Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 13, 1901, p. 2

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3ss2 monument to our hero m frmymn hnj ee ur and uh ale linn waxkhto mb at itth john qmum ol kincardine clisrleexanny orutarly of llramptoa mt fiitaw i imuhiiw at tha realdanoe of i- brfwaa noiiar on warfnsaoay btbjone tbaidu ailhm ifin tldtdum of tba i utl larrln m ton uvt- tfl miii utajeaueabfrirp urr mkt at lb ham ollbabrld per ni u iu uuui btreel llranliord on wwiw lay mil j no r ut john ileaerln air t1 aiu ifl to agt oldem da ot itobovt craocb keg niftn to d a maaalva cranlt monolith nd to da eraatad in fnlr- vlow currnhry crtewaona corns no u hattn milton on wadneadey june mb duncan if ckey in bl 4lb year l juton jttt rss tuunhijav junb h 1 bpitoh n tito corrected mmu figure show tbat ike population of th united btata i 76 303 w7 thl include lb population bf alaska hawaii indian tarritory end rervunn bat no porto ilioo wbo population ia given aadii3aa general sympathy w ii go oat to th family and friend of hon a s hardy who la critically 111 id toronto general hoaplul us uaa boen io poor health for years which neoeesitated hla laaagnation of the premiership of ontario nd an attack of appendicitis aggravated hla ooadl tlon it la dot expected tbat be oao par maucally rally canada a acarrgated trade for lb eleven month ended afay slat amounted lo to2d o53 731 compared with 1800 ms dm for ltd same perod of the prvrloa year or to increase in favor of 19o01 of t30 c87 thla l oa the basis of ira port for oon sumption and export excluding however io each case oola and bullion the increaee wee almost entirely in export which ana over 30 000 000 ahead of the eleven taontha of the lut fiscal year to imports of free goods show a bettarmanl of 91 016 i09 hot the dutiable import d olloed by 081 uo which make the ml lucre lb import f63ob80 the im porta for the uat eleven month war 6w5 062 aa against lite 100 c83 for the prttoftd log year the preaent warm floe weather la favor able for proceeding with lb ontario wool dip and large marketing may be looked for the oocning week the condition will be placko nbxt nonth the numerous eobarribers in lite oonnfi uoore monument fond evidently havi impllell confidence in tho who have eouvety interested ihemaelvo in it a mat tar and in their ability to carry out aallafaclailly h leu proposed ur the ration of the m moment or the attend no at the meeting called for lt frl ley evening wm very amal lueve wllusmo wae moved ti ihr obalr lie csuuloed the object of tha mcellad and than called opon mr moore who bad bad the mailer of ibo monomant fond 1 baod from hie outaol io add the meeting mr uoore reviewed the hltwy of lie moo anient fond explaluvd thai i con teraation with mra c hmlth the day lb new of the dalli of quonr moore al ireoiia boolh africa jaat nov reached anion they deemcd thai btepa abonld be takao to nacare tbo eimtlon of a mmoral tablet or monomant to oopi memorau the eveol of the death ot oai brave eoldlcr berp a eubeorlpuoo hat bad bean opaoed in the oolamna of ibe vumm laxstt and op to- data 2c0 00 had beo obeoribed nearly all of which bad paid io and la on dapoall in tha bank mra bmlth waa dna be amid mooh o rod it for the eaooaaaof the fond mr moo e forth r ataied thai asggeauana bad from tlma to time been made to erect the moo meat on tha town hall rqnaia or in the pabllc park with a view in inculcating tbe the aplrlt of patriotlam in tbe rilng gen ratloo other bad aoggeated tbat tbe circular plot at the entrance to falrview oemotery woold be a better place all lhlnga oooalded he tboogbt tbe utur tbe more deelrabl place and understood tbe monlcipal oonocll would be qoit willing t3 parmlk 1u eraouon there the uattct wa than freely dltoaaaed th opinion wa general tbat tbe monument ahocldgoto tha oematery and tbl erf aulliaed it tbo following motion gloved by dr mokaagce aeoonded by j a speight that tbe ooromltte to be nam d porch a the propoeed roonannot end that it be placed in the circular plot at the entranoo of fairvlew oematery with ooo ant of the council carried moved by ii v moore aecooded by a k nlcklin that the committee for tbe final eleqtiftti of th moon meat and to en per inland it completion and areotlon be the lueve un o b hmilh and lb mover carried mr j h hamilton of the ourlpb iialtonfrm irtvtttnte atiriial i xmr atontslbao a o tkjm tjatur rla a number from barn ipui 1 oin th fwllowioft tiuluiilccia r camp at blazer nn tb i fcn 1 iradajj harkrat t jl arlo- oaml 1 tflvfte it a jm nt j hud i r a d w ail llobart rf o nan mr v i y oray impr vo1 ibe apixarm rw t bla h um by havii g l rala xl and i nature 1 on llio i ulii lr mr cuaiua nd wl ml una u a table apebt hui uylii leorgati wa mia ltl knlow of luuiifed la vlilldu kl i r unci mr n k rt mite vu rnli 1 vultlug ftlrnja lit acton weak f infancy thu unpoiitunatb condition ofmlabeilnbstinb coull- tien ctmioitown i n ii h1 of llealll 1 having all cbll i ran f volt mil be in lawn vaccinated free of charge ho fl co jollt ilrxlinpiit t availed ibe armory on luoday juueuth at 0 j m bd prccvodfl tit tbo uapiist oliurcb 1 r divine mi vlco al f p w tha aaortyncia of ibe 1 ord aj perwa diipetiaed laat kabbalb u uruintf in lite i reebjptailan ohqroli the xjxdlee aid uf ibe cougrt ctiurcb will liold a rdeu i arty on the 35 lh junr tbe oonditlon of mr o ii kennedy la allitbtly improved thla week aeortteuiwo company of vbluultet arid thelltfc hand left lueaday morn ing for the camp at rort niagara oorfbwn will aupply a member of th ulaleytaam tbla eummor mr w call mer aucoeaaor to mr ilutton lav been ohoeeaea member of tbo ifiu and will vult 1- nglatod thla lummer georgetown aopplice txitb lite moderator and tbe secretory of lhouh aaaooa tiou of llapllat chorobee for the preamtt yeait luv w h afoalptu 11 a and it v warren mpccuyoly nasbaoaweva tbo fonoral of the uu aiox mclhtdrab took plaoe on wednesday jane lh tbe eervloe wee bald at the iioom mr tovell of guelplt mr fleromlutf offverlon and mr blair of naaaagawoya ojticuuok the remalom wore taken to the 1 benrkr cemetery mr momair of arkrll auj mrv auw on of lden mil are viiltlng at their father mr jama adatnaon luv mr fugk in uafflo vltltlng tbo pan american mr albert harbor ha been appointed on lb ktaff of lecturer for tbe blau farmer inttltole in mlnueaota under nf flr hi iravlng bnparjnj the dairy nhnnl at qujlph-mrjiaclwicp- a yhoirow oldar tlar trouble unoarjrto mora pronauncod-too- tore sold her cneo waa on of fnrova datilllty and hld out small hap of itaoovory bho la now uii and 8trortfa leeaon for pnrontn n dlir mry in modlclne in modern i ium bee done mo morh to bring back the rich low of liaaltb act lb naloral anllirity of lujahby ounl wumaultootl to weak i ailitti kirla a ha ir wilhn a ii if i lit jldeliclo from childliood haveuaed llieao hi with remarkably bene qui creou ni 1 tbi oberlahed hu of mauy a huuml ii baa beou traiiad rmid iom a il an 1 oioltlyilrl into a happy rubtiat conlitioi l tl lr u among tl m tt who liva r alocd haalltl and alrtiilh lhronh ibo uee o lit wilhama link 1 ill le mu krneellce cluutler tt e hftren year did danghur of mr q a cloiitler reidlng at no h call manjalreei qoobao city mr olouller in an intartuw with a re rnuti of tb tirna hve llio loll wii tl acootfiil of hla dftdghtrr e jlfnrao at d vtcow almoat from lufanoj my iaoifblc bad not enjoyed good brallll her umlitaton being or frail character we did not pay much attention to her weekn a thought that alio woold outgrow il unlorlooalely thla waa uul lbs cae and aa aha grew older aha became eo wrak that i net alarmed at her condition for day al a time alt wa unable to lako out of dooc cxrclae a be became luueae br eppetlte failed her and aa lime went on ho oculd not itand without eupportlog hermlf agalnat aomatbli g htid at lime ahe would fall in a faint nailed in a doctor hut bu medicine did not btlp her and ah waa growing weaker lb an over another byalclaii waa thou oonaulted who pro- ihhineed beroaeeene ceneval deblllly and gave me very little hope jo her recovery home month ago while reading oue of tbe daily paper i cam aero th oaa of a young woman cured by the oa of dr william piuk lill- o i determlo d to give tbem a trial alur tbe had nted about tbreo boxe the color befran to oome hack to her oheeke aud ahe began to krow atronkar 0tly encouragad by litis aba continued to uo the pill far keveial tnoathe arid dom she i a wall a any irl uf her age uvr a pouto u good and alio ba gained thirty five pound in weight ur wlluama link pill have boilt up her bjeum and have made her healthy and active afior doc tore failed to benefit br i bllea r william pink efxdelsier bakery tlionu nmct wditllrr i n wl am intjn oil in a idlli in io t ir tlajly- tly of lircad buna catca eft iifufll w rrj at ed io u fly ihoinllk will pare ice gream 1 supimei beweraqeo an i mic are maklni a ijnruliy ol rrum bodndaodadrinkn rcnorlly we hvo in a firal clans aoda fl itntlu at 1 krr it it euppliod with ico t 1 i vxla ai 1 tlwr ori frull llavom a larger locw uf k mhi r llln o v ixs fore an 1 tl e j i mr li w if l tt rtibl wmtfdin cmihm a of airy t 8tathams0n ivtain 8t acton binder twine fanners godperative co llmltod brantford pricps for tho solson of 1901 rod star 600 ft bed star 560 a spool ol manilla- 600 ft biboi old buvj standard these uttct iwo are not our out 10lo 10 o 91cl 8 g 7 o canauian 1 aumlrs webaluata worltoay u tou tt la l drat aud only irulr wwipmu oou oj i i amriuoowinatou to lay luauek in au ajl boulda one and iwo atiaxa at lar it la alao piaeloi lie aplaiulld twlna wlui you far uto oatnlnaiiarvatat price mw lnuui oaonot bnwbabouilit tor your lorajly ajid li ulll kno will bold ua lo jutms youraeai llclam and lodlflecenoe villi drive ua from diuunco wtiao toaana a daali 1 low to all f ilur eooir auon or fartumsand will auraly liitug una to- olt m ulcanlia twin- con i li fro ii e tonoeoom of mhul jon will be auaolutaly balpuaa to bajif youraalva tal aim moat parfeot oooerau ladxmwil p ii a world and ao blof a ooo uo nation of rallaf uirouxfa 11 unqoaauotialie ladoauoaaaa tvina prloe reernlalor oao art na or treat our eaenta allb ituuliaraooe and you ouly have lo arsit tor ho better twice waa avar ti ja ou 1 atllt or inrnlabad lo ibe canadian karma uian lt been aoppuad you by tl im your oho cot idany i u e in tke b g co jlvxlx- 1 hj x x jifxi for tiarlo weeks you know wc arc crowded for room hardly enough to move around in every shelf and corner packed full of poods and more coming we will unloid a lot of choice new goods during the next two weeks with a monster cleabingr sale at prices tlic lowest ever seen in acton mr goods millfnerv and glenung 15 and 20c piques in fait colors for ioq y3 best english prints lor 10c yd 10 and 12c wash good for 8 and 9c yd 35 and oc dclaines for 20c yd 20c sattccn and crcpon for 12c yd american printed lawns regular 7c for 4jc yd turksh drapery 8 in wide regular 35c for 18c a yard lace curtains curtain net- and scrims at 25 reduction 50c dress goods 25c 25c dress goods 17c 5 dress goods 65c i 25 dress goods 75c trfinmuigsaiid smairwarevar25t6godiscountr millinery clearing at large discounts mens tweed suits regular 58 9 and 10 each for 6 50 little boys 3 suits lor 2 s3 50 and suns for s250 each mens quality tweed pants for 75c pair fine duck overalls for 39c pair ladies tine hosiery in 35 and 40c qualities for 25c pair heavy shirtings at 12 isc 10c and 9c yd we have a market for all the choice butter wc jfltio burrtisrmruts pioperly foi sale m1uiikii nl fiiua ul villco propcity l jl in ii afrlh knlhklls wantk1 w l lr a u e1 only- noon iiomriiv lo y waniki a vounll bub alwut ii urlh jaareold lo o 11 imroor co tiruiruitoww not ho 1 nspnssith puk lubllr la lru unl ll a1 all uw eon tauwl u i 1 l i i ul lo berry i tf uaykut lirjt ctiilfoiblll6 diyfllnui horl salb can get and v pay hjghtim ilcii 1000 do liggswanted cveryavcek gash for eops wc bell the best qualities of goodi at low prices and invite all wilfrii reach of our store to come and realize the fact that wc are giving the best values in the county the b crennan co f7 11iik uklaialcnad i tiou x ilaulda ulol aaalnw i and lot 00 ika annua tla in t 4 w var oomforteble ronxticaal btx romflad dob willi hard and aotl watar bjoodsanla iii rxoallajit loeaulon am in sod eondllloi taf 1 h and tmilii hnown uoou bj 1 llcallou to uumay ilroo aeloo uiliiaud cook iraod luoidb ulidl tux ciwukak cttt aaoaut trriixic t01 gallant ii wiuj n alia tl a tauon nf 1001 t hla owo bubla lot ix 3rd line ijiuaajd tkkuh to inaora fh taraota lat vabruary llicrf baaaon taaraaaparalil latjuly ltl laraooa dlapoalnijof hair i am bfu foaliojf ur a will be bald raauooalu for loauranea ailiau ar lu foal or toot all aocidaota at rla of ownart for ladliaa and daacrlllon canla ukuj uiuiiea tf 1 rojiulor swede turnips it van oulajiol urt la top luiirooad hblrvlum buaj hiibjti juutbo lu j ovad lullst olui blaal llrlsxa 1 urplto lugl lattl 1 risa carter b uafuant cruralikrdy uairahalla iiutroroj hljajya imroaj lloyal oiolk tlartlay 4 1 irani tott hajlb orwluury tuat lou improved 1 uil toti alao bcsl dwarf iex uak our itarw and bwexlo 1 urnip scja am all teste j aceda james hewer the wool too about which there baa bee wnw complaint may alao be xpctdo improve tha abaenoe of any rvwnand for export from the ootmtry oootiooe daprcaa vala of tha new clip and it ap- pear that holdera or mlddimo moat b oonlant to make a fartbar draft oa their patleooa lu raapeol to tb nl of lot of th now dip which lby may buy tb fact that a ooualdarahla portion of tha b aoaaod clip ntill remain in tb hand of peculator will donbuaa indue oa bradtlm u qmolta an m worka waa j by small1pox area lhssens dr tta uodgatta who baa been acting a provincial health inspector throagb th amallnoa infected part of northarn ontario for tha past three moo tha ha raiumad io th city th doctor autaa tbat tha dieaaaa n tha northarn port loo of ontario u now nearly extinct a only five oaae main hi th bodbory aroallpox hoapltal and law than 34 cue remain in tha great area of new ontario two new oam tb older ajootloue are reported today at norwood and on at bhaibot fk raqusal ha ax hi bi tad varlou daaigo of moon mania and gave much valuable in formation aa to ooal plane etc it wa finally decided that tho monu mant be a rook faced mooolttb of tbre blooluof oaoadian rrayttranlte of maaatva proportion to aland about eight feat lu balatbt tb daeiftu i uoujua in character and diffaraut from any other in tb cam otery it will bear proper luaorlptionaand rapraaentallon of military arm and 000 1 reman u in relief tba meeting wa unanimously in favor of thl dealga tb prioa of thl deaijtn i s0 00 but ur hamilton ganarooaly redooee ihl flfiur oonakurabjy a well a dooatlng a liberal aobaoriptlon to th fnud in order to meet th bum tb bubacriptlon will reach ha been working lu oraamarlr minnesota and ha alao taken the dairy ecbool coureo at the minnesota aurloal lord coiuko atandlng al the head tf ills claaa buperintendent urtg after bear ing of hla work iu the dairy cbool offered him a position on 1 1 itaff and mr liar bare wujoo douhtglve h odd booount of himaeir ihe uloomehcry oommlttee will hold tbalr twelfth atiuual plonlo in moklituoll m grove on dominion day a lt- of game and amusement i advertised snd an eojojabl day it promised limfihoubk tttiratetne gtuieal bhownmejioioetor rowragrtanindiwonldadvlbetbctb lu all caaes similar to tbat of toy daujjh ler mun ooulllor s story should bring hop to many thjuisnds of othar young ulrl who suffor a aha did tboae who are pale lack appetite root hradache bd i pafpit lion of ute heart dluiutsj or a feeling of oonstsut wsarlnebi will find rcnered healtll btld alreuktti in the use of a few ijpxesorilr wilhame itl hold by dralarb or seiit by mail totpaid at to oent a box or six boxot for 1 j co by addressing the iv williams medicine 0 urockville out 1 uuaeu mbbobb uiiiiiiui ifiuanuuu to yoa a ifaju ara tl are would ba no opoal ion wbatever pits atwaa lla wait daj 4s macdonncll si cuclpli don t wast urn wraaulotf with ii a joatlon any onor look at ii atralcht in u face and ldentlfv yoaraair atltb 1 aa al r oldara iluy your twin from tbo uotliar ts 14 y willi lu aplandid st reeortl of years sod joy will fain oeoaalon to be proud of your aotloo an 1 loyalty gkasp the opportunity if you baa but a trucl of judniont you will bee at a ilsnoe that otbar eonioanlaa toina into ailatsao ara aluil ly uadlus no our brand kap- q atlou and u at in mauy of ll ameum you will b azoaadinaly iluai polntad wa lutv plaadad tor aljhlyrv lor you to mima in ou tl a round floor and join bands wltb iii is old aalab usbad twlaaomsnisttlpn uy our lud ular 10 cent twlna aud you will ulaaa bo tillataka joseph stratford coneral managoc secord8 block actorl board op education rtprovamant to ba mad at the public sohool durlntftha holiday farmers summer outing thirty- two exouralons to tha modal farm thla month arrangamanl have beau 00m pi ted by lh department of agriculture for thirty two excursions to th modal farm al ooalpfa thla month under tba auspice of tha various fannara inalituta il ll u pactad that they will ha taken advautajta of by forty thousand paopl tba data and axouralou ara aa follow joue 11th north and can ira gray 13 lb east and cnlrwbimooa 13th7noru and booth waurlooandhorthmiddlawutlstb kaal middlesex and waal kant 15lh weal uuroa and joallon 17th teal and drayton agricultural society or west wellington 18th south ontario and booth blmoo lotfa south oxford haldlmaod and north oxford aotb east and weal lambloo and fcust huron 31st north and waal ttrdo and doffariu 23od north and bob lb norfolk sjth north ootarlo and real 15th booth iarth sfith booth oray and pirry bound 37th booth druo sain weatlmoo tba hoard of trustee mat ou tuesday evening all lb member were present il etolme ka1 in tb chair tb matter of th proposed uow cloeets at the bobool received careful consider tlan moved by join agnevf aeoonded by w il kenny that messrs j ri ml all mat thews and dr uokeaguaba aoommlttaa to wait upon jno oamaron architect lo or plan and opeolfioatlon for tb pro poeed bw closet at tb bchool and that aa far a possible lb plan adopted by the milton eohool i no nd ing tb ou pool tank and pump system b carried out oar risd moved by dr mekaagua beoondsd by w ll kanney that th aaoratary ask ur daaoon ou hi nxt visit to tb school lo advlsa a to tha taking tap of a part ol tba high bchool coarse la lh 1ubllo bchool carried board adjourued to meal al tb call of th chairman the annual mebtino a very bspiyevsnt took plaoe on wed ncsday aflsrnoan lh june tt tho hodopf mr james bharp foarth hue ilnueelng wbeu her eldest dauffbur call allua aud ur thome arthur ivens of toronto son of t 1 iveutf were united la holy wedlock itev l tarrlrl it a perform ad the caratnony aud mr duncan osmp bell bf cornock rraudfather of the bride gave tier away they were married under a horse kbo of whits ribbon foat and fern uu vauoy i van played the wedding march and mr jams itosa accompanied with lh bagpipe tbo bride wa daintily costumed lu whit wis mnilin trimmed with vslsnclanneslsoe and whit bella sash slid carried a bouquet of whit roae tb bridesmaid uu mary bharp alitor of ibe lrlde wore a dr of while wia mnllu and pink ash aud earned pluk roe mr deorg bmlth of toronto was groomamait after partaking of a bouuleous woddlng repast mr bmlth proposed the toast of tb bride in felicitous remarks ur ivans flltiogly replied ou behalf of mr iven aud luv mr lsrrln lu a brief bpeooh wlabed tba yoong couple tit happiness sad prosperity ur and mr ivens left by tb svoiilng train for toronto amid shower of rlo and slippers tboy will reside nl lu aryle street jones tlis baub burxlsr who wa shot id the tuolo wbeu returning from court to jll ut myek ilietlbii vridsy tuorulutf children cry for castoria llbit fuliorj of abloago vilted bis father lu law place lu london towoablp on bslorday evening lo lunulro about ijl wife who had left him mr ucoord refused to tell hint where ur pulford was sud lie deliberately tliol her dead and tbeu killed himself in lbs breaoooe of tbe family i harris co limited rockiood woollen mills ecbtahlished 1867 s buying wool at full weight iy of buying wool a yard la 36 indie wldn and nothing leaa a pound is ilntocn ounces and nothing leas tl 10 scales however like other human initrumcnls sometime sxt nuoerly there slioul i ha nn ounces and ta so u have heard farmers say the baptist association annual matlntf hald hi oualph laot wvak tha oltloarw for comlntf vemtr 1 thaaoeiual maaung of tha oualph aa aoolatlon of baptial ohnroh waa hald in oaelph last weak very intarastlng ad urease and reports war presented and tha sees loo throughout war aojoyad by tha mlnlaur aud dalagata preeeac tba ufaoara for th coming year were elected a follow moderator u w u uoxli4iiail a clerkild warraa aftir -of- uaary osaeuuvw ua w b uoaldns h tl war- jo w ii warty uijh ioalr uev v x itakarea and llufib j luownu uouie allsaloa ueeratary uv w afeaay 11 d vorajsa allsaion luenwyluv j w waak jraadllaualuaratatfyusv vv u llumll uwilbmajjd nluuiwaairucralaryau i a ueataao i uissloulloarduevs w j uoktay j w wwk w jl hurraji j onall maears j4us ishtueanat aud william uns anuual uwiaouiuv u vv merrill b u altsruetevlta o m llurrell t treular cuarjjuxb j bnwnla couinilttaa ou ctreular luttar luvsll alar- shall and j j wbu cowaiuue bn lueolnliouuvs j cb utau u bawmth j m uoyu usaar u d ljj uao uiaau uyi u luprasenuuivsluv c it u arret j lb baaeloa of 1hm will u held at tialt haltort parmirs irtatltuu n btartda flrat in tha province tb anuoal meeting of lh hal ton armer inalluu was held in mil loo on thursday last 11 y tha raport of th ttxeoatfv it wa shown that tha past year wa a vary auooaaaful on lu institute work nearly o 600 paopl aluuded the ueetlug during tb winter and th membership rolled bp from lu 1000 la 77 in 1101 up to may 81st tb following ofucar wert sp pointed for th year 1901 3 lraaldaul geo oaatld milton vicelr w u bpaer urouu t baa treas j li warren act on dlro uxaa nswelllt davidson j j uiiler li wilt a dodely allan a 1w u h davitt geo krwlu w y w visiter tbo poster a ltuduywui hope iaul oampball j w orth ii w cook john dloklu tbo j oblsholm lea irlemlug v itroworldg jaa u llald m uo lhsraou q leoottrall 0 v ireetou a walale ed nuou ja xeddls wm oblshalm a 1 maun w j moffat jss luid a 0 mcmillsu juhu a knjy jo litu jss hrlo ii dsnlau john kltoblng v uolhall dr hobwleoi d ilarllsy 3ho 11 at worth dr i llradle v j uatber w a lasby w ii jpoer halloo luslliul bow stands bret in lb milton irovluo uavlug bsarly j00 mure b batt auy other oouuly iubiiuii ember mibblonahv maotcav dead hw uuooaaafu coitnoim praaby- tarlan mlaalonary pasaa away tber hi oaorv ttatanb lu tbuj afluot uf th oountry than all otbex dlaeae put tngelbaa- and until tba laat tear yaara aa supposed lo ba tnau roraefmt tuenp jaar doetor pro- uoiiaoad it a loeal dlaaae and jiranrbad loeal touatauuy tailing to enra wltb trotouneed li tbautabla heleaea baa proven calurb to be a oooautauon al dlaonse and tberafor requlra boan lailan a 0ablearahl to itev df vsrjail loronta aunouuoa tw dvatlt of luv dr q it uackay of formoes the world famouj mlaslouary of th canadian l lerlstt ohurch tb dsalb of dr maokay ramove ou of tbe foremost figure lu missionary afloit in modern urns aud a hrarnb la tb worker bf the by v j cbaney co toledo obla is tbe only eoneututloaalburatui the market ll i takes intern ally ha doss inwu 10 drop to a taaspoost- hi itlful dtraaaroartaatbladuaiia vorfaoaaaf itaaaysuai tbay offav one buadiwd dollar far auy oa it tail o aura bead or eireulan aud uaumonlau addrosa r j ulikniiysj oo tali bold by drawlst fas italia vatalu lul are tb baat- aledo j l children cry for castoria i urohwhloh uwluoehardrtnt rto a has beap for- m year liuwed with thai uf formosa for it wa lu lh7f that be braltwbbl tothmt ludn7atrbrptjntorrxr china and frooa wblob b ba elno re turned ou but two brief vtslu during all that time b has thrown 4u cflort of a aplaudld maoagar and lh religion aesl of of an apostla intq a work which ht mad hi nam fatnoo ibrougbopl lb lvft4 world what 1 pabllo optaloor au acbp for vary nauolbja own opinioa hereafter tbe rural aeollou of milton bobool division will pay ib per cent of tba expanses of maintaining miltou 1ubllo bcbool sud milton will pay tb halsuo vor selling arecjaokers elo ou tba 31th may two of ourmrhau war summoned to appear before- mayor deacon a faw day agd tb by law wa fouud dafecllv however and ute oase war dumlssed a book boclal will bo glveu by tb w 0 t u al tb home uf w v ibmsu on tba isnlugof jutjd 37 lh xi voluuleer tuarohed lu a body to kuqx ohurob last muuday availing where a special karnou bs pr ached to tbeld by byluv il v molt fimith ueasra j w kusel ifreemoll and ii u ieart nelson have pssssd their seooud years viarilluauou si bo o a colhgd ouelph mayor daaoon was lu torouto last week t belug ou of lbs axsuihier ol lh student of tb normal bchool in prsollcal tesublng ur duuoau uokuy died suildsuly after au opetallou un wednssday of usl woak ho had been euffaflug for kouio lira from hernia ostiaad by a strain on tb jitli ult be hit 1 a sack lf rice bii 1 um trouble bail til a uiuob mors srluu ii weul laguelpb and cotisultad dr uowltl who ndvlsad au liunisdlat oerstloi but ur mckay dsfarred ll until bo bad looked after oar lain bualusa msitsrs an 1 wbaii last uoitdsy it wsu psrfonuej gsuitrsus bad awl in siid it was too lal ur uuksy was iu bis 4dth r iu waa born in mlltou sud wsh lh rider sou of th la mckay who carried ou a urooery klltl bakory bulss tip lo tl tt tlimd of hla death in ltmu wheii lil b dunol suil adam want lulo pertusrslilp slid uui hutted lh business up tu tb prsaelt im ur mcky was au upright busluaa bihti aud a good olllsau ii was bu v luwu bout ull lor sud ou of tb uldaal andiuoat useful f allli tl m mil f n v some reasons why you should irubt on flavin eureka harness oil unequalled by auy other render bard leather soft especially piciwrcd keep out wstcr a heavy bodiwl oil harness at excellent prcacrvatlw reduces coat of your lianwa never bums tbn leather it efficiency is iticresacd secure beat service stltcuc kept flout biaklug oil t sol in all ocautte wo know nolhlug about lltcao thln alwolulely lull welahl every lima u a rula of ibeao i illu when buying wooljuil a it is when selling lite farmer goods tbo twice he i paid for bbt wool 1 a prlco ibst counts on the full weight of ibo juanlhy left wllb ua my no devlie i the any shliting in lghl llils la not alioilful statement one bat u proven every week and every month of our business hut is ibo record of thirty four years doing business at iiic ooo stand x armor know us wa arc now ridy to buy your wool cllj on llteae um old lino ol honest payment part cash and part goods or all k hh jut as may lc your choice you will not find belter value in goods whether of our own man ufcic lure or imported slocks lit any of tho stores that you may visit anywhere around some sugksiiona of the goodu wc carry in joodsof otir own rtianufaclurilian uflcli liter are none belter we have uhlla all wool blaitkels a yards wl le and al yards long 5 15 perpalr or ij yards wldo aud 3 yards long zi 50 per pair union blankets fn while or groy jyard wide 13 50 par pair slioetingu while or grey 36 luclies wide 33c and oc per yard 73 inches wide 70c i linnela 38 inches wide jicavy nualuj and aio fine nuallly 35c yard cafntlatuem we hao recently sloe lot a fine line of stiff and soft i elt itats of tlte first quality in all sixes an 1 slivld and the must uuhlonal le blocks made by luuh men as lyons dennett and llocloy of london 1 ng their names are a guar aniee of iuallly auo beat american makers call and try one 011 u laoairr 1 y tuvrlv in ltuk only baauutnl tail suk bl dlojrt at 1 kl t11u bat i oartalcly w01u1 dlu bxvxrlxvs ijct 1 imajlly black aiifftajl boaouiul ath irlmulliuca a lai sold luai world uwar at xsu our prloe fl li tux ttat hfiyoam a baatiurul black lur tall aad tbe bant hat ou tba uhukt uhuv awarded gold nmdal at lajla rooalucti hold in tbe aid world at ao0 uur 1 doe eiuu bkwnstt3 bjct uiakart to iluy ally a baautlfutblackrurraltallkutui lad hat lual ituaalau uatber a wat ban t st tbe top tiauil lu avarv teapect bold st aiuo avarywbare but st our btora our prloaj x 00 ourbottvur vslthaulu haul si 1 are all uulou tnad uu tb tnusl teal loiiabla bloak sndarevaally woatltaiuo to w3ati4iu uloas sajralasi w bay secuii tale ret e of iinwirtai ololh 1 or lie u outd clllljaus new sfitaua t ulrtliis ah inchci 35c 14 luche 50c yoc hc arns well kcoured j pound tklctts lu 3 3 aud 4 ply oc per pound home spun 54 inches wide in tlm leading popular colorlru hyc tlte hoivli it 3 hue for ladles tailor made suits and untitled skirt at f 1 00 ami l n e lafontaine purrlor cuolph sblls chdkp buggi6s now that we are having ana weather and good roads there u aonie encourageulant lo 1 uy now dugulc i have a full auorlmoitt of them which you should bee before you i uy also market and lumber watgoaii all kinds of carriage ami gen oral repairing done ou iticr notice a full hue of agricultural iinlcmclitahitd hinder iwlue always on hand j m onbill guecossor lo lulp a mckciitlo gbojrgston twcwu for men a wear single wldllm 40c 30c 65750 m double wljltlts fl 00 and i 33 in imported floods wo have unu excellent values lu ooatlnk and twoeds for suillng and trouserings in men s heavy knitted underwear aud in boyi shins aud dnweni roller toweling nd huasla craalt are hood lines with uu an well is in apron ul and altogether you hud a mnj e to tar that you can have no dillilcully iu making a purchase paste it in your hat u tho slang of tho day goes that full woght and loir inspoctlor is a rule that knows no exceptions in thoso mills hkrris co l imiookllbni wknuphcturbrs rockwood ont great scott i that man luys and sell almotl didry thing that the farmer has to mill or wants lo buy he wants itlu oats 1w ilarley wheal rye uuckwbeat 1 jean a 1 laxboed t rotaioai 1 unilpa wool 1 iltleg slieep sklllfl elc 1 o day be u celling tho farnicra bit turnip seed hliainiock hkuvlug lit all allllrovad luurlaslua huala a 1 urjo foy liotub cbauituou wouldnt thatfrebze you ii leaves a widow and twoyouug alilldr wllb whom sympathy i gaiiorsl lu their ar hr 1 w law should b sitnlo bliu aburl walk impeded iu loo loug a rub 6a hu lul i on ovory bo nf u iflnuln laxative bromoquiaioe r u rid u r m r miiibt your summer suit vua4uulu so uood t auiumer suit anywhere ele lor lb umn money as tunc venave tho kulllugs tliatare approved by fssltlon lit laxlureatid colorlug and w gur uuloe lh hi aud wurkinauahlp wm m copper imarohant tailor ft p j t r aqton what why llo icilulau lo be procurotl at mnithows coiilecllouary ulorol no it woullu i bul ll it ju cool eiioujji to be patllcularly ullcl0u ihesflovollllljla cool drinks can olsolw bullh txl there a clioict lot of i mil ton focilouary laics ui 1 i aiuy lllacullfl always u l in block j c matthews bahei s gonfeahuner hill si acton livery bus line tfawng a ul lit publieand lucuruta uuu wall jflqulpped and btyllab ithl oan ab way b beourad atbuubla a comfortable b 1 ulall bains betweeu 10 a tu and n 111 1 ui 0rrfulalunuoulvutoyorda tbe want ul itom m ore la 1 travel lers fully tuaaj llun williams wall paper v all tho uouct detilj 11 u and i color 11 j r in ingrains an 1 every kind of paper lo suit any room pawfs ak tar uliiii id colur cartl ol o w 1 ii in u luim ready or ltd 1 mall wmtownaina cuiua1i iolej 1tc ftr ohtimiot aqton i vattfkd capable tlau persaa la every nouutvao re pre eat large snwipswy of eolid rinanealrputajioai mm per year payabla weakly 1 3 pes day abeam tafy ra aad all as penes bmaiabt tin ad a deaua majarr ma e i salary paid eaan hsiatwayaa4 lee shun chin6sb lhundry in mrs becord diock acton laundry collecled aud returued 1 auilly waahlug at reasotuble rains all work dojia by hand no machine ottneiiilcal used llilishun iroprlelor procrastinate no dont do that but come- to dayto tin acton pump works aiutget jtouf iqirtp repaired or buy a now one we rflu do it watering j cisterns and a general jobbing business done satisfaction guaranteed ohiblbb bbbaqb t ualnsl acton lall waatbury kaal itl uu llausboli i hultousotiauii ion jtmsauilal i car trs imparls utnbejiaiuiparul tluxbland t rta huuay e llroi a wblle hob k eatfaroo tauk d nawoutaltbi uw ufij uuysl moulk jaay nant etc lluprua is always the ltat lla liuiwuu dbaflt sad i uy lor ll lu uav hnal i a luiptad tt la y t 1 ul i t hj ucu io slid t ai ll laalad at ll o a j all t ll 14 lw at i t ato i a u ulvluk 1 ow is lbs tot 01 0j ttt alujlb bajlutbdw i lid ba 13 v4litiht of ttaad corn ul el ooa from slau huitiarlaji mlllt uucfewbaat huaartu d huunower hl auj vut klllluj luwtd li- lihrwiu uuuuli 1 ull lr u ilv ulki lb 1 ulua hu finish ad ii ktt l lrloo ialll i laatwa toa aaok uf iv uui iwii halt vouj r ton or ou pr luu uulij tin of toi ir ur coi itmivi to ll ur h lbs lurks lilu iilouiiwib urallba for tlio 11 boramlb wlsdunoaalu u eu hlualdtotlurva1 bx tuuiali uu m lb or 34braxm hujlliur it lb latvfo hfaout tialui 13 lbs u km uajtiwlw llio lb or 3 lbs ur toe iruundtuusaiamlt lit hbaaarljips au i ctu val u lhim uollonoar dll tl bllulull ll jt 1 waa uulaath pulat cuiui dliiaud waaliuu iw s uopular uuallab till att 1 waab auo voll lu ton s utook uui- 10 lb bt m ly boo lllbbs calfatti ivalauaasul par luj iu uouud oil oalttfandlw uud visa iaj kur halt bs eaii t it bat tie ba ball bouao kujl lou tl uaok butt sails tt a wind bt l 10 a i bt ur s t bla f t xu a sco lb safk uoar or itu for mm iir u sauks ur l au a to lb aask lor 1 a bo iii dairy hck ma b1o bo 1cu an 1 av banks uueu liall is uao always kapt oa ium1 at l la a vita or b i ru ur eaof suilb aaoktori tksu i hoo iu will sail you a tsvuill uliutu ui im and souu lall au i m lllul tl ay are ibe uaa if you iii a wafcl lutf uaobltia tta baa tl aui fur 1uu abj fur ui txl 1 bay bla tslaus all 1 i a liuuty- auu lloa uuuoord s bpadteilt oa uumrt apaoul ljiimhmijmu- te ftirst u tlw road all the uui uethuuilok luudar uuua au 1 itakaa tba klue ol barveat la tuaohlua wbau yuu areoallad ujuulutsn to wl at u baai lo say tbay oau adsosall yu tucuv lallu uniirrlais wnadai k ail in 1 iowa i a uarvaetan alo ate town lu an a i vvbaharruw wlileb tltay will sail yun tur aw also wilt buelar itut t av ituua fly nets ate aitjuiauian u atuull wl ula i lasbln is ttlult ul nwlaiuau uaiht huuate lualpb ailiy i ratlmb bud elaval rstltoakwood cbo j ykohp ou9lph 31 rockwoqd

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