Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 13, 1901, p. 3

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ipsspskr s flank of- hamilton georgetown branch agenoral banutngbinitneas transacted correspondo nco sotioitod sayings department ihlorw1 allowed on sums of one dol- jar and upward from lay or depotil 10 dnfuf withdrawal no lot mall i lea ami ho dcfjjmrt drawing mo nay farmorwjinhinesh r solid led notes of responsible arm cm discounted and money loxned lor cgitimalu duxlnesa purpose our collection dopar meat ha ovary facility or making prompt rcluoir salelotfls handled and money advanced on account ofsanib at tow rates of interest traveller arc notified that the bank of hamilton and it uranches luun circular jilolftaoilltolfvincialiankol knxurtj limited which can be caahod without dharge ortrmihlriln any pari nf ilia wot id hlyvd office iiafeuvton established 1b7x capital paid up 1703212 reserve kund i234h9 total assets -14827337- jamum tuanuull cashier b forsayetii aciznt georgetown branch the daintiest thihct thenevjs at bomb mostly ofa looaj crmhraoter and ennry m tntmfwmtln tit fitly hut atirtaamly nurei wlillo baualpg a eoreeu door atble homo yciinaiyinontnffvftiooim uarhareor now la hie eightieth year falldown a light ol eight steps lesdllfi to hi front door and broka bit mm just above the wrist mr ualbtnodwu uak ohelr at lit time which slipped too close to the top elp an fall over precipitating ii ooaapeut to the aldwelk blowfeeviloaw mr mclheracn wbs fur many year so oat earn ed realdenl of hle vlciqily x is inckain waul iaplitt s00 yhv shown by j d makkx thm irmtummi salmatjoa ia canada chas l nellies ije xtatt jfm ijjress tnoitsdiy jtjne ulb 1001 h little local brieflets whlohlcausht tha by or extra or frm prwaa rbporttr thli week mure uko orthodox june weather this week ax toe kro brigade has deolued lo bold a garden parly on friday evening 98ltj jan mr jiiom ho piptr played at a garden party t flnley klccollumee ksqocslng lael evening culxane generally were glad to a lit olroaa la tiwn on saturday evening and not remain over sunday mr j o ltatthew will opauhl ice etam lawn which ttu ao popolar uit ji od saturday it will be lighted by tateotrlolty reeve william and clerk moore bad abaaytimaon mooday toomlorf signing ibsvumerotia dabanlaraa and ooopona for tba paw 94000 laaub tbaoongrcitallooal cbnroi at ctanrch- hill will bold annlvaraary aorilcaa on bun- day 33rd ioat- and tba aoniveraary tca- mmtioff on monday ulag sitb inproamanu aro in prograaa at a t browns drug atora the laboratory u brio removed to tba tsar wbare mora and baturllfibt are aooorad and grtatar oontanlasos to the atora milton braaa band will attend a garden party at kdon mllla tomorrow twnlng they will o by way oi acloo and while tbair boraea ara raatlni will favor oar oltisaoa with a ew afilecuona f mr mat blma bu oomplaud tba ero- uonofariaw barn for mr j 3 donglu uiddaaervaaniaob oredlt or tba handaoma wnotdn thla la ooa of lha flneat bataa in tha coontua of teal and halloo btraeletille hewum wr w p lleakla of toronto gava an lnatroolita autartalnmont in tna uaptul obqfoh lut afaolog by tba die of a atar- aontloon abowind aouuvu plcloim of tba holy land mr luakl- apant mirer mootbaln egypt wnd lalaatlaa antl a targe namber of tba vtawa ukan by him- hu mr j 1 alokaeha bean dlaappolni- dlptbe dltpoaal of bla drag baaiuau mr brown who purohaaed ik and mada a taken hi altar oomlug lut td take poaaeaalon ue want to l toronto and poaanllad phybiolana tliara mad foaod tbat long trouble waa tba tit m and adiaed an out- l f tba obasge in planr why not ride a ulavoland llioyelt iva the bail u u ujott aolon h b killolt of aoloo u eelliit be bmt wbml on the inarkat tlia 0leulid i deelie thai all tiy fdenila aud loruar outom abould know that i have taiaraed lo aoton aud will ba pre pal od in dayx to all all oftlara for ouatool made boot and ahoea attd tapania iu lbs beat manntr oao- utou mllltil thoae wbo ooplomplal purobmujt mpamaotalor work ol any diaorlpljdo tor ihalr oenrypul nbould order dlrsol from lbulj reliable granita and tuarbla deeierj- h llarnlltoo ututlpfa oot all aponaaa allowed lo parol aaara alt work nd tuatailal warranlwl competition 1 qaepiial mj ftwlua oampanyi of llrantford limited joaaph htratford auaral manager ara jaaa do pualng aotno of tbair look in ft pay thla rather ptaoee ajook to oibr booallad oooperailira binder twine com- panlaa tbat ara raaablpg to gal into aatat- naa t ilvta a diaoount they will not ondar any olroamilanoaav however detlele t rojo kb rttla o tro wwp one ahertofuanollara for atary hoodrad aaraa v pint of a houdrad t btar ijoa iwlna u allowed by aaparta ibu yaar to albabaall u itov jamea u olaod wbo haa minlatered to lha diadiplae congregation at acton and laorgfllown the p4t year wltb great ocoptanoe will abortly aay farewell to hie poopla here ho will return to bli oollage oouiao at- lexington keolnoky doring bla slay la aotoa ravi mr molood liaa made many irlenda not only in bla qwn ooogragation lot tbrongnoot tba ooor taunlty tile removal ia much ragrattad bot the beat wlabaa of all follow hint thtt hlxhtmtlotf thtm vail tbo idirealora ofkaqnaatng agriooiural boclely mat in tba town ball uat wadnea- day altarnoonandyav ibaprtaalut nuiooroua obangea wblob will modernize and improve the ver one department ware matlo tba aaotiona relating to ladlca work one art planta and qowera ware radically changed and wilt ba moon mora acceptable i ban haratofora jndgaa ware alio elactad for tba fall exhibition tba prospect are reported moat anoonraging for a floe show craduaiad in commercial ffejeaoa mr j o uatlbawa wbo haa bean taking a ooaraa at albert college bellavllla baa gradnaled taking vry creditable atandlng in the three vary important aobj acta affect- ing a bnai taa oa ha lo exoep- looally high atandlng via oommarolallii w7 percent arllbmetlo ff7 and oom position hjj mr mattbawa la justly prood of bla wellearnad diploma and speak in tba vary behest tdrm or the iplsodid inititouoo at which be received bla oonraa ohaatar ia ebrdully wsloomed home and elltaana gan- o rally are glad to aaa him in bla no- cutomsd pleoea aa of yore a oambrlmmm ulrthdmy aaa hall esq i ax lous earlut living aeltler and celebrated bla nlnelyaeccuid birthday last bnnday shortly altar tba new year mr hall waa atricken with par tial parelyeia bot baa gradually recovered and waa able lait bnnday to attend the morninif agrvltb n the method rhnrnb oar soldier bay awmj capt lang ton and qotnpany no 0 wl tua nlonkoniajjnornlug foj camp niagara wheio the anuqal drpi will the first time alpoe bla lllneee the oon- lregallon waa glad to aee blm in bla aocna- t otned phtoa a nd oongratn i at one upon being spared to aea another birthday were showered upon blm mr hall haa been a regular attendant upon the eervlnee of tba church of bla eboioe in aoton ainoe ite organisation lxtyaeven year ago tha rirctaenm iasiaf cardaw fmriy acuo fire brigade will hold tbolr annual garden party in tba park on friday evenlog 28 tb lost tba programme will comprise a acriea of atbletia competitlona for whiab valaabla pdaea are offered a tug of war between team of qaorgetown and aoton fireman addreaaca by mnisier of tba town and moalo by acton cornet band there will also be balloon aa- oensiona during the evening jlefreeb- moot a will be aerved tba grnd aland will ba illumlpstad by eolrioity this event will no doubt be very largely attend ed not only u lb programme an altrac live one but the fireman deaerve and should receive ih liberal anpport of tba oommuully no organisation in town laae el raaori doing a this bra band of volunteer worker tmrliotm tonatf ttughter o aciot a very prelty wedding took plana at the bom of mr and mr robert creech lbfl market street brantford on wednesday tbjnit when their eldaat daughter aggie who waa a native of acton waa united in tba bond of holy wedlock to mr thome luff of tbat city- the oaramoov we performed by bav john liekerlng lromplly at nup in the bride waa ee- oorted into the parlor by bar lather and the wadding march waa played by mia nona lamp man the bride waa prettily attired in white organdie trimmed wlttf jaoe nd aatin end carried a bono us t of while carnations her autat jeool waa tba bridesmaid and waa similarly attired quest were prsaent from acton toronto woodstock abd other point nomerons beautifnl bridal lokana ware praaantcd ttd larrr haaeaalf umtah tba game of baa ball played in lb park on balurday between team repreaantlng uearjmor it compeuy and the beard- more belling company toronto and lb anton tanning company and beard more company acton resulting in a win for borne team tba eoore being aoton 3 with one inning to play toronto is tba feature of lb game ware the tooting of murray wblob entirvly oollapead aome of of tb visiting team and toronto third baseman being naught asleep aa a critical point of the game the change of man agement of the toronto team baa oartalnly iniprovedml aa manager tew wh ha uooeedad manager cameron will have no crooked work mr mooring of toroulo umpired tnvgam ao lb entire tat refaction of both teem after tba gam the toronto usm decided to disband for the season exmanegsr cameron did dot torn up having it ia alleged mlsed tb street oar iury jr cvs in4 jfew wore measr ouruey a co will celebrate the com inauoa man t of their aaven y r ju busluas in ac ton in lb naw ahsre aracted for ibomjln tb warren block theea flu tibw promise liav beeu oom plated and th moare uuruey will he el borne to their biaiiy cualomar and friend aud tbq piiblio gauerally bright and aatly on saturday moro lug the new alora i oom modioli well liglilej oonveuiautly arranged and geuarally atlraollr it la u7 feel wuu over oo feet deep ba aplandid show rootn oo aeooud door reached by a co u veil 1 tit aulrway a auperlor cellar under tb whole and large ehow window th interior dulih l in aab including lha oouulera ahelvlng oelllrigraid it hi high calling aud 1 well ventilated and 1 lighted with electricity the hrrengmeut of tha stock is much different to tb jumbl iu th biuau crowded old store tba eutlre light sjd i devoted to dry good lb front of tba ml aide to gent furnish ing and grooerle will occupy a reoea on il il- ti it rt aooonunodate lb carpet and uurtaln da- partmanl millinery beta and cap eta a busluaaa ufnoa i oonniantly altaatad a hi raj njn ltlfgrpj w t ittri will show to much bitter advantage lo tba naw premises tble enlerprhdng drmjl to be oougratataiad upon tbaavldeooea of proeperllywblob an r round thaen and tba good wlabee of the ootumuotty are aatend- ad lo iham to oune a cold in onrday take i aaauve llreaae jvlulne itahma all aiujml the meaarr j iteves algnatare jnlnejtabma all dnuadmm reliuhl llmwowevtl it laoa to care utr w iteves ejeelre i eaaedb be rurirrinonaitwtrwbeat com as ulng aomcwltat below the usual strength received ten men ttam the x ilcimit pfhamhloo and waa then thirty slrovvini lla following cfljoers capt itaugton lieut furd aud uproko col hergl- iloyd borgu jamhle and nil corpa tj ell and coleman lunner oould went in camp aa a staff bergt ana ltea frank tlsr diner and c 3 smith as ilrglmeuial bandsmen tha boys loll in splendid form end spirits and expect to return ou saturday xlail inst tnoalcijumlialsiltcjr d-nniverjarj- arrangement are now about complete for u14 allrer annimreary of the opening of theprcaent metbodlsl cbnreb building on sunday and monday junaltoth and july 1st luf q w csltert of ingoraol and uriavld ilewe- of toronto will preaoh on sunday and addreee i ho bnnday school on mdndsy evening brief rem iniscent addreau will be delivered by meaara calvert and ilewe and 1rof kelly and mis kelly oiuuelpb will rendax a rpllndid programme of mualosl nflrarrerrhooal and instrumental thabnpday school orobestra will alio take part tbeprocaedings ihroajtboot are expected to- be of aaprolally lut ires ting oharaoter tie clrcam jsr sarrlrdej tba 1an american show which visited acton on balurday attracted very large crowd to town from a wide radios the train which brought the outfit lo aoton arrived at an early hour and tba canvs city waa pitched on tba front field of the baardmor farm on queen street shortly before noon the parade took place and was viewed by thousand who lined tbo street it waa tbo moat pretentlou parade which aver traveraadlbeatreet of this town and created roite a furore the mooagaru asprntitoncj verygood ao fa aa it went bnt of coarse not to ex tensive as tbat of the ahow which rall at the cities the drcn i slated to have been aa good a waa expected there w a evidently aa kaooh internet manifested in the operation of loading the ahow on the car a in the ahow itself tee lmt wr kantuel smith the- remain of the late mr sam del smith who died at the bumf of hie eon alfred hmitb k ouelph last wednes day were tenderly laid to teat in the city cemetery on friday the obmquie were attended by quite a urge number of the deceased friend at half past two oclock vii mwwfnwil ai iho comingvanp going v laatofattrtfro a a varlouaother peraonal not bouaeoooduoted by llev br lm pastor of dublin ttreat chnrcbj of which ihe lal reepeeted mrbnithwe m ecnatsunt and devoted member at ihe grave itev dr ilea again officiated the pall waa borne by mmv- k- b- bollit thca- oowdy k daniel wm w whestley woi new- by and c w kslly mr o b smith mr thome cameron and mr william uematreet attended lha funeral mrs smith and her boshand and family were eatremed tceldtnta of acton back lo the six tie and many of th older oltiarne ta member them xmth of mlr i c mm j jack two month ago tared ay mr 1 o mad dock came from toronto to tba home of hi fatherinlaw postmaster matthew in poor heellb he failed to improve and a ooppleof week ago want to sparrow llie huikoka accompanied by mr maddock with th hop of regaining health he gradually become weaker aud lait friday they re to rued and went to hi mothers boma in guelpli ou sunday evening tha end came lung trouble was the oause of daalh a yonngwia and three children are left mr majdock cam t anion aome twelve or fourteen year egownx for aome lima a aalaeman with h b jarmyn and anbaeqnanlly wa in business on hi own aoooont for several year past he occupied a position lu thd t eaton ator toronto he wa a bright energetic youug man and made many friend mr mad- dock wa a deacon in the larkdal con gregational church torouto and frail- dent of tha christian endeavor society the inneral lob k place yeaurday afurnoon to theonelpb cemetery a dlsabtnous fihe- jamea browns saw and plartltitf mlllatotally destroyed by fire at two oclock last thursday tha tire bell tang out a floroealarm andlmmcdlau- ly upon amusing from their slumber our clilxan saw that hrid tutne lighted tip tha antlre town it wa aoon aaceiuiiiml thai tba eew mill where tba urn origiua- d wa ajmoel entirely consumed before th fir was discovered or th hit planing mill wag ignited whan th devouring element got a foothold there lha building wlthjl epuudld ouut of nw and improved rnaohlnery wa soon entirely and in a remarkably brief ipaoe wa ooui- plslely destroyed the are brigade was promptly on baud and did tba moat valiant aud uoful aervlo ainoe organisation to save either of the mill or content we out of tba questlou tha or having been too far advaboej be fore being duooverad the brigade ecu- acquently tnrnsd thslr allautioii lo aavlng lb pile of lumber in lb yard lb large stock of log and the tuutena pile of wood east of tb mill in whloh direction the wind wa blowing every atemau worked like a trojan and at tb oouolualoii of four hoars hard fighting il wa en with ut most satisfaction tbat not a pile of lumber had been destroyed aoord of wood ooiuum- ed nor a log waa burned by their flnl the flrawanaevsdfcl least 15000 worth of lumber wood and a took lu th mill yard ttd there i no doubt if iii fir had uut beau oheoked a tlisattroua coilflsgtaliou would have rotuluj tha angina aud aaw and uhlntl uiul maohiuary aud the macliluery of th plan ing mill area total loaa a oonslderabld quantity of d reaeed lumber door aath aio was bu baud aud all wa ooueumaj soma fly or ai maobaulc employed id their tool valutkl at from 10 lo 176 eaoh tb origin of tb fir u a iuyetry a mr brjimkvuud every part of th milt at o th even lug bcfoid a wa bli lu- variabl custom aluo ih rotloii of th mill and fouud everythlug vafd at tbat hour mr browu lua u about 7000lwuh lj000 lusuraud lu the waterloo and lllh instirauoe oampauua lie expendetl ovr 4000 last year in equipping the plaulug mill wail the beet machinery obuluebl ui ea ifeb jhrtwi t out tb atuck with a portable mill sixteen or eighteen rnou weru employed at the mill wa the uoderalgued do hereby agree t refundhbe muuay 00 a 0oait bottle of oraiue warranted syrup of tar if il falls lo care youroough or coui we also guar- nera 9 pent bolll to prove aallalactory or money refanded a t uuuwn institutions are gar rum lb older they at tha bettar they bl tb vasm kaau invites all iu tribute to uil column if job or your deads jars going wkn a hoi way ulp or if yew have triendsj biting you drou a card to tha tan 1aaaa mr dr lo wry of qualpb visited aoton friend lut thursday i mr wm forxaal oi hornby flailed aoton friend thia week mr wtlliem 1erryman of toronto visited aoton relative uii week mr aud mrs juo ueadarauo aoton vi tiled milton yeeiarday r former mr anilllrajoam moore of oeorge- twnvmtsd friend here ou bnnday mis ada hlbbard of trafalgar waa tb guest during the week of mr end mrs b qreonan mr it weteon jr of nerval waa th guest of hi slater mr w w lhnny this week mis bhortlll of balllnlfad spent last week with her friend mra b is bennett churoh street mfe hag weottooakvllle yattirday lo atund tba oonvantloa of nalinnnrj want- worth w 0 t tj mr and mr john matthew returned lo toronto last week after spending e month with relative her mis maud cookman waa att apart and ordained a deaoonee at the toronto 000- feranoe on monday afternoon mr and mra i francis ware at brant ford last week attending tha wadding of their neloe mia aggie creech mr il bblogter of anton baa beau the gueet of hiaoonsln mia nellie andrew tbla weak terra cotu cor blreeleville if mr frank fletcher and miaaea iftoreooe and jennie fletcher of naaaagawaya were gneate at the boma of j w unaband over sunday tba miese momaalar of ouelph and baby mokae daughter nf 3 d mckee spent wednesday 0 leal week at tb horn of alex seoord mia m cook and mr e bella spent sunday with mia edith campbell and mia thompson apent saturday with mia campbell mr and mr j ii denny and mra annie denny relumed last saturday from orangovill where i hey bad bean visiting friend for a week mr henry f hill arrived heme las mllimmlinivnimf fl tl mki ti torpid lioer ia aumctlinca rcaponalble for dlillcnjt dl- ffatfa7iustriir wlnit la uliat h fxxlneaa consupauoo lvtiatiuaofdeepadeaiey what fear of imaginary evil conduce with tba distress after eating the aonmesa of uttalomach the bad taste in the month and ao forth to make the life of the auf- rerar scarcely worth living i dyapepau resulted from torpid uterlq ihe case of mia jones 23x0 n 12th 8l phlladalphla pa who waa e great anfferer liar atalemcnt mada in her 7tu year la that ahe waa ooropletcty cured of it and all it attendant aches and pajna aa other have been by a faithful use of hoods sarsaparilla thai acts on all the digestive organs cnra dyapenais and give permanent vigor and tone to the whole osunx lint ledge the bank burglar oom ml tied auldda in the jail corridor at toronto last friday by jumping backward over the alal railing ha fall on the alone floor twenty feet below and fractured bla akell dying luateouv turnip seed- our slock ia fresh and reliable the best la always the cheapest all iurpje top turnip seed aoc a pound 6 pounds fo i 00 itape seed 15 poonda icr vro- china palace remcealer our special dinner set sale tea bet seje and toilet set sale special price for thia month we make a special ty of wedding prevents a pays to buy at bollerts ii payito buy at bollerts frfroooqooooooo ct f laaak jzlm on wednesday jane rzth we open wlih a great linen hale the roods have jol cume to hand ore direct from the makers they are alt period not jamagcd linens but are in irregular iota and lengths and comprise qualities of unsarpasslag rlc and y they were boaghr try m u i big dlaoonni ilm beneul of which oar customers will fully realinc at this sale commencing on wednesday morning a moo ihe lot are notad tka stohc and china faisaok- a mccrea cuelph resided the peal two years ue will spend a few week in the old horns ttv w brmcalplndanwjtoror the baptist church la to be congratulated upon bla election to tha position of moder ator of tb goajpb association rev allan cranston b a a gradual of hut spring will preach in knox oburob next sabbath morning and evening itev u a molheraon wlm eondoet ear v toe in chalmer oburob ouelph mr john etao wbo wa foreman of browu planing mill ba been engaged by il j hall aa foreman of bla planing mill in berlin at an increased esjary mr evanaoommenoedal hi near engagement yesterday mr o 0 henderson left nn monday 00 a trip to the 1ticifld ooeel on health and puaaure bcou hewlli vlalt edmonton the kootenay country and the crow neat baaaen rout taking about three mbotb for the trip mr aud mre j l warren mr jamea mcintosh mr john wordan mia b 0 warren mr- fletcher mr and mr il luld mr t e m seoord and mia mo- dodgall altnded th meeting of lb ouelpb aaaoclatloo of bapllal ohutcha at ouelph i sal week abu quo vii mr john huffman who wa quit iii lut week 1 vary much better mr hugh mason had a alight paralytic stroke last weak and i still feeling the effect of it mr thome treaton of vorest vialtlug rclatlva her mr a o lloblnson of niagara halls k y ia itltlug at hi home in trafalgar mr ilohert ho tied of toronto i renewlug old acquaintance at hornby mia beeale dick apent saturday- in aolon with mia minnie holme mr will graham who i home from buffalo dntal oollage will tpsnd th vacation in lb 0 flic of ic vrmuk watson qmorgetown tb pruoaed of dbfl garden palrty held at mr s k huddelta war 1100 instead nf k7s a slated raat weak litbhaiiv notes no flar plena of kitlsllo printing ba ever been ao iu canada than the hun- dradlh number of the caandia uagaiimj thra aoor of ijterary publioation have been started iu canada and two or ihre aurvlv tbaohulof lhaadi the cnanim iftujazui il handsome oover platare a alalwarl youog mau baviufc just completed th chiaalllng ou v atatu of ih figure 100 it 1 a flu conception tor a never design and i tb work of mr d f thom- aou a canadian daalgoer with a rpaletloj ther art a number of general article and atorie th number oonlaln lob page of reading taelleri end eeventy ihaalretlon aud 1 acmethlag which may be treasured by every pslrtotio and educated oltlxeu absolutf security genuine carters little liver pills ear 8lfnati saz jone util the bight house 83 hauhltdns 1avokite shopping pijice deductions ju ilrwa ooods sumpm ldchhoraena for ladtee qwderaarrt id fawp brows knmn and ballotmpe teariilajr e and boe yard sale prlea 19 tt tuob tuaefc uoma naiun bub- tore reej value soe and soe yard aal prleeuo u inch vreoeh vou lu bale fawn beowa mauve peart bstyt reraiarijope yard sale prtoe s140 i laeb ilasrlaabooe cbaotow la ej abd vteox r reenter 1 1 jd yard sale price boe 7j tkjtmtm silk js so loch maid and cwked taffa bilk blekaud wtilt mrui aud wblla aod pun aud white rraoluly tso aai petoa yard so ivo ia flso oaimxdmmte6eyri u laafa yooutd bilk tn oljty titr ud eelerlaca fosibmly la and ij0 else ring ax ae yfed 300 to boe wash fmhr4cm 26c big lot bot a v aid bold fof hw hue uadlmr wvee up to eoe yard reduoed tiw qd bale to so yard teuck jsrwa ooodm spolmlm blaak broelw allk rfet vry vteb l ibeb rrutulv 13yatd bow radaswl toij itleatlat ulaek raun coed i l0i two at eljo a yard redoasd lu tlal tllaek laatwiua u lnab brtgtit bnuii wa iu yard new knsjked at 00 il toeb vigurwl lelu with eord ai- f auta were eta a yardvnow bss 4 oolf immmm wblt swiss ilebea willi kmbrotder ad valeoelaooe laoe tauey luektoo wareatjo- eeeb sal prteaua a axod kobe to go at lj0 sooly kobm thst aeld et io all aud u rwtmwd for tbu aale to t ajl kmbroadered me bebw ibaoeaaglo and oua tbat wa si marked at tluo uiiovwriruiyijur goomymrd 3 loch white bwlsv tuorw huaua for iu mle vwgeurly sl ve deead o ihu aaie to u yeird sttubroidewe vmry low qoli- a urc lot at ineerllnue raagjeg lu wldlli rrocu 4 lo la loebea pretty all- new pattern soltabu for hl aktra triuiuitac ate bo ewalltua as at 00 km aorta at lac too kloda at ana 5a at kos aud mm ase at atteaaal tie at ssa otia cxrwrnadie mt jtfd ysret u pieeeuedy white orgaadle with trnjhrf patuwra raculaily ate rsdwead aar tfal sale tu aft yard i ttg spoclmlm tlrwy waist i4nlngexaa ttoiebws xm yard red ne4d b uo ri colored usm uufug waslji vdu uuwat in frucb limlr clotfa hi white ml ao kind a yard je kind at aoe rrb hair cloth la era aud buck tbal waa boo yard bow toe tiioma8 c watfcins king st east cor hughson st hamilton x visit gokneys new 8tqrk hctons greatest store visit guknky8 new btofie wa kr hhi clou of tl siiliyttv of uuulna ufa id acton during ioom yeaja wa luva tnjula lnwrcm out a vl lisvi tjlad 10 fallit lul oulnltoo to out ilvon lit lha lilierauly that inuirc good jwrlll you know ba wbatbw b ttlaawxl you but ihumucau uira vrh fcucttn w um lil t only an incxintlva to further cfloit ami you vrlll wmy find lht ctunoy litooj un iuoo hnrn lha hhu nml nrlvllnjtp of tbo publlcara of cini impmuncn whntarym can ilnn fcnd- carry out for tha convcnlnnca ami corniort of our imlronawlll away ba n first conaldmkoa vou can vutt tbu ktom with the ivnfoct arrruraac that your internal ara ouf intsrenta our ruucbaso w navcr on tuch an ettnoaiva ncaln at rcaanln aim rioalfty and aa- aortmnnt mo onu can jo hitraynl making turnr puncluurni in ibu alom mot only ar ktoclr uioerlatlvely in advanca of anything that 1 aqowu olnawhnre but drlce nra rut miual aurprlaa no rnailr what departtnoat you visit evary dcpartmenl u brigbt biry and vrhouaoma tha following 1 t llat of korne of tiro koodayou vu1 fmd in tbu rruujnlncent atoc black iiid cplorccj dress goods mourning goods kich black silks and satijis dress v trimmings and linings laocs and embroideries jma ndkercl and kibbons gloves andhoiiiery loveliness in wash goods krenpli orgaiidies and scptcli zephyrs newest styles in straight- front ctjrsets kktra value in table linens and toweling- umbrellas and parasols curtains and oilcloth 5m pa wraotm tww rui rtiuusauttt fmttmiiuns rmcssrnrtttoa ruiiuawuil ours siok hkadaoh tapestry wool unions id llnnp cra latest styles in mens neckwear collars and cuffi prints muslins and fancy cotton qoods best value in mens summer underwoar kow styles in cbtorecf muslins extra value in mercer- ized sateens noveltiesin gents furuisliingst chenille aud tapestry curtaiu3 japanese matting whitt wear and ladies waists plain and twilled sheet ing circular pillow cotton all widths cottohs and cottpnades flannelettesi plain and inry groceries minis bologua and corned beer r gurnet co the new store jn the new block kcton leataait blcaclac rraajuk kegnlar roo per yard lor fc lugular iras per yard for zc kegnlar 4135 per yard 4a 5 he theae are fa grca variety bf pa i ten uaiblcmclkml tttble unras rcgnlar 50c per yard for ic regular 75c per yard for aile regular 9135 pa- yard for 6kc kegnlar iyper yard for r4c great range of designs and pallcmx txa ittifclgifathrei table ueuaui iare irish llnco x yard wjuxre regu lar tt50 lor 75c 130 dox lllcmched talde lsapkln variona aires aloal half price ngelennt hli iched damaal table cloths with border a lo 4 yd 0 long abon i half price 1ancv uoylies 5 oclock tea cloths iidehoard scarfs cenlre squares tray cotb itlluw slvams ah at ilargaio 1 ticca ffklle ftlllii we offer al lite bma lime 1 cae very heavv crotchet fjoili tgular viloo tp whilolbey last your rjtoloe forjftc tberd will he a big ruali undoubtedly on wedncaday ugl following days as thera alwaya haa been when wc hvo annouooxl a special linen sal e r bollert fe co 25 and 27 wynuhalh 8t guelph i new house jturni8liiiig8 lace curtains our stock this year is larger than ever and a we import iheae gootla direcily from the m in greet britain we can show you value that are hard to heal we have tbesn at pc 75c ii00 tiy t6 im i liaj xy ij 37s et- otur dollar ennain 60 inches wide and yinis long utbe bcmcnrlala fort he money lo be fonnd anywhere and our other line are in proportion taipeair and chanlla gnrtains kto also full range of tapestry and chcnile curtain and table covet a art sateen ar draperies spot unalins tc yon should no boy curtains befcre impeding oar stock art muslins i pal mrlrif jif petlwnt tii1 rnli twwlljf fi mlnrl al hr log 1tc y- catpets a special uulon carpet at aic- 2nd an excellent quality at 40c alan a fall range 0 beuer qualities of union and wool from 50c to tic a apodal line of tapestry at 50c hemp carpets trie is 20c a japanese mattings cotton warp al 15c 30c and 35c no trouble to show goods hend6rson x go mill street acton chinh when yotl come to guelph next lime call in and sect bur new stock of high class china goods jewellers keep the finest china sayage co jewellers gfcuelph our showing of 4 i wash goods this season is well worthy of your al lent ion it conaiiia in part of original and aacltuive designs dalnly pavtterna and tutlrcnw uovellle in lrrnch printed dlmllurf french mercerited toulardx walra surtlo 1reiicli iique while aiitl colored in do and stripes french and knguali iwcuiei iancy sa tocos printed lawn and a special lineal vancy american muslin ll tajc we aito dilvl a llneof koia iongee a twauliful fabric 0 closely tsulej lo allk that youll have to look twice o duttagulxh it root the real allk a good lualure one lhat nuke tile dew weave more attractive la that it will wash like tnuxlln tttcd wf placed order extly lor a good aupply of llwie warm weather beedable and i hi season we i live cutdoite all prevlou efioru and show the moat charming and altrictlv atocb which gainful aludy muli if mo aud a thorough knowlodge of buslues can gather a no t lie r thing ytl dont wiitt widj gckkl simply lnwaiw they wash ytkt waul daluiy tmnnver wear bucausd llvey are ilaluly pretty kevvlcable and will wath if need be make your purchases now while the asiiortments are compete d e m agdon ald c bro the lion cuelph- prepjire por hot steather for after this long cold spell we are almost sure to have it hot this year you will find that there will be a great many miicliiu wr i railnrfd and white it will pay you to lake a look at our fine ranges of both before purchasing else where colored muslins from 10 to 25c whitcmusuns inswiss organdies dimirtes and fine- lawns laces in abundance large range of black velvet ribbons c f goodlve cfe co wiilst hcton m

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