Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 13, 1901, p. 4

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i why let all your nepg lf- ors and riends think you riiu8t be ream 7 older than you arc yet- its impossible to look young with the color of 70 years in the hair its sad to sec young persons look prematurely old in this way sad be cause its all unneces sary for gray bajr may always be re- stored to its nat ural mtoka color yp by us ing m1s for over half a cen- t tury this has been the standard hair prepara tion it is an elegant dressing stops fall ing of the hair makes the hair grow and cleanses the scalp from dandruff 10otuw jjld i h um tulnffljw bill bmt htlr toold la mnil xjllbbuov ajrtlmum eottrf if m dim mifcrilu v c lw view dmm lii da j a atxk standing tboat 3cije amx jxtz jrs tuuu8iay junfc ibtb looi om of uvrooel eaeord of h loolub imitomv 1 ttif trf nrrinit bir rleode or elrengera to alk op u thm bar end ub lomrthloi at eaienee men dodol boy otbor uupc ellttet bn f ol or orrjamarilal id tbla ray wlijr ehould lhay raajta en exoeptloo of ibia poiennooe draajtbl bicb u the caeo ol rooe of lb orimea wblcb ourea tb land and which dili ilia oornrnnuhy with poverty monrn log tod mm boms odd has eonelbly aaid i mow boje if yoa want lo bo reneroae and treat eaahoibees taby aal aelect eom otbac plane beeltlae tba lujoor shop t hoppoee as yoa go by tba poet office you remark i aay my drr fellow corne in aad lake eome alanine tbeea awrnpe will ooet yon no rpore than drlnlw all round or p to the baberdaabereatml aay wloyo coma in and uk a box of collar walk up lo tba rrooere f ree vnd raneroaa and aay what kind of ooftaelwiii you have t wby not treat to rroearus by iho pound a well a liquor by tbe rlaas thla would ba thourbl a atraoga way ol sfcorln frletnublp bat woo id tt bo i ba batmr tban to offer to friend a tnaddenloit nolaonoas deadly drahflhl t sappoaa a tnwn abould keep a joa of ralucenakee aril allow tonerj lo oomo lo andbvbitumaiulxpauoaaule wodhl u befcaenslble thlnjffor a ban to iniw all hla tritodaln to bo billon at hla axpenee 7 la ik worth oar while to turn oar rleade into bf qlaa roan lata and mordarera and their hotae into lialta of trouble and dia ueae by kwiok tbam aomathluji in tlrluk at my eipeose tckrulmm worl punognt odors for inbpctb uoet inaeeu have a atron dmlka iw punganl odor auu oa ba kepi away from tba paul oflau by apraadln mini laaaa aboot and it u raraly that thay of any olw itiaeol will bothar tba aploo baza or oablnal tbla knowledge or thalr waak aahouldbaiitlllaadlu anumbar of wj- tba bouaanold it baa baed loond that cth notba dlallka m poagaut udor it la tba odor of tba oarnpbor balla tbal kaapa thtn itonl tha olotbaa paokad kwajt fo orontr wear and it u tba odor of lb oedar wood that makaa tbam avoid chaala and trunk of tbla taaurtal hi ordinary odor ol cinnamon olovaa kinka rooc will alaoapa tbero and ii oua ralxaa thaaa ingradlanta and aprtnklaa tbam tn with tha elothoa in aonimar uttl troobla will ba expariaooed from motba tbii tnlxtara u aoparlor to tba camphor balla 4rob- ceylon and india tea 1 greettthtt7ack the choice rets with you will you continue usinfj iinpuru liaiulrollcd tea when a better article jrown on british soil is at your drrposal both greens and blacks have earned a reputation for quality ohlnun knmplr tcom nrc hold in hcnii ccnd packctm only mltrd inrolorcd oylou circcu free plruxml addrrsm toronto iba ioor man a aury tiaaally tbn otta naat lo tba roof bo rapidly doea lunjj irritation apraad and drapan thai of i on in a faw weaka a alrapla ooagh uulmlnalaa jn tubultr oon turn hi on 0ve brj tn a on tbsro la alwaya tlanror in dalaf uat a bottla of diokloa anil oomumntiva tyrap and oura yoaraalf it in a loedlclna ooaurf aed for all throat and long iroubjoa it com pounded from aoori harba canb una of wbloh aland at lhn uaail at tlio llbl a axartlntf a woudarful iiifluanca in oaring pi on knd all juiitf diaaaiea thjlgoun0jollibr mr xirrx g k uhd x whso tba borib wind wbbiuaa roood tba bouaa i tllus u anawdrtfu hlki wa noalla down on iba warm baarib o uy hula biy kluia and i i ul bar aboot my wok and play ju41i imaautoilo aod aba hurra ao toudl auraly utluk tbat aha undarmlanda don lyout luia looka aiool wltb bar bid nu j aj and aoltly luka my lave at i tall bar boat tba word i htuaad and bow x bava loatnty frlium tb lot tha wind wbuua or wbt la ua abutara a atoruy ak y t ob bona bavaaeb iolly utaa aa wa uy ulua cray kluy and i jrtorc a jbtm how a kind horse was phioh- tbnbd a fow ilajaao wo took a drua in a lown qaar- doaton with one of tba beat broken and klndcat boraaa of tha town bat ba wora blindara baduanly a ganue- man oaroa np behind ou iba kallop tl- fora wa noticed him oar borae beard the clatter and frlgjitenad at what ba probab ly auppoaod a runaway boade a warned dona leap and tfiad to mo w to him i bat if la bla aodden leap anything bad broken there woald probably ha haaa a amaab up with aarlooa ooni qaonoea thu leada ui to aak la u not aboot urns lo abolieb blindara 7 thay won fiiat invented or adopted by engllab nohlaman to oorer tha ay a of valaahla hora then were found eouvauieol in pat on theooatof alma of tba nobility and eo name into faahloo in lloaala whara tboy ara never baad a ahylng borae la almoat unknown wo one woald think of qalnjf tbam on a aaddlaborae on artlll- ery and firaaogloa boraaa thay are ratal y if aver uaod wa ar glad lo aay that aa tha reaoll nf our oducatlooal work thonianda ol b6rae ar now driven in hoaton without blinder and a able to know when their driver ar ready lo start and to aee the oauee of uolaafl wblob trubt au them and ao many aocidanta an prevented and parltapa uvea avt wt know a young lady who whio a obllj ii- ad wltb bar ajed kraudmotber who alwaya bacaoaa ab bad no toelb aoa bar braad and batter la bar tea tba child adoptad tba aatna oaatotd and to tbia day alwaya aoaka hara bread and bqtter in bar tea beoabaaber grand moth w bad bo loath la it not quite a foolfah and rnora barmful and daugaroue id oorar up oar boraaa beautiful aye wltb blinder becauea an knllab boblaman triad tu tbla way to bide a dafeot in bla boraaa aya a bundxad yoaraajtdt oaorna t angell ii tbmpbrafjcb jots man ya matt haa lot hla alght bjr altuog in bar room looking for work jtiyand tenldaranmaadranuaa ulani iba aim on tba dooloii uoao it la aald of a youuif man who attended a oertalu oh u roll attd kava oua cant when iba oolleotlou plate oaraa roaud that be amokad three tn oltfr the aama day a oorraapoodeut from tlouui dakota writ i wit ba bad only oon ealod lu oar lawn for a year peal and thai i now uloaed tha proprietor wa oouvorted leal tiuuday night lu tba matbodlal oburob and ba aliio poured all bl bar and llijuor lu tb atroet w liava known tb aatna thlug lu ba dona in other plana tba moat popular oouutry i oblivion mauy ih ibera faw raturu not codliver oil but scotts emulsion of cod- livcr oil i hey are not- the bame far from it scotts emulsion ii codliver oil prepared for the stomach let codliver oil alone if you ullttlt wlimyyuciul ordeis toast do you breakfast on lour i pure codliver oil is hard to take and hard to digest a man- that can keep if dovn can biw wood i le thinks he ia sick he is lazy wam ad yoallltlayuvail cott a dovtllk caawulf baoabaa ott u attache to tba clot baa aiur baiuff pa awyjor a llm kad ibe kidney and tha hvltt in tha apring lh kldnay hava much to do if tbey are weak or torpid they will not do it wall and tba akin will be pimply or blotchy that la tailing the alary in few word uoodsj bareaparllu alraoutbaoa and stimulate the kidney cure and provanta pimple bloloha and ail oulaneoaa tlooa idonl fall u uka it boy a botu today a woman aateem u dalmoat prtoa but it may ooat yoa ber iot children cry for castor i a only troth command truth ija who llo will alway ba deoewed hegyard yellow oil br prompt tallera and aura la car nougb oolj aore throat pain in the cheat boareenea quinsy old- isloa s cant sunt tba uaaojj oat wa refer to auob raacal a dyenepei bad blood blliouanea oonatiplun sick haadsobe aln infaatlng tha ham an ayautn tarn tbxa out and keep tbam out by using burdock blood blttervtb natural foe to diaeaaa which invigorate tone and strengthen tba entire ayetem tba blgbaaf mountain i called su e raacb tbo lop a to ibooa who watob sharply for tha paaalog spirit of tba moan tain opportunity who oarria upward ail tbo who salsa bob on him 8amvt5f r till outwear two pilra of ordlitary common tlubbar search tlui world aiul you will juiltafj by vvfy uuhhor uahufactiirei- bud dtolr but no imllutmn has ourajwcblly manutaa turod ituiwi caiivah or lxuj the only falwit wjillt cm i ltd iharouulv imrutfgtmled with llm iura cunt wlien warn out luve lallmir aolo pt on and um for- it mow hoot thnj 1 khincaijmll tile wily ktnuliw auipfl itublmr ixiy ui do ura stiiuimtl ujuni tltd ue of each hub ik i nil otber urd fraudj ujrmi tb iublic tba raglou wber bo llvlug lb lug balb liablutlon 1 called vaaurday tilak uaadaola however ab6 and dutraoalug i positively cured by laxa- llvar ill i tby are 9 to take and berrr gfll tbe moat highly dvillaad oouulry 1 to day inauntuaual gtiaraiital by jialnjf jh1l burum htarllng llaadaoh lowdar ho depfaeelug after tfat alwaya on hand mr tuo h lwur lowar ttaland x 0 write uy end 18 mouth old had erodp so bad thai nothliifi gave him relief uulll a nalgbbor brought ma eome of dr tbomaa eouctrtc oil vblob i gav him and la el boar b we ourad ii bl tba beat madioln i avar ol it la py booaa tha man who blows til o tcrvly a aalf enlcrtaluap who uallt ttio ljru- ho ill hard to ull in li intlto but we know who ar llie rl nrvo lluliur they are hoott a brownr lhir kootta lmulioii fru slid strbtigtb brain and rvta uuty is only akin iltxp but u aiiu tha purihma juat a wall ae if it t doaxir government approval of ihe spramotor ta- uxomt trt will u- kow ta smmw u bud w uailu unnium oatuu lly im kmead lk5ptrf aaly f mkufubocmi ud tu tut kold mu jn6t by tb tu 1 a cmtilf lul iba c i ltjri- um tmluii um spnawier co o lo lo h twiimu lca hju iiurr u pttnju- dm of jtjtyiji7 i u rrwt pl u lo lt1 tka ipnmtett onlnd fn yon comfuy k inn aimlra hlkhdh lohk urvuhnuiltrof aatfcnluw tla imutoa 5pmio conulua i ly nlubu vuv 1 kaowrat spolylni iwpl cjariliullurtoilw douinion jtrzr2 of canada viiy ur iau u u i w wy drdwknl uwu uu4l uug kl lk j tj u cyorcejolinivom ctiu qmu sullen qu mh buwi le lathh vm lk1 1 iu hrili bevckl irm yea ht hjiiffl u lb phlhl uwmua j a eoutuhk i v3 imptef russia ar- british troop oil liniment spralia slrxlia ou wouni uleo opn sor biuis sllll joinu hua ivj sling ol iiutcu cou cotu conlfctj conii kiinitm nttaileuy bfondilltv crtmp sortthfo qulwy iftiaoplag coucii and all painful swdllne a lamge ottjc 3c um hi zjz hulot ickamull i twhala nllw t kaputatlt bttba ulouvy efaciioiliu wtli a pottal tij wltb you ublnaa lo the spramotor co r london ony amd ky wui brl yea a fiu lil ea lookers ou see hibat of the getr but tbey bav to oultivkla a wlokod imsglna- tlon aomsllmc out ol8oiu ibymploius hoadache loo of a petite ftfrrad tpoguo aud ganoral indlapoaltlou tbeaa symptoms if deulaol- d develop into acuta diaeaaa it la a iritaaayiog that an ouum of pretention la worth a pounttof cure and a llttbr slten lion at hid point may sava month of slclmaa arid large doctor bills for this complaint tk from two to three of 1ar tnelaea vttelabla lllls ou going to bed and one or two for three til in suooaealou and a oura will ba ffpclaj when lls lor luuocano 1 ilka an umbralb onoa it i loat it i uaeui to adw u tha ubmlmaus vrlruil no bloyolll abould l williout a loll of ilagyarda yrllow oil it take out all eliffuraj and aorenft4 of ilia joluli and rouaolo retlava ualn aud takt down sw4iut from biles of inuota astwnts lota of paopl go lo lbs opera who hardly know sitylliltifl shout muilfl vn to bold bands lu lima holld gold btuf bcatooldltill 1 m byniuoidvill 100 boat aiaaaca 100 we irnaranu parfaot aalufacuon globe optical co 03 vonn strwet toronto- au hour ol pasiiuu i worth a year of xperlnoa but it may prova aveii mors axpatidv itd so puaaeut to take tint children ory for ii litrt it death to worm of all kinds iir low womi byruji frio os all dealer uotusr orave woni laurmlnator doo not irjulr ths belli of a ptirgstlvu niduiua to oomplota tha our qlva it a trial and ba oonvltirw aisuy wall tnemtilug laoeiitakaru malia it thsir ttilaalou in ufa jmt la pour oil on the truamed flaliib nine boils four running sores thot allllunico llmllcd loronto out siuitd tluid aio my blood got out of ofilaf dlitl itlna lifted btklle tamiarbd oii my wciv in sides luinimirknuiuounu on any shoiildiua anil arms fotir rutiulng- aornaaiicaid on my cikii unj icj ttiul i wnalriw titmhla tate a fnend advtacd burdock uuuki tllltora ao i piloted tbra wltlcs alter fliiubliig ilia flrat btllu lhn bulla started tu dluppaar and lhn sores to ileal u after taking tha third bottla thara win iiiit tt hnl or aora to b aen bealdca till tbo headaches from wbiih i aufforctl in ft run and i improved ao much lliat ant now atioiig- and ruhuat again vunra trnly ftljifi kathiik vvqhtiiniotow pat 3rd 1901 golaple onl jo some inicllrotust peulc oonsolftica is a matlor ol lakt rauiore a luero oonill tnnt of llfd wlnlfl sin i s tha poffuiw of a dyiriff roas home poraons hava prrlodtctl attacks of canadian oholera uyeahtary cr diarrhoea and hava ut sa urnat rrcaullon to avoid lha dleassa cliiia of walr cooking and groan fruit ia sunt in bring ou the attacks to scob peraous wa would rccommaud br j d kdloggs bjseulcrvoordlalaa being tha boat medicine in the tnsrket lor all er complaints ii a few drop ar annivbnbanibb iswpla whd care nolblng for snnlvrr aariea ara laoalng in that fine flame whkh kmoraon aeyl hi tha consolstton knd hap plnaaa of ufa e lonln for all hortoamlnfb aenllment the mirson who aay a ll daya ara llio same to him hlrlhdaw wedding aiinivonarlea hullilaya cbrul mas now war and oalloiial anniarari- will icanorelly lx found lo to stolid lit passive sol 1 li kvflii if he love tt will i in a erlfwh way to the i mpres tunable and rcfleotli hoart ttjoro is both sorrow aud oouialallnn in asaraunivarxary ituardal aimp y in ibair relation o tbo material ouur- thoro ia aubllmlty hi tbq lhought ol ll deparlura and return or lhle worlil nr oura lu iu urbll jlirniikh wliafc vail spn baa it awung o amuulhly and s 1 uofse1oly that we hyr nover inn o inoloiie ev 1 thai it moved i ami the viulaltudc- f imman life ou tlio tluoiia tliluu aa hern unchanging immulsblc the niuru of aummer iti win tor the arrival of lie longest day and tba sborlcatday w hve juit paaecd the abuttal day and atari nee more an oof veal jquriiry towarl tbo sul- allc wui boihrul andcueernl carta thousand whubarls fall lbam for fir a thay oontinlen th dttgjfs aud aor rewa ittuoiiia lu ibu coming yurh is a datiddrirrlnuihoiightuil to such a great msjullv of our fh w injt ttia anniversary of any nw yar ta astloor undoubr uy uit- unl netil of lh biiman brert is lonio iii ltfti in lti1 nniir nealll aioimil und uvrr lhe iirclln rhrs ihero u a uulillug jwwer a ureal moral rnla aihtlulbtjiaa thl trust lear all lb1ts the bart that i deilltntr v it la ufc ule ilidreil an honcal oong man wlio had eoapd a great peril by bu cl of harolsin was much ooniplliiiptilod for his bravery ona lady said i mi i oold lsve seen your feel whireiiioii ho hluslied and slain tnercd and dually pointing to his pedal r tromldi sld walli titer tbey bemuui lakan in wiur when the avrnploma are notlocd no furlhaf troubla will b4 axpar love ilk huhlinnd seldom strike wloo iu tba ssme plsoo witiows uauslly carry for mbny lha second lime mm hm aitoplteitboodliim vl rnay be aecured by a lnv affair begins with two poopl wauling to ulv each olhor everything it end lu both flmlitiif thay are uttring uolblui a itoou to lluntaulty wharver lhr ar sickly paopla with weak heart aud dsranged nsrvc mil bum usait andtlcrvs imii will b fouud au rdeotusl medicine tbny trcslor en feablad enervated exhausted devitalised or over worked mau and women lo vigor ous health at ounoo of might lu oftei ful than a pound of right mor pownr milburns heart nervepills thebo pills ttre a specific for nil dlsctici iinsmjj from disordered nerves weak lieart or wut ory blood tlicy euro palpitation duzmess stnothenn fatut and weak spells ahortniaii of brcutli twclmfjirof feet aud nnuici uorvousnesa eleepleas- ne3 uwimia liyttcrla st vituu dmico ptrtinl panilytis brain fnjjf ft id ile complaints fjenerul debility and luck of vitality price 50c uboit no wamiui waist on compar waste of time no otlitr lleuitdy wltb tbo no other roiuady our oummsr com plaint diarrhoea dyaeuury eta no proibptly aud juial pain so quickly um br 1owurtsitraas of wild llrawbarry it is a jmokdt doctor for tourist traveller ate when a rnsa clianne his tnlud lha other fellow is apt lo gal tha word of the bar gain nollilug ou he good for everything bolugoti thluu well brings suooes doiti pill do one thing wall ihey ara for sink kidneys tbey our baoksoli and all kljoay ilia it u not lha bright uauio men atulu that make tbtm jlildy it is looking down with contempt on tbe crowd beneath thorn altaulloi in ilia world of liomoorathia uiedialn has been it very souroa of pro gre a in politic and rellgloulh dlf lloultia of oplulous aud the individuality of mm have baeii parent to lha disagree msul by which the alaiidard of ihsa boilue hav uuu euvaud jo with inoel of our fauoue piaparatloua foremoetlii 11 lustrauou of wlilub truui suud uie wo id fauiou reiitedy tu general debility aud abiiuor qulnlu win aud which what obtainable lu u geuulua elraugtb i a iiiliaculou creator of appalll vitality and stimulant to tba general fertility of tba ayetem quinine wltie aud u lm provetiinl has from tba flu i duoovery ol the grast virtu of qulnioe as a luodlcal sul leeii on xif lb most thoroughly daouaad renladlc avor4lterej to the pub ha it la una of tti ureal toillo aud and naturlllfeivtlnpttlmalnti which tli liiejioel profeealoii baveboen 00m palled lo raooguisaandprostiriba uassra mortl rop and lyman of toronto have given to jthe preparation of ibair pure juinluo wine tba great care due to 1 importauoa and tha standard aioslleoaa of iba arllolnwhiah tbey offer tu tb public 00 roe lolo ihe inarkat purged of ail tbe defeats wblah skilled ubeervatluti and mleullho on in on auliulbalpt in tlflnea uartaot prepare fiiiiiiinmitiriih jsfrocfcwttntiarntionroras slmllallngutoodanilrcfiula llilg ihcsuuuda nnddovrcla of imams iiiihin promotcsldijcshoaclimirul- ncss nnd ifcst contains ndllxt oiitummorphtac oormacral notnjuiootic dunlop solid rubber carriage tires will carry heavy loacti and w t acr tloo of tb latter an cverotufactory osy- ridlnb whcltrc every txt euarantecd can he fitted to any wheel end for caulnjuo i dunloptlreoo it i never too lata ta mend hut soma times it is lima wasted inblsvouolahld pills br parmeleo haa given to the world the fruit of loug clen tlua research in tue whole realm of muloal science combined with new and valuable dlacoverle never beforo known to m for dellosu and datllltaled constitution rarnisleaa tills act ilka a charm leken in small doaes the sited 1 both a tonic and a stimulant mildly exciting the so tion of lh body giving lone and vljjor if you would bo happy you must usrn lo live a day at a lima castor i a 1or tnfnnu ttud children nta- wallj sjeutah consolauod is thst within us which toll u whit our neighbors are doing wrontf to he ueiimved all tha cldlo or wsstc matter of tbe system isrftjioved by ihepcrfeoi notion of lsxi livec illle ihue they prevent si well hs oura riok ilesdaoli consiipntlou uillousneei uysp tubulut q jsuujiof elo it is unusually ttime who ara least to he rust el who demand the moat implicit ruil lha merit of ilood s qareaparllla in literally written in blood it i iraolin tlio vital fluid of millions of tha burnt rsoe it our a tliseahd arising 1rom or prpttioled by impure blood by it intrinsic merit s tha one tiuo blood puuner ouly death 1 fre your llfo and even that coats squalled 8trawberry compounds borhihd yong oh lksk yhih rank imitations the genuine is m jul uji tit ytllom uif pr ouhc8 diarrliq3ii dysontofyi collo crumpa 1ulns in tlio stomach cholura cholora moiljus cholora infantum mid all sunnnor coni- plalnui sato llollablo ha-ni- loasrtrdotual has no equal rj fowler w f xtoi wild has no equal xpcrfccl ilcmcdy rorcoimtlpa- lon sour slomocndinrrhdea wont3jconvulsion3fcverlsh ores and loss op 6ep yacsinule 5t2iuilurc of abbasjasj see that the facsimile signature ouand trunk hailway 1 wt i itoth lull ihi 1 i i i r tl i i j 1 1 ii i 1 inn i i 1 1 1 i 1 ii 11 1 i ual i 1 11 1 mt i luui 1 lit li 1 wi llllili 1 1 till 111 kxact copvpr vmappeh is on the wrapper 0v eveej booxrxjeob castoria oaileru la pot sp la cnesba jeulas jy- ll b1 ww tt calfc ra yoa aaytklag alas a ik flea or jroreiae ut it lsmaat as good aad will aaawar every car poao be tta ye gat oabttia 1 u i 11 1 aoion milliilit ami itt shops iuvniu llirlli i 1 i trl lr auk well 1 fill i 11 n 1 ty 1 ul limli ry en i ul ikiual in 1 1 n 1 i i i t ito el klndaoaleiii ntllni i kliuentlrerei blackjiil tll l wk-1- -il- i tniulitie or luitileiniiiit if env lekol hew btiiitmiuk ao 1 allon 1 n clearing saie- onlcicd suits s 1 jind 3 snithirs at ss wholesalo 3 prices arohunt nriumiuwiuwiuwiumjunfiuwmmiuwiumiuw hgwdfty ngvect1bs opsned rodkvi jr arrflw llfanil rollarg 3 new american soft shirts new amrrican soft ilels hew pan arnerican bowticj new duko of york ties 1 litest tuurtmcnl in the cily 3 -m- 3 renelson 1 3 ohu patci oh yj merchant tailor and men s purnuber cnelpb a defective glasses glasses exactly right two years agd may be far from right today the eyes change we will examine your eyes free and will only recommend a change if absolutely beneficial mill i ih i icc m main bu ffli j i llc tulloi- i acton ilttvlnj tccurml a lucrative tit nation iu oua of ioroiito u imhi ullorinc viiatiliuli inaiitu hoc decided to ihwpnj of lib bul licki here and fur tha nnl vu uecka will con luct a clearing ulaw nil ool3 in slock by the lull or h ihoyard jcatfrtf iook to b clutvd orders for hulls should iw puced at once at nil orders mutt im filled and ln titlrc fitock cleared out by the hi of july ottauiat iml jw titto vk1 aotxl this is a cnulue tale and cry low priced will prevail all the profit 1 aik ll ten per cent ovnr wholesale cosr tlio slock u new and up to dale iboaa wha come firrt will rcccuc llio firit cjiolce wj lee ld and uinnamatranraiirj a d phijsraiie and jkwkiilku gtjelph call and examine the merit of tins superior blioc made in all modem btylcs of lastb and best grades of leather all sue aa to ee widths lor ladies and gentle men thib shoe will cure callousei on the soles of the feet excessive perspiration of the feet burning of the feet and it will keep your fedt cool in hot weather and warm in cold weather saz- iailli7c7vs boot knd shoe3 dbkldr bole aoens for aoton clbhring sklb oi furniture at cos j a speight co have decided to clear out their stock of furniture all lines at cost rices there will be bargains lor every body who wants furniture for any room in the house a sliort time will be al lowed for payment ol goods purchased if cash is not convenient j a speight co waroroonib foot of willow st kcton to catch tlio kyo and tlio miml at tliobain time lb the art of advertising this ad illustrates how true this saying is lipeciilly to those wishing pleasant and profitable employment lcanadas sonboukqpjc and veldt the only book dealing exclusively with the canadian contingents is the book to handle official authentic cheap sells on sight to everybody and any body can mil it capital or experience not necessary scud for lvte outht and make money tho bradieycaiirietson co llmllod bmntfordr ont wood engraving h0t0 engraving half tones u asyclass trcyik xfxw purposes cialijl vvijzislsi- lowffajr lo i adelaide stw toronto patents guaranteed xiklil ilea win our leelduilicl ll we lall atif akatclt soil dtcijl lion any lu kiqi ui illy ivcvlve tiiir uiluliio f coiicvrniu ic wlctu wy of fcjhe how to ui ulu e ldlcur fill uou i iickt lalculs fctcuitj uirihijil vi n ivciiim1i r il at o4iriiiw i meiile latcii out hum uli uii itcckar aj- wd miji- vlltkh icttarjjrln tum 1 itkhtuwiiiw au illuuiulet all i vilely cltmuic 1 juurliel 01 ntullilt y xi uu l uimisbii i liivaunh iteuil urumt lcrnjyf ttj aiulu vicvoh j uvams a co imicut akintyt tvwt idlritf waf o patents iprdmptly securedi tf t- ka invent ml bre wl41aj telal i ymulil i vrwlulrllv w ihtr itlstimlmlly v heuauia rugh alal j cut ion orlnirobii rea our riiiliiliiu aa tt cleutat la uwttj i luattunehavel ici an tunrhluuy kmlik ly i wa conduct in 11 y tiii 1 1 l t or ta in fcl illtlaal aiul walihiutoii iilnualltfa ua l lnoiul lytlliiulcliuiik an i j 1 lwwrtnv lutrnla awmj a tlietincnlilil ll rtlim iuuuil tuuula imocturl llin iij1i merlon ft ma ru it rjve tfvmul jce uilti nil tlwae lu it luo nrwkiiiclh itulilliulttl llin uijlwhit iu in lu ion u4 tiulii ulsc uuiilueai marion st jmarion tjtnt e apart kind bolloltor p atlturu atirnna aandlna a akal huukl eaili i llipuill miiki ifwiiutaiulirwiiik 1 ia ii ir ah iluiii alsi il siajwlj w ii wut bbt i tint scientific jfiherican r i- i i lu bjai itawmeatar co bvblvlmklwl 1- vlwafcidvra bjavw3ifaitoafc4 a

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