomd oaa wilb ban aod bolt walar oorf nrdan in eseailant leeauon end id totn eoocitlco taenia raeaon abla and tnada known xtytm appllcauoo to quraey urea a0l00 klchjtltd cook 1 tlrand tlaplds klleb tb caxxuiam clvncanjtji britjjoa top gallant ii w iui maka tba mho nf idol at bis ban auvbla lot ix ard una laiuaiag tatllmb t to loaara tk parabu lat vabrtavry 1m muoo tnuh 4 t la jul 1901 wnom dlapoalago ibair iuummoh folins un ill ba bald rasponalbla or loaeranoe wbatbar in loaj or not all aooldant at rlak cf mdwi vcr pedlcra and daaorlpllon aaa cards nbilgiixibs loprulor 10 pa6kages for 25c a packages from ju 1 lower and carden your choice arleliea jtenn seeds for ay alao early garden 1eas lituns corn etct in bulk cheep canadas creatcat karly seed iolalo at 55c per peck large quantity beat dutch sella large iuanllly ko i scexl teas and oals soto agency for ihn famoos llymoulh binder twine sllvef sheaf etc all kinds flout and eeed at lowi phceatbt bi iluaillys robtrisoltec lb ntttcim ot vxpoanro or or work tul bn or l o ir wiihir 1lnk fill velox tea 2ca lb one of the moat remarkable but least noticed facta in connection with tba war in the transvaal is tbe extreme youth of a huge part of general de wats army when hostilities broke out elmoet every grown man enlisted even tbe enfeebled but tba pane has been too rapid for the venerable borghsrs aa they wars killed or tnospaoitatad their place have gradaally beep taken by mrs snhoolohndran tmvuy only thirteen or foortean years of i under the alls of tha youngest soldiers in the world in tha jane ootmopcti allan sangrao throws mora light on tba makeup and life of general de wets com mi ml one than anything hitherto pabhab ad iiockwqod mr it muuroe of this place has ta a ail nation in tba wbolsale departmeut of u aaara jno u bond ev co s a tore tiualph hev h w ixolden hs been appointed c the cayuga circuit a pralarment very much merrlted and appreciated by mr lloldana friend hare his sneoeaeor will he lie w u qambam ii a who has held a most snnoesaful series of pastoral and tbey always put me right tilnoe my own marvellous rescue from prenratu uaeleaaueas and suffering i hav rroo mended lb pill lo may person varioi ly amictcd and have yet to hear of the first instance where they have failed to gli rood teault where they ware fairly tried it i such endorsatlon as these thai give dr willlama 1lnk 1ills tbalr great popularity throoghout tbe wurlj nir1- bora ui each other tit the benefit i they bare derived from tho uh if those pills and where a fair trial is glwaii tbe remit rarely dlaappolullng dr willlama iink 1111 go directly to the tool or the trouble they create bow rich red blood allmulale tbv nerves to healthy solloii thus bringing health and strength lo all who uae them bold by all dealers in mad loin or sent poet paid on raoalpt of bo cent a box or all boko for 30 by add tea lug the dr williams medicine co urockvllle out ph otox h r7c7vtsh7tw photo wrtiflt ncton e vanvo ntartst u r ilato i iuived ilklrvlda uual itrljyre jnuilxi lunnocj ltjliolui bumlallrtcss lorpltoi lll i rla caiuri uuvhant cartar hardy llutlaf a llronae top uarabal inipruiad ilall a oreatbury bliarp a improved kast rouiieji kojej ho r oik iinprovatl 1uri la tip also best dwarf hueic hup our itapc and swede 1 urnlp seed arc all reslei seeds james hewer seed 1 lour nutl lccl 45 maalouiioll si cuclpli b our cash prices enable you to buy here at from io to 25x below credit store prices we buy butter and eggs cash for eggs at the oneprice right price i btore the b crennan co bccord8 block acton t sfr t 2 ai 1 aa ar ja i 1 t at flour sl feed store acton wba yorj see a girl with only one gli on it a ilgn that she be a tasw ring on tbe other hand umbhoush the dominion of canada ha granted 88887 and 90 tit abo acre ol landf to railways tba canadian aeclfld has cairsd 25000000 aorea of land and u1u- bio tba remainder being divided among various other railways in addition to what the dominion baa dons for railways the various protinoes have granted 131- 010170 and tba mo old pall lie tisb8ilu2 making a grand total of 1m0773 of public money paid in subsidies to railway that art privately owned and 000 trolled 1 thai oogbt to be pretty bear enough tponey and land to give away for railways on the old baaiav whatever new grants may be mads should b mads with a view to ultimata ownership by tha utsts the nbsidias applying on the purchase prios when tha time to boy arrive or the money being a loan possibly without latere for a given period but in tha end either ra- oovarabla or lutsrssi hearing las i ttviu- nawithcwpteipatibena y- learn of tbvsudaau death of mrs llobt lane which occurred prldey evening after an illness of only three weeks bhe was a daughter of tbe late mr moconnall of oaledon she is survived by a husband and two children a mother fonr hrothera and three si tars all of whom were al bar bedside whandeath arrived the lie 3 m ilagr alta conducted lbs fuoaral ervioe in the methodist church onbunday and a huge number of sunowuig friends followed ha remain to its last resting place in yilpy cemetery tim bereaved has band and family have our deepest ijm pathy w are sorry lo uam of the illueas of mr llobt iroctor and bop she will be able to be around again aeon there er jamar thstth wadding belle will ring inmrvloanity on wed need ay wathope the kun will be shining call and examine the merits of this superior shoe made in all modern styles of lastrf and best grades of leather all sizes aa to ee widths lor ladies and gentle men this shoe will cure callouses on the soles of the feet excessive perspiration of the feet burning ot the feet and it will keep 3 our feet cool in hot weather and warm irt coldweather boot rnfi shob dbkldb sole agent vo acton t tt i harris co ltimited rockwood woollen mills ejstamlshed 1867 after your wool clip great scott a8hoiiove mr hugh modowll ha aacurej a sltua tlou a traveller with the mocol oil company mrs jamas nixon of arthur and mis nenoy irvine of brampton are vlaltlog frleuds bar ur l oblabclu who has been spending a month in the kortbwsej u espeoted home this week mrs usury wilson visited friend hal soo last week the two local beef rings have oomtneuoad operation for tbe season varmars ap predate lb weekly supply of fresh meat one of ashgrov ciliaao was eiaotad president of the township hoousy ucbool aaaooiatloo af olaowllllam lat weak ltev v w thompaon ot arthur visit ed frleod bar on his way to and from gouferenoe at if amlltoa the garden pajrty at mr iludd tuesday evening wa a groat succea 1h proceed amunutej to 978 mr llichard dick left last weak for a visit to the buffalo kvpoeuion hs will visit bis sons inolsvajaud before returning messrs bert thornton laioy mottisou and uoward hood war borne from toronto lea week miss etta mclaren of toronto visited friends hare during the paat weak tbleblnj oonfarvooe week ihs usual sacvle waa withdrawn on uonday the kp worth league was held al tbe church hour and a luoat enjoyable eervio result sd tmrm i taora cuiib la this aaotlod of the eounlry uiw all otber duaaaa pot uatbat and until lbs ut year wa kappaaed ti ineurabl vor a rxaai many aars doctor pto- bcutwaj it a leea die sad waeexibad local tacaadlas and by eooatajluy faiibig ia eurai with laaaj uaatalaal pnwooaead it insurable hclenee ha pravan ealarrh to be a ooceuuitlou al duaaas and tkarafu- kmuira eonututloo txt titan l 1111 caiaf b cure mabufaclurad by v j cb w co toledo ohio u tbe only eoaaliluuoaaj sure on tb market it 1 taken latarually in doe i mul u drop to a teaeooon fill it eat dtieoily ca tbe blood and biuooua am f aaa bf tua iftlul tbay ogat cm bundrkd dolbua for kny ease it fail te bur uaua for circulars and taauauwuu add v j oiucnmv co toledo o uuid by drucyuu tea uaji vamlly ltll an u bl that man luys and sells almoil eary thing thai the fanner ha to ill or wauls lo buy ile whful xlye unci wheat uans i laxuied iolaloca rurnlpi wool hides shop ttklllm 61 c lo day tig la ullltig tlic farmers hii turnip seed all tieah iiu ia uam iu11 watbury vuet ltbuu llaitgluiliii huuuu1baihl i oil tarur kupbanl rmuisluiiw llltblaad hartley dlliou kangaroo nawonlaflii ltoyai nurfulk 11 when a man offers you aouialhltig for noibinil it will pay yod lo walk alrouud l by the furtbaal poeelbl tools tiiu ci1uat panambiiican uhowb a baobalo objeotl uj femajg baybers on sssnunt of a djsstt h a o mr banuou ono racelvad at tb bands of ons cbloago jvapaa a card- ws tba nndenlgnad do hereby agree to refund tha tnona on a 60oen botue of aretnes warrmoud syrup of tar if it fails lootmyoaroooghwooid wa also guar ate 83 oent bout to prove satisfactory or money rsfuuded a t buown the orataat bhow or modern tlmatf cotntntf to aoton call all tb others what yoti will but when all is said and told and keloid tbar i but on cleat circa which i ill e pekliouler end detail the giut and grandee nf the autlte world cirouae al that is 1m qaat lau amaricau bhows whloh are coming to acuui on halurdsy j sue bui iti all wgal magnldcauoe its nounalled numbar sod vakl proportion uudr tb gfeataet ulty of auowwhlu luu l treclad on any ground will be aeeu fully one hundred count thamt one buu dredajudted stars who will gl on bund red and fifty superior tut loo numerous la olaaatfy too sajany to bams too anoltl farioua to aaurlba bareback rldjog hurdling trick fancy and msoeg riding swriel act grand gyoouaailo umblidk vanning leaping athletic and contortion feats jngkllng cuullibrlat la pol balancing breaking ladder and oth aeta unique eutaly astounding aerial stag and erenlo per no seeul alaewbare many of them by forslgn artlats plenty of them by bom artists remember tb dale and do not miss the big bbow adv till hi took uklrvlus hbarii inittkivad luanlae itiui tluale tf turil to uotuati cbauiplou llreytuii wbluolob tuiwkj jaiaaytjavet iiu pilaa i altoay lovaal ii lnihta dhaet and buya lur ui lu iti i bast lis lupoiud tbu raar 4 uiisluh tuna umj iui tml hma it uij at tba o a tl ami it nan b a atblskura ba u ulilug now id b lurslbu or a lew lb baroedoa ii ha 13 talteurf of iu 1 ctuii to ollooa front ajai lluuallall mlliel lluskabat lummwl huunurkaat au vw kltliml inaaau b b i ui bnulull all lral only lb ioulo- hug vluuli so lb orl ur ioc iiid i uaurayoniaek ut iso iba jlawu halt sail par totf or as par loo hulidiala bt ilohmt or coihamid 111 or mlba larbmllluulauaaalb or id iui rurlau hua- biirauelb wbau oil uoapau lb aleate hluglibotlur calji txlilalo st hd ill of u fores hulihur ii lb firttu lioi ualu 13 lb lur itw uauttw lud lb or a ibaurkad titound ttinaari aa lb 111 hbaaillllp jij cattle wuim he kalt uelklus twl1 al kllllllall lil al t waell uuiaiiuur kugluli dialid waali hifuur i i ulull ill an i aaali al0 wiwlbluu but uuhib uiiu 111 lb boa only hdo lllbbye calf ati4iilalailt ss 60 mt iu 1u uruuud ull daa aihl tlliluud v laalileej vur halt ba muilw bal if ha a ull hou- mgltl iw uia ulk ao i alu tin win iwr at el iu a i bl or u bbu lur sli a ii lb iu vuaraaiir una lur kla or u auk tt si ux a u iii kk ur ii u lb dairy aaok toa ald w i0u ailll tx saeaj uaruu kali 1 smi aloay kel on ban i at sl lo a irtiral or a bairau for su aaeklo tmautlbod ii- atll mil you a vavmlu oburu fl si iu aad s30j call aud aaa llieiu they a iba bl binder twine farmerslcooperatlifb gol llmltod brantford prloos for tho sooaon o 1901 eisd btax goo ft 101c hod star b60 it 10 o bpaotal manilla 600 ft 0jo bial 80 bulj standard yo 1 hoae lutlcf iwo are not our own make canadian laumukb w hive jtiat a word to ay to you till the nrat and uuly truly oooiterauv eoiumiiy in xniailaa 1 jflailuu v0u today iu alok in auiall btllillliita ouesud iwo aliata at tr it i fclao llaclu ll kvuudld twlua wlui you fur ul oooilullariaal ml viloa raw tilawll eallllut u iwba louii lor your loyally aiul luuilli alio will bold ul iii aula taueal vour aealillelam aiul ludlaaiauu will ulva u from sklalaum viilob toaane a ilaalliblow to all fulur so dui aiiou o karuiaisaud will auraly bilus on fa- ult a ulkaullc twluu com i 111 troi th lunueuoa ul wbinli jou will l abaululaly balllaaulhalu youi vou have your oitlam ivy your money an i tak your uliolo huu 1 by thl maui an t iioal llaifadt oootaraliv iliovalilallt lu til world aud ao brlnu a ecatlnuatlou of relief tbtuultb iu ulllubluiilahu itlliuallfmila a lwlll tiaarmillator latt u or llat oqr eaetlu willi liullrurbiioa and you only bava lo welt lor for thirtyfour years we have been buying wool from the farmers of this district and we have reason to believe that they have been given very complete satisfaction our policy is vcrysimplcandyctthconl5rtight policy between man and man we do not pay more than the wcol is worth but we do pay every cent of its value and a pound of wool with us weighs one pound we pay you part cash and part oods or you may take it all in goods which in any- case arc the goods you need and arc jold at the closest prices quality always considered some prices i in good of our own manufacture than vthlch tbcra am none belief wd havd uhltc all wool bbuikol a yards wide and al yard long tj 15 per pair or 19 yards uidoantl 3 yard long v4 50 per pair union bkulcls in while or grey ii yard wide j 50 per pair batlugi whit or grey 36 tnuies wide 350 and 400 per yard 3 incbea wljo 70c t httiuchl 3il inches wide heavy quail i y and auo fine tjuauly 35c yard skirling ah inches 3 jc h iiuho 50c 70c hjc yarns woll tcoured f pound sklen hi 3 3 unil 4 ply 401 pr pound tfoine sjiuu 5 inches wlda in ihn leading popular colorings hjc tlic heavier line for hullo tailor msdd nulls and unllned kklrls at 1 ao aiul twoedi for mens waor alnio wldlhioc 50c 65 aud 75c la double widths 1 00 sud ti 35 but you are nol confined to goods solely of our manufacture in our storq we jfcep the most desirable stocks in worsted coatings fine tweeds mens knitted underwear ladies vests white quilts roller towclings skirt ings tickings and other lines and everything sold at closest prices mark thlfl lu your nolo book that fall weight and fair inhpttotloa ifl an unbroken rulo of thoao mills hau boon no for thirtyfour yoarfl y w smith ictmnns irt fuut i1u new vu 1ualplua j turwto call early and avail ymirsclfof his valuable service us this is a rare op jwnt unity to h ivc your eyes proper ly tested free of charge no guess work but a scientific certainly difii cult caacs ccu rately fitted al l wohk luauaktkgu ttt mull riwl4 a will btt at agnows hotol acton 3kvonlv thursdays june 6tk hhrrisc0l itld s2001llbn1 wknupkcturbrs rockmood ont hal about jouug niaui uoeaalnmit uitaii or wlui are ilauu aud lwj1 alio uuk cuuoorili dllina ijuarur aaelaj i lo iii and 1 then ha ba two men uil tba rad all 111 lioia sailing tbam alous wlul tb ktaet uellonulek luadarsuowaisaud luke ui kloluf harae lug tuaolilmae wliau vou aia dajlad uihou llatau ltoara fa i larvae lara ale aid ilown lo a wbeejbartuw wbloh tbay will aell jou for ue wlilufl buatar uubber uu ly new ate and lhauiau that njnetbe wbol uiaablua i rilouf tb heedauian uarkel ujuar uoalpb with braiieb and alavator al hoekaood lo au a 1 reiua he children cry for castor 1 a gb0 j thorp hoc os oraitf f ifouolluii u aftuieia ui would b uo utiioltloii wbalavar lllatl skaluat u lteuiaulbrib halt dont wakla uw wtulllud wuihuis llaaaliull aiiyloonar look k ualalit iii lit faaa slid idutlly yollraall willi ue a aliaratiouar ouy your twin fiutn the molhar cvutiwny with lu enlaodu l kaoor1 of yaj aij vuu will ba ieaaiou ui ba urouil of yuur adllou and loyally al a hlaliee lltat otbar ooulnanla vuuoa arv eiutlily uadlug ou ou ualloo ejid uial lu uiauy of thu will be axeadlusly duaniiolaud tit you will oie into r sraod r- sliung housl cleaning and moving show the ncccaillles in tha way ol uoit furniture mafrresses- springs etc ami johns tonic ft co arc confident hiy can fill youc wants very aalufactor lly uml al tha lowant iklttk price sidclul attciillon bllher in now war llclum 1raiillng is a specially all orjor teceuc prompt allciiilnn hi now luymond howl 11 marhlnc u the utvoilld liciouboiils und jnhiisitmd ft co upply them carpoti made up u orlaf und houfur nlliltik also ia variety holler lllluij of all kind in stock nlvaii in upholuleilnn k or rjulrliik oldea r ud 1 joseph stratford ceneral manogof cyelph a rockuood children cry for astoria johnsihink co furniture dealers tjndertukora umsa bl a4wi w bin esnetaro piovory v ol i bo h laxative bhmioqiflalnu rim lb tweedy inet n wm 11 kt prepare 1 por hot weather for after tin long cold spell we are almost sure to have it hot tin year you will find tiat there will be a great many muslins worn hoth colored and white it will pay you to take a look atrtiur fine rangui of both before purchasing else where colored mublmi from 10 to 25c white teuslina in swisn organdies dimities and fine awns lnccs m abundance r large range of lllack velvet ltibbons 1 c f gcqodeye fe co gmi paper alt the newcif designs and colorlngr in inglulns and every kiwi of lnf lu suit any room paints au for uuiiild color cri o s w p it u a paint ready for the brush window simd1s curtain rolhs 1tc chumist acton grasp the 9pp8rmh1w gkmtihuhh we have recently stocked ft hit ylue- of si iff ud soil ull hats of um hrst quality in all slice and aliuw nnd i he luoat fskhloimhld blocks inade by auch men as lyon 1 llciuutt and llaverltjy of london lng ci heir naine are a giur- aiiloo ofquallly auo beat atuiilcan maker call aud try one on ttae xucoatm 1y lbalav hi llaak only beaoulal ult llk hludtntf at t tt tbu baluoeclajaly wijllh el au bkvkaxtxyll hxst 1 lcajily black ausrallbmuuiutallk uluiinliwe a bat uu u world oibj- at 9ui our plei t3 til hat by ryoila alaoululblaikfuf tallaaduie best hal ml uaaaaaxaea iotayt awerdail uol i uvadal ak i art kinoaiuou auu in tb wide world al saouour jfrloo sjkl jievjvjr7riritjcsr baesuiul blask in lalcailk ui milled hw iw1 huaabui uattlav avaat ipih1 at iba uu uuub lu vary taepeat aokl al 100 vvarywbx but at ouruun our mile sdd phi ll st kqton and ar easily stnrlk eou lo ss to as to webave a oouinlaia talis r liiikuial oluth oan beweet uaitarue ot le 10 fte t liililraii a bailor stale u iu nltw sruaul l n e lufortaine furrier guelph sbll9 cubkp

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